Minutes 1981-07-28 o o 25 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 28, 1981 The City Council met in regular session with roll call, Council Members B'Ann Smith,.Karl and Lawrence E... Vandeveer re~orted present. Mayor Pope presiding. Upon A. Hogan, Mark M. Millis, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance,~o.our Flag. Thereafter, Council. Member Millis delivered the invocation. APPROVAL. OF MINUTES On motion of Council. Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council' Member. Smith, it was: unanimously .voted to approve the. minutes. of July 14,,1981 as presented. PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE. OF ~PRECIATION Mayor Pope stated that Mr. .,Ed Chadwell, Former Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Advisory Board member, is not. present. and he requested Administrator Sheldon to forward the certificate to him with the Council's thanks for serving on the B?ard. APPROVAL OF CONSEW AGENDA. ITEMS. .. Administrator Sheldon read. the Proclamation of Babe'Ruth.Baseball Week of August .8 through August 15, 198i.. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted. to approve thec.consent .agenda. with.the addition of. the proclamation. A-I. Notice, of Request py Pacific Coast Railway 100th.Year Celebration Committee for permission'to Use Parking Lot Area Behind the. City Hall. Complex from 7 AM to 7PM, Monday, October 12, 1981 (Columbus Day Holiday), for Barbeque and Other Festivities of this Celebration" RECOMMEND. APPROVAL,.. WITH NOTIFICATION TO CHAIRMAN FRANK ARNALL AND TO ALL APPLICABLE CITY DEPARTMENTS. o A-2. Invitation by for City Council to September. 26, 1981. PARTICIPATE. Arroyo Grande Gay Nineties' Harvest Festival Committee Participate in Harvest Festival 'Parade on Saturday, RECOMMEND FORWARDING OF .PARADE ENTRY FOR. COUNCIL TO . A~3~ Inv~tation fo~~Council to, Attend Annual New_Teac~ers' Luncheon on September 2, 1981. :;oRECOMMEND COUNCIL. ADVISE IF PLANNING..TO .ATTEND. A-4. Receipt of Expenditures for Henry J. Mello.' May, 1981 Revision; State General 1980-81 ,and. 1981-82 Fiscal Years, RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE.. Fund Review and Compliments of Senator A-5. Notice of Channel Counties' Division of League of California Cities' Quarterly Meeting on August 14,.1981, .at Santa Paula. RECOMMEND. REVIEW AND NOTIFICATION TO CITY ADMINISTRATOR IF PLANNING TO ATTEND. A-6. Progress Report on South San Luis:Obispo County Sanitation District. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-7." Receipt of Planning Commission Answered Agenda oLJuly, 21, 1981. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND:"FILE. REQUEST BY PUBLIC WORKS. DIRECTOR FOR APPROVAL OF TRACT 945,.ASH ANDSSPRUCE STREETS,'.SOTO PARK TERRACE..(VELAND) Public Works Director. Karp. .stated that the, proper bonds and maps have not been submitted. and he requested. the item. be continued.. ~ouncil.concurred. , 26 CITY COUNCIL ,ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 28, 1981 PAGE TWO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LQT SPLIT CASE NO. 81-361, KNOLLWOOD DEVELOPMENT: , Planning Directer Hays stated'thatthe Planning'Cemmission recommends appreval .of the let split subject te,'n'ine conditiens.r,"The parcefmap , will divide the preperty inte six parcels. The map is being referred te Ceuncil as all maps within a P-D z,ene must be appreved by CeunciL'- Ceuncil Member Smith'stated she cannet suppert the appreval .of any'lot, splits at this time 'd~e"to the recently' impos~d ~ewer merit;'rium. '--' Ceuncil Member Vandeveer stated that the request is .only fer planning .of the parcel., Ceuncil Member Millis stated that a managem~nt reseurce study is needed,: heweve!', t,he -let spH t, weuld' net creale any add'i:tienal lots than were .originally appreved fer the 'de;'elopment.~ "Council MeInber' , Hegan was in faver .of the let split... On 11letienof Ceuncil Member V~mdeveer, secended by Ceuncil Member Hegan, ~t was,pas?ed te accept the Planning Commission's recO"mmendation and ~pprove- lot sp~it -c'a.se no.~-81-~361. -- ~.- Ceuncil Member Smith dissented: - --, ' J REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT CASE 'NO. 80-344, PARCEL MAP NO. AG 80-170 (MALONEY). Public Werks Directer Karp, ~tated the l?t split i~.lecated seuth .of the interse9,tien .of. Chilton Street and 'Roble's 'Read. The 'split was, , approved with ~ 'var~ance from ~he ~~~~m~ ~i~e ~~quireme~ts, required under the subdivisien .ordinance,', An abandenment e{ a pert'ien .of 'Rebles Road' , was cempleted by' the City adding 'tethe gress' areas' .of 'each parcel' -- created by the,map. Street and water, imprev~~nts have been required .of the develeper. .. He recommended appreval rsubject 'te the fellewi11E findings imd :cend{t{ens:," ,.., --, ',__.d, , 1) Find that, tp.e required', iffipreyements are nec:essary, prerequisites te the .orderly develepment .of the cemmunity. 2) Autherize the, Mayer and City Clerk, te ~xecute en behalf .of the City, the apprepriate agreem€mt w~tl1, the .owner: --", , 3) Flind that,parcel map ne.AG 80-170 is,censistent.with the Genera('pl,an, City zoning and approved variances. 4) Cenceptually approv';; a reimbu~sement to 'Mr .'Mai~ney' based on ~ 'City ordinances' and/o~ actual c;sts-for -facilities ~hich be~efit'persons making future hookups te the water facilities censtructed by Mr. Maleney. , ," -- - -. . ' - - .. . ,- ~,- , . " ~ ~ - - - -' -. . pn motion of Council Member Hogan, se~on4e~ by Gouncil .Member Va~deve~~, it was passed te appreve parcel mapAG 80-170 subject te the findings' and cenditiens as stated by Mr. ,K!,.rp., A, rell, cf'll vet~, was taken: AYES: Ceuncil Members NOES: Ceuncil Members ABSENT,: Nene, . - - -. Hog~n,. Vanc;leveer, J4ayor _ Pop:~ Smith,and Millis ,l REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 81-347, PARCEL MAP AG 81~105 i (FISCHER) , , ' . ' , Public WerksDirecter'Karp stated the lot split ~s,iecated en the westerly frentage .of Canyen Way, at the nertherly City-limits. The map creates four parcels from two, varying from sizes 'of l~,779 ~q~ ft. to 31,118 sq. ft. The zening is RA~B2 and,the Gene~alPlan classifies the area as low density residential. Th~,map w?s approved un~er the op~~onal _design s~andards, pe.rmitted unde,r the 'subdivision.. orcf.fnan~~. ". The street improvements are being 'constructed with'the Canyon Way Assessment District. Dedicatiens have been required fer readway purpeses as well as street tree easement. He recemmended appreval subject te the fellowing findings and conditions: ,I il o , o 27 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 28, 1981 PAGE THREE 1) Accept on-behalf of the public the offer.ofdedication shown on the map for roadway and street tree easement. 2) Find that-the parcel map AG 81-105. is consistent with the General Plan, City zoning and ,the Optional Design -Standards. 3) Approval of parcel map no. AG 81-105 subject to spread of Canyon Way Dis~rict Assessments. On motion of' Council Member Vandev~er, seconded by.Mayor .Pope, it was.- passed to-approve-parcef map no, 81-105 subject.to the findings and conditions.as stated by Mr. Karp, A roll c!,ll vote was taken: AYES: Council-l1embers Hogan, Milli~1 Vand~veer, .Mayo_r Pope - NOES: Council Member..Smith ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR OPTIONAL .DESIGN. BY' GARI:NG AND TAYLOR, RE:, 127 AND 141 SOUTH ELM .STREET Planning Director Hays-reported that on July 7,.1981 the. Planning, Commission:.approved lot split case.ono.. 81-364 ,at.-127- and 141 So. Elm Street. The lot split 'involved a single. parcel being split into two separate parcels, with an existing building to be located on each new parcel. . The applicant is requesting OptionalDesig~:Standards due to the somewhat unique' design of the lot split. -The. Planning Commission- recommends approval of the request as provided in Section 9-3.503 of th~- Sub?ivision Ordinance. On motion of Council ~embe~ Vandeveer, seconde~. by Council.Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to approve.. the request _for optional design by Garing and Taylor at 127 and 141 South Elm.Street. REQUEST BY ARROYO GRANDE HARVEST, FESTIVAL COMMITTEE FOR.COUNCIL PERMISSION OF PARADE, USE OF CITY HALL PARKING.LOT, ADOPT RESOLUTION.CLOSINGBRANCH STREET City Attorney Shipsey read the. title of the resolution. On.motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted-to dispense-with further reading of , the resolution.. RESOLUTION NO.. ,1486 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO CLOSE A CITY STREET , , On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis, and on the following' roll call vote., to wit: AYES: ,NOES: ABSENT: .Council~Members S~ith, Hogan, Millis, . Vandeveer , May6r Pope None ~one the foregoing Resolution was passed and.adopted.this 28th day of J~ly, 1981. Administrator Sheldon,stated that the following requests have.been made by the Harvest Festival ~ommittee and -he recommended approval: . . 1. Permi~sionto-hold parade on September 26, 1981.and to close off. Grand Avenue from Brisco Road to State Highway.227 at Stanley Avenue. 2. Pe~ission to utilize 'cit~ parki~g' ~rea.between Short_and.B~idge Streets ",for ;game a~ea... , . ... 3. Request City to provide street barricades in the booth area and along the parade route.. 28 ~ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 28, 1981 PAGE FOUR 4. Council adopt, resolution requesti~g authorization o~ the State Department of Transportation to close portion'of Branch Street from 101 to Stanley Avenue. " 'C On motion of Council Member vllndeveer, seconded by Couhdl MemJ:ier'Millis", it was unanimously voted to approve' tne"'fourl reque-sts' as stated by Mr. Sheldon. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION, RE: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF 21-'UNIT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT, 239 AND 247 ELM STREET, TONY RANELLETTl Planning Dir,ectc:~r Hays explained that' on 'Jime'2, 1981 the Planning' Commission approved a Use permit for Mr. Ranelletti to"d,ivelop a ' condominium project' on Elm Street:- 'rhe Use ,Perinit, 'did' not 'specify the" number of units approved, however, the applicant has always presented a design showing 21 units. At the time the Use perIilit was approved, the applicant was requested to redesign his project to'providea better circulation system on site; possibly a circular dirve through system; and design a better layout for the project. ,A new design was presented to the Commlssion without a :circUlar.dr1ve .and'the req~est was,dsnied.- The Planning Commission felt the exterior treatment of the buildings was satisfactory, howev~r, due, to the'pr6blems with'the'cirtulatlbn system' they' felt it was not appropriate to approve this 'design.' TheYhearing" having beEm 'properly noticed and published,' Mayor 'Pope opened it 'for comment. . Jim McGillis,' Sari'Luis'Engineeiing,' spoke for the applicant and displayed plans of the proJect,' He state'd that 'tile proposed development meet~ all requir~e~ts of the ~zoning- orainance, particularly in regard 'to parking. Mr. Ranelletti also'spoke regarding'the project. There~-:,be.j.ng -,no fu_rthe.r comrii.~nts-; tne hearrng was' closed.. 'co~nci~ Member Smith stated that the 'project should: be one unit less and guest parking should not be considered part of the open 'space. Council Member Hogan' spoke,in favor of the project. Council Member Millis also spoke in favor of the project~, however, he stated that the .open space requirement ~ is 40% and this project~has~less than that requirement. Council ME!mber, vandeve";r stated ,that if sidewal~s are' 'considered~ open 'space, them parking 'also should be' considered open space, and the 4.0% 'is only an', estimate. On motion of Council Member 'Vandeveer, seconded by~Council Member Hogan, it was passed to approve the project subject to the 15 conditions and overturn the Planning Commission's denial of the projecta A roll call vote was taken: (1 AYES: Council Members Hogan and Vandeveer, Mayor Pope NOES: Council Members Smith and Millis ABSENT: None REQUEST FROM RON BENNETT FOR CONSIDERATION OF PRIVATE, ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM WITHIN RANCHO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT Mayor Pope stated this item 1s listed on 'the 'agenda as information only and no action is r~quired at this time. Ron Bennett explained that l' he is requesting Council to enact an emergency ordinance permiEting him to proceed with the project and introduced Mr. Mike Callagy of Cornerstone Engineers. .. He explained that they are 'proposing' a' development plan' which will integrate into the existing system. He introduced Mr. Larry 1 Baker, sanitary ,engineer, who .explained the workings 'of the' proposed,' on-si te sewage treatinent system imd collection ~ lines. ,: CounCil ~Meri1be'rs asked que~tions of Mr. Baker. Planning Director Hays explained that ,the City's environmental gu~delines do not speak to th1s'type -of system. It was the consensus of Council that Planning'Director Hays and City Attorney Shipsey review the City's guidel~nes to determine if environmental treatment 'of this proposal is'requlred' before the ~Planning-Comm1ssion.-- It was further the consensus of Council that the applicants submit additional informat~on to e~able staff to .reach ~his determina~~on so that ,Mayor Pope may call a special Council meetirig~ori August 3, 1981. u u 2,9 , CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 28, 1981 PAGE FIVE REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY PARKS AND'RECREATION DIRECTOR'RE: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE, CONTRACT Administrator Sheldon stated that two bid proposals were received from Rondell's Gardening Service'for $325.00 per month and' from'Toledo's Home and Yard Maintenance at $280.00. He recommended awarding of the contract to Toldeo's Home and Yard Maintenance with the addendum of $125.00 for fertilizing four times a year. This addition would raise the contract to $290.50 per month. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to award the contract to Toledo's Home and Yard Maintenance in the amount of $280.00 per month including the addendum of $125.00. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR RE: SOFTBALL BACKSTOP AT STROTHER PARK Administrator.Sheldon reported that a quote of $1,044 nas been received from J & W.Fence Company' for. a softball' backstop' at Strother Park. He stated that a similar unit could be ordered from one of many athletic equipment company catalogs, but'the total 'cost would be more due to shipping costs. He recommended that J & W Fence Company be authorized to build the backstop for $1,044. On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to authorize' construction of the backstop by J & W Fence Company' in the amount of $1,044. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INVITATION TO BID FOR PURCHASE OF RIDING'-ROTART MOWER FOR PARKS AND RECREATION' DEPARTMENT , Administrator' Sheldon stated' that' staff is requesting approval to invite'bids for anew riding rotary mower to be used'atSoto Sports Complex, Elm Street-,Park; and Strother- Park~' On motion' of Council Member Vandeveer,-.,- seconded by' Council" Member' Hogan,' it- ,was unanimously voted :to authorize 'invitation .for bid of a~riding-rotary rnower~ REQUEST BY CITY CLERK FOR COUNCIL'S ACTION RE: SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 3, 1981 Administrator Sheldon" stated that'a""special Corihcil'rrieeting is' recommended for August 6, '1981 because the Elections Code' requires that the resolution calling for the, election be adopted not ,less than'75'days nor more than 89 days before the election. August 6th is 89 days before the date of the election. The Council meeting of August 11th would:provide sufficient time, however, the resolution requesting consolidation with the County~election must be adopted 88 days before the election.' The special meeting would allow the' resolutions to be adopted in ,sufficient time to be-placed on the Board ,of Supervisors agenda. Council Member Vandeveer questioned City Attorney Shipsey 'as to the legality of continuing the election until the municipal 'election in April, 1982. Mr. Shipsey stated it was his opinion that, the matter""could be continued. It was the consensus of Council'to hold ,the special meeting on August "6, 1981 at 6:30 P.M. SECOND READING OF' ORDINANCE ,TO EFFECT PREZONING TO "P'-D" OF AREA'IDENTIFIED AS STEM ANNEXATION, FARROLL AVENUE, 'WEST OF CITY LIMITS Administrator Sheldon stated that the question has been raised'as to whether'enviroi1Inental determination is required" for this prezoning and he recommended the matter be .continued. --On motion'of-Council Member Vandeveer, seconded' by Council Member Hogan, it was -.unaniinously voted to table the sec6ndreading.of this'ordinance pending. determination by the Planning Commission as to'environmental status of.the prezoning.' 30 CITY, COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 28, 1981 PAGE SIX SECOND READING OF'ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH FILING FEE FOR 'ALL LOT SPLIT 'CASES Administrator Sheldon read the title of the ordinanc~.,_On motion of Council' Member Vandeveer,-- seconded' by Counci-l Member Hogan,"-it wa"s unanimously voted to dispense-with further-reading' of the" ordinance.. ORDINANCE NO. '250 C: S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF" ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER ,3 OF TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO'" GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY"AMENDING SECTION 9-3.606(b) AND SECTION 9-3.703 THERETO RELATING TO TENTATIVE MAP AND PARCEL MJliP FILING FEES .'1 On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded 'by Coimcil'Member Vandeveer, and on the ,following roll call 'vote, to wit:, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Cbuncil-Members'Smith, Millis,-Vahdeveer,-Mayor Pope' Council Member Hogan- None -" the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 28th'day of July, 1981. FURTHER DISCUSSION RE:"PROPOSED EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICAN II PROGRAM Administrator Sheldon stated that he has'che'cked with other cities in the county and it appears that they have either approved ,the program or have ,approved it contingent on whether or not other cities'approve it. Council Member Vandeveer stated he is -in favor :of such- a progranf, however', the 'proposed" program' is' not clearly defined~' On motion' of Council' Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith,~ it was-unanimously'voted to decline to participate in the proposed'program pending 'definition'of' county-wide participation. CONTINUANCE OF APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Pope' offered"for consideration 'for-appointment-to the'Planning Commission ML'Harold R. Benhardt, 280 Sunrise Drive, Arroyo 'Grande. Further'discussion'will'be at the next 'meeting. FURTHER DISCUSSION: OF SENIOR'CITIZEN'S TRANSIT PROGRAM' Administrator'Sheldon reported,that at,the last meeting it was' decided to await additional input on this matter.. Subsequently, contact has.' been made with" ttfe' South County Seniors, rnc.' ~ They have no' current members' , '~ who use -this service"'and, they had. no'nrecomme-ndation. The same~ cbncern- -as to the service provided'has been' raised' in Grover City' and they have'taken action to have a-meeting-with-all the-senior cit~zen's groups and the- various agencies. which' provide service .to them. .. He. recorrunended until<- the - meeting is held that the Grover' City Senior Citizens Club'be paid at one-twelfth the yearly amount per month. On,motion of Council Member Vandeveer" seconded by Council Member Hogan, it: wa"s unani:ri10,~sly voted to pay the Grover City Senior Citizens at', one-twelfth the ,y,earlyainount ,p."r month. ] , , FURTHER DISCUSSION'RE:~SEWER TREATMENT PLANT CAPACITY Administrator'Sheldon stated't]1at on ,July- 23.. 1981, 'cthe City' Council'~ 'along with the City' Council of Grover, Ci ty, and' the members of the Board of Directors of the Oceano.Community 'Ser~ices'District, and the Board of the South San~Luis Obispo Count y'Sanitation' District, met' to" discuss the problem of the treatment plant, capacity. Since the meeting there 'has been basically no change in the positions and that the moritorium will stay in effect for at least 90 days. He requested direction if it was Council's desire to explore various legal and procedural methods to alleviate the problem. o o 31 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA .roLY 28, 1981 . PAGE SEVEN It was requested at the meeting of July 23 that the. cities of Arroyo Grande ,and Grover City, arid the Oceano Community Services District meet. Mr, Sheldon requested the appointment of a member of Council to attend the meetings. Council Member Hogan was nominated to be the Council representative at the meetings. Council'Membe~ Vandeveer' stated he does not agree with Council Member Millis, as a representative to the Sanitation District Board from the City'of Arroyo Grande, in his vote- tp" call .for ;a- sew~r hoq~up moritorimn. ~ Council Member--Hogan -- stated that ,he also does not agree with the 'vote cast ,in. favor of ,the moritorium. Council Member Smith stated that it is now time to seek a solution to the problem. Mayor Pope agreed. Council Member Millis stated that ,he felt, his ,vote'in favor'of,the,moritorium,was the'proper decicision, given' the circumstances. .~ Reuben, '::Kvidt~ 1035 Acorn, stated that Cquncil 'should proceed with finding,.a'solution to,themoritorium. Jim McGillis,: 136 Bridge; .Mr., Reiner; and Roger 'Fuller spoke regarding' the moritorium. Mayor PoPe statedcthat he would support a motion that permits not be issued for sewer hookup unless the proper building permit had been obtained from the County Building Department. Council Member Vandeveer ,moved that the' City Council instruct their. representative to make a motion lifting the moritoriumat the next regular, meeting' of,', " the Board and was seconded by Council' Member ,Hogan. A roll call-. vote,' was ta~en: AYES:, Council.Members Hogan and Vandevee~, Mayor Pope NOES: Council Members. Smi th,and, Millis ABSENT: None Council Member Vandeveer moved to instruct the Council's representative to make a motion at the next regular meeting of the Board that a sewer' hookup permit may not ,be issued without a valid'building permit and was seconded by Council'Member Millis.' All,Council Members voted ,in favor. , "" . DEEP WATER WELL AND BLENDING .SYSTEM: AWARDING OF .BID ,FOR CONSTRUCTION THEREOF Administrator Sheldon stated that this item was continued from the last meeting to allow staff to obtain additional information concerning the State grant. for, construction. He recommended,thatCouncil reject ,all bids'. on the basis that ,in ,order ,to', properly 'proceed with the grant, action', it will take longer-than a reasonable. amount of.tim~. to cQntinue the bids, and also on the probability that in order to comply with the grant, we will most probably have to submit our bid packet to them prior to receiving'the bids. Public Works Director Karp ,pointed, that if the ,City obtains: the grant, ,it may be approximately $305,000 and if.the City accepts one of the bids, it cannot .apply 'for-the gra~t.' After discussion, Council,Member Smith. moved to reject, the ,bids. ' T~e'motion died for lack of a second. ,'Cou~cil'Member Vandeveer".'moved'.to, table. the' matter for. two weeks. The'motion died.for,.lack,of'a'second., It was the consensus of Council to table ,this' matter. , ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ORDERING ABANDONMENT OF CERTAIN SECTION OF PACIFIC 'COAST RAILWAY PLACE Administrator Sheldon reported that on July 14, 1981 Council held a public hearing on this matter. He read the title of the. resolution. On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to dispense with .further' reading 'of",the resolution~ RESOLUTION NO. 1487 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING THE ABANDONMENT OF A SECTION OF PACIFIC COAST RAILWAY PLACE (STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 8323, ET SEQ.) On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: 32 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 28, 1981 PAGE EIGHT AYES',' NOES': ABSENT: 'Council None None M'einbers Smith', Hogan,- Millis'; 'Vandeveer-, Mayor Pope ". ,'-- '..' . thecLoregoing Re'solution waspasse'd an'd adopted'this 28th day of July, '198L' ORAL REVIEW AND' UP'DATE 'ON ZONE '3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING 'BYMAYORPOPE' , , Mayor Pope reported On the last Zone"'3' meeting and stated'thaCArroyo Grande is .the only 'city which did hot need 't6purchase'supplemental water. l ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Pope requested"st'a'ff to ':che'ck' into r'evising' 'the Municipal Code. He suggested, for' example, 'chariging'the"requirement that'''a Cou'nc'il Member must request permission to' leave the state 'and' the requirement that the City Council' may nOt'hold ameeting:except at'City Hall. He requested Staff' return with these'proposed changes. ~/ -. . ~ - WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS .., Administrator Sheldon' presented ~proposed 'resolution urging the' California State Legislature 'to 'increas'e tr'anspartation revenues '(gas tax)" He stated that' the' st'ate motor vehicle fu'el 'taX 'has been' 'fixed' at7t;.' '., . per gallon since 1963. He pointed out that most cities are having to' u'se ' ' general funds for maintenance of roads. He read the title of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by' Council 'Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to dispense with'further reading of' the' resolution. Council Member Smith moved adoption of the resolution and the motion died for lack of a second. APPROVAL' OF WARRANTS ' On" motion of-'Council" Membe'r. Vandeveer," see-onded by 'Council MeIDber Hogan, and unanimously carried;' Demand'Warrants #1556S:thrbugh #15675 in' the amount of $39,747.70 and Payroll Warrants #20270 through #20364 in 'the amount of $74,093.14 were apprOved and Ordered paid. CLOSED'SESSION' . ., " . At lO:47'P~M. Council adj'ourned'to'a closed'session' and re-adjourned at 11 ,05' P. M.... MayOr Pope announced"that' City 'Attorney .Shipsey 'will 'decline' to act as city attorney in all matters-cbncerning-the"Sanitation Dlstrict. ADJOURNMENT . - ' On motion of Council Member- Vandeveer, seconded" by coune11 MeInber'.. Millis, it was unariiinously voted' to,'adjourn"a:t'll:lO P;M.' to a'special' ....' meeting .of August 6, 1981 at 6:'30' P .M; 'f6rpurj:ibses"cohcerning a special' municipal 'election scheduled 'for' Noveinlier"3;' 1981': Mayor' Pope announced' that he wiil 'can a special'meeting for'August' 3;'1981 at 6:30 P.M,_to discuss' 'the request by Mr. Ron Bennett" foi' an alt:ern'ate, sewer....system and environmental aspects of the develo~ment known~'as-Ranc~o .Giahde: '~::_.-"..., c:::::::....: ] fI/A1d~~ ATTEST: /~E~~VCI~Y~~RK" ..