Minutes 1981-06-23 , n j r l " 7 '-CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, 1981 ~ - - . ~ ~ - The City Council ,met in regular session with. Mayor Pope presiding. . .Upon ~ roll call, Council Members .BIAnn Smi~h, Karl A. Hogan, Mark M. Millis, and Lawrence E. Vandeveer reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE " Council Member Millis led the.Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter I Reverend Lar.ry. Pitcher ,'- 'Church of the. ,nazarene, Grover. City, . - -.' Ii' California, delivered. the invocation'. , APPROVAL OF. .MINUTES 'r . ~ ~ .On motion,.of ,Council.,Member.'Sinith,..seconded by. Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously 'voted:to approve the minutes.of June 8 and... June 9, 1981 as amended. . , r APPROVAL OF..WARRANTS~ ~ " 'w On motion of Council Member Vandeveer~ seconded by Council Member Millis, and unanimously carried, Demand Warrants #P0184 through #P0144 and #15313 through #15411 in the amqunt of $336,380.69 and ,Payroll Warrants #19928 through #20034 in the 'amount of $71,413.73 were approved'and ordered paid. -~~ . APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS.. " Mayor Pope requested that item #11 be withdrawn.and Council Member Smith requested that item #9 be withdrawn. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded, by_ Council M~~!- Millis, _ ~ t was-_~nanimously V9ted to approve the Consent Agenda Items 'deleting items ~9 .and #11... .~ A-9. Receipt of. Chief.Operator.'.s Monthly. Report. of. Activity .on .South San Luis Obispo County. Sanitation' D~strict. RECOMMEND. REVIEW AND..FILE. Council Member Smith stated that she' is concerned that the report reflects that the plant is at. 92% capacity.. .Administrator Sheldon stated, that there will be.a 'report 'by the engineers to. the Board.at.the next meeting of July 1, 1981. Council Member Smith stated that perhaps some. direction should be given.tothe Planning Commission as to granting lot splits, etc. Public Works Director Karp .stated that the. Board. did not feel. this is an urgent .situation and. they are waitiri~ ,to receive. :the enginee~_' 5 report.. Matt Gallagher; 520 Leanna,Drive, q~estioned why'the 92% capacity of the plant was approached so sUddeniy,wheh a ,report. is received monthly.. . . .. - I.. _ Ron Bennett, 1190 Highway 1, questioned the rate of. charge and how the. flow is checked. Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oakhill, stated that Oceano has recently issued a large number of sewer hook'1ps..and that some. action must be taken. Council Member Smith requested that (this item be placed on. the'.next .agenda.. On motion of Council Member. Vandeveer, seconded'.by Counci'l: Member Hogan, it was. unanimously .voted.to.' accept. the .Chief Plant Operator.'s Report., - 'I~" - . ,. , 0' I . ". . Y' A-II. Receipt.of .Recent, Agenda and Minutes of Zone-Three.Advisory Board. and Possible. Oral. Report by City Representative. to Board.,. RECOMMEND.REVIEW AND FILE. Mayor Pope r~ported on the last meeting of. the Zone Three. Advisory 'Board. . .On motion.:of. Counc:t'l Member Millis,..seconded by CouricioL Member Vandeveer,. it .was 'unaniinously" voted. to .accept. the. report.. I . _. .,1. .. . , -..c - . . - , A-1. Request by .Cub. Scouts ,_ Pack. 13', Arroyo .Grande, CA for, Fee Exempt , . . License to Sell Fireworks. RECOMME~.APPROVE, SUBJECT TO ~IREDEPARTM~NT REQUIREMENTS. ~i . ~ A-2. Request,.by. Lions .InternationaJ,r.Club oLAr:royo.Grande for Fee, Exempt. License to Sell. Fireworks. _RECOMMEND APPROVAL, SUBJEC~ TO FIRE DEPARTMENT. REQUIREMENTS .' cr - -, :1 ~.- ~, 8 CITY Co.UNCIL ARRo.yo. GRANDE, CALIFo.RNIA .:rUNE 23,,],<)81 PAGE TWO. A-3. Request by Arroyo Grande Valley License tp. Sell Fireworks. RECo.MMEND REQUIREMENTS. Babe Ruth League for Fee Exempt APPRo.VAL, SUBJECT TO. FIRE DEPARTMENT A-3a. Request by Five Cities Jaycees for Fee Exempt License to Sell Fireworks.. RECo.MMEND APPRo.VAL, SUBJE9T TO. FIRE D:E?ARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. A-4. Receipt of Notification, Re. Central Coast cjties' Joi~t Power~ Agreement Unit Deposit Rate Increase. Fo.R INFo.RMATIo.N PURPo.SES o.NLY. ~ A-5. Receipt of Management Summary Report for WOFkers' compensation and Liability Experienc~ Report fo~ Central Coast Cit~es' Joint Powers Agreement. Fo.R INFo.RMATIo.N PURPo.SES o.NLY. A-6. Information Letter from Fire Chief Tony Marsale, Re. Fire at JJ's Food Company located at Branch and Mason Streets., RECOl\!1END RECEIVE AND FILE. A-7. Receipt of SCAT Ridership Report for April, 1981. RECo.MMEND REVIEW , AND FILE. A-8. Request for Permission to Hold Block Party ,on July 4, 1981, on Pearl Drive. RECOMMEND APPRo.VAL WITH PRo.PER No.TIFICATIo.N TO. Po.LICE, FIRE AND PUBLIC Wo.RKS', DEPARTMENTS., A-IO. Receipt of ,Quarterly Report on Sales Tax and Cigarette Tax to ,City. RECo.MMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-12. Receipt Report'" ,March of SLo. County Air and April, 1981. Pollution Control 'District RECo.MMEND REVIEW AND FILE. Bimonthly \ A-13. Receipt, of Latest League of California Cities' Legislative Bul~etin and o.thers. 'RECo.MMEND REVIEW AND FILE WITH ACTIo.N, IF ANY, AS RE9o.MMENDED BY CITY ADMINISTRATo.R., A-14. Recommendation by Planning Commission for Council 'Approval 6fo.ption Design Standards for Specific Parcels in Canyon Way Assessment bistr~pt (i.e., Lot Split Case No. 81~)56, Schafer; Lot. Split Case No. 81-357, Cumley; Lot Split Case No.. 81-358, McKee; Lot Split Case No. 8j-359, Ramirez) . RECo.MMEND APPRo.VAL. ' PUBLIC HEARING RE: IMPLEMENTATIo.N o.F SENATE BILL'1960 PRo.VIDING Fo.R Mo.BILEHo.MES o.N RESIDENTIAL LOTS ,',' ' , Planning Director Hays. reported that according to SE. 1960., each city must allow'mobile~homes on single family lots subject to established conditions of each city. He presented the proposed ordinance listing conditions for the City of Arroyo Grande~ He statedcthat staff is in the process of. receiving copies of conditions reqUired by other cities, and as the ordinance becomes workable, m~re con4iflons'may be added. SB 1960 becomes effective July 1, 1981. Administrator Sheldon recommended to proceed with the adoption of the proposed ordinance and as more infonnation "iscbbtained, staf~ will return to Council with updates. Council Member Smith' commented that the ordinance does not spepk to the requirement of back yards. Planning Director Hays stated that all requirements of the R-l Zone will apply. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Pope opened it ,for public comment. Ro.GER FULLER, MCKinley',Street,' q1,lestion,ed:,"hl:'-::naye"thec authori.tyc:to", :",' determine ifcthe~structure complies with the surrounding neighborhood. MARK DES PLANTES, 1256 S. 16th, Grover City, requested a copy of the proposed ordinance. There being no other comments, the hearing was closed. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance. o.n motion of Council ,Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. u ~ n 9 I I CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, 1981 PAGE THREE .. .~. u "1 "0" ~. ~ __ ,_' PUBLIC_ HEARING TO CONSIDER PRE-"ZONUiG.TO_ R-3 CLASSIFICATION OF AREA IDENTIFIED AS "STEM ANNEXATION", FARROLLAVENUE, WEST. OF CITY LIMITS _ Planning Directo~ Hays -stat~p. that the subject,property consists, of 60 acres and is proposed to be_piezoned.R-~.. LAFCO propqses, that ~_ a portion of -the proper.ty be, annexed_.to Grover_ City and- a portion to_., _ , Arroyo Grande. Grover City has pre zoned their portion and when the remaining portion _is_prezoned, it will return ito LAFCO. for approval. The.hearing having-been properly publishedand_~pticed, .Mayor_Pope,opened it for public comment.. JERRY. HAVECK, _ Rt. 2', Box 62lA,- spoke representing an adjace~t pr~pe~ty ~~er'wh~ protest~: ~he.~~~exation. HERB PHILLips, . .. ._. 1- -' -, - - '. . .- ~ 1160 Maple, an, owner of, the property!' spoke_ rega,rding _ the proposed, R-3_ zoning. . EVELYN CALHOUN TALLMAN;' 532: Carol, stated. that the property should re;';ain 'in ag~i";;lt;'re. -- LOri :cluiiiLiERO;- 990 st;'~en'';;;n-, spokePto - . - .",' ~ - '. - - 1".- . - ~. ~ -. . - - the question. MARIE CATTOIR,. 195 Orcutt;' spoke to' the gues'tion. JOHN__. NICHOLS, Rt. 2, Box 93-6-; an 6wner 6f 'th;' prop;"';ty, stated_that 'the request I, "" - - ~ - - ~.' - - - --- for R-3 zoning is to provide affordable housing. Council Member Vandeveer stated that the property should,be annexed but not as R-3 at this time due to the question of 'services. Council Member Millis agreed and suggested that the property _should be annexed. as agriculture. ,. Mayor Pope stated that the property ishould be annexed. but should be definately zoned something other .than ,agriculture so that. the property . I! owners are aware what can be developed. Council Member. Hogan agreed. Council Member Vandeveer moved to a~~ept the annexation~ to prezone the property as IIA", Agriculture, and. refer the.matter back to. the . . . . . . - I, - _.~ '-.. ,- ".... . ~ . " -. Planning Commission, and was. se,c,onded by C()unci.1 M.ember Smith. - A, roll call vote was taken: i! AYES: Council Mernb;'rs Sm'ith~' Milli~i'and' Vandeveer I. NOES: Council Member Hogan and Mayor Pope ABSENT: None i: ) I I I I I. , i I ~ -. ~ -.- ~ . City Attorney Shipsey advised that the Council_may approve or disapprove the Planning Commission's recommendation. The Planning ~ommission has " 40 days to take other action.or.<.the :property is annexed as "A," ,. Agriculture. . . ,. -:1 -. '. - -. -.. ,-- PUBLIC HEARING,,, AMENDMENT TO ZONING;' ORDINANCE RE: ZONING CHANGE FROM. "RA-'B3'" TO "RA:,B2"" 331' AND 321 'TALLY 'HO 'ROAD. (MCLAUGHLIN' AND LECHNER) Planning Director Hays stated that the proposed 'rezoning is compatible with the adjacent p;op;.rt!ie~. Ther~ a~e t~o -p;'rceis in ' question at approximately one ~cre. jj The _Planning Commission approved _ the zone change on May 19, 1981. Council Members Vandeveer and Hogan stated they were in favor of the reibning. Council Member Smith expressed concern 'regarding the,possibility,o~: future. lot splits and the effect they will have on city services. c~ty Attorney Shipsey.read the title of the ordinance. On motion of CouJ~il Member Vandeveer,' seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimo~sly voted to dispense with further . ~ .~ " . . ',- . . . 1'- -- - - - ~ . -.. . - . reading of the ordinanc_~~n' I . . PROGRESS:: REPORTS: . a) Report on Progress of "Dldl! Fire Station Conversion. ME!-rk des Plantes, of Richmond, Rossi, and Montgomery, displayed plans of the conversion. There was discussion as;! to which city department will be placed ill,the I>ui~ding. S;ouncil. Mernper.smi;tp, sta.t.ed .sl1e is 9pposed, t" ' the Parks Department being located tpere because there will be children present and it may cause a dangerous'~ situation with the traffic on Branch Street. Mayor Pope suggested:; that this be returned to the Parks and Recreation Commission for their recommendation. It was the consensus of\-~Council to return" this item to thl~ Parks Commission. i 10 , CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, 1981 PAGE FOUR b) Progress ,Payment No.1, Re. Two~Million Gallon Reservoir and Water Line (R. Baker, Inc., Contractor). Public Works Director Karp stated that progress payment no. 1 is now due in the,amount of $60,213.63 and recommended that it be paid. On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded .by Council Member Smith, ~t was..:.unanim~usly ~?te~_ to make progress payment no. 1 to, R. Baker Construction in the ,amount of $60,213.63. RESOLUTION ,BY CITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT TAX PROCEEDS EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR 1981-82 (IMPLEMENTATION OF SENATE BILL 1952) Administrator Sheldon, explained that this resolution is required pursuant to Proposition 4" and sets the 1981-82 expenditure limit from tax proceeds, which this year is $2,526.133. This resolution is required to be adopted each'year. City Attorney Shipsey, read the, title of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by, Council Member smith, it,was unanimously ,voted to dispense with further reading of t~e resolution. RESOLUTI()N NO. .1482, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A. TAX PROCEEDS EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR FISCAL. YEAR 198i-82 ' ' On.motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council ,Member smith, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hoga:n, Millis., Vandeveer t Mayor Pope None None the foregoing, Resolution was passed and adopted thi~ 23rd ,day of June, 1981. ADOPTION OF CITY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1981~82 Administrator Sheldon presented the final budget with the changes made at the special session of Council on June 8, 1981. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of the resolution. 'On motion of Council Member Millis,'second~d by ~ouncil ~ember Ya~dev~e~, i~ wa~ unan~ously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO." 1483 A RESOLUTION OF THE'CITY .COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTJ;NG, THE ARROYO GRANDE CITY BUDGET FOR THE 1981-82 FISCAL YEAR On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ' Council Members Smi~h, Hogan, Mil,lis, V?-ndeveer, Mayor Pope None None the foregoing Resolution,was passed and adopted this 23rd daY,of June,. 1981. ~' u u I n --1~'----- F I: I 11 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, 1981 PAGE FIVE , RESOLUTION OF'THE CITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT THE 1981~82 'EMPLOYEE SALAR~ .~_ RESOLUTION 1 ,...., ~^., "'., " r Administrator Sheldon notedisome minor 'changes to the resolution and stated that the schedule reflects ,a..7 .1/2% salary increase for city. employees. "City' Attorney Shipsey niad the title ,of, the resolution. On motion of Council Member Smith, secbnded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted"to dispensf,with further reading .of" the resolution. !~ . RESOLUT~9N ,NO.",1477 ~'.., , I _.. '. - --I. ~. --- ..- - - A RESOLUTION..OF,THE !iC1TY COUNCIL, O~:,THE,CITY OF, ARROYO, G~E ES~ABLISHING,MINIMUM AND.. MAXIMUM COMPENSATION, BY ADOPTING A SALARY,. SCHEDULE AND POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY, STEPS" WITHIN I:THE RESPECTIVE, RANGES OF, THE SALARY SCHEDULE:' DESCRIBING METHODS.OF, ADVANCEMENT AND REPEALING PREVIOUS SALARY " RESOLUTIONS On. motion.:of ,co~n~~il:.M~e'~~!s~ith/- ~;~~~~:i~'d by. Council Vandeveer, and on the ,following, ro~i~ call vote, ~o wit: , -. d .. Member AYES: NOES: ABSENT: CounciL None None Members. Smith, Hogan, Millis" Vandeveer,-Mayor Pope.. : "-..;-- ( , I I I I I I i the foregoing ,Resohltion was"passed !and adopted ,this,,23rd day of June, 1981. , " I' . . n f .~'~.~ ~~---~~ .,' . Administrator Sheldon also presented a"resolution.establishing the salary L ". . . schedule for part-time employees. He read the title of the resolution. On motion of .Council Member, Smith" ~econded ,by Council.Member Hogan" it . - 'f. was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading. of the resolution., RESOLUTION NO. 1478 ,A RESOLUTION OF THE I,crTY, COUNCIL OF THE CITY, " OF.. ARROYO, GRANDE ESTABLISHING A ,SALARY SCHEDULE, '. j! ',,' FOR EMPLOYl'.:ES, NOT,.DfCLUDED,WITHIN.OTHER ,1;ALARY", RESOLUTION PROVISIONS ...1 "",' ..... On motion of Council Memberjpmith" seconded by Council Member Hogan, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: i I . ~~YES: ._. Council Members..smitl'i., Hoga~,~ Mill;.is, Vande,:,eer., Mayor, Pope,. NOES: None r _. ~ - .;; ABSEl'fT: - None _ _ :: I ',", "':."., i the foregoing Resolution ,was passed !,and adopted this 23rd day of June., 1981. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEYRE. LOT SPLIT, PRINTZ ROAD, (WHITE) Planning Director Hays stated that this lot line adjustment was approved by the Planning .Commissioniat.their regular, meeting ,of May 19, .j 1981. It was the'consensus. of Council ,to set.~his.matter.for.public.hearing , I. '. at the meeting of Ju1y 14, 1981 at 8:00 P.M. I: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ,OF ,PLANNING .COMMISSION MEETING OF "JUNE 16, 1981 The report was received. 1: i : 12 ,CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, 1981 PAGE SIX REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PARKS JUNE 11, 1981 Th~ report was received. AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF RECEIPT OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 15, 1981 The minutes w~rereceived. NOMINATIONS BY MAYOR OF'APPOINTMENTS~TO VARIOUS COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS OF THE CITY a) Planning Commission. Mayor Pope nominated Mr. George Hill to serve on the ~lanning Commission. Council Members Millis and Smith stated they have no objection to Mr. Hill serving, however, they will vote no because they felt Mr. Gorsline and Mrs. Fischer should be reappointed. A roll call vote was taken: u AYES: Council Members Hogan, Vandeveer, and'Mayor Pope NOES: Council Members Smith and Millis ABSENT: None Mayor Pope nominated Mrs. Lorene Saruwatari to serve on the Planning Commission. Council Members Smith and Millis state~_ ~hey would vote no for reasons previously stated. A roll call vote was taken: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Council None Members Members Hogan, Vandeveer, Smith and Millis and Mayor Pope b) Parks and Recreation Commission. Mrs. Gee Gee Soto to serve another term on Commission. A roll call vote 'was taken: Mayor Pope nominated the Parks and Recreation AYES: Council Memb~rs S~ith, Hogan, ..Millis, Vande.veer, Mayor Pope NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Pope nominated Mr. Mike Thomas to serve on tQe Parks and Recreation Commission. Council Members Smith and Millis stated they have no objection to Mr. Thomas serving, however, they will vote no because they felt Mr. Smith andcMr;,',Dud:a. shouJ,d, 'be":reappoin ted l' Ac:r611c.cal-li vote ; ,was taken: AYES: Council ~embers Hogan, Vandeve~r, and Mayo~ Pope NOES: Council Members Smith and Millis ABSENT: None Mayor Pope nominated Mr. Alex Woolworth to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Council Members Smith and Millis stated they would vote no for the reasons previously stated. A roll call vote was taken: AYES: Council Members Hogan ,and Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope NOES: ,Council Members Smith and Millis ABSENT i None u cl Parking and Traffic Connnission. Mayor Pope nominated Mrs. Sharon Fischer"to'serve on the Parking anft ~raf~ic Co~issiqn~ A roll call vote was taken: AYES: Council Member~ Smith, Hogan, Millis, Va~~eveer, Mayor Pope NOES: ,None ABSENT: None r n l' 13 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 2.3, 1981 PAGE SEVEN Mayor Pope nominated'Mr. 'John vote was taken:_. '\__ i. Steffan . .' Ii ........:......",-- - to serve another term.. .A roll .call . ~M "F '.' ~,' AYES: Council NOES:" J:lpne ABSENT: None Members .Smi th,. .Hog an ;.. Millis,. Vandeveer',. Mayor Pope . i: - ._~ M_ !i if Allen Reis.i'to- serve- another terrn.~ A. roll call._ i' ," - -.li'- .. M ~ . I Mayor Pope. nomina ted Mr .,' vote was taken: .-'. AYES: Council Members Smith, Hogan; Millis, Vandeveer, Mayor Pope NOES: None ABSENT: None . ." " jl '-,'-' UPDATE AND FURTHER DISCUSSION, RE.' RE-EVALUATION OF. PARKING. SPACE. VALUES IN CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. OF CIT~.WITH'PROPOSED RESOLUTION. Administrator Sheldon ,presented.the. resolution providing for .a. ," .. ..,' II' . . " fee of $3,000.per. parking space, .as ..recommended by.the Parking. and. . Business Improvement Advisory BoardJ... Ci'ty. Attorney' Shipsey .read .the . ~. !l title of the resolution. On motion lof Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was una~imous1y voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. I ) I , I RESOLUTION NO. 1484 .. ,. '1' A RESOLUTIONOF...THE iFITY COUNCIL.OF .THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE VALUE. OF .' . . OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES.IN COMMERCIAL AREAS I' PURSUANT TO MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 9-4.2603 On motion of Council.M.ember iSmith,. seconded. by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: 'ii Members Srnit~, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, Mayor Pope AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council None None the foregoing Resolution was I' passed:and I adopted this 23rd day of June, 1981. .-.-j'-- -- , i! ANNUAL RATIFICATION.OF.SAN.LUIS OBISPO. COUNTY AREACOUNCIL.OF GOVERNMENTS' JOINT POWERS. AGREEMENT ..... ," ..., Ie .... .. ...., . ~ . Council Member Vandeveer .stated that. there are proposed. amendments ," I; . ,.. . to the' agreement., . Administrator. Sheldon. recommended that"consideration.. of this' item. be~~~oritinued. It. ,was ~he consensus of Council .to continue discussion. of the Joint .powers Agre~ment -so .that..staff. may look,. into the, I' . proposed amendments. ," ADDITIONAL ACTION REQUIRED BY COUNC1L RE; COLLECTION BY COUNTY OF CITY'S SPECIAL 'TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS..... Administrator Sheldon explained,that on May 12, 1981 Council authorized an agreement with the County Audito~ for.the purpose of,charging $1.00 for each parcel against which a speciallassessment is. placed.... Included in that agreement was a provision that :if a county employee omitted an assessment, the County would have to bear some of the responsibility. , The County has',;declined"tb.carrysuch. a responsibility..and, the agreement has been returned with .this...provisi;;~' omitted. He. recommended 'that .the, agreement be signed deleting this piovision. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, -.seconded by 'Council- .Membe.r- Hogan-, it..was unanimously voted to sign the agreement with this pro~ision omitted. Ie- 14 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, 1981 PAGE EIGHT REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP RE. CITY-OWNED ELM STREET PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE Public Works Director Karp stated that the property is proposed to be re-subdivided into three parcels. Parcels A and B are being used for drainage.' Evenutally'a permanent'ponding facility will be c~eated on Parcel A. Parcel C will be sold. On development of the pond, Parcel B will be considered surplus for drainage purposes and may be sold. After discussion and on motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member'Hogan, 'it was 'unanimously voted to~~uthorize the Mayor' and City Clerk to sign the owners certificate on County Parcel Map No. CO 80-116. u ri " \ ,I u 'I , " RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL SETTING PUBLIC HEARING, RE' VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF PORTION OF PACIFIC COAST RAILWAY PLACE RIGHT OF WAY Public Works Director Ka!p recommended tha~ Cou~~il accept on behalf of the public the offer to dedicate for realignment of Pacific Coast Railway and read the title of the resolution 'setting pubiic hearing for July'14, 1981 at' 8:00 P.M. 'On motion of Councii Member Hogan', seconded by Council-M~er Varideveer,_ it. was unanimo~sly voted to dispense with further reading' of the resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 1480 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SETTING FORTH ITS INTENTION TO VACATE AND ABANDON A PORTION OF PACIFIC COAST RAILWAY PLACE, IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AND FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING AS PROVIDED BY GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 50430, 'ET SEQ. On motion of Council. Members.Hogan, secon~~d by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roB. call'-irote, to'~it.: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council 'Norie None Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, Mayor Pope . --~- ';:;' - the foregoing Resolution w,as passed and adopted this '23rd day" of June, 1981, . , On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member ,Hogan, it was unanimously voted to authorize the City Clerk and the Mayor to sign the offer to dedicate. Public Works Director Karp presented a resolution eli~inating the requirement of referral o! this matter to the Planning Commission. He read the title of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted' to di~perise with further reading of 'the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1481 J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ,OF ARROYO 'GRANDE ELIMINATING THE REQUIREMENT 'OF REFERRAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION IN MATTERS INVOLVING STREET WIDENING OR ALIGNMENT PROJECTS OF A MINOR NATURE On motion of Council Member 'Smith" seconded, by Council Member Vandeveer, arid on ~~e following' roll. c~11 vote~-to ~it3 ,-.; AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, yandeveer, Mayor Pope None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of June, 1981. G r 15 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ,JUNE 23, 19,81 PAGE NINE REQUEST BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR APPROVAL OF: A) Parcel Map AG 81-~9, Canyon Way, Meyers. Public Works Director Karp stated that the~^';lilijectiot 'split is loC::at;"d',on the easterly side of CanY6n Way in th;';'i;'pr6v;";'';ht di';tric't. The 't';ritative rnapcori'fonns _ ." r ~'.~' .. _~ _. "'Ok ".'<~" . _.'. .' _ n_ _ '~. ".. _ .. with City zoning 'and is low density;residentialin the Land ,Use ~;ement of the General Plan. He recommended the map be approved subject to the following findings and conditions.: ,r 1) That the Parcel Map.AG 81-59 is ~onsistent with ,the optional standards, City zoning, and the General Plan. ,_' ,'u' i; U , ," '. ,::, 2) Accept on behalf of the public the street easement. r' . ,- 3) Appro~~l.Parce;.l confonnance of the District No. 79-1. Map AG 80-59, subject, to spr~ad 'fin";i Engih';';;' s !report" fot the . -- ,....' ..-:' ~ ~., of as.$,essme.nt"l,in ..~ ... ~ Canyon,Way Assessment - " . ',,'" "0 -'" ~ ~ ,". .'." i:--- On motion of Council Member'Vandeveer, seconded by Council ,~ember Hogan, it was unanimously voted to approve:,the Parcel Map AG 81-59 subject, to the findings and conditions as stated"'b.}, Mr. Karp. , . ,',,, - r " . -'. U b) Parcel Map 81-58; Canyonway,':Kopitski. Public Works Director Karp stated that the subject lot split is located on the easterly side of Canyon Way within~ the 'n~~' impro;~ent distri'ct. -.Th~~e parceis "'are .. .- ._ .._..., .. .__'_0'_ __ __.. .. __ ~ ._ . ........... being.~reated under the, opti?nal,de~ign ,standards,p~rmitted. under ,the City' s sub~ivision ordinance. He r~commen~ed approval .subtect. to ,the , .. - .. .... r -.. .. .... ...., ,...,.. . -"-', ~ -.. .... -- . folrowing .finding,s.and c()ndij:ions: .;. ' , , 1) Find that the Parcel Map AG 81-5~' is c~nsistent'~ith the City zoning, the General Plan, and the optional gesign standards. 2) Accept on behalf of'.the, Public,,{h~ street,tree easernentadj'a.cerit,to Canyon Way. 3) Approve Parcel Map.AG 81-58 subject to spread of assessment in compliance with the final Engineer's report, for Canyon Way Assessment District No. 79-1. " On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to approve 'Parcel Map AG 81-58 subject to the findings and conditions as stat~d by Mr. Karp, c) Parcel Map AG 81-40, Walnut Street, Van Buskirk. Public Works Director Karp stated that the subje6t lot split is located at the north end of Walnut Street, on the easterly frontage. The subdivision creates two parcels, both with an area of 6;298 square feet. A variance from the minimum lot depth requirements Jas approved. He recommended approval subject to the following finding. ' 1) That Parcel Map No. AG 81-40 is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan, designating low density residential, as well as the R-l section of the zoning ordinance and the variance granted. On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, Parcel Map AG 81-40 was approved subject to the finding stated by Mr. KarP. Council Member Smith dissented. 16 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, 1981 PAGE TEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor.Pope presented a resolution. honoring .Wayne H. Hoereth, City Administrator, City of Pismo Beach, on his retirement, All Counqil. Members agreed to consider it an emergency item. Mayor. Pope read. tl!e resolution in pa'rt.. RESOLUTION NO. 1479 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF. THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HONORING WAYNE H. HOERETH, CITY ADMINISTRATOR OF THE.CITY OF PISMO BEACH, UPON HI'S RETIREMENT On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Cpuncil.Member Smith, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES:- ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, Mayor Pope -None None the.foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of-June, 1981. Ella Honeycutt, 560-0akhill Roaci, requested.information as to the grading occuring on Loomis 'He;i:ghts and stated_ J t :~s in viC?~ation. ~~yor Pope directed Staff to check into the matter. Council. Member V~deveer requested permission to be out0of the state fram June 24,to J~ly~, 1981... On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to grant permission. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council.Member.Smith, seconded by ,Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 10:20 P.M. ATTEST: (t:J~~~-5i;) MAYOR. . u ~