Minutes 1982-10-12 n n 225 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 12, 1982 The City Council met in'regular session with Mayor Smith ,presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Lawrence E. Vandeveer, ~att'Gallagher,Mark~, Millis and Karl A. Hogan reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE .Council Member Millis led.the Pledge of Allegiance.to our Flag. Council Member Gallagher delivered .the. invocation, APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unan~mously voted to.approve the minutes ,of, September 28, 1982 as amended and the minutes of October 4, 1982 as presented. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by. Council Member Gal.lagher, Demand Warrants #18443 through #18541 and #P437 through #P446 in the amount of $283,105.87 and Payroll.Warrants. #23334 through #23459 in.the amount of. $58,608,73'were,approved and ordered paid. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member. Gallagher, it was unanimously voted to.approv~ the Consent Agenda Items with the rec9mmended.coursesof.action. . ' A-l;, Receipt of Departmental Monthly Report for Month of September, 1~82. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-2. Receipt of Letter of Thanks from Mid-State Bank tO,Fire Department, Re. Their Employees Attending Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Instruction/ Training Class. RECOMMEND REVIEW'AND FILE. , ' A-3. Receipt. of. Answered Agenda from. Planning Commission Meeting of Tuesday, October 5, 1982.. RECOMMEND. REVIEW..AND FILE., A~4. Receipt of Tax.Rate Information from County of Sap Luis Obispo for 1982-83 from Office of Fred W. Cusick, County Auditor/Controller. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A~5. .Receipt of corresporiden~e py Department of Finance ?f State of California Presenting Selected 1980 Census Data Available from.U.S. Bureau, of Census for State of California - Courtesy-'of Senator Mello. INFORMATION ONLY. A_6. Letter. of Thanks. .from Depar~ent of Employment and Training.Services of County of San Luis Obispo, Re. Use'of.City Council Chambers Facility for Summer Youth Employment Program Operation within South'County: "RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-7. Request by Hospice of San. Luis Obispo County, Inc. for Mayor to Proclaim Hospice Week from November 7-14, 1982, in City of Arroyo Grande. ,RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. A-B. Receipt of Letter from Nan Fowler, Re. He~.Resignation from Human Relations Commission of South County Effective November 1, 1982. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND ACCEPT WITH REGRET WITH DIRECTION FOR LETTER OF THANKS AND CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION TO NAN" FOWLER AT APPROPRIATE TIME. A~9. Receipt of Report by Parks and Recreation Direct9r,.Re. Special Meeting of Parks and Recreation Commission Held September 16, 1982. RECOI~ND REVIEW AND FILE. A_IO. Receipt of. Legislative Bulletin.No. 32 and Other Reports from League of California Cities. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND APPLICABLE ACTION, IF ANY, AND FILE. 226 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 12, 1982 PAGE TWO A-12. Report/Recommendation by Carl Warren & Co., Re. Union Oil Versus Oak Park Acres, et al. RECOMMEND NOTIFICATION TO INSURANCE .REPRESENTATlVE OF CITY'S REJECTION OF UNION OIL COMPANY'S REQUEST .FOR EXECUTION OF RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS. . A-IS. Receipt of Letter of Thanks and Appreciation from City of Grover City for City of Arroyo Grande's Assistance, in particular, Police Services During the Funeral Services of Grover City's Sergeant Arthur Corvino. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND DIRECT TO FILE. A-16. Notification to Arroyo Grande City Council by Pismo Beach Taxpayers Association, Re. Public Meeting About Offshore Oil and Gas Development and its Impact on Local Businesses, Scheduled for October 26, 1982. FOR NOTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY. A-I? Notification by Arroyo Grande Community Hospital fo Community Health Lectures Scheduled from November 3, 1982 through October 5, 1983 and Receipt of Hospital's Health Flyer - "Well Enough". FOR INFORMATION AND SO POSTED. A-18. Letter of Commendation from Don Clingman and Pete Bayer, San Luis Obispo County Deputy Sheriffs and Residents of Arroyo Grande - Accident. Incident of October 2, 1982, Re. Arroyo Grande Police Officer John Allen and Arroyo Grande Reserve Officer Jeff Buhler for Their Expertise and Dedication. RECOMMEND RECEIVE WITH APPROPRIATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. TO MESSRS. CLINGMAN AND BAYER, AND ALLEN AND BUHLER. A-19. Receipt of Chief Plant Operator's Monthly Report for September, 1982, Re. South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District's Maintenance.and Operation of Treatment Plant. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-20. Receipt of Letter Festival President, for Harvest Festival Days. of Thanks and Appre~iation from City of Arroyo Grande's Efforts RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. Ken Snover, 1982 Harvest and. Assistance During SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE RE: AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE TO EFFECT CHANGE . FROM "RAB3" .TO "Rl", SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, 400 BLOCK OF STAGECOACH ROAD, JOE'ZOGATA '. J Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Gall~gher, it was passed i to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. Council Member Hogan dissented. ORDINANCE NO. 282 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF.ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION ..302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN. THE CITY PF ARROYO GRANDE KNOWN AS THE ZOGATA PROPERTY On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, 'seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: r r / ,.,--.." 227 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO 'GRANDE, ,'CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 12,' 1982 PAGE THREE AYES:-- NOES: ABSENT: ' Council Members Vandeveer and Hogan--, Mayor Smith Council Members Gallagher and Millis None the foregoing Ordinance was passed-and adopted this 12th day- of-October, 1982. Council Member Millis stated that he would like to see a drainage plan for the area. Council Member Vandeveer stated that these matters should be left to the Planning Commission to make recommendations. Council Member Hogan stated that-it is unfair-tqrequire drainage plans before it is necessary as it is an unfair charge to the public." Council Member Gallagher pointed to the example<:of"Crown Hill and stated that, what was- constructed was not what was approved--and it-is"the responsibility of public officials to bee on the lookout for problems. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE --RE: AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO, 153 C.S., ESTABLISHING NO FURTHER DIVISION OF PROPERTY-IN TRACT-NO. 600,--BETWEEN BRANCH MILL-ROAD AND ARROYO GRANDE CREEK Attorney Shipsey read the title--of the. ordinance. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded -by Council Member Millis, it was passed to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. Council Member Hogan dissented. ORDINANCE NO. 280 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER--4, ZONING ARTICLE-- 32 OF SAID CODE,SO AS TO AMEND - ORDINANCE- NO,153 C.S. RELAT~VE TO TRACT-NO.-- 600 On motion of --Council Member Gallagher r' seconded--by__ Council Member Millis,_and on- the --following" roll call vote, to wit: AYES:- NOES: ABSENT: Counci~Members,Gallagher and-Millis,-Mayor Smith Council Members. Vandeveer and Hogan None the foregoing Ordinance,was_passed and adopted this _12th day of October, 1982. Council Member Vandeveer stated that-the cost of-this, ordinance is unnecessary as there are other ordinances to regulate this requirement. , SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE TO EFFECT ,INCREASE IN--REFUSE-RATES WITHIN CITY Attorney Shipsey read the title_of the-ordinance. Council-Member Hogan stated that ordinances should be read in their entirety so that the public may know what is being discussed and adopted: -On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously , voted that the ordinance be read in its entirety. Attorney Shipsey- read-- the total of the--ordinance. ORDINANCE-NO. 283 C.S. AN- ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING SECTION--IO, CHAPTER 4, TITLE- 6 -- OF THE- ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO GARBAGE COLLECTION RATES-- On motion of-Council Member Vandeveer; seconded by Council Member Gallagher; and on the following roll call vote; to wit:-- AYES: NOES: - ABSENT: Counci~. Members~ vandeveer,..Gallagh"er., Millis, Hogan, Mayor Smith None None -, the foregoing Ordinance was passed-and--adopted this 12th day of October, 1982. 228 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 12, 1982 PAGE FOUR SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE TO EFFECT REVISION/REPEAL OF CITY CODE RE: POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF CITY EMPLOYEES Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance. On motion of , Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 281 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OFcARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO'GRANDE MuNICIPAL'CODE BY REPEALING SECTIONS 2,,3..14, 2-3.15 AND 2-3.16 OF CHAPTER 3, TITLE 2, RELATING TO POLITICAL ACTIVITIES AND POLITICAL SOLICITATIONS OF EMPLOYEES u On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call,vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Mernb~rs'Vandeveer, Gallagher, Millis, Hogan, Mayor Smith None None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and,~dopted this 12th day of October, 1982. FURTHER DISCUSSION AND/OR UPDATE RE: REQUEST/CONCERNS BY RESIDENTS OF PEARWOOD AVENUE PERTINENT TO WELLS DRAINAGE MATTER Public Works Director Karp stated that Staff is recommending to reconstruct the overflow ditch that was designed and approved when the Pearwood Tract was originally developed. The construction will be a V-ditch approximately two feet deep, built at the grade shown on the grading plan for the tract. In order to-accomplish the construction and maintain the unlined ditch, the back fences must still be relocated off the easement to' enable equipment to use the easement. He stated that the construction of the unpaved'overflow ditch is a temporary solution' and future development of the property to the east will require construction of permanent facilities to provide for the drainage. He requested that Council author~ze Staff to request bids for reconstruction of, the Pearwood Avenue overflow ditch. John Guyler, 110 pearwood, requested that Council continue this matter 'as the residents' legal counsel is unable to be present. After discussion, it 'was the consensus of Council to continue this matter to the meeting of" October 26, 1982. PUBLIC ,HEARING ON AP,PEAL OF J..M., MCGILLIS OF SAN LUIS ENGINEERING, INC. ON DENIAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION RE: EQUESTRIAN ESTATES,' 40-UNIT SINGLE,., FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION, BUSICK/GEARING DEVELOPMENT, TENTATIVE TRACT 1043 Planning Director Hays stated that the subject property consists of 63 acres and is zoned nAn, Agricultural, and the land use designation is low density residential. He explained the proposed development andLthe uil,r proposed tentative tract mapJ. Mr. Hays stated that an Environmental Impact Report was prepared for an earlier project on this site (Grande Highlands) and a Supplement to,this EIR was prepared to discuss the environmental effects of this proposed project. As provided for by the Caiifornia' Environmental Quality Act, the Planning Commission certified this report as complete. Since the Commission has already certified this EIR, the Council need not take further action on it but should use it in the decision making process. He stated that if Council wishes to grant the appeal, necessary findings must be made as indicated in Section 15088 and 15089 of the CEQA Guidelines. The hearing having been properly noticed and published, Mayor Smith opened it for public comment. JIM MCGILLIS, spoke on behalf of the applicant" and stated that pr6posed,d~vE!lopment, of this property began five years ago. He stated that the land use 'element calls for low density residential density and the proposed development is the lowest density yet proposed. He stated that the concerns have been primarily concerning traffic and drainage. The proposed project provides for a collector street and the drainage from the project will not be more than it.is presently-, and may be less. r I: 229 CITY ,COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OC,!,OBER 12, ,1982 PAGE FIVE STAN ABBOTT, attorney representing the applicant, stated that Council should determine if development is 'to proceed there in the future or state that it should riot. PAUL HADDOCKS, 587 Valley 'Road, 'stated that there is no drainage plan' 'for the -area.' 'ROGER ~IEKKI', ,503 Orchard, stated that' there would"be, traffic problems on 'Orchard -wi th deviHopment 'of the-property.' JOHN RUNESL; Valley Road,"stated that-the development will create traffic problems on Valley Road arid' the traffic 'should go'to El 'Campo 'Road. " There being no further comments, the ,hearmIjg was"closed'.' Council Member Hogan stated that development of this, property has been",proposed- three ,times to the City and has been deriied' and"it is , unfair' to 'continue to do so. Council Member Gallagher"stated tliat he' is..familiar with the flooding in- the area and 'the traffic ,problems created,'by school 'busses trying' to' -', turn around on Valley Road. ,He'also' stated that' there should' be a circulation plan for the ,entire 'area; CouricilMember Millis'questioned' the proposed use of the open space' 'areas.' "Mr. 'McGillis explained that each property owner"would own a one-fortieth portion of "the open 'space. Council Member Millis' stated that the-,drainage and'the traffic are ,the problems and there' needs' to be an" area-'wide drainage 'pian for the area. Counci 1 Member Vandeveer' stated that his'- only" opposition to' the proj ect ~s the waste' of' land; Maximum use ;of the 'property should':be utilized." He stated he agrees with:the engineering'study and 'the' supplement to the EIR. Mayor Smith stated she questions a complete solution--to drainage for the entire area. The water should be taken underground to the 'creek. She' questioned the procedure for assessment for underground drainage. Public WorksDirect~r Karp explained the procedure. There was discussion regarding various routes for the undergrounding. Council'Member Gallagher moved to deny the appeal and uphold the Planning Commission's decision of denial based ,on: "lL the--circulation of, the 'area is ',unsatisfactory , compounds the::problen\s;uand was not addressed 'properly; and, 2) the , 'drainage was 'not 'properly solved and impounds other' areas; 'llhd"that;,'Cofmcil makes the finding under Section 66474 of'the Subdivision'Map'Act which is that the design of the subdivision or proposed improvements are likely to cause substantial 'environmental damage. The motion was' seconded by Council Hember Millis. A "rollcall vote 'was taken:" AYES: Council Members ~allagher arid Millis, Mayor-Smith-- NOES: Council Members vandeveer'and Hogan ABSENT: None FURTHER DISCUSSION, RE':EUCALYPTUS' TREES 'ALONG THE PIKE, Acting Administrator Clark 'referred to the report,from Parks and Recreation Director' Keisler."He' stated that' Staff has' received a' letter from Mr; Harold' E.' Forgostein, 'owner'of the' property on which' the' eucalyptus trees are planted. Mr. Forgostein is 'concerned' about"the trees but, would let the City do some light pruning and tracing out of the trees if Council desires., He added that Staff lias received informal bids 'on pruning 'the trees and branches that extend ove~' the roadway which might present a pUblic hazard. 'Only one ',bid was received - from Greenvale -Tree Company in which their estimate': is' $6',000' for triming of the trees. "Mayor Smith questioned the liability to-the City; 'Attorney'Shipsey stated that it is'his opinion' that the City' is not liable as, the "trees are' on",private prop'erty," Georg" Calendesh, representing, Mr.' Forgostein, spoke regarding,the trees. Council Member Millis' stated that" the 'City pruned the trees' in'1977, 'Public Works' Director Karp pointed 'out",ttiat' no funding' has been budgeted' for this' purpose. Council'Member Gallagher suggested"that Staff obtain' other bids for the ' " . tree triniining. Af,ter discussion- and on motion of Council Member" Mi-llis; seconded by Council Member 'Gallagher, it was unanlmously voted to'continue'this matter to' the' next'meeting' so that Staff may" confer' with 'Mr;' Forgostein for a' plan before'winter and that 'the matter may be'submitted to the City's' insurance carrier. - - 230 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 12, 1982 PAGE SIX DISCUSSION RE: EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Acting Administrator Clark stated that the Response Plan covers all types of emergencies including nuclear ,response, earthquakes,' floods, dam breaks, etc. He plans to have the plan upda'ted by' the nex't . meeting's public hearing. He added that on October 20 there will be a county-wide full field exercise and a critique to be held on October 22, '1982. He will report on 'this exercise ~t the next meeting. Mr. Clark stated that the Plan which was approved on April 27, 1982 is only a portion of the entire Plan which covers how responses will 'be carrled out relating to emergency agencies, such as fire and police departments: There was discussion as to whether the Plan approved in April should be rescinded in view of the upcoming public hearing. On motion of Council Member Millis, secoridedby Council Member Gallagher, it was unanimously voted to rescind the plan which was ,adopted on April 27, 1982. Marie Cattoir stated thaucthe proposed plan 'lists churches as location points and she has contacted some of the churches and they were not advised of this. She added that the Plan"ties the City to 'the County Plan. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was .. .' -. voted to seta public_ hearing on the Plan for October 26, 1982 and that copies shall be available -to the public.* Council Members Vandeveer and Hogan dissented. Council Member Gallagher 'left the "meeting: at 10,50 P.M. u PROGRESS/STATUS REPORTS OF PENDING ITEMS OF BUSINESS FOR COUNCIL'S REVIEW- --Update'of Land_Use Element --Oak Hill Road --Assessment District, Re. -Water Storage Facilities to Serve Tract 824; Lot 11 of'Tract 604, Oak Park Acres --Joint Meeting of Council '-wi th Village of Arroyo Grande Merchants ..J Association and Downtown Parking Advisory Board, Re. Restroom~> J' Facility within Village Area. --Appointment of Two Persons, by., Mayor Smith, to Fill Vacancies on South County Human Relations Commission --Continuation of PUBlic Hearing, Re. Rezoning Case No. 82-166, 345 Tally HoRoad, Miressmail Affijadi --City's Loan Funds Under California Safe Drinking.Water Bond Law of 1976 It was the consensus of Council to hold a joint'meeting with the Village Merchants Association and Downtown' Parking Advisory'Board on'November 8, 1982 at 7:00 P:M. Staff had no new information to report on the other items. Mayor Smith stated that she hopes to make an appointment to the Human Relations Commission at- the next-meeting. REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION BY FIRE CHIEF RE: CURRENT PREPARATION OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR FUTURE PURCHASE OF MAJOR FIRE APPARATUS -AdOCing~Administrator Clark read Fire Chief'Marsalek's report- Ur!i: which gave a background and history of-the existing Fire Department apparatus. He stated that the Fire Chief is requesting permission of Council: to prepare specifications-for a major piece of apparatus.' 'H~,:added that th~ Department's existing equipment is becoming old and he estimat~s ~~~~- cost+of~a major'piece of apparatus at 'approximately $125,000.' It takes approximately a year to ,manufacture, therefore, ,if preparation of specifications would take four - months' arid the City went to'bid in February 1983, delivery would possibly be January.1984~ Council Member Vandeveer'stated he' is in favor of preparation of'the specifications. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, 'it was unanimous~y voted to authorize'preparation of specifications for a ~ajor piece of apparatus for the Fire-Dep~rtment,' with no expenditure of funds at this time. *amended 10-26-82 ',---- I n ~ . l- . ..' " ~, ' 231 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 12, 1982 PAGE SEVEN RECEIPT OF COMMUNICATION FROM,SCHOOLS LEGAL SERVICE RE: PROPOSAL FOR ADOPTION OF SCHOOL FACILITIES FEE ORDINANCE, ' """ , ' " Acting Administrator,Clark,read the letter from Mr. Frank J. Fekete of Schools~Legal Se:r:vice., Mr. Fek,et,e"statedthat,his,8ervice represents all of the public school districts"within San Luis, Ob~spo County . and they .are propos;ing ?fl qrd:J-nance impl~me!lting._ the, p~ovisions of Gov7rnment Code Section 6597~,andp~oviding for requirem~nts fo~ developers tO,pay, fees to alleviate overcrowding in public schools o~", i?- J:~mpC?r~:r;Y b.~s.t~. Council Member Vandeveer suggested that this matter be discussed at the Mayor's meetings.. Mayor ?mith agreed and it was the consen~us of Council that this matter be 'discussed at' the Mayor!,s meetings. DISCUSSION,BY COUNCIL OF CURRENT FILING FEE FOR APPEALS TO COUNCIL AND FEES FOR, USE PERMITS AND VARIANCE PERMITS Acting Administrator Clark read, the memo from Planning Dir~ctor Hays explaining the existing use permit'and ~ariance 'fees' and "a 'co~parison of other cities' fees. He, also read a memo from the Deputy City Clerk explaining that the appeal fee to Council is $50.00 and a list of past publication fees for appeals. Planning Director Hays pointed out that the proposed increases are.meant only to cover the cost of the processing of the applications.. Council Member Hogan stated that the fees should not be raised. Council Member Millis stated that fees should not be a source of revenue and should be charged according to what the cost is to the City. Council Member Hogan suggested that a public hearing be held on this matter, to obtain puplic input" After, discussion"Council Member Millis moved to hold a public hearing on, this matter .on October 26, 1982 and was seconded by c~uncii Membe~ Hog~. The motion was'passed with Mayor Smith dissenting. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE TO CORRECT INADVERTENT ERRORS AND/OR OMITTED COpy IN ORDINANCE PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED BY COUNCIL RE: LOPEZ WATER RATE INCREASES Acting Admin,istrato,r Clark, expl"ined that this ordinance ,will correct an error made in the previously adopted ordinance regulating Lopez Water Rates. He added that the only change is relative to Multiple Dwellings, one, unit and each additional unit ?n t~e same meter; Motels and Hotels, one uni t a~d e~c~ ~9.di tional, unit <?n the s~e: :r.net~r; and Hospitals,. . C?nvalescent h;9me~, Convalescent..ho~pitals, a.nd per be??o~:._t~H;;~ same, m~ter. Attorney,Shipsey read the title of,the ordinance. On motion of Council' Member Vandeveer" seconde~ ~y.~ou~ci~.~ember Hogan, it was unanimously voted, to dispense ~i~, further. reaCiing !Of the, or'dinance,' to constitute the' first reading. DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL RE: SOUTH COUNTY WATER ASSOCIATION " Acting Administrator Clark read the letter from Howard Mankins stating that a meeting is scheduled for the Water Association on October ,13, ,,1982 at, 7:00 P.M. at Gr?ver City Hall., Mr. Ma~kins ,listed, several items of possible discussion for the meeting. Council Member Millis commented regarding the item concerning 'possible reailodation 'of" Lopez Water~ " -- , REPORT/RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: IRRIGATION AND LANDSCAPING OF WATER RETENTION BASIN AND FLOOD CHANNEL IN OAK PARK ACRES (PARCEL NO. 14) Planning Director Hays stated that','aecondition of the grading plan for the K~Mart project was that the developer be responsible for irrigation and landscaping of the Retention 'Basin and Flood Channel. 'OcHe'c' " stated that the developer is requesting that"this condition be modified. Mr. Hays recommended that Council waive the requirement so that they will still landscape their side of the channel and basin and the developers on the opposite site will be responsible for their own landscaping as they develop. Mr. Jim Wood, of Koenig and Wood Development Company, stated that this condition was a requirement included in the~_guading.::'.plan. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to approve them6dification to the condition as recommended by Mr. Hays. 232 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 12, 1982 PAGE EIGHT REQUEST BY PARKS AND RECREATIONJDIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS ON IMPROVEMENTS FOR BASIN NO. 3 OF THE SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX, SOFTBALL FIELD AND TURF, IRRIGATION AND ASPHALT. ROADWAY Parks and Recreation Director Keisler stated that the bid. documents have been reviewed by the State and .have . authorized the City.. to call for bids for the.project. The construction is for one completed softball field and turf, irrigation and asphalt roadway for bas~n number th~~e at Sata. . Sports.Complex. On motion of Council Member Hogan,.seconded by Council Member Millis, it was.unanimously voted to authorize the ca~l for bids per Mr. Keislerls recommendation. REQUEST BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ANNUAL CLAIM OF TRANSPORTATION FUNDS Attorney Shipsey read the title of the resolution approving the Annual Claim of Transportation Funds.. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was un~imously voted to dispense with further reading og the resolution. u RESOLUTION NO. 1670_ .,. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF ARROYO GAANDE APPROVING THE. 1982-83 ANNUAL TRANSPORTATION CLAIM AND.. AUTHORIZING. ITS SUBMITTAL TO THE S~. LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS On motion of Council. Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer" and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Vandeveer, Millis, Hogan, Mayor Smith None Council Member Gallagher the foregoing. Resolution. was passed and~adopted this 12th day of October,. 1982. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS .Bob Daddi, 522 Via La Barranca, requested ~nformation regarding the drainage problems in his area. Public Works Director Karp stated that he had. tried to initiate an assessment district in that ar~~ to deal wi~h these problems and. suggested that Mr. Daddi contact him for further information. Carol Smith, 146 Tally Ho Road, commented regarding xhe recent unfortunate. car accident on Tally Ho in which Mrs'~' Eva Silva was injured. She stated that there should be some protection for pedestrians walking on Tally Ho, particularly at the'S:' curve. Mr. Karp stated that he wouJ!d look into this matter immediately. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded' by. Council Member Millis, it was unanimous~y"voted to adjourn at 12:00 A.M. ATTE.'" ~~<V~ . D Y CLERK A'~~ MAYOR u