Minutes 1996-02-27 ........ MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1996 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 p.m., with Mayor A. K. "Pete" Dougall presiding. 2. AND 3. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mike McFarland of the Exchange Club of the Central Coast led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. The Rev. Roy Fruits of Grace Bible Church of Arroyo Grande delivered the invocation. 4. ROLL ~r,T, Present with Mayor Dougall were Mayor Pro Tem James Souza and Council Members Drew Brandy, Michael Fuller, and Michael Lady. Staff Members present were city Manager Robert L. Hunt, city Attorney Roger Lyon, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler, Police Commander Bill Andrews, Public Works Director John Wallace, and Finance Director David Bacon. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Mayor Dougall presented a letter of appreciation to Mr. McFarland and the Exchange Club. 6. AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Hunt said there was a revised attachment for Agenda Item 11.f. 6.A. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY It was moved by Lady/Brandy and passed (5-0-0) to read all resolutions and ordinances in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no Public Hearings on the Agenda. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD There was no Public Comment. 9. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Fuller/Souza and passed (5-0-0) to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.A. through 9.e., with the recommended courses of action. 9.b. Register of Checks/Demands. Approved. 1 - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 1996 9.b. Earth Systems Environmental Contract for Don Roberts Field. Approved. 9.c. Extension of Existing Refuse Franchise Agreement. A month- to-month extension of the current Refuse Franchise Agreement with South county Sanitary Service, Inc. was authorized. 9.d. Appointment of Council Member to Review Refuse Company Franchise Agreement. Council Member Fuller was appointed to review the agreement. 9.e. Request to Close Short Street and Olohan Alley for the Fourth of July in the Village: July 5 and 6, 1996. Resolution No. 3119 Requesting Authorization to Close City Streets for the Arroyo Grande Fourth of July in the Village was adopted. THE ORDER OF THREE AGENDA ITEHS WAS CHANGED. ITEM 11.A. WAS HEARD FIRST, AND ITEHS 10.A. AND 11.B. WERE COMBINED AND HEARD AFTER 11.A. 11.A.1994-95 GENERAL FINANCIAL AUDIT Finance Director Bacon gave highlights of the audit report and said the City's fiscally conservative policy is reflected in the independently audited financial statements for June 30, 1995. It was moved by Lady/Souza and passed (5-0-0) to receive and file the report. 10.A. LONG-RANGE PLANNING REPORT AND 11.8. ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENERAL PLAN Community Development Director Liberto-Blanck discussed her staff reports on the Long-Range Planning Report and General Plan. She said the Long Range Planning Report identifies issues ranging from land use to public safety and provides a number of recommendations. She said a report must be given to the Council on the status of the General Plan each year and referred to a chart showing when each element of the General Plan was last updated and when a new update is needed. Mayor Dougall and Council Members agreed the two plans are interrelated and should be consistent with one another. The matter was opened to the public. Ed Dorfman of 289 La Cresta spoke about low-income housing, roadway width, and lowering development costs. Mike Frederick, co-owner of property south of the City, spoke about annexation and water needs. 2 "'""'- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 1996 Vicki Jansen of San Luis Obispo County Agriculture Department asked when the Coordinated Agriculture Support Program report will be available. The Community Development Director said hopefully by June, 1996. Dick DeBlauw, 744 Alta Vista Way, spoke about annexation and jobs in Arroyo Grande. The Council gave direction to staff and decided to add the discussion of consistency of the Long Range and General Plans to the agenda of the joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting of March 5, 1996. 11.C. AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT BID ON SURPLUS EQUIPMENT (3/4/ TON TRUCK) FROM THE SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Public Works Director Wallace said the Sanitation District had declared the truck as surplus and advertised it for sale. He recommended the Council authorize the City Manager to submit a sealed bid not to exceed $6,400 to purchase the vehicle. It was moved by Lady/Brandy and passed (5-0-0) to approve the recommendation of the Public Works Director, keeping in mind the trade-in value ($4,800) of the truck. 11.D. INTERPRETATION OF GRADING STANDARDS FOR RANCHO GRANDE TRACT 1834. APPLIED FOR BY SHR'I"T.RR CONSTRUCTION. INC. Council Member Lady said he may have a conflict of interest in this matter and left the dais. Community Development Director Liberto-Blanck said Shetler Construction was no longer going to build custom homes in the Tract 1834. She said the company had requested a Council interpretation that tract grading includes initial grading for preparation of house pads and therefore, is not subject to the Design Manual standards in force when the lots were going to be for custom homes. She said the Planning Commission had voted in favor of the request on a three to two vote. Darin Shetler and Don Ritter of Shetler Construction, which represents Ottse, Inc. owners of Rancho Grande, spoke in favor of the grading request. It was moved by Brandy/Fuller and passed (4-0-1, Lady abstaining) to adopt Resolution No. 3120 Providing an Interpretation That Tract Grading in Rancho Grande Tract 1834 Includes Initial Grading for Preparation of House Pads and, therefore, is Not Subject to the Design Manual Standards. 3 -.... CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 1996 Council Member Lady returned to the dais. 11. E. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF A LOAN APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA UHDER. THE MOBILE HOME PARK RESIDENT OWNERSHIP PROGRAM SUBJECT TO THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE PROGRAM APPLICATION BY THE CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY MANAGER. City Manager Hunt said steven N. Cool, Attorney at Law representing Bolsa Chica Mobilehome Park, asked for City support in applying to the State for the refinancing of a loan in the amount of $715,000 under the Mobilehome Park Resident Ownership Program. Attorney Cool requested the City support the statement that residential ownership is consistent with the Housing Element of the General Plan. city Attorney Lyon said the City had not had an opportunity to review the loan application and therefore, the City would have to place a condition on supporting the application. It was moved by Fuller/Lady and passed (5-0-0) to approve Resolution No. 3121 Authorizing the Submittal of a Loan Application, the Execution of a Standard Agreement and Any Amendments Thereto, and Any Related Documents Necessary to Participate in the Mobile Home Park Resident Ownership Program and Secure a Commitment of Funds from the California Department of Housing and Community Development, Subject to Review and Approval of Form and Content of the Application by the City Manager and City Attorney. 11. F. COMPUTER. TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE HARDWARE/SOFTWARE INVENTORY AND COMPUTER. PURCHASES FOR FY 1995-96 Commander Andrews, chair of the Computer Technology Committee, referred to his staff report and said the committee recommended the Council (1) receive and file the computer hardware/software inventory, (2) authorize staff to solicit bids for expenditures identified in the Preliminary FY 1995-96 City Budget and an additional computer (not budgeted) for the new Associate Planner position, and (3) adopt the City Computer Policy. He also discussed future actions including creating standards in the area of hardware and software and identifying directions for the future in the area of computer technology. The Council directed the City Manager to make the Computer Technology Committee a standing City committee. It was moved by Lady/Fuller and passed (5-0-0) to receive and file the computer hardware/software inventory. 4 IUJ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 1996 It was moved by Brandy/Fuller and passed (5-0-0) to authorize staff to solicit bids for the recommended expenditures. It was moved by Souza/Lady and passed (5-0-0) to adopt the computer policy submitted by the committee. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (a) Mayor Dougall reported on activities of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, the Local Agency Formation Commission, and a Countywide meeting of Planning Commissioners. (b) Mayor Pro Tem Souza reported on activities of the Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee, and the Mobile Home Rent Review Board. Council Members directed staff to place a notice of two Mobile Home Rent Review Board vacancies in the newspaper. (c) Council Member Brandy reported on activities of the Zone 3 Water Advisory Committee, and said the County Water Resources Advisory Committee would be meeting in early March. (d) Council Member Lady reported on activities of the South County Area Transit and said Mayor Dougall had attended the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments and San Luis Obispo Regional Transit .Authority meetings. (e) Council Member Fuller reported on the Air Pollution Control Board meeting, and said there was nothing to report about the Integrated Waste Management Authority Board. 13. WRITTEN COMHUNICATIONS None. 14. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Dougall said State Senator Jack O'Connell was taking the lead in the state Senate concerning' State Proposition No. 62. He said the bill will be sa 1590. He said he would be asking AssemblYman Tom Bordanaro to support the bill in the State Assembly. 15. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Lady/Brandy and passed (5-0-0) to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. 5