Minutes 1996-03-05 . . ----. . . ARROYO GRANDE JOlt. ~' CITY COUNCn.. & PLANNING (.o.MMISSION MEETING MARCH 5, 1996 The Arroyo Grande City Council and Planning Commission met in joint session with Mayor Dougall presiding. Present were Council Members Lady and Fuller. Mayor Pro Tern Souza and Council Member Brandy were absent. Present from the Planning Commission were Chairperson Keen and Commissioners Beck, Lubin, Carr, Soto and Tappan. Commissioner Deviny was absent. City Manager Robert L. Hunt and Community Development Director r Doreen Liberto-Blanck were in attendance. !, ORAL C01\1M.UNICATIONS - James R. O'Keefe, owner of King's Fish and Chip Restaurant, addr;;ssed the City Council and Flanning Commission regarding parking problems at his location, 1351 Grand Avenue. CITY CO{JNCIL AND PLANNING COl\tll\llSSION ADDRESS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION ON SPECIFIC ITEMS Mayer Dougall suggested ~.l'":at concentrating on the issues in the Long Range Planning Report migtic be the way to' most dficient by providing direction to staff. The direction for policy issues in the Long Range Planning Report will be included in the update of the City's General P!a.u. :\. Joint Workshop of City Councils, Board of Supervisors and Special Districts (Update of 2/3/96 Workshop) Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck presented the staff report. She indicated that the Planning Commission had requested this item on the agenda. The February 3, 1996 Workshop was an attempt to discuss intergovernmental relations, Countywide policies and procedures regarding development at the fringe of cities, and distribution of property tax associated with annexatio~s. City Manager Hunt reported on the on-going negotiations among the City of Paso Robles, the City of San Luis Obispo, the County of San Luis Obispo, and the City of Arroyo Grande on a Master Agreement regarding the sharing of property tax on vacant land annexations. Chairperson Keen asked if all the cities in the County would be affected by the Agreement. Mr. Hunt replied that the intent was to take a unified approach. B. Long Range Planning Report, General Plan and Development Code Mayor Dougall indicated he felt the Long Range Planning Report and the General Plan were inconsistent. He said if the issues in the Long Range Planning Report reflected a desired direction for the City's future, the General Plan should be updated. Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck presented the staff report \ . < stating the Land Use section included Residential - Fair Share Housing Allocation, ,Residential - Antiquated Subdivisions; Commercial - The Arroyo Grande Village; Commercial - Highway 101 Corridor/Grand Avenue, Commercial - Halcyon Road; Commercial- Traffic Way; Commercial- Citywide; Public and Quasi-Public Land Uses; Agriculture Uses, and Industrial uses. . . . -"-... Arroyo Grande City COUh""...JPlanning Commic;qon Joint Meeting - March 5, 1996 The Mayor invited comments ~m the CoundllCommission. Commissioner Carr indicated he would like to see clean, modern industry develop in the City; a definition for "Community Preparedness" and the City to be able to react quickly to any project proposals. Commissioner Lubin questioned the type of industry to be encouraged and stated he is in favor of undergrounding utilities.. Councilmember Lady commented on the possible opportunity to convert non-viable agricultural land to achieve the City's Fair Share Housing cillocatien; the job/income status that is inconsistent with the current cost of housing; the need to utilize resources to reinforce the existing businesses in the Villag~ and other areas; the need to encourage new businesses citywide; concern about the ability of the area to support additional large scale retail businesses, and the need to support the auto dealerships, which are a source of City income. , Conunissioner Tappan expressed interest in having the antiquated subdivisions identified and utilized as a vehicle for low-cost housing; stated support for undergrounding utilities along Grand A venue; requested formalization of the Cal Poly Design Study for the Village; indicated that the Planning Commission expressed support for Transfer Development Credits in some of the non-viable agricultural areas, and indicated support for re-zoning of E Camino Real for light industrial uses. Commissioner Soto stated that a major concern of the Long Range Planning Committee was the jobs/housing ratio; agreed retail sales were not the answer; stressed the importance of protecting Class 1 agriculture soils, and stated that the Cal Poly study was an AP A state award winning project and deserved further consideration. Commissioner Beck complimented the Long Range Planning Committee on its work and stated more flexibility should be incorpoFcited into the General Plan because unknown types' of businesses may be attracted. Councilmember Fuller expressed support for the Fair Share Housing allocation and flexibility to allow for its development; stressed importance of increasing foot traffic in the Village;' stated support for redevelopment along the Highway 101 corridor; undergrounding utilities throughout the City; supported actively pursuing businesses; agreed with retaining agricultural land, but said flexibility is needed to dev~lop it; favored providing Water Credit for conversion of agricultural uses; expressed support for light industry, and felt that antiquated subdivisions could be viable for Fair Share Housing Allocation compliance. Chairperson Keen agreed that the Long Range Planning Committee did an excellent job on the Report; expressed the feeling that the City was on the right track regarding its Fair Share Housing Allocation; stated that when someone carne to the Commission and met all Code requirements they should be ~le to develop antiquated an subdivision; agreed that the Cal Poly study for the Village should be implemented; indicated that undergrounding utilities is necessary to attract new businesses; discussed cost of improvement for Traffic Way, noted that much of the agricultural land in the City is already zoned for development, and while he is in favor of protecting prime ag laAd, it may be necessary to look at development on some of it. - Arroyo Grande City COUl lPlanning Commission Joint Meeting - March 5, 1996 Mayor Dougall discussed inconsistencies between the Long Range Planning Report and the General Plan. He stated that 68 % of the residents commute out of the City for work and the community needs to determine whether it will be a "bedroom community" or attract industry to provide higher paying jobs for citizens. He discussed past PG&E programs to support undergrounding utilities and the possibility of creating an assessment (' district to achieve this goal; agreed that some non-productive agricultural land should be identified for development, and expressed concern that City was behind in attracting new l business to the area. Mayor Dougall invited the public to speak regarding Land Use issues. Burt Johnson stated that he represents the owner of 35 acres between Grand A venue and Ash Street at Oak Park Blvd. He stated that the current City Council is bringing the City back to life by creating a viable atmosphere for business. He said the problems facing the City require immediate action and suggested the possibility of a General Plan reVISIon. He discussed the need to proceed quickly; suggested clustering the General Plan amendments; stated that increased density is necessary to support low and moderate income housing, and discussed taking credit for agricultural water when agriculture converts to another land use. Mike Frederick stated that he felt his property presented a better alternative for development than the parcels around Traffic Way; indicated concern with the effort to attract business when there are no locations for them to utilize, and stressed that once Class I and II soils are gone, they can't be retrieved. Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck continued with the staff report stating the Committee recommended a comprehensive update of the entire General Plan. The Mayor invited comments from the Council/Commission. Commissioner Beck agreed that a comprehensive updated General Plan is needed. . Commissioner Lubin suggested there be a change in the philosophy of Parks and Recreation issues by spending' more money on physical improvements and less on programs that can be handled by the private sector. Commissioner Soto stated he believed the Parks and Recreation Department pays for itself. f City Manager Hunt stated that only a portion of the programs are self-funded. i \ '--.. Councilmember Lady discussed the need for low cost housing to attract business. Commissioner Tappan stated that he believes the Housing Element provides an incentive to the developer to provide affordable housing; however, housing is market driven and a matter of economics. He agreed.' that a comprehensive update of the General Plan is needed. - Arroyo Grande City Council/Planning Commission Joint Meeting - March 5, 1996 Mayor Dougall stated there are incentives provided to the developer for housing and the attempt now is to amend the General Plan to move the City in a progressive direction. Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck continued with the staff report on infrastructure noting that the Public Works Director, John .Wallace, was in the audience to participate in the discussions. She stated Section V. included Water Supply, Water Storage, Sewage, Drainage, and UJlderground Utilities. The Mayor invited comments from the Counci1lCommission. Commissioner Carr stated that he could not recall. the details of the It Gentlemen's Agreement" and asked for clarification why the City could not take credi~ when agricultura1land was converted to urban use. Commissioner Lubin stated he was concerned about drainage in the City and agreed with the concept of a Master Drainage Plan Councilmember Lady agreed that more information was needed regarding the "Gentlemen's Agreement" and asked Mr. Wallace to provide a "erbal report. John Wallace, Public Works Director, provided a brief background of the Gentlemen's Agreement, a series of resolutions adopted by the agencies affected, based on historic usage. Since the scope of agriculture is being reduced, both Grover Beach and Arroyo Grande are exploring the use of some type of credit as the agricultural usage is reduced. This credit was not taken into account in the Long Range Planning Report since the General Plan has a specific policy against it. He stated that the Gentlemen's Agreement is among the agencies that pump from the Tri-Cities area portion of the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin. He noted that the Department of Water Resources is updating the Water Study to determine how much water is in the Groundwater Basin. There was discussion regarding various new methods to allocate the water; how farmers allocated their water usage; water banki.ng in Lopez Basin; historic water usage by the City of Arroyo Grande; the Water Management Plan prepared by the City every five years; amount of water needed for future annexations, and availability of additional State Water. Commissioner Soto commented on the water consumption comparisons from 1980 to 1990 and the amount that people were conserving; the possibility of utilizing "gray water" for landscaping, and sewage capacity. Commissioner Beck asked when the Master Drainage Plan would be presented to the City Council. Mr. Wallace stated that a conceptual plan. will be presented to Council soon to indicate what the improvements should be and how to fund them. Councilmember Fuller stated that he would like to see the "Gentlemen's Agreement" revisited; would like to see the new studies prior to making a decision, and supports exploring alternative water sources. - , Arroyo Grande City Cou. lIPlanning Commission Joint Meeting - March S, 1996 Chairperson Keen expressed concern with the water neutralization program. Mayor Dougall concurred with the need to explore alternative water sources; stated that double plumbing houses in construction stage may be cost-effective in the long run, and stressed the need for a Master Drainage Plan to protect the City. r."'~ f , i There was further discussion regarding build-out projections for water needs; use of , i check valves to' assure no major breakdown in the water delivery system, and need for ! " caution regarding taking credit for agricultural water. Mayor Dougall invited the public to speak regarding Parks and Recreation, General Plan and Infrastructure issues. . Burt Johnson stated that he felt it was important to understand the size of the aquifer and how much water is being withdrawn. . Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck continued with the staff report; stating the Transportation Section included funding of roadway improvements; Circulation System, and Roadway Standards. The Mayor invited comments from the Council/Commission. Commissioner Soto stated that the Opticom system will improve the ability of emergency vehicles to move from one end of the City to the other. Commissioner Beck asked for an explanation of an Opticom system. Chairperson Keen explained an Opticom system will preempt traffic signals to green for emergency vehicles. Councilmember Fuller agreed that appointing a subcommittee for road maintenance is overdue; felt funds dedicated for bike/pedestrian paths should be utilized, and agreed with reducing the size of roadways to reduce construction costs and maintain the rural environment. Chairperson Keen encouraged submittal of grants to install an Opticom system along Grand A venue; agreed with reducing the street standards; and stated Rancho Grande II was a good example of reducing costs by reducing roadway widths and placing sidewalks on only one side of the street. Commissioner Tappan found validity in all of the recommendations; suggested an additional overpass north of Brisco Road, and agreed that Rancho Grande II is an , excellent project because it maintains the City's rural character. Councilmember Lady stated traffic through the Village needed to be slowed and expressed concern about the lack of funding for roadway improvements. . Arroyo Grande City COli. J/Planning Commission Joint Meeting - March 5, 1996 Commissioner Lubin agreed the Highway 127 report is important; would agree with completing Brisco Road improveHlents~ was impressed with Opticom systems and would like to see them implemented, and felt that over the years the street size has increased and should be reviewed. Commissioner Carr agreed with recommendations but expressed concern that a median through the Village may create a barrier for pedestrians. Mayor Dougall stressed that circulation is a major concern and agreed with all recomm~ndations in the Long Range Planning Report. He presented a guideline report prepared by Mr. Franks, Chairperson of the Traffic Commission, to layout their advisory responsibilities. . Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-B~ck continued with the staff report stating the Public Safety Section includes Police and Fire issues. The Mayor invited comments from the Council/Commission. Commissioner Carr had no additiQnal comments. Commissioner Lubin spoke in support of the Fire and Police Departments and their need for current technology. Councilmember Lady stated though the City takes pride in quality Fire and Police Departments, it is important not to go overboard on new technology; expressed concern regarding number of medical assistance calls, and stated there is a need to find alternative assistance. Commissioner Tappan expressed concern at the number of medical calls answered by the Fire Department. Councilmember Fuller agreed that the City is providing excellent service and technology to the citizens and agreed it is a concern that the Fire Department answers too many medical calls. Commissioner Beck' stated that in some instances both the Fire Department and ambulance service are necessary and stated the distance factor must be taken into consideration regarding response time, Commissioner Soto expressed concern about the future needs for additional space for the Police Department and stated the Committee discussed small substations for annexations areas, and the need for smaller pieces of equipment for the Fire Department. Chairperson Keen expressed concern about the liability of providing ambulance service and the difficulty in collecting bills. . 'Arroyo Grande City Cou 'I/Planning Commi~sion Joint Meeting - March 5, 1996 Mayor Dougall stated that if the Fire Chief were present he would be able to address the question of response to medical emergencies. The Mayor stated that when calls are received, there is not necessarily enough information to determine whether the problem is fire or medical. He also stated that there is potential legislation to billing of an insurance company if the Fire Department is the "first response" vehicle. He discussed ;1, the new response vehicle purchased for the Fire Department. He expressed appreciation for both the Police and Fire Department personnel and their support of the quality of life the City provides for its citizens. Councilmember Lady clarified that he does not want to see the City go into the ambulance business but agrees with the need for immediate response to emergency situations. Mayor Dougall invited the public to speak regarding Public Safety issues Richard Franks addressed the question of first response in an accident. He stated that usually the police respond first and then the fire truck. The fire truck not only checked the medical situation but also the possibility that there could be a hazardous liquid spill. Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck continued with the staff report stating the Economic Conditions Section discussed recent withdrawal of funds by the State. The Mayor invited comments from the Council/Commission. Commissioner Carr discussed the property tax transfer to the State and stated that he would like to see the City pursue the return of some of the lost funding. City Manager Hunt stated there is discussion in the State legislature to return some of the money to be utilized in a limited manner. He said this is still in the discussion stage. Commissioner Lubin questioned the annual economic loss listed in Exhibit "L" in the Long Range Planning Report. There was discussion regarding the importance of retaining existing businesses; the amount of taxable sales received by 'the City, and the possibility of considering redevelopment as an option of economic development. C. Signs and Sign Ordinance Mayor Dougall indicated that as a result of a recent City Attorney determination, the Sign Ordinance should be amended. Chairperson Keen asked that the Sign Ordinance be placed on the Planning Commission agenda to refresh Commissioners' memories. Community Development Director Liberto-Blanck replied that it would have to return as a Public Hearing item. Chairperson Keen asked the Council how it felt about the use of neon as "architectural enhancement" on signs. . - . Arroyo Grande City Com.h...J/Planning Commission Joint Meeting - March S, 1996 Commissioner Tappan added that the Sign Ordinance Specifically prohibits neon but it is allowed in some instances as "enhancement". Mayor Dougall stated that there is now a Code Enforcement Officer to help monitor these situations. D. Sphere of Influence Study and Annexations Mayor Dougall'stated that it appears there is clear direction regarding the Fredericks property and asked for any other remarks. Community Development Director Liberto- Blanck briefly discussed the Sphere of Influence area. It was agreed that a policy should be established to guide this question. . Commissioner Soto explained how the 'Environmental Concern Line was established. Councilmember Fuller disc\1ssed past policy of not controlling borders' and the new policy to control areas immediately surrounding the City.. Commissioner Tappan expressed support for an expansion of the City's Sphere of Influence around the City. Commissioner Soto again referenced the Environmental Concern Line and the inability of staff to represent the City at the number of meetings due to the reduction in planning staff. E. Planned Unit Developments (POO) Commissioner Soto expressed concern regarding lack of guidelines for development of PUD's. He said specific clear guidelines for development were needed; and questioned the appropriateness of this type of development 4t AIroyo Grande. Chairperson Keen discussed the difficulty of planning for buildout in respect to water, circulation, etc. when PUD's allow such increased density. Commissioners Tappan and Carr agreed with the' need for specific guidelines to clarify what is expected. F. Design Guidelines Community Development Director Liberto-Blanck stated that the Architectural Advisory Committee had broken the City into five (5) distinct areas containing varying themes. She said this is an effort to be business-friendly to individuals attempting to develop. She said there are guidelines for the Village area and the residential area surrounding it. The Planning Commissioners concurred that guidelines are a good tool for the Planning Commission in reviewing projects. The Mayor reaffirmed the reasons for the Joint Meeting and expressed appreciati~n for the good work done to move the City into the new Century. He said issues discussed will . now be prioritized and those requiring funding will be put into the upcoming budget process. .~ ... ....~ - Arroyo Grande City Cot. JIIPJanning Commission Joint Meeting - March 5, 1996 Chairperson Keen expressed appreciation for the Joint Meeting and the direction provided by the City Council to assure that the Commission is working toward the goals the Council wishes. Commissioner Carr noted the deregulation of public utilities might affect the City's ability to underground utilities and he would like to see this project move forward rapidly. He also stated {':........ he was concerned if the Council intended a drastic change in philosophy regarding development. j i The Mayor responded the philosophy is changing from not wanting any development to a t ! workable amount of development to encourage economic growth. t Commissioner Carr stated he is impressed with the amount and quality of work provided by the Planning staff. The Mayor agreed and expressed appreciation for the entire City staff for its work under difficult circumstances. . . CITY COUNCIUPLAJ.'TNING COMl\1JSSION/CITY MANAGERlDIRECTOR ITEMS AND C01.\tIl\1ENTS -.None WRITTEN COM1v1UNICATIONS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Council, on a motion by CounciImember Fuller, seconded by Councilmember Lady, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:37 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting on March 12, 1996. There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner Lubin, seconded by Commissioner Tappan, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:38 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting on March 19, 1996. ATTEST: ill ~~ l.~L lerk AS TO CONTENT: ~~-~L Kdt:tTL. tf{lIi-:-' Robert L. Hunt, City Manager Community Development Director