Agenda Packet 2005-09-13 CITY OF City Council � " � � � � ' Agenda ,; Tony Ferrara Mayor Steven Adams City Manager Joe Costello Mayor Pro Tem Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Jim Dickens Council Member �� y Kelly Weimore City Clerk Jim Guthrie Council Member �'•' C A L I F O R N I A Ed Arnold Council Member ��� 9'� � - AGENDA SUMMARY _ CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: ARROYO GRANDE POLICE EXPLORER POST#542 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR GEORGE LEPPER PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Ma or's Commendation Reco nizin Rachel Dewar— Huasna Valle 4-H v a a v 5.b. Introduction of Tree Guild of Arrovo Grande and Presentation bv Scott Dolan � 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. ( � � � I AGENDA SUMMARY — SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the"City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a,whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period August 16, 2005 through August 31, 2005. 8.b. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Special City Council and Regular City CounciURedevelopment Agency meetings of July 26, 2005, and the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of August 9, 2005 as submitted. 8.c. Consideration of Reiection of Claim Aaainst Citv— G. White (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Reject claim. 8.d. Consideration of Resolution Establishina the Position of Senior Office Assistant (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution establishing the part-time position of Senior Office Assistant. 8.e. Consideration of a Resolution Approvina FY 2005/O6 Throuah FY 2008/09 Memorandum of Understandina (MOUI with the Service Emqlovees International Union (SEIUI. Local 620 (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution. AGENDA SUMMARY - SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (continued): 8.f. Consideration of Approval of Fundinsa and Reimbursement Aqreement, Ens�ineer's Reqort and Adoqtion of Resolution of Intention for Parkside Villaqe Assessment District (CARMEL) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the Funding and Reimbursement Agreement and Engineer's Report; and 2) Adopt Resolution of Intention for Parkside Village Assessment District. 8.g: Consideration of Authorization to Purchase an Interim Modular Office for the Police Deqartment (TERBORCH) Recommended Action: Authorize staff to purchase a 24x60 modular office from Design Space for a delivered and installed cost of $51,789.69 to serve as interim office and storage space for the Police Department. 8.h. Consideration of Anproval to Purchase Reulacement Meter Readinst Equipment (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Authorize the purchase of three (3) water meter interrogators and associated equipment in the amount of $15,760.39. 8.i. Consideration of an Award of Contract to MGE Under�round. Inc. for Construction of the Sewer Lift Station No. 1 Uqs�rade Proiect, PW 2005-02 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Award a contract for the construction of the Sewer Lift Station No. 1 Upgrade Project, PW 2005-02 to MGE Underground, Inc. in the amount of $557,700; 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency of $55,770.00 for use only if needed for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project; and 3) Transfer $125,000 from the Sewer Facility Fund to the Sewer Lift Station No. 1 Project. 8.j. Consideration of Acceptance of Public Imqrovements for Conditional Use Permit 03-001/Parcel Maa AG 02-0446; Santa Lucia Bank (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution accepting the public improvements for Conditional Use Permit 03-001/PM AG 02-0446; Santa Lucia Bank. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of Use of State 2005-06 Citizens Oation for Public Safetv (COPS) Funds (TERBORCH) Recommended Action: Approve the expenditure of $100,000 as authorized by the State for law enforcement services under the COPS Program. 9.b. Consideration of Namina a Private Drive Located in Tract 2310 (Parkside) (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution naming the private drive located in Tract 2310 (Parkside) as "Glenbrook Way". 9.c. Consideration of Aapeal of Plannina Commission's Denial of Lot Line Adiustment Case No. 05-001: 130 & 132 Short Street (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution denying the appeal and upholding the Planning Commission's decision. AGENDA SUMMARY — SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 4 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Consideration to Approve a Water Wheelina Aareement with the Oceano Communitv Services District (OCSD) for the Christie Familv Subdivision (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the Agreement with OCSD for the Christie Family Subdivision and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney; and 2) Approve the proposed modifications to the City's Policy regarding future requests to enter into Water Wheeling Agreements. 11. NEW BUSINESS: ii.a. Consideration of Procedures for Enforcement of Illeqal Garaqe Conversions and Secondarv Units (FIBICH) Recommended Action: Direct staff to proceed with the proposed "Notice of Violation" and Minor Use Permit processes to address illegal garage conversions and illegal secondary residential dwellings. � 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a. Request for staff to prepare traffic model projections for closure of the HalcyoNBrisco Road off ramp. (GUTHRIE) 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. a. Update on Post Office Relocation. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. AGENDA SUMMARY - SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 5 17. ADJOURNMENT ..**+k�..**«.�,�.**«��. All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the Administrative Services Department and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805- 473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ..,....»................. Note: This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. www.arroyogrande.org CITV OF � . • • ' � ► . � __ _ _ `� ' ; .�: `14,1,v�' � ��� CALIFORNIA �y � � ___� � 9 � � k� ';,f,�� f • r � mmen atlon Ma o s o Presented to �� � ���� i ; In recognition of Your 4-H Awa.rd �'! for "Reserve Grand Champion" at �he i Santa Barbara County Fair, i Dated this 13`" day of September, 2005 I � PpRONp I O� c9 � ' F INCOAGOflATlO 92 , ( O v m # ,ru�r io, +u+r * Tony Ferrara, Mayor �q�,FOp,,.P I i i � � � pRROVp 5�8� O �',p �' INCORVORATED 92 � U � "' MEMORANDUM . � JULV 10. 1811 * � . . c4<<FORN`P . . TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES �/` BY: FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO� SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 ' RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period August 16 through August 31, 2005. FUNDING: There is a $691,865.77 fiscal impact. All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ALTERNATIVES: - The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staff's recommendation; • Do not approve staff's recommendation; • Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 — Cash Disbursement Listing Attachment 2 —August 19, 2005, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 3 —August 19, 2005, Payroll Checks & Benefit Register Attachment 4 —August 26, 2005, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 5 —August 30, 2005, Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENTI CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS �az t!e �auod o�,�uguat 16 'Ilr3ouqk f�uquat 37, 2G105 September 13, 2005 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period August 16 to August 31, 2005. Shown are. cash disbursements by week of ' occurrence and type of payment. � WEEK TYPE OF PAYMENT ATTACHMENT AMOUNT August 2A,2005 Accounts Payable Cks 122552-122668 2 $ 168,351.68 Payroll Checks&Benefit Checks 3 402,019.74 $ 570,371.42 August 27,2005 Accounts Payable Cks 122669-122760 4 $ 112,852.96 Accounts Payable Cks 122761-122764 5 8,641.39 $ 121,494.35 TWaWEIIC TOTAL $ 691,865.77 U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\CASH DISBURSEMENT FORMS\CASH DISBURSEMENT SCHED wHXCEL WKS.da CITY OF ARROYO GIZANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND(010) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Citq Goverriment(Fund O10) Park Development Fee Fund(Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - Adminishative Services Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - PrinHng/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Taz Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construcfion Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Funds 4131 - Community Building(CDBG) 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4140 - Management Information System 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant(Fd 271) 4145 - Non Departmental 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring(Fd 274) Public Sa�tu(Fund 010) 4205 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt(FD 279) 4201 - Police Redevelopment Agency(Fund 284) 4211 - Fire � � 4103 - Redevelopment Administration 4212 - Building&Safety ENTERPRISE FUNDS Public Works (Fund 010) Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4301 - Public Works-Admin&Engineering 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) 4304 - Street Lighting 4710 - Water Administration 4305 - AutomoHve Shop 4711 - Water ProducHon Parks £a Recreation (Fund O10) 4712 - Water Distribution 4420 - Parks Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4421 - Recreation 4750 - Lopez Administrarion 4422 - General Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 350) 4423 - Pre-School Program 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4424 - Recrearion-Special Programs 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4425 - Children in Morion 5701-5999 - Drainage Projects 4426 - Five CiHes Youth Basketball 5501-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\CASH DISBURSEMENT FORMS\CASH DISBUPSEMENT SCHED wEXCEL WKS.doc ATTACHMENT 2 vchlist VouCher List Page: 1 U8l19/2005 1Q:59:75AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE I Bankcode : boa , Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescripGon/Account Amount , 122552 8/15/2005 004897 WOOD RODGERS 38035 CONSULTANT SERV:BRISCO/HALC CONSULTANT SERV:BRISCOiHALC 350.5642.7701 22,720.50 Total : 22,720.50 122553 8l17/2005 000492 PETTY CASH 081605 PETTY CASH - ) > i Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: _ 2 08119/2005 10:59:75AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122553 8/17/2005 000492 PETTY CASH (Continued) 384-LUNCH MTG-SPAGNOLO,- 010.4301.5255 21.13 385-PARKING FEE 010.4130.5501 2.25 386-PARKING FEE 010.4130.5501 0.75 387-MILEAGE-TRAFFIC COMM MTG 010.4301.5501 8.10 388-APWA LUNCH MTG- 010.4301.5503 40.00 389-ASCE LUNCH MTG 010.4301.5503 30.00 390-COPIES OF TREE ORDINANCE 010.4130.5201 48.97 391-COFFEE BREAK-EAP TRAININ( 010.4145.5501 9.00 392-CJPIA MTG-SISKO 010.4101.5501 40.50 393-OFFICE EXP 010.4301.5201 10.99 394-MILEAGE-VIEW,UB SYSTEM @ � 010.4120.5501 12.96 394-OFFICE SUPPUES 010.4120.5201 19.07 , 395-MEETING-R.CRUZ MSA 220.4303.5503 15.00 396-MILEAGE-SLO MTG/T.CARMEL 010.4101.5501 42.54 397-LUNCH FOR T.SLUSHER 010.4212.5255 26.92 398-LUNCH MTG-SPAGNOLO, LINN 010.4301.5255 23.00 379-SUPPLIES � 010.4101.5319 20.59 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Pa9e: 3 08/19/2005 10:59:75AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122553 8/17/2005 000492 PETTY CASH (Continued) 380-SUPPLIES 010.4101.5319 46.02 381-SUPPLIES-BUS.FAIR 284.4103.5201 23.57 381-SUPPLIES 010.4101.5201 18.59 382-SPEC DEPT SUPPUES 010.4301.5255 41.00 383-ORAL BOARD 010.4140.5501 10.85 Total : 511.80 122569 - 8/19/2005 000008 ADAMSON INDUSTRIES, INC 72717 LIGHT FOR G36 ASSAULT WEAPO� LIGHT FOR G36 ASSAULT WEAPO� 010.4201.5255 448.02 Total : 448.02 122570 8/19/2005 000010 AFSS 081605 REG.FEE-QTRLY MEETING(HAGLU REG.FEE-QTRLY MEETING(HAGLU 010.4211.5501 25.00 Total : 25.00 122572 8/19/2005 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS B088705 PANTS-FULLER PANTS-FULLER " 612.4610.5143 21.00 6776556 POLICE DEPT MATS POLICE DEPT MATS 010.4213.5303 12.13 B776557 RECREATION CENTER MATS RECREATION CENTER MATS 010.4213.5303 21.50 6776558 SEWER DEPT UNIFORMS SEWER DEPT UNIFORMS � 612.4610.5143 5.60 � Page: 3 _ vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 08/19/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122572 8/19/2005 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS (Continued) 6776559 STREET DEPT UNIFORMS STREET DEPT UNIFORMS 220.4303.5143 16.80 B776560 WATER DEPT UNIFORMS WATER DEPT UNIFORMS 640.4712.5143 14.00 ENGINEERING DEPT UNIFORMS 010.4301.5143 1.40 6776561 PARKS DEPT UNIFORMS PARKS DEPT UNIFORMS 010.4420.5143 27.48 6776562 CORP YARD MATS CORP YARD MATS 010.4213.5303 11.03 BUILDING MAINT.UNIFORMS 010.4213.5143 2.80 6776563 AUTO SHOP UNIFORMS AUTO SHOP UNIFORMS 010.4305.5143 10.41 6779636 FIRE DEPT MATS FIRE DEPT MATS 010.4213.5303 20.59 B779639 BLDG DEPT MATS BLDG DEPT MATS 010.4213.5303 6.31 6779640 CITY HALL MATS/TOWELS � CITY HALL MATSlfOWELS � 010.4213.5303 8.40 � B779641 ENGIN.DEPT MATS ENGIN.DEPT MATS 010.4213.5303 5.00 B779642 COMM CENTER MATS COMM CENTER MATS 010.4213.5303 9.45 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 08H912005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122572 8/19/2005 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS (Continued) B779644 SEWER DEPT UNIFORMS SEWER DEPT UNIFORMS . 612.4610.5143 � 5.67 � B779645 STREET DEPT UNIFORMS STREET DEPT UNIFORMS 220.4303.5143 16.80 B779646 WATER DEPT UNIFORMS WATER DEPT UNIFORMS 640.4712.5143 14.00 ENGIN.DEPT UNIFORMS 010.4301.5143 1.40 B779647 PARKS DEPT UNIFORMS PARKS DEPT UNIFORMS 010.4420.5143 19.60 B779648 BUILDING MAINT.UNIFORMS BUILDING MAINT.UNIFORMS 010.4213.5143 5.00 B779649 AUTO SHOP UNIFORMS ' AUTO SHOP UNIFORMS 010.4305.5143 5.15 B782734 POLICE DEPT MATS POLICE DEPT MATS 010.4213.5303 12.13 6782735 RECREATION CENTER MATS RECREATION CENTER MATS 010.4213.5303 21.50 B782736 SEWER DEPT UNIFORMS SEWER DEPT UNIFORMS 612.4610.5143 5.60 6782737 STREET DEPT UNIFORMS STREET DEPT UNIFORMS 220.4303.5143 16.80 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 08/1912005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date- Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122572 8/19/2005 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS (Continued) 8782738 WATER DEPT UNIFORMS WATER DEPT UNIFORMS 640.4712.5143 14.00 ENGINEERING DEPT UNIFORMS 010.4301.5143 1.40 B782739 PARKS DEPT UNIFORMS PARKS DEPT UNIFORMS 010.4420.5143 27.48 � B782740 CORP YARD MATS CORP YARD MATS 010.4213.5303 11.03 BUILDING MAINT.UNIFORMS 010.4213:5143 2.8� 6782741 AUTO SHOP UNIFORMS AUTO SHOP UNIFORMS 010.4305.5143 10.41 6785810 FIRE DEPT MATS FIRE DEPT MATS 010.4213.5303 20.25 6785813 BLDG DEPT MATS BLDG DEPT MATS 010.4213.5303 6.31 6785814 CITY HALL MATS/TOWELS CITY HALL MATS/TOWELS 010.4213.5303 8.40 8785815 ENGINEERING DEPT MATS ENGINEERING DEPT MATS 010.4213.5303 5.00 6785816 COMM CENTER MATS COMM CENTER MATS 010.4213.5303 9.45 6755819 , SEWER DEPT UNIFORMS SEWER DEPT UNIFORMS 612.4610.5143 5.60 Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 08H9/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Voucher Date Venilor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122572 8/19/2005 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS (Continued) B785820 STREET DEPT UNIFORMS STREET DEPT UNIFORMS 220.4303.5143 14.00 8785821 ENGINEERING DEPT UNIFORMS WATER DEPT UNIFORMS � 640.4712.5143 14.00 � ENGINEERING DEPT UNIFORMS 010.4301.5143 1.40 6785822 PARKS DEPT UNIFORMS PARKS DEPT UNIFORMS 010.4420.5143 19.60 8785824 BUILDING MAINT.UNIFORMS " BUILDING MAINT.UNIFORMS , 010.4213.5143 5.00 B785825 AUTO SHOP UN�FORMS AUTO SHOP UNIFORMS 010.4305.5143 5.15 Total : 498.83 122573 8/19/2005 000034 APEX SHARPENING WORKS 25970 CHAIN &SHARPENER CHAIN &SHARPENER 010.4211.5273 , � 40.71 Total : 40.71 122574 8/19/2005 002632 API WASTE SERVICES 58B00045 R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. 010.4213.5303 259.04 Total : 259.04 122575 8/19/2005 003175 AQUA-METRIC SALES CO 0010196 6"METER FOR ELM ST-IRRIG. WEL 6"METER FOR ELM ST-IRRIG. WEL 640.4712.5207 1,135.66 Total : 1,135.66 122576 8/19/2005 000042 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SHOP 20250 FLOWERS:ALLEN,SHELBY Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 08/1912005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa , Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122576 8/19/2005 000042 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SHOP (Continued) FLO WERS:ALLEN,SHELBY 010.4201.5504 47.19 Total : 47.19 122577 8/19/2005 002180 AVAYA, INC 2721766113 MERLIN PHONES: MERLIN PHONES: 010.4145.5403 27.48 Total : 27.48 122578 8/19/2005 000062 BARKLOW S FIRE TRUCK PARTS 24815 VALVE &GAUGE \ � VALVE&GAUGE 010.4211.5601 373.57 Total : 373.57 122579 8/19/2005 000065 BARROW, BRENDA 081305 PLAYGROUND SUPPLY REIMBURS PLAYGROUND SUPPLY REIMBURS 010.4422.5256 86.02 SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES-CARNI� , 010.4424.5252 67.61 Total : 153.63 122580 8/19/2005 001944 BASIC CHEMICAL SOWTIONS, LLC SI5076237 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 640.4712.5274 61221 ToWI : 612.21 122581 8/19/2005 005092 BENNETT, RICHARD 061605 OVER PAYMENT:182 FAIR VIEW DF OVER PAYMENT:182 FAIR VIEW DF 640.0000.1110 94.12 ToWI : 94.12 122582 8/19/2005 004967 BIRD, RYAN 070804 . EMT CERT CARD EMT CERT CARD 010.4211.5501 100.00 � , - � , Page: 8 vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 08119/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122582 8/19/2005 004967 BIRD, RYAN (Continued) 459991 EMT-REFRESHER FEE i EMT-REFRESHER FEE 010.4211.5501 175.00 � � - Total : 275.00 ' 122583 8/19/2005 000078 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS 27645 MISC COPIES MISC COPIES � 010.4301.5255 26.81 28211 SEWER LIFT STATION#1-FULL SIZ SEWER LIFT STATION#1-FULL SIZ 350.5809.7301 349.42 � ToWI : 376.23 � 122584 8/19/2005 001917 80B'S EXPRESS WASH JULY CAR WASH (27 IN JULY 2005) I CAR WASH (27 IN JULY 2005) , 010.4201.5601 189.00 Total : 789.00 122585 8/19/2005 000084 BOXX EXPRESS,THE 154 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES(DOJ LAI � UPS SHIPPING CHARGES(DOJ LAI i i 010.4201.5201 6.31 � 155 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES(DOJ LAE i UPS SHIPPING CHARGES(DOJ LAE 010.4201.5201 6.31 � 156 UP,S SHIPPING CHARGES(LV METf UPS SHIPPING CHARGES(LV METF �' 010.4201.5201 24.34 , 157 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES(DOJ LAE � UPS SHIPPING CHARGES(DOJ LAE 010.4201.5201 6.31 i 158 � UPS SHIPPING CHARGES(DOJ LAI - i UPS SHIPPING CHARGES(DOJ LAI � 010.4201.5201 6.31 I I i , Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Paye: 10 � 08/19/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122585 8/19/2005 000084 BOXX EXPRESS, THE (Continued) 159 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES(DOJ LAE UPS SHIPPING CHARGES(DOJ LAE 010.4201.5201 6.31 Total : 55.89 122586 8/19/2005 005100 BROWN, BROOKE 081705 PARK DEPOSIT-RANCH GRANDE- PARK DEPOSIT-RANCH GRANDE- 010.0000.4354 29.00 Total : 29.00 122587 8/19/2005 000156 C COAST TAXI-CAB SVCS, LLC 081605 TAXI SVC: 8/1 TO 8/14/05 TAXI SVC: 8/1 TO 8/14/05 225.4553.5507 482.50 Total : 482.50 122588 8/19/2005 001199 CALIFORNIA-WEST, INC 080805 OVERPAYMENT:1151 E GRAND AV OVERPAYMENT:1151 E GRAND AV 640.0000.1110 22.35 Total : 22.35 122589 8/19/2005 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 2549 FUEL FILTERS FOR GAS PUMPS FUEL FILTERS FOR GAS PUMPS 010.4305.5603 15.10 6065 PART FOR T6645 PART FOR T6645 ' 010.4211.5601 21.41 Total : 36.51 122590 8/19/2005 002771 CENTRAL COAST GASES 167678 OXYGEN/ACETYLENE OXYGEN/ACETYLENE 640.4712.5610 60.03 167978 OXYGEN/ACETYLENE OXYGEN/ACETYLENE 640.4712.5610 60.03 Total : 120.06 Page: . 10 vchlist Voucher List Page: 11 08/19/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122591 8/19/2005 000171 CLINICAL LABORATORY OF 740991 WATER SAMPLES:JULY 2005 WATER SAMPLES:JULY 2005 640.4710.5310 545.00 Total : 545.00 122592 8/19/2005 000190 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB M3901 WATER SAMPLES:ACORN ST/MAI� WATER SAMPLES:ACORN ST/MAI� 640.4710.5310 15.00 ToWI : 15.00 122593 8/19/2005 004481 CRITICAL REACH 072505-1104 CRITICAL REACH 2O05 SUPPORT F CRITICAL REACH 2O05 SUPPORT F 010.4201.5607 250.00 Total : 250.00 122594 8/19/2005 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER CO 48519 BOTTLED WATER:BLDG DEPT BOTTLED WATER:BLDG DEPT 010.4212.5303 23.00 Total : 23.00 122595 8/19/2005 002902 CUSTOM COLORS, INC 179483 PAINT&SUPPLYS FOR PAINTING- PAINT& SUPPLYS FOR PAINTING- 220.4303.5603 314.03 Total : 314.03 122596 8/19/2005 005093 DAVIS, STEPHEN K 080505 METER DEPOSIT METER DEPOSIT 640.00002302 180.00 CLOSING BILL-SEWER 612.0000.1110 -7.36 CLOSING BILL-WATER 640.0000.1110 -17.77 CLOSIN� BILL-LOPEZ 641.0000.1110 -55.12 CLOSING BILL-SANITARY DIST 760.0000.1110 -16.47 Page: 11 vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 08H912005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122596 8/19/2005 005093 005093 DAVIS, STEPHEN K (Continued) Total : 83.28 122597 8/19/2005 005091 DEERE LANDSCAPES,JOHN 08323215 IRRIGATION STOCK, FOR SHOP IRRIGATION STOCK, FOR SHOP 010.4420.5605 111.93 08334379 120'S AND 360' PGP FOR STROTHE 120'S AND 360' PGP FOR STROTHE 010.4420.5605 50.42 08351573 SPRINKLERS-STROTHER PARK SPRINKLERS-STROTHER PARK 010.4420.5605 31.52 08393147 SPRINKLERS& PARTS/IRRIG REP< SPRINKLERS& PARTS/IRRIG REPF 010.4430.5605 46.15 Total : 240.02 122598 8/19/2005 002039 DELTA LIQUID ENERGY 47611 SERVICE AGREEMENT SERVICE AGREEMENT 220.4303.5603 24.00 ToWI : 24.00 122599 8/19/2005 005102 DEMING, CHRISTINE 081705 PARK DEPOSIT-RANCHO GRANDE PARK DEPOSIT-RANCHO GRANDE 010.0000.4354 29.00 Total : 29.00 122600 8/19/2005 005103 DIXON, OLIVER 081605 REFUND-SPECIAL INTEREST CLA� REFUND-SPECIALINTEREST CLAB 010.0000.4605 80.00 Total : 50.00 122601 8/19/2005 005104 DUMAS,ALISON 081505 REFUND-SPECIAL INTEREST CLA� REFUND-SPECIAL INTEREST CLAS 010.0000.4605 16.67 Total : 76.67 122602 8/19/2005 000220 DYKZEUL, DEBI 081605 S.BALL SCORER:2 GAMES @ $7.50 Page: 12 vchlist Voucher List Page: 13 08/79/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122602 8/19/2005 000220 DYKZEUL, DEBI (Continued) S.BALL SCORER:2 GAMES @$7.50 010.4424.5352 15.00 Total : 15.00 122603 8/19/2005 002697 EARTHLINK, INC 229407365 INTERNET SERVICE:JULY 21 TO Al INTERNET SERVICE:JULY 21 TO Al 010.4201.5607 45.90 Total : 45.90 122604 8/19/2005 004676 ECS IMAGING, INC. 268 . ANNUAL LASERFICHE SUPPORT/L ANNUAL LASERFICHE SUPPORT/L 010.4140.5303 4,08621 ' Total : 4,086.21 122605 . 8/19/2005 005106 ESGIL CORP AGI-08-05-3714 PLAN REVIEW CAMINO MERCADO PLAN REVIEW CAMINO MERCADO 010.4212.5303 10,668.40 ToW l : 10,668.40 122606 8/19/2005 005107 ESTATE OF MARLENE BRAUN 072105 OVER PAYMENT: 546 LE POINT ST OVER PAYMENT: 546 LE POINT ST 640.0000.1110 26.47 Total : 26.47 122607 8/19/2005 000240 FARM SUPPLY CO • 736523 I-40 SPRINKLER, PIPE 8 CEMENT- I-40 SPRINKLER, PIPE&CEMENT- 010.4420.5605 57.80 739735 SPRINKLERS-RANCHO GRANDE P� SPRINKLERS-RANCHO GRANDE P� 010.4420.5605 69.63 744173 140 SPRINKLERS-INFIELDS 140 SPRINKLERS-INFIELDS 010.4430.5605 146.62 Total : 274.05 122608 8/19/2005 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 912234 METER BOX LIDS Page: 13 vchlist Voucher List Page: 14 08/19/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122608 , S/19/2005 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC (Continued) METER BOX LIDS 640.4712.5610 40.22 916979 TAPPWG SLEEVE FOR TRAFFIC W TAPPING SLEEVE FOR TRAFFIC W 640.4712.5610 384.31 917743 SADDLE& FITTINGS FOR TRAFFIC SADDLE& FITTINGS FOR TRAFFIC 640.4712.5610 1,054.62 919200 RESTRAIN JOINT RESTRAIN JOINT 640.4712.5610 72.93 919974 METER BOXES METER BOXES 640.4712.5610 130.85 ToWI : 1,682.93 122609 8/19/2005 000247 FIBICH, TERENCE 081105 STAFF MTG SUPPLIES - STAFF MTG SUPPLIES 010.4211.5501 8.45 Total : 8.45 122610 8/19/2005 004859 FITZGERALD,JENNIFER 081605 S.BALL SCORER:6 GAMES @ $7.50 - S.BALL SCORER:6 GAMES @ $7.50 010.4424.5352 45.00 ToWI : 45.00 122611 8/19/2005 005094 FORD, MARILYN 071505 OVER PAYMENT-1245 NEWPORT P OVER PAYMENT-1245 NEWPORT P 640.0000.1110 100.63 ToW I : 7 00.63 122612 8/19/2005 000262 FRANK'S LOCK&KEY, INC 22601 3 KEYS 3 KEYS 010.4201.5601 4.83 Page: 14 vchlist Voucher List Page: 15 0811912005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : b08 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122612 8/19/2005 000262 FRANK'S LOCK&KEY, INC (Continued) 22605 6 KEYS 6 KEYS � 010.4201.5601 9.65 22614 PADLOCK& KEYS-RANCHO GRAN PADLOCK& KEYS-RANCHO GRAN 010.4420.5605 31.87 22651 - TUBULAR KEYS-TENNIS CRT LIGH' TUBULAR KEYS-TENNIS CRT LIGH' 010.4430.5605 38.61 Total : 84.96 122613 ., 8/19/2005 004206 FUHLRODT, DEBORAH 070805 REIMB.HANCOCK REGIST.(ANTHRt - REIMB.HANCOCK REGIST.(ANTHR� 010.4201.5502 93.00 REIMBURSE BOOK(ANTHRO) 010.4201.5502 101.18 Total : 194.18 122614 8/19/2005 000605 GAS COMPANY,THE 8/5-200 GAS SERVICES200 E BRANCH GAS SERVICES200 E BRANCH 010.4145.5401 14.36 8/5-208 GAS SERVICES208 E BRANCH GAS SERVICES208 E BRANCH 010.4145.5401 12.11 8/5-214 GAS SERVICES214 E BRANCH GAS SERVICES:214 E BRANCH 010.4145.5401 9.86 8/6-1500 GAS SERVICES:1500 W BRANCH S GAS SERVICES:1500 W BRANCH S 010.4145.5401 9.53 8/9-200 N GAS SERVICES:200 N HALCYON GAS SERVICES200 N HALCYON 010.4145.5401 35.58 Total : 81.44 � Page: 15 vchlist Voucher List Page: 76 08/19/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendar Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122615 8/19/2005 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC 13656 ENGRAVED NAME PLATE:J.CARSC ENGRAVED NAME PLATE:J.CARSC 010.4301.5201 20.59 13702 MONUMENT PLAQUES:RES#1 MONUMENT PLAQUES:RES#1 350.5905.7301 1,542.45 Total : 1,563.04 122616 8/19/2005 000293 HAINES 8 COMPANY, INC 62074 LEASE ON CENTRAL COAST CRO� LEASE ON CENTRAL COAST CROS 010.4201.5255 217.20 Total : 217.20 122617 8/19/2005 001237 HANSON AGGREGATES 491863 COBBLE ROCK COBBLE ROCK 220.4303.5613 325.04 492863 ASPHALT ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 24772 Total : 572.76 122618 8/19/2005 004188 HARRIS, EDDIE 081605 S.BALL UMPIRE:2 GAMES @$18.0( S.BALL UMPIRE2 GAMES @$18.0( 010.4424.5352 , 36.00 Total : 36.00 122619 8/19/2005 000303 HENDRICKS, CRAIG 41401532 REIMBURSEMENT UPPER IOWA UNIV.TUITION- 010.4201.5502 981.00 51400105 REIMBURSEMENT UPPER IOWA UNIV.TIUTION-BA580 010.4201.5502 981.00 561446 REIMBURSEMENT BOOKBYTE.COM-TEXT FOR BA570 010.4201.5502 34.50 Page: 16 vchlist VOUCher List Page: 17 08/19/2005 70:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122619 8/19/2005 000303 HENDRICKS, CRAIG (Continued) ' 565686 REIMBURSEMENT , BOOKBYTE.COM-BA 580 TEXT BOC 010.4201.5502 51.94 7666548 REIMBURSEMENT AMAZON.COM BA 580 TEXT-- 010.4201.5502 41.93 ToW I : 2,090.37 122620 8/19/2005 005095 HERNANDEZ,ADRIAN 072505 OVERPAYMENT-930 E GRAND AVE OVERPAYMENT-930 E GRAND AVE 640.0000.1110 8621 Total : 86.21 122621 8/19/2005 005105 HILL, KEN 081605 METER DEPOSIT METER DEPOSIT 640.0000.2302 180.00 CLOSING BILL-SEWER 612.0000.1110 -17.55 " CLOSING BILL-WATER 640.0000.1110 -50.48 CLOSING BILL-LOPEZ 641.0000.1110 -64.55 CLOSING BILL-SANITARY DIST 760.0000.1110 -1925 Total : 28.17 122622 8/19/2005 000350 JACK'S REPAIR SERVICE 18858 HONDA PUMP HONDA PUMP 220.4303.5603 181.62 18900 CUP SETS CUP SETS 220.4303.5603 20.90 Total : 202.52 122623 8/19/2005 004845 LARSON, JOHN 081605 S.BALL UMPIRE:3 GAMES @ $17.0( i Page: 17 vchlist Voucher List Page: 18 08/19I2005 70:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: b0a Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122623 8/19/2005 004845 LARSON, JOHN (Continued) S.BALL UMPIRE:3 GAMES @$17A( 010.4424.5352 51.00 ToWI : 51.00 122624 S/19/2005 005096 LEAL, STEVE AND TRISHA 080505 METER DEPOSIT METER DEPOSIT 640.0000.2302 180.00 CLOSING BILL-SEWER 612.0000.1110 -11.46 CLOSING BILL-WATER 640.0000.1110 31.30 CLOSING BILL-LOPEZ 641.0000.1110 -55.85 CLOSING BILL-SANITARY DIST 760.0000.1110 -16.68 Total: 64.71 122625 8/19/2005 001136 LINTNER, DOUG 081605 S.BALL UMPIRE:5 GAMES @$18.0( S.BALL UMPIRE:5 GAMES @$18.0( 010.4424.5352 90.00 ToWI : 90.00 122626 8/19/2005 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 060010 BUS TRANSPORTATION:AVILA BAF BUS TRANSPORTATION:AVILA BAF 010.4425.5303 105.00 060013 BUS TRANSPORTATION:BOOMER: BUS TRANSPORTATION:BOOMER: 010.4425.5303 13125 060014 BUS TRANSPORTATION:RANCHO E BUS TRANSPORTATION:RANCHO E 010.4425.5303 227.50 060018 BUS TRANSPORTATION:RANCHO- BUS TRANSPORTATION:RANCHO- 010.4425.5303 140.00 Page: 18 vchlist Voucher List Page: 19 0811912005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher r Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122626 8/19/2005 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST (Continued) 060020 BUS TRANSPORTATION-MUSTANC BUS TRANSPORTATION-MUSTANC 010.4425.5303 14875 ToWI : 752.50 122627 8/19/2005 004279 MID STATE PLUMBING& 081505 WATER CONS.PROGRAM PHASE I WATER CONS.PROGRAM PHASE I 350.54097001 20,350.47 Total : 20,350.47 122628 8/19/2005 000429 MWER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC 46632 POLY SATIN/PAINTBRUSH POLY SATIN/PAINTBRUSH 010.4213.5604 20.36 47358 CLEANER/PROTECTANT , CLEANER/PROTECTANT 640.4712.5255 21.43 , 47383 MISC PARTS MISC PARTS 010.4211.5601 36.42 47502 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 220.4303.5613 243.52 47521 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES � 010.4420.5605 23.57 47557 ' FASTENERS FASTENERS 640.4712.5610 28.08 47578 HARDWARE HARDWARE � � 640.4712.5610 � � 6.44 47675 ROLLER COVER ROLLER COVER 640.4712.5604 6.42 Page: 19 vchlist Voucher List Page: 20 08/1912005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122628 8/19/2005 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC (Continued) 47718 TOOL BOX FOR E6696 � TOOL BOX FOR E6696 010.4211.5255 32.16 47990 HOBBY PAINT HOBBY PAINT 640.4712.5610 7.49 47997 ADAPTR/HOSE ADAPTR/HOSE 640.4712.5610 -0.54 48009 LI�HT BULB LIGHT BULB 010.4213.5604 6.42 48035 PATCH CONCRETE/KNIVES PATCH CONCRETE/KNIVES 640.4712.5604 9.09 48037 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 010.4213.5604 1.92 48093 WATER SOFTENER SALT WATER SOFTENER SALT 010.4211.5255 34.28 48247 CLEANER&SPRAYER CLEANER 8 SPRAYER 010.4211.5255 24.61 60285 ADAPTERlWASHER ADAPTER/WASHER 640.4712.5610 4.80 _. Total : 506.47 122629 8/19/2005 000439 MOSS, LEW&HARTZHEIM 234 AUDIT SERVICE AUDIT SERVICE 010.4120.5303 6,000.00 ToW l : 6,000.00 122630 8/19/2005 000441 MULLAHEY FORD 105356 SEAT BELT-PW34 Page: 20 vchlist Voucher List Page: 21 08H9I2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: b08 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice � PO# Description/Account Amount 122630 S/19/2005 000441 MULLAHEY FORD (Continued) SEAT BELT-PW34 640.4712.5601 58.95 Total : 58.95 122631 8/19/2005 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 299083692-001 OFFICE EXPENSE OFFICE EXPENSE 010.4301.5201 139.80 300649993-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 59.09 ToWI : 198.89 122632 8/19/2005 001886 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN 1013J193 INTERNAL HARD DRIVE FOR SSS INTERNAL HARD DRIVE FOR SSS 010.4201.5607 80.43 7188J175 STORAGE BOXES STORAGE BOXES 010.4201.5201 12.86 7238J175 CE ROM RACK/JEWEL CASES CE ROM RACK/JEWEL CASES 010.4201.5201 � 16.07 Total : 109.36 122633 8/19/2005 004085 OMNI MEANS 24087 bESIGN SERVICES:GRAND-HALCY DESIGN SERVICES:GRAND-HALCY 350.5524.7501 3,264.70 ' Total : 3,264.70 122634 8/19/2005 000481 PACIFIC GAS& ELECTRIC CO 8532998718-5 ELECTRIC � Page: 21 vchlist Voucher List Page: 22 08/1912005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122634 8/19/2005 000481 PACIFIC GAS&ELECTRIC CO (Continued) ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 744.79 ELECTRIC 640.4712.5402 485.65 ELECTRIC . , � 640.4711.5402 18,927.60 ELECTRIC 612.4610.5402 1,034.16 ELECTRIC 010.4145.5401 8,988.41 ELECTRIC 217.4460.5355 16.37 Total : 30,196.98 122635 � 8/19/2005 001739 PACIFIC GAS& ELECTRIC CO 101700187 PGE DESIGN AND CONST.SERV F( PGE DESIGN AND CONST.SERV FC 350.5524.7001 9,904.90 Total : 9,904.90 122636 8/19/2005 005101 PIERCE, CELESTE 081705 PARK DEPOSIT-STROTHER PARK- PARK DEPOSIT-STROTHER PARK- 010.0000.4354 29.00 Total : 29.00 122637 8/19/2005 004858 PINHEY, PEGGY 081605 S.BALL SCORER:3 GAMES @ $7.50 S.BALL SCORER:3 GAMES @ $7.50 010.4424.5352 22.50 Total : 22.50 122638 8/19/2005 000504 PORTE, DENISE 081505 PUPPY PLAY SCHOOL: START 7/18 PUPPY PLAY SCHOOL: START 7/18 - 010.4424.5351 892.50 Total : 892.50 122639 8/19/2005 002363 PRIMARY CARE DOG&CAT 33244 ZAK'S DOG FOOD&ADVANTIX Page: 22 vchlist Voucher List Page: 23 08/19/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122639 8/19/2005 002363 PRIMARY CARE DOG 8 CAT (Continued) ZAK'S DOG FOOD 8 ADVANTIX 010.4201.5322 128.40 Total : 128.40 122640 8/19/2005 005099 RAVALIN, CYNTHIA 081705 PARK DEPOSIT-STROTHER PARK- PARK DEPOSIT-STROTHER PARK- 010.0000.4354 29.00 RANCHO GRANDE-SITE 2- 010.0000.4354 61.00 ToWI : 90.00 122641 8/19/2005 000531 RICHETTI WATER CONDITIONING 36424 , REVERSE OSMOSIS RENTAL:JULY REVERSE OSMOSIS RENTAL:JULY 010.4201.5604 15.00 , Total : 15.00 122642 8/19/2005 000536 ROSE,GREG 081605 S.BALL UMPIRE: 5 GAMES @ $18.0 S.BALL UMPIRE: 5 GAMES @ $18.0 010.4424.5352 90.00 ToWI : 90.00 122643 8/19/2005 004365 RUIZ, DANIEL 081605 S.BALL SCORER:9 GAMES @ $7.50 S.BALL SCORER:9 GAMES @ $7.50 010.4424.5352 67.50 Total : 67.50 122644 8/19/2005 003649 RUIZ, DON 081605 S.BALL UMPIRE:3 GAMES @$18.0( S.BALL UMPIRE:3 GAMES @$18A( 010.4424.5352 54.00 Total : 54.00 122645 8/19/2005 000578 SARMIENTO,ANN 081605 S.BALL SCORER:S GAMES @$7.50 ` S.BALL SCORER:5 GAMES @ $7.50 - 010.4424.5352 37.50 Total : 37.50 Page: 23 vchlist Voucher List Page: 24 08H912005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122646 8/19/2005 000579 SARUWATARI,JOYCE OS1305 REIMBURSE PRESCHOOL SUPPLIE REIMBURSE PRESCHOOL SUPPLIE 010.4423.5253 82.68 Total : 82.68 122647 8/19/2005 003108 SBC/MCI T3954490 267-8633:7/1 TO 8/10 267-8633:7/1 TO 8/10 010.4145.5403 90.01 T3969701 489-2174:7/1 TO 8/7 - 489-2174:7/1 TO 8/7 010.4201.5403 29.19 � ToWI : 119:20 122648 8/19/2005 003024 SCHAFFER, MARK 081605 S.BALL UMPIRE:S GAMES @ $18.0( S.BALL UMPIRE:5 GAMES @ $18A( 010.4424.5352 90.00 Total : 90.00 122649 8/19/2005 000587 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIBUTOR CFN85960 GASOLINE: 7/16 T0 7/31 GASOLINE: 7/16 TO 7/31 010.4201.5608 63.90 Total : 63.90 122650 8/19/2005 003838 SILVAS OIL COMPANY, INC 293304 7857 GALLONS OF 91 PREM.GASO 7857 GALLONS OF 91 PREM.GASO 010.0000.1202 20,443.01 293375 1200 GALLONS#2 RED DIESEL 1200 GALLONS#2 RED DIESEL 010.0000.1202 3,036.03 ToWI : 23,479.04 122651 8/19/2005 000552 SLO COUNTY AUDITOR-CONTROLLER 051205 LAFCO 2005-06 LAFCO 2005-06 010.4145.5503 10,673.00 Total : 1 Q673.00 122652 8/19/2005 000564 SLO COUNTY NEWSPAPERS 8208484 NOTICE OF PH-HISTORIC RESOUR Page: 24 vchlist VOUChe� List Page: 25 08179I2005 10:59:75AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122652 8/19/2005 000564 SLO COUNTY NEWSPAPERS (Continued) NOTICE OF PH-HISTORIC RESOUR 010.4002.5301 210.33 6211522 CUP 05-008 DESILVA CUP 05-008 DESILVA 010.4130.5301 104.74 6211526 PSP 04-001 ANDERSON PSP 04-001 ANDERSON 010.4130.5301 104.74 6212562 LLA 05-001 STURGESS LLA 05-001 STURGESS 010.4130.5301 103.02 6212563 APPEAL CASE 04-008 APPEAL CASE 04-008 010.4130.5301 106.45 6215604 NOTICE OF PH-DCA 05-008;HAMPT NOTICE OF PH-DCA 05-008;HAMPT 010.4002.5301 124.07 6216187 NOTICE OF PH-UNIFORM BLDG CC NOTICE OF PH-UNIFORM BLDG CC 010.4002.5301 202.61 6216317 NOTICE OF PH-FORMULA BUSINE: NOTICE OF PH-FORMULA BUSINE: 010.4002.5301 214.62 6217786 CLASSIFIED AD FOR CHILDCARE- CLASSIFIED AD FOR CHILDCARE- 010.4421.5316 269.56 6223079 NOTICE OF PH-DCA 05-009;FORMI NOTICE OF PH-0CA 05-009;FORMI 010.4002.5301 200.89 Total : 1,641.03 122653 8/19/2005 004860 SMITH,TAMMY 081605 S.BALL SCORER3 GAMES @$7.50 S.BALL SCORER:3 GAMES @$7.50 010.4424.5352 22.50 Page: 25 vchlist Voucher List Page: 26 08119/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor � Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122653 8/19/2005 004860 004860 SMITH,TAMMY (Continued) ToWI : 22.50 122654 8/19/2005 000609 SPEAR, BOB 081605 S.BALL UMPIRE:4 GAMES @ $18.0( S.BALL UMPIRE:4 GAMES @ $18Af 010.4424.5352 72.00 Total : 72.00 122655 8/19/2005 000540 ST PATRICK'S SCHOOL MAY/JUNE 2005 GYM RENTAL:ST PAT'S SCHOOL- GYM RENTALST PAT'S SCHOOL- 010.4424.5251 720.00 ToWI : 720.00 122656 8/19/2005 002499 STEARNS, MICHELE 080805 SUPPLIES FOR CAP DINNER SUPPLIES FOR CAP DINNER 010.4201.5504 59.92 Total : 59.92 122657 8/19/2005 000616 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS 20734 HT1250 BATTERIES HT1250 BATTERIES 010.4201.5606 418.50 Total : 418.50 122658 8/19/2005 000636 TERBORCH, RICK 081505 FUNDS FOR SPECIAL INVEST.-FU� FUNDS FOR SPECIAL INVEST.-FU� 010.4201.5303 1,500.00 FUNDS FOR SPECIAL INVESTIGATI 010.4201.5303 500.00 Total : 2,000.00 122659 8/19/2005 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1006425 SILICA JEL DESICANT SILICA JEL DESICANT 010.4201.5272 38.40 1006590 SUN X SPF 30 SUNSCREEN TOWEI SUN X SPF 30 SUNSCREEN TOWEI 010.4201.5272 112.45 , Page: 26 vchlist Voucher List Pa9e: 27 08/19/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account � Amount 122659 8/19/2005 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL (Continued) 1006622 1 DZ RUBBER GLOVES 1 DZ RUBBER GLOVES 612.4610.5255 71.16 Total : 222.01 122660 8/19/2005 004476 TRAINING NETWORK,THE 4335 TRAINING VIDEOS TRAINING VIDEOS 220.4303.5501 179.89 Freight 220.4303.5501 15.00 ToWI : 194.89 122661 8/19/2005 005074 UNDERWOOD, SANDY 080805 PUNCH CARD REFUND FOR HRS � PUNCH CARD REFUND FOR HRS � 010.0000.4602 20.63 Total : 20.63 122662 8/19/2005 000669 UNION ASPHALT, INC 199458 ASPHALT ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 141.48 Total : 141.48 122663 8/19/2005 002000 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAGING SVC L5245715FH MONTHLY PAGER:FIRE MONTHLY PAGER:FIRE � 010.4211.5403 22.69 . MONTHLY PAGER: BLDG 010.4212.5403 11.34 L5252720FH . MIS PAGER-MONTHLY SERVICE MIS PAGER-MONTHLY SERVICE 010.4140.5303 11.34 Total : 45.37 122664 8/19/2005 005098 WEBB, DONALD 041505 OVER PAYMENT-261 SPRUCE ST#I OVER PAYMENT-261 SPRUCE ST#I 640.0000.1110 76.03 Page: 27 vchlist VouCher List Page: 28 '08119/2005 10:59:15AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescriptionlAccount Amount 122664 8/19/2005 005098 005098 WEBB, DONALD (Continued) Total : 76.03 122665 8/19/2005 000688 WEST COVINA NURSERIES 72643 TREE-916 ROBIN CIRCLE TREE-916 ROBIN CIRCLE 010.4420.5308 48.26 76922 15 G LIQUID AMBER;15 G MAGNOL 15 G LIQUID AMBER;15 G MAGNOL 010.4420.5308 96.53 Total : 144J9 122666 S/19/2005 004857 WHITE, ROBIN 081605 S.BALL UMPIRE:3 GAMES @$18.0( , S.BALL UMPIRE:3 GAMES @$18A( 010.4424.5352 54.00 ToWI : 54.00 122667 8/19/2005 000699 WILSON ELECTRIC COMPANY, LEE PW 2004-03 CREEKSIDE PATH,PHASE III LIGHT CREEKSIDE PATH,PHASE III LIGHT 350.5412.7001 2,397.59 - Total : 2,397.59 122668 8/19/2005 000704 WITMER-TYSON IMPORTS T4641 MONTHLY TRAINING JULY 2005- MONTHLY TRAINING JULY 2005- 010.4201.5322 373.60 ToW l : 373.60 101 Vouchers for bank code : boa Bank total : 168,357.68 101 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 168,357.68 Page: 28 Zoo�-( � ATTACHMENT 3 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 07129/05 -08/11/OS 08119/05 FUND 010 363,530.19 Salaries Full time 188,242.37 FUND 220 12,227.36 Salaries Part-Time - PPT 16,395.61 FUND 284 - Salaries Part-Time -TPT 16,956.67 FUND 612 7,145.64 Salaries OverTime 12,605.39 FUND 640 19,116.55 Salaries Standby 384.90 � 402,01974 ° Holiday Pay 1,039.01 Sick Pay 8,904.31 . , Annual Leave Buyback - Vacation Buyback - Sick Leave Buyback - Vacation Pay 14,730.83 Comp Pay 8,297.42 Annual Leave Pay 4,101.51 PERS Retirement 67,882.18 Social Securify 18,705.48 PARS Retirement 447.78 State Disability Ins. 1,084.17 Deferred Compensation 750.00 Health Insurance 33,335.57 Dentallnsurance 4,452.21 Vision Insurance 1,017.89 Life Insurance 798.52 Long Term Disability 1,070.87 Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 500.00 Council Expense - Employee Assistance 242.05 Boot Allowance - Motor Pay 75.00 , 402,019J4 I i ' ATTACHMENT4 vchlist Voucher List Paye: 7 08126/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122669 8/22/2005 000303 HENDRICKS, CRAIG 081905 8 MEALS FOR ACTIVE SHOOTER C 8 MEALS FOR ACTIVE SHOOTER C 010.4201.5501 80.00 Total : 80.00 122670 8/23/2005 000051 AVILA SIGN & DESIGN 3948 PARKING PERMITS RESIDENTIAL(300)& GUEST(250)• 010.4201.5255 873.02 Total : 873.02 122671 8/26/2005 001050 AMERICAN TEMPS 00041936 PAYROLL: 8/1 TO 8/05/05 PAYROLL L.LOWE 220.4303.5303 1,171.60 PAYROLL: N.BALLAGH 220.4303.5303 1,171.60 PAYROLL: M.THOMAS 640.4712.5303 1,111.11 00042001 PAYROLL: 8/8 TO 8/12/05 PAYROLL: N.BALLAGH 220.4303.5303 1,039.80 PAYROLL: L.LOWE 220.4303.5303 1,171.60 PAYROLL: M.THOMAS 640.4712.5303 1,154.40 � ToWI : 6,820.11 122672 8/26/2005 002632 API WASTE SERVICES 58J00030 R/0 BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. R/0 BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. 010.4273.5303 235.52 ToWI : 235.52 122673 8/26/2005 003074 BENDER&COMPANY, INC, MATTHEW 08536651 WEB FORMATTING FEES WEB FORMATTING FEES 010.4002.5303 21.95 i Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 08/26/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122673 8/26/2005 003074 BENDER 8 COMPANY, INC, MATTHEW (Continued) 8365474 MUNICIPAL CODE SUPPLEMENT#i MUNICIPAL CODE SUPPLEMENT#7 010.4002.5303 402.19 Total : 424.74 122674 8/26/2005 000078 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS 28229 COPIES COPIES OF CONSTRUCTION DOC.� 350.5524.7501 105.43 ToWI : 105.43 122675 8/26/2005 000087 BREZDEN PEST CONTROL, INC 36942 QRTLY PEST CONTROL: ELM ST QRTLY PEST CONTROL: ELM ST 010.4213.5604 109.00 37104 QRTLY PEST CONTROL: WOMENS QRTLY PEST CONTROL:WOMENS 010.4213.6401 77.00 Total : 186.00 122676 8/26/2005 000088 BRIDGE, F BARRY 082205 EXPENSES: SUP.LEADERSHIP C0� EXPENSES: SUP.LEADERSHIP COt 010.4201.5501 416.46 Tota� : 416.46 122677 8/26/2005 000090 BRISCO MILL& LUMBER YARD 125199 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 220.4303.5603 13.46 Total : 73.46 122678 8/26/2005 000093 BROWNELLS, INC 0359902101 GLOCK REFERENCE GUIDE GLOCK REFERENCE GUIDE 010.4201.5603 19.95 Total : 19.95 122679 8/26/2005 000105 CA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES, INC 62376 BARRIER TAPE BARRIER TAPE 010.4211.5255 107.81 Page: 2 vchlist Vouchef List Page: 3 08126/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor - Invoice PO# Description/Account AmouM 122679 8/26/2005 000105 CA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES, INC (Continued) 70802 PIGSKIN DRIVERS GLOVES PIGSKIN DRIVERS GLOVES 010.4211.5272 106.45 70803 INSECT REPELLENT TOWELS INSECT REPELLENT TOWELS 010.4211.5206 86.38 Total : 300.64 122680 8/26/2005 000110 CA ST DEPT OF CORRECTIONS 5680 CMC LABOR FOR JULY 2005 CMC LABOR FOR JULY 2005 220.4303.5303 3,804.06 � Total : 3,804.06 122681 8/262005 000603 CARQUESTAUTOPARTS 4766 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES � 010.4201.5601 72.67 6051 HOSES FOR PW41 HOSES FOR PW41 220.4303.5601 5924 8862 BRAKE BOOSTER F306 BRAKE BOOSTER F306 010.4211.5601 148.80 Total : 280.71 122682 8/26/2005 003168 CELLULAR ONE 02759 CELL PH: JULY 9 TO AUG S,2005 CELL PH: JULY 9 TO AUG 8, 2005 010.4425.5255 106.76 Total : 106.76 122683 8/26/2005 005117 CHAMELEON 35581 RECOVER CHAIR RECOVER CHAIR 010.4211.5255 35.48 Total : 35.48 122684 8/26/2005 000160 CHAPARRAL 08180A CREDIT MEMO-STAPLES FOR COP Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 08126/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122684 S/26/2005 000160 CHAPARRAL (Continued) CREDIT MEMO-STAPLES FOR COP 010.4421.5602 -75.08 12165A STAPLES FOR COPIER STAPLES FOR COPIER - 010.4421.5602 4676 235678 MAINTENANCE(08/07-09/07/OS) MAINTENANCE(08/07-09/07/05) 010.4421.5602 124.28 Total : 95.96 122685 S/26/2005 003599 COMMERCIAL SANITARY SUPPLY 86051801 TRASH LINERS&TOILET TISSUE TRASH LINERS&TOILET TISSUE 010.4213.5604 31424 Total : 314.24 122686 8/26/2005 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER CO 6/30-14273 BOTTLED WATER-PARKS& REC BOTTLED WATER-PARKS&REC 010.4421.5201 3875 6/30-63949 BOTTLED WATER-JUNE 2005 BOTTLED WATER-JUNE 2005 010.4430.5605 8.00 6/30J0931 BOTTLED WATER-CORP YARD BOTTLED WATER-CORP YARD 010.4430.5605 23.00 7/31-14273 BOTTLED WATER: PARKS&REC BOTTLED WATER: PARKS 8 REC 010.4421.5201 38.75 7/31-48517 BOTTLED WATER: PUBLIC WORKS BOTTLED WATER: PUBLIC WORKS 010.4301.5255 28.75 7/31-63949 BOTTLED WATER: SOTO OFFICE BOTTLED WATER: SOTO OFFICE . 010.4430.5605 _ 36.75 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 08/2612005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122686 8/26/2005 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER CO (Continued) 7/3T-70931 BOTTLED WATER:CORP YARD BOTTLED WATER:CORP YARD 010.4430.5605 11.50 ToWI : 185.50 122687 8/26/2005 003227 DAY, SHANE 082205 REIMBURSE HISTORY 107 REIMBURSE HISTORY 107 010.4201.5502 93.00 BOOK FOR CLASS 010.4201.5502 47.52 Total : 140.52 122688 S/26/2005 001515 DE BIAUW, KIMBERELY 082305 AHC-BOOKS AHC-BOOKS 010.4201.5502 47.52 Total : 47.52 122689 8/26/2005 000577 DE LOS SANTOS, LENNY 081705 TENNIS LESSONS:ADULT TENNIS LESSONS:ADULT 010.4424.5351 192.85 - Total : 192.85 122690 8/26/2005 000220 DYKZEUL, DEBI 082305 S.BALL SCORER: 2 GAMES @$7.51 S.BALL SCORER: 2 GAMES @$7.51 010.4424.5352 15.00 Total : 15.00 122691 8/26/2005 005114 ELLIS, VICKI-LYNN 082405 REFUND-SPECIAL INTEREST CLA: REFUND-SPECIAL INTEREST CLA� 010.0000.4605 48.00 Total : 48.00 122692 8/26/2005 003289 EXXONMOBIL FLEET/GECC 8051267 GASOLINE: JULY 2005 GASOLINE: JULY 2005 010.4201.5608 22.76 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 08/2612005 70:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/ACCOUnt Amount. 122692 8/26/2005 003289 003289 EXXONMOBIL FLEET/GECC (Continued) - Total : 22.76 122693 8/26/2005 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 920849 WATER METER BOXES/LIDS WATER METER BOXES/LIDS 640.4712.5610 419.88 ToWI : 419.88 122694 8/26/2005 000818 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CO 400121119 PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR DORF PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR DORF 010.4130.5303 360.00 ToWI : 360.00 122695 8/26/2005 004859 FITZGERALD,JENNIFER 082305 S.BALL SCORER: 7 GAMES @$7.51 S.BALL SCORER: 7 GAMES @$7.51 010.4424.5352 52.50 Total : 52.50 122696 8/26/2005 001503 FORD QUALITY FLEET GSH500431-0001 031 SWITCH/WINDOW CONTROL- � 031 SWITCH/WINDOW CONTROL- 010.4201.5601 431.23 GSH500431-0002 032 REPLACE RINGS& PINON,BEA 032 REPLACE RINGS& PINON,BEA 010:4201.5601 821.02 Total : 1,252.25 122697 8/26/2005 000262 FRANK'S LOCK& KEY, INC 22648 4 GATE OPENERS 4 GATE OPENERS 010.4201.5605 137.07 Total : 137.07 122698 8/26/2005 004372 GARING TAYLOR&ASSOCIATES 5151 WELL#10 DESIGN 8 CONSTRUCTI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 350.5934.7501 5,619.96 5225 WELL#10 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 350.59347501 21625 Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 08/26/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122698 . 8/26/2005 004372 GARING TAYLOR&ASSOCIATES (Continued) 5316 WEIL#10 DESIGN& CONSTRUCTI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 350.5934.7501 34425 5317 WELL#10 DESIGN&CONSTRUCTI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 350.5934.7501 649.50 Total : 6,829.96 122699 8/26/2005 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC 11543 TROPHIES FOR ADULT SOFTBALL• TROPHIES FOR ADULT SOFTBALL• 010.4424.5257 700.00 Total : 700.00 122700 8/26/2005 000287 GROVER BEACH AUTO PARTS O42269 FITTINGS FOR COMPRESSOR PW: FITTINGS FOR COMPRESSOR PW. 220.4303.5603 2.75 04279 HOSE FOR TRUCK PW41 HOSE FOR TRUCK PW41 220.4303.5601 5470 Total : 57.45 122701 8/26/2005 003025 GSI SOILS, INC 14912 SOILS& MATERIALS TESTING- SOILS& MATERIALS TESTING- 350.5524.7001 700.00 Toc�i : �oo.00 122702 8/26/2005 004188 HARRIS, EDDIE 082305 S.BALL UMPIRE: 5 GAMES @ $18.0 S.BALL UMPIRE: 5 GAMES @$18.0 010.4424.5352 90.00 Total : 90.00 122703 8/26/2005 004998 HARRIS, MISSY 081705 REFUND-SPECIAL INTEREST CLA� REFUND-SPECIAL INTEREST CLA£ 010.0000.4605 48.00 Total : 48.00 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: S 08/26/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa / Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122704 8/26/2005 000301 HEACOCK TRAILERS&TRUCK 19122 � SMALL HAND WINCH-ORO PARK- SMALL HAND WINCH-ORO PARK- 010.4420.5605 � 28.96 Total : 28.96 122705 8/26/2005 000307 HICKS TURF EQUIPMENT, BOB 23716 BELT-MOWER P74 BELT-MOWER P74 010.4420.5603 35.04 Total : 35.04 122706 8/26/2005 005113 HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE 082205 PARK DEPOSIT/RENTAL FEE- PARK DEPOSIT/RENTAL FEE- 010.0000.4354 91.00 Total : 91.00 122707 8/26/2005 004930 HURD, BOB 081705 BEGINNING FLY FISHING:SUMMER BEGINNING FLY FISHINGSUMMER 010.4424.5351 52.50 Total : 52.50 122708 8/26/2005 000345 J J'S FOOD COMPANY, INC 148065 BBQ SUPPLIES SUMMER INTERN BBQ 612.4610.5255 83.71 SUMMER MTERN BBQ 640.4712.5255 8370 Total : 167.41 122709 8/26/2005 000348 J W ENTERPRISES 172203 TOILET RENTAL . TOILET RENTAL 220.4303.5552 101.73 Total : 107.73 122710 8/26/2005 000361 KALIN, ED 082405 FIVE CITIES SOCCER CAMP- " � FIVE CITIES SOCCER CAMP- 010.4424.5351 1,528.00 Total : 1,528.00 Page: 8 vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 08126/2005 10:43:57AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122711 8/26/2005 003510 LA CHEMICAL 339815 AMMONIUM SULPHATE GRANULAF AMMONIUM SULPHATE GRANULAf 640.4712.5274 905.00 ToW I : 905.00 122712 8/26/2005 004845 LARSON,JOHN 082305 S.BALL UMPIRE:4 GAMES @$17.0 S.BALL UMPIRE:4 GAMES @ $17.0 010.4424.5352 68.00 Total : 68.00 122713 8/26/2005 000376 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC 3525423 ` UL HEAT SEAL UL HEAT SEAL 010.4211.5601 387.58 Total : 387.58 122714 8/26/2005 001136 LINTNER, DOUG 082305 S.BALL UMPIRE: 6 GAMES @$18.0 S.BALL UMPIRE: 6 GAMES @$18.0 010.4424.5352 108.00 � Total : 108.00 122715 8/26/2005 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 060028 CLASS ROOM FOR ART CLASSES- CLASS ROOM FOR ART CLASSES- 010.4424.5251 176.00 Total : 176.00 122716 8/26/2005 005115 MARATAS, M 26315 REFUND OVERPAYMENT-PARKINC REFUND OVERPAYMENT-PARKINC 010.0000.4203 5.00 ' Total : 5.00 122717 8/26/2005 002537 MDE, INC 3022 MAINT. CONTRACT:9/30/05 TO 9/30 MAINT. CONTRACT:9/30/05 TO 9/30 010.4201.5607 270.00 Total : 270.00 122718 S/26/2005 000417 MELLO 8 SON'S PUMPS& MOTORS 1591 PUMP REPAIR& MOTOR RECONNE Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: 10 08/26/2005 70:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122718 8/26/2005 000417 MELLO&SON'S PUMPS&MOTORS (Continued) PUMP REPAIR&MOTOR RECONNE 640.4711.5603 412.50 Total : 412.50 122719 8/26/2005 000419 MIDAS MUFFLER& BRAKE 11347 014 L/O/F 014 L/O/F , 010.4201.5601 30.47 11365 011 UO/F 011 UO/F 010.4201.5601 30.47 Total : 60.94 122720 8/26/2005 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC 48079 FASTENERS FASTENERS 640.4712.5604 22.31 48321 FASTENERS FASTENERS 640.4712.5604 17.16 48341 PAINT THINNER/EPDXY PAINT THINNER/EPDXY 220.4303.5613 175.77 48379 PAINT AND SUPPLIES PAINT AND SUPPLIES 612.4610.5610 45.30 48407 PAINT BRUSH/EPDXY PAINT BRUSH/EPDXY 640.4712.5604 41.81 48628 PAINTBRUSH/YELLOW EPDXY PAINTBRUSH/YELLOW EPDXY 640.4712.5610 3922 48931 CORNER BRACE F105 CORNER BRACE F105 010.4211.5601 2.67 Page: 10 vchlist Voucher List Page: 11 08126/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO ii Description/Account Amount 122720 8/26/2005 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC (Continued) 49012 COUPLER COUPLER 640.4712.5610 0.58 49077 BUSHING BUSHING 640.4712.5610 0.85 49155 BULBS BULBS ' 010.4211.5255 6.42 61043 CAN OPENER/KNIFE CAN OPENER/KNIFE 640.4712.5273 2679 ToW l : 378.88 122721 8/26/2005 005109 MODERN BUSINESS COMPUTING INC 15669 TRUCK TRACKER 5.0 SOFTWARE TRUCK TRACKER 5.0 SOFTWARE 010.4201.5601 495.00 Freight 010.4201.5601 8.00 Total : 503.00 122722 8/26/2005 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 301935747-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 110.32 Total : 110.32 122723 8/26/2005 000470 ON-DUTY UNIFORMS& EQUIPMENT 35172 EXPLORER LG.CPL CHEVRONS , EXPLORER LG.CPL CHEVRONS 010.4201.5255 5.39 38790 EXPLORER PATCHES EXPLORER PATCHES 010.4201.5255 44.90 Total : 50.29 122724 8/26/2005 004229 OROSZ ENGINEERING GROUP INC 40561 PROF.SERVICES:TRAFFIC SIGNAL Page: 11 vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 08/26/2005 70:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/ACCOUnt Amount 122724 8/26/2005 004229 OROSZ ENGINEERING GROUP INC (Continued) PROF.SERVICES:TRAFFIC SIGNAL 350.5652.7501 580.00 Total : 580.00 122725 8/26/2005 000477 P J'S TOP SHOP 441268 SHIRTS/AWARDS FOR SPRING S.B SHIRTS/AWARDS FOR SPRING S.B 010.4424.5257 1,870.44' Total : 7,870.44 122726 8/26/2005 000481 PACIFIC GAS& ELECTRIC CO 8/11-620838 ELECTRIC: 6208387812-4 ELECTRIC: 6208387812-4 612.4610.5402 211.34 8/11-781296 ELECTRIC: 7812966116-7 ELECTRIC: 7812966116-7 010.4145.5401 15.34 8/15-654774 ELECTRIC:JAMES WY FLASHING L ELECTRIC:JAMES WY FLASHING L 010.4304.5402 32.1 S 8/16-889211 ELECTRIC:8892110711-1- ELECTRIC:8892110711-1- 010.4304.5402 18.33 8/17-2350444 ELECTRIC: 2350444463-1 ELECTRIC: 2350444463-1 640.4712.5402 1772 Total : 294.91 122727 8/26/2005 004858 PINHEY, PEGGY 082305 S.BALL SCORER: 2 GAMES @$7.51 S.BALL SCORER: 2 GAMES @$7bi 010.4424.5352 15.00 Total : 75.00 122728 8/26/2005 004769 POLICE,THE LAW ENF. MAGAZINE 082505 1 YR SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 1 YR SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 010.4201.5503 20.00 Total : 20.00 Page: 12 vchlist Voucher List Page: 13 08126/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Mvoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122729 8/26/2005 002792 PULITZER C COAST NEWSPAPERS 116985 1 YR SUBCRIPTION:PARKS&REC 1 YR SUBCRIPTION:PARKS 8 REC 010.4421.5201 24.00 Tota� : 24.00 122730 8/26/2005 003031 ROBERTSON SUPPLY ' S571 GATORADE FOR CMGCREW GATORADE FOR CMC CREW 220.4303.5613 115.00 Total : 115.00 122731 8/26/2005 000536 ROSE, GREG 082305 S.BALL UMPIRE: 6 GAMES @$18A S.BALL UMPIRE: 6 GAMES @ $18.0 010.4424.5352 108.00 , ToWI : 108.00 122732 S/26/2005 004365 RUIZ, DANIEL 082305 S.BALL SCORER: 5 GAMES @$7.51 S.BALL SCORER: 5 GAMES @$7.51 010.4424.5352 37.50 Total : 37.50 122733 8/26/2005 003649 RUIZ, DON 082305 S.BALL UMPIRE: 3 GAMES @$18.0 S.BALL UMPIRE: 3 GAMES @$18.0 010.4424.5352 54.00 S.BALL SCORER: 2 GAMES @$7.51 010.4424.5352 15.00 Total : 69.00 122734 8/26/2005 000578 SARMIENTO,ANN 082305 S.BALL SCORER: 9 GAMES @$7.51 S.BALL SCORER: 9 GAMES @$7.51 010.4424.5352 67.50 ToWI : 67.50 122735 8/26/2005 000479 SBC 8/7-0183 451-0183: RAD10 451-0183: RADIO 010.4145.5403 187.81 ' Page: 13 vchlist Voucher List Page: 14 08I26/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/ACCOUnt Amount 122735 8/26/2005 000479 SBC (Continued) 8/73953 8413953 841-3953 010A211.5403 32.17 8/7-3956 841-3956:ALARM 8413956:ALARM 220.4303.5303 32.17 8f7-3959 8413959:ALARM 8413959:ALARM 640.4710.5403 32.17 8/7-3960 FD SIGNAL CONTROL FD SIGNAL CONTROL 010.4211.5403 32.17 8/7-7480 271-7480 . 271-7480 010.4201.5403 65.31 8/8-9816 489-9816:PAY PHONE 489-9816:PAY PHONE 010.4145.5403 52.37 8/8-9867 489-9867 � 489-9867 010.4201.5403 54.28 ToW l : 488.45 122736 8/26/2005 003108 SBC/MCI T3978213 473-2198: 7/1 TO 8/10/05 473-2198: 7/1 TO 8/10/05 010.4145.5403 18.10 T397S229 481-6944i 7/1 TO 8/10-05 . � 481-6944: 7/1 TO S/10-05 010.4201.5403 119.59 Total : 137.69 122737 8/26/2005 003024 SCHAFFER, MARK 082305 S.BALL UMPIRE:4 GAMES @$15.0 S.BALL UMPIRE:4 GAMES @$18.0 010.4424.5352 72.00 Page: 14 vchlist VouCher List Page: 15 08/26/2005 10:43:57AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122737 8/26/2005 003024 003024 SCHAFFER, MARK (Continued) ToWI : 72.00 122738 8/26/2005 005110 SCHWIND, WENDY 081805 REFUND-SPECIAL INTEREST- REFUND-SPECIAL INTEREST- 010.0000.4605 32.00 Total : 32.00 122739 826/2005 000587 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIBUTOR CFN86360 GASOLINE 8/1 TO 8/15/05 GASOLINE 8/1 TO 8/15/OS 010.4201.5608 18.86 Total : 18.86 122740 8/26/2005 005111 SLOCUM, REBECCA 081705 REFUND-SPECIAL INTEREST- REFUND-SPECIAL INTEREST- 010.0000.4605 48.00 Total : 48.00 122741 8/26/2005 004860 SMITH,TAMMY 082305 S.BALL SCORER: 5 GAMES @ $7.51 S.BALL SCORER: 5 GAMES @ $7.51 010.4424.5352 37.50 ToWI : 37.50 122742 8/26/2005 003343 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL 23V/12979954 TOOLS TOOLS 010.4211.5273 110.53 23V/12985822 TOOLS TOOLS 010.4211.5273 6.64 Total : 117.17 122743 8/26/2005 000602 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT DIST 063005 FY 04-05 SEWER COLL FY 04-05 SEWER COLL 760.0000.2304 5,159.71 Page: 15 vchlist Voucher List Page: 76 08/26/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: b08 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122743 8/26/2005 000602 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT DIST (Continued) W3105 07/05 SEWER COLLECTIONS FY 05-06 SEWER SVC COLL-07/05 760.0000.2304 46,570.77 FY 05-06 SEWER HOOKUPS 07/O5 760.0000.2305 14,000.00 FY 05-06 SAN.DIST-203 N.RENA 07i 010.4145.5401 13.47 FY 05-06 SAN.DIST-ASH R/RM 07/0: . - 010.4145.5401 13.47 - . . Total : 65,757.42- 122744 8/26/2005 000609 SPEAR, BOB 082305 S.BAIL UMPIRE: 2 GAMES @$18.0 S.BALL UMPIRE: 2 GAMES @$18.0 010.4424.5352 36.00 Total : 36.00 122745 8/26/2005 000613 STATEWIDE SAFETY&SIGNS 43517 BARRICADE TAPE P-7 TAILGATE , BARRICADE TAPE P-7 TAILGATE 010.4420.5601 26.27 43518 CREDIT-RETURNED BARRICADE T, CREDIT-RETURNED BARRICADE T, 010.4420.5601 -74.27 43935 SIGNS SIGNS 220.4303.5613 28.96 44026 ARROW BOARD CONTR.-PW32 ' ARROW BOARD CONTR.-PW32 640.4712.5603 214.50 44057 MARK�NG PAINT: 3 CASES MARKING PAINT: 3 CASES 640.4712.5255 127.80 Total : 323.26 122746 8/26/2005 000616 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS 20767 SERVICE AGREEMENT-SEPT 2005 Page: 16 vchlist Voucher List Page: 17 08126/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: b0a Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122746 8/26/2005 000616 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) SERVICE AGREEMENT-SEPT 2005 - 010.4201.5606 974.00 ToWI : 974.00 122747 8/26/2005 005116 STILES, RONALD 082305 METER DEPOSIT METER DEPOSIT 640.00002302 180.00 � � CLOSING BILL-SEWER 612.0000.1110 -11.76 CLOSING BILL-WATER 640.0000.1110 30.84 CLOSING BILL-LOPEZ � 641.0000.1110 -70.31 � CLOSING BILL-SANITARY DIST 760.0000.1110 -20.58 � . Total : 46.57 122748 8/26/2005 000620 STREATOR PIPE&SUPPLY 421920 4" SEWER CPLG 4" SEWER CPLG 612.4610.5610 4.92 � - - 422164 . 1"CPLG - 1"CPLG 640.4712.5610 3.19 422429 PIPE FITTINGS PIPE FITTINGS 010.4420.5605 7.45 422608 2"PIPE FITTINGS 2"PIPE FITTINGS 640.4712.5610 15.40 Total : 33.96 122749 8/26/2005 002248 STUMPH, MITCH 081805 REIMBURSE EMT CERTIFICATION REIMBURSE EMT CERTIFICATION 010.4211.5501 100.00 Total : 100.00 Page: 17 VC�lllSt Voucher List aage: 18 08/26/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122750 8/26/2005 000623 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH 519 CAR WASHES:POLICE DEPT CAR WASHES: STREETS � 220.4303.5601 45.82 CAR WASHES: PARKS 010.4420.5601 6023 CAR WASHES:WATER 640.4712.5601 37.32 CAR WASHES:POLICE DEPT 010.4201.5601 274.02 Total : 417.39 122751 8/26/2005 000630 TAYLOR, ERIN 080505 REIMBURSE SCHOOL REG/SUPPLI AHC REGISTRATION 010.4201.5502 95.00 AHC BOOKSTORE 010.4201.5502 39.80 AHC PARKING 010.4201.5502 20.00 CUESTA REGISTRATION 010.4201.5502 98.00 CUESTA PARKING 010.4201.5502 20.00 CUESTA BOOKSTORE 010.4201.5502 44.00 Total : 316.80 122752 8/26/2005 002904 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS 23978 UNIFORMS: MARTINEZ UNIFORMS: MARTINEZ 010.4201.5255 820.12 ToWI : 820.12 122753 8/26/2005 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1006775 MISC FARTS" MISC PARTS ` 010.4211.5601 57.98 � Page: 18 vchlist VouCher List Page: 79 08/26/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122753 8/26/2005 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL (Continued) 1006837 DOOR SIGNS FOR ELM ST PARK B DOOR SIGNS FOR ELM ST PARK B 640.4712.5604 91.06 ToWI : 149.04 122754 8/26/2005 004609 TROESH RECYCLING, WC 1536 CLASS#2 BASE CLASS#2 BASE 220.4303.5613 455.65 1545 CLASS#2 BASE CLASS#2 BASE 220.4303.5613 1,738.44 1556 CLASS#2 BASE CLASS#2 BASE 220.4303.5613 632.65 FILL SAND 640.4712.5610 302.03 Total : 3,128.80 122755 8/26/2005 000660 USA BLUE BOOK 022240 FUNCTION VAVLES FOR PUMP-WE FUNCTION VAVLES FOR PUMP-WE 640.4711.5603 60.00 Freight 640.4711.5603 8.34 Total : 68.34 122756 8/26/2005 005112 V&W TOOL AND COMPRESSOR F0605-1 HYDRAULIC SUMP PUMP HYDRAULIC SUMP PUMP 640.4712.6201 1,295.13 Total : 1,295.13 122757 8/26/2005' 000677 VALKO, PEGGY 081905 SUMMER 2005 ART CAMP Page: 19 vchlist Voucher List Page: 20 0812612005 70:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invaice PO# Description/Account Amount 122757 8/26/2005 000677 VALKO, PEGGY (Continued) MINI CAMP 010.4424.5351 2,186.20 MIXED MEDIA 010.4424.5351 958.00 YOUNER ARTIST 010.4424.5351 515.20 ToWI : 3,659.40 122758 8/26/2005 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 1968458260 PATROL CELL PHONES:7/5 TO 8/4 PATROL CELL PHONES:7/5 TO 8/4 010.4201.5403 385.11 1969009241 HOPKINS CELL PHONE:B/7 TO 9/6 HOPKINS CELL PHONE:B/7 TO 9/6 010.4201.5403 44.15 208645197 CELL PH: 748-4974- CELL PH: 748-4974- 010.4430.5605 85.68 508064896 CELL PH PARKS, REC& FAC:- CELL PH PARKS, REC & FAC:- 010.4421.5602 91.31 908064884 CELL PARKS SUPERVISOR- CELL PARKS SUPERVISOR- 010.4421.5602 57.04 Total : 663.29 122759 8/26/2005 000687 WAYNE'S TIRE, INC 751211 SERVICE TO PW16 SERVICE TO PW16 220.4303.5601 23.13 Total : 23.13 122760 8/26/2005 004857 WHITE, ROBIN 082305 S.BALL UMPIRE: 2 GAMES @$18.0 S.BALL UMPIRE: 2 GAMES @$18.0 010.4424.5352 36.00 ToWI : 36.00 92 Vouchers for bank code : boa Bank total : 112,852.96 Page: 20 vchlist Voucher List Page: 21 08/26/2005 10:43:51AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 92 Vouchers in this report ToWI vouchers : 112,852.96 Page: 21 ATTACHMENTS vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 08/30/2005 10:18:17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122761 8/26/2005 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER CO 6/30-48517 BOTTLED WATER-PW JUNE 2005 BOTTLED WATER-PW JUNE 2005 010.4301.5255 2875 Total : 28.75 122762 8/29/2005 005118 APWA SACRAMENTO CHAPTER 082905 APWA CA CHAPT.DINNER (SPAGN� APWA CA CHAPT.DWNER(SPAGN� 010.4301.5503 30.00 Total : 30.00 122764 8/30/2005 000058 BANK OF AMERICA 8/8-2031 DEPT STAFF MEETING DEPT STAFF MEETING 010.4211.5501 57.30 SHIPPING CHARGES � � 010.4211.5201 70.00 8/8-2083 RESTAURANT MEETING-R.STRON( RESTAURANT MEETING-R.STRON( 010.4130.5501 13.74 RESTAURANT MEETING-K.HEFFEF 010.4130.5501 15.62 YOSEMITE CONF:R.STRONG 010.4130.5501 505.00 YOSEMITE CONF:K.HEFFERNON 010.4130.5501 485.00 YOSEMITE CONF:T.MCCLISH 010.4130.5501 415.00 RESTAURANT MTG-R.STRONG 010.4130.5501 28.00 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 08I30/2005 10:18:17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE � Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122764 S/30/2005 000058 BANK OF AMERICA (Continued) 8/8-2091 CASA MUNRAS HOTEL-LOCC CONI CASA MUNRAS HOTEL-LOCC CONI 010.4001.5501 535.70 EXXON MOBIL-FUEL,RENTAL CAR- 010.4101.5501 34.08 SHERATON GRAND HOTEL-CONF- 010.4101.5501 126.73 ENTERPRISE-RENTACARFOR COf 010.4101.5501 132.88 CHEVRON-FUEL FOR RENTAL CAF 010.4101.5501 34.75 8/8-2581 REGISTRATION FEE:APWA CONF- REGISTRATION FEE:APWA CONF- 010.4301.5501 515.00 CLASS REGISTRATION:S.TAYLOR 640.4712.5501 75.00 GAS:TRAINING CLASS- 640.4712.5501 30.00 MOTELROOM 640.4712.5501 98.36 8/8-7762 SUMMER SUPPLIES,OFFICE, SHIR" SUMMER SUPPLIES,OFFICE, SHIR" 010.4425.5255 616.41 SUPPLIES FOR PLAYGROUND 010.4422.5256 147.68 SUPPLIES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS ' 010.4424.5252 63.00 ' 8/8-9163 CHILD CARE SUPPLIES CHILD CARE SUPPLIES 010.4424.5252 282.40 TROPHIES 010.4424.5252 108.90 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 08/30/2005 10:18:17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : b0a Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 122764 8/30/2005 000058 BANK OF AMERICA (Continued) 8/8-9328 CORCORANS- BREAKFAST MEETR CORCORANS-BREAKFAST MEETIf 010.4101.5501 18.27 F.MCLINTOCKS-DINNER MEETING- 010.4101.5501 28.56 CORCORANS-BREAKFAST MEETIN 010.4101.5501 16.34 8/8-9436 HERTZ RENT A CAR � . . HERTZ RENT A CAR � 010.4001.5501 117.22 APPY'S LIQUOR-RENTAL CAR FUEI 010.4001.5501 31.95 FLYERS 25-FUEL FOR RENTAL CAI 010.4001.5501 6.22 I HERTZ RENT A CAR 010.4001.5501 203.01 8/8-9444 , REG.FEES-LEAGUE OF CA CITIES- REG.FEES-LEAGUE OF CA CITIES- - - 010.4001.5501 . 2,110.00 HOTEL DEPOSIT-PORTOLA PLAZA 010.4001.5501 — 743.92 NEWSLETTERlTREND LETTER- 010.4101.5503 195.00 CASA MUNRAS HOTEL-LOCC CONI 010.4001.5501 721.60 Total : 8,582.64 3 Vouchere for bank code : boa Bank total : 8,641.39 3 Vouchers in this repoR Total vouchers: 8,641.39 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page:; 4 ' 08130/2005 10:18:17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount Page: 4 8.d. E pRRO�p O c,p � INCORiORATEO 9.1 V T � JUIY 10. iBll * c4��FORN�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER BY: KAREN SISKO, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER�' SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A JOB DESCRIPTION AND SALARY RANGE FOR THE SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT POSITION DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a resolution establishing a job description and salary range for the Senior Office Assistant position. FUNDING: There is funding for the position in the FY 2005/06 and FY 2006/07 budget, however, an additional appropriation of$3,977 will be required for FY 2006/07. DISCUSSION: The full-time position of Office Assistant I in the City Manager's Office was eliminated in the FY 2005/06 budget and a part-time Office Assistant position was approved. An evaluation of the duties that will be assigned to this position was completed and it was determined that this position should be formally established as a Senior Office Assistant. This position will assist the Director of Administrative Services, the Human Resources Manager, and the Executive Assistant with a variety of administrative, clerical and customer service responsibilities. An updated job description has therefore been developed to reflect the duties that will be performed by the Senior Office Assistant. The start rate of pay for this position will be $15.55 per hour. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve staffs recommendation; 2. Do not approve staffs recommendation; I 3. Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; or 4. Provide direction to staff. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A JOB DESCRIPTION AND SALARY RANGE FOR THE SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT POSITION WHEREAS, the full-time position of Office Assistant I in the City Manager's Office was eliminated on June 14, 2005 per City Council Resolution Number 3853; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") deems it in the best interest of the City to establish a part-time Senior Office Assistant position based on the duties that will be assigned to this position; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") deems it in the best interest of the City to establish a job description for the position of Senior Office Assistant, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ("City') deems it in the best interest of the City to establish a salary range for the position of Senior Office Assistant. This position will be placed on the permanent part-time employee salary schedule. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that the position of Senior Office Assistant is hereby established to perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in the job description attached as Exhibit "A". The permanent part-time position of Senior Office Assistant shall receive the rates of pay as follows: POSITION START 1 YEAR 2 YEARS 3 YEARS + PAY SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE Senior Office Assistant $15.55 $16.33 $17.15 $18.01 This Resolution shall become effective as of September 14, 2005. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2005. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK , APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED TO AS FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT"A" City of Arroyo Grande SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Class specifications are intended to present a descriptive list of the range of duties performed by employees in the class. Specifications are not intended to reflect all duties performed within fhe job. JOB OBJECTIVES: To provide general office assistance in support of the City Manager's Office and Administrative Services Department; to perform a variety of clerical, secretarial and administrative tasks; to provide information to citizens, the general public, and City staff; and to create and maintain a variety of records and files. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED: Receives general supervision from higher level management staff. ESSENTIAL AND MARGINAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS: (Essential and other important responsibilities and duties may include, but are not limited to, the following): Essential Functions: 1. Type, proofread, and word process a variety of correspondence, letters, reports, forms and , documents from rough drafts, verbal instruction or dictation. 2. Assist with the preparation and distribution of a variety of documents and forms including general correspondence, reports, agenda packet materials, minutes, ordinances, resolutions, and memoranda; copy, mail, and post notices and agendas. 3. Receive and screen visitors and telephone calls in a professional manner and with a high level of customer service; respond to public inquiries or route calls or visitors to appropriate personnel; provide information on departmental and City policies and procedures as required; accept applications and payments. 4. File and maintain accurate and up-to-date records and files for assigned areas; monitor various logs, accounts and files for current and accurate information. 5. Receive, sort, distribute, and post incoming and outgoing mail and correspondence; copy and distribute as requested. 6. Prepare various agendas and documents for meetings; type, copy, collate and bind documents; take and transcribe minutes from meetings as assigned. 7. Operate a variety of office equipment including a computer, copier, mail machine, and calculator; enter information into the computer. 8. Maintain inventory of forms, o�ce supplies and other general supplies for assigned department; order supplies as needed. City of Arroyo Grande 9. Assist with the maintenance and updating of information on the City's government cable access channel, the City's website, and the Administrative Services Department's document imaging system. 10. Serve as Deputy City Clerk in the absence of the City Clerk. 11. Provide information to City staff and job applicants as required. 12. Performs special projects as assigned. 13. May attend and record the minutes of the City Council meetings. 14. Set-up meeting rooms as required. 15. Attend training classes and,meetings as required: Marainal Functions: 1. May exercise technical and functional supervision over temporary clerical staff. 2. Perform related duties and responsibilities as required. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledsae of: Modern office procedures, methods, and computer equipment. Principles of business letter writing and basic report preparation. Basic principles and procedures of filing and records management. Basic principles and procedures of record keeping. English usage, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Abilitv to: Prepare a variety of reports, records, and correspondence. Correctly interpret and apply complex City policies, procedures, and regulations. Pertorm general clerical work including maintaining files and compiling information for reports. Type reports and/or enter or scan data into computer at a speed necessary for successful job performance. Effectively respond to requests and inquiries from the general public and City staff. Work independently in the absence of supervision. Operate office equipment including computers and supporting work processing applications. Understand and follow oral and written instructions. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted during the course of work. Maintain confidentiality of information and files. Plan, organize, coordinate, and prioritize assigned tasks so as to meet established timelines. Maintain effective audio-visual discrimination and perception needed for making observations, communicating with others, reading, writing and operating assigned equipment. Maintain physical condition appropriate to the pertormance of assigned duties and responsibilities. City of Arroyo Grande EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING GUIDELINES: Any combination of experience and t�aining that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade. Experience: Three years of increasingly responsible clerical experience. LICENSE OR CERTIFICATE: 1. Possession of, or ability to obtain an appropriate, valid driver's license. WORKING CONDITIONS: Environmental Conditions: Office environment; may travel from site to site; exposure to computer screens; contact with the general public in a customer service environment. Phvsical Conditions: Essential and,marginal functions may require maintaining physical condition necessary for standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time; occasional moderate or light lifting up to twenty-five pounds; extensive use of computer keyboard; near visuai acuity to prepare and review correspondence and other documents. pRROyO S�pi■ OE c,p � INCORVORA7ED 9= U D m # du�r w, ieii * c9��FORN�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: RICK TERBORCH, CHIEF OF POLIC,� BY: KAREN SISKO, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER�- SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING FY 2005/O6 THROUGH FY 2008/09 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION (SEIU), LOCAL 620 DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the FY 2005/06 through FY 2008/09 Memorandum of Understanding with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 620, (Exhibit "A"). FUNDING: Costs are projected to be an increase of approximately $103,816 for FY 2005/06, $135,939 for FY 2006/07, $119,331 for FY 2007/08, and $219,227 for FY 2008/09. DISCUSSION: The City and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 620 which represents full-time General Unit and Supervisory Unit City employees have been engaged in labor negotiations. On August 15, 2005, the City and SEIU negotiators came to a tentative agreement on a proposed contract. The contract will cover a four- year period commencing July 1, 2005 and ending on June 30, 2009. This contract involves salary and benefit issues. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was ratified by the SEIU membership on August 23, 2005. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding as presented; 2. Reject the Memorandum of Understanding and direct City negotiators to reopen negotiations with SEIU. Attachment: 1. Memorandum of Understanding (Exhibit "A"). RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A SALARY AND BENEFIT PROGRAM FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL 620, ARROYO GRANDE CHAPTER, AND REPEALING THOSE SECTIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 3695 ADOPTED ON JULY 8, 2003 IMPACTING SAID EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the City Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City of Arroyo Grande and its employees represented by the Service Employees International Union, Local 620 that compensation be flxed for all full-time non-management employees as herein provided; and WHEREAS, the City has established compensation and working conditions through the meet and confer process with the designated employee representatives as depicted in Exhibit "A'; entitled Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Arroyo Grande and the Service Employees International Union, Local 620, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that the terms of this Resolution as contained in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein shall become effective July 1, 2005. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall repeal those sections of Resolution No. 3695 which established salary and benefits for full-time employees represented by the Service Employees International Union, Local 620. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2005. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED TO AS FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF � . • • ' � , ► ' • -- 2005/2006 - 2008/2009 MEMORANDUM OFUNDERSTANDING SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION LOCAL 620 ARROYO GRANDE CHAPTER TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1: TERM OF MEMORANDUM ........................................ 1 ARTICLE 2: RECOGNITION .......................................................: 1 ARTICLE 3: NONDISCRIMINATION .............................................. 1 ARTICLE 4: UNION RIGHTS ........................................................ 2 4.1 Representation ............................................... 2 4.2 Bulletin Board ................................................ 2 4.3 Union Stewards .............................................. 3 4.4 Dues Deduction ............................................. 3 4.5' Use of City Facilities ....................................... 6 4.6 Contracting Out .............................................. 6 ARTICLE 5: GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ..............................:......... 6 ARTICLE 5.5: DISCIPLINARY APPEAL PROCEDURE ........................ 10 ARTICLE 6: MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ............................................ 12 ARTICLE 7: WAGES IiNCREASES ............................:.................. 13 7.1 Advancement in Salary .................................... 14 7.2 Paychecks ..................................................... 15 7.3 Educational Pay ........:.................................... 15 7.4 Shift Differential .............................................. 16 ARTICLE 8: NO STRIKE / NO LOCKOUT ....................................... 16 ARTICLE 9: SPECIAL PAY PRACTICES ....................................... 17 9.1 Flex-Time Schedules ...................................... 17 9.2 Use of Private Vehicle/Mileage Rate .................. 17 9.3 Callback Pay .................................................. 17 9.4 Hours of Work and Overtime ............................ 17 9.5 Standby Pay .................................................... 18 9.6 Rest Periods and Breaks ................................. 18 9.7 Alternate Work Schedules ............................... 18 9.8 Bilingual Pay .................................................. 18 SEIU MOU SEIU MOU - TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) ARTICLE 10: INSURANCE .......................................................:.... 19 10.1 Medical Insurance Benefits .............................. 19 10.2 Vision Insurance ..............:.............................. 20 70.3 Life Insurance Plan ......................................... 20 10.4 State Disability Insurance ................................ 20 10.5 Dental Insurance Plan ..........................:.......... 20 ARTICLE 11: HOLIDAY LEAVE ..................................................... 21 ARTICLE 12: VACATION LEAVE ................................................... 21 ARTICLE 13: SICK LEAVE .................................................:......... 23 13.1 Bereavement Leave ........................................ 24 13.2 Family Leave ................................................. 24 ARTICLE 14: LEAVES OF ABSENCE ............................................. 25 14.1 Medical Leave ................................................ 25 14.2 Emergency Leave ........................................... 25 14.3 Jury Duty ....................................................... 25 14.4 Military Leave ................................................. 25 ARTICLE 15: UNIFORM ALLOWANCE ........................................... 26 15.1 Safety Shoes .................................................. 26 15.2 Safety Glasses ................................................ 26 ARTICLE 16: RETIREMENT .......................................................... 27 16.1 PERS Retirement Contributions ........................ 27 16.2 Retirement Defined .....................:.................... 28 16.3 Retiree Medical ............................................... 28 ARTICLE 17: PROBATIONARY PERIOD ........................................ 28 ARTICLE 18: PROMOTION .......................................................... 28 ARTICLE 19: PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES ............................. 29 ARTICLE 20: MAINTENANCE WORKER JOB SERIES....................... 30 ARTICLE 21: ENGINEER JOB SERIES............................................. 30 SEIU MOU SEIU MOU —TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) ARTICLE 22: TRANSFERS ..:....................................................... 31 ARTICLE 23: DEMOTION ....................:....................................:.. 37 ' ARTICLE 24: LAYOFFS AND DISPLACEMENT .............................. 31 ARTICLE 25: PERSONNEL RECORDS .......................................... 33 ARTICLE 26: RESIGNATION ........................................................ 33 ARTICLE 27: OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT ..:....................................... 33 ARTICLE 28: POSITION VACANCIES ...................................:......... 33 ARTICLE 29: POSITION CLASSIFICATION ..................................... 34 ARTICLE 30: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT .............................. 34 ARTICLE 31: UNIT ASSIGNMENTS ................................................ 35 ARTICLE 32: MAINTENANCE OF BENEFITS AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS ........................................................... 35 ARTICLE 33: M.O.U. IMPLEMENTATION ........................................ 35 ARTICLE 34: OBLIGATION TO MEET AND WAIVER CLAUSE ........... 35 ARTICLE 35: SAVINGS CLAUSE ................................................... 35 SEIU MOU 2005/2006 - 2008/2009 MEMORANDUM OFUNDERSTANDING , BETWEEN CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND LOCAL 620, SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, ARROYO GRANDE CHAPTER THE PARTIES HAVE MET AND CONFERRED IN GOOD FAITH REGARDING EMPLOYMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE EMPLOYEES COMPRISING THE ABOVE RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION FOR THE GENERAL SERVICES UNIT AND SUPERVISORS UNIT AND, HAVING REACHED AGREEMENT, AS HEREIN SET FORTH, SUBMIT THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL, WITH JOINT RECOMMENDATION THAT COUNCIL ADOPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND TAKE SUCH OTHER ADDITIONAL ACTIONS AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT ITS , PROVISIONS. ARTICLE 1. TERM OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The term of Memorandum of Understanding shall be from July 1, 2005 until June 30, 2009, and thereafter shall continue from year to year. Either:party may request modification,by March 15, 2009, in which event, meeting and conferring shall begin no later than April 15, 2009. ARTICLE 2. RECOGNITION The City recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all . permanent classifications in the Supervisory Employees' representation unit and General Services unit. ARTICLE 3. NONDISCRIMINATION The provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be applied equally to all employees covered hereby without discrimination because of race, color, sex, physical disability, age, national origin, religious affiliation, or Union membership. Employees may elect to exercise their right to join and participate in the activities of the Union for the purposes of representation in all matters of their working conditions and employer-employee relations. The parties agree that there shall be no restraint, coercion, or interFerence with any employee with respect to or because of the employee's membership in said Union. The City and the Union agree that each employee shall be treated equally, fairly, and with dignity and respect. SEIU MOU 1 ARTICLE 3. NONDISCRIMINATION (continued) The Union and the City agree to support the Affirmative Action Program established by the City and that there shall be no discrimination within their respective organizations because of race, creed, sex preference, color, national origin, age, disability, or political belief. Any party alleging a violation of this article shall have the burden of providing the existence of a discriminatory act or acts and/or proving that, but for such act or acts, the alleged injury or damage to the grievant would not have occurred. , Discrimination complaints based on Union membership and/or activity shall continue to be subject to the grievance procedure and arbitration. ARTICLE 4. UNION RIGHTS 4.1 Representation With respect to the meet-and-confer process, three (3) Union representatives shall be the maximum number of employees allowed to meet with City representatives on City time during their normal working hours for the purpose of meeting and conferring in good faith without loss of pay or any benefits. 4.2 Bulletin Board The City will furnish, for the use of the Union, reasonable bulletin board space at reasonable locations. Such bulletin board space shall be used only for the following subjects - Union recreational, social, and related news bulletins; - Scheduled Union meetings; - Information concerning Union elections or the results thereof; - Reports of official business of Union, including reports of committees or the Board of Directors; and - All material shall clearly state that it is prepared and authorized by the Union. Union agrees that notices posted on City bulletin boards shall not contain anything that may reasonably be construed as maligning the City or its representatives. SEIU MOU 2 ARTICLE 4. UNION RIGHTS (continued) 4.3 Union Stewards A. The City authorizes the Arroyo Grande Chapter of the Service Employees International Union to appoint three (3) "Union Stewards" and one (1) alternate, any of which may represent an employee subject to the City's grievance procedure (Article 5). B. The Union shall provide the City Manager with a list of all authorized Union stewards, and the list shall be kept current. C. An employee and/or his/her "Union Steward" representative may, when and to the extent necessary, take official City time, without loss of compensation, in order to participate in the investigation and processing of a grievance as provided for in Article 5, upon notification and approval of the immediate supervisor or his/her designee. D. The City Manager will approve employee and/or Union Steward taking official City time to investigate and process a grievance, when and to the extent necessary, and only if it will in no event adversely affect the operational, security, or safety requirements of the City: E. It is understood that the employee and/or Union Steward shall make every reasonable effort to perform any of the above activities on off-duty time. 4.4 Dues Deduction A. The City agrees to deduct dues twice monthly and remit them to the Union, as approved by the Union Board of Directors and authorized in writing by the individual employees concerned, on forms currently accepted by the City for such deductions. B. For the employees in the unit who authorize Union dues deductions, the City shall automatically continue such dues deduction. C. The City agrees to provide the Union the name and deduction status of all unit employees each pay period for which deductions are made. The report shall include employees hired/transferred into or out of the unit, as well as all those on leaves of absence. SEIU MOU 3 ARTICLE 4. UNION RIGHTS (continued) 4_4 Dues Deductions (continued) D. Deductions. All employees in the unit who have not authorized a Union dues deduction shall, within the thirty (30) day period following notification of their obligation under , this agreement, execute an authorization for the payroll deduction of one of the following: 1) Union dues; 2) a service fee, equal to the percentage of the regular dues, that is used for legally permissible representation costs; or 3) if he/she qualifies, a charity fee, equal to the service fee, to the tax-exempt charitable organization that has been agreed to by the employee and the Union. To qualify for the designated charity fee deduction, an employee must certify to the Union that he/she is a member of a bona-fide religion, body, or sect that has historically held conscientious objections to joining or financially supporting public employee organizations. Such exempt unit employees will be required to submit to the Union a notarized letter certifying that person's membership in such a religion, body, or sect, signed by an official of the bona-fide religion, body, or sect. If an employee fails to authorize one of the above deductions within the thirty (30) day authorization period, the City shall notify the employee, in writing, of his/her contractual obligation to authorize one of the payroll deductions. If an employee fails to authorize one of the deductions, the Union may seek enforcement through the courts. E. Service Fee as Condition of Emalovment. After July 1, 1995, all employees hired into the units who fail to authorize a Union dues deduction or service fee deduction must, as a condition of their continued employment, authorize a service fee deduction within thirty (30) days following the beginning of their employment. , The employee may avail his/herself of the options set forth in "D" above. If an employee fails to meet this obligation, the Union will make a written request to the City to take the necessary steps to separate that employee from City service. The City will inform the Union of all new hires. SEIU MOU 4 ARTICLE 4. UNION RIGHTS (continued) 4_4 Dues Deduction (continued) F. Financial Documentation. The Union has presented a demonstration that the legally permissible costs that may be charged as a service fee to a nonmember equals somewhat more than ninety-five percent (95%) of dues. The City has not challenged that demonstration and agrees to deduct a service fee equal to ninety-five percent (95%) of dues. The Union shall, within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscal year, make available to the City financial documentation that shall meet the requirements of Government Code Section 3502.2. The City agrees to provide the Union the name, department, class, and payroll deduction of all unit employees upon request. G. Petition, Election, and Challenqe. If a petition is filed with the City that requests an election rescinding agency shop, and such petition contains signatures collected within a forty-five (45) day period of at least thirty percent (30%) of the employees in the bargaining unit, an election will be held. Such election may only be held once during the term of the Agreement. The verification of the petition and the election shall be conducted by the State Conciliation Service, voting shall be by secret ballot, and a majority vote of all employees in the bargaining unit shall be required to rescind agency shop. A unit employee, who is subject to the payment of a representation service fee hereunder, has certain legal rights to object to that part of the fee payable 'to him or her, which represents the employee's additional pro-rata share of expenditures by the Union that is utilized for expenditures not incurred for the purpose of performing the duties incident to effective representation in employer-employee relations. An employee wishing to exercise these rights must contact the Union office. H. Hold Harmless. The Union agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees, and agents against all claims, proceedings, and liabilities arising, directly or indirectly, out of any actions taken or not taken by or on behalf of the City under this Article. SEIU MOU 5 ARTICLE 4. UNION RIGHTS (continued) 4_4 Dues Deduction (continued) I. EnforcemenUSeverabilitv. In the event the Service Fee provision of the Article is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or unenforceable, the parties agree to reopen this Article of the Agreement for the purposes of implementing modified agency shop provisions. 4.5 Use of Citv Facilities A. The Union may, with prior approval of the City Manager, be granted " the use of City facilities for Union business meetings of City employees, provided space is available. No use fee will be charged. B. The City shall provide, at no cost to the Union, a copy of each City Council agenda (Summary Form). By being provided the agenda, the Union acknowledges the City has met its obligation of notification of matters or issues within the scope of representation on the Council Agenda. 4.6 Contractinq Out The City agrees to communicate with the Union upon request in regard to the following matters: 1. Any proposed subcontracting of services that would result in the elimination of unit member's job. 2. Changes in services that would result in the elimination of unit member's job. ARTICLE 5. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Purpose: A. This grievance procedure shall be the exclusive process to resolve grievances as the term is defined below: 1. To resolve grievances informally at the lowest level. 2. To provide an orderly procedure for reviewing and resolving grievances promptly. SEIU MOU 6 ARTICLE 5. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) Definitions: A. Grievance means a complaint by an employee concerning the interpretation or application of the provisions of this M.O.U. or of rules or regulations governing personnel practices or conditions, which complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily in an informal manner between the employee and his/her immediate supervisor. B: As used in this procedure, the term "immediate supervisor" means the individual so designated by City management who assigns, reviews, and directs the work of an employee at the first level. Time Limits: Each party involved in a grievance shall act quickly so that the grievance may be resolved promptly. Every effort should be made to complete action within the time limits contained in the grievance procedure; however, with the written consent of all parties, the time limitation for any step may be extended. Step 1: The grievance initially shall be personally discussed between the employee and his/her immediate supervisor. Within seven (7) working days the immediate supervisor shall give his/her decision or response. The grievant may request this decision or response in writing. Step 2: A. If the grievance is not informally resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant in Step 1 a formal grievance may be initiated. A formal grievance must be initiated. A formal grievance must be initiated no later ttian: 1. Thirty (30) working days after the event of circumstances occasioning the grievance; or 2. Within seven (7) working calendar days of the Step 1 decision rendered in the informal grievance procedure, whichever is later. B. However, if the Step 1 informal grievance procedure is not initiated within the period specified in subsection (1) above, the period in which to bring the grievance shall not be extended by subsection (2) above. SEIU MOU 7 ARTICLE 5. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) Step 2: (continued) C. A Step 2 grievance shall be initiated in writing on a form prescribed by the City and shall be filed with the person (2) designated by City management who has the responsibility of the next level of supervision within the department. The employee may be represented by a representative of his/her choice. D. The grievant shall cite the specific provision(s) of the Memorandum of Understanding, ordinance, resolution, or written rule claimed to have been violated in effect at such time the alleged incident(s) occurred, set forth the facts that purportedly constitute such violation, and the specific remedy sought. E. Within seven (7) working days after the initiation of the Step 2 grievance, the City's designated representative for this step shall investigate the grievance and give his/her decision in writing to the grievant. Step 3: A. If the grievant is not satisfied with the decision rendered pursuant to Step 2, he/she may appeal the decision within seven (7) working days to the person designated by the City Manager who has the,next level of supervision within the department, if any. The employee may be represented by a . representative of his/her choice. B. The designated representative shall respond in writing within _ seven (7) working days to the grievant. If the designated representative determines it is desirable, he/she shall hold a conference(s) or otherwise investigate the matter. Step 4: A. If a designated representative was used in Step 3 above or none was designated and the grievant is not satisfied with the decision rendered pursuant to Step 2 or 3 as applicable, he/she may appeal the decision within seven (7) working days to the City Manager. The employee may be represented by a representative of his/her choice. SEIU MOU 8 ARTICLE 5. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) Step 4: (continued) B. The City Manager shall respond in writing within seven (7) working days to the grievant. If the City Manager determines it is desirable, he/she shall hold a conference(s) or otherwise investigate the matter. Step 5: If the grievance is not resolved satisfactorily at the above Step(s), the grievant, with the written concurrence of the Union, within ten (10) days, excluding holidays, may submit the grievance to binding arbitration. Upon mutual agreement of both parties, the time deadline may be extended for a specified number of days. If any question arises as to the arbitrability of the grievance, such question shall be ruled upon by the arbitrator only after he/she has had an opportunity to hear the merits of the grievance. A. The arbitration proceeding shall be conducted by an arbitrator to be selected by the two parties within ten (10) working days after said notice is given. If the two parties fail , ' to reach agreement on an arbitrator within five (5) days, the State Conciliation Service will be requested to supply a list of five (5) names. Each party will alternately strike from the list until only one (1) name remains. The order of striking will be determined by lot. B. The arbitrator shall hold a hearing within ten (10) working days of his/her appointment. Five (5) working days' notice will be given to all parties of the time and place of th'e hearing. Within ten (10) working days after completion of the hearing, the arbitrator shall render the decision in writing and shall set forth his/her findings of fact, reasoning, and conclusions on the issues submitted. The arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any decision that requires the commission of an act ' prohibited by law or violates the terms of this Agreement. However, it is agreed that the arbitrator is empowered to include a decision for reimbursement for financial loss of wages or fringe benefits or other non-financial remedies as judged to be proper. The arbitrator shall submit to all parties his/her findings that shall be binding and final on both parties. SEIU MOU 9 ARTICLE 5. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) Step 5: (continued) C. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed�to empower the arbitrator to make any decision amending, changing, subtracting from, or adding to, the provisions of this Agreement. D. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall not be the responsibility of the prevailing party. All other expenses shall be borne by the party incurring them, and neither party shall be responsible for the expense of the witnesses of the other. If any grievance meeting or hearing shall be scheduled during the work day, any worker required by either party to participate as a witness or grievant in such meeting or hearing shall be released from regular duties without loss of pay or benefits for a reasonable amount of time. E. Either party may request an individual to make a written record of the entire arbitration hearing. The cost of the services and expense of such individual shall be paid by the requesting parties upon mutual agreement. F. All documents dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed separately from the personnel files of the participants as designated in this Agreement. ARTICLE 5.5 DISCIPLINARY APPEAL PROCEDURE Effective for discipline initiated after the date of ratification of this M.O.U., appeals from discipline and discharge of unit employees represented by S.E.I.U. Local 620 only, shall be processed exclusively in accordance with this modified appeal procedure. The provisions of this Article apply only to employees represented by S.E.I.U. Local 620 and ' � supersede any conflicting provisions contained in the Personnel Regulations of the City of Arroyo Grande, Section VIII.D — G inclusive for S.E.I.U. represented employees. Employees represented by Local 620 receiving a "Notice of Recommended Disciplinary Action" under Section VIII A. of the Personnel Regulations shall have the right to Union representation if he/she so chooses. The City agrees to send copies of all disciplinary notices for represented employees to the Union by Facsimile (FAX) and U.S. Mail at: (805) 963-8341 (FAX) Local 620, Service Employees' International Union, AFL, CIO, CLC 933 Castillo Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 SEIU MOU 10 ARTICLE 5.5 DISCIPLINARY APPEAL PROCEDURE (continued) Nothing in this Article shall preclude an employee and the City Manager from informal discussions and/or settlements prior to,the date of the hearing. For the purpose of this M.O.U. and as applied to S.E.I.U. represented employees only; the City's Disciplinary Action procedure is hereby modified as follows: Section D-1: Method of Appeal (S.E.I.U. Only): Appeals shall be in .writing and contain a brief statement about the action being appealed and the reason(s) the employee believes the disciplinary action is not appropriate. The letter of appeal shall be filed with the City Manager within five (5) business days of receiving the notice of disciplinary action. Upon the filing of an appeal, the City Manager shall set a date for a hearing on the appeal not less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days from the date of filing. The City Manager or designated representative shall notify all interested parties of the date, time, and place of hearing. The City Manager will also select a Hearing Officer from either the State Mediation and Conciliation Service (SMCS) or another individual selected from a list provided by the SMCS, provided that the person selected to be the Hearing Officer has experience adjudicating Disciplinary Hearings. Section E: Hearing: No Change to City Personnel Regulations Manual. Section F: Findings of the Hearing Officer: No Change to City Personnel Regulations Manual. Section G: Appeal Procedures: 1. Appeal of Findings by Hearing Officer Other Than City Manager— a., b., c.: No Change to City Personnel Regulations Manual. 2. Appeal of Findings by the City Manager: An employee who believes the City Manager's Final Decision contains findings of fact that are erroneous or legal conclusions which are arbitrary and/or capricious may appeal such findings and resulting proposed disciplinary . action(s). SEIU MOU 11 ARTICLE 5.5 DISCIPUNARY APPEAL PROCEDURE (continued) Section G: Appeal Procedures: (continued) 2. Appeal of Findings by the City Manager: (continued) Such appeals shall be made to the City Council as provided in Section 2-3.14 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. Such appeal shall be filed within twenty (20) working days of receiving the Notice of Disciplinary Action from the City Manager. ARTICLE 6. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS The City retains all its exclusive rights and authority under federal, state, and municipal law and expressly and exclusively retains its management rights, which include, but are not limited ta . the exclusive right to determine the mission of its constituent departments, commissions, boards; • set standards and levels of service; • determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotions; • direct its employees; • determine the methods and means to relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or other lawful reasons; . maintain the efficiency of governmental operations; • determine the methods, means and numbers and kinds of persons by which - government operations are to be conducted; • determine methods of financing; • determine styles and/or types of City-issued equipment to be used; � • determine and/or change the facilities, methods, technology, means, organizational structure, and composition of the work force and allocate and assign work by which the City operations are to be conducted; • determine and change the number of locations, relocations, and types of operations, processes, and materials to be used in carrying out all City functions, including but not limited to, the right to contract for or subcontract any work or operations of the City. SEIU MOU 12 ARTICLE 7. WAGES / INCREASES A. The S.E.I.U. represents the following employee classifications: JULY 1, 2005 JANUARY 1, 2006 CLERICAL AND FISCAL SALARY RANGE SALARY RANGE Administrative Secretary 24 25 Senior Accounting Clerk 23 24 Accounting Clerk II 19 21 Office Assistant II 17 18 Accounting Clerk I 15 15 Office Assistant I 13 14 PUBLIC WORKS. PARKS & RECREATION. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. AND BUILDING Senior Engineer 46 46 Associate Engineer 43 43 Assistant Engineer 36 36 Public Works/Parks Supervisor 35 35 Recreation Supervisor 34 34 Public Works Inspector 32 34 Building Inspector 32 , 33 Fleet Maintenance Coordinator 30 30 Public Works/Parks Leadperson 29 30 Engineering Assistant 29 29 Water Services Worker 27 27 Engineering Technician 26 26 Public Works/Parks Maint. Worker III 25 25 Sports Facilities Coordinator 25 25 Building Permit Technician 22 24 Child Care Coordinator 19 20 Public Works/Parks Maint. Worker II 19 20 Public Works/Parks Maint. Worker I 16 16 Facility Coordinator 15 15 B. FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 The City and the S.E.I.U. agree that all position classifications represented by the Union as depicted in Section "A" of this Article shall receive salaries as represented in Exhibit "A" for the period of July 1, 2005 through. June 30, 2006. This Agreement represents a 3.5% "Cost of Living AdjustmenY' for all represented classifications, effective July 1, 2005. C. FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 (YEAR 2) Exhibit "B" shall be adjusted to represent a 3.5% "Cost of Living AdjustmenY' for all represented classifications, effective July 1, 2006 as represented in Exhibit «C,. SEIU MOU 73 ARTICLE 7. WAGES / INCREASES (continued) D. FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 (YEAR 3) ,Exhibit "C" shall be adjusted to represent a 2.0% "Cost of Living AdjustmenY', for all represented classifications, effective July 1, 2007 as represented in Exhibit "D". E. FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 (YEAR 3) � Exhibit "D" shall be adjusted to represent a 2.0% "Cost of Living AdjustmenY', for all represented classifications, effective January 1, 2008 as represented in Exhibit .�E„ F. FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 (YEAR 4) Exhibit "E" shall be adjusted to represent a 4.0% "Cost of Living AdjustmenY', for all represented classifications, effective July 1, 2008 as represented in Exhibit "F". G. EQUITY INCREASES Equity increases shall take place on January 1, 2006 for the positions listed in Section "A" of this article that indicate an increase in salary range. Affected employees will move into their respective step in the new range as represented in Exhibit "B". 7.1 Advancement in Salarv The salary range as set forth for each classification is divided into five (5) steps that shall be interpreted and applied as outlined in this Article. Salary step increases as provided herein are not automatic but based on performance and merit. Employees shall be placed on the step and qualify for increase in compensation for advancement to the next higher step of the pay ranges in the manner following: A. Tlie first step is the minimum rate and normally shall be the hiring rate. B. The second step is granted to employees who are eligible for this adjustment, after completion of the probationary period. The adjustment shall be made only if granted by the Department Director and subject to the approval of the City Manager or his/her designee. C. The third step shall be granted to an employee who has proven fully qualified in a given classification for one (1) full additional year from granting of previous step increase only if granted by the Department Director and subject to the approval of the City Manager or his/her designee. SEIU MOU 14 ARTICLE 7. WAGES / INCREASES (continued) 7_1 Advancement in Salarv (continued) D. The fourth step shall be granted to an employee who has proven above average in a given classification for one (1) full additional year by the Department Director and with the approval of the City Manager or his/her designee. E. The fifth step shall be granted to an employee who has continued to demonstrate above average performance and has demonstrated continued growth in a given classification for one (1) full additional year by the Department Director and with the approval of the City. Manager or his/her designee. F. A performance report on each employee recommended for salary advancement shall be prepared and submitted by the Department Director to the City Manager prior to final action on such recommendation at each step. G. An employee must always continue to maintain an acceptable level of performance and shall be evaluated annually by his/her Department Director. If the written evaluation by the Department Director does not support a continued acceptable effort, an individual may be reduced in salary by the Department Director, with the approval of the City Manager or his/her designee. 7.2 Pavchecks The City will pay regular checks on a biweekly basis and continue payroll deductions for the County-City Employee Credit Union, when so desired by employees. 7.3 Educational Pav A. The Educational Pay Program is intended to promote the improvement of employee efficiency and the advancement of employees to positions of higher skills. B. Employees may qualify for advancement of one salary range above their position classified range upon receipt of an Associated Arts Degree, in a field relative to their job classification, from an accredited junior college, or upon earning a special license or certificate, deemed to be equivalent to an AA degree and is related to the performance of the employee's duties and/or assignment, upon recommendation of the Department Director and approval by the City Manager. For purposes of completion of certificated courses related to an employee's duties and/or assignment equivalency (including those programs resulting in a special license or certificate), or an aggregate of the same which equals or exceeds 720 instructional hours, will be deemed to be equivalent to an AA degree. SEIU MOU 15 ARTICLE 7. WAGES / INCREASES (continued) 7_3 Educational Pay (continued) Any employee who is receiving educational pay for any license or certificate as of July 1, 1999, will continue to receive such pay. C. Employees who possess licenses or certificates as specified in Section B of this Article, totaling less than 720 hours and more than 300 hours, shall qualify for an advancement in salary of $20 per pay period upon recommendation of the Department Director and approval by the City Manager. D. Employees may qualify for advancement of two salary ranges above their position classified range upon receipt of a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Degree in a field relative to their job classification, from an accredited college, upon recommendation of the Department Director and approval of the City Manager. E. Exception: Where job classifications or requirements include an Associated Arts or Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts degree, Section B and Section C, will not apply. F. No additional educational pay shall be made for duplicate, or more than one, AA degree, BA degree, or applicable certificates. 7.4 Shift Differential The City shall pay $.50 (fifty cents) per hour additional wages for each hour worked when at least four and one-half (4 Yz) hours are worked between 5:30 P.M. and 7:30 A.M., providing such working assignment has been assigned/approved by the Department Director with the concurrence of the City Manager. Exception to the prior approval provisions shall be granted for emergency call-outs. ARTICLE 8. NO STRIKE I NO LOCKOUT The Union agrees that during the term of this Memorandum of Understanding, neither the Union or the employees it represents will engage in, encourage, sanction, support, or suggest any strikes. The employer agrees that it will not lock out any of its employees during the term of this Memorandum of Understanding. SEIU MOU 16 ARTICLE 9. SPECIAL PAY PRACTICES 9_1 Flex-Time Schedules Employees for whom necessity requires a different schedule than that generally applied shall work according to regulations prepared by the respective supervising officials and approved by the City Manager. The City shall specify in writing all changes in work place and hours and provide the afFected employees. with reasonable notice of these changes. Hours may be altered to permit flex- time. 9_2 Use of Private Vehicle / Milea4e Rate An employee who is required to operate his or her own privately-owned automobile for the performance of official duties shall be reimbursed at the rate established by the City Council for each mile necessarily traveled. Such reimbursement shall be paid monthly. 9.3 Callback Pav Callback is defined as that circumstance requiring an employee to unexpectedly return to work after the employee has left work at the end of the employee's work day or work week. An employee called in early to start his/her work shift, without prior reasonable notice, will also receive time and one-half (1 '/2) overtime pay for all extra hours worked, with a minimum call-out of two (2) hours. 9.4 Hours of Work and Overtime The normal working schedule of full-time employees shall be eight (8) hours pay or forty (40) hours per week. All authorized time worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week, or on a holiday recognized in this Memorandum of Understanding, shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1 '/z) times the employee's regular base hourly rate of pay. Time worked for computation of overtime shall include holidays, jury duty, sick leave, bereavement leave, and previously scheduled vacation and compensatory time off, for purposes of this paragraph, and shall be calculated at a maximum of eight (8) hours per day. Overtime shall be computed at the nearest quarter (1/4) hour. At the request of any employee eligible for overtime pay, his/her supervisor will provide that, in lieu of cash payment for any overtime, he/she may have the choice of time off with pay at the rate of one and one-half (1 Y:) hours for each hour of overtime worked. Compensatory time off shall be taken at the option of the employee, with the consent of the supervisor. The limit for accrued compensatory time off is 150 hours per employee. Upon separation from employment, an employee is entitled to receive cash compensation for any unused compensatory time. SEIU MOU 17 ARTICLE 9. SPECIAL PAY PRACTICES (continued) 9_5 Standbv Pav Standby duty is defined as that circumstance which requires an employee so assigned to: 1. Be ready to respond immediately to a call for service; and 2. Be readily available at all hours by telephone. An employee so assigned to standby duty shall receive $1.50 per hour, to begin at the end of the regularly scheduled work day or work week, or other employee's standby time, and end at the start of the next regularly scheduled work day or the beginning of another employee's standby time. When an employee is called in and is being paid at his/her normal rate of pay (including overtime), standby pay will not apply. 9.6 Rest Periods and Breaks Employees in all bargaining unit classes are entitled to a fifteen (15) minute duty- free rest period during each four (4) hours of continuous work. A rest period shall count as fifteen (15) minutes of time worked for calculation of paY• Rest periods may be suspended when unusual emergency conditions require continuous pertormance of duties in order to protect or preserve life or property. 9_7 Alternate Work Schedules The City and the Union agree that under some circumstances alternate work schedules may be beneficial to both employees and the City. Accordingly, employees may request to work an alternative work schedule. Such requests shall be subject to approval by the Department Director and the City Manager. City management reserves the right to remove employees from alternative work schedules. 9.8 Bilinqual Pav A. An employee fluent in Spanish or other language, the use of which has been determined by the City Manager to be of benefit to the City, shall be paid $50.00 per month. Fluency shall be certified by a test administered through the City Manager's Office. A certified employee shall request bilingual pay on a form approved by the City Manager. No more than six employees fluent in one of the identified languages shall be eligible for bilingual pay at any one time. SEIU MOU 18 ARTICLE 9. SPECIAL PAY PRACTICES (continued) 9_8 Bilinqual Pav (continued) B. The City Manager shall determine which employees, what mix of languages, and which job functions may be eligible for bilingual pay based upon accessibility of the employee to the public, representation in departments, or other factors that could affect the use of theses skilis for public benefit. Nothing in this section shall preclude the use by an employee of foreign language skills in the work place for the public benefit even if the employee is not receiving bilingual pay. ARTICLE 10. INSURANCE 10.1 Medical Insurance Benefits A. The base medical plan shall be defined as the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) program available to the City. If availability of an HMO to the City is discontinued by the medical plan provider, the base plan will become the basic , PPO plan available to the City by the existing medical plan provider. B. For the period of July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005, the City shall pay the monthly medical plan insurance premiums for each employee and all of his/her eligible dependents participating in the plan to a maximum of $322.25 with respect to an employee enrolled for self alone, $644.50 for an employee enrolled for self and one family member, and $837.84 for an employee enrolled for self and two or more family members. C. For the period of January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006, the City shall pay the monthly medical plan insurance premiums for each employee and all of his/her eligible dependents participating in the plan to a maximum of $352.37 with respect to an employee enrolled for self alone, $704.73 for an employee enrolled for self and one family member, and $916.14 for an employee enrolled for self and two or more family members. D. 'For the period of January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007, the City shall pay the amount in effect on December 31, 2006, plus 87.5% of any increase to the premium for the base plan available to the City. E. For the period of January 1, 2008 through December 30, 2008, the City shall pay the amount in effect on December 31, 2007, plus 75.0% of any increase to the premium for the base plan available to the City. F. For the period of January 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009, the City shall pay the amount in effect on December 31, 2008, plus 75.0% of any increase to the. premium for the base plan available to the City. G. In no event shall the amount of the City's contribution to medical care premiums exceed 100% of the cost of providing the insurance coverage. SEIU MOU 19 ARTICLE 10. INSURANCE (continued) H. Upon providing the City written proof that medical insurance coverage is in force through coverage provided by another source, an employee may opt out of the City's medical insurance plan and receive payment at the employee only level consistent with any rules or restrictions on the City by the medical plan provider. I. Medical insurance is available for,retirees through the City at the retiree's own expense until the retiree is eligible for Medicare. J. The City will maintain health benefits through CaIPERS for calendar year 2006. K. Employees may choose to enroll in the Section 125 plan to have their payroll premium deductions taken out pre-tax, providing the Section 125 plan is offered. 10.2 Vision Insurance The City shall provide a Vision Care Plan for bargaining unit members. The City shall contribute the full family premium. The City may select an alternate vision care provider during the term of the M.O.U. providing that: 1. Any new plan maintains equivalent benefits to the employees; and 2. At least twenty-one (21) days advanced notice of plan changes are provided to the Union. 10.3 Life Insurance Plan City shall provide group term life insurance benefit plan for bargaining unit members, which shall provide for forty thousand dollars ($40,000) life coverage for employees only during the term of their employment. A. The City shall make available additional voluntary life insurance coverage, at the employee's expense, as long as the minimum participation requirements of the insurance provider are met. 10.4 State Disabilitv Insurance The City shall provide and pay the premiums for State Disability Insurance, integrated with sick leave. Effective January 1, 2004, the City will pay the premiums for the new Family Temporary Disability Insurance. Should there be any future rate increases to State Disability Insurance andlor Family Temporary Disability Insurance plans after January 1, 2004, the City and SEIU Local 620 agree to meet and confer to discuss responsibility for payment of such increases. 10.5 Dental Insurance Plan The, City shall provide for all employees in classifications represented in this Memorandum of Understanding a dental plan of the City's choice: The City shall pay up to the full family premium. The City may select an alternate dental insurance plan provider during the term of this M.O.U. providing that: 1. Any new plan maintains equivalent benefits to the employees; and 2. At least twenty-one (21) days advanced notice of plan changes are provided to the Union. SEIU MOU 20 ARTICLE 11. HOLIDAY LEAVE The following days shall be paid holidays for employees: a. Independence Day b. Labor Day c. Veterans' Day d. Thanksgiving Day � e. Day following Thanksgiving f. Christmas Eve g. Christmas Day h. New Year's Eve (1/2 day) i. New Year's Day j. Martin Luther King Day k. Lincoln's Birthday I. PresidenYs Day m. Memorial Day n. One:day of Employee choice with Supervisor approval (Floating Holiday) o. Every day designated by the President, Governor, or Mayor for public observance as a special, nonrecurring single event, such as the death of a national leader or end of a war. When any of the above-listed holidays fall on Saturday, it will be recognized on Friday. If it falis on Sunday, it will be recognized on Monday. For all employees who regularly worked on Saturday and/or Sunday, the holiday will be specified by the above-listed dates. In case a holiday falls on an employee's regularly scheduled day off, he/she shall have the option to take such a holiday on an alternate day, as selected by the employee and approved by the Department Director. ARTICLE 12. VACATION CEAVE A. The purpose of annual vacation.leave is to enable each eligible employee to annually return to his work mentally and physically refreshed. B. Each eligible employee shall be required to have served the equivalent of one (1) year of continuous service in the City in order to be eligible for his/her full annual vacation leave. However, in the event an employee so chooses, he/she may, after six (6) continuous months of service, take vacation leave not to exceed five (5) working days, with the Supervisor's approval. C. Employees who terminate employment and upon return of all City-owned property in good condition, shall be paid in a lump sum for all accrued vacation leave earned prior to the date of termination. � SEIU MOU 21 ARTICLE 12. VACATION LEAVE (continued) D. Vacation leave with pay shall be earned by employees in accordance with the following schedule: AFTER: YEARS DAYS = HOURS PER MONTH 01 10 6.67 02 12 8.00 03 13 8.67 04 14 9.34 05 15 10.00 06 15 10.00 07 16 10.67 08 16 • 10.67 09 17 11.34 10 17 11.34 11 18 12.00 12 18 12.00 13 19 12.67 14 19 12.67 15 20 13.34 E. If for any reason an employee becomes ill during a vacation, or in the case where a holiday falls during a vacation period, the affected employee shall be entitled to utilize such available sick or holiday leave in lieu of vacation � leave. The vacation period may be appropriately extended upon approval of the Supervisor. F. Vacation leave may be taken as it accrues. Vacation shall be scheduled at the discretion and convenience of each individual employee, with the consent of the Supervisor, within the limitations necessitated by fhe legitimate operational needs of the City. G. In the event the scheduling preferences of two (2) or more employees conflict, the preferences of the more senior employee from date of hire shall govern, barring any unusual circumstances. H. An employee must use a minimum of 50% vacation leave earned each calendar year during that same calendar year. The balance of the vacation leave remaining unused during that same calendar year may be accrued. Exception is made to this paragraph for all new employees commencing City employment after December 315� of each year so that there is no requirement upon a new employee to use a minimum of 50% of vacation leave earned by the first December 31St after employment commences. SEIU MOU 22 ARTICLE 12. VACATION LEAVE (continued) I. Employees may accrue vacation leave up to a maximum of 225 hours. In the event an employee's accrued vacation leave exceeds the maximum allowable on January 1, the employee shall be paid at his/her January 1 hourly wage rate for those hours accrued in excess of the maximum allowable. Upon request of an employee, an exception to the accrual limit may be made upon recommendation by the Department Director and approval by the City Manager. ARTICLE 13. SICK LEAVE A. All full-time, permanent employees shall accrue one (1) working day. of sick leave with pay for each month of service. The maximum accumulation of earned sick leave shall be 1,200 hours. An employee will not accumulate any additional sick leave until such time as :his/her accumulated balance falls below 1,200 hours. Upon retirement an employee may choose to be paid 50% of his/her unused sick leave, to a maximum of 480 hours at his/her current rate of pay. Upon retirement, unused accumulated sick leave may be converted to PERS retirement credit per the City's contract with PERS. At the end of each calendar year, each employee has the option of being paid straight time for 25% of his/her unused sick leave of that year, transferring it to vacation, or leaving it in sick leave. B. Employees may transfer sick leave on a voluntary basis to a fellow employee who has exhausted all his/her sick leave and vacation leave due to an extended illness or injury. The transfer shall be based on each employee's hourly rate of pay and shall not exceed twenty-four (24) hours of sick leave based on the hourly rate of pay of the receiving employee. The transfer shall be requested on a form provided by the City, be completed by both employees who mutually request such transfer, and submitted for approval to their Department Directors and the City Manager for final approval. The receiving employee shall not be obligated to repay any transferred leave to the contributing employee, and contributing employee understands that such transfer shall be deemed as if used and will be subject to all other provisions applicable. SEIU MOU 23 ARTICLE 13. SICK LEAVE (continued) 13.1 Bereavement Leave Permanent employees shall be granted leave by their Department Director whenever the affected employee has experienced a death in the immediate family, defined as the spouse, the employee's or employee's spouse's father, mother, brother or sister, child or stepchild, grandparents, grandchildren, son-in- law, daughter-in-law, "step" relatives as described above, aunt or uncle, or any other person residing in the same household where attendance to the funeral is necessary. � Such absence by the employee shall be limited to five (5) working days per occurrence of paid leave. Such leave is not chargeable against sick or vacation leave. As a condition of granting leave for bereavement purposes, the appointing authority may request verification of the loss. 13.2 Familv Leave A. An employee may take an unlimited amount of sick leave if required to be away from the job to personally care for a member of his/her immediate family, as defined in Article 13.2, Bereavement Leave, subject to approval of the supervisor and verification of need. B. Pursuant to the State and Federal Leave Acts, the following is provided for all employees who have been employed a minimum of twelve (12) months and have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period preceding leave: 1. Up to twelve weeks (60 workdays) unpaid leave in a twelve (12) month period. Intermittent leave is allowed. 2. Leave may be taken for: (1) birth of an care of newborn child; (2) placement of child with employee for adoption or foster care; (3) to care for spouse, child, or parent having serious health condition; (4) employee's own serious health condition. 3. The employee's insurance, including medical, dental, vision, and life insurance will be maintained under the same conditions as if the employee were still working. 4. Request for leave must be made 30 days prior to leave, if foreseeable. 5. Employee may use accrued vacation, holiday, or personal leave during family leave. Sick leave may be used for employee and/or immediate family illness or disability. 6. Upon return to work, employee will be restored to same or equivalent position with equivalent benefits. All other provisions of the State FCLA and Federal FMLA apply. SEIU MOU 24 ARTICLE 14. LEAVES OF ABSENCE 14.1 Medical Leave Medical leave without pay may be granted for the purpose of recovery from prolonged illness or injury or to restore health or for pregnancy upon employee's written request to and approved by the Department Director and City Manager, subject to submission of inedical evidence satisfactory as establishing the employee's medical need. During the approved leave period, the City will not pay employee benefits; however, the employee may elect to maintain City medical insurance coverage for employee and dependents at employee's sole cost if such coverage of all individuals is in effect si�y (60) days prior to leave application to the City Manager. 14.2 Emeraencv Leave Emergency leave without pay may be granted to any permanent employee who, upon written request to and approved by the Department Director and City Manager, demonstrates that the leave is necessary for personal reasons beyond his/her control or will serve to improve his/her ability as an employee of the City. Emergency leaves may be granted up to a maximum of one (1) year. Upon expiration of an approved emergency leave, the employee shall be reinstated in the position held at the time leave was granted. The leave period shall not be credited to employee seniority or credited toward time served with the City. Failure on the part of the employee on leave to report promptly at the leave's expiration shall be cause for discharge. During the leave period the City will not pay employee benefits; however, the employee may elect to maintain City medical insurance coverage for employee and dependents at employee's sole expense if such coverage of all individuals is in effect sixty (60) days prior to leave application to the City Manager. 14.3 Jurv Dutv Employees shall be granted leave, with full pay and no loss in benefits, when called for jury duty, if the employee remits jury fees received for such jury duty. The employee may retain all travel pay or subsistence pay granted by the court � because of the employee's participation in jury duty. The employee shall be responsible for notifying his/her supervisor as soon as possible upon receiving notice to appear for jury duty, make every reasonable effort to keep his/her supervisor advised as to the anticipated length of service, and return to work immediately following the end of jury duty service. 14.4 Militarv Leave Every employee of the City shall be granted military leaves of absence and other benefits as provided in Division II, Part I, Chapter Vll of the Military and Veteran's Code of the state of Califomia. SEIU MOU 25 ARTICLE 15. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE The City agrees to furnish five (5) shirts and five (5) pairs of pants per week for employees in the following classifications: Public Works Inspector Maintenance Worker I, II, III Public Works and Parks Supervisor Fleet Maintenance Coordinator Public Works and Parks Leadperson Building Maintenance PerSon Sports Facilities Maintenance Worker Employees hired to fill newly-created classifications will also receive uniforms under this section if the wearing of a uniform is required. Uniforms for the above-listed field personnel are to be worn during work and may be worn to and from work. 15.1 Safetv Shoes During the term of this Agreement, the City shall pay to all unit employees, as listed in Article 15, and to the classification of Building Inspector, Assistant Engineer, Associate Engineer, and Senior Engineer, $150 per year toward the purchase of safety shoes. Employees working less than one (1) year will receive a prorated safety shoe allowance based upon time worked. The safety shoes must be worn during all hours where there is a need for such shoes or as required by the Department Director. 15.2 Safetv Glasses The City will provide safety prescription glasses and lens for those employees who need them to carry out their tasks. The glasses will comply with OSHA standards. SEIU MOU 26 ARTICLE 16. RETIREMENT 16.1 PERS Retirement Contributions A. 1. G.C. Section 21354. The PERS 2°/a at Age 55 Retirement Plan is provided for non-sworn personnel, with the City paying back to each non- safety employee an amount equal to the 7% deduction from the non- safety employee's paycheck for PERS retirement. 2. G.C. Section,21354.4. Effective July 1, 2008, the City shall provide the 2.5% @ 55 Miscellaneous Retirement Plan for non-safety employees, provided that: 1) the specified plan is still available on the implementation date; 2) there is no requirement for the City to establish and maintain a two-tier retirement program as a result of State legislative or initiative action which had been approved by the effective date of the implementation of this plan, which would require the City in the future to maintain separate retirement plans for non-safety employees by providing a plan to existing employees that will no longer be available for future newly hired employees; and 3) non-safety management employees and non-safety members of other bargaining units within the City who will benefit under this retirement plan will contribute an amount equal to that contributed by the members of the SEIU Local 620 bargaining unit. Employees will pay 2.5 percentage points of the employee's 8% PERS contribution and the City will pay the remaining 5.5 percentage points. a. If, due to one of the three provisos stated above, the 2.5% @ 55 Miscellaneous Retirement Plan is not implemented, there will be a reopener on or about April, 2008 between the City and SEIU Local 620 to negotiate a possible increase in base salary in lieu of the implementation of the plan. Any such salary increase shall not exceed the City's anticipated costs based upon the PERS actuarial study dated April 13, 2005 (said costs being a maximum of 2.4%). B. G.C. Section 20636 (c)(4) pursuant to Section 20691. Beginning in FY 2002-2003 the City agrees that the employee portion of the PERS contribution, made by the City, shall be reported to PERS as income. The City will be responsible for the increased PERS contribution as a result of the reporting change. C. G.C. Section 21024 and 21027. Employees may buy back, at their expense, retirement service credit for prior military service as permitted by PERS. D. GC Section 20042. Retirement benefits are based on the highest single year compensation. E. GC Section 20965. Employees will receive credit for unused sick leave. F. GC Section 21548. The spouse of a deceased member, who was eligible to retire for service at the time of death, may elect to receive the Pre- Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit. This provision will go effective January 1, 2005. SEIU MOU 27 ARTICLE 16. RETIREMENT (continued) 16.2 Retirement Defined Retirement is defined as the termination of employment at an age when the employee would qualify for an allowance under the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) and the City's Personnel Regulations. 16.3 Retiree Medical A. Employees who retire from City service will be allowed to purchase medical insurance coverage through the City. B. The City has elected to participate in the PERS Health Benefit Program with the unequal contribution option. The City's contribution towards retirees started at $1.00 per year in 2000. The contribution shall increase 5% per year of the City's contribution for active employees until such time that the contributions for retirees and active employees are equal, providing that the City is participating in the CaIPERS Health Plan. ARTICLE 17. PROBATIONARY PERIOD All appointments, original and promotional, shall be tentative and subject to a probationary period of twelve (12) months. The Department Director, with consent of the City Manager, may extend the probationary period for specified cause(s), which shall be provided in writing to the employee. The probationary period shall be regarded as a part of a continuing testing process and shall be utilized for closely observing the employee's work, for securing the most effective adjustment of an employee to his/her newly appointed position, and for rejecting any probationary employee whose performance does not meet the required standards of work. The Department Director, with the consent of the City Manager, may release a newly hired probationary employee from City employment without cause at any time during the probationary period. The Department Director, with the consent of the City Manager, may remove a transferred or promoted employee from the position to which promoted without cause at any time during the probationary period; in which event, that employee shall be reinstated to his/her original position from which originally transferred or promoted. ARTICLE 18. PROMOTION Promotion of an employee to a higher range shall result in an increase in salary. The employee's salary shall be placed in the salary range of the new position which would result in at least a five percent (5%) increase in salary compared to the employee's existing salary position. Promotion of the employee may be made with the consent of SEIU MOU 28 ARTICLE 18. PROMOTION (continued) the City Manager without testing or opening the position for consideration of all non- employees. All current employees shall be given consideration for a position opening that will be filled by promotion. An employee promoted to a new position shall serve a twelve (12) month probationary period in that position. In the event the promoted party is removed from the position to which promoted, the employee shall be considered demoted but shall be returned to the range from which promoted. No change in step shall occur as a result of an employee passing the promoted position probationary period. A promoted employee shall retain his or her salary anniversary date held prior to promotion. ARTICLE 19. PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES A. Postina Promotional opportunities for classifications within the representation unit will be posted for at least ten (10) working days (Monday through Friday) prior to selection. B. Selection The selection procedure for each promotional opening will be determined and administered by the employing department in consultation with the requesting department. Selection procedure and job description information will be attached or incorporated into the job-posting notice at the time of posting. Efforts will be made to standardize tests and procedures where standardization.is feasible and appropriate. Any tests used shall be reasonably predictive of success in the classification; and tests may not be biased with respect to race, sex, religion, creed, political affiliation, color, national origin, ancestry, or age. Selection procedures may include any or all of the following phases: 1. Application: Both inside and outside candidates will make applications on forms specified by the employing department. Applications must be submitted to the employing department. 2. Screening: Applications will be screened by the employing department to ascertain whether candidates meet minimum requirements as outlined in the job description. Applicants screened out at this level will receive a written response explaining such action. 3. Performance Testing: Performance tests, such, as typing, machinery or vehicle operation, skills, demonstration, physical agility, etc., will be qualifying. Pass/fail points will be announced in advance for qualifying tests. SEIU MOU 29 ARTICLE 19. PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES (continued) 4. Written Tests: Written achievement or aptitude tests will be qualifying. Pass/fail points will be announced in advance for qualifying tests. 5. Interviews/Appraisals: Interviews may be conducted individually or by interview boards and will be qualifying. Interview boards shall be composed of qualified and unbiased people. If individual interviews or an interview board is used, a majority of the individuals or board members must recommend a candidate in order for the candidate to qualify for appointment. C. Recommended Candidates Candidates who successfully complete all phases of the selection procedure will be recommended to the Department Director and/or City Manager. D. Aaaointment The Department Director and/or City Manager will make appointments from among those recommended candidates who are most qualified as determined by objective review of selection procedure results and background materials. ARTICLE 20. MAINTENANCE WORKER JOB SERIES The Maintenance Worker job series shall be a flexibly staffed classification. Movement within the series shall not require an examination or certification to a list of eligibles. Movement within the Maintenance Worker series shall be as follows: 1. Employees shall be flexed to Maintenance Worker II after one (1) year of service as a Maintenance Worker I, contingent upon satisfactory performance. 2. Employees shall be flexed to Maintenance Worker III after no less than three (3) years but no more than four (4) years of service as a Maintenance Worker II, contingent upon satisfactory performance. 3. Satisfactory performance shall mean the employee's annual Performance Review is sufficient to allow the employee a merit salary increase. SEIU MOU 30 ARTICLE 21. ENGINEER JOB SERIES The Engineer job series shall be a flexibly staffed classification. Movement within the series shall not require an examination or certification to a list of eligibles. Movement within the Engineer series shall be as follows: 1. Employees shall be flexed to an Associate Engineer after completion of Step E of the Assistant Engineer salary range, contingent upon satisfactory performance and meeting the job requirements for an Associate Engineer. 2. Employees shall be flexed to a Senior Engineer after completion of Step E of the Associate Engineer salary range, contingent upon satisfactory perFormance and meeting the job• requirements for a Senior Engineer. 3. Satisfactory performance shall mean the employee's annual Performance Review is sufficient to allow the employee a merit salary increase. ARTICLE 22. TRANSFERS Transfer of an employee to a position within the employee's current range shall not affect the employee's salary rate. Transfer of an employee to a position within a higher range shall be considered a promotion. Transfer of an employee to a lower range shall be considered a demotion. ARTICLE 23. DEMOTION Transfer of an employee to a lower class shall result in reduction of salary. The employee's salary shall be placed in the identical step in the lower class that the employee enjoyed in the class from which demotion was made. Demotion can be made for cause, except for demotions from probationary positions. Cause shall be provided to the employee in writing by the Department Director prior to any action taking place. Demotion for disciplinary reasons may be appealed through the grievance procedure by the demoted employee. Demotion for other reasons is not appealable. ARTICLE 24. LAYOFFS AND DISPLACEMENT Layoffs: Whenever, in the judgment of the City, it becomes necessary to make a reduction in force, whenever possible, said reduction shall be accomplished through attrition. Layoffs shall be made by classification and may be department-wide or by division, program, or function. Workers subject to a reduction in force shall be given at least forty-five (45) working days' notice prior to the effective date of the layoff. The notice shall contain the information required in Section X. "Layoff Procedure" of the Personnel Regulations. SEIU MOU 31 ARTICLE 24. LAYOFFS AND DISPLACEMENT (continued) The Union shall receive concurrent notice and shall be granted an opportunity to meet and consult with the City to discuss proposed alternatives to a reduction in force. Permanent full-time employees and permanent part-time employees shall be considered separately when the order of layoff reaches C. and D. below: Nothing herein is intended to require a preference for or against either full-time or part-time permanent employees in the order of layoff. When one or more workers performing in the same class in a City department is to face a reduction in force, that worker's most recent annual evaluation and seniority shall be used to determine the order of layoff pursuant to the following procedures: The order of layoff shall be as follows: l A. Temporary workers in inverse order of seniority (least first); B. Probationary employees in inverse order of seniority; C. Permanent employees whose most recent annual evaluations were below satisfactory in inverse order of seniority; and D. Permanent employees in inverse order of seniority. "Seniority" for the purposes of this Article shall be defined as the length of service as a permanent full-time employee with the City. When determining seniority for permanent full-time positions within a classification subject to layoff, only permanent full-time service shall be considered. Displacement: Permanent full-time employees subject to layoff shall have the right to displace an employee in the same classification in any Department of the City or in a different class within the City with the same or lower salary range provided, however, that: 1. The employee subject to layoff has greater seniority than the employee being displaced and was rated at a minimum of competenUsatisfactory in his/her latest evaluation. 2. If the displacement is to a different class, it must be a class in the same occupational series as determined by the City with the concurrence of the Union or, to a class previously held by the employee as a permanent full- time employee of the City. If a position in the laid-off employee's classification, or a similar position in a classification for which the City determines the former employee is suited, becomes available within twenty-four (24) months of layoff, said former employee shall be SEIU MOU 32 ARTICLE 24. LAYOFFS AND DISPLACEMENT (continued) recalled and offered the position in the inverse order of layoff. If a job in a lower paid classification becomes available within twenty-four (24) months, the City shall review the previously laid-off employees' qualifications. If such laid-off former employees are qualified in the judgment of the City, he/she may flll the slot(s) until his/her former position becomes available, if ever. ARTICLE 25. PERSONNEL RECORDS ' An employee or his/her designee may inspect his/her personnel file and obtain copies of any and all items in that file at employee expense. An employee may have placed in his/her personnel file any signed and dated statement of clarification or disagreement to any item or article contained within her/her personnel file. Personnel files include those files maintained by the immediate supervisor or other administrators/supervisors involved in employee evaluations, as well as the central personnel file. A supervisor's personal notes shall not be considered a part of the personnel file. ARTICLE 26. � RESIGNATION An employee wishing to leave his/her employment.with the City in good standing shall file with his/her supervisor a written resignation stating the effective date of his/her resignation and the reasons for leaving. The resigning individual shall file such written resignation at least two (2) weeks in advance of the effective termination date and participate in an exit interview conducted by the City prior to issuance of the final paycheck. ' ARTICLE 27. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT No full-time employee shall engage in outside employment or an enterprise that his/her Department Director and/or the City Manager may find unsuitable and in conflict with their municipal duties or responsibilities or that lessens their effectiveness as a City employee. ARTICLE 28. POSITION VACANCIES Should the City determine that a vacancy will not be filled, such determination shall be made within 120 working days of the date upon which the worker vacated the position. Upon said determination the City will notify the workers in the affected department and the Union. SEIU MOU 33 ARTICLE 29. POSITION CLASSIFICATION Classification Changes; During the course of this M.O.U., the City shall notify the employee�concerned in case of contemplated change in job content as contained in the classification descriptions that were in effect at the beginning of the agreement. Working Out of Classification: The term "working out of classification" is defined as a Management-authorized, full-time assignment to a budgeted position on a temporary basis, wherein all significant duties are performed by an individual holding a classification within a lower compensation range. Pay for working out of classification shall be as follows: A. Employees appointed to unfilled positions on an "out of classification" basis will receive acting pay within the range of the higher classification beginning the first day of the assignment B. Employees appointed to a position for vacation, sick leave, or other leave of absence coverage will receive acting pay within the range of the higher classification after five (5) consecutive work days of assignment in the acting position. Such acting pay shall be a minimum of five percent (5%) over the employee's current salary. "Out of classification" provisions do not apply to work assignments performed in connection with specific predetermined apprenticeship or training programs or declared conditions of emergency and/or disaster. ARTICLE 30. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A. For that training or certification which is required by job specifications, legal mandates, and/or which is required by the City, the City will provide for such training and/or certification, including providing City time to attend the training and to pay for costs associated with the training. 1. This section does not apply to training courses and/or certifications required for advancement/promotion to a new position. B. For that training or certification which is encouraged by the City in support of identified programs, the City will provide for such training and/or certification, including providing City time to attend the training and to pay for costs associated with attending the training, provided that the program for which the training and/or certification is related remains in operation and that funds for such training are included in the current City Budget. SEIU MOU 34 ARTICLE 30. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (continued) C. The City will maintain training certificates, special licenses, and other related documentation related to an employee's professional development in the employee's City personnel file. In addition, an employee may submit for inclusion into his/her City personnel file documentation for completion of training related to the employee's duties and responsibilities, special licenses, or for collegiate courses and/or degrees earned which the employee completed outside of the workplace. The policy/procedure for requesting and attending training shall be as provided in Section C- 009, Travel Policy, of the City's Administrative Policy and Procedure ManuaL ARTICLE 31. UNIT ASSIGNMENTS Any new permanent full-time job classification which does not fall under the City's management criteria or who is represented by the Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association shall be represented by the S.E.I.U. ARTICLE 32. MAINTENANCE OF BENEFITS AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS All benefits, terms and conditions of employment enjoyed by unit employees as of July 1, 2005, and any side letter agreements reached after that date, shall remain in full force and effect unless modified by a subsequent Memorandum of Understanding or by mutual agreement, in writing, of the parties. ARTICLE 33. M.O.U. IMPLEMENTATION Both parties agree that the terms of this Memorandum of Understanding supersede provisions of all other practices, Memorandum of Understanding, resolutions, and rules of the City that conflict with provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE 34. OBLIGATION TO MEET AND WAIVER CLAUSE Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement or; where the parties mutually agree to meet and confer on a matter, the City and the Union expressly waive and relinquish the right, and each agrees that the other shall not be obligated to meet and confer with respect to any subject or matter, including mandatory subjects of negotiation, whether or not referred to in this Agreement. ARTICLE 35. SAVINGS CLAUSE Should any provision of this Agreement be held inoperative, void, or invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby, and the parties shall meet and confer for the sole purpose of arriving at a mutually satisfactory replacement of such provision. SEIU MOU 35 REPRESENTATIVES OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ' CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ARROYO GRANDE CHAPTER SEIU — LOCAL 620 DATE: DATE: STEVEN ADAMS BRUCE CORSAW CITY MANAGER SEIU CHIEF NEGOTIATOR RICK TerBORCH ROBERTO CRUZ CITY NEGOTIATOR SEIU NEGOTIATOR KAREN SISKO GREG GARDNER CITY NEGOTIATOR SEIU NEGOTIATOR PETER McCLURE SEIU NEGOTIATOR SEIU MOU 35 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "A" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 07/01/05 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%, RANGE I A B C D E 11 2072 2175 2285 2398 2519 New 2145 2251 2365 2482 2607 12 � 2123 2229 2341 2458 2581 New , 2197 2307 2423 2544 2671 13 2176 2286 " 2400 2520 2645 New 2252 2366 2484 2608 2738 Office Assistant I 14 2230 2342 2459 2582 2711 New ' 2308 2424 2545 2672 2806 15 I� 2288 2402 2522 2647 2779 Account Clerk I New ; 2368 2486 2610 2740 2876 Facility Coordinator 16 2343 2460 2584 2713 2849 New 2425 2546 2674 2808 2949 Maintenance Worker I 17 2403 2523 2648 2780 2920 New 2487 2611 2741 2877 3022 Office Assistant II 18 2461 2585 2714 2851 2993 New ' 2547 2675 2809 2951 3098 19 2524 2649 2781 2921 3068 Account Clerk II New 2612 2742 2878 3023 3175 Chiid Care Coordinator Maintenance Worker II 20 2586 2716 2853 2995 3143 New 2677 2811 2953 3100 3253 21 2650 2783 2924 3070 3224 New 2743 2880 3026 3177 3337 22 2718 2855 2997 3146 3304 New 2813 2955 3102 3256 3420 Bldg. Permit Tech. 23 2785 2926 3072 3226 3386 New 2882 3028 3180 3339 3505 SeniorAccountingClerk CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT " " A SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 07/01/05 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% RANGE A B C D E 24 2857 2999 3150 3306 3472. New " 2957 3104 3260 3422 3594 Admin. Secretary 25 2927 3073 3227 3391 3558 Sports Facilities Coord. New , 3029 3181 3340 3510 3683 Maint. Worker lu 26 3000 3151 3307 3473 3647 New 3105 3261 3423 3595 3775 Engineering Tech. 27 3076 3230 3393 3560 3738 New 3184 3343 3512 3685 3869 Water Services Worker 28 3153 3310 3475 3649 3832 New � 3263 3426 3597 3777 3966 29 3232 3395 3563 3740 3927 Engineering Asst. New 3345 3514 3688 3871 4064 PW & Parks Lead Person 30 3312 3477 3652 3834 4025 New 3428 3599 3780 3968 4166 Fleet Maint. Coordinator 31 3396 3564 3743 3931 4126 � New 3515 3689 3874 4069 4270 32 3479 3654 3836 4028 4231 Building Inspector New 3601 3782 3970 4169 4379 Public Works Inspector 33 3566 3745 3933 4130 4336 New 3691 3876 4071 4275 4488 34 3656 3838 4031 4233 4444 Recreation Supervisor New ' 3784 3972 4172 4381 4600 Accounting Supervisor 35 3747 3935 4132 4338 4555 New 3878 4073 4277 4490 4714 PW & Parks Supervisor 36 3841 4033 4235 4447 4669 New 3975 4174 4383 4603 4832 Assistant Engineer I CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "A" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 07/01/05 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% RANGE ' A B C D E 37 3937 4134 4340 4558 4786 New 4075 4279 4492 4718 4954 38 4036 4238 4449 4671 4905 New 4177 4386 4605 4834 5077 39 4136 4342 4561 4788 5028 New 4281 4494 4721 4956 5204 40 4239 4451 4673 4907 5154 New 4387 4607 4837 5079 5334 41 4345 4563 4790 5031 5283 New 4497 4723 4958 5207 5468 42 4454 4676 4910 5157 5413 New 4610 4840 5082 5337 5602 43 4566 4795 5034 . 5286 5549 Associate Engineer New 4726 4963 5210 5471 5743 44 4680 4915 5160 5417 5689 New 4844 5087 5341 5607 5888 45 4799 5039 5291 5554 5831 New 4967 5215 5476 5748 6035 46 4919 5165 5422 5693 5979 New 5091 5346 5612 5892 6188 Senior Engineer 47 5041 5293 5559 5836 6128 New 5217 5478 5754 6040 6342 48 5169 5427 5699 5984 6282 New 5350 5617 5898 6193 6502 49 5296 5563 5840 6131 6438 New 5481 5758 6044 6346 6663 i CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "A" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 07/01/05 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% RANGE A B C D E 50 5430 5701 5987 6285 6599 New 5620 5901 6197 6505 6830 Y25 MW III, 3606 New 3732 Y29 Paul M. 4070 New ' 4212 Y34 Doug P. 4487 New 4644 ; CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "B" ' SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 1/1/2006 RANGE A B C D E 11 ' 2072 2175 2285 2398 2519 New 2145 2251 2365 2482 2607 12 ' 2123 2229 2341 2458 2581 New 2197 2307 2423 2544 2671 13 2176 2286 2400 2520 2645 New 2252 2366 2484 2608 2738 ' 14 2230 2342 2459 2582 2711 New , 2308 2424 2545 2672 2806 Office Assistant I 15 2288 2402 2522 2647 2779 Account Clerk I New 2368 2486 2610 2740 2876 Facility Coordinator 16 2343 2460 2584 2713 2849 New 2425 2546 2674 2808 2949 Maintenance Worker I 17 2403 2523 2648 2780 2920 New , 2487 2611 2741 2877 3022 � 18 2461 2585 2714 2851 2993 New ' 2547 2675 2809 2951 3098 Office Assistant II 19 2524 2649 2781 2921 3068 New 2612 2742 2878 3023 3175 20 2586 2716 2853 2995 3143 Maintenance Worker u New 2677 2811 2953 3100 3253 Child Care Coordinaror 21 2650 2783 2924 3070 3224 Account Clerk II New 2743 2880 3026 3177 3337 22 � 2718 2855 2997 3146 3304 New 2813 2955 3102 3256 3420 23 2785 2926 3072 3226 3386 New 2882 3028 3180 3339 3505 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 1/1/2006 RANGE A B C D E 24 2857 2999 3150 3306 3472 Bldg. Permit Tech. New 2957 3104 3260 3422 3594 Senior Accounting Clerk 25 2927 3073 3227 3391 3558 Admin. Secretary New 3029 3181 3340 3510 3683 Maint. Worker III Sports Facilities Coord. 26 3000 3151 3307 3473 3647 New 3105 3261 3423 3595 3775 Engineering Tech. 27 3076 3230 3393 3560 3738 New 3184 3343 3512 3685 3869 Water Services Worker 28 3153 3310 3475 3649 3832 New , 3263 3426 3597 3777 3966 29 3232 3395 3563 3740 3927 Engineering Asst. New ' 3345 3514 3688 3871 4064 30 3312 3477 3652 3834 4025 PW & Parks Lead Person New 3428 3599 3780 3968 4166 Fleet Maint. Coordinator 31 3396 3564 3743 3931 4126 New" 3515 3689 3874 4069 4270 32 3479 3654 3836 4028 4231 New 3601 3782 3970 4169 4379 33 3566 3745 3933 4130 4336 New 3691 3876 4071 4275 4488 Building Inspector 34 3656 3838 4031 4233 4444 Recreation Supervisor New . 3784 3972 4172 4381 4600 Public Works Inspector 35 3747 3935 4132 4338 - 4555 New 3878 4073 4277 4490 4714 Pw & Parks Supervisor 36 3841 4033 4235 4447 4669 New ' 3975 4174 4383 4603 4832 Assistant Engineer CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 1/1/2006 RANGE A _ B C D E 37 3937 4134 4340 4558 4786 New 4075 4279 4492 4718 4954 38 4036 4238 4449 4671 4905 New 4177 4386 4605 4834 5077 39 4136 4342 4561 4788 5028 New 4281 4494 4721 4956 5204 40 , 4239 4451 4673 4907 . 5154 New 4387 4607 4837 5079 5334 41 4345 4563 4790 5031 5283 New 4497 4723 4958 5207 5468 42 4454 4676 4910 5157 5413 New 4610 4840 5082 5337 5602 43 4566 4795 . 5034 5286 5549 Associate Engineer New 4726 4963 5210 5471 5743 44 4680 4915 5160 5417 5689 New 4844 5087 5341 5607 5888 45 4799 5039 5291 5554 5831 New 4967 5215 5476 5748 6035 46 4919 5165 5422 5693 5979 New 5091 5346 5612 5892 6188 Senior Engineer 47 5041 5293 5559 5836 6128 . New 5217 5478 5754 6040 6342 48 5169 5427 5699 5984 6282 New 5350 5617 5898 6193 6502 49 5296 5563 5840 6131 6438 New 5481 5758 6044 6346 6663 I CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 9/1/2006 ' RANGE A B C D E 50 543� 5701 5987 6285 6599 New 562� 5901 6197 6505 6830 Y25 MW III 3606 New 3732 Y29 Paul M. 4070 New 4212 Y34 Doug P; 4487 New 4644 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "C" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2006 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% RANGE A B C D E 11 2145 2251 2365 2482 2607 New 2220 2330 2448 2569 2698 12 2197 2307 2423 2544 2671 New 2274 2388 2508 2633 2764 13 2252 2366 2484 2608 2738 New 2331 2449 2571 2699 2834 14 2308 2424 2545 2672 2806 New 2389 2509 2634 2766 2904 Office Assistant I 15 2368 2486 2610 2740 2876 Account Clerk I New 2451 2573 2701 2836 2977 Faciliry Coordinator 16 2425 2546 2674 2808 2949 New 2510 . 2635 2768 2906 3052 n�taintenance Worker I 17 2487 2611 2741 2877 3022 New 2574 2702 2837 2978 3128 18 2547 2675 2809 2951 3098 New 2636 2769 2907 3054 3206 office Assistant II 19 2612 2742 2878 3023 3175 New 2703 2838 2979 3129 3286 20 2677 2811 2953 3100 3253 Maintenance Worker II New 2771 2909 3056 3209 3367 Child Care Coordinator 21 2743 2880 3026 3177 3337 Account Clerk II New 2839 2981 3132 3288 3454 22 2813 2955 3102 3256 3420 New 2911 3058 3211 3370 3540 23 2882 3028 3180 3339 3505 New 2983 3134 3291 3456 3628 I CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "C" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2006 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% RANGE A B C D E 24 2957 3104 3260 3422 3594 Bidg. Permit Tech. New ' 3060 3213 3374 3542 3720 Senior Accounting Clerk 25 3029 3181 3340 3510 3683 Admin. Secretary New ' 3135 3292 3457 3633 3812 Maint. Worker III Sports Facilities Coord. 26 3105 3261 3423 3595 3775 New 3214 3375 3543 3721 3907 Engineering Tech. 27 3184 3343 3512 3685 3869 New 3295 3460 3635 3814 4004 Water Services Worker 28 , 3263 3426 3597 3777 3966 New 3377 3546 3723 3909 4105 29 3345 3514 3688 3871 4064 Engineering Asst. New 3462 3637 3817 4006 4206 30 3428 3599 3780 3968 4166 PW & Parks Lead Person New 3548 3725 3912 4107 4312 Fleet Maint. Coordinator 31 3515 3689 3874 4069 4270 New 3638 3818 4010 4211 4419 32 3601 3782 3970 4169 4379 New 3727 3914 4109 4315 4532 33 3691 3876 4071 4275 4488 New 3820 4012 4213 4425 4645 Building Inspector 34 3784 3972 4172 4381 4600 Recreation Supervisor New 3916 4111 4318 4534 4761 Public Works Inspector 35 3878 4073 4277 4490 4714 New 4014 4216 4427 4647 4879 PW & Parks Supervisor 36 3975 4174 4383 4603 4832 New 4114 4320 4536 4764 5001 Assistant Engineer i CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "C" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2006 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% RANGE A B C D E 37 4075 4279 4492 4718 4954 New 4218 4429. 4649 4883 5127 38 4177 4386 4605 4834 5077 New 4323 4540 4766 5003 5255 39 4281 4494 4721 4956 5204 New � 4,431 4651 4886 5129 5386 40 4387 4607 4837 5079 5334 New 4541 4768 5006 5257 5521 41 4497 4723 4958 5207 5468 New ' 4654 4888 5132 5389 5659 42 4610 4840 5082 5337 5602 New 4771 5009 5260 5524 5798 43 4726 4963 5210 5471 5743 Associate Engineer New 4891 5137 5392 5662 5944 44 4844 5087 5341 5607 5888 New 5014 5265 5528 5803 6094 45 4967 5215 5476 5748 6035 New , 5141 5398 5668 5949 6246 46 5091 5346 5612 5892 6188 New 5269 5533 5808 6098 6405 Senior Engineer 47 5217 5478 5754 6040 6342 New 5400 5670 5955 6251 6564 48 5350 5617 5898 6193 6502 New 5537 5814 6104 6410 6730 49 5481 5758 6044 6346 6663 New 5673 5960 6256 6568 6896 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "C" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2006 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% RANGE A B C D E 50 5620 5901 6197 6505 6830 New � 5817 6108 6414 6733 7069 Y25 MW III 3732 New 3863 Y29 Paul M. 4212 New 4359 Y34 Doug P. 4644 New 4807 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "D" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2007 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% RANGE A B C D E 11 2220 2330 2448 2569 2698 New ` 2264 2377 2497 2620 2752 12 2274 - 2388 2508 2633 2764 New 2319 2436 2558 2686 2819 13 2331 2449 2571 2699 2834 New 2378 2498 2622 2753 2891 14 2389 2509 2634 2766 2904 New 2437 2559 2687 2821 2962 Office Assistant I 15 2451 2573 2701 2836 2977 Account Clerk I New 2500 2624 2755 2893 3037 Facility Coordinator 16 2510 2635 2768 2906 3052 New 2560 2688 2823 2964 3113 Maintenance Worker I 17 , 2574 2702 2837 2978 3128 New 2625 2756 2894 3038 3191 18 2636 2769 2907 3054 3206 New 2689 2824 2965 3115 3270 office Assistant �I 19 2703 2838 2979 3129 3286 New 2757 2895 3039 3192 3352 20 2771 2909 3056 3209 3367 Maintenance Worker II New 2826 2967 3117 3273 3434 Child Care Coordinator 21 2839 2981 3132 3288 3454 Account Clerk II New 2896 3041 3195 3354 3523 22 2911 3058 3211 3370 3540 New 2969 3119 3275 3437 3611 23 2983 3134 3291 3456 3628 New 3043 3197 3357 3525 3701 _ GTY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "D" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2007 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% RANGE � A B C D E 24 " 3060 3213 3374 3542 3720 Bldg. Permit Tech. New ; 3121 3277 3441 3613 3794 Senior Accounting Clerk 25 ; 3135 3292 3457 3633 3812 Admin. Secretary New 3198 3358 3526 3706 3888 Maint. Worker III Sports Facilities Coord. 26 3214 3375 3543 3721 3907 New 3278 3443 3614 3795 3985 Engineering Tech. 27 3295 3460 3635 3814 4004 New ' 3361 3529 3708 3890 4084 water Services worker 28 3377 3546 3723 3909 4105 New ' 3445 3617 3797 3987 4187 29 3462 3637 3817 4006 4206 Engineering Asst. New 3531 3710 3893 4086 4290 30 3548 3725 3912 4107 4312 PW & Parks Lead Person New 3619 3800 3990 4189 4398 Fleet Maint. Coordinator 31 3638 3818 4010 4211 4419 New 3711 3894 4090 4295 4507 32 3727 3914 4109 4315 4532 New ' 3802 3992 4191 4401 4623 33 ' 3820 4012 4213 4425 4645 New 3896 4092 4297 4514 4738 Building Inspector 34 3916 4111 4318 4534 4761 Recreation Superoisor New 3994 4193 4404 4625 4856 Public works Inspector 35 4014 4216 4427 4647 4879 \ New 4094 4300 4516 4740 4977 PW & Parks Supervisor 36 4114 4320 4536 4764 5001 New 4196 4406 4627 4859 5101 Assistant Engineer _ il CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "D" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2007 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% RANGE A B C D E 37 4218 4429 4649 4883 5127 New 4302 4518 4742 4981 5230 38 4323 4540 4766 5003 5255 New 4409 4631 4861 5103 5360 39 4431 4651 4886 5129 5386 New , 4520 4744 4984 5232 5494 40 4541 4768 5006 5257 5521 New � 4632 4863 5106 5362 5631 41 ' 4654 4888 5132 5389 5659 New 4747 4986 5235 5497 5772 42 4771 5009 5260 5524 5798 New 4866 5109 5365 5634 5914 43 4891 5137 5392 5662 5944 /associate Engineer New ' 4989 5240 5500 5775 6063 44 5014 5265 5528 5803 6094 New 5114 5370 5639 5919 6216 45 5141 5398 5668 5949 6246 New 5244 5506 5781 6068 6371 46 5269 5533 5808 6098 6405 New 5374 5644 5924 6220 6533 Senior Engineer 47 5400 5670 5955 6251 6564 New 5508 5783 6074 6376 6695 48 5537 5814 6104 6410 6730 New 5648 5930 6226 6538 6865 49 5673 5960 6256 6568 6896 New 5786 6079 6381 6699 7034 �, , CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE , EXHIBIT "D" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2007 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% RANGE ' A B C D E � 50 5817 6108 6414 6733 7069 New 5933 6230 6542 6868 7210 � Y25 MW Ilf 3863 New 3940 Y29 Paul M. 4359 New 4446 Y34 Doug P. 4807 New 4903 II �I I CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "E" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 1/1/2008 f2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% RANGE A B C D E 11 2264 2377 2497 2620 2752 New , 2309 2425 2547 2672 2807 12 , 2319 2436 2558 2686 2819 New „ 2365 2485 2609 2740 2875 ,, 13 2378 2498 2622 2753 2891 New 2426 2548 2674 2808 2949 14 , 2437 2559 2687 2821 2962 New ' 2486 2610 2741 2877 3021 Office Assistant I 15 2500 2624 2755 2893 3037 Account Cierk I New ; 2550 2676 2810 2951 3098 Faciliry Coordinaror 16 2560 2688 2823 2964 3113 New ' 2611 2742 2879 3023 3175 Maintenance Worker I 17 2625 2756 2894 3038 3191 New ' 2678 2811 2952 3099 3255 18 2689 2824 2965 3115 3270 New 2743 2880 3024 3177 3335 Office Assistant II 19 2757 2895 3039 3192 3352 New 2812 2953 3100 3256 3419 20 2826 2967 3117 3273 3434 Maintenance Worker II New 2883 3026 3179 3338 3503 Child Care Coordinator i 21 2896 3041 3195 3354 3523 Account Clerk II New 2954 3102 3259 3421 3593 22 2969 3119 3275 3437 3611 New 3028 3181 3341 3506 3683 23 3043 3197 3357 3525 3701 New 3104 3261 3424 3596 3775 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "E" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 1/1/2008 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% RANGE A B C D E 24 3121 3277 3441 3613 3794 Bldg. Permit Tech. New 3183 3343 3510 3685 3870 Senior Accounting Clerk 25 ' 3198 3358 3526 3706 3888 Admin. Secretary New 3262 3425 3597 3780 3966 Maint. Worker III Sports Facilities Coord. 26 3278 3443 3614 3795 3985 New 3344 3512 3686 3871 4065 Engineering Tech. 27 ` 3361 3529 3708 3890 4084 New 3428 3600 3782 3968 4166 Water Services Worker 28 3445 3617 3797 3987 4187 New 3514 3689 3873 4067 4271 29 3531 3710 3893 4086 4290 Engineering Asst. New ' 3602 3784 3971 4168 4376 30 3619 3800 3990 4189 4398 PW & Parks Lead Person New 3691 3876 4070 4273 4486 Fleet Maint. Coordinator 31 3711 3894 4090 4295 4507 New 3785 3972 4172 4381 4597 32 3802 3992 4191 4401 4623 New 3878 4072 4275 4489 4715 33 3896 4092 4297 4514 4738 New � 3974 4174 4383 4604 4833 Building Inspector 34 ' 3994 4193 4404 4625 4856 Recreation Supervisor New 4074 4277 4492 4718 4953 Public Works Inspector 35 4094 4300 4516 4740 4977 New 4176 4386 4606 4835 5077 PW & Parks Supervisor 36 4196 4406 4627 4859 5101 New , 4280 4494 4720 4956 5203 Assistant Engineer !, CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "E" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 1/1/2008 ' 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% RANGE ', A B C D E 37 , 4302 4518 4742 4981 5230 New , 4388 4608 4837 5081 5335 38 ' 4409 4631 4861 5103 5360 New i 4497 4724 4958 5205 5467 39 4520 4744 4984 5232 5494 New ' 4610 4839 5084 5337 5604 40 4632 4863 5106 5362 5631 New 4725 4960 5208 5469 5744 41 4747 4986 5235 5497 5772 New ' 4842 5086 5340 5607 5887 42 4866 5409 5365 5634 5914 New 4963 5211 5472 5747 6032 43 4989 5240 5500 5775 6063 Associate Engineer New 5089 5345 5610 5891 6184 44 5114 5370 5639 5919 6216 New 5216 5477 5752 6037 6340 45 5244 5506 5781 6068 6371 New 5349 5616 5897 6189 6498 46 � 5374 5644 5924 6220 6533 New 5481 5757 6042 6344 6664 Senior Engineer 47 ! 5508 5783 6074 6376 6695 New ' 5618 5899 6195 6504 6829 48 5648 5930 6226 6538 6865 New ^ 5761 6049 6351 6669 7002 49 , 5786 6079 6381 6699 7034 New 5902 6201 6509 6833 7175 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "E" SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 1/1/2008 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% RANGE A B C D E 50 5933 6230 6542 6868 7210 New 6052 6355 6673 7005 7354 Y25 MW III 3940 New 4019 Y29 Paul M. 4446 New 4535 Y34 Doug P. 4903 New 5001 i 1� � CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT F SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2008 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% RANGE A B C D E 11 2309 2425 2547 2672 2807 New 2401 2522 2649 2779 2919 12 2365 2485 2609 2740 2875 New 2460 2584 2713 2850 2990 13 2426 2548 2674 2808 2949 New 2523 2650 2781 2920 3067 14 2486 2610 2741 2877 3021 New ' 2585 2714 2851 2992 3142 Office Assistant I 15 2550 2676 2810 2951 3098 Account Clerk I New 2652 2783 2922 3069 3222 Facility Coordinator 16 2611 2742 2879 3023 3175 New 2715 2852 2994 3144 3302 Maintenance Worker I 17 2678 2811 2952 3099 3255 New 2785 2923 3070 3223 3385 18 2743 2880 3024 3177 3335 New 2853 2995 3145 3304 3468 office Assistant II 19 2812 2953 3100 3256 3419 New 2924 3071 3224 3386 3556 20 2883 3026 3179 3338 3503 Maintenance Worker II New 2998 3147 3306 3472 3643 Child Care Coordinator 21 2954 3102 3259 3421 3593 Account Clerk 11 New 3072 3226 3389 3558 3737 22 I 3028 3181 3341 3506 3683 New 3149 3308 3475 3646 3830 23 " 3104 3261 3424 3596 3775 New 3228 3391 3561 3740 3926 i ; CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "F' SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2008 4.00% . 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% RANGE A B C D E 24 3183 3343 3510 3685 3870 Bldg. Permit Tech. New 3310 3477 3650 3832 4025 Senior Accounting Clerk 25 ! 3262 3425 3597 3780 3966 Admin. Secretary New � 3392 3562 3741 3931 4125 Maint. Worker lu Sports Facilities Coord. 26 3344 3512 3686 3871 4065 New 3478 3652 3833 4026 4228 Engineering Tech. 27 3428 3600 3782 3968 4166 New 3565 3744 3933 4127 4333 Water Services Worker 28 3514 3689 3873 4067 4271 New ' 3655 3837 4028 4230 4442 29 3602 3784 3971, 4168 4376 Engineering Asst. New 3746 3935 4130 4335 4551 30 3691 3876 4070 4273 4486 PW & Parks �ead Person New 3839 4031 4233 4444 4665 Fleet Maint. Coordinator 31 3785 3972 4172 4381 4597 New 3936 4131 4339 4556 4781 32 3878 4072 4275 4489 4715 New 4033 4235 4446 4669 4904 33 3974 4174 4383 4604 4833 New 4133 4341 4558 4788 5026 Building Inspector 34 4074 4277 4492 4718 4953 Recreation Supervisor New 4237 4448 4672 4907 5151 Public Works inspector 35 4176 4386 4606 4835 5077 New 4343 4561 4790 5028 5280 PW & Parks Supervisor 36 I 4280 4494 4720 4956 5203 New 4451 4674 4909 5154 5411 Assistant Engineer i � „ , CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT F SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2008 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% RANGE A B C D E 37 4388 4608 4837 5081 5335 New 4564 4792 - 5030 5284 5548 38 � 4497 4724 4958 5205 5467 New � 4677 4913 5156 5413 5686 39 4610 4839 5084 5337 5604 New ' 4794 5033 5287 5550 5828 40 4725 4960 5208 5469 5744 New 4914 5158 5416 5688 5974 41 4842 5086 5340 5607 5887 New 5036 5289 5554 5831 6122 . 42 4963 5211 5472 5747 6032 New 5162 5419 5691 5977 6273 43 5089 5345 5610 5891 6184 Associate Engineer New 5293 5559 5834 6127 6431 44 5216 5477 5752 6037 6340 New 5425 5696 5982 6278 6594 45 5349 5616 5897 6189 6498 New 5563 5841 6133 6437 6758 46 5481 5757 6042 6344 6664 New 5700 5987 6284 6598 6931 Senior engineer 47 5618 5899 6195 6504 6829 New 5843 6135 6443 6764 7102 48 5761 6049 6351 6669 7002 New 5991 6291 6605 6936 7282 49 5902 6201 6509 6833 7175 New 6138 6449 6769 7106 7462 il CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXHIBIT "F' SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES-SEIU 7/1/2008 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% RANGE A B C D E 50 � 6052 6355 6673 7005 7354 New ' 6294 6609 6940 7285 7648 Y25 MW III 4019 New 4180 Y29 Paul M. 4535 New 4716 Y34 Doug P. 5001 New 5201 8.f. E pRR0�0 � c9 � INCORPORATEO 92 u T � JULY f0. tYlt * c�°��FORN�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY �`j SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FUNDING AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT AND ENGINEER'S REPORT AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO FORM THE PARKSIDE VILLAGE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (TRACT 2310) DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1) Review and approve the Funding and Reimbursement Agreement and the Engineers Report; and 2) Adopt the Resolution of Intention to continue the process of forming the Parkside Village Assessment District. FUNDING: All costs and expenses associated with the formation of the subject assessment district are to be paid by the Petitioner, Parkside Village, LLC. It has been determined that there is some general public benefit from the facilities. Therefore, should the assessment district formation proceed, the assessment district will pay for 85% of the maintenance costs, while the City will be responsible for 15%, or approximately $9,600. This amount will need to be budgeted when construction of the facilities are complete. DISCUSSION: The conditions of approval for the Parkside Village subdivision (Tract 2310) require formation of an assessment district to fund operation, maintenance, and repairs costs associated with the certain specified tract improvements, including a drainage basin, a mini park, pedestrian pathways, lighting and related appurtenances. The City received a Petition from the property owner, Parkside Village, LLC requesting formation of the assessment district. Pursuant to Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, which codifies this procedure, a Funding and Reimbursement Agreement (Attachment A), Engineer's Report (Attachment B), and Resolution of Intention (Attachment C) have been drafted for Council's review and consideration. 1. The Funding and Reimbursement Agreement obligates the developer to pay for all City costs and expenses associated with formation of the assessment district, formalizes the funding required by Petitioner to provide services outlined in the Resolution and addresses certain other conditions of project approval, including the contribution of$150,000 for public drainage benefits. CONSIDERATION OF REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT, ENGINEER'S REPORT AND RESOLUTION OF INTENTION FOR THE PARKSIDE VILLAGE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT(TRACT 2310) PAGE 2 � 2. The Engineer's Report establishes the costs of improvements, an assessment district diagram and the amounts proposed to be levied upon each benefit unit within the assessment district. 3. The Resolution of Intention declares the intention to order formation of the Assessment District and to levy and collect assessments, describes the improvements, formally proposes a name for the District and refers to the Engineers Report for certain specific facts including the boundaries of the proposed Assessment District. Upon adoption of the Resolution of Intention, a public hearing is held to hear protests to the formation, prior to formal establishment of the assessment district and the intent to levee and collect assessments. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff's recommendation to proceed with the formation process for the Assessment District to include approval of the Funding and Reimbursement Agreement, Engineers Report and adoption of the Resolution of Intention; - Do not approve staff's recommendation; - Request further information regarding the formation of the District; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: A. Funding and Reimbursement Agreement B. Engineer's Report RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING AN INTENTION TO FORM THE PARKSIDE VILLAGE ASSESSMENT DIS7RICT WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") is authorized under the procedures of the � Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 (commencing with §22500 of the Streets and Highways Code) to form an assessment district to construct, operate, maintain and repair certain improvements within the City; and WHEREAS, Parkside Village, LLC, ("Owner° and/or "Developer") is the Owner and Developer of certain real property (the "Property") located within the City being developed as a residential subdivision ("Tract 2310" and/or the "ProjecY') and including certain public improvements; and WHEREAS, Owner filed a petition with the City Clerk requesting the City to form an assessment district to provide an equitable means fo� payment of the costs of the operation, maintenance and repair (including City administrative costs, and establishing a reasonable reserve), of the improvements described below, said improvements specifically benefiting the property owned by Owner; and WHEREAS, On July 26, 2005 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 3866, initiating proceeding for formation of the Parkside Village Assessment District (the "Assessment DistricY'), said resolution requesting preparation of an Engineer's Report, and execution of a Reimbursement Agreement whereby the Developer agrees, among other things, to pay for ali costs incurred in formation of the Assessment District; and WHEREAS, City proposed to form the Assessment District for the purpose of providing for the annual costs of the operation, maintenance, and repair (including City administrative costs and a reasonable reserve) of certain improvements within the City, including but not limited to the Tract 2310 improvements described as follows: A. Landscaping bordering Farrol Road, Bakeman Road Entrances, behind and along Bakeman Lots 10, 11, 12, and 13 of Phase 1, mini park, pedestrian pathway easement and drainage basin. B. Fencing, gates and walls bordering Farrol Road, Bakeman Road Entrances, behind and along Bakeman Lots 10, 11, 12, and 13, park and drainage basin. C. The pathway easement, lighting and all improvements between Lots 1, 2 and 3 between Dixon Street and the mini park. D. The mini park and all improvements to include walkways; play area, benches, and basketball court on Lot 24. E. The drainage retention basin and all improvements to include, water separator, on Lot 25 and french drain along the east boundary of Tract 2310-2. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as follows: 1. The City Council hereby declares an intention to order the formation of the Assessment District, and to levy and collect assessments. 2. The improvements are generally decribed in the Recitals. 3. The proposed Assessment District shall be referred to as the Parkside Viliage Assessment District. 4. Reference is made to the Engineer's Report dated August 18, 2005, on file with the City Clerk, for a full and detailed description of the improvements, the boundaries of the proposed Assessment District and any zones therein, and the proposed assessments upon assessable lots and parcels of land within the Assessment District. 5. Notice of a public hearing regarding the question of the formation of the Assessment District and the levy of the proposed assessments shall be given by the City Clerk pursuant to the notification requirements of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, said public hearing being set and fixed herein for November 8, 2005, and to 'be held in the chambers of the City Council. , On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this _ day of , 2005. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST. , KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK ' APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER , APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ATTACHMENT 1 FUNDING AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND PARKSIDE VILLAGE, LLC, TO ESTABLISH THE PARKSIDE VILLAGE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of September, 2005, by and between the ' City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation within the State of California, (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Parkside Village, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, (hereinafter referred to as "Developer"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Developer is the owner and developer of certain real property located in the City of Arroyo Grande, more particularly described as Tract 2310 (said property hereinafter � described as the "Property"), and more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Owner has filed a petition requesting the City to form an assessment district to provide a means for payment of the costs of the operation, maintenance and repair (including City administrative costs, and establishing a reasonable reserve), for the residential subdivision improvements proposed to be constructed, or already constructed. by Developer, associated with said Property, and specifically benefiting the Property owned by Developer (said improvements hereinafter referred to as the "Improvements" or the "ProjecY'); and ' WHEREAS, City is willing to participate in the formation of an assessment district, provided that Developer enter into this Agreement whereby Developer: a) Reimburses City for its costs in establishing the Assessment District. b) Provides City with a reasonable first year reserve to operate and maintain the Improvements. c) Provides City with $150,000 in funding to improve the capacity of certain existing drainage facilities that are necessary to accommodate the overall Improvements associated with this Project. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, Developer and City agree as follows: 1. Deposit for Citv Services for Formation of Assessment District At the time of execution of this Agreement, Developer,shall advance to the City the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for engineering, legal and administrative services in 1 connection with the formation of the Parkside Village Assessment District (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment DistricY'). The Developer authorizes City to withdraw from the deposit to pay for services pursuant to this Agreement as they are incurred by the City. City will notify Developer wfienever the deposit is reduced to one thousand dollars ($1,000) or less. Within fifteen (15) days after such notification is mailed Developer shall make an additional deposit in an amount not to exceed the initial deposit as directed by City. The City shall be reimbursed by Developer for all City costs prior to the City's final acceptance of the Improvements. Upon City's acceptance of Improvements, as provided herein, any funds so deposited by Developer in excess of City's actual costs shall be refunded by City. Conversely, any costs incu�red by City over and above the amount deposited by Developer shall be paid by Developer upon demand and before notice of acceptance of the Improvements. 2. Deposit for Maintenance and Security. At the time of execution of this Agreement Developer.shall advance to City the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for City's initially projected costs in the first year of operation, maintenance and replacement of the lmprovements (including administrative costs and establishing a reasonable reserve). The Developer authorizes City to withdraw from the deposit to pay for operation costs pursuant to this Agreement as they are incurred by City. On the one (1)year anniversary of the Citys first receipt of assessment monies, any funds so deposited by Developer in excess of City's actual costs and the establishment of a reasonable reserve shall be refunded to Developer. 3. Developer Contribution Toward Improvement of Existinq Drainaqe Facilities to Accommodate Proiect. Within thirty (30) days of the formation of the Assessment District, the Developer shall provide to the City the sum of one-hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) for public drainage benefits including, but not limited to pumps and other improvements associated with basins 2, 3 and the bleeder line discharge to Arroyo Grande Creek. 4. Obliqations of Citv and Developer if Assessment District Not Approved. The City will use its best efforts to process the formation of the Assessment District. The Developer understands and agrees that processing the formation of the Assessment District by City requires adherence to certain legislative processes which include certain discretionary approvals'by the City Council in its role of representing the best interests of the public. Therefore there are no promises or guarantees thatthe Assessment District will be successfully processed/approved by the City. In the event that the Assessment District is not approved, then (1) the City will return the unused deposit to Developer as provided in Sections 1 and 2, above; and (2) the 2 Developer will be required to form a homeowners association which shall be responsible for operating, maintaining and repairing the Improvements. 5. Acceptance of Improvements. • As conditions precedent to the City's acceptance of the Improvements, Developer at Developer's sole cost shall provide to the City: A. A licensed professional engineer's certification that the Improvements are constructed and installed in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications ' approved by the City. B. Reproducible mylars or other plans satisfactory to City, together with a copy of specifications and any contract documents used for installing the Improvements. C. Any operating. manuals or other operative instructions and warranties received by Developer or its. contractors in connection with the installation of the Improvements. E. An insurance endorsement as described in Paragraph 8 B, below. 6. Citv's Obligation to Maintain. After final inspection and acceptance by City of the Improvements, the City shall be obligated to operate and maintain the Improvements. if for any reason the Assessment District is abolished, Owner and/or its successors and assigns shall be required to form a homeowner's association to assure continued operation and maintenance of the I mprovements. 7. Risk of Loss. Until the date of the notice of acceptance of the Improvements, all risk of loss or injury or destruction to such Improvements shall be upon the Developer 8. Indemnification, Hold Harmless and Insurance. A. To the extent allowable by law, Developer agrees to hold City harmless from costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred by City or held to be the liability of City in connection with City's defense of its actions in any proceeding brought in any State or Federal court challenging the City's actions with respect to the formation of the Assessment District. Developer understands and acknowledges that City is under no obligation to defend any legal actions challenging the City's actions with respect to the formation of the Assessment District. The Developer recognizes and hereby agrees that the City and its directors,officers, employees and agents shall not be liable for any injury or death to any person or damage to any property arising from the construction of the Improvements by the Developer, its 3 officers, employees, independent contractors or agents. The Developer shall protect, indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, causes of actions, demands or charges and from any loss or liability, including all costs, penalties, expenses, attorney's fees, litigation costs, and other fees arising out of or in any way connected with the construction of the Improvements by Developer, its officers, employees, independent contractors or agents. In addition, if the City, its directors, officers, employees or agents should be sued as a result of such performance, the City may notify the Developer which then shall have the duty to defend the City, its directors, officers, employees or agents, or, at the City's option, pay for such defense including, but not limited to, payment of all reasonable attorney's fees and expenses incurred by the City, its directors, officers, employees or agents. B. Developer shall provide City,to City's satisfaction, an insurance endorsement designating City, its directors, officers and employees as additional insured;that evidences a general liability insurance policy in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), on an occurrence basis for the construction of the Improvements. 9. Assiqnment. The provisions of this Agreement shall apply to and bind the successors, grantees, and assigns of the respective parties, but no assignment or transfer of this Agreement, or any part hereof, or interest herein by the Developer shall be valid until and unless approved by the City in writing. 10. Waiver of Riqhts. Any waiver at any time by either party hereto of its rights with respect to a breach or default, or any other matter arising in connection with this Agreement, shall not be deemed to be a waiver with respect to any other breach, default or matter. 11. Remedies Not Exclusive. The use by either party of any remedy specified herein for the enforcement of this Agreement is not exclusive and shall not deprive the party using such remedy of, or limit the application of, any other remedy provided by law. 12. Entire Aqreement. This Agreement is freely and voluntarily entered into by the parties after having the opportunity to consuft with their respective attorneys. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth in this Agreement are of no force and effect. The parties, in entering into this Agreement, do not rely on any inducements, promises, or representations made by each other, their representatives, or any other person, other than those inducements, promises, and representations contained in this 4 Agreement. Any amendment to this Agreement shall be of no force and effect unless it is in writing and signed by the Developer and the City. 13. Notices. All notices, statements, reports, approvals, requests, billsorothercommunicationsthatare required either expressly or by implication to be given by either party to the other underthis Agreement shall be in writing and signed for each party by such officers as each may,from time to time, be authorized in writing to so act. All such notices shall be deemed to have been received on the date of delivery if delivered personally or three (3)days after mailing if enclosed in a properly addressed and stamped envelope and deposited in a United States Post Office for delivery. Unless and until formally notified othenvise, all notices shall be addressed to the parties at their addresses as shown below: CITY: City of Arroyo Grande City Clerk P.O. Box 550, 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 DEVELOPER: S&S Homes Parkside Village, LLC 1350 East Grande Avenue Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 14. Headings. The paragraph headings used in this Agreement are for reference.only, and shall not in any way limit or amplify the terms and provisions hereof, not shall they enter into the interpretation of this Agreement. 15. Cooperation. Each party to this Agreement agrees to do all things that may be necessary, including, without limitation, the execution of all documents which may be required hereunder, in order to implement and effectuate this Agreement. 16. Interpretation of this Agreement. The parties acknowledge that each party and its attorney have reviewed, negotiated and revised this Agreement and that the normal rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement or any document executed and delivered by any party in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. s 17. Venue This Agreement has been executed and delivered in the State of California and the validity, enforceability and interpretation of any of the clauses of this Agreement shall be determined and governed by the laws of the State of California. The duties and obligations of the parties created hereunder are performable in San Luis Obispo County and such County shall be the venue for any action or proceeding that may be brought or arise out of, in connection with or by reason of this Agreement. 18. Recitals. The Recitals of this Agreement are incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof. 19. Authoritv to Execute Aqreement. The parties fiereby represent that the parties executing this agreement ace expressly authorized to do so for and on behalf of the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. DEVELOPER: CITY: PARKSIDE VILLAGE, LLC CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE A Limited Liability Company By: By: Tony Ferrara, Mayor Attest: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney 6 ! ATTACHMENT2 The Keith Companies I TKC Preliminary Engineer's Report for Parkside Maintenance District No. 1 Fiscal Year 2006-07 City of Arroyo Grande State of California - � . Prepared far: . _ . -" S&S Homes of the Central Coast � Prepared by: � � � � � . . The Ketth Companies-Ventura Division . � 310 North Westlake Blvd,Suite 150 � Westlake Village,CA 91362 (80�4956522 - � � ' , . August 18,2005 � . ' _., i 7'ABLE OF CO\TENTS CityDirectory............................................................................................................................t Certifi cates...:.........................................................................................................................23 Section1 —Introduction...............................................................................................................4 Section2—Report....................................................................................................................5-6 � Part A—Plans and Specifications.....:..................:...............................................................7 PartB—Estimate of Cost...................................................................................................8 Part C—Assessment District Diagram...............�.....................................................................9 Part D—Method of Apportionment of Assessment................................................................t 0-12 , . . PartE—AssessmentRoll.......................................................:......................................13-14 � Exhibit"A"—Cost of Improvements , Exhibit"B"—Benefit Exhibit � Exhibit"C"—Assessment Diagram � Parkside Maintenance District Fiscal Year 2006-07 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE . . DIAYOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS A'VD STAFF D1E�9BER5 � Tony M.Ferrara �. � . ' � MayodChair � Joe Costello , Mayor Pro TemNice Chair - � Jim Dickens . . � CouncilBoard Member - � � Jim Gut6rie CouncilBoard Member Ed Arnold � . � � � CouncilBoard Member � � - � � Steven Adams � - . � City Manager Tim Carmel � City Attomey �� � Kelly Wetmore _ , Director of Adminishative Services/City Clerk , . . ' � - Dou Spagnolo,P.E. - , Direcror of Public Works/Ciry Engineer � � ' Daniel Hernandez . . � ���� � Director of Parks,Recrearion&Facilities � 1 The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/1B/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fiscal Year 2006-07 CERTIFICATES CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PARKSIDE MAINTENAri'CE DISTRICT NO. 1 FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 The undersigned, acting on behalf of The Keith Companies, Inc.; respectfully submits the attached Engineer's Report as directed by the City of Arroyo Grande pursuant to the provisions of P,rticle XIIID, Section 4 of the Califomia Constitution and the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, Sections 22500 seq. of the Califomia Streets and Highway Code. The undersigned certifies that he is a Professional Engineer registered in the State of _ Q�pEE5S10/yq�F Engineer of Work: � �o �D C��� y��,: z 3 GS r m Edward Collins,P.E. : W W No py{p32 N 7' 6 �F R.C.E.No. 54032 ,Expires 12/31/OS � CIV��- C��P sTqTf OF CA��F�Q , � I HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached Engineer's Repod, together with the Assessment Roll and Assessment Diagram thereto attached,was filed with me on the _day of , 2005. Kelly Wetmore,City Clerk City of Arroyo Crrande San Luis Obispo County,Califomia : By: 2 The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/18/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fiscal Year 2006-07 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached Engineer's Report, together with .the Assessment Rol] and Assessment Diagram thereto attached,was approved and confirmed by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, Cafifomia on the day of , 2005. Kelly Wetmore,Ciry Clerk City of Arroyo Grande San Luis Obispo Counry,Califomia By: (� I HEREBY CERTIFY theat the enclosed Engineer's Report, together with the Assessment Roll and Assessment Diagram thereto attached was filed with the County-Clerk Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo,on the day of ,2005: Edward Collins,P.E. The Keith Companies,Inc. By: ,-, 3 . The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/18/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fiscal Year 2006-07 � � � SECTION 1 ' INTRODUCTIOti ENGI\EER'S REPORT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PARKSIDE 111AINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. l FTSCAL YEAR 2006-07 To insure a flow of funds for the construction, operation,.maintenance.and servicing of specified improvements with in the boundary the subdivision known as Parkside (Tract Maps 2310-1 and 2310-2); the City Council will approve.the City of Arroyo Grande's Parkside Maintenance District No. 1 ("The DistricY') this fiscal year. As required by the - Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 ("The AcY'), this Engineer's Report describes the � improvements to be constructed, operated, maintained and serviced by the District for Fiscal Year 2006-07,provides an estimated budget for the District, and lists the proposed assessments to be levied upon each assessable lot within the District. The boundaries of the District are shown on the Assessment Diagram and incorporated into this report as P�..C„ The cost of operation, maintenance and servicing of the improvements to be funded by the District will be apportioned to each lot within the District in proportion to the special benefit it receives. The method of assessment may be amended from time to time by the City Councii, in order to apportion the costs in relation to the benefits being received. However, if the assessments are increased from the prior year they will be subject to the noticing and balloting procedures referenced in Proposition 218. Payment of the assessment for each lot will be made in the same manner and at the same time as payments are made for property taxes. Ali funds collected through the assessment must be placed in a special fund and can only be used for the purposes stated within this report. � - The City will hold a Public Hearing on August 23, 2005 to provide an opporhuiity for any interested person to be heard. At the conclusion of the Public Hearing, the City Council may adopt a resolution confirming the]evy of assessments as originally proposed -- or as modified. Following the adoption of this resolution and recordation of the DistricYs TractMaps, the final Assessor's roll will be prepared and filed with the San Luis Obispo County Auditor's office to be included on the Fiscal Year 2006-07 taac roll. 4 The Keith Companies, Inc. :� 08/18/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fiscal Year 2006-07 SECTIO\II E1GI\EER'S REPORT PREPARED PURSUANT TO Tf� PRO�'ISIO\S OF LAIVDSCAPLtiG A1VD LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 SECTION 22500 THROUGH 22679 OF THE CALIFOR'YIA STREETS A1�D HIGH�VAY CODE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PARKSIDE MAL'�TENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 FTSCAL YEAR 2006-07 Pursuant to the Landscaping & Lighting Act of 1972 (Part 2 of Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Califomia, commencing with.Section:22500), this Engineer's Report is submitted to the City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande in connection with the proceedings of the City Council to consider the establishment of the Parkside Maintenance.District No. i. Edward Collins, duly-authorized representative of The Keith Companies, Inc., consultant to the City, submits this Engineer's Report consisting of the following parts: PART A: PLA1�'S AND SPECIF'ICATIONS ' This part describes the improvements of the District. Preliminary design documents for the improvements are as set forth on the lists thereof, attached hereto, and aze on file im the Office of the Cify Engineer of the City of Airoyo Grande, and are incorporated herein by reference. Plans are incorporated into the assessment diagram, listed as Exhibit"C", as allowed under Section 22568 of the Act. Exhibit "C" displays the District as consisting of2 zones: one (1) and two (2). PART B: ESTIMATE OF COST This part contains an esrimate of the cost of the proposal improvements for fiscal yeaz 2006-07, including incidental costs and expenses in connection therewith, as set forth on the lists thereof, attached hereto. PART C: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT DIAGRAM „ This part incorporates, by reference, a Diagram of the District showing the exterior boundaries of the District,.the boundaries of any zones within the District, and the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel of land within the District. This Diagram has been .., prepazed by the Engineer of Work. The lines and dimensions of each lot within the . District are those lines and dimensions to be shown on the maps of the San Luis Obispo County Assessor following the recordation of Tract Maps 2310-1 and 2310-2. Assessor's maps will be prepazed following the recordation of the Tract Maps. 5 The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/18/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fisca] Year 2006-07 PART D: METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT This part describes the method of apportionment based upon the parcel classification of ]and within the District, and in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received. PART E: ASSESSMENT ROLL This part contains a description of each lot of property proposed to be .subject to the assessment, including the amount of the assessment on each lot for Fiscal Year 2006-07. 6 The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/18/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fisca] Year 2006-07 PART A PL?�NS A1VD SPECIFICATIONS The facilities within the Parkside Maintenance District No. 1 will be constructed bythe subdivider. Those improvements to be constructed will be operated, maintained and serviced generally described as follows: DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS The following improvements are proposed to be operated, maintained and serviced in the Pazkside Maintenance District IvTo. 1 for Fiscal Year 2006-07: Landscaping and Block.Walls along Fano11 Avenue and Bakeman North, a Pazk, a Detention Basin and Water Separator, a Sidewalk and Path to Parks, Fencing, and a French Drain. Services include, but are not limited to: personnel; contractual services, grading; clearing; removal of debris; installation or reconstruction of said improvements at the end of their expected lifespan; and any other items necessary for the maintenance or servicing of the facilities. Maintenance means the fumishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usua] operations, maintenance and servicing of the landscaping, park or appurtenant facilities; providing for the life, growth, health and beauty of the landscaping, including cultivation, irrigation, trimming, spraying, fertilizing and treating for disease or injury; and the removal of trimmings,rubbish, debris and other solid waste. 7 The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/18/03 Parkside Maintenance District Fiscal Year 2006-07 PART B ESTIMATE OF COST The 1972 Act provides that the total cost of installation, construction, operation, maintenance and servicing of landscaping and appurtenant facilities can be recovered by the District. Incidental expenses, including administration of the District, engineering fees, legal fees, printing, posting, and mailing of notices, and all other costs associated with the annual collection process can also be included. Annual levy reports will be prepared to update the District budget and assessments. Annual cost indexing of the maximum authorized assessments will be tied to the regions Consumer Price Index (CPI). The proposed operation, maintenance and servicing costs for-Fiscal Year 2006-07 aze summarized below. As preliminarily As Confirmed and A roved Recorded Fund Balance Jul 1 $0.00 Add Revenues: Assessments $54,830.61 Use of Money $0.00 Total Revenues �54,830.61 Less A ro riations Landsca in $13,459.95 Park $12,310.27 Detention Basin $15,545.45 Block Walls $714.00 Pathways $109.96 Fencing $94.86 French Drain $1,630 " Engineering &Administration $1Q966.12 Total Ex enditures $54,830.61 Revenues Over (Under) $0.00 - Fund Balance on June 30 $0.00 See exhibit "A" for details on costs of improvements. The 1972 Act requires that a special fund be set up for revenues and expenditures of the District. Funds raised by the assessments shall be used only for the purpose as stated herein. A contribution to the Parkside Maintenance District No. 1 may be made to reduce , assessments as the City deems appropriate. Any balance remaining on 7uly 1 must be carried over to the next fiscal year unless the funds are being accumulated for future capital improvements and operating reserves. � 8 The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/18/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fiscal Year 2006-07 PART C � ASSESSMBNT DISTRICT DIAGRAM Properties located within the proposed City of Airoyo Grande Parkside Maintenance District No. 1 are within the subdivision known as Parkside (Tract Maps 2310-1 and 2310-2). " The lines and dimensions of each lot within the District are those lines and dimensions shown on the Tract Maps approved and/or in plan check with the City ofArroyo Grande Deparhnent of Public Works for the year when this report was prepared. The Assessment District Diagram for the District is included in this report as Exhibit"C". 9 The Keith Companies,Inc. 08/18/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fiscal Year 2006-07 PART D DIETHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT GENER4L Part 2 of Division 15 of the Streets and Hi,,uhways Code, the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, permits the establishment of assessment districts by Agencies for the , purpose of providing certain public improvements which include the operation, maintenance and servicing of improvements. Section 22573 of the Act requires that maintenance assessments mush,be levied according to benefit ratlier than according to assessed value. This section states: "The ne; amount to� be assessed upon lands within an assessment district may be apportioned by arzy formula or method which fairly distributes the net amount among all assessable lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefit to be received by each such lot or parcel from the improvements" "The determination of whether or not a lot or parcel will benefit from tlae improvements shall be made pursuant to the Improvernent Act of 1911 (Division 7 commencing with Section 5000 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of Califarnia)°. In addition, Article XIIID, Section 4(a) of the,Califomia Constitution limits the amount of any assessment to the proportional specia] benefit conferred on the property. Because assessments are ]evied on the basis of benefit, they aze considered a user's fee, not a tax, and, therefore, are not governed by Article IlIA of the California Constitution. The 1972 Act permits the designation of zones of special benefit within any individual assessment district if"by reasons or variations in the nature, location, and extent of the - improvements, the various areas will receive different degees of benefit from the improvemenY' (Sec. 22574). Thus, the Act requires the levy of true "assessment" rather than"special tax." Article XIIID provides that publicly owned properties must be assessed unless there is cleaz and convincing evidence that those properties receive no special benefit from the assessment. Exempted from the assessment would be the ueas of public streets, public avenues, public lanes, public roads, public drives, public courts, public alleys, public easements and right-of-ways, public geenbelts and public pazkways. 10 The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/18/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fisca] Year 2006-07 BENEFIT ZONE CLASSIFICATION The City of Arroyo Grande's Pazkside Maintenance District No. 1 will be formed to provide a funding source for the operation, maintenance and servicing of improvements within the boundaries of the District. Ail lots within zone two (2) [Tract Map 2310-2] of the district benefit from each said improvement. All lots within zone one (1) [Tract Map 2310-1] benefit from each said improvement, except for Detention Basin improvements and French Drain improvements. The aforementioned special benefit zones will be created to allocate assessments in relation to the benefits received by each zone. ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY Due to the similaz use of each lot within their respective subdivision zones, the total operation, maintenance and servicing costs for the improvements are apportioned to each lot equally for the given zone. All improvement costs assessed in Zone 1 will be apportioned equally amongst the lots within Zone 1. All improvement costs assessed in Zone 2 will be apportioned equally amongst the lots within Zone2. .See Exhibit "B" for details. BENEFIT DETERMINATION It is necessary to identify the benefit that the improvements will render to the properties within the Assessment Dishict. It is also necessary that the properties receive a special and direct benefit as distinguished from general benefit to the general public. Landscaping and hardscaping, if well maintained, provide beautification, shade and enhancement of the desirability of the surroundings, thereby providing a special benefit. These improvements provide special and direct bene£ts to each property located within the District. Because the proposed improvements do not provide benefit to properties outside the District, no allocation of general benefit is required. The proposed park provides a place for recreation within the proposed subdivision (Tract 2310), thereby providing a speciai benefit. These improvements provide special and direct benefits to each property located within the District. However, the City of Arroyo Grande has determined that pazk facilities will provide some general benefit to the public. Since the pazk is accessible to the general public, 15 percent of the benefit is classified as general. The remaining 85 percent of the benefit is classified as speciai. . The proposed detention basin collects storm drainage from property located in Zone 2 of Tract 2310, thereby providing a special and direct benefit only to Zone 2. Proposed block walls along Farroll Avenue and Bakeman North provide beautification of the surroundings, thereby providing a special benefit. These improvements provide 11 The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/18/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fiscal Year 2006-07 special and direct benefits to each property located within the District. Because the proposed improvements do not provide benefit to properties outside the District, no allocation of general benefit is required. The proposed park pathways provide a pedestrian route to parks within or just outside the , proposed subdivision (Tract 2310), thereby providing a special benefit. These improvements provide special and direct benefits to each property located within the District. However, the City of Arroyo Grande has determined.that pathways to park facilities wil] provide some general benefit to the public. Since the park pathways are accessible to the general public, 15 percent o£the benefit is classified as general. The remaining 85 percent of the benefit is classified as special. The proposed park fencing wil] provide safety for the proposed park, thereby adopting the same benefit classifications as the park: 15 percent general benefit and 85 percent special benefit. The proposed French drain will provide drainage to the easterly boundary of Zone 2 (Tract 2310-2), thereby providing a special and direct benefit only to Zone 2. 12 The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/18/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fiscal Year 2006-07 PART E ASSESSMENT ROLL ' Lot# ' ' • `: FY 2006-07 Cost ': FY 2006-07 Cosf Assessment amount Assessment amount as Preliminarily as Confirmed and A roved Recorded Zone 1:=:APN '-Assessmenf# `' ' 077-251-005 loti $579.31 077-251-005 lot2 $579.31 077-251-005 lot 3 $579.31 077-251-005 lot4 $579.31 077-251-005 lot5 $579.31 077-251-005 lot6 $579.31 077-251-005 lot7 $579.31 077-251-005 lot 8 $579.31 077-251-005 lot 9 $579.31 077-251-005 lot 9 $579.31 077-251-005 lot 10 $579.31 077-251-005 lot 11 $579.31 077-251-005 lot 12 $579.31 077-251-005 lot 13 $579.31 Total: $7,531.03 Zone 2 ..APN ' 'c ' "��lot# " ' ' ±j ` 11 h : � .: ' .. ' . 077-251-005 lot 14 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 15 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 16 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 17 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 18 $909.61 . 077-251-005 lot 19 $909.61 � 077-251-005 lot 20 $909.61 077-251-005 1ot21 $909.61 077-251-005 1ot22 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 23 $909.61 077-251-005 1ot26 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 27 $909.61 077-251-005 1ot28 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 29 $909.61 077-251-005 Iot30 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 31 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 32 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 33 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 34 $909.61 ,.. 13 The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/18/OS Parkside Maintenance District Fisca] Year 2006-07 077-251-005 lot 35 �909.61 � 077-251-005 lot 36 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 37 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 38 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 39 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 40 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 41 $909.61 077-251-005 1ot42 �909.61 077-251-005 1ot43 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 44 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 45 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 46 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 47 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 48 $909.61 , 077-251-005 1ot49 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 50 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 51 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 52 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 53 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 54 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 55 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 56 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 57 $909.61 077-251-005 1ot58 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 59 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 60 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 61 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 62 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 63 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 64 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 65 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 66 $909.61 077-251-005 lot 67 $909.61 Totai: $47,299.72 ... °,'�'�yx+ ��-xG�i� �,ii�:�h� a �� .� �c_' �7f2�Id4�Ot8�t"t �i .' ' �; �z � .�, :": '` ," � ' ;{x��. $54,$30 75 ` �, ; � "` "' � 1 14 The Keith Companies, Inc. 08/18/OS Exhibit "A" Cost of Improvements _._�._._____ _�_.._ __,_.. . �LANDSCAPiNG . . .-_.,_ ._.,:...-- - _:..., _ __._... . ... � :'. .�.':. � . .�. . �. . � Qh. - . . Pritt . QiP Depreciation 4 TotalSlYear-.. Trees(Installed)- . . Pistacia cAinensis 2 5325.00 5650.00 �5% - $32.50-�7- Platanus acerifolia 2 5325.00 5650.00 5% $ '-'32.50-. . � prunuscerasiferz �3 5325.00 5975.00 5% $� i�48:75�. Plants(Installed) A a anthusafricanus 30 57.50 5225.00 5°/, $ ` -;1125' � Carexelata'BowlesGolded 53 57.50 5397.50 5% $ ':-;7g;88-�. Chrysanthemum maximum � I 57.50 $7.50 5% $ ' ;-0:3$. � . Coleonemapulchrum 6 � 525.00 5150.00 5% $ �---7:50�� . Euryops pectinatus 13 $25.00 5325.00 5% $ i-:16:25�. Hebe'VeronicaLake' 4 $7.50 530.00 5% $ `;':;1:50` Hemerocallis hybrids'Siella de Oro' 16 57.50 5120.00 5% � $ ;�'6:00; Lirio emuscari 2 $7.50 515.00 5%, $ a��.`U:75`. Pennisetumsetaceum'Rubrum' - 7 59.50 $52.50 5% $ `'� ':�2.63`. Rha hiol is indica'Sprin time' ]7 525.00 5425.00 5% $ � ''21:25: � Tibouchina urvilleana 1 $25.00 325.00 5% $ 'r�1:25 Ground Cover(Installed) -'��� '� Gazaniarigens � 156 $30.00 54,680.00 5°/, $'� ��234.007 Lantanamontevidensis � 4 $30.00 5120.00 5% $ ".'�6.Otl`t � Trachelospersnumjasminoides t56 $7.50 51,170.00 5% $ ` '^r58:50!: . . ._ Tur[. - . . , - . . ., � � Festucahybrids(Seed) � 331bs. S1JSQb. 557.75 5% $... ...:'.�.�2.89.-. 'Mam[hon'Sod 260 sq.ft. 37/s .ft 596.20 5% $ .r�:4�:ST.: � 1>:z,s�:��` i Subtotal: ,'$50859�3 :'± Irri aHon � � ; ., 1/2"Dri Tubing 1,323.7' $100/t,000Feet 5132.37 � 10% $. .:.:..�.1324' . 3/4"-1"Pipe 1331.2' $I.00/Foot SI,33110 - ]0% $ :933.12�� Reduced-Pressure Backflow Prevrnter,Installed 1 $950.00 $950.00 ]0°/, $ ;.i_95:00? - Controller,Installed 2 54,000 58,000 10% $ ,' _:800.00:: W�n � � 51,500.00 10% $ '�::150.00.� � Mic.Parts $1,500.00 10% $� %�"150.00;�' _ Elect Wattt Meter setu (est.) � 2 3000 56,000.00 10% $ S •iz:600:00::. . � E uipmmt � � 7 5300/day S2,(00.00 10% S + ;°a27d:00` Subtotal: �;52,151:3b r G" � Main[enance - - . � w� ,.�.�`. �;?: � Landscape Maintenance I2 5900.00/mo £xed � S10,800�1D0 .'<! . � � ,.V.��� . . ' � £J�-. ;Yn°7ux.L« .. � Landscape TotaL• �"513,45y:95 ,"d� � a ppei5 pAl�i+?_.r. :" l,)-Sr i a-. . ..ic s };,:s' s Y rn a'�y { s�, r� � ��t '.}s.��+�:�.; _ ... .. ..:�i .. _ . ., .. . ._. . , _a� , >. .,,,:.,.. .a. .. __.� �-`. _ x�..r•,a: ..,.: '�.4 u " -' Q�' � . ,. .. _�. s ..., . .:- . . . . . „ •'-�r`.0 �,�. .�`:�.. ..,. . ,:� * �^;. . ;,•t. ,:�;, ,•-;,,. r Prttt .a- ':�QiP . - � Depreciatlon':'b; '�Totai.E�ear:.;� . � � SiteEquipment � � z �'jp�;,„, OutdoorCreations-PicnicTable � 2 5750.00 51,500.00 5°/ `$75:0�?. � .� OutdoorCYearions-Brnch 2 5675.00 51,350.00 5°/ 'FS67.50#§ �%- � ..,_ Quick Cmte-Waste Container with Lid 2 5700.00 $1,400.00 5°/ $70`.�<i:;? - � PW Athlefio-Basketbal]Court Assemblv: I 8728.00 5728.00 5% 5 �-,'-36.40='. � . 4 1/2"OD heaw duty galvanized sceel basketball �* xe ;�:. - Post w'4'offset,heary duty cast aluminucn � � Parkside Maintenance District No. 1 Exhibit"A" Cost of Improvements backboard,powder coated u�hite.heaw durv -� . double rim w/s er mlon net - . PW Athletic-Barbeque Stove-Single w/coot 2 5249.00 5498.00 5°/ - 524.90- � erip handles , . Vista Professional Lightine-Bollards(excluding 9 5311.12 - 52.800.08 5% S -��'� �-��'IR0.00 � lamp fixture) - � - Play Equipment � Miracle Play Eqt.-ToPs Choice Play System I S 1Q983.85 810.983.85 5% S�`�-?��-:�549:19 and Arch Swings.3 1/2"OD Posts,2 Tot Swings Installation 1 54,445 54,445 5% $ : -,222.25` � Sof-FallSaferySurface 1 53,980.00 53,980 5% �S'-�'-:-'`i-'199.00' Installation 1 31,800 SI,S00 5% S •.';�e90:00- " Additionallnstallation/Labor � 4 � 500/day 82,000.00 . 5% ��'5100.00 , Misc.Conswction and Clean-up 1 $2,000.00 52,000.00 5% S 'i1100.00�� - Surfacing � � ' - Basketball Court Surfacing 3,120 s .ft. E24,827.00 fixed fee 5% .51,241'�i3S°:,'. . Turf Block Pavers� 1,484 s .ft S10/s .ft. $14,840.00 2% `5296'.BO C , Containment Curbs 1 $6,200.00 $6,200.00 2°/ ;:5124.00 � -�' WashedSand 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 5% `�$125!DO < :�� ConereteWalkways 2,766sq.ft. S4/sq.ft. � $I1,064.00 2°/ ��.:5221�.28 • � � Subtotal: $3,682:67'�.�- Maintenance � Landsca e Maintenance 12 5900.00/mo �fixed . �"$10;800.00':"'� - � Park Total: $14�482:67 '�,:`. Total less 15% for Public Benefit `�;'$12;310.27��:b: DETENTION'BASIN-. t" �� - � - . Qty Price 4 " �Q z P � '-Depreciarion%:�' Total$IYear -��.: Basin Const.(masonry,grading,landscape,fence) 1 $216,000 $216,000 3% $6,480.00 �, GeneralMaintenance � 1 56,000.00 $6,000.00 Tixed $ ''�<'6;000.00`� Stomicepror water s antor(STC 4800)(est) 1 525,515.00 525,515.00 3°/ $ :' :':765.45`: � Sroemcepmrinstallation(est.allowance) 1 510,000.00 $10,000.00 3% S 5"300.00'; Stormceptor annual maintenance(est.allowance) � 1 52,000.00 52,000.00 fixed S :.2;000.00� , ,,:,. . .}; ..,; . .c.r:`£.�,..,..+>' - BasinTotal: � 515�545�45-;'; . .. . . . � x>-y�t. . .. BLOCKWALLS.,fi°� , .�"€ � ,..�_'� . . ., �z"„ : ',.` „ . ..'_'. . , 5: . . .,�s , s. ,,..:i � �` �:-�'��"�.:"` � ... ��,s;� - x z *:,r < �,';.,� ; � ?Pnce'`:` "„s�'�a P , � 'tiIjepmciation%?, -..TOtal SlYeaf ?: � BLOCK WALL AND PII.AS1'ER 714 feet $50/R. 335,700 � 2°/ S �'?-714:00: � . s. a j.€',- . Walls TotaL• ,$714.00,'.t+ . .n .<; .._�.: � .- ._h..... .<...'. P.4THWAYS;•�: ,'*'�s . �{ : ' , , yH �;;':'.,.; . ,�„ ._ . ,.,. - ..-'-`�`"''^'.rEa `�r^;.it `,.; .Qty Pna=i:� �`:QzP . , "DePrenahon%!`is,:Tofal$lYear-,r . . , .,,,b ;. . ,.`„ v.. x. . _ . . . Mini Pazk,concrete � 76"7 s.f 54.00/s.f 53.068 2% S. .���°:6136: �� Public.Park,ac concrete 850 s.f. 54.00/s.f 53.400 2% .$....�_?`'�68.00; .. . PathwacTotal: �5129:36..�<�- Total less 15%for PubGc Benefit: -.,.5109:96 '� . ' FENCING , .t� - < .� .s�: .-. �� . . �. . . ..:v...�.,� Parkside Maintenance District No. 1 Exhibit"A" Cost of Improvements � � �� - Qty Price - - Q x P Depreciarion°o Total$lYear PARKFENCAIG � 124 feec S30fft S3,R0 3% .S -��-'"111.60 � Fencing TotaL• ����:S1ll.60-�---�� Totallessl5% forPublicBenefit: �--��$94.86���:�--�� ,. ,_ FRENCH DRAIN � - � � .�Qry�-� � � Rice �-��'Q z P ' . . Depreciation%o �:>Total SlYear-.. FrenchDrain 1 512,600 512,600 5% S' ��-��630:00- FrenchDrainMainrenance I 51,000 $1,000 fized 'S����'�:��T'3,ODO.OD DrainTotal: �:�I-.$1,630.OD-'"-`� Total: $43,864.49 25% for EnRineering& Administration Costs 510,966.12 Grand Total: $54,830.61 � � - � Parkside Maintenance District No. 1 � Exhibit"6" . � Benef t Ezhibit � Zone 1 Parcels Zone 2 Parcels Total Parcels Cost Contributing Contributing Contributing Unit Cast Landscaping � S 13,459.95 13 . 52� 65 S 207.08 � Park � S 12,310.27 . 13 � 52 65 �� 5 189.39 . Detention Basin - S 15,545.45 0 52 52 $ 298.95 ' Block Walls � S 714.00 13 52 65 5 10.98 Pathways- $ 109.96 13 � 52 65 5 1.69 .. Fencing S 94.86 13 52 65 S� 1.46 French Drain 5 1,630.00 0 52 52 5 31.35 Engineering &Admin S � 10,966.12 93� 52 65 5 168.71 � . S 54,830.61 � � � Revenue Per Total � - Zone 1 BU Unit Cost Parcel No.of Parceis Revenue Landsraping 1 $ 207.08 $ 207.08 13 $ 2,691.99 Park 1 $ 189.39 $ 189.39 13 $ 2,462.05 � Detention Basin 0 $ 298.95 $ - 13 $ - � Block Walls 1 . � $ 70.98 $ 10.98 13 $ 142.80 Pathways 1 � $ 1.69 $ . 1.69 13 S 21.99 � Fencing 1 $ 1.46 $ � 1.46 13 $ 18.97 French Drain 0 $ 31.35 $ - 13 $ • � Engineering &Admin • t $ 168.71 $ 168.71 13 S 2,193.22 Total Zone 1 $ 909.61 $ 579.31 . S 7,531.03 Revenue Per Tofal - Zone 2 � � BU. � Unit Cost Parcel No.of Parcels Revenue . � Landscaping 1 $ 207.08 $ 207.08 52 $ 10.767.96 Park 1 � $ 189.39 $ 189.39 � 52 S 9,84822 ', �. Detention Basin 1 $ 298.95 $ 298.95 52 � 5 15,545.45 - � Block Walls 1 S 10.98 $ 10.98 52 - $ 571.20 Pathways 1 � $ 1.69 $ � 1.69 52 $ 87.97 Fencing 1 � � $ 1.46 $ - 1.46 . 52 $ 75.89 French Drain 1 $ � 31.35 $ 31.35 - 52 $ 1,630.00 Engineering &Admin 1 $ 168.71 $ 168.71 52 $ 8,772.90 � Total Zone 2 � $ 909.61 $ 909.61 $ 47,299.58 7otal - � $ 54,830.61 �� Parkside Maintenance District No. 1 . � __........,i o� � i I . ' .. _... �. { �. _. . � _ i ---� .— -- �_ >> � >> T ._ ,:- � � , � � U, ,.: �- �, � �_ �, ,�� EXHIBIT ,; ; t � . � �. , ,;, , � , _y � `_ . � €^ " ''```-� � "' I i �' gi. � ti , �� ASSESSMENT DISTRICT DIAGRAM � > � i� d.:.._ -.r � . : ., ,., � F .� J _ o � :..� ..: e � e I e � � . ' r .. _. I ,�j_ ` 4.___' +• ' I ' . ' '_ � � �" I . �� I i v -ti io "� t � ' ` f ��0� Il � I � �i � � (?�_. . _ � i _ v , I ' vT � . � ,� e .� � �. i . � �li i I �' � '� r � .� a __ � � � : . . � . , : ; . . ', r a. _.� E . I ._.. y : . i 1 y� ' � 5 � .� ��: �(� � --m<a�� j. u 1 is i: � � e �j ie ,� � .'� m � z 7 -'e�'i`�: G - -- L � n �.�kT•� � '�: �. i � � i1- :I �� . ::. �tr �;�� 1�- . i i . .I ._y�t lu � � � `5 ;� PARK ,� � � , ; .; °���_l � � �1�.;11� ,;� � � }_�� `�. �J,. � "— e 7,'_ . - --_ � �}, -_ BAKEMANNORTH �. `•�' I �_ �� � . g -xv�� + __ �__ , _.�,�,� ' SIDEWALK/PATH � � �.� . "�� � � i. -�� ... � ' .,I� .. . � • r°. ,g_ ��� � i,;v � it i } ..� � �.�� ;i �, � � �' DETENTION BASIN Q � � n � � � � ��r �� � I� �..7 � ' r ��-�- 1 � l I i.13�.��?�_�- b� e ! �� � il e�. ��- ii !'�~ " '�� T' e. I�.�;'-� I �'?'�� I i :LANDSCAPING � � �I . eF f �. _?-�-�-�-�; �� I �I �' i : I �,...:i � _�� � i ; (WC. EQUIPMENT) •W � 4 . e � .P?l_� ._. i J I ' � '�—_t— - "' �a���� . r�� ' I� ' i � C..: �„ ... -- BLOCK WALL ... . y .. • � , i ; � � ! „ �_,�; � �,�_ ;��'f,e ' e , � � � � � , 1 , � r �� � i� � I `�- j� -�. , • �� °r�. �E e� �., 1d Ez " s, , so i e� , J .�i. � ; i FENCING I , .� . .._ .� 'y1 � , c� ; `�i s �I� I i � i i, '!-""f i � � � 'II ��. ' • ��-- oi� � � � _. I' I � k ., � : f I .� ;,,ry i OIL/WATER SEPARATOR � � � � ..i a,.. I r s. �. � � � � i _��-- L_ j «--s � 1 � � ' ' y, � I �. . e r. � l I �` I� A I L _ ` �. w �:_ ; � FRENCH DRAIN I �' �I- � `A"jy. u_ „ _ _. B�AKN� '�H ��1 � OZONE/BOUNDARY LINES I � ..l � � ��� .��� �,��� � 1 l�"I M � ��' �. ` ` . � Iy 9 � , -I � � �T'� I '� j ' I ' / j/, ` o �� I]6 l 33 .r���� i I �.. , '.. II I I I � 7I`�_� � i � � . O '+ � _ ' � n / ( y _ F � I I i � . �V . ; ��,�''° i„�� I �' �I � � I �: 1 ] '/�! . 1 b � � S� e � .l0 Il . '?9 � ��- P. `� ...._.. �-� �� ... F pp . . l) I J� {� ��� � � � . . �.... � w � I L] . i�- 1 �,... I I t ' � � i � � � i 1 � .5� . .. .. . .�.. ... . ..... _ ._.... _.... . . . . .n�.e ._.._. s .......,v , , .. ..... .. , . . I I L . U�l' MFLL B CE9O!FF�[ scuE ,• �� ' " •o� ,�.K.,,��,mo,,,,..l�C 's��' CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE L� � eaea JIIL -' PARKSIDE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 1 � A � � iRACT 2310 � . +�l�wsu�"n.��.r�eu�'G°" ��. �— PARKSI�E �°�,— I V■ ■ pRROY� � F �OINCONGORATED Z MEMORANDUM � u ° m # .iu�r �o, ieii y . c9��FORN�P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: RICK TerBORCH, CHIEF OF POLIC� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE AN INTERIM MODULAR OFFICE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council authorize staff to purchase a 24' X 60' modular office from Design Space for a delivered and installed cost of $51,789.69 to serve as interim office and storage space for the Police Department. FUNDING: The Police Facilities Impact Fund (Fund 212)contains funding totaling$64,459.54 which is available for the purchase and installation of a modular office to address overcrowding in the Police facility. DISCUSSION: In FY 2004-05, the City Council authorized the purchase of the vacant lot at 206 N. Halcyon Rd. Title for this lot was transferred to the City in August 2005. This lot was primarily purchased for employee parking. However, plans for the short term use of this lot have included the installation of a modular office in order to address the severe overcrowding problem at the police department. This problem has evolved from minor difficulties experienced soon after the Police Department was remodeled in 1989, to the point where personnel who require desks and offices simply do not have them. In late 1999, the Police Department had applied for a grant through FEMA which would have funded a second floor addition to the Police facility. However, due to the World Trade Center terrorism incident on September 11, 2001, funding for such programs have been diverted to terrorism related issues. Additionally, with the recent Hurricane Katrina disaster, it is not anticipated that funding will be restored to the Federal budget for this grant program in the foreseeable future. Consideration has been given for different size structures, including 24' x 40' modular classrooms and single wide offices of the 12' x 40' and 12' x 60' varieties. A committee has determined that the ideal office space would require 3 private offices and a restroom. This configuration is most suited to the 24' x 60' floor plan. By providing a 24' x 60' unit, this will accommodate not only the relocation of the two existing detective work stations, but also provide a dedicated office for the operations sergeant, who currently works with the two part-time detectives out of the E.O.C. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE AN INTERIM MODULAR OFFICE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 2 conference room, which is also shared with the departmenYs two administrative volunteers. The primary duty of the operations sergeant is to function as the detective supervisor and this necessitates a private office. Additionally, the detective unit requires a room dedicated and available for interviewing suspects and victims of crimes. .The third office is required to relocate the storage area for the Special Problems Team equipment. Currently, the Special Problems Team equipment is stored in a locked:area in the rear of the 30 year old office trailer occupying four (4) sorely needed secured parking spaces at the rear of the Police Department parking area. This office trailerwas acquired from Lucia Mar Unified School District for $1 approximately 10 years ago and served as the Community Services Office until it was determined to have a minor mold contamination making it unsuitable for continuous uses such as office space. The Community Services Unit was relocated to the Community Resource Center at 910 Rancho Parkway and the old ' office trailer has been relegated to storage only, a use that is consistent with the ' recommendations of the JPIA, mold notwithstanding. The acquisition of this modular office will accommodate the immediate needs ofthe Police Department for office space, and is projected to serve on an interim basis, those anticipated needs until such time as the current facility can be expanded. The addition of this modular office will permit the removal or relocation of the 30 year old officer trailer by providing necessary storage space and this will free up an additional four (4) secured parking spaces. The city is developing a facilities improvement program which will include the remodeling and expansion of the Police facility. This program is expected to occur within the next five (5)to ten (10)years. Once completed the modular office structure will be removed. One other overcrowding problem at the Police Department can be mitigated by this solution. Currently the rear third of the departmenYs training room is occupied by a report writing work station, the departmenYs training computer, and a digital imaging computer (DIMMS)used for evidentiary images in lieu of photographs of accidents and crime scenes. This space is sorely needed for our staff(expanded from 19 officers in 1990 to 27 in 2005) who attend training and briefing sessions. In addition, the department often holds community meetings in this room for the Parent Education Project, Teen and Citizen Academies, and for the departmenYs Citizen's Assisting Police and Explorer Post.W ith the detective unit being relocated to the new modular office, the space in the administrative office vacated by the detectives will enable us to remove the DIMMS and training computers and the report writing workstation to the administrative office, freeing the training room up once again fortraining. The otherworkstation in the administrative offices will become available for use by the administrative volunteers who assist the executive secretary two days each week. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE AN INTERIM MODULAR OFFICE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 3 The site next to the Police Department will accommodate the 24' x 60' modular office as well as approximately 6 to 8 off street parking spaces. Police Department staff is currently working with the Public Works Department to maximize the number of off street parking spaces available. In addition,the Public Works Departmentwill providethe manpowerand _ equipment to level the site, install base and paving for the parking area, and the water and sewer connections. It is anticipated that the electrical and telephone needs for the modular office can be served from the Rena Street side, eliminating the unsightly power pole on the Halcyon frontage. Data lines will be run underground from the existing Police Department building. It should be noted that in obtaining proposals for modularoffices,several costs need to be considered. Staff has found it is a lot like buying a used car. lt is first a question of what is available at the time of purchase, and then the cost considerations. Comparisons need to include first the size and floor plan of the unit and the appearance, age, and.condition, and then the various costs, including unit price, delivery, set up, foundations and support engineering and installation, seismic tie downs; skirting, sales tax, and ADA access ramps. Beyond this, as mentioned above, the site will need to be prepared, utilities.installed and the parking area paved. Staff has set aside an estimate of$15,000 for the site costs, including utilities, paving and the ADA access ramp. Included in this is the Public Works DepartmenYs estimate for the costs of the site preparation, utilities and paving at $7919.12 less the electrical service, ADA ramp and utility charges. All other costs have been included in the prices quoted in the proposals from the vendors. The Police Department obtained quotations from several companies last spring. Unfortunately, the cost of modular offices has soared overthe past year, and availability is not now what it was then. The suitable used models currently found to be available are listed below. Pacific Mobile 24' x 60' 1991 $ 51,451.25 Design Space 24' x 60' 2000 51,789.69 Williams Scotsman 24' x 60' 2001 58,369.83 Class Leasing 24' x 60' Unknown 64,413.78 Atlas (API) 24' x 60' Unknown. Refurbished 65,780.94 Atlas (API) 24' x 60' New 84,335.19 In addition to the above units quoted within the past 20 days, staff received a quotation for a new 24' x 40' unit from American Modular for$63,480 plus approximately$4200 in sales taxes. This price does include an ADA compliant ramp, but it provides only a small office .__ � CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE AN INTERIM MODULAR OFFICE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 4 and storeroom,-and the square footage is insufficient for the projected needs of the department over the next five years. Staff is recommending#he acceptance of.the Design Space proposal.� Not only is it nearly the lowestpriced proposal, it is also a relatively new unit, and comes with lighter vinyl wall coverings, instead of the darker, older style wooden paneling. ;In addition, the floor.plan provides an additional enclosed office and an extra counter and sink outside the lavatory. The carpeting is reported to be in good shape and the exterior is an attractive lighter color, unlike the darker beige and brown trim of older units: It is currently built, and unlike some of the other units, does not require modification to suit our needs. This would put the estimated total cost of the project at approximately $67,0OO,.orabout $2,500 over the current balance-in the Police Facilities .Impact;Fund.. The Police Department does have additional funds available which should cover the additional expenses. The Department also has modular furniture.in storage .for the offices and workstations planned for the modular office. ' - <A potential offset for the additional costs including the increase in utility costs foc the new modular office is therelocation of the existing old office trailer to the Corporation yard. This trailer is still suitable for storage and it could be set up and used as a replacement for the Police Department storage space currently leased from Crocker's Lockers at a cost of $1975 annually. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff's recommendation; - Reject bids and direct staff to solicit additional bids; - Reject bids and provide further direction to staff; or - Do not approve staff's recommendation. Attachments (3) CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page 7 QUOTATION EVALUATION SUMMARY DATE PREPARED: Se tember 6,2005 DEPARTMENT: Police PREPARED BY: Sgt. Hendricks - SUPPLIER'S NAME SUPPLIER'S NAME SUPPLIER'S NAME � WRITTEN QUOTATIONS VENDOR: Pacific Mobile Design Space Williams Scolsman ❑ VERBAL/TELEPHONE QUOTATIONS TELEPHONE: (800)441-8603 (559)233-5596 (800)782-1500 � QUOTED BY: Charla Uribe Kyle Ruskofsky Tom Svare ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL - -� PRICE � PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE � 1 24'X 60'Modular Offce 1 Ea Year 1991 38,000.00 Year 2000 39,375.00 Year 2001 $48,777.00 Delivery 1 Ea 2,600.00 3,000.00 1,300.00 Installation 1 Ea 2,125.00 (30"set) 2,125.00 1,703.00 TieDOwns � Varies Lot 1,960.00 1,125.00 816.00 Foundation Material � Lot 740.00 Inc � Inc� ,� Foundation Engineering Lot 425.00 815.00 Inc � Skirting 168 LF 14.50 2,436.00 Lot 1,995.00 Lot 2,016.00 Fees Additional 500.00 � 120.00 C d (tax quoted) Estimated Sales Tax(7.25%) Tax 3,16525 Taz 2,854.69 Tax 3,637.83 TOTAL QUOTATION $51,451.25 $51,789.69 $58,389.83 ��� CASH DISCOUNT TERMS Not Stated � Net 10 Days Not Stated � P.O.B. - Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grende Arroyo Grande DELIVERY TIME FROM RECEIPT OF ORDER � Varies - In Stock Varies - In Stock Varies Poiicy#: C-001/002 I . CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Paye 2 QUOTATION EVALUATION SUMMARY DATE PREPARED: September 6, 2005 DEPARTMENT: �Police PREPARED BY: Sgt Hendricks . . SUPPLIER'S NAME � SUPPLIER'S NAME SUPPLIER'S NAME yc� WRITTEN QUOTATIONS � VENDOR: Atlas Pertormance Ind. Atlas Performance Ind. Class Leasing ❑ VERBALlfELEPHONE QUOTATIONS TELEPHONE: (805)928-8689 (805)928-6689 (951)943-1908 � QUOTED BY: Ted Martino Ted Martino Jeremy Goldenetr ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1 24'X 60'Modular Office 1 Ea Refurbished � 54,500.00 New 71,800.00 Unk.Year $53,549.28 Delivery 1 Ea 3,500.00 3,500.00 4,192.50 Installation 1 Ea Low Set 250.00 Low Set 250.00 Low Set 2,789.68 Tie Downs � Varies Lot 75.00 1,500.00 75.00 1,500.00 Inc Foundation Material Lot Inc Inc Inc .w Foundation Engineering 155.00 155.00 Inc � Skiding 168 LF 10J5 1,806.00 1075 7,806.00 . N/A Fees Additional Additional Additional F d Estimated Sales tax(7.25°/)excluding labor � Tax 4,069.94 Tax 5,324.19 Tax 3,882.32 TOTAL QUOTATION � $65,780.94 $84,335.19 � $64,41378 CASH DISCOUNT TERMS - Not Stated . Not Stated Net 30 Days ARO F.O.B. � Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande DELIVERY TIME FROM RECEIPT OF ORDER Varies Varies Varies—Includes Ramp Policy#: G001/002 N m � , `� , 0 m � �. N N N d � 24' X 60' OFFICE COMPLEX � 6 "qll,pOOR l000.i�ONS,WINOOW LCCATIONS AND MEASUREMENTS ARE APPROXIMATE' p � Design Space Modular Buildings � c Z N . � D n � r m `J � o c r D A 1 I ' N t➢ N � 0 m . N y � I i � � � � I o l � m � � A � N � � � I � j __ . ' . 'r" / _ -U �. � ATTACHMENT 3 ,��, y k y� � ."'^�k` , 'iba�h��"> 'Z'�4 �i� Y�° r ��.�`.' l� m&�� �s . 3*, �� i'S��"�4n Y �'9r�t�.�yT°�..^ 4£ ;'�.`` _ F'�w' j"'�My � - ' . ����i . 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M � � � i;. ,�, � �� � ;��� � �,��� w � . . � . . �,, .� r' � ., .� _ � •. e-� ', ��. � V �, h , � �' Q - ��� �� � . . . : , � � � � ; ��� _.�� � , � , a : }�«�.� � s � ��.�� - ' . . • � [1[4' lir��.�n .� ,' . u + 3 r i J .��� .v.v.��.�^v.'� y �S �� . . 5':` �.\ . . .. { . . ' .'� �. % ��-� {. + . �. � ���a i �� �_ �. r . .. �.�i� . -.:� .�J�.:.'.yaM „ttY_ � . . :. . .,. �� . '.�T. ..�.' � .�. ' . . .. -_ y `^'_"" � s ' � - . , . � � � � . ' .. .. k'� � �; - . . . �"' i � ��� .. . . � �°.1 . .' ' . � - - v+=.....ai._.- _ � . .� . � � . . ; � �� .:�� 3 �— _ � _ � ^� _ - _ � ' . � - �' � � � t �� , — . . � t a. . � ,. _.... < :. , . . � i__._.--- - . _ _,.____ � � pRROY� � ���■ O c,p � INCORPORATED 92 MEMORANDUM � u ° m # du�r �a.:iei� * . - � c4��FORN�P � " � . TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER � SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT WATER METER READING EQUIPMENT DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: it is recommended the Council approve the purchase of three (3) water meter interrogators and associated equipment in the amount of $15,760.39. FUNDING: Funding for the purchase of the water meter interrogators and associated equipment is provided for in the fiscal year 2005/06 budget in the amount of$16,000.00. DISCUSSION: Water meter interrogators are devices that store meter reading routes, meter readings and auxiliary functions, such as notes, and high & low read alarms. This equipment is used in conjunction with touch read meters to quickly and easily read water meters to determine the quantity of water used. The information is then downloaded into the City's utility billing system. Approximately 35% of the City water meters are automatic touch read meters. Conversion from manual to automatic meter reading, when complete, will reduce time and costs associated with meter reading and utility bill preparation by approximately 50%. The original three (3) solid-state interrogators (SSI's) were made by Sensus Metering Systems and were purchased in 1996. The units, which have been repaired once since then are no longer being serviced by Sensus and parts for this model have been discontinued. Aqua Metric Sales is the sole factory authorized representative for Sensus Metering System, Inc. in the southern California area. Staff is recommending that the replacement meter reading equipment be purchased from Aqua Metric to match the existing touch read equipment. This will be a sole source procurement from Aqua Metric in accordance with the City's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendations, - Modify staff's recommendation and approve; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Sole Source Letter 2. Equipment Quotation � ATTACHMENT1 � ���N�ZTS r�►iy za�, aoos City af Armyo Orande To: 5hane Tay�Ior Pleast be advistd that Aqna-�tetnic Salea of Onta,^io,Califorrus,is ihe sole factory authorized representadvc for Sensus 1Qetering 3yatems,Inc.products and services in the Southern California geographic arca. Customera purchasing Sensue product from Aqua•Metric Sales ettjoy;fi�ll faetory warranty covcrago s�s K•c11 es Uu alii2ity tu draw from iocat uiuentary.aud obtain iocad, 'f scxvice that the factory cannot providc. . ,'` . . , � : ' � :(;; In t(us;vi%ay,wc hope to proyide our oustomars.sciih the best of both worlda: factory support and techuical knowledge coupled a-ith locai saurcing and ti*.nely service. We'ai 5ensua Iv�etering Syatems approciate your oontinued business. Shouid you have auy queetxons,r,egardzng tlais ox any othar mattex,please feel frec to call me at any time. .:..: ,. x,..::.:,, Sincerely, � �`� � . s;�� , , . � . , , ��.. � _ f , � n�. � . �� � �� W�iham J Bovd � Temtary Manager ` ,' . � ' �. . - , ,. ..� s , � ,�.r , � (909)553`1399 '.. ` ;� _� � '� . � � ,: � .i . .4s . . .._< , 9" . . .,_ . . _ _._ . . .. „ . . , . . � . . >_. , ,.. .. � ..'�'G .. � .0 . � .. ... ,. . . . 1 . � .. .... � . t . .. ' . � � .. . . � aaor�oo� araiaw-vnov ___ es�.ieae"sae_° xve ero so sooaiez!eo 08/09/2005 11 :29 FAM 9089232263 AQUA-METRIC �001/001 ATTACHMENT2 � �� � ���\��� Aug 9.2005 . �Mr; Sharie Tayloi , , . City of Arroyo Grande Arroyo Crraade,California Re;HandIieid Quote . . Dear,,Shene. 34 v T ~� � 4 `.y Aqua MeUnc Sa1es Company,Inc. is gIeased to quote the following prices: � ��'';'� � ' � �v; 3-AR 4001 � (Upgrdde from 3000 series) $3,BOO.00ea $11,400.00 3-4090RF (t,"p�ade from 3mart Gunl 5880.00ea $2,640.00 3rEXT , .,,,_ (Auto C3un-F'it Probe EXT) S 160.00ea 480.00 . ._ ; a', l,s���:� , . 1Cahle_ a (Back-up Connection Cablc) . , 5175.00ea 75.00 , . t ; ,.r, $ub Total $14,693.00 a�' i! . u ., , ;„ . . . t x i �;:� a... . � ,a..,t' f,_, .. �. . TAX $1065.39 :�'`�` " ,'_ ��'�� TOTAI. $15,960.39 � „ ;:. ,,.;,} Equipment tteeds;to be exchanged with�n 45,days of del,ivery Delivery is free, Terms are ndt`30 days Quoie expaea on 9f30/20d3. quto'ReaB$oftwa'ra wzil ba`recognizai by the new aqwpR�tmt _`; �.r ..,� , .,.<< ,r,.s . . � . �'�"� , �€:a� ._ , t' Thank'.;�. � ;., ,;.., ,, �„ � ..�. i�'.�9�. 4 �.... you far yonr eontinues business. ' ' �� ' �� °` °"' F, , •��. v._:,< ;��� �z, Sincerely, - - ' - . ,.,. ,�,_ �, . ,- ��..,; �.: �,� � , Laury X.eMay . . . .. :,i< ... � �. .. - a �,}ax }"�, ?., _ w ` , _.. ✓ .' . .'.. . , . . . ...� . �-°R.+ l .M�.� i�.t� . �:i{� .�. o' ,_. { . ._� ' fs,. .._.,� S �._`t. . . .?:�. r a cx, �ij+ �� ��:ld.. . . . . 8.1. � pRROy� � cP , INCORPORATED 92 h " "' MEMORANDUM * JUIY 10. 1B11 * c9��FORN�P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO MGE UNDERGROUND, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEWER LIFT STATION NO. 1 UPGRADE PROJECT, PW 2005-02 DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the CounciL• 1: award a contract for the construction of the Sewer Lift Station No. 1 Upgrade Project, PW 2005-02 to MGE Underground, Inc. in the amount of$557,700.00; 2. authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency of$55,770.00 for use only if needed for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project (total construction costs = $557,700.00 + $55,770.00 = $613,470.00); and, 3. transfer $125,500.00 from the Sewer Facilities Fund. FUNDING: The projected estimate for the total cost of the project is$765,500.00, based on the receipt of the construction bids and recent clarifications of related project costs. This is $125,500.00 more than the $640,000.00 currently allocated to the project in the Capital Improvement Program. A transferfrom the Sewer Facilities Fund is requested to fund the difference between the total cost projection and the current Capital Improvement Program budget for the project. DISCUSSION: On June 14, 2005, the City Council directed staff to solicit bids for the Sewer Lift Station No. 1 Upgrade Project. On July 14, 2005, three bids were opened. The lowest responsive bid, from MGE Underground, Inc. of Paso Robles, was in the amount of $581,290.00. Since the bid exceeded the Engineer's Estimate of$466,000.00, it was recommended by staff and the Council took action to reject all bids at its August 9, 2005 meeting and direct staff to perForm additional research to determine whether there were potential design changes that could result in cost savings to the project. Staff reviewed the design elements, revised the plans and specifications accordingly, and re-advertised the project to solicit construction bids. CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO MGE UNDERGROUND, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEWER LIFT STATION NO. 1 UPGRADE PROJECT, PW 2005-02 SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 2 On August 30, 2005, two bids were received for the project. The lowest responsive bid was from MGE Underground, Inc. in the amount of $557,700.00. This represents a $23,590.00 savings from the July 14, 2005 bid. Staff believes the bid to be reasonable given the high volume of the current construction market. The total project budget in the Capital Improvement Program is in the amount of $640,000.00. This includes money for design, construction, construction contingencies, contract administration and testing. The total project budget is now projected at $765,500.00. Staff recommends transferring $125,500 from the Sewer Facilities Fund to the project for additional costs that were not anticipated during development of the original project budget as follows: Construction Contract Difference between the actual construction contract amount of$557,700.00 and the budget estimate of$457,400.00 in the amount of $100,300.00, Construction Contingencies Difference between the recommended $55,770.00 contingency and the budget estimate of $45,600.00 in the amount of $10,170, Consultant Design Services Additional design costs in the amount of $8,265.00 relating to structural investigations of the existing facility and flow monitoring. Includes design revisions to the contract documents following the Council's August 9, 2005 rejection of the construction bids, SCADA System Additional costs for improvements to the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system) in the amount of$6,765.00. This enables computer monitoring and control of the lift station from the Corporate Yard. The funds will be transferred from the Pike Sewer Upgrade Project,which is scheduled for Fiscal Year 2008/09. At that time, the project will either be scaled back to the funds available or replenished with future sewer facility funds. The existing Sewer Lift Station No. 1, located near 1590 West Branch Street, is 32 years old and has experienced continuing mechanical failures. The project will upgrade the lift station by replacing the existing vertical turbine sewage pumps with submersible pumps equipped with variable frequency drives. This will enable a much smoother and more efficient operation, as the new pumps are able to adapt their speeds to the incoming flows. The lift station will remain in operation during the entire project. This will require careful sequencing and coordination of the contractor's construction work efforts with City crews. S:\PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING SHARED ITEMS\Capital Projects12005\Sewer Lift Station No. 1\Council\Contract Award\Council Memo-Award.doc CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO MGE UNDERGROUND, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEWER LIFT STATION NO. 1 UPGRADE PROJECT, PW 2005-02 SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 3 The contract time for this project is specified at 180 calendar days. Work is expected to begin in October 2005 and be completed by April 2006. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staff's recommendations; • Do not approve staff's recommendations; . Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendations; or • Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Bid Opening Log Sheet S:\PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING SHARED ITEMS\Capital Projects�2005\Sewer Lift Station No. 1\Council\Contract Award\Council Memo-Award.doc i . � �4 P�R�Y�-�+ � ATTACHMENT 1� - � .� INCORP05AiE0 92 ' U � m ,.; # �utr to. te�i � � . - cy `P • BID OPENING LOG SHEET <<FORN CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID OPENING: August 30, 2005; 2:00 p.m. Sewer Lift Station No. 1 Upgrade Project Engineer's Estimate: $466,000 BIDDER'S NAME; CITY TOTAL Specialty Construction, Inc. $615,575.00 San Luis Obispo MGE Underground, Inc. $557,700.00 Paso Robles ���.�,�.C�. ; Ur;�Cc<i'�'� , Kelly Wetmor� Director of/�dministrative Services/City Clerk � c: Director of Public Works City Manager. � pRROy� � C� S�,■ � INCORPORATEU 92 �' U � � m * JULV �o, ,9,� ,� MEMORANDUM - C4��FORN`P � ., � TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER �j SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 03-001/PM AG 02-0446; SANTA LUCIA BANK DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the public improvements for Conditional Use Permit 03-001/PM AG 02-0446, Santa Lucia Bank. FUNDING: There is no immediate fiscal impact. Maintenance of these facilities wifl be funded from Public Works maintenance funds in future years. DISCUSSION: On May 13, 2003, the City Council approved Conditional Use Permit 03-001 and Tentative Parcel Map 03-001 located at the northwest corner of Courtland Street and East Grand Avenue. The City Council approved the final map on November 25, 2003. The applicant was conditioned to construct the following improvements: • widening of Courtland Street to 40' from curb to curb, • installing curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Courtland Street frontage, • extension of the water main through the site from East Grand Avenue to serve the projecYs fire needs and for a future connection to the Courtland Senior Housing Project, • installation of new curb, gutter and sidewalk along the East Grand Avenue frontage, and • relocation of the existing bus turn out. The required improvements have been completed in accordance with the approved plans and it is recommended that the Council accept the improvements for maintenance and operation. The developer is required to warranty the improvements for a period of one year following acceptance. The required 10% warranty security has been submitted to the City in the form of a letter of credit from Santa Lucia Bank. This security will be released at the conclusion of the warranty period, provided the improvements are still in satisfactory CITY COUNCIL � CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 03-001/PM AG 02-0446; SANTA LUCIA BANK SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 2 condition. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Adopt the attached resolution accepting the improvements as constructed for Conditional Use Permit 03-001/PM AG 02-0446 — Santa Lucia Bank; • Do not adopt the attached resolution accepting the improvements as constructed for Conditional Use Permit 03-001/PM AG 02-0446 — Santa Lucia Bank; • Modify staff's recommendation as appropriate and approve; • Provide direction to staff. � 5:\PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING SHARED ITEMS\Development Projects\Conditional Use Permits\YEAR 2003\CUP 03-007 TPM03-0Oi SANTALUCIA BANIC�PHASE I\COUNGL ACCEPTANCE\Staff Report-CUP 03-001 -SL Bank-ACCepWnce of Improvements.doc RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED AS PART OFPARCEL MAP AG 02-0446 WHEREAS, the City Council approved Final Parcel Map AG 02-0446 on November 25, 2003; WHEREAS, the developer has constructed the improvements as a condition of the Parcel Map AG 02-0446 conditions of approval; and, WHEREAS, the developer has provided the 10% warranty security as required by the Conditional Use Permit 03-001 and Parcel Map AG 02-0446 conditions of approval, to be released at the conclusion of the warranty period, provided the improvements are still in satisfactory condition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the public improvements constructed for Parcel Map AG 02-0446. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member ; and by the following roll call vote, to wit: , AYES: � � NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2005. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY 9.a. , CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the Arroyo Grande Council Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, to consider the following item: APPLICANT: City of Arroyo Grande LOCATION: Citywide � PROPOSAL: Proposed expenditure of State funds for law enforcement services provided in the FY 2005-06 State Budget, $100,000 being .the City of Arroyo Grande's approximate allocation. The FY 2005-06 State Budget continued funding for the Citizens' Option for Public Safety (COPS) . Program. Under this program, funding was allocated to local law enforcement agencies.to enhance delivery of services. These funds must be used to augment and/or enhance local law enforcement services and may not be used to supplant existing budgeted funds. The law requires that the funds be appropriated pursuant to written requests from the Chief of Police. Under the COPS program, the State of California will provide the City of Arroyo Grande $100,000 per year through the COPS program. The Chief of Police will develop his requests pursuant to the criteria contained in the law and will be presenting those requests for consideration. REPRESENTATIVE: Rick TerBorch, Chief of Police Any person affected or concerned by the proposal may submit written comments to the Office of the Chief of Police before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal at the time of the hearing. Any person interested in the proposed expenditures may contact the Office of the Chief of Police at the Police Department, 200 North Halcyon Road, Arroyo Grande, California, during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legisiative body for which the notice was given. -���=i� i� i ., ; , ::�`.��c�`;`_�.-- Kelly Wefmore; City Clerk Publish 1 time, The Tribune, September 2, 2005 � . pRROyO O� �`,P ti �NCOnvon�reo v= MEMORANDUM V m # ,nxv ,o. ro�i * . c4�/FORN�P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: RICK TerBORCH, CHIEF OF POLIC� /v- SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF USE OF STATE 2005-06 CITIZENS OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY (COPS) FUNDS DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended, after conducting a public hearing and making any modifications, the City Council approve the expenditure of$100,000 as authorized by the State for law enforcement services under the Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) Program. In addition, it is recommended that the City Council authorize the expenditure of $411 .87 carried over from the City's FY 2004-05 COPS Program. FUNDING: There is no General Fund impact. This expenditure involves $100,000 received by the City under the COPS Program in FY 2005-06 and $411 .87 carried over from the FY 2004-05 COPS Program. DISCUSSION: The FY 2005-06 State Budget continues funding for the Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) Program. Under this program, funding is allocated to local law enforcement for the delivery of services. These funds must be used to augment local law enforcement services and may not be used to supplant existing funding for such services. As in the past, the declared intent of the Governor and Legislature is to continue COPS as a multi-year program. However, a new appropriation to fund the program will be required each succeeding fiscal year. The law requires that these funds be appropriated pursuant to written requests from the Chief of Police. The City Council must consider these requests separate and apart from the proposed law enforcement allocations from the General Fund. Additionally, the City must establish a separate interest bearing fund (Fund 271) to record the receipt and expenditures of monies received pursuant to this program. The enabling legislation requires that the City conduct a public hearing in September of each year to consider requests from the Chief of Police. The funds are scheduled to be transferred this month from the State to the San Luis Obispo County Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF), which is administered by the County of San Luis Obispo. The County SLESF Oversight CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF USE OF STATE 2005-06 CITIZENS OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY (COPS) FUNDS SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 2 Committee is scheduled to meet to review the requests from the cities in the County on September 29, 2005. This review, which is required by law, is to ensure that the use of the COPS funds comply with the requirements and restrictions set forth in State law. Upon approval of the City's expenditure plan for this year's COPS funds by the County SLESF Oversight Committee, the County Auditor-Controller will forward the designated funds to the City. The allocation for the City of Arroyo Grande is $100,000. From FY 2000-01 through FY 2004-05, the City Council had authorized the COPS funding to be used for the funding of a Police SergeanYs position and the upgrade of two (2) Police Officer positions to Senior Police Officers. Due to time restrictions for the use of these funds, as part of the FY 2005-06 City Budget process, the City Council authorized the transfer of these personnel expenses to the General Fund Budget. ' In developing an expenditure program for the FY 2005-06 COPS Program, the Chief of Police is recommending the $100,000 allocation be designated to be used for the replacement and enhancement of the Police DepartmenYs base station radio communications system. The current system was purchased in FY 1986-87 and is now approaching 18 years in age. The City has been noticed by our communications maintenance contractor that beginning this year, the manufacturer will no longer support the current system. What this means is that the manufacturer will no longer produce replacement parts and any current and future maintenance work will have to be done with parts currently in inventory. Given the age of the equipment, the maintenance requirements for the base system are increasing. Staff has been researching the replacement and upgrade to the current system. A replacement system will include interoperability enhancements which will ensure future interoperability capabilities with public safety agencies within the region, including State agencies. The outside estimates for a new system are approximately $507,000. The acquisition of the new system is proposed to be through a lease-purchase program. The Police Chief's recommendation is to utilize the COPS funding over the next five (5) to six (6) years to fund this program, beginning with the FY 2005-06 appropriation. As presented earlier in this discussion, the COPS Program is a permanent program in the State Budget. However, a new appropriation to fund the program is required each year as part of the State's annual budget process. Staff will return at a later date for City Council authorization to proceed with the actual base station radio communication system replacement and enhancement program. At this time, the City Council is being CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF USE OF STATE 2005-06 CITIZENS OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY (COPS) FUNDS SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 3 asked to approve the Police Chief's recommendation to designate the FY 2005-06 COPS allocation of $100,000 for this program. It will be necessary for the Chief of Police to return to the City Council in September of each succeeding fiscal year during this program for authorization to utilize that year's COPS funding for the program. Effective January 1 , 2001, State law was amended to require that COPS funds must be spent or encumbered within a two year period or returned to the State Controller's Office (based on the State fiscal year). There is $411 .87 left over in the COPS fund from FY 2004-05 which has not been encumbered. This is primarily due to interest earned by the fund over the past two years. These funds must be expended by June 30, 2006. Staff recommends that the monies be designated for use in the Fund's "Special Department Supplies" line item (271-4202-5255). This will allow staff to purchase non-capital equipment and supplies not contained in this year's City Budget. The equipment/supplies would be used to further the Police DepartmenYs operations, including its community services/volunteer programs. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the Chief of Police's recommendation to utilize the FY 2005-06 COPS funds to be used as part of a multi-year program for the replacement and enhancement of the Police DepartmenYs base radio communications equipment; - Modify as appropriate and approve the recommendation of the Chief of Police; or - Do not approve the Chief of Police's recommendations. , _9.b. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL __ -- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARWG h��TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public hearing wilf be held by the City Council of fhe City of Arroyo Grande on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the �rroyo Grande Council Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, to consider the following item: PROPOSAL: Street Naming - Unnamed Private Drive Lo.cated In Tract 2310 (Parkside) as "Gienbrook Way" REPRESENTATIVE: Community Development Director The City Council will consider narriing the unnamed private drive located in Tract 2310 (Parkside) as "Glenbrook Way". Information relating to this proposal is available at the Community Development Department, located at 214 E. Branch Street, or by telephone at (805) 473-5420 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Any person affected or concemed by the proposal may submit written comments to the City Clerk before the City Council meeting, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposaL If you chal{enge an item irr court, you may be limited to raising onfy those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearings described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearings. Failure of.any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which ihe notice was given. , `-L ;: ; : l�l'� L(%'!�1.�— . � ,% �' � � .L �; :. Kelly We mo , City Clerk Publ+sh 1 time, 7he Tribune, September 2, 2005 � pRROYp O C� � INCORPORpTED yZ � " '" MEMORANDUM + ���� ,o. ,a„ * c4��FORN�P � . TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: RYAN FOSTER, ASSISTANT PLANNER� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF NAMING THE PRIVATE DRNE 10CATED IN TRACT 2310 (PARKSIDE) AS "GLENBROOK WAY" DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: � The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution naming the private drive located in Tract 2310 (Parkside) as "Glenbrook Way". FUNDING: No fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: Backqround , The City Council approved Tentative Tract Map 02-002 in November of 2003 for a two- phase development, consisting of thirteen (13) custom home lots and fifty-two (52) higher-density small lot single-family homes. This tract also includes an unnamed private drive that bisects Bakeman Lane, just north of Farroll Avenue. Private drives are usually named at the time a parcel/tract map is approved, if necessary. Although, that was not done in this case, during the development of the new lots created by the approval of Tract 2310, it became apparent that the private drive needs to be assigned a separate name by the City in order to accurately provide addresses for Lots 41 -41 , 47, 66-67. These lots are oriented to the private drive and have no relation to either Farroll Avenue or Bakeman Lane. S&S Homes; developer of Tract 2310, submitted a list of three (3) possible street names for the private drive, which have been reviewed by both the Fire and Police Departments. It has been determined that "Glenbrook Way" is the most appropriate of the suggested street names, as there were conflicts/similarities with the other proposed names. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF NAMING THE PRIVATE DRIVE LOCATED IN TRACT 2310 (PARKSIDE) AS "GLENBROOK WAY" SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE20F2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for Council consideration: ■ Adopt the attached Resolution; or ■ Do not adopt the attached Resolution and provide direction to staff Attachments: 1. Driveway alignment of lots located along proposed Glenbrook Way S:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT�PROJECTS\STAFF�O5-005\STAFF 05-005 CC RPT.doc RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NAMING THE PRIVATE DRIVE LOCATED IN TRACT 2310 (PARKSIDE) AS "GLENBROOK WAY" WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the Gity of Arroyo Grande recommends that the City Council name the private drive located in Tract 2310 (Parkside) and shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto as proposed "Glenbrook Way'; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered naming the private drive located in Tract 2310 (Parkside) as "Glenbrook Way" at a duly noted public hearing held on September 13, 2005 in accordance with the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the project is Categorically Exempt per Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, that the naming of the private drive located in Tract 2310 as "Glenbrook Way" will not cause any conflicts with existing local streets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ciry Council of the Ciry of Arroyo Grande hereby names the private drive located in Tract 2310 (Parkside) as "Glenbrook W ay". On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 13�' day of September 2005. RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY � . P',h,R.Y�5ti3� .'7�'ti��T` �3tt3-� � , �.�,x�.o� . � • FARROL ROhD . _J,_ _ _ ._.- � - . - -• _ .. ..-- - - "'_'" _ _ -_. � - ' —'_ _ ,, �. :�.: ---- --� ."""�-_�^ '_� • � �+ ���..�.��..� i �,.1 t�'-•�w X�, i.y `�...,.t .,, � J�•� "` j � , : i I ,.; r 1r. I ! � .� , � �i:�- ��� l ,y . i , �.W_, � ...� ,:. ��� J. q ' I � i. 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CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the Arroyo Grande Council Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, to consider the following item: CASE NO.: Lot Line Adjustment Case No. 05-001 APPELLANT: Dave Sturges LOCATION: 130 and 132 Short Street The City Council will consider an appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of the above-referenced project application to reconfigure a lot and a portion of a lot into two (2) Village Mixed-Use parcels. In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the Community Development Department has determined that this project is categorically exempt per Section 15305 of the CEQA Guidelines. If the City Council does not feel that this determination is appropriate, project approval will not be considered. Information relating to this proposal is available at the Community Development Department, located at214 E. Branch Street, or by telephone at (805) 473-5420 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Any person affected or concerned by the proposai may submit written comments to the City Clerk before the City Council meeting, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal. � If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the pubiic hearings described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearings. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. c9'CS2� Kelly We or City Clerk Publish 1 Time, The Tribune, on September 2, 2005 � pRROVp O �',p , INCOFPONATED 92 � ° " MEMORANDUM � ���. ,o. ,a�, * c9��F ORN�P ' TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR��• BY: JIM BERGMAN, ASSISTANT PLANNER \� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 05-001; APPLICANT - DAVE STURGES; LOCATION — 130 AND 132 SHORT STREET DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution denying Appeal 05-004 and upholding the Planning Commission's denial of Lot Line Adjustment 05-001. FUNDING: No fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: Backqround The applicant recently acquired APN 007-491-026, which consists of Lot 7 and a portion of Lot 8 of the Short, Mason & Whiteley addition, which was recorded on October 11, 1887. The portion of Lot 8, a strip of land 15 feet wide along the north side of Lot 8, was separated by a deed recorded on September 17, 1906. The property is currently developed with two, small World War II vintage houses and a two car garage and have presumably been used as individual rental units or as a main and secondary residence. The applicant proposes to reconfigure the lot lines to allow the individual sale of each house. Analvsis Recently amended California Government Code 66412 states: A local agency or advisory agency shall limit its review and approval to a determination of whether or not the parcels resulting from the lot line adjustment will conform to the local general plan, any applicable coastal plan, and zoning and building ordinances. An advisory agency or local agency shall not impose conditions or exactions on its approval of a lot line adjustment except to conform to the local general plan, any applicable coastal plan, and zoning and building ordinances, to require the prepayment of real property taxes prior to the CITY COUNCIL APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 05-001; APPLICANT - DAVE STURGES; LOCATION — 130 AND 132 SHORT STREET SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 2 approval of the lot line adjustment, or to facilitate the relocation of existing utilities, infrastructure, or easements. In short, Lot Line Adjustments are excluded from the Subdivision Map Act and review and conditions of approval by local jurisdictions are limited to that of ensuring any adjustments will conform to the local general plan, zoning and building ordinances. The applicant proposes a Lot Line Adjustment to allow the separation of two existing houses. Currently, Lot 7 is conforming as to minimum lot size and is big enough in area to build habitable structure, however Lot 8 is non-conforming in size. Due to its 15-foot width and required 5-foot side yard setbacks, the parcel would not be large enough to be considered buildable. In essence, the applicant is making a discretionary request to enable the creation of two buildable parcels. Attachment 1 and the table below illustrate the proposed old and new parcel configuration. Existin Parcel Area New Parcel Area Lot 7 6,779 Parcel 1 4,292 Portion of Lot 8 2,034 Parcel 2 4,521 It should be noted that the applicant presents gross and net lot area data on the Preliminary Map (Attachment 1). Staff addresses this distinction in the findings section below. Municipal Code Section 16.20.140 describes the Lot Line Adjustment process for the City of Arroyo Grande. On July 19, 2005, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and adopted a Resolution denying Lot Line Adjustment 05-001 based upon an inability to make findings number 5 and 7, which are set forth below. The lot line adjustment: 5. Constitutes poor land planning and is an undesirable lot configuration due to existing environmental conditions or current zoning development standards: Granting the lot line adjustment would produce the need for an access easement and would create a de facto flag lot with a stem widfh of 12 feet. Municipal Code Section 16.20.050.C.a. and b. state that flag lots shall have a minimum stem width of 18 feet and should only be allowed if they conform with the existing character of the neighborhood. Current development patterns within the Village and the original Short, Mason & Whiteley subdivision indicates no original flag lots. In addition, there is only one residential flag lot within the area (220 and 222 Short Street). If this Lot Line Adjustment application is approved it will set a precedent for many more flag lots to be created in the heart of the Village. The minimum, allowed lot size in the Village Mixed Use zone is 5,000 square feet. Approval of this Lot Line Adjustment application I CITY COUNCIL APPEA� OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 05-001; APPLICANT - DAVE STURGES; LOCATION — 130 AND 132 SHORT STREET � SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 3 would create two lots of 4,292 and 4,521 square feet. The applicanYs Preliminary Map indicates that the gross area of the previously conforming lof remains greater than the 5,000 square foof minimum allowed in the Village Mixed Use zone. It shou/d be noted thaf most commercial districts (Industrial Mixed Use, Traffic Way Mixed Use, Gateway Mixed Use, Fair Oaks Mixed Use, and Highway Mixed Use) utilize gross area when minimum lot size is referenced buf fhis relaxed distinction of gross area is not offered in any of the commercial Village zones (Village Core Downtown and Village Mixed Use). The rafionale for this distinction is for the protection of the lot sizes and unique character of the Village. , 7. Creates a nonconforming lot in the development district in which it exists, except as allowed in Section 16.48.110of this title. As currently configured there is one conforming lot (6,779 square feet) and one non-conforming lot (2,034 square feet). The granting of fhis lot line adjustmenf wou/d result in two non-conforming lots of 4,292 and 4,521 square feet in the Village Mixed Use zone when the minimum allowed lot size is 5,000 square feet. Municipal Code Secfion 16.48.110.D.2. specifically states that a Lot Line Adjusfinent of this type is not allowed: Under no circumstances shall lofs conforming to minimum lot sizes be reduced in size to a nonconforming status. It should be noted, although not being considered at this public hearing, the applicant has attached a new lot configuration that allows for a flag lot with a stem width of 15 feet and does not create a new non-conforming lot. It is probable that the applicant can even potentially create a similar configuration with an 18 foot wide stem. If this is the case, Municipal Code Section, which states "Flag lots shall be approved only when they conform with the existing character of the neighborhood in which they are proposed to be located" becomes the most important aspect of consideration. Attachment 2 presents the original Short, Mason & Whiteley addition. This map is presented, in this case, to define the neighborhood that the subject property is located. In addition, it can be argued that the configuration of the original lots in this neighborhood is an important aspect of the historic character of the Village. Attachment 3 is an aerial photograph of the Village with property lines as a GIS overlay. It should be noted that there is one flag lot within the area as previously mentioned at 220 and 222 Short Street between Mason and Poole Streets. These lots were created under the Tentative Parcel Map process (applied for in 1993, recorded in 1992) and are 5,496 and 4,399 square feet in area and utilize a flag of 12 feet in width. Attachment 4 is a collage of the current Assessor's Parcel Maps of the Village with a colored line indicating the boundaries of the original Short, Mason & Whiteley addition. This map indicates, CITY COUNCIL APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 05-001; APPLICANT - DAVE STURGES; LOCATION — 130 AND 132 SHORT STREET SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 4 through green highlights, that over time there has been many minor alterations, presumably to allow larger building areas in certain case in the underlying parcels through grant deeds or similar processes although the basic original layout remains intact. If the Council determines that flag lots conform with the neighborhood, property owners of some of these deeded parcels, depending on individual situations, could request similar lot line adjustments and create more flag lots within the original Short, Mason & Whiteley addition. Alternative Review Processes Staff has emphasized the use of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) or similar process to allow improvements to the property that could, through density bonuses, result in an additional unit and address currently insufficient amenities such as covered parking. The PUD process also utilizes review procedures consistent with the protection of the historic character of the Village, such as ARC review to ensure compliance with the Design Guidelines and Standards for Historic Districfs. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the Resolution; - Modify as appropriate and adopt the Resolution; - Do not adopt the Resolution; and - Provide direction to staff and the applicant Attachments 1. Proposed Lot Line Adjustment 2. Original Map of the Short, Mason &Whiteley addition 3. Aerial photograph of the Village with property lines as a GIS overlay 4. Assessor's Parcel Maps of the Village area 5. Rebuttal letter for the applicanYs attorney 6. Planning Commission package and minutes from July 19, 2005 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING APPEAL 05-004 AND UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 05-001; APPLIED FOR BY DAVE STURGES; LOCATED AT 130 AND 132 SHORT STREET WHEREAS, on July 19, 2005, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande held a duly noticed public hearing and adopted a Resolution denying Lot Line Adjustment 05-001; and � WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Appeal 05-004 of the Planning Commission's denial of Lot Line Adjustment 05-001; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the City Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that this project is not consistent with the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and has determined that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt per Section 15305 of the CEQA Guidelines. WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, that required findings number 5 and 7 cannot be made in an affirmative manner as set forth below. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL The proposed lot line adjustment: 5. Constitutes poor land planning and is an undesirable lot configurations due to existing environmental conditions or current zoning development standards; Granting the lot line adjustment would produce the need for an - access easement and would create a de facto flag lot with a stem width of 12 feet. Municipal Code Section 16.20.050.C.6.a. and b. state that flag lots shall have a minimum stem width of 18 feet and should only be allowed if they conform with fhe existing character of the neighborhood. Current development pattems within the Village and the original Short, Mason, Whiteley subdivision indicates no original flag lots. In addition, there is only one residential flag lot within the area (220 and 222 Short Street). If this Lot Line Adjustment application is approved it will set a precedent for many . more flag lots to be created in the heart of the Village. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 , The minimum allowed lot size in the Village Mixed Use zone is 5,000 square feet. Approval of this Lot Line Adjusfinent application would creafe two lots of 4,292 and 4,521 square feet. The applicanYs Preliminary Map indicates that the gross area of the previously conforming lot remains greafer than the 5,000 square foot minimum allowed in the Village Mixed Use zone. It should be noted that most commercial districts (Industria/ Mixed Use, Tra�c Way Mixed Use, Gateway Mixed Use, Fair Oaks Mixed Use, and Highway Mixed Use) utilize gross erea when minimum lot size is referenced but this relaxed distinction of gross area is not offered in any of the commercia/ Village zones (Village Core Downtown and Village Mixed Use). The rationale for this distinction is for the protection of the lot sizes and unique character of the Village. 7. Create a nonconforming lot in the development district in which it exists, except as allowed in Section 16.48.110 of this title. As currently configured there is one conforming lot (6,779 square feet) and one non-conforming lot (2,034 square feet). The granting of this lot line adjustment would result in two non-conforming lots of 4,292 and 4,521 square feet in the Village Mixed Use zone when the minimum allowed lot size is 5,000 square feef. Municipal Code Section 16.48.110.D.2. specifically states that a Lot Line Adjusfinent of this fype is not allowed: Under no circumstances shall /ots conforming to minimum lot sizes be reduced in size to a nonconforming status. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby denies with prejudice Appeal 05-004 and upholds the Planning Commission's denial of Lot Line Adjustment 05-001 based on the above findings. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this day of September 2005. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ( ._ , - 1=� .� _ - I�) � � - � � I II � ..�Ofl�-avt-r?5 � - I . - ' , - �.07 0 II i I � I II �--r-I . I IY�Vi'�IMX �� I L I I II r� ..,r --- -.�,� -�- -- , MOp�IY}K � •can xo uan r' wmxe a aa�.�t q a..wx ' —_ _— �.�.• , rnerm i — asxx�—T � .. \ II II I � . � i . I II N . . � � I� _ — '_ � H^ � V , . 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CllY OF ARROYO CRANDE �oo �5 R•s Wa cWMY a' .._.°..�:".:sa.�..°...i:°d"e°�rc". /_ \ SAN �g p�.�ea ATTACHMENT 5 BELSHER & BECKER " � ATTORNEYS AT LAW � � ' �412 MARSH STREET � � JOHN W.BELSHER - , SAN LUIS OBISPO,CALIFORNIA 93401 TELEPHONE(805)542-9900 HOWARD MARK BECKER , S1'EVEN P.ROBERTS , _ FAX(805)542-9949 � July 28 2005 E-MAILslolaw@belsherandbecker.com GREGORY A.CONNELL ' City Clerk � City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: Appeai of Jul�9. 2005 Planning Commission decision on lot line adiustment application 05-001 (Dave Sturges - 130 and 132 Short Street Dear Madam Clerk and Members of the City Council: This appeal by Village resident and lifelong Arroyo Grande citizen Dave Sturges concerns the decision of the Planning Commission on July 19, 2005 to deny a lot line adjustment which would simply move an existing legal lot line to encompass two existing houses on Short Street. The lot line adjustment would not result in any increase in any density. The current dwellings are substandard and the property is notattractive to entry- level families because the houses are not currently on separate parcels. A lot line adjustment will enable refurbishing of the current front structure, as illustrated in the enclosed photographs, and replacement of the rear structure with a single-family home of approximately 1,500 sq.ft.,also shown in the enclosed photographs. The resulting lots will have a gross square footage of at least 5,000 sq. ft. and structures will comply with all setbacks under the City codes. The lot line adjustment results in an improvement for the City, complies with all Iegal requirements, and should be approved by the City CounciL The Planning Commission appears to have been upset with the fact that two legal lots exist on the property. This condition is not disputed, however, by any City staff member. The lot line to be adjusted therefore must be acknowiedged. By using the lot line . to make the homes stand alone on separate parcels, the property will be more attractive to entry-level families. The findings for denial adopted by the Planning Commission should be rejected by the City Council as they are eithe�in error, do not reflect the revised plan submitted by the applicant prior to the July 19 hearing or do not reflect the priorities of the City to acJvance development for young families. The Pianning Commission declined to consider a revised plan submitted on Monday morning, July 18, in response to a staff report not released until 5:00 on Friday July 15. This plan is attached to this appeal and the City Council is requested to consider it on this appeal. The finding that an 18 foot-wide access is required by Municipai Code Sectio� 16.20.050 (6a and d) is inappropriate since that requirement applies to subdivisions an� not to lot line adjustments, which are not subdivisions. Government Code §66412. Moreover, we are advised by the Building Department that driveways of 12 feet are Arroyo Grande City Council July 28, 2005 Page 2 regularly permitted in the City and aliowed under State law. Accordingly,there is no zoning requirement of an 18 foot driveway access. The 15-foot flag access in the revised plan is consistent with the neighborhood, as well. A survey of the area reveals several flag lots. See the enclosed Assessor Parcel Map. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that a fiag lot is out of character with the neighborhood. Nor is it accurate to say in staff reports that there was only one residential flag lot within the area. In response to the staff report findings for denial based on insufficient lot size, the applicant's revised plan includes one lot at 5,000 sq. ft gross and the other lot in excess of that sum, gross and net.The requirement of a minimum lot size in the zoning ordinance of 5,000 sq. ft. is silent as to whether it is "gross" or "neY' square footage. Staff has interpreted this requirement as"net"square footage in supporting findings for denial, even though the word "neY' is not in the standard. As staff notes, in commercial zones gross square footage is the accurate measurement. Since"neY'square footage is not mentioned as a measurement standard, the appellant suggests the "gross" square footage measure is the correct interpretation of the Code. In any event,.the minimum area requirement is not a proper basis for denial of a lot line adjustment because the zoning code specifically anticipates there will be undersized lots resulting from lot line adjustments. The finding of denial misapplies Section 16.48.110 in terms of minimum lot size. That section states"Under no circumstances shall lots conforming to minimum lot sizes be reduced in size to a non-conforming status." It does not state that a lot line adjustment must adjust all non-conforming lots to conforming. The applicant here is bettering the situation by increasina a non-conforming lot of 2,034 sq. feet to a gross acreage of 5,000 gross sq.ft. and net acreage of 3,500 sq.ft. The second lot is unquestionably conforming (larger than 5,000 sq. ft net) both before and after the lot line adjustment. Accordingly, there is no evidence whatsoever that this lot line adjustment violates Section 16.48.110. In fact, the substandard-sized lot is improved on in size as the section requires. Approval of the lot line adjustment would advance the City's goal of providing entry- level homes for families in the Village Area. Furthermore, there is virtually no opposition to this simple action. Enclosed are petitions from residents and visitors to Arroyo Grande supporting the application. By the hearing on this appeal,the applicant will present written supportfrom the immediate neighborhood, as well. The Applicant therefore requests that the City Council consider and approve its proposed modified design submitted to the City on July 19, 2005. Due to calendar conflicts, the earliest date requested for hearing on this appeal would be August 23, 2005. - Sincere y, J . ,. -=.��'�;n, V1�-{�il ��..�% John W. Belsher� JWB/ab Encls . P:WngelaaFleaU�nScAenh�Payna\CkyCaundi-AG.Ol.wpd . ATTACHMENT 6 NenRwc Da.Te: July 19, 2005 AGENDA ITEM: III.B /� � ti � �i CITY OF HRRnYO � RANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Fi�e/INOex: Lot Line Adjustment 05-001 AaPUCANT: Dave Sturges REPRESENTATIVE: DeV2 SfU�g2S ' LocaTioN: 130 and 132 Short Street PROPOSa�: Proposed Lot Line Adjustment to allow the separation of two houses currently developed on one parcel PROJECT PLANNER:, Jlfl'1 B2f9R18�, Assistant Planner Public Notice Thirty-eight (38) notices mailed on July 7, 2005 to property owners within 300 feet of the parcel. Notice appeared in the The Tribune on July 8, 2005. Environmental Review � The project is categorically exempt under section 15305 of the CEQA guidelines. ' Background The applicant recently acquired APN 007-491-026, which.consists of Lot 7 and a portion of Lot 8 of the Short, Nelson and Whiteley subdivision. The property is developed with two small, World War II vintage; houses and a garage and have presumably been used as individual rental units. The applicant proposes to reconfigure the lot line associated with the 2,034 square foot portion of Lot 8 to allow the separation of each home. Staff believes that the findings for a Lot Line Adjustment cannot be made and that Municipal Coc�e Section 16.48.120.D.2 clearly prohibits this lot line adjustment. Staff has informed the applicant that a Tentative Parcel Map and Planned �Unit Development application is an available method to allow for the improvement and separation of the two houses. PLANNING COMMISSION LLA 05-001 . JULY 19, 2005 PAGE2 DISCUSSION: ' Prolect Description The applicant proposes a Lot Line Adjustment to allow the separation of two existing houses. Attachment 1 illustrates the proposed old and new parcel configuration. Details of the lot line adjustment are presented in the table below and on Attachment 1. Existin Parcel Area New Parcei Area - Lot 7 6,779 Parcel 1 . 4,292 Portion of Lot 8 2,034 Parcel 2 ° 4,521 It shouid be noted that the applicant presents gross and net lot area data on the Preliminary Map (Attachment 1). Staff addresses this distinction in the findings section below. Lot Line Adjustment Findings Municipal Code Section 16.20.140 (C) states the findings �equired for.approval of a lot line adjustment. These required findings are reproduced below. Staff believes that . factual support for findings number 5 and 7 cannot be made as further discussed below. The planning commission shall approve or conditionally approve a lot line adjustment if it does not: 1. Create any new lots; 2. Include any lots or parcels created illegally; 3: Impair any existing access or create a need for access to any adjacent lots or parcels; � � 4. Impair any existing .easements or create a need for any new easements serving • adjacent lots or parcels; 5. Constitute poor land planning or undesirable lot configurations due to existing environmental conditions or current zoning development standards; Gra�nting the lot line adjustment would produce the need for an access easement and would create a de facto flag lot with a stem width of 12 feet. Municipal Code Section 16.20.050 (6a and b) state that flag lots shall have a minimum sfem width of 18 feef and should only be allowed if they conform with the existing character of the neighborhood. Current developmenf patterns within the Village and the original Short, Mason, White%y subdivision indicates no original flag lots. In addition, staff can locate only one residential flag !ot within the area (220 and 220 Short Streef). Staff believes that if this Lot Line Adjustmenf is approved it will set a precedent for many more flag lots to be creafed in the hearf of fhe Village. PLANNING COMMISSION LLA 05-001 . JULY 19, 2005 PAGE 3 The minimum allowed lot size in the Village Mixed Use zone is 5,000 square feet. Approva! of this Lot Line Adjustment would ' creafe two lots of 4,292 and 4,521 square feef. The applicant's Preliminary Map indicafes that the gross area of fhe previously conforming lot remains greafer than fhe 5,000 square foot minimum allowed in the Village Mixed Use zone. If should be noted that most commercial districts (lndustrial Mixed Use, Traffic Way Mixed Use, Gafeway Mixed Use, Fair Oaks Mixed Use, and Highway Mixed Use) utilize gross area when minimum !ot size is referenced but this relaxed distinction of gross area is not offered in any of the commercial Village zones (Village Core Downtown and Village Mixed Use). The apparenf rationale for this distinction is for fhe profection of the prevailing lot sizes and unique character of the Village. - 6. Require substantial alteration of any existing improvements or create a need for any new improvements; 7. Create a nonconforming lot in the development district in which it exists, except as ailowed in Section 16.48.110 of this titie. As currently configured there is one conforming lot (6,779 square feet) and one non-conforming lot (2,034 square feet). The granting ; of this lot line adjustment would result in two non-conforming fots of 4,292 and 4,521 square feet in the Village Mixed Use zone when the minimum allowed lof size is 5,000 square feet. Municipal Code Section 96.48.910 specifically sfates fhaf a Lot Line Adjustment of this type is not allowed: : Under no circumsfances shall lots conforminq to minimum lot sizes be reduced in size fo a nonconforming stafus. RECOMMENDATION: Staff �ecommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached Resolution denying Lot Line Adjustment 05-008. ' Attachment: 1) Proposed Lot Line Adjustment RESOLUTION NO. ' A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING LOT LINE ' ADJUSTMENT 05-001; LOCATED AT 130 AND 132 SHORT STREET WHEREAS, the applicant, has filed Lot Line Adjustment 05-001 to allow the separation of two houses currently developed on one parcel; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of .Arroyo .Grande has considered Lot Line Adjustment 05-001 at a public hearing on July 19, 2005 in accordance with the Municipa� Code of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the project is Categorically Exempt per Section 15305 of the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following findings cannot be made in an affirmative manner: Lot Line Adjustment Findings: The Planning Commission shall approve or conditionally approve a Lot Line , Adjustment if it does not: � 1 . Create any new lots; 5. Constitute poor land planning or undesirable lot configurations due to existing environmental conditions o� current zoning development standards; :� Granting the lot line adjustment would produce the need for an access easement and would create a de facto flag !ot with a stem width of 12 feef. Municipal Code Secfion. 16.20.050 (6a ' and b) state thaf flag lots shall have a minimum sfem width of . 98 feet and.should on/y be allowed if. they conform with the existing characte� of the neighborhood. Current development pattems wifhin the Village and the original Short, Mason; ' Whiteley subdivision indicates no original flag lots. In addition, staff can locate only one residential flag lot within the area (220 - and 220 Shorf Street). Staff believes thaf �if this Lot Line Adjustment is approved it will set a precedent for many more flag lofs to be created in the heart of fhe Village. The minimum allowed lot size in the Village Mixed Use zone is 5,000 square feet. Approval of this Lot Line Adjustmenf would RESOLUTION NO. LLA 05-001 JULY 19, 2005 PAGE 2 of 3 create two lots of 4,292 and 4,521 square feet. The applicanYs Preliminary Map indicates that the gross area of the previously conforming lot remains greater than the 5,000 square foot minimum allowed in the Village Mixed Use zone. It should be nofed that most commercial districts (Indusfria! Mixed Use, Traffic Way Mixed Use, Gateway Mixed Use, Fair Oaks Mixed Use, and Highway Mixed Use) ufilize gross area when minimum lot size is referenced but this relaxed distinction of gross area is no�F offered in any of the commercial Village zones (Village Core Downtown and Village Mixed Use). The apparenf rationale for this distinction is for the protection of the prevailing lot sizes and unique.character of fhe Village. � 7. Create a nonconforming lot in the development district in which it exists, except as allowed in Section 16.48.1 10 of this title. As currently configured fhere is one conforming lot (6,779 ' square feet) and one non-conforming lot (2,034 square feet). The granting of this lot line adjustment would result in two non- conforming lofs of 4,292 and 4,521 square feef in fhe Village Mrxed Use zone when the mrnimum allowed lot size is 5,000 square feet. Municipal Code Section 96.48.990 specifically states that a Lot Line Adjustment of this fype is not allowed: . ci�ac ha ior�li�rorl in ci�a fn a nnncnnfnrminn Matiic NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of .' Arroyo Grande hereby denies Lot Line Adjustment 05-001 . On motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Arnold, and by the following roll cail vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19"' day of July, 2005. . RESOLUTION NO. LLA 05-001 JULY 99, 2005 PAGE 3 of 3 ATTEST: KATHY MENDOZA, TIM BROWN, CHAIR COMMISSION CLERK AS TO CONTENT: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR � I . Dave Stnrges Construction Company . � �n1 D 325 Short St,Arroyo Grande,CA 93420 `i j��M Phone: (S0�474-4346 Cell: (H0�235-9605 `�y �j E-mail: davesturges@sbcglobal.net July 17, 2005 Members af the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission: Tim Brown Chair John Keen Vice Chair Chuck Fellows Commissioner Nanci Parker Commissioner Doug Tait Commissioner Staff Members: Steve Adams City Manager Timothy 7. Carmel City Attorney Rob Strong CDD Duector 7im Bergman CDD StaffMember � Others: John Belcher Applicant's Attomey Dear Sirs: Please'find attached my response to the Planning Staff's analysis of an application for a Lot Line Adjustment (OS-001) at 130 and 132 Short Street. In view of Staff's negative recommendation for approval of this applicatioq it was not an easy decision to pursue it by appearing before the Commission. This is because, regazdless of the outcome, I will need to continue to work with tlie Planning Stai�and certainly do not need an adversarial� . relationship. Nevertheless, in this case, the reasons for granting my request are compelling and well-gounded in the Village Guidelines,the Municipal Code and State Law. The Planning Staff's stated reasons for denial are not only obscure, but contradictory and in direct conflict with the intent of the Village Guidelines. . In addition, after reviewing Staff's"findings",we have modified our preliminary map to : mitigate the'u appazent major concem of having the LLA change an existing conforming lot to a nonconforming lot. Please note that all ofthe foilowing discussion relates to the lot configuration proposed in E�ibit"A". . It is therefore my hope that reviewing the following response to Planning Staff's findings will provide you with a broader basis for evaluating this application and assist you in making a more informed and thoughtful decision. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sinc ly, < Dave turges RESPONSES TO FINDINGS This proposal for a lot line adjustment was supposed to be a simple matter. Since there already exists two, separate, deeded and legal parcels;lhe Municipal Code says that a lot line adjustment is allowable if its granting does not: 1. (lloes not) Create any new lots This Lot Line Adjirstment as s7�bmitted does not create new lots; it relocates the existing property lines between Lot 7&8 to align with the existing structzrres, creating rivo single Family Residential parcels that ccm be adjusted to provide iwo conforming, minimum size parcels. As proposed, Parcel] consisdng of 5,763 SF and Parcel2 consisting of S,000 SF as shown on the anached Exhibit "A"conform with Development code section 16.48.110.D2 and `increases the size of an adjacent nonconforming lot to allow its size cmd dimensions to be brought closer to conformity with the provisions of this title". 2. (Does not) Include any lots or parcels created illegally. Parcel 7 in Block 1 was created by the Short,Mason & Whitley Map cmd Parcel8 was created by 83 dds 453 cmd these deeds have been reviewed by the City Attorney Tim Carmel, found to be consistent with the SubdivisionMapAct, andproven to be legal, underlyingparcels. 3. (Does not) Impair any existing access or create a need for access to any � adjacent lots or pazcels. The Lot Gne Adjustment has no adverse impacts on adjacent parcels and udlizes ihe ezisting IS'alignment of parcel las shawn on Exhibit "A" attached. .' 4. (Does not) Impair any er�isting easements or create a need for any new ' easements serving adjacent lots or parcels. The Loi Line fldjustmentMap as presented on the.4tiaehed Exhibii "A" ereates no easements on ihe adjacent parcel or on the proposed adjusted . parcels and provides individual access to both pareels from Short StreeP. 5. (Does not) Constitute poor land planning or undesirable lot configurations due to eacisting environmental conditions or current zoning development standazds. The Lot Line Adjustment, attached as Exhibit `A'; complres with the minimum lot size strnrdards of 5,D00 SF as referenced in `1FSinimum Sa4e Development Standards"on perge 525and attaehed as Fxhibit 'B". 6. (Does not)Require.substantial alteration of any existing improvements or create a need for any new improvements. • 1 ,: The Lot Line Adjzrstment as proposed on the Attached Exhrbit `f1"creates no need or alteration of existing improvements. The existing dwelling units have been occtrpied as Single Family Residential dwelling since completion of construction in.1940 as indicated on Exhibit "C", County Tczz flssessor Roll, and have rndividual uiility service connections for water, sewer, gas, electricity,phone and cable 7Trand crn:provide for individual access for each parce!to Short Sireet. 7:(lloes not) Create a nonconforming lot in the development district in which it exists, except as allowed in Section 16.48.110 of this title. The Lot Line fldj:rstment as proposed on Attached Exhibit `i1" provides for the adjustment of one non-conforming lot of 2,484 SF into conformcmce cmd provides for rivo (2) conforming lots one consisting of 5,763 SF cmd one at 5,000 SF, consistent with the Development Strnrdards as referenced in attached Fxhibit `B". The two houses on this site have been functioning as two, separate residences for 65 years. My intent is to improve the overall appeararice of the neighborhood and the view corridor from the historic Swinging Bridge and the view.from the porch of Santa Manuela School House, which is located directly across from this site on Short Street. Upon completion of the rehabilitation of the e�cisting structures,the Lot Line Adjustment will allow the sale of two, sepazately owned, single-Family residential units. It is obvious that in our"Village" owner-occupied properties aze invariably better maintained by people motivated by"pride-of-ownership". Being an owner/occupant myself at 325 Short Street, it is important to me that the general appearance of the Village be maintained and even improved. The Planning Staff has repeatedly tried to convince me to apply for a"PUD"for • this property to accomplish the same thing. Why it is acceptable as a PUD with : increased density and structural coverage and not as a Lot Line Adjustment is a bewilderment to me. City Planning has repeatedly attempted to encourage me to apply for a PUD by stating that they thought three units would work nicely and% , could make more money. Mr. Strong went so far as to sketch out a possible site plan and produced a schedule for"fast-tracking"the approval process (original marked-up copy for your review upon request). I was app�lled! Not only is the PUD process expensive and carries a protracted approval timeline, but to construct a project like he described directly across from the City's Museum,Park an<t historic"Swinging Bridge" is absolutely contrary to the intent of the Vllage Guidelines. By encouraging and even promoting the development of projects similar to the commercial complex located at the gateway to the Village on East Branch Street,the planning staff puts itself in direct opposition to the often stated wishes of the residents of the"Village". 2 Judging from Staff's analysis of their"Findings" for a Lot Line Adjustment, (as follows) it is obvious that their disregazd for the spirit of the"Village Design Guidelines" has motivated them to misinterpret and misconstrue to substantiate and justify their position. RESPONSE TO STAFF COMMENTS IN"FIIVDINGS" TTEM#5 (5) (Does not) Constitute poor land planning or undesirable lot configuration due to existing environmental conditions or current zoning development standards. The granting of the Lot Line Adjustment as indicated on the Attached Exhibit "A" with a flag lot would not create the need for an access easement and would provide for individual:access to. Short Street for each parcel. Section 16.20.050 of"Standards of Land Division" was written specifically for the creation of new subdivisions and makes no reference to existing access or Lot Line Adjustments. The text in the Standard, if applicable, provides that exceptions to standards to be granted by the Planning Commission when it is deemed by"special circumstance"to be applicable to the property(see attached Exhibit"D" Standazds to Land Division). It states that a determination shall be made that the granting of the modification will noYbe detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or be damaging to other property in the vicinity. Section (6) states that flag lots shall be permitfed, even though they do not meet the minimum lot width requirements at , the street boundary line. 6(b) states, "FIaQ lots shall be approved onlv when they conform to the existin�character ofthe nei�hborhood in which they are proposed to be located. Please see attached Exhibit "E"which shows flag lots located at 220 and 222 Short Street with a 12 ft stem width, one at 117 Poole Street,with a 12' stem width and one located on Tr�c Way(APN Map . Number 007-542-021)with a 15' stern width and one at 467 and : 506 Whitley with a 15 ft stem width. Section 6(d) states that Flag Lots shall be utilized only in infill azeas. In conclusion, the reference to Section 16.20.050, if applied to a Lot Line Adjustment, has provisions for Planning Commission approval. The Lot Line Adjustment on the attached Exhibit "A" shows compliance with the 5,000 SF minimum with 5,763 SF for one lot and 5,000 SF for the other. We have searched the Village Guidelines and the Municipal Code and can find no7eference for the quote, "....this relaxed distinction of gross(lot) azea is not offered in any of the commercial Village zones(Village Core Downtown and Village Mixed Use)."In fact the attached E�ibit "A" is in conformance with the net and gross parcel size as referenced in Exhibit"B". Nevertheless, Staf�'goes on 3 ! to say, "The apparent rational for this distinction is for the protection of the prevailing lot sizes and unique character of the �Village." Please note, as shown on Exhibit "E", 3 and 4 (APN maps)the"Village displays a variety of parcel sizes that establish the unique character of the�llage. This statement is in direct conflict with Staff's repeated attempts to promote a PUD of higher � density with even smaller lots, common access easements and ' e�rtensive lot coverage. RESPONSE TO STAFF COMNiENTS IN FINDINGS # 7 7. Create a nonconforming lot in the development district in which it e�usts except as allowed in Section 16.48.110 of the title (Attached as Eachibit "F") The reference to 16.48.110(A) states, "This section also is intended to limit the circumstances under which a nonconforming lot may be reduced in size". When in fact we are rectifying ihe nonconforming use and bringing it into conformance by increasing the parcel size not reducing it! Section(D)Nonconfornvng Los (1) A nonconfornung lot may be used for any use identified as an allowable or conditional use by this title, provided the minimal development standards established in this title for particular uses are satisfied. Section(2) states that"reductions in the size of existing nonconforming lotsshall only be allowed with Variances and Lot Line Adjustments (one or the other)to increase the size of ' an adjacent, nonconfomung lot to allow its size or dimensions to be brought closer to confomuty with the provision of this tide. Under no circumstances shali lots conforming to minimal lot sizes be reduced in size to a nonconforming status."Exhibit "E", APN maps, show several e�sting nonconforming parcels under sepazate . ownership. In response to this section, we are not proposing to reduce the minimal patcel size but to adjust the two existing parcels to a confomtinQ minimu� _ parcel size of 5,763 SF and 5,000 SF as shown on Attached Exhibit"A". In conclusion we are requesting the Planning Cominission adopt a resolution approving the requested Lot Line Adjustment and instruct the Planning Staffto prepare a revised "StaffReport"with appropriate findings reflecting the changes made on the preliminary map as noted on Exhibit "A". Thank you f r your consideration and time in reviewing this iequest. Sincerely 4 EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS LISTING EXEIIBIT A—Preliminary Lot Line Adjustment Map E7{HIBIT B—Village Mixed Use Development Standards EXHIBIT C—County Taac Assessor Statement EXHIBIT D—Development Code Section 1620.050 EXHIBIT E—Parcel Maps AG-91-133, APN 007-54, APN 007-49 EXE�IT F—Development Code Section 16.48.110 Development Code 1620.140 Lot Line Adjustment City of Arroyo Grande Web Page City Planning Staff Report with Resolution Planning Commission Agenda for July 19, 2005 Cover Letter and signed petitions by Arroyo Village neighbors and Village visitors taken at the Short Street project site. ; �, , 5 , II I � � I II . ' ' APN 007-491-025 ' • I Lor s � ��� a � �� � �� �--—�— ..�> — — �,j Y �-- — i F ° ':I � �� �� ..�,�.� i •LQK.WD V1YlV I I GShclll L105MG p�6 pTfY�\ � N I I I 1,1 I �I I I' w� i _-�—n--T—� — — � 'I �� � I � I � I II I �, j� � �w,l I I— - -- ---� _� � j II � a j N v � �� � ' a �----��–J--, —I � � ��_,�. � - I III - ' o � I II � � � �� � � � � , � � o u r ��..r L.O7 7 �i.u� _ � a � ° ' L ,� I � �`, _____ °�I � N - � III a ��I J �-- ;' � Y .Q I f Mvrc�caa-sronr � / -C c e $c a q Y � �� PARCEL 2 � III <C o�I ..w PARCEL '1 � . �,..�„ �� ��-� �'�' I .., ' � �� � � ,..°°.,� S ; ��..,� _ - �.� — n I 57�c3 SSF ' P7N Lo7 B I �I I „ . I II 6 --------�-- ------„r . 83 D�EDS d53 _ ao• u �� I II � — { - e . Sf�50'�SY ISSN , ' i �� - canra�c scece III III � PTN LOT 8 ` � APN 007-491-036 I II I a � I II L {arsn) �mee-�a n ' II I I I i .I II f � ' t,. .yyY . �p LEOEND • 5-'���M YI 4�1.; ��1�� si lyx�5�1Np � 4IIme Vt . " . i 3 art�lyi(�rrL ��j��+��j��k,w'��tr��fri"}°"�M s� ��� �.yrs:� P H E L 1 M 1 N A R Y M A P [ �L�4�Y 7 rs t'� �"Sp.7 v.� ��.�5�7 i� ;" .. VNOJECT DATA � w y�m v a n 't � �y�l "�,i'^'•! d},`' ayt�� j �1� ir?'I uwom a.wrc LOT LINE ADJU8TMENT lYj;C �•4Y qii';M�„�•��>.rt iqr n� '% �i "tuv¢c emsanslxrn Fy "'s' T a' Mti.�P`h`"'xvo'.�iV�,� ��14 *." i 1� �.; • . ��,�,,.-.,�. . AG AL 05-0178 . �?Ayy�'�e{7YV� .'?..j�t/yow[ s`�M 0 u� � a AssmqtY nunt�.a m�-�n.m� reswe ix �l r� MlSfj V'f•yn `�Y� �at ',l{J} ' S ulR.fuMtR CIYY'AC y�� y0l�1MtlA��YlU�edam�ClM Py `�t�i�,�� �z`i��� vd Ci'f��'�rt n$1 i r�°�� ar�wioer us m . . var s�.nn ws.w ra�ie�w1°u:n x s..�u.�v�oiimo�c°oanami��� . x �•p��' �� �ta�^'+'"�9���w✓�'W.� .'W: a ae� rn�o�c ru . m�o.ca.°'w u a�m cutaww - A a4 ��F�`i�.�r � �r��,kt�fi��N�ii� /� - � � ' �f C/TY OF ARR,O <OuYCRANDE 2�'}, q( AREA TABLE Wr roas•� f scuc� �-- �o• � i � � �.�k�l`r�' (�F\'L �:IWv } ry�� �au�nn � 7 i N/,��'j o t4�N �1 tkM N 5.'. . n.� et?.y, %ht��'f��'�i,�rb r s. nr" er �, /mr<rm _ § ,•1�.•"i �''' "� � /�am� xww a�� r _ _aws :�„ °°' . �� M�cni.c� e snwtox v�s aiox vve os ccmos ct. � � � � �arr �m/unrr �w—� wai r �ms.rl^��,,;arir �I ' � nneo`vo eawoe. u oa�o� � � . �eoe e�-meo NC�IOTV MAP mrrcw n�or i xir/au�v xm _ _ _nurn a uy.vitr a»'s<...�.. . l wr m.xVr � nw w-o.nm ma-u m-��.wnuo-m a..r r e�� ..�,+-.,. .4 .. . ._ .. . .. . �t:. k 'I- i f 1M � �.�. '� �`� `r � .. , v�l��.rs2. �_.-t�.:i,�..o�.�.� ':...e.{>�c.:1cs a—".L��.�+��k'.�.i...ti z' . ���.�c !S � . `� � ... ,. _ . S„Scg� 5 . . --- . . - `rZc..r !<:� 4�Cc.�� , - !>" "L6E.� " �3 ]636.020 Tab1e.16.36.020(C) Viilage Core Doivnta�vn (VCD) Minimum Site Develo ment Standards 1.Maximum Densiry Mixed Use l5 dwelling.units per gross acre. Pro'ects 2.Minimum Lot Size 2,500 s uare feet. 3.Minimum Lot Width 25 feet. 4.Front Yard Setback 0– 15 feeL Structures typically built atback oFsidewall;. Exceptions include enhance courtyazds and areaz for outdoor dinin�derermined throunhdiscretion review. 5.Rear Yard Setback 0– I S feet. 6.Side Yard Setback 0 feet. 7.Street Side Yard Setback 0– I S feet. 8.Buildin�Size Limits Maximum hei�ht is 30 feet orthree stories,whichever is less;a maximum oF36 feet is allowable through the MtJP process. Maximum buildin�size is 20,000 s uaze feet. 9.Site Covera�e Maximum covera�e ofsite is ]00%. Floor Area Ratio of 2 � Maximum Floor Area Ratio is 2. 10.Site Desi n See Desi�n Guidelines and Standards for Historic Dish-icts. 1 I.Off-Street Parkin�and Loadin� See Parkin�and Business Improvement District Plan in Section 16.56.020. • 12.Si�ns See Chapter 16.60 and Desi�n Guidelines.and Standards for Historic Districts. . D. Villa�eMisedUse(VMU)District:TheprimarypurposeoftheVMUdistrictistoprovidefora ; mixture ofcommercial,office and residential uses compatible with sunoundin�residential districts,in ; smal l-scale pedestrian-oriented developments.Regulations for the VM[I dishict combined with the his- toric character overlay district promote and preserve older architeciural styles,and encourage aharmo- nious intermingling of other structures.This district encourages use ofexisting residential buildin�s for non-residential uses. Typical uses may include single and multiple family residential,specialty retail sales,professional offices,personal services and neighborhood markets.Refer to Table 1636.020(D) , for minimum site development standards and Table 1636.030(A)for allowable uses. � . Table 16.36.020(D) Village Mixed Use(VML� Minimum Site Develo ment Standards 1.Maximum Densiry Mixed Use IS d�vetlin�units per gross acre: $����y Pro'ects ,�.., „�� x < 2.Minimum Lot Size 5,000 s uare feet. ' 3.Minimum Lot�Vidth' 40 feet. ' � 5 °M`�"�""� 4.Front Yard Setback 0– IS feet. 3 v—k 5:Rear Yard Setback 0- l5 feet.If project is mixed use and/or abuts a residential district then 10 feet re uired. 6.Side Yard Setback 0 feet unless a project is mi�ed use and/or abuts a residential , district,then 5 feet is required for sin�(e story strucNres and X 10 fezt is re u'ved,on one side, for a multi le stories. 7.Street Side Yard Setback 0– I S feet. � - � - � 52� (Arto�n Gnnde Suyp.No.6,1?-0I) 1636.020 � Table 16.36.020(D) . Village Mixed Use (VMU) Minimum Site Develo ment Standards � 8. Buildin; Size Limits Maximum height is 30 feet or three stories,whichever is less;a � maximum of36 feet is atlowable through the MUP process. Marimum Buildin�Size is 10,000 s uare feet. , 9.Site Covera�e Marimum covera�e oFsite is 100%. Floor Area Ratio of 1 Maximum Floor Area Ratio is l. . 10.Site Desi� See Desi�n Guidelines and Standards for Historic Districts. . I 1,Off-Street Parking and Loadin� See Parkin�VMIJ and HCO combinin�dishict in Section ' ]6:56.020(C). 12,Signs See Chapter 16.60 and Desi�n Guidelines and Standards for ' Historic Districts. E. Gateway Mixed Use(GM[T)District.The primary purpose of the GMiJ district is to provide for the combination of financial institutions,retail,office and commercial uses and multi-family resi- ' . dences with retail and other pedestrian-oriented uses on the ground floors of structures fronting E. Grand Avenue, and residential units or offces allowed on upper floors.Regulations for the GMU district,combined�vith the Design Guidelines and Standards forthe GMIJ intensifies both commer- cial development and multi-family housing opportunities in the westem gateway to the Ciry. The GMiJ district implements and is consistent�vith the Mixed Use land use designation of the General Plan.Referto Tab1e 1636.020(E)for minimiim site development standards and Table 1636.030(A) • for allowable uses. • Table 1636.020(E) Gateway Mixed Use(GMU) Minimum Site Develo ment Standards' I.Maximum densiry—Mixed Use Pro- 25 dwellin�units/acre(based on gross project area). jects 2.Maximum densiry—Multi-family 15 dwellin�units/acre. housin� .� 3.Minimum densiry(projects that do 75% of maximum density (meazured on residential portion of ' not front E. Grand Avenue.) horizontal mixed use project area or50%ofprojectazea,which- ever is less). � NOTE: Densities do nol indude den- si bon:rs.See Cha ter 16.80 • 4.Minimum Lot Size 20,000 s uare feet( oss). 5.Minimum Lot Width 100 feet. - 6.Front Yard Setback 0-10 feef. Exceptions for IazgersetbacF-s may include enhance . courtyards, areas for outdoor dinin„ or for projects facin� a residential district az determined throu�h discretion review. 7.Rear Yard Setback 0-15 feet. Parking encoura�ed. For projects abuttin�a residen- ' tial district,corres ondino residential setback shall a 1 . 8.SideYardSetback . 0-Sfeet. Forprojectsabuttin�aresidentialdistrict,correspond- in�residential setback shall a ] . 9.Street Side Yard Setback 0-15 feet. Exceptions may inctude azeaz for outdoordining,or architecNraVlandscape features determined througlt discretion- a action. � . (ArroyoGruide5uyp.No.6.12-0a) ' . �26 � � . �`,�r,:�� � 'C�.. �l DATE: 07/13/05 T �f: 15 :28 :40 U '�R: PUBLIC ACCESS — SLOC TERMINAL: ASBH **********�******************x*************�***�*�****************************** PD16 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PROPERTY SYSTEM PDV237 07/13/OS CURRENT ATTRIBUTE INQUIRY PDM817 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSMT: 007, 491, 026 ----------------------------R E S I D E N T I A L----------------------------- IMPR—> EFF DATE: 02/O1/1991 INSP BY: 298 ON 02/O1/1991 SEQc O1 STATCTS : CLASS : D05 . OB SQ FT: 699 ADDS :. 0 TOTAL: 699 YR BLT: 1940 EFF YR: 1940 RM CT: 04 BR: 02 BA: 1 . 0 LEVELS: 1 PARK: G2D ---------------EXTRAS---------------- � ' FAIR LNDSCP �; NON—CENT HE � LAND—> EFF DATE: INSP BY: ON SIZE CODE: SIZE: SHAPE: LOCATION: / .�TOPO: VIEW: UTILITY: ACCESS: INFLUENCE: --=------------------------------------------------------=-------------------- PRESS (PFS) FOR STANDARD Fi7NCTIONS PRESS (PF5) TO DISPLAY PREVIOUS RECORD PDE205 PRESS ENTER FOR ADDITIONAL DATA ************x**************************�*****�********�,r***�����*���*�**��*****+ � � �,�n��} "]� '� Title 16 �EVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 16.20 L'AND DIVISIONS 16.2C1.050 Standards of land divisions. A. Conformance. 1.The requiremertts set forth wfthin this chapter are minimum requirements, and the cify may impose greater requiremertts if so justified. 2. Exceptions from the requiremertts of this chapter relating to the design of improvements of land divisions shall be granted bythe planning:commission onlywhen it Is de'tertnined that there are special circumstances applicabie to the propeAy,such as but not limited to size, shape or topography, or conditional or existing road alignment and width.A detertnination shali be made that the grartting of the modification wiil not be detrimental to the public heatth, safety or welfare or be damaging to other property fn the vicinity. 3.Applications for exceptions shall be made in writing to the planning diredor stating fuily the reasons and just�catlon forthe requested exception and shali be filed with the tentative map. B, improvemertt Standards. Improvement standards for circulation,transportation and trails facilfties, street lighting and tree planting,flood control and drainage, and underground utiiities are discussed in Chapter 16.68. C. Lots. 1. Lots in a proposed land division shali conform to the minimum lot area and width requirements of the zoning dassification applicable to the°subject property,and shali be consistent with the Arroyo Grande general plan. �2.When lots are crossed by major public utility easements, each lot shail have a ne4 '� usable area of not less than three thousand six hundred (3,600)square feet for building structures, excfusive of the utility easement. � • 3. Side ivt lines shall be at approximately right angies or radial to the street center line, except where terrain or other restrictions make such design impractical. 4. No lot shall be divided by a city, courtty,school district or other taxing agency boundary line. • 5. The minimum lot frorrtage on a knuckle or cu4-de-sac street shall be thirty-five (35)feet . : measured along the property line unless otherwise specified in the development ' standards of the zoning dass�cation. �Fiag lots shall be pertnitted, even though they do not meet the minimum lot width requirements at the street boundary line, only in the following instances: - CayThe lot width of the stem of a flag lot shall not be less than eighteen (18)feet. 6. Flag Iots shail be approved only when they coMorm wfth the existing characfer of the . neighborhood in which they are proposed to be located. � " c.The proposed subdivision is a parcel map that creates four or fewer parcels. d. Ftag lots shall be utilized oniy in infili areas. • 7.Where the slope of a parcel exceeds seven percent,Tabte 16.20.050.A shall be used to detertnine minimum lot size. Land divisions proposing smaller lot sizes with common open space areas (clustering) shall be required to appfy for a planned unft development permit. TABLE 16.20.050-A MINIMUM LOT SIZE FOR PARCELS WITH SLOPE GREATHR THAN 7% � . , � x N r t3 �T °2�, ��-� �p raphy Min m�Min m Min m�Ratio Per e �Area Frortfage Averege �Maximum �of Depth iDepthto iGround �dth Surface �to �Remain �in Natural iStete Islope% 10,000 s.f. 80 feet 110 feet I� 20% IS o�5% I20,0 0 100 fe0t 150 fe2t 3:1 50% �s oo/pe d N!A' N/A' WA' N!A' 100%' �`Building and grading not permiUed.Subdivision only ailowed for property commoniy owned by a homeowner's association for open space Ipurposes. D. Exdusions. 1.Any contiguous property that is owned by the iand divider shali be inGuded wfthin the boundaries of a land divisfon when necessary or desirable in the design or improvement of the land division. 2. Any cotttiguous property that(s owned by the land divider, but not included within the . boundaries of the land division,shall be of such size and shape.as to coMortn to the provisions of this chapter,ihe Arroyo Grande general plan, or any appiicable specific plan; otherwise it shail be included within the boundaries of the land divisions. E. Required Access. 1. No land division final map shail be recorded uniess public access'is provided from ' each parcel of the land division to a aty, county,county service area, community service district, state or federal road that is maintained for public use. Public access to a road maintained by a property owner's association may be allowed ff the cky council determines that there is no other feasibie means of guarartteeing mairrtenance of the road for public use, and if the association has the unquaiified right to mairttain the road � pursuartt to recorded conditions, covenants and restridions which require the association . to maintain the road and such requiremeM cannot be amended or terminated wfth the ,- wnseM of the city. 2.The requirement for public access may be waived underthe following circumstance: a. If a parcel map creates four or less parcels and pubiic access over irttervening lands cannot be offered for dedication, and appurtenant private easemertts for ingress, egress, . roadway,and public utility purposes may be approved,provided: i.The land to be divided is not zoned for commeraal, industrial or muitiple-famiiy residential uses; • li. lf no ImprovemeMs are required,the private easemertt ts no less than twenty(20)feet in width, and is duly recorded, is perpetuai in duration,and is not subject to liens and encumbrances which might impair or defeat its purpose. If lmprovements are required, a minimum of forty(40)feet is required; and iii.The access easement owned by the land divide�is not an exGusive easement or � specificaliy written to prohibit further subdivision of the iand. b. If a subdivision map has been previously recorded that permitted private streets without the requiremertt of offering the streets for dedication, a private road easemerit may be approved provided said easement grants the new lots unrestricted access rights to the e�osting private street§. . ' . � �'�h, �-,� `�'� ' �3� 3. Public access is not required if each parceFcreated is forty (40) acres or more or is a quarter of a quarter seciion. F. Design of Subdivision to Provide for Future Passive or Natural Heating or Cooling Opportunities. in order to provide for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in a subdivision,the following consideration shall be taken into account to the extent feasible:subdivision lot design,size, configuration or structure, orierrtation in an ' east-west direction, local dimate, contour, configuration of the parcel to be divided, and other design and improvement requirements. Such provisions shaii not resuft in reducing allowable densfties or the percentage of lot which may be occupied by a building or structure under appiicabie pianning and zoning in force at the time the terttative map is filed. . These requirements do not apply to condominium projects which consist of the subdivision of airspace in an e�asling building when no new strudures are added. (Prior code§&04.050) I . �.. �f' i�'l I !._.. . � 5 . OWNERS' STATEMEN7 INDIVIDUAL N07ARIAL C11Y ENGINEER'S STATEMENT SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT � Srli[a CViatA61./ n7ii�e, � iMT M.p iels prtrr.um m uc av wmrx ur dttcnori.wo rs � ��'� ( 1 MABY STAR'A1.111 M.�1E lY/LlfD IK AMQID Y.V. B�ftP lrtW A 11¢O SURrtY W ttVYMY�HCE MM Prt L INC UM69GM1'L0.HW[HY SqiE Mp 1 AY MC 0111XR W � . /� M1l M 9iBpN9IXl 410MN MFEYI b SVBSiNlMLLY M MWLYORNIS OI IM SiA0M9]V WP MI NO IOCL OFCVW�M NO Sp!PAYIY H1VM'C AW R(M'N IIM1[N 1NC NGL CN '�q .BQOK IC J�••rn�I 4�.n. �..H..r• uuc.is rt urrl.em ov mr mrtAn�c uw un.wr. �r mc uwm or N YMNFY 1992 ow�i '�ax�ra u�v.wo m�r 1 W�ma�r m �—K .�srxam urzxn�avs neecor,um mn�.va vnaxsars r rEamr surc m. na�s`uen.aiwn mv�mus Pa+sqWLY.W�i�.fG IAnsmi.n�J[. ar m[sem�sa u.v eer.vo iacu wca.w¢xn�[emi to M[.wPRa+[u at mmroxutr.wpau.rn m.um4 uW.F Nn. mE rpac.vm m'ronarox or rr�s v.r. xxSptutr swwx oT Y[m IN4.rn ro�i av nr usn w emrm wm.wo lwr�w s.lnam mnr ws u.w¢ �nnr�¢x xexm�sRrt lrur ua uoxuuENrs wrc cr rNC Ow�ertx 5116TMl4P/MMX M 9F Illf HRSq!NMKF H11C b SUBSWP[D R9�R-��Y WYMCC6 /M OTWY M PoSRAYIS Y6YAl[0. MC Iq'MIC/IS YOM � m rxc Ymw umxwar uo !awnnmcm ro ir nw xe xwmn urc sumcn.v ro erueu�na sumn m oc rsmv.ro. �xa[e/omrwa m ixr weuc �txavrm mr wir x�,um�o�wiarv xm ixv ev� . . . IRt M UY NID BM�R W M 5LITNIL N9F SLYNRM M 111f MMUNI/MF PL¢54'l dt lllC 01111Y INON BflNf . Im1lY OCWAVCS woCN M[ti^IpM[U 1G SfIM d'MYC�1 M IOfSU`I MIkA IXEWIm IHE MIALV WI. - RSF IK�L9PYISMV IXLLVYR�11�05( ��V9 G}%UI SW. �'��� //� " ' � NKAT GTEPFD T SIAULMILS . • d��., PWEL S IMOYIS Il Li S�JY OIR IIU( !� Yil,in... m.um u��13.� yYr�t IXFWICW 61R NNC J0. �005 �j'�l`NI%)4;.4� .Trvv.ui L /l1enJ � V u�una I �y � .'!h' y�:. . . NWEPPVRm � %"K'J' v I`•� iN45t19 '�.1 ' . �aun/O �`��/ . ��lq_C4t�!?.,. CI7Y COUNCIL STATEMENT RECORDER'S STATEMENi - � � � nmixs�tararl�.�L. �trt3uA'ml.0 ' I 00 HOQBf 5[11E iN1T 11Q tlIY CMMfl Q`lM fJlt N'/RIUiV .H BWN /L M PMC6 wP5�!1.1C�Af�xC � C0.W�E DO[W JU1J� 199.3. /DflIM qEp16l�C�WE6 S 1NI4[M'bl,LS SIJY. /�� � . T6 WP M YIFC¢WP Ac-➢�-IA q ARWmV.Cf MM IIF " ( PROASp115 Of M A19G�M14011 LLIP ACf. M 0{iFR Of'IXMAIYIA' NCWIPT ue +�,.�.'I IFL 1N.M t' r IM%6LC UIIIICS p41011�'AS XU(Clm b11YAlI PREe.GCL ' A9KW 10 M19GKZ BY T4 PUBUC UIYIIY ro1�NU6 Ai ,�,�y�� U.MRCWRIA.R A 4Vtl Y(AT N6 Sq£N9. A IAIlA POE F"'-_�""l�T SdwN�E PFY°WIY . iRwt6 W CfAx[T P! � . CW1Nl1'MMAXA � LYHlIY � .� . ��a.� � " . . CORPORA7E NOTARIAL '���^�^��—��n°t�` .- s.u[or wnwru � 'mrtvwauaw �xaoro � ' �IV 0! p� c.p - =�qinu�b� � a _ CM_�PYE YG U J`t 4 }'l` m ... rasnuurvrwm �, r ie. • . . rcxsarwir nwrr� m� -�hc aaas a . wvrnc�aw nnox[m x M r[xnw wror xua s a�ao �t� �..�� . - m m[ xmw wslmwort xtl Acxna�tm4m ro IE MU 11(Y 1ifoR - IX(NRD IIIE SYE N iMN Nll�IG@m CVAOIY.NPo IINi BY i1M ' . .. SIGY111.NE 0.V M 061RUIIDIf 116 PfNf014 M 116lHIR!LTYI Bl1Wf CE NIIUI IIIf fWW ACIFq MMm M YLLiPYYOIf. � MM65 W IWD/1D M161L YIL w.ds rown: BENEFICIARY SIGNATURE . w„rr�,wn, � twmu masr rurwut wnG u ewm.wn - WqfA A 0�af.IMIA REMPWO O(fLbLt 14 �00}N B]d( 1010 N PkE I I�Q"011KW.MCpNS OI SW LIAS 0&SPo - mum,auwnnt oas izxmr cavmrt m nc rxauunav MV F(tWIqIMN Q')MS Wp//A SU�.NSKKI K AIpYN coRao�arE NoraRia� . � PARCEL MAP � - �mrcav,�s aon¢nw surt a� ��� s''`�," �°aA ��r"'��.�.�, ,,�.s_,� AG— 91-133 � E �� h ��i. � Y��1.�a3�Lc�.VT eoeviutr.wcwm �y�mb7.,.1d.VIt _, •.� CBSOWICY /N'YW ID�11(OR PAU�M 11E CN 11K BItlS f1� &HC A MSIkMASIY!P'I0l)MO.1 PoRIAW � S116HGi0T't1MMl N Y IIE F96fW HASE NWE 6 FA15TneeV � K�ot a a�xax t rc m[vca[�uw't.uro MYlMFO OY . t0 1NF M1tlN Y6AVYGT NO MXIAMImf,N 101F TNi MEY . N1tlfM'NdIHSqN PW BMY A WK Ai YIGE LRNIm IIIF SWC N INW NlIIM6m�Nm M1T P/MRt b.ICqlm N MC OlY M A9TTD CWH14 ,q SICHIM1Nf QV ME MAILdI IHC PIXSb{M iM FMIIY LPoH B�Wi �]iM1Y Ci SW WS 006Po. ( �� . lY M0.11 M ffR>ql ACRU.ORQIIm IIIE f6lR(UFH6 STAi[0!CYdtNHI . � `d W MVD NA MIN!SLV. . ��/10Ml.pmW.mY621 W.6VL Jr3L . % ,��,��.�, � �:_,�,._�.�. D m .�w,�„�.�, ..�a �w (aw)xM1a> . xwC PAwrm . . " Y 910)06 M2 10-I-9J WER 1 Of 1 . CII[SIA IIRL/1I06C-AP i , , �_ � 55 � / � 7 . VlCIMTY MAP mrv.. w � � i MASON STREET . � �P . n ao.rtlp� MmImIVY( .ITYtY I ' �-n '� 0 Q \. � ' . \�� I NsoCy�R •iCD1m, .YRlY � . � � � ��J�� I �a �, �_ �` . . i I � ' 1 I . ' - 571E , 30 I 30 i' ~�.� ' BLOCK 5 I I / I I ' / ��r�.,�.�.� J — o i p,��,�,.�. i � SHORT STREET M -� —1------------------------------�--- i : ' 94515 OF 9EARINCS m�u.arw p 1 YAp'tfY I)11If1. Yyp'ISYqJpTtl MA%'IfW I)].M•Y o i /'!CpIPrtRM � � i^ NY0'q'I IIIITII, M]SOD•�SW IISO!'Y y � I\ / �f11YY IµiYVRI �� y nma�Y ' � n�T \ IO1N'RI s �O �O nm,mr�v rr.�r v F I } nvr u � WI � a /� k � IW ' �r. WI � � ., k a�2 A � , � ^ �� � g �� � g �� �F � � g � u I b � G�L � O OO �� � �,.a�,,. �� � � .,� I � � • a W � -OI k �O - p� wer�m mrrn �_ „� � _ . V��p . � �i , a . . .x ,�.� . k k, I � � �p�. . . ' �I = r,wcn i = x . k ansu. p ' I"p.. mmx.w. w ' YfIM!L01m I 9tlp-IMG-Y�IY[I RCI Mlqw� � ' Q(� M p IM A� �I \ � W 9a(WRR t� � II;IYY ILLI � a ��. �I n.DIMfY �� p.O0111M � ImW�4M1 \ �NWJI.N.kY ` � �MYIOb� �pIT11. NAOYCYM IIS.Sl�Y a � ' `yqpllRlu� ' . MYIC� mirmn,�xvn»�rA3lO�O - REFERENCES ' I FR. 99, RH09 CORftAL DE PIEDRA LOT 11, POOLE 7FACT � R1 d xwt n:- . . . � . Y BOLS4 DE' CH£M19AL Rd /1 1f]] m '�`�W�' �E�END PARCEL MAP . �,u���, � o �,,;"°,W�v„ AG— 91=133 � ��� utCn 01HAh3[MIFa BEWC A RESU80.MSION Of L0T 7 AND A PORf10N � 0 IS 30 80 90 u. sv�cr vwwr� OF LOl 6 OF BLOCI( 2 OF iM SNORT, 1GS0.4, M'0 i • BASIS OF BEARINGS NNRElEY SUBOMSION, PER BOOK A Of 14P5 AT Crvn ENCfALCxfNO. I H r-1 y, p�ppy„K,Wp,G ptipy����pr M yy�a zwc�n ve w s wmr enrm� PACE IB. LOCIIED W ME CRV Of MROYO � LW4'J4RV6YIN0. Q—��� Pf�xxd0 . rx mm ioa�wrs u mx w e swm m s GRAN�C SfA Of GUfORNII OOISPO, C ' °"'Y i�^"'°L w�� SCAI.ti 1• = 3�� ox tuc ma¢r.mn a a.�r r. � ' . .. . Cl✓� Y/IWN WA lo-l-�J 96i )W} M I` � ���;r'ti� , s NELSON . �.,,.c .�✓'i `a� s sr. �-----�-,—b4 � N : �no ,,,�ao � aa �o � u � � �o eu naOa� w �ae.s� � � x.0 ��� Q �/ Q � � , � a _+S �s � ro °� b _` � ro a '3 _ e � a O R T t7l ( 4 (A 4 . � '�� ° N O 21 �'I O� N � L ° 3 i 0 t ! ! � 1 � � = t 76 f3 N 16 , e'� �a O :� L Es Q i o 0 0 �wv _ym�s —�_ °– !O � , � iso � ioo ixT "` m , � . ' Q °a (..� 4 � : /7 7 1� �` � O S 11 MU � ��s � . PO l�7 -�L/0 LT.7� j , — � _ A 19 ,`' �? R « issa P LJ��, " Fn. ' - a H � : � ro 8. Q ♦ is: ^ ' 8 j �z � ? I �;r��,e� � ea • n _Q_ a -- _ �e a�. . i ,�,. -` �,� w �.x�.aq 4 . a a 4 — „ � ------ " Y �� n e _ « . � Q a �is u R ? IDExsr. n ST. ° i � u 'r; �X� :.�� m -_�„ --- ('�. ; , � � ' � o e e n — aQ : ,i— i u�ro t � ca ,. . _ va eo- ( � - „ Q as t '60• E � �Q e se li a tis + , a x� eO � " O ' r�a .l�J„ I! n u Q = 1� O L E CI' _ _ , li , e n o : ril s 10 : S O s v S � 1a S �" Qno �r ne.� ; ��a �x.e� - - inxae u.e��� �o ° ° ix.a� a i 3 9 POOLE � , � � ' x ei•r gr g $ �� Y i 3t ��\.. . , , . , a � O LJ � � . 1Si py4 a � rR �'i ° ��7< r $ � � 1 IY M o r � � � !6 0 ��!_ � 1 �5 e � e �� QQ � � _ = HO T, MAS N � T EY �Qs �: 11 A DI ION�" g 29 I _t � � a_�,b� ----s s � � a � �o s rs Q o n Uu O a n ia � s � o ��'r �� ' � _Y`_ 'o O 5 � i _ �3 �' ' 4 10 F _ 22 1 10 !9 � $ l�yJ �V�s 8� � K � � 4 —_ 11 A q �� ' � �. d �"� � � p ia a o i� Q 2a e � � = t a ' U wxor.wa�c or wro��. x ——— � —— � 3 —— — I sa:x a ia a.s Q. N g �a a B (Ml e � a e eo o' /1 �sei 1 riio � �.e� `o � no� ° • r.a� = g . r s � �iD .. �. 33 �-6/ i . 4U`. « � �e � io x n u 0W 0 '$� � po �r � r � Y �� °�D iTl tN �e I f� rs �� i'° , �j� � � � I � a - O - ° � �T � � ���e - „ '' � r- a - rs �ea �•' � I+ r • ia 4zeo` - eo sw1 u ' �ms ta ��e� ���t � rau � n �� •• �r sa.e � � ALLEN =' � �► �,,, ""� d"" ,,, ��i, , S T. • � cm oF�rsaoro c2aN� J f _. . "� ,TM°�s�yn+T aneosu oFORaY. aa�� 200Z SAN � P��Y°F �I' w,r, � / r.' � y1��,r� , ���� ` �'127 5� � � `• ` f T.'x `�.t:.4 . . � . ��.' �'�.��..� �"�=s�=�� �ti��~ � � � �-.� �. r _ ... , I J��i�SC '-- �..1..`'i; ^;i1Y�`;�, . . r'.. . - • � - ���. . . . . , , . � -.... _:: . . . .. . � t;::.� . . n� , • ... �_ '. , . ': ,.. .. . " �,... �. . .. '� -- .- . ''fR�t'lOJ'. . __�UPPER ' . '.n bg • �yC��y�t�r P+e'� � NOTE-ASSESSOR�S BLOCK & � � E0.CH UNl7 iN- (-y�-1�' �LEVEG I �OO�� �!��� � s�•�p gr�.i��NE os�'yN����� ",' LOT•NUMBERS SHOWN ccuoes ax � . 22 , p3 �� IN CIRCLES ixrexesT ix L_ .1=_J ' mwxox artea. pFp°"5��„6p6ca�^a�{oa lJ , `�l ���LZQ_jLEVEL , �° ��, . . . - �� ' � 21 i �GOV�T OFFIC - . L•--J---- I � .SAST 9RANCH ner.a,u.vrrs TR. I20S � , �w i� ✓-T�'/J� �n � 1 S0 N4'L. fJ Py ' 60 35 'S/I ' '65.OB i! 9.S I23 CI LS u' 60 3 k„a � � � f(e . �-r oD9 2 � O n �: � � 60 y JO 6V 13.12 . 57. ^ . � . .7�� . � I I •6.S �E! 60 cut vr Lu•�. ry� � 3-1_�L6SSa °53 54 a • 7 9 w r � n n „ �3zoe - � „Oe 5�� 3B ' �fA � R/203 � � tue 30 �6�1 �l.lE /dlf � 5 �^V. I'''� p____ ._ 52 44 a � 1 . � LT.�a v' ° \ -6. :� � � '°1 i2_ . I I {'� s, 24 i' . q ••o � " T ��_ _ �T '�TiM�S � : I VI 3 7 S d �'M t° °o �.5 3 O 59.l3 15.9 � � • rI q ��a SEE.�PM . _ �/�� � o = �`�Q � �''1 7 '�B ��f A 135.56 e ;w yl a . m� : 4 19 DE7AIL 16 17 - l"� Y I - ' � !Jt � . � � n 3 n . e a . IH, u� °y N 4 � , ,. __ BOVE. ss.ae I °IE96 {EJ6 � o'��'��2'_ ��,. .�I ' �3 . � n � � EASE E� vi .a( M36°30' I n�30' I NEVA'Jd TR'p,� CT � •5 = i i „ �-ro�� . n PiM w ; � �' a � 40 8 �7e_O °n g F4 q q I 15 14 13 � 1 �9 p� $ a 14 �d o � 0 3'+ 0 80� 1 4 �' °I _ g0o ��'�I T � i _ � O ::� M 9 --t A .r y n: '-� „ RN04.LORRAL OE � v ♦F F:EO —RSMO B ' N BOLSA OE C�YIaM1L � io.o � � � 25 m ° � 0 12 6 !J o � Y /S o 1 7 0 � I 4 I� �,tl u-1�- w 2D0 • V� O S 33.SB r � � /6 p l02 e ��O . . .ag o / y� rxvse isase . b _ � 3 ��y ;495 tl 6 °w n° � E . F. o�' �S n 3 �2 � � � n n. \/ ' ' � i�a.ee � `F 4 2/ o ^'r'��t �r� c 10 � ' 6 °1A �. • _ �630 F 60 6� i do n 7 E6 .°etl ' S OR 'SM SON; ,&r WH TELE �� �o ADDI I�N s ' �. 35 � uxse �¢ p � � � �a cs � ee � as $ oi 78 e �zo.0-- - /� ---- } IS ,� Z'. 's�s�J tl� n ; �8'_- ry . np 9 IR) � ° O7 Q-�� Ltl `-' 4 ib p .e l:J w O 3 F— li�se = 3 10 f I 1 $ 6 /6 20 ��• �o i3z5e � � - O I �0 6 � -__ O use 90 6R.]3 ' fi1.19 � �n so � us i s m� ' I ar ° = e � 9 e I 14 � d s. '" O � � � U8 6 9 IE n ~ a. t. � s. Q] . 29�1 n . o �. p� 18 B /9 � h � �^ P� � � n y N ° 3 � . � zo . ; �60 � 116 ��Otl !0 9! I RO 6"618s� (,3 ' 60 46.SB,f 690 6479 � 81.79 � 60 ° ISQ.SC T 135.38 n 60 TR./IaQ ROAD DEP'� �s..n iS•w� m mr u y aa so� � � e NELSON ����°4 � ,�� �' �atc�.`"� ���,a � M sr.a tl� ... .a ,� r-- REVISIONS . . . . . xsv°e � � ar[ � pA•ss qE R E« � �e o._:.-� 0.H4•� `5 J � � JUN 9 G 2006 y ' � e :� pop TR. 1203� e.xt. iz-23. CI7Y OF ARROYO ;GRAf1DE � C.C.9 Ra., O.R.2680-434.,CON00. PLAN,O.R.2680-4T1. py��OR'S MAP �COUNIY OF ' cs Ti15 MM IS PREPMFD FOR TRACT /186 R.M. /2-87 ' BOOK 0'07 PAGE�49� � � 06�Pa-,�0 ASSESSMFNT PURPOSES ONLY. � ' . 1 i}' p X - ' I:�}�� � !t ik 1 i��:�,ic�y �- (:q.� � �►�-�;, .... � . ��`: �,E'���:�. � �. , � , �xNi�t �-- �� �- Tdie 16 DEVELOPMENT CODE Chaoter 16.48 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 16.48.110 Nonconforming uses, structures and Iots. A. Purpose. This section is intended to Iimit the number and e�dent of nonconforming uses (including signs) by regulating their enlargemertt,their reestabiishment after abandonment, and their alteration or restoration after,destruction of the.structures they occupy. In addition,this section is irrtended to limit the number and extent of nonconforming structures by prohibiting their being moved; aftered or,enlarged in a mannerthat would increase the discrepancy between existing conditions and the standards prescribed (n this code.This section also is irttended to limit the circumstances� under which a nonconfortning Iot may be reduced In size. B. Nonconforming Uses. 1. RigM to Continue a Noncottforming Use.A use lawFully occupying a structure or a site, that does not conform wfth the use regulations and site area regulations for the distrid in which it is located shall be deemed to be a nonconfortning use and may be corttinued, except as otherwise provided by this section. Continuation of a noncortforming use may include a change of ownership,tenancy ormanagemeM Hthe building`;structure,Iand use or activity is substantially unchanged. 2. Nonconformtty Due to Lack of Entitlement.Any use established at a Ume when pertnits or other entitlemenis ware not required and is nonconforming only because of the absence of an entiUemertt shail noi be modified, attered or expanded to occupy a greater land area without first securing approvai of the required entitiemertt (i.e., condftional use pertnit).The use shall be deemed a cortforming use upon securing the approval of such entitlement. 3. ModficaGon or Expansion of Nonconforming Uses. a. Except for service stations that dispense gasol(ne,which are existing legai nonconforming uses or use made nonconforming by adoption of this tNe, a nonconfortning use shall not be enlarged or e�dended in such a way as to occupy any part of the structure or site, or any other structure of site that ft did not occupy at the time H became a nonconform(ng use, or in such a way as to displace any confortning use • occupying a structure or site, except as perrnitted in this section, unless a variance : request is.reviewed and approved by the pianning commission, pursuant to Section 16.16.110 of this tiUe, Service stations that dispense gasoline,which are ebsting legal nonconfortning uses or uses made nonconforming by adoption of this tftle, may apply for a conditional use pertnft,pursuant to Section 16.18.050,to allow enlargemeM or . expansion of the facilfty. b. Single-Family Residences. i.A detached single-family residence existing as a nonconfortning use in commercia!or industrial zoning districts may be coMinued as a residentiai use,subject to.subsection (B)(4) of this seGion, and may be attered; provided that no increase in the number of dwelling units or increase greater than ftfty(50) percerrt in the usable floor area, as ft , existed on the effective date of this tftle, occurs. ii.A detached single-family residence existing as a nonconforming use in a multiple- family zoning district may be continued as a singie family residential use and may be aKered or rebuift;provided,that the setbacks of the district in which it is located are met c. Signs. Signs existing prior to February 13, 1987 that do not wmpiy with the provisions in this chapter shall be regarded as nonconforming signs and the foliowing provisions apply . �,:��1,� �� ��� �' Cy._,� �- i. Historica(Signs. Upon written request by a sign owrter, the c'rty council may determine that a sign is historical based on the foliowing findings: (A)The sign is more than forty (40)years otd or represents an impoRant period in the city's history; (B)The design of the sign is unique because its shape, colors, materials, or other aspects of sign design are indicative of the historical period within which R was constructed; or (C)The design of tha sign is unique because it is ir�tegrated into the design of an historical building and removal of Yhe sign would jeopardize the historical irrtegrity of the building. Biliboarcis may not be considered for historical sign classification.'Historical signs may be maintained, reconstructed, modfied or expanded consistent with the historical nature of the sign through the adminisfra6ve sign pertnit process. New signs proposed on the propedy shall compiy with this title and shall be complementary toihe historical sign.' ii. Signs nof quaiifying for historicat status sha(I be permitfed fo remain urrti(such time as: (A)There is a change in the use of the property on which thesign is located and discretionary approval forthe change of use is required; (8)There are afteraUons or enlargements to the site or building on the property in excess of twenty-five (2� percent or more of the e�asting site or building.The amourrt of afterations shatl be cumuiative over time;or (C) Expansion, movement or modfication of the sign.A change of copy or normal mairrtenance and repairdoes not constitute grounds tor mod'fiication of a nonconfonning sign. iii.Any business with a nonconfortning sign shall not be entitled to any additional signs unless the nonconforming sign is made to compiy with the provisions of this chapter.This subdivision shallmot apply'rfthe existing nonconfortning sign is focated wifhin the same commerciaJ complex but at a different business location or'rfthe ebsting nonconforming . sign is not owned or controlled by the sign permft application or ifthe applicartt is not the agent of the business that owns qrcontrols the existing nonconforming sign. 4. Discontinuation of Nonconforming Use. a. Whenever a nonconforming use, otherthan a sign,-has been changed fo a cor�fortning � use or has been discontinued for a continuous period of one hundred eighty(180)days or � more,the nonconfortning use shall not be reestablished, and the use of Yhe struct�re or site thereaftershall be in conformity with the regulations for the distrid in which it is located. D'iscontinuation shail include tertnination of a use regardfess of intent to resume the use. b.Whenever a nonconforming sign is located on property that b2comes vacant and is unoccupied for a period of three months or longer, it shall be detertnined to be , abandoned.Abandoned signs shall be removed. � C. Nonconforming Strudures. ' 1. Prior Building Permits. Nothing contained in this tiUe shail be deemed to require any change in the pians,construction,ordesignated use of any truildirtg Torwhich a building permit has been issued prior to ihe effective date of this title; provided,that the pertnR does notlapse. ' 2. ContinuaUon and Maintenancs.A strudure,lawfuliy occupying a site,thatdoes not confortn with the standards for front yard,side yards, rear yaM,.height, coverage, distances between strudures, and parking facilities for the district in which the structure 6s located,shall be deemed to be a nonconforming strudure and may be used and mairrtained, except as otherwise provided by this section. Routine mairttenance and repairs may be pedormed on a nonconforming structure. 3.Atterations and Enlargements of Nonconforming Structures.A nonconforming sWdure shail not be aRered or reconstructed so as to increase the discrepancy between existing � conditions and the sfandards for front yard,side yarcls, rear yard, height of strudures, distances between structures, and parking facilities as prescribed in the regulations for the district in which the structure is Iocated. 4. Restoration of a Damaged Strudure. . �X►; ,�rt ° � "C3� a.Whenever a strudure that constitutes a nonconforttting Iand use, while being used as a single-family residence,is destroyed by fire or other calamity, by act of God, or by the public enemy,the structure may be restored and the nonconforming use may be resumed; provided,that restoration is started within one year and diligently pursued to - completion; and provided further,that the restored structured does not exceed the square footage of the origina!strudure. b.Whenever any other nonconforming structure or other strudure.that constitutes a noncortforming land use is destroyed by fire or other Calamity, by act of God, or by the public enemy to the e�dent of frfty(50) percent of less of the cost of replacing the entire structure; the structure may be restored, and the nortconforming use may be resumed; provided,thaf resto(ation is started within one year and'diligenUy pursued to completion; and provided further that the resfored sfructure does noi exceed the square footage of the originai structure. c.When the destruction of any strudure, except a singie-family residence,exceeds fifty (50)percent or the structure is voiuntarily razed or is required by law to be razed,the strudure shail not be restored excep[in full conformity with the regulations for.the zone in wt�ich it is located and the nooconforming use shall not be resumed. d.When a residentiai structure is volurrtarily razed or is required by law to be razed,the - structure shail not be restored exce�in full conform"rry wilh the regulations for the zo�e in which it is located and the nonconforming use shaii not be resumed. D. NoncortFortning Lofs. 1.A nonconforming lot may be used for any use identified as an:aliowable:oc conditionai use by this title, provided the minimum developmenf standanis.estabfished inthis title for particular uses are sati�ed. 2. Redudions in the size of existing nonconforming lots shali only be ailowed with variances and loi line adjusYments to increase the size of an adjacent nonconfortning lot to allow fts size or dimensions to be brought doser to conformRy with She provisions of this ti0e. Under no`circumstances shali lois confnrming to minimum lot sizes be reduced in size to a nonconforming status. (Pdor code§ 9-10.100) • \ Title 16 DEVELOPMENT CODE Chaqter 16.20 LAND DIVISIONS 16.20.140 Lot line adjustments. , . • A.Applicabilfty.Any affected property owner desiring a lot line�adjustrnent between two or more ex3sting parceis,where the land taken from one parcei is added to an adjaceM parcei, and where the number of parcels remains the same or�is reduced and improves an existing situation,shall file an appiication for a lot line adjustment.with the planning department. B. Submittal and Review Requiremerrts. 1. Lot line adjustmer�t applications shall contain the following: , a. Completed planning application fortn and required fee and attachments(see atso Section 18.12.030); b.Ten (10) copies of a plot plan, neaUy and accurateiy prepared and at a scate acceptable to the planning director(folded to nine inchesby.twelve.(12) inches size) showing: f. North arrow, scale, date of preparation and area �n square feet and acres) of the project, ii.The ewsting and proposed area of the lots being adjusted, along wfth ail bearings and distances, lot numbers, and assessor parcel numbers. Euisting lot lines shall be shown by � a solid lina and proposed lot lines shali be shown by a dashed line.The number of lots being adjusted shall aiso be induded, iii.Ali existing strudures,walls,fences o�trees that are located on the properties, iv.The placemertt, name and location of ali e�sting streets, easements,and rights-of-way ; on the land area of the proposed lot line adjustment and those a6utting such land, v. Suffiaertt contours to indicate the general efevations and the fail of the projed area and adjacent area wfthin one hundred (100)feet, vi. Proposed uses of all portions of the project area, vii. Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the record owner or lien holder, applicartt, and registered civil engineer or land surveyar(and registraGon or license , numbe� preparing the map; � c.The following supplemental statemertts and data shall accompany the lot line : adjustment: i.Two copies of a preliminary title repoR dated within the last six mortths, ii. Legal descriptions of all existing pa�cels and the newly adjusted parcels, iii.For lot line adjustments within a mobile home park,written authorization from . occupants of affected lots, in accordance with Heatth and Safety Code Section 18610.5. 2. Upon detertnination that an application is complete,the proposed project shall be fonvarded to the staff advisory committee for their review and cbmment. 3. Following a review of the application and public hearing pursuartt to Section 16.12.180 of this title,the planning commission shalf adopt a resolution stating their decision and corriaining the findings of fac[upon which such decision fs based. Such decision is . subject to the appeal provisions of Section 16:12.150 of this title. 4. Following approval, aIl parties of(rtterest in the subjed parcels Shall slgn a ceR�cate�f lot line adjustment that eliminates the old lot lines and that contains a legal description and illustration or drawing of the adjusted parcels.This certificate shall be recorded with the county recorder. C. Fndings.The planning commission shall approve or wnditionally approve a lot line adjustment ff ft does not: 1. Create any new lots; 2. Indude any lots or parcels created illegaily; 3. Impair any ekisting access or create a need for access to any adjacent lots or parcels; 4. Impair any existing easements or create a need for any new easements serving adjacerrt lots or parcets; ' 5. Constitute poor land pianning or undesirable lot corrfigurations due to existing environmentai conditions or currertt zoning development standards; 6. Require subs[antiai alteration of any existing improvements or create a need for any new improvements; 7. Create a nonconforming Iot in the development district in which it exists, except as allowed in Section 16.48.110 of this title. D. Conditions of Approval.The planning commission may oniy impose such conditions of approval necessary to conform to this title or city building ordinances or to facilitate the relocation of exis[ing utiltties,infrastnicture or easements.A record of survey or other records shall be required pursuartt to Sedion 8762 of the Business and Professions Code if monumerrts are set at the adjusted lot lines. (Prior code§ 9-04.140) City of Arroyo Grande: Official Website Page 1 of 2 Calendar I Contact Us � Home I Site Map � Go _ ._ . . . . . . __ .. . W�l(.°0171fL �O �}l¢ � Ci t9 af ; ��'���� ����'��� '`'� ,�<r � .... .�. :.. . `:;'.'z .� ;��.n <vz.,,- _. ,.,..: ._,_:.., ._ . . ,. . California . 214 EAST BRANCH STREET, ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 (805) 473-54�0 ��,-� ,. .. -�'°'�'� t°� <-T'�"-*.�: . ,� ,�._ Just Around the Corner... �9 ,,,,� �.R,��J � ����_�"`'"� � �._., � �'�'�. $ �,�-^�C":, :: 07/18: TrafficCommission ""' -� � �� �_- ry`-���'�'' `����>- ' K.w .� aov'`w . ' K%'�� . � ��.,�.�1 y ..:;.r e Fs .: 07/19: Plannin9 `. �'�e " � ��� t�•sil t. .- ?° Commisslan �. ��� � �� �� . r � �` • t �F'i'..� `Y " � In the News .,yi _ 3 . _ ,_ . .�.>�_ ... .�. , . :: City Newsletter-7une . �- � ''� � � � ' �� 2005 - � �t}�� �.T ..� :: City Presentr 2004 Water f� � Quality 0.eport �'�s � :: Mandatory Retrofi[ '!y , ��� �Aec181 Y.Ae1"kt3F -" Program - ° `"' � .: Summer Recreation �- � . , � . ,. • AcHvlty Gulde - - ��� .: WaterCOnservatlon '"- - vrogram Welcome to Arroyo Grande! . Y� . '•F-�� . Arroyo Grande � :: city Newsietter Arroyo Grende is located on the Centrel Coast of . :: communiry unks California, midway between Los Angeles and San .. :: �community vrofiie Frencisco. The City is 5.45 square miles in area at an :: Fast Facis elevation of 114 feet, with a population of .16,523 -� � .: Histortc Swinging Bridge (2003). �'��+' i�:, . :: Locai History � �:�"�� i � :: Locatlon Map � '� . Fine homes, flne schools, fine antiques, fine wines, and '� City Hall �� �� .. fine people characterize the area. Civic pride creates a ���� t � �� .� :: aty navisory sodies sense of community, and public and private '°�`-s'"�"' " :: citycouncu partnerships show progress at a comfortable pace. .rr;- .- - :: Employment Opportunities :: Munlcipal Code - .: pertormance survey q perfect climate is one of Arroyo Grende's biggest Swinging Bridge :: Phone otrectory assets. Fewer than half a dozen nights each winter drop website'roots below 32 degrees, and a summer reading over 83 :: Download Adobep degrees is a rarity. __ � � � -� �y--• Acrobat� Readerp � . . �`°.«'� - -.�w :: Minimum Requirements Tourism and agriculture spur the local economy and � :: Report a Problem . � . provide the impetus for a "feast" of yearly festivals and currentweather celebrations, each one showcasing local products, locai pastimes, and local businesses. The annual Strewberry Arroyo Grande,cn Festival features this most famous crop. The Harvest Festival reminds residents of Arroyo Grande's agriculturel heritage; a summer car show boasts a �e�me�odayrorecasc display of more than 300 custom and antique vehicles; and Ch�istmas in the Village charms young and old. 74°F � Sunny Tbe City of Arroyo Grande website was developed to provide the public with general information. All Feels like:74°F information displayed within or linked from thts site is for reference puposes only; i[s completeness, � Humidity:52°/< wrrency, and legal su�ciency are not guaranteed. . � Wind:WNW at 9 mph � , . � - Entercityhip r� . � . - � - . Air rt Dela s � FVebsitz designzd by Ryan Foster and mzintained by Ciry staff. . Po Y ,`� 2000-2003, Ciry of Arroyo Grande. Sporting Events � . . _ _ _ . - .;i.ci�nn� ,; " . HEARING DATE: July 19, 2005 AGENDA ITEM: III.B. '':. ' �► 4 - �e SITY nF ARRnYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Fi�ellN�ex: Lot Line Adjustment 05-001 APPUCaNr: Dave Sturges REPRESENTATIVE: DeV@ SfUY965 LocaTioN: 130 and 132 Short Street PROPOSAL: Proposed Lot Line Adjustment to allow the separation of two houses currently developed on one parcel PRO�ecT P�aNNeR: Jim Bergman, Assistant Planner (:,-,: l :, Public Notice Thirty-eight{38) notices mailed on July 7, 2005 to property owners within 300 feet of the parcel. Notice appeared in the The Tribune on July 8, 2005. Environmentai Review , The project is categorically exempt under section 15305 of the CEQA guidelines. . � Background The applicant recently acquired APN 007-491-026, which consists of Lot 7 and a portion of Lot 8 of the Short, Nelson and Whiteley subdivision. The property is developed with two small, World War ll vintage, houses and a garage and have presumably been used as individual rental units. The applicant proposes to reconfigure the lot line associated with'the 2,034 square foot portion of Lot 8 to allow the separation of each home. Staff believes that the findings for a Lot Line Adjustment cannot be made and that Municipal Code Section 16.48.120.D2 clearly prohibits this lot line adjustment. Staff has informed the applicant that a Tentative Parcel Map and Planned Unit Developmen� application is an available mefhod to allow for the improvement and separation of the two houses. - ,- � � , ��: . , JULY 'Iy, zuuo � PAGE 2 DISCUSSION: Proie�t Description 7he appiicant proposes a Lot Line Adjustment :o allow the separation of two existing houses. Attachment 1 illustrates the proposed oid and ne�v parcei configuration. Details of the lot line adjustment are presented in the table beloNr and on A!tachment 1. Existin Parcel � Area _. _ �NewParcel _ � Area ___ __ , � Lot 7 6,779 -- ; Parcel 1 __ ._ j_4,292 ----_ _ � Portion of Lot 8 j 2,034 __ _ I Parcel 2 _ __ � 4,521 � It should be noted that the applicant presents gross and net lot area data on the Prelirninary hlap (Attachment 1). Staff addresses this distirction in the findings section belovr: Lot Line Adjustment Findings Municipal Code Section �6.20.140 (C) states the findings ;equired for approval of a lot fine adjustment. 7hese required findings are reproduced below. Staff believes that factual support for findings number 5 and 7 cannot be made as further discussed below. The pianning comrnission shali approve or conditionally approve a lut lire adjustment if it does not: 1. Craate any new lots; �� 2. lnclude any lots or parceis created illega!ly; 3. Impair any existing access or create a need for access to any ad}acent lots er' parcels; � 4. lmpair any existing easements or create a reed for any new easemEn:s serving adjacent lots or parceis; .' 5. Constitute poor land pianning or undesirable Int configuratiorts due to existir�g ' envi�onmental conditions or current zoning development standards; Granting fhe /of line adjustmenf would produce the need for an � access easemenf and wou/d create a de facfo flag lof v��ith a sfem width of 12 fest. MunicipalCode Section 16.20,050{6a and bj sfate thaf flag lo!s shall have a minimum stem width of 18 feef and shouid only bs allowed if they conform w�th the exis!i,ng character of fhe neighborhood. Currenf development pattems within fhe Village and the original Sho�t, Mason, Whifeley subdivision indica(es no originat flag /ots. In addition, staff can locate onty ona residenfia! f/ag lot within the area (220 and 220 Short Streef}. Staff believes '� that if this Lot Line Adjustm2nt is approved it will set a prec2dent for many more fiaa lots to be created in #he hsart of the Vi;,age. ����.�. — - - — � � PLANNING COMMISSION LLA 05-001 JULY 19, 2005 PAGE 3 � , The minimum allowed lot size in the Village Mixed Use zone is 5,000 square feet. Approval of this Lot Line Adjustment would create fwo lots of 4,292 and-4,52a square feet. The applicant's Preliminary Map indicates fhat fhe gross area of the previously - conforming lot remains greater than the 5,000 square foot minimum allowed in the Vi!lage Mixed Use zone. !t should be noted.that most commercial districts (Industrial Mixed Use, Traffic Way Mixed Use, Gateway Mixed Use, Fair Oaks Mixed Use, and Highway Mixed Use) utilize gross area when minimum lot size is referenced but this relaxed distinction of gross area is not offered in any of the commercial Vilfage zones (Village Core Downtown and Village Mixed Use). The apparent rationale for this distinction is for the , profecfion of the prevailing lot sizes ahd unique character of the Viflage. 6. Require substantial alteration of any existing improvements or create a need for any new improvements; 7. Create a nonconforming lot in the development district in which it exists, except as allowed in Section 16.48.110 of this title. �J As currently con�gured fhere is one conforming lot (6,779 square feef) and one non-conforming lot (2,034 square feet). The granting of this lot line,adjustment would resulf in fwo non-conforming lots of 4,292 and 4,521 square feet in the Village Mixed Use zone when fhe minimum allowed lof size is 5,000 square feet. Municipal Code Secfion 96.48.110 specifica!!y states that a Lot Line Adjustment of fhis fype is not allowed: ; Under no circumstances shall lots conforminq to minimum lot sizes be reduced�in size to a nonconforminq sfatus. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached_ �tesolution denying Lot Line Adjustment 05-008. . Attachment: 1) Proposed Lot Line Adjustment �• . . . RESOLUTION NO. � A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING Cuiv1MISSIUN OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 05-001; LOCATED AT 130 AND 132 SHORT STREET i WHEREAS; the applicant has filed Lot� Line Adjustment 05-0�1 to allovd ;he separation of two houses currently developed on one parcel; and IWHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the Ciiy of Arrcyo Grande has considered Lot Lire Adjustment 05-001 at a pubiic hearing on July i 9, 2G05 in accordance with the M�nicipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the ?lanning Commission has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has deiermined that the Grojeci is Categoricaily Exempt per Section 15305 of the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Pianning Commission finds, after due study, de�iberation and public heari�g, the following findings cannot be made in an affirmative manner. Lot Line Adjustment Findings: , ��The Planning Commission shal! approve or conditionally approve a Lot Line � Adjustment if it does not: � 1 . Create any new lots; � � . 5. Constitute poor land planning or undesirable lot configurations due to existing environmental conditions or current zoning development standards; Granting the lot line adjustmenf would produce the need for an access easemenf and would creafe a de facfo fiag /of with a � stem width of 12 feet. Mvnicipa! CoBe Section 96.20.05o (6a � and b) sta.'e that flag lots shal! have a .minimum stem widfh of 98 feet and should only be allovred if they confor�r; wifh the existing character of the neighborhood. . Cu,�rent deve/opment . pattems wifhin the Vil/age and the origin.al Shorf, Mason; Whifeley subdivision indicates no origi,�ta! flag /ofs, !n adoifion, staff can locate only one residential f/ag lof vrithin the area (22� and 220 Shorf Street). Staff believes fhat if tnis Lof Line Adjustment is approved if will sef a precedent for rnany more .flag lots to be created in fhe heart of the Vil.�age. The minimum allowed /of sfze in fhe Village Mixed Use zone is � 5,000 square feet. Approval of this Lot Line Adjusfinent would � , � RESOLUTION NO. LLA 05-001 JULY 19, 2005 � PAGE 2 of 3 J create fwo /ots of 4,292 and 4,521 square feet. The applicanf's Preliminary Map indicates fhat fhe gross area of the previously conforming lot remains greater than the 5,000 square foot minimum allowed in fhe Village Mixed Use zone. It should be noted that most commercia! districts (lndustrial Mixed Use, Traffic Way Mixed Use, Gateway Mixed Use, Fair Oaks Mixed. Use, and Highway Mixed Use) utilize gross area when minimum lot size is referenced but fhis relaxed distinction of gross area is not offered in any.of the commerciaf Village zones (Vi!lage Core Downtown and Village Mixed Use). The apparent rafionale for this distinction is for the protection of the prevailing lot sizes and unique character of the Village. 7. Create a nonconforming lot in the development disfrict in which it �xists, except as allowed in Section 16.48.1 10 of this title. As currently configured there is one conforming lof (6,779 square feet) and one non-conforming lot (2,034 square feet). The granting of fhis lot line adjusfinent would resulf in two non- conforming lots of 4,292 and 4,521 square feet in fhe Village ' �; Mixed Use zone when.fhe minimum allowed lot size is 5,000 �' square feet. Municipal Code Section 16.48.190 specifically stafes that a Lof Line Adjustment of this type is not allowed: � . ci�oc ha rarlrrrar/ in ci�a tn a nnnrnnfnrminn ciatac , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of : Arroyo Grande hereby denies Lot Line Adjustment 05-001 . On motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Arnold, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: , AYES: � NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19�' day of July, 2005. . �-' . LLA 05-001 JUL'Y 19, 2005 , � PAGE 3 of 3 ATTEST: KATHY MENDOZA, 'fIM BROWN, CHAfR COMMISSION CLERK I � AS TO CONTENT: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPPJIENT QIRECTOR � ; � n � CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMISSION MEMBERS � Brown' Chair Steven Adams City Manager Jonn Keen Vice Chair � Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney ' Chuck Feliows Commissioner Rob Strong CDD Director Nanci Parker Commissioner Doug Tait Comm'issioner Phone: (8051 473-5420 AGENDA � PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS ! 215 EAST BRANCH STREET TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 6:00 P.M. — 10:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE*: . ANNOUNCEMENT: " Request public to turn off their cell phones during the meeting. AGENDA REVIEW: The Commission may revise the order or consider continuance of items depending on public inferest and/or agenda overload (inadequate time per item). APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of July 5, 2005. I. . �:. A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: . ( Persons in the audience may discuss.business not scheduled on this agenda for any' item of interest within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission. The Commission : requests that such presentations be limited to three (3) minutes and be accompanied by voluntary submittal of a "speaker slip" to facilitate meeting organization and preparation of the minutes. B. WRITTEN COMMUNiCATIONS: 1. Memo from Steve Adams, City Manager, regarding consideration of a workshop on .� � Agenda Management. ' 2. Correspondence for the Pianning Commission received after Agenda preparation. � In compliance with the Brown Act, the Commission will not take action on � communication items that are not listed on the agenda, but may schedule such � matters for discussion or hearing as part of future agenda consideration. 11. � � � � A. CONSENT AGENDA AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS SINCE JULY 5, 2005; " The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted: Approved (A), Denied (D), (R) Referred f.or Commission discussion, (PC) Planning Commission Resolution. Any Commissioner may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended action. The Cornmission may approve , the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. � PLANNING COMMISSIQN AGENDA PAGE 2 ! . : JULY 19, 2005 1 � . � � Casa �ii`i� �' � �, /�dclre � ; Descrip4lon , ,; Actiot� � Pianher � � � ' � 't ,{f- 4 �; .J.. ". f y � ' !y 1 . t [4 S • :1. t� ^A' S•�:' f ' . . 't <.;V �+ ..h�..�- ^.35. �:'^a . ��i.t. r 3? :a � ;,�� ���b§�- �� � � � V . : . . .!. ..:,'. . �. :.I 1._ �4RCH OS-610 725 Move existing gar2ge and add f3rtiAy rocm A J Bergmen : :i � Tulax 0&007 Allen St - . �' 2. . ARCH 05-009 130 6cteriormodficationstoexistin �` `" ss�r�gte-iainiry A `JBergman ;: : I Short St house. ; , 3. DEh10 224 DemoliGoo ot singlet;ar garage;.to be A R SVOng ;'x Short St re laced with a 2-car tandem ar �: ; ...... � � 4..:: 7UP 05-0t2 Dixon St Five(�modei homes torTract.Z310 A R,Fostar '. 5., MEX OS-005 200 Aliow two-car earport in-lieu oT the`two-car . A R Foster ,i';_ : , S ce ara e. [i . �ri= ic�" �,i�S�;�s� k���EAL CASE NO: 04-008 OP VfEW�HED CAS�•�t0 :�4-0'i6; APPLiCA�1T-. � , STACEY NA�2hi�M; LOCATION 1238 MONTEGO: Sta�f'report pre�ared arid Y presented 6y Assistant Planner, Jim Bergman. � ��t ' Staff will requsst the Ptanning Commission to withd[aw.this;item from the.agenda fo ��� ; aBow time for re-noticing. � :9`: -:f/`vt Pn'y ; B. - LQT L1NE AQdUSTMENT CRSE NO. OS-001; APPL��A1�.J' - DAVE $'�Uf2GESS, �.�; • • -L±��ATiON — 13A 8�-132 SNORT STREEF. 5taff rdparF p��pared and p��sented 4y „f>� - Assistank Planner, Jim Sergman. The Plann�ng Commtssion`will consider a Lot Line Adjuslment ta reconfigure a IoCand �' ; a portion of a lot into�$ero (2)VIlage Mixed-Use parceis. �: . C. RkA�I(�Ep 5.1CiN F?80GRAlVJ CASE NO. 04-Q09; APPLICANT — F20BEt�T � �Y ' At��E��N;".LOC¢iTION = 200-290 STATiOIV W%AY, Staif repert prepared and '�' ' W'esented by.Assistaot Ptanner, Jim Bergman. '�. � ' T?�s Planning Commission will consider a Planned Sign Program for a pertion of tha �:... existing Village Creek Promenade. � . ��_. ' 3s , � D. , GONDi710N�',L US� PERMIT CASE NO. Ob-OQ$; AR�LICANT — aR. CRU�, � _ _ • L�CATION — 402 RiDGE STREET. Staff report prepared and presented by r =; ASsistant Planner, Jirt1 Bergman. �'• : ...,: . The.Planning Comtr�i�sian wili consi�er a proposal to allo•�v an existing building to ;.�;= : convert from a,ret�Ii use to a medica! office. `"'z w .E - ' ' �'.f.�' . �:i l?¢- � - � 2-� ���y� .<-. � . . 8'V�i �� .� � ' � `. A:' P �-APt�` ,:, .,.: � GA E NO. 04-009; APPLICANT — JiM MOTTEFtlNiARlC F t LONDqt�; 1._ .0 'T(�t+i — 1200 EAST GRAND AVcPdIlE. Staff repert prepared a�d �,: . Fresented by Associate Planner, Kelly Heffernon. :;:r'.;a 1'he Plaryntng Commission will review a proposai for a mixad-use dzvelapment with ;',�: : �esidentiat, $eivice commercial and retail components. . . � V. Rl$CU$510N ltEiN�: � A. Cherry' �'resk revised subdivision and neighborhood plan. - j ' .! :k ;� _ _ — , . � � PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA PAGE 3 JULY 19, 2005 �" ` VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: VII. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW-UP: VIII. TENTATIVE AGENDA FOR AUGUST 2, 2005 MEETING- Attachment 1. IX. ADJOURNMENT: . � THE PLANNING COMMISSION MAY ACT UPON ANY ITEM(S)NOT APPEARING ON THE POSTED AGENDA ONLY IF IT IS , ' - DETERMINED BY A TN/O-THIRDS VOTE OF THE FULL COMMISSION THAT THERE IS AN URGENT NEED TO TAKE ACTION AND THAT 7HE NEED FOR ACTION CAME TO THE ATTENTION OF THE COMMISSION AFTER THE AGENDA WAS � �- POSTED. . � . . IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO � �� PARTICIPATE IN A CIN MEETING� PLEASE CONTACT THE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE�S OFFICE(805) i 473-5414 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING TO ENSURE THAT REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADETOPROVIDEACCESSIBILITYTOTHEMEETING. - INTERNETADDRESS: HTTP:hNWW.ARROYOGRANDE.ORG , I . I � . ' . - . . . . . . � . r , � ARROYO GRANDE VII�LAGE RESIDENTS AND NEIGHBORS OF 130 & 132 SHORT STREET Attached is a copy of an e�chibit showing the proposed layout for a simple"Lot Line AdjustmenY' at 130& 132 Short Street. An application for this adjustmem was submitted to the City of Arroyo Grande Planning Departmem on May 19, 2005. There are currently two houses on one deeded parcel and one vacant deeded parcel. We have requested that the existing, interior lot line be moved such that each house would sit on its own parcel. Our intent is to rehab, landscape and sell each house separately to individual home owners iather than as a two-unit parcel that would most likely be held as rernals. As the owners and occupants of another home on Short Street, it is painfully obvious that the properties in our vllage that tend to fall irno disrepair from lack of maintenance and "TLC" are predominantly reirtal properties. We feel that by providing these homes in separate ownership would enhance the neighborhood and retum unsightly rentals to "pride-of-ownership" residences. We are requesting your support by signing the attached petition encouragingShe Planning ' Commission to endorse this action and wouid appreciate your positive input at the hearing on this matter on July 19, 2005. A positive response from the City would provide us the incentive to invest in remodeling and landscaping these Short Street eyesores! Thank you, Dave Sturges 325 Short Street : Arroyo Grande, Ca 93420 ,. > ,., , ; . ' ' 'J1._ t _ � F iY ::� . y yn' ' } 5' T�..� f :. J 5 � ' J^ y 1, t s . �� i J�� �, w^c : �i'¢'�r f 1 ' . . � �.4 2 M1r .'�F .ae -,��� hf-..� � "k'S�-�,a. ''�m �. +v `,�-'. i A�.� ''z ,.�� � .,t!. �S 4.�-a. �� 5 x -e _ ' . . i '.. � _..� _ .:.� .— _�' :' ... �`x . W�� �,�F:�' d11 �"Y �� �.� � �\`: 6 3�T �,\ il�� � 1 �. .i�� '3 . Y ' )J 1� v . . ��� � t �� � . .. .: i'3 �...._t-.nv_.� +C' , a _. 1 f ..... `s �..k.:_ . I` V j ������ � PETITION FOR THE APPROVAL , ' � OF � .�U�`9. "LOT LINE �TMENT" AT 130 c�i 132 SHO'�tT ��j STREE'�' We the undersigued resideats and neighbors in the Village ofArroyo Grande, by signing below, strongly encourage the granting of this request for a"Lot Line Adjustment" at 130 & 132 Short Sfreet We believe that a favorable response to this request is in the best interesf of fhe residents of the ViDage by enabling and ' encouraging owner/occupied residences. I SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE 1. 7- 9-0 i 2. �� 4. � Z- -o.s� , 5. / - — -1-_ _O s� 9- oS 7. S o1� Trs - y-oS" 8. �m �✓yL �., -�c 9. �l� - (7J 10. .. . -a� ' il. G- � —1 " -O3�- 12. U c� �- �r'� af 13. � '1 14. �7 �- 15. ' � � �J ' 16. -. /� // l � 17. 2 hrte _ o a R- Fl��� - 9 - . 18. t�w ht Cr o t� . � c - `l'��`S 19. . 1 r�2a „�l.t,- G. -I- -OS � 20.. .cv✓�� . v � + � -o 21. ',,... , S � -o� 22 , n i .; � .,/` �c, 7 — — �� 23. - �/d'-G � 24. ' C 25. 26. 27. � 28. 29. 30. ::-:�.� �,�C� ���N 1� P]ETITION FOR THE APPROVAL � OF A "LOT LIle1E ADJU�TIV�IENT" AT 130 � 132 SHORT STREET We the undersigned residents and neighbors in the Village of Arroyo Grande,by signing below,strongly encourage the granring of this request for a "Lot Line Adjustment"at 130 & 132 Short StreeL We believe that a favorable response to this request is in the best interest of the resideuts of the Village by enabling and encouraging owner/occupied residences. SIGNAT ADDRESS DATE i. —�"l�. �� �- -C�S 2. 5 e.n�,�n11 t�- • R •a5 � 3. - � 4. % � / � —� � 1 l' ° o� 5. �/ t � � 6. �(` ' �7 '� i � -.c � C 7. �. � • �Q lA - ' S . � . �/ 8. � , 9. � h/'i ,/ 7�/�fii��v UL� o r-.1i . '- -l�.� , 10. 7 � t,��n,� -4' o l 11. �� ����5- Z�w h%�-�—/ _ 9 - o 1 ; �� � ' :'-t� = � /_l � �. .. p 1 • c�, 7S 7.. Q . 1a. < ��� 5'a� a��e«/ D�,� �-y- . , 15. � .• / � � - �o . 16. .,.a�% . ..� /OYO a ll S d� �- �l -Ocs 17. ..-o.� %�o'� � �t �i v S� is. _ - -a �9. � u ' d / _f� .o �— � Za. � �-i cra✓J (/�a a t1 � i ..-I d�� � . 2L �✓ -- o -D� 22. n O . . D �� 23. 24. 25. � 26. 27. ' 28. 29. ` 30. . i � 1 APN 007-491-025 III � III - � ' , I I�l' s �� � I I ��� �.��w,,,.,� �--r-r� �„� ..,r - - � F " � �� MUqy➢IY YO! � . - 1L6SSMWV41ry N , I —�oarvw a w.���r y �� ' _ _ _ _ � � ��� � j � j � �� � ,... � __ � E- � � -- � � II ° NIi I �I ° I N � L�����J—�, I � �.. (/ as��-srmr `i II I + Q. I I II p � n � : , O � �r � u.fs � � o L—� 5 LA7 7 L � I II a I �I J I!� I 6 . L_______ Y � N � a Q � � ' � I Loc�ox-smx.� I� I I�I � a c c c c � � ". . I II � �..J i1..J ,� o g ��w PARCEL 2 I . � PARCEL 1 I „>„�n�, i �'C�' � � �,,,w„�:,. ' � � � �� � — — — Z� -�—-� --- -- -_ _�o...c�o�_�«� — --. _ . __ _I_. — - e � : � ' �� � � �� ; �_-��r-- 3 DEEDS8A53 �o• � o -_._—__._ .�� —•-- ��.• I + tl � I II . . ` - S»ao'oY�Aef II ( I I I I II . GRAPIIIC SCAIE . • • • • P7N LAT 6 ' n ���-�I--'-' � �� ��y�� � APN 007-491-036 II I � I II _- IWl-lo h II I � � � l ll .�ar.�:r..�� i.. � � � LEGEND • Jg.� •�i :i �.{�.y1`� t !��!' ���__._ ��iwut . . . ls' � � . �._Y� `�A�"� ' FdN�'=..• vAnosto txC !ffi6t@10s__'_ ' . ,,.gf' ��' F . y.y.N,a,.c PREL141NANY WAP � C ,�1'�' 9 . PROJECT D1T,_'" .o��m�n�a� �o■ ` ,p�i � '��� `�'....0 I T.��.� �. nr�rn.ronm rxmrrsnnrn—___"_ �ywom°"a.sTa LOT L�NE ADJUBTNENT b �f . � / i" �'Q y rwericsar` °wv'ti ms n�-we 4"` ypM� �;;f^`'� %Y;S b'��' w � �x,m::,�,� �-..,.�, ` ' AG AL 05-0'178 .����� . 'r"i��\�.\�']�i ��. s iucw�. , onr.c wva.an.n . /]� "T , • nw!as�vW: - nn v u L`� tcr�um�vmna V inr�a ear t r n L�� \ � �/ I � �'��' Y��� l. GY 9WM(WWW.M Gf C0 YNNT(wW Rf flRf ' SNOR�.4ASCV.YN WtlR[Y IYACi rtfO W!WI I�i ���tl�YWi N SW WS OYyO fqWiY. x � YJ V/%��'" t AIOWYC NtYC i4 Mp OwW•N I.M]0 ��La Jf ����'., �,rD���C•',. , C/fY Of ARROYO CNANOE - . w2# � �}�_ e!� �k. ' . . ,�1��� . . .,. .�,. o.,,.o �e.., . s , p��Y�Y/.�A�1 �;.�,.� ,'�tN�v ' Aq•E.�-�� � �urwas scuc �•.,io' . M. �._. .,n\ �y� '-.o°('�� �.rax�eiur /saxa�rtv - � , /11RL{I '�IWB ZbRlC � MEf �55 � MICMAfL 9. ST/JlTON. PLS 6'!03 »9 LOS GE(NOS CT. - IOI! IAI/Y!/Y µV /µY4l ll))SYNlT 1111.ff' ��JMIi0Y0 OMNpC. G 0]�Ol VICWTYYAP - rcxmvu�a• au�/Nwv x,v xere�..�.- '�ixi.wxer nnrr fLtil�bt(L'i{�f�eoa-eos-�oao tO110 iCYf ' �� � � � - -4/LAGO fMCF Of-1�Y01(o-M Anl I e/I .va Of-M � PLANNING COMMISSION Page 3 MINUTES . JULY 99, 2005 III. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. APPEAL CASE NO. 04-008 OF VIEWSHED CASE NO. 04-016; APPLICANT - STACEY HARMON; LOCATION 1238 MONTEGO. Assistant Planner Jim Bergman requested continuation of this item, explaining that additional time was needed for re-noticing. In addition, the applicant's representative has requested that it be heard first on the next agenda, due to the delay. The Commission agreed to continue the public hearing of this item. Commissioner Fellows made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tait, to continue consideration of Appeal Case No. 04-008 to the Augusf 2, 2005 Pianning Commission meeting; the motion passed on a 3/0 voice vote. B. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CASE NO. 05-001; APPLICANT — DAVE STURGESS; � LOCATION — 130 & 132 SHORT STREET. Assistant Planner Jim Bergman presented the staff report for consideration of a Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) to reconfigure a lot and a portion of a lot into two (2) Village Mixed- � Use parcels. The original LLA proposal that staff reviewed created two new lots (both under 5,000 net sf each). Staff recommends denial, as they believe findings 5 and 7 can't be made (detailed in the staff report). Mr. Bergman answered technical questions from Commissioners. Mr. Strong added that in this zone, calculations should be based on net square footage, not gross. - Chair Brown opened the hearing for public comment. Dave Sturges, applicant, spoke in favor of the LLA. He said he didn't see why he couldn't do this project with a LLA (as opposed to the PUD suggested by staf�, since the result is the same. His objection to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) is that iYs more expensive and time consuming, which would cause him a financial loss. , Terri Fowler-Pevne, applicanYs representative, spoke extensively in support of the LLA detailing points as written in the letter dated July 17, 2005 (on file in the Community Development Department). Otis Pape, 606 Mvrtle Street, was not familiar with the specifics of the project but spoke in support of the applicant and expressed hope .for reconciling the disparity between staff and applicant. Chair Brown closed the hearing to public comment. Commission Comments: Brown: • WhaYs the difference between doing this project with a LLA vs. PUD? Mr. Sfrong replied they're quite different, . including the process, oufline and necessary frndings. Staff feels a PUD would be an appropriafe vehicle .for this project, whereas the necessary LLA findings canY be made. PLANNiNG COMMISSION Page 4 ' MINUTES - JULY 19, 2005 • Please commenf•nn the time concern. Mr. Strong �eplied that for a PUD, the � applicant would want to do a Pre-application first, submit additional details, and it � would take longer to process. � Tait • He appreciated Mr. Sturges' and Ms. Fowler-Payne's comments, but he hasn't even had time to fuily study the packet submitted with the July 17 letter, let alone staff. To evaluate it well would take additional time. Fellows • It is an important site in terms of the schoolhouse and barn, but the site can be •fixed up even without a LLA or PUD. , • 'It's usually prudent to open escrow, find out from the City what can be done, and then ciose escrow. Unfortunately, this happens (where escrow is closed before the buyer has an approved project), and iYs unpleasant for both the owner and City staff. • In regard to the statement on top of page three of the letter about staff's disregard for the Village, he considers it untrue - he knows staff to be honest, above-board, well-trained and well-experienced. • He also wouldn't want three units on the property. Brown • Although torn on the question of process vs. outcome, if they approve this project without following the proper procedure, it would set a bad precedent. • In the difference of opinion between applicant and staff, he believes staff is correct (the calculation is 6ased on net, not gross, square footage). - ; + • ' He appreciated the packet and new information, but they're legally here to discuss the original application. However, they still may not be able to make findings for the new proposal. Commissioner Fellows made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tait to deny Lot Line Adjustment Case No. 05-001 and adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 05-1969 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 05-001; LOCATED AT 130 AND 132 SHORT STREET , The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: . AYES: Commissioners Fellows, Tait and Chair Brown NOES: None ABSENT: Commissione�s Keen and Parker the foregoing resolution was adopted this 19�' day of July 2005. f � Mr. Strong noted for the record that this action is final unless appealed in 10 days. 10.�. � p,RROY� ° ��a MEMORANDUM ' h INCOflPOR�TED 92 U m # �u�r io. ien * . . C4��FORN�P TO: CITY COUNCIL N� FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF WATER WHEELING AGREEMENT WITH THE OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT FOR THE CHRISTIE FAMILY SUBDIVISION CONTINUED DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: 1. approve a Water Wheeling Agreement with the Oceano Community Services District ("OCSD") for the Christie Family Subdivision and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney; and 2. approve the proposed modifications to the City's Policy regarding water wheeling agreements for future requests to enter into water wheeling agreements. FUNDING: The wheeling charge to utilize the City's distribution facilities will be $1.05 per 100 cubic , feet of water delivered. Based on an estimated annual delivery of 2 acre feet of water, it is estimated that $1,300 per year will be collected from wheeling charges and placed in the Water Fund. DISCUSSION: On August 9, 2005 the Council reconsidered the request from the Christie Family to approve a water wheeling agreement with the Oceano Community Services District. The agreement would allow water to be wheeled through the City water system to serve the Christie property. The Council provided direction at the meeting to investigate the potential for using a private water system in the Stagecoach area. The Council also suggested the Christies investigate the use or rehabilitation of a collapsed well in that area. The Circle Two Water Company was identified as having ten connections with the abilityto go to 16 under State law, which provides a potential of up to six additional shares. This system consists of two wells and a 44,000 gallon storage tank. Increasing the connections to 16 would require an additional 50,000 gallons of storage capacity. Circle Two was contacted, but is already in negotiations to provide additional water on behalf of the Bhat family. Therefore, the Bhat family will require four shares, leaving only two shares remaining, which is not enough to supply the Christie Family with the four shares they CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF WATER WHEELING AGREEMENT WITH THE OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT FOR THE CHRISTIE FAMILY SUBDIVISION CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 2 ;;! need. The Council requested that the possibility of a collapsed well in the area might be of some benefit. The Christiesprepared a flyerand canvassed the 20 homes in the area and '�i at this time there is no information available regarding the location or existence of a �' collapsed well. Therefore, the Christies have renewed their request of the City to approve the water wheeling agreement with Oceano Community Services District to supplywaterthrough the City system to their property. At the July 12, 2005 meeting, Council also considered modifying the policy regarding requests to provide water services to properties outside the City. The modifications are as '� follows: . The property to be serviced has.existing structures. ' • The request for service is not for the purpose of enabling new development. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided forthe CounciPs consideration: • Approve Water Wheeling Agreement and modifications to the Citys policy regarding water wheeling agreements for future requests, . Approve Water Wheeling Agreement and do not approve modification to policy; 'I . Do not approve water Wheeling Agreement and approve modification to policy; • Approve Water Wheeling Agreement and provide additional modifications to policy; ;� . Approve Water Wheeling Agreement, but eliminate future agreements; or • Provide staff direction. ,.,, Attachment: Council Report dated July 12, 2005 ; ;; ' . � �; ;i ` ; ' , ' il: � ;. fI �i , ' l�d £ZZZ6Z£ 659 � aoio40 �alleA �Li:c�� ��: .�.� c:=���� j 11 .a. � � p,RROYO . � . O C,p �' IN(,'pqpORATED y � � m MEMORANDUM � JULY 10. 1811 * c9��FORN�P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEEF� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A WATER WHEELING AGREEMENT WITH THE OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT FOR THE CHRISTIE FAMILY SUBDIVISION DATE: JULY 12, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the CounciL• 1. approve the attached Water Wheeling Agreement with the Oceano Community Services District ("OCSD") for the Christie Family Subdivision; and, 2. approve the proposed modifications to the City's Policy regarding water wheeling agreements for future requests to enter into water wheeling agreements. FUNDING: The wheeling charge to utilize the City's distribution facilities will be $1.05 per 100 cubic. ' feet of water delivered. Based on an estimated annual delivery of 2 acre feet of water, it is estimated that $1,300 per year will be collected from wheeling charges and placed in the �/Uater Fund. DISCUSSION: On June 21, 2004 the City received a letterfrom Robert and Cynde Christie inquiring about a possible water wheeling arrangement. The proposed Christie Family Subdivision would divide 10.19 acres into four parcels, which are located in the County. There are two units presently occupying the site. These two units will be located on two of the four new parcels. The Oceano Community Services District (OCSD) is prepared to serve water to the property, but must wheel the waterthrough City pipelines to reach the Christie property. The attached Agreement, between the City and the OCSD Board of Directors sets forth the responsibilities and obligations of each party as to the delivery of water to the Christie Family Subdivision. Since the Christie Family Subdivision is outside the service area of OCSD, this issue and the attached agreement wili be presented to LAFCO on July 21, 2005 for approval. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A WATER WHEELING AGREEMENT WITH THE OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT FOR THE CHRISTIE FAMILY SUBDIVISION JULY 12;2005 PAGE 2 The Christie Family Subdivision project consists of four 2.5-acre Residential Suburban ' parcels. The parcel map was approved by the County in 2001 , anticipating use of an existing off-site water well that also serves three other property owners in the area. Average slope of terrain in the area ranges from 16 to 30%, and this constraint under the County Land Use Element requires lot size of two acres or greater. Although the well could apparently provide adequate quality and quantity of water for the potential of five to fourteen residential connections, the existing 10,000 gallon water storage tank would not meet required fire flow standards unless replaced by a 90,000 gallon tank. The off-site owner of the existing tank site has refused to allow the replacement of a larger tank and alternative sites have environmental constraints. The City is already wheeling OCSD water through the City's distribution system to enable LAFCO approved Outside Service Agreement water to the unincorporated Canyon Crest subdivision, located adjacent to the City limits on Stagecoach Road. Both LAFCO and County Planning Department staff note a difference with this proposal in that the Canyon Crest subdivision was an already developed subdivision, whereas the Christie Family parcel map is attempting to meet the County conditions of approval by obtaining public ' water supply rather than a smail private system unlike other adjoining unsubdivided properties, which may appear to be similar in situation. Before LAFCO can approve extension of service to users outside City on OCSD jurisdictional boundaries and outside its sphere of influence, it must find "an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the affected territory, documented by the entity applying for the contract." In this instance, the City's Fire Chief has tentatively submitted a letter supporting the Christie Family su6diyision connection to the City's existing water system to improve fire flow to the area, and both CDF and County Environmental Health also support the City:s waterwheeling as superiorto an alternative private system meeting Counfy specifications. The Fire Chief's letter indicates that the High Fire Severity area and urban/wildland interface constitute a threat to the health and safety of the area residents. It should be noted, however, that the same statement could apply to a broad Arroyo Grande Fringe Residential Suburban and Residential Rural area. At a minimum, there are several other unsubdivided parcels to the northeast on Stagecoach Road that also adjoin the City's water storage and distribution system, as well as the Christie and Canyon Crest subdivisions. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A WATER WHEELING AGREEMENT WITH THE OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT FOR THE CHRISTIE FAMILY SUBDIVISION JULY 12, 2005 PAGE 3 On October 8, 2002, the City Council approved a policy regarding requests to provide water service to properties outside the City. For residential development outside the City's sphere of influence no extension for water service will be made as.recommended by the 2001 General Plan. Such developments may request to use.the City's infrastructure to transport water. The Christie Family Subdivision meets the conditions established in the policy. Because the other adjoining properties, which may appear or be similar in situation to the Christie Family Subdivision, may also seek similar services provided by this proposed outside service agreement, which may ultimately be inconsistent with the City's land use policies, staff is recommending that the Council consider amending the policy to include the following for residential developments outside the City's sphere of influence: • The property to be serviced has existing structures. • The request for service is not for the purpose of enabling new development. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve Water Wheeling Agreement and modifications to the City's policy regarding water wheeling agreements for future requests; • Approve Water Wheeling Agreement and do not approve modification to policy; - . , Do not approve water Wheeling Agreement and approve modification to policy; • Approve Water Wheeling Agreement and provide additional modifications to policy; • Approve Water Wheeling Agreement, but eliminate future agreements; or • Provide staff direction. Attachments: 1. Water Wheeling Agreement 2. Policy 3. Letter ' � � Attachment 1 WATER WHEELING AGREED�tENT THIS WATER �i'HEELII�'G AGREEMENT (hereinafrer referred to as the "Asreement") is made and entered into as of June 8, 2005,by and between the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation (hereinafrer referred to as the "Ciry") and Oceano Community Services District, a community services district organized and existing pursuant to California state (hereinafrer referred to as the "District"),and hereinafter occasionally referred to collectively as ".the Parties" or individually as a "Party" with reference to the following facts: A. Christie Family Subdivision Homeowner's Association, an as yet unformed California non-profit mutual benefit corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Association") consists of inembers who are limited to owners of that certain real property in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as described below: ' Lots 1 through 4 Tentative Map Co 00-0152, and bearing assessor's parcel number 047-127-001 in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California (hereinafrer referred to as the "Property"). B. The Property consists of four (4) parce(s which are single family residential lots. C. Association has a water system that is experiencing problems with inadequate water supply for fire suppression, and which problems Association and the District believe constitute an existing or impending threat to the public heaTh or safety of the Association members within the meaning of Government Code Section 56133 (c), and Association desires to acquire a better water source from the District with the City's cooperation. D. It is not feasible at this time for the City to extend water service to the.Property direcUy from the City's existing system. ., E. The District haS a water supply surplus and is prepazed to seil water to Association, � but does not have the means to connect directly to the Association water system. F. The City has agreed to provide the use of a delivery system for the water the District desires to sell to Association, all subject to compliance with Government Code Section 56133, the contracts between the San Luis Obispo Counry Flood Control'District and Water Conservation District (hereinafrer referred to as the "SLO FCD"),the Disirict, and the Ciry for a water supply (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Lopez Agreements"); and other applicable law. 1 NO�V THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, co��enan[s and conditions contained herein, the parties hereto a;ree as follo���s: 1. TRUTH OF RECITALS. All of the matters specified in Recitals A. through F. above , are true and correct as of the dare of[his Agreement ro the bes[knowled�e of the Parties, ho���ever the Ciry has no knowled;e and makes no reprzsentations as to the accuracy of the status of Association's wells, water quality, or supply, or the status of surplus of the District's water. 2. CITY DELIVERY OF DISTRICT WATER TO ASSOCIATION. From and after the date the last contingency set forth in Section 5 hereof has been satisfied, the City shall accept from the District, delivery of water to which the District is entitled under the Lopez Agreements hereinafter referred to as the "Wheeled Water") and shall wheel the same to Association. In connection there�vith: � � � a. The quantity of the Wheeled Water shall be limited to that quantity supplied by District to City. It shall be the responsibility of District to confirm the legal ability of water supplied under the Lopez Agreements to be wheeled and delivered in.[he manner set forth in this Agreement. b. Delivery of the Wheeled Water to the City by the District shall be effected through an instruction by the District to the SLO FCD to deliver a portion of the District's water delivery entidement under the Lopez Agreement to the City's facilities which receive the City's water delivery entitlement under the Lopez Agreement. c. The Wheeled Wa[er delivered to the City by the District shall be potable water not � less in quality as water otherwise delivered pursuant to the Lopez Agreement and subject to all the Lopez Agreement's terms and conditions. City makes no watranties or guaranties as to the quality of the water or its suitability for use by District, Association, or any other party. d. The Wheeled Water shall be delivered to Association by the City through a connection between the City's and Association's water systems at the location and pursuant to the specifications set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Point of Delivery"). e. Such water wheeling shall be consistent with the deliveryschedule contained in the � Lopez Agreements, and based on a delivery schedule further set forth in Exhibit "A'' attached hereto and incoiporated herein. The parties acknowledge that Association's consumption of water shall vary from day to day but that the water delivery to the Ciry under the Lopez Agreements only may be adjusted semi- apnually as set forth in the Lopez Agreements. The parties agree that they periodically shall meet and confer to review the data for both the water deliveries to the City and Association's water consumption, and shali instruct the SLO FCD to adjust the water deliveries from the District to ihe City as necessazy to assure, on average, they are in balance with Association's consumption and consistent with City's available capacity. City shall not be responsible for any shortages . 2 resulting from any of the following: reduction or fluctuation in supply of ��a[er under the Lopez Aoreements, droueht, weather or other �vater shorta�e conditions beyond the control of City, emergencies, catastrophic e��ents, acts of nature, vandalism or terrorism, impediments to sround water recharee, well failures, mechanical failures and system sercicing requirements of City, the SLO FCD and other participants in the regional water suppfy system, or any� other events be?�ond the control of Ciiy: 3. PAYbIENT FOR �VHEELING SERVICES. Thz City s.hall char;e the Distric� an all inclusive wheeling fee for its services as set forth on the attached Exhibit "A". To facilitate the same, the City shall install and maintain a water meter at the connection location described in Exhibit "A", the cost for which shall be paid in accordance with Section 6.b. of this Agreement. Monthly, the City shall read the meter, determine the volume of water delivered by the Ciry through the meter to Association, calculate the wheeling fees assessed for such water by multiplying the meter readin�by the amount of the fee, and transmit an invoice to the District for such fee. The District shall pay all invoices submitted by City for water delivered under this A�reement within thirty (30) days afrer receipt. 4. TERn4. This Agreement shall commence on the date the contingencies set forth in Section 5 hereof have been satisfied. District shali provide written nofification to City that all contingencies have been satisfied not less tlian 30 days prior to the first date that City shall be required to wheel water pursuant to this Agreement. This Agreement shall continue for as long as the City provides services to its in-city customers or until the occurrence of one of the following - events: a. If the contingencies have not been satisfied by December 31, Z005, this Agreement shall automatically expire, with no further obligation on the part of City. In the event of expiration pursuant to this Section 4.a., District shall not be relieved of its obligations under Section 6.a. of this Agreement. b. District notifies City that Association is in material breach of that certain Service Agreement to Provide Water Outside of Service District between Association and the Districe dated as of June 8, 2005, and directs City to stop wheeling water pursuant to this Agreement. c. The Association service area is annexed to City or some other entity that will be responsible for providing water service. d. This Agreement is determined to violate the provisions of the Lopez Agreement or any other local, state or federal laws related to wheeling of the wa[er. 5. CONTINGENCIES. This Agreement and all of the terms; provisions, conditions, covenants and obligations imposed on the parties hereto, are contingent upon: all of the following which shall be accomplished by December 31,2005 or this Agreement shall be of no further force and effect unless extended in writing by both the City and District. a. Compliance by the parties with ail applicable law, including,but not limited to, 8h� 3 provisions of the California En�ironmental Quality Act required to enter into this Aareemen[; b. , Wricten approval by LAFCO pursuant to Government Code Section 56133 (c) for the District and the Ciry to undertake and perform the obligations set forth in this Aereement; c. Any approvals by SLO FCD and any other necessar} entities related ro delivery of the Wheeled Water to which the District is entitled under the Lopez Agreements to the City's water system. These necessary approvals shall be deterrnir:ed by District, and District shall providz written notification and proof to Ciry that all such approeals have been obtained not less than 30 days prior to the firs[ date that Ciry shall be required to wheel water pursuan[ to this Agreement; d. Determination by the District that this Agreement is not in violation of the Lopez Agreement or any other agreement or provision of law; Upon satisfaction of the contingencies set forth in this Section 5, and written notification of such satisfaction by District to City, this Agreement and all of its terms, provisions, conditions and covenants hereof shall be effective and bindin� on the parties hereto, without any further action required. 6. PAYIIIENT OF COSTS. District agrees to reimburse the City for: a. The City's actual administrative costs incurred as a result of the preparation of this Agreement, as estimated in E:thibit A to this A;reement. Administrative costs shall be due even if the contingencies set for in 5ection 3 are not fulfilled. And, b. Any and all costs incurred by City for any pumps,connections and meters necessary to perform the obligations set forth in this Agreement. 7. INDENINIFICATION. The District shall indemnify, defend, protect and hold the City and its council members, commissioners, directors, off'icers, partners, agents, consultants and employees free and harmless from and against any and all claims, causes of action, demands, injuries, damage, liabilities,'losses, costs or expenses(inciuding,but not limited to attomeys fees and court costs) to the extent arising out of or resulting from, the terms, provisions, conditions and covenants of this Agreement,including but not limited to,any and all claims,causes of action, . �. demands, injuries, damage, liabilities, losses, costs or expenses (including, but not limited to, attorneys fees and court costs) resulting from discontinuance of water wheeling service pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, except as to those arising out of the active negligence of the City and/or its council members, commissioners, directors, o�cers, partners, agents, consultants and/or employees. 8. ADDITIONAL INDENIIVIFICATION. District shali require that Association take all necessary measures to assure that backflow and other devices are installed, operated and maintained to assure that there is no cross-contamination of water from Association's domesTic � � 4 � �vells, storaQe and delivery s}stems, into Ciry's system, and shall specifically indemnify City pursuant to Section 7 of this A�reement for any such cross-contamination, and shall bear the cost of any remediation required to restore City's system or water supply. 9. NOTICE. Any and all notices or other communications required or permitted by this Agreement or by law to be delivered to, served on, or given to any pany ro chis Aoreement by any other parry to this A;reement shall be in writin, and shall be deemed properly deli��ered, served, or given when nertonally delivered ro the party to whom it is direcred, or in lieu of such personal service, when deposited in the United States mail, first class, postaQe pre-paid, addressed to: IF TO CITY: City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 With a copy to: Timothy J. Carmel CARMEL& NACCASHA, LLP 1023 Aripomo St x150 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Facsimile 805.546.8015 IF TO THE DISTRICT: OCEANO COMD4UNITY SERVICES DISTRICT P.O. Box 599 Oceano, CA 93475 Facsimile 805.481.6836 ATT: Francis M. Cooney, General Manager With a copy to: Alexander F. Simas �.�Rx � sirsns 2550 Professional Parkway Santa Maria, CA 93455 Facsimile 805.934.1184 Any party to this Agreement may change his address for the purposes of this Section by giving written notice of such change in accordance herewith. � 10. MODIFICATION. This Agreement may be amended or modified only by an instmment , in writing, stating the amendment or modification, executed by the parties hereto and atfached eo the end of this instrument. 11. GOVERNING LAW/VENLJE. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. In the event that it is necessary to institute any action to enforce any right granted herein or to redress any alleged breach hereof, then che exclusive venue for such action shall ieside with the branch of the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of San Luis Obispo, California. 5 12. HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS. This A_reement shall be bindin� on and shall inure ro the benefit of the heirs,executors,administrators, successors and assions of the partizs hereto.District shall not assign its riehts or oblieations under this Aoreement to any party without prior�t•ritten consent of City. 13. SEVERABILITY. Should any portion of this A�reement be held unenforceable or inoperative for any reason, such shall not affect any other portion of this Agreement, but the remainder shall be as effective as thoush such ineffective portion had no[beer, ccata;ned herein. 14. ATTORi\TEY'S FEES. In the event that it is necessary for either parry ro this Agrzement to institute an action to enforce any right granred hereunder or to redress the breach of any provision of this A�reement, then the prevailing party in such action, in addition to any other award made by the Court, shall be entitled to his attorney's fees and costs incurred.in prosecuting such action and the enforcement of any judgment entered in such action from the non-prevai(in� party, all in an amount to be determined by the Court. Any judgment entered in such action shall include a specific provision authorizing the recovery of attorney's fees and costs incurred in enforcing such judgment. IN �i'ITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this instrument at Santa Maria, California as of the date and year above first written. CITY: DISTRICT:' City of Arroyo Grande OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES a municipal corporation DISTRICT By: By; Tony Ferrara James Hill Mayor President Attest: Attest: . BY. BY• Francis M. Cooney City Clerk Secretary Address: Address: 214 East Branch Street P.O. Box 599 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Oceano, CA 93475 � . 6 Approved as to form: Appro�'ed as to form: Timothy J. Carmel Alexander F. Simas Ciry Attomey District Counsel - 7 E��rr «a„ To VVATER �i'HEELING AGREE��IENT WHEELING FACILITY CON\'ECTION LOCATION AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. Point of Deliverv (VVheelinQ Faciliri• Connection Location and Specitications): On Stagecoach Road at the property line, within 75 feet ofthe Southwest comer of , the property. 2. Calculation oF Miti¢ation Fee for Infrastructure Connection: 4 homes x $1,206.00 per home: $4,824.00 3. Wheelina Fee: The City shall charge the District an all inclusive wheeling fee for its services. Such fee shall be determined by the Ciry Council. This fee currently is set at$1.00 per 100 cubic feet of watar delivered. Any change in the wheeling fee due to changes in costs shall take effect 30 days after notification of such change to District. Such change in the fee shalt be calculated using the same criteria and method used to determine the current fee. 4. Connection Fees: 1" meter charge: $251.00 Distribution charge: $1,190.00 Lopez charge: $1,700.00 . Installation charge: $2>000.00 5. Delivery Schedule: Minimum 1-2 GPM based upon 24 hour deliyery period. Estimated 4 AFY total � delivery. . Attachment 2 POLICY REGARDING REQUESTS TO PROVIDE WATER SERVICE TO PROPERTIES OUTSIDE THE CITY Purpose This policy outlines general guidelines for evaluating and responding to such requests depending upon the size, location and nature of the properties involved. Individual Residence If a request is received to provide water service to an individual residence outside the City's boundaries, the Pubiic Works Director may, subject to LAFCO approval, authorize the service if the following conditions are met: • There are special circumstances involving the property requiring the need for the request; • City water utility infrastructure exists adjacent to the residence; and • The service will not have a significant impact on the City's water supply. Such water service will be provided at an increased water rate for non-residents. Residential Developments Within the Citv's Proposed Sphere of Infiuence Existing or proposed developments within the recommended Sphere of Influence areas, as identified in the 2001 General Plan, may request City water service if the request will not impact the City's water supply. Such requests shall require approval by the City Council and LAFCO. To be considered for water service, a development shall meet one of the following criteria: . Provide its own water supply from a source approved by the City; • • Have an existing water supply capacity that can be credited to 4he City that is equal to, or in excess of the estimated amount of usage; or • Pay expenses determined necessary to provide increases in the City's existing water supply. Nothing in this policy shall prevent developments from requesting inclusion in 4he City's .sphere of influence and annexation to be considered on a case-by-case basis. ( Residential Developments Outside the City's Sphere of Influence The City will not approve extension of water service to developments outside the City's sphere of influence, as recommended in the 2001 General Plan, but such developments may request to utilize the City's infrastructure to transport water under the following conditions • The development must provide evidence of a long-term commitment of water availability from a source other than the City, which is deemed by the City to be dependable; . An agreement shall be established which releases the City of any responsibility or liability regarding the provision of water; • The City has existing infrastructure adjacent to the development with excess capacity; and • The development shali agree to pay a "wheeling charge" to the City for transport of the water and any capital costs necessary to upgrade the infrastructure to accommodate the request. Requests for City "wheeling" of water shall require approval by the City Council and also require authorization by the Local Agency Formation Commission. Exceptions These provisions are intended only as policy guidelines. Any exceptions to this policy may be granted by �ity Council approvai, subject to LAFCO consent. . Attachment 3 Robert & Cynde Christie 624 Stagecoach Road • Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 805=}81-8547 • Call voice to fax June 21, 2004 Mr. Don Spagnolo City Hali �� '' �` a�;�r`v�- GR4Np:- 208 E. Branch Street � Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 ���` � ` '0�'; ,,�ae�_ic �.,vo�!t, or�-. RE: Water wheeling on upper Stagecoach Road Dear Mr. Spagnola Thank you for the information you provided me a few days ago by telephone in response to my inquiry regarding a possible water wheeling arrangement in which Oceano would provide water service through Anoyo Grande facilities to our parcels on upper Stagecoach Road. Regarding the rivo questions you asked about the location of the proposed services and the amount of water needed, I have put together the following information: Location: The parcels proposed for this service aze marked in blue in the upper Stagecoach Road area at the approximate center of the enclosed map. I have also marked the City's"big blue tank"further up Stagecoach Road. The two parcels are being divided into 41ots each. I own the southerly-most parcel and Sateen Bhat owns of the other parcel. We are each separately subdividing our parcels, marked on the enclosed map. 4uantity requested: County restrictions exclude secondary residences, so no more ' than one home will be served on each lot. Using the County average of 3.4 persons per residence, and the figure of 150 gallons per person per day you mentioned on the phone as a maximum flow, I estimate a maximum total flow per day per household of 510 gallons: For six homes, 3 in each of the two subdivisions,that comes to a total of . 3060 gallons per day. Although eight lots are involved in the two subdivisions, one lot per subdivision has access to an eacisting source of water. For fire flow, CDF requires a fire hydrant on the street fronting each of the two parcels being subdivided. On talking witli my engineer, I concluded that a meter for the services at each subdivision would work best with separate lines for adequate flovr go Robert &Cvnde Chris6e 6/2 UOd Paee 2 the fire hydrants. This would avoid the need to install additional main lines between the subdivisions on the street paralleling the City's line. Of course, I hope that you will be able to deternune that sufficient capacity exists in the City's system for these projects. In any case, we greatly appreciate your assistance in exploring the feasibilitiy of this water-wheeling project. Please call me at the above number or on my mobile number, 805-264-0391, if any question or problem arises. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much for considering this request. Sincerely, � � -� Robert M. Christie tAP.P�2 S-rc,r���v�• �K W a^t-E�2 G-r2oH.Q ,. �� g� � � �' ���5"s�RV� , _ � . I-11 1 �( _ iA% ARFA COOE NO. 47—f�Y /.�-1 ' ' ��5 / ,..� � �J � I �19 '� �9 :Ias M�/6 ITFf.MID lM . �' �� � t• � .tf1Gf.5/9?IVl'GY.]M�, � VAGMELL TRAGT �7` 0 HW% TRA�4\ � •t �O ' �7 'J"` � . . . . - \ FELTS � o �W3 s �� OS O " /N�' / , �J y A / o � G. ' �t, .�,,","«' �,�J �' 1 / e w . 4 i :_f, ,,.. ' .� °`i � . . V �. u w , ' e 2 � o G .• `a. ..� o r q�� CoRBE7T •' s . y °` " . i� O U O �'�f �` �/ ''` � � i .,+. . , : �Ss.c � \/ nase � ' . ,. 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BRANLI XOME EAD TRACT i�ia �-�t�oe � �� RANGHD CORRqL DE PIEDRA 7 t-an r_r-v 1 � l � / S A N LU75 OBISPO COUNTY .I-M".�� . , \ / � CALIFORNIA �d1�o'y' ��; lt�i "I *► • � � ,.�.�7� a�1�` � �►�,, � � �,. � � , •, I���::::�:�i�%';�'�►� �� � �ix►ie �`it �1�' : !���,. � �,,�♦ .�'�•� � , ► � ,.i// �►�► �� . �� � � �' ��l� � �11��11,� �' �t .� �1 ,� � ;�/����• I��y,,;��1r,� � � , ������� ! 1 � �► ♦ • �Ii�l... : � I (�� �i'i������,'� �.� ` y��u D �� �� °�'��!y;,y�����y�'�� �.,a�°'�,� � . � °" �j'� •s�A��iJ.��ff� � , • ' . , � , ,► .��. �� - - ♦ � fll•�'s'f0e/411�i� n^'1f11� � �. 1 ' — .:.• � ��•- t� �� � , .t+i OIr 1!e 0� � � '�!','SY�� . �?`' � '' ����� �� . � �� BAei�'j ♦ � � � �:����.a�d�� ?`,���� ��� ri.�„a� Pj �� . . �C � � 4♦ �� � . ° ����• �s,�" ,�, � : �' " _ � .�� � u�;����+ �,� �� `�. � . � ��. ,�. .. , . • „e. • .�.._ _ r -�•o „ - 1�. �� � �e :�i Or�;,y�� �ao�; ��= ys • � ` . w . r �;;�.1M fl�_ �•Z• � a„ ■ . :.►n ♦ � ��r..� ~.�// n il� ' tu � C � �� 4 i W'hr� `���-�+3 �''� • � i2������, � ,,���t�•'` , ��� � y �r • � ` `' e •ii '� � ^N1� �wN 1�1N�� e'. t�� �'��` .�.�� �l� e '� � • A� , , � €: '9 '�c� �� � �� � �� ..� I� +r;k. 1 �v 1 } �� � , • � � ' � � �' � ♦ � � � ��-s.. , �� , ' • . :�i��t ar:,id s. . 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I�I�II���IiIIII�Y�� ' • • �lTi�m�.�......__.�,�_ ' i I,li .�i ��i .hn . u i11.IIW6. i: II�IL llil I L I,U�,�nl I�I� � pRROyO 11�8■ O �',p � INCORPORATED 9Z v � m MEMORANDUM � # .a�r �a. �eii * c4�/FORN�P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERRY FIBICH, DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND FIRE� BY: JON ANSOLABE RE, INTERIM NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COORDINATO� �Jv SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PROCEDURES FOR ENFORCEMENT OF ILLEGAL GARAGE CONVERSIONS AND SECONDARY UNITS DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council direct staff to proceed with the proposed "Notice of Violation" and Minor Use Permit processes to address illegal garage conversions and illegal secondary residential dwellings. FUNDING: The recommended procedures will require similar funding levels as current enforcement methods. Staff anticipates an increase in revenue through fees collected by an increase in the number of building permits for corrective construction. DISCUSSION: Backqround Staff has identified illegal construction throughout the City that poses a risk to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Generally, illegal construction comprises one of two forms of living space, both of which are of major concern regarding the health, safety, and welfare of the community, as well as noncompliant to property development standards of the City: 1. Illegal garage conversions; 2. Illegal secondary residential dwellings. Legal garage conversions and secondary residential dwellings can provide homeowners increased living space and possible supplementary income and the community an increase in affordable rental opportunities. However, the proliferation of illegally constructed garage conversions and secondary residential dwellings within the City is believed to be substantial and in need of CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PROCEDURES FOR ENFORCEMENT OF ILLEGAL GARAGE CONVERSIONS AND SECONDARY UNITS SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 2 attention. This proliferation can be attributed to current housing needs paralleled with housing and construction costs. When the Fire Department responds to a fire, the garage is often the last place that will be searched for inhabitants if not known to be an inhabitable unit. At the same time, since the work is constructed without permits, it is the most likely to include hazardous construction likely to cause a fire and/or have substandard exits. The combination of these conditions makes for a significant safety hazard. Therefore, the primary purpose of addressing illegal garage conversions on a comprehensive basis is for public safety purposes. However, enforcing laws related to illegal construction is both difficult and time consuming. The amount of investment involved in improvements that have already been completed makes it unlikely to resolve violations on a voluntary basis and creates a very adversarial relationship with the City. To pursue abatement of the estimated number of units would not be feasible given the . City's limited resources and would create substantial negative public relations. Given these issues, staff has been tentative in responding to these cases without a more comprehensive strategy on how they can be addressed on a Citywide and consistent basis. Therefore, the purpose of this effort is to identify a strategy for proceeding to address illegal garage conversions that will: 1) address public safety concerns; 2) be feasible to implement given existing resources; and 3) maintain the support of the community. Programs provided by other communities were researched in the process of developing the recommended strategies. Garaqe Conversions and Secondarv Residential Dwellinqs A garage conversion is the physical conversion of non-habitable garage space to habitable living space. Many times, a garage is converted into a separate residential dwelling. A secondary residential dwelling is a detached or attached dwelling unit in addition to the primary residential dwelling that provides complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons. It includes permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation. Currently, a garage conversion or secondary residential dwelling may be permitted within the City so long as the conversion conforms to all Development Code and Building Code requirements. Plan check for permits assesses code compliance and determines the value of the improvements and permit issuance includes collection of related impact fees, including school, traffic, parking, Fire and Police. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION. OF PROCEDURES FOR ENFORCEMENT OF ILLEGAL GARAGE CONVERSIONS AND SECONDARY UNITS SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 3 Illeqai Garaqe Conversions and Secondarv Units Many homeowners seek additional living space or supplemental income from their property and choose to convert their garage into living space or construct a second residential dwelling. Those most likely to convert their garages illegally are families who lack the financial resources to buy bigger homes; those who lack the financial resources to convert their garage or construct second residential dwellings legally; or persons who desire such structures but whose • property would be physically inadequate to allow such structures in accordance with adopted Codes and zoning standards. Furthermore, many purchase a home with an illegal garage conversion and/or secondary residential dwellings and are unaware of such violation. Garage conversions or secondary residential dwellings that have not been legally permitted may not satisfy the Uniform Building Code standards for habitable space. Compliance with these necessary building requirements is ensured through the building permit process. These requirements are minimum standards designed to protect the occupants and neighborhood from real and established dangers of construction of buildings. Many dangerous violations common to illegal garage conversions are: . Water heater and house heater within sleeping rooms; • Faulty electrical wiring and plumbing; • Lack of insulation and fire rated material; . Proper home layout design; . Proper ingress/egress routes. Current Enforcement The City of Arroyo Grande's current enforcement method for illegal garage conversions and secondary units is complaint driven utilizing a code enforcement process which includes a series of three or more warning letters, in-house meetings, a citation(s), and/or abatement procedure. The current policy is intended to enforce these Building and Development Code violations on a case- by-case basis. City awareness of illegal garage conversions is difficult due to lack of neighbor complaints, hidden construction, and false garage doors. Many garage conversions are built illegally and go unnoticed for many years. City awareness of secondary residential units is similar to garage conversions in the fact that there are low numbers of neighbor complaints regarding this issue and construction is fairly hidden. Additionally, enforcement of such converted structures is difficult due to costly requirements for the homeowner to remove illegal construction, and commonly, Development Code requirements render the property unfit to allow legal conversion of garages or secondary residential dwellings. Furthermore, CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PROCEDURES FOR ENFORCEMENT OF ILLEGAL GARAGE CONVERSIONS AND SECONDARY UNITS SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 4 enforcement by reconversion or abatement may eliminate a family's needed living space or supplementary income. However, some form of enforcement is necessary to ensure Code compliance in these sensitive living areas. According to Code Enforcement records, for the years 2002 and 2003 there have been four illegal garage conversions successfully reconverted or permitted. In 2004 there were no garage conversion complaints and therefore no enforcement records. Since January of 2005, the City has received seven garage conversion complaints, two of which are considered compliant and five of which are pending cases. In addition to this caseload, through cooperation between several departments, staff has identified and compiled 59 other illegal garage conversions / illegal secondary dwellings. However, through staff discussion and research, the total number of illegal garage conversions and secondary residential dwelling is perhaps as high as 450, or 8% of current housing stock. This estimate is similar to estimates given by other cities. The extent of the violation varies between each case; for instance, some garages are only partially converted illegally, whereas others may be fully converted and fully integrated into the home, and some may be built up to Code standards whereas others are not. A number of steps and options are proposed to be offered to property owners when garage conversions are identified to be illegal. As with all Neighborhood Services issues, staff's approach would be to assist the property owner in determining how best to meet compliance given the existing situation. First, and most importantly, the property owner would be required to obtain building permits for an existing and/or proposed improvement. Therefore, all life safety items would need to be addressed and brought up to Code. Second, the property owner could also apply for a Minor Use Permit for the garage conversion/secondary dwelling with a reduction in the parking requirement. Generally, the parking requirement is the major obstacle to permitting garage conversions. Findings necessary to grant such a permit are relatively strict if a parking reduction is required. Therefore, staff believes a majority of the illegal conversions would not qualify for a Minor Use Permit. Third, if the Minor Use Permit was denied or determined to be infeasible, it is proposed that a Notice of Violation process be utilized. This program would allow homeowners to obtain building permits, which would require all applicable fees to be paid, and would require the garage conversion or secondary residential dwelling to comply with all relevant Codes. However, upon non-compiiance of Development Code provisions, a "Notice of Violation" form (Attachment A) would be filed against the property, pursuant to §17985 of the California Health and CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PROCEDURES FOR ENFORCEMENT OF ILLEGAL GARAGE CONVERSIONS AND SECONDARY UNITS SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 PAGE 5 Safety Code, which would indicate that the particular structure on the property is in violation of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and a pending. investigation exists against the property. This recorded document would appear on the property title and result in the disclosure of such violations upon any transfer of property. The intent is to increase Code compliance to ensure the safety of the inhabitants, while not eliminating needed living space for families, and not addressing current Development Code provisions. This program could be carried out presently and would not require further discussion or ordinance adoption. It is recommended that initial enforcement efforts continue to be complaint driven, focusing on current caseload and utilizing the existing enforcement process. Enforcement priority within this caseload is directed towards violations that are most egregious and pose the greatest threat to health, safety, and welfare of the community. However, a proactive enforcement strategy may be adopted once current caseload is diminished. One of the most important initial needs is to have a comprehensive strategy in place to assist staff in handling situations when they identify illegal conversions while inspecting other items at a residence. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Direct staff to proceed with the proposed Notice of Violation and Minor Use Permit processes; • Staff research also identified an option referred to as a Time of Sale Certificate of Compliance program. This program would require all sellers of property within the City to obtain a "Certificate of Compliance" prior to property transfer. The "Certificate of Compliance" requires a home inspection by the City to ensure that the garage, secondary residential dwelling, or other structures have not been illegally constructed or converted. If an illegal garage conversion or illegal secondary residential dwelling were determined to exist, the seller (current property owner) would be required to bring his/her property up to code compliance before a transfer of property is allowed. Systematically, most homes will be inspected and brought up to code. An inspection fee would apply to offset the city cost for inspections. However, this program would increase building inspection workload and may require additional building inspectors. This program could not be carried out presently and would require formal adoption of an Ordinance to govern such activities. . Direct staff to utilize the existing code enforcement procedures to abate illegal garage conversions identified. This will likely involve additional costs if extended beyond only those identified by complaint. • Provide other direction to staff. _ _ ___ . _ . I n n When recorded, please return to: 1' City of Arroyo Grande ° Building andl'Life Safety Division P.O. Box�'550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 � NOTICE OF VIOLATION ; (Health and Safety;Code 17985) i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property owned by (NAME) and located at (Address), Arroyo Grande, California, Assessor's Parcel #XXX-XX-XXX, legally defined as follows: lot XX, ...has been found by the City of Arroyo Grande Building Official to be in violation of the following: 1. Garage converted to living area without Planning or Building Department approval, permits or inspections. California Building Code 106.1. The City may initiate enforcement proceedings followings issuance of this Notice of Violation to correct the violation(s). Anyone having questions regarding this action may contact the City of Arroyo Grande Building Official at 200 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (805) 473-5490. Dated: Johnathan Hurst, Suilding Official, City of Arroyo Grande I