Minutes 1982-04-27 r r ! 129 i-- I CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA Ii 11" APRIL 27, 1982 ! ii TIie City Council met in regular session .with Mayor Smith presiding. U~o~ . " rqll call, Council Members Lawrence E. Vandeveer, Matt Gallagher, Mark I'M. and Karl A. Hogan reported present. ii ,I i[ Millis, . ,~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Hogan.led.the Pledge of Thereafter, Council Member Millis.delivered the Allegiance. to our .Flag:: invocation., APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ii " . On.motion of. Council Member. Vandeveer, seconded. by.Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously. voted .to.approve the minutes. of April.13 and:!April 20, ..- !i 1~82 as presented. 'i APPROVAL.OF WARRANTS , On motion of Council'Member Vandeveer,. seconded by Council.Member. Gallagher, Demand Warrants #17242 through #17345 in the amount of $71,542.14 I . 'I an,d Payroll Warrants #22127 through #22240 in the amount of $57,997.20 Ii were approved and ordered paid.. 'i . . :! PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION TO HUGH O. POPE, JR., AND COUNCIL MEMBER .OF CITY OF .ARROYO GRANDE . '. 'Mayor Smith presented the Certificate.of Appreciation Jr. .and thanked .him for his dedication to the'.'City. FORMER MAYOR ii to Hugh ~!ci . Pope, Il ~ ii Ii LOOMIS FOR HIS PUBLIC PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION TO DAVID SERVICE TO THE CITY.OF ARROYO GRANDE Mayor.Smith requested. that Staff deliver the.Certificateof Appreciation to Mr. Loomis as he was not present. ~i MAYOR SMITH'S APPOINTMENTS OF COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Mayor Smith appointed persons and their alternates to the committees: ",i i' " i" alternate. il APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Membe~ . 'I Vandeveer, it-was unanimously voted-to approve the consent agenda ltems with ttie recommended courses of action.- . Ii A~l. Notice and Invitation for Council to Participate in La Fiesta Parade " on Saturday, 'May 22, 1982, in,San Luis Obispo. .RECOMMEND COUNCIL MEMBERS NOTIFY STAPF RE: THEIR 'PARTICIPATION.. :i :1 ;i A~2. Notice of Invitation. by 'League .of California Cities for.Council Members tq Attend IINew Mayors and Council Members' Institute", May 12-14, 1982~ RECOMMEND REVIEW AND NOTIFICATION TO CITY ADMINISTRATOR IF PLANNING Toi!ATTEND. 130 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 27, 1982 PAGE TWO A-3. Notice of League of California Cities' Channel Counties' Division Meeting to be Held May 7, 1982 at ,Fillmore. RECOMMEND, REVIEW AND NOTIFICATION TO OFFICE OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR IF PLANNING TO ATTEND. A-4. Receipt of Parks and Recreation Director's Report, Re. Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of April 14, 1982. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-5. Notification from PERS (public Employees' Retirement System) o~ Change in Interest Crediting Rate, i.e., 6-3/4% to 9%, Effective July 1,1982. INFORMATIONAL ITEM ONLY. u A-6. Receipt of California Department of Transportation's Revised 1982 Proposed State Transportation Improvement Five-Year Prog~am (PSTIP). INFORMATIONAL ITEM ONLY. A-7. Request/Recommendation ,for City Council to Deny Arroyo Grande by Michael Petak, Incident of 3/29/82. APPROVAL OF SUCH RECOMMENDATION OF DENIAL. Claim Against:City of RECOMMEND COUNCIL'S A-8. April Receipt of 19, 198~. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes for Meeting of RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-9. Request/Recommendation by Chiefs of Police and Fire for Council Approval and Adoption of Emergency Response Plan - Standard Operating Procedures, Re: San Luis Obispo County Nuclear Power Plant {Revision C). RECOMMEND REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SAID PLAN. A-IO. Receipt of ,League of Cal~fornia Cities' Legislative Bulletin No. 15, and Others. RECOMMEND REvIEW; APPLICABLE ACTION, IF ANY; AND FILE. A-II. Receipt of Answered Agend~ by Director of Public Works, Re: His Attendance at Zone Three Advisory Board Meeting Held April 15, 1982. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-12. Request that Mayor Proclaim the Week of May 9-15, 1982, as "NATIONAL POLICE WEEK" in the City of Arroyo Grande, and also that' May 10, 1982 be proclaimed as "POLICE MEMORIAL, DAY" in the City of Arroyo Grande; RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. CONTINUANCE BY COUNCIL OF ACTION ON RESOLUTION TO PROHIBIT PARKING'ON WESTERLY SIDE OF TRAFFIC WAY FROM STATION WAY (FIRE STATION) TO' ARROYO GRANDE CREEK BRIDGE Administrator Sheldon explained that this item was continued from the last meeting to allow Staff to notify the adjacent property'owners. He stated,a lett~r was received ,from Mr. John Kuden statin~ he has no objection to the no parking requirement in front of his property. Attorney Shipsey read the title of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Millis, sec~nded by Council ~ember Gal~agher, ~t w~s ~nanimouls~ voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1532 J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABL1SHING A'''NO PARKING" ZONE ON A PORTION OF TRAFFIC WAY On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on:the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: . Council Members Vandeveer, ~allagher, Millis~ Hogan, Mayor Smith None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of April, 1982. r n 131 (< CITY COUNCIV ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 27, 1982 PAGE THREE NOMINATION BY MAYOR SMITH RE: PERSON FOR APPOINTMENT TO DOWNTOWN PARKING ADVISORY BOARD TO FILL VACANCY THEREON (TERM ENDING DATE FOR SUCH APPOINTMENT - 6~30/82) Mayor Smith stated. she received the nomination of the AdvisorY Board this evening and they have. nominated Dr. J. o. Pence. She placed his I . II name in nomination. All voted in favor to appoint Dr. J. O. Pence to the P~rking and Business Improvement Advisory Board~. _ Council Member Milli~ a~ked if any recognition will be ,given, to. Mr. Brisco.or others involved in providing the parking lot doWntown. . Planning Director Hays stated that there will be a ceremony in front of the"parking lot next month. . COUNCIL REVIEW AND DIRECTION RE: SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS".AGENDA FOR MEETING OF MAY 6, 1982 . , Administrator Sheldon.stated this is only an informational item uhless any council member wishes to discuss a particular item on the agenda. Council Member Vandeveer stated he had .not been able to vote at .the last COG meeting' regar'ding AB 120 as he had not. received. any direction fromHCouncil. , - " I' It REVIEW AND ACTION BY COUNCIL REo RENEWAL OF.LEASE BETWEEN CITY. AND BRUSH-POPPERS RIDING CLUB, INC. . FOR PERIOD OF 7/1/82 TO 6/30/87 .. 'i Administrator Sheldon stated that the City owns approximately'i5 acres of land on the Nipomo Mesa which we have. leased since 1965 to the Brush" ., Poppers Riding Club; InCa The current lease was entered into. on June )?8, .1977 and will expire June 30, .1982. "The proposed new lease. reads exactly th,e same as the prior lease vlth the exception that the term has been :~ changed to begin July 1, 1982 and. ending. June 30, .1987..He stated he. sees r .. \[ no reason not to renew. the lease. Attorne~.Shipsey .stated that. paragraph #19 I .. . - 'I should be deleted as it deals with thepossible.drilling. of a water well arid is no longer appropriate. Council MembeL'Millis questioned the am6unt of liability insurance to be carried by the Brush Poppers", Attorney shipsey " . - 1 agreed that perhaps the amount of $500,000 is.not.adequate. Wend Rendquist ot' the Brush Poppers Riding CluD, Inc.,. stated. that -the Club wishes to1irenew .the lease and they.carry an additional 'insurance.other than that. specified by the lease.. On motion ~f Council Member Millis, seconded by Council!:Member I jl . Vandeveer, it was . unanimously voted to. continue this item .to allow Staff to r~view paragraph #19 and the ,amount .of liability insurance. ~! I . ~i !, REVIEW AND. DISCUSSION OF. PETITION AGAINST ORDINANCE NO. 263 C.S., REZO~ING OF: SIEGFRIED . BADEN , S PROPERTY, .1385.-BRIGHTON AND. PETITION AGAINST. RESOLUTION NO. 1519.,; AMENDMENT TO GENERAL PLAN RE: BADEN PROPERTY .'Administrator Sheldon reported. that the. City Clerk has verified. the signatures of the petitions and determined. that the required.lO%.of . tlie. registered voters have sigm,d .the .petitions.. .Councilnow has the. bption .> .. I o~. repeal.ing the resolution anC!. o,rdinance, ,or .submitting.. the issue :to trh~ voters. .He referred to the .submitted.procedure for referring it to the voters arid. the submitted resolution and ordinance for repealing the actions, if that is, Council's' desire.. Councii Member Vandeveer. suggested that Council.has the tBird' option of. taking no .action .which. would allow. the.,'proponents of the . p~tition to'take action.,within ..the .courts. Council Member. Hogan .agreed .that the pubiic ,nas,the right. to be sued. by their ,own .action.* After discus~ion, .. .' . - . - II Council Member. Vandeveer moved. that Council.take no. action .and was seconded i .. 11 by Council Member. .Hogan. A.roll call vote was _taken: ' , . I AYES: . Council. NOES: . Council ., ABSENT: None. Members .Vandeveer. Members 'Gallagher and .Hogan.. . and Millis.,. Mayor Smith Attorney Shipsey enti-rety. , . read the. resolution. repealing Resolution No. 1519 in its <! " , i' ',' mak.es a.decision, ~h~.C9uncil public votes on it in aF to be sued them~'el;"es. . I' *HiddHion de'terrnines , re,ferendum to comment by if the public petition then Mr..Hogan) If Couri~il is to be sued; if the they assume the right 132 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 27, 1982 PAGE FOUR RESOLUTION NO. 1534 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ,CITY OF ARROYO GRAND~ REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 1519 AFTER CONSIDERATION, OF A REFERENDUM P~TITION PROTESTING ADOPTION OF SAID RESOLUTION On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded ~y Council Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: ,NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher and Millis, Mayor Smith Council Members Vandeveer and Hogan None u the foregoing' Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of April, 1982. AttorneY,Shipsey read ~he orldinance repealing Ordinance No. 263 C.S,. in its entirety to constitute the first reading. PUBLIC HEARING ON APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION, OF DENIAL (PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 2, 1982) RE: USE PERMIT CASE NO'. 81-314, W. VON BISKUPSKY/VIP FUTURE CORP., CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION OF 28-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX TO AIR SPACE CONDOMINIUMS, 1173 FAIR OAKS AVENUE , , Planning Director Hays stated that the application was for a 28-unit apartment complex to be converted to air space, condominiums. He stated that the units were designed and constructed as apartment units. In the past ~wo years no new apar~ent complexes. have been constructed and'this conversion woul~ compound the shortage ofrrental units in the City. The Planning Commission voted ~nanimousiy to deny this Use Permit 'for the following reasons: 1) Housing Element update has not been completed. 2) Community's need for rental untis 3) Would not create affordable housing at this time. 4) Proposal does not meet the ~rdinance requirements for condomini~ conversions The hearing having been properly published and,moticed, Mayor Smith opened it for public comment. Mr. Von Biskupsky submitted additional material to Council and on motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to ac~ept th~ m~terial into the r~cord~ Mr. Von Biskupsky stated that he was before the Planning Commission in 1981 and the Housing Elem~nt was not completed. He st~ted that the application does "meet ~he r~quirements of the condominium or~~~ance an~ each unit ~s only 25 square feet less, than the requirement. He stated he wishes to create affordable housing so that persons may have the opportunity to purchase their own home. There bei~g' no further comments, the hea~ing was cl~sed.- Council Membe~ Hoga~ stated ~e .~s in favor of t~e conversi9n ~s it' would ~llow' persons to purchasepproperty who would not otherwise be abl~ to. Council Member Vandeveer stated that the City can't ask applicants to wai~ on their u( projects because the Housing Element is not completed. He questioned Mr. Hays as 'to how the application does not meet the code. 'Mr. Hays stated that Ordinance 'No. 197 C.S. ' contains design standards which the application, does not meet, such as sep?rate.water facili~~es;. the manner in which th~ building is constructed; and the square footage requirement. . Council Member Millis stated that the Building Code has different requirements for apartments and condominiums. Council Member Gallagher stated that there is a need for rental units. Mayor Smith stated she feels the ordinance is not too stringent and she is~~not in favor of the conversion. Council Member Hogan stated that the ordinanc~s need to be changed which prevent persons from owning property. Council Member Gallagher moved to deny'the appeal of Use Permit Case'No. 81-314 and uphold the decision of the Planning Commission with the finding that the proposal. does not.meet the Ordinance requirements for condo~ini~ converS1:ons~;. The motion. was seconded by Council- M~er Millis.. A~_ro~l call vote was taken: i I I l r r ------- 133 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 27" 1982 , PAGE FIVE AYES: Council MEimbers Vandeveer, Gallagher; MilliS, Mayor Smith NOES: Council Member Hogan ABSENT: None 'c'l " :i ,i :.; " , PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 221 C.S: TO AMEND EXHIBIT :'A' THEREOF TO MODIFY THE PROPOSED CIRCULATION SYSTEM AND LOCATIONS OF THE HOUSING UNITS, KNOLLWOOD DEVELOPMENT;' PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHEAST OF U.S. HIGHWAY ,101 AND SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER " Planning Director Hays stated the amendment to Exhibit" A' of ii Oidin~nce No, 221 would modify the circulation system to lessen the impacts of construction for this circulation system: ,The proposed amendJOent does . -.' . . . .. II not affect the number of proposed units, ,however, it slightly alters the locatio~ of'dwelling units'due to 'the'new' road'alignment. "The amendment to Exhibit A would be the only change to the 'ordinance' and' would still;l- apply in all other cases to this project. The hearing having been properly published 'and;noticed, Mi>yor'Smith opened 'it for public' "ominent. Wayne . ", '. . . - ,I Stuart, engineer for'the-'project; commented that Exhibit A is the only:! 'I I) change to thecordinance. There being no further comments, the hearing" was 'closed.' Attorney Shipsey read'the title of: the ordinance to constitute the first reading. On motion of COUnCil'Member'vandeveer, seconded by; " Council Member Gallagher, it was unanimously voted to dispense with fUfther n,'ading' of thecordinance. ' , 'ei ',- ' , , I , .I PUBLIC" HEARING FOR PURPOSE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION OF PREZONING :; TO :PLANNED INDUSTRIAL (PM) ZONING' OF AREA KNOWN AS '''SHANNON RANCH"; LOCATED SOUTHERLY OF CITY LIMITS AND HIGHWAY 101' ,I ' Planning Director Hays stated that, Council needs to determine !,if an environmi,mtal impact report shOUld ,be reqUired' for this project as the:, applicants have submitted a request for prezoning for the site'which they wi'sh to annex to the city: ' He stated that"this dete'rmination should b~ ' made prior to consideration of the prezoning. He stated specific envi;onmental concerns: 1) sewage capacity, 2) water Supply 3)' access ,and circulation problems 4): visual impacts 5)1 drainage impacts' 6) growth inducing impact J I Mr. Hays 's'tated that' if 'an EIR is iequi'red', there will' be no further h<;arings on the project until completion of the report. He noted that the applicant is Willing to prepare an EIR for the project. He stated that Council ~as three options on this issue: 'I" , 'i 1) ,I Find that the proposed project could not have a significant effect :;on the environment and direct 'that a negative declaration be prepared;:,' . . - J" . .... -. . -:r Find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect . . -'. '. - ,r _ on the environment, there will 'not be a 'significant 'effect iri thislcase because'the mitigatio~ measures des'crilOec( have' been added to the p'toject, and further, 'direct that a~negative dec1'arat'ion' _ with ,the so list-e:d mitigation,'measures ,:-: be prepared.' Ii 2) 3)" Find that the proposed project may have a sigrii'ficant effect 'on th~' envirorllnent and di'rec,t' th'at 'an'enviroirniental impact 'repolC~"be' I?rep~red. " - . . . The hearing having 'been properly published 'and noticed; Mayor'Smith'opened . - . .. . - . '. i,t' for public comment. Tony Decker; applicant f6icthe pro] ect, concurred th~t the project needs an E'[R ZlS certain'q.,est'ioris'ne'ed to' be anSWered!! ' prOfeSSionally. There--being'no further comments, the hearing was' closed. Council Member Vandeveer stated there are enough questions involved to'i warrant an EIR. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 134 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 27, _ 1982 PAGE SIX counGii Member-Millis moved to find that _the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment and direct that an environmental impact report be prepared and that it be prepared particularly concerning the six items as stated by Staff. The motion was seconded-by Council Member Vandeveer. A roll call, vote was taken: AYES: Council Members Vandeveer, Gallagher, Millis, Hogan, Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None RECEIPT BY PRESIDENT OF _ARROYO GRANDE _HARVEST FESTIVAL COMMITTEE FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VARIOUS ACTIONS TO ACCOMMODATE FESTIVAL pARADE Administrator Sheldon stated that the Harvest Festival Committee is requesting approval of the following: 1) Request permission- to hold parade on October 2 and to close off Grand Avenue from Brisco Road to State Highway 227 at stanley Avenue. J, \ 2) Permission to utilize city parking area between- Short and Bridge Streets for game area, and the area-behind City -Hall.- 3) Request City to provide street barricades in the booth area and along the parage route. 4) Council adopt resolution requesting authorization of the State Department of Transportation to close a p~rtion of Branch Street during parade time. city Attorney Shipsey read the title of the-resolution. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Gallagher,- it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1535 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION _TO CLOSE A CITY STREET On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Hogan, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members vandeveer, Gallagher, Millis, Hogan, _Mayor Smith None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of April, 1982. REVIEW BY COUNCIL OF pLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING SECTION OF ZONING ORDINANCE OF CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE I~IJ~ Administrator Sheldon_stated it was requested that this item be _ placed on the agenda_cfor discussion and _ requestedo:addi tionaL direction by Council. Mayor Smith stated that she requested this item be placed on the agenda. She stated she is concerned that the final plan of a development within the P-D zone does not return to council and fee",s that it_should. She requested discussion as to improvement of the ordinance so that the people'S rights-be_reflected in the planned zoning and the referendum process be available if citizens are concerned. The final plan is left to the discretion of those persons appointed and not elected and she stated she feels strongly-that this not be the case.- council Member Gallagher agreed and stated he would support-discussion of this item. council Member Millis stated the present ordinance is a 'blank_check' and that the development plan should come to Council and should be approved by ordinance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r r ,1' 135 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 27" 1982 PAGE sEVEN" :i " i Council Member Hogan stated he would be in favor of an amendment to the oidinance if it is fair and does not require more red tape. He stated lithe m~bers of the Planning Commission,are'carefully selected and should 'be tiusted. Council Member Vandeveer stated he feels the Council is alwa1s iri control of a final plan but'he~s not"rn'favor'of designating a' certain nuInber o'f allowable units for a rarge' parcer of land'- Pernaps the' 'desire for a certain riuniber of 'units will'''cnange. He also" stated he does' not!'- oppose changing the ordinance to require that a final plan for the P-D: zoning return to Council. Council Member Millis stated the number of units should be specified to let the public know how many will be allowed. After discussion and on motion of Council Member Millis, 'seconded by Council!;Member G';llagher, it was passed to direct'Staff to prepare an ordinance that it requires that the final plan for all'applications in the Planned Development zoning be approved by Council and that such plan be approved by ordinadce. , -, . . -- - " Council Members Vandeveer a!ld "Hogan_ <?-iss~nted~ . - , REVIEW BY COUNCIL OF GENERAL PLAN OF CITY OF,ARROYO GRANDE Administrator Sheldon stated that he has discussed the review:;of the G~neral Plan with Planning Director Hays and it is their consensus that the Housing Element, Land Use Element and Circulation Element are in need 6f an update. The question has also been raised regarding amendments to the !IGeneral pran as' the 'law requires that only three amendments 'can be made per ye~r. City Attorney Shipsey has cited the case of the Interested Landowners ~s. , - .. . .. .- jl the City, of San Luis ,Obispo wherein there were six resolutions considered at the same time which constitutes one amendment. ,He has verified thi~ with t~e state Office' of Planning and Research which has ag~eed~with'cthis piocedure. Mr. Sheldon requested 'guidance fromCouncil'regarding the 'handling of ~he updates and suggested three procedures. 'He ' stated the first would be to ad the repor'ts 'in-hotis~ef howe\Ter~ this would require several months' toj(a - I .' _ _. _ .. ," .. ". year or more with the current heaVy' workload'in the Planning Department. The second would be to add an, additional staff member who would have t~ be of a 'high level. He stated this'would not be the most economical choice.! The last procedure, and one which could be done in a reasonable amount of time, i~ to deal with a consuiting firm 'and the updates Dould possibly be re~eived I . " .. .. . , H w~thin the next, six months.., He added that the Noise and Housing Eleme,;,ts are the only elements which have specifics as to how they must be addressed. There was discussio; as' to'what items should be included in the elemenfs and the cost of the updates. On motion,of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member "Hogan, ~:t was unanlin9~sly yoted .to dir::ect Staff to makeJ!a determination as to the amount of mone"y required for these updates "by ~he- next meeting, particularly the Housing Element. There was discussion as to to' what particula'';' i'tems should' be 'co'vered in 'the remaining elements. !:It was the consensus of Council to hold a study session on 'Ma~ 11, 1982 at 6:30 P.M. COUNCIL DISCUSSION RE: RESOURCES WITHIN CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Mayor Smith suggested that discussion of this item be included in the study session on May 11. Planning Director Hays stated that the discussion could be included in the Land Use Element. There ,was:ldiscu~sion . .. -.. ". ..' .... . " .. I, as to' the, cost of a Resources Study. Council Member Vandeveer suggested that the S"tate Water Resources Board be ihvited to g.'ive an estimate' o'n":the . .r". _. ..- .'_' - - . . . ",. . . ,I cost of a resources study for the Arroyo' Grande 'va~ley only,' . Council Member Millis stated that'the study needs 'to" include 'the number 'of 'housing units arid how many~lots have been approved within the City. Mayor Smith req~ested all council members to bring their questions and concerns to the study:! session on M~y~ll. It was the c~nserisus" ~~ CounCIl -to ~ontinue discussion of this item to the "study session on May 11" 19'82 at 6':30 P.M. ii, ' 136 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 27, 1982 PAGE EIGHT LETTER OF REQUEST FROM SLO COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ARTS PLAN AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION~APPROVING.SUCH PLAN Attorney of Council Member unanimously voted . . Shipsey read .the' title of the resolution',- On motion Vandeveer, seconded by .Council 'Me~er Gallagher, -it was to dispense with further' reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1537 A RESOLUTION OF~THE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY . OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PHASE ONE OF THE . SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ARTS PLAN On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Council Member Vandeveer, Gallagher, Millis, Hogan, Mayor Smith None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of April, 1982.. RESOLUTION OF.COMMENDATION CITING EXPERTISE OF SLO.COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE DURING RECENT CITY ELECTION Administrator Sheldon stated that this resolution is to commend the County'Clerk's Office for their assistance in theCCity's .election held April 13, 1982. Attorney Shipsey rea? the title of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1536 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO"'GRANDE RECOGNIZING THE ASSISTANCE OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE IN THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL~ELECTION HELD APRIL 13, 1982 On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES:, ABSENT: Council Members Vandeveer, Gallagher, Millis, Hogan, .Mayor Smith None None the foregoing Resolution was passed.and adopted this 27th day of April, 1982. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Vandeveer stated that he.has received many calls from residents .0n.The Pike who.wish sorne.action.regarding the eucalyptus. -trees,on that street, .particularly in view of the Anaheim fire. Administrator Sheldon stated that Staff is checking into the possibility of having the. trees topped. Council Member Millis recommended that Oral Communications be listed at the beginning of the agenda so that citizens don't need to wait until the end of the meeting to bring a matter before Council. It was the consensus of Council that Oral Communications be the first item on the agenda. u U I r r 137 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 27, 1982 PAGE-NIl:lE , , , I Council Member Hogan' requested infonnation"as,'!tol'l.who had spoke --:against:! the requesLof'.c.tlies,$,anitation -District to 'the .RegionalWater Quality' ;, Cdntrol Board.for'expansion of the sewer 'plant. , Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oakhill Road, stated she had spoke against the permit as we do not need sewer '! facilities available to'farm land because it will'invite speculation arid we need to protect our ',farm land. . " - - -. ,.-.' -'-r Council Member-Gallagher spoke regarding the ,letter received by:Water-." ' Q,!ality Control Board'requesting'copies?!of--al,l'''plans submitted-to the..City which'involve grading. 'Attorney Shipsey'stated he-is looking into.whether. the Board can require this. Administrator'Sheldon stated that at-the moment a,~l' plans are being sent to;:the Board: '! CLOSED 'SESSION .'Council adjourned,to closed session'atnlO:35 P.M. to discuss, I), Recent Litigation,",and 2) 'Establishment of Guidelines for Meet-Confer Process'- Employees. c "Council-returned from 'closed session,. at 11: 30 P.M... and - Council "Member Gallagher was excused. ' ' ADJOURNMENT - - .. , On motion of 'Council-Member Millis, seconded by Hogan, it'was unanimously-voted to adjourn ,at...ll:35,P:M. on May'll, 1982- at-6:,30 P;'M. Council Member' to, a, study session ;! ,~ ./ .. ,i ~1a'~'- MAYOR A=~, ,~~~~. -." ;i' I ,f ~. .. . . ~-