Agenda Packet 2004-05-25 CITY COUNCIL Ctt! of AGENDA ArrOlo Grancle Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Sandy Lubin Mayor Pro Tem Steven Adams City Manager Thomas A. Runels Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Jim Dickens Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Joe Costello Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, MAY 25,2004 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1, CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P,M, 2, ROLL CALL: COUNCIURDA 3, FLAG SALUTE: ROTARY CLUB OF ARROYO GRANDE 4, INVOCATION: PASTOR ROBERT BANKER, OPEN DOOR CHURCH, OCEANO 5, SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. 6, AGENDA REVIEW: 6.a. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. - --- -~-_. -...--. _ _ ______.__~._..J AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 2 7, COMMUNITY COMME~TS AND SUGGESTIO~~: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: . Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. . A Council Member may state a desire 10 meet with you. . It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: . Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. . Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. . Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted, 8, CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cast) Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approve the listings of cash disbursements for the period May 1, 2004 - May 15, 2004, 8.b. Consideration of Confirmation of Assessmen" (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Resolution confirming landscaping assessments of forty dollars ($40) for all parcels within Tract 1158; and, 2) Adopt Resolution confirming landscaping and lighting assessments of one hundred dollars ($100) for all parcels within Tract 1769, 8.c. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2094-05 AD~roDri.'lon Limit (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution establishing the appropriation limit from tax proceeds for Fiscal Year 2004-05, 8.d. Consideration of ADDroval-~f Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of May 11, 2004 ---. ---..--........-."-.- ........._ _.___.. J AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 3 8, CONSENT AGENDA (continued}: 8.e. Consideration of Authorization to Solicit ProDOsals for Environmental Services for Creek Cleanlna Work (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Authorize the solicitation of proposals for environmental services to be provided in conjunction with cleaning the creeks. 8.1. Cons~deration of Dlsadvantfaed B~slness E,.terDrise (DSE) Proaram for FederaJ Flecal Year (f:FY) 3~ (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the submittal of the FFY 2004/05 DBE Program with "proposed" Overall Annual DBE Goal and submit to Caltrans by June . 1, 2004; 2) Direct the Director of Administrative Services to publish a public notice in the local media in accordance with Section XIV of the Program; and, 3) Direct staff to return to the Council with a summary of public comments and approval to submit the FFY 2004/05 DBE Program with "established" Overall Annual DBE Goal to Caltrans . by September 1, 2004. 8.g. Consideration of AcceDtance of tf1e Crown "ill Sewer LIninG Pro~. PW 2003- gA (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) . Accept the project improvements, as constructed by Sancon Technologies, Inc., in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Crown Hill Sewer Lining Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and, 3) Authorize release of retention of $6,823,85, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.h. Consideration of Authprlzatlon to Use Gat( Pro98rtv. CIQ,eC~ SIN,.. and Wa,vePerm,t Fees and. Pwtlon of Pgllce ~ F.,. for .. ~ /tfrovo Vallev ~'. Choice Gar Show on JJlI~~11 ~ TemDOrarv u.......... No, ~05 (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the use of City property, closure of City streets, and waiver of permit fees and a portion of police service fees for the Annual Arroyo Valley People's Choice Car Show on July 31, 2004. 9, PUBLI~ HEARIN~~: 9.a. Consideration of Amend,,~ Con~itional Use perml~ Case No. tl-:II1 ., A4Ism flnancl" .In,tltyJlon to OccuQV B~IIJalna "~" of ~ ~Ive caa. IhoDDipa Center: 911IJapcho Parkway: Wen. F8fJlo _k (STRONG) Recommended Action: The Planning Commission recommends the Council adopt a Resolution approving the proposed project. 10, CONTINUED BUSI~ESS: 10.a. Consideration of the ArrOYO Grande Creek Habitat Conservation PI~n (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Review and provide input regarding the Arroyo Grande Creek Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). ..~---._- -- AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 4 11, NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of a CooD8rative Fire. Services Aareement witb "e City of Grover Beach and the Reoraanlzatlon of Code Enforcement (FIBICH) Recommended Action: Accept and conceptually approve entering into a cooperative agreement that will allow the sharing of the Fire Chiefs. and the Administrative Captain's functions and reorganize the Code Enforcement function into the Department of Building and Fire. 11.b. Consideration of Third Quarter Budaet Stiltus lJeDort [COUNCIURDA] (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: 1) Approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations as shown on Schedule B; and, 2) Approve Schedules A through E I included in the Third Quarter Budget Status Report, 11.c. Consideration of Ten Year Financial Plan. Phase HI (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive, provide comments, and accept the Ten Year Financial Plan, Phase III - Future Needs and Objectives. 11.d. ~~~~~~~::f~t~~-=~~ 11.2). ((1Jv Of Arrovo Gra,. ~~nt\ (STRONG) Recommended Action: Provide direction to staff regarding potential initiation of public hearings to consider a General Plan Amendment, for an approximately 53 acre property located on the southeast side of Noyes Road at the northwest edge of the City limits, currently designated Low Density Residential and Conservation/Open Space Planned Development. 12, ~TY COUtjgL REPQRTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR TONY M. FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA) (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) (4) Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM SANDY LUBIN: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (3) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (c) COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (3) Other ------------- --- -.----.--.p. -- AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 5 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (continued): (d) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1) South County Youth Coalition (2) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (1) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (2) Other 13, CITY COUNCIL MEM'ER ITillll: The following item{s) are placed on the agenda by the Mayor and/or a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken, a) None. 14, CITY MANAGeR IJe..,~: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the. Council. No formal action can be taken. a) None. 15, COUNCIL COM~VNICATIO~~: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 16, STAFF COM"UNICATION~: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 17, COMMUNITY CQr.tMENT~ AND JUGGE'TIQN~: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. . The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 18, ADJOURNMENT in memory of Pfc. Michelangelo Mora. - AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 6 +++++++++++ All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the Administrative Services Department and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested. the agenda shall be made available in ~pproprlate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with DisabUities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805- 473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. +++++++++++ Note: This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. www,arroyogrande,org ~--_._..- --.-----------.. ---- -_._--~- 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES~ BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR qf SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TIFICA TION DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period May 1-May 15, 2004. FUNDING: There is a $747,718.98 fiscal impact. All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendation; . Do not approve staffs recommendation; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing Attachment 2 - May 7, 2004 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 3 - May 7, 2004 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 4 - May 14, 2004 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 5 - May 14, 2004, Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks Register S:\FINANClAL SERVICES\Accounts Payable Information\ Cash Disbursement Memo.doc - , CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - Administrative Services Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121- Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Funds 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4140 - Management Information System 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd 271) 4145 - Non Departmental 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring (Fd 274) Public Safety (Fund 010) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) 4201 - Police Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4211 - Fire 4103 - Redevelopment Administration 4212 - Building & Safety ENTERPRISE FUNDS Public Works (Fund 010) Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 6(0) 4304 - Street lighting 4710 - Water Admj.nistration 4305 - Automotive Shop . 4711- Water Production Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4712 - Water Distribution 4420 - Parks Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4421 - Recreation 4750 - Lopez Administration 4422 - General Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 350) 4423 - Pre-School Program 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4426 -Five Cities Youth Basketball 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance S:\FINANOAL SERVICFS\Accounts Payable Information\ Cash Disbursement Memo.doc ----------~----~._--- --'-'-0.....__..,,___ - , AITACHMENT1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS ?7M de 'Pef1i44 o/1It4, 1 7~ 1It4, 15, 2004 May 25, 2004 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period May 1 to May 15, 2004. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. May '1, 2004 Accounts Payable Cks 115480 2 $ 5,452.34 Accounts Payable Cks 115494-115597 3 249,286.% 254,739.30 May 14, 2004 Accounts Payable Cks 115598-115662 4 131,223.35 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 5 361,756.33 492,979.68 Two Weeks Total S 747.718.98 U:\ winword\ CITY COUNCIL FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT SCHED.doc .-------- ,. ~...._.-----~------ -- .... 1: (t) 10 V m 0 N 0 0 0 N V CO ..... ~ ~ <o:S:..... ~ cq. ~ ~ ~ ~ It:! ~ ~ o ,.... N NeoN ,.... moo CO ..... CO E (t) v CO V CO CO N 10,.... 10 0 ~ .......... 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UII) CII ~ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... >0 m ATTACHMENT 5 ::200"4 ... , Q CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 04/23/04 - 05/06/04 05/14/04 FUND 010 325,992.93 Salaries Full time 188,774.44 FUND 220 16,085.43 Salaries Part-Time - PPT 25,158.16 FUND 284 922.18 Salaries Part-Time - TPT 4,537.82 FUND 612 5,498.14 Salaries OverTime 14,546.96 FUND 640 13,257.65 Salaries Standby 386.89 361,756.33 Holiday Pay 7,239.95 Sick Pay 3,547.95 Annual Leave Buyback - Vacation Buyback - Sick Leave Buyback - Vacation Pay 6,405.68 Comp Pay 6,473.19 Annual Leave Pay 1,539.98 PERS Retirement 38,491.10 Social Security 18,831.43 PARS Retirement 270.14 State Disability Ins. 1,175.49 Deferred Compensation 725.00 Health Insurance 36,489.36 Dental Insurance 4,439.28 Vision Insurance 1,000.73 Life Insurance 747.78 Long Term Disability - Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 875.00 Council Expense - Employee Assistance - Boot Allowance .- Motor Pay 100.00 - 361,756.33 - ~--<-'- I.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENTS DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Adopt a resolution confirming landscaping assessments of forty dollars ($40) for all parcels within Tract 1158; . Adopt a.resolution confirming landscaping and lighting assessments of one hundred dollars ($100) for all parcels within Tract 1769; . FUNDING: San Luis Obispo County charges two dollars ($2) per assessment to collect the assessments on the tax roll, which is paid by the lot owners as part of the assessment. Therefore, there is. no fiscal impact to the City. DISCUSSION: On June 9, 1992, Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 was created to provide landscaping and lighting improvement and maintenance for Tract 1769. The annual assessment was $100 per parcel located within Tract 1769 (a total of $3,000). The Tract 1769 landscaping and lighting assessment must be confirmed each year. On May 28, 1996, at the request of the homeowners within Tract 1158, the City agreed to provide landscaping and related maintenance to a portion of the greenbelt and appurtenances located on Oak Park Boulevard for the benefit of parcels located within Tract 1158. The City Council and parcel owners agreed to an annual $40 per parcel City charge (for a total of $2,800) for this service. The Tract 1769 landscaping and lighting assessment and the Tract 1158 landscape maintenance charge will be added to the tax roll of the affected property owners and collected by the San Luis Obispo County Tax Collector. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENTS MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 2 AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for the City Council's consideration: - Approve staff recommendation; - Do not approve staff recommendation; - Modify staff recommendation and approve; - Provide direction to staff. -"- -- ._---~--~.- - ---- ---.._--- I ---------------- --...-- _.~-' RESOLUTION NO, - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONFIRMING A LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, on June 9, 1992, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ordered the formation of Arroyo Grande Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No, 1, within Tract 1769, containing 30 single-family homesites .located at Farroll Avenue and Oak Park Boulevard; and, WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande to levy assessments totaling $3,000 ($100 per assessable parcel) for Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No, 1 for the Fiscal Year 2004-05; and, WHEREAS, the proposed assessment complies with the provisions of Proposition 218, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande .as follows: 1. That the above recitals are true and correct, 2. That the assessments shown on Exhibit nAil, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are confirmed as true and correct, 3. Immediately after adoption, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be filed with the County Auditor, 4, The assessment shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as County taxes are collected, and all laws providing for the collection and enforcement of County taxes shall apply to the collection and enforcement of the assessments, After collection by the County, the new amount of the assessments, after deducting compensation due the County for collection, shall be paid to the City, On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2004, --.~-~-_.__.__..._---_._._.- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 2 TONY M, FERRA~, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! . DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER' APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J, CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY -~--_.._--- ------ EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT - TRACT 1769 FISCAL YR APN NO. FUND NO. AMT 200405 077253013 1765 01 100 200405 077253002 1765 01 100 200405 077253027 1765 . 01 100 200405 077253007 1765 01 100 200405 077253017 1765 01 100 200405 077253019 1765 01 100 200405 077253014 1765 01 100 200405 077253028 1765 01 100 200405 077253026 1765 01 100 200405 077253020 1765 01 100 200405 077253008 1765 01 100 200405 077253021 1765 01 100 200405 077253023 1765 01 100 200405 077253010 1765 01 100 200405 077253006 1765 01 100 200405 077253018 1765 01 100 200405 077253004 1765 01 100 200405 077253003 1765 01 100 200405 077253009 1765 01 100 200405 077253001 1765 01 100 200405 077253022 1765 01 100 200405 077253024 1765 01 100 200405 077253030 1765 01 100 200405 077253005 1765 01 100 200405 077253015 1765 01 100 200405 077253012 1765 01 10Q 200405 077253029 1765 01 100 200405 077253016 1765 01 100 200405 077253025 1765 01 100 200405 077253011 1765 01 100 3000 AG1764&1765 - ---..-- ~---_.~.__.--~-,--- - ----,----..------..-...--- RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONFIRMING A LANDSCAPING ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, on May .28, 1996, the Arroyo Grande City Council approved an Amendment to Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Tract 1158 (Oak Park Villas) whereby the City of Arroyo Grande agreed to provide certain specified landsc~ping and related maintenance 011 real property located along Oak Park Boulevard adjaGei1t to Tract 1158, Arroyo Grande, California, which maintenance was previously provided by the homeowners in Tract 11 58 and administered by the Oak Park Villas Homeowners Association; and, WHEREAS, the owners of Lots 1 through 70, Tract 1158, agreed to pay an annual assessment of $40 per property in exchange for the City's agreement to provide said maintenance services; and, WHEREAS, the City Council may reduce the agreed upon $40 annual assessment when such a reduction is deemed appropriate; and WHEREAS, the proposed assessment complies with the provisions of Proposition 218, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1, That the above recitals are true and correct, 2, That the assessments for the current fiscal year shown on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are confirmed as true and correct, 3, Immediately after adoption, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be filed with the County Auditor, 4, The assessment shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as County taxes are collected, and all laws providing for the collection and enforcement of County taxes shall apply to the collection and enforcement of the assessments, After coilection by the County, the new amount of the assessments,' after deducting compensation due the County for collection, shall be paid to the City, On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this _ day of , 2004 ~---~- - RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 2 TONY M, FERRA~, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR.1 . DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER' APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY --- EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT - TRACT 1158 FISCAL YR APN NO. FUND NO, AMT 200405. 007773028 1764 01 40 200405 . 007773020 1764 01 40 200405 007773021 1764 01 40 200405 007773022 1764 01 40 200405 007773023 1764 01 40 . 200405 . 007773024 1764 01 40 200405 007773025 1764 01 40 200405 007773001 1764 01 40 200405 007773027 1764 01 40 200405 007773017 1764 01 40 200405 007773029 1764 01 40 200405 007773030 1764 01 40 200405 007773031 1764 01 40 200405 007773032 1764 01 40 200405 007773033 1764 01 .40 200405 007773034 1764 01 40 200405 007773026 1764 01 40 200405 007773010 1764 01 40 200405 007773002 1764 01 ~ 40 200405 007773003 1764 01 40 200405 007773004 1764 01 40 200405 007773005 1764 01 40 200405 007773006 1764 01 40 200405 007773007 1764 01 40 200405 007773019 1764 01 40 200405 007773009 1764 01 40 200405 007773018 1764 01 40 200405 007773011 1764 01 40 200405 007773012 1764 01 40 200405 007773013 1764 01 40 200405 007773014 1764 01 40 200405 007773015 1764 01 40 200405 007773016 1764 01 40 200405 007773037 1764 01 40 200405 007773008 1764 01 40 200405 007774023 1764 01 40 200405 . 007774015 1764 01 40 200405 007774016 1764 01 40 200405 007774017 1764 01 40 . 200405 007774018 1764 01 40 200405 007774019 1764 01 40 200405 007774020 1764 01 40 200405 007773035 1764 01 40 200405 007774022 1764 01 40 200405 007774012 1764 01 40 200405 007774024 1764 01 40 AG1764&1765 I ------., 200405 007774025 1764 01 40 200405 007774026 1764 01 40 200405 007774027 1764 01 40 200405 007774028 1764 01 40 200405 007774030 1764 01 40 200405 007774021 1764 01 40 200405 007774004 1764 01 40 200405 007774029 1764 01 40 200405 007773038 1764 01 40 200405 007773039 1764 01 40 200405 007773040 1764 01 40 200405 007773041 1764 01 40 200405 007774001 1764 01 40 200405 007774014 1764 01 40 200405 007774003 1764 01 40 200405 007774013 1764 01 40 200405 007774005 1764 01 40 200405 007774006 1764 01 40 200405 007774007 . 1764 01 40 200405 007774008 1764 01 40 200405 007774009 1764 01 40 200405 007774011 1764 01 40 200405 007773036 1764 01 40 200405 007774002 1764 01 40 2800 AG1764&1765 --~~--_.- I.c. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 APPROPRIATION LIMIT DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Resolution establishing the appropriation limit from tax proceeds for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact with the adoption of the attached Resolution. DISCUSSION: Annually, the City is required to calculate the expenditure appropriation limit from tax proceeds to determine compliance with Propositions 4 (Gann Initiative) and 111 (Spending Limitation Act of 1990). This calculation is based on the previous year's appropriation limit ($13,219,091) multiplied by the per capita personal income percentage increase (3.28%) and multiplied again by the population percentage change (1.0036%). The State Department of Finance provides both the population change and the per capita personal income change for the previous fiscal year. The City is responsible for dividing Citywide revenues between tax and non-tax revenue, and applying the formula to the cumulative appropriation limit. For Fiscal Year 2004-2005 the appropriation limit has been calculated to be $13,701,431. This calculation means that the City cannot receive more than $13,701,431 in tax-based revenues in Fiscal Year 2004-2005. The estimated tax-based revenues for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 have been calculated to be $9,457,427, over $4 million less than the appropriation limit. Therefore, the City is in compliance with Article xllla of the California Constitution. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for the City Council's consideration: - Approve staff recommendation; - Do not approve staff recommendation; - Modify staff recommendation and approve; - Provide direction to staff. ---~---- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 APPROPRIATION LIMIT MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 2 Attachments: A. Calculation of Appropriation Limit From Tax Proceeds B. Categorization of Estimated Revenue ---_._-_._---~- " ~- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A TAX PROCEEDS EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 I BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande. that the Fiscal Year 2004-05 expenditur~ appropriation limit from tax proceeds is $13,701,431, in accordance with Article XIIIB of the California Constitution (Prop.4, SB1352). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this year's calculation is to include the percentage change in California per capita personal income, rather than the percentage change in the local assessment roll due to the addition of non- residential new construction, as the price factor. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of May 2004. -_....__._~. ------. RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 2 TONY M, FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J, CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY I i -----------~ I - ------______.-1 ATTACHMENT A - 00 \0.-1 t"- 0\ N ('f') tf) N o ('f') 0 ~ ~ " 0 0 '" '" 0\ . ..-1 t"- - - - C I() N t"- ~ ~ ~ ~ - .-I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t3 II \I a ~ ~ 0 '#. 8 ~ 0 'I:t- ~~ ':;' 0 ~ + 0 ~~ 0 'I:t 00 ZC '#...... ,....; ~..... ~~ 00 t-- -~ N ~ rlol ~ ~ ('f') C'f') 0 ~~8 ~ O ...... N ~ ~~ 0 I() U > ~ -<.~ e ~ o ~ ~ ~ II" IoiD =~~ ('f') ~ ~ -< ~ ~ ~ =: : ~ C3 ""'.9 -< S ~ C,) N('f') ('f') o ~ 0 ,~ 00 N N ~ - ""' ...... ~ ~ 0\ 0\ ~ >~ ~ ..o..o~ ~ \0" ~ ~ ~~ ~ -"7"'" ~ ~ u ~ -5 00 ~ ~ .... .. S Q ~ a 's ~ =: Ii5I .. E::: ;::: ~ 0 Ii5I i! ~ 9 5 0 ~ U~ ::::5 8'~ (1)0 0 f: ~z \..) O'J::: 8 '.0:1 '.0:1 ~ ~ 0 ~ N p., om m;::;;l t:! ~ '"' 0 C,)M ~ ~ I()~ U cS IS. ..s.9 .9 i-< .... p. _~.. ~ Z ~ ..... cd cd 0 <I) 0 0 ;Ii .S <I) 5 ..... ~ .;; .. N ~ d oS ~. t .a ~ ~ ~ Q =: .9 $' & ~ u ~ ('f') ~ ~ ~ Ii5I ~ .... _ ., 0 .... 0 O..c::: 0 ;Ii ~ ~ I .m .... S U 0 0 U U ~ :..I t:: .2..... '.0:1 N N 0 ~ p. "S. ~ cd N ~ ; 2 '.0:1 U 'S ~.. ~ ~ ~! ~ ~ I _..~_~____~___~_..~__ _n ._~~._ ~ ATTACHMENT B CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CATEGORIZATION OF ESTIMATED REVENUE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004-05 Proceeds Non Proceeds Revenue Sources From Taxes From Taxes Taxes Property Tax 2,918,800 Sales Tax 3,548,000 Sales Tax-Safety 90,300 Transient Occupancy Tax 454,300 Business License Tax 78,200 Other Taxes 523,800 Licenses and Permits Building Dept. Permits 361,300 Other Licenses and Permits 56,060 Fines M.V. Code Fines 130,450 Local OrdinancelParking 49,550 Use ofPropertv Rent 146,650 NSF FeeslCr.Bur.Coll. 400 Aid From Other Gov't Agencies M.V. License Fees 1,057,950 Homeowners Prop. tax Relief 39,200 P.D.S.T. Reimb. 37,500 Other Subventions 153,000 P.D.Officer Grant/Sharing 33,600 Gas Tax 371,850 Streets Revenues 295,250 Charges For Current Services Community Development Fees 120,100 Safety Impact Fees 110,850 Recreation Program Fees 545,700 Sewer Utility Billings 583,600 Park Development Fees 71,300 Landscape District Assessment 5,900 Traffic Signal Assessment 31,200 Traffic Circulation. Assessment 1,400 Transportation Facility Impact 66,500 Water Neutralization Impact Fees 247,600 In-lieu Affordable Housing 236,200 Other Current Services 21,100 --~--~- ----- -,-~.-----'---~ ~-"'-'~"--- ----- -.------ - - ----- -------- ATTACHMENT B CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CATEGORIZATION OF ESTIMATED REVENUE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004-05 Proceeds Non Proceeds Revenue Sources From Taxes From Taxes Charrzes For Current Services Sewer Facility Charges 76,150 Hydrant Water 3,650 Water Utility Billings 1,593,500 Meter Installations 19,300 Lopez Water Avail.Charges 140,500 Lopez Utility Billings 2,195,150 Water Distrib/Main Charges 95,350 Taxi Coupon Sales 15,900 Assessments-Parking District 10,600 Other Revenue Expenditure Recovery 214,650 Miscellaneous 3,700 Other Revenue 46,450 Total Revenue, Not Including Interest 9,287,350 7,515,160 Interest Percentage 55.27% 44.73% Interest % Applied 170,077 137,623 Total Revenue, Including Interest 9,457,427 7,652,783 Grand Total Budget City Revenue 17,110,210 B.d. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 11,2004 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215. EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1, CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2, ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Runels, Dickens, Costello, Mayor Pro Tem Lubin, and Mayor Ferrara were. present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams, City Attomey Carmel, Director of Administrative Services Wetmore, Director of Financial Services Snodgrass, Director of Public Works Spagnolo, Community Development Director Strong, Assistant Planner Jim Bergman, Assistant Planner Foster, and Associate Civil Engineer Thomas Korman. 3, FLAG SALUTE Homer Clees, representing Knights of Columbus, led the Flag Salute. 4, INVOCATION Pastor George Lepper, Peace Lutheran Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. 5, SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5,a. Proclamation Recognizing Adam Wilke, Band Director and the Arroyo Grande High School Marching Band and Color Guard, Mayor Ferrara presented an Honorary Proclamation to Adam Wilke, Band Director, and the Arroyo Grande High School Marching Band and Color Guard for their outstanding skUl and dedication, and for bringing immense pride and esteem to the community. 5.b, Proclamation Recognizing National Public Works Week, May 16-22, 2004. Mayor Fc,rrara presented an Honorary Proclamation proclaiming the week of May 16 - May 22, 2004 as -National Public Works Week- in the City of Arroyo Grande. Director of Public Works Spagnolo accepted the Proclamation. 5.c, Proclamation Recognizing Police Memorial Week, May 9-15, 2004. Mayor Ferrara presented an Honorary Proclamation proclaiming the week of May 9-15, 2004 as -National Police Week- and May 10, 2004 and -Peace Officers Memorial Day" in the City of Arroyo Grande. Police Commander Steve Andrews accepted the Proclamation. 6, AGENDA REVIEW 6,a, Resolutions and Ordinances Read In Title Only Council Members Dickens moved, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. ---_._._--_._~-~-_._-_._----- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 2004 PAGE 2 7, CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS None. 8, CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Dickens moved, and Council Member Runels seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.1., with the recommended courses of action. The motion carried unanimously on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8,a, Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Approved the listing of cash disbursements for the period April 16, 2004 through April 30, 2004. 8.b, Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of April 30, 2004. 8,c, Consideration of Approval of Minutes, Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of April 13, 2004, and the Special and Regular City Council Meetings of April 27, 2004 as submitted. 8,d, Consideration to Accept Easements and Improvements for Tract 2240 - Villas Blancas, Action: 1) Accepted the public improvements for Tract 2240 as constructed; 2) Adopted Resolution No. 3742 accepting the following offers of dedication shown on the final tract map: street tree easements, public water easements, and public sewer easements; 3) Authorized the release of the existing cash securities with the City in the amount of $1,376.40; and, 4) Accepted the 10% warranty security in the amount of $18,926.90. 8,e, Consideration of Modification to the Salary Range and Title for the Chief Building Inspector Position and Salary Range for Facility Coordinator Position, Action: Adopted Resolution No, 3743 to modify the salary range and title for the Chief Building . Inspector position and the salary range for the Facility Coordinator position. 8,f, Consideration of Designation of Voting Delegate and Alternate Voting. Delegate for a Special Meeting of the League of Callfomla General Assembly on May 13, 2004. Action: Appointed Mayor Pro Tern Lubin as the voting delegate and the City Manager as the alternate voting delegate. 9, PUBLIC HEJ\RINGS 9,a, Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of Appeal of Approval of Plot Plan Review Case No, 04-002; Tried and True Tattoo; 1037 East Grand Avenue, Assistant Planner Bergman presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution upholding the appeal and modifying the Planning Commission's approval of Plot Plan Review Case No. 04-002. He responded to questions from Council regarding the findings and conditions of approval. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 2004 PAGE 3 Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Robert Pesina, co-applicant, read and submitted a letter for the record, which also included documentation of his membership in the Alliance of Professional Tattooists and an Award of Completion for completion of the APT, Inc. Seminar for Preventing Disease Transmission in Tattooing (on file in the Administrative Services Department). He concluded by stating that they are willing to conform to rules and regulations provided by the State and local health department. Garv Ellsworth, applicant, stated that he was more than willing to meet the conditions of approval; however. he requested a grace period be established for meeting the parking requirements in order to have time to generate revenue upon opening the business for completing the improvements. He stated that all businesses have risks and his goal was to minimize the risks. He stated that he was committed to following the model guidelines. Dr. Lvn Savre, periodontist, spoke in opposition. Shannon Nelson spoke in support of the application. SteDhanie Painter, commented that all measures should be required to ensure the business is safe. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Mayor Ferrara stated that some, not all, of his concerns have been addressed. He stated that health risks are the primary issue, specifically as it relates to the transmission of Hepatitis C. and expressed concerns for the youth; that this was a risk he was not willing to promote in this community; for the financial instability of the applicant as it relates to complying with the parking requirements; and for the City's liability exposure. He also expressed concerns about the County Environmental Health Department being the enforcement agency for the Model Program. Mayor Ferrara stated he could not make the finding that this would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare; and he could not support the application. Council Member Runels stated that there were risks, however, he stated that if the applicant could comply with the conditions of approval, those risks were adequately addressed. He stated he would rather see a business .where the City could regulate it. He supported approval of the application. Council Member Dickens expressed concerns that tattooing is not. a regulated industry; expressed concems about the County Environmental Health Department as the regulatory agency; and requested that the applicant submit a revised plot plan. He agreed that there were health risks involved and expressed concems that the State had not moved forward with implementing the Model Program in its entirety. He also expressed concemsabout City staff's ability to find the time and funding to implement the Model Program. He stated it was difficult to support the findings; commented that this was not consistent with the Economic Development Element and would inhibit the City's Redevelopment Strategy. He did not support approval of the application. Council Member Costello inquired whether there were provisions in the Model Program for ongoing continuing education. He proposed adding provisions to require continuing education and increasing the inspections to twice per year. In response to a question regarding parking requirements. Director Strong described the existing parking situation as --_...--~-_.- - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 2004 PAGE 4 legally non-conforming with 18 spaces. Council Member Costello stated there was no question about potential health and safety concems; however,by requiring compliance with the Model Program or National Environmental Health Association Body Art Model Code and Guidelines with more inspections, the City is reducing the risks to an acceptable level. He stated he could support the application. In response to additional parking questions by Mayor Pro Tem Lubin, Director Strong estimated the cost for providing additional parking, and stated that a Performance Bond should be required should the Council allow the applicant additional time to improve the parking. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin stated there were risks in any business and that it was important to recognize that most new businesses have a cash flow problem. He stated that regulation is important and with the proposed monitoring and enforcement program, the City could show how it can be done. He agreed with the continuing education requirement and stated that during the first two years there should be a minimum of two inspections per year in addition to the pre-opening inspection. He also suggested th~t COpies of all inspection reports be submitted to the City Council on an ongoing basis. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin concluded by supporting the application with the proposed modifications. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara stressed the importance of compliance, monitoring, and enforcement and stated that the doors should not open until all conditions of approval had been met. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE UPHOLDING THE APPEAL AND MODIFYING THE PLANNIN.G COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF PLOT PLAN RElEW CASE NO, 04-002; LOCATED AT 1037 EAST GRAND AVENUE, APPUED FOR BY GARY ELLSWORTH., with modifications to Exhibit · A., #5 to require compliance of parking requirements within 90 days of opening the business; adding #11 to provide two inspections per year with copies of inspection reports to Council; and adding #12 to require all tattoo artists/operators to complete annually six hours of continuing education in the area of preventing disease transmission in tattooing, offered through the Alliance of Professional Tattooists or an accredited medical or equivalent association approved by the City Manager, Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Runels, Costello NOES: Dickens, Ferrara ABSENT: None There being 3 A YES and 2 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9,b. Consideration of Appeal of Planning Commission Denial - Variance Case No. 04-002; Samuel GlIstrap,and Modification of Paseo Street Design Standards. Assistant Planner Foster presented the staff report and recommended the Council 1) Adopt Resolution to deny the appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of Variance 04-002; or 2) Adopt Resolution to uphold the appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of Variance 04- 002, thereby approving Variance 04-002 and instruct the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Exemption; and 3) Adopt Resolution to amend the Paseo Street Design Standards. Assistant Planner Foster responded to questions from Council regarding Fire Department access, clarification of the vanance request, alternative setback options, existing easements, development of a water line, and modification of the Paseo Street Design. ----- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 2004 PAGE 5 Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Sam GilstraD. appellant, gave a brief overview of the project and spoke in favor of the variance application. Brett Prawitt, May Street, spoke in support of the applicant's variance application. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council Member Costello commented on the unique circumstances of the site and stated this was the most reasonable, least intrusive solution. He supported the proposed setback, supported the variance, supported staff's recommendation as it related to the water line, and supported modification of the Paseo Street Design Standards. Council Member Runels supported the variance request and commented that it was a very difficult lot configuration. He stat~ it was advantageous to put in the utilities all at once. Council Member Dickens commented on the inadequate infrastructure in the area to support development. He stated that Phase 1 conditions had not been met; there is a substandard road that is a private driveway; and felt that it was important to put infrastructure in place before development occurs. He supported the request for the variance; however, he opposed the elimination of the condition for providing through access from Highway 227 to Paseo Street. He stated that the Phase I property owners should be brought into compliance with Phase I as it relates'to the Paseo Street Design Standards. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin inquired whether the Paseo Street Design Standards, #1, could be modified as there was no potential for widening the street. He stated he could not support opening up the area for through traffic from 227. He supported all other proposed modifications to the Design Standards, supported the variance request, and requested that condition #1 in the Design Standards be modified to maintain a 12-foot wide paved private drive. Mayor Ferrara stated he did not see any way to widen the street without encroaching on the lots. He supported the appeal. Council Member Costello moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE UPHOLDING THE APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF VARIANCE 04-002 AND APPROVING VARIANCE 04-002; PAS EO STREET, LOT 24; APPLIED FOR BY SAMUEL GILSTRAP". Mayor Pro Tem Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. --~.~.._-----_... CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 2004 PAGE 6 Council Member Costello moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE PAlEO STREET DESIGN STANDARDS; PASEO STREET, as amended to modify Exhibit A, #1, as follows: "Minimum 12 feet wide paved private drive from Highway 227 to the west end of Lot 18". Mayor Pro Tem Lubin seconded the motion. Council Member Dickens posed questions and offered additional comments regarding circulation, land acquisition, liability, and related issues. On the following roll-call vote, as follows: AYES: Costello, Lubin, Runels, Ferrara NOES: Dickens ABSENT: None There being 4 A YES and 1 NO. the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 1 0, CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. Mayor Ferrara called for a break at 10:10 p.m, The Council reconvened at 10:15 p.m, 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a, Consideration of Participation In the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) Workers' Compensation Program. City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution declaring the City is, self-insuring and participating in the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) Workers' Compensation Program, He Introduced Pat France representative from CJPIA, who responded to questions from Council regarding the program. Coun,cil and staff discussion ensued regarding differences between the CJPIA liability , program and the worker's compensation program as it relates to the City's degree of control and decision making authority. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comment, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public comment period and brought the item back to, Council for Consideration. Council Member Dickens moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO AUTHORIZE AND APPROVE SELF-INSURANCE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION FOR ITS EMPLOYEES THROUGH THE SELF-INSURANCE AND LOSS POOUNG PROGRAM OF CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY". Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. _e'__ __ __ _____~_.__...__ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 2004 PAGE 7 11,b, Consideration of South County Area Transit (SCAT) Bus Route Proposal, M~yor Pro Tem Lubin clarified that he was not asking the Council to approve the additional route; he just requested that the Council be provided with financial information relating to the City. City Manager Adams presented the staff report and gave an overview of the estimated cost to the City of Arroyo Grande for the additional route for service 7 days a week. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin followed up on funding issues and reported there would be no impad on the City's budget. City Manager Adams introduced Mr. David Lilly from SCAT who would be available to respond to questions. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comment, and upon hearing none; he closed the public comment period and brought the item back to Council for consideration. Following Council questions and comments regarding increasing opportunities for public transportation, Mayor Pro Tem Lubin moved to authorize the SCAT representative to move forward with consideration of an additional bus route with service seven days a week. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11,c, Consideration to Authorize the Distribution of Proposals for project Approval and Environmental Determination (PA&ED) for Brisco Road-Halcyon Roadl Route 101 Interchange, Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report and recommended the Council authorize the distribution of a Request for Proposal for Project Approval and Environmental Determination (PA&ED) for the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road I Route 101 Interchange. He responded to questions from Council regarding funding for the project. He explained that staff would continue to negotiate with SlOCOG for the balance of funding for the projed or the funds would come from the City's Transportation Facility Fund. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comment, and upon hearing none; he closed the public comment period and brought the item back to Council for consideration. During Council comments, Mayor Pro Tem Lubin requested that staff provide the dollar amount the Five Cities Center developer was required to pay into the Transportation Facility Fund. Council Member Costello moved to authorize the distribution of a Request for Proposal for Project Approval and Environmental Determination .(PA&ED) for the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road I Route 101 Interchange. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: ~,._-- -------_._,- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 2004 PAGE 8 AYES: Costello, Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11,d, Consideration and Selection of a Design for the Traffic Way Bridge Rail Replacement. Director of Public Works Spagnolo introduced Associate Civil Engineer Thomas Korman. Associate Engineer Korman presented the staff report and gave an overview of the design options for the Traffic Way Bridge. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comment. Steve Ross, Arroyo Grande, commented that the Traffic Way Bridge is non-conforming and it would need to be widened in the future. He asked if this project moved forward, would the improvements have to be tom out. Director of Public Works Spagnolo responded that only one side of the bridge would eventually be widened and that he anticipated that project was far off into the future due to Caltrans funding issues. Hearing no further. public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public comment period and brought the item back to Council for consideration. Council Member Dickens moved to select the slump stone design pattem concept for the Traffic Way Bridge; direct staff to proceed with the design specifications and plans; and authorize the solicitation of construction bids. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby decl8red to be passed. 11,e, Consideration of Economic Development Strategy for Hotel/Motel Development on Highway 101 Corridor, Community Development Director Strong presented the staff report and recommended the Council discuss the proposals regarding an Economic Development Strategy for hotel/motel development along the 101 Corridor and provide direction for Development Code Amendment and implementation Mayor Ferrara suggested that this topic warranted a joint meeting with the Planning Commission. Following brief discussion, the Council concurred with the Mayor's suggestion. -~".._--- --.--..-..-....-,.,.--- ---'---"- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 2004 PAGE 9 Mayor Pro Tem Lubin moved to continue the item and to direct staff to schedule a Joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting to discuss the issue. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Dickens, Runels, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby dedared to be passed. 12, CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: a) Consideration and Discussion of Environmental Issues Regarding the Noyes Road Property (FERRARA) Mayor Ferrara requested, and the Council concurred, that an item be placed on the next City Council agenda to consider initiating a General Plan Amendment on the Noyes Road property . 13, CITY MANAGER ITEMS a) Request for letter of support for California Conservation Corps (CCC) City Manager Adams reported to the Council that the California Conservation Corps (CCC), Los Padres Camp, San Luis Obispo would not be closing; therefore, it would not be necessary to send a letter of support for CCC as previously requested by Mayor Ferrara. The Council concurred. 14, COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Dickens acknowledged Jim Bergman, who is an Assistant Planner for the City, for his participation in the 2004 Tractor Restoration Project. He stated that an article appeared in Farmer and Rancher magazine highlighting Mr. Bergman's work with Arroyo Grande High School students on a local tractor restoration project. He commended Mr. Bergman for his personal involvement with the project, which would result in the tractor being displayed in the South County Historical Society Museum/Barn. 15, STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 16, COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Steve Ross, Arroyo Grande, suggested that the City include the Williams/Frederick property in its long-term plan for hotel/motel development along the Highway 101 corridor. 17, ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjoumed the meeting at 11 :45 p.m. ---------~._._~ --..-- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 2004 PAGE 10 Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Servlcesl Deputy City Clerk (Approved at CC Meeting ) I ----, --..,~- ~._-'----"- ""-"-'~'--- --- ~--- 8.e. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE THE SOLICITATION OF PROPOSALS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED IN CONJUNCTION WITH CREEK CLEANING WORK DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the solicitation of proposals for environmental services to be provided in conjunction with cleaning the creeks. FUNDING: Funds for these services have be~n included in the FY 2004/05 budget. The total estimated cost is $18,000.00. DISCUSSION: The City cleans the major creeks prior to the rainy season, which starts on October 15th of each year. Vegetation and debris that may inhibit creek flow during the rainy season are removed in accordance with a 1601 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement with the California Department of Fish and Game. Environmental services are now being required according to changes in the Agreement. Under Conditions No.3 & No.4, the City will have to conduct surveys to determine the presence of the California Red-Legged Frog and South Western Pond Turtles. This activity is performed at night, when the species are active. Also, during the creek cleaning operation a biologist will be on site to monitor all activities, and as part of this, they will train all workers about the endangered species. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for Council consideration: . Approve staff's request and authorize the solicitation of bids; . Deny staff's request; . Modify staff's request as appropriate and approve request; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Bid Notice 2. Bid List 3. Current 1601 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement with amendments to Conditions #3 & #4 --- -------..- ---_._---- .--- ----------------------, ..------- -- - ----------------- Attachment 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS May 27, 2004 The City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department is requesting proposals for the environmental services listed below. The City is requesting these surveys in order to expedite matters, because of the critical time factor for working in the creeks. Task 1: Pre-construction surveys to determine the presence of California Red-Legged Frogs, South-Western Pond Turtles, and nesting birds in the creeks listed in the 1601 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement under Project Description. (Please provide a list of survey hours for each creek separately) Task 2: Training Session for Construction Personnel. Task 3: Construction Monitoring for approximately 20 days at ~ hours per day. All proposals shall be sealed and provided on company letterhead with envelope marked "Public Works - Creek Environmental Services". Please submit your sealed proposal to: Kelly Wetmore Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk 214 East Branch Street P. O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Bid proposals must be received by 2:00 pm, June 10, 2004. Bids shall be opened at that time in the City Clerk's Office located at 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA. The City of Arroyo Grande reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals upon recommendation of the Public Works Director. Successful candidates will be required to provide applicable proof of insurance. Proposals will be reviewed and a Consultant Services Agreement will be awarded at the June 22, 2004 City Council meeting. The Agreement will begin on July 1, 2004 If you have any questions, contact Randy Robinson, Public Works Supervisor at 473-5466. ~._-_.,~-~- _._._---~._-_._----- Attachment 2 VENDOR LIST . FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1. Morro Group Mary Reents, President 1422 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 543-7095 2. LFR (Levine, Fricke) Greg McGowan, Operations Manager 301 South Miller Street, Suite 210 Santa Maria, CA 93454-5244 (805) 349:-7180 3. Rincon, Inc. Sarah Larese 709 E. Santa Clara Street Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 641-1000 4. FIRMA David Foote 849 Monterey Street, Suite 205 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 781-9800 5. T enera John Steinbeck, VP/Principal Scientist 225-D Prado Road San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 541-0310 .-------- -~-~_._-----_.__.~.- -------" . , ", Attachment 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY AANOLDSCHWARZENEGGER,GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME CENTRAL COAST REGION 'i (707) 944-5520 Mailing address: .::.., POST OFFICE BOX 47 YOUNTVILLE CALIFORNIA 94599 Street address: 7329 S/LVERADO TRAIL NAPA CALIFORNIA 94558 January 7,2004 .'''''t_. Notification Number: 0672-99 Mr. Randy Robinson City of Arroyo Grande Post Office Box 550 Arroyo Grande, California 93421 Streambed Alteration Agreement Renewal Third Renewal Meadow Creek, Tally Ho Creek, and Arroyo Grande Creek Vegetation Removal San Luis Obispo County Dear Mr. Robinson: By this letter, the Department ofFish and Game is renewing the above agreement until December 31. 2004 with the construction period to occur between June 15 and October 15. All of the conditions of the original agreement (Notification Number 0672-99) are to remain in effect. Please keep this letter and the attached copy of your agreement (Notification Number 0672-99) available on site for inspection by Department personnel. ~. Sincerely, A ~/l LJ.~ ----- Robert W. Floerke Regional Manager Central Coast Region Enclosure: Notification Number 0672-99 cc: Mike Hill Warden Sparks - ---.,.--- ------,.- - . >>- ~ I .- .'. . 8'J:~tI.QII. ~JHI~E8 AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, a._ C. E. PAA.":' ......'.'...~. ,'i1:Nt;'OF FISH AND GAME ~ CINTRAl COA8f MGION 17cm......I20 ..... 1............. ~ POSf OI'FIClIOX 47 YOIJNTYIu.I. CALPORNIA 94199 -- ...... 7321 SlLVI!fIAU)() TRAil NAPA. CAlIFORNIA 94558 December 10,2002 Notification Number: ~0672-99 Mr. Randy Robinson City of Arroyo Grande Post Office Box 550 Arroyo Grande, California 93421 1601 Strea~bed Alteration Agreement Second Renewal Meadow Creek, Tally Do Creek, and Arroyo Grande Creek Vegetation Removal, San Luis Obispo County Dear Mr, Robinson: . By this letter, the Department ofFish and Ganle is renewing the above agreement until December 31. 2003 with the construction period to occur between June 1 S. 2003 and October 15.2003, All of the conditions of the original agreement (Notification Number R3-0672-99 Renewal, as amended June 13,2002) are to remain in effect. Please keep this letter and the attached copy of your agreement (Notification Number R3-0672-99 Renewal), and amended agreement dated June 13,2002 available on site for inspection by Department personnel. ,. Sincerely, ~ W. Floerlce ~egional Manager r. Ce~tral Coast Region Enclosure: Notification Number R3-0672-99 Renewal and Amended Agreement cc: Mike HilI Lt. Sterbinsky Woo. Sparks ,. -----.---..----- --------- . I' r . . ,- I t:J~P'-:;- 7' Y . . ... . ~ . l21M.y D&.WL GOVERNOR .. ~ ': . F I H AN-D GAM E . ' cENTRAL COASt REGtON (101) 144-_0.: Altl/ling addruI: POST OFFICE BOX 47 'tOUNTVIlLE CALIFORNIA 94599 S".., addru,: 7329 SlLVERADO TRAIL NAPA CALIFORNIA 84568 .......\. June 25,2001 Randy Robinson . C~ of Arroyo Grande Post.Of.BCie;1Jox 550 . : :.-' ' ~o':~de, California 93421 Dear Mr, Robinson: Renewal 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 0672-99 Meadow Creek, Tally Do Creek, and Arroyo Grande Creek City of Arroyo Grande San Luis Obispo County By this letter, the Department ofFish and Game is renewing the above agreement to December 31. 2002 with the construction period to occur between June 15 and October 1 S. All of the conditions of the original Agreement No. 0672-99 are to remain in effect with the exception of the updated Project Description and Project Conditions. '.. Please keep this letter, the updated Project Description and Conditions, and a copy of Agreement No. 0672-99 available on site for inspection by Department personnel. Sincerely, ~ U,J!L-- Robert W. Floer e Regional Manager Central Coast Region attachment cc:- Mike HilJ 'Lt. Sterbinsky Wdn. Spuks . . , ,III. , t. , . a; . . . ~. . >:~..OOXfr.RtGION .. ~. ,pO?) 84415820. . . ~~..'...'" , . . .,f'O'b<>>(4i . YOUNMUE CA 84689 SIIwI.....: 7328 SlLVERADO TRAIL NAPA CA 94668 April 21, 2000 Notification N....ber: 0672-99 Mr, Randy RobinsoDl City. of Arroyo Grande ..... " Post Office Box 550 Arroyo Grande, California 9?421 1601 LAKE AND STREAMBED ALTERATION PERMIT This permitlagreement is issued by the Department ofFish and Game pursuant to Division 2, Chapta' 6 of the California FIib IDd Game Code:- '.~ "_ .,-:.,>:'f::':":';:~_~i~::'}-, . . .~ the applicant Mr. Randy Robinson! City of Arroyo Ormde, hereafter called the ~~;,1UbnUttOCi a:' signed NO~TlON proposing to substantially divert or obstn1ct the natural flow of, or subPtnwtj *-y . bed, duumeI, or blnkot; or use material &om the streambed or lake ofthe'followiDg water: Arroyo Grande Creek, Me.dow Creek . and Tally 80 creek, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State ofCalifomia; and . WIIEREAS, the Department has determined that such operations may substantially adwneIy affect existing fish and wildlife resources including water quality, hydrology, aquatic or terrestrial plant or animal speciei; and WIIEREAS, the project has undergone the appropriate review under the California Environmental Quality Act; and WJIEREAS, the Operator shall undertake the project as propOsed in the signed PROJECT DBSCRIPTION and PROJECT CONDttIONS (attached). If the Operator chm1r the project &om that described in ~ PROJECT DESCRIP110N and does not include the PROJECTCONDmONS, this permit is no longer valid; and . . . . WIbREAS, the permit shall expire on I>ec:embcr 31. 2000. with the work period to occur benu_ April 1 5 and October IS on Tally 80 and Meadow Creeks, and June I to October 15 on Arroyo Grande Creek; IDd WHEREAS, nothing in this permit authorizes the Operator to trespass on any land or property, nor does it relieve the Operator of the responsibility for compliance with applicable Federal, S~ or loc:aIlaws or anftn8Cel,PJ.oemeGt, or n::uiovaI; of: any material below the level of ordinary high water may come under the jurisdiction of the U, S. AJ'!I1YCorps of Engineers pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Wata: Act; ';",C_ :.< '~;::;";~6.F',{j..."},::: . . :~RE, the Operator may proceed with the project as ~bedin the PROJECT DESCIUPTIONand'.' . PROJECTCONDmONS, A copy of this permit, with attached PROJECT DESCRIPTION IDd PROJECT CONDmONS, shall be provided to contractors and subcontractors and shall be in their possession at the work site. This permit is approved by: ~w~ Regional Manager , Central Coast Region cc: WcIn. SJms u SIDrbiIISky Cbudc MII'ShaII .. FOI'III RJ. Pmd-I/99 - .. I', . .. , ' I . , . E\-20-0': '2:'='~C>'.4:C';:'3 . ,),)r,r.'.'I II,,, : 7(.;~ 944 !.~g.!t . .. '" . 0-. . . . ~ o. ! t; t.' .~'! ') .~.:" i ... ";.;j I... l.. t,; '~...~,: \ . ", ST~TE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCI;S AGI==NCY GRAY DAVIS GOVJ;RNOR DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME CENTRAL COAST REGION @ (707) 144-15520 Mmll", t/ddreu: POST OFFICE BOX 47 'tOUN'MllE CALIFORNIA 94599 SrrHt t1tJdras: . 7328 SllVERADO TRAil NAPA CALIFORNIA 94558 Notification Number: 0672-99 Renewal ~dy Robinson 'il~:xC:de Arroyo Grande, California 93421 PROJECT J)ESCRIPTIQN and lBOJECT CO~ Description The proposed project.would take place on Meadow Creek, Tally Ho Creek, and.Arroy~ Grande Creek in the City of Arroyo Grande, in southern San Luis Obispo County. On Meadow Creek, the project site begins at Stevenson Drive, where the creek flows for approximately 3,000 feet past. a housing complex through a densely vegetated stand of willows, rushes, and other riparian sluubs, and empties into a large pond near James Way and Oak Park Boulevard Wore continuing to the Pismo Lake Ecological Preserve. On Tally Ho Creek, the project site starts at TaU; Ho Road and Highway 227 and ends approximately 4,000 feet downstream at the coatlUettICe with . Arroyo Grande Creek. tn this section, Tally Ho Creek is bordered by willows and pther trees and is choked with a long, dense stand. of rushes and sedges. The Arroyo Grande Creek site is approximately 3 miles in length beginning at Strothens Park on Huasna Road and eodina at WOO,dIand Drive, In this section, Arroyo Grande Creek flows through the City of Arroyo Grande .,.'ltJ:!J~~tsteep-sjded c;anyon before it reaches the Pacific Ocean. These stream maiutenance .... projects would remove vegetation by mowing within Meadow Creek and Tally Ho creeIc; and cutting the tips of limbs and branches from downed trees overhanging Arroyo Grande Creek. Vegetation would be cut using hand tools and hand-operated power tools such as mOwers or chainsaws. The project is necessary for flood control -purposes to reduce sediment deposition which could contribute to flooding within the three streams. Conditions . 1. To avoid impacts to steelhead, work activities shall be limited to the period beginning June] 5, 2001 and ending October IS, 2002 with the Agreement to expire December 31, 2002. . 2. The project site has been identified as.an area that is potentially inhabited by a threatened Page 1 or 4 Operator's rnjti.1S~ NOtification HUMber:O'12-99 - . , \ . . , . . . . , . . !!I-iO-O 1 : 12 : 5,~,PM: DI=G .0'.111 r '. I II'P. : "'0- ;I"'''' !!.!og~ . .;. !:- species, the California red-legged frog. The operator is required to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, including the California and Federal Endangered Species Acts. This agreement does not authorize the take of any state or federally.1istedspecies. Liability for any take or incidental take of such listed species remains the tesp<mSibility of the Operator for the duration of the project. Any unauthorized take of such listed species may result in prosecution and nullification of the agreement. 3. Preconstruction surveys shall be conducted to determine the presence of california red- legged frogs and southwestern pond turtles. Any of these species that are foimd in the area prior to construction shall be.relocated to Ii suitable area outside of the construCtion . '. . ,:.'. r',: "~~"by ~ qualified biologist with all required permits. 'J'""~~':".._i~.r4t..:". .. ... ... . .'".">"'~;:"~.'.'. ~~~~M~~ · devices.' If California red-legged frogs are found to be present during cotIItruction,:' .n construction activities shalJ cease until the ftogs can be moved to a suit"'IOCIItion adjacent to the construction site by a qualified biologist with all required pennits. . 5. AJI trash shall be removed from the site daily to avoid attracting potential predators to the ----site. '-~-----'-". .-------..-.--..-- - . 6. No pets shall be permitted to be at the site during Construction. 7. No heavy equipment shall be used in the streambed. All removal of vegetation shall be done by. hand or by using hand-operated power equipment such as lawn mowers IDCI' chain saws. Staging/storage areas for equipment. materials, fuels, lubricants and 1OIvems;,'sha11 be I~ted outside of the stream's high water chIMel and associated ri~ 8i'ea. Mowers and other equipment used during construction shall be moved out'of the normal high water area oftbe stream prior to refueling and lubricating. No litter or 'constiUction debris shall be deposited, or allowed to remain, in the riparian/stream ZOlle. AJIsuch.. ,~aI shall be picked up dally. Mowea:s and o~ equipment used during constrUCtion shall be inspected prior to construction and in good repair. Any leaks that could c.use gasoline or other petroleum-based pollutants to enter the water shall be repaired before the equipment is used. 8. In Arroyo Grande Creek, faUen trees less than 6 inches diameter at breast height (dbh) may be removed ftom the stream bed. Limbs and branches may be'removed trom fallen 'trees that are touching the live stream or overhanging within approximately one foot of the I live stream along the banks of AIroyo Grande Creek, Tally HoCreek, and Meadow . Creek. No trees larger than 6 inches diameter at breast beight sball be removed ftomthe bed, bank, or channel of any stream. Any trees .whicb must be cut are to be cut at ground level and the root mass left in place so that they can resprout and maintain bank stability. ,. Page 2 of 4 operator's Initials~GI\, Notification ~r:O~12-99 , .' , . .. .. . . , , , e-20-C.,: 12.:!:.e.~M:D=(: ',O',mt.', I III;. :":"(1':' 9~.a !-e.SI.!< . 4, S 9. Invasive exotic plant species shall be removed trom the project site. Any vinca, Cape or Gennan ivy, Castor bean, Arundo, or other exotic plant species shall be bagged and appropriately disposed of in a landfill. Exotic'species shall not be used in composting or left otherwise exposed in or around the projeCt site. All equipment shall be inspected for the presence of undesirable species. priQr to on-site use and cleaned to reduce the risk of introducing exotic plant species into the project site. 10. Ifconstruction is scheduled to occur prior to August 1, preconstruction surveys shall be conducted by a qualified biologist to determine the presence of nesting birds in the riparian zone. If nests are found to be presen~ construction shall be delayed until the qualified , biplo~ist determines that the young have fledged. 'ud~~"\',t~~,:;;; ... , Standard. Conditions If the Operator finds more time is needed to complete the authorized a~tivity, the work period may be extended on a day-to-day basis by the local Department ofFish and Game representative who reviewed the'project. . If the Operator would like to renew the agreement beyond the expiration date, a written r~uest for a renewal must be submitted to the Department (1600 Program, Post Office Box 47, YountvilJe, California 94599) for consideration at least 30 days before the agreemeat expiration date. A renewal constitutes a change to the original agreement and requires a fee of S 127.25. Renewals of the original agreement are issued at the discretion of the Department. If the Operator would like to modify the project, a written request for an amendment must be submitted to.the Department (1600 Program, Post Office Box 47, YountviIle, CaI~ 94599). The fee for an amendment is half ( ~) the original fee. Amendments to the original8greement are issued at the discretion of the Department. '.:~~tor shall notify the Department before any modifications are made in the project plans sUbD1itted, to the Department. Project modifications may require an amendment or a new notification. This agreement is transferable to subsequent owners of the project property by requesting an amendment. A copy of this agreement must be provided to the Contractor and all subcontractors who work within the stream. zone and must be in their possession at the work site. I I Building materials and/or construction equipment shall not be stockpiled or stored where they I I could be washed into the water or where they wiD cover aquatic or riparian vegetation. I t .. I I Debris, soil, silt7 bark, rubbish, creosote-treated wood, raw cement/concrete or washings thereof, I qper~tor's Initials ~~ Notification HUMber:0672-99 I Page 3 of 4 , II , . ' . ' . . . 1;\-20-01: 12:S~OM:D"'G y(".lt't....,II~ : iOi 9~~ !.!-93 . Eo E. asphalt, paint or other coating material, oil or other petroleum products, or any other substances which could be hazardous to aquatic life, resulting from project related activities, shall be prevented fi'om contaminating the soil and/or entering the waters of the state. Any of these materials, placed within or where they may enter a stream or lake, by Operator or any party working under contract, or with the permission of the Operator, shall be removed immediately. During construction, the contractor shall not dump any litter or construction debris with in the riparian/stream zone. All such debris and waste shall be picked up daily and properly disposed of at an appropriate site. It; ,i"th~.opiqion of the Department, conditions arise, or change, in such a manner as to be .~;~{;.i~1~'",. ..;>.~~$1eriOUS to the stream or wildfire, operations shall ~e until oo~e.~ '; '..~. ap.vedbytheDepartmentaretaken. . ...:.... Departlnent personnel or its agents may inspect the work site at any time. . YOUR SIGNATURE BELOW DOES NOT ALONE CONSTITUTE A COMPLETED STJUiAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT. Pkae"ote thlll YOIlIll4Y not pI'OC6bl With yoIl1' project ""til after YOIlr proposed project has been reviewed "".. CEQA "'"' tlae Deportment si,,,, the Agreement I, .be undenigned, state that the above is fhe final description of the project I am subdlittingto tbe Department for CEQA review, leading to aD Agreement. I u....ufld that I will. implement the above project conditions required by the Departmeat.. ,art or my project. .1 undentand that I wW not proceed with this project until tile >>.parqn_t siaD' the Agreement. I also .undentand that the CEQA. review may ranlt iD o.e Mdition of measures to the project to avoid, minimize, or compensate for signifICant environ.eatal im.,.cts: . Operator's Name (Priil Operator's Signature: . ~~~ Signed the -=:JW<--""C' \ 't..--r~ day of ,2001 . . P.g. 4 of 4 Operator's Initials &tL Notification NUaber:0672-99 .. ;',': :~o~~ I ~11IE'~AG~CY 1(J(JI."..U~{..,<-7 7- . !o;,IP?~~tf DEPARThIENrOFmHANDGAME ,;~:.~.~fCJ~ ~ I 'CJi:tf1:'! NOTIFICATION OF LAKE OR STREAMBED ALTERATION ,:::.,':::{f". , . . . '/,' (See attaclunent1encJOSII1'efor instructiotu) , o 1603 'vate o Timber Harvest Plan OCommcrciaJ Gravel ~ " ' Telephone N\Dnbcr AppIiaI1t C.ITy 0 t A f2..flby ~ ~ 0, 60 X 550 Business: gO~..l./73~.., ~(, ~~N--O t.. Afl.Q.oyo ~a.~NO(1 CALIf 'JtJ21 {)peJaIo' C'T'f 6 t l\ flAL 0'10 f o. Box. C;so iDa.'6NO"i. R t. ~~ () ~a... Qrv ot I C:qLI~ 931/2' ,.. +F~',;,:,~~~~:;;: ')\,,0+' Qt2.tz. 4 0 P. o. ao~ ~S'o /. .''tI~1lt'~..., . Y ~,; ,~ji;'l '.,:'~a.~t ~fL(L.6'1 0 ~fL Q~.o~ , C~l.,~ . " 8(:"=>: (>"cV\O'( ebl3'NJ 0 ~ p, o,&,;x ~~o ~tL(\..o~o iJ>a..QN'OC Property Owner: , " . ,:.,.....,...',..-. Project Information County, " Assessor's PIirc:d Number ' Section Range Township . ,','- ' ,'. 0 - L{<if1...- ~ " AUachlDentslEndosures Please aIIaeh or enclose the following docwnents listed below and check the boxes of the documents attached or enclosed. ~~Ot$..~.(beJow) I 'JICMIi' showing the loc8Iion of the projccf, including dlsunas I o Construc:tion pin _..ult. to the project ~ Please aaach or enclose the follOwing docwnents listed below, if app~ and check thebexes of the documents aIIBChcd or enclosed. Cu.,.M.d CEQA doc:umenIs: I o ErrvhOlIlItent:al1qlBct RepoIt, 0 Negative DecIBraIion 0 MidpIed Nepdve nw......... 0 Nadce of'Exemption I I CopIes of aD uppIiaibIc.JocaI, State, or federal o Loca1. Describe: I, pcnnits. '&aQ;;lI.ats, or 0Ihc:r IIJlhorizalions: o S1aIe. Describe: .. o Federal. Desc:ribe: ," ... ~ ,I'" "," . I ,a I.. " . ,. , ,. . ' . NOTIFICATION OF- LAKE OR STREAMBED ALTERATION . . . . (Ccntimllfl) . , .., . Or ~(L~o (,g{L-Q IV 0 "'i.. I Name o(Applicant: CI,,, Project Description P1ease describe }'OUI" project or acti\rjty in detail below and, if necessaI)'. on separarc attached pages. ot Cf.\:1.KS I IV S I O~ c.. q-~ , 1\.3 ~ u.\., ~ 7"k Q. r Co Il t f\. I'" ~ 0"....,. 7 ),5 W'l('" c..f {L\to-\ T o I,J t '" E~D Be ~.-C) rro.oQ.~w. Q. C\... ""'\en) ~ '- . ~Q..J \ ~ M <.. __ \' 1101 a. 7" WILL. fJi OJ t oQ fo~ M~. v 4\.N~~ c.." ~ c...(\.ca..\..\(~ ~ \ \..\.. (,0 >/"oJ 5' So "\ ()+ No."", 0 o p{t\-Q\" t'..tO {~\) I M \..~ .'"~AlLL' ..' _Q't. e .?+~K. ..'0 ,;0;" .: ;.J;.'l/)''''~J:?' .:~ ''';J;i:.'';~)~'~'~~ rto ......~.. . t:\f'JO q,,,,,o Of'oJ 0"'" \) Q ~ ~ oIL t. "" ~.., t:.~ W~L"" S.,.. t\,1'\.. 't" ~T ,.. ~ \.. '- "\ qlVQ ~ -r . c1 ~1t.~1 c ~oo tot" ~Q..Q,~o~ e 4.<..t. ~ -\. ()o...,) t-t 0.\ _~ ~ tJ ~ 1'00) (;.{. W t ~ \. .~IAt1- T . r Mt,..,tO 0 ....., t 0 o ~ -:r "'--~.s \,.I <0 i \" () -to 0- ~~~so+ oAk. Pora.1e. Q~o war ~.NC"i '3000 J = J/!!J#I ~ conk1inedin this notfI!cotion is /rUe and COlTt!C/ and /hot J om authorized /0 s= doc:umR J ,mders/and Ihal ill/he event .. . Is .' 10 be untrue or inc~ I may be subject to civil or criminal ~on and the ",~' cons. this nOlifi(:alion tG be incom _.ani:Ib- CtittcilIQPD' 1Alre or Streambed A 'en1tfon ~ issued punutm! to ~Qn J thtltddt notVicaliOl1 is \'tllid OI1ly for tile =~ ~in and that J may be subject tocMI orcriminol~dion{r I . a~ thot.::Jrn.!om tile one described herein, unless hitve.fiJtIIied. 1M Dtgx:rtment of that project In occordance with section 1601 or 603 qflhe Fis oirJ C .. J tmderstandt/it;r! a Depoi1menJ rep'esentanve may need to insJ?ect. the pr~ where the p:ojecJ described herein will t. C':: bttfct'e is.sll~a Lake or SrrIomb<<I~ ~ent pursuant to this ~cation. In the ~ .the J?e1x!rtment. determines that a site inspection ~~. J ~ .' allthorize tht !JttJxlrl!n~;"'."*"'the J1I'OPt!I1Y where the project desa-ibed herem will late Place 10 inspect the property at 010' nasonabI. IImI i:Ind ""0~ that I am tJ1JJhoiimJ to grtH thelNpi:rtlilent pennis.sion 10 access the propt!I1y. . [J I ~ tile JJepoi11!JenI to first contact me at = ~ mm,bef) yo S - '173 - ''I Co ~ to 8Ch<<JuJtt a dOle and time 10 =~ where the project described . . I. place and ItnderstOl1d that this may delay the ~~ evahlaliol1 of the project _~/ tJ'i'1 For Department Use Only Date Recieivrd: Fees encJoscd? DYes $ DNa Notific:aIion Complete? DNa. }Ilotification tnIIferiaIs and applicalion fee rd1mCd on <_): I. Notes: .. Foim FO 2023 (Rev. 4121J99) ^."~~ , Lf. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER k SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE {DB E) PROGRAM FOR FFY 2004105 DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. approve the submittal of the FFY 2004/05 DBE Program with "proposed" Overall Annual DBE Goal to Caltrans by June 1, 2004; 2. direct the Director of Administrative Services to publish a public notice in the local media in accordance with Section XIV of the Program; and, 3. direct staff to return to the Council with a summary of public comments and approval to submit the FFY 2003/04 DBE Program with "established" Overall Annual DBE Goal to Caltrans by September 1, 2004. FUNDING: It is anticipated that the following Federal-aid highway funds will be expended for the City of Arroyo Grande in FYV 2004/05: . Traffic Way Bridge Rail Replacement Project - Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (HBRR) funds in the amount of $118,592; DISCUSSION: Each year, the City of Arroyo Grande is required to adopt a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program for projects utilizing Federal-aid highway funds. The regulations require each local agency to establish their own overall annual, DBE goal based on a methodology with demonstrable evidence of local market conditions and designed to ultimately attain a goal that is related to the availability of DBEs in the local agencies' market. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) PROGRAM FOR FFY 2004/05 MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 2 The attached DBE Program utilizes the "bidders list". methodology that essentially determines the number of DBEs that have bid or quoted on the City's Department of Transportation (DOT)-assisted contracts in the previous year. It was determined that the City of Arroyo Grande proposes a 2% overall annual DBE goal for FFY 2004/05. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendations; - Do not approve staffs recommendations; - Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendations; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Letter to Caltrans with "proposed" Overall Annual DBE Goal 2. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DB E) Program for FFY 2004/05 3. Public Notice for "proposed" Overall Annual DBE Goal Attachment 1 May 26, 2004 Mr. Michael A, Guiliano, P,E" Local Assistance Engineer Caltrans District 5 50 Higuera Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Subject: Proposed Annual Overall Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal Information Dear Mr, Guiliano: The amount of overall goal, methodology, breakout of estimated race-neutral and race-conscious participation, and any DBE program updates are presented herein in accordance with Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 26, and as described in the Local Assistance Procedures Manual. The City of Arroyo Grande submits our annual overall goal information (and any needed updates of our DBE program) for your review and comment. We propose an annual overall DBE goal of 2% for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2004/05, beginning on October 1, 2004 and ending on September 30,2005, ;1 , Methodoloav . ...... .:.\nf~;..;~Ji ..'c:r(.:~;i !~Ji~i. ,,~; /::..;'~ ~.. The "Utilizing the Bidders List" methodology was used to determine the City of Arroyo Grande's overall goal for Federal fiscal Year FY 2003/04, The City of Arroyo Grande elected to utilize the following methodology in establishing the City of Arroyo Grande's Base Figure of relative DBE availability for FFY 2004/05. For the Numerator: ' DBE Firms in City of Am>vo Grande's Bidders List For the Denominator: All Firms' in City of ~m>yo Grande's Bidders List The City of Arroyo Grande calculated its weighted Base Figure by first determining the number of ready, willing and able DBEs in its FY 2003/2004 Bidders List by work category, and dividing the number of DBEs by the total number of firms in the same work category, Through this method, the City of Arroyo Grande measured the availability by the number of firms that have directly participated in, or attempted to participate in, City of Arroyo , ' "'." Grande's DOT -assisted contracting in FY 2003/2004, J, S:\PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING SHARED ITEMS\DBE Program\DBE Plan FFY 2004-2005\Proposed Goal Letter.doc I Application of this formula yields the following baseline information: Number of ReadY.Willina and Able DBE's = BASE FIGURE Number of All Ready, Willing and Able Firms The Base Figure resulting from this calculation was determined to be 2%. As this is the first year the City of Arroyo Grande has used this methodology in determining its overall annual DBE g'oal, it was concluded that there was, not enough known relevant evidence at this time to determine the number of ready, wining and able DBEs by work category. Therefore, the Base Figure for FYV 2004/2005 was adjusted by dividing the total number ready, willing and able DBEs in the City's FY 2003/2004 Bidders List by the number of the total number of firms in the City's FY 2003/2004 Bidders List bidders list for FFY 2004/05. DBE Firms in City of Anoyo Grande's Bidders List = BASE FIGURE All Firms in City of Anoyo Grande's Bidders List The Base Figure resulting from this calculation was determined to be 2%. Breakout of Estimated Race-Neutral and Race-Conscious Participation Of the overall annual 2% goal for DBE participation, the City of Arroyo Grande projects meeting 1 % of the goal utilizing race-neutral methods, including making efforts to assure that bidding and contract requirements facilitate participation by DBEs and other small businesses; unbundling large contracts to make them more accessible to small businesses; encouraging prime contractors to subcontract portions of the work that they might otherwise perform themselves; and providing technical assistance, and other support services to facilitate consideration of DBEs and other small businesses. The remaining 1 % of the goal is anticipated to be accompli~hed through race-conscience measures, which includes establishing contract specific goals on contracts with contracting possibilities, when needed, to meet the City's overall annual DBE goal. DBE Proaram Updates N/A. Public Participation Process Upon receipt of your comments, the City of Arroyo Grande will begin the public participation. Following the public participation process, proof of publicatiori along with a summary of public comments received will be forwarded to your office no later than October 1, 2004, Please find enclosed our proposed DBE Program and Public Notice for your review. S:\PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING SHARED ITEMS\DBE Program\DBE Plan FFY 2004-2005\Proposed Goal Letter.doc Please contact me at (805) 473-5440 or Thomas Korman, Associate Engineer, at (805) 473-5447 if you have any questions regarding this information. Sincerely, Don Spagnolo, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer S:\PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING SHARED ITEMS\DBE Program\DBE Plan FFY 2004-200S\Proposed Goal Letter.doc --------- ~----- ._--~---_._.. --..--- -- Attachment 2 " City of Arroyo Grande Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program for FFY 2004/05 , City ,of Arroyo. Grande Public Works Department P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 (805) 473-5440 May 2004 * This Program is in accordance with Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 26 -- ~--- ----, .-~._-_.,- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DISADV ANT AGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) PROGRAM 1. Definitions of Terms The terms used in this program have the meanings defined in 49 CFR 926.5. II, Objectives/Policy Statement (9926.1, 26.23) The City of Arroyo Grande has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 26. The City of Arroyo Grande has received Federal financial assistance from the DOT, and as a condition of receiving this assistance, the City of Arroyo Grande will sign an assurance that it will comply with 49 CFR Part 26. It is the policy of the City of Arroyo Grande to ensure that DBEs, as defined in part 26, have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in DOT -assisted contracts. It is also our policy: . To ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts; . To create a level playing field on which DBEs can compete fairly for DOT -assisted contracts; . To ensure that the DBE Program is narrowly tailored in accordance with applicable law; . To ensure that only firms that fully meet 49 CFR Part 26 eligibility standards are permitted to participate as DBEs; . To help remove barriers to the participation of DBEs in DOT-assisted contracts; and . To assist the development of firms that can compete successfully in the market place outside the DBE Program. The Director of Public Works has been delegated as the DBE Liaison Officer. In that capacity, the Director of Public Works is responsible for implementing all aspects of the DBE program. Implementation of the DBE program is accorded the same priority as compliance with all other legal obligations incurred by the City of Arroyo Grande in its financial assistance agreements with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The City of Arroyo Grande has disseminated this policy statement to the Arroyo Grande City Council and all the components of our organization. We have distributed this statement to DBE and non-DBE business communities that perform work for us on DOT -assisted contracts by publishing this statement in general circulation, minority-focused and trade association publications. City of Arroyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 20(U/05 Page 1 May 2O(U -- '------ ~- .-'------ ---------.-. ----,-._--- ,-._._._-----~-_..~--- III, Nondiscrimination (926.7) The City of Arroyo Grande will never exclude any person from participation in, deny any person the benefits of, or otherwise discriminate against anyone in connection with the award and performance of any contract covered by 49 CFR Part 26 on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin. In administering its DBE program, the City of Arroyo Grande will not, directly or through contractual or other arrangements, use criteria or methods of administration that have the effect of defeating or substantially impairing accomplishment of the objectives of the DBE program with respect to individuals of a particular race, color, sex, or national origin. IV, DBE Program Updates (926.21) The City of Arroyo Grande will continue to carry out this program until the City of Arroyo Grande has ~stablished a new goal setting methodology or until significant changes to this DBE Program are adopted. The City of Arroyo Grande will provide to Caltrans a proposed overall goal and goal setting methodology and other program updates by June 1 of every year. 22. Quotas (926.43) The City of Arroyo Grande will not use quotas or set asides in any way in the administration of this DBE program. VI. DBE Liaison Officer (DBELO) (926.45) The City of Arroyo Grande has designated the following individual as the DBE Liaison Officer: Mr. Don Spagnolo, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 (805) 473-5440 dspagnolo@arroyogrande.org In that capacity, Mr. Spagnolo is responsible for implementing all aspects of the DBE program and ensuring that the City of Arroyo Grande complies with all provisions of 49 CFR Part 26. This is available on the Internet at: osdbuweb.dot.aov/main.cfm. Mr. Spagnolo has direct, independent access to the City Manager concerning DBE program matters. The DBELO has a staff of two support personnel who will devote a portion of hisl her time to the program. An organization chart displaying the DBELO's position in the organization is found in Attachment A to this program. City of Anoyo Grande - DRAFT- DBE Program for FFY 2004/05 Page 2 "y 2O(U ~.-.__..- "~----~-~-----..- ~-- --_'_'_-'-"---'-"-~----~--'-----'-- The DBELO is responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring the DBE program, in coordination other appropriate officials. Duties and responsibilities include the following: 1. Gathers and reports statistical data and other information as required. 2. Reviews third party contracts and purchase requisitions for compliance with this program. 3. Works with all departments to set overall annual goals. 4. Ensures that bid notices and requests for proposals are available to DBEs in a timely manner. 5. Identifies contracts and procurements so that DBE goals are included in solicitations (both race-neutral methods and contract specific goals) and monitors results. 6. Analyzes the City of Arroyo Grande's progress toward goal attainment and identifies ways to improve progress. 7. Participates in pre-bid meetings. 8. Advises the CEO/governing body on DBE matters and achievement. 9. Chairs the DBE Advisory Committee. 10. Participates with the legal counsel and project director to determine contractor compliance with good faith efforts. 11. Provides DBEs with information and assistance in preparing bids, obtaining bonding and insurance. 12. Plans and participates in DBE training seminars. 13~ Provides outreach to DBEs and community organizations to advise them of opportunities. VII, Federal Financial Assistance Agreement Assurance (~26.13) The City of Arroyo Grande will sign the following assurance, applicable to all FHW A-assisted contracts and their administration as part of the program supp1ement agreement for each project: The recipient shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of any DOT -assisted contract or in the administration of its DBE Program or the requirements of 49 CFR part 26. The recipient shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT -assisted contracts. The recipient's DBE Program, as required by 49 CFR part 26 and as approved by DOT, is incorporated by reference in this agreement. Implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this agreement. Upon notification to the recipient of its failure to carry out its approved program, the Department may impose sanctions as provided for under part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). City of Arroyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2004/05 Page 3 May 2O(U --------- .-~-- VIII, DBe Financial Institutions It is the policy of the City of Arroyo Grande to investigate the full extent of services offered by financial institutions owned and controlled by socially and ecOnomically disadvantaged individuals in the community, to make reasonable efforts to use these institutions, and to encourage prime contractors on DOT -assisted contracts to make use of these institutions. Information on the availability of such institutions can be obtained from the DBE Liaison Officer. The Caltrans Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program may offer assistance to the DBE Liaison Officer. IX, Directory (~26.31) The City of Arroyo Grande will refer interested persons to the DBE directory available from the Caltrans Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program website at: www.dot. ca.gov/ha/beD. 24. Overconcentration (~26.33) The City of Arroyo Grande has not identified any types of work in DOT -assisted contracts that have a overconcentration of DBE participation. If in the future the City of Arroyo Grande identifies the need to address overconcentration, measures for addressing overconcer'ltration will be submitted to the DLAE for approval. XI, Business Development Programs (~26.35) The City of Arroyo Grande does not have a business development or mentor-protege program. If the City of Arroyo Grande identifies the need for such a program in the future, the rationale for adopting such a program and a comprehensive description of it will be submitted to the DLAE for approval. XII, Required Contract Clauses (~~26.13, 26.29) Contract Assurance The City of Arroyo Grande ensures that the following clause is placed in every DOT -assisted contract and subcontract: The contractor or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this. contract. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR part 26 in the award and administration of DOT -assisted contracts. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as recipient deems appropriate. City of Anoyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2004105 Page 4 .y 2004 ______ ",_____,_.___....,._____._____,,___u.._..____ -~- Prompt Payment The City of Arroyo Grande ensures that the following clauses or equivalent will be included in each DOT -assisted prime contract: Satisfactory Performance The prime contractor agrees to pay each subcontractor under this prime contract for satisfactory performance of its contract no later than 10 days from the receipt of each payment the prime contractor receives from the City of Arroyo Grande. Any delay or postponement of payment from the above referenced time frame may occur only for good cause following written approval of the City of Arroyo Grande. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors "- Release of Retainaae The prime contractor agrees further to release retainage payments to each subcontractor within 30 days after the subcontractor's work is satisfactorily completed. Any delay or postponement of payment from the above referenced time frame may occur only for good cause following written approval of the City of Arroyo Grande. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors. XIII, Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms (~26.37) The City of Arroyo Grande will assign a Resident Engineer (RE) or Contract Manager to monitor and track actual DBE participation through contractor and subcontractor reports of payments in accordance with the following: After Contract Award After the contract award the City of Arroyo Grande will review the award documents for the portion of items each DBE and first tier subcontractor will be performing and the dollar value of that work. With these documents the RE/Contract Manager will be able to determine the work to be performed by the DBEs or subcontractors listed. Preconstruction Conference A preconstruction conference will be scheduled between the RE and the contractor or their representative to discuss the work each DBE subcontractor will perform. Before work can begin on a subcontract, the local agency will require the contractor to submit a completed "Subcontracting Request," Exhibit 16-B of the LAPM or equivalent. When the RE receives the completed form it will be checked for agreement of the first tier subcontractors and DBEs. The RE will not approve the request when it identifies someone other than the DBE or first tier subcontractor listed in the previously completed "Local Agency Bidder DBE Information," Exhibit 15-G. The "Subcontracting Request" will not be City of Anvyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2004105 Page 5 May 2O(U ------ ~-_.- --'-"-'-'-.~----~~-----_. --~---'-'--"-----'. approved until any discrepancies are resolved. If an issue cannot be resolved at that time, or ~here is some other concern, the RE will require the contractor to eliminate the subcontractor in question before signing the subcontracting request. A change in the DBE or first tier subcontractor may be addressed during a substitution process at a later date. Suppliers, vendors, or manufacturers listed on the "Local Agency Bidder DBE Information" will be compared to those listed in the completed Exhibit 16-1 of the LAPM or equivalent. Differences must be resolved by either making corrections or requesting a substitution. Substitutions will be subject to the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (FPA). Local agencies will require contractors to adhere to the provisions within Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (State Law) Sections 4100-4144. FPA requires the contractor to list all subcontractors in excess of one half of one percent (0.5%) of the contractor's total bid or $1 0,000, whichever is greater. The statute is designed to prevent. bid shopping by contractors. The FPA explains that a contractor may not substitute a subcontractor listed in the original bid except with the approval of the awarding authority. The RE will give the contractor a blank Exhibit 17 -F, "Final Report Utilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, First Tier Subcontractors" and will explain to them that the document will be required at the end of the project, for which payment can be withheld, in conformance with the contract. Construction Contract Monitorina The RE will ensure that the RE's staff (inspectors) know what items of work each DBE is responsible for performing. Inspectors will notify the RE immediately of apparent violations. When a firm other than the IistedDBE subcontractor is found performing the work, the RE will notify the contractor of the apparent discrepancy and potential loss of payment. Based on the contractor's response, the RE will take appropriate action: The DBE Liaison Officer will perform a preliminary investigation to identify any potential issues related to the DBE subcontractor performing a commercially useful function. Any substantive issues will be forwarded to the Caltrans Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program. If the contractor fails to adequately explain why there is a discrepancy, payment for the work will be withheld and a letter will be sent to the contractor referencing the applicable specification violation and the required withholding of payment. If the contract requires the submittal of a monthly truck document, the contractor will be required to submit documentation to the RE showing the owner's name; California Highway Patrol CA number; and the DBE certification number of the owner of the truck for each truck used during that month for which DBE participation will.be claimed. The trucks will be listed by California Highway Patrol CA number in the daily diary or on a separat~ piece of paper for documentation. The numbers are checked by inspectors regularly to confirm compliance. Providing evidence of DBE payment is the responsibility of the contractor. city of AlTOyo Grande - DRAFT - DSE Program for FFY 2004105 Page 6 May 2004 -.. -,--_. ---.. -------..-..--- - -..------ Substitution When a DBE substitution is requested, the RE/Contract Manager will request a letter from the contractor explaining why substitution is needed. The RE/Contract Manager must review the letter to be sure names and addresses are shown, dollar values are included, and reason for the request is explained. If the RE/Contract Manager agrees to the substitution, the RE/Contract Manager will notify, in writing, the DBE subcontractor regarding the proposed substitution and procedure for written objection from the DBE subcontractor in .accordance with the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act. If the contractor is not meeting the contract goal with this substitution, the contractor must provide the required good faith effort to the RE/Contract Manager for local agency consideration. If there is any doubt in the RE/Contract. Manager's mind regarding the requested substitution, the RE/Contract Manager may contact the DLAE for assistance and direction. Record Keepino and Final Report Utilization of Disadvantaoed Business Enterprises The contractor shall maintain records showing the name and address of each first-tier subcontractor. The records shall also show: 1. The name and business address, regardless of tier, of every DBE subcontractor, DBE vendor of materials and DBE trucking company. 2. The date of payment and the total dollar figure paid to each of the firms. 3. The DBE prime contractor shall also show the date of work performed by their own forces along with the corresponding dollar value of the work claimed toward DBE goals. When a contract has been completed the contractor will provide a summary of the records stated above. The DBE utilization information will be documented on Exhibit 17 -F and will be submitted to the DLAE attached to the Report of Expenditures. The RE will compare the completed Exhibit 17 -F to the contractor's completed Exhibit 15-G and, if applicable, to the completed Exhibit 16-B. The DBEs shown on the completed Exhibit 17-F should be the same as those originally listed unless an authorized substitution was allowed, or the contractor used more DBEs and they were added. The dollar amount should reflect any changes made in planned work done by the DBE. The contractor will be required to explain in writing why the names of the subcontractors, the work items or dollar figures are different from what was originally shown on the completed Exhibit 15-G when: . There have been no changes made by the RE. . The contractor has not provided a sufficient explanation in the comments section of the completed Exhibit 17 -F. "The explanation will be attached to the completed Exhibit 17 -F for submittal. The RE will file this in the project records. City of An'OYo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 20fU/05 Page 7 May 20fU -- " '---,--------- ~'-~-'-', -----....- P. - _.,..._ ""___,,'___.. ._'______ _______ The local agency's Liaison Officer will keep track of the DBE certification status on the Internet at www.dot.ca.aov/ha/bep and keep the RE informed of changes that affect the contract. The RE will require the contractor to act in accordance with existing contractual commitments regardless of decertification. The DLAE will use the PS&E checklist to monitor the City of Arroyo Grande's commitment to require bidders list information to be submitted to the City of Arroyo Grande from the awarded prime and subcontractors as a means to develop a bidders list. This monitoring ~iII only take place if the bidders list information is required to be submitted as ~tipulated in the special provisions. The City of Arroyo Grande will bring to the attention of the DOT through the DLAE any false, fraudulent, or dishonest conduct in connection with the program, so that DOT can take the steps (e.g., referral to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution, referral to the DOT Inspector General, action under suspension and debarment or Program Fraud and Civil Penalties rules) provided in~26.109. The City of Arroyo Grande also will consider similar action under our own legal authorities, including responsibility determinations in future contracts. XIV, Overall Goals (~26.45) Amount of Goal The City of Arroyo Grande's overall goal for the Federal fiscal year FFY 2003/04 is the following: 4% of the Federal financial assistance in FHW A-assisted contracts. This overall goal is broke"n down into 4% race-conscious and 0% race-neutral components. Methodoloav The "Utilizing the Goal of Another Local Agency" methodology was used to determine the City's overall goal for Federal Fiscal Year 2003/04. Specifically, the City of San Luis Obispo's goal, based on the DBE Directories and Census Bureau Data, was used. 1. DOT-Assisted Contractina Proaram for FYV 2003/04 The following represents the City of Arroyo Grande's projected FHWA funded contracts and expenditures by work category and corresponding North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for FFY 2003/04: City of AITOYo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2()(U/05 Page 8 fthy 2O(U ~._.- ------- ._~.__. - _.-.,.---_._---~._-~~- Bridge & Tunnel Const ~ 100.100 100% - Traffic Way Bridge Rail (HBRR) $ 100,100 TOTAL 283,592 100% 2. Goal-methodoloav Step I: Determination of a Base Figure (49 CFR 26.45) The City of Arroyo Grande utilized the following methodology. in establishing its Base Figure of relative DBE availability for FFY 2003/04. For the Numerator: Certified DBE Firms in City of Arroyo Grande's Bidders List For the Denominator: All Firms in City of Arroyo Grande's Bidders List The City of Arroyo Grande calculated its weighted Base Figure by first determining the number of ready, willing and able DBEs in its FY 2003/04 Bidders List by work category, and dividing the number of DBEs by the total number of firms in the same work category. Through this method, the City of Arroyo Grande can measure availability by the number of firms that have directly participated in, or attempted to participate in, City of Arroyo Grande's DOT-assisted contracting in FY 2003/04. Application of this formula yields the following baseline information: Number of DBE's in City of Arroyo Grande's Bidder List = BASE FIGURE Number of All Firms in City of Arroyo Grande's Bidders List The Base Figure resulting from this calculation is as follows: Base Figure = 1.0 (DBEs in 234110) Base Figure = 1.0ill (1 ) Base Figure = 1.0(1 ) Base Figure = [1 ] x 100 City of Arroyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 20(U/05 Page 9 16y 2004 -..,... ---- ._--~~,._.._---_.._. ---- Base Figure = [ 1 ] x 100 = 1% Step II: Adjusting the Base Figure Breakout of Estimated Race-Neutral and Race-Conscious Participation Of the overall annual 2% goal for DBE participation, the City of Arroyo Grande projects meeting 1 % of the goal utilizing race-neutral methods, including making efforts to assure that bidding and contract requirements facilitate participation by DBEs and other small businesses; unbundling large contracts to make them more accessible to small businesses; encouraging prime contractors to subcontract portions of the work that they might otherwise perform themselves; and providing technical assistance, and other support services to facilitate consideration of DBEs and other small businesses. The remaining 1 % of the goal is anticipated to be accomplished through race-conscience measures, which includes establishing contract specific goals on contracts with contracting possibilities, when needed, to meet the City's overall annual DBE goal. Process Starting with the Federal fiscal year 2002, the amount of overall goal, the method to calculate the goal, and the breakout of estimated race-neutral and race-conscious participation will be required annually by June 1 st in advance of the Federal fiscal year beginning October 1 for FHW A-assisted contracts. Submittals will be to the Caltrans' DLAE. An exception to this will be if FTA or FAA recipients are required by FTA or FAA to submit the annual information to them or a designee by another date. FHW A recipients will follow this process: Once the DLAE has responded with preliminary comments and the comments have been incorporated into the draft overall goal information, the City of Arroyo Grande will publish a notice of the proposed overall goal, informing the public that the proposed goal and its rationale are available for inspection during normal business hours at the City of Arroyo Grande's principal office for 30 days following the date of the notice, and informing the public that City of Arroyo Grande comments will be accepted on the goals for 45 days following the date of the notice. Advertisements in newspapers, minority focus media, trade publications, and websites will be the normal media to accomplish this effort. The notice will include addresses to which comments may be sent and addresses (including offices and websites) where the proposal may be reviewed. The overall goal resubmission to the Caltrans DLAE, will include a summary of information and comments received during this public participation process and City of Arroyo Grande's responses. This will be due by September 1 to the Caltrans DLAE. The DLAE will have a month to make a final review so the City of Arroyo Grande may begin using the overall goal on October 1 st of each year. City of A"oyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2004105 Page 10 May 2004 -- ~.__.._.._._---~..~--~- - --'--"-,-..-'- If there is a design build please refer to Appendix B of this DBE Program. XV, Contract Goals (~26.51) The City of Arroyo Grande will use contract goals to meet any portion of the overall goal the City of Arroyo Grande does not project being able to meet by the use of race-neutral means. Contract goals are established so that, over the period to which the overall goal applies, they will cumulatively result in meeting any portion of the overall goal that is not projected to be met through the use of race-neutral means. Contract goals will be established only on those DOT -assisted contracts that have subcontracting possibilities. Contract goals need not be established on every such contract, and the size of contract goals will be adapted to the circumstances of each such contract (e.g., type and 'location of work, availability of DBEs to perform the particular type of work). The contract work items will be compared with eligible DBE contractors willing to work on the project. A determination will also be made to decide which items are likely to be performed by the prime contractor and which ones are likely to be performed by the subcontractor{s). The goal will then be incorporated into the contract documents. Contract goals will be expressed as a percentage of the total amount of a DOT -assisted contract. XVI, Transit Vehicle Manufacturers (~26.49) If DOT -assisted contracts will include transit vehicle procurements, the City of Arroyo Grande will require each transit vehicle manufacturer, as a condition of being authorized to bid or propose on transit vehicle procurements, to certify that it has complied with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26, Section 49. The City of Arroyo Grande will direct the transit vehicle manufacturer to the subject requirements located on the Internet at: http://osdbuweb.dot.aov/proarams/dbe/dbe.htm. xviI. Good Faith Efforts (~26.53) Information to be Submitted The City of Arroyo Grande treats bidders'/offerors' compliance with good faith effort requirements as a matter of responsiveness. A responsive proposal is meeting all the requirements of the advertisement and solicitation. Each solicitation for which a contract goal has been established will require the bidders/offerors to submit the following information to: City of Arroyo Grande Attn: Director of Administrative Services P.O. Box 550 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 City of Arroyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 20fU105 Page 11 lfIay 2004 --_.-- -"---- - -_._.__.._~-_._- no later than 4:00 p.m. on or before the fourth day, not including Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, following bid opening: 1. The names and addresses of known DBE firms that will participate in the contract; 2. A description ofthe work that each DBE will perform; 3. The dollar amount of the participation of each DBE firm participation; 4. Written and signed documentation of commitment to use a DBE subcontractor whose participation it submits to meet a contract goal; 5. Written and signed confirmation from the DBE that it is participating in the contract as provided in the prime contractor's commitment; and 6. If the contract goal is not met, evidence of good faith efforts. Demonstration of Good Faith Efforts The obligation of the bidder/offeror is to make good faith efforts. The bidder/offeror can demonstrate that it has done so either by meeting the contract goal or documenting good faith efforts. Examples of good. faith efforts are found in Appendix A to part 26, which is attached. The following personnel are responsible for determining whether a bidder/offeror who has not met the contract goal has documented sufficient good faith efforts to be regarded as responsive: The City of Arroyo Grande Director of Public Works. The City of Arroyo Grande will ensure that all information is complete and accurate and adequately documents the bidder/offeror's good faith efforts before a commitment to the performance of the contract by the bidder/offeror is made. Administrative Reconsideration Within 10 days of being informed by the City of Arroyo Grande that it is not responsive because it has not documented sufficient good faith efforts, a bidder/offeror may request administrative reconsideration. Bidder/offerors should make this request in writing to the following reconsideration official: Mr. Steven Adams, City Manager City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 (805) 473-5404 The reconsideration official will not have played any role in the original determination that the bidder/offeror did not make document sufficient good faith efforts. As part of this reconsideration, the bidder/offeror will have the opportunity to provide written City of An'OYo Grande - DRAFT- DBE Program for FFY 2004105 Page 12 May 2O(U -- ---,--------.-.-.,.-- ~. ----,~_.~ documentation or argument concerning the issue of whether it met the goal or made adequate good faith efforts to do so. The bidder/offeror will have the opportunity to meet in person with the reconsideration official to discuss the issue of whether it met the goal or made adequate good faith efforts to do. The City of Arroyo Grande will send the bidder/offeror a written decision on reconsideration, explaining the basis for finding that the bidder did or did not meet the goal or make adequate good faith efforts to do so. The result of the reconsideration process is not administratively appealable to Caltrans, FHW A or the DOT. Good Faith Efforts when a DBE is Replaced ona Contract The City of Arroyo Grande will require a contractor to make good faith efforts to replace a DBE that is terminated or has otherwise .failed to complete its work on a contract with another certified DBE, to the extent needed to meet the contract goat. The prime contractor is required to notify the RE immediately of the DBE's inability or unwillingness to perform and provide reasonable documentation. In this situation, the prime contractor will be required to obtain City of Arroyo Grande prior approval of the substitute DBE and to provide copies of new or amended subcontracts, or documentation of good faith efforts. If the contractor fails or refuses to comply in the time specified, the City of Arroyo Grande contracting office will issue an order stopping all or part of payment/work until satisfactory action has been taken. If the contrador still fails to comply, the contracting officer may issue a termination for default proceeding. VXIII, Counting DBe Participation (~26.55) The City of Arroyo Grande will count DBE participation toward overall and contract goals as provided in the contract specifications for the prime contrador, subcontractor, joint venture partner with prime or subcontractor, or vendor of material or supplies. See the Caltrans' Sample Boiler Plate Contract Documents previously mentioned. Also, refer to XI, A. "After Contract Award." XIX, Certification (~26.83(a)) The City of Arroyo Grande ensures that only DBE firms currently certified on the Caltrans' directory will participate as DBEs in our program. City of A"oyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2004105 Page 13 May 2()(u ~.._.-- -- XX, Information Collection and Reporting Bidders List The City of Arroyo Grande will create and maintain a bidders list, consisting of information about all DBE and non-DBE firms that bid or quote on its DOT -assisted contracts. The bidders list will include the name, address, DBE/non-DBE status, age, and annual gross receipts of firms. Monitorina Payments to DBEs Prime contractors are required to maintain records and documents of payments to DBEs for three years following the performance of the contract. These records will be made available for inspection upon request.by any authorized representative ofthe City of Arroyo Grande, Caltrans, or FHW A. This reporting requirement also extends to any certified DBE subcontractor. Payments to DBE subcontractors will be reviewed by the City of Arroyo Grande to ensure that the actual amount paid to DBE subcontractors equals or exceeds the dollar amounts stated in the schedule of DBE participation. . Reporting to Caltrans The City of Arroyo Grande's final utilization of DBE participation will be reported to the DLAE using Exhibit 17-F of the Caltrans' LAPM. Confidentialitv The City of Arroyo Grande will safeguard from disclosure to third parties information that may reasonably be regarded as confidential business information, consistent with Federal, state, and local laws. This Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Program is approved by: Steven Adams Date City Manager This Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Program is accepted by: Michael A. Giuliano, P.E. Date Caltrans District 5 Local Assistance Engineer City of Arroyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2004/05 Page 14 May 2004 ATTACHMENT A ORGANIZATIONAL CHART THE ELECTORS I MAYOR AND I CITY COUNCIL I CITY MANAGER Steven Adams I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don Spagnolo, P.E. Director/City Engineer/DBELO I I I Michael E. Linn, P.E. Thomas Korman, P.E. Assistant City Engineer/ Associate Engineer/ DBE Support Staff DBE Support Staff City of AITOYo Grande - DRAFT - DSE Program for FFY 2003104 Attachment A - Page 1 May 2003 ----- ---..-..-...------.'--'.----- ---- APPENDIX A TO PART 26 GUIDANCE CONCERNING GOOD FAITH EFFORTS 1. When, as a recipient, you establish a contract goal on a DOT-assisted contract, a bidder must, in order to be responsible and/or responsive, make good faith efforts to meet the goal. The bidder can meet this requirement in either of two ways. First, the bidder can meet the goal, documenting commitments for participation by DBE firms sufficient for this purpose. Second, even if it doesn't meet the goal, the bidder can document adequate good faith efforts. This means that the bidder must show that it took all necessary and reasonable steps to achieve a DBE goal or other requirement of this part which, by their scope, intensity, and appropriateness to the objective, could reasonably be expected to obtain sufficient DBE participation, even if they were not fully successful. 2. In any situation in which you have established a contract goal, part 26 requires you to use the good faith efforts mechanism of this part. As a recipient, it is up to you to make. a fair and reasonable judgment whether a bidder that did not meet the goal made adequate good faith efforts. It is important for you to consider the quality, quantity, and intensity of the different kinds of efforts that the bidder has made. The efforts employed by the bidder should be those that one could reasonably expect a bidder to take if the bidder Were actively and aggressively trying to obtain DBE participation sufficient to meet the DBE contract goal. Mere pro forma efforts are not good faith efforts to meet the DBE contract requirements. We emphasize, however, that your determination concerning the sufficiency of the firm's good faith efforts is a judgment call: meeting quantitative formulas is not required. 3. The Department also strongly cautions you against requirmg that a bidder meet a contract goal (i.e., obtain a specified amount of DBE participation) in order to be awarded a contract, even though the bidder makes an adequate good faith efforts showing. This rule specifically prohibits you from ignoring bona fide good faith efforts. 4. The following is a list of types of actions which you should consider as part of the bidder's good faith efforts to obtain DBE participation. It is not intended to be a mandatory checklist, nor is it intended to be exclusive or exhaustive. Other factors or types of efforts may be relevant in appropriate cases. 1. Soliciting through all reasonable and available means (e.g. attendance at pre-bid meetings, advertising and/or written notices) the interest of all certified DBEs who have the capability to perform the work of the contract. The bidder must solicit this interest within. sufficient time to allow the DBEs to respond to the solicitation. The bidder must determine with certainty if the DBEs are interested by taking appropriate- steps to follow up initial solicitations. 2. Selecting portions of the work to be performed by DBEs in order to increase city of A"oyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2003104 Appendix A - Page 1 May 2003 - - -- ,--- ------------- ~-- the likelihood that the DBEgoals will be achieved. This includes, where appropriate, breaking out contract work items into economically feasible units to facilitate DBE participation, even when the prime contractor might otherwise prefer to perform these work items with its own forces. 3. Providing interested DBEs with adequate information about the plans, specifications, and requirements of the contract in a timely manner to assist them in responding to a solicitation. 4. (1 ) Negotiating in good faith with interested DBEs. It is the bidder's responsibility to make a portion of the work available to DBE subcontractors and suppliers and to select those portions of the work or material needs consistent with the available DBE subcontractors and suppliers, so as to I facilitate DBE participation. Evidence of such negotiation includes the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of DBEs that were considered; a description of the information provided regarding the plans and specifications for the work selected for subcontracting; and evidence as to why additional agreements could not be reached for DBEs to perform the work. (2) A bidder using. good business judgment would consider a number of factors in negotiating with subcontractors, including DBE subcontractors, and would take a firm's price and capabilities as well as contract goals into consideration. However, the fact that there may be some additional costs involved in finding and using DBEs is not in itself sufficient reason for a bidder's failure to meet the contract DBE goal, as long as such costs are reasonable. Also, the ability or desire of a prime contractor to perform the work of a contract with its own organization does not relieve the bidder of the responsibility to make good faith efforts. Prime contractors are not, however, required to accept higher quotes from DBEs. if the price difference is excessive or unreasonable. 5. Not rejecting DBEs as being unqualified without sound reasons based on a thorough investigation of their capabilities. The contractor's standing within its industry, membership in specific groups, organizations, or associations and political or social affiliations (for example union vs. non-union employee status) are not legitimate causes for the rejection or non-solicitation of bids in the contractor's efforts to meet the project goal. 6. Making efforts to assist interested DBEs in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, or insurance as required by the recipient or .contractor. 7. Making efforts to assist interested DBEs in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials, or related assistance or services. 8. Effectively using the services of available minority/women community organizations; minority/women contractors' groups; local, state, and Federal City of Arroyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2003104 Appendix A - Pag~ 2 May 2003 I ---.. _._'--~._------ --- ---~ -~-- minority/women business assistance offices; and other organizations as allowed on a case-by-case basis to provide assistance in the recruitment and placement of DBEs. 22. In determining whether a bidder has made good faith efforts, you may take into account the performance of other bidders in meeting the contract. For example, when the apparent successful bidder fails to meet the contract goal, but others meet it, you may reasonably raise the question of whether, with additional reasonable efforts, the apparent successful bidder could have met the goal. If the apparent successful bidder fails to meet the goal, but meets or exceeds the average DBE participation obtained by other bidders, you may view this, in conjunction with other factors, as evidence of the apparent successful bidder having made good faith efforts. City of Anvyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2003104 Appendix A - Page 3 May 2003 - --"- ,---_. ~"---~'.'---------'-'-- APPENDIX B TO BE USED FOR DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACTS The following are hereby incorporated into the Agency's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program: II, Objectives IPolicy Statement (~~26.1, 26.23) At the end of the first paragraph, add the following: The Agency recognizes that certain modifications are necessary to adapt the program for use in connection with design-build contracts, and has therefore established certain procedures applicable to design-build DBE contracts under the DBE Program. Public Contract Code Section 4109 requires subcontractors to be identified by the prime contractor for the subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the work in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the prime contractor's total bid. Exceptions are only in the cases of public emergency or necessity, and'then only after a finding reduced to writing as a public record of the awarding authority setting forth the facts constituting the emergency or necessity. The written public record of the awarding authority/Agency as to either emergency or necessity is attached hereto (See Appendix C for sample). XIII, Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms (~26.37) At the end of the first paragraph below "After Contract Award", add the following paragraph: After Desiqn-Build Contract A ward As described in the Section entitled "GOOD FAITH EFFORTS" below, each proposer for an Agency design-build contract will be required to submit a DBE Performance Plan as part of a responsive proposal. Following award of a design-build contract and during both the design and construction portions of the project, the design-build contractor will be required to submit documentation, in the form of progress reports described below, to show that the design-build contractor is meeting the contract goal for the project, or if the goal is not being met, the design-build contractor must submit satisfactory evidence that it has made good faith efforts, in accordance with that Section, to meet the goal. Evidence of good faith efforts, as described in 49 CFR Part 26 Section 26.5349 and Appendix A, will be monitored by the Agency throughout the duration of the design-build project. At the end of the first paragraph below "Pre-Construction Conference", add the following sentence: The contractor will promptly provide the Agency with the information required by the form entitled "Local Agency DBE Information" upon selection of any DBE or other subcontractor not previously identified by the design-build contractor. During the course of the contract, differences must be explained and resolved by either making co"ections or requesting a substitution. City of Arroyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2004105 Appendix B - Page 1 May 2004 minority/women business assistance offices; and other organizations as allowed on a case-by-case basis to provide assistance in the recruitment and placement of DBEs. 22. In determining whether a bidder has made good faith efforts, you may take into account the performance of other bidders in meeting the contract. For example, when the apparent successful bidder fails to meet the contract goal, but others meet it, you may reasonably raise the question of whether, with additional reasonable efforts, the apparent successful bidder could have met the goal. If the apparent successful bidder fails to meet the goal, but meets or exceeds the average DBE participation obtained by other bidders, you may view this, in conjunction with other factors, as evidence of the apparent successful bidder having made good faith efforts. City of An-oyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2003104 Appendix A - Page 3 May 2003 ----~--~ -------------- - -----.- I , APPENDIX B TO BE USED FOR DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACTS The following are hereby incorporated into the Agency's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program: II, Objectives IPolicy Statement (~~26.1, 26.23) At the end of the first paragraph, add the following: The Agency recognizes that certain modifications are necessary to adapt the program for use in connection with design-build contracts, and has therefore established certain procedures applicable to design-build DBE contracts under the DBE Program. Public Contract Code Section 4109 requires subcontractors to be identified by the prime contractor for the subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the work in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the prime contractor's total bid. Exceptions are only in the cases of public emergency or necessity, and'then only after a finding reduced to writing as a public record of the awarding authority setting forth the facts constituting the emergency or necessity. The written public record of the awarding authority/Agency as to either emergency or necessity is attached hereto (See Appendix C for sample). XIII, Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms (~26.37) At the end of the first paragraph below "After Contract Award", add the following paragraph: After Desian-Build Contract A ward As described in the Section entitled "GOOD FAITH EFFORTS" below, each proposer for an Agency design-build contract will be required to submit a DBE Performance Plan as part of a responsive proposal. Following award of a design-build contract and during both the design and construction portions of the project, the design-build contractor will be required to submit documentation, in the form of progress reports described below, to show that the design-build contractor is meeting the contract goal for the project, or if the goal is not being met, the design-build contractor must submit satisfactory evidence that it has made good faith efforts, in accordance with that Section, to meet the goal. Evidence of good faith efforts, as described in 49 CFR Part 26 Section 26.5349 and Appendix A, will be monitored by the Agency throughout the duration of the design-build project. At the end of the first paragraph below "Pre-Construction Conference", add the following sentence: The contractor will promptly provide the Agency with the information required by the form entitled "Local Agency DBE Information" upon selection of any DBE or other subcontractor not previously identified by the design-build contractor. During the course of the contract, differences must be explained and resolved by either making cOffections or requesting a substitution. City of A"oyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2004/05 Appendix B - Page 1 May 20tU -- - "~--- - - -....---.-------- At the end of the fourth paragraph below "Construction Contract Monitorina", add the following paragraph: The contractor will provide DBE Progress Reports to the Agency with each invoice and will provide an annual report on or before August 1 of each year of the design-build contract. Each report must also include a naffative summary stating whether the contractor is on target with respect to the DBE goal set forth in the design-build contract, whether the goal has been exceeded (stating the amount of the excess), or whether the contractor is behind target (stating the amount of the deficit). XVII, Good Faith Efforts (~26.53) At the end of the third paragraph below "Information to be'Submitted", add the following items: 7. A DBE Performance Plan containing a detailed description of the design-build contractor's planned methodology for achieving the DBE goal stated in the contract, including a description of the good faith efforts the design-build contractor intends to undertake to achieve that goal. 8. A design-build proposal must also include an affidavit that the proposer will either attain the DBE goals for the design-build contract or will exercise good faith efforts to do so. ' At the end of the first paragraph below "Demonstration of Good Faith Efforts", add the following sentence: If it is a design-build contract, each contractor proposing will be required to submit DBE Performance Plan as part of a responsive proposal and good faith efforts. This Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Program for design-build contracts is approved by: Steven Adams Date City Manager This Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Program for design-build contracts is accepted by: Michael A. Giuliano, P.E. Date Caltrans District 5 Local Assistance Engineer City of A"oyo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2004105 Appendix B - Page 2 May 2004 -"-- ~- -----.", -~_._---_._---_..- ----- - APPENDIX C SAMPLE RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REGARDING NECESSITY OR EMERGENCY FOR SUBSEQUENT SUBCONTRACTOR IDENTIFICATION ~ND SELECTION FOR DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACTS (REQUIRED BY PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 4109 ENTITLED "PUBLIC EMERGENCY GROUNDS FOR CHANGE") 1. EXPLANATION OF PUBLIC NECESSITY OR EMERGENCY: 2. FACTS CONSTITUTING THE PUBLIC NECESSITY OR EMERGENCY: 3. FINDINGS: 4. RESOLUTION FOR SUBSEQUENT IDENTIFICATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS: 5. ADOPTION OF PROCEDURE TO BE USED BY DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACTOR 1 FOR SUBSEQUENT IDENTIFICATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS: 6. CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY 1. MOTION MADE AND DATE 2. VOTING RESUL TS 3. SIGNATURES: (a) (Secretary) (b) (Chairperson) City of An'OYo Grande - DRAFT - DBE Program for FFY 2003104 Appendix C - Page 1 May 2003 --------- --._---~-~ -~---------------- Attachment 3 PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Arroyo Grande has established an Overall Annual Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal, applicable to contracting opportunities scheduled to be awarded during the period of October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2005. The City of Arroyo Grande's proposed Overall Annual Goal and its rationale were developed in response to U.S. Department of Transportation's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Final Rule (49 CFR Part 26) and are available for inspection for thirty. (30) days following the date of this Notice, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time, Monday through Friday, at our principal place of business located at: City of Arroyo Grande Office of Administrative Services 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, California 93420 Phone: (805) 473-5400 Web Address: www.arroyogrande.org Comments will be accepted on the Goal for forty-five (45) days from the date of this Notice. Comments can be forwarded to the City of Arroyo Grande at the above stated address or to Michael A. Guiliano, P.E, District Local Assistance Engineer, Caltrans District 5, 50 Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo, California 93401. Dated at , California, this day of ,2003. j , i' Isl .--_._---_._----~ --- 8.g. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE CROWN HILL SEWER LINING PROJECT, PW2003-06 DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: A. accept the project improvements, as constructed by Sancon Technologies Inc., in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Crown Hill Sewer Lining Project; B. direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and, C. authorize release of the retention of $6,823.85, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. ~ FUNDING: On December 9, 2003, the City Council awarded the Crown Hill Sewer Lining Project to Sancon Technologies Inc. in the amount of $64,860.00 and authorized a contingency of $6,486.00 to be used for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. The total construction budget was $71,346.00 and the final adjusted contract amount was $68,238.46. DISCUSSION: Sancon Technologies Inc. has completed all items of work on the Crown Hill Sewer Lining Project in accordance with the plans and specifications. The project scope included the rehabilitation of approximately 800' of sewer pipe on Crown Hill and 500' of sewer pipe on East Branch Street by the installation of a resin-impregnated flexible tube, which is tightly formed to the original sewer pipe. The new sewer lining will prevent further root intrusion' and extend the service life of the.pipe by 25 years. This trench less technology construction process allowed the contractor to work above ground without disturbing existing streetscape and minimizing the traffic delays. ------.- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE CROWN HILL SEWER LINING PROJECT, PW 2003-06 MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 2 Staff is recommending the Council accept the improvements as constructed, authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion, and release the remaining portion of the 10% retention ($6;823.85), to Sancon Technologies Inc. thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens are filed. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendations; . Do not approve staff's recommendations; . Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendations; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Notice of Completion ----.------...-- -. ----- -----,- ......~-_.-_._.-~----- -- --_.------ RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: ATTACHMENT 1 CITY CLERK CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P.O. BOX 550 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN THAT: 1. The undersigned is owner or agent of owner of the interest or estate stated below the property hereinafter describe. 2. The FULL NAME of the OWNER is: The City of Arrovo Grande 3. The FULL ADDRESS of the OWNER is: 214 East Branch Street, Arrovo Grande, California 93420 4. The NATURE OF THE INTEREST or ESTATE of the undersigned is: in fee 5. THE FULL NAME and FULL ADDRESS of ALL PERSONS, if any, who hold such interest or estate with the undersigned as JOINT TENANTS or as TENANTS IN COMMON are: NAMES ADDRESSES None 6. THE FULL NAMES and FULL ADDRESSES of the PREDECESSOR'S in interest of the undersigned if the property was transferred subsequent to the commencement of the work of improvements herein referred to: NAMES ADDRESSES None 7. All work of improvement on the proPt1rty hereinafter described was COMPLETED Mav 24. 2004 8. The NAME OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR, if any, for such work of improvement is: Sancon Technologieslinc.. 9. The street address of said property is: East Branch Street and Crown Hill 10. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and is described as follows: Corwn Hill Sewer Lining Proiect, PW 2003-06 Verification of NON-INDIVIDUAL owner: I, the undersigned, declare under penalty ofpeIjuryunder the laws of the State of California that I am the Public Works Director of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property described in the above notice; that I have read the said notice, that I know and understand the contents thereof, and the facts stated therein are true and correct. Don Spagnolo, PE, Director of Public Works/City Engineer May 25, 2004, Arroyo Grande, California -- END OF DOCUMENT -- .~---- ~- --'-'-_.-' . ---.---------- --....-----. 8.h. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB ~TRONG. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECT~ BY: ANDREA KOCH, PLANNING INT~R~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO USE CITY PROPERTY, CLOSE CITY STREETS, AND WAIVE PERMIT FEES AND A PORTION OF POLICE SERVICE FEES FOR THE ANNUAL ARROYO VALLEY PEOPLE'S CHOICE. CAR SHOW ON JULY 31, 2004: TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO, 04-005 DATE: May 25, 2004 RECOMMENDA TI'ON: It is recommended the City Council consider the request from the Arroyo Valley Car Club and adopt a Resolution authorizing the use of City property, closure of City streets, and waiver of permit fees and a portion of police service fees for the Annual Arroyo Valley People's Choice Car Show on July 31, 2004, (See Attachment 1 for the applicant's letter,) FUNDING: The waiver of a portion of police service fees is projected to be $685 and the waiver of the Temporary Use Permit fee is $ 1 10. DISCUSSION: On March 9, 2004, the Arroyo Valley Car Club submitted an application for a Temporary Use Permit for the annual Arroyo Valley People's Choice Car Show scheduled on Saturday, July 31, 2004, The City has approved Temporary Use Permits for the Arroyo Valley People's Choice Car Show in previous years. The areas to be used for the event are as follows: - 1, Olohan Alley; Bridge Street between E, Branch Street and Traffic Way; Nelson Street between Bridge and Mason Streets; Short Street between E, Branch and Nelson Streets; City Hall parking lot; and the lawns on Nelson Street between Short and Mason Streets from 6:00 A.M, to 5:00 P,M, on Saturday July 31, 2004 for the purpose of holding the car show. ----.- CITY COUNCIL ARROYO V ALLEY PEOPLE'S CHOICE CAR SHOW MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 2 2. Closure of Mason Street between E. Branch and Nelson Streets from 6:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. on Saturday, July 31, 2004 for car show registration, On April 21, 2004, the Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) discussed the requirements for the event, These items are addressed in the conditions of approval for the Temporary Use Permit (Exhibit U A"). A Temporary Use Permit authorizing street closures may only be issued upon the approval of the City Council, In addition to the request to close City streets and use City property, the applicant has requested the City waive a portion of police service fees and the Temporary Use Permit fee, This event meets the City Council's established criteria for waiving Temporary Use Permit fees, Due to the size and location of the event, the Police Department traditionally utilizes a foot-beat team comprised of two (2) police officers for security purposes. Since East Branch Street is not blocked off, police officers for intersection control are not necessary. While the event does not usually produce a large number of incidents, the police units are beneficial in handling potentially unruly situations and in keeping illegal alcohol consumption to a minimum. The City displays the DARE unit and other emergency vehicles during the event, Since 1 991, except for 1 997 when there was no car show, the City Council has waived the auxiliary police service fees for the event entirely, This has been done on .the basis that the Arroyo Valley Car Club is a community based non-profit organization, which places the majority of the funds it raises through the car show back into the community through donations to other non-profit organizations. Many of these donations go to youth-oriented groups. Because of the current State budget crisis, the applicant has offered to pay up to a maximum of $300 towards police costs for the event, This would reduce the potential loss of offsetting revenue to approximately $685. The event is budgeted in the Police Department's Overtime Budget and since the City Council has waived this fee in the past, the auxiliary police services costs for the event have not been included in the Police Department's Cost Recovery revenue estimates, Therefore, should the City Council continue the practice of waiving the fee, or a portion thereof, there will be no negative impact to estimated cost recovery revenues. - ,---- ~--_..._------- --~ -- CITY COUNCIL. ARROYO V ALLEY PEOPLE'S CHOICE CAR SHOW MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 3 AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Adopt the attached Resolution; - Modify and adopt the attached Resolution; - Do not adopt the attached Resolution; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Resolution 1. Applicant's letter i I -~----- . . .J RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 04- 005; AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF CITY STREETS, THE USE OF CITY PROPERTY, AND A WAIVER OF PERMIT FEES AND A PORTION OF POLICE SERVICE FEES FOR THE ARROYO VALLEY PEOPLE'S CHOICE CAR SHOW TO BE HELD SA TURDA Y, JUL Y 31,2004 WHEREAS, organizers of the Arroyo Valley People's Choice Car Show have requested closure of certain City streets and the use of City property as outlined below, for its annual car show to be held on July 31, 2004; and WHEREAS, organizers of the Arroyo Valley Car People's Choice Car Show have requested that the City waive permit fees and a portion of police service fees; and WHEREAS, meml:;>>ers of the Arroyo Valley Car Club will be responsible for traffic control and cleanup; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That Olohan Alley; Bridge Street between E, Branch Street and Traffic Way; Nelson Street between Bridge and Mason Streets; Short Street between E, Branch and Nelson Streets; City Hall parking lot; and the lawns on Nelson Street between Short and Mason Streets shall be closed from 6:00 A,M, to 5:00 P,M, on Saturday, July 31, 2004 for the purpose of holding the car show, 2, That Mason Street between E, Branch and Nelson Streets shall be closed from 6:30 A,M. to 10:30 A,M, on Saturday, July 31, 2004 for the purpose of holding the car show registration; and 3, That the Arroyo Valley Car Club will adhere to certain requirements and conditions set forth by the Community Development, Public Works, Police, and Building and Fire Departments regarding security and traffic control and all other applicable conditions of a Temporary Use Permit to be issued by the City as set forth in Exhibit II A "; and 4, That ~uxiliary police service fees for the Arroyo Valley People's Choice Car Show to be held on Saturday, July 31, 2004 are waived. - RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2004. ~----- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 3 TONY M, FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J, CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY J RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 4 EXHIBIT U A n CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL U ARROYO V ALLEY CAR SHown TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 04-005 SATURDAY, JULY 31, 2004 General Conditions 1, The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2, The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department, 3, The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action, The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition, Community Development Department Conditions 4, Notify affected merchants prior to the event, informing the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement ~ssociation and the Chamber of Commerce of the car show, Parks and Recreation Department Conditions 5, The event organizers shall flag all sprinkler heads on turf and lawn areas to prevent damage, Applicant will be responsible for cost of broken sprinklers and labor associated with damage caused due to cars on turf area, 6, The event o(ganizers shall coordinate the placement of waste containers by Friday, July 30, 2004, with the Parks Division and the Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities, 7, The event organizers shall submit a recycling plan, supervise all areas, and pick up litter, waste, and debris, and shall empty all City waste containers in dumpsters provided by the Car Club, RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 5 Public Works Department Conditions 8. The event organizers shall be responsible for providing, setting up, and removing barricades for closures of City streets, alleys, parking lots and City facilities mentioned in the application, 9. Event organizers shall place all barricades and signs posting road and parking lot closures a minimum of 48 hours prior to the event. 10, Street closures shall be noticed in the July 30, 2004 edition of the "Times- Press Recorder", 11. Event organizers shall coordinate with the Police, Public Works, and Fire Departments with regard to the closures of streets, alleys, parking lots, and the use of City property, 12, Event organizers shall clean all City streets and parking areas utilized at the conclusion of the event, Building and Fire Department Conditions 13. Event organizers must comply with the Building and Fire Department guidelines, 14, Emergency access must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of Building and Fire, 15, The use of generators must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Building and Fire, 16. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced per Police and Fire Department guidelines, 17, All food booths must comply with the San Luis Obispo County and City Building and Fire Department 9uidelines, 18, The Building and Fire Department must inspect all food booths and generators prior to event opening, 19. Event organizers shall provide one handicapped accessible restroom, -~~._'-~ ---.., ,...-.... r ATTACHMENT 1 ( ., R=~~~::~D ._ Cn-y Vi- AiiiiUJU GRANDE ARROYO VALLEY, CAR CLUB COMMUNI1Y PEVELOPMENT DEPT. P. O. Box 1037 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 March 9, 2004 Community Development Director City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Bran~ Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Dear Sir/Madam: The Arroyo Grande Car Cub has presented a Peoples Choice Car Show In the HIstoric: VlI'- of An'oyo Grande every year since 1989, with the exception of 1997. This event has been very popular with both car enthusiasts and ,the local merchants. We have Vied to keep it low-key and non-cornmercial, imposing a limit of 300 enVies to assure that it stays that way. The partldpants have come from aU over California and a few from other states, They tell us that they look forward to the show every year, enjoy the show and 'their :visits to beautiful and friendly Arroyo Grande, In the pastvearswe have awarded approximately 150 trophies, many of which are donated by local merchants. Tf:Ie continuing sua:essofthe show and the: dedication an~, hard-;""or:k of, ~r, c:lu~ :r:nembers have allowed us .to donate more than $44,500,00 to local youth: and. seniQr,~Zen,:ac:tiYitles $i~ ~989, We are incorporated as a non-profit organization so that weQln contin-.we this YIOI'thy:endeavor. . It is our desire to continue this annual event this summer. Therefore, we request your approval for the Fifteenth Annual Arroyo Grande Car Sho to be held on July 31, 2004. We also request permission to close Olohan Alley, bridge Street from Branch Street to Trame Way, Nelson Street from BrIdge Street to Mason Street, Short Street from Branch Street to Nelson Street, The City Hall Parking Lot and the Park at the comer of Nelson and Mason Streets from 6:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on that day. We also request permission to dose Mason Street between Branch Street and nelson Street from 6:30 a,m, to 10:30 a,m, on that same morning for the purpose of registration of entrants. We will place a notice in the local newspaper advising residents of the street dosures, Barricades will also be posted with dosure dates and times. We will provide the necessary portable toilets facilities and trash receptacles as well as dean-up during and after the show. The dub carries a $1,000,000,00 insurance policy for this event, In the past years the aty has absorbed. the (:OSts of overtime reJat;ed to the show, particularly for the Police Deparbnent,. .In consideration of theturrent state budget fiasco and its etrects on local spending plans, the .dubJs. willing to pay up to a maxlro~m of$300~OO toward the cost.c:>>r~~lce overtime expenses,. . .' '." r.', :'.: ;.! '" -" ., _ '. i ::. _'-, ':.- _ _ ';: Respectfully, : . _' , ,. . r . ~', "": .~" " . . . .'. . .' . . .\. . . ..- - . ... .. ~ ' : . - i 1 / . - . William Madison President WM/lja -'--- -..-.---- ---~~- -~._.~.~,,-_.._._--- 9.a. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande to consider the following item: AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 04-001; Applicant - Wells Fargo Bank; Location - 911 Rancho Grande Parkway, The City Council will consider a proposal for a full service bank in Phase .11 of the Five Cities Center. WHEN: TUESDAY, MAY 25,2004 AT 7:00 P,M. WHERE: ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 E, BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420 <,,-. In compliance with the~lif(jrrfia/. Environmental Quality Act, the Community Development Department has determined that the project is categorically exempt under section 15305 of the . CEQA guidelines. If the City Council does not feel that this categorical exemption is appropriate, project approval will not be considered. Any person affected or concerned by this application may submit written comments to the Community Development Department before the hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project and the environmental impacts at the time of hearing. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Community Development Department at 214 E. Branch. Street, Arroyo Grande, California, during normal business hours, 8:00 a,m. to 5:00 p.m. The project application is available for public inspection at the above address. If you challenge an item in court, you. may be. limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at ,the ::publlc hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to . invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. ~~ Kelly W tmo , Director of Administrative Servicesl Deputy City Clerk Publish 1T, Friday, May 14, 2004 -~'--""'--- -- MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ~S ROB STRONG . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ~f... KELLY HEFFERNON ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 04-D01TO ALLOW A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION TO OCCUPY BUILDING "J" OF THE FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENT~R; 911 RANCHO PARKWAY; WELLS FARGO BANK DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends the Council adopt the attached resolution approving the proposed project. FUNDING: It is uncertain what the net financial benefit or loss would be to the City by allowing a bank to occupy what is currently a retail-approved lease space. The subject property has not been occupied to date and therefore has not generated any sales tax revenue for the City. There would be a potential future loss in sales tax revenue by allowing a non-retail use. Secondary financial benefits could be gained from the bank drawing more people to the Five Cities Center to shop. DISCUSSION: Backaround The City Council approved Conditional Use Permit 96-541 to construct the Five Cities Center in July 1996, which included the construction offourteen (14) commercial buitdings in two phases. The site plan approved as part of the conditional use permit designated the location, maximum building size and uses for each building. As shown on the approved site plan for Phase II, Buildings I, J and K were designated for commercial retail uses, and Buildings Land M were designated for restaurant uses (reference Attachment 1). In November and December of 2001, the City Council approved the following amendments to Buildings J and M and A.G. Edwards & Sons, a financial institution, was allowed to occupy Building L: a. Changed the land use designation of Building L from restaurant to commercial retail; b. Rotated and moved Building L to be parallel with Rancho Parkway and approximately forty (40') feet closer to West Branch Street; --~_._~------- CITY COUNCIL ACUP 04-001 MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 2 c. Allowed 4,095 square feet of restaurant space in building J; d. Allowed an outdoor patio seating area between Buildings J and K; e. Decreased the size of Building M from 6,500 square feet to 5,000 square feet. f. Allowed up to 1,175 square feet of outdoor. patio seating area for Building "Mil for a total of twelve (12) tables. Building J has a total of 11,700 square feet of lease space, 4,550 square feet of which has been vacant since it was constructed. The bank proposes to occupy this remaining lease space, rendering all of Phase II as completely occupied except for Building I, which has yet to undergo the discretionary review process. Parkin", ReQuirements The main issue raised by this CUP Amendment is how the parking and circulation will be affected within Phase II of the shopping center. The parking calculations summarized in the table below show that the proposed change in use for lease space from commercial retail to financial institution will not adverse!y impact the parking configuration or the ability to provide sufficient parking for Phase II (see Attachment 2 for Parking Study). SUMMARY OF PARKING REQUIREMENTS No. Parking Spaces Existing Parking 263 Parking Demand: Wells Fargo 18 Baja Fresh 26 Coldstone Creamery 15 Hallmark 12 Trader Joe's 47 AG Edwards 16 Vigneto Restaurant 50 Total parking required 184 Traffic Impacts According to the SANDAG trip generation chart, a stand-alone bank would generate approximately three (3) times the traffic as a commercial retailer. Staff believes that the trip generation rate provided in the SANDAG chart is overstated since 1) Wells Fargo would not be a stand-alone bank, and 2) it is anticipated that much of the traffic would come from people already shopping at the center. A full traffic analysis for Five Cities Center will be conducted when an application is received for developing. Pad I (approved for a major tenant of approximately 36,000 square feet), If the Council determines a traffic analysis is necessary for the proposed bank, the project should be continued at this time. Plannina Commission The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed financial use on May 4, 2004 and recommended approval after discussing issues of parking, traffic and lighting (see Attachment 4 for Draft Meeting Minutes). . ----------~-_.__...- --- " --------...--- CITY COUNCIL . ACUP 04-001 MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 3 Staff Advisorv Committee (SAC) The SAC considered the project on March 31, 2004 and discussed issues relating to adequate garbage capacity within the existing enclosure to handle the added use, onsite utilities, sufficient lighting for the ATM (see Attachment 3), and employee parking (see Attachment 5 for Meeting Notes). Architectural Review Committee (ARC) The ARC considered the sign application for the bank on May 3, 2004 and recommended approval as submitted (see Attachment 6 for Meeting Notes). Two wall signs are proposed that meet the requirements for the Five Cities Planned Sign Program. No signage is proposed on the back of the building. PUBLIC COMMENTS: A public notice was sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project, and a public notice was placed in the Times-Press-Recorder on May 14, 2004. Staff' has not received any comments or correspondence to date. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has reviewed this project in compliance. with the California Environmental Quality Act, and has found that the project is exempt per section 15305 of the CEQA Guidelines. Therefore, staff does not anticipate that this project will have an adverse effect on the environment. AL TERNA TlVES: The following alternatives are presented for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve the Planning Commission's recommendation and adopt the resolution; 2. Modify the Planning Commission's recommendation and adopt the resolution; or 3. Take tentative action to deny the project application and direct staff to prepare an appropriate resolution for City Council action. If the Council selects alternative 3, staff will return with the appropriate resolution at a later meeting. Attachments: 1. Original Site Plan for the Five Cities Shopping Center 2. Parking Study by Tomas lang Architects dated April 19, 2004 3. A TM Security Lighting 4. Draft Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of May 4, 2004 5. SAC Meeting Notes of March 31, 2004 6. Draft ARC Meeting Notes of May 3, 2004 7. Proposed Signage for Wells Fargo Bank S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENT\PROJECTS\CUP\Five Cities Center\Wells Fargo\CC Rpt..doc ----.-.-' "-------------------------- RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 04-001, APPLIED FOR BY WELLS FARGO BANK, LOCATED AT 911 RANCHO PARKWAY (FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER, PHASE II) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 04-001, filed by Wells Fargo Bank to amend Conditional Use Permit 96-541 by allowing a financial use in Building "J" of the Five Cities Shopping Center; and WHEREAS, on May 4, 2004 the. Planning Commission held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the City Code and recommended the City Council approve the project; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the City Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and the environmental documents associated therewith; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that this project is categorically exempt under Section 15305 of State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL Conditional Use Permit Findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted within the Rancho Grande Planned Development (PD 1.2) pursuant to Section 16.16.050 of the Development Code, and complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code, the goals and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City. i 2. The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the district in which it is to be established or located because the building is already constructed and I the proposed use is similar to other surrounding uses. 3. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development that is proposed because all the necessary easements, circulation, parking and setbacks are be provided. 4. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure the public health and safety. The building was constructed and. issued a certificate of occupancy in 2000, verifying that all necessary utilities and provisions were installed to ensure public health and safety. I I RESOLUTION NO. I PAGE 2 I 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties and improvements in. the vicinity because the proposed project would not create adverse environmental. impacts. The building is already constructed and the existing parking is sufficient to accommodate the use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 04-001, with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this day of 2004. . ... ~--------.-_._._--- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 3 TONY M, FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY -~~ RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 4 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 0~01 AGRA, LLC FIVE CITIES CENTER, PHASE II COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT This Amendment to Conditional Use Pennit 96-541 authorizes a financial institution to occupy Building "J" of the Five Cities Shopping Center (lease space is approximately 4,550 square feet). GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. All conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit 96~541 shall remain in full force and effect as indicated in City Council Resolution 3157 approved on July 9, 1996. 2. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 3. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Amended Conditional Use Pennit Case No. 04-001. 4. This application shall automatically expire on May 25, 2006 unless a building pennit is issued. Thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the approval, the applicant may apply for an extension of one (1) year from the original date of expiration. 5. Development shall occur in substantial confonnance with the plans presented to the City Council at the meeting of May 25,2004 and marked Exhibit "B". 6. The applicant shall agree to defend at hislher sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said. approval, orin anyway relating to the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fee's which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 7. Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit a letter from the property owner (Investec) verifying that the existing trash receptacles within the existing trash enclosure and the proposed frequency of trash pick ups is adequate to accommodate the proposed use in addition to existing uses. - ---.-.-.-.---- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 5 8. The employee parking for Wells Fargo Bank shall be restricted to the extreme southwest comer of the existing parking lot. 9. Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit an exterior lighting plan and site lighting footcandle plan subject to review and approval of the Community Development and Police Departments that complies with Section 16.48.090 ofthe Development Code. BUILDING AND FIRE DEPARTMENT 10. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of all California Building and Fire Codes, as adopted by the Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, City of Arroyo Grande. 11. The project shall provide complete compliance with State and Federal disabled access requirements. 12. Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, ~II buildings must be fully sprinklered per Building and Fire Department guidelines. 13. Two (2) exits are required from the public area. 14. The vault "structure" shall be independent from existing building' structure. 15. Existing fire sprinkler and alarm system shall be revised as required for new construction and occupancy. S:\COMMUNI"TY _DEVELOPMENT\PROJECTS\CUP\Five Cities Centel\Wells Fargo\CC reso.doc -,,- E.)(H\a\1 a }\ \ ,C'> :Q ~~ :P ro (\ 2. -n ,-0 \~ :J!) ~ 0 ~~ ffl ~~ fn S tD -., at:; ~ c;.. :gQ g t'i\' i ~~.pa d 0 ~rn ~ f \ \\ \ \ . \ \\ \ \\ \ \ ^' \ \ \ \ /,\(, \ ", / " ::,: .--' , . ',' 1 .. .. ' ,"",' .. . <. \ \ \ "- ;'& /' , \ .1 . .. ( i r' .'. .. .', \\ \" \ \\ , ' ' . ,'. ,",.. ~ '\ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \ t \i\\l\\ t\\\ ii r;\ ~1 ~W--l. / tl/\\' "l/-\ti--\-t - //-/ .,\ ..- ... ,~ ---------~.__..====--------- ---~- t ...~"I"'J"':--:'. .~: '.F -:'-l A TT ACHMENT 1 f' J i .1 '.j ...1; , I' i! , ':~t-,~~~~f=J~;-: :.:'. .~:. ~ r'f-.'<..,"'-' )';;\t;;~;:.. '6 oi- . -, ''''*'''-' ,e...~-,~, &~S; I!)M':~,{i.~< ..... ..... . !~~ ,,"$;~~, ~ ~o '. '. ~ .._:.~~. ;,::' ::. . :;:- . : , '. -':it. ... .... m .. ~. ..~~ '. ~-o ..... t<j.' ".: ..1.. .. S; t !!~ .._, .'...... - .. . 'N~ :-~-~-,:~.::;J~.~,~~~~ ....... M' ,. ,..~ ::. ;.."-.-- '.* " ,-' ....,., . . ,!tllm ~:;~iff,;{&,~i"~ .c_. ~~ 3~O ~:S;cEi .. of ,,-:::;. . (JJ . 0, z" m ~. m .~.. -, ,", n' .... ..,...,: '. I . I ----- ._~---~ I" j FROM :TomasLang Architects FAX NO. :805783211137 '\ ATTACHMENT 2 t. II: TOM~. tANG arc hIt e c t s ; April 19,2004 ..'1 .(; Kelly Heffernan Community Development City of Arroyo Grande '" 214 East Branch street ; Arroyo Grande, California 93421 Re: WeDs Fargo, Five Cities Cente'r. Amended Conditional Use Pe""it No. 04-001 Dear Ms. Heffernon, , The following is the pal1<ing study requeAid for Ihe proposed Wells Fargo iltheFcve CitiesCemer. Existing parking: 263 spaces Parking Demand; ,~ Wells Fargo 18 spaces (4,550sf + 250 = 18.2 spaces) Baja Fresh: 26 spaces (2,600sf+ 100 =26 spaces) , 15 spaces (1,495sf + 100 = 14.95 spaces) Coldstone Creamery; . HaHmark: 12 spaces (3,055sf + 250 = 12.22 spaces) Trader Joe's; 47 spaces (11,700sf + 250 = 46.8 spaces) AG Edwards: . 16 spaces (4,QOOsf. 250 = 16 spaces). Vignetos: 50 spaces (5,OOOsf + 100 = 50 spaces) Total parking required: 184 spaces required Center parking ratio: , 1 space per 12351 of gross floor area (32,4oosf + 263 spaces =123.19) Parking demand was taken for gfO$S'lIoor atea of all spaces. kitchens, storage rooms, ete were not broken out of the areas. Baja Fresh 'NaS not considered a Fast Food Restaurant, if Is were to be considered a Fast Food Restaurant, .1,6OOsf of the space is accessbJe to the public therefore 1,6OOsf + 75 = 21.3 spaces would be required. \ A parking reduction is not required as part of this project. There are differing hoUlS of operation within the site with Trader Joe's, Baja Fresh,CoIdstone Creamery, HaQmark and Vignetos operating past the 6:00 pm weekday 'and 2:00 pm Saturrjay closing time of Wells Fargo, Parking located to the east of the Wells Fargo site is used very infrequent. spaces are always avaRable at this location. The proposed employee parking for Weils Fargo would be at the. extreme Southwest corner of the existing parking lot There are no s~~ employee parking areas on the site, Wells Fargo wi" discuss parking arrangements with aD of it's employees. I TomasLang Architects ,} 1329 Broad Street San Luis ObIspo, CA 93401 805.7832107 en !a!:: tomaslang@charter.net fax: 805.783.2107 ..f. FROM_:TomasLang Architects FAX.: NO~ :0057832107 Apr, 192004 02:27PM P2 . Page 2 April 19,2004 , VISIting the site on numerous times throughout the day and evening there have been numerous parking spaces available to the east of the proposed Wells Fargo site. rt appears that most patrons 01 the existing center will park as close as pOssible to the.entry of Trader Joe's and Baja Fresh with the overftow using the parking near Vlgnet.t}s. Very rarely are patrons parking ,east of the Wells Fargo site. Please contad me with any questions ?f comments. .. , Cc Susan Ambrosia - WeBs Fargt'J C.urporate Properties ii : ~._---_..- -..-------.-.-.--.-..... ._- " -~-~---- ----- -- . ". , I (---, ATTACHMENT 3 AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHiNES SECURITY GUIDELINES A TM Uahtina F!)r States With A1M Legislation. L.g1ti~ In Part<lng 8: Access Area 0 Be 2 fot MeOSJJl8l3 36" Above ~ Pavement ~----~ ~ ---...... r" "-. ./ .., ~. ! . I I Ugh1tlg At A TM I To 8e 10 rot At Face I Ex1endina 5 ft from A TM I Measured 36" Above / Pavemen1 , pal LoI Ar::J:2S Prrea . , 10 \ \ \ . "\ lit/' ,. "', ~-- Wells Fargo Bank Page 10 October 02 Corporate Security 0."" -&'QQr:'R~/_~..G 02..11it.::l SOlIi1M detr:tra ..a sa qit.;J MINUTES DRAFT A TT ACHMENT 4 PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 4, 2004 Works has reviewed the documentation for these lots and determined that the two lots were legally created. Ms. Heffernon stated staff recommends that Certificates of Compliance be made an administrative permit process along with the Development Code Update. In reply to Commission questions, staff clarified some information regarding the maps. The Commission unanimously approved the recommendation to make Certificates of Compliance an administrative or procedure and asked staff to .come back with a Development Code Amendment to address this requested change. The Commission had no further concerns. Chair Guthrie opened the hearing for public comment and hearing none closed it Commissioner Keen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Brown approving Certificate of Compliance Case No. 04-001 and adopting: RESOLUTION 04-1924 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CASE NO, 04-001 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 439 EAST BRANCH STREET AND 426 CROWN HILL, APPLIED BY GREG & DEBRA KLOSINSKI The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Keen, Brown, Arnold, Fowler and Chair Guthrie NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 4th day of May 2004. B, AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO, 04-001; APPLICANT - WELLS FARGO BANK; LOCATION - 911 RANCHO PARKWAY, Staff report prepared and presented by Associate Planner, Kelly Heffernon. Ms. Heffernon explained that this was a proposal to consider an amended Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Case No. 96-541 by allowing a financial office use in a portion of Building "J", of Phase II, of the Five Cities Shopp.ing Center in Planned Development PD 1.2. Ms. Heffernon described the proposed changes: . Change on existing doors- replace with full glass windows; . Enlarging the front door; . Installing stucco in place of glass for the ATM machines; . The back of the building will remain unchanged; ." ----- -- .._---~ MINUTES DRAFT PAGE 6 PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 4, 2004 . The ARC has recommended approval of two 31-square foot signs (this does not include any signage on the back of the building); the signage will not be approved until the ACUP has been considered. The primary concern raised by the CUP Amendment is how the parking and circulation will be affected within Phase II of the shopping center. The parking study shows that the proposed change in use for lease space from commercial retail to financial institution would not adversely impact the parking configuration or the ability to provide sufficient parking for Phase II. Traffic congestion is also a concern as the SANDAG trip generation chart shows that approximately three times the trips (over retail generated trips) could be generated with a "stand alone" bank. However, staff does not believe this use will generate much more traffic, as this shopping center will be used for multiple purposes. When an application comes forward for Pad 'I' (final pad), staff will look at a more detailed parking and traffic analysis, including the problematic driveway intersection of Phases I and lion Rancho Parkway. In reply to a question from Commissioner Fowler, Ms. Heffernon stated that this building has been vacant for four years. Commissioner Arnold stated it is well.known that there is a problem with the circulation (getting in and out of the two sides, Phase I and Phase II), and asked if there had been consideration of closing one entrance on Phase II where it aligns with Phase I? Ms. Heffernon said this could be addressed at the Traffic Commission if requested. Chair Guthrie asked if trip generation had been included for the two A TM's? Ms. Heffernon replied that she did not have this information, but if further environmental review was required this could be done. Chair Guthrie opened the hearing for public comment. Susan Ambrosia, Wells Fargo Bank, explained details of the proposal and said she would be happy to answer any questions. Commission Comments: Keen: . Does the existing parking lot lighting meet the standards for A TM's? Ms. Ambrosia replied that they would have to do a photometric study and modify the existing if required. . Was there any discussion with the Police Department re the placement of the ATM's? Mr. Strong replied this was discussed at the SAC meeting. Dave Pintard, Investec, stated they would have their architect address the circulation of traffic from Phase I and II when Pad 'I' comes forward for consideration and they were aware that the cross traffic is a problem. In addition, he stated he had a letter from the State Board of Equalization (copy given to staff) showing that in 2002 the Five Cities --- ----- ~--_.- --- - MINUTES DRAFT PAGE 7 PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 4, 2004 Center generated retail sales tax revenue in the amount of $719,120 for the City, and this figure does not include Pad 'I'. This was substantially more tax revenue than projected when the shopping center was being considered originally (3$55,000 estimated). Chair Guthrie closed the hearing for public comment. Commission Comments: Keen: . The parking lot lighting around the ATM machines should be addressed. Arnold: . No further concerns. Fowler: . The Hallmark store in the center will be delighted if the bank goes in because they would like to see more foot traffic. Brown: . He would like to see this go forward even though he is aware of past sensitivity to this area. Chair Guthrie: . He had no problem with the substitution of the bank for retail since it has been sitting vacant; on the traffic generation in terms of the entire project he did not think it would be a big enough issue to require another study at this time. When the last project goes in he would like to see further study for better solutions for the two driveways on Rancho Parkway. Victor Devens, Public Works, state the City has not yet accepted the improvements, as the developer has not yet fulfilled their obligations (provided "as built" drawings of all improvements), so if there is an adverse 'situation the City has means to correct it. Commissioner Brown made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Arnold to recommend that City Council approve the Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 04-001 and adopt: RESOLUTION 04-1925 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY. COUNCIL APPROVE AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 04-001, APPLIED FOR BY WELLS FARGO BANK, LOCATJ:D AT 911 RANCHO PARKWA Y(FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER, PHASE II) -- --- ------ ----_.__..~._--_._.._-- --_----! - MINUTES DRAFT PAGE 8 PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 4, 2004 The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Brown, Arnold, Fowler, Keen and Chair Guthrie NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 4th day of May 2004. C, AMENDED CUP CASE NO, 04-002; APPLICANT - LDS CHURCH; LOCATION - 751 S, TRAFFIC WAY, Staff report prepared and presented by Planning Intern, Andrea Koch. Mr. Strong said this project has been withdrawn indefinitely. IV, NON PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. Secondary dwelling yard and other exceptions, 344 Tally Ho: The applicant for this has requested a postponement of this due to a death in the family. 3. Viewshed Review 01-005,834 Willow Lane: Already discussed at the beginning of the meeting. Commissioner Arnold asked about the Minor Use Permit, Viewshed Review 04-005, 140 Ruth Ann Way not discussed earlier. Mr. Strong explained that they had one comment from the adjacent neighbor and today will begin the 10-day appeal period. Commissioner Arnold said he believed this would not be an issue, but he did believe this will start a precedent and as this moves up the hill for other properties it may become a problem. Chair Guthrie asked if this addition would exceed the FAR? Mr. Strong replied that it was up to the max, plus an open deck. The Commission had no other concerns with this proposal. VI, PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: There was a discussion on AB 2702 re second units. Mr. Strong said locally we have established criteria for secondary dwelling units and are having some problems that precludes us from bringing them into compliance. We may consider going into an amnesty program for existing units so we can address public health and safety issues. Commissioner Brown asked for an update on the removal of the oak tree on Pine Street. Mr. Strong stated Dan Hernandez, Parks & Recreation Director indicated that the arborist's opinion reported the tree dead and dangerous and in City right of way. Commissioner Brown asked if the City could require a replacement program to set an ----. ----..--------- NOTES SAC MEETING DRAFT A TT ACHMENT 5 March 31, 2004 Community Development . Add all storage locations to plans. . Provide at least one privately owned covered space per. unit with the remaining park' designated for common ownership. Provision of additional private spaces co be determined by need, with people paying extra money to the homeowners' a ciation to obtain more spaces. . Indicate which fifteen units will be deed-restricted to moderate-income re . ents. . Clearly delineate open space on the Map and provide a document owing of what this open space consists. Building and Fire . Kelly Heffemon reported that Larry. Schmidt sent a memo obtain usual building permits. Public Works . Provide more detail in CC&Rs about mainten of on-site storm drainage system that is remaining private. . Provide a benchmark statement for the Te ativ~ Tract Map. . Show contours on plans, as well as e . ing and,proposedfa9i1ities (including water, sewer lines, storm drains, and trees) . Submit open space agreement ap. . Show on Map offer of dedi n for water and sewer lines, and show any other easements or offers of dedi Ion. . Remove master water er and replace it with an 8" water main. Install multiple water meters. . If condominium pia are approved, PW will request plans for a Tract Map. . Pay all usual pia heck fees, including map check fee. . Provide inspe 'on agreement and subdivision improvement agreement. . Obtain all al bonds .(faithful performance, labor and materiats, monumentation, 1- year, etc. . Items uested by PW for the Tentative Tract. Map need to be completed prior to de ing application complete. . applicant is going to designate the common area as a separate lot, needs to show this on the map. ction: Need input from Parks, Recreation & Facilities Department before can commit to an agenda for project review. B. AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 04-001; APPLICANT - WELLS FARGO BANK; LOCATION 911 RANCHO PARKWAY (PHASE II OF FIVE CITIES CENTER), Project Planner - Kelly Heffernon. . DescriDtion: Construction of tenant improvements to an existing building. Use will be a full service bank owned and operated by Wells Fargo Bank. Issues: Applicant . Plan to modify storefront for A TMs. Community Development NOTES SAC MEETING DRAFT PAGE 3 March 31, 2004 . Discuss garbage requirements with property owner. This prevents the applicant from stating, after project approval, that parking spaces need to be used for a larger required dumpster. . Sign will undergo review by the ARC. . City Council may be concemed that bank would occupy space that could be used for retail businesses, for which the complex was constructed. Applicant should find out what other retail construction is 'currently occurring in the vicinity to report to the City Council. . Staff has no problem with the bank occupying retail space, especially because the space has been vacant since construction of the Complex. Building and Fire . Kelly Heffemon reported that no written comments obtained from Building & Fire with regard to this project. Public Works . Contact Investec regarding any questions about onsite utilities, such as water and sewer, because Investec is still the owner of these utilities. Police . Installation of cameras at A TMs would improve security. Will these be installed? Applicant affirmed planned installation of cameras. Community Development/Police . Is there sufficient lighting in theATM area? Applicant will have to assess current lighting situation. . Community Development wants adequate lighting, but not so it spills into the nearby residential area. Conditions: Community Development .. Ensure there is sufficient Ughting at A TMs. Code Enforcement . Discuss employee parking in the parking plan. Action: Once several more items are obtained from applicant, staff will review project and schedule it for Planning Commission and City Council review. The ARC will also review this project. C, NNED SIGN PROGRAM 04-001; APPLICANT - ROBERT ANDERSON; LO N - STATION WAY, VILLAGE CREEK PROMENADE, Project Planner- Jim Bergma . DescriDtion: Planned Sign mfor Village Creek Promenade. Issues: Applicant . Monument sign listing names of businesses in front of t the need for an abundance of signage all over the building. _ _ ___ s__ I I I ---......- . -~----_._~--_._- I \ ARC Notes ATTACHMENT 6 May 3, 2004 I B, ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PERMIT ASP 04-008; APPLICANT - Wells Fargo Bank; REPRESENTATIVE - Susan Ambrosia; LOCATION - 911 Rancho Parkway The project was presented by Planning Associate, Kelly Heffernon. The project involves new signage for Wells Fargo Bank. The local Wells Fargo representative stopped by the department and he was in a time crunch due to a long drive home, but he shared some ideas. Wells Fargo is taking over two empty lease spaces next to Hallmark in the Five Cities Center. There are two "box" signs (not channel letters) that will go on west side and front of building. The logo signage on the glass doors is standard for all their banks. The representative said he would rather compromise on the signs than on the door logos. ARC had previously allowed another business in the center (Cingular) to have glass door signage (the Jumping Jack character). The ARC had the following comments and questions: . In the Village Creek Promenade, Natural Balance covered most of the door with signage, and the question was how much glass was still showing. With this, there's still a lot of open glass left. They are putting hours on one door sign and this provides balance (to have logos on both doors). . There also is some pedestrian traffic. . Although other signs on the building have channel letters, there are other "box" type signs in the Center. Also, these will be on the tower (some distance away from channel letter signs). A motion was made by Amy Miltenberger and seconded by Melanie Hodges to approve Administrative Sign Permit 04-008 as submitted. Motion approved: 4/0 voice vote. NNED SIGN PERMIT PSP 04-002; APPLICANT - Dave Tilsner Signs; ON - Courtland and Grand The project w resented by Planning Associate, Kelly Heffemon. The project involves new . nage for Longs. Last year, the Planning Commission approved the Planned Si rogram for the whole shopping center. One of the allowances was for Longs . n to be a 10% increase (exception), so instead of the maximum 70 s.f., it d be 77 s.f. Longs now requests an increase in size to 117 s. f., but staff doe ' recommend approval, as there isn't an apparent necessity for a larger sign it would. set a precedent. ARC has denied other increases in the past. ~--_._.- - -- _._-----_.._----~--_. _._~ . 1'3 ~ \ ~1i1~ -t-- ~~~ i ~ -.~ ~ 10 1 \\.~ ~ ~ . -;.! :, jI .. / " : ~ ,:e d.1 ~ l ........;d ~I _ i i i . t .. \!I 1.' :;---;. . ~ ....",0 .. ~1> ...__ n\@ N@ ~d - " t ... oj! '" ~% ~~ ~ ~~ t~ ~ I: . _10 ~ ~ ~'.<% !!1'" ,I )!.I . ~ ;l \ ~_ r---~ Ci!1 ~ , $ t ~ d '" ' '" \ ... ~ ~ .. ~ ___ _ w .. . s. · '" ._.-- s \ ,\,... "\ \-~ ~~~" ~ - ~ ~ en ~ ~ ~ 'i _ --------- - '" - t ~&~~~ .' \~ii ~ it \- , . -/-// --------------- .---/ ~. - . Wells Fargo Standards -- Door Decals 3,3 Contents/Overview 3.4 Door. Decals Elevations 3.5 Door Decals 3.6 Example ...- I Use of door decals Door decals sets include the foUow- Placement of logo block with name · All entrances used by customers ing required elements and hours must have all door decals. · Logo block with store name and · Brand name and hours on the · Decal specifications and materials hours. right door. standar~ must be followed. · Mer-hours emergency contact · Brand box on the leh door · It is recommended that decals be information. · Above two are combined on a sin- provided by Willey Brothers or a · Push/pull. gle door. selected exterior signage provider · Handicap. trained in the current sign standards program, - May 2002 orderonIlne: www.wil/eyblothers.n<< 3.3 ~-_._.- - --~---- 10.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER $' SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF THE ARROYO GRANDE CREEK HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council review and provide input regarding the Arroyo Grande Creek Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). FUNDING: The HCP establishes three reserve accounts as follows: . Changed Circumstances Reserve: there will be two accounts funded for $100,000 each, to cover costs of two potential catastrophic creek related incidents over the next 20 years; . Monitoring Reserve: this reserve account will be funded with $50,000 per year for 20 years for the purpose of field data collection and analysis within Flood Control Zone 3. The results of this study will be used to evaluate the performance of the HCP; . Conservation Reserve: this reserve account will be funded with $50,000 per year for 20 years, for the purpose of public educational programs within Flood Control Zone 3 and non-flow related projects within the Arroyo Grande Creek. Funding for these provisions of the HCP would be generated through increased charges for water deliveries. Each agency contracting with the County for water from Lopez Reservoir would be charged based on their percentage of entitlement, of which the City of Arroyo Grande's is 50.55%. DISCUSSION: The County Public Works Department, acting on behalf of the Zone 3 Flood Control and Water Conservation District, has initiated efforts to revise the existing water rights permit to reflect historical operations including reservoir storage and direct diversion of the water stored in the reservoir. As part of the process, the County is preparing an HCP. _._--~- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF THE ARROYO GRANDE CREEK HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 2 The purpose of the HCP is to comply with the Federal Endangered Species Act. The HCP documents the technical and scientific basis for the proposed conservation actions for protecting the southern steel head trout and the California red-legged frog, based on the best scientific and commercial data available for Arroyo Grande Creek. Operations, maintenance, habitat improvements, and protective measures identified as part of this HCP will be the sole responsibility of the District. The plan as presented does not impact municipal use or the City's current water entitlement. However, there may be minimal impact to the availability of surplus water available. Objectives of the HCP are to (1) reduce mortality and enhance habitat for steelhead and red-legged frogs within Arroyo Grande Creek; and (2) promote recovery of steel head trout and red-legged frogs. The HCP boundaries include Arroyo Grande Creek downstream from Lopez Dam to the flood control channel, a distance of approximately 10 miles. The HCP boundaries extend laterally from the Arroyo Grande Creek channel to encompass riparian land along the creek supporting ecological processes associated with habitat of steel head and red-legged frogs. The proposed duration of this HCP, and the associated incidental take permit, is 20 years, from 2005 through 2025. The actual initiation date for the HCP will be based on final approval of the plan and issuance of the associated incidental take permit. The County Public Works Department will be making a presentation to the Council regarding the preparation of the HCP, the background, provisions for the protection of habitat and the estimated cost to implement the plan. An executive summary of the report is provided for Council review. The complete HCP document is voluminous and is available for review at the Public Works/Engineering Office. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Accept the Draft Arroyo Grande Creek Habitat Conservation Plan as presented by the County; . Reject the Habitat Conservation Plan; . Provide comments and direction to County and City staff. Attachment: 1. Executive Summary --~- -..-----------------' Attachment 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .'~' ,- San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 3 (District) operates and maintains Lopez Reservoir, in the Arroyo Grande Creek watershed, , for municipal and agricultural water supplies, The Arroyo Grande Creek watershed downstream of Lopez Dam also provides habitat for a variety offish and wildlife species ' including southern anadromous steelhead (Oncorhynchus myms) inhabiting the South- Central California Coast Evolutionary ~ignificant Unit (ESA) and Califomia red-legged frogs (Rana aurora draytonii), Both ~lhead and red-legged frogs are tbreatened species under the Federal Endangered Species Act. Operation of the reservoir and associated releases into Arroyo Grande Creek, in addition to .other operations and mBintt'm.m~ activities ~rmed by the District associated with the project, affect the quality and availability of .., habitat for stee1head and red-legged frogs, and may result in direct, or mdi!ect incidental take . " . . - . . of these protected species, , . To comply with the Endangered Species Act, and provide. incidental take auth~on for steeIhead and red-legged frogs resulting from District ~ODS and maintenance activities affecting Arroyo Grande Creek, there is a need for incidental take authorization for covered activities while providing P.nl1anr,ed habitat COnditiODS and -." . pro~on for both red-legged frogs and southemsteoIhead. , . Section 10(a)(I)(8) of the Endangered Species Act permits anon-federal entity to obtain incidental take authorization for pro~ected species as a result of covered activities , , through d~ve1opment of a Habitat Conservation Plan (IICP), The District has developed the following HCP, des,cribing commitments and ~ces aSsociated with implementation of .. measures to avoid, minimi7.o, and mitigate impacts of District activities on steelbead and red-' legged frogs within Arroyo Grande Creek downstream of Lopez D~ and to obtain an - .' . ..~.. incidental take permit under the Fedcral.Endangered Species Act for authorized and covered , . o. . ....: activities. The HCP would also serve as the basis for compliance with the California ' .'. ' . EndRngered Species Act (California Fish and Game Code 2080.1) in the event that either ~vered species is subsequently listed by the state. The purpose of the HCP is to authorize the District for mcidental take from cmrent and anticipated operations of the Lopez project, while providhig protectic!D. for steeJhead and California red-legged frogs. The HCP documents the technical and scientific basis for the proposed conservation &ctions, based on the best scientific and commercial data available for . Arroyo Grande Creek. Operations, maintenance, habitatimpmveinents, and protective '. - \ measures identified as part ofth!s HCP ~be the .~ole responsibility of~e District. 'The HCP boundaries inclu4e Arroyo Grande Creek downstream from Lopez Dam to the flood control chamlel (Fair Oaks Boulevard), a distance of approximately 10 miles. The HCP boundaries extend laterally from the Arroyo Grande Creek channel to encompass riparian land along the creek supporting ecological processes associated with habitat for steelhead and red-legged frogs, The designated HCP bo~daries encompass land and facilities owned by the District, as well as lands owned by'others. Habitat enhancement or . conservation measures within the desigJiated HCP boundaries on lands not owned or managed by the District are not, however, precluded from consideration under this RCP, With the concurrence of willing landowners, the District will secure environmental County of San Luis Obispo, Draft Arroyo Grande Creek RCP ES-l - - ....--.- easements and access on private lands to develop non-fl.ow habitat improvement projects . along the cr~ek corridor. - The District requests authorization for incidental take of st~elheadand red-legged frogs within the HCP boundaries associated with the following covered activities: .. Reservoir storage; . Uncontrolled spills and managed instream flow releases; . Municipal water treatment and supply. including backwash water disposal and water sampling activities; . Water releases for irrigated agriculture; . . Rainfall and strea!n gaging; . . Dam and stream channel by the District in Arroyo Grimde Creek; Lopez Dam and Reservoir operations; . . Arroyo Grande stream gage removal and replacement and other baPi1at enhancement actions implemented as part oftbis HCP; . Instream flow releases exceeding flows established by ~ BCP; and . Channel and facility maintenance by the District in Arroyo Oraode" Creek. ", .' .,,' . . The proposed duration of this HCP, and the associated incidental take permit, is 20 years, from 2005 through 2025, The actual initiation date for the HCP "Yill be based on fiDa1 approval of the plan and authorization of the associated incidental take permit. Objectives of the HCP are to (1) reduCe mortapty and m1}m1ce habitat for stee1hcad and red-legged ftogs within Arroyo Grande Creek; and (2) promote recovery of steelh.ead and red-legged frogs, The HCP ~poses a conservation strategy, which will: ~ ~.. .' .'. .. . . I . :M'inimi'Te and avoid adverse impacts that would jeopardize the species; . Provide habitat enhancements to compensate for unavoidable losses; md . . . Implement actions to protect cOvered species and promote. their recovery. Specific objectives of the HCP are: -.. . . - . . -- - \ . Follow instream :flow sch~e in A1royo Gifmde Creek, using m~ releases nom Lopez Reservoir to (1) enhance~ habitat for stee1head; (2) reduce or avoid adverSe impacts from ~watering steeDiead habitat; and (3) reduce or ~void adverse impacts of instream flows on red-IeggedJrog habitat; . Implement habitat improvement and actions to reduce or avoid impacts and enhance habitat conditions to benefit st~lhe"ad anellor red-legged frogs; . Avoid, min;mi'T,c. and mitigate adverse impacts on covered species, from faCility opera:tions and maintenance activities under- thed.irect authority of the District; County of SaD Luis Obispo, Draft Arroyo Grande Creek RCP . ES-2- ------ -...-------- . " Releases from Lopez Reservoir to ArroyoOrande Creek, varying with inter- "" and intra-annual hydrologic conditions, to pro~ct and ~nhance habitat for " -" varioUs lifestages of steeIhead; . Provide. f~r impro,:etnents in steeIhead n:iigration; . . Provide opportunities for habitat enhancement for covered species; . P~ovide assurances to the District consistent with the USFWS c~o Surprises" Rule"; and . Provide incidental take authorization for the District impacts to covered species included as part of this HCP. . To accomplish the goals and objectives outlined above, the HCP evaluated alternative conservation strategies. A proposed (preferred) alternative ~ selected and is comprised of: . . . .. . Releases from Lopez Dam to-improve habitat Quality" and availability for . various lifestages of stee1h~ including: o Spawning and egg incubation flows between January 1- April 30: release 6 cubic feet per second (cfs) if December 31reseryoir storage is greater than 30,000 AP. Ifreservoir storage is 1essthan 30,000 AF, but pater than 25,000 AF, release 3 cfs or the average inflow over the PJ'!Mous 14 Days, whichever is less. Ifreservoir stoi'age is less than 25,000 AF, the Technical Committee would be consulted to ~lish instream flow releases; 0 SteeIhead passage and attraction fl~ws between February 1 throUgh April 30: consecutive. five (5) day release of20 cfs each month ifreservbir ,) storage is -greater than 30,000 AF, Ifpossible, passage flow releaseS would coincide with increasedstream:flow from runoff within the . Watershed. To the extent that naturally occurring stream:fl~w at Lopez " , Dam (e.g" reservoir spill) meets the 20 cfs passage criteria, no additional releases would be requirCd frOm Lopez Reservoir to meet requirements of an individual passage event Releases from Lopez Reservoir may be required to supplement naturally occurring flows, both in J')'1AgTlitude and duration, to achi~ve the passage criteria; o Juvenile steelhead rearing flows between May 1 to JUDO 30 and September 1 to December 31: release 3 ds if April 30 reservoir storage is. greater than 30,000 AF. If reservoir storage is less than 30,000 ~, but greater . . - . than 25,000 AF, release 3 cfs or a :flow equal- to.average inflow over the \ previous 14 days, whic~ever is ~s, Ifre.;lervoir storage is less than 25.,000 AF, the TechniCal Committee would be conSulted to establish instream flow releases; o Juvenile steeIhead rearing flows between July 1 to August 31: release - reservoir inflow or 3 cfs, whichever is greater, . Manage reductions in rC$ervoir releases below 100 cfs in accordance with an established ramping rate schedule; . Manage increases in reservoir releases, to the extent practical, at a ramping rate not to exceed 10 cfs per hour ~o protect red-legged frogs; County of San Luis Obispo, Draf~ Arroyo Grande Creek HCP ES-3 " I " . . Remove the existing Arroyo Grande stream gage, which has been identified as a significant passage impediment,.to facilitate steeIhead migration; . . FUnd the AIroyo Grande HCP Conservation Account with a total contribution over the 20-year duration of the HCP of$l,OOO.OOO. Allocations to the ' ';'" Conservation Account would be $50.000 per year. Habitat improvement '. . projects funded by the Conservation Account wo~d be recommended by the. HCP Technical Committee. representing the USFWS.NOAAFisberies~ .' California Department ofFish and Game (CDFG), and the District. Funding for habitat enhanceme~t actions provided through the HCP Conservation Account may be augmented with grant funds from state. federal. p~. or other sources. N~-f1ow habitat enhancement projects funded through the , r.- " Cons~on Account may include: o SteeJhead spawnina:gravell\U8Dlentation and/or gravel cleaning; , o Improvements in fish passage at the low-flow road crossing located within . . the flood con~l reach and culverts at.the Cecchetti Road crossing; o In.-channel habitat improvement 'projects to improve snmmer rearing " .. habitat and cover for juvenile ~ead, and steelhead spaWninj mas; . -.. .... o S~licit and. secure environmental casemen1s and right-of-way agreements. from willing privMe landowners &long ~e Arroyo Grande Creek to . I ; improve channel bank stability and reduce erosion, and for riparian : . vegetation p1anti11g; o Design and constnict in-channel backwater areas and/or off-cham1el ponds " ".... ~ . to proYide shelter, rearing, aDd bJpwting habitatJor ~-legged frogs, , . Develop and implement BestManagementPractices(B~s) for stream . maintt"mAn~ and vegetation control; and . Develop and implement a public educationla~eness program. : Monitoring perfo.miance of project elements implemented uDder'this HCP, and overall pe1fom18D.ce of the HCP in ennancing habitat for steeJhead and red-legged frogs, is an integra1 part of the program. As part of this HCP, the District will commit $50,000 per.year, or equivalent in-kind services, oven: the 20-year duration of the HCP, for monit~ and pe#'ormance ~va1~on in. Arroyo Grande <;zeek. The financial commitment to the moDitoring account will support (1) water qualityltemperature and hydrologic monitoriq in Arroyo Grande Creek; (2) monitoring ofspccies abundance, geograpbic.distribution, habitat use. habitat condition, and sources of mortality to stee1hc;ad and red-Ieggeq frogs; (3) . - . . mQmtoring of incidental take for covered species; (4) monitormg-ind performance. \ Cva1uatiODS for habitat enhancement actiQDS imPlemenWi ~der this. HCP; and (5) . . - .;. ,. compilation of monitoring results from other watersheds in the region useful for evaluating th~ status and trends of covered species. Monitoring performed as part of the RCP will also suPport an adaptive management decision-making proCess and provi~ scientific information for use by the Interagency Tec1mical Committee in identifying priority actions for implementation as part of the HCP. in addition to modifying and refining actions based on th~ monitoring results ~d evaluation of pertormance of the HCP program, . Analysis 'of the proposed (preferred) alternative shows that these actions would improve the quality and availability of habitat within Arroyo Grande Creek for stee1head and red-legged frogs. These activities would also reduce incidental take to steelhead and red- i .. ! County or San Luis Obispo, Draft Arroyo Grande Creek HCP ES-4 legged frogs from operation and maintenance of the Lopez proj ect, and releases to Arroyo Grande Creek. The proposed alternative would, however, contribute to other adverse environmental consequences. including reductions in reservoir storage and water sUrface elevation within Lake Lopez that would (1) impact water supply availability; (2) impact recreation within the lake, including boating, water skiing, and at\gJiT)g; (3) potentially impact spawning success and habitat availability for warm water fish species inhabiting the reservoir. Implementation of the HCP would not result in an increase in water supply availability for municipal or other use (i.e., would not contribute to growth inducement within th~ region), but would reduce reservoir storage and water supply availability in some years. Construction activity associated with fish passage facility improvements (e,g" removal oftpe existing stream gage) and installation ~f non-flow babi1at enhancement projects would also result in temporary, localized, increases in turbidity and .suspended sediment concentrations. "The propos~ (prefeaed) alternative would also mcrease water , rates charg~d by the District to fund ~v~:~es identifi~ in the HCP, I . . - . " "Habitat "enhancement and protective measures identified within the HCP are ~ I the direct control and authority of the District. The effectiveness and biological benefits resulting from these aCtions, however, may be influenced or modified by non-District actions that affect habitat COnditioDS for steeIhead and red-le8ged frogs within and along the Arroyo " Grande Creek cOmdor. Activities such as riparian water diversions, changes in land use, accelemted. channel erosion, limitations and constTaints on access by the District for . perfomrlng non-flow habitat enhancement actions, and other natural and human-induced changes may all affect the biological success of the proposed HCP ~gram, but me outside the control and authority of the District. Despite the ide1iti:fi~ .and potential adverse environmental CODSCqucnces and '" constraints, it was concluded that the preferred a1tcmative is feasible and can be implemented by the District. It was further concluded that the preferred altemativewould provide enviromnental benefits, enhanced protection, and improvements in habitat quality and availability within Arroyo Grande Creek for stceIhead and red-legged frogs, Covered .", actiVities by the District, however, would result in potential incidental take of stee1head an~or red-legged nogs, iden1i:tied in this HCP ana addressed through incidental take authorization by USFWS and NOAA Fisheries in comp1iancewith Sections 9 and 10 of the Endangered Species "Act . - .. ".. ". , \ "- .- '. . ~ . County of San Luis Obispo, Draft Arroyo Grande Creek BCP .. ES-5 - - 11.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERRY FIBICH, DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND FIRE W SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A COOPERATIVE FIRE SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF GROVER BEACH AND THE REORGANIZATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council accept and conceptually approve staff's recommendation to enter into a cooperative agreement with the City of Grover Beach that will allow the sharing of the Fire Chiefs and the Administrative Captain's functions and reorganize the Code Enforcement function into the Department of Building and Fire. FUNDING: Through more efficient utilization of resources, a cooperative agreement with Grover Beach will result in a service level increase in preparedness of the fire force and emergency response capability with no expected increase in cost. Moving the code enforcement function into the Department of Building and Fire will result in the elimination of one full-time employee position, thereby saving approximately $45,000 in FY2004-05 in the General Fund and an estimated $62,000 annually thereafter. DISCUSSION: In 2000, a Town Hall Meeting was held to discuss the possibility of joint fire services opportunities and interests that might exist between Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach, and Oceano, At that time, some interest existed between several of the agencies. As a result of that meeting, the fire departments of all the jurisdictions were directed by consensus of the goveming bodies to strive for greater commonality between the fire departments by doing more joint training, standardizing practices and procedures, considering opportunities for joint purchasing, and to continue to look for opportunities for any joint services without reducing the level of service. Shortly after the meeting, one ---- - ---~~-- ------------ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A COOPERATIVE FIRE SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF GROVER BEACH AND THE REORGANIZATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 2 jurisdiction (Pismo Beach) entered into a contract for service with CDF/County Fire. Since that meeting, the Division of Fire and Emergency Services in our City has completed a staffing plan that results in a full-time strength of 3 Engineers, 3 Captains, 1 Executive Secretary, and 1 Fire Chief, These personnel are supplemented by an authorized volunteer/reserve force of more than 30 members (See Org Chart-Attachment 1). Currently, the Division of Fire and Emergency Services serves our community at a cost of approximately $77 per capita. On a 24 hour/7 day-a-week basis, a Fire Captain and Engineer are on duty in our City, supplemented during 20 hours of the day by a third person, a Firefighter member of our volunteer/reserve force. In addition to emergency response, our firefighters are responsible for public education, fire safety inspections, equipment and station maintenance, training of new personnel, drilling to maintain their own skills and that of members of the volunteer force, participation in outside agency training, and membership on committees and organizations meant to serve and improve the community and the fire service, The proposed reorganization of many of the duties presently being performed by the Code Enforcement Officer, under the authority of the Director of Community Development, will place those responsibilities within the Department of Building and Fire. As a result of the recent retirement of the Grover Beach Fire Chief, an interim Fire Chief was directed by the Grover Beach City Council in January 2004 to develop alternatives to provide fire and life safety services to the citizens of Grover Beach, The interim Fire Chief, Doug Hamp, facilitated a discussion between the Fire Chiefs of Oceano, Arroyo Grande, and himself to discuss the level of interest between the agencies for some form of joint service or cooperative agreement. As a result of that discussion, it was determined that there was preliminary conceptual interest between Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach to maintain local control of the Fire Departments by both of the cities, eliminate duplication of services and functions, provide flexibility and expertise among both staffs, and provide a more efficient use of resources. It was evident at that time one of the departments lacks a full-time fire chief, and both agencies are. seeking a better use of limited tax dollars to more effectively respond to increasing call demands and continued growth, After this discussion, Oceano Community Services District showed no further interest. As a result of the study and recommendations given by Interim Chief Hamp to the Grover Beach City Council (See Staff Report-Attachment 2), that Council made a decision that a fire department structure similar to that which presently exists in Arroyo Grande would be established in Grover Beach. The fire CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A COOPERATIVE FIRE SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF GROVER BEACH AND THE REORGANIZATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 3 organization existing today in Grover Beach is built exclusively around a volunteer/paid-call staff, supported by a paid administrative secretary and Fire Chief (See Org Chart-Attachment 3). At the May 3, 2004 meeting of the Grover Beach City Council, authorization was given to fund three paid line captain positions, one paid administrative captain position, and three paid engineer positions, Staff was directed to negotiate a cooperative agreement with Arroyo Grande if this plan was approved by the Arroyo Grande City Council. Currently, a recruitment program is being conducted for these unfilled positions (See Org Chart-Attachment 4). This newly authorized reorganization will provide fire and emergency services to the Grover Beach community at a cost of $56 per capita. Upon the approval of the Arroyo Grande City Council, the proposed cooperative agreement would still result in 2 separate and distinct fire departments, each with their own traditional identities, uniforms, fire apparatus with a distinct City logo, and separate funding. However, the agreement would result in both of the organizations being under the leadership of the Arroyo Grande Fire Chief, and both organizations would be served by the Administrative Captain to be hired by the City of Grover Beach (See Org Chart-Attachment 5). Both departments would continue to respond to calls within their own communities, with a boundary drop occurrinij that would. ensure the closest fire resource to respond to. provide optimum f@AJ)OnGO timA. AtltlltlenA"Y, tkA resources of both departments would be available to automatically respond to o.ne another's communities in the likely and ever more fr~quent occurrence of simultaneous emergencies. Automatic and Mutual Aid commitments that are currently in place within the 5 Cities and the South County would continue to be supported as they are today. Following is an overview of some of the oDerational benefits to the Cities of Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach: . A s/".gle Fire C~ief serv.ing both agencies would be able to provide daily ove~lght ~fstat!on readiness and review assigned work outputs such as business In~p~ctlons, code enforcement, vehicle maintenance, emergency response, training, and other related executive management duties; A single AdmlnlstratlvelFire Training Officer serving both agencies, working a forty-hour workweek, would be responsible for training all staff participating in the agreement, and could perform other administrative functions. This Administrativerrraining Officer would be available as a "suitcase" fire captain to ~eplace. an abs~nt scheduled duty captain during daytime work hours. A savings In overtime could be realized from this arrangement. As proposed by the City of CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A COOPERATIVE FIRE SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF GROVER BEACH AND THE REORGANIZATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 5 Administrative Captain's services. If the Arroyo Grande City Council approves the cooperative agreement in concept, the staffs of both cities will move ahead with the negotiation and preparation of such an agreement. At this time, it is proposed that if the Council approves the cooperative agreement in concept, the City make an initial commitment to enter into the agreement for a one-year period. It is recommended that if an agreement is pursued, an Oversight Committee be established to address and resolve any ongoing issues involved during this implementation period. The Oversight Committee is proposed to consist of the City Managers from each jurisdiction, one member from each City Council and the Fire Chief. An additional recommendation of the proposed organizational change is to transfer responsibility for the City's code enforcement program to the Fire Department engine companies, Chief Hamp has proposed this concept as part of the staffing recommendations for the Grover Beach Fire Department. Under the proposed structure, the Administrative Captain will provide administrative oversight and coordination for the program, including initial and ongoing training. However, the engine companies of each jurisdiction will be responsible for ongoing code enforcement inspections in their respective jurisdictions. Community Development staff will continue to be responsible for inspection of any items specifically related to follow-up of Council, Planning Commission or ARC actions. All other code enforcement inspections would be the responsibility of the Fire Department staff, While the engine company personnel are presently tasked with many responsibilities, it is believed that they will be able to adequately maintain the existing complaint-based program during their normal tours of duty with no additional personnel needed, The engine companies currently perform fire inspections and the Department of Building & Fire staff has extensive knowledge of many of the Uniform Codes and is already involved in a number of code enforcement actions. Training for new responsibilities will be required, but can be incorporated into the overall expanded Fire Department training program. Therefore, with the staff devoted to this function, it is believed the change can both result in improved effectiveness and efficiency, It will result in a significant and recurrent cost savings to the General Fund, Unfortunately, the recommendations will eliminate one existing filled position, However, the City Manager has determined such savings are needed given the current impact of the State budget actions and other City financial challenges currently being faced. If approved, staff will prepare the proposed agreement for City Council approval in June 2004, Implementation would be expected to begin in July 2004. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A COOPERATIVE FIRE SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF GROVER BEACH AND THE REORGANIZATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 6 AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for Council's consideration: - Accept and conceptually approve staff's recommendation to enter into a cooperative agreement that will allow the sharing of the Fire Chiefs and the Administrative Captain's functions and reorganize the Code Enforcement function into the Department of Building and Fire; - Direct staff to enter into a cooperative agreement that will allow the sharing of the Fire Chiefs and the Administrative Captain's functions, but do not reorganize the Code Enforcement function into the Department of Building and Fire; - Modify the recommendation and approve; - Do not approve the changes recommended; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. AGFD Org Chart-Present 2. Grover Beach Staff Report of May 3, 2004 3. GBFD Org Chart-Present 4. GBFD Org Chart-Proposed 5. AGFD/GBFD Org Chart-Proposed Joint Management Agreement "-_..__.------_.._.~---- - - c CI) --I --- u E 11' .c I: u ~F ~ I Iii I Ai' u::- Z II. ,C) --- Ii .. I a .cI w II II >- J (0), z w '~I w .. w ! oa II - iiL II. t ! . J .s - -- -~ - -- - - . . '}'~~'?~.':~T . .~. ':~;r.L: , . , . . .... .... ~ . '; ~Att8chm.nt '2' - .-.- ' , .:.:_._.,~'ST~ REPOR.T~-.:: ~ .-'; ... - .; - ., ' . . .:~ w",:; ~~('_'~'~\~~;,~5~~*/~;-t~'~~.~.. ":~_' ~';'-'~""~.f_:':'~~:~~-'. ....... -, .,-- "-.;' -...... 'eo . . . .~O: HONORABLEJ\~AY:~~~_~ COUNCIL"~:. . ..,.". < ;':""~?~.:r ,~:~.~~-::.. . .:,..' .-';,' ..... - FROM: DOUGLAS R. RAMP, INTERIM FIRE CBIEJi' .-' .--.....:.:: ..7.~.. ...-. .r,c~ "'.-'~'~.~--' .,' , .'. . . .'" ,-.. . ,:" SUBJECf: ENHANCEMENT OF CURRENT FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY SERVICES ~ .... . . . . . BACKGROUND' At the City Council ~eeting held on January 20, 2004, the City Council directed staff to develop alternatives to provide fire and life safety servic~ to the citizens of Grover Beach. The identified alternatives included: the enhancem~t of CU1TCD.t services provided. by the Grover Beach Fire Department, contracting ser:;yices with the California Department of Forestry or providing services by cooperative agieerf!eo.t I consolidation with neighboring agencies, DISCUSSION The Interim Fire Chief immediately began investigating the alternatives to provide fire and life . . . safety services by meeting with the aforementioned agencies to determine whether there was interest-in Qur.-~,.,t BAw<<:ver, dUl'ins initial meetings with these agencies, the following question was presented '~hat services would Grover Beach want to contract for or what does Grover Beach have to offer in a cooperative a&r"~:'or consolidation," It appears that without a viable product (i.e.. peo~t~agencieS are lukewarm to the concept. Contracting services requires taking possession of an existing program and t}'1an~ng it. Because Grover Beach operates its Fire Department without career staffing, the City's ability to negotiate an inexpensive contract is very unlikely. The -contracting agency would have to provide its own full-time staffor employ qualified Grover Beach tire pers~nnel. This staffing - " equates to dollars, To create a cooperative agreement or consolidation, GroVCl' Beach would be expected to provide . a guaranteed quality response and a viable product, i,e., personnet equipment, etc. A "partnership" of this type requires Grover Beach to enlwice its CU1TCD.t fire and life safety services, In'order to better define what this enhancement should include, we need to define today's fire an~ life safety riskS. ~"'- ..- ....... - . ....... - -. APPROVED FOR FORWARDING PIeUe Rmew lor tile PoiIIbIIMy of. .. . Poteatlal Codlct oflaterelt , . Noaeldeatlfled by S~ ....An..... .,,-. - Sutos . Ekho. - -. ~, ~ _:~-~-::~:~~~-;:~:~~.; ":~:?~~",._. .~=~ S. all _U_ . LIebenIaa . _._.._ ._.... "_.h_... ._. .., r' 'c...-:":.".c.,,,::. 0 . . ._~__._""-'~~~'~;9~ . ....:...:... . _._-~,..:..:..:~__ . RONALDC.ANDERSON, JR. .... --3?';:~' :~.'~~-,T:-~:~ '<,- q~~'-~~::T;~~~~~,~'~, ~~'-~'~'~,,~'-, ,.:. " -= ~:;.~~~~~t~i';~~~~;~~?::~~:-~-.=:.~::-.. ~-. '."'~ ~ ~;~, ...~ ." ;,.~....,-......;;....;..~_.:..... ':..-..~ :.:;;... .:':"'~ ..;,.;..~.:,,::.-:':';^,.,~:~"~,., '-.... ~--'" .. U - T. AgeD"I...i-f~. . Meetiag ~ j~ May 3.2004 u.<. ~ , ._-. -~ .-" ........- - ~.~. ..- ";. '-;".~ ,"' -....~ --. ,--'----------'---'----'" '"... .- ...,..., .- .... . - -' . ',- ~ ....~., - '" ----.. y-----.....,.:.w ~~.~-- ~.~~:;..,~~.. :'~~:.:." t: ;~;:. .:~........":.~..,;. ....;:,.~...-'..~~7~~.; ------.-- , . , " Staff Report: Enhancement of Cunent Fire and Life Safety Services Page 2 May 3, 2004 Risk is the result of what has been allowed or permitted to occur. In the early 1970's a term was used to evaluate community fire risk potentials, "what is there to burn,~' The assessment was generally left up to the insurance industry, In later years, Master Planning was the tool used to evaluate risk potentials. Today, the task of making a proper assessment is even more complex. The political process uses two types of information to perceive how serious a community's tire and life s~ety risks are: technical input and financial facts, Financial facts such as community revenues and expenditures are used to determine how much can be spent to address a community's fire and life safety problems. Technical input must proVide raw data, void of emotion and biases. Technical Data: . The industrial and manufacturing areas of the City have deteriorated and detract from spoken community values. . . .",.. - . Development of significant downwind exposures to residential land uses from the railroad, commercial and industrial area have been allowed to. expand. . A large number of mature structures exist within the City, moderate fire risks are associated with these occupancies and will remain until the.structures.are replaced by new development. . Due to redevelopment toward the sky and the trend to develop multiuse occupancies, the residential population, along with the day use/visitor population; will.continue to increase and new fire and life safety challenges must be addressed. . The City is proximal. to active and potentially active earthquake faults capable of producing strong ground motion in response to seismic activity. Portions of the City are underlain by layers of unconsolidated, recent alluvial soil material increasing the risk of experiencing the damaging .effects of ground shaking. . New growth has been allowed or permitted without concurrent growth of fire and life safety services. . Call demands for tire and life safety services are at a level exhausting the current ''paid- call" tirefighter staffing program. The once volunteer, now paid-call program, has become a second job, with ''burn out" taking its toll. Once a community becomes aware of its fire and life safety vulnerabilities and risks, human nature is to ask, "how and why did the City allow fire and lift safety services to falter?" As your advisor and tire chief, I believe that an appropriate answer is, the Fire Department itself. The top fire official shoulders the responsibili~ to define what is at risk in a community so policy makers can make an informed decision about the appropriate level of service. The Fire Chief is the most likely person to be recomm~ding service levels during budget deliberations. However~ the Fire Chief is not the only person to be accountable if there is a system failure, The community,. usually through a political process, must convert the Fire Chiefs recOmmendations, first into policy, and then into dollars and cents through the budgetary process. Elected officials set the service level in competition with other service demands, If important data related to the size and scope of the fire problem are missing, then fire and life safety services may not receive the. ... priority it deserves in budget deliberations. . ~--~~- J ~ . . . , Staff Report: Enhancement of Cummt Fire and Ufe Safety Services Page 3 May 3, 2004 In researching City documents, it is obvious that fire and life safety has historically been a low priority. This observation is substantiated within the City's previous budgetary processes, The Community Planning Goals within the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan reads as follows: GOAL 5.1 - Grover Beach should be a City which chooses its own future, rather than allowing it to develop unguided; and GOAL 5.2 - Grover Beach should bea City which is proactive in the planning of facilities and services if they impact the goals and future of Grover Beach. Hpwever, the Housing Element, adopted in December of2003"makes no mention of tire and life safety impact mitigation. The City has had opportunities to address fire and life safety issues, but it may be that historically the Fire Department has provided vague infonnation. ..CredlbilityJncreases with facts and degrades with opinion. Elected officials, given good information and hard data rather than vague statements, are more likely to make good decisions. - . - We can make significant strides in controlling tire and life safety risk potentials at an acceptable level for existing hazards, while concurrently addressing future risk by implementing the attached Grover Beach Fire Department Service Delivery Plan. . The plan outlines two separate alternatives, including financial facts, for the City Council to consider for adoption this evening. ALTERNATIVES The City Council has the following alternatives to consider: 1. Adopt the Resolution to authorize and implement Attachment 1 - Grover Beach Fire Department Service Delivery Plan - Optimum Option, direct staff to implement the cost savings plan by negotiating a cooperative agreement to share Fire Chief services with neighboring agencies, and implement an engine company code enforcement program. 2. Adopt the Resolution to authorize and implement Attachment 2 - Grover Beach Fire Department Service Delivery Plan - Minimum Option, direct staff to implement the cost savings plan by negotiating a cooperative agreement to share Fire Chief services with neighboring agencies, and implement an engine company code enforcement program, . 3. Give staff direction. The Optimum Option is the most beneficial plan for the City and its citizens. This alternative generates greater work outputs toward community safety, takes advantage of current funding and is proactive in reducing future growth impacts. . -_._--~~~._- -~~--- .._. .' ~_..~ \ .- .. '" I' Staff Report: Enhancement of Current Fire and Life Safety Services Page 4 May 3, 2004. ; RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council approve.Alternative 1 .. Optimum Option and direct the City Manager to include the option in the proposed FY OS Annual Budget utilizing one-time resources to fund the one-year trial proposal. It is further recommended that the City Council direct staff to implement the cost savings plan by negotiating a cooperative agreement to share Fire Chief services with neighboring agencies, as weU.as to implement an engine company code enforcement program. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact wiU vary, depending on which Grover Beach'FireDepartmentService Deliver Plan is adopted, Alternative 1 .. Optimum Option would have a General Fund annual net fiscal impact of $145,494, Alternative 2 -M!!limum Option would have a General Fund annual net fiscal impact of$102,510. Alternative 3 -'This option provides several alternatives for funding the Fire Chiefs proposal, which include the following: . Reduce expenditures in the Fire Department. . Reduce expenditures in other General Fund operating programs. . Rely on one-time resources during the trial period. . Increase revenues through a special tax. . Increase revenues through the imposition of a special assessment. . Increase revenues through a general tax increase. . Some combination of the above-indicated ways. The most attractive alternatives would be the following: 1. Use one-time resources to fund the one-year trial proposal and develop an ongoing revenue source to fund an ongoing program. 2. Seek two-thirds voter approval of a Special Tax. 3. Hire an assessment engineer to develop an assessment spread for a Fire Suppression Assessment. (This option could require a majority approval of the voters.) 4. Hire a consultant to develop Business Tax alternatives. 5. Increase the Utility Users Tax to a 2.5 percent levy. (This option could be accomplished by a super majority vote of the City Council.) Alternative 5 may be the most attractive approach for a long-term solution, but since the proposal is for a onci~-year trial period, Alternative 1 may be the most prudent short-term approach, PUBUC NOTIFICATION The agenda was posted in accor4ance with the Brown Act. Attachments 1. Grover Beach Fire Department Service Delivery Plan - Optimum Option 2. Grover Beach Fire Department Service Delivery Plan - Minimum Option 3. Growth Management Plan 4. San Luis Obispo County Fire Department Salary Survey 5. Nationally Recognized Fire Department Staffing Standard Recommen~tions 6. Options to F~d the PropoSed Fire and Emergency Medical Services Program +....". ~,---. . .. eo . ~ A'ITACIIMENT 1 GROVER BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN OP11MUM OPTION Optimum Option Service Level: < One qualified Training Officer (Administrative Fire Captain) 40 hours per week < Two qualified on-duty shift pcrsonncl24 hours a day 365 days a year. < Fill each shift with one full-time Fire Captain and one full-time Fire Engineer < Supported by part-time firefighter staffing and continued paid-caU I reserve firefighter program Optimum Option Service DeUverv Plan Financial Facts: , .<~ ADMINISTRATIVE FIRE CAPTAIN: Total Cost of Year 1 full-time Monthly Salary .for this position $3539 - $4302 $67,805 FIRE CAPTAIN: ,;- Year 1 Compensation Total Cost of Year 1 , ~ full-time Monthly Salary including Benefits for three Positions $3539 - $4302 -$73,980 $221,940 FIRE ENGINEER: Annual Compensation Total Cost of Year 1 full-time Monthly Salary . including Benefits for three Positions $2804 - $3408 $60,924 $182,772 Part-time Firefighter Staffmg (260 shifts per year)........................... ........... ....... ....... ......................................... $58,486 Paid Call Firefighter Cost........ .......... .......... ....... ................ ..................... .... ....... ................ ....... ........ ................ 38.754 TOTAL PROPOSED ANNUAL STAFFING COST........................................................................................... $569, 757 Service Delivery Plan Proposed Cost Savings: Volunteer Firefighter Stipends $107,674 Provisional Fire Captain Annual Compensation (one-half time) 50,874 Provisional Fire Engineer Annual Compensation (one-halftime) 45,786 Fire Response - extended caU pay 323 Basic Recmit Academy 3,391 Fire Chief Annual Compensation 114,167 1.5 Code Enforcement Officer Annual Compensation 63,048 CDBG Reimbursement for CE in Redevelopment Areas .39,000 .TQTAL POTENTIAL COST SA VINGS .....,...................... ........... ........... .... ...... ........ ..... .............................. <$424,236> OPTIMUM OPTION GENERAL FUND ANNUAL NET FISCAL IMPACf ........................5145,494 .. ,- -_..._".,,'~-'----,,---..,; _._'.e - ~~ j -.'-. I '_',. .__...~.~..:-'.____ . ......,_ ....-.-.-.----., '-_'_c>,--.-'-_.:-",--...". _.- ~ -','_ - .. .~.c=_~_"""""""_- -. --- ", - . . ~, . '. . ~ A1TACIiMENT 2 ~ I GROVER BEACH ~ DEPARTMENT SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN MINIMuM OPTION . Minimum Option Service Level: < One qualified Training Officer (Administrative Fire Captain) 40 hours per week < Two qualified on-duty shift per8onnel24 hours a day 365 days a year < Fill each shift with one full-time Fire Captaiti and one full-time Fire Engineer < Supported by part-time firefighterstafting and continued paid-caU I reserve firefighter program Minimum 6ption Service Delivery Plan FInancial Facts: ADMINISTRATIVE FIRE CAPTAIN: Total Cost of Year 1 full-time Monthly Salary for this position $3539 - $4302 $67,805 FIRE CAPTAIN: .".. Year 1 Compensation Total Cost of Year 1 . - full-time Monthly Salary including Benefits for three positions $3539 - $4302 $73,980 $221,940 FIRE ENGINEER: Year.l Compensation Total Cost of Year 1 full-time Monthly Salary including Benefits for three positions $2804 - $3408 $60,924 $182,772 Vacation and Sick Leave coverage by part-time fire personnel (75 shifts) ........................................................$ 15,502 Paid Call Firefighter Cost... ... ... ....... ..... ... ........ ..... ......:....... ........ ........ ........ ..... ... ......... ..... ..... ...................... .... 38.754 TOTAL PROPOSED ANNUAL STAFFING COST...........................................................................................$526,773 I Service Delivery Plan Proposed Cost Savings: Volunteer Firefighter Stipends $107,674 Provisional Fire Captain Annual Compensation (one-halftime) 50,874 Provisional Fire Engineer Annual Compensation (one-halftime) ~ 45,786 Fire Response - extended call pay 323 Basic Recroit Academy 3,391 Fire Chie~ Annual Compensation 114,167 1.5 Code Enforcement Officer AnnualCompensation 63,048 CDBG ~ursement forCE in Redevelopment Areas 39,000 TOTAL POTENTIAL COST SA VINGS ................ .............................;........... ..... ..... .................................... <$424.236> MINIMUM OPTION GENE~ FUND ANNUAL NET: FISCAL IMPACT _..__.... ............... 1....~Sl02,s10 -, ~ .-- -- ~ ~. '.-->' -- .....,.... ---',... - I ----------'--~----_._" .-...-....._.-'-'~ . ~. - A1TACIIMENT 3 GROVER BEACH FIRI: DEPARTMENT ~RO~ MANAGEMENT PLAN Back2rOtmd: In support of the Grover Beach City Cotmcil's authorization and implementation of a service delivery plan to provide full-time staffing of the Fire Department, a Growth Managcment Plan hasbccn identified. The intent of the work outputs is to protect the "quality of life" of the citizens .of Grover Beach and its visitors by being proactive in our community development and protection of taxpayer dollars, These work outp1lts will provide for additional public education intended to reducetheopportunitics for illness, accidents or injmy within the home or the workplace. The fire and lifcsafctybusincsS inspection program is intended to reduce the chances of fire, which may result in property loss, tmemploymcnt, loss of buildings, and tax base. Additional programs will be oriented toward controlling current Department expenditW'es and avoiding future costs. Position Resoonsibility Summary: The Fire Captain would manage many oftgday's existing programs, andassist in the development of identified future programs in order to alleviate1he budgetary subsidization from the general taxpayers. The Fire Captain must be a well-1rained emergency S1rategist, tactician, people manager, and leader. He or she must be fiscally responsible, have excellent people skills and live by established Department Values. The Fire Engineers' duties would include: maintenance of all emergency response equipment, driver operator Ipump operations at emergency scenes, proficiency in emergency medical operations, and assist with other related duties. The Fire Engineer would also be trained by the Fire Captain as arclief Acting Captain for any shift where a Fire Captain is absent. Both the Firc Captain and Fire Engineer would be mentors for other paid-call or reserve staff members. During each 24-hour shift the on-duty crew would manage new and annual business inspections, conduct City water system testing and flushing in cooperation with Public Works personnel, and be available for additional1raining of paid-call or reserve staff. Other assignments would include the development of community-based emergency training programs, disaster preparedness, CPR programs, home safety inspections and the like. The development of engine company code enforcement activities would be incorporated into daily activities in order to maximize financial efficiency while protecting our "citizens' quality of life. " This service plan will allow the City to keep abreast of serving today's needs while preparing for future community growth. The majority of the outlined work outputs, on the following page, have indirect revenue generating potentials. These work outputs will be conducted, to varying levels of success, with each of the service delivery plans presented. Although the work outputs will be completed no matter what service delivery plan is implemented, it is tmderstandable that the lack of continuity within a shift mayimpcde some progress ~ completing many of the tasks outlined. . I --- ~-~ '-._"-~~"':' ....-- ..- . -- A1!ACIIMENT.3-continued OUTLINE OF SPECMCWORK OUTPUTS . 1. Implement a Business Fire and Life Sarety Inspection Program. (Production) . Utilize a fire and life safety self-iDspection program for aU small,-low-n.k businesses. This program. will provide adequate reductions of fire hazards by use of an affidavit siped by the owner of the business or hislher representative. Spot inSpections will be used to monitor the . program's success. . Conduct engine company fire and life safety inspections of aU large, high-risk businesses. These properties pose a high risk to loss of life and property. . The objective of both of these inspection programs is to reduce.the chance of: citizen injury, fire, property loss, and unemployment, which may ultimately result in loss of tax base. 2. Monitor Community Business Tu Certificates. (Revenue) . During the business inspection process, Business Tax Certificate numbers will be rcquiied on aU forms submitted to the Fire ~utmcnt prior to completion of the inspeetion process. Any business without a current Business Tax Certificate will be directed to contact the Administrative Services Department to apply for a current certificate. 3. Promote FREE Residential Fire and Life Safety AwarenessInspections, (Production) . These inspections will be done without any owner compliance. requirements. . Utilizing common marketing tools, the rue department will advertise FREE Voluntary Residential. Home Inspections. . The process uses a correction sheet, using happy and sad faces for common hazards known to start fires or cause injury. Once the inspection is completed, the firefighter reviews the correction sheet with the resident and leaves the form so that the corrections can be voluntarily made. . This program will also promote the existing "Operation Smoke Detector" program that offers free smoke detectors and batteries. 4. Assume Community Fire and Life Safety Code Enforcement Responsibilities, (Production/Indire~t Revenue) . Code enforcement reduces blight, encourages new business, welcomes visitors/increasing tourism and reduces crime. . An Engine Company's time is eligtble for CDBG reimbursement when activity .is based in RDA areas. . Eliminates the need for a one and a half time code enforcement officer at an annual cost of $68,520. . The Fire Code, in partnership with the Municipal Code, provides a greater scope of authority in obtaining code compliance. -",-,'"'-' .'.r~-'-~"~ . - ":-,",~::!:W<<oc_._,..-,~..,.,.,;:,~~::::"""",- , . i:'...._ A1TACBMENT 3-eontlaued Outline ofSpedjic Work Olltpllts - colitin"ed S. Reassip the City Disaster Planning Procram to the Fire Department Penouel for Plan Maintenance and Implementation of a Training Program to Train City Staff'. (Production I Cost Recovery) . By nature, the Fire Department is an "all hazard - all risk" deparbnent, that cannot pass off its obligation to other departments. . ' On a daily basis, the Fire Department utilizes commonly accepted incidentmanaaement procedures and is prepared to handle escalating emergencies. . This trait uniquelyqua1ifies the department as a good caretaker of the City's Emergency Plan and trainer of City staff in disaster response and management. 6. Provide Community Disaster Preparedness Program to the Citizens. (Production) . Host community-based ~ awareness fairs that address specifically known community threat potentials. . Invite outside agencies that would assist Grover Beach '4uring such emergencies"to participate in the fair by providing citizens with education materials and demonstrations. . Citizens who are well prepared will be aware of how to survive or react 'during a major incident. - 7. Develop and Train City Staff and Citizens to StandAlone During Major Emergencies. (Production) . During a regional disaster, neighboring resources will not be available to assist Grover Beach until their own communities are safe. . Grover Beach citizens and City staff must have an understanding of how to survive and restore services until outside help is available. . This plan will entail Fire Department personnel to develop a 72-hour stand-alone survival preparedness plan for citizens and City staff to follow in the event of a major disaster. 8. Fire Personnel will Continue to Research and Apply for Grants. (Cost Avoidance) . During the course of regular duties, fire personnel will constantly look for means of funding operations by use of grants or other alternative means. . Any grants or alternative methods of funding that are found relating to City functions or community wellness will be forwarded to appropriate City staff for consideration. 9. Provide for City Council consideration a modified automatic tire sprinkler ordinance. (Cost Avoidance) . This plan would protect the tax payer from funding signification expansion of the Fire Department . Automated life safety systems also protect our citizens and their property at a greater level . ----.'---. . ~-~-.---_._-----_._.~~-,- ----~ . A1TACIIMENT 4 San Luis Obispo Cou~ty Fire Departments . Salary Survey $4267 - $5185 $3589 - $4362 $4216 - $5125 $3553 - $4319 $3800 - 54619 $3440 - $4182 . $3325 - $3849 $3539 - $4302 $2408 - $3408 $4243 - $5157 $3691 - $4486 $4631 - $5883 $3450 - $4385* $4329 - $5262 $3666 - $3730 $5195 - $6378 $3450 - $4385 $4229 - $5140 $3700 - $4495 -Firefighter position with Driver/Operator capabilities Benefit Compensation Percentages 72.6% - 89.6%* . 46.5% 38% - 68%* 4!JO~ - 66%* 29.94% 56.4%* . 38%** .~ .. .. ........ . .... ... ..:.. WorlrenCompensation, Retirement r-employermid enq,foyiepoT:fion jJ(itd bj itttipIOyerI** emplojee Portion split),MedicaJIDentaVLt . . . '. "'-":;"',..:-::~. - . -,' A1TACHMENT 5 TABLEt -,~ .. > MINIMUM FlREFlGBTlNG PERsoNNEL NEEDED BASED UPON LEVEL 01' RIsK Target Task Hazards High Risk Moderate Risk Low Risk Attack Line 4 4 2 2 Search & Rescue .4 2 2 Ventilation 4 2 2 Back up LinelRapid Intervention 2 3 3 2 Pump Operator 1 1 1 1 Water Supply 1 1 1 Utilities Support I 1 1 Command/Safety 2 2 2 1# Forcible Entry . AccO\mtability 1 Salvage - . , Overhaul . Communication 1* Chief s Aide 1 1 Operations Section Chief 1 Administration * Logistics I Planning 1* Staging 1* Rehabilitation 1 Division Chiefs 2* Evacuation 10* StairwelV vertical Support 10* Relief7Rapid Intervention * * * * Investigation * Totals: 49 17 14 6 '" At maximum and high risk fires additional firefighters an iieeded to cover various points of auack as wel as providingfor incident numagement. # Can often be lumdled by fwst-due offICer, Source.; Rochester MN Fire Department, Hunt Research Corporation and the Commission on Fire Accreditation International and the National Fire Protection Association .~-. ,. _-;_ _'~ -~'-';_"::' :::..":'-.-......_-.:--....~C"..~.-.""-.,.-_,~. ".''-_C'''.' ---.._~;- . - . TABLE 1 MINIMUM STANDARDS 011' COVER JI'OR 1080 SQUARE FOOT DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY REsIDENTIAL OR "SMALL COMMERCIAL I INDUSTRIAL Fnu: BASED ON NECESSARY FI:RE GROUND TASKS The table below illustrates the number of perIOunelIeqUircd to control and ~ a fire in . 1080 square foot residential or commercial structure. As outlined in the table, this relatively .man incident requires a sipificant percentage of staff from our own Fire Deparcment, plus additiona1statffrom automatic audlounuCUal aid aaencies. In order to receive the fourteen Firefighters and one Chief Officer required.1o control this tire, four three-person companies (four engine companies, one aerial truck company and a chief officer) will need to respond. . Task Nwnber of Firefighters Company Assigned GPM Attack Line 2 lit Engine 180 Secondary Attack Line 2 2" Engine 180 Search & Rescue 2 Tmck ..".. V entilatioolSalvage 2 Truck Back-Up Line/Rapid Intervention 2 3"' Engine Pump Operator 1 Water Supply 1 418 Engine Utilities Suppart 1 Rescue or Tmck Command 1 " Chief Officer Safety 1 Rescue or Truck Total Personnel 15 360 24 GPM per firefighter \ Source: Commission on Fire Accreditation International and Hunt Research Corporation, National Fire Protection Association. -~."..~~-----_.-.__.,. ~-~'--'---- -- . ATI'ACIIMENT 6 OPTIONS TO FUND THE PROPOSED FIRE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAM Overview The challenge of funding an enhanced fire and emergency medical'servicesprogrammay be met in any of the following ways:' , . R~duce expenditures in the Fire Department. . Reduce expenditures in other General Fund operating programs, . Rely on one-time resources during the trial period, . Increase revenues through a special tax, . Increase revenues through the imposition of a special assessment. . Increase revenues through a general tax increase. . Some combination of the abov~dicated ways. , , Expenditure Reductions The Fire Chiefhas already identified savings that would occur in the Fire Department's budget due to the proposed change in staffing. He also identified the savings that would occur in the Police Department by having the Fire Department absorb the Code Enforcement program. Other General Fund-Supported Departments Reductions in the proposed budgets of other General Fund-supported activities could be used to fund the Fire Chiefs proposal. If Alternative 1- Optimum Option were selected, reductions in the operating budgets of other departments would be devastating to their ability to provide basic public services and programs. A reduction.of$14S,OOO (which assumes the use of$39,000 in CDBG funds) would be comparable to the elimination of the Legislative program, or over half of the General Accounting program, or the entire City Shop - Corp Yard program, or the entire Recreation program, or 10 percent of the Police Operations program. Another way to quantify the problem, assuming the Optimum Option and no CDBG funding, the shortfall of$189,494 would equate to about 70 percent of the annual commitment of General Fund resources to the Local Street Improvement Program. Other reorganizations incorporated into the proposed budget would have a positive impact on the General Fund's ''bottom line," and therefore the ability to absorb the Chiefs proposal, These latter reorganizations have not yet been quantified by staff, or approved by the City Council, They are also not likely to be sufficient to address the entire shortfall that has been identified by the Fire Chief. . . . , -~.- - ---.-.,,-..-.--..--. --~- J AITACHMENT' - continued Shifting General Fund Expenditures to the CDBG Fund ., " ...,...",.~. With the proposed shift of the Code Enforcement Program to the Fire Departmen~ it would be appropriate for the CDBG funding allocated to address the elimination of blight and blighting influences in the Improvement Agency Areas to be utilized, Substituting CDBG timdi1\g reduces the reliance on the General Fund, while at the same time addressing the need to spend CDBG funds on eligible activities to avoid losing future allocations for failure to implement the CDBG . program. . Revenue Increases Use of One-Time Resources Sufficient one-time resources are available from CDBG and General Fund Reserves to provide gap funding of the proposal for the one-year trial period, During that period, local revenue raising options could be pursued, and ~ s.tate's fiscal crisis may be resolved, Special Taxes Special Taxes may be imposed to recover costs for specific services, Government Code Section 53978 provides for the imposition of a Special Tax for Police and Fire Services. In order to . impose such a tax, the City Council would have to adopt an ordinance setting out the basis for the special tax, the applicable uses of the proceeds, the amount of the tax, the basis for annual adjustments in the tax, etc. The special tax ordinance would then have to be.approved by at least two-thirds of the voters voting upon the proposition, The tax could recover all of the costs of the both the Police and Fire Departments, or only a portion of either or both, . Imposing a Special Tax for Police and Fire Services for any amount in excess of the shortfall identified by the Fire Chief would free up General Fund resources for any eligible activity. For example, if the City Council wanted to enhance the availability of funding for General Fund activities such as the Local Street Improvement Program, it could do so by imposing a voter- approved Special Tax for Police and Fire Services in an amount that exceeded the shortfall. The residual General Fund resources freed up could be used for any General Fund pmpose, If the Council intended to restrict the residual to other specific uses, it wo\lld probably be advisable to have the voters consider a Parcel Tax for the Local Street Improvement Program, as well as a I Special Tax for Police and Fire Services. f Special Taxes may not be levied on an ad valorem (property value) basis, Only Property Taxes t f may be based on property value, It is permissible to collect Special Taxes on the property tax [ bill. Since these taxes cannot be based on property value, they must be based on some other criteria s:uch as use, siZe, number ofmiits, etc, Many communities considering imposing special i i taxes hire a consultant to advise them about the options, i I I I I ! I I ! I i i ! I ^-_._._-----~~-" ~ .,.---.-- .. -",..,...., -," i -' ~ ATIACBMENT 6 - continued Fire Suppression Assessment. Government Code Sections 50078 et seq. provide for a Fire Suppression Assessment to recover the costs for tire ~d emergency medical SCJ;Vices, equipment and facilities, Assessments may be based on types of property use and or risk classification, Risk classification may include the amount of water required for fire suppressio~ the structure size"type of constructio~ structure use, or other factors relating to potential fire and panic hazards. Assessments for land devoted to agriculture, timber or livestock must be based on the risk to the land and its products. The higher level of complexity in allocating costs based on risk or use enhances the ability to defend against legal 'challenges. For this reason, many communities hire an assessment engineer to develop the assessment spread. After developing the basis for the rates, there are noticing requirements, a public hearing must be conducted, and if sufficient protests occur, and election must be held, A majority protest would preclude the Council tram levying an assessment. General Taxes - . , There are two or three General Taxes which could be adjusted-to,generate:additional proceeds to the General Fund. General Taxes which are used for general purposes are not subject to the two- thirds voter approval requirement of Special Taxes. In other words; increasing the rates for General Taxes and tying the increases specifically to Fire Service enhancements could leave the . City vulnerable to a complaint that such increases are Special Taxes requiring a two-thirds voter approval. The following General Taxes could be adjusted to generate additional resources'to offset the shortfall: . Business Tax - The City's Business Tax is levied on a flat basis, It could be imposed as a percentage of gross sales, or gross sales within in broad categories. . This would allow this revenue to grow in proportion to business activity. It would also mean that the revenues collected would decrease with downturns in business activity, This kind of a change in the levy could be adopted by the approval of at least two-thirds of the City Council. Due to the complexity of this change, it may be appropriate to hire a consultant to develop alternatives for Council consideration. . Transient Occupancy Tax - The City's TOT is a 10 percent levy, This is consistent with the level of most of the rest of the County. It could be raised to say a 12 percent levy. This tax only raises about $160,000 per year, so an increase of one percent would raise about $16,000 per year, . Given the City's economic development efforts, this may not be a good target for addressing the shortfall, ~ . Utility Users T~ - The City imposes a one percent levy on electric, gas, water, and telephone utilities. This local tax raises about $126,000 per year. The statewide average for Utility Users Taxes is over five percent. The City could increase the ~vy by 1.5 percent to generate sufficient resources to fund the proposal, without relying on CDBG . funding. A 2.5 percent general tax l~ imposed for general purposes would be less than half of the statewide average. -.----------- -~~-- -_.~---- <_~_____J I C") - c i CD E .c CJ ca I ::: <( II. ..... .. I: It ~III I I; ! - u. 11 J .. I e ~ - c Q) E .c CJ ~ .. L --- It .. - II. I .. . . - .~ 1:1 .... ::-8" .c: .'C an U - " c . CD E II .c .. u ca = ~ e . ... ! ii: I tt_ .... III e . " all I: i! It . 1 ~ .~ .. c e ... I- 1::1 ,:n .I~ AI i;1 .s I :1... . ., '" s..: :5l. ) E oa ~ .- - - ~ - 0"_- - 11.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2003-04 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City CounciVAgency Board: . Approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations as shown in Schedule B. . Approve Schedules A through E included in the Third Quarter Budget Status Report. FUNDING: The requested actions will impact several fund budgets as outlined in the Third Quarter Budget Status Report and supporting schedules. The General Fund ending balance will be impacted by the approval of the recommended revenue and appropriation adjustments as follows: Projected Fund Balance at Mid-Year Report $2,502,150 Reduction in Revenues (241,450) Increase in Transfers-Out (128,600) Approved Expenditure Adjustments (22,050) Proposed Expenditure Adjustments (158.150) Total Decrease to General Fund Balance (550.250) Adjusted Fund Balance 6/30/2004 ~ DISCUSSION: Each year, the City Council adopts a budget, which commits resources to the accomplishment of its policies. The Financial Services Department routinely prepares quarterly budget updates for the City Council in order to: . Conduct a review of all City funds to recommend budgetary changes to address known budget deficiencies. . Identify budget changes that materially impact fund balances. " ------------- .--._- -- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF THIRD QUARTER REPORT MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 2 . Comment on any significant budget trends that will impact financial planning. . Provide a link between the City budget, the financial records, and the independent financial audit. SUMMARY OF KEY THIRD QUARTER POINTS: . The projected "Budgeted" General Fund Balance for FY 2003-04, after proposed budget adju$tments, is approximately $1,951,900, . The FY 2003-04 projected $1 ,951,900 General Fund Balance is approximately $334,850 short of the City Council goal of a fund balance of 20% of appropriations ($2,286,750). However, this assumes all budgeted amounts will be expended at year-end. Staff expects that expenditure savings will increase the General Fund Balance to meet or nearly meet the 20% goal. . Revenue and expense comparisons are reported for the General Fund, Sewer Fund, and Water Fund for the current and prior fiscal year. FY 2003-04 General Fund reports an approximate . $113,000 decrease in revenues and approximately $44,050 decrease in expenditures over the prior fiscal year. The receipt of cyclical revenues and the accrual of revenues earned in FY 2003-04' but received after July 1, 2004, will substantially increase General Fund revenues. In addition, while not all budgeted capital transfers and expenditures will be needed by year-end thus resulting in expenditures less than budgeted. . The $113,000 decline in General Fund revenues resulted primarily from a decrease in vehicle license fee revenues ($199,950), the loss of PERS surplus ($124,200), a reduction in building related permits ($50,200), and a reduction in insurance refunds ($124,400). These reductions were offset by property tax revenue increases ($262,500), transient occupancy taxes ($12,500), and franchise tax payments ($86;900). . The approximate $44,100 total decrease from FY 2002-03 General Fund expenditures is primarily from decreases in supplies and services ($214,050), and capital outlays ($163,700), offset by increases in salary & benefits costs ($333,660). The Administrative Departments collectively reduced expenses by $160,500, primarily as a result of the early retirement of lease purchase last year. The Public Safety Departments increased by $152,600 primarily as a result of budgeted increases in Fire Department staffing. Public Works decreased spending ($38,7oo) while the Parks, Recreations, and Facilities Department remained collectively stable ($2,500). . Combined adjustments to the General Fund, shown on Schedule B, report a decrease in estimated revenue of approximately $241,600. These adjustments are recommended for revenue accounts where actual revenues are less Imore than budget. The adjustments -"'--- ----..---------,--...- ------ -----_.._._---~-_._-_._----_.__._--_..._-- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF THIRD QUARTER REPORT MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 3 are made up primarily for greater than expected property tax revenues ($205,000), and public safety reimbursement accounts ($33,500), offset by decreases in motor vehicle license fee revenues ($350,000) and slower than expected sales tax revenues ($130,000). . The Administrative Services Department requested an additional appropriation of $1,000 for the Municipal Code Supplements (issued in both hard and internet formats) and $2,000 for larger than expected publication expenses related to public noticing of public hearings, ordinances, and contractor notices. . Non-Departmental expenses are those expenses that cannot be specifically identified to one department, but are of benefit to the whole fund. There are two requests for additional appropriation to the Non-Departmental budget. The first request is for $2,550 for property insurance charges that exceeds the budgeted amount. The second request is for $4,050 for unbudgeted bank charges. . The Financial Services Department is requesting additional appropriations related to employee tumover. Three new employees joined the Department staff, all of which required employee physicals ($1,44O) and recruitment expenses ($900). The June. retirement of a twenty-three year employee is expected to incur approximatety $17,000 in sick leave payoff expense. The Department did not expect or predict that these expenses would occur this year and is therefore unable to meet the costs within the current budget. .. The Financial Services Department is also requesting an additional $170 for a service maintenance agreement on a printer in the department. The printer was previously under warranty at no cost to the Department. . The Community Development Department requests a $15,000 appropriation to address a projected over expenditure in Departmental personnel costs. This is due primarily to staffing tumover, which required an overlap in positions for training purposes and to address a backlog in processing Community Development Block Grant items. . Legal fees for ongoing litigation require an additional appropriation of $60,000 in the City Attomey litigation budget. . The Police and Fire Departments earned additional revenues through police cost recovery ($10,000), fire-strike team reimbursement ($8,3oo), and police Post and fingerprint reimbursements ($15,230). Both departments requested appropriations to cover the cost of earning these revenues. These adjustments, which increase both revenues and expenses, have no impact on the overall fund balance. . City Council approved changes and adjustments are reported for the Capital Improvement Program Fund (350). One additional adjustment is being recommended to move expenses incurred in the San Simeon earthquake from the Water, Street, and Sewer funds to a separate CIP project, in accordance with federal and state policies. -~._.._. ---------..----- - - CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF THIRD QUARTER REPORT MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 4 AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: . Approve the following Schedules A through E, included in the Third Quarter Budget Status report that summarizes budget adjustments. A. Unreserved Fund Balance-Control. B. Recommended Adjustments. C. Adjustments to Fund Balance. D. Unreserved Fund Balance-Third Quarter Changes. E. Two Year Comparison of Third Quarter Revenues & Expenses . Do not approve staff recommendation and reject all schedules; . Modify staff recommendation and approve selected schedules; . Provide direction to staff. ----~_.,,'----- --.'"........-.- ~ 0 ~~- ~ ~~ ~'-''';" .'~- vv . ., en (, ;:> ~~ ~~ c= ~~~ ~ o~~ ~ ~~1 = ~~ ~ ~u ~a ~~ ~i ~~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~.~ % O~ ~"i .~ '+-,~~ ~ ~<~ ... u ------------- . ~ M ~ ~ ~ 0 M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"M M ~ '" .' \' \ \ \ \ \ \ .,..' ..... . . . . .' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ .' ""," ~- ' ' "", . " ..... : : ::::: .," \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .," \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " ' ., "" i. . . .... . .' \ \ \ \ \~. , .' ,.' . . ..' .' : : ::: g~ . . .' . ..' .' . ..' .' . . ..' . . ..' OJ . . ..' ,., . ..,.", ,....., . . . .' .~- .' . . ..' . . ..' . . . ..' . .'. \ \ \ \ \ .IIJ .' . . ..' 'II ~ :: \ \ \ \ \ ~60 ~ ..-I . . . ., ' .." !,! 8 :: ~ ~ "'Os ~ ~ Q) .' .' .' ..' .' 1>: N' ,,\. \ ...~~~ ~'"' ~ .' \ \ ,:! t: t: ~ .' . . 4; '" '" . . .: : ' ~ 8 ..' ' ,-o~ & ~. ,.' . ..' ~ n .,..... .", on' ".., \ \ .\;!,:! ~-d "" .~.., .' ~ 4; . . -'" ",' .' Q'" ~ . 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'3\'A-"\~ ~ \1 ~ ~ $$$ $ '&~ C" $ ~.o 1~ ~ t- p... 1-\ ~ ' t "0 .:a 8. \ ~. ~ ~~.~\ ~ '$ ~. $ ~r-1 ~ 1 "'~~ U "'"" -0 ~ ~ t<1: 1M.... ..... iI't ~ o'?"~ 'a ~ ~ CII ..( ~1 .,... .-a ~~~-~ \ .'- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~ ~~~~- .... ~ ~ ~ , ~ ... $j\ ~ ~ ~ , 1:0 . (3 I ~ \ ~ ..,-. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ oM ~ r- ~ ~ ".."\., s 1 \ \\\\1 \ ::; $ 1 ~ \ \ ~ \.( (:It-' ~ ~ ~ r' ~ ~ 1a ~ \ ~ f/) - ---/--- ------/--------------/--/-- ------------/--- ii.c. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL . FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER#' ~~ r JJ<S LYNDA K, SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 'I SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF TEN YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN, PHASE 111- FUTURE NEEDS AND OBJECTIVES DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive, provide comments, and accept the Ten Year Financial Plan, Phase 111- Future Needs and Objectives. FUNDING: No funding is required for development and approval of the plan. All phases of the Plan are balanced as proposed over the ten-year period. The recommendations of Phase III of the Ten Year Plan include proposed strategies to generate additional resources in order to accomplish the needs and objectives identified. DISCUSSION: It has been long recognized that the City needed to plan for its long-term financial future. Just as the Annual Budget is a plan for the upcoming year's revenues and expenses, a long-range financial plan sets forth the agreed upon priorities for the City's resources over the next 10-year period. Such a plan is required to determine the cost in ten years for a service enacted today; to realistically ascertain the growth of vital revenues; to establish if funds will be available for the construction of new facilities in the future; to identify future revenue sources; and for various other planning needs. ' Planning for the future is not an easy or quick process. Over the last three years, staff has presented two phases of the Ten Year Financial Plan. In October 2001, Phase I was presented to City Council. In this phase, a financial model was developed, revenue and expenditures analyzed, forecast assumptions made, and projections issued based upon existing revenue sources and service levels. The purpose of Phase I was to determine where we would likely be financially in ten years if we continued to do what we are doing I now. The approved Phase I forecasts are included as an attachment to the proposed I Plan. _.---- -- ._~--_._.._--------~ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF TEN YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN - PHASE III MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 2 In Phase II, presented in March 2002, expenditures were programmed to address what staff referred to as structural budget issues. These structural budget issues are the costs necessary to appropriately fund and maintain existing service levels on a long-term basis. General Fund contributions to street maintenance, establishment and funding of a vehicle replacement fund, and regular investments in capital assets were all identified as structural budget issues. The Plan presented at this time has updated Phase II to include existing projections for revenues and expenditures. The purpose of Phase III is to now also identify long-term needs and goals, along with strategies to accomplish both. Therefore, while Phases I and II are primarily financial forecasts, Phase III is a strategic plan. Rather than projecting what staff believes is likely to occur, it projects resources necessary to meet identified objectives and a plan to generate those resources. If the strategies recommended are not approved or achieved, implementation of the Ten Year Financial Plan essentially reverts back to Phase II and the objectives identified in Phase III will be delayed or eliminated. Phase III will also be an ongoing process to be utilized in conjunction with other planning efforts. This plan will be updated and revised on an annual basis. Three sets of projections are contained in the report, with each building on the calculations and assumptions presented previously. The following is a brief description of each: Updated Phase II - Structural Budget Adjustments Before preparation of Phase III could begin, the Phase II plan was updated to reflect current conditions. Revisions include the Bi-Annual Budget estimated revenues and appropriations, refinement of salary & benefit growth, and Governor Schwarzenegger's proposed budget agreement. The Updated Phase II projects conservative growth estimates for revenues and expenses; predicts personnel staffing costs will remain stable at 5.1 %; forecasts any growth in salary and benefits will result from promotional increases and benefit growth only; and plans debt service that will accommodate the current financial management upgrade and any additional small lease purchase contracts. Phase II continues to provide funding for the structural budget issues previously addressed. This includes an ongoing investment to establish a vehicle replacement fund over the course of the 10-year period. To meet this need, Updated Phase II provides $100,000 a year for the next five years and an additional $100,000 over the remaining five years. Phase II also provides for increasing contributions to City street maintenance over the coming ten years and $200,000 a year for capital outlay and CIP programs. The amount of the funding identified for street improvements in the Plan shows as a reduction beginning in FY 2010-2011. However, this is due to a projection that the City will begin to receive State traffic congestion relief funds approved by the voters at that time. Therefore, the actual investment in street maintenance continues to increase to $300,000 annually for the remaining period of the 1 O-year plan. S:\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports\Staff Report-Phase ill.doc --- ~--_.._---'-'---'------------ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF TEN YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN - PHASE III MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 3 The Updated Phase II shows the General Fund ending FY 2014-15 with a fund balance reserve of $9,250,000, which exceeds the City Council goal of a 20% of appropriation reserve by $5,371,000. Phase III. Scenario # 1 - Service Expansion Though the fund balance at the end of ten years under the Updated Phase II is awe inspiring, the reality is that the community will be growing, the needs of that population will be increasing, and City staff will probably not be able to remain static. The primary future long-term needs and objectives identified by staff programmed in Phase III include facility upgrade needs and planning for ongoing staffing adjustments due to growth in the community. Rather than attempting to identify specific future personnel adjustments, staff has recommended simply programming an expected modest increase of 1.5% in staffing costs for growth, which relates closely to the average ongoing growth rate in the community of 1% to 2%. The primary facility upgrade needs identified include improvements to the City Hall Complex being proposed by the current City Hall Complex Feasibility Study and Needs Assessment and the planned expansion to the Police Department building. The proposed implementation plan for the City Hall facility will be presented to the City Council at the June 22, 2004 meeting. Staff will be recommending debt financing in FY 2008-09 to fund a portion of the project costs. I n order to also generate sufficient revenue for the Police Department building, this scenario projects a debt service of $4 million. Assuming the projects will be financed with a thirty-year loan at approximately 5%, debt service payments would be approximately $300,000 per year. The scenario also makes allowances for a projected annual loss of the $100,000 COPS grant funding used for police staffing due to a time limit on the ability to use the funding for this purpose. The Plan assumes the Police Department will accommodate $50,000 through reductions in the existing funding and City revenues will be reduced by the remaining $50,000. The projected fund balance under Phase III, Scenario #1 is projected to be a negative $3,284,000 at the end of FY 2014-15. Therefore, these projections indicate that the identified objectives will be difficult to accomplish without strategies to generate the resources necessary. Phase III. Scenario #2 - Revenue Enhancement This, the final scenario, programs assumptions based upon strategies identified to generate the revenue to finance the expansion shown in Scenario #1. Since balancing Phase II of the Plan relied heavily on cost efficiency and reduction measures, the strategies to fund Phase III focus primarily on economic development efforts. These S:\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports\StaffReport-Phase ill.doc -- -------- ..---- _._~_...._. ..~_._--_._----- ~ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF TEN YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN - PHASE III MAY 25, 2004 PAGE 4 efforts primarily include attracting the development of 1-2 new motels/hotels, accommodating expansion of the automobile dealerships, and new retail development on E. Grand Avenue and at the Five Cities Center. The Plan assumes development of one new hotel/motel by FY 2006-07, providing a projected additional $100,000 of transient occupancy tax revenues, and the development of another hotel/motel by FY 2007-08 to provide a second $100,000. In addition, an increase of 2.5% in sales tax is programmed due to economic development efforts targeting auto dealership expansion and retail development, resulting in an overall sales tax increase of 6.8%. Should the three revenue enhancements be achieved under the projected timeline, the FY 2014-15 fund balance would then change from a projected negative to a positive $6,011,000, which is well above the 20% goal. However, accomplishment of these objectives would be contingent upon these revenue enhancements occurring as planned. Phase III of the General Fund Ten Year Financial Plan is not a blueprint of coming actions, nor is it a budget for allocating resources-the Financial Plan is a tool for assessing the cost of future needs, is a means of identifying potential revenue enhancements, and is a flexible model to accommodate changing circumstances. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendation to receive, comment, and accept Phase III of the Ten Year Financial Plan; - Do not approve staff recommendations and reject the Plan; - Provide staff direction on desired changes to priorities and objectives programmed in the proposed Plan; - Modify the Plan and approve; - Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Ten Year Financial Plan S:\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports\StaffReport-Phase ill.doc ---~. -----~-_...._.._----~~.._----~--~-----_._--- -' ---_....._-_.._~- ~-_..,.._-- ----~_. .------ 11.d. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR P FROM: SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF INITIATING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON NOYES ROAD (APN's: 007-781..055 & 007 -781-056) PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (1.2), CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE (CASTLEROCK DEVELOPMENT) DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council provide direction to staff regarding potential initiation of public hearings to consider a General Plan Amendment, for an approximately 53 acre property located on the southeast side of Noyes Road at the northwest edge of the City limits (the "property"), currently designated Low Density Residential and Conservation/Open Space Planned Development. FUNDING: No fiscal impact or outside service expenses are anticipated if the Council initiates a General Plan Amendment, except Community Development Department staff time associated with preparation of reports and related materials, as well as costs associated with public hearing notification. DISCUSSION: At the May 11, 2004 Council meeting, Mayor Ferrara requested, and the Council concurred, to place on the next agenda consideration of initiating a General Plan Amendment regarding the property, The 2001 General Plan Update and Integrated Program EIR evaluated a range of . land use altematives for the property described as Study Area 2, Rancho Grande - Noyes Road. (See Attachment 1,) The property owner, Castle rock Development Co. has been notified of the Council's consideration of this agenda item and has indicated that some preliminary environmental studies, including biologic survey and geotechnical work, have been or are being conducted to determine actual constraints and opportunities regarding this property, It is apparent that steep slopes, oak woodland, possible Pismo Clarida, wetland and/or riparian vegetation along the Meadow Creek roadside swales, possible flooding, liquefaction and other environmental concerns will influence planned development. In staffs opinion, it is unlikely that additional environmental studies would be required, pursuant to CEQA, for a General Plan Amendment for this property, if the proposed new General Plan designation for the property is within the range of densities evaluated in the 2001 General Plan Update Program EIR. It is probable that any application for planned development of the property would require a project EIR, regardless of General Plan designation and density provided. C:\WINDOWS\TEMPI05-25-04NoyesRoadCCSRTIma.doc 5I'20I04 CITY COUNCIL I GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CASE NO. 04.002 MAY 25, 2004 PAGE20F2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Initiate Consideration of a General Plan Amendment. - Do not initiate consideration a General Plan. Amendment. - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1, Excerpts from 2001 General Plan Update and Integrated Program EIR, pages 39 through 44. 05-25-04NoyesRoadCCSRTlms 5I20I04 --,.._- ,-,--, - -----.----- ---_.~- . A TT ACHMENT 1 2.) fMndJo Grande - Noves Road - - .' .' .... ExIsting Condition~ Pnor Plans and Regulations TNs remaining undeveloped 53-acre property Is part ofthe Rancho Grande PD shown ~ Planned OeYeIopment/Specific Plan on the 1990 General Plan, It Is zoned PO 1.2 and shown on the -. Rancho Grande Conceptual Master Plan as two parcels that are part of "unplanned P.O areas". The ElR (or the PD Indicated 5 units on each parcel but the PD allows 1 unit per parcel unless rezoned. The 2000.draft: map Indicated Open Space and Low Density Single Family for ~e undeveloped area, but other sIngle-family densities and open space configurations may be :..,-, _ appropriate. Adjoining lots to the south in the Cty are generalty l-aae while ~untY areas to the , . , west and north are Residential Suburban also altowlng l-acre tots. . . t. :' Im~ ol"the Proposed General Plan These 53-acres contain two parcels of relatively steep slopes, mostly vegetated, traversed by )cveral drainage ways and relatively undisturbed wetland. The sites have not been surveyed or ("Ibluated but would be subJect.to a project BR with any proposed Planned Development. The Iilnge of land use 'and planning considered reasonable for this property range from 1 to 53 dwelling units, all subject to Planned Development approval.' Envfronmental Impacts would be txpc:cted to be' proportional to development il'\tensity and amount of property disturbed (or (on~tructlon. Population and housIng would range from a minimum of 6 residents If only one house were allowed on each of , the two existing parcels to approxfmateJy'159 If S3 single-family dwellings were developed on the 53 acres. The proposed plan Indudes a maximum of 35 dwellings which would accommodate .approxlmately 105 resIdents, _ The r~latlvely steep slopes composing the eastern half of the property are considered, high . ~ndsllde and slope stability risk whtlethe relatively level areas' trave~ed by ~ralnage and wttl~nds are potential liquefaction and settlement risk areas.' . In either event, Planned ()(;Ielopment would require site-specific geotechnical and soils evaluations and engineering to . mlUgate geophysical concerns prior to grading and construction., Water resources for Increase of POtential development Is a cumulative Impact Issue affecting this property, currently limited to two dwellings, If development were proposed on the loWer flatter portions of the property, fiood control and drainage would require site engineering to mitigate these potential Impacts. One' potentially significant impact associated with grading and drainage would be the degradation of !.urface water quality due to siltation from disturbed hillsides draining into downstream Meadow cree~ and extremely sensitive Plsmo Lagoon. Prior developments have not adequately mitigated ~ros n and siltation Impacts .which will 'require better design and construction to prevent ::~r:nanent degradation of these Important resources: On-site pondlng and siltation basin tor :tenance a~~ two recommended methods for surface Water quality mitigation. The potential ~mls:oJe~ With up to 3S dwellings, would genera'te approximately 10 Ibs per day of air quall~ ~ ns ut less than 25 Ibs per day, the "screening-lever criteria. Some project mitigation ;~::::r to reduce vehide trips and travel distance would be appropriate,,, b4t low-density "lad n1" . development Is Inherentfy automobile. oriented, a pattern already established by ~a ng eXisting urban and Residential Suburban uses. A 35 home project If proposed would 20 orpproXimately 350 trips. to the locai and regional street system and require traffic study with ptOJect ~~ ~ak hour trips expected. Traffic mitigation measures would be determined by ~~,urces of the undeveloped property tmve not been surveyed but are eXpected to " an the N I Oak woodland and chaparral on the hillsIde and Riparian woodland and. wetlands be rcund oyes :oad Yalley fioor. Sensitive plants such as Plsmo Oarlda, and Well's Manzanita may on is diverse residual area at the northwest. edge of the Cty. Energy and Mineral . , . . , EIR - 39 -....... . .. - .. .,,- ..&:;4;- f i ~.i~r. I I R~urces are not apparent concerns regarding this property. As noted above, slope sta~lity andY~: . I . landslide hazards are hillside development risks while flooding, liquefaction and settl~nt are'j;': I hazards affecting the relatively level portions of the site, Are hazard due to Oak Woodland and~'. chaparral Interface with existing and potential" residential develop~t Is an additional hazard, ;;;. " particularly due to. marginal fire response time from the City's fire station, approximately six'"' minutes away. Noise Is not a potential Impact Issue on. this property at the northwest edge of I the Qty except during short-term cORStfUction activity. Public services such as fire and Ponce are least effl~entat the edge" of the Cty and currently overcapacity school facilities will requfre student transportation to all grade "levels since none exist In this part of the" CIty. The cost-.: I :benefit of residential development, particularly low density development at the edge of the Cty,. would be expected to be adverse, Including water, sewer, stonn drainage and garbage serylce as well as schools,' " . I . Although Planned Development for low density residential would be subject to design review and special site planning, and aesthetically attractive cluster development screened from adjoining" I areas would be expected, the conversion of natural open space to urban use would be a degradation of existing natural scenic character. The alternate potential for conventio~al " subdivision would be much more detrimental aesthetically, however, as roads, building sites and yards associated with large lots If evenly spread over the site would cause removal of most I natural vegetation and become Visually prominent from Noyes Road as well as adjoining existing residential areas, Cultural reSources of this undeveloped property have not been surveyed and Impa~ on possible I archeological areas are thus unknown~ Planned Development would require site evaluation to determine possible Impacts and appropriate niitigation measures; Including avoidance by cluster f . . design, The reaeation impacts of potential Planned Development would be off-set by prior dedication of a public park site, payment of park fees, provision of proposed recreational trails traversing the property and possible on-site private recreation commons. The PO .would extend equestrian and multi-purpose trails to the edge of the Cty to eventually connect with County " I trails In Residential Suburban Fringe Area or along County road rights-of-way. Park and recreation faclllti~ will be provided ~ the Cty at Rancho Grande Park, already prog~mmed for improvement, Conclusion: Any Planned Development would require project EIR, I Alternatives, Evaluations and Explanations: a, Create a PD classification similar to the 1990 plan; I b. Classify as Conservation/Open Space and enable one house on each existing parcel or allow conslderati9n of 1 dU/5 ac. or 19 ac., Implying 5 to 10 houses with PD approval; I c, Classify as SFR-vLD-PD to enable co~slderation of a very 10w-densitY, single-family , , . " residential planned development not to excee? 1 du/2.5 acres,. enabling up to 21 units; f . d, Cassify as SFR-LD-PD to enable consideration of a low density single family residential . planned development not to exceed 1 du/1.5 acres enabling up to 35 units, or' 1 dulac, I enabling "up to 53 units; and, e, Classify as SFR~LM-PD and C/OS to enable consideration of a LM Low Medlum-density I single-family residential planned development on the most developable portions of the site, requiring Conservation Open Space on the bulk of the slopes, drainage and . vegetated areas, This might enable 53 units or more, depending on the proportion of proPe,rty,dassifled C/OS versus.SFR. . ~~.io:;'-:=--=--~.. I . .~. ..'_-f ..,.... . -. . .. '.' . . ...__......-.- . . . . . "'~.'- ". I I J;T~ :.. 40 I " . . . . The 2001 General Plan Update proposes alternative 'd'SFR-LD-PD Single Family Resi~ential~ " ." . .' . Low Density (Hillside) Planned Development and Conservatlon/Open.Space'tomblning .,... ." designations to retain natural siopes, drainage and vegetation over the majority of both . parcels. Planned Development would allow maximum of 1 du per 1;5 acres and encourage duster residential and .openspace up to 35 units. Although the General Plan Update classification as SFR-LD-PD. and C/OS combInIng desIgnation . implies a potential for up to 35 dwelling unit reslden~a~ planned development, that would require a PD zoning amendment and prerequisIte project BR to Implement. (CUrrent PD1.2 allows one dweIRng per parcel), 'Thls Is tile basfc mitigation measure for General Plan Update. Until site specific and project specific analysis Is provided by the required EIR, the maximum development would be limited to 1 dwelling per parcel.. . , . . . . ~ ~ Regarding alternatives, the Update attempts to avoid use of the PD General Plan dassificatlon as It does not Identify intended use without research into zoning and Development Code provisions. The C/OS-PD, Conservation/~pen Space Planned Development dasslficatlon alone would be an , environmentally superior alternative, alloWIng one dwelling per parcel or 1 du p~r '10 acres allowIng 5.dwellings or 1 du per. 5 acres allowing 10 units maxJ!I1um, subject to PD zoning. . amendment. Fewer units Imply less disruption to the natural environment and more opportunity . for avoiding sensitive resources with duster residential Planned. Development. The classification as SFR-VLD-PD, while reducing potential maximum Planned Development to 1 du/2.5 Bcres or approxlmate~ 21. dwellings, also implies possible, conventional subdivision ,into 2.5 acre ,"equestrian estate lots-. ' If Planned Development does .not require cluster residential and substantial portions 'of the property to remain as natural hillside and wetland, then the lower density could actually increase potential impacts due to greater site area dfsturbal}ce. Lower density may. also be less feasible due to required urban Improvements for $'eets, access driveways, trails, underground utilities, drainage and siltation basin, recreational commons and . other resldential amenities. The additional alternatives of SFR-LD-PD at 1 dU/acre or SFR-LM-PD . and Conservation/Open Space on' the sloping and wetiand areas of the property;, enabling 53 : dwelling units or more would require General Plan amendment as well as PD rezoning to exceed ' the 35 dwelling unit maximum presaibecl by the Upclate. This higher density residential Planned Development may be evaluated as an alternative In the. project BR, but the Cty antldpates that the cluster concentration and design involving more than'35 dWE;lUngs would be Inconsistent with "rural character" objectives of the General Plan, The higher Intensity development.also appears to exceed. the Intent of the original Rancho Grande master plan and development agreement. " which provIded for a total of 527 dwelling. units.' , . In any event, the on-site environmental resources,' IrreVersible changes, and growth-indudng Impacts of more than two dwellings' must. be evaluated by project specific EIR prior to . Implementation of the SFR-lD-PD and C/OS dev~opment potential. 3.) Rancho Grande -'La GJnada . . . . . Exl!ting Conditions, Prior Plans and RegulatioiJs " . . .' "This un-subdivided. 26,6-acre, vegetated canyon and ridge adjoIning single family subdivisIons to the northwest and southeast Is part of the Rancho Grande Planned Development on the 1990 General Plan, zoned PD 1.2. 'The Rancho Grande Conceptual Master Plan Implied a 4o-unit clust~r resIdential s~ivlsron for a ceqtral portion of this parcel with the perimeter .shown as -' open space. The:ij 0 Land U~e Policy draft map showed this parcel as Open Space/Restricted, normally applied to publfc owned property or Involving open space"easement or similar land use restriction. There Is a proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map 1998 (VlTM) appliC2!tlon also . " . . . , .-. BR-41 . . - _. , ~ ~ ~ 'r. " proposing a 40-dwelling unit cluster Planned Development whIch would be affectt' by thIs ,- General Plan Update. ' ' ' .., ~ " H . ~: 'The VTTM 1998 proposes approximately 16.5 acres (62%) of the tQtal si~e as private open space, Access and secondary emergency access would loop off La Canada Drive, requiring two bridges :: '. or :culverts over th~ creek traversing the west edge .of the property, while the other creek to the : 1~ south~ast"would temaln in the open space area. The project BRJor VTTM 1998 has not yet , i' . been completed for public ~evtew and comment and It,appears that Some lots fnVQIve gradIng. ,,' ..;. that would enqoach on both creek areas and require removal of Plsmo Clarida, Oak Woodland , and Riparian vegetation to enable residential construction. At least seven of the pro~ IQts . . lack standard trontag~ on the proposed public street, Instead accessed by "flag ~ shared private driveways, Lot sizes ranging from 5,500 to 30,000 square feet would compose the 40 ho~esites'which may be enabled by Planned Development variation of conv~tional single-family detached subdivision standards, . Impacts of Propo$ed Genetal Plan The 26.6-acre property Is an undeveloped parcel traversed by two branches .of Meadow Creek $E!parated by a ridge known to contain significant biological resources, Indudlng sensitive plant species, The tentative trad map tor a 4o-unlt duster' residential subdlv~lon, VITM ,1~98, .. provided site survey but a proj~ I;IR has not been completed. The proposed land use appears " I . to be tnor~ IntensIve than adjoIning. low-denslty 'residential subdlvlsloll5 despIte the site sensItivIty; Access and building areas are not resolved, and mitigation measures and alternatives not yet considered, The relatively flat ridge occupies the central portlon of the site, separated from adjoining roads and residential subdivisions to the northwest and southeast by steep slopes, heavy fUp~rlan vegetatIon and creek canyons, Thus, access and circulation are not easily conneqed to existing streets.. . , If development Is confined. to. the relativelY'level ridge area, the potential for slope stability and landslide hazards as well as erosion and siltation would be reduced, but on-site mitigation such as siltation basins appears Infeasible without reduction of residential development proposed, Meadow Creek drains to very sensitive Plsmo lagoon habitat, and prior developments have not adequately mitigated erosion and siltation Impacts to surface water quality of Meadow Cr~k, , Water supply to cumulative residential development Is also a potential Impact Issue since General Plan buildout approaches or exceeds current water entitlements If per capita consumption exceeds 160 gpd, The low density residential development, whether 1 or 40 units Is Inherently automobile oriented, but thIS pattern Is established by adjoining develQpment, not feasible altered by this residual property. A 40 home proj~, If approved, would contribute 400 trips to , the local streets and require traffic study to determine possible mitigation' measures for James . Way and La Canada Drive or other collector streets. Bike, pedestrian and equestrian trials are proposed to traverse the property and P!1rtlally mitigate automobile trip Impacts, but ~ese a!'8 not clearly proposed or provided by VITM 1998 at this time. The General Plan proposal as Conservation/Open Space not to exceed 5 dwellings Implies 50 trips, less thaI) significant, ' BiologIcal resources evident on-slte would be adversely affected by 'previously proposed Planned Development of 40 dwellings Indudlng lots enaoachlng on Plsmo aarkla and requiring reduction of Oak and Riparian Woodlands, Until an environmental determination,ls completed, for Planned . Development of 5 or fewer dwellings the appropriate development. de!1slty and configuration as ' well as possible mitigation measures for development Impacts are unresolved. Custer Planned Development has better potential to avoid or reduce environmental Impacts than conventional residential subdivision but the density and distribution of development are unresolved, ' , , . . --~ BR - 42 ------- . - ... . .-i~-,,J''' ,. t .. Energy and minerai resources are not at Issue. exPosure to hazards such as landslide, flooding . . and fire are de~ndent on the .development design relative to site constraints. Access IimitatlQns: . and proximity of. proposed homes to heavy vegetation on steep $Iopes Implies substantial .. J. . wildland fire hazard exposure, . Noise exposure tor Planned Development residential Is not at Issue. on this residual site !1or ~ provision of public services and utilities already established to the northwest and southeast, Aesthetics of potential Planned Development would be generally better I than conyentlonal residential subdivision but either will degrade existing natural en~ronment. No archeological or cultural resources are known on this site, but would also be subject to project . EIR If more than 5 dwellings Planned Development Is proposed. the property Is near the Rancho ) .Grande Park and Planned Development contributed land rather than In-lieu fees for park improvements. Additionally, .proposed reaeational traits traverse the property for bike,. pedestrian and eqttestrJan circulation. ConclusIon:. Any Planned Development exceedlr:tg 5 I dwellings would require a project EIR. The General. Plan Update can minimize potential Impacts . by classification of the property as Conservation. Open Space allowing 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres' which mIght enable up to 5 units s!JbJect to PD approval. A project BR would be required and General Plan Amendment for PD approval. . . I . AlterrJat!ves, Evalll8Uons and Explanations I Alternatives considered rea~nable for this property range, from 1 to 40 units, all subject to Planned Developmept approval. Population and housing would range from 3 to 120 ~esldents assuming normal household population for single-family dwe1lings~ depending on which alternative Is approved and Included: . . I ,a. Create a PD classification similar to the 1990 plan allowing one house per existing' parcel unless a PD amendment Is approved; I b. dassify as Conservation/Open Space-PD and allow 1 du per parcel, 1 du/1C1 ac. or 1 dul5 .ac, enabling 1 to 5 units subject to planned development approval; I c. Classify as SFR-VLD-PD at 1 du/2,S ac. tor approximately 10 units subject to, planned development approval; . I d. dasslfy as SFR-LD-PD at 1 du/l.S ac. or 1 du/ac. enabling consideration of a planned ' development of 17 or 26 units, depending on PD and subdMslon ~pproval; and, , . e. dassify as SFR-MLD-PD and C/OS enabling consIderation of a medium low densIty single family resIdential planned development on a portion of the ridge preserving the canyons 'and vegetated areas as Conservation/Open Space. This might enable up to 33 units at . 2.S du/ac. If half of the parcel were determined developable and the other half preserved as open space. , . - The 2001 General Plan Update proposes alternative 'b', to dasslfy the property as C/OS-PD, - . Conservation/Open Space, Planned Development allowIng 1 ~u per 5 acres .whlch would enable up to 5 units subject to PD 'approval, ' . .. Regarding other alternatives, the General Plan Update attempts to avoId the PD dasslficatlon used In the 19~ plan since that dassificatlon did not Identify the actual uses allowed by Planned Development,:., vealed only by research of relate zonlog and Development Code regulations. The ~Itematlve of C/OS-PD allowing 1 du per parcel or 1 du per 10 acres subject to Planned .- I. Development approval would be consIdered environmentally superior alternatives considering that onJy one or two homes rather th~n S dwellings would be" enabled. However, the feasibtlity . " . - , ~ "." o. . BR - 43 . .' .~-- ----::- '. ., , ~, :: . '. ; i .; . - of providing access and other requIred Improvements for only 2 dwe1lings ~in question, the - ,. extent of other environmental constraInts Is not resolved. A project EIR wo be required for _ . .- , . General Plan Amendment and PD, Planned Development for any alternative exceeding 5 dwelling, . . ;1 units. ' i ,; .' By restricting Planned Development to 5 un.its, the Cty Intends to avoid irreversible changes on '. the seJ;1Sltive enVironmental resources evident on the bulk of this .property which would.be further , .. t: protected by the Conservation/Open Space dasslficatlon. Beca.use the property Is otherwise I,. surrounded by existing residential subdMslons, and no urban service extensfons are' requlre(J.tor . , ,- ! this limited ~dditlonal resIdential development, the project Is no~ considered growth Inducing.' . .' I 4,} . ROYaIOaks Estates -, Existing Conditions, Prior Plilns ilnd Reguliltlons This vegetated hillside and creek canyon parallel to and west of Rodeo DriVe was designated "Estate" residential as part of the Royal Oaks Estates Planned Development on the adopted General Plan. The area was subdivided Into 4 large parcels ranging from,S to 15 aaes In size, . each allowing 1 house unless converted to Institutional uses such as church as occurred at the. north and south end, adjoining Rodeo Drive. The church use on the north end was constructed on 10 acres rather than the orlginal13-aae lot, enlarging the und~eloped two lots to the south i by 3 acres creating a 29-acre single ownership parcel with a "tlaglot" frontage on Rodeo Drive to I the south. The 7.S-acre southern parcel, approved for church uSe but not developed has su~sequently been sold to a private rather than Institutional owner. ExIsting PD zoning and Development Code allow only one house per parcel unless PD amendment approved by the Cty enab~ Institutional use: Assuming that 3 undeveloped parcels exist, the current zoning would allow 3 dwellings, exclusive of the area containing the Coastal Oak Woodland grove on the steep hillside protected by a tree preservation easem~nt, The 2000 draft map Indicated bc:?th ~ui'ch parcels and the two. estate lots as "Open Spa(E!", but only the oak grove on the steep hillside to " the east Is protected by tree preservation easement, " ImfMds oFthe Proposed Genetal Pliln The proposed General Plan Update provides for Community Fadlity dasslfication on the existing church property, while the 3 residential "estate" lots would be designated SFR-LD-PD, Single Family Residential, Low Density . (Hillside), Planned Development. the 13-acrevegetatecl hnlslde and creek area, indudlng the Landmark Royal Oak tree protection easement would be dasslfied as Conservation/OPen SPace. SFR-lD-PD would ,enable Planned Development at a maximum of 1 dU/l,S acres, or 20 dwellings maximum on both existing parcels,' . . . . -' , The slopes of the western portion of the undeveloped area would require grading for access and , development which wou.'d depend on density and design. Potential for Increased landslld~ and slope stabUlty exposure and 'eroslon are Inherent In hillside development, whether residential or Institutional, Erosion and $lItatlon are potential hillside development impact Issues, w~ich would Impact Arroyo Grande Creek rather than Meadow Creek drainage and require on-site or off-site mitigation, A drainage detention and siltation settlement pond may be feasible and appropriate on-site, Water supply as well as water quality due to Inaeased development potential Is a cumulative Impact Issue, as noted above. Low-denslty residential development antldpatecl for the site Is Inherently automobile oriented but the pattern was established by. adjoining subdMslons, . not feasibly altered by this residual property. A 20 dwelling Planned Development project, If approved, would contribute 200 trips to RodeO Drive and possibly require traffic study to determine off-site mitigation measures. . _ . , ., . . ElR - 44 -------~