Minutes 1997-10-01 . .. 425 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1,1997 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1, CALL TO ORDER The City Council and Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande met in regular session at 6:30 p.m. 2. FLAG SALUTE Mayor A. K. "Pete" Dougall led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. 3, ROLL CALL Present with Mayor Dougall were Mayor Pro Tern Michael Lady; Council Members Michael Fuller, Thomas A. Runels, and Steve Tolley, and Planning Commissioners Sandy Lubin, Chair; Laurence Greene, James P. "Dan" O'Donnell, Jr., and Francis Rondeau. Planning Commission Vice Chair Del Haney was absent. Staff members present were City Manager Robert L. Hunt, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck and Associate Planners Helen Elder and Bruce Buckingham. 4, PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Fred Bower, 3000 Jatta Road, Huasna Valley, said he would like zoning in the Arroyo Grande Village to allow multi-family rental units. Perry Judd, Director of Facilities for Lucia Mar Unified School District, said he had been working with the Community Development Department on issues conceming growth. He requested there be language in the General Plan to mitigate the impacts.of growth on the School District. 5. PROPOSED SUBCOMMITTEE TO ESTABLISH CRITERIA FOR FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORTS Community Development Director Liberto-Blanck said staff recommended th~ City. Council and Planning Commission discuss the merits of appointing a Subcommittee to establish criteria for fiscal impact analysis reports,' and, if agreement is reached to proceed, make appointments to the Subcommittee. She said fiscal impact analysis has been required on certain projects to determine the economic benefits to the City. She said there is public interest to establish standard criteria for all fiscal impact analysis reports. She said the Subcommittee could consist of a Council Member, a Planning Commissioner, and a member of the City's financial community. She said the 4 2&r, COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 1997 Subcommittee recommendations would be submitted to the City Council for approval before starting fiscal impact analysis reports on new projects. Council and Commission Members approved of the proposal. Planning Commissioner O'Donnell requested the Planning Commission appointment be made at the next Planning Commission meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Lady suggested a citizen-at-Iarge be appointed to the Subcommittee. Mayor Dougall said he would be interested in how the criteria developed would apply to projects and which projects they would apply to. It was moved by O'Donnell/Lady and the motion passed unanimously to create a four- member Subcommittee, which would establish criteria for fiscal impact analysis reports, consisting of a City Council appointee, a Planning Commission appointee (to be made at the next Commission meeting), and two citizen-at-Iarge appointees, preferably with financial backgrounds. It was moved by Tolley/Lady and the motion passed unanimously to appoint Council Member Fuller as the City Council representative to the Subcommittee. 6. GENERAL PLAN UPDATE DISCUSSION Associate Planner Elder said staff recommended the City Council/Planning Commission consider comments received at the September 17th public meetings, as presented at this meeting by Woodie Tescher of the ENVICOM Corporation, and give direction regarding refinements to the scope of the work. She said 30 citizens .attended the scoping meetings, with Consultants Tescher, project manager; Gary Hamrick (Meyer, Mohaddes Associates, Inc.) Traffic Engineer, and Alan Kotin, Economist, present. She said based on comments received at these scoping sessions, together with additional comments from this evening, the consultant will amend the scope of work. She said the amended scope of work, revised budget, and the consultant's contract are tentatively scheduled for City Council approval at the October 14th meeting. ' Consultant Tescher, after distributing copies of notes taken at the public workshops to the Council/Commission and those in the audience, discussed input concerning Land Use, General-IIBig Issues" and "Specific Uses/Issues. n He listed points made at the afternoon and evening workshops on Traffic. He said there was cbnsensus that there is a need to step back and look at a comprehensive traffic plan for the City. He said modifications to the scope of work for the General Plan Update could include: 1. A comprehensive analysis of traffic circulation 2. Four minor changes a. Tie land use strategies to economic development strategies b. Study what Arroyo Grande's three areas (the Village, West of Highway 101, and the hillsides) mean to the City economically and the kinds of yses needed. c. Study how to preserve the existing businesses d. Study how the City is impacted by its regional role Mayor Dougall opened the discussion to the public. 2 427 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 1,1997 Speaking to the Council and Commission were: . . Royce Parker, 129 E. Cherry, who said it will be necessary to study wh.at mix of employment, business, and residential uses there should be to make the City fiscally viable; Otis Page, 606 Myrtle Street, who said the San Luis Obispo Council of Gove':f1ments Major Investment Study states Highway 101 will not be expanded fro,m f~ur to SIX lanes and all growth in traffic will be channeled through Price Canyon Road 10 Plsmo Beach; Don Carrick, who moved here from Santa Barbara and stressed the importance of open space, said the City should be careful not to give away precious I.and for dollars and a golf driving range is needed in this area, and Herman Olave, 222 West Cherry Avenue, who said a senior center at Elm Street Park is needed. Consultant Tescher summed up what the members of the public had said, Council and Commission Members then gave their input, as follows: Commissioner Greene - The General Plan Update should address the matter of protecting the City from the negative impacts of urban sprawl by preserving open space on its borders. Council Member Runels - A lot of the agriculture land cannot generate enough revenue to pay the taxes on the land: The effects of pesticides, dust, and noise from agriculture uses should be taken into consideration. Commission Chair Lubins - The Update should include the three issues of improving traffic circulation, increasing economic development, and pulling the three distinct areas together. There is a need for a golf course in the City.', The City should come to terms with SLOCOG and its position on Highway 101. Senior housing, including long-term care, and a senior citizens center are needed. Mayor Pro Tern Lady - There is a need to find what the character and size of the City should be. The issue of quality of life is important. ,The City has yet to see the impacts of a "big box" store. The City should capitalize on tourism. Council Member Tolley - A study should be made of the City's park land, including selling of park land. Is there too much park land or not enough? There is a need for senior housing to be addressed. Commissioner O'Donnell - The Update should focus on how to mitigate traffic problems in the long-range. 3 4 2 8, CITY COUNCIL MINUTr:~ OCTOBER 1, 1997 Council Member Fuller - Zoning is critical as it relates to the agriculture land within the City. A study should be made of the internal traffic problems in the City. There is a need to offer more activities for tourists. It is critical to decide what the citizens want in the City so a direction can be set. The senior citizen element is important. ' Commissioner Rondeau - There is a need to make traffic plans in conjunction with the State. ,Clean industry creates more money for the City than "big boxes." The City should give special consideration to tourists. More motel rooms are needed here. A long-range plan for more residential areas in the Village is needed. Mayor Dougall - Parks and Recreation should be part of the discussion for the Update. There are traffic circulation problems in the City and solving them should be the number one goal of the Update. Economics and land use are tied together. There is a need to knit the three cities together. Existing businesses need to be preserved. The City should work with the local schools, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Hancock College, and Cuesta College. Community Development Director Liberto-Blanck invited citizens to place their' names on the General Plan Update Mailing List. City Manager Hunt said staff will work with the consultants in revising the Update's scope of work. Consultant Tescher said there will be more public workshops and the first would be on the major visions of the City. He challenged the citizens at the meeting to bring others to the meetings. He said the Update would take a little over a year to complete. He said the major visions workshop would establish what the citizens think is most important for the Update. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 8. CITY COUNCIUPLANNING' COMMISSION/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR/CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Council Member Fuller said Arroyo Grande is not prepared for what is happening to it economically. He said there is a chance that the United States Geologic Survey will locate here with 400 plus high paying jobs and Arroyo Grande is not prepared. 9, ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Lady/Runels and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 p.m. 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 42~ . . OCTOBER 1, 1997 . ~~~.. SANcY[~ =.:tANifiiN9'~~~~SSIO~ CHAIR ;, ,/ -- ..- 11 a.~ NANCY ~S, CITY CLERK 5