Minutes 1978-05-09 ... r n / [II " ,~ .j crr-Y COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIfORNIA MAY 9, 1978 PAGE 2 5o.n: t.n'5.:; thi,g 'irob.d dev,elopm.en:; ~N',as included in Phase 1. c;.f the p:cojecto Discussion w~s hel:5. wit.h staff rega.rding che draina';e gVN,a.l'2' ,OJ drai:l.ag= plans f:)r the area and the sKcensi.cn of W,eat Br-a;.nch St.re€'t,o In answer t.>"J Newspaper Repc:rter Denni,s Baughman, Sups:z:vt'Sor Manki.ns st."9.teo it ::ould be erit.i:r'ely p:.:;sE.ibls that Fbase I of the Re.g,io~1al Cents.r be crumpla't.ed :,,;:'i.tho\~t the: ccmpleti.cn of chat s:..r.-est. ex,-censionQ P!i.ESENTATtON RE._ PROGRESS OE BIDDLE REGIONA.L PARK - MANKINS C'~un't.y Super'l.:dsor Mankin'~ review-Ed the rcugh plaris a.~d progress for the BLddle Regional Pa,~'k.. 'located on l-opez, Road about ,:ix: mile,s nC.!'the.ast of ,;;he r:ity on the ::::.'Csek sideo He ::-e:p:o,z"ted t:hat the 6:li.;.ra,nce has been bla~ktopped~ the ~.v'<"j,:~ 'L d'l." illed and the PCW6::' J.ines :Lic,e be i,ng undergrounded ~ A bad bid was received 'E,,;- the res,:rccms] so it wi.ll be ,=ebid. It is hoped the p,ark :irea will be open t::-. limited ~SE tb..is SU.!l'li.ti8:t. ar;;d d,=ve,lcpment w'i.l.1 taka place ':,5i.k.:i.ng .into considera-:-.icnjJ if feasible ~ ....here the p:e::Jple nnturo.l1y (3',n:~.v-i tat,s: ::/:1 the p:=operty for picnic;:: iJ games ~ ate <> Day u'ae ';,.,r~.li be LH?,e, and nn iQvern.lght campi.ng -c.;t 'o""~ight use will be pS"rt'Cllt:.ted. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS WITHOUT AMENOMEN'TS ::m DELETIONS On motion of C~cncil~ciTI de Lec~>> Eeco~dEd by Councilman Gallagher and unanim=~ls1y ::arrled, ~e fc,llowing items: were approved as 'recommended by City Admin,i stratc'! Bntch:; A- -I, Request tha~ the Mayor Pr~claim the We,ak of May 14-20, 1918, as Municipal Clerk's Week, RECOMMEND MAYOR PROCLAIM, l ~ Lett:f,.!'" ,of Tnfo'rma"t.ion from U ~ a., B!"ewers Assoc. j Inc ~. Program of Pitch In ::or P:J2iti\l'e Li::!.;EI Red'..lcr.;1-,:m, RECOMMEND REf'ER T'O PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT'S BE1\U'1'lfrCA'HON COMi'HT1'EE, _~ Nc"t'ifJ cation ,f-I.Cit't w.oman ~ 5 (l:;.;;.b of A't"Ccy'O Gr5.r~de ":hat, Maud,e Loomis a.ppointed as 'W:::m::i:i.' s Club c,t Ar.L'~Yo {;rande! s Cl'l.b Rep':-asenta~<ive to Ccmm'unity Building Com.'1li'r:tee, iiECOMMEND COUNCTL A~PRCVE AFPOlNrMEN'T AND NOUFY COMMUNITY BUILDTNG COMMITTEE" 4~ Recaip't...;, of Month.ly RspC:j(t on Cent'Tbl CO:Q.st Self-Insurance F'tmd and Recent Mi"utes, RECOMMEND REPOR'r BE RECEIVED AND FUED, 5, Receipt of FInal Coum;y 91; EmE:rgenoy -Telephone Plan, RECOMMEND REPORT BE RECE:tVED AND ElLED, 60 Receipt :of3tat'e De.p:$.::r:tme,n~ of Fi."(~ano2:la ?c'P'c;::'at~on f:::!' City ~f A:r:,'tsJ:Y',o GrBLnde ~ H!);2'~8u BY STATE DEPARTMENt' OF F!NANCE, .Jan"G,~ry" 'j, '~978 ~ E5t,i.mate. of RECOMMEND REPORT EE CERTtFIED REOUES-! FOR OBS::ENITY <ORDINANCE AOOP'FlCN - REFERRED 'Ie HUMAN RELATIONS COMM" T'h-e Ccunci 1 [,€'V'l-'e',Ned it l'-~,::,:,s.'( ft:'Offi Pas-r;or L5.Ltj' Lorenz ,;:,f the First Bapt.ist Churc.h in AT,t.'t/if;;' Glt'-:i.nde: j \~,n:1:3 i,ri'g Ene Coun,,,::::1. to 5ldcp't at'" 'c::r.1inance prahi.biting po,rncgz'3.ph'i.c mat.,er,ia.ls 1'.'1 the c.i '!;} ~ A15c :n:,ce..:l,vea .:.~')::i "l"€'\rJ!.e.w,ed 'we,re ~he f.~110'win-g; l:l'fl~,t;tnst.i.:::':l 1\:0:.1\ 'Sar..t3 Ana Ar,tct"ney 1.J~me=: C.ian.cy~ and a copy ,of the recer..::ly .adopt'c,d oTdina::1Ic-'2: by P:i.SffiO B.each ~r:eI9a:=:dL;.;r thi::-: 'S:Ubj.BCt'.., Copie'3 of <'::i:"dinar:~es f'e::,m oth,e= ccn<tHJ.a::t.~,s~ a'f:'e 5:15.0 b-E:.uruJ :;(,Ji.,.ght"0 C0'C.r~c.ilm'5t;:)PG.pe .:-e:.:::,:;.;mmen.d:f',d the Ci t:.y Att.,,:o:.~n.ey be d.-3'kso t,0 --.:evie.w the l.eg5:1i.t..y of such :.'::ilr1l :::cdir.5J.1CE:" AftiST Cct.:.ncil di.,5.cuss,ionj ge~:J,e.T3l c,~n5ens'u's was: that the ma':.:.tat be t",;:.fcr,]~~d t.:. thE Hums!'!. Relo.tj"JI"i,'5 COffilnis'S':i:;n foO.Y l.t,;3:tevi,ew .and :t€cc.:rmt=ndL5..t.~ons Q FURTHER CON51DERA'HON REQUESTED OF CCUNCn POLi'CY REo SLOG, PERR!TS ON UNIMPROVED SUBDIVI:srONS- STUDY SESSION SET, 5/)2/78, 4 PoMo 'The. Counc::,'lr:'5E..:J 3. l:e-1:xe:c ai..g:!';8d by rrurme,:;tOU3 engin,ee:.cs ar~d deve:iopers, !~'equest:,i:n;;' to' m'e8~ "wi.t.h thB :::.)1jr:,,-:.i1 t~ .11.5C~lSS th2 Council's rec€ntly established pclicy to t.l.ot ,:.i,ll,ow' ::hE. i.s-su:a.nc€. of Sui Iding Permits on 5~J.bdivis.icn6 unti.l the improV"eme.nts na';';"E be.en ccmpleted and a;:;cept.ed~ After Counci"l. d':'sC'l.::SS'lon" :1 st<.ldy 5€'ss,i.'.)n 'was5et ~...,ith the interes-ted pa,rt.ie:5 l' fe,r Friday I May '112 ~ '~I 9'78 at 4 ~ 00 P ~~L, PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL FLJ\N, COMM,'S DENIAL OF PREZONI!ll(;l #77-11'14 (WELLS) - APPEAL DENIED Administ,rat.'o-r BU-:.;:;,h :z.:'€'!,ri€':.Yed ::.he b.a::k.<~p':ound ef the appLication to t,he Local Agency P,:;,'!:m:9.'tion Conm.:.52,ion {LAFCO) of Lo B We,lle I 329 r:r3.f'fi~ Way I to have. his ~ '2 ac:::-es on. Hu,a,Ena RO';id ~ :adjacent t-c the Pear-wo,cd Avet'i.'J.E: t:r'actp annE.xed t,o the City 0 LAFCC had approved the. anne~.at:c:n :subje.ct to ,cert,ain condi.t,ions y one of ~..,mi.ch be.ing that the City app:c'c\t€ t'E.:z.cn:l.n.g .of the. area c 'rhe Planni.ng Commission had den.ied the pre'Zoning requeet of M.t."~ We,llsj Case, Noo 7?-~!'i4~ from County 'ZOTJle !lA-j'-2~1I to City 014 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 9, 1978 PAGE 3 Zone "R-1" 0 Mr. Wells had appealed the de.nial and the matteer had been deferred for several months due to various ch:curnstanceso Planning Director Castro reviewed the concerns of the Planning Commission, the major concern being the number of housing developments already being planned wi.thin the City at this timeo After being assured by the City Clerk that this p'iblic hearing has been noticed according to law, Mayor Millis declared the hearing open and all persons would now be heard for or against the appeal of the prezoning denial. The follo'",iog persons were present and spoke in favor of overturning the denial and having the property prezcned, Jackie Stewart, 202 Pea.rwood; Stevs Cool, 528 Grand Avenue, Grover City, attorney representing the Applicant an':, Lonnie Bo Wells, 329 Traffic Way, the prezoning Applicant, bot.'1 reviewing th.e proposed development of the property with "average-income", single family houses, which they stated the City has a shortage of. They also reviewed the proposed ~ correction of the drainage problem in the area, at no cost to the Cityo Additional persons speaking in favor of the prezoning were, Richard & Eleanor Lemon, 217 . Pea,rwood, Jack & Nancy Huber, 208 Pearwood, Joseph Rose, 212 Pearwood, Paul Klempke, 1207 Huasna; Dennis O'Neil, 206 pearwood, Donna & Eliot Burdick, 130 Pearwood, Walter Pingel, 177 Pearwood, and Rose Stewart, 202 Pearwoodo ~he following persons spoke in opposltion to the prezoning, Christine Phillips, 216 pearwood; Peggy & Bill Langworthy, Printz Road, .rural Arroyo Grande; and Madeleine Steele, 1598 Hille.rest. Dorothy Rector, 545 Le Point, asked whether Mr 0 Wells could build if the property is in the City or not, and Carolyn Moffett, Oak Park Road, asked why the annexation was being applied foro Staff answered the questions. Because of some concern raised regarding the impact on schools the additional houses would have, Attorney Cool stated a stipulation would be acceptable that the development be f,or 8,enior citizens only 0 There being no further public discussion on the matter, Mayor Millis declared the hearing closed. The Council discussed the matter at length, Mayor Millis stated that although many pec,ple spoke in favor of the prezoning, they were all from the itmlediate area of the subject property and the annexation would affect the whole City, He further pointed cut that the proposed annexation of this sarne property was defeated in an election several years agoo Discussion was held regarding the drainage. problem and Mr 0 Wells' offer to correct it, by giving the property owners on the eaat side of Pearwood an additional 25 feet of property to the back of their yards and moving the drainage easement ditch further easto City Engineer Karp stated that the City has scheduled a work crew to clean the ditch if the people will move their fences out of the easa~ent. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit, AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Smith and Mayor Millis, NOES, Council Members Pcpe and de Leon, the motion carried denying the appeal by L.Bo Wells of the Plan- ning Commission's denial of his Prezoning Application No" 77-1140 RECEIPT OF DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS FOR APRIL, 1978 The Council received, reviewed and ordered filed the Departmental Reports for the month of Apr'il, 19780 Notice was also received of the 2nd Annual Crime Prevention Fair to be held on May 20, 1978 at the Arroyo G.rande Mid-State Bank parking lot" ~ REVIEW OF LA'I'EST LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM LEAGUE OF CALIF. CITIES The Council received and reviewed the latest Legislative Bulletins from the League of Californ.i,~ Citieso Discussion was held r'egarding SB 2.659~ an amended bill regarding Labor Relations of Police and Fire Employees, which includes mandatory binding arbitration of grievances, and which narrowly passed one corom.ittee and is now being considered in the Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxationo After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the following .roll call vote, t.o wi"" AYES, Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Smit,h and Mayor Millis, NOES, Council Member Pope, the motion carried di:recting the City Admi,nistrato.r to w:c'ite a let'ter to the City's 1eg.1slat1ve representatives indicating the City's opposition to AB 2659 in its present formo PRCGRESS REPORT- LAFCO'S RECOMMENDATION RE" BONITA HOMES ANNEXo TO GROVER CITY Administrator Butch reported that LAFCO had approved the annexation of property on The Pike toche City of Grover City, as request.ed by Developer Ghormley for Bonita Homes, subject to six conditions, which include the following two, that bDth the Cities of Greve'!' City and Arroyo Grande "initiate action to consider n n q:p; rv I CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 9, 1978 PAGE 4 division of the "stem" properties and file such proposals with LAFCo by Ju."le 30, 1978, and that until and unless annexation of the e!ltirs balance of the "stem" to the two cities is completed, no further annexation of this area on a piecemeal bas~s will be allowed." FURrHER DISCUSSION - SAN LUIS BAY PLANNING AREA - F'URTHER STUDY REQUESTED Planning Director Castro again briefly reviewed a map showing the City's proposed area of service and sphere of influence, as mandated by the State, Mayor Millis stated his opinion that the plan would be better if it included the properties fronting on Printz Road and delete the 47 ac.res next to Orchard Schc.~l, stating that an indication of this latter acreage being within the future ser,i"~ area of the City may prejudice LAFCO in its consideration of this area" s anns"..',.j..cn application. Planning Commissioner Pearl Cole was present and stated her opinion that the Orchard area was more logical for inclusion in the City's sphere of service than the Printz Road area. Planning Director Castro stressad that the plan m~st be submitted to the County by June 1st of this year, but that the Council can :::hange the map now.""'.He:.suggested that lines be drawn to label "urban service" areas and "urban reserve" areas, with the latter designation possibly being appropriate for the area near Orchard School. A motion by Councilman Pope, seccnded by Councilman de Leon was made and withdrawn to keep the boundary lines as shown but draw a second line around the 47 acres designating it as future services. Planner Tom Sullivan suggested that an item could be added to the list of concerns the City is submitting regarding the Plan, with said addition stating that the Council takes no position on the 47 acre area proposed for annexation. As no definition for "future" was given, Mayor Millis opposed the suggestion. After further Council discussion, it was generally agreed that the matter be studied further and the staff was directed to draw up some alternative boundaries with terminology to help the Council regarding the 47 acre area near the Orchard School. MAYOR MILLIS EXCUSED HIMSELF FROM THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS DUE TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTERES.r IN THE FOLLOWING ITEM, AND IS NOW ABSENT. MAYOR PRO TEM GALLAGHER IS NOW PRESIDING. DISCUSSION RE. PROPOSED SCHOOL FACILITIES FEE ON NEW CONSTRUCTION--SUPPORT CONCEPT Administrator Butch reviewed the progress of a suggestion made by the Council in 1976 relating to their concern for the overcrowding of the schools, which was that a fee be established on new construction to be used by schools for facility expansion. Numerous meetings have been held since that time with repre- sem:atives from the South County Cities, the School District and County concerning the fee. A proposed ordinance eatablishing such fees has now been drawn up, which the Council reviewed. It was suggested that the City Attorney meet with attorneys from the other entities to review the ordinance and resolve any conflicts or, problems. As presently proposed, the fee would be 1 % of the valuation on residences only (i.e. 1800 sq. ft. home at $25.50 per sq. ft. = $45,900 value times 1% would equal a $459. fee to go toward school facilitiesl. The Council discussed the proposed ordinance in depth, rece~.v~.ng some comment from persons present in the audience. Planning Commissioner Cole voiced her opinion that people moving here were being penalized for living here with these additional costs added to housing. She pointed out that recent statistics for the City show that the number of persons per dwelling was decreasing. Councilman Gallagher stated that the last three bond issues for schools have failed and that schools are a service that need to be paid for like any other service. Councilman Pope felt the additional cost would make it even more difficult for young people to afford housing in this area, since building permit fees alone now cost as much as a vacant lot used to. Councilwoman Smith 5tated that if we did not have 50 much development, the schools would not be overcrowded. She was assured that the ordinance could be reviewed as often as the Council wishes when adopted~ After further Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman de Lec.n, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and carried, supporting the concept of a school facilities fee" MAYOR MIL.LIS RESUMED HIS PLACE AT THE COUNCIL TABLE AND 15 NOW PRESIDING. , I 016 CITY COUNCTL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 9, 1978 PAGE 5 DENY USE OJ! POLICE HOLDING CELLS BY COUNTY The Council reviewed another report from Police Chief Clark regarding the County's request to use the City's holding facili'oies to temporarily detain juveniles until they can be transported to Santa Barbara. The r'eportstated that, this would be an advantage to neighboring law enforcemen~ agencies, but would also increase the responsibilities of the City's police personnel, with no compensation or other advantage to the City. After Council discussion, a mo~ion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carr,led, the request by the County Probation Department to use the Arroyo Grande Police Dapoort- ment's holding cells for temporary detainment of juvenile offenders, was deni','d, DIRECT REVISIONS TO BUILDING PERMIT VALUATION CHARGES PER "WG. INDEX AVERAGE The Council reviewed a report from Building Inspector Don Shetters regarding !:he valuation charged on Building Permits. He stated that pre.sently $20" 00 per ~ square foot is charged on residential plans and $10,00 per sq, ft, on carport~,and garages, Said charges have not been changed for three years. He outlined the, fe,ss being charged by surrounding cities, which average out to $27.41 on residential units,. He recommended the City's valuation be raised to the average shown in the Bui,lding 5t,andards, which is $25.50, and leave the valuations on garages or carports the same. After Council diSCUSSion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, directing thao;; the residen- tial valuation charge be taken from the Building Standards Index, taking the average betwesn the high and low points of the index. Staff was also directed to automati- cally review said charges every six months to keep the City current with building valuations and just report to the Council when ~he valuations are changed, DISCUSSION OF TIME TABLE FOR RANCHO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATION - HELD OVER Discussion of a time table for consideration of the proposed Rancho Grande devslopment was he.ld over until the Council's May 23, 1978 meeting., SET' PUBLIC HEARING RE. PROPOSED USE OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS, 5/23/78. '3 P.M. 'The C::lUncil reviewed a report from the City Administrator regarding pr=p<>sed- capital projects using revenue sharing and regular capital funding, A public hearing needs to first be held on the proposed uses of Federal Revenue Sharing funds, and then a second hearing needs to be held on how the funds will be used in 'ehe Ciry's budget. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, setting a public hearing on proposed uses of Federal Re~enue Sharing Funds for 8 PoM. on May 23, 19780 AUTHORIZE RENEWAL OF STATE COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES AGREEMENT Administrator Butch reported that the City's agreement with the State for cooperative personnel services will expire June 30, 1978, and recommended renewal of ito Said agreement enables the City to receive personnel examining services for costs of the materialso After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously ca,rried, authorizing the,Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the City, a three-year agreement with the State for Cooperative Personnel Services. PROGRESS REPORT - MARKET DAY PROPOSAL - TO BE DISCUSSED MAY 15,1978 Further discussion of the'proposed Market Day will be accomplished at the joint meeting with the Parks & Recreation Commissicn on May 15, 1978 at 4 PoMo '''' ~ SET JOINT STUDY SESSION & TOUR OF' PARK FACILITIES WI'rH COMMISSION, MAY 15, & 20, As recommended by the City Administrator, a joint study session with the Parks & Recreation Commission was set for 4 PoMo on Monday, May 15, 1978; and a tour of park facilities' was',set"for May 20, 1978 at 10 A.M, PROGRESS REPORTS, FIRE S'rl\:TlON, COMMUNITY BLDG. i AND STROTHER PARK Administrator Butch gave progress reports on various City projects, as follows: al Prices of several potential FIRE STATION SITES are being researched; bl Preliminary sketches of the COMMUNIl'Y BUILDING expansion are being reviewed and revised sketches should be ready in a few weeks; and cJ The state requested additional information on the STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK plans submitted to them, which was given. When the plans are returned with the state's approval, a call for bids will be made. :\,:" r n 017 CI'l'Y COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 9, 1978 PAGE 6 'INCREASE MEMBERSHIP OF PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - ORDINANCE iST READING City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by 'amending ths provisions of the Parks & Recreation Commission to increase the membership from five to seven members, A motion was then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this,ordinance, RECENT COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - NO REPORT No report was heard on the May 3rd meeting of the County Water Resourcas Advisory Committee, as no City representative had been in attendance, APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 77-461, TALLY HO ROAD (LA VINE) City Engineer Karp reviewed with t.he Council a copy of Parcel Map AGn- 46" reflecting a four-parcel lot split (Case No, 77-278) located on the northerly side of Tally Ho Road between Rancho La Barranca and Loomis Heights, request"o by L, C. La Vine, It was explained, in answer to Council Members' questions, tho': the configuration of the lots is due to existing houses and existing roadways, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallaghsr,. seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, as follows, 1) Relieving the subdivider of the sidewalk requirement 1 2) authorizing the Mayor to execute the Improvement Agreement on behalf of the CitYl 3) Accept, subject to satisfactory completion of the street improvements, the offer to dedicate on the Tally Ho Road frontage; 4) Find that Parcel Map AG 77-461 is consistent with the City's General Plan and zoning 1 and 5) Approve said Parcel Map, APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 78-87, AIDER STREET (ROBERTSON) City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council a copy of Parcel Map AG 78-87, reflecting a three-parcel lot split (Case No. 78-289) located on the west side of Alder,Street between,D.cdso':' Way and Ash Street, and requested by JohnE. Robertson. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Pope and unanimously carried, finding Parcel Map AG 78-'87 to be consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning, and approving said Parcel Map. PROGRESS REPORT - TALLY HO DRAINAGE STUDY BY GARING, TAYLOR & ASSOC. City Engineer Karp reported on the progress of the Tally Ho Drainage study by Garing, Taylor & Associates, He stated that Engineer Garing will be meeting with Tally Ho residents on Thursday, A rough draft of the study should be submitted to City Staff next week, APPROVE RECOMMENDATIONS RE. WATER MASTER PLAN STUDY IN CONJUNCTION W!WATER RESERVOIR The Council reviewed a report from City Engineer Karp requesting permission to solicit proposals for a water master plan study in conjunction with the City's propOsed water reservoir'. The last Master Water Plan for the City was prepared by Koebig, and Koebigin 1972, It is difficult to estimate necessary line size, pressure losses, etc. as extensions are made into undeveloped areas, without a current'Master Plan and complete Water System Analysis. After Council discussion, general consensus was for the City Staff to go ahead and meet with several reputable domestic water system firms to discuss the City's needs and to prepare proposals for hiring a water consultant, AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO WATER ORDINANCE RE. FRONT FOOT CHARGES The Council read a report from City Engineer Karp" recommending an increase in the front foot water main charges from $4.50 per foot to $6.00 per foot. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Council- man de Leon and unanimously carried, authorizing the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance amending the City's Municipal Code regarding water charges, so as to increase to $6.00 per foot the front foot charges on water mains. AUTHORIZE PAYMENT FOR RESERVOIR NO. 1 ROOF - GLOBE LININGS City Engineer Karp reported on some problems being encountered when placement of the new floating roof was underway at Reservoir No, 1, A leak in the concrete flooi-of the 'reservoir has developed and it has been determined that 1:l!e most economical way to solve the problem might be to use the floating roof as'a liner on the bottom of the tank and purchase another floating roof for the top. The Councii was in general agreement to trying this solution. Engineer Karp also requested that a 90% payment be authorized at thi.s time to Globe Linings, who provided the floating cover. After Council discussion, 018 CI'TY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 9, \978 PAGE 7 a mctionwas made by Counci.1man Gallagher, secondad by Councilman Pope and una..""li- mously carried, authorizing payment in the amount of ~25,O,4 to Globe Linings, Inc" which represen~s 90% of the cost of the floating reserveir roof, APPROVAL OF' TRACT MAP 533, "TERRA DE ORO. UNIT III" - HELD OVER App,roval of the Final Map of 'Traet: No, 533, "Teu:a de Oro, Unic III", was held over, PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUTS. OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT T'he Council revi.ewed the monthly report for April, '1978, from thEe Souc.h San Luie Obispo County Sanitation District's Treatment Flant, Administrator Butch raported that the City of Pismc Beach has requested to be included in t~~ Dis:t.rict is sewer line" COUNCILMAN GALLAGHER LEFT THE MEETING AND IS NOW ABSENT 0 ~ that been in~ will 'TOUR OF LOPEZ FACILI'TIES - TO BE ARRANGED The Council read a letter from the C,ounty Engineering Department, etati:r.,g a tour of the lopez facilities by Zone 3 Advisory Committee members has set for May 20, 'j978 at '] P..Mo ~ which the Council is inL'\iited to participate Aathe Council already has another meet,in9' on that. ddte>> other ac:r-ang.ement'S be made, either for a diff,erent time for the full Councilor individually, ADJOURNMENT On moti,on of Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilw,oman Smith and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 11'1 :0'7 PeM. until ,,3D P.M. on May 10, 1978. A'I'TEST, ~Ml--:;c. dd ~-:/ CITY CLERK c ~:t~ -iL CITY CCUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALlF'ORNIA MAY 10, 1978 7,30 P.M. T'he Council met in regular' adjourned meet! ng wi lOh Mayor Mill is presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon and Smith reported p,resent, Also in attendance are lllembet:.s of the Ci~y Staff and Baseball Aseociates, including Gee Gee Soto, spokesperson for the Aseocia::ss, which represent the Babe Ruth Baseball Little League, Girls' Softball, soccer, Youth Football, tennis and sw.i:mming . STUDY SESSION RE 0 PROPOSED SPORTS COMPLEX PLANS Mr. Jim McGillis prese.nted a proposed Master Plan fO.r development of Encinas Bonitas Communi-cy Park into the Elm Stx~et Sports Complex, The Associates requested overall endorsement by the Council, permission to place signs up in the ballfield, permission to play at the Elm Street pat'k. that the City water and mow the area, that $10,000 be budgeted from City funds for che development, that a Council representat.ive be appoint:ed to the Associat:es, and that the park name be changed to Elm Street Sports Comple~. After a. great deal of discussion, the Mayor indicated the Council is impressed with the presentation and noted this matter would be presented to the joint meeting of the Council with the Par'ks & Recreation Commission on Monday, May 15th at 4 P.M, u ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman deLeon, seconded by Counci.lman Gallagher and unanimously carded, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 P'.Mo until 4 P.M. on May 12, 1978.. ATTE~~ W1 ,~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK A:}:j )~