Minutes 1978-05-06 012 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 6, 1978 1 :30 F,Mo The City Council met presiding 0 ,Upon r'oll call, reported present, in regular adj.ourned m~'''ting with Mayor Millis Council Members Pope, Gailagher, de Leon and Smith TOUR OF PROPOSED RANCHO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY The Council departed from the Counel.l cnamoers fo.,r a tour of the property on which the Rancho Grande develop."lIent is proposed. '!'he proposal involves the subdivision of 464 acres located on the east side of Highway 101, between the Oak Park. Planned Development and the future site of the South County Citize~~ facilities, The Council returned to the Coun,~il Chambers at :;.,45 P.Mq with all mEl<''<;',~s present as shown on roll call. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Smith, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 3:46 P.M. u ATTE~ C,rn. ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK ~:&~A '- CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 9, 1978 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Mark Millis presiding. Upon roll call, COlL"cil Members Hugh Pope, Jr., Matthew Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon and B'Ann Smith reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and irnmedia~ely thereafter, Councilwoman Smith delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES on m::>tion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the minutes for the regular meeting of April 25, 1978, wsre approved with the following correction on Page 4 under the title of "Review of Planning Commission's Recommendations Reo San Luis Bay Planning Area", second paragraph, second sent.snce, the reference to "Rancho Grande" should read Grande Highlands. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman de. Leon, se.conden by Councilwoman Smith and unan.i.- mously carried, Demand Warrants No. 8444 through No. 8533 and No. P493 through No" P503, in the total amount of S126,24L19; and Pay.roll Warrants No. 11391 through No. '11505, in the total amount of $42,310.31, were approved and ordered paid. PRESENTATION REo PROGRESS ON SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER - MANKINS U' County Supervisor Howard Mankins reviewed the progress bel.ng made in the development of the South County Regional Cente.r, to be located east of Highway .'101 in the general area between the Ar.royo Grande Woman's Club Cornmun.Ity Building and St. Patrick's Catholic SchooL He invited the Council to the groundbreaking ceremonies to be held at 411 ,00 A.Mo_ on Thursday, May 18" 1978. Supervisor Mankins reported that yesterday the Board had awa.rded the contract for rough grading. All cost estimates so far for Phase I are within me budget, Construction of me buildings should begin in 1979, which in Phase I include the Library, Community Buildi.ng and the Road Yard. He displayed two schematics showing the preliminary design of the architecture to be utilized for buildings on the s.Ite. He stated that at this point the County's main concerns relate to the propose,d development to the north, "Halcyon Hills", and the drainage from that property; and the amount of traffic to be generated by the development on the proposed Halcyon Road extension. City Engineer Ka.rp indicated that there had been no County staff c,cmmunication. with City Staff regarding these or' any .other matte,s dealing with the 'Center, 'Supervisor Mankihii answeredcvarious'.questions a,bout. the project from the CounciL AdmInistrator llutch"jJ6ihted out that the~.City has budgeted funds for the extension of the' front"ge'road,~and:jthat prellcminary dls- cusslon' had: been ,that the. County would do the. engIneering.' Mr. .M;mkins stated~he. was not