Minutes 1982-05-18 147 CITY' COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 18,'1982 Tlie City Council met in joinYsession' with'the'meJnDEm,,' ot the'Planning" Co\nmission with Mi>.yor Smith presiding.. Upon' ioll call, 'Cou;'cil'Member~ Ma'tt Gallagher and Karl A. Hogan reporteo pres'ent: Council MeIDbers .r Lawrence E. Vandeveer and Mark M. Millis were absent. Those present of the Planning Commissioners were:---William Gerrish, Chairman, 'Pearl r) Cole, Harold R. Benhardt; Harold G. Moots~ and-DerriL'PHkhigton. " " r.. I DISCUSSION OF GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE After discussion, it was the consensus of those present that the General Plan and the various elements are in need of up~atin9 and this~~ should be 'accomplished inCthe near future; II ADiJOURNMENT i. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council MeIDber Hogan, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:05 P.M. :; _, i ATTEST: (l~~~ DEPUVITY .CLERK, . . ......... . .~ l.. ,-/!)'C~~ MAYOR" . , , ,I 1l 'I' ,,, " r I ': ,- .,: "