R 3852 RESOLUTION NO. 3852 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING OPERATING FEES FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, ENGINEERING, BUILDING, AND FIRE SERVICES WHEREAS, the City performs certain services and issues permits and licenses, which benefit specific individuals and businesses; and WHEREAS, the cost of performing such services and issuing such permits, and licenses are to be paid by those individuals and businesses that receive such services, permits, and licenses; and WHEREAS, those fees charged for such services, permits, and licenses provided by and/or through the Community Development, Engineering, Building, and Fire Departments, no longer reflect the true costs of providing such services, permits, and licenses; and WHEREAS, costs for services, permits, and licenses provided by and/or through the Community Development, Engineering, Building, and Fire Departments that benefit i specific individuals and businesses have been cleany identified; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has proposed and made available to the public, data indicating the estimated cost of providing said services and the current and proposed fees for such services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered at a duly noticed City Council meeting the question of whether or not to adjust or establish operating fees for certain City services to reflect the estimated amount that is required to reimburse the CitY for the cost of providing such services; and WHEREAS, at said public meeting, the City Council considered all oral and written presentations that were made regarding operating fees. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The schedule of fees attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, entitled "City of Arroyo Grande Schedule of Operating Fee ~ecommendations" is hereby adopted. . 2. This Resolution shall become effective on July 1, 2005. --.....-..- ---.-- -~ RESOLUTION NO. 3852 PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member Dickens, seconded by Council Member Costello, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Dickens, Costello, Guthrie, Arnold and Mayor Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14111 day of June 2005. - --.------ RESOLUTION NO. 3 SS.il- PAGE 3 ~~_/ TONY F A, MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: S\E- ..... '.;? , f '/"-~'-'->" STE\7EN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: . - Exhibit A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 2005-06 Council Current approved Proposed Service Fee increase Fee ENGINEERING: Annexation $ 2,774 5.0% $ 2,913 Conditional Use Permil 1,006 5.0% 1,056 Grading Permit 2,131 5,0% 2,238 Lol Line Adjustment 2,567 5.0% 2,695 Parcel Map 1,136 5,0% 1,193 Pre-Appllcallon 197 5.0% 207 Tract Map 4,179 5.0% 4,388 Encroachmenl Permit-Residential 63 5.0% 66 Encroachment Permit-Commercial 127 5.0% 133 .' , --. __n_.. t Exhibit A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 2005-06 Council Currenl approved Proposed Service Fee increase Fee PLANNING: Appeals CD Director to Planning Commission $ 213 5.0% $ 224 Planning Commission to City Council, 213 5.0% 224 ARC Review Within P.O. Zone 456 5.0% 479 Oulslde P.O. Zone 244 5..0% 256 Minor Project 74 5'.d% 78 ARC Review Amendment Wilhin P.D. Zone 456 5.0% 479 Outside P.O. Zone 244 5.0% 256 Minor Project 244 5.0% 256 Cert. Of Compliance Within P.O. Zone 710 5.0% 746 Outside P.D. Zone 498 5.0% 523 CUP Within P.O. Zone 1,322 5.0% 1,388 Outside P.O. Zone 1,099 5.0% 1,154 CUP Amendment Within P.O. Zone 944 5.0% 991 Outside P.O. Zone 726 5.0% 762 Design Review 489 3.7% 513 Development Agreement 2,219 5.0% 2,330 Dev. Code Amendmenl 1,369 5.0% 1,437 GPA 1,504 5.0% 1,579 Home Occupation Permit 53 5.0% 56 Large Family Daycare 290 5.0% 305 LLA Within P.O. Zone 871 5.0% 915 Outside P.O. Zone, 658 5;0% 691 Lot Merger 658 5.0% 691 Meeting continuance 142' 5.0% 149 Minor Exception 285 5.0% 299 Planned DevelopmentIRezonlng 1,265 3.7% 1,328 Planned Unit Development Permll Processed with Tentative Map 1,265 5.0% 1.328 PC InlerplWalvelReference 451 5.0% 474 Plot Plan Review 249 5.0% 261 Pre-Appli~on 342 5.0% 359 Research 74 5.0% 78 Mailing Label Production 75 5.0% 79 - - --_......_--~-- -_._~ I Exhibit A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 2005-06 Council Current approved Proposed Service Fee increase Fee PLANNING (continued): Reversion to Acreage Within P.O. Zone 456 5.0% 479 Outside P.O. Zone 244 5.0% 256 Signs Planned Sign Program Within P.O. Zone 669 5.0% 702 Outside P.D. Zone 456 5:0% 479 Adminislralive Sign Permit 74 5.0% 78 Administrative Sign Program 181 5.0% 190 Mural Permit 181 5.0% 190 Specific Plan 3,878 5.0% 4,072 Specific Plan Amendment 1,265 5.0% 1,328 TUP 116 5.0% 122 TentativeParcelrrentative Tract Map Within P.O. Zone 1,094 5.0% 1,149 Oulside P.O. Zone 876 5.0% 920 Tenlalive ParceVTentative Tract Map Amendmenl Within P.O. Zone 1,094 5.0% 1,149 Outside P.O. Zone 876 5.0% 920 Time Extension Within P.O. Zone 560 5.0% 588 Outside P.O. Zone 337 5.0% 354 Variance Wilhin P.D. Zone 1,094 5.0% 1,149 Outside P.O. Zone 876 5.0% 920 Vesting TPMrrTM Within P.O. Zone 1,094 5.0% 1,149 Outside P.D. Zone 876 5.0% 920 Viewshed Review Slaff Review 379 5.0% 398 Planning Commission Review 379 ' 5.0% 398 - -_..~-~---- ------- I Exhibit A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations , Fiscal Year 2005-06 Council Current approved Proposed Service Fee increase Fee FIRE DEPARTMENT: Permit Inspection $ 327 5.0% $ 343 Hydrant Flow Calculation 156 5.0% 164 Fireworks Permit 110 N/A 110 Failed 2nd Inspection 95 5.0% 100 Burn Permit 27 5.0% 28 Excessive False Alarm 55 5.0% 58 . I u___ I -- Exhibit A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 2005-06 Council Current approved Proposed Service Fee increase Fee RECREATION: Park Facilitv Use Fees Slrother Park-Large Barbecue $ 64 0.0% $ 64 Strother Park-Security Deposit 30 0.0% 30 Strother Park-Small Barbecue 33 0.0% 33 Strolher Park-Wedding Reception 128 0.0% 128 Strolher Park-Security 1,2,3 64 0.0% 64 Elm Slreet Park-Barbecue 64 0.0% 64 Elm Streel Park-Security Deposit 29 0.0% 29 Soto Soorts ComDlex Use Fees Campbell Field Rental Fee 13 0.0% 13 Pilg Field Rental Fee 13 0.0% 13 Sanlos Field Rental Fee 13 0.0% 13 Volunteer Field Rental Fee 13 0.0% 13 Volunteer Field wilh Lights Rental 32 0.0% 32 Ikeda Field Renlal 13 0.0% 13 Ikeda Field with Lights Rental 31 0.0% 31 Porter Field Rental Fee 19 0.0%. 19 Porter Field with Lights Rental 37 0.0% 37 Tennis Court Rental-1 Hour 6 0.0% 6 Tennis Courts - 4 Rental 93 0.0% 93 Food Booth Rental Fee (Soto) 32 0.0% 32 Meeting Room Rental Fee 19 0.0% 19 Field Prep Fees (except Porter) 19 0.0% 19 Field Prep Fees - Porter 32 0.0% 32 Toumam Sch. & Coordin Fee 62 0.0% 62 Toumament Deposit Fee 246 0.0% 246 Woman's Club Use Fees Rental Fee 40 0.0% 40 Elm Street Comm. Ctr Use Fees Rental Fee 25 0.0% 25 Adult SDOrt Leaaue Fees Adult Softball-Spring 485 0.0% 485 Adult Soflball-Summer 485 0.0% 485 Adult Baskelball 530 0.0% 530 l' Non-Resident Fee .8 0.0% 8 - -- ----- Exhibit A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 2005-06 Council Current approved Proposed Service Fee, increase Fee RECREATION (continued): Child Care Proaram Fees Pre-Sch 1-Time Registration Fee 6.00 0.0% 6.00 AMIPM CIM-Elm Street 2.75 0.0% 2.75 AM/PM CIM.-Branch Sch. 2.45 0.0% 2.45 AM/PM CIM-Ocean 2.45 0.0% 2.45 AM/PM CIM-Harloe 2.45 0.0% 2.45 CIM -One Time Reg. Fee 12.00 0.0% 12.00 Summer Playground-Strother Pk 1.95 0.0% 1.95 Summer Playground-Elm Street 1.95 0.0% 1.95 Holiday Playground Programs 1.95 0.0% 1.95 Child Care Proaram Fees - Resident Discount Play & Leam-Tues & Thur. 2.75 0.0% 2.75 Play & Learn-Mon, Wed & Fri. 2.75 0.0% 2.75 Kindergartens in Training 2.75 0.0% 2.75 Summer Play & Learn 2.75 0.0% 2.75 Child Care Proaram Fees - Non Residenls Play & Leam-Tues & Thur. 3.30 0.0% 3.30 Play & Learn-Mon, Wed & Fri. 3.30 0.0% 3,30 Kindergartens in Training 3.30 0.0% 3.30 Summer Play & Learn 3.30 0.0% 3.30 i --. - ----------~---_..--- .----..- J Exhibit A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Schedule of Operating Fee Recommendations Fiscal Year 2005-06 Council Current approved Proposed SelVice Fee increase Fee BUILDING: Repeat Unit Plan Check 79,22 5.0% 83.18 , - . RESOLUTION NO. 3852 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of peljury, that Resolution No. 3852 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 14111 day of June 2005. ' WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 16111 day of June 2005. ;l JZWfl/'lL- RE, CITY CLERK .~ ! I i i i , --