Minutes 2005-10-11 --~..._-_.,~_. .- .~--.- ~_.- ._->--~_. -~..'''-- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA !i ~' 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem Costello called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:10 p.rn. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Dickens, Guthrie, Arnold, and Mayor Pro Tem Costello were present. Mayor Ferrara was absent. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams, City Attorney Carmel, Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk Wetmore, and Director of Public Works/City Engineer Spagnolo. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Pro Tern Costello led the Flag Salute (Boy Scout Troop 4B9 was rescheduled to lead the Flag Salute. on October 25,2005). 4. INVOCATION Dr. Mayer-Harnish, Bahai Faith, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. . Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only. Council Member Guthrie rnoved, Council Member Arnold seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS None. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Dickens requested that Item B.d. be pulled. Council Member Guthrie moved, and Council Member Arnold seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items B.a. through B.e., with the exception of Item B.d., with the recommended courses of action. City Attorney Carmel read the title of the Ordinance in Item B.e. entitled "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande Amending Portions of Title 16 of The Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (Development Code Amendment 05-006), Revising Land Use Regulations And Approval Processes To Ensure' Consistency With The Arroyo Grande General Plan". The motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Arnold, Dickens, Costello NOES: None ABSENT: Ferrara !i ._-~. - - -,.,_.- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 2005 PAGE 2 S.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period September 16, 2005 through Septernber 30, 2005. . , . S.b. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. . Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular, City Council meeting of August 23, 2005 as submitted. S.c. Consideration of Rejection of Claim Against City - D. Crockett. Action: Rejected claim. S.e. Consideration of Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Portions of Title .16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (Develppment Code Amendment 05-006), Revising Land Use Regulations and Approval Processes to Ensure Consistency with the Arroyo Grande General Plan. Action: Adopted Ordinance No. 573 as follows: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande Amending', Portions of Title 16 of The Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (Development Code, Amendment 05-006), Revising Land Use Regulations And Approval Processes To Ensure Consistency With The Arroyo Grande General Plan". S.d. Consideration to Approve a Revised Water Wheeling Agreement with the Oceano Community Services District (OCSD) for the Christie Family Subdivision. Recommended Action: Approve a revised Water Wheeling Agreement with OCSD for the Christie Family Subdivision and autho'rize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. Council Member Dickens expressed concerns regarding the overall costs to the City, including administrative, operational/maintenance, and other costs, that would arise directly or indirectly as a result of the Council's approval of the Water Wheeling Agreement. Council Member Arnold also recalled that there' was discussion and general consensus at the previous meeting regarding the requirement that a fire hydrant be included in this proposal and indicated this issue was not addressed in the revised Agreement. Discussion ensued and it was suggested that the item be continued since Fir~ Chief Fibich was not present to respond to questions regarding fire safety and related issues. Mayor Pro Tem Costello opened up the item for public comment. Cvndee Christie, applicant, explained that a fire hydrant is being provided and is part of the approved subdivision plans; however, she agreed to continue the item in order to have the Fire Chief present to address the issue. Hearing no further pUblic comment, Mayor Pro Tem Costello closed the public comment period. Following Council comments and discussion, there was consensus to continue the item in order to have the Fire Chief present to respond to the concerns raised about the fire safety issue, and to allow staff to review the administrative fees associated with. preparation of the Agreement. " :1 _u"__ _ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 2005 PAGE 3 Council Member Guthrie moved to continue the item to the next Regular City Council meeting of October 25, 2005. Council Member Arnold seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: " Guthrie, Arnold, Dickens, Costello NOES: None ABSENT: Ferrara 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a. Consideration of the Proposed Five ;Cities Center Transportation Improvement Plan. Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report and recommended the Council review the proposed Five Cities Center Transportation Improvement Plan and provide favorable direction to the applicant to proceed with the proposed plan as part of Building J and Pad "I" applications. Carol Florence. representing Investec. commented that Investec is currently in negotiations with Chili's Restaurant. PetCo. and Sav-On drug store to locate in Phase 2 of the Five Cities Center: noted that a dry cleaner business currently in P~ase 1 had negotiated a lease to downsize by relocating to smaller premises in Phase 2: agreed that there are existing traffic problems round both phases of the Center; and stated that Investec had attempted to comprehensively address the Council's comments and concerns by pi'aparing multiple traffic mitigation alternatives for the Council's consideration. She noted that Investec:s goals and objectives were to develop Pad I, complete occupancy of Building J, and allow for other routine Center operations by providing traffic mitigation measures to maintain safe and efficient cross movement between Phases 1 and 2; retain mUltiple turning movements: improve thE! Level of Service along Rancho Parkway; and improve safety aspects of the roadway. She presented Alternative A (Ingress/Egress to Camino Mercado as a back entrance), nowever. she noted that the Conditions of Approval for the project prohibit this Alternative; Alternativc B (Modify ,planters and parking between WalMart and Albertsons/SavOn); Alternative C (Modify planters and parking near entrance to Rancho , - - . Parkway); Alternative D (Modify planters and parking on the north side of movie theater); Alternative E (Modify entrance from Branch Street near movie theater); Alternative F (Add Eastbound Right Turn Lane at Rancho Parkway); Alternative G-1 (Modify Rancho Parkway by narrowing, calming, simplifying and direclir;g); Alternative G-2 (Modify pavement marking and add signage at intersection of Rancho Parkway, and West Branch); and Alternative H (Adjust signal timing for both signals on West Brmir,h Street). She concluded by stating that Investec recommended the implementation of Aaernatives n. E, F, G-1, G-2. and H.' , Council questions, comments, and discussion ensued regarding the attributes and constraints of " the Alternatives that were presented, as well as balancing the cost versus public benefit of the I ' Alternatives. ., " Council Member Dickens stated hG,\GUld like ,'more detailed information about the possible inclusion of Alternatives A & C. He s3id he woul~, like to keep these options open and research , , " - - .- - - --- --..~ - .. ---.. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 2005 PAGE 4 the original approval of the Center to see what the original intent was regarding access from Camino Mercado, He agreed that there was no major benefit to Alternative B, He commented on Alternative C and stated he would like to revisit this Alternative. He supported Alternatives G- 1 and G-2, He also suggested bringing back the issue of installing a traffic signal on Rancho Parkway between Phase 1 & 2. Mayor Pro TemCostello invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. Steve Ross, Arroyo Grande, commented that the City is installing a traffic signal at W. Branch Street and Camino Mercado; acknowledged that there would be a new senior residential development on Camino Mercado which will bring more people into the area; and supported the Alternative to provide another access to the Center from Camino Mercado. James'Murphv referred to the entrance from W, Branch, Street near the movie theater and suggested implementing measures to stop lraffic from cutting through the area. He stated he would like to see a one-way entrance into the driveway from Rancho Parkway and no egress, He noted that the traffic problems are really centered, around the Brisco Road intersection, Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Pro Tem Costello closed the public comment period. Council Member Guthrie inquired whether temporary traffic delineators could be set up and monitored for their effectiveness. Director Spagnolo responded that this was possible with regard to some of the Alternatives. Council Member Guthrie supported including Alternative A and noted that there is already one access driveway from Camino Mercado that lines up with the future senior residential housing project. He supported including Alternative C to improve traffic flow. He liked the Alternatives presented near the movie theater and suggested that in the future the left hand turn entrance from W. Branch Street be eliminated. He expressed 'concerns about implementing the proposed measures on Rancho Parkway and supported 'installation of temporary barriers in order to monitor the traffic behavior. He also encouraged extensive public education about the proposed changes. Council Member Arnold agreed that there was no value to Alternative B. He supported including Alternative A since more traffic is expected on Camino Mercado with the future development of the hotel and senior residential project. He referred to Alternative C and felt this option should be included. He supported Alternative D, although suggested that railing may be required to discourage pedestrians from crossing over at certain points, He supported Alternative E and suggested the installation of speed humps to slow traffic. He supported Alternative F, He referred to Alternative G-1 and suggested removing the southbound left hand turn into Phase 2 from Rancho Parkway; and opposed the suggestion for installation of a traffic signal on Rancho Parkway between Phases 1 & 2, He supported Alternative G-2; and supported Alternative Hand suggested adding a left turn arrow at the signal. Council Member Dickens asked what discretion the City has to require the applicanl to make the proposed internal improvements. City Attorney Carmel stated that the Alternatives presented were voluntary since there was no project currently before the Council. He noled that when a project application is submitted for Pad I. the Council would have some discretion when addressing traffic mitigation measures. He stated that the applicant was proposing these ~- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 2005 PAGE 5 Alternatives voluntarily in anticipation of submitting an application for an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit for modifications to Pad I. Council Member Dickens asked if the City woul.d have the ability in the future after the Center is built out to require signalization on Rancho Parkway: City Attorney Carmel noted that the City , , would not be able to require the applicant to pay for the signal once the project is complete, except with regard to future discretionary projects. Council Member Dickens stated he would like additional information on why a traffic signal is not warranted at this location at this time, He also noted that there was some disagreement regarding the second left hand turn lane into Phase 2 and commented that the City has discretion to modify the roadway. He concluded by stating that he would like to take a closer look at Alternatives A & C. , Mayor Pro Tem Costello agreed that Alternative A may be a reasonable option to provide another access; agreed that there was no value to Alternative B; supported the inclusion of Alternative C which would provide an opportunity to fix a design flaw and change access to improve traffic flow; supported Alternative D; supported Alternative E in order to discourage, through traffic, to ensure pedestrian safety and ,try to discourage the use of the driveway as a main entrance into the Center; supported Alternative F; however, he suggested eliminating the right turn only lane going into the Center, but supported the right turn only lane coming out of Phase 1, with a middle lane going straight or turning left. He referred to Alternatives G-1 and G- 2 and said he was not convinced of the need for multiple islands. He acknowledged that it was important to maintain access straight across from Phase 1 to Phase 2, He referred to Alternative H and expressed concern about having two left turn lanes from Rancho Parkway onto W, Branch Street and said the proposal needs further review and discussion. City Manager Adams stated that staff could work with the applicant to install temporary traffic mitigation measures to test some of the Alternatives on a pilot basis. Following discussion, there was consensus from the Council to request trat the applicanl include all of the Alternatives presented, with the exception of Alternative B, when proceeding with a proposed plan as part of the further development of Building J and the proposed reconfiguration of Pad I. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Consideration of the Draft Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report and recommended the Council review the Draft Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (the "Plan") and provide comments. Frank Honeycutt, County Public Works Department, presented the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Plan for the San Luis Region and requested the Council.'s endorsement of the Plan. The San Luis Region IRWM Plan included a Vision Statement, an overview, of Proposition 50 which provides funds for integrated regional water management; an overview of ,how the San Luis Region IRWM Plan is bei,ng developed; an overview of grant funding opportunities and the status of the grant applications for the Flood Managemenl Plan. the Regional Permitting Plan, the Groundwater Banking Plan, and the Data Enhancement Plan. Mr Honeycutt also reported on the status of the Im'Plementation Grant Process, He reviewed the - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 2005 PAGE 6 IRWM update process and noted that the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan is located online at www.slocountywater.org. Mr. Honeycutt responded to questions from Council regarding the grants; whether changes to the document could be proposed, such as expanding the list of projects Arroyo Grande has proposed to expand its water supply (page 15 of the Plan); clarifying the funding status of the Lopez Treatment Plant project; and clarifying that the Plan will updated over a five year period, Mayor Pro Tem Costello invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard 'on the matter, and upon hearing no public comments he closed the public comment period, Council comments included acknowledgement that this is an excellent reference document for the City; acknowledgment that the Plan is onlineiand encouragement to the public to review and comment on the document; a request to add all of the Arroyo Grande water projects to Page 15 of the document; an emphasis on water reuse (Section B, Page 4 of the Plan) and the need to focus more attention on using reclaimed water; and overall support for the draft Plan, There was consensus of the Council to support the Plan and to direct staff to continue working with representatives from the County on measures to address Zone 1/1A drainage and creek sedimentation maintenance issues. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS Mayor Pro Tem Costello reported that there was another traffic accident at Oak Park and Meadowlark and requested staff to bring this issye back to the Council to determine if there are any traffic mitigation measures that can be taken to prevent future accidents, 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS a) Request for direction from City Council regarding potential Municipal Code changes to allow the sale of wine, on a restricted basis, for certain special events at the Nelson Green, City Manager Adams gave a brief report and requested direction from the Council regarding the amendment of the Municipal Code to allow the sale of wine, on a restricted basis, for certain special events at the Nelson Green, Council comments included the fact that there were many pros and cons to this proposal and it was emphasized that the matter would need to include significant public notification and input. Upon consensus of the Council that the matter warranted public discussion, staff was directed to place on a future agenda consideration of allowing the sale of wine for certain restricted events at the Nelson Green and to provide adequate notice to the neighborhood prior to the meeting, 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS None. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Adams announced that the City of Pismo Beach would be hosting a workshop on November 16, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. to present findings from the Joint Fire Services Study. ---.---.----- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 2005 PAGE 7 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Steve Ross, Arroyo Grande, commented on the:IPlanning Commission's rejection of apartments proposed above a medical office located on Station Way, James Murohv, Arroyo Grande, commented further on the traffic issues at the Five Cities Center and suggested blocking off the W. Branch Street entrance near the movie theater. He also referred to the issue regarding the Nelson Green and stated allowing wine at Special Events is a good opportunity to promote the Village as a gateway to the County's wine country, 17. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council. Mayor Pro Tem Costello adjourned the meeting at 0 p.rn. ' /~ ATTEST: ~!U..-- , City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg 11/22/2005) :1