Minutes 1981-06-09 -, ---n I ' J, J "f"', , ' , ' ~ -L II 1 \ I CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 9, 1981 The City'Council met in'regular session with'Mayor'Pope presiding~ Upon roll: call, Counci'l: Members, B' Ann' Smith,' Karl' A.^ Hogan,' 'and' Lawrence E. Vandeveer reportedpresent.n, Council Member Mark M.Millis was absent. .-....... PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE' ....' Council Member'Smith'led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter,~ Councll Member Vandeveer deli veied- the - invocati6n-. "'Y-' APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Council Member Smith; seconded by'Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to approve the'minutes 'of'May26, 1981, and June I, 1981 as presented. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council'Member Vandeveer"seconded'by'Council Member Smith, and' unanimously carried, Demand'Warrants'#15256 through #15312 in' the amount 'of $70.-203.44 and'Payroll Warrants #19844 through #19927"in the amount of $47,400.85 were approved and' ordered' paid'; APPROVAL' OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS" - - On'motion of'Council-Member Smith, seconded by Council'Member' Vandeveer j- it- was unanimously voted"" to approve"' the consent agenda items.'- A-I.. ~equest of" American "Legion,"Arroyo'Grande Post 136/"' for' a Fee~Exempt License'to Sell Fireworks at' Grand' and' Elm and" Mason- and Branch.:"''RECOMMEND APPROVAL SUBJECT TO FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS; .. A-2. Receipt of Departmental Monthly Report for the Month of May, 1981. RECOMMEND'REVIEW AND'FILE. A-3. Receipt of'SCAT'S'Monthly'Ridership Report-for 'March, '1981. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. ' - , ":.. -, A-4. Receipt of',Animal"Regulatioli Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes -arid' statistical Report.' RECOMMEND' REVIEW AND' FILE:' " "'-,'" '^ i A-5. Receipt of"'League of California 'Cities' Legislative Bulletins (Nos: 16' and 17) and Others. RECOMMEND 'REVIEW 'AND "COMMENT. A-6. Receipt of League of California Cities' Members Executive Forum, July 15,-- IT, 1981. IF"'YOU PLAN "TO ATTEND. Notice, Re. Mayors and Council RECOMMEND REVIEW AND ADVISE '__., .,Cn_ -.. .-,.... A-7. "Receipt of City of Arroyo Grande Recreation'DepartIDEmt 1981' sUmmer Program. ':FOR YOUR INFORMATION"ONLY; REQUEST'FOR REROUTING ,OF TRUCK ROUTE NOW EXISTING ON'EAST'CHERRY AVENUE AND BRANCH'MILL ROAD- '.., '.. .., Administrator Sheldon referred to the memo from Planning Director' Hays stating that the Planning Commission considered this matter at their meeting of June 2, 1981 and referred it to the City Council. He also distributed additional petitions from residents in the area. Mr. Sheldon stated that East Cherry 'is 'designated' as a truck route in the General Plan and, therefore, requires a.General Plan amendment and the proper public hearing process. He recommended this item be referred back to the Planning Commission for their recommendation and the proper process. Sal Frederico, 303 'E., Cherry, stated that the street is too narrow to acconunodate la~ge trucks~-" Rod Gibsori; ,- 277 ~K;- Cherry;- -Dennis Flores,' 411 E. Cherry; and Peggy Schmiqt, 473 Coach Road, spoke to the question. 2 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 9, 1981 PAGE TWO Don Gullickson'; 529 Cherry, thanked'::the City for'the re'cently installed stop signs and'increased'police patrol in the area. "On motion of Council-' Member Hogan, seconded- by Council Member Vandeveer" it was unanimously" voted to return this i~em to the Planning Commission for their recommendation and discussion by the Parking and Traffic Commission. Council Member Vandeveer stated that the delay is unfortunate,'however, Council must follow the procedure established by law. Council Member Smith stated .. she was happy to see all the residents in the area attend. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 'OF JUNE 2, 1981 The -report was received~ ~ REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PARKING AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT ADVISORY BOARD a} Condemnation of Block'House in Central-Business District) Parking Lot. City Attorney' Shipsey,' stated that the City -has a choice of two procedures, I}, to condemn the property, or 2) to. buy the property. The property must be appraised or the property owner may be requested to raze the building. He advised that in the procedure of condemnation the City must show that there exists a dangerous situation as the courts generally protect the property owner. 'Administrator Sheldon'reported that"in ,checking with the Police Department; there has been only one, traffic accident in the vicinity of the building and it was not related to the building. Council Member Vandeveer moved totable the matter for further information and an estimated'valuation'of the building.' After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to instruct staff to investigate the process of the two procedures and return with a report. b} Reevaluation of Parking Spaces in CBD. Administrator'Sheldon stated that, per Planning Director Hays' memo, the Parking and Business Improvement Area-Advisory Board recommends that-Council consider a' temporary raise in "in-lieu" parking fees 'until a new precise plan is' prepared for the Central Business District in which a reasonable fee will be determined. The Board recommends that the fee,'be rai"sed to $3,000 which more accurately reflects the current costs of purchasing' land and construction costs for parking facilities. After discussion, 'and on motion of Council Member Vandeveer;,. seconded- by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to instruct staff ~o prepare the proper resolution. REQUEST 'COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADJUSTMENT AND SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY, AS PERTAINS TO CCCJPA Administrator Sheldon explained that the resolution will authorize the adjustor'of'CCCJPA to enter into a settlement 'on claims not to'exceed $1,000 and the City Administrator to enter into a settlement on claims not to exceed $5,000. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of the resolution. On motion of Council"Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION"NO. ,1476 J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO:'GRANDE AUTHORIZING ,THE' ADJUSTMENT AND" SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS'AGAINST THE 'CITY , On motion ,of Council'Member Smith, seconded-'by Council Member Vandeveer, and _on the following roll call vote, to wit:" AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope None Council Member Millis the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of June, 1981. n "-c) n I -, '-' I 3 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 9, 1981 PAGE THREE, " PUBLIC HEARING FOR PURPOSE OF DISCUSSION PLANNED USES OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS Administrator,She~ldon explained, that ,$244,600 is available from revenue'sharing tunqs" ,The 'hearing~~ving been,properly noticed and published, ,Mayor Pppe, opened it for, public ,comment.' KAREN, ENDERT, 318 Whiteley, representing the Family, Services Center, stated th~t the Center r '. _ _ _ _. . . offers many ,types of counseling 'and is a nori-profit organization. The , ",. _..n _ "."_ ,__ ..... . Center re~ies ~~ 9ont~i~uti9n~.~~d ~ost,of t~e counselors are voiunteer~6 She request~d,~500. RITA BRANFIELD, 973 Ritchie ROad,'representing MealsG on Wheels, stated th"-t they de"liver, betwee;' 25~';nd' 35 hot meals' 'per day and that the cost of the meals wiii go up agai;"this year. She requested $2,000. EMERY WELKER" Seniors Helping Seniors, stated'that because, of , . H' _ _ '.'. "". .' __ . _ _. . _ _ ,. . rising costs his organization is requesting $2,000. , Council Member Smith . T ... _,_ _"" . '. . .' stated that this category of money belongs to the people and "therefore; should be given to social serviqe organizations. Council Member~ Hogan and Vandeveer agreed that service groups should be supported,' 'Mayor ,Pope stated t~at,it ~s his opinjon,that these, type of organizations should receive corrtribution~. from civic'j:mdo r_~lj.gib_US_~group~'.~- On mo.tion ~f Cou~cil Member ,smith, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was passed to allot $2,500 rrom Revenue,Sharing,Funds to social, se~v~ce groups (at $500 per group). Mayor Pope 'dissented., I j I I PROTEST HEARING FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FOR CURBS, GUTTERS SAND SIDEWALKS ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS Public Works Director Karp,presented a list of ~ssessment, spread for each p~rtyl~.s~?~~_ o~ .~o~t~ ~or ,the con~~~t~.improvernep~~ s~nstr~cted on Ide Street" Garden Street',N"lsonStreet, and Olive Str,eet., Each party has been notified 'by ,mail and by posting of,his apportioned costs arid all apPr';priat,e' ~ections, o,f the i911 Act' (Short Forni; have been complied with.' The hear~ng having been properly ,noticed, Mayor Pope open~d it for public,:'comment. CECIL HOLMES, 213 Whitely, requested information as to the payment pr'ocess. Ther"e'being";o 'f;"rther public, comment, the'h;'aring was closed. On motion of Council Member Hogan, ,seconded b~'coyncil Member, Smith, it was unanimously voted to accept the spread of assessment as presented. REQUEST BY BILL LACKEY FOR COUNCIL PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH PRIVATE WATER COMPANY, PRINTZ ROAD Public Works Director Karp,stated that,the ~ubject p~operty is in the "R-S" Residential Surburban District which prohibits commur,ity , water systems and allows one well per iot. Mr. Lackey is requesting to utilize one well for four lots. Mr. Karp stated that it is Staff's opinion that the City couldi,ii!cuc'liability under p~lic health statutes. to provide potable water service within its limits to owners of developed properties experiencing quality or quanity problems with the~r private systems. ,~e, stated that ~t~ff, recommends denial of the reques~:, Bill Lackey, 8n ,Todd"):.ane,, stat,ed that he is not requesting ,a, wat:er company but a cOl!llllunity well "system", ",There was::discussi.on by, Council as to whether Mr. La~key should apply, for a variance, from the,~equirements of ,the R~S District. It was the consensus of'Council that Mr. Lackey meet~with 'th~ Pl,!nning ,Director' a";d" the. City Attorney to determine if' a ,vari'ar,c~' '-- application should bem,ade., REQUEST BY. CHUCK TEMPUS, 'WILDWOOD RANCH DEvEWPMENT, RE: WATER SYSTEM ASSESSMENTS ,.' - ~ '.' . _ Public Works Director Karp 'stated.that as a ~~q~irement o~ the Subdivision Map A~t, the City was .~equired- to estabiish'a rei~ursement. di~trict wi tp. apPJ;op:r;J:ate ~ol~e~ti~~' ~'f' .assessment~ ~? ~i~ance. ov.~r-s-iz.i;ng facilitie,,? construc,ted with Tract No.~ 553. In the past, ,Staff has' required ~aymerit of these fees with recordation of, the tract, map. ' Mr. Tempus is requesting that stafi:'b~' authorized to coll"c:t'the: $720:00 per lot assessment at the time the building permits are issued. Mr. Karp recommended approval of the request. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by-:":Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to grant the request and authorize staff to collect the per lot assessment when the building permits are issued. ! " 4 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 9, 1981 PAGE FOUR REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF JOINT POWERs AGREEMENT FOR. COMPUTER SYSTEM . Administrator Sheldon stated that the cities of Arroyo Gr?nde, 'Grover City, and Pismo Beach and the: Oceano Co~unity Servic~_Di~trict propose the formation of a. JPA for financial data processing. .The City. of Pismo Beach ~ill function as the host. site with the CPU. The cost study indicates that the City of .Arroyo Grande wil~ save at least $34,000 over the first five years. He,requested authorization to enter into the JPA agreement. . Finance Director Bacon. stated. that the recent costs of. data processing is escalating. rapidly, which is the cause for the proposed JPA agreement. On. motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to authorize staff to enter into the JPA agreement f~r th~ cornp~ter. se~~ice syst~m. u NOTICE.'OF.EXPIRATION OF TERMS OF OFFICE.FOR VARIOUS COMMISSIONERS AND ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Mayor Pope presented the followirignarn?s. for .consideration and stated that nominations will.take place at the next meetings. For appointment to the Planning Commission: Mr. Geo]Cge Hill.and Mrs. Lorraine Saruwatari. For appointment to the Parks. and Recreat~on Cornmissiq~: Mr. Alex Woolworth and Mr. Mike Thomas; and reappoint Mrs. Gee Gee Soto. For appointment to the Parking and Traffic Commission: Mrs. Sharon Fischer; and reappoint Mr. John Steffan and Mr. Allen Reis. FURTHER REVIEW AND DISCUSSION RE: CABLE. TV RATE. STUDY BY TELECOMMUNICATIONS Administrator Sheldon- stated that the report. has been received from Telecommunications and has been revieweq by Staff. He reco~ended that the fee of $8.00 per month for residences and the franchise fee from. 2% to 4% be p~~p~sed to Sonic C~le TV,. C~~ncil ~e~~~ Vande~eer agreed and also suggested that 50% of the Horne Box Office be required. A representative from Sonic Cable TV was available.by telephon~.and after discussion. it was moved by Council Member Hogan,. seconded by Council Member Smith to accept the schedule of fees as follows: Standard Fee - $8.00 Additional Hookup - $1.50 Apartments, Mobile Homes, and First Units - $8.00 Multiple Hookups. in First Units - $6.95 Motels ~ $8.00 and.$3.50 after initial hookup Franchise fee - 4% 2% on 50% of.Home Box Office The motion was passed with. Council. Member Vandeveer dissenting ... ORAL COMMUNICATIONS. Council Member Hogan suggested an alternate method of street striping. Administrator Sheldon presented.Mr. Vie Montgomery, .Richmond,. Rossi, and Montgomery, architects for the new.fire station, and. stated that Mr. Montgomery would respond regarding the newspaper article that the fire station did not meet inspection. Mr. Montgomery stated.that at. the time of final inspection of any builidng there are miscellaneous, items that are noted on a 'check list'. These items are very minor and will be taken care of. The 'flash rings' alluded to in, the newspaper article are very minor and will be corrected. Mr'. Bob Smith requested information regarding the Stern Annexation application. Mayor Pop~ advised h~m that consideration of that item is set fo~ public hearing for June 23, 1981. Public Works Director Karp commented regarding lot split case no. .81-355, Lot Line Adjustment,Printz Road, White. Mayor Pope. directed Staff to .place consideration of .this item on the agenda fo~ the next meeting. ~ayor Pope announced that there will be no budget session Wednesday, June 10, 1981 as tentatively scheduled. o " , r, :.., '- / Ii " ' CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 5 JUNE 9, 1981 PAGE FJ;VE ADJOURNMENT Or' motion of Council~ MembEir H~g;ri; ~e.cond"d ,bY.,Council MeIDber Vandeveer, it 'was unanimously voted to 'adjourn at 9:26 P.M. ,) " c ATTEST: (!;~ ~ffiL) "'~" CLeR< .C.. . -~ - ~ .