Minutes 1981-07-14 u o 17 : CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 14, 1981 The Oity'Councilmet 'in regular session ,with'Mayor Pope presiding;' ,Upon roll call,c Council Members B 'Ann 'Smith,' Karl A.' 'Hogan, Mark M. Millis, and Lawrence E. Vandeveer reported present. PLEDGE, OF ALLEGIANCE Couricil Member Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to our'Flag;' Thereafter, Reverend Robert J. Banker, Open Door Church, Oceano, Calif~rnia, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF,MINUTES On motion of Council Member Millis, it was. unanimously votea..-to, as presented. Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member approve the minutes of June '23', '1981 , APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and unanimously carried; Demand Warrants #15412 'through #15567' and #P0195 through #P0203 in the amount of'$528,538~60 and ,Payroll Warrants #20035 through #20269', in the amount of' $125,4010 14 were ,approved and ordered' paid. APPROVAL OF' CONSENT ,AGENDA ITEMS. / ,'Council Member"Smith' reques'ted ,that item #4 'be withdrawn' for: discussion. ,On motion' of Council Member, Smith,' seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, .1t was" unanimously voted" to approve the:consent-agenda1tems except item' #4.' ' A-4. Letter 'of Request from Governor,Brown-'s Office, Re.' Appointees to" State Coastal Commission, and Receipt of Letter(Request from'City of Grover City, Recommending Support to.Mr' DorrillWright, 'Mayor of Port Hueneme, for, his Candidacy ,as a State Coastal Commissioner 'to the Statewide'Coast'al Commission 'for California. RECOMMEND' NOTIFICATION.'l'O"S,LOCOUNTY BOARD.oF SUPERVISORS'OF A,G, CITY,COUNCIL'S SUPPORT'OF'MR. WRIGHT TO i3!,Ip COMMISSION" Council Member Smith stated she 'had rio objectiori'to'Mr;'Wright's candidacy, however, she does not wish to vote in his behalf as she is not a9quainted with 'him. Council Members Millis and Vandeveer spoke in favor of Mr. Wright. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was 'passed to 'support Mr. Dorrill:Wright as'a State Coastal Commissioner. Council 'Membe'r Smith dissented; " "" A-I. Letter of Thanks from Douglas Hitchen, Principal, Arroyo Grande High School and Letter of Thanks from Jim Miller, Principal, Paulding Intermediate School, to Jim Clark, Chief of Police, and His Police Staff, for Cooperation and Assistance to the Schools During the Past School Year. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. Council 'Member Vandeveer stated he wished to call attention to this item and commended the Police Department. A-2. Announcement by Railway Centennial Committee of South County Historical Society,'Re. 100th Year'Celebration tdCommemorate'Pacific Coast Narrow- Gauge Shortline Railway-.,.The Line First, SetvedArroyo'Grande October' 12, 1881. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND DIRECT CONTACT WITH RAILWAY COMMITTEE TO OFFER ASSISTANCE IN PREPARATION 'OF THIS EVENT. A-3. Receipt of Legislative Bulletin Nos. 21 and 22, from League of California Cities, and other Announcements. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND ACTION, IF ANY, PER' STAFF ADVISEMENT. " , .. A-5. Receipt of ",State of California"' 5, California- Coastal Commission 1:5 Biennial Report 1979-80. 'RECOMMEND REVIEW'AND'FILE. l 18 I II I , " , i! I 11 I i I I i , , : I I I I , I I I II . CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 14, 1981 PAGE TWO A~6i"""Receipt of' Official' Certification' .of' Population of Grande ~- 11',628 as of January 1,'1981, hy Department of State of California. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. Ci ty' of ""Arroyo' Finance of A-7. Letter of Request for Local Board Member Candidates .to Serve Under Selective' .service .system;' .RECOMMEND REVl'EW AND' PROPER 'NOTIFICATION' OF PROSPECTIVE CAND1DATES;'"" A-8. Receipt of Letter of Thanks from Moneta~ Contribution for its Support. Family Services Center for City's RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. 1 , .J A-9. 'Receipt of Departmental Monthly- Report for the' Month of June,' 198L ". RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. ITEMS DELETED FROM AGENDA - D-l. ANALYSIS' OF CURRENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT CAPACITY. ' .' Administrator Sheldon referred to the submitted report and stated that concern of the capacity of 'the'plant:has resulted' in a series of communications between the City of Grover City, Arroyo Grande, and the Sanitation District. At the District's meeting of July 1, funding was authorized, for the initial part of a study co~~erned.with,proceeding to' make internal' adjustments to the'plant which will provide' an additional one~half millon gallon 'capacity:'" This' will increase the' 'plant capacity from 2.5.million gallons 'to 3 million gallons: 'The engineers estimate' it will take approximately 2 to 3 months to compose an operational plan. Mr. Sheldon presented an analysis of current usage. Based on growth of the last year,' the plant would reach'capacity in 1983.- . At the rate' of the' last 'ten .years;"itwould 'reach capacity 'in August, 1982. .. There was discussion- regardirig the present"use' "Q'f""other" cities 1- capacity and legal'- implications. '0 The" engineer' s'report wilralso "includ'e me.thods":of:.:fufldihg.' Public Works'Director Karp stated that application may'bemadef6r a grant to upgrade' the 'plant. ,Mayor Pope requested that'a copy of the submitted report he' forwarded .to'the engineers. ' SECOND READING OF' ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR' MOBILEHOMES'ON CITY RESIDENTIAL LOTS (IMPLEMENTATION OF CALIFORNIA SENATE BILL' 1960) Administrator Sheldoncread' the title' of the ordinance~' On' motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Councir'Member Smith, -it'was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 248 C..s;' .AN ORDINANCE 'OF THE CITY OF 'ARROYO' GRANDE :AMENDING " THE"ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING' CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER '4', 'TITLE' 9.. RELATING TO SB 1960, MOBILEHOMES ON SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ,1 .J 'On' motion of 'Council" Member .smith,' s'econded"by' Council Member .... Vandeveer, and" on the- following roll call' vote'., to'wit: AYES: NOES: '. : ABSENT: Council None None,.~-' Members Smith,. Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer., Mayor P<?pe the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 14th day of July, 1981. Ron Bennett, 1190 Highway l~' questioned in. what' zones'mobilehomes would be allowed. Planning Direct:orHays stated they-~w6uld. be alLowed 'in any" zone which allows single family residences a o o '19 ,CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 14, 1981 PAGE THREE SECOND READING OF ,ORDINANCE TO "EFFECT, ZONING CHANGE FROM "RA.,.B3" TO "RA'-B2" , 331 AND 321 TALLY HO ROAD (MCLAUGHLIN AND LECHNERr " ' City Attorney Shipsey read th~ title of the ordinance. On motion of Council 'Member van~evee~, seconde~ ~y C~unci~ Member S~ith, it was unanimously ,voted to dispen~e with further ~eading of the ordinance.' ORDINANCE,NO. 249 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING'MAP OF THE CITY- OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9" CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE KN()WN AS, 331 AND 321 TALLY HO ROAD On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded,bY~Cbuncil,Member Vandeveer, and ,on"the"fol;Lowing ,'roll ,calL vote', ,to, ;"it:," , AYES: NOES: , ABSENT : Council ~~~r~:Smith; H?g~~, V~ndeveer, Mayor Pope Council Member Millis None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 14th day of July, 1981. PUBLIC HEARING - LOT SPLIT, PRINTZ ROAD (LESTER WHITE) City Attorney Shipsey stated that this item,is considered a lot line adjustment imd not a lot:,split. He st~ted that because the adj~stment .- -, -,-- -. - - .- . . ---... will not create2a new lot, that Council may approve or deny the application without making fi;';ding~ w, ~th~egard tb the Gene~al,Plah,or," zoning., " The hearing havihg'been'properly' noticed and published, Mayor Pope, opened it for pUbl~c comment; Jeff White,. son oLthe applicant, '!tated that the, purpose of the' adjustm~nt is: to' create the house and the utilities o~ the same lot~ There being no further comments, 'th~ ,he~r~ng ~~s c19sed~. Council Members Smith and Millis stated they had no objection to the lot line adjustment. On ,motion of, Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to approve the lot, line adjustment as approved by the Planning Commission. PUBLIC HEARING - VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF ..CERTAIN PORTION OF PACIFIC COAST:RAILWAY PLACE 'RIGHT OF WAY Pub~ic Works, Director Karp stated, the~resbluti?n setting this date for public hearing was adopted at the June 23, 1981 meeting. He will present the appropriate resolution at the next meeting.' The hearing having been properly noticed and published, Mayor Pope opened it for comment. There being none, theh~aring w"s closed. ,On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded~by Counc~;L'Member ,Smith, {t was unanimously voted to direct staff to prepare ,the proper resolution. , , , FURTHER DISCUSSION RE: PREZONING OF AREA IDENTIFIED AS "STEM ANNEXATION" , FARROLL AVENUE, WEST OF CITY LIMITS Planning Director Hays reported that the.Planning, Commission, at their meeting of July 7, 1981, reconsidered'the prezoning request for this area. Council had indicated that in order to adequately control further growth in the area the "A" Agriculture District should be applied. How~y~;r,..the .~l?nning Co~iss~Qn. fe~ls..tp..~t ~pe most approp~~a17e zoning for the area would be "P-D'; Planned Development. - They~felt,that the P-D District would still allow for control over' the ultimate development since a development plan must still be app~oved ~or any proposed projects in that district. The Planning Commission- recommends that ~he area be prezoned to lip-Oil Planned Development District. John Nichols, Arroyo Grande, and an owner of the property, agreed with the P-D zoning as it would provide control over the area. Council Member Vandeveer stated he is in favor of the P-D zoning. 20 " :r I, ,I I ,I I " I I' I :1 'I I I I , I, CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 14, 1981 PAGE FOUR Council Member Millis stated that ,the City still hasca'problem with services and 1;l1eI?-D zoniIlg coul~ allow", high,d,msity", ~,s>uncil !1~er Sm:Lth agreed. Council Memb€!r Hogan, stated he, iE; in favor o.f the p;[)"z?"i,ng", Mayor, Pope stated that with P-D' zoning, the City. has ,coni;,>,ol over the type of development, and if the City does not have the services, the development can be denied. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance to constitute the first reading. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimouslyyoted to dispense with further ,reading of the ,ordinance. , 1 _J FIRST READING OF REVISED ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH FILING ,FEE FOR ALL LOT SPLIT CASES Administrator Sheldon stated that.Planning Director Hays recommends that the ordinance be revised to include a fee for tentative subdivision maps. Planning ,Director Hays stated that the previously recommended ordinance "provided f~r ;',fe!" , oi $100 plus, $ ~p~r ,J,ot fo~ parcel m;'ps 3nd he now recommends that a provision for tentative parcel maps be included. The proposed fee, is $17? plus $5 per: ,lot. ,City Attorney,Shipsey read the title of the ordinance to constitute the,fir~t reading. On motion 'of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member'Smith, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. " FURTHER DISCUSSION RE: PROPOSED EMERGENCY'MEDICAL TECHNICAN II PROGRAM Administrator Sheldon stated that this, program would provide for" training "of the ambulange companie~ i3,nd/or other personnel tl1roughoutthe county as EMT lIs. The City's share' of the' cost would be $2,341. , Dr~ Li3.rry,N~~a~, Physici~~-D:Lrecto~ of Hospit~l'Eme~gency, '€!xplai~!"d,the, program and stated that,the purpose of the program, is to upgrade the qualifications of' emergency,personnel with, th()sE! th:r:oughcmt the state". He state9. that th~, citi~~ ..of t1orr9=:B~y," .ean,_Luis qbispo,. P~smo .Be~ch, Grover City and "Atascadero have agreed to ,p",>,t:icipate. 'The C,?unciL Members Slsked questiq~~:Sof_D~. Nl?WI!lan',._ali.d .i~ was .th~..con9~nsus to continu~ this item for further information. - . .. . . - -' . - ,.' . ~, . - . RECEIPT OF COUNTY/CITIES BASIC PLAN FOR PEACETIME EMERGENCIES 'FROM SAN LUIS' OBISPO COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ,AND DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY, SERVICES - FOR ADOPTION BY COUNCIL ,Administrator Sheldon referred to the letter received from Mr. Stilwell and stated that Police Chief Clark also recommends adoption of the plan., On"motiop, of ,c:ourc:il,Memb."r,Varclev!"",>,, ,,!>econded b'f ,Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to adopt the Basic Plan for Peacetime .~~J:'gencies. . - r. --, . . . APPOINTMENTS TO VARIOUS CITY.COMMISSIONS" Mayor Pope, read a letter from Mr. Geofge J. ,H~~l,declining to accept the position of Planning Commissioner. He stated he will be accepting other applications. M~y~~ p~pe' n~mi~~ted Mr.'ira--Hu<:ihe~ to serve"another term on the Downtown, Advisory Board. A roll, call vote was taken: l AYES:, NOES: ABSENT: Cou!,ciLMembers N9ne None ..n '" S~ith, Hog~n, ~illis, Vandeveer, May~r_Pope .~; Mayor Popepomin~t~d M~; T.A. Rutherfo~d to se~~ on ~he Downtown_~~visor~ Board. A roll call vote was, t?>.)<en: '.. , .. AYES,: N()ES: ABSENT: , ' Coun~~l Members Sm~th,.Hogan, Millis, _Vandeveer,.~ayor Pope None None o o 21 - CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 14".1981 PAGE FIVE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO SIGN ALL DOCUMENTS APPLICABLE TO CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN,CALPOLY'S COLLEGE WORK STUDY PROGRAM, FOR 1981-82 Administrator,Sheldon stated,tqat this resolution gives authority for the, City Administrator to .signall docUments for this year. He read, the title of the resolution. On, motion of Council Member Vandevee~;' seconded by, Coupcil}4e$er Hogan,'~t ~as. una~~~o~~iy voted" to dispense with further reading of the resolution. . , RESOLUTION NO. 1485 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING. THE CITY_ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE CONTRACT'DOCUMENTS FOR THE COLLEGE WORK STUDY PROGRAM On. motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Cou~cil Member Smith, and on the following roll. call ovote, to wit,: AYES:, 'NOES: ABSENT: Council Members.Smith, Hogan, Mil+is, Vandeveer, Mayor Pop~ None None the foregoing Resolution was passed 'and adopted this ,14th day of ,July, 1981. REQUEST BY' CHIEp:"OF POLICE TO PURCHASE TWO, USED VEHICLES, FOR ARROYO' GRANDE POLICE UNIT SERVICES" . ,Administrator Sheldon stat~d that Chief Clark has. inspected the vehicles and they are in 990d m~chanical condition. The t~~. vehi~les will be usea to replace two police units with mileage in excess of 100,000 miles. .On motiqn o~_Council Member V~dev~erf s~conde~_by, Co~nc~l Member Smith, ~t was ~n~imously voted ~o authorize pur~has~ ~~ th~_ two ~ehicles for $5,000. PROGRESS REPORTS a) "Old" Fire Station. Admin~"trator Sheldon yeported'th;"t this matter is, being brought back to Council after--referral to the Parks Commission '~s to 'where the Parks .Department should'be located. ,He stated that the Commission felt that the decision should be up to the Parks Department. Council Member Smith stated she is not in favor of the Parks Department being located in the old fire station because of the dangerous - ,-' -. . - - - - " . \ . . situation which may be created with~children present. On motion of Council. Member Vandeveer, se~onded by Mayor Pope~ it was passe~ to authorize the continuance ot'_the' project and to finalize the plans. cou~cil Membe~ Smith dissented. b) Progress Report' on New Fire Station (i.e., Acceptance Of New Fire Station 'Building. and Approval of Payment to Contractor). Public Works Director Karp'recommended that the fire station' be accepted as substantially complete;,that Staff be authorized to make progress payment no. 9 in the amount of $5,930.10; and that the City Clerk be authorized to fi~e the nbtice of completion. He stated that there are a few remaining 'items of work which require parts that have not been received. Council Members Smith and Millis stated that payment sht;>uld ,not b.~ ..I!lade;: unt~J- ,the remaining items ar~ compl~te. ~fte! discu~sion, it. was ,moved_by C?up~~l ~~er Vandeveer, seconded by Council M~er Hogan, to ac~ept Mr~ Karp's recomm~nd~tion with 'the requirement that, City staff 'not occupy'the building'until'the recordation of'the notice' of cOmpleti9n., '''Co.unC:Ll'i-iembers' Smith anq Mil-lis dissente<'i'. . , I 'i j ~ I I: '! I I ,I 'i I , i I ,I ,i I I: " I ,i I " 'I I ! I , I i i , i I , I I I I I I I 22 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 14, 1981 PAGE SIX c) Receipt of Bids'.for Deep Municipal. Water Well. and. Blending System. Public Works'Direc;tor Karp reported that bids were.opened on Thursday, July .2, .1Q.8l .at. 2:00. P.M.. Thre~e bid.s were rE'!ceived and analyzed by the project engineer. He recommended that this.item'~e continued ~~ allow time to receive ;info~ation. on J:J.l.e".applicat-iq~ at a ,g;r:ant: f~r fundi!1:g . for this project. Administrator Sheldon requested authorization for.. .~ payment to Garing, Taylor and Associates in'the amount of $9,600 for engineering services. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to authorize payment to Garing, Taylor. and Associates in the amount of $9,600. l I d} Progress Payment No. 1 on 2 Millon Gallon Water Reservoir. Public Works Director Karp stated that progress payment no. 1 is now due in the amount of $79,125.30 and recommended that it be paid. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer ,. seconded by Council Member Hogan ,. . it was unanimously voted to make progress payment ,no.. 1 to San. Luis. Tank Piping Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $79,125.30. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 7, 1981 a} Request for Council Approval 'of Tentative Parcel Map for K-Mart Facility in P-D District, Oak Park Development. Planning Director Hays stated that~he.applicant is requesting approva~of. a ~entative parc~l map 81-108 (Kvidt) for the division of approximately 10.86 acres into 3 parcels. The largest parcel will have the K-Mart store, with. related developments to be placed on the other two parcels. The'Planning Commission, at their. meeting of .June..16, 1981 recommende,d approval ",ith.c:onditions. On motion of. Council Member 'yandev~er, :.seconded by Council M"mber Hogan, it was unanimously yoted to accept the I~ntative tract m?p 81-108. b} .Architectural Review by city Council .of K-Mart Deyelopment, Planning Director Hays stated that the'Planning Commission recommends approval of the architectural style for the K-Mart Development with 15 conditions. He displayed the architectural renderings. Public Works Director, Karp. added that one of .the.conditions requires the developer to provide a traffic study.dealing.specifically'with.the intersection of the, Freeway with. Oak Park B,:mlevard... He suggested,'that the developer. be requested to' participate' in..the cost ,of traffic..signals at that lo.catioll.. It was. the consensus..of. Council. that K-Mart .should.not be. :requested to participate in .this cost and on motion of 'Council Meml:>.er. Millis',.. seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously. voted to delete tha~. requirement from the conditions. .Council Member Millis.stated that he. has received complaints from citizens-, in .the ,Hillcrest. Drive area as to. ,the large sign. Mr. Wood, representing K-Mart, stated that if the sign were to be changed, authorization must be from K-Mart. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer,. seconded by Council.Member.Hogan,.itwas .voted.to.accept the Planning Commission's recommendation ,of. approval of .archi.tectural.. review with .the '15 conditions. Council Member Millis dissented. 1 I REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PARKS.AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF .. JULY 8, 1981 The r~port was, received. r - - ~ ' "-.3 DISCUSSION RE: NARCOTIC OFFICER ,FOR TASK FORCE - . " .Administrator Sheldon referred to Chief. Clark's memo requesting funding for a narco"tic officer. _ ,He stated that. the Department of Justice.._. is phasing out the resident agent program in San Luis.Obispo.County and :,~. because of the increasing narcotic problems, the position is needed~ He requested the amount of $7,000 as Arroyo Grande's portion of funding for this position. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted' to authorize the amount of $7,000 .to participate in the Task Force program~ i u o 23 ~CITY COUNCIL' ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 14; 1981 PAGE SEVEN DISCUSSION OF SENIOR'CITIZENS TRANSIT PROGRAM Administrator Sheldon~.stated that the agreement .with the G)'over City Senior Citizens has run out. He said he has received some ca~ls regarding the level of service provided in the past. He recommended this itern'''pe continued', $0 that he may'. receive inpu~ from th~ s~ni<?r' citizens" of Arroyo Grande as.to the kind .of service they would like..Council concurred. REQUEST BY, PUBLIC, WORKS DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF STREET PAVING IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 90.,.80-1, IDEuAND .GARDEN' STREETS: COUNCIL', AUTHORIZATION FOR ,PAYMENT THEREOF TO' CONTRACTOR Public .Works Sirector'Karp recommended that ,Project. No, .90-80-1 be accepted and to make progress payment n1lJ1lber l.in the.:amount of $21,248.62. ,,,On: motion of Council Member Hogan,: seconded by Council.Member Vandeveer, it ,was unanimously 'voted .to make.progress paY!1'ent no.' lin the amount of $21,248.62, to accept the project as complete, ?nd authorize the City Clerk to file the appropriate notice of completion. , " REQUEST FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT ON CANYON WAY ASSESSMENT. DISTRICT. Public Works Director Karp stated that it is'now.time for a progress payment on Canyon Way Assessment District in the amount of $21,357.7.3 to.. Charles A. Pratt Construction' and recommended that it be paid.... on motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to make the progress payment to Charles A. Pratt Construction in the amount of $21,357.73. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Hogan'requested a three-way stop at Poplar and Spruce Streets due to the dangerous traffic situation. Public Works Director Karp stated that he will bring the item before the Parking 'and Traffic Commission. Council Member Vandeveer requested that the doors to the Council Chambers be opened by approximately 7:10 P.M. Council Member Smith requested permission to be out of .the state for one week beginning July 19. On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to grant permission. Council Member Hogan requested information regarding the fact that construction of the Women's Club has never been accepted. Mayor Pope reported that there is:cno bench for the SCAT bus to stop at the Senior Citizens complex on South Elm and one should be installed since the complex contains 67 units. Public Works Director Karp stated that there is a bench on the corner of Ash and So. Elm. It was the consensus of Council that the bench should be placed closer to the complex. Mayor Pope reported that at the Mayor's meeting it was the consensus of all present that SLO COG return to the original intent of the organization. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Administrator Sheldon requested payment to Richmond, Rossi and Montgomery, architects for the old fire station conversion, for a bill received in the amount of $4,549.08. On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by2Council Member Hogan, it~was unanimously voted to make payment in the amount of $4,549.08. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 10:35 P.M. ATTEST: ~__u_ MAYOR ........---....-......- 24 CITY COUNCIL ,.!.~ ARROYO' GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 23, 1981 The City Council met in a special session with Mayor Pope presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Karl A. Hogan, Mark M. Millis, and' Lawrence E. Vandeveer 'reported' present:' Coim'cil Meinber B' Ahn"'-Smith was absent~ -. ~ Mayor Pope stated' that the South' San Luis Obispo County sanitation District has 'caned a'special meeting for '12 ~o'Clock noon' at' the'Library Confei'erice' Room of the South County Regional Center located at 800 W. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, to discuss plant" capacity. _ The_invitation was' extended to the legislative bodies of.:Airoyo Grande, Grover City and the Oceano Community Services ,District. Se~tion .'2"-1.10'2 of ,.1:he City code requires that in order to chan'ge the' place of meeting' cifthe' ci'tyCouncil',' a 4/5ths vote of Council"is" required:Ori motion' of Council Member vandeveer" seconded' by 'Council Member'HOg an, . it w'as 'unanimously voted. to adjourn atll: 35 P.M.' to 'the special'meeting at 'the"South' County Regional Center~ The meeting was brought to order at 12 o'clock noon with Chairman Howard Mankins presiding.' There was. discussion by'all entities concerning the currenfban 'on sewerhook\1ps by' the San' Luis' Obispo County"Sanit'ation District. On motion of Council Member Vandevee'r;- seconded by"Council Member Hogan, i,t was unariimou'sly voted to 'adjourn .at IdO P.M. A~~', (J//1~. . D~PUTY Y C~ERK ... ....~. :=-'-~ ':;2 .- . .~~/ -.."--- "MAYOR .' - " . V.. . "',.. ~ " F '.1 . -'.- l 'l ,I