Minutes 2005-05-18 SP MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WEDNESDAY,MAY18,2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORQefl The City CounciVRedevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande met in special session at 7:00 p.m. to consider the Fiscal Year 2005-06 and 2005-06 Preliminary Bi-Annual Budget, with Mayor/Chair Tony Ferrara presiding. 2. ROLL CAI"L Mayor/Chair Ferrara, Mayor Pro TemlVice-Chair Costello, CounciVBoard Member Dickens, CounciVBoard Member Guthrie, and CounciVBoard Member Amold were present. Staff members present were City Manager Adams, Chief of Police TerBorch, Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk Wetmore, Director of Building and Fire Fibich, Public Works Director Spagnolo, Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Director Hernandez, Community Development Director Strong, and Financial Sarvices Director Pillow. 3. FLAG SAYJT~ Mayor/Chair Ferrara led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. CtnZ~S' INPUT. CO""'E~. AND ~.u~GEn10~ None. S. CONSIDE8,ATlOtiQF FISC(AL YE~ 2003-04l2O P~Y ANNU~AJI~ City Manager Adams presented the proposed FY 2003-04 and FY 2004-05 Preliminary Bi- Annual Budget to the City CounciVRDA Board Members. Staff recommended the Council reyiew, discuss, and obtain public input on the preliminary budget and provide direction to staff on any changes. City Manager Adams provided an outline of staffs budget presentations, which would include a summary of revenue and expenditure projections, an overview of budget strategies and recommendations; an overview of the long-range financial plan; an overview of departmental key goals and accomplishments; and an overview of tha CapItal Improvement Program. Financial Services Director Pillow presented a summary of revenue and expenditure projections; reviewed General Fund Revenues & Appropriations; reviewed Water and Sawer Fund projected revenues; reviewed the status of the State budget; and presented a proposed revision to the City's Fiscal Policy relating to the PERS Retirement Fund. City Manager Adams gave an overview of budget strategies and recommendations; presented budget goals accomplished and not accompUshed; reported that the ~ Agency proposed budget is balanced for the first time in FY 2005-06; presented two scenarios in the Long Range Financial Plan; and presented proposed alternatives for generating revenue for future projects. City Manager Adams then presented accomplishments for Administration and the City Attomey for FY 2003-04l2004-O5 and goals for FY 2005-0612006-07. Directors of the Administrative Services, Financial Services, Convnunity Development, Police, BulklJng & Fire, Parks, SPECIAL CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES MAY 18, 2005 PAGE 2 Recreation & Facilities, and Public Works highlighted FY 2003-04/2004-05 Department Accomplishments and FY 2005-06 and FY 2006-07 Department Goals. Director of Public Works Spagnolo gave an overview of the City's FY 2005-10 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). He stated that for FY 2005-06 and 2006-07, there are 47 capital projects budgeted totaling $7,726,245. He gave a brief overview of FY 2005-06 CIP Proposed Funding Sources, FY 2005-06 CIP Expenditures by Project Type; an overview of the funding plan for street improvement projects and major projects for FY 2005-0612006-07; an overview of the funding plan for the Brisco Road Interchange project; and projects that may be funded by future grant funding. CounciVBoard Member comments and questions of staff ensued regarding the proposed amendment to the City's Fiscal Policy relating to the PERS Retirement Fund; support for maintaining street tree maintenance at existing service levels and a suggestion to increase the fund; acknowledgement that the Redevelopment Agency budget is balanced for the first time; whether or not the City should decrease or eliminate funding to the Economic Vitality Commission due to the efforts being made in-house to promote economic development; emphasis on the need to plan prudently regarding the City's future capital equipment needs; support for proposed revenue alternatives, including a potential measure to increase the sales tax; consensus that the sales tax measure should not include a sunset clause, and emphasis on the need for public education; clarification of funding sources for the Police Department's radio communications system upgrade; a status report regarding funding sources for lighted crosswalks; support for expanding the City's website; support for the Community Development Department's goal regarding the establishment of an agricultural easement program; a suggestion to add a goal to the Public Works Department regarding the need for a more user- friendly Traffic Model which is updated annually; acknowledgement that an increase in water supply is a high priority goal; clarifications concerning property tax assumptions; and concerns regarding the timing of the Brisco Road improvements prior to proposed development which may occur in this area. The City Council supported the amendment to the City's Fiscal Policy, and supported the FY 2005-06 & FY 2006-07 Preliminary Bi-Annual Budget as presented, with direction to staff to I increase the Tree Maintenance Fund by $5,000. ! There was no formal action taken on the Preliminary Bi-Annual Budget. City Manager Adams reported the Final Budget would be presented to the City Council on June 14111 for formal adoption. 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the Special Meeting at 9:45 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. '- ~"AA/ Tony M. , Mayor/Chair ATTEST: aJLJnwftL- Kelly Wetmo Clerk/Agency Secretary . (Approved.t CClRDA Mtg U -If -05) .-- ------- _..~._.._._..