Minutes 1996-08-13 =.... ~'- - 'v' MINUTES SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1996 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor A. K RPeteR Dougall; Mayor Pro Tem James Souza; Council Members Drew Brandy, Michael Lady, and Michael Fuller; City Manager Robert L. Hunt, and Assistant City Attorney Timothy J. Carmel met at 6:45 p.m. to discuss the following: 1. CLOSED SESSION (a) Public Employee Performance Evaluation pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: Finance Director 2, ADJOURNMENT: The Closed Session was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. to the Regular Council Meeting, August 13, 1996, 7:30 p,m., City Council Chambers. REGULAR CITY CQUNCIL MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in -regular session at 7:30 p,m., with Mayor Dougall presiding, He said no reportable action was taken on Item 1.a. in the Closed Session, 2. AND 3. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION The Pledge of Allegiance was led by representatives of the American Association of University Women. The Rev. Paul Bautts of Bethel Baptist Church delivered the invocation. 4. ROLL CALL Present with Mayor Dougall were Mayor Pro Tem Souza, and Council Members Brandy, Lady, and Fuller. Staff members present were City Manager Hunt, Assistant City Manager Carmel, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Community Development Director Doreen liberto-Blanck, Associate Planner Lori Rosenstein, and Public Works Director i John Wallace. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS i : 1 --' ,_._,- .... -.- '.---. ~" -- ---...--- --- - . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1996 (a) Mayor Dougall presented a certificate and $25 to Public Works Employee Bill Fuller, recipient of an Employee Suggestion Award. (b) Mayor Dougall presented plaques and thanked the following for their service [ on City commissions: John Soto, Jean Beck, Norm Stevens, Robert Fee, and Lynn Titus. 6. AG~NDA REYIEW None. eA. R~SOLurIQNS AND ORQINANceS READ IN TlILE OtjL Y It was moved by Lady/Souza and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. A. REVIEW AND.DISCU$SIOti OF ANNUAL GRA~eRF~~ REP08J$ FOR]liE 1993 S~'OR AFFORD6BLE H,ousJttG AtiD ne 1194 F~IL Y 8ENT)\J. AFFQRDABLI; 1:tmJ$ING PItOjiRAMS FUNDED JlY THE STATE . COMMUNITY DEVELOP.Em BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) Community Development Director Uberto-Blanck said the annual Grantee Performance Report is used to assess the degree to which the grantee has completed the various activities, and whether the activities are being completed in a timely fashion, are within budget, and in accordance with the overall CDBG Program goals and objectives as identified in the Grant Agreement. Ms, liberto-Blanck said staff recommended the Council authorize staff to submit the Annual Grantee Performance Reports to the State. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. Mark Wilson of Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corporation invited the Council to a dedication ceremony for Cawelti Court Apartments. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Dougall closed the hearing to the r floor. l It was moved by Fuller/Souza and the motion passed unanimously to authorize staff to submit the Annual Grantee Performance Reports to the State. 2 _.,- -, 183 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1996 7.B. REVISE PROJECT AF!PROVALS TO AMENQ tRAFFIC MmGAtJQtifEE; AMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 1997 AND A"'~NDED le~~ DEVELOPMENT PLAN 90-04: ADDENDUM TO THE E"VlRONMEtffAL IMPACT REPORT FOR RANCHO GRANDE SUBDIVISION: SHETLER CONSTRUCTIQH Associate Planner Rosenstein said the applicant was requesting that the traffic mitigation fee be modified based upon the transportation facility impact fees adopted in March, 1994 by the City Council. She said the Planning Commission recommended the City Council adopt a resolution recertifying the Environmental Impact Report for the Rancho Grande Subdivision with the Addendum EIR, She said the Commission did not provide an affirmative recommendation on the amendment to Vesting Tentative Tract 1997 and Specific Development Plan 90-04. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all regal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open and said aD persons would be heard regarding the matter. Don Ritter of Shetler Construction, which represents Ottse, Inc., spoke in favor of lowering the fees. Pete Gallagher, 1064 Rogers Court, spoke against reduction of the fees. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Dougall closed the hearing to the floor. After Council discussion, it was moved by Fuller/Souza (5-0-0, Fuller, Souza, Brandy, Lady, and Dougall voting aye) to adopt Resolution No. 3060 Certifying that the Environmental Impact Report for the Rancho Grande Subdivision and the Addendum for an Amendment to Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 1997 and Specific Development Plan No. 90-04 Has Been Prepared in Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. It was moved by Fuller/Souza (4-1-0, Fulfer, Souza, Lady, and Dougalf voting aye, Brandy voting no) to adopt Resolution No. 3061 Approving an Amendment to Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 1997 and Specific Development Plan No. 90-04, for the Property Located North of James Way and West of La Canada in the -Rancho GrandeM Planned Development, Applied for by Ottse, Inc. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD \. (a) John William Carranla, Nipomo. requested the Council to reinstate Yellow Cab's service to the City. 3 ,-. ~--,--- 184 ....~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1996 (b) Anthony Romero, Oceano, requested that the Yellow Cab Service be placed on a future City Council agenda, He also asked to be allowed to operate his Yellow Cabs in the City. [ (c) Colleen Martin, 855 Olive Street, thanked the City for making the November 5th Election candidates' statements and filing fee free of charge. 9. COtjSENT AGE~OA It was moved by LadylFuller (5-0-0, Lady, Fuller, Souza, Brandy, and Dougall voting aye) to approve Consent Agenda items 9.8. through 9.c., 9.e., 9.1., 9.h., 9.i., and 9.j., with the recommended courses of actions. 9.a. Register of CheckslDemands, Approved. 9.b, Investment Report. Approved. 9.c. Annual Report on Transportation Facilities Development Impact Fees Fund Cash Activity. Received and Filed. 9,e. Authorization to Use City Property for Dog show, Saturday, October 5, 1996. Approved, . 9.1, Approval to Award Bid for the Preschool Cabinets, Awarded to low bidder Chuck's Woodshop for $2,310.00. 9.h. Rejection of Claim Against City; Barbara Vinson. Claim rejected. 9,;. Approval of Purchase Order for Public Works Department Annual Paint Supply for Street Work. Purchase order approved. 9.1. Resolution Approving the 1996-97 Annual Transportation Fund Claims to the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments. Resolution No. 3162 Approving the 1996-1997 Annual Local Transportation Fund Claims to the San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council was adopted. Mayor Dougall said he wanted to make note that two new capital projects are l beginning in the City and were described in Consent Agenda Items 9.d. and 9.g. It was moved by Brandy/Fufler and the motion passed unanimously to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.d. and; 9.g" with the recommended courses of action. 4 --...------......--.-...--... ._....._._--~--- .- -. 185 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1996 9.d. Authorization to Solicit Bids on the Bridge, Nelson, and Short Streets Improvement Project. Approved. 9.g. Authorization to Solicit Bids on the Rancho Grande-Hillcrest Drive Pressure Zone Connection. Approved. 10.A. PROPO$EP (:STAaLl$HMENT OF A ReDEVELOPMeNT AGENCY AND ~PPROV AL OF__BE~reD CONTRACTS/AGflEeMENT City Manager Hunt said the cost to establish a Redevelopment Agency and adopt a Redevelopment Plan is approximately $120,000, the cost of which will be a responsibility of the City's Redevelopment Agency. He recommended the fundIng be secured by the Agency through a Cooperation Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and the City, using the CIty's Sewer Facility Fund (Fund 34) that has an estimated fund balance of approximately $1.7 million (June 1997). He said the specific terms of the repayment of the Agency's debt to the City are subject to the Agency's ability to pay. He said the debt would be discussed every year as part of the budget process. Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, said she wondered if there was enough public understanding of the redevelopment process, It was moved by Fuller/Lady and the motion passed unanimously to introduce for first reading an Ordinance Declaring a Need for a Redevelopment Agency to Function Within the City of Arroyo Grande and Declaring the Legislative Body of the Community to be the Redevelopment Agency. It was moved by SouzalFuller and the motion passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 3163 Approving a Cooperation Agreement By and Between the City and the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency. It was moved by ladylBrandy and the motion passed unanimously to approve a contract with Urban Futures, Inc. for redevelopment services. It was moved by Souza/Fuller and the motion passed unanimously to approve a contract with Stradling, Vocca, Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation (.SYCR-) for redevelopment legal services. ; Council Members directed staff to review the status of payment of the Agency's debt \; to the City during the budget process every year. 5 --_._..-.__._-~ --~--- '-- 186 .- ....... CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1996 10.8. STATUS OF BI~WAY NO. ONE,PRO"ECT. PAULDING MRHU.E SCHQOI. Public Works Director Wallace said staff was seeking input and direction from the Council to complete evaluation of alternative alignments, establish a final project [ definition in cooperation with SlOCOG, and return to the Council with final recommendations on the funding, alignment, and priority of Bikeway Project One. .'. Mr. Wallace presented four alternative alignments for Council review. He said the Bikeway Project One (Paulding Middle Schoof) secured $222,760 of State Proposition 116 funds in 1993 and the funds are still available, He said additional funding will need to be secured to cover the costs of environmental processing, and any shortfalls on project administration of right-of-way. Colleen Martin, 855 Olive Street, and Gee Gee Soto, 312 Alder Street, spoke on the Issue. Ms. Martin said on several of the alternatives Nelson Street would be safer than Allen Street. Ms. Soto said Alternative 1 is the safest route for children. Council Members discussed the alternatives and there was consensus that Alternate 1 was the most logical. Staff was directed to investigate any potential problems concerning Alternate 1 and return to be Council. 10.C. PROPOSAl. FO~ ADDmON~L STIJD!eS . ROUTE 227 REALKWUENT ANQ BRISCO ROAQ/ROUTE 101 INTeRCHANGE Public Works Director Wallace said funding for additional studies of the Route 227 Realignment and Brisco RoadIRoute 101 Interchange would come from Regional State Highway Account monies. He said staff recommended the Council: A. Approve the proposal presented by Omni-Means for further study of the Route 227 corridor alignment and Brisco RoadIRoute 101 Interchange improvements. B. Request from SlOCOG, In writing, apPfoval to use the Route 227 Regional State Highway Account (SHA) funds in the amount of $18,470 for both studies. Mike Frederick, 1015 Evy lane, and Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, spoke on the issue. Mr, Frederick asked that delays be minimized. Ms, Cattolr said the City should make more of an effort to inform the public on this issue. She said no more money should be spent on studies. I " ',' It was moved by FuUerlBrandy and the motion passed unanimously to approve the ~ ' ,; i proposal presented by Omni-Means for further study of the Route 227 conidor alignment and Brisco Road/Route 101 interchange Improvements. 6 ------_.~----_..._- --- ----.---.- - . - ~ 187 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1996 It was moved by Fuller/Brandy and the motion passed unanimously to approve requesting from SLOCOG, in writing, approval to use the Route 227 Regional State Highway Account (SHA) funds in the amount of $18,470 for both studies. Mayor Dougall requested the studies and communication with SLOCOG be done as soon as possible and the Council agreed, City Manager Hunt said it was staff Intent to bring the Route 227 Bypass! Long Range. Improvements to the Council on September 10th and then, if the Council desires, to hold some workshops. Council Members said they approved of that plan. 11.A. APPOINTMENTS TO TRAFFIC COMMISSIQN AND "OBILE HaMl; RENt REVIEW BOARD Mayor Dougall nominated Nan C. Fowler for appointment to the City Traffic Commission and Marvin Kroger to the Mobile Home Rent Review Board, subject to the concurrence of the Council It was moved by Brandy/Souza and the motion passed unanimously to approve the Mayor nominations of Ms. Fowler and Mr. Kroger. 11 ,8. BRIDGE star;ET BRIDGf;. DE~I{ FUNJ~I.NG Public Works Director Wallace recommended that staff be directed to submit a Request for Authorization to Caltrans for preliminary engineering and field review for the rehabilitation of the Bridge Street bridge deck. He said 80 percent of the funding would come from the Federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation program and a 20 percent local match would be necessary. He said the proposed project would upgrade the bridge deck, thereby bringing the entire bridge up to a standard H-20 (20-ton) load limit. He said there was no intent to replace or modify the appearance of the bridge. It was moved by Lady/Brandy and the motion passed unanimously to direct staff to submit a Request for Authorization to Caltrans for prelimInary engineering and field review for the rehabilitation of the Bridge Street bridge deck. 11.C. JOINT CITY COUNC,L AND PLAt(NItIG COMI4ISSION MEETING Community Development Director recommended the Council.select a date for a joint meeting with the Planning Commission and provide direction to staff on topics for the meeting. September 19th was selected by the Council as the date for the joint meeting. Council Members said they would advise .Mr. Hunt or Ms. Uberto-Blahck of topics for 7 __~_m"._._._~__.._~ _____ _'__. .,...~___...__ -- 188 -" .-.- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1996 the meeting. 11.D. DISSOLUTION OF DATA PROCES$ING COOPERATIYE I City Manager Hunt recommended the Council agree to the dissolution of the Data ": <" Processing Cooperative and authorize staff to solicit RFP/I1FOs,ln cooperation with ::.: Grover Beach and Pismo Beach, for a new automated financial management system. ',' '; Mr. Hunt gave a history of the South County Data Processing Cooperative. He said the management staff of the three cities had determined that the data processing system currently used by the cities was too expensive and had limited financial management capabilities. He said bids were solicited and Techni Services Co, was selected to perform an evaluation of the current system. He said based on the Techni Services report, the three management staffs decided that securing a new cost- effective financial management system was the most appropriate course of action. He said the City's Computer Technology Committee had reviewed the Techni Services report and recommended replacing the entire current system and cOnsidering a system that would facilitate a local area network (LAN) as being the most cost- effective. It was moved by BrandylLady and the motion passed unanimously to dissolve the Data Processing Cooperative and authorize staff to solicit RFPIRFOs, In cooperation with Grover Beach and Pismo Beach, for a new automated financial management system. Mayor Dougall said he approved of staff listing altematives for Council consideration in their staff reports. Mr. Hunt said he had instructed staff to do this in the future. 12. COUNCIL CQMMIJNICA TlON Council Member Lady requested the contract for ambulance services to be placed on a future agenda. 13. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. M. ADJOURf\4M~tff I It was moved by BrandylFuller and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:43 p.m. 8 _._.~-~~,,~ ----_.~----- ~ . * "'- 189 '. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1996 I ATTEST: -(/ NANCY A. !I 9 -'------------.--- '-- -