Minutes 1978-05-12 018 Cl'TY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 12,1978 4,00 PoMo Ths Councll ffiBt in regular adjourned mesting Upon r:oll call, Council Membe.r's Pope, Gallagher and Councilman' de Leon is absent. wil:h Mayor Millis presiding. Smith repon:ed present. STUDY SESSION WITH ENGINEERS AND DEVELOPERS REo COUNCIL POLICY TO NOT ISSUE BUILDING PERMI'TS ON UNIMPROVED, UNACCEP'I'ED SUBDIVISrONS Rep:resentativee fr'om the fields of bui.lding>> developers ~ engineers and --.. sur'veyo~'s :revi~w~d f'o:r the ,City Councii their concerns x.,egarding the Cou..'1.:;il ~ 3 recently adopteo. policy that all improvements on a subdivision must be completed and accepl:ed prior to the issuance of a building pennit. After a great deal of discussion, the Council inso:;ructed the Ci.ty Staf ie' to p!'epa!e a report on the requesced r'econsideration and ceme back to the Council. for' a possible add~,t:ional st.udy session with the concerned businesses ~ r ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unan.imously carri,ed, the meeting adjourned at 5,15 F.Mo to 4 P.M. on May 15, 1978, ATTE:;;~ ~A. ~ DEPU'l'Y CITY CLERK <. A:t1, ,4~ V OR ~ .. ',' .,. ",! / . .' /; - - ~ CrTt COUNCIL ARROtO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 1 5, 1978 4,00 P.M. The City Co'.!ncil met: in regular adjourned session for a joint meeting wh.t the '''aLl<s and Rr"o" aticn Commiss I.on. Upon roll call, Council Members Pope, SmL'oh and M.yor MIlll"cepo.cted present., Councilman Gallagher entered during the meecing and- C'ouncilmo.t: de Leon :i6 absent. r ~. lQ!!n: sru~_2.!i.:i.gQt:!..Bk_YlHU.Q!.12..!:!a!!ERS PI':RTAINING .ro PARKS & RECREATION 'Th'e Cou.netl and Parks & Recre"t.ton Conunissi.oners studied various matters pet.:..Jr.lng to tne P,,'rks & Rec~'eatIon Department of the C1 ty, including t.he f-:tl.l.ow1ng~ which a-re mOr'e specificall.y d,e'tal"led in t:he permanent recol':'ds of mest.ing.s of' the P,,'!ks & Recreation Commission, dated May 15, '197B. A,. Prl.o.rlties ~ ge.als,J concerns. and ideas for f'u:t~.lt'e p,arks and rec,reati.on pt.'ejects by Commisslon, City Cound.l, Staff and PUblic, L Tennis Court LLghd.ng 20 Study of Prlvate Oe.velopers Build.L:lg Recreation Facilities on City Land fo~' a res and Event;ual OWne.!ship by the c.o.ty .3 n Council ~lem.ber:" s At:~,endance. at Cornm:i ~5.i on Meetings asrequil'ed by Ordinance 4~ Re-creation Depa:r-~ment - Change of Goals 5~ P::t~cks & Re;creaticn Fees f'rom Lot Split~ 6. Sports Compleg 7 ~ MaI'ket Day 5 8" P,arks 9~ 'Sol;t:h COUfJty L.ibrary flnd Community Bu,ildi.ng 'Phs C01l.xn.c.il took the follow.i ng fAct.ions du"r-.in'9 discussion of che Spo,rts Complex ~ A. mot,ion was made by Co~;ncilman Pope; seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously :::a,-=-,'t'ied~ rei"e:rt.ing the Elm Street Sport Complex Plan presen:.:ed by the A'5soci.ates~ to t.he Parks & Rec,..eat.ion COlTllTl.iss.i.cn.'l Plann.lng Commission, and Cit.y St:afff for expedient review and retucn to th€ City Council by June 13chv On mo~"i.on of Cou.ncLl,woman Sm.i th ~ se.coz:ded by Councilman Pope a."1d unanLitously <:iHziedj the E1-m St::t"eet Parl< 3porte: ::oinple~_..qoncept ,in gsneral -3.5 presented tQ roe city Cound.l on Wednesday. MaylO, 197B; was .,e.ndorsedo .0 In :t:agaLd 't;O the Market Days p:;ropbs~l'j MdY~~ Mill.is appointed Councilman Gallagher t;:) a Commi.t.tee to s"VJdy the rnatte:r further and resolve the details of it" I II