Minutes 1995-11-28 //7 2 .. . .. . - MINUTES SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY NOVEMBER 28, 1995 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA r ' .' SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met for a Special ,') Meeting at 6:45 p.m., with Mayor A. K. "Pete" Dougall presiding. 1. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Dougall; Mayor Pro Tem James Souza; Council Members Drew Brandy, Michael Fuller, and Michael Lady; City Manager Robert L. Hunt; City Attorney Roger Lyon, and Chief of Police Rick TerBorch adjourned to a Closed Session on the following: (a) Conference with Labor Negotiator: Government Code section 54957.6 Agency Negotiator: Police Chief TerBorch Employee unit: Part-Time Employees 2.. ADJOURNMENT The City Council reconvened at 7:20 p.m. after the Closed Session and adjourned to the Regular city Council Meeting at 7:30 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1. CAT.T. TO ORDER The City ~ouncil began its Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m., with Mayor Dougall presiding. Mayor Dougall said there was no reportable action taken in Closed Session. 2.AHD 3. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Dougall led the Pledge of 'Allegiance to our Flag, and the Reverend Dr. Norman F. Somes of st. Barnabas Episcopal Church delivered the invocation. 4. ROLL CJH.T. Present with Mayor Dougall were Mayor Pro Tem Souza and Council Members Brandy, Fuller, and Lady. Staff members present were City Manager Hunt, City Attorney Lyon, City Clerk Nancy Davis, I Community Development Direc~or Doreen' Liberto-Blanck, Public [ Works Director John Wallace, Director of Building and Safety Kurt ,".\ Latipow, and Police Chief TerBorch. ~ 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS ',",. There were no Special Presentations. 6. AGENDA REVIEW Mr. Hunt said additions to the Agenda included a revised 1 I I . - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 28, 1995 recommendation on Item 7.b., a revised Resolution on 10.b., and a letter from San Luis Obispo Council of Governments at Item 12.b. r ,'-" I 6.A. MOVE THAT A'{..T. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES PRESENTED TONIGHT I BE READ IN TITLE ONLY AND ~T.T. FURTHER READING BE WAIVED l It was moved by Souza/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously that all Resolutions and Ordinances in the Agenda be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7.A. PUBLIC HEARING - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CASE NO. 95-527: A PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT OF SIX COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES: TO RECONFIGURE THE PROPERTY BOUNDARIES TO FIVE PARCELS: WEST BRANCH STREET. CAMINO MERCADO AND RANCHO PARKWAY (RANCHO GRANDE): GENCOM, INC. Community Development Director Liberto-Blanck referred to her staff report and said the Planning Commission recommended the Council adopt the resolution approving the reconfiguration of five lots to four. After being assured that assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. When no one came forward to speak, he closed the hearing to the floor. It was moved by Brandy/Fuller (5-0-0, Brandy, Fuller~ Souza, Lady, and Dougall voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 3108 Adopting a Negative Declaration, Approving Lot Line Adjustment .Case No. 95-527, Applied for by GenCom, Inc. at West Branch Street, Camino Mercado and Rancho Parkway (Rancho Grande); and Instructing the City Clerk to File a Notice of Determination. 7. B. PUBLIC HEARING - APPROVAL OF DOCUMENTS FOR REFINANCING OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL'S CERTIFICATES OF PAR'l'ICIPATION ( COPs). SERIES 1995 IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $35.000.000 (THE "COPs): VISTA HOSPITAL SYSTEMS. INC.. 345 SOUTH HALCYON ROAD. ARROYO GRANDE City Manager Hunt recommended the city Council adopt a modified resolution approving the final documents for refinancing of Arroyo Grande Community Hospital's (Vista Hospital Systems, Inc. ) certificates of Participation on the condition that the .( Certificates of Participation not be delivered to the purchaser thereof prior to January 1. 1996 unless the City receives an i opinion from Stradling. Yocca. Carlson and Rauth that such ! I . delivery will not affect the tax exempt status of the City's \~j' outstanding lease/option indebtedness. He said the underlined words beginning with "on the condition" were added based on the advice of legal counsel (City attorney and Stradling et al). 2 ~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 28, 1995 After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. [ ,-:' Scott Gross, President, Primus Management, Inc., said the hospital is doing well financially and desires to lower the interest rate on the bonds. He said when the hospital is in good financial health, the charges to the patients can be kept at the same level and more charity care can be given to the community. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Dougall closed the hearing to the floor. After favorable comments from the Council, it was moved by Brandy/Fuller (5-0-0, Brandy, Fuller, Lady, Souza, and Dougall voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 3109 Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of an Installment Purchase Agreement, an Installment Sale Agreement, a Trust Agreement, a Purchase Contract, a Limited Offering Memorandum and Certain Other Documents and Actions in Connection Therewith Relating to an Installment Purchase and Sale Financing for Vista Hospital Systems, Inc., Doing Business as Arroyo Grande Community Hospital. The motion to approve Resolution No. 3109 included acceptance of the City Manager's revised recommendation that the Resolution be passed "on the condition that the certificates of Participation not be delivered to the purchaser thereof prior to January 1, 1996 unless the City receives an opinion from Stradling, Yocca, Carlson and Rauth that such delivery will not affect the tax exempt status of the city's outstanding lease/option indebtedness." 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD No one came forward to speak. 9. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Souza/Brandy (5-0-0, Souza Brandy, Fuller, Lady, and Dougall voting aye) to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.d., 9.f., and 9.g., with the recommended courses of action. 9.a. October 24, 1995, City Council Minutes. Approved. [ " 9.b. Second Reading of Ordinance 471 C.S. Amending Title 9 of the .. Municipal Code to Establish Regulations for Adult Businesses; GC and HC Zoning Districts within the City of Arroyo Grande. The Ordinance was adopted. 9.c. Request to Purchase Budgeted Items; Vehicle Equipment and 3 . . 75 - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 28, 1995 Installation; Police Department. Approved. [' -~ 9.d. Register of Checks/Demands. Approved. i I 9.f. Progress Payment No.4 for Replacement of Water and Sewer l Improvements in Mason, Poole, Whiteley Streets and Related Pavement Rehabilitation; Project No. 60-70-95-01. Approved. 9.g. Employee Suggestion Awards. Approved. Mayor Dougall discussed Item 9.e. Approval of Subdivision Agreement for Lot Line Adjustment No. 95-523; 1081 Farroll Avenue; Gin/Keith. He said the city is trying to be "business friendly" but developers should do their part also. He said the developers in this case had months to complete public improvements on the project. He said they should not wait until the last minute to say they cannot complete the improvements, then bond for the improvements, and then make the city the "bad guy" in letters from their attorney. It was moved by Lady/Fuller to approve the Subdivision Agreement for Lot Line Adjustment No. 95-523; 1081 Farroll Avenue; Gin/Keith. Council Members Lady, Fuller, Brandy, and Souza voted aye and Mayor Dougall voted no. 10.A. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW: PROPOSED COMMERCIAL PROJECT LOCATED ON WEST BRANCH STREET. CAMINO MERCADO. AND RANCHO PARKWAY (RANCHO GRANDE): APPLICANT: GEHCOM. INC. community Development Director Liberto-Blanck referred to her staff report and recommended the Council review comments and preliminary conditions for the pre-application from the Staff Advisory Committee and Planning Commission, and the proposed Concept Development Plan. She also recommended the Council discuss any issues and/or provide staff and the applicants with any further direction regarding this project. Andy Marton, representing the applicant GenCom, Inc., discussed the project with the Council Members. He showed the Council the basic concept of the project. There were Council questions concerning the service station, Festival Theaters, relocating the Sizzler Restaurant, elevations, a wall, and the developer consulting with the residents of Rancho Grande Subdivision and [ other Arroyo Grande residents in planning the project. Mayor Dougall said he would like the commercial center to bea destination point where people could shop, dine, and see a,show. He suggested that the center would be a good location for the proposed performing arts center. ~:.~., 10.B. T.RASE PURCHASE OF CAPITAL EOUIPMENT Director of Building and Safety Latipow referred to his staff report and recommended the Council adopt a resolution entering 4 76 . - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 28, 1995 into a master lease program with Municipal Leasing Associates. He said the proposal is to utilize Municipal Leasing Associates, Inc. to fund a five-year master lease program for the city as follows: [ . . . ~ ~ Fund $380,000 for the purpose of acquiring capital equipment. Funds shall be placed in an escrow account and utilized at such time as the City deems appropriate. Staff will, as always, employ required bidding procedures to secure the lowest possible cost for each respective piece of equipment. Council Members asked questions about the escrow account, requirements of the lease, savings to the city, renegotiating the lease interest rate, and returning equipment if City funds become unavailable. The city Manager explained the revised Resolution removed language regarding a 10 percent contingency that staff felt was not necessary. It was moved by Souza/Lady (5-0-0, Souza, Lady, Fuller, Brandy, and Dougall voting aye) to approved Resolution No. 3110 Authorizing Lease Agreements. 10.C. INTERPRETATION OF A REOUIREMENT FOR AN IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES FOR BARRON CAR WASH: GRpD AVENUE AND RT.M STREET: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 93-508 (ROBERT BARRON) Public Works Director Wallace referred to his staff report and said staff recommended the Council consider alternative agreements for undergrounding of utilities in accordance with the Conditional Use Permit for the subject project, and provide direction on the conditions of any such alternative agreement. Council Members discussed the costs and alternatives of undergrounding utilities at Barron Car Wash. Bob Barron, owner of the car wash, said his main concern was to get the undergrounding completed and not have it "hanging over" the business. After further Council discussion, it was moved by Lady/Fuller, [ and the motion passed unanimously to approve Alternative No. 2 authorizing Mr. Barron to transfer the estimated $10,600 to the << city and relieve him of any future responsibility with respect to the undergrounding. The City would then proceed to utilize these funds and complete Mr. Barron's portion of the work in the future, even if it were to cost more. 5 ---_._._-~.- . 77 -, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 28, 1995 10.D. DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE IN THE TAT.T.y HO CREEK AND MEADOW CREEK AREAS Public Works Director Wallace referred to his staff report and recommended for the short term maintenance of Tally Ho Creek and Meadow Creek, Council direct staff to contract with the California Conservation Corps (CCC) and to utilize City crews and equipment to support the CCC crews. Also, utilize inmate labor wherever possible to supplement this effort. He recommended for long term drainage improvements and on-going maintenance of those improvements, Council direct staff to investigate the formation of a Citywide drainage assessment district and report back in 90 days. Urging the Council to move forward on cleaning out the creeks and finding a long-term solution to flooding were Tally Ho Road residents Tito Gaxiola, Sandy Facchetti, John Sherman, and Terry Bowen. Tom Talbert, president of the Oak Park Leisure Home Owners Association, also spoke to the Council. It was moved by Souza/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously to approve the staff recommendations for short term maintenance of Tally Ho Creek and Meadow Creek, contracting with the California Conservation Corps, utilizing City crews and equipment, and utilizing inmate labor wherever possible to supplement this effort. It was moved by Lady/Fuller, and the motion passed unanimously, for long-term drainage improvements and on-going maintenance of those improvements, to direct staff to investigate the formation of a Citywide drainage assessment district and report back in 90 days. 10.E. FIRST QUARTER 1995-96 BUDGET REVIEW City Manager Hunt said for the first quarter of the fiscal year the California retail sales, including vehicle sales, improved, but home sales dropped. He said staff was cautiously optimistic about the California economy. Finance Director Bacon referred to his staff report and r recommended the Council receive and file his report. He said actual revenues in the General Fund and other funds during the first three months of 1995-96 generally exceeded expected amounts by two percent. He said actual expenditures in the General Fund and other funds were generally less than anticipated. It was moved by FUller/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously to receive and file and First Quarter 1995-1996 Budget Review report. 6 7 8 ~. . . - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 28, 1995 10.F. ADOPTION OF CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MISSION STATEMENT City Manager Hunt referred to his memorandum to the Council and recommended that the City of Arroyo Grande Mission Statement be adopted. He said the proposed Mission Statement would be printed, ~ ..: ~. framed, and placed in as many conspicuous places around city facilities as possible. ' It was moved by Dougall/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously " -J to adopt the city of Arroyo Grande Mission Statement. 11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (a) Mayor Dougall reported on the following: (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District - The district has a program to instruct young people about careers in waste treatment. (2) Local Agency Formation Commission - A meeting of LAFCO is set for December 13, 1995. The Mayors of the'County are trying to get LAFCO in a more balanced formation and are working through the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments to explore guidelines for orderly development. (b) Mayor ProTem Souza: (1) Long-Range Plan Update Committee - No Report (2) Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee - No Report (3) Coordinated Agriculture Support Program - No Report (c) Council Member Brandy reported on the following: (1 ) Zone 3 Water Advisory Committee - Lake Lopez is 83 percent full and water is not being released downstream. Some current issues are water rights and how much should be released downstream, Arroyo Grande's right to reimbursement for incorrect water meters, the delay in the Watershed Survey, the'delay in the test for seismic safety of Lopez Dam, the lowering of the costs of State Water, and Arroyo Grande getting reimbursement credit for the ownership of 51 perce~t of the water pipes. (2) county Water Resources Advisory Committee - The draft outline of the San Luis Obispo county Water Master Plan is being [ > circulated and studied. << (d) Council Member Lady reported on the following: (1) South County Area Transit- Requests for Proposals are being studied and Santa Barbara Transportation and American Tours have been. requested to bid again. 7 . 79 ""'.. . .... ~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 28, 1995 (2) Council of Governments - The San Diegan train has begun service and the Mayor was a passenger. A report was given on the transportation of radioactive waste. The COG will monitor the issuance of right-of-way transportation (permits) and request that PG&E prepare a concise conceptual plan to be made available to all local jurisdictions at least seven years prior to any anticipated shipments. The Federal Government will be making final decisions on transportation of any radioactive waste. (3) San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority - The regional management employment contract will be on the SLORTA meeting agenda of December 6, 1995, and the 1995-96 budget will be revised with a savings to Arroyo Grande of $16,000. (e) Council Member Fuller reported the following: (1 ) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board - No report. (2) Air Pollution Control Board - No report. 12. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (a) Status of Left Turn Pocket on Grand Avenue at Southern Auto Supply, 951 Grand Avenue. The Council accepted a report written by Director of Public Works Wallace concerning the proposed left turn pocket in front of 951 Grand Avenue. The matter will be on the December 12, 1995, Council Agenda. (b) Transportation of Radioactive Waste Materials - The Council accepted a letter from COG Executive Director Ron DeCarli, excerpts from minutes of a COG meeting of November 8, 1995 and a COG staff report on Radioactive Waste Transportation. 13. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Council Member Souza said Youth in Government Day will be January 18, 1996 and elected student participants will be contacting their counterparts before that date. He listed those students who were elected to fill the various City positions. 14. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Lady/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. .. ATTEST: 8