Agenda Packet 2004-03-09 CITY COUNCIL Ctt! of AGENDA ArrOlo Grancle Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Sandy Lubin Mayor Pro Tem Steven Adams City Manager Thomas A. Runels Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Jim Dickens Council Member Kelly Wetmore Dit'ector, AdmInistrative Services Joe Costello Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2004 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1, CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P ,M, 2, ROLL CALL: COUNCIURDA 3, FLAG SALUTE: SU RO LI STA, CAMP FIRE CLUB 4, INVOCATION: PASTOR ROBERT BANKER OPEN DOOR CHURCH, OCEANO 5, SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Proclamation Recoanizina March 18.2004 as AbsolutelY Incredible Kid Day 5.b. Proclamation Recoanizina March as American Red Cross Month 6, AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. _ _ __~H ____ .___.~___ AGENDA SUMMARY - MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 2 7, COMMUNITY COMMENTS.AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: . Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. . A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. . It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue.. or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: . Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less, . Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. . Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8, CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approve the listing of cash disbursements for the period February 16, 2004 through February 29, 2004. 8.b. Statement of Investment DeDoslts (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of February 29, 2004. 8,c. Consideration of ADDroval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings of February 24, 2004 as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of AcceDtance of the Rancho Grande Park ImDrovements. Proiect No. PW 2002-03 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the improvements constructed by Herrera Engineering, Inc. in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Rancho Grande Park Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and, 3) Authorize release of the unencumbered portion of the final progress payment and 10% retention, thirty-five (35) days after the NotiCe of Completion has been recorded if no liens have been filed. AGENDA SUMMARY - MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 3 8, CONSENT AGENDA (continued): 8.e. Consideration to ADDrove Final Parcel MaD AG 99-177: Subdl~ One (1) Parcel Into Two Residential Parcels Located at 12~ Pam. Street (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Approve Final Parcel Map AG 99-177, subdividing 0.50 acres into two (2) residential lots, each approximately 10,000 square feet. 8.1. Consideration of ADDointment to Senior AdvisorvComml~n (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve the appointment of Ross Kongable to the Senior Advisory Commission as recommended by Mayor Ferrara. 8.g. Consideration of Resolution AcceDtlna Neaotl'" Ex~ha. of .~ Tax Revenue and Tax Increment for Annexation ~o, .29 to ~ of Arroyo Grande fSt, John's Church). Los Berros and Val',y Road, (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution' accepting negotiated exchange of property. tax revenue and annual tax increment between the County of San Luis Obispo and the City of Arroyo Grande, 9, PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of ADD8al of Plannlna Commi.,lon Denl,1 9f Coftdltq'l No. 43. Tract No, 2275 Reaardina Underaround Utilities: James DotIDn. ADDIJIIm (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution denying the appeal and upholding the action of the Planning Commission to require certain overhead utilities be placed underground for Tract Map 2275. 10, CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Consideration of Status ReDort on the Courtland-Arroyo Grande. L,P, Senior ~ordll2l. Houslna Proiect (ADAMS) [COUNCIURDA] Recommended Action: Receive the status report and provide direction to staff if additional information is needed. 11, NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration. of Pre-ADDllcatlon Review Case No, 04-003: ProDOHd "'ixed- Use Planned Uni. DeveloDment on the Former ~oom'l Proaertv ConaIatina of the Two (2) Existina Residences. the Loomis F", WarehoUM. a New Qfftce Bulldlna and Twelve (12) DUDlex Residential Lots: 415 East Branch IJ!!!t D'.~ ProD8rtv. "-LC (STRONG) Recommended Action: Review the project and provide direction and comments to the applicant. -- ..-. . .--..-... ..-,.-.--.--.---.-..- -.- ..__.~- AGENDA SUMMARY - MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 4 12, CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: ' The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a) None. 13, CITY ft'ANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. a) None. 14, COUNCIL- COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15, ~TAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16, CO",.UNITY COMMENTS AND SUGG~STIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions, Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17, ADJOURNMENT +++++++++++ All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the Administrative Services Department and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805- 473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. +++++++++++ Note: This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. WWW,arroyoarande,ora ------- I.a. OF I?LIFOR~ - ~ ~ ~ .~~~i8i' March 18. 20M WHEREAS, March 18, 2004 has been declared by CampFire USA, a national youth development organization, "Absolutely Incredible Kid Dsy~ and WHEREAS, Camp Fire USA commemorates Its Eighth annual "Absolutely Incredible Kid DBY~ and WHEREAS, Adults are encouraged to send letters of love and appreciation to young people in their lives, as part of the celebration of children on this day; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire Council of the Central Coast Inc. serves over 3,000 children, teaching boys and girls self-reliance, good citizenship, and leadership; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire USA mission pledges a firm commitment to building caring, confident youth and future leaders, an extension of that commltmen~ Is handed to caring adults through this event to express their feelings In a letter or note which has the profound ability to make a lasting and positive Impact on the children In our , country; and WHEREAS, Camp .Flre USA is commended for the valuable programs offered to young people in the City of Arroyo Grande and throughout the nation, and for the many services these young people perform for their communities through Camp Fire. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Tony M, Ferrara, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim March 18, 2004, as "ABSOLUTEL Y INCREDIBLE KID DA Y" in the City of Arroyo Grande and urge all adults to participate in "ABSOLUTEL Y INCREDIBLE KID DA Y" by sending letters to express feelings and appreciation to young people In their lives, and making a difference In the life of a child. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 9th day of March, 2004. TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR I 5.b. OF '~LlFOR~ ~ :J{onorary ProcCamation '&cognizine :Marcn 2004 as Jtmerican '&a Cross !Month WHEREAS, the American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization led by volunteers with a mission to provide relief to victims of disaster and to help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies; and WHEREAS, today, In a collaborative effort with the federal government and members of the emergency planning community, the San luis Obispo County Red Cross continues to educate and prepare the community with the Initiative. Together We Prepsre. Aimed at empowering Individuals and families to protect themselves, the San Luis Obispo County Red Cross encourages residents to help make their homes and community safer by making a plan, building a kit, geWng trained and volunteering; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County American Red Cross has served the community since 1917. providing disaster relief to victims of wildfires, earthquakes, floods, and hazardous materials Incidents; providing disaster preparedness education; emergency services and communication to the military and their famlDes; providing CPR and First Aid training; and providing volunteer opportunities and youth Involvement to the citizens of this County; and , WHEREAS, American Red Cross volunteers stand poised to respond to local, national, and International emergencies should the need arise. As demonstrated during the recent San Simeon Earthquake, the local Chapter succesafully provides food; clothing. housing. and mental health services to those with dlsaster-caused losses In our County. Victims of disaster. military personnel or family members, or those looking to prepare for the unexcepted, rely on the San Luis Obispo County American Red Cross. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. that I, Tony M. Ferrara. Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim March 2004 as Arnerlcan Red Crose Month in the City of Arroyo Grande and call upon all our citizens of Arroyo Grande to become partners in preparedness with their local Red Cross chapter and to become active participants in advancing the noble mission of the Red Cross. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 9th day of March, 2004. TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR I 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL J)SS FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCiAl SERVICES C/' r BY: JANET M. HUWAlDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO~ SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TIFICA TION DATE: MARCH 9, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period February 16 - February 29,2004. FUNDING: . There is a $623,188.04 fiscal impact. All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendation; . Do not approve staff's recommendation; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing Attachment 2 - February 20, 2004 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 3 - February 20, 2004 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks Attachment 4 - February 25, 2004 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 5 - February 27, 2004 Accounts Payable Check Register ATIACHMENTl CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS ?M de 'PeIIiMt ~?~ 16 7~?1~ 29, 2004 March 9, 2004 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period February 16 to February 29, 2004. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. February 20, 2004 Accounts Payable Check 114406-114489 2 $107,916.10 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 3 338,822.52 446,738.62 February 25, 2004 Accounts Payable Check 114505 4 3,532.46 February 27, 2004 Accounts Payable Cks 114504-114588 5 172,916.96 Two Weeks Total $ 623,188.04 ._...._._.____.___. ..n_ _.. -------_.--- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - Administrative Services Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Funds 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4140 - Management Information System 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd 271) 4145 - Non Departmental 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring'(Fd 274) Public Safety (Fund 010) 4208 -Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) 4201 - Police Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4211 - Fire 4103 - Redevelopment Administration 4212 - Building & Safety ENTERPRISE FUNDS Public Works (Fund 010) Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) 4304 - Street lighting 4710 -Water Administration 4305 - Automotive Shop 4711 - Water Production Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4712 - Water Distribution 4420 - Parks Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4421 - Recreation 4750 - Lopez Administration 4422 - General Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 350) 4423 - Pre-School Program 5501-5599 .;. Park Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance Dept. Index for Council -------..--,--- -...-.-..----....,-- ---~------ ------ ----- ITT T ~ 'C 00 00 00 0 00 0 00 0 ~ ~ ~~ ~~ "'!C'I! ~ ~~ ~ ~~ "'! o I()U') 00 ~..... 0 00 0 00 r- E NN r-.... 00 N N..... It) coCO') <0 . ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ., ~~ .. . . a W : ~ ., ., <( <( .. CJ) CJ) CJ) CJ) ., .. _ 00 - uJuJ - WW WW - - ::E ::E ! iiJ iiJ ! ........ ! (HI C> C> ! ~ 0::0:: .... >>.... .... o::ex: 0::0:: I- .... 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HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 0/ SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: MARCH 9, 2004 Attached please find a report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of February 29,2004, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b). . ----.--....-.---- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT /14 D/ '9~ 29, 2004 March 9, 2004 This report presents the City's investments as of February 29, 2004. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, type of investment, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of February 29, 2003, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. Current Investments: The City is currently investing all short-term excess cash in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) administered by the State Treasurer. This is a very high quality investment in terms of safety, liquidity, and yield, The City may readily transfer the LAIF funds to the City's checking account when funds are needed. At this time, the City does not hold any other investments. The following is a comparison of investments based on book values as of February 29, 2003 compared with the prior month and the prior year. Date: February 2004 January 2004 February 2003 I Amount: $12,600,000 11,800,000 14,000,000 Interest Rate: 1.53% 1.55% 2.031 % l_u_ 8.e. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24,2004 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Mayor Ferrara called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m, Council Members Runels, Dickens, and Lubin, City Manager Ad~ms, and City Attorney, Carmel were present. Council Member Costello was absent. 2. PVBLlC COMMENT: None, 3, CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a, CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.9 (a): Name of Case: Vanderveen. et al. VS, City of Arrovo Grande, et al. San Luis Obispo Superior Court No. CV 031144 b, CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (b): one (1) potential case. 4, RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mayor Ferrara announced that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 5, ADJOU~N,MENT TO REGULAR CITY COUN~IL MEETING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. Tony M, Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services! Deputy City Clerk ----- -------- ... -~._------ .--_.----- - -~------- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24,2004 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1, CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2, ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Runels, Dickens, Mayor Pro Tem Lubin, and Mayor Ferrara were present. Council Member Costello was absent.. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams, City Attomey Carmel, Director of Administrative Services Wetmore, Financial Servi~s Director Snodgrass, Director of Public Works Spagnolo, Assistant City Engineer Linn, Associate Engineer Korman, Associate Engineer Devens, Community Development Director Strong, and Assistant Planner Bergman. 3, FLAG SALUTE Members of Boy Scout Troop 489 led the Flag Salute. 4, INVOCATION Pastor George Lepper, Peace Lutheran Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. 5, SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5,a, Honorary Proclamation Recognizing "National Engineers Week", February 22.28, 2004, Mayor Ferrara presented an Honorary Proclamation recognizing February 22-28, 2004 as National Engineer's Week. Director of Public Works Don Spagnolo accepted the Proclamation. Also present were Assistant City Engineer Michael Linn, Associate Engineer Thomas Korman, and Associate Engineer Victor Devens. 6, AGENDA REVIEW Mayor Ferrara announced that Johnny Silva, a native of Arroyo Grande, passed away on Sunday, February 15th. He stated that Mr. Silva had been an active member of the community with his involvement in many local organizations and that he would be missed. He requested the Council adjoum the meeting in honor and memory of Johnny Silva. 6,8, Resolutions and Ordinances Read In Title Only Council Member Runels moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7, CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS None. --- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 2004 PAGE 2 8. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Runels moved, and Council Member Dickens seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.e., with the recommended courses of action. City Attorney Carmel read the title of the Ordinance in Item B.d. The motion carried on the foflowing roll-call vote: AYES: Runels, Dickens, Lubin, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Costello 8,a, Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Approved the listings of cash disbursements for the period February 1, 2004 - February 15,2004. 8,b, Consideration of Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facility Fund, Action: Received and filed the January 2004 cash report and approve the interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds at January 31, 2004. 8,c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes, Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City CounciVRedevelopment Agency Meeting of.February 10, 2004 as submitted. 8,d. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance Modifying the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) Contract. Action: Adopted Ordinance No., 554 - .AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM". 8,e, Rejection of Claim Against City - D. Robasclottl. Action: Rejected claim. 9,PUBLlC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of 2004 Final Community Development Block Grant. (CDBG) Projects, Assistant Planner Bergman presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving projects to be funded with the City's allocation of Program Year 2004 CDBG funds. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Wanda McFarland, representing Caring Callers (Lifespan Foundation for Human Services), gave an overview of the organization's services and stated that the organization was now known as .Senior Volunteer Services". She requested the Council reconsider its application for funding. Kavla Wilburn, representing the Economic Opportunity Commission, thanked the Council for its continuing support. Bernadette Bemardi, representing the Literacy Council, thanked the Council for its continuing support. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 2004 PAGE 3 Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin moved to approve staff's recommendations and adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DETERMINING THOSE PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED WITH THE CITY'S ALLOCATION OF PROGRAM YEAR 2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANt (COBG) FUNDS". Council Member Dickens seConded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: . AYES: Lubin, Dickens, Runels, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Costello There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10, CONTINUED BUSINESS 10,a. Consideration of City Hall Complex Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study Site Alternatives and Appropriation for Appraisal of City Property. City Manager Adams presented the staff report and' requested the Council: 1) Provide direction to staff on preferred site alternatives for the City Hall Complex Needs Assessment and FeasibHity Study; and, 2) Appropriate $4,200 for an appraisal of the existing City Hall Complex properties. Fred Sweeney, Phillips Metsch Sweeney Moore Architects, gave a presentation highlighting the site alternatives and explained that the intent at this point in the process was for the Council to select two . to three preferred site altematives for further analysis and for the development of conceptual drawings. City Manager Adams gave an overview of some general operational objectives identified by staff to assist the Council in its review of the site altematives. Council and staff discussion ensued with regard to funding issues and strategies and the appropriate timing for an appraisal of current City facilities. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comment, and upon hearing none, he closed the . item to public comment and brought the item back to Council for consideration. Following extensive discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of each of the site . alternatives, there was a consensus of the City Council to select Site #1 (existing City Hall site), Study 1 and Study 2, as the preferred site and priority for further $tudy and analysis. The Council also agreed to include Site #5 (at the west end of the Village) and directed staff to pursue this alternative to the next information level. Mayor Ferrara moved to authorize an appropriation of $4,200 and to.defer the timing of obtaining an appraisal of the existing City Hall Complex pr~rties to a later date as determined by the City Manager. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Ferrara, Runels, Dickens, Lubin NOES: None ABSENT: Costello CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 2004 PAGE 4 There being 4 AYES, O.NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11, NEW BUSINESS 11.a, Consideration of Funding Request by the San Luis Obispo County Housing Trust Fund, City Manager Adams presented the staff report and reco~mended the Council appropri.te $5,000 from the Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fee Fund to provide financial assistance to the San Luis Obispo County Housing Trust Fund. Gerald Rioux, Executive Director.of the San Luis Obispo' County Housing Trust Fund, gave a presentati~n on current funding and funding objectives, the status of its services and activities and responded to questions from Council. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comment, and when no one came forward, he brought the item back to Council for consideration. Council Member Runels moved to appropriate $5,000. from the Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fee Fund to provide financial assistance to the San Luis Obispo County Housing Trust Fund. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Runels, Dickens, Lubin, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Costello There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a, MAYOR TONY M, FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOGISLORT A). No report. (2) Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA), No report. The Executive Committee will meet tomorrow to approve the agenda for the next Board meeting. (3) Other. None. b, MAYOR PRO TEM SANDY LUBIN: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). Received presentation on the Short Range Transit Plan (copies were distributed to CounCil); discussion was held concerning the number of buses operating within smaller jurisdictions; discussion was held regarding the Avila Trolley; Board elections were held and Mayor Pro Tem Lubin announced he would continue to serve as Chairman. (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). Received presentation from Star Scope Management, a group interested in bringing a PGA Tour event to San Luis Obispo County. (3) Other, Received the CJPIA Annual Financial Statement and provided copies to Council. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 2004 PAGE 5 c, COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. No report. The Technical Committee met and discussion was held regarding the conservation habitat report on the creek; gave an update on the water treatment plant, and Council Member Runels reported that he was appointed to represent Zone 3 on the Zone 1A Committee. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). No report. (3) Other. Gave a status report on the Santa Maria groundwater litigation case. d, COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1) South County Youth Coalition. No report. (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Reported that the plant is operating well and meeting its discharge requirements; a consultant has assessed earthquake damage at the plant to be approximately $200,000 and staff is pursuing FEMA reimbursements; the Board approved. the retention of the emergency standby pump operations on-site through March; and received the 2003 Annual Operations Summary (copy available for review at City Hall). (3) Other. None. e, COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (ABSENT) (1) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). None. (2) Other. None. 13, CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: a) Discussion and feedback regarding City of Grover Beach Fire and Safety Enhancement Study. City Manager Adams reported that the City of Grover Beach Interim Fire Chief would be conducting a Fire and Safety Enhancement Study in an effort to improve their overall level of fire service, which could include some areas of partnerships with the City of Arroyo Grande. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding Arroyo Grande's potential participation in the study. ' 15, COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Mayor Pro Tem Lubin requested that an update on the Courtland/Grand senior housing project be placed on the next agenda. Mayor Ferrara announced that staff recently met with the City's sphere' of influence property owners, the Fredericks, the Williams, and Mary VonAchen, who have indicated that they would like to begin conducting community workshops. Dates for those public workshops have been scheduled for March 30, 2004 and April 21, 2004. 16, STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: None. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 2004 PAGE 6 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: Steve Ross, Arroyo Grande, commented on the City H~II Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study presentation and stated that some of the comments received at the Planning Commission meeting included a desire for more retail in the Village. He also commented on the need for additional parking in the Village, and potential traffic issues relating to altemative sites 5 and 6. 18, ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, to adjoum the meeting in honor and memory of Johnny Silva. The motion passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjoumed at . 9:50 p.m. Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Servlcesl Deputy City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg ) 8... MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL r1v FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE RANCHO GRANDE PARK IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. PW-2002-Q3 DATE: MARCH 9, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: A. accept the improvements constructed by Herrera Engineering, Inc., in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Rancho Grande Park Project; B. direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and, C. authorize release of the unencumbered portion of the final progress payment and 10% retention, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded if no liens have been filed. FUNDING: On July 9, 2002, the City Council awarded the Rancho Grande Park Project to Herrera Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $1,082,345 and authorized a contingency of $108,235 to be used for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. The total construction budget was $1,190,580. On July 22, 2003, the City Council authorized the transfer of budgeted construction funds in the amount of $23,624 into the construction contingency fund during the construction phase of the project. The total amended construction budget for the project is $1,214,204. DISCUSSION: Herrera Engineering, Inc. completed construction of the Rancho Grande Park Project in accordance with the plans and specifications. Staff is in the process of addressing and resolving issues of outstanding contract change orders, unreleased stop notices, the amount of liquidated damages imposed on the contractor for project delays, and fines imposed on the project by the State Water Resources Control Board for erosion control violations. Staff is recommending the release of the remaining unencumbered portion of the final progress payment and 10% retention to Herrera Engineering, Inc. thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens are filed. ---~ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE RANCHO GRANDE PARK IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO, PW 2002-03 MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendations; . Do not approve staff's recommendations; . Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendations; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Notice of Completion RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: ATTACHMENT 1 CITY CLERK CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P.O. BOX 550 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The undersigned is owner or agent of owner of the interest or estate stated below the property hereinafter describe. 2. The FULL NAME of the OWNER is: The City of Arroyo Grande 3. The FULL ADDRESS of the OWNER is: 214 East Branch Street. Arroyo Grande, California 93421 4. The NATURE OF THE INTEREST or ESTATE of the undersigned is: in fee 5. THE FULL NAME and FULL ADDRESS of ALL PERSONS, if any, who hold such interest or estate with the undersigned as JOINT TENANTS or as TENANTS IN COMMON are: NAMES ADDRESSES None 6. THE FULL NAMES and FULL ADDRESSES of the PREDECESSORDS in interest of the undersigned if the property was 1ransferred subsequent to the connnencement of the work of improvements herein referred to: NAMES ADDRESSES None 7. All work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was COMPLETED October 4. 2003 8. The NAME OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR, if any, for such work of improvement is: 9. The s1reet address of said property is: 101 A venida de Diamante 10. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and is described as follows: Rancho Grande Park. PW 2002-3 Verification of NON-INDIVIDUAL owner: I, the undersigned, declare under penalty ofpe1jury under the laws of the State of California thatI am the Public Works Director of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property described in the above notice; that I have read the said notice, that I know and understand the contents thereof, and the facts stated therein are true and correct. Don Spagnolo, PE, Director of Public Works/City Engineer March 9,2004, Arroyo Grande, California -- END OF DOCUMENT -- _._._~ 1.8. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE FINAL PARCEL MAP AG 99- 177 SUBDIVIDING ONE (1) PARCEL INTO TWO RESIDENTIAL (2) PARCELS AT 1254 POPLAR STREET DATE: MARCH 9, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council approve Final Parcel Map.AG 99-177, subdividing 0.50 acres into two (2) parcels, each approximately 10,000 square feet. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact at this time. DISCUSSION: The City has received Final Parcel Map AG 99-177, owned by Sondra Hogan, for the subject parcel located at 1254 Poplar Street. This map subdivides approximately 0.50 acres into two (2) parcels. The existing lot is 21,841 square feet in size, rectangular in shape, measuring approximately 75 feet wide at Poplar Street and 290 feet in depth. There is an existing single-family home, detached garage, and duplex on the site, with no new construction proposed. The current zoning for the property is Condominiumrrownhouse (MF). The Planning Commission originally approved this project on December 7, 1999. However, because the final map was not recorded and a time extension was not requested, the tentative map approval expired on December 7, 2001. The tentative parcel map was re-filed on August 15, 2003 as Tentative Parcel Map 03-005 and approved by the Planning Commission on September 16, 2003. The subject Final Parcel Map proposes no modifications to the previously approved project. A small portion of the shared driveway easement is within the property boundaries. A Driveway Maintenance Agreement was recorded on June 9, 1993 between the subject parcel. and the parcel to the immediate west, located at 1260 Poplar. As a result of the subdivision of the subject parcel, an Amended Driveway Maintenance Agreement will need to record concurrently with the map to incorporate the newly created parcel. -_.-._---_.._.~ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE FINAL PARCEL MAP AG 99-177 SUBDIVIDING ONE (1) PARCEL INTO TWO RESIDENTIAL (2) PARCELS AT 1254 POPLAR STREET MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 2 AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendation; . Do not approve staffs recommendation; . Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendation; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachment: Exhibit 1 - Map Sheet of Parcel Map AG 99-177 Council Memo - Acceptance of Final Map for Parcel Map AG 99-177 - 1254 POPLAR --_._---_...._-~ <s .. . . EXHIBIT 1 .., \') ...,;;t . ~ "'::S"<3t! ~....",I':{::: ~ ~~~ ~ c:IoI <Jj~.... !i i ...;~~<:)~ ;I ~\1 ~ ~ ~~~~~ otl1 ~ '< o! Q:\~"'i~o \t t- ~' - ~~~~~~ ~1{ i ~ fi2 ~ A <.3.... <:) 0 ~. ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ 51 .., ~H ~ Q ~. -~ ~~::~~ ~ lI;z.l~i~ ~ C) ~ ~ ~ Q:\.... i' 0 !i!i! . t;~"'''~ ... .1111 ~ ~ ~ Vi en Jlu.. I \ I:'!: ~ ~ 2! ~ ~ ~ ti ~ ~ S! ~ ~ 0 I .i! ~ ~~ui8 f~l ~ · ;i ~~~~~ ~ Iii 0:' ~ 9> ~ i ~ ~ ~" -8 '0 ~i:!: ~ rO;;-SI'f-SJ ~. "" .... '" \3 rO;;-SI'f-SJ Of J':JWI1 'e J.07 i~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ Of J.:J't1JJ. '(J J.07 ~ ~ ~ ...... " 'i!! ,) ~'O '" t4 ,aw. ...~~_ lJ .teSt lI.lJD.lUIN - - ..!!.!!!f ..!-!!SI:...!!- - -1 i " i!;'" , :~ I i-----ll\' ~~ '\ \ \ i~ \ I ~ , '1! \ ,I , \ ~\ , \ ~3: \ \ ~ ~ \ \ 0:<> I ~ ... \ ,."'11: tJ) ~ ~ ~~:!. ~OQ 1;0 ( \ h 'iI; :! iii' \ \jj.. 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MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION DATE: MARCH 9, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the appointment of Ross Kongable to the Senior Advisory Commission as recommended by Mayor Ferrara. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: On January 13, 1997, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 481 C.S. amending the composition of applicable Commissions and Boards from seven to five members and adopted Resolution No. 3192 establishing Council policy as it relates to the appointment proce'dure to various Commissions and Boards. The Ordinance states that the mayor and each respective member of the Council shall appoint a representative to the various Commissions and Boards subject to the approval by a majority of the Council. All Commission and Board members serve at the pleasure of the Council. Mayor Ferrara is recommending the appointment of Ross Kongable to fill the vacancy of William Harrer's former positi9n q,,~h~ COmmission. The appointment requires approval by the City Council to fill this vacancy. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the recommended appointment; - Do not approve the recommended appointment; - Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Application form ------ , . CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESERVOIR OF CITIZENS TO SERVE Planning Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Years Lived in Arroyo Grande /S- Traffic Commission V Senior Advisory Commission Registered Voter of Arroyo Grande Arohitectural Review Committee cs=:> No Special Committees (Long Range Planning Committee, etc.) NAME ~~SS ~. ~ IJ 6---A13 t.E::.- HOME ~55~ODe8 D~ PHONE4-ti-~fR~- ADDRESS PRESENT EMPLOYER ~~~"""'\1 R.....-:=- .'1:) POSITION BUSINESS ADDRESS PHONE EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND / '/12- ~--, High School /~ College . ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION 1 I The City Council would like to have the names of three (3) Arroyo Grande References: NAME ADDRESS 1. p(; /Z+< ~c.o 71 2. J-AIJe. /.., We 3. ])OVt:i k SA-tiE:.. ARE YOU WILLING TO SERVE ON ~'SS'ON/COMM'TTEE MEETING TIMES SHOWN BELOW: . -1d"er1 ~~. Planning Commission, First and Third uesday 0 each month, 7:00 PM Yes_ No--- Parks and Recreation Commission, Second Wednesday of each month, 6:30 PM Yes-No_ Traffic Commission, the day (Monday) before the third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM Yes- No':""'- Senior Advisory Commission, First Wednesday of each month, 3:00 PM ~No_ Architectur eve Committee First Mond of each month, 3:15 PM Ye~o_ Special C mittees on n Planriin ommlttee, etc.) Meeting dates vary YeL-No.-- Signatur ----- ~ The Arroyo Grande City. Council requests Information about your Interest (and education, If applicable), in serving on a commission or committee, specifically your comments and views relative to the role and responsibilities of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Traffic Oommlsslon, Senior Advisory Oommlsslon, Architectural Review Oommlttee or a Special Oommlttee. Please note such Information on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your Interest. THIS FORM IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD IF APPOINTED, COMPLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM IS REQUIRED 04102101 --- 8_1_ MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DlRECTOR~~ FROM: SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING NROTtA TED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVINUE AND TAX IIC...."""~II-NT FOR ANNEXATION NO. 29 TO THE CITY OF AfltNQYO -.-NDE (ST. JOHN'S CHURCH), LOS BERROS & VALLEY ROADS DATE: MARCH 16, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the Resolution accepting the negotiated exchange of property tax revenue and tax increment for Annexation No. 29, the St. John's Church at Los Berros and Valley Roads, Arroyo Grande. FUNDING: Some indirect fiscal impact since the existing church property and facilities are exempt from property tax. Future water and sewer services are supported by user fees, but police, fire and other development impacts will only be partially offset by plerii18d church expansion and related building impact fees. No direct City costs related to annexation. DISCUSSION: The St. John's Church requested that the City of Arroyo Grande conaider annexation of approximately 5.2 acres of property located east of Valley Road at the Los Benos Road intersection, and the 2001 General Plan Update provided for the inclueion within the Sphere of Influence and Urban Reserve Lines. Subsequently, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approved the Sphere of lnt1uence Amendtnent and the City of Arroyo Grande adopted Public Facility (PF) prezoning for the proposed annexation area. This consent item is the next required step in the annexation approval process, and will ~concurrently considered by the City Council, Board Of Supervisors and LAFCO board. The purpose of the annexation is to obtain City services and to facilitate remodeling and expansion of the St. John's Church in accordance with the City's pqlicies and design standards, subject to subsequent Conditional Use Permit approval. ; Annexation will enable the Church to extend and connect to City and So. County Sanitation District sewer and City water services at their expense, eliminate their on-site septic system and leach fields, and use an existing well for irrigation. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING NEGOTIATED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE AND TAX INCREMENT FOR ANNEXATION NO, 29 TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE (ST, JOHN'S CHURCH), LOS BERROS & VALLEY ROADS MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 2 Annexation will make the proposed remodel and expansion of the Church subject to City rather than County land use regulations and to some extent impact City operating expenses and revenues. State annexation laws require the affected jurisdictions, in this case the County and City of Arroyo Grande, to negotiate an exchange of property tax revenue prior to LAFCO approval of the proposed change. The Resolution is being presented for adoption within a 60..c::tay time-frame, which commenced on February 24, 2004 and will be considered by the Board of Supervisors and City Council at their regular meetings of March 9, 2004. County Administration Office and City of Arroyo Grande staff negotiated on behalf of their respective agencies regarding the tax exchange utilizing the County Auditor's Office's financial analysis. As a church there are no existing property taxes. Therefore, in this instance, there were no issues involved in the negotiation. The LAFCO board will consider the proposed annexation at their next meeting on March 16, 2004 provided that this tax exchange Resolution is approved by both the City Council and Board of Supervisors. AL TERNA TlVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the Resolution as recommended; - Defer action and direct staff to renegotiate with the County: This would delay LAFCO consideration of the proposed annexation; - Deny the Resolution and annexation request. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Map of Proposed Annexation S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENnCITY _ COUNCIL\2004\03.Q9.Q4\03.Q9.Q4 sr St. Johns Annexation.doc ----,----------------.--- - A TT ACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGOTIATED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE AND ANNUAL TAX INCREMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO AND THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, in the case of a jurisdictional change other than a city incorporation or district formation which will alter the service area or responsibility of a local agency, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99(a)(1) requires that the amount of property tax revenuEt to be exchanged, if any, and the amount of annual tax increment to be exchanged among the affected local agencies shall be determined by negotiation; and WHEREAS, when a city is involved, the negotiations are conducted between the City Council and the Board of Supervisors of the County; and WHEREAS, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99(b){6) requires that each local agency, upon completion of negotiations, adopt resolutions whereby said local agencies agree to accept the negotiated exchange of property tax revenues, if any, and annual tax increment and requires that each local agency transmit a copy of each such resolution to the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission; and WHEREAS, no later than the date on which the certificate of completion of the jurisdictional change is recorded with the County Recorder, the Executive Officer shall notify the. County Auditor' of the exchange of property tax revenues by transmitting a copy of. said resolutions to him/her and the Count Auditor shall thereafter make the appropriate adjustments as required by law; and. WHEREAS, the negotiations have taken place conceming the transfer of property tax revenues and annual tax increment between the County of San Luis Obispo and the City of. Arroyo Grande pursuant to Section 99(a)(1) for the jurisdictional change designated as Annexation No. 29 to the City of Arroyo Grande (St. John's Church); and WHEREAS, the negotiating party, to wit: Dan Buckshi, Administrative Analyst, County of San Luis Obispo, on behalf of the County and Steven Adams, City Manager, on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande have negotiated the exchange of property tax revenue and annual tax increment between such entities as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that such negotiated exchan'ge of property tax revenues and annual tax increment be consummated, RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, California, as follows: 1, That the recitals set forth above are true, correct and valid. 2. That the City of Arroyo Grande agrees to accept the followiOg negotiated exchange of base property tax revenues and annual tax increment (a) . No base property tax revenue shall be transferred from the County of San Luis Obispo to the City of Arroyo Grande. (b) No annual tax increment shall be transferred from the County of San Luis Obispo to the City of Arroyo Grande in the fiscal year 2005-2006. (c) All annual tax increment for the County Ro.ad Fund shall be transferred to the County General Fund. , 3. Upon receipt of a certified copy of this resolution and a cOpy of the recorded Certificate of completion, the County Auditor shall make the appropriate adjustments to property tax revenues and annual tax increments as set forth above, 4. That the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk is authorized and' directed to transmit a certified copy of the resolution to the Executive Officer of the San Luis Obispo Local Agency Formation Commission, who shan then distribute copies in the manner prescribed by law, 5. In the event that the property is conveyed to a taxable entity and/or used for non- exempt purposes, the City reserves the right to renegotiate an amended agreement with the County for both property tax revenues and annual tax increments. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this _ day of March, 2004. RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 3 TONY M. FERRARA. MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY I Mar 05 04 10:48a SLO Coun1\~ Admin 8t A TT ACHMENT 2 -.... _. ... .. ... '!.i ""'!' - r ... .... l! ~ g . <Iz 4)! ~ ~ "E~'5 eO g E ~ Ii Iii ~. c ~ <. u.. i ~~.. I o III i ~E I B i O::i ~" ~ 0 " ,~ ~~R~__ ~ .~, 4 C....,.ofSulIflr_ -~~Ii i\ 05 04 10:.fr9a SLO Coun~~ Admin 805 ?81-::Ju~- ~ d% .. '~-......, \ i~ . ....,-' Ca S o """ c::. ~C) !I ~ 0 oa~ ! .- ~ S ~'6 i~ ~ 1\ d)~ 15" -c::. 0 5 - fJ) .is ~ .. G. ~o .\i I . ..:- { ~ ':~~, (J) .' . '- ( _1- . .. -. . - . :.. .. \ :...\ , . 0 ~ ~ 0 . ..... '-= q~VAL.L.. ..... co. .~ 8_g_ MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR~~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING NEGOTIATED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVINUE AND T~ ._UULNT FOR ANNEXATION NO, 29 TO THE CITY Of MROYO GRAte! (ST, JOHN'S CHURCH), LOS BERROS & VALLEY ROADS DATE: MARCH 16, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the Resolution accepting the negotiated exchange of property tax revenue and tax increment for Annexation No. 29, the St. John's Church at Los Berros and Valley Roads, Arroyo Grande. FUNDING: Some indirect fiscal impact since the existing church property and facilities are exempt from property tax. Future water and sewer services are supported by user fees, but police, fire and other development impacts will only be partially offset by pI8nned church expansion and related building impact fees. No direct City costs related to annexation. DISCUSSION: The Sl John's Church requested that the City of Arroyo Grande consider annexation of approximately 5.2 acres of property located east of Valley Road at the Los Berros Road intersection, and the 2001 General Plan Update provided for the inclusion within the Sphere of Influence and Urban Reserve Lines. Subsequently, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approved the Sphere of Influence Amendment and the City of Arroyo Grande adopted Public Facility (PF) prezoning for the proposed annexation area. This consent item is the next required step in the annexation approval process, and will ~. concurrently considered by the City Council, Board of Supervisors and LAFCO board. The purpose of the annexation is to obtain City services and to facilitate remodeling and expansion of the St. John's Church in accordance with the City's pqli0ie8 and design standards, subject to subsequent Conditional Use Permit approval. ,Annexation will enable the Church to extend and connect to City and So. County Sanitation District sewer and City water services at their expense, eliminate their on-site septic system and leach fields, and use an existing well for irrigation. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING NEGOTIATED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE AND TAX INCREMENT FOR ANNEXATION NO, 29 TO THE CITY. OF ARROYO GRANDE (ST, JOHN'S CHURCH), LOS BERROS & VALLEY ROADS MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 2 Annexation will make the proposed remodel and expansion of the Church subject to City rather than County land use regulations and to some extent impact City operating expenses and revenues. State annexation laws require the affected jurisdictions, in this case the County and City of Arroyo Grande, to negotiate an exchange of property tax revenue prior to LAFCO approval of the proposed change. The Resolution is being presented for adoption within a 60-day time-frame, which commenced on February 24, 2004 and will be considered by the Board of Supervisors and City Council at their regular meetings of March 9, 2004. County Administration Office and City of Arroyo Grande staff negotiated on behalf of their respective agencies regarding the tax exchange utilizing the County Auditor's Office's financial analysis. As a church there are no existing property taxes. Therefore, in this instance, there were no issues involved in the negotiation. The LAFCO board will consider the proposed annexation at their next meeting on March 16, 2004 provided that this tax exchange Resolution is approved by both the City Council and Board of Supervisors. AL TERNA TlVES: The following altematives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the Resolution as recommended; - Defer action and direct staff to renegotiate with the County: This would delay LAFCO consideration of the proposed annexation; - Deny the Resolution and annexation request. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Map of Proposed Annexation S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENT\CITY _ COUNCIL\2004\03-09-04\03-09-04 sr St. Johns Annexation.doc -"-~--_.._--- -_.~~-_.__._~ - _.._~------._...- --~---------~- ---- A TT ACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGOTIATED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE AND ANNUAL TAX INCREMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO AND THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, in the case of a jurisdictional change other than a city incorporation or district formation which will alter the service area or responsibility of a local agency, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99(a)(1) requires that the amount of property tax revenue to be exchanged. if any, and the amount of annual tax increment to be exchanged among the affected local agencies shall be determined by negotiation; and WHEREAS, when a city is involved, the negotiations are conducted between the City Council and the Board of Supervisors of the County; and WHEREAS, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99(b)(6) requires that each local agency, upon completion of negotiations, adopt resolutions whereby said local agencies agree to accept the negotiated exchange of property tax revenues. if any, and annual tax increment and requires that each local agency transmit a copy. of each such resolution to the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission; and WHEREAS, no later than the date on which the certificate of completion of the jurisdictional change is recorded with the County Recorder. the Executive Officer shall notify the County Auditor' of the exchange of property tax revenues by transmitting a copy of said resolutions to him/her and the Count Auditor shall thereafter make the appropriate adjustments as required by law; and' WHEREAS, the negotiations have taken place concerning the transfer of property tax revenues and annual tax increment between the County of San Luis Obispo and the City of Arroyo Grande pursuant to Section 99(a)(1) for the jurisdictional change designated as Annexation No, 29 to the City of Arroyo Grande (St. John's Church); and WHEREAS, the negotiating party, to wit: Dan Buckshi. Administrative Analyst, County of San Luis Obispo, on behalf of the County and Steven Adams, City Manager, on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande have negotiated the exchange of property tax revenue and annual tax increment between such entities as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that such negotiated exchange of property tax revenues and annual tax increment be consummated. ---.---.- RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, California, as follows: . 1, That the recitals set forth above are true, correct and valid. 2. That the City of Arroyo Grande agrees to accept the following negotiated exchange of base property tax revenues and annual tax increment . (a) . No base property tax revenue shall be transferred from the County of San Luis Obispo to the City of Arroyo Grande, (b) No annual tax increment shall be transferred from the County of San Luis Qbispo to the City of Arroyo Grande in the fiscal year 2005-2006, (c) All annual tax increment for the County Ro~d Fund shall be transferred to the County General Fund, , 3, Upon receipt of a certified copy of this resolution and a cOpy of the recorded Certificate of completion, the County Auditor shall make the appropriate adjustments to property tax revenues. and annual tax increments as set forth above. 4. That the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk is authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of the resolution to the Executive Officer of the San Luis Obispo Local Agency Formation Commission, who shan then distribute copies in the manner prescribed by law. 5. In the event that the property is conveyed to a taxable entity and/or used for non- exempt purposes, the City reserves the right to renegotiate an amended agreement with the County for both property tax revenues and annual tax increments. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this _ day of March, 2004. I RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 3 TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Mar 05 04 10:4Ba SLO Counf.~ Adm i n BC A TT ACHMENT 2 -.... - ... ~ --. '!j- - r ... _. \! ... g . <{z CD! ~ , "G:: !.5 ('of JB - - E 5 oo~ _c ! ~ i! o!. 'E g ~ ,,- Co. c 'e <,(1) LL ~ ..~ .. CD I o i ~i I 8 i O:J ::)'. ~ II - (,) ,~ ~~~~~ ~~ ! . ! - c_.rSoo~_ . ~~ 4 it . f, I 05 04 10;498 SLO count~j Adm i n 805 781-S0Z~ ~ 4% ...,'~\ ~~ , ....-~ c~ 8 o '- c: ~C) ! to. oa~ X 0 t)- ! ~ i ijS"5 .i~ :J 1\ U)~ "8' "'c: 0 ~ - s:. ~ Q.. en 0'-.. . . .., (,) .. ;::;: ~ \ill (f) ..,." . " ~ .-- f o ' ':; '-= 4b 4i ~VAL.L.. . ..... CO. .~ .... CITY OF ARROYO G~DE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PU"BLlC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande will hold a Public Hearing on the following item: CASE NO.: Appeal of Tentative Tract Map Case No. 01-002 APPLICANT: Jim Dotson LOCATION: 801 Huasna Road; Tentative Tract Map Case No, 01-002; Tract 2275 APPELLANT: Jim Dotson The City Council will consider an appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of the applicant's request for modification of Condition No, 43 of Tentative Tract Map No, 2275 regarding undergroundingof existing utilities, Any person affected or .concemed by this issue may submit written comments to the Director of Administrative Services before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project. Any. person interested in the proposal can contact the Community Development Department at 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande," California, during~1 business hours (8:00 a,m. to 5:00 p,m,) Copies of the appeal applications and related documents are available for public inspection at the above address, If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this. notice,. or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council, at or prior to, the Public Hearing, Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given, Date and Time of Hearing: TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2004 AT 7:00 P.M. Place of Hearing: ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420 ~ ~<?I/WJ!'tP-- . . Kelly We 01'1, Directive of Administrative Services! Deputy City Clerk Publish 1 Time on Friday, February 27,2004 --~----,~- -- . MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIREC~ FROM: SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL OF PLANNING COMIllll1OtI DENIAL OF CONDITION NO. 43, TRACT NO. 2275 tEGMDlNG UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, JAMES DOTSON, APPLICANT DATE: MARCH 16, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution denying the appeal and upholding. the action of the Planning Commission to require certain overhead utilities be placed underground for Tract Map 2275. FUNDING: No fiscal impact to the City. The developer deposited the estimated cost to remove the two poles and install underground facilities as currently required. DISCUSSION: On May 1, 2001 the Planning Commission approved a six-lot, single-family subdivision on an eight-acre site located at 801 Huasna Road, on a hillside east of Wildwood Ranch Planned Unit Development. A time extension was approved in 2003 which will expire on June 3, 2004. Almost all of the subdivision improvements have been constructed, except removal of two utility poles and installation of underground facilities along the main access driveway. In late December, 2003, the developer James Dotson requested modification of Condition No. 43 for Tract No. 2275, to allow him to leave one of the two existing poles. The adjoining Wildwood Ranch HomeoWners Association and several residents of this . existing residential development are opposed to this proposal since these poles and lines are visible from their homes, which otherwise have underground utilities. Both poles are near the top of the hill, the end one providing service to the existing. primary and secondary dwellings, and the second providing a transmission drop to underground service to an of Wildwood Ranch. If it is not removed at this time, it would be the only overhead line and pole on the hill within these new tracts. It would also be more expensive and disruptive to future residents of the new tract to delay conversion. The Planning Commission unanimously voted to deny this request to modify Condition No. 43. No representative of the developer attended the Planning Commission meeting and the developer's representative has not stated the reason for his appeal. ---.- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF CONDITION NO. 43, TRACT NO, 2275 REGARDING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 2 AL TERNA TlVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the attached resolution denying the appeal and upholding the Planning Commission's action to require underground utilities; - Take tentative action to uphold the appeal and direct staff to return with a Resolution modifying Condition of Approval No. 43, for Tract 2275, to require removal of one of the two existing poles and eliminating the requirement to underground existing overhead utilities. Attachments: 1. Letter dated 10/21/03 from Wildwood Ranch HOA. 2. Memo dated 12/31/03 from James Dotson. 3. Vicinity and Tract Maps. 4. Letter dated 1/08/04 from Wildwood Ranch HOA. 5. Letter dated 2/27/04 from Wildwood Ranch HOA. S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENT\CITY _ COUNCIL\2004\03.o9.o4\03-o9-o4 Appeal James Dotson.doc _.________ __ ._______._u..____._____.___..__._..~ __ ___ __ _ ______ ----_.._~-_.._----_.-_.- -- '- L RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING THE APPEAL AND . UPHOLDING THE ACTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO REQUIRE CERTAIN OVERHEAD UTILITIES BE PLACED UNDERGROUND FOR TRACT MAP 2275, LOCATED AT 801 HUASNA ROAD, APPLIED FOR BY JAMES DOTSON WHEREAS, after due study, the Planning Commission conditionally approved Tentative Tract Map 2275 which included Condition No. 43 requiring the undergrounding of aU utilitiss; and WHEREAS, on February 3, 2004 the Planning Commission of the City)of Arroyo Grande unanimously denied a request filed by James Dotson for modification of Condition No. 43 of Tract Map No, 2275; and WHEREAS, James Dotson filed a timely appeal of the Planning Commission's action; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: FINDINGS: 1. The overhead public utilities required to be placed underground pursuant to Condition No. 43 of Tract 2275 are subject to the -following provisions of Section 16.68.050 of the Development Code because the overhead utilities: a. Provide direct service to the property being developed. b. Are existing between the property line and the centerline of the peripheral streets of the prQperty being developed; and c. Are located along or within six feet of the rear of side lot lines of the property to be developed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council ofthe City of Arroyo Grande hereby upholds the decision of the Planning Commission. to require certain utilities be placed underground based on the above findings. On a motion by , seconded by , and by the following roll. call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 9th day of March, 2004. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY M, FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J, CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY __ u_L- .... . ~ .-- . .. - _.W. _ --- - -- ._-- " " . (~ . r--. r ! .. A TT ACHMENT 1 --~ECEIVED~--'-- WILDWOOD RANCH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ocr 22 2003 .' . . .... . . CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 3563 Empleo Street, Suite 8,' San Lu/s Ob/sp,o CA 9340yoMMUNITY DEVELO~MENT DEPT. (805) 544 - ~093 (Fax) ~44 - 6215 . . October 21, 2003 City of Arroyo Grande .' - Attn: Planning Commission - P,O, Box 550 , ~ Arroyo. Grande, CA 93420 v Re: Tract 2275 - Removal of Power Poles To Whom It May Concern: It has come t<;> the attention of Wildwood Ranch Homeowners Association that two power poles located on Tract 2275 that were supposed to be removed will remain .permanently installed, The Board of Directors wishes to express its concern regarding this and requests that the Gityfollow through With the recorded Vesting Tract Map, This map, recorded on April 26th 2001, clearly indicates that these'two power poles will be removed. It was also recorded in the Planning Commission's minutes of May 1 It, 2001 that conditions for approval.for this development would include that all utility lines be placed underground (Agenda Item 2,B), The Board requests you remedy this situation as soon as possible, Thank you for your prompt attention on this matter, Your help is greatly appreciated, Sincerely, /7~-;?/P Donald Martin Agent to the Board Cc: Public Works, City Mayor, BOD . , . - - \ , . . \ ", . . .. , . ,..... . : , \ ~. . I Power Poles - CIty 1.Mter,310.doc I .- -'.-" - . , . , ~ c .. ',. ( .. .. ATTACHMENT 2' ._~.._----~ Ja_mes Dotson 801 HuasnaRoadArroyoGrande,CA 93420 : De~mber 31, 2003 SUBJECT: TRACT 2275-Change to the tentative map ~ . . .- To ~e- City of Arroyo Grande: ~. Dotson would like to request a change to the tentative map of Tract 2275. The tentative map ,specifies the removal of two utility poles. Mr. Dotson would like to only remove one ofth~.utility poles. He would 11ke to leave-the utility pole that presently supplies ele~city to the Wildwood Ranch community and only remove the one utility pole that services the 801 Huasna-residence. ; Smcerely, Andy Dotson Authorized representative RECEIVED -.. -- ,. JAN 0.1 2004 .. '. . - - , . CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. - OOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT, . .--.. - .._.. ---- ,--. .. --~~ , . ". . ATTACHMENT 3 r ". I , ---.---- ---.:.-....---. ~ . I I . ~. ~ ~ b~XJ ~; ~ I lalll . I~ 8" ! .'11'.' , 'il'l b~d!I' . :: I . S In_'lld I' J!1;~b" a,I.' III~ Ui ~1!i5 ~Id 1,11:"11111. ; I. dl ., I -111";11 1111'. gl;al" 58B _~! ..5 2 _ x~ . g~! . " .' - '" ~ i ." I , - ; " .01 I~ ~t i:! .' - u. . . ~ . . .. . . I ~ I .i1 gl >: -4-).oFO-- . A ~ - \ .11 .n .. _ ' , " ,""" ; ... " ..; .. ~~ .' t . . . .. ... -:::. ~. .. ~:~~;.'~':~ . .. . ' . - ',:-:,'\ . -., , '~., .. :.\:.;. . . . '.' .. . ..:- .-':. '. (j) ""rf:Jr~:p T;~j~M~H~Q'_f~~~_o,.,,: ,',_ - '0,"'" ,., , t J m~ .J=.xt en SJ,QJIQ3;:Q,QJ;-;<f"".;,;., ":'~r'':''i';'' ,_ ,C. o' .. ,...:~: .',' ~,;':' ........r '._".: '.. .' ..:"'~:. ~.~:~~~...~[~~;.~ '~-..~:).:-:~~)~~:i'~.;.;'~:L~~.~;~~:. ~~~::.~\2,.':..; .. .4.. ,~. ~ .. c r--- . ro, .. ~ . ( ! .... ATTACHMENT 4 WILDWOOD RANCH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION -- ---- '- 3563 Empleo Street, Suite 8, San Luis Obispo CA 93401 (805) 544 - 9093 (Fax) 544 - 6215 January 8, 2004 City of Arroyo Grande RECEIVED " Attn: Planning Commission - 'JAN 1 5 2004 P,O, Box 550 CITY OF ARROYO GRAND~ . . ArroyC? Grande, CA 93420 COMMlJNITYDEVELOPMENT DEPT, Re; Tract 2275 - Power Poles To Whom It May Concern: The Board of Directors of the Wildwood Ranch Homeowners Association wants to reiterate its opposition of allowing the existing power lines to remain above ground at the development on Tract 2275, This was detailed in a letter dated October 21 at, 2003 to the .planning CQmmis~ion, The Board appreciat~s the support .of the Public Works Department in enforcing the requirement by making it a Condition of app~oval, and we commend both the Public Works and the Community Development Director for their verbal support in opposing any waiver or reduction of the requirement. They have indicated to us that the developer now intends to seek a waiver (or a reduction> from the Planning Commission on February 3,2004, Clearly, under-grounding these lines was the city's original intent, and is in keeping with the long-standing goal of reducing visual pollution throughout the city, The Board strongly encourages the Commission to require the' power lines be located underground as was originally approved, Thank you for taking our position into consideration, Sincer~ly, 7l#~ Donald Martin Agent to the Board Cc: BOD . '" . .. ~ PoWer Poles - CIty Le<<er.410,cIoc . . ATTA,CHMENT 5 WILDWOOD RANCH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIi"TfoN\RROYO CU~f1D:: 04 MAR - 2 P11~: r 4 3563 Empleo Street, Suite B, .San Luis Obispo CA 93401 (805) 544 - 9093 (Fax) 544 - 6215 February 27,2004 City of Arroyo Grande Attn: City Council P. O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Re: Case No. 01-002, Tract 2275 - Undergrounding of Existing Power Poles Mr. Mayor and Council Members: The agenda for your March 9,2004, meeting includes Case No. 01-002, an appeal trom Mr. James Dotson to overrule a recent unanimous vote by the Planning Commission. This ruling requires Mr. Dotson to underground two existing power poles and associated lines as originally planned for his development. The Board of Directors of the Wildwood Ranch Homeowners Association reiterates its opposition to allowing these existing lines to remain above ground, while all new lines have been placed underground. The Board strongly encourages the Council to uphold the Staff and Planning Commission ruling by denying Mr. Dotson's appeal, thereby requiring the power poles to be removed and the lines placed underground as was shown on the original subdivision plan. Thank you for taking our position into consideration. . Sincerely, 7 ~?$=- Donald Martin Agent to the Board CC: Mayor Ferrara CC: BOD Enclosure: Speaker Slip for Case No. 01-002 l:~~_ ~~ 3{ oq , . ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2004 . Speaker Slip for Wildwood Ranch HOA - Agenda Item Mr. Mayor and Council Members, Thank you for the opportunity to speak on this issue. Undergrounding of utility lines and poles has been a stated goal of the City for many years, to be achieved at every opportunity. The city and surrounding areas benefit from great natural beauty and you are to be commended for working to protect and improve this aspect of our community. The requirement for undergrounding the two power poles has been in the development package for Tract 2275 since Mr. Olds of the Public Works Department presented the requirement in the SAC hearing of November 21,2000, minutes of which were included in your May 1,2001, hearing package. The developer acknowledged the requirement and showed on the tentative map the existing poles were to be removed. The requirement was reaffirmed most recently, at Staff recommendation, by unanimous vote of the Planning Commission on February 3, 2004. As development progressed and new utilities were installed, we saw no. action toward removing the existing poles. Upon being advised last Fall by the contractor and Public Works that removal of the poles and undergrounding was no longer the plan, we requested a review of the requirement, which resulted in the pole removal and undergrounding being reinstated on the "Punch List" for the development. Subsequently, as stated by Mr. Strong, the developer requested a waiver or modification of the requirement, which was rejected unanimously. Our Homeowners AssociatiQn has submitted several letters in opposition to the requested waiver, and we also expressed our strong opposition to Mr. Dotson's new proposal to remove only one pole. Although we understand the cost implications, we concur in Mr. Strong's recommendation to require both poles to be removed. As Mr. Strong states, the poles and lines are visually distracting to existing homes in the area, and we support and encourage the Council to continue the elimination of such "visual pollution" at every opportunity. One would think that removal of the poles will greatly enhance the value of Mr. Dotson's newhomesites as well. We respectfully request that you uphold the original requirement and reject the appeal for cancellation or modification of this requirement. 1 G.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR tfk SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF STATUS REPORT ON COURTLAND-ARROYO GRANDE, L.P, SENIOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT DATE: MARCH 9, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors receive the following information and provide direction to staff if additional information is needed. FUNDING: The Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) previously approved by the Redevelopment Agency sets forth financial assistance in the form of a loan in the amount of $800,000. This amount is proposed to be funded approximately $360,000 from .the Affordable Housing "In Lieu" Fee Fund, $40,000 from the Redevelopment Affordable Housing "Set Aside" Fund, and deferred payment in the amount of $400,000 from development impact fees. DISCUSSION: At the February 24, 2004 meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Lubin requested a status report on the Courtland-Arroyo Grande, L.P. senior affordable housing project be placed on the City Council agenda. The City Council/Redevelopment Agency initially approved a DDA with Courtland-Arroyo Grande, L.P. for a proposed 108-unit affordable senior housing project at 1524 and 1542 East Grand Avenue at the March 20, 2002 meeting, which was extended by the Agency on September 30, 2003. The DDA was established in conjunction with an application by the developer for 9% tax credits from the Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC). At the December 9, 2003 meeting, after failure to obtain the 9% tax credits, the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors approved a revised DDA in conjunction with an application for 4% tax credits. The developer received and accepted the tax credits in December 2003. They are now marketing the tax credits and processing documentation for issuance of tax-exempt bonds, which are provided as part of the 4% tax credit program. The deadline for issuance of the bonds is April 5, 2004. The Agency's redevelopment consultant and special legal counsel are reviewing the documentation to ensure the City/Agency's S:\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports\3.9.04 Courtland-Grand Senior Housing Project.doc CITY COUNCIL STATUS REPORT ON COURTLAND-ARROYO GRANDE, L.P, SENIOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 2 rights are protected and consistency with the terms of the DDA. The Agency entered into an additional reimbursement agreement with the developer, which requires the developer to pay all costs for consultant services. As a result of the agreement, they have submitted a second deposit of $30,000 with the Agency. The developer has also submitted design revisions to the fa~ade of the project, which were reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) at its March 1, 2004 meeting. The changes will be considered by the Planning Commission at their March 16, 2004 meeting. Staff feels the changes are an improvement to the project, which enhance the fa~ade and better integrate it with the Santa Lucia Bank project. No other modifications to the site plan or project were proposed. Therefore, City Council approval will not be required unless the Planning Commission decision is appealed. In addition, staff is negotiating a revision to the DDA regarding Agency financial assistance. Since the Housing Element Update includes a reduction in development impact fees for very low and low-income units, staff is proposing financial assistance be reduced by a portion of the financial benefit to the project from this change. Building Department staff recently provided the developer with updated fee estimates for review. An amendment to the DDA is expected to be presented to the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors at the March 23, 2004 meeting for consideration. In summary, while financing issues are still being resolved, the project is continuing to progress on schedule at this time. The developer has indicated that they intend to begin grading in mid-summer and begin construction in early fall. Staff will notify the City Council of any changes to the status. Issuance of the bonds will indicate a firm commitment by the developer to proceed. Therefore, we will have a pretty good idea during the upcoming month whether there are any remaining problems that could prevent the project from being constructed. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Receive information and provide direction to staff; - Request additional information. I I I ----~--- ------... -- ------,-._-- - ---- -- - - . -------------- 11.8. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ~1t KELLY HEFFERNON ~ I ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW CASE NO, 04-003; PROPOSED MlXED..uSE PlNBIID UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON THE FORIER LOOMIS PROPERTY CONSISTING OF THE TWO (2) EXISTING .IIDBICIBS, THE LOOMIS FEED WAREHOUSE, A NEW OFFtCE IULDIIG AND TWELVE (12) DUPLEX RESIDeNTIAL LOTS; 415 EAST BRANCH STREET; DB & M PROPERTY, LLC DATE: MARCH 9, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Council review the above-referenced project and provide direction and comments to the applicant. FUNDING: There are no direct costs to the City related to the proposed project. PROJECT LOCATION: ----------- - --..---..--.---------------- -- -..-.........---.- CITY COUNCIL PRE-APPLICATION 04-003 MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 2 DISCUSSION Backaround Last September, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 3710, certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Creekside Center project (Attachment 1). The previous project proposed to retain and remodel the existing office building, relocate two former Loomis residences, remove the E.C. Loomis and Son Feed Stofe and develop a retail commercial, office and residential complex on the former Loomis property located at the east edge of the Village. The EIR determined that the main residence woutd be eligible for listing in the California Register as a historical resource and that the grain wanthouse serves as an . important feature of the setting of the main house. In response to this determination, the applicant has submitted a conceptual plan that retains all of the existing structures and provides a greater mixed-use component. Proiect Description Proposed is a mixed-use development composed of 12 duplexes, a 12,000 square foot commerciaVoffice building, and conversion of existing structures (two residences and the warehouse) to commercial uses. The project does not include the existing office building and associated storage structures located adjacent to the creek. As with the circulation design for the previous project, there are two (2) access points proposed on East Branch Street and one on Le Point Street. To alleviate concerns of increased and cut through traffic on Le Point, a controlled entry gate is proposed between the re8identia1 and commercial uses. The project would also include abandonment of Le Point Street along the property frontage. Residential "Plan A" contains 8 units in 4 buildings with access from either below at grade level or above from Crown Terrace. The duplexes are three (3) levels with individual units ranging from 2,000 to 2,655 square feet in size. Residential "Plan B" contains 16 units in 8 buildings, an two stories with access from the ground level. These units are smaHer, from 420 to 1,300 square feet in size. The commercial structure has three (3) levels with an elevator and two-story parking garage accessed from Crown Terrace and at grade level. The architectural style of the complex is Craftsman and California Bungalow and can be modified to match the exterior materials of the warehouse, depending on whether the board and batten remains on the warehouse or is removed to reveal the corrugated metal from the earlier, more 'historic' period. Staff Advisorv Committee (SAC) The SAC reviewed the Pre-Application on January 21, 2004 and discussed issues of parking, utilities, abandonment of the leg of Le Point Street fronting the project, type of subdivision (not pursuing air space condominiums and proposing to sell each dupktx as a separate parcel), fire flow requirements, lighting, fencing, disabled access, and extent of retrofit necessary to convert the existing structures to various commercial uses given the historical status (see Attachment 2 for draft SAC meeting notes). Because of recent changes in property ownership and project description, staff has advised the applicant to formally withdraw the previous project (CUP 01-001 and TIM 01-002) and submit new applications for the revised project. ~------ - - -~~._._.~--- l_~_J CITY COUNCIL PRE-APPLICATION 04-003 MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 3 Architectural Review Committee (ARC) The ARC considered the project on February 2, 2004 and discussed matters related to sidewalk requirements, parking, inclusionary housing, building colors and materials, driveway design, access, lighting, and screening of parking structure (se~ Attachment 3 for draft meeting notes). Plannina Commission The Planning Commission considered the project on February 17, 2004. Comments focused on parking, inclusionary housing requirements, abandonment of the leg of Le Point Street fronting the property, and access (see Attachment 4 for draft meeting minutes). Development Code ReQuirements The project is subject to the development standards for the Village Mixed Use (VMU) district (Development Code Section 16.36.020) and to the parking requirements by land use (Development Code Section 16.56.060) as shown in the two (2) tables below. The overaU project is short by seven (7) parking spaces, although compNes with parking requirements when considering the mixed-use design and shared parking allowed per Development Code Section 16.56.050. The project also compHes with density requirements (allowed is 37 units and proposed is 24 units), setbacks, lot coverage and height limits (three stories is allowed in the VMU district). Inclusionary housing requirements are based on the 2003 Housing Element, which states that 10% of the units must be restricted as affordable to lower income households, or three (3) units (rounding up). CITY COUNCIL PRE-APPLICATION 04-003 MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 4 ')"abl...1:6.36.1).I.j:~III'ij:!:MI.iiilllllii:..'j . - -- --- ---... ... ,..------------ --- '"'' ,. . The..PlirpPSEt..of the.:"MUmdi~t~~!'i.t(jfJI~~~e~~::~.!j~~M!~~!:'~~~!!,!i!!~mj_:jj:~~.! use~.::.!.'comgtible.:. .\ViD1.. .~~~.~nd~~:.:.,.!~$i~"i;l!!I!::!II~I~~!:::iji~:,:!!illl1!il1~::I::!~I~I"~tf(fj de\f~lo~rT\enm. .R~UI~ti~"~!"fP,.~.,,~:,:.di$trict.I.~ijI"~%~~.':....Ii.~j:l~~ay distri~..jP!"PrJ'Iote.:,...:l!iInd... p,.e~'...Plder:':'.:,.,I!iI~~~~j,.,I:!~M...:....:iH,,,,~',.':':.!~S imel"l'l'l,"II:j.ofother.strllctuf'e&.>This.diStiC1:el'lm:r,.,'s'..Of::UiIj. ....,...~.~.,for ~tlll.... ........ ... ................,...... ............................ .........~..............................................111..................................... ... . ... m. . ...... .......... ..... . m m ........ . .... . ...... ..... ... ......... ................................. ..... .... ........... .mm.mmm . ... ... .. . ;li"ili::~~~fE;"~y:~TJsfls~:iI.til'it.:..iiZrp....S_i.lty 1. Maximum Densi Mixed Use Pro'ects 2. Minimum Lot Size 3. Minimum Lot Width 4. Front Yard Setback 5. Rear Yard Setback 6. Side Yard Setback o feet unless a project is mixed use and/or abuts a residential district, then 5 feet is required for single story structures and 110 feet is required. on one side. for a multiple stories. 7. Street Side Yard Setback 0-15 feet. 8. Building Size Umits Maximum height is 30 feet or three stories, whichever is less; a, maximum of 36 feet is allowable through the MUP process. Maximum Building Size is 10.000 square feet. 9. Site Coverage Maximum coverage of site that may be covered by structures and pevement is 100%. Maximum Floor Area Ratio is 1. Floor Area Ratio of 1 9. Site Design See Design Guidelines and Standards for Historic Districts. 10. Off-Street Parking and Loading See Parking VMU and HCO combining district in Section 16.56.020.C. 11. Signs See Section 16.60 and Design Guidelines and Standards for Historic Districts. , ------ ---------,-"._-~- - -- ----,---_.. t CITY COUNCIL PRE-APPLICATION 04-003 MARCH 9, 2004 PAGE 5 PARKING REQUIREMENTS Residential Units Studio (8 units) 2 Bedroom (8 units) 2 per unit + 3 guest s aces = 19 s 3 Bedroom (8 units) 2 per unit + 4 .guest s aces = 20 s Subtotal: 47 ."... (32 co""" anfI15 un Commercial Existin Warehouse 24 s Existin Residences 9 ces New Office/Retail 40 s Subtotal: 73 spec_ TOTAL: 127 spaces 120 apaoes DIFFERENCE: -7 spaces Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 3710 2. Staff Advisory Committee Meeting Notes of January 21, 2004 3. Architectural Review Committee Meeting Notes of February 2, 2004 4. Planning Commission Draft Meeting Minutes of February 17, 2004 5. Project Plans S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENT\PROJECTS\PUD\Creekside Comp\ex\CC Pre-App Rpt.doc 1 --~--- i ~ ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3710. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY . OF ARROYO GRANDE CERTIFYING THE COMPLETION OF AND MAKING FINDINGS AS TO THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT PREPARED FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 01-001 AND VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 01-002 (CREEKSIDE CENTER PROJECT) WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Report (the "EIR")for Conditional Use Permit 01-001 and Vesting Tentative Tract Map 01-002 (CUP 01-001 and VTTM 01-002, hereinafter referred to as the "Project"), was prepared by Denise Duffy 8� Associates, Inc. (the "Consultant") for the City of Arroyo Grande (the "City") pursuant to the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.), the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (14 Cal. Code Regs. Section 15000 et seq., hereinafter the " CEQA Guidelines") and local procedures adopted by the City pursuant thereto; and WHEREAS, copies of the Draft EIR were distributed to the State Clearinghouse and to those public agencies which have jurisdiction by law with respect to the Project and to other interested persons and agencies, and the comments of such persons and agencies were sought; and WHEREAS, the Draft EIR was thereafter revised and supplemented to adopt changes suggested and to incorporate comments received and the City's response to said comments, and as so revised and supplemented, a Final EIR was prepared and submitted to the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande for review and consideration; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on May 6, 2003 to consider the Project and the Final EIR relating thereto, whereby and all interested persons expressing a desire to comment thereon or object thereto having been heard, and said Final EIR and all comments and responses thereto having been considered; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on June 10, 2003 and September 23, 2003 to consider the Project and the Final EIR relating thereto, whereby and all interested persons expressing a desire to comment thereon or object thereto having been-heard, and said Final EIR and all comments and responses thereto having been considered; and WHEREAS, the Final EIR consists of the Draft EIR, as. revised and supplemented, incorporating all comments received and the response of the City as of the date hereof, and * including the attached Exhibit "A" that revises Alternative 2 of the "Project Alternatives" section. s RESOLUTION NO. 3710 PAGE 2 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the. City of Arroyo Grande as follows: S9Ction 1, The City Council has independently reviewed and analyzed the Final EIR and considered the information contained therein and all comments,. written and oral, received at the public hearing on the Final EIR prior to adopting this'Resolution, Section 2, The City Council hereby certifies that the Final EIR for the Project has been completed in compliance with the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CECA), the State CEOA Guidelines and local procedures adopted by the City pursuant thereto, The Planning Commission further finds that the Final EIR reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the Planning Commission, as required by Public Resources .Code Section 21082,1 and Section 15090 of the CECA Guidelines, On motion by Council Member Costello, seconded by Council Member Lubin, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Cos~ello. Lubin. Runels. Dickens and Mayor Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 23rd day of September 2003, . . .. , .-.- ._~-- . .._--~ .~. RESOLUTION NO. 3710 PAGE 3 ATTEST: ~~, ORE, 'DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE-SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: . ~N~TYMANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: -~-~-_._--_.__._- EXHIBIT A 6,0 Project Alternatives Ability to Meet Project Objec.tives While the No Project Alternative is environmentally .superior to the proposed project, it does not meet any of the objective's of the project. The blighted condition of the property would stay the same, and.the existing non-conforming. uses would ~ot be removed,With,this alternative, Tally Ho Creek would not, undergo restoration, and there would be no addition of pedestrian and visitor-serving uses, . . . ' ' Alternative 2: Loomis Residence Retained In Exlstina Location . Description This alternative retains the potentially significant main Loomis. residence and the magnolia tree in their precise existing locations, The house and tree would also, maintain thek Current rela'tionship to the 'Origin:)1 1910 existina grain warehouse building e~vslgpe' and to East Branch I Street. This alternative 'also proposes a different arrangement of neW buildings In order to provide adequate parking and still meet the ,project objectives for the addition of. needed . commercial and office uses. The proposed site plan for: Alternative 2 Is shown In Figure 6-1, Environmental Impacts -- . , . This alternative allows for the retention of the potential historic resource on the site (and in its presel1t location), thus ,eliminating trte significant unavoidable impacts, As stated in Table 6-1. -, impacts to cultural resources would .be less-than-sianificant with' implementation of ' mitigation measures 4.4-A-aAa.z. 4.4-82, and the followina additional rnitiaation measu~e fordeskm review: tho imp3cts to cultur::lI resources '"",ould be loss th3n 'signiAc3nt. 4.4- The Communit Develo menf. Director shall ensure the rain warehouse is reviewed fh throuqh desiQn development and construction documents phases for conformance with ~l the Secretarvs Rehabilitation Standards and Gui~elines. . ' As part of their established responsibilities. the Architectural Advisory Committee shall conduct their own, parallel review for consistency with the Secretary's Rehabilitation StalJdards and Guidelines. Alternatively, if the City did not have these desian review mechanisms in place, in coniunction with Qualified Architectural Advisorv Committee members to review the project. or if the Community Development' Director reQuires 'addition.al professional review, the Citv shall ena8ge an outside preservation architect meetiOQ the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards in historic architecture to review the rehabilitation of the arain warehouse for consistency with the Secretary's Rehabilitation Standards and Guidelines. No buildinq permit for the alternative shall be issued until the final desian for the arain warehouse has been rev.iewed and found to be consistent with Secretarv's RehabHitation Standards and Guidelines in accordance with the process described above. All . other identified, significant impacts for the, proposed project would remain with implementation of this alternative; however; the project density would be slightly reduced, therefore, impacts would be incrementally reduced. It is anticipated that all mitigation measures required for the proposed project would also be 'necessary for this project to reduce , environmental impacts to a less-than-significant level. ' Denise Duffy &, Associates 6-7 Creekside Center Project 'Draft EIR 6,0 Project Alternatives , . . Ability to Meet Project Objectives . ..- .> . Alternative 2 involves the reconfiguratlqn 'of the proposed new. buildings 'compared to the proposed. project. " Thi~ adjustment would cause the reduction of available parking spaces .from109 (proposed proj~ct) to 80, . The Village Core district requires one parking sp8~ per 300 square feet of gross floor area .of commercial or office building space, Using this calculation, Alternative 2 would' only' allow a maximum of 24,00() square (eet, which is:' a reduction of approximately 25% from the proposed project. According to the "City's' Community Development Department, this differential is sufficient. in magnitude to justify potential. concerns of economic feasibility. In addition, the parking spaces allowed. by the configuration of buldlngs proposed in Alternative 2 would be particularly inconvenient for Buildings A and C, See letter from Rob Strong, Community Development Director, in Appendix I ~or more detail on this cx:>nclusion, Alternative 2 would still me.et the project objectives, ~hough possibly not to the same eXtent as the proposed project due to' the necessary reduction in square footage of commercial ~nd office space. Also, this reducti~n In scale"could cause th~ project to be economically Infeasible, , . .. Creeks1cle Center Project 6-8 DenIse Duffy & AssocIates Draft EIR . RESOLUTION NO. 3710 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELL Y WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Lui$ Obispo, State of California, do . hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that Resolution No. 371 0 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a ,regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the23rc1 day of September, 2003, WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande' affIXed this 25th . day of September, 2003,. .... ORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK -------...-- -~._- NOTES SAC MEETING DRAFT ATTACHMENT 2 JANUARY 21, 2004 E, Pre-Application Review 04-003; Applicant - DB&M, LLC; Representative - Joseph Boud; Location - 415 E. Branch St. Project Planner - Kelly Heffernon, Associate Planner. Description: Proposed mixed-use planned unit development with residential duplexes. and a new 12,000 s.f. commerciaVoffice building. Conversion of existing barn and residence to commercial use. Discussion/Issues: . The City Council certified the EIR for this project in September 2003. . The existing historic house and barn on the property will be retained as desired by the City Council and may be converted to commercial use subject to Code requirements. . A portion of the barn that is not historically significant (the dock located at the back of the building) will be removed. . Applicant proposes to retain the existing driveway approaches. . Applicant proposes a residential PUD with commercial development that can be separately conveyed. . Community Development expressed concern about retention of the non-conforming warehouse/mini-storage facility on the neighboring property that the applicant has conveyed. The warehouse encroaches on the floodway and changes the character of the creek area. Representative stated that it is unlikely that the owner of the warehouse will agree to demolish it, in part because it generates rent revenue. Community Development stated that the Planning Commission or City Council may reject application if warehouse continues to exist. . Applicant has common driveway maintenance agreement with owner of the existing office building, who is pleased to obtain a second access for his property as well as shared parking. . Representative stated that proposed commercial parking exceeds the requirements of . the Village Mixed-Use zoning district. . The 13 parking spaces located in front of the adjacent storage units (associated with the office building) are counted toward meeting the parking requirements (if the office property is included as part of the project). However, the storage units themselves generate parking demand that have not been taken into account. Another problem with these 13 parking spaces is that they encroach into/block access within the project property. The 6 spaces to the right of the access are shared spaces. . Representative stated that he can redesign the project to reduce the development, reconfigure circulation, and avoid taking the conveyance from the neighbor owning the storage units. This way, project approval would not depend on the neighbor's removal of the warehouse. . Community Development stated that a redesign may be difficult because it raises new issues pertaining to traffic studies that were not part of the original EIR. Suggested speaking with the neighbor owning the storage units about removal options as a first effort. City could help the neighbor relocate the storage units or find another area where he could own a storage facility. . Applicant shall make it clear that he is seeking abandonment of L.e Point Street between Crown Terrace and Tally Ho based on infeasibility of a creek crossing. . Applicant should consider listing historic house and barn on the historic register to avoid some of the handicapped access requirements and enable altemate Building Code provisions. NOTES SAC MEETING DRAFT PAGE 6 JANUARY 21, 2004 . Building stated that the barn could technically continue as a nonconforming use, but that its conformance is preferable. . Allowance of the use of the barn to remain the same is more likely if the structure is continuously occupied. . CEQA requirements mandate that the lead agency must make a decision about a project within 6 months of the EIR certification, unless both the lead agency and the developer agree on a time extension. A time extension may be necessary in this case, so Community Development and the applicant need to agree on a time schedule soon. Conditions: Community Development . The project shall be subject to a 25' creek setback prohibiting structures and paving. . Submit a lighting plan with the landscape plan. . Submit a fence plan for ARC to review. . Submit a formal enhancement proposal for the creek. Building and Fire . Provide fire access through the main part of the development. Public Works . Upgrade existing sewer main. Perform site grading to ensure adequate coverage, or replace 16" steel at residential site with PVC or steel epoxy line with all the sewer lateral dug-outs already pre-capped off-site. . Retain PUE over entire right-of-way. . Provide curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the project's Crown Terrace frontage. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk on Le Point is subject to whether it's abandoned. . Overlay Crown Terrace with 1.5" of AC. . Upgrade storm drain system under Le Point to a combination of open metal pipes and drainage ditches. . Underground all new and existing utilities. . Try to install decorative lights to match those used in the Village. . Replace short section of 4" water main under Crown .Terrace and on May Street from Corbett Canyon and McKinley with 8" main to increase fire flows. . Meet minimum fire flow requirements of 1000 GPM and 1500 GPM for two hours for residential and commercial uses, respectively. . Provide more technical studies regarding fire flows, water, and sewer. . Install necessary fire hydrants in the interior of the project and the water mains needed to serve them. . Ensure that the project complies with Water Quality Control Board guidelines for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Planning. Police . Install solar-charged pole lights on property (probably 2 or 3). Actions: . As part of the pre-application process, this project will be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee in February, by the Planning Commission in the latter part of February,or in March, and by the City Council in March, if desired by the applicant. ; -~ -------- _._~-- -.--.--- ---_. ._~--_. L -----~ ATTACHMENT 3 , DMfT NOTES CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ARC) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2004 The meeting of the City of Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee was called to order at 3:20 P.M. by Committee Chair Hoag. ROLL CALL: Present were Committee members Fellows, Hodges, and Chair Hoag. Committee members Miltenberger and Ohler were absent. APPROVAL OF NOTES: Notes from January 5, 2004, were approved with the following changes: -/' Page 2 - Correct misspelling of "fascia" boards. -/' Page 4,5 - Change wording from "stucco belt attop of building" to "near the top." I, PUBLIC COMMENT: None. II, PROJECTS A, PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW 04-003; APPLICANT - D. B. & M., LLC; Representative - Joseph Boud; LOCATION - 415 E. Branch Street The project was presented by Associate Planner, Kelly Heffernon. The project is review of Creekside Complex, a mixed-use planned unit development. Joe Boud, of Boud & Associates Design Planning, made the foliowing comments: . Genera/: In addition to known site restraints, there's an easement for gas and sewer, where no structural improvements can be built. There's also a floodplain, where no building can occur, but it can be used as a recreation area. There will be some remodeling to the barn, which is still commercial. The loading docks will be removed to aUow for parking and circulation. There's a common driveway. easement agreement with the neighbor. Buildings could be all commercial or downstairs commercial with residential above. The elevator feature is to service all three levels. The creekside is a recreation area with picnic tables, etc. The existing garden area of the main residence would be more of an outdoor garden to support commercial use (if converted from residential use to commercial.) . Residentia/: They would use a portion of abandoned Tally Ho area for some building. Parking for studios WOuld be surface spots. There would be lot lines created, so residents own their own lots and yards. Each owner would own a duplex unit and have mortgage relief if he/she decided to rent out the studio. They would not be airspace condos, in order to open sales to a wider market. Upper Crown Terrace units would have 2- car garages, 3 bedrooms with a great room, and a deck. _._-._-----~--- -~_._.._--- ARC Notes Page 2 February 2, 2004 . Commercial: The applicant intends to create structures compatible with the historic district, as well as with the barn and homes in the vicinity. This could take many forms, depending mostly on what happens to the barn. Originally it was a corrugated warehouse (with no board and batten). The floor plans have not been determined completely, but Architect would like input as to architectural style. and "massing". The statistical sheet shows it satisfies all requirements for parking. The barn could become a Farmers Market seven days. a week, and it would have adequate spaces available. They would create an entry gate to keep residential traffic separate from commercial. The ARC had the following comments and questions: . Is your presentation today for the residential side, since the commercial zone is for sale? Yes. . Will there be sidewalks and landscaping? Yes, plans will be detailed later. . Is the two-story garage exposed at top? Yes, there's no roof. There will be some screening, so you don't see the whole car - maybe planters. It will be compatible with residential use next door. . How taU is the elevator tower? /t won't be prominent in sight. /t would be service accessible, but not a tower feature. Bui/ding Code will probably require them to raise the top elevation slightly, but it will stil/ essentially blend with the rest of the structure. . Will there be any affordable housing? To the extent the City makes it viable. There are severa/ expensive improvements that need to be done. . Can you discuss the Le Point Street issue? It's a 60-foot right of way, and it was improved as a driveway to service three lots in the comer. It's currently not maintained as a street. With no City expectation to connect it later, they are requesting abandonment. They will still have the road, but it becomes part of property ownership. . Can you see the parking garage from residential units above? Yes. Will there be screening? They are hoping that owners screen their structures from parking. Right now, view is outdoor septic tanks. StTeet trees and landscaping will partially screen. . Can you explain elevations on the map? They're mis/abeled. From left to right, it's upper, middle, then lower levels (instead of vice versa). . Will residential units have board and batten? Yes - or horizontal siding (maintenance free material). Like bungalows? Yes, and they'D probably revise plans so siding matches, but residential units will be distinct from commercia/ (maybe a little more Victorian). . On the site plan, is the existing office of west side under separate ownership? Yes. So it will be submitted under separate application? Yes. Are there any plans to remodel now? He doesn't know. . Could the existing residential structures change? Yes, uses would be up to buyers. There have been inquiries for both commercia/ and residential uses. There's a lot of work to bring them up to Code if commercial. If the _._----_..-----~ -. -~ ----_.._--~---_.__._._-_._--.-._-_.._-_..._- -~_..__...- ARC Notes Page 3 February 2, 2004 City chooses to adopt an ordinance to include the "Historic" Building Code, they may provide some financial relief to owners. . Would a Bed and Breakfast be allowable? Per Kelly Heffemon, there would probably be problems with bringing it up to Code, but the house served as a B&B in the past. . Describe again splitting ownership of lots. Under this plan, there are 27 parcels and several private rights of ways. The left lot line is straight, and same for house and warehouse. They'll probably take all lots, revert to acreage, then redraw lot lines. Are the houses under separate ownership than the barn? Yes, as well as other commercial buildings. . Will there be a homeowners association? Yes, to provide for all circulation, parking, a recreational area with tables, walkways, swing sets, and possibly play structures. . Will it be designed for an active community? Yes, it will be family oriented. . The recreation area will be owned by the HOA, and they choose if it becomes public or private. .. Is the access gate two ways? Yes . Will access be two ways on Le Point Street, too? Yes, probably there will be a number punch gate between commercial and residential areas, but there won't be a gate on Le Point, since exiting is automatic. . In the corner on Crown Terrace, is there direct pedestrian access to commercial buildings? Yes, there's second floor access on one stmet, first floor access below, and they'll use stairs or elevator for third. . Would the Cypress tree row off Crown Terrace be removed? Yes, they're in the right of way and public works would require this, because they straddle the line, but would be replaced by new street trees. . The stairway for the residential area shows two parking spaces, but in detail it shows three. Which is more accurate? Probably two spaces, to create a sidewalk area. It won't be locked, so people can walk in and out. . What colors are proposed for commercial buildings? They would use Design Guidelines for The Village, and would probably use earth tones. . What is the height of residential structures? They're allowed 35 feet or 3 stories, and are within that. Do they appear 18-20 feet from Crown Terrace? Yes. . What will lighting be for parking? PD made a comment at SAC. In last week's meeting, City is considering new light fixture standards and they would comply to this. For sure, it will be shielded and downward lighted. Police Chief is hoping for security lighting. . On plan B would there be a possibility to punch through the door to the studio to expand size of apartment? Yes, but studios were designed to provide for more residences. . Square foot of studio? It's about 420 square feet with a porch. This provides potential purchaser with $700-$800 each month in income to help with mortgage payments. . ARC wants to see color boards, materials, and landscaping with the formal submittal. ---- --- --'--^---~---------'-~~_.._--_.."---- ---~- ARC Notes Page 4 February 2, 2004 . Will ther~ be walkways for residents to enter Village? There will be privacy fencing, and sidewalks will work into the commercial areas. They could formalize a pedestrian path connection. . ARC was concerned about views of second story parking garage. a Will they continue wood railing all around parking garage? It won't necessarily be wood, due to . the nature of maintenance. It will probably be more of a column, to match other features. a Is there a way to articulate screening with some sort offence or wall, maybe with vines? It's a vel)' small two level parking lot. a Maybe add a trellis on the side with vines to shield and make more visually acceptable - headlight high or eye level. a The upper parking deck could be colored, so not as reflective. . Homes should have substantial landscaping. . What about 90-year old pine tree? Utility company wanted to take one down and did. . ARC liked that the three design style elements (commercial, mixed use, and residential) complemented each/other, without clashing. . They like board and batten better than corrugated metal siding. . They had no problem with metal roof. . Chair Hoag interpreted the ARC's response as positive overall and noted he looks forward to seeing the next set of plans. B, ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 04-001; APPLICANT - Vivek Harris, R, A, & Associates; LOCATION -1530 East Grand Avenue The project was presented by Associate Planner, Kelly Heffernon. This project is review of the commercial building next to Santa Lucia Bank for a) consistency in style with the adjacent Santa Lucia Bank and b) approval of changes from previously submitted plans. Vivek Harris, of R.A. and Associates, presented the changes as detailed in the staff report with the following additional comments: . This building is visible from all four sides, so they added more doors for possible entrances from each side of the building. They also located the restrooms in the center of the building, to allow for more frontage on the perimeter of the building. This would also make it easier to access if there were multiple tenants. The building could be split in quarters or in half, and each business would still have street frontage. . He presented the color board, which showed two tones of stucco in earth tones. The wall color is a "muted white", which is consistent in character to Santa Lucia Bank, but not identical. . Roof material will be variegated in color. They are thinking' either s-tiles or two-piece "mission" tiles, with decorative trim of triple stacked eaves. . The windows are a rusted look, because otherwise it would have been too much green. Glass will be tinted and not reflective. . There will be decorative 6"x6" tiles in groups of four. --'- -~---.." _._-_.._----~---~. -~.~_.._--- -- ,,---"'---"'--" PLANNING COMMISSION ATTACHMENT 4 DRAFT MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 17, 2004 he could have approved this tonight, but would agree to continue to a date uncertain to give some time to reach agreement on the access road. Arnold: . Agreed with Commissioner Keen on all points; the size of the house should be brought into conformance as shown; the attic is not being proposed to be used as a legal space and not to be inhabited. Fowler: . After speaking to three of the families involved, thought that there was a chance of resolution for the access street; the house should not be demolished and a year was too long; recommended that the date uncertain be brought forward; agreed with Mrs. Titus that the lane could be made meandering around some of the trees. Guthrie: . Agreed with the other Commissioners points and believed the problems could be resolved given some time; he would like it to come back to the Commission for resolution within six months. Chair Guthrie made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Arnold, to continue the proposal to a date uncertain; if no consensus about the CC&R's is made within six months it should be brought back to the Commission for further discussion. The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Guthrie, Commissioner Arnold, Fowler and Keen. NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Brown IV, NON-PU.BLlC HEARINGS: B, PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW CASE NO, 04-003 (CREEK8IDE COMPLEX); APPLICANT - D, B, & M" L.L,C,; LOCATION - NORTH8IDE OF EAST BRANCH STREET, NEAR CROWN, HILL STREET, Associate Planner, Kelly Heffernon, gave an overview of the proposed mixed-use development composed of 12 duplexes, in two separate plan areas, a 12,000 square foot commerciaVoffice building, and possible conversion of the existing residences to some other commercial use. Ms. Heffernon further stated that the project did not include the existing office building and associated storage structures located adjacent to the creek, but there will be shared access and parking associated with that property. She described the circulation design: two access points proposed on East Branch Street and one on Le Point Street; in addition a controlled entry gate was being proposed between the residential and commercial uses to alleviate traffic concems. Ms. Heffemon then described Residential Plans A and B in some detail; explained that the project is subject to the development standards for the Village Mixed Use District and to the existing requirements for parking; the project also oomplies with density requirements, setbacks, lot coverage and height limits; inclusionary housing requirements are based on the 2003 Housing Element. ~_--..--..._.- -.----- --~-.- PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 4 DRAFT MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 17, 2004 In reply to a question from Commissioner Guthrie Ms. Heffernon stated that the intent of the applicant is to sell the units as duplexes and not as individual units. Chair Guthrie opened the hearing to the public. Joe Boud, representative, identified the onsite constraints and gave details of Plan A and Plan B; stated the Maud House was identified as being a potential historical resource and the Loomis Bam was considered a contributing feature to the setting of the house so the developers had decided to proceed with a truly mixed use project that retained all existing structures. He explained that the property containing the existing office buildings and sheds had been conveyed to different ownership and are not part of the project. Mr. Boud concluded by asking the Commission for their questions and comments on the proposal. Commission Comments: . Asked for clarification re the parking off Crown Terrace. . Asked if the floor area ratio would be adequate for the lots. . Asked for clarification on access to the garages for the units. . Questioned why the upper level of the parking structure was not extended out further to gain more parking. Mr. Boud replied that they wanted to keep the massing the same and did not want the building to look like a parking garage. . Asked if the studios end up as the inclusionary housing units. . Asked if a shared parking agreement would be executed between the commercial and residential properties. Mr. Boud replied that this would be worked out before final application. . Asked if the proposed abandonm~nt of Le Point Street along the property frontage would be in the City's best interest. . The project could.end up with three accesses. Chair Guthrie stated that even though this was not a Public Hearing item he would open the hearing to the public. Chuck Fellows, 202 Canyon Way, asked where the remnant of the railroad as mentioned in the EIR was and if a provision could be made to point this out. Chair Guthrie closed the public comment. Further Commission Comments: Fowler: . Appreciated the efforts that had been made to change and meet codes and address requests and she looked forward to this mixed use proposal in the Village and the repair of "Hilde's house" to enhance that area. Arnold: . Agreed with all Commissioner Fowler's comments. . If the alternative driveway location had to be used he would be concerned with having three driveways so close to one another. -~ PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 5 DRAFT MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 17, 2004 . He would be open to the abandonment of Le Point with inclusion of a pedestrian crossing. . He would be open to a bridge for vehicle access, although he did not see this happening. . Overall he liked the project, but he would like to see more commercial building separating the residential. Keen: . He asked Public Works to comment on the proposed brigge and street abandonment and what it would cost to build a bridge across the creek. Victor Devens, Public Works: . The Public Works Engineer is not in favor of the street abandonment. The City would still require a public utility easement which means that construction over it would be restricted. . The cost to build a bridge would be high and the environmental constraints would be problematic. Keen: . He did like the idea of the street abandonment and stated a number of reasons. . He thought the developers had done a wonderful job on trying to meet everyone's concerns on this new proposal even though he had also approved of the previous proposal. Guthrie: . Thought this a very good mixed use project and creative use of this space and slope; having the residential use on the backside made a lot of sense. Duane DeBlauw, DeBlauw Builders. . If access does not become available on the site he was not sure two accesses in the commercial area would be absolutely necessary; we would still have a functioning parking area with the ingress and egress still going out of the driveway. 7:20 p,m, IV,A REVISED DRAFT SUBSEQUENT EIR FOR VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CASE NO. 01-001 (TRACT IMP 1118); APPLICANT -CASTLEROCK DEVELOPMENT; LOCATION' - JAIIEI WAY AND LA CANADA, Chair Guthrie stated that the consultants were not present; they had not had time to respond to public comments and were not ready for the public hearing. He requested that any public wishing to comment should wait until the public hearing at the next meeting of March 2, 2004, unless they would be unable to attend that meeting. Chair Guthrie then opened the hearing for public comment and hearing none closed it. Community Development Director, Rob Strong stated that the meeting would be duly advertised,. noticed and therefore need not be continued. --.---- . ATTACHM&NT 5 \ \ ! \ ,\\ IH ~~ ~ i ~n i ~:\ ~1 ~ i ~\" i\i\D \\1 PP \ Iii PII PP \\ P t \ \ , ,! i ~ \ . I \1 I II 'II II '11"'{ ! ! ~ { I \ i ~ i ~ I i I i \ I i. II ....\ I ..\..1' i ' , t 1;\ _ ..... ... .u i - , ' . 0 1 I' i lilt II III! I"IIU! \ ~ i i ; 'Ii I II '. II iI! in~ i 1 I i I. .~ vt V I V[ ;2 , I! d I ~ \~- :-- ----------------1 . ------ -- \ ; f]j (f) , ~. " =4 . T ,-.. \ I . I ' m . \ \ "0 0 r . , ! i > .. ""-. Z . -+---- in \ \ \ \ II ~ . . . ---------- . -- - - ..... .... ....-- .:..:'~ ~ - \ "''- I~ I .<; , I .', . " ./ \ ' ,-< ..........,. .,- \ " \ \ i - " . . .."'!- ,.~-_.__... .-~-_..~- . , \ i i I .. D8. II~' L.L.C. THE CREEKSIDE COMPLEX -., ..".0....-..... ............. CA__ -- A Mixed use Planned ~' 4'\1 E. Branch Street ' ArrOYO G....... CA -------------.----.. ~..._-~-- . . I , . 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THE CREEKSIDE COMPLEX ---, I 41'.~"'" --~ ........... CA.... -- A Mixed Use Planned Development' 415 E. Branch Street 'AmrfO Grande, CA -~ --- ~