Minutes 1996-07-09 - ---_.--------~_._~_._.__.- . . 165 ...-- . MINUTES SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUL V 9, 1996 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SPEC'AL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor A. K. "Pete" Dougall; Mayor Pro Tem James Souza; Council Members Drew Brandy, Michael Lady, and Michael Fuller; City Manager Robert L. Hunt, and Assistant City Attorney Timothy J. Carmel met at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the following: 1. CLOSED SESSION: (a) Public Empi0yee Performance Evaluation pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: City Manager (b) Conference with labor Negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Assistant City Attorney Unrepresented Employee: City Manager 2. ADJOURNMENT: The Closed Session was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. to the Regular Council Meeting, July 9, 1996, 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in regular session at 7:30 p.m., with Mayor Dougall presiding. He said no reportable action was taken on Items 1.(a) and 1. (b) in the Closed Session. 2. AND 3. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCA TIOti Tile Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mike Miner, President, Five Cities Menls Club. The F~ev. Paul Jones, retired, delivered the invocation. 4. ROLL CALL Present with Mayor Dougall were Mayor Pro Tem Souza and Councit Members 0\ .-------- 166 ---- Brandy, Lady, and Fuller. Staff members present were City Manager Hunt, Assistant City Attorney Carmel, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Interim Director of Building and Fire Winton Tullis, Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Consultant Mike MUltari, Director of Public Works John Wallace, and Director of Parks and Recreation John Keisler. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS r Mayor Dougall presented a Letter of Appreciation for leading the flag salute to Mr. . Miner. 6. AGENDA REVIEW The City Manager said he distributed supplemental information to the Council on Items 7. a. and 11. a. 6.A. RESOLIJTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY It was moved by Lady/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. A. PUBLIC HEARING - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE CASE NO. 96- 001: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 96-541 (SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN): TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 2220: AND PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 96-118: GENCOM. INC. Mike Multari, the City's consultant on the GenCom project, gave an overview of the project and said the applicant proposed to subdivide the site and develop up to 360,000 square feet of commercial buildings, mainly for retail businesses, which may include a supermarket and restaurants. He said the existing theater will remain in its present location, but the parking lot will be redesigned and integrated into the commercial center. He said the Sizzler restaurant anticipates relocating into one of the new buildings. He said the applicant proposes to provide several site improvements as part of the project and Design Guidelines are required to help ensure coordinated design among buildings. The consultant discussed the issues surrounding the project such as Community and Neighborhood Compatibility, Traffic and Circulation, Views, Revenues and Jobs, and the Environmental Impact Report. He also listed some additional conditions and further clarifications requested after the Planning Commission meeting. Andy Marton, representing GenCom, said there were 135 mitigation measures on the I I project but he agreed and could work with them. I \ i i After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and afllegal l_ requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open and said all persons' would be heard regarding the matter. 2 - 167 Speaking to the Council on various aspects of the project were Rancho Grande Homeowners Association representative Tony Ferraro, 759 Via Bandolero; Chris Ivey, Paso Robles; Howard Mankins, 200 Hillcrest Drive, who also submitted his comments in written form to the Council, and Bob Smullen, 770 Via Bandolero. There being no further public discussion on the matter, Mayor Dougall closed the hearing to the floor. Mayor Dougall and Council Members Brandy, Fuller, and Souza expressed their approval of the project. Council Member Lady said he could not vote for a project if a WalMart Store were. part of it. Sako Noravian, Chair of the Board of GenCom, and Mr. Marton said their intention had always been to bring in a Target Store. It was moved by Brandy/Souza and the motion passed (4-1-0, Brandy, Souza, Fulier and Dougall voting aye, Lady voting no) to adopt Resolution No. 3155 Certifying a Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Grande Plaza, an approximately 45 Acre Commercial Center Located at West Branch Street and Rancho Parkway, and That the FEIR Has Been Prepared in Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and That the City Council Has Reviewed and Considered the Information Contained in the Final Environmental Impact Report. The motion makers noted that the Council had received an errata sheet that is part of the Final Environmental Impact Report. It was moved by Souza/Brandy and the motion passed (5-0-0, Souza, Brandy, Lady, Fuller, and Dougall voting aye) to adopt Resolution No. 3156 Making Certain Findings Regarding the Environmental Impacts of the Grande Plaza, An Approximately 45 Acre Commercial Center Located at West Branch Street and Rancho Parkway and Adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations. .. It was moved by Souza/Fuller and the motion passed (4-1-0, Souza, Fuller, Brandy, and Dougall voting aye, Lady voting no) to introduce for first reading Ordinance 478 C.S. Approving a Planned Development Rezone, Case No. 96-001, to Amend Portions of the Official City Zoning Map from General Commercial to Planned Development (PO) as Shown in Exhibit -A.- It was moved by SouzafBrandy and the motion passed (4-1-0, Souza, Brandy, Fuller, and Dougall voting aye, Lady voting no) to adopt Resolution No. 3157 Approving PO Specific Plan/Conditional Use Permit Case No. 96-541; Tentative Tract Map 2220 and Planned Sign Program 96-118, Applied for by GenCom, Inc. For an Approximately 45 Acre Site at West Branch Street and Rancho Parkway, Referred to as Grande Plaza, with the Condition 34 clarification that stated the top flight of the buildings should be no higher than 30 feet and certain peaks that articulate the roof lines and mask 3 _~'__,__."___.m 168 ......., . rooftop equipment should be no higher than 34 feet. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: (a) Geneva Gruber of 107 Oro Drive asked the Council to address the problem of an unsightly residence at 103 Oro Drive. She gave the Council a copy of a letter to r owner Don J. Selvey from the residents in the area. (b) Art Polino of Yellow Cab asked to be on the July 23, 1996 City Council Agenda and to participate in the City's Dial-A-Ride program. (c) Gary Andreini, who will be opening a coffee house in the village, thanked Council Member Lady for his vote on the GenCom commercial project. 9. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Brandy/Fuller (5-0-0, Brandy, Fuller, Lady, Souza, and Dougall voting aye) to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.h., with the recommended courses of action. 9.a. Minutes of City Council Meeting of June 25, 1996. Approved. 9.b. Register of Checks/Demands. Approved. 9.c. June 30, 1996 Investment Report. Received and Filed. 9.d. Eligibility to Acquire Federal Surplus Property. Resolution No. 3158 Authorizing City Representatives to Acquire Federal Surplus Property From the State of California was adopted. 9.e. Award of Bid; Storm Drain Improvements in Via La Baranca. Awarded to low bidder R. Baker Construction in the amount of $47,647.50. 9.t. Lot Line Adjustment Case No. 94-521; 1131 Farroll Road; Dorfman. Approved. 9.g. Employee Suggestion Award. Cash award of $25 to Bill Fuller, Public Works Department Maintenance II employee approved. 9.h. Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Temporary Closure of Pacific Coast Railway Place, North of Allen Street, on August 3, 1996, for a Block Party. Resolution l No. 3159 Authorizing the Temporary Closure of Pacific Coast Railway Place, North of Allen Street, for a Block Party was adopted. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 4 _._--'-_.._~_.- --- lo~ 11.A. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS AND DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED RESTRUCTURING Mayor Dougall said he was appointing the following persons to City commissions, board, and committee: PLANNING COMMISSION: l Lynn Titus (to transfer from the Senior Advisory Commission) PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION: .1 Leslie Brown (new appointment) TRAFFIC COMMISSION Richard Franks (Reappointment) SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION: Edward Garnett (Reappointment) DOWNTOWN PARKI~G ADVISORY BOARD: Jim Silva (Reappointment) J. Ira Hughes (Reappointment) ARCHITECTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Tony Orefice (Reappointment) Warren Hoag (Reappointment) Mayor Dougall said with several of the Boards/Commissions having less than five (5) members (Traffic Commission, Teen Advisory Committee, Mobile Home Rent Review Board), he would continue to seek applicants for those vacancies. The Mayor described his proposed restructuring of the various commissions and boards and said they should reflect the philosophy of the Council, or more importantly, the philosophy of the electorate that voted for the CoLincil. He proposed as follows: 1. All Comrr,issions/Boards would consist of five (5) members with each Council Member making an appointment, with concurrence of the full Council, to the respective CommissionslBoards. The exception would be the Architectural Advisory Committee, that presently has three (3) members. 2. All terms of service for Board Members or Commission Members would coincide J with the appointing Council Member's term of office. It is assumed that appointments would be made in December following the November Election. 3. Terms of service for all current Commissions/Boards will end December 31, 1996. Thus the new Council will have the opportunity to make appointments effective with the November, 1996 Election. With the City Attorney given direction to proceed with 5 ------------ -~--._----,~------_. _.- _._~----- 170 ---- the changes to the various ordinances, this can be in place by the November 30th date. Council Member Brandy objected to the proposed reorganization on the basis of (1) the positions becoming too political, (2) too much turnover of commissioners, (3) not enough continuity, (4) potential for self-interest being served, (5) more members r reviewing projects with seven, and (6) more diversity, knowledge, and input with seven. Mayor Pro Tern Souza said he would like to see the Mayor and Council Member Brandy get together and come up with a compromise solution. Assistant City Attorney Carmel pointed out that a California State statute says only the Mayor can appoint commissioners with Council approval. It was moved by Souza/Fuller and the motion passed (Souza, Fuller, Lady, and Dougall voting aye, Brandy voting no) to approve the Mayor's nominations to the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Traffic Commission, Senior Advisory Commission, Downtown Parking Advisory Board, and Architectural Advisory Committee. Members of the audience speaking against the proposed reorganization were Bill Tappan, 1525 Chilton, and Heather Jensen, 569 May Street. Howard Mankins spoke in favor of the reorganization. Pursuant to Council direction, City Manager Hunt said staff will contact the other cities to learn how they handle the matter and contact Arroyo Grande commissioners, who served prior to June 27th, to get responses on how they feel about the number of persons on the commissions. 11.B. AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE..CHERRY STREET RECONSTRUCTION Public Works Director Wallace said the proposed project will include: (a) Reconstruction of the existing pavement on East Cherry Avenue between Traffic Way and Garden Street. (b) Construction of curb, gutter, and sidewalk in the NorthlWest intersection of East Cherry Avenue and Pacific Coast Railway Place. [ (c) Replacement of City's water main and service lines between Traffic Way and Garden Street. (d) Replacement of the City's sewer main and service lines between Pacific Coast 6 ----- , . -, Railway Place and Garden Street. (e) Construction of curb, gutter, and sidewalk in the South/East intersection of East Cherry/Los Olivos Lane. ~l After Council discussion, it was moved by Lady/Fuller and the motion passed unanimously to approve the plans and specifications for the Cherry Avenue Reconstruction Project; find that the project is categorically exempt from CEQA ) pursuant to Section 15301 (repair/maintenance of existing facilities); direct staff to proceed with negotiations on behalf of the City to acquire rights of way for construction, and authorize the advertisement of construction bids for the Cherry Avenue Reconstruction Project. 11.C. FORMATION OF A SUBCOMMITTEE TO DISCUSS WITH OTTSE. INC. THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF THE EXISTING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN OTTSE AND THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Mayor Dougall and Council Member Fuller were chosen for the subcommittee. 11.0. "GREAT STREETS" PRESENTATION CounG'i1 Members selected July 25, 1996 as the date for the presentation. . 12. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Souza said the Fireworks and the July 4th celebration in the City went well. 13. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 14. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Souza/Lady and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:54 p.m. } ! f j 7 ---<.&... - -~"'---