Minutes 1982-11-23 r ,. r 249 CITY COUNCIL-- ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA .NOVEMBER 23, 1982 The City CounciYmet in regular 'session' with Mayor Smith presiding. 'Upon, roll call, Council Members' Lawrence E. Vandeveer, Matt Gallagher-;-Mark M. Millis, and Karl A. Hogan reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE'" Council Member'Hogan led.the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Father Michael O'Sullivan, St. Patrick's Catholic' Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF'MINUTES . Council Member Vandeveer'stated the-minutes~of November" 9, 1982 should note that while he is in favor' of raising 'the utility rates, he was also opposed to raising the issue again after it had already been resolved. -On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded- by Council- Member Vandeveer, it,was unanimously voted to approve the minutes 'of November 8, 1982 as presented and the minutes of November 9, 1982 as amended. '.'-" APPROVAL OF WARRANTS - ,On--iriotion' of Council 'Member Vandeveer, seconded 'by Council Member Gallagher, Demand Warrants #18743 through #18838 in the amount of $87,963.47 ,and PayroH Warrants :#23660 through #23759 in 'the amount of $54,030-.39 were- approved and ordered 'paid. .- " ,- ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Marie Cattoir ,. 195 Orchid Lana, stated that concerning her comments at' the previous 'meeting 'regarding~ the Nuclear. "Response" Plan; that' everyone should- be able to"disagree -- agreeably and 'that persons" should be treated " with respect' even though opinions -may-differ. 'Peter Mi'ller~-; attorney representing' Rancho- Grande', stated-'he' wished :.to speak under' the agenda item' pertaining to the conservation of the oakLtrees within the City. PRESENTATION Mayor .Srni th. requested that,' because Ms. Fowle'r was not present, that this presentation be continued to the next meeting .so that she may be presented'with the certificate for her 'service on-the South--County HUman .," Relations Commission'.- -. - - ,,' APPROVAL OF 'CONSENT; AGENDA' ITEMS ".. On motion of Council-' Member-;Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted.to"approve.the~consent agenda-items with the recommended courses of action. Council Member Vandeveer urged all council members to review informat.ion regardirig resoluti~ns adoptedUby tl'fe~General Assembly at the 1982 League' Conference:--- -- -- ',c 1; Receipt of Minutes for Planning C6mrnission;Meeting of-November 16, 1982. RECO/1MEND 'REVIEW AND FILE'" -,' 2. Receipt-of Request for Refund-in-Afuount of '$100,00 Previously Paid hy Ai trusa Club 'of Cinco 'Cuicdades '(Five' Ci ties) ,(A non-profit. Organization) ~ Pertaining to ,Dance Permit - -Such Club"Entitled 'to'Fee Exempt.'Status~ RECOMMEND ISSUANCE" OF REFUND AS NOTED . - - , ' -' 3;; Receipt of Report by.~Parks and"' Recreation Director ~ Re. -Parks" 'and' -Re.creation Commission's Meeting of November 10,1982. RECOMMEND'REVIEW'AND'FILE. 4~ Receipt of Agenda for Zone Three Advisory Committee Meeting of Thursday, November 18, 1982, and Accompanying Support Material. RECOMMEND REVIEW, APPLICABLE ACTION, IF ANY; AND FILE. 250 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE TWO 5. Receipt of Chief Plant Operator's Monthly Report for October, 1982, Re. South. San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District's Maintenance and . 'Operation of Treatment Plan. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. 6. Receipt of Letter of Thanks and Commendation from Victor and Nancy Chesler to City of Arroyo Grande, Re. Camper Vehicle FireGlncident of October 12, 1982. 'RECOMMEND RECEIVE WITH THANKS AND LETTER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SUCH THANKS TO THECHESLERS. 7: Notification by Pacific Gas and Electrictof 1982 Allocation for Conversion of Overhead Electric Lines to Underground in Amount of $26,400; Total Funding Now Available for Conversion to Underground Electrical Lines _ $122,449.' RECOMMEND REVIEW'AND'FILE. o 8.- Request for Mayor to Proclaim IIFAMILY'WEEKII in Arroyo Grande During Week of November 21 - 27., 1982. RECOMMEND MAYOR SO' PROCLAIM. 9. Notification of Public Hearing to be Held at Council Meeting of Tuesday, December 14, 1982, at 8:00 P.M., Re. Restudy of Water and Sewer Rates. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF DATE OF DECEMBER 14, 1982 FOR SAID PUBLIC HEARING. 10. Notification of Public Hearing to be Held'December 14, 1982, Re. Proposed Amendments to Zoning Ordinance and Municipal Code: Compact Car Parking Spaces, Temporary Political Signs and Noise. APPROVAL OF DATE OF DECEMBER 14, 1982 FOR SAID PUBLIC HEARING. at 8:00 P.M., Video Games, RECOMMEND 11. Receipt of Various Informative 'Material from League'of California Cities; i2e., Resolutions:Adopted by General Assembly at 1982 Annual League Conference; 1982 State Legislative Wrap-up Bulletin; California Cities Energy Strategies and 1982 League Annual Report Entitled, "Cities, Our Investment in the'Future." RECOMMEND REVIEW WITH APPLICATIONuAS NECESSARY AND FILE. PUBLIC HEARING RE: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE'S ,'~NOTICE OF INTENTION TO 'RECORD HEARING NOTICE OF VIOLATION OF GOVERNMENT.CODE SECTION 66499.36" - ESTABLISHMENT OF ACCESS EASEMENT KNOWN AS"OAK HILL ROAD AND/OR LEMON LANE. Mayor Smith stated that Mr. Lemon has requested this item be continued to the meeting of December 14, 1982. Attorney Shipsey advised that the request should be granted to allow Mr. Lemon to give his input and respond to the notice. He added that because the matter is not a regular public hearing_~' notice need 'not be given. It was the consensus bf Council to continue the;"matter subj ect to Mr. 'Lemon I s request. - - FURTHER REVIEW/DISCUSSION RE, SCHOOL FACILITIES FEE ORDINANCE' Acting Administrator Clark reported that the mayorscmet on November 10, 1982. There was discussion regarding the statewide bond recently passed to assist schools and it was felt that the problem should be'addressed at the state level rather than the local level. It was commented that a proposed ordinance should go beyond providing newly constructed buildings as U'I,,""" some existing buildings are-in-need of repair and those should be repaired. before new'ones are' constructed.' The City'of Paso Robles has-an 'adopted' school facilities fee ordinance and it was the consensus of those present at the Mayor's meeting that each representative should return to their respective Council and review this ordinance and return at the!lnext meetIng in 'January. ~~ayor Smith stated she is interested in. the-opinion of Dr. Hoagland, Lucia Mar School Superintendent, and requested that he c::be invited to t:'\c Council's next meeting. r r 251' CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE THREE STATUS REPORT - WOODLAND DRIVE PARK AREA ',Acting Admin:i,strator (:la:r:k ref~g<ed to th~ l1!<eIDo_subm:i,tt<ed by, Parks and Rec:r:eation Di:r:ect9r Keisler propo~iQg that'~he,City offer the property 6~~:r:s"an agricultural landsc?lpe eas~ment with ~~cess_ righ:ts for fl~od cont:r:ol purposes. Mr. Keisl<er,also,stated that ,a, petition ,was P!esented to the Parks and Rec:r::ea~ion .J:oriun~s!?~9n._by seve~ property_ owne~l? .on Wood~?ln? Drive requesting that the ,City, quit~L,lim,th", property back to individual property owners and,.r€:taintng an~~c~~s, .~c;!-serne~t. .Th Parks ~d ReC;rE:~t:!-oI?- Commission recommengs that the propertie~~on both, Woodl~nd Drive,and,Cerro vista Drive"be, dedicated, tb,the;,,]1Jr()perj:y ,,?wner,,' as it ywu~cl be ISeneficial , to the, Ci ty' and ,the ,'property owners andtheyJals()crecommended: ,thaLthe'_City, Attorney Review the',matt~r to determine j;h"" best legal method of tran.sfE!ring the ownership .of th~ propertie". M:r: I<:",isler st"ted that StafJ: feels, th" property is a liability to:'the_City as :j.t is diffi"ulj; to maintain. The' property consists of area between 'backyards oI'homes arid the creek and is 100,fee in some areas. Council Member Millis_questioned ,if the subject ,area is a portion ,of the'gree;' b~:I.t," Pa:rks and R~i::'r~ationDire~tor 'Keisl';~ stated that if, the proper1:Y ':i,," dedj,cated..ill the vwposed'.m'mner" thE! General ]?lan ne'ed not be amended: Council Member Vandeveer questioned the ,Liability to the ,City if,a person is 'injur';d in thedediioated'prcperty' ~~d would the proposed acti;;'''create'a' precedenc~. Att~rney shipsey ~esponded that,he felt there would be.no l:i,abilij:y' t~ the City and such action may~ s"t ~ precedence. Charles Sloyer, , 657 Woodland ,Drive, stated that the' proposed dedication.would,be.to,th"",C:i,ty~s 1idvantage,~s .j;her",i? not .suffic:j.ent staff. to maintain the creek. .Lloyd.Ferrell, 647 Woodl'!JId Driv", spoke in fayor. of. the proposed dedication., .Anthony Az",vedbstated the cr",ek ?reil.. should retain some shrubb,,:<:y,to il.Vo:j.cl'erosion. Council Member Millis, stated,heais not,in ,favor pf the City giving.up the green.belt,area. A:fter discussion, it. was th~ ~onsensus of.Council that Staff investigate different types of easements, Council Membe;p3 ~ill view,_ thEL s~~es ,., a~d _" re~ur~ at - the next meeting. PUBLIC HEARING RE: CITY'S, LAW.OF 1976' FORe' AMOUNT OF PROBLEMS. WAN FUNDS UNDER CALIFORNIA' SAFE, DRINKING WATER BOND $746,650 FOR. PURPOSES OF RESOLUTION OF NITRATE ,Public Works Di~~~tor Karp reported that the City has a contractual allowable "from "the Lopez project of 1500 ,g;'ilo~s per Illinute. In the past the Ci ty has. supplemented these flows, during~,peak times with _ waterfrom our ~ city groundwater production at_the Seto Park complex. In 1980 those wells developed,nitrate problems,whigh,p~eviou~ly' d:j.d.not ~xist.~ subse~uent to - 1980 the Ci:ty..has not' pumped its ground!"ater,wells, for any:reason other ,than to exercise them and to pump the.w~~te.. The Ci!y ha~ been fortunate in receiving an adequate water supply" from L?peZ Lake" 'The County. has been able to provide in excess,pf.3,000.GPM or twice the. City' s ,contractual allowable. Subsequently the County has. notified ~he City,~hat they' cannot guar,antee this kind of operation 1i"d that, ,the.,c>>ntractors shouldc,pilam:toc bperate',;,n the manner outlined by contract. The County has planned a shut down of the. system for ,one month in October, ,1983. At.. that time the City wbuld not have any water supply, $taff is r~commending ,a three stage project which would, reso~ve,the nitrate problems and provide the~City with a , ,-- . .. -. -",.. - . back up water,supply. .,Mr.,Karp intr2d~ced Jim Garing:?f,~aring, Taylor and Associates, the City' s, consultant 'for ,the new back up system:, ' Mr. Garing stated that the pgblic,jmprovements wh~~h ~re prop?sed are to be ~ocated in the vicinity of Asp Street, and ,Elm sti~et,and, at ,Sot? Sports, Complex. These will consist20f underground blendiqg?p!pelines,2activationc6f the new deep well and connection to existing lines at the intersection of Elm and Ash Streets. A new transmission line will be constructed from the Soto Sports Complex up Elm Street to Grand Avenue over to Brisco Road where it meets the Lopez line. The deep well has been drilled and tested but has no pump or motor. 252 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE FOUR Phase One of the project is well no. 3 and mains in Elm Street near Ash Street. The first phase would give the City the capability of pumping approximately 1550 GPM. , Combining the waters would allow the ,City to meet water quality standards. The average daily,demand of the City now exceeds 1500 GPM. Phase Two is to construct a blending .syst~m,Gornbini';g the' .. remainder of the ,existing wells with the ,new well~ This combination will produce quality water at the rate of almost '3,000 GPM. ,Phase Thr~e is proposed to take productionf~om.?~l wells to ~.tran~~i~s~on main between Eim and Ash Streets and the Lopez turnout at Brisco Road and the freeway. The transmission main will allow the City to take Lopez water and blend it with the existing shallow well ,water in the ,event of a failure o~ shut down of the new deep well. Mr. Garing stated that the total cost of ' the three phases is $750,000. An annual payment equal to one-tenth,of yearly water revenues., including :f.,opez ,fees, would be adequate to service a lo~ in this amount as offered by, the StatOe from,proceeds of the bond saie resulting from the Safe Drinking Water Bond Law of 1976. u The hearing having been prope~ly noticed, Mayor Smith opened it for public comments. As required by the Safe Drinking Water Bond Law, over 6,000 letters of notice were mailed to the City's wateJ;',"..users and copies of responses received by citizens were issued to Council. REUBEN., KVIDT, 1035 Acorn ,Drive, stated that a b~ck up water supply is important to the community as, we cannot always qepend on Lope~, JIM,MCGILLIS,136 Bridge Street, stated that the City needs a secondary water source,., SCOTT FAVAREILLE, 189 Pearwood"questioned the nitrates as a health problem. Brian ' Nielsen , State Department of Health, explained that nitrates cause problems with oxygengeing transported through'the human body.' CORA HIGDON, 183 Fairview, questioned the length of the loan. Mr. Karp explained that a 35 year loan is proposed. JOHN STEFFAN, 876 Todd Lane, spoke in, favor and stated, that a water_sourc~ is very impqrtant and is an item whoch we ,should e~sure for o~r children regardless of cost. LOU CABALLERO, 990 Stevenson, stated the City should look totthe future for a long term system. ROBERT BURTON, 180 Wood Place, asked questions regarding the cost. DOUG JONES, 235 Tally Ho Road, suggested alternatives. MARIE CATTOIR, 195 Orchid Lane, questioned the loan period. There being no further comments, the hearing was' closed. Public Works Director Karp referred to five letters received from citizens regarding this matter. Council Member Vandeveer stated that he supports the full system as the City does heed a backup system and he stated that it is , appropriate,th~t 10 percent of the total use is, charged to water bills. Council Member Gallagher stated that the City must look to a long range system and the project is needed. Council Member Millis stated that it is Council's responsibility, to plan for the future and while the project is expensive, it will be cheap in the future. He stated he\supports the, project. Council Member Hogan also supported the system and stated it will be a safeguard for good water. ,Mayor Smith stated she also, supports the system,as it, is incumbent upon the Counci~ to provid~ drinking water. On motion.of Council MemQ~r Vandeveer, sec~nded by' Cou~cil Member Hogan, . it was ~nanim6usly vo~ed to ~uthorize.Mayor Smith to execute the c~~tract. J PROPOSED RESOLUTION TC ADOPT NEW FORMAT FOR LEGAL PUBLICATIONS Attorney Shipsey explained that Government Code Section 36933 provide~ for alternative methods of publishing city codes. Staff is proposing to authorize the publicat.ton of ordinances. in. synopsis fom to reduce these costs. Mr. Shipsey read the title ofi:the resolution. On motion of Council Memqer Gallagper, se9onded.by Council Member Milli~, it was unanimously voted to dispense with ~~rther re~ding.of the resolution. Council M~mber Vandeveer left the meeting at 9:35 P.M. ,----_._' n '-,' n \ , '-../ 253 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO. GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE FIVE RESQLUTION ~O" 1678 " ,A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI~, OF 'J:'HE, CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RELATIVE TO PUBLICATION OF CITY ORDINANCES On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis, and on the, following roll ca:n vote" to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council'Members Gallagher, Millis, Hog~n, Mayor Smith None Council Member Vandeveer the foregoing Resolution, w~s pa"secfand ~doJ?te~ this ~3rdday of Nmrember, 1982. Co~ncil Member Vandeveer returned to the meeting at,9:40 P.M. STATUS REPORT, CONSERVATION OF OAK TREES WITHIN CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Parks and Recreation Director Keisler stated that he has received a letter from Mr. Peter Miller, attorney representing the Rancho Gran~e. Development, stating that cutting of trees on the property has stopped. Mr. Miller also spqke,and stated that the problem has been resolved. Mr. Dave Rhiner, 205 Seaview, Pismo Beach, and representing, the development, stated that the trees were, trimmed ,in an attempt tO,reduce fire ,hazard and e1imil}ate' dis~aseq. t~ees. '!je-.invf.teq. C~uncii to.-~iew~the prop~rty, if desired. Co~ncil Mernbe! Ga11ag:her q~esti~ned the,_condit~~n?' of"t~e ~~de?, c;:~venant~'~ and restrictions ,for tre,property., Public Works Director Karp stated that the CC&Rs ,are usually set up for the homeowners association and don't actyally take effect ~ntil development., it was the con"ensus of Council that this matter,was resolved. x " , ' MATTERS CONCERNING VILLAGE AREA ANti 'SCHEDULING' OF DATE FOR COUNCIL'S JOINT MEETING WITH..'UOWNTOWN PARKING COMMITTEE AND VILLAGE MERCHANTS ActinglAdministrator Clark reported ,that at the last meeting, Council directed that this item return for a future meeting. He stated that Planning Director Hays has scheduled December 1, 1982 at 6:30 .P.M. ,for a presentation r~garding redevelopment procedures: it ~as the',consensus - of Council to schedule a',joint meeting with the 'Downtown ,Advisory Board a~d the Village Merchants Associ~tion for' that date and. time. ' PROGRESS/STATUS REPORTS , --Update of General Plan of City of Arroyo Grande. --Assessment Dis~rict, Re: Water _Storage F.aqi1ities ,to Serve. Tract 824, i.e., Lot Ii of Tract 604, Oak Park Acres. --Employer~~ployee-SE~U Memorandum of ,Understanding. --Status Report - Woodland Drive'Park Area: --Resolution Re. City';'s :Personnel Systeni: ' --Wells Drainage Matter and Concerns by Residents of Pearwood Avenue. --South County Water Association and Matters Pertaining Thereto. ,--Political Signs Within ,City. -- Block Hou"e ,Located ,.wi thin, vi llage Area. --'Restroom Facility... Village Area..X, ' Public Works Director Karp reported that he will meet with the consultant regarding Tract 824, tomorrow. He alSO ,reported that the next meeting of the South County Water Association is December i, 1982. Attorney Shipsey stated that he ~as reviewed the Dangerous ,Building Code with regard to the Block .,House ,and it is his opinion that under the provisions of that code the building cannot be~considered 'dang~rous'. That is~ the building" is not in d~nger of collap~il!g..~"" He Fecommended t'he means to pursue is conde~ation ?nd purc~ase of the property. . Af~er discussion, it ~as the conse~sus of Co~ncil that the property owner' be" contacted 'as to sale of the:~property: - 254 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE SIX ADOPTION' OF RESOLUTION HONORING,rRETIRING COUNTY SUPERVISOR HOWARD D. MANKINS Attorney Shipsey read the title of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Memqer Millis, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1677 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF~THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HONORING ,SUPERVISOR HOWARD D. MANKINS FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE CITIZENS OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, COUNTY'S FOURTH DISTRICT u On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Vandeveer, Gallagher, Millis, Hogan, Mayor Smith None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted, this 23rd day ,of November, 1982. RECEIPT ,OF LETTER FROM GARY AND MARY OULREY RE: INTEREST IN PURCHASING DOWER WAYSIDE PARK LAND, LOCATED,WITHIN 500 BLOCK OF TRAFFIC WAY Acting Administrator Clark stated that a letter was received from Mr. and Mrs. Oulrey stating their interest in purchasing the small park next to their property at 540 Traffic Way. They are interested in the property so that they may expand their business. Attorney Shipsey stated that the original grant of the property, ,to the City should bE;', ',' investigated ~o determine if there are any requirements of ~he grant. It was the consensus of Council to continue this item to the first meeting in January, 1983 to allow Staff to investigate this matter. PEARWOOD DRAINAGE DITCH ~ RECEIPT OF ANALYSIS OF,BIDS,AND AWAROING OF CONTRACT (PROJECT NO. 90-82-3), Public Works Director Karp reported that Staff prepared c'" specifications to construct the ditch within ten feet of ,the, existing 15 feet wide drainage easem~nt at the rear lot lines which ,abut the Wells, property in the vicinity of Pearwood Avenue. The City received seven bids which ranged from $4,531 to $16,777. He recommended the contract be awarded to Alex Madonna Construction Company of San Luis Obispo in the amount of $4,531. On motion of Council Member Millis, ,seconded by Council Member Gallagher, it was ,passed to award the contract, to ,Alex Madonna Construction in the amount of $4,531. A roll call vote was taken: AYES: Council Members ,Gallagher and Millis, MayarcSmith NOES: Council Member Vandeveer ABSTAIN; Council Member Hogan ABSENT: None u Council Member Vandeveer stated that this action does not meet the court order in its entirety. Mr. Paul ,Geihs, ,attorney ,representing the property owners, .spoke regarding _ the wording of the court order... __ TALLY"HO ROAD SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS, ,AWAROING' OF ENGINEERING CONTRACT TO ESTABLISH CURB AND GUTTER,GRADES OF TALLY HO ROAD; NORTHERLY ,OF LE POINT STREET Public Works Director Karp stated that he ,has received three proposals to design the curb grades on Tally Ho Road. He recommended approval of the proposal from San Luis,Engineering in the amount of $3,335. ,On motion' of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member "Hogan"";- it_was unanimously voted to award the ,engineering contract to San Luis" Ehgineering in the amount of $3,335. r I, 255 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 23, 1982 PAGE ,sEVEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Caunc~l Member"Vandeveer stat~d itchas been braught ta his attentian that there is a traffic/pedestrian prablem at the lacatian .of, the candamini~s recently c~nst~u~ted an Sauth E~m-St~~et?t Su~set,Drive. He requested that this matter-be placed an the agenda .of the Parking and Traffic Commission. .After discussion, it was the consens~s of Co~ncil that cansideratian .of the letter received by Attarney Shipsey regarding the Wells matter be placed an the next agenda., Tany Azeveda requested ,infarmatian regarding the::City~:s sphere _<?f influ~nce, and, stated there _ is ",:;'prablem in the City an the east side .of the freeway. Mayar Smith advised that a letter has,bee~ sent ta LAFCO '~eque~ting"~ study ~n-the cii:y'~ sphere ' of influence"," Dave I.fuA!1er,t 205,' ~~~vi"ew:,c^ p{~~o- B~ach, ..'~p<?k-~ as - co-.chai~an-- .of the_ 'np"ail an our hillside' petitian inPisma Beach. He stated"tl:ie residents are concer~ed and he.asked.Co~~~ii's ~onsideration in'conc~rring - , - ," ,'- .-~. . - -' - - ,- with many ot Arroyo 9r~p~e's.cit~z~ns who have sig-iled the petition.' . - He asked that CauDciJ 8"ign.. the.peti.1:toI).,1 pa:;~.' ~ ~esolution, n,~~d- .?-i~e'ct. Staff ta review the Caunty's Land Rse Plan an~ sph~res ?f influe~ce. CLOSED SESSION The City Cauncil adjaurned ta clased sessian at 10:50 P,M. and returned at 11:10 P.M. Mayar Smith stated that the City and Service Emplayees,Internatiana~ Unian, Lac?l ~60" have, signed the, Memarandum .of Understanding which, will, be, in, effect u_n:l;:il._ Jun~ 30, ,1983. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimausly vated ta adjaurn at lUll P.M. ta a speci~'l 'l.jo~!1t ,-~eeting with.the>nowntown Parking Advisory Board and the viflageV Mer-ch";'ts-'ASSo';ia.tia'h an December 1, 1982 at 6:30 P.M. i3'~~ MAYOR '='~~~~ DEPUTY CLERK