Minutes 1981-08-25 40 CITY "COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 25, 1981 The City Council met in regula~ session with Mayor Pope presiding. Upon roll call, Council "Members B'Ann Smith, Karl A.""Hogan, Mark M. Millis, and Lawrence E. Vandeveer reported pres~nt. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Vandeveer "led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter, Council Ma~er Millis delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Finance Director Bacon stated that the totals of the Warrants read at the last meeting were incorrect. The correct figures are for Demand Warrants it15676 through #15753 in the amount of $200;485.76 and Payroll Warrants #20365 through #20471 in the amount of $36,504.78. On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vw,deveer, it was unanimously voted to approve the minut"es.of August 11," 1981 as amended. u APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, Demand Warrants #15754 through #15833 in thecamount of $37,583.64 and Payroll Warrants #20472 through #20570 in the amount of $93,606.38 were approved and ordered paid. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS "Council Member Millis requested that items 6 (a) and 7 (b) be withdrawn from the consent agenda. ""On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandev",er;" it was unanimously voted to approve the consent agenda items minus items 6(a) and "7(b). "Council Member Millis requested that the two items which set public hearings for the next meeting be voted on separately. A~6(a). PUBLIC HEARINGS SET FOR SEPTEMBER 6, 1981 ON REQUESTS FOR REZONING, Request for Rezoning and Amendment to General Plan - Zone Change from "A" Agricultural to "R_llI Single Family Residential - Huasna Road, Rezoning"Case No; "81-157; Ikeda; RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND APPROPRIATE ACTION BY STAFF. A-7 (b):' Request for'-Rezoning from ""RA-B3" I Tally Ho Road; Lavine,' Rezoning Case No. 80-'145. RECOMMEND"APPROVAL"AND APPROPRIATE ACTION BY STAFF. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer; it was unanimously.voted to set the two 'above referenced 'items for public hearing on "September 8, 1981. I A-I. Receipt of Roster for Human Relations Commission and Receipt of Minutes of June 10, July 8~ and Aug~st,12, 1981, "for said Commission: RECOMMEND REVIEW A..1'ID FILE. A-2. Receipt of Monthly Report on Maintenance and Operation of Treatment Plant of South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. J A-3. Receipt of Planning commission' s Answered Agendan.for Meeting of August 18, 1981. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-4. Receipt of Legislative Bulletin No. 25, League of California Cities. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-5. Approval of progness Payment No.2 for Two-Million Gallon Reservoir, (San Luis Tank Piping Construction Co., Inc. - Contractor). RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PAYMENT. A-B. Receipt of Prepared Arguments for Ballot Purposes at November Election, Re: Grande Highlands and Wells Property, Plus Analysis by City Attorney. INFO: JjTEM ONLY - RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. r I '~. r 41 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 25, 1981 PAGE TWO UPDATE REPORT ON CAPACITY OF SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT. Mayor Pope reported that the proposals discussed at the last' meetingwere'presented to the Sanitation District Board at their meeting of August .19, 1981. . The. Board decided' on a hookup fee of $2,000 and that there will be a provision in the ordinance which sets forth that upon firmly establishing the cost of building the new sewer plant additions and developing a method of payment, ,ifctherewas a reduction. cost. as anticipated by the ordinance, the difference would be refunded to each 2"" applicanL. ,The:second reading of the ordinance, will be at 'the. next meeting of the. .Board. It was also decided at. the last meeting to lift. the moritor~um ~ince all is go~ng ~ccording to schedule. Council Member. ~ Millis stated he is opposed to Grover City purchasing capacity of the plant. Council Member ~andeveer commented that Council .needs to work. closely with the.Oceano Community Services District.. CONTINUANCE.OF DISCUSSION RE: SENIOR CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION Administrator.Sheldon reported that,' after having' attended meetings on this subject, it appears there are some differences in what is ava~lable from the .vari~us ,senior citizens clubs wh~ch.provide.transport~tion services. He recommended that no action be taken at this time to allow each club to submit their proposals for transportation services. Council concurred. FURTHER. STUDY AND DISCUSSION; RE: STREET NAMING. FOR. GRIEB. DRIVE AND/OR,. JAMES WAY - . 'Administrator. Sheldon. stated .that-on.March 24"1981, Council approved a change of address for a number of townhouses in Oak Park. Leisure Gardens from Grieb Drive to James Way. The actual implementation of this change was effected during the month of July., A letter has been received from Mr:' Antonio Lagna'requesting'that his address be changed from James Way to LeisuJ;e" Drive and .a- letter from, Mrs". Virgil Freitas requesting ~hat her address be returned to Grieb Drive. 'He also. stated that, after meeting' with Mr. Lagna, he is agreeable. to the address remaining as James. Way. '. He recommended,that Council. take action, and thereby leaving James Way as the. street. name. After discussion; Council concurred with the reconmtendation. . ,.- -- SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE, TO EFFECT. CHANGE IN,EXISTING CITY CODE, RE: LOCATION OF MEETINGS City Attorney Shipsey'read the title of the ordinance. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of.the ordinance. Council Member Millis ...obj ected to the ordinance and stated that Government Code 36808 requires that the place of Council meetings must be designated. The motion and second for adoption were withdrawn to allow.City Attorney Shipsey time to look into this requirement and report at the next meeting. PUBLIC HEARING ON APPEAL OF PLANNING'COMMISSION'S DENIAL FOR REZONING, CASE NO. 81-'152, .WALNUT VIEW ESTATES, SOUTH OF CHERRY AVENUE AT BRANCH MILL ROAD (KUDEN AND ELLSWORTH) Mr. Al Autry, representing the applicants, requested that the hearing be continued as the engineer could not be present. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Pope opened it for _ publici..comment. There being' none-, the hearing was- closed. On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to c~nt~nue."the public hearing to- the next m~eting. 42 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 25; 1981 PAGE THREE REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF STAFF REPORT ,ON TIME TABLE: ON VARIOUS CURB AND GUTTER CONSTRUCTION THROUGHOUT 'THE CITY Public Works Director'Karp presented a time schedule'for'curb and gutter assessment districts in various areas th~oughout ~he.'City to begin in Novembe~, 1981. RECOMMENDATION BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 81-352, PARCEL MAP NO. AG 81-166; TALLY HO ROAD (PED) , Public Works Director Karp 'stated that'the subject lot split is on the northerly side of Tally Ho Road, just easterly of ~anyori'Way. The split wi)l create two' parcels of 20,035 sq. ft. and 20,133 sq. ft'. The frontage improvements were constructed with improvements on Tally Ho Road last- fiscal year. A street tree easement has been required on the frontage of Tally Ho Road. He recommended approval 'subject 'to the following conditions: u 1) Accept on behalf of the public the easement for street trees. 2) Find that the Parcel Map AG 81-166 is consistent with the General Plan and z~ning. 3) Approve-p~rcel map AG 81-166. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was passed to approve the lot split subject to the conditions as stated , by Mr.."Karp. Council Member Smith- abstained and Council Member Millis dissented. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO SET'SPEED LIMIT ON EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN BRISCO ROAD AND OAK PARK BOULEVARD public Works Director Karp'stated that"the 'subject section of road has been recently' taken over from the County as 'a result of the recent annexation of the Brlsco area arid has no posted speed .limit." ~urVeys have been taken by the Police Depart~ent which indicate that the 'speed limit should be established at 40 ,miles per hour as recommended. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of the resolution. On motion of 'Council Member Vandev~er, secundad by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to dispense 'with further reading of the resolution. 'RESOLUTION 'NO. 1493 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF'THE CITY OF APJROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A SPEED 'LIMIT ON, EL',CAMINOREAL BETWEEN BRISCO ROAn AND OAK PARK BOULEVARD On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member vandeveer; and on the following 'roli call vote, to 'wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council None None Members Smith, Hog~n,'Millis, Vandeveer, Mayor Pope " u the foregoing Resolution was passed ~nd adopted this 25th day of August,'i981. RECOMMENDATION BY D!ITRECTOROF,' PARKS AND RECREA'I'ION TO ADOPT RESOLUTION RE: CITY'S APPLICATION FOR GRANT MONIES TO FURTHER DEVEWP STROTHER PARK AND SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX Administrator Sheldon stated that~under this grant fund the City is proposing to apply for $30,000 to develop Soto Sports Complex and $39,000 to construct' a restroom facility at Strother Park. He recommended approval of the resolutions. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of the resolution authorizing application for Strother Park; On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. l I, I, n n II : 43 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 25, 1981 PAGE FOUR RESOLUTION NO,. 1495 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITYC~CIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE,APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS 'uNDER THE ROllERTI":Z'BERG URBAN OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM FOR STROTHER PARK " On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council ,Member , ,'- " .- -,-" .". -'. "- --' ..', Hogan;'and on the following roll callHvote, ,:to wft: , AYES ,- NOES:, ABSENT: Cou~cjl Members Smi~h, Hogan, Millis, Vandev~er, Mayor_Pope .None None the foregoing, Resolution was p~s~ed and adopted this 25th day of August, 1981. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of the r~solution authorizing application for Soto Sports Complex. On motion of Council Me!nber Smith, 'seconded by , Council Member Vandeveer,. i~,was upani~ously voted ~o dispe~~e w~th further reading:of the resolution. RE>:OLUTION NO. 1496, , - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF, TH~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVI.NG THEAPPLIcATIClN FOR GRANT FUNDS"UNDER THE ROBERTI~Z'BERG URBAN OP&N SPACE AND RECREATION ,PROGRAM FOR SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX , pn motion of Cou~cil ~ember, Smith, ,seconded by Council Member Hogan, and on the following 'rol~ call ,vote" to1iit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hoga~, Millis, Vandeveer, Mayor Pope None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted ,this 25th day of August, 1981. RECEIPT OF BIDS AND AWARDING OF RIDER LAWN MOWER PURCHASE Administrator Sheldon stated that three bid proposals were received on August 20, 1981 from Jenkins Machinery, Jaeschke, Inc., and Toro,PacificDistributing. The low, bid ,was from Toro pacific Distributing in the amount of $9,699., He recommended the bid' be awarded to Toro Pacific Distributing. On motion of Council Member Smith, ,seconded by Council Memb~~ .Vand~veer, it was~unanimously yoted tO,award the bid to Toro Pa,cific Distributing in the amount of $9,699: REQUEST ,BY DALY CITY FOR SUPPORT OF RESOLUTION RE: INVESTMENT POLICY OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM , " Administrator Sheldon reported that the' proposed resolution supports an investigation and analysis of the investment policies of PERS in af!.,.effort to .inC?:r:~ase the rate of r_~turn.. . Mayor 'Pop~ ,requested that all contributing ci_ty, employees be appraised pf this~reciuest; I,t was the consensus of Coun~il that all, city employees, be ratified pf this request and ,that the item be: continued to the ne~t meeting. STATUS REPORT ONMAYGR PGPE'S REQUEST FOR STUDY ,ON SLURRY SEALING FOR CITY OF. ARROYO GRANDE' Public Works. Director Karp stated, that, Staff_has begun a, preliminary study to initiate a s~ur;ry.. seEil' ,pr~gr?ID' .to .~onunenc:e', ~ext fiscal"year. The study will 'include: input from the State Department of Transportation with regard to appropriate~ess and service ability of application; similar input from the Asphalt Institute and local agencies within the-County; and out'line of preparation of a master program for implementation and scheduling of the improvement.. He stated this input should be received within 30 days. 44 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 25, 1981 PAGE FIVE PRESENTATION BY MAYOR POPE OF PROGRESS REPORT. ON ZONE THREE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 20, 1981 Mayor Pope reported that the next meeting will be held in City Hall on September 17, 1981.at 7.30.r.M. and that Mr. Al Dutra is the new Chairman and Mr~ Tom Runels as Vice~Chairrnana REQUEST BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL TO DECLARE "SURPLUS" CERTAIN TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER PARTS Public Works Director Karp requested. that Council declare the controller cabinet and spare parts previously used "for maintenance of the signal at. Grana Avenue and Halcyon Road surplus and sold to the City of Atascadero or others for $500. He stated .that to use the controller cabinet at alternate locations within the City, it would require a redesign at the wiring in the cabinet plus actual reworking of the wiring. Estimates for such a retrofit exceed the value of the product. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to declare certain traffic. signal controller parts as surplus and approve their sale for $500; u RESOLUTION CALLING FOR MORE LOCAL CONTROL OF BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS THAT SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Administrator Sheldon stated that at the August 14, 1981 meeting of the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities this item was presented. At that time it was decided that each entity would place it before their legislative body for discussion and action. The resolution is aimed(at providing.more local control and less state control on the issue of the location of establishments .wherezalcoholic.-.beverages may be sold. He recommended adoption of the resolution. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of thc resolution. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1497 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES TO SPONSOR LEGISLATION WHICH WOULD PROVIDE LOCAL GOVERIDmNTS WITH THE ABILITY TO EXERCISE MORE CONTROL OF BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS THAT SELL ALCOHOLIC. BEVERAGES On motion .of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Millis, Vandeveer,_ Mayor Pqpe Council Member Hogan None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day: of August, 1981. J REVIEW AND AMENDMENT OF CITY CODE City Attorney Shipsey reported that thecCounty has prepared a sample ordinance regarding animal regulation which needs to be adopted uniformly by all cities to allow the Department of Animal Regulation to properly enforce the requirements in this City. He stated that a copy has been forwarded to Police Chief Clark for his comment and the proposed ordinance will be scheduled for Cduncil consideration in the near future. Mayor Pope requested Staff to look into the requirements .for non-profit organizations. Council Member Millis requested Mr.. Shipsey.to look into stricter penalties for violations oE city codes. L r: r CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 25, 1981 PAGE SIX ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -, - -.. Council Member Vandeveer' requestedcconcurrance of'Council that he recommend to the Area Council of Governments that Highway 227 not be continued through the CitY,as a designated route. .Council concurred. Council'Member Mill{s: requested:that-a study session be held in the near future regarding the availability of'water, ADJOURNMENT On mot-iou of 'Couneit" Member- Hogan" seconded_ by' c.ciuricil Member Vandeveer; it was unanimously'voted "Fa "adjourn at"'9:10' P~M6'~ ATTEST: REQUEST OF REVISION OF JOINT-PoWERS AGREEMENT FOR HANDICAPPED 'TRANSPORTATION TO INCLUDE SERVICE BETWEEN ATASCADERO AND SAN LUIS, OBISPO Administrator Sheldon stated that'a request has been received from the Regional Transit Manager requesting revision to the' Joint'Powers Agreement for Handicapped Transportation between Atascadero and San, Luis Obispo. , This w~s recommended b~ the San Luis Obispo County Council of Governments and will be funded by state transit' assistance 'funds', He recommended approval ~nd adoption of the resolution. As representative to s~o Council of Governments, Council Member Vandeveer, also recommended approval of 'the revision. 'City Attorney Sh{psey read the title of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer; secondea by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUT-ION NO. 1494 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AuTHORIZING THE 'AMENDING OF THE HANDICAPPED JOINT POWERS AGREE~lENT On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, and on'the following-roll call vote, ,to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, Mayor Pope Council MeIDber Smith None the foregoing Resolution was passed ana adopted this 25th day' of August, 1981. 45 , " I " " I! I, I I I' , ,I I! II I! I Ii i