Minutes 1982-12-01 256 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 1, 1982 The City Council met in a special adjourned session with Mayb~YSmith presiding.. Council Members Lawrence E. Vandeveer, Matt Gallagher, Mark M. Millis, and Karl A. Hogan were present. ~.. JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL. WITH VILLAGE OF ARROYO GRANDE MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION AND DOWNTOWN PARKING.AND ADVISORY BOARD REGARDING DISCUSSION OF POTENTIAL IMPROVEMENT OF VILLAGE AREA. THROUGH REDEVELOPMENT PROCESS Planning Director Hays in~~oduced Mr. ~ugene A. Nazarek of Brown.and Nazarek attorneys. Mr. Nazarek explained that he has represented many redevelopment agencies and cities in,the past during__ the process. He explained that redevelopment. does not .result in an increase in tax rates nor does it. result in a second layer of government. The City Council becomes the agency and the. city's staff assumes the function of the agency... Mr. Nazarek explained the steps. involved in creatiing a redevelopmen~.agency and,areas' of improvement which can be obtained'through an agency. He answered questions from members of the audience and Council Members. Mayor Smith thanked him for his presentation. Cj ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded, by Council. Member Millis, i.t2was,.Uilanimousiliy':;voted to adjourn at 8:.10 P.M. ATTEST: (j:J,1flt~ '( \ , 0,-". . .. \. ~ ,,-' "'.' " \ ~1&uJ~' MAYOR .~\', -' J ~ of