Minutes 1997-06-24 364 .... MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1997 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CAUFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in regular session at 7:30 p.m., with Mayor A K "Pete" Dougall presiding. He said nothing reportable occurred in Closed Session. 2. AND 3. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Lew Davis of Arroyo.Grande Valley Kiwanis Club led the Flag Salute. The Rev. Randal Ouimette, St John's Lutheran Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. 4. ROLL CALL Present with Mayor Dougall were Mayor Pro T em Michael Lady and Council Members Michael Fuller, Thomas A Runels, and Steve Tolley. Staff members present 'Nere City Manager Robert L Hunt" City Attorney Timothy J. Carmel, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Chief of Police Rick T erBorch, Public Works Director John Wallace, and Assistant Public Works Director Craig Campbell. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Mayor Dougall presented Certificates of Appreciation and City pins to former City commissioners Bob Brown, Jim Fogarty, Pam lanneo, Virginia French Rogers, Beverfey Silva, Jim Silva, and Kay Silva. The Ed Mullahey family presented to the City a bronze sculpture depicting a stage coach and a team of horses. Representing the family in making the presentation were Ed Mullahey and his sons Tim and Mike, all of Arroyo Grande. Mayor Dougall said the City will add a plaque to the sculpture listing the MuUaheys as donors. 6. AGENDA REVIEW None. 6.A. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY It was moved by FullerlTolley and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting be read, in title only and all further reading be waived. 365 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 7.A. CONTINUED PUBUC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 97-1613. CONDITIONS NO. 16. 17. 23. 34. 37. AND 38 FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 97-537 (DORFMANJWEBB\ . Community Development Director Liberto-Blanck said staff recommended the City Council adopt a resolution partially upholding the appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of Tentative Parcel Map 97-537. She said on June 10,1997 the City Council directed staff to delete certain conditions of approval requiring the construction of drainage improvements and street designs. She said Condition Nos. 20 and 23 of the Planning Commission resolution required a drainage easement and street dedications have been retained. She said Public Works staff researched the issue of the proper right-of-way width of Traffic Way and, according to a survey perfonned by Omni-Means in 1986, the existing right-<Jf-way adjacent to the project is 100 feet She said this is consistent with the 1969 City Council adopted plan line of 100 feet After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. When no one came forward to speak, Mayor . Dougall closed the hearing to the floor. It was moved by Ladyrrolley (5-0-0 with Lady, Tolley, Fuller, Runels, and Dougall voting aye) to adopt Resolution No. 3239 Partially Upholding the Appeal of Certain Conditions of Approval of Tentative Parcel Map Case No. 97-537, Located at the Southeast Comer of Traffic Way and Cheny Avenue; Appellants: Ed Dorfman and Lee Webb. 8. PUBUC COMMENT PERIOD Burton Baump, 824 Devonshire, spoke in favor of the draft: ordinance concerning Mobile Home Rent Stabilization. He said he favored exempting resident~ed parks from the ordinance. 9. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Council Member Runels and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Lady to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.j. The motion passed with Runels and Tolley abstaining on Item 9.b. only. 9.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Approved. 9.b. Minutes of June 10, 1997 Special and Regular City Council/Redeve!opment Agency Meetings. Approved with Runels and Tolley abstaining. 9.c. Recommendation to Award Air Conditioning Equipment Bid to Mitc..,eU & Power 2 366- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 24, 1991 Heating and Sheet Metal. Approved. 9.d. Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Temporary Closure of Paul Place r... - Between Elm Street and the West Property Line of 2551 Paul Place on July 4, 1997 for .. , a Fourth of July Block Party. Resolution No. 3240 authorizing the temporary closure of Paul Place was adopted. 9.e. Approval to Receive Federal Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds. Approved. 9.f. Parade Request and Fee Waiver - IDES Council #28. Approved. 9.g. Final Tract Map Approval - Tract 1997 Rancho Grande, Darren Shetler (Ottse, Inc.) Staff recommendations approved. 9.h. Consideration of SalarylBenefit Adjustments for Part-time and Management/Confidential Employees. Resolution No. 3241 Adopting a Salary and Benefit Program for Part-Time Employees for Fiscal Year 1997-98 was adopted. Resolution No. 3242 Adopting a Salary and Benefit Program for Management/Confidential Employees for Fiscal Year 1997-98 was adopted. 9.i. Award of Copier Bid to Ikon Office Solutions. Approved. 9.j. Reservoir NO.2 Recoating, Project No. 60-97-1, Progress Payment NO.2 to American Coatings: Progress payment authorized. 10.A. AWARD OF BID - REPLACEMENT OF PAVEMENT, WATER. AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN GRAND AVENUE. HALCYON ROAD TO BARNETT STREET _ PROJECT NO. 60-10-90-96-7 Public Works DirectorWaflace said the adopted FY 1997/98 Capital Improvement Program Budget indudes $656,70a for the Grand Avenue Project, with $17,901 going to the underground utility portion of the work and $59,700 for construction contingencies. He said the total construction budget is $674,601. He said staff recommended the project be awarded to the low bidder, Whitaker Contractors, Inc., and that construction take place in the daytime. He said the project schedule shows a r completion date of December 7, 1997. I I It was moved by RunelslFuller and the motion passed unanimously to approve staff \- recommendations, as follows: 1. Award the Grand Avenue, Halcyon to Barnett, construction contract to Whitaker 3 367 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 24,1997 Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $614,274; 2. Authorize a contingency of $59,700 (9.7%) for use only if needed for unanticipated costs (i. e. changes in field conditions) during the construction phase of the project (Total project construction cost= $614,274 + $59,700= $673,974); 3. Authorize the Director of Public Works and City Manager to approve change orders for extra work up to $7,500 each from within this contingency fund; and 4. Direct staff to issue the Notice of Award ~nd Notice to Proceed in accordance with the Contract Documents. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Continued William Ashley, M.D., Radiologist at the Arroyo Grande Community Hospital and Secretary/Treasurer of the San Luis Obispo County Medical Society, spoke to the Council about the sale of the Tri-Counties Blood Bank. He requested the Council to send a letter to the State Attorney General's Office recommending that monies from the sale be put in a San Luis Obispo Foundation, which 'M)Uld be more aware of the needs of the county; that distrib~ions of the funds- be based on donations, and that the funds be directed toward prevention, patient support, and treatment 10.8. AMENDMENT TO PORTIONS OF TITlE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE City Attorney Cannel recommended the Council authorize staff to forward an ordinance amending the Municipal Code to the Planning Commission for its recommendation. He said, under the proposed ordinance, it no longer would be necessary for the Planning Commission to make recommendations on administrative and/or procedural Development Code changes; areas of responsibility 'M)(J1d. be dartfied, and the appeal period would be shortened to 10 calendar days. It was moved by Fuller/lady and the motion passed unanimously to forward the proposed ordinance to the Planning Commission for its recommendation~ 10. C. PURCHASING PROCEDURE MODIFICATION City Attorney Carmel recommended the Council provide direction to staff regarding: 1. Adopting a local vendor purchasing preference provision; and 2. Increasing the maximum monetary amounts for staff-authorized purchases of supplies and materials. 4 368 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 24,1991 Mr. Carmel said with local preference the City could provide each locaf business with a preference consisting of a certain percentage reduction in evaluating its bid or estimate. He said it cannot be granted for public 'Narks projects. City Manager Hunt discussed changes in the purchasing amounts staff could authorize on petty cash purchases by Department Director, verbal or written purchase orders, purchase orders requiring at least three informal bids recorded by the Department Director, and purchase orders requiring a written contract awarded to rawest responsible bidder by Council. Heather Jensen, Executive Director of the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce, praised the Council for its action concerning giving local preference., The Council reached consensus on the staff recommendations, as foUows: 1. Local vendor preference of five percent (5%) 2. Purchasing Amounts: a. Petty Cash Purchases - up to $100 b. Verbal or written purchase orders - up to $1,500 c. Purchase orders requiring at least three informal bids - $1,501 to $7,500 d. Purchase orders requiring a.written contract awarded to low bidder - $7,501 and over 11.A. REQUEST FOR REDUCTION OF SEWER HOOKUP FEES. 1116 FARROLL AVENUE Public Works Director Wallace said Mrs. Ruth Goodman requested a reduction in fees for a sewer hookup. He said the City Municipal Code, as well as the Unifonn Plumbing Code, requires properties, such as the subject property, to connect to the se\\e" when it becomes available, He said in this case, this sewer line was built in 1972, but the resident was not required to hook up at that time apparently due to an informal arrangement with the Public Works Department and the discretion provided in the Plumbing Code to delay hookup for up to two years. He said because the hookup was delayed, no assessment was made against the property and now, many years later, the septic system is failing and it is necessary that the house be connected to the sewer. Mrs. Joni Gerking of 807 Huasna Road, Mrs. Goodman's daughter, spoke to the Council. " Council Members discussed alternatives and it was moved by T atley/Lady and the 5 369 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 motion passed, with Council Members Tolley, Lady, and Fuller voting yes and Runels and Dougall voting no, to reduce the fee to approximately $1,245.00, with the resident responsible for the construction of a sewer lateral ($1,000.00), on-site plumbing revisions ($2,000.00 according to the property owner), and South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District fees ($2,000.00). Council Members directed staff to bring back to the Council an amnesty program whereby a property owners who have not hooked up to, the City seYler lines YIOuld have a period of time to arrange for hookups and after that time, Council YIOuld not consider any waivers or fee reductions. 11.8. CONSIDERATION OF AN INTERVIEW PANEL TO SELECT A GENERAL PLAN UPDATE CONSULTANT Community Development Director Liberto-Blanck said staff recommended the Council appoint two Council Members to an interview panel for the selection of the consultant to prepare the General Plan Update, and set a date for the interviews. Council Members chose Council Member Runels and Mayor Dougall to serve on the interview panel and July 11, 1997 as the date for the interviews. - 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (a) Mayor Dougall (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District - FY 1997-98 Budget adopted; Board discussed ways to disburse the bie-solids that are generated. (2) Local Agency Fonnation Commission - no meeting (3) Economic Development Committee - marketing strategy is being developed. (4) Mayors' Meeting - Mayors considered a % cent county-wide sales tax and Mr. Hunt and Mayor DougaU will attend a committee meeting on the matter in August (b) Mayor Pro T em Lady (1) South County Area Transit - fares YJere increased and there was discussion of giving the cities one-half of the increase; the Transit Development Plan report was given; senior taxi program hours were changed to 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and the age for qualifying was raised to 65 years; (2) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments - Mayor DougaU attended the meeting in Mayor Pro Tern Lady's place. He said Fourth District Supervisor Ruth 6 370 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 (3) Brackett will be the new SLOCOG chair. (4) San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority - no report (c) Council Member Fuller (1) Integrated Waste Manag~ment Authority Board - no meeting (2) Air Pollution Control Board - the FY 1997-98 Budget was adopted. (3) Rubbish Rate Increase Committee - no meeting (d) Council Member Runels (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Committee - no meeting .- . (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee - meeting cancelled (e) Council Member Tolley (1) Long-Range Planning Committee - no report (2) South County Youth Coalition -A steering committee to develop a master plan is being set up (3) Community Agriculture Support Program - no report 13. COUNCIUAGENCY COMMUNICATIONS Council Members reached consensus on sending a letter, as requested by Dr. Ashley concerning the sale of the Tri- Co~nties Blood Bank, to the State Attorney General's Office. 14. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. ! 7 . 371 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 15. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Ladyrr oUey and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the ( meeting at 8:38 p.m. to a meeting at 7:30. p.m. Tuesday, July 8, 1997, at the Arroyo Grande Woman's Club and Community Center, 211 Vernon Avenue. 1l~a..~ NANCY A DA , CITY CLERK . 8