Minutes 1982-06-29 170 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 29, 1982 The City Council met in an adjourned session with Mayor Smith presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Lawrence E. Vandeveer, Matt Gallagher~ Mark M. Millis, and Karl A. Hogan reported present. .' . PUBLIC HEARING - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRlcr Sanitation District Administrator Paul Karp stated that the District ended this year with $41,186 in the operation and maintenance fund due to late collections.. Collected revenues left a balance of $12,000. Next year's revenues are projected at $300..,800 and exp€;nditures to rise to $300,340. The projected deficit for July 1, 1983" without a rate increase, J'" is $29,391. He stated he is recommending a rate increase of 759; from $2.25 to $3.00 per month. Mr. Karp answered questions from Council concerning the proposed budget. Mayor Smith opened the hearing for public comment. Marie Cattoir, 196 Orcutt Lane, stated that the Sanitation District meetings should be held in Arroyo Grande. Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oakhill Road, commented regarding the proposed budget. Council Member Gallagher moved that the rate be increased by 259 per month and that the Sanitation District meetings be held in a more accessible place to the public, such as Arroyo Grande. The motion was seconded by Mayor;.Smith';.(Y.:"A roll call vote was taken: AYES: Council Member Gallagher NOES: Council Members Vandeveer and Hogan, Mayor smith ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Council Member Millis Council Member Vandeveer moved to authorize Mr. Millis, as representative to the District, to support a 509 increase. seconded by Mayor Smith. A roll call vote was taken: Council's The motion was AYES: Council Members Vandeveer and Gallagher, Mayo.,.smith NOES: Council Member Hogan ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Council Member Millis PUBLIC HEARING - REvENUE SHARING FUNDS Administrator Sheldon stated that June 29, 1982 was advertised for a public hearing on the use or revenue sharing funds. He li~ted the names of the groups requesting funding. He.' recommended ,that Council: I} allocate allot the revenue sharing funds for the general operation of the City during 1982-83 and reject allloutside applicants; or 2} allocate revenue sharing funds on the basis of the 1981-82 standards for outside applicants ($2,500) and that all remaining funds be allocated for the general operation of the City during 1982-83. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Smith opened it for public comment. DAN HERON, 291 Canyon Way, representing the Economic Opportunity Commission, explained that the Commission is wishing to establish a Community Volunteer Bureau and request $5,800 to assist in this effort. BILL WHITMEYER, San Luis Obispo, spoke representing Hotline, Inc., and stated his organization is requesting $500. RITA BRANFIELD, J,II.', 973 Ritchie Road, Grover City, spoke on behalf. of the Five Cities Meals on . Wheels, Inc., and stated they are requesting $2,000. JOHN ROSE, 119 Montecito, Pismo Beach, spoke representing the Family Services Center, and requested $600. DOLORES SITON, representing Harvest Bag, Inc., stated she is requesting $950. JACKIE MEGO, 559 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo, represented Hospice, Inc., and requested $200. LEONARD RODERS, People's Self-Held Housing, requested $1,500. NORMAN JENKINS, 760 Mesa View Drive, spoke regarding the South County Senior Citizens. ELLA HONEYCUTT, 560 Oakhill Road, spoke representing the Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District. There being no further comments, the hearing was closed. ---......----...---_.~- -...-- I I n n 171 .1 i :: 'I i! JUNE 29,.i 1982 , . PAGE TWO' i if" . .. ~ Council Member Vandeveer moved to support. the five..organizations supported last year and chan<;je..the amount for. the.'San Luis.Obispo County. Youth.. ~I- . Symphony to .$300 and add Hospice, J:nc.. in the amount of $200... The motion - . . ,I was seconded by Mayor smith. Council Member Millis stated that all !,-r~i . de'serving organizations, but in. view_ of the City~_s .financial- difficultfes, , !I he: recommended funding .only Meals on Wheels .and Harvest. Bag. .Council .i ~, '[ Member Hogan stated he would agree to the .amount of $300 each. Council' Member Gallagher moved to include Harvest Bag, Inc. .in the list. of :: . . ., -. :r organizations in the. amount of $300 and was se~onded by.. Council. Member ,i.- Millis. .Mayor Smith recommended the. deletion .of.E.O.C. .and.. the Children's. Theater. Alcl voted in' fav;'r:. Council.Member Millis. movedc;.to amend th.! mo'tion'to increase the.funds.to Five Cities Meals on Wheels to $1;000 'I : . . ! and was seconded. by Council Member Hogan.... All voted in favor.- It was.,i the consensus of Council to grant revenue sharing funds to the followirig organizations: if CITY COUNCIL ARROYO. GRANDE, CALIFORNIA. Fi,ve Cities Meals on .wheels,-.: Inc. Ho'tline,. Inc. San Luis. Obispo. County S~n.Luis Obispo County Fabily Services, Inc. Hospice, Inc. Harvest. Bag, Inc. $1,000." 500 300 500 500 200 500' I i i ; " i 'I f Youth Symphony Symphony Association A roll call vote was t~en on Council MembersVandeveer's ori~inal_moti6n to allot .the above amounts':. I I i Members Vandeveer, Gallagher, Millis,.Hogan,.Mayor.Smit~. ',i AYES: Council NOES: None ABSENT: None "f I .'1.' Council Member Hogan moved to place the balance of the revenue sharing ,ifunds, in' the amo?n~ of $214,770, be placed in the Municipal Budget. The motron was seconded by Council Member Vandeveer. A roll call vote was taken: ,I :t. AYES: .Council NOES:. Council ABSENT: None " i~__ Members. Vandeveer, Member Gallagher Millis, Hogan, Mayor.Smith i " Council Member Gallagher stated that revenue sharing funds should not ~e used for this purpose, but should be..used for.other.problems throughout the City such as the Sunset Drive 'drainage problem.. . He. suggested that Coudcil consider the budget first and then determine a use.rmr the revenue sha~ing ,. funds. . PUBLIC HElmING.FOR..WATER AND SEWER RATES ': Administrator Sheldon stated. that this. time and.date was. advertised for a public hearing on..the proposed water and..sewer rates. He referrJd to the utility rate study submit'ted by the Finance Director. The present 'rand p~oposed rates are as follows: - . -- - Ii - ,I :1 ..FROM .TO ...AMOUNTOF INCREASE Water Sewer Lope'z .$2.40. 1. 50. 5.75. " ii $"ii60 _ . ~,45 3'.'25 ii r !f $3.00 1.95. . 9.00 .'1 i .:1 ..'! 172 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 29, 1982 PAGE THREE Mr. Sheldon also stated that the Lopez cost factors are beyond the City's control and the additional $3.25 will go to the County of San Luis Obispo. The total of $772,770 is owed to the County at this time. He recommended that Council adopt the proposed rate increases in concept and direct the Staff to prepare the ftPpropriate ordinances for enactment.' The hearing having been properly noticed. and published, Mayor Smith opened for public commept. ROUG PERRIN, !epresenting the Arroyo, Grande City Employees of the Service Employees International Union,'urged Council to increase the rates and pointed out th~t these funds should be s~lf-sufficient. He listed rates in other cities in the County. ARTHUR'HERSTEDT, 849 Creekside, spoke in oppo~ition to the increase. JIM MCGILLIS, 136 Bridge Street, spoke in favor of raising the rates. MIKE THOMAS, 543 E. Branch, Stated that rates should be increased instead'of cutting servic~s: ,MARIE CATTOIR, 195 Orcutt Lane, questioned the payment'of social s~curity benefits to' employees. THOM HEAD, 344 Santa Fe, Pismb Beach, stated.. that 'social security b~nefits are pe~sonn~l items and do not con~ern th~s hearing; he pointed out that City employees are taxpayers also. DERRIL PILKINGTON, 933 Sandalwood, spoke in favor of the rate increases. ELLA HONEYCUTT, 560 Oakhill Road, questioned the financial situation of the City next year, if revenue sharing finds are used this year. KIM SCOTT, 563 Traffic Way, stated that the rates should pay for the services. MR. HERSTEDT read a letter from MR. PERRY WALKER, 809 Creekside, protesting the rate, increases. DORACE JOHNSON, 1279 Poplar, spoke to the question. KATHY ROOKUS, 220 Bell, spoke in favor of the rate increases. JUNIOR SYLVESTER, 2010 Beech Street, spoke regarding the rate increases. There being no further comments,tthe hearing was closed. Council Member Millis stated that he would be in favor of c a nominal r?te. ipcrease rather than the 9nes proposed. He suggested not raising the water fees; raising the sewer from $1.50 to $1.75 and Lopez, from $5.75 to $6.50. He added that all fat should be cut from the budget. Council Member Gallagher agreed that the water rates should not be increased; . .... I . . - . services for water should come directly from the water fund. Council Member Vandeveer stated that services should carry themselves and some 'moheylc'" should remain for maintenance. He added that he would support a minimul increase._ COUNCIL MEMBER GALLAGHER LEFT THE MEETING AT THIS TIME (10: 40 P.M.) Mayor Smith stated, that she is in favor,of the rate increases ~s the services should pay for themselves. Council Member Millis moved to not'increasee the rates. Thel.ll1l1otion died for lack of a second. Council Member Vandeveer moved to approve a 609 increase for water and was seconded by Mayor Smith. A roll call vote was taken: AYES: Council Member Vandeveer 'and Mayor Smith NOES: Council Members Millis'and Hogan ABSENT: Council Member Gallagher Council Member Millis, suggested that the discussion of the rate increases be continued until after discussion of the budget, Council Member Vandeveer moved to table the rate increases until discussion of the budget and was seconded by Council Member. Millis." All voted 'in favor. r- 1982-83 MUNICIPAL BUDGET Administrator Sheldon explained that copies of the 1980-81 budget were distributed as requested by Council. The 1982-83 budget is in balance in the general fund if the revenue sharing funds are used as recommended. The utility funds will.be in balanc~ if the proposed rate increases are adopted so that the funds will pay-their own way. The general budget, as presented, is $276,781 lower than the initial requests by departments. He gave a breakdown of each departmental request and the administrative recommendation. He stated this is a stop-gap budget. This is a lean budget designed for an agency which already has a tradition for being lean. He stated the proposed budget is 10.2% less than the 1980-81 budget. What is really significant about the proposed budget is than not only are capibal costs down but services and supply costs are down. He recommended adoption of the proposed budget. J J = r r :, 173 CITY COUNCIL, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 29,:'- 1982 PAGE FOUR Co~ncil reviewed and discussed each Bu?get and made amendments thereto. departmental budget of the Municipal . ,,' DISCUSSION OF WATER AND SEWER RATES , After discussion: Council Member ~il1is moved to continue the rate at the present $2.40 per month and was seconded by Council Member A roll,call vote was taken: , water Hogan. AYES: .Council Members Vandeveer.. Millis, Hogan NOES: Mayor Smith ABSENT: ,Council ,Member" Gallagher -"4 Council Member Millis moved to increase the sewer rate from $1.50 to per month. The motion was. seconded by.Council l1ember Hogan. Al.roll vote was taken: I $f.75 ca~l AYES: Council Members Vandeveer, Millis, Hogan NOES: Mayor,Smith ABpENT: Council.Member Gallagher " , 'r .~ Council Member Millis moved.to increase, the L9P~~ rate_fro~,$5,75,per mpnth 100,.$6.50 per month andwas,s!"conded by,<;:ounc:i,l Melllb!"r Hog;m. A roll call vo:te wa.s taken: A~S: ,Council,Members V~ndeveer, ~illts, Hogan. NOES:, . Mayor Smith "'" ABSENT: CounciLMember Gallagher Administrator Sheldon read.the resolution adopting,. the 1982-83. budget. in i tsentirety. Council Member Vandeveer mO)Teg to adop:t. the resolution. :! Th.1,re was discussion ,regarding an interim, budget until the final budget,., is i adopted. ,Administrator': Sheldon offered a resolution. to that. effect..!. ; '_ f Mayor Smith moved .100 ,adopt;;the. resolution.". There was, no second ,to the .,.' motion. After discussion,' it was the consensus .of Council to ~djo~rn ~~. 2:30 A.M. to a closed session. :! ADJOURNMENT Council returned from Closed Session at 3:30 A.M. and adjo~rne~ to, an adjourned session at 7:30 P.M. on June 30, 1982. "I' "rn", ~-tM ,DEPUTY Y, C~RK. ,. ",. i3'IiAuu~ . MAYOR, . . j~ l' 'i