R 3851 RESOLUTION NO. 3851 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SETTING FORTH THE AMOUNT OF LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has adopted Ordinance Number 509 C.S. which provides for the setting of Lopez contract changes by resolution of the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City has calculated the estimated future revenues under existing Lopez water contract charges to determine if they are adequate to meet costs associated with the Lopez Wastewater Treatment Upgrade, and capital outlay associated with Flood Control Zone 3 and the Lopez Dam; and, WHEREAS, Lopez water contract charges are designed to cover the City's share of costs to operate and maintain the Lopez Dam and Reservoir, to purchase capital outlay equipment, and to meet debt service costs associated with the Lopez Wastewater Treatment Upgrade project; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at a duly noticed public hearing, and in the staff report and record of this matter. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the sewer and water rates and service charges set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Council Member Arnold, seconded by Council Member Dickens, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Arnold, Dickens, Guthrie, Costello and Mayor Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th June 2005. RESOLUTION NO. 3851 PAGE 2 , MAYOR ATTEST: ~ j~ - _ - /1 . . jj;,. / U // twJzL--- KELLY WE MO~, CITY CL RK . APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: L~~' STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~rrv ATTORNEY ;\;- ~ en ww OCl zo:: <t:<t: O:::c ClU Ot- >-U O<t: 0::0:: o::t- <t:Z u.0 OU ~[;:I _0- UO ...J +-' :0 .c x W III ~ " (jj :;: n; " "0 ';; '6 .E C o III " u 'i: " (J) ~ " - " ~ " :; "0 " .c u (J) " "0 ~~ g; 0 d:, o o N >- LL ~31 ",'- .Eu " :E~ -5 Gl ~ 0 r-:. o o N >- LL ~31 ",'- EU C1> :g~ -5 ul 80 <1, o o N >- LL " ~61 C1> ~51 go , "' o o N >- LL C1> ~51 i" -.- 0- :pro co 0:::0 0::__ .....2........ 2=>~ C1> . :;:w C1> N (ij ~ C1> 'Qi ::E vvO"lLOOOvLOLO t;t;..-~f"..f"..~~C"':! ..- cri<.oMc:ir-NO:> I.() I.."> <.D co 0 N ("') f".. 0 N V> cncnM<OC'\lf"..MO')C"') <o~O')cn-.:t:vcnl()v o)O')c.ciC"'i..-a:iuic:ia:i ("')MlOf"..cnON(DO> ~ ~ ~ V> f"..f"..NOI.()f"..("')(01.() C'\l,,!Ncot;C'\lC'!I.()("') """:f"..C"'ia:ivci<o""":c:i vv(o"""Q)..-c'\lI.()Q) ~ V> ~~c;~fq:;::~~~ cciC.DN""":("')o)lt'.icci..- M("')I.()<.oCOo)~vO:> ~ ~ ~ V> ~~CONCOOOC'\l(D V'<;f'~ocnCO'<;f'o<O a:ia:i~"';cciO)Na:i"'; MMIOCO.....COOC'\l1.() ~ ~ V> <'OCO<O~<'ONCONa '<;f'vC'\lcnCOLO'<;f'NM oimN"';""":ciMoi""": C'\IC'\I......LO<OOJcn~...... ~ ~ V> ~ ~ ll1ll1 ~ ~ "'''' V> ~frl~U;~~g NNMM-q:uicci ...... lOCO"'" COOC\l ~ ~ ...............LOCOr--O~CO ~~<Oo<OO.....C:OCO -q:-q:~l1"iarit6cdr-:ci C\INM......lO<.or--cnN ~ V> C'!q~qMr--C\I00 ~~T-T'"Nc\iM..,;tri III " E!'.c " u .s:: .!;; U .c o.c.c.c.c.c .S (.). 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