Minutes 2004-12-06 SP MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2004 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Special City Council meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Runels, Dickens, Costello, Mayor Pro Tem Lubin and Mayor Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams; City Attorney Carmel; Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk Wetmore; Director of Financial Services Pillow; Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Hernandez; Director of Public Works Spagnolo; Chief of Police TerBorch; Community Deyelopment Director Strong; Assistant Planner Bergman; and Executive Assistant Bassett. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ferrara led the Flag Salute. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Sandy Sanderson thanked Mayor Pro Tem Lubin and Council Member Runels for their service and contributions on the City Council. Tim Brown thanked Council Member Runels and Mayor Pro Tem Lubin for their work and efforts on the City Council and encouraged them to remain involved in the many issues facing the City. Gail Liahtfoot thanked every member of the City Council and congratulated the newly elected Council members. 5. REMARKS BY DEPARTING MAYOR PRO TEM SANDY LUBIN Mayor Pro Tem Lubin expressed that the most important thing to him was the trust and faith that the citizens of Arroyo Grande have placed in him and the opportunity to have spent the last four years on the City Council. He expressed pride for having been given the opportunity. He commented that without the support of the citizens of Arroyo Grande, nothing would get accomplished. He said it was important for the citizens to stay involved and to continue to support their elected candidates. He thanked the citizens, his supporters, City staff and department heads. He acknowledged that the City Council has a reputation for having had the ability to discuss a lot of contentious items, vote, stand-up, shake hands, and move on to the next item. He stated he was proud of his relationships with all the City Council Members during his term. He concluded by thanking his wife Cindy for her support of his involvement with the City over the past ten years while serving on the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Planning Commission and the City Council. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 2004 PAGE 2 6. REMARKS BY DEPARTING COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS Council Member Runels commented that he was very grateful and gratified for the opportunity that the people of Arroyo Grande have given him to serve on the City Council for eight years. He acknowledged a friend who encouraged him to run for City Council who gave him advice for serving on the Council. He reflected back on his experience facing 400 members of the public at his first Council meeting after being elected, to consider the Five Cities Center project, and wished the new Council members good luck during their service on the Council. He stated his main focus when he was elected was improving the roads. He stated he has enjoyed the eight years he has served on the Council, thanked City staff for their support, thanked his wife Edith, and wished good luck to the new Council. 7. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 2004 Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk Wetmore presented the staff report and recommended the City Council adopt the Resolution accepting the Certificates' of the County Clerk declaring the results of the canvass of all votes cast November 2, 2004 in the Consolidated General Municipal Election. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin moved to adopt a Resolution accepting the Certificates of the County Clerk - Results of Canvass of all Votes Cast at the General Election held November 4, 2004 in the City of Arroyo Grande. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 8. OATH OF OFFICE ADMINI$TERED BY MAYOR FERRARA Mayor Ferrara administered the Oath of Office to City Clerk Kelly Wetmore and City Treasurer Janet Huwaldt. 9. OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED BY CITY CLERK WETMORE City Clerk Wetmore administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Tony Ferrara, Council Member Arnold, and Council Member Guthrie. 10. REMARKS BY COUNCIL MEMBER JIM GUTHRIE Council Member Guthrie thanked all of the people who worked on his campaign and those people over the years that helped bring him forward in this effort. He reflected on those who have helped him learn many things about municipal government over the last four years. He thanked staff, particularly in the planning department, for all the help they've given him as a Planning Commissioner. He stated he looked forward to working with staff and moving forward on all the issues the City is going to face in the future. He thanked Tom Runels and Sandy Lubin. He concluded by thanking the voters who trusted him with this position and stated he looks forward to serving the community. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 2004 PAGE 3 11. REMARKS BY COUNCIL MEMBER ED ARNOLD Council Member Arnold thanked all the citizens for their support, thanked everyone who helped him during his campaign, thanked staff for the support he received on the Planning Commission, and now at the Council level. He stated he looked forward to holding up the high standards that this Council has been held to and looks forward to serving everyone. He acknowledged and expressed thanks to all those who encouraged and supported him in running for Council. 12. REMARKS BY MAYOR TONY FERRARA Mayor Ferrara extended gratitude to Tom Runels and Sandy Lubin for their professionalism, thanked them, and stated it was his honor and pleasure to have served with them. He acknowledged the community and stated that the outcome of this election validated the work the Council has done and the work that will continue to be done. He stated there was no greater honor or privilege than for the community to entrust with him the responsibilities of serving as the Mayor. He thanked all those who worked on his campaign, particularly his campaign chair, Vivian Krug; Jane and Martin Line, for their friendship and continued support; Chuck Fellows, Bill McCann, and Kristen Barneich, who also worked on his campaign. He also dedicated the success of his reelection to his good friend, Bill Harrer, former chairman of the Senior Advisory Commission, who passed away last February. He thanked everyone present who took time out of their schedule to be here this evening and expressed a big thank you to the Arroyo Grande community. City Manager Adams announced that a recognition dinner would be scheduled in January to honor Tom Runels and Sandy Lubin for their service on the City Council. 13. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 7:03 p.m. to the Regular City Council Meeting of Tuesday, December 14, 2004 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers located at 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California. ATTEST: ,/ /1 ?!UiJ/IL-- ore, City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg 1- 5 -0 5 ) ---~--_.._.. ----.".---