R 3868 , RESOLUTION NO. 3868 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 03-001; LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF EAST GRAND AVENUE AND COURTLAND STREET; APPLIED FOR BY S & S HOMES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande adopted Resolution No. 3323 on September 8, 1998 approving the Berry Gardens Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the Berry Gardens Specific Plan does not include, and contemplates later adoption of, development standards for Subareas 3 or 4; and WHEREAS, the applicant, S& S Homes, owner of Subarea 4, has filed Specific Plan Amendment 03-001 to amend the Berry Gardens Specific Plan to include development standards for Subareas 3 and 4; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has recommended that the City Council approve Specific Plan Amendment 03-001 ; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Specific Plan Amendment 03-001 at a duly noted public hearing on July 26, 2005 in accordance with the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has determined that the addendum to the certified environmental impact report (EIR) for this Specific Plan Amendment, as prepared, satisfies the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and its Guidelines, per Section 15164; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: Specific Plan Amendment Findings: 1. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the general plan; The proposed Specific Plan Amendment would designate the area for the development of a horizontal mixed-use project at the southwest intersection of East Grand Avenue and Courtland Street. This designation would encourage pedestrian activity through placement of retail/commercial buildings along the street and inclusion of a pedestrian path through the site. These project attributes are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's General Plan, including policies LU5-7, LU5-10.1, LU12-7.3, ED4-2, ED6-2. . RESOLUTION NO. 3868 PAGE 2 2. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment will not adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern; There is nothing contained within the proposed Specific Plan Amendment that will adversely affect the public health. safety or welfare. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment contains mixed-use development standards, which are consistent with the mixed-use land use designation. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment addresses and resolves critical coordination of infrastructure improvements between Subareas 3 and 4. Therefore, the proposed Specific Plan Amendment will not result in an illogical land use pattern. 3. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is necessary and desirable in order to implement the provisions of the General Plan; Because the Berry Gardens Specific Plan does not include development standards for the project area and the City's General Plan designates the project area as mixed-use with a specific plan overlay, no development can occur on the project site until such time that the Specific Plan is amended. Therefore, the Specific Plan Amendment is necessal)l and desirable in order to implement the provisions of the General Plan, which seeks to promote orderly mixed-use development on the project area. 4. The development standards contained in the proposed Specific Plan Amendment will result in a superior development to that which would occur using standard zoning and development regulations. The development standards contained. in the Specific Plan Amendment include standards for building height that take advantage of the lot depth of Subareas 3 and 4 by placing taller structures in the middle of the lots. This enables flexibility in building design and increases efficient utilization of the project area, allowing for superior potential development to that which . would occur using standard zoning and development regulations. 5. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the purpose and intent of and will not create internal inconsistencies within the Specific Plan. By using multi-family apartments as a buffer between existing single- family residences in Berl)l Gardens and more intensive office and retaillcommercial development along East Grand Avenue, the proposed Specific Plan Amendment will not create internal inconsistencies within the Spe,cific Plan. Although the intent of the 1998 Berl)l Gardens Specific Plan was for Subareas 3 and 4 to develop as entirely retaillcommercia/, the inclusion of multi-family apartments allows for a mixed-use development consistent with the City's 2001 General Plan. The proposed Amendment is consistent with the existing Specific Plan and the City's recently amended 2003 Housing Element and would implement the policies, goals and objectives of the General Plan. RESOLUTION NO. 3868 PAGE 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT, RESOLVED that based on the findings set forth herein, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Specific Plan Amendment 03- 001 as described in Exhibit "Au. On motion by Council Member Guthrie, seconded by Council Member Dickens, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Guthrie, Dickens, Arnold, Costello, and Mayor Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 26th day of July 2005. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 , ATTEST: , ;/~e (:., LLf~t f ;1i(}'1;!'- , , KELLY WETM9RE, CITY CLERK , APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~. N ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: . ~ ~~~L~Y ATIORNEY EXHIBIT "A" Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan Subareas 3 and 4 City of Arroyo Grande Adopted by City Council Resolution No. 3868 on July 26, 2005 "Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 Table of Contents Backg rou nd ......... ..,.............................................................................................. 1 Berry Gardens Specific Plan............................................................................. 1 Subarea 1 ......................................................................................................... 1 Subarea 2......................................................................................................... 1 Subarea 3............... ............................. ........... .... ................................. .... .... ..... 1 Subarea 4............... ........... .......... .... ............... .... ....... ... .................................... 1 Summary Table of Subareas ............................................................................. 2 Specific Plan Proposals - Subareas 3 and 4................................................... 2 Purpose and Objectives.................................................................................... 2 Allowed Land Uses........................................................................................... 2 Development Standards - Multi-Family Apartments......................................... 3 Development Standards - Mixed-Use ..............................................................3 Conceptual Plans.............................................................................................. 4 Architectural Design Guidelines................................................................... .....4 , Building Materials .............................................................................................4 Screening Provisions........................................................................................ 4 Outdoor Storage, Mechanical Equipment and Trash Enclosures ..................... 4 1m proyements..................................................................................................... 5 Circulation and Parking................................................................:.................... 5 Easements........................................................................................................ 5 Water, Sewer and Utilities ................................................................................ 5 Drainage.............,.........................,............:...................................................... 6 Implementation................................. .......................................................:.......... 6 Project Phasing................................................................................................. 6 Reimbursement Agreement.............................................................................. 6 Table of Illustrations 1. Berry Gardens Subareas ............................................................................7 2. Allowed Land Uses ....................:.....................................:.......................... 8 3. Building Height Diagram ............................................................................ 9 4. Concept Plan - Subareas 3 and 4............................................................ 10 5. Easement Locations ................................................................................. 11 Table of Appendices A. Complete Appraisal Summary Report B. Preliminary Utility Plan C. Utility Improvement Type Cost Summary City of Arroyo Grande i 'Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 BACKGROUND Berrv Gardens Specific Plan The Berry Gardens Specific Plan, consisting of four (4) separate subareas, was adopted by the City Council in September of 1998 (Illustration 1). The specific plan area is located on the western edge of the City of Arroyo Grande and comprises approximately 50.1 acres. The area is generally bordered by Oak Park Boulevard to the west, East Grand Avenue to the north, residential development to the east and Ash Street to the south. Subarea 1 Subarea 1 (37.5 acres) was the only fully defined subarea included in the original Berry Gardens Specific Plan. This subarea consists of 149 single-family homes, thirty-one (31) patio homes and a 0.75-acre neighborhood park. This subarea is bordered to the north by Subareas 3 and 4, the Poplar Ponding Basin, and residential development, to the east by residential development, to the south by residential development (Subarea 2) and to the west by commercial development (in the jurisdiction of Grover Beach) and Oak Park Boulevard. Subarea 2 Subarea 2, also known as Jasmine Place, was approved through an amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan in June of 2003. This subarea consists of forty-seven (47) single-family homes and 0.5 acres of passive open space on 5.0 acres. This subarea is bordered to the west by residential development (in the jurisdiction of Grover Beach), to the south by Ash Street, to the west by residential development, and to the north by residential development (Subarea 1 ). Subarea 3 Subarea 3 consists of approximately 4.6 acres; nine (9) single-family homes on the southern most 1.5 acres were approved through an amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan in June 2003. The remaining 3.1 acres is vacant with northern frontage along East Grand Avenue. This subarea is bordered to the west by a commercial center (in the jurisdiction of (jrover Beach), to the east by Subarea 4 and to the south by Blackberry Avenue. Subarea 4 Subarea 4 consists of approximately 3.0 acres of vacant land with northern frontage along East Grand Avenue and eastern frontage along Courtland Street. This subarea is bordered to the west by Subarea 3, to the south by residential development (Subarea 1) and to the east by Courtland Street. City.of Arroyo Grande 1 . Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 Summarv Table of Subareas Subarea Owner Acreage Existing Zone Proposed Zone Units 1 N/A 10.2 SFR-SP N/A 51 I 21,7 SFR-SP 98 5.6 PHR-SP 31 2 N/A 5.0 N/A 47 3 Dae I 1.5 SFR-SP N/A 9 I 3.1 GMU-SP GMU-SP 28 4 S & S Homes 3.0 GMU-SP GMU-SP 28 Sub-total 6.1 56 Total 50.1 283 SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSALS - SUBAREAS 3 AND 4 Puroose and Obiectives This amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan establishes allowed uses and development standards for the Gateway Mixed-Use Specific Plan (GMU-SP) zoning district for Subareas 3 and 4, which are intended by the Berry Gardens Specific Plan to be developed together. The objectives of this amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan are as follows: . Implement the goals, objectives and policies of the City of Arroyo Grande's General Plan; . Promote high-quality retaillcornrnercial development within the City of Arroyo Grande's Redevelopment Area; . Increase the City of Arroyo Grande's supply of affordable rental housing stock; and . Produce a functional, aesthetically pleasing project that will serve as a landmark in the City of Arroyo Grande's western gateway and complete build-out of the Berry Gardens Specific Plan. Allowed Land Uses Although the entire portion of both Subareas 3 and 4 are zoned Gateway Mixed- Use Specific Plan (GMU-SP), this amendment establishes two distinct development areas within the zone. Approximately 1.3 acres at the rear of each subarea is designated as Multi-Family Apartment and the remaining portion of each site is designated as Mixed-Use (Illustration 2). Uses in the Multi-Family Apartment portion of Subareas 3 and 4 are restricted to rental apartments, while uses in the Mixed-Use portion of Subareas 3 and 4 are .--.- City of Arroyo Grande 2 -Amendment to the Berrv Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 restricted to those uses as allowed in the Gateway Mixed-Use (GMU) zoning district as defined by Chapter 16.36 of the City of Arroyo Grande Development Code. This amendment includes an addendum to the certified Berry Gardens Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that analyzes the impacts of adding a multi- family component to Subareas 3 and 4 with a maximum build-out of fifty-six (56) dwelling units in this component. Development Standards - Multi-Familv Apartments Maximum dens it 28 dwell in units er acre Minimum buildin site 40,000 s uare-feet Minimum front ard setback* 10' Minimum street-side ard setback* 10' for sin le-stor , 15' for two-stor Minimum side ard setback* 25' for dwellin unit, 3' for covered Minimum rear ard setback* 20' for dwellin unit, 3' for covered Minimum distance between build in s* 10' Maximum iot covera e 50% Maximum buildin hei ht 35' Minimum 0 en s ace 35% Parking requirements 1 space per 1-bedroom dwelling (covered), 2 spaces per 2-bedroom dwelling (1 covered); guest parking to be provided at a rate of 0.5 spaces per dwelling unit; guest parking requirements may be reduced by 50% provided that the reduction can be accommodated on the mixed-use portion of the subarea, as determined through discretionary review lnclusionary housing requirement 25% of the total number of dwelling units, 10% shall be restricted to the low-income cate or Development Standards - Mixed-Use Minimum buildinq site 20,000 square-feet Minimum front yard setback* 5', 300' setback from East Grand Avenue for buildinos taller than 35' Minimum street-side yard setback* 5' for sinqle-story, 10' for two-story or more Minimum side yard setback* 0-5' Minimum rear yard setback* 0-5' Maximum lot coyeraqe 50% Maximum building height 35' from average grade; height may be increased to 45' from average grade for architectural features that do not exceed 25% of the fioor area of the floor located directly below the feature and provided that any portion of the feature that exceeds 35' from average grade be setback 20' from the perimeter of the building (Illustration 3). In no case shall a building contain a single plane that exceeds 35' from averaoe arade Signage Subject to the provisions of Chapter 16.60 of the City of Arroyo Grande Develooment Code City of Arroyo Grande 3 . Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 Parking requirements 1 space per 250 square-feet of gross floor area for retail/commercial uses; 1 space per 100 square- feet of publicly accessible area for restaurant/food service uses; parking requirements may be reduced by a maximum of 30%, subject to the provisions of Section 16.56.050 of the City of Arrovo Grande Development Code Conceptual Plans This amendment contains a conceptual plan illustrating complete buildout of both subareas, utilizing the development standards described above (Illustration 4). Architectural Desion Guidelines A single architectural theme and character consistent with both the Gateway Mixed-Use (GMU) zoning district and East Grand Avenue Enhancement Plan (EGAEP) shall be used throughout Subareas 3 and 4. Site and building design shall incorporate neo-traditional elements. All new construction and exterior remodels shall be subject to review by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). Use of water features and plaza areas are encouraged. Buildino Materials Consistent use of stucco and masonry or horizontal painted wood or composite siding is encouraged as exterior siding materials. Concrete or clay tile, slate, or heavy composition shingles are encouraged as roofing materials. (Wood shake or shingles are prohibited due to fire safety concerns). Heavy timber, tile, or wrought iron is encouraged for accent materials. Commercial buildings are encouraged to use additional accent materials such as granite, tile and rock. Screenino Provisions Walls shall generally be the same colors and materials as the adjoining building exterior and should not exceed a height of six feet. Heights up to eight feet may be allowed and are subject to minor exception approval. Walls in required front and street side yards should not exceed thirty-six inches in height. Perimeter fences shall not exceed six feet high unless specifically approved through a variance; architectural features such as entry gateways, trellis and arbor elements shall not exceed a maximum height of eight feet. Outdoor Storaoe. Mechanical Eouipment and Trash Enclosures To the extent possible, these types of facilities shall be integrated into buildings and not located outside. When necessary, and if approved through discretionary review, limited outdoor storage, mechanical equipment, or trash enclosures may be located within walled and gated enclosures designed as an extension of and compatible with the primary or accessory structures. Freestanding enclosures and metal accessory structures are discouraged. Normal utility and air- City of Arroyo Grande 4 -Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 conditioning equipment may be placed on the ground when screened by appropriate landscaping and situated away from outdoor use areas, windows, or doorways. All rooftop equipment shall be screened appropriately. IMPROVEMENTS Circulation and Parkina Courtland Street - Courtland Street is an existing collector street, which shall be used for secondary access to the mixed-use portions of Subareas 3 and 4 and shall be the only access for the multi-family apartment portions of Subareas 3 and 4. Grand Avenue - Grand Avenue is a major arterial street, which runs the full length of both Subareas 3 and 4. Joint access, split evenly between the two subareas with 15' on each side of the common property line, shall be used to serve as the primary entrance for the mixed-use portions of Subareas 3 and 4. This requires a reciprocal access easement between Subareas 3 and 4. Parking - Parking for each subarea shall be provided in accordance with the development standards contained within this amendment. Parking may be shared between the two subareas with an appropriate parking agreement, otherwise each subarea shall be required to provide all required parking within that subarea. Pedestrian Path - A pedestrian path shall be provided between the two subareas, providing for a connection from East Grand Avenue to the multi-family apartment portions of both subareas. Easements Easement locations for the purposes of access, utilities and drainage are shown in Illustration 5. The northernmost easement would be used for secondary access to the mixed-use portions of both subareas and shall be aligned with the secondary access for the commercial development (Longs Drugs) on the other side of Courtland Street. The remaining two easement locations would serve as the only vehicular access for the multi-family portions of both subareas. These easement locations may also serve utilities and drainage. Water. Sewer and Utilities Water services shall be obtained from an existing water main located at the northern end of the common property line. Sewer services shall be obtained from an existing sewer main located in Courtland Street. Gas and electrical utilities shall be obtained from existing lines located in East Grand Avenue. All utilities shall be installed underground. City of Arroyo Grande 5 . Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 Drainaoe Both Subareas 3 and 4 will direct stormwater runoff east across Courtland Street to the Poplar Basin, which was recently expanded by the City to increase capacity. Each subarea will be required to reimburse the City for its proportionate share of basin capacity, as determined by the Public Works Department. IMPLEMENTATION , Proiect Phasino Because a different party owns each subarea, the possibility exists that each owner may wish to develop their subarea according to their own timeline. For this reason, development of Subareas 3 and 4 shall be separated into two distinct phases - development of Subarea 4 shall be Phase I and development of Subarea 3 shall be Phase II. Reimbursement Provision Although each subarea shall be able to pursue development according to its own schedule, the purpose of this amendment is to ensure that the development of both subareas result in a cohesive, integrated project. For this reason, a reimbursement provision is necessary to guarantee access and installation of "mutually beneficial" infrastructure improvements ("easements") across Subarea 4 for the benefit of Subarea 3 that are vital to this purpose. Each subarea owner agrees to share in the cost of an appraisal to determine the value of the easement(s) desired by the owner of Subarea 3, at the time such easement(s) are needed. City of Arroyo Grande 6 ,~Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 Berry Gardens Subareas ~ 0 ~ , ~ ~ - -..-........ !: GRAI\ID AV~ I - -.- .., I I , ! I I , "'i' I I I I CO I " Q) I " I ~ L.. I w , CO " (V) , " I ~ ..0 l; " I I CO ::J 11 I Q) {f) f5 , L.. !5 I CO e I ..0 I I ::J ' "',,-..-... ._..... _.... -,- "7"...............,;... .....'... POPLAP,ST , {f) I . STRAWB~RR'f AVE; I I I I . I I -' , , ....---...-...-.- BLACKBERRYA~E" I . HUCKLEBERRY AVE -CSdBareaTi-._,_ LOGANBERRY AVE ""\..,,.....,....,.....:..... BLUEBERRYAVE Subarea 2 ASH ST City of Arroyo Grande 7 ~ Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 2. Allowed Land Uses i /' "'-.. N l I < -Ja ~o: LLlffi t- Z~ O~ r <( r::::; 'lJ1- , 0... . w "T"'U "'"""l l' , Z va ~u 0 r- City of Arroyo Grande 8 . Amendment to the Berrv Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas. 3 and 4 3. Building Height Diagram (Mixed-Use Component) AXlr'lvr-l .A~E:A I (Z,S,%' o~ F~ * 'TlIl'" jlDtf:. AP.~ "',,'--"W 35' riA>< H~I'iHi fl'-OI"1 ,"!'APE.. ' - Bu,cP,N<:j 7 PEF-I M~-reF-. ------~ I - ~ ' ,,'/ -' I ~' ~/'/-/' ~' 7..0' /:'~". 20 I :i'i(f'eo'CK. - ~ SE-r-.:. *T/-II<> "'II"'E: I L_-1c-_.. ..J~ J~-S'f'\Al( It€lC1ti1 ~_o hzo...., "i"'APc. SS}""eIA:.\<. '* 1tI1-$ ~1t:>1!. 46' '"1AX jjE.I'i#"r Fp.ol'1 <1"API<- 10 H"I tl "Irt Plan View t-;e::~G~ t I 02-'5 % t M-">' A ~eA ~f' !'-',OOl1. 1'>6\PIV l( 1 - ~ x ' ~ _t f=' -~ 5T::_~ ~__ __ ~ tIl ------- ~ ' , 'S"To f'.I' z. ';' '0101".1' l '" ~ Section View City of Arroyo Grande 9 . Amendment to the Berrv Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 4. Concept Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 <t "- N t t < .....JZ ,<( ~cr ~IJ ~ Z~ O~ ~~ C/lli: _w ~O r, Z UO ;---,,0 ~ r"\ V r t""" City of Arroyo Grande 10 .<> Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan - Subareas 3 and 4 5. Easement Locations <( N < -J~ ~o: U,Jffi Z~ O~ ~~ .::J 'lll- , ..I 0.. ........w , U - I' \ Z Va .~.u -J 0 ~ City of Arroyo Grande 11 . RESOLUTION NO. 3868 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that Resolution No. 3868 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 26th day of July 2005. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 28th day of July 2005. 1 l ~~ ," L .' cJ 1>< l U:l((,iI,c.'/j:- KELLY WET,MORE, CITY CLERK