Minutes 1982-01-12 86 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 12, 1982 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Pope presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members B'Ann Smith, Karl A. Hogan, Mark M. Millis, and Lawrence E. Vandeveer reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Vandeveer led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter, Reverend Alan Gorsline, United Methodist Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered the' invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unan~mously voted to approve the minutes of December 8, 1981 as amended. u ". ~ -<:-:: , APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, Demand Warrants #P0268 through #P0276'~nd'#16491 through.#16709 in the amount of $488,559.17' and ,Payroll Warrants #21257 through '#21463 in the amount of $136,699.97 were approved and ordered paid.' CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Council Member Vandeveer requested that item #7 be removed for discussion and Council Member Smith requested item #15 be removed for discussion. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to approve the consent agenda items minus~#7 and #15. A-7. Receipt of Legislative Bulletin from League of California Cities (No.1 - 1982); and Special Budget Bulletin (d. 12/23/81), and Others. RECOMMEND REVIEW, APPLICABLE ACTION, IF ANY; AND FILE. Council Member Vandeveer stated that he wished letters to be sent urging opposition to this bill. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to prepare letters to the Senate" Committee stating opposition to SB 426. A-15. Notification by State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, that the City of Arroyo Grande is Recipient of Grant Funding in the Amount of $69,000 Under Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open Space and Recreation Program, i.e., $30,000 for Soto Sports Complex and $39,000 for Strother Community Park. FOR COUNCIL'S REVIEW AND INFORMATION ONLY. Council Member Smith stated she wished this item read into the minutes as it is a very important grant to be received for our parks. On motion of Council Member Smith, . seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to so note this item in the minutes. A-I. Receipt of Departmental Monthly Report for December, 1981. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. u A-2. Receipt of Answered Agenda for Planning Commission Meeting of January 5, 1982. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-3. Receipt of Parks and Recreation Director's Report, Re. Parks~and Recreation Commission Meetin,' of December 9, 1981. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-4. Receipt of Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes for Meeting of December 14, 1981 (Council Action Items, if any, ar? Listed Under New Business). RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-5. Request/Recommendation by Fire Chief to Establish Burn Weeks in Year of 1982 Within City of Arroyo Grande (Winter: 2/1-6/82; Spring, 5/2-8/82; Summer: 8/29-9/4/82; Fall, 11/7-12/82). RECOMMEND REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF DATES NOTED. r n 87 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 12, 1982 PAGE TWO A-6. Report by Finance Director on State Sales Tax Received by City of Arroyo Grande Through Fourth Quarter of 1981. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A--8. Receipt, of SCA'TcoMoiIthly'Report .f6rc;OctobEjr, '1981o,:",RECmIMEND',REVIEW AND FILE. A-9. Receipt from SCAT of Notification;'Re. Change in Fare Handling--from Tokens to 3..,Ride Ti'cket' Called "Triple' Tripper." RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-IO. Request for Approval to Conduct,Door-to-Door Solicitation by Arthritis Foundation of Santa Barbara/San Luis Obispo Counties for Annual Campaign During ,February, 1982. RECOMMEND 'APPROVAL AND ISSUANCE OF FEE EXEMPT LICENSE. .... A-II. Request/Recommendation for City Council to Deny Claim Against Arroyo Grande by'Octavio and'Odelon Trejo, Incident of'May 8, 1981. COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SUCH RECOMMENDATION OF DENIAL. City of RECOMMEND A-12. Receipt of Annual Yearbood for 1982 of South County Seniors. FOR COUNCIL INFO ONLY. A-13. Receipt of Progress Payment Request No.1, Re. Construction'of Deep Municipal Well and Blending, System, Covering Phase One~of Test'Well'and Production Well,' by' Maggiora"Bros.. - DrLlling, Inc., in' Amount of $19,487.00,- So Approved'by Public Works Director, RECOMMEND-REVIEW-AND COUNCIL APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT ,AS NOTED. '. A-14.- Receipt of Monthly Reports for 11' and 12", 1981', by Chief Plant Ope'rator of South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation'District, Plus 'Others.' RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE; A'--16. Request/Recommendation 'by Director of Public Works-for- Council Approval of Progress Payments No. 5 and 6 on 2-Million Gallon Reservoir and Pipe Line 1;9 San Luis Tank and Pipin.g" CC?nstructionCornpa.ny, I:hca~, ,in --AinOUl1;t of" $92,382.73. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND COUNCIL APPROVAL FOR'PAYMENT AS NOTED. A-17. Receipt of Annual Report for-'1981- on 'Arroyo 'Grande' Fire Dep'artmerit.- RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-18. Receipt of Annual Audit for City of Arroyo Grande for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1981. --RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. , A_19:Request ,to Set: Public He'aring ,on Rezoning Case No-.- 81-161 (Siegfried Baden) for General Plan Amendment and Zone Change at 1385 Brighton Avenue. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF DATE OF JANUARY '26, 1982, FOR PUBLIC HEARING. ' A-20. Request - to Set Public Hearing' on' Rezoning Case No. -81-162 '(Gerda and 'J. Bart'Morgan) for General Plan 'An1endment--andZone' Change 'at 528 East Branch Street. RECOMMEND APPROVAL ,OF DATE OF'JANUARY 26, 1982,',FOR PUBLIC HEARING, ITEMS DELETED FROM ' THE AGENDA -D~7(d): SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE TO EFFECT AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 140' C.S., TRACT 604" OAIC PARK ACRES, TO' ALLOW SPLIT 'OF LOT 13 City Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, . seconded by Council Member "Hogan, it was' unanimously voted to dispense ~ith f~rt:he'J;" read4-mj"of'-the ordi-nance. 88 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 12, 1982 PAGE THREE ORDINANCE NO. 259 C.S. AN ORDINAi.'1CE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO" AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 140 C.S. IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 15, 1976 u On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by-Council Member Hogan, and on the following roll call vo~e, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan~ Millis, Vandeveer, Mayor Pope None None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 12th day of January, 1982. REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY RE: BINGO/FEE EXEMPT LICENSE REQUIREMENTS Attorney Shipsey stated that presently business licenses':,granted for Bingo are "exempted if the applicant" gives evidence that the organization is non-profit. He stated that Mayor Pope had requested he investigate the possibility of making all Bingo license permits exempt. He submitted a proposed ordinance which deletes Section 4(a) of the business license requirements. If the section is deleted it will eliminate the requirement that such organizations produce evidence 'they are non-profit.. Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading" of the ordinance to constitute the first reading. COUNCIL' REVIEKAND ;DIRECTION RE: SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS' AGENDA FOR JANUARY 14, 1982. Council Member Vandeveer stated, as representative, that he has no information but will accept any input from Council.' There being none, the agenda was received. REPORT BY MAYOR RE: ZONE THREE ADVISORY MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 17, 1981 Mayor Pope stated that the~planting of the trout at" Lopez Lake is proceeding and that prizes are being given for the largest fish. He will present the final report at" the next meeting regarding the new generator. REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION BY CHIEF OF POLICE FOR COUNCIL'S REVIEW AND REVISION OF CITY ORDINANCE::TO EFFECT PROPER CONTROL OF GAME MACHINES WITHIN THE CITY ,Administrator Sheldon stated that the request is made by the Chief of Police due to the potential for future problems in establishments containing game machines. At present there is no provisions for such U machines in the City code. He recommended" that, because of the ZOning: .i . requirements involved, this matter be referred to the Planning Commission , for their recommendation. On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to refer this matter to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: CLARIFICATION OF EXPIRATION DATE OF TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP RE: RANCHO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT Planning Director Hays stated that Mr. Stanley W. Abbott, representing the Rancho Grande project, has requested a clarification as to the expiration of the parcel map. There is some confusion because the original date of approval was incorrect because it was not effective until the parcel map was recorded six months later. He stated that the Planning Commission recommends the expiration date be August 18, 1982 based on the following information: " r Ii 89 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 12, 1982 PAGE FOUR Te'ntative Map approye? bY,'plan~ning, Conunis,sign ,:- April, 17, ,1979 . ..- Date of Recordation of Parcel Map AG 77-103 which actually be~ame the~new dat~,of approv~l of Tract 761 - Noven~er 30, 1979 New expiration date of Tentative~ap (~8 months) - May ,30,,1981 ,1 year ,~xtension,granted by Planning Commission,on October 21, 1980, New expiration date '- MaY,'30." 1982 , Sewer Moratori~ 80 day~ from July 15, 198i ~o October 3, 1981, add 80 days'cto expiration date, New expiration d~te - August 18, 1982 Mr. Stanley W. Abbott stated he concurred wit~ ~he.recommen~ed expiration date. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to authorize staff to notify the applicants that the ,expiration date for the, map of the Rancho Grande development is August 18, 1982. REQUEST FOR TIME EXTENSION RE: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 921, RANCHO SANTA FE, 321 AND 327 SOUTH HALCYON ,ROAD __ " ,'. , , Planning Director ,Hays, stated that on May 20" 19~0 the Planning, Commissiori approved Tentative Tract No. 921 which created, a 23 unit commercial condomini'um development at 32,l.and 327 ,South Haicyon Road., The applicant.is requesting a time extension in which to file the final map. ThE cu;rent, ~~p with the 'time added, for th~,period that the sewer -- moratorium was in effect.will now expire, on February 8, 1982., The Planning Commission recommends that a'orie y~ar extension be. granted to February 8, 1983. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council .Memt?~r .?mi~h,. .i):, ~~s ~nanimou.sly v<?t~d t-o grant, a one year extension for Tract 921 to February 8, 1983. REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION BY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL TO AUTHORIZE THE CALL FOR BIDS TO CONSTRUCT AND INSTALL FENCING AT SOUTH ELM STREET PONDING BASIN ~ ' , Public: Works Director. Karp ,stated t,hat;this project is a budgeted item, Plans, and specifications are ready to ,request formal bids. Council Memb!"ryarideveer, requesj;ed 1;he, length .of, time the bids may be, out. , ,Mr. .Karp stated the bids, should b,!" returned in 60 days., On motion of,Cq~ncil, Member Smij;h, s!"conded by Council Memb~r Hogan, it was unanimoq~ly voted to autho~ize ~ta~f to. ~al~ for bids to construct and install fencing at the South Elm Street ,Ponding Basin. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY PUBLIC .wORKS DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 79-305, PARCEL MAP AG 79-113 (BOB SHIGENAKA) Public Works ,DireCt;9r K?rp state~ ,that the application is for a lot line adj~stment ,01') ,the n()r,th-"'est"rly side of Ta;Lly HoR.oad between Canyon Way and Via La Barranca. The adjustment eliminates an ' existing landlocked lot in that area. Prior to dedication for street, widening both parcels..exceeded 20,000 square feet in area. After dedication, ,the net area of ' the parcels are 18,511 square, feet and 25,,<:)98 square feet., ,The a,rea is zoned ,RAB2 and classed low, density, residential ,iri the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The tentative map was ~ppr9ve~ subj~c.t.,to co!Upletion, of t.q.~ Canyon Way .r~zoning whic:~. ha~ no~ b~~~ accomplished. ~he requi~e~e~t for a si~e~~lk should be waived by ~he_C~ty Council ~s no su~h imp~ovem~nt~_have bee~ pl~nned .for Tally Ho Road. ,The developer will however be, required ,to bond for construction of curb and gutter, and stree~ wide~ing anq driveway aprons. He recommended approval based on the following conditions:,..' ..~ , . -~ ~;:~;''') - -; '-'''--C::;' ~> ---;: -.:r.. '-'2--:~-: ('.:'. r;: " , -"C-~"- .~'-; --~~s 90 CITY COUNCIL llRROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 12, 1982 PAGE FIVE 1) Find that the Parcel Map',AG 79-113 is consistent with the General Plan. 2) Find that the required improvements are necessary prerequisites to orderly development to the community. 3) Relieve the developer of the condition to.build sidewalks on the. Tally Ho frontage as there is no other sidewalk constructed or planned on this rC)ad. 4) Accept on behalf of the public, the offer to dedicate for street widening and street trees.::;easement as shown. on the map.~ 5) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the appropriate improvement agreement with the developer of the property. 6) In the event Mr. Shigenaka provides a surety bond in lieu of the cash bond already posted, Staff is authorized to release the cash bond. u On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to approve ParcE,l Map AG 79-113 subject'cto the conditions as stated by Mr. Karp,. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY PUBLIC WORKS .DlREcrOR FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 81-365, PARCEL MAP AG 81-155 (DELBERT MCLAUGHLIN/ VINCENT LECHNER) Public Works Karp stated that the subject lot map splits two existing parcels located at 321 and 331 Tally Ho Road.. The~,parcels range in sizes from fO, 120 square feet to 26,368 square feeL... Improvements were constructed with the curb and. gutter work performed by the City last year. The subject lot split is zoned RAB2 and classed low density residential in .the Land.Use Element of the General Plan. A dedication has been required for street tree easement ,along the~Tally Ho frontage. Fees have been paid by' .Mr. Lechner, but. Mr. McLaughlin has not yet posted the required park and street tree fees. He recommended approval subject to the following conditions: 1) Accept on behalf of the public the easement dedication for street tree planting. 2) Find that the map AG 81-155 is consistent with the General Plan and City~zoning. Mr. Lechner, 331 Tally.Ho Road, objected to the require~ent of .the park and,:Elevelopment fee as. the lot is already developed. Attorney Shipsey stated that this fee is established by ordinance which requires $200 for each new residential lot. Mr. Karp stated that the Recreation Director has flexibility under the ordinance concerning, the street tree requirement. Mayor Pope suggested that'perhaps the.park fee. should not be charged in a situation such as this, where the lot is already developed and.the fee has been paid in the past. He requested that Mr. Shipsey return to Council with a clarification of the ordinance or a suggested::rewrite of the ordinance. Council Member Millis ,also stated that it is not fair to charge this fee.for existing houses and the ordinance should be changed. On motion of Council Member VaQdeveer, it wa~ unani~ous~y voted to approve ?arcel Map No. 81-155 subject to the conditions as stated by Mr. Karp. u REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 81-359, PARCEL MAP AG 82-01, (CLAUDIA RAMIREZ) Public Works Director Karp stated that the subject lot split is located on the north easterly frontage.of Canyon ~~Y wit~in the ~ssessrnent district. The area ~s zoned RAB2 and classed low-density residential in the Land Use Element of the General Plan. ~?rcels range in s~zes from 20,OOO.square feet net to 29,000 square feet net. Improvm~ents were constructed with the district. The park and street~ee fees have been collected and. offers to dedicate have been sho~ on the parce~.map. He recommended approval subject to the following conditions: r , i I, CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 12, 1982 PAGE SIX 1) Accept on behalf of the public the,offers of dedication for streets. and the easement for. stree~. tree ,planting., , 2) Find that the map ~s consistent ,with the ~eneral Plan and City zoning. " . On mqtion o~ Council Memb~r Vandeveer, ~econded by C9~pcil Member Millis, it was unanimously.voted to approye Parcel.,Map,AG 82-01 ,subject to the conditi,;m's as stated 'by Mr. Karp. PUBLIC HEARING. ON PROPOSED. AMENDMENT TO RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN "R-S" DISTRICT PERTAINING TO ZONING,ORDINANCEOF CITY RELATING' TO WATER AND SEWER REQUIREMENTS - PRIVATE WATER WELLS .sERVING MORE THAN ONE. RESIDENTIAL LOT - PRINTZ ROAD AREA Administrator Sheld9n stated that ,this matter was considered by. the Planning Commission on December 15, 1981 and they recommend denial of the ordinance. If it is Council's desire to proceed there should be first reading of the proposed ordinance and it is Staff's recommendation that Council authorize the expenditure of the services of a consulting engineer to develop. such_stan4a~~s for-commu~ity_we~l sy~tems.. Mr. Sheldon submitted a letter from Garipg, Taylor and Associates.,. Inc., propos~ng to prepare the standards in the, amount of $2,000., The ,hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Pope opened'it for public comment. T.J. KIRKPATRICK, Printz Road, stated that water from his area should not be used~for_other areas. Council Member Vandeveer recommended the additional wording to the ordinance under subsection (c): "Which must provide for the well. :1:;0 be l.ocated on..one of the lots b~ing_ served". BILL PIERCE, Printz,Road, agreed with Mr. Kirkpatrick, stating he did not wish, to see water being p~Red,9ver the hill. BILL LACKEY, 877 Todd. Lane, stated that he, will not. be pumping water as he has sold three of, the four lots in question. ,BILL LANGWORTHY spok" to the question. JEFF WHITE" Printz Road, commented regarding th~ use permit which would b~ required by the Planning Commission. ,ELMER KIRK, Printz Road, stated that each private >'ater system should come from each aquifer under' the land. There being no further comment, the: hearing was closed. Council Member Millis stated he has reservations concerning community water wells. Mayor Pope stateq that the City is not responsible for maintenance for private water w(,lls. Council Member Hogan stated the City.is not responsible except for health purposes. Council Member.Smith stated that the City Engineer has recommended against community wells for health reasons and the Council has a moral obligation to citizens. ,She ,stated other areas in the City could be zoned R-S in the future and create problems. She stated she, is opposed to tre o~dinance. ,CouncilM~mber,Vandeveer stated he is in favor of the ordinanc~ and trat~there, could be a.shortage with . other wells besides community wells. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it waspassed..to accept, the proposed ordinance as amended. Council Members Smith and Millis ~issented. Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to dispense. with fur.ther reading of thecordinance.... There was discussion regarding Garing, Taylor and Associates, Inc. proposal. On motion of Council Member Hogan,_secondedby Council Member Vandeveer, it was passed'to authorize expenditure in the, amount of $2,000 to Garing, Taylor and Associates, Inc. to deye~op standards ~o~. community water'wells. Council Members Smi..th and Millis. dissented. ,. PUBLIC HEARING ON VARIOUS CURB AND GUTTER ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS IN CITY FOR PURPOSE OF HEARING PROTESTS. AND OBJECTIONS BY PROPERTY OWNERS ,ON REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION. OF SIDEWALKS MJlJ/OR CURBS, GUTTERS AND DRIVEWAY APRONS Public Works. Director Karp stated,on~ written protest was received from Harriett Luke Williams and Wayne W. Luke concerning_ 425 Traffic Way (Woods Addn. Ptl1. of Lots 27 and 28,. APN 7-553-39). -- Mr. Karp explained that the law requires that all parties be given a period of sixty days to construct street improvements appropriate to their properties. The law indicates that the hearing must be held before the City Council on the date stipulated by the--notice and that the hearingc must be no less than ten (10) days of the day of posting. 91 \: , Ii 'I Ii I I I I , I , ~ I I II 'I II , I' I Ii I' :1 I i I I I 'I 'I !I Ii Ii Ii II II I' II Ii ,I " I , 92 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 12, 1982 PAGE SEVEN At this hearing the property owners may contest the inclusion of their properties within the districts ordered by the City Council last month. In the event there are protests and the City wishes to_ override those_ protests and comPlete the districts as previously approved, it will require a four-fifths vote. Mayor Pope opened the hearing. for comment. CHARLIE FOLSOM, 1147 Fair Oaks, questioned the law concerning assessment districts and protested his property being included iri the district. DON GREEN, 809 Huasna Road, questioned the cost of-grading if the City does the work. MARSHA SCHRUM, 803 Huasna Road, questioned if the City would salvage the hedge in her froht yard. There being no further comments, the hearing was closed. Mayor Pope-stated that officially two persons have protested the district. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was passed to override the protests and include them in the assessment district. A roll call vote was taken with Council Member Hogan dissenting. REVIEW OF LOPEZ CONTRACT FUNDING FOR PURPOSES OF PROJECTION OF CASH REQUIREMENTS AND PROPOSED RATE ADJUSTMENTS Administrator Sheldon recommended that, because.this item may require lengthy discussion, a study_session be scheduled. It was the consensus of Council ,that Mr. Sheldon return at th~ next meeting with a recommendation as. to possible dates. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING NEGOTIATED-EXCHANGE OF-PROPERTY TAX REVENUE BASE BETWEEN CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, RE: STEM AREA Administrator Sheldon stated that the negotiations have bee completed on the exchange of property tax revenue base for the Stem Annexation property and. the Board of ~upervisors have adopted a resolution to that effect. He presented a resolution to be adopted establishing the rate of tax revenue base. Attorney Shipsey read the title of the resolution. On motion .of Council Member Smith',seconded by Counci~ Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of.the resol~tion. RESOLUTION NO. 1518 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE NEGOTIATED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE BASE BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND THE_COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded byc:Council Member Smith, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Mi~lisf Vandeveer, May~r Pope None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 12th day of:"January, 1982~. REQUEST BY CHIEF OF POLICE FOR COilllCIL AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE TWO VEHICLES AND APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT THEREOF Administrator Sheldon stated that two new police cars were approved in the 1981-82 budget: However, both bids received exceeded the budgeted figure of $16,500. He stated that the State of California Purchasing Agent was contacted and they have available 1982 Fury Plymouths which can be purchased for $7,125.00 each and delivered within 90 days. He stated that the bids from local agencies were $9,106.46 and $9,308.72. Because of the substantial difference in prices, he recommended approval of purchase of the Plymouths from the State of California. .Police Chief Clark .answered questions of Council. Council Member Hogan stated that the City should u u n I n 93 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 12, 1982 PAGE EIGHT shop locally. Council Member Smith agreed except in this in~tance where there is a_large amount of money to be saved by the-taxpayers. Council Member Millis agreed. Council Member Vandeveer mov"d to accept the Staff's recommendation and authorize purchase of the. 1982 Fury Plymouths from the State of California in the amount of $15,105.00. The motion was seconded by Counci~ Member Smith and passed with Council ~ember Hogan dissenting; . - ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Smith questioned if a staff member will be present at the LAFCO hearing regarding the Stem Annexation. Administrator Sheldon stated that he wilt attend. . Administrator Sheldon announced that Council Member Ilmith'. .;:win be named 'Woman of the Year' by the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce. Those present offered their congratulations. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member.Vandeveer, ~econded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:30.P.M. ATTEST: (l.h1~dwJ DEPUTY Y CLERK . ~~L .MAy'O . .- -,-",.