Minutes 1978-10-24 102 CITY C OUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 24, 1978 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Mark Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Matt Gallagher, Jr.; Gabe de Leon, Hugh Pope, Jr., and B'An"n Smith reported present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councrl Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried that the minutes for the meetings of October 10 and 14, 1978, be" approved as submitted. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded "by Council Member Smith and unani- mously carried that Demand Warrants No. 9450 to and including 9562, in the amount of $24,759.06, and Payroll Warrants No" 12576 to and including 12678, in the total amount of $62,841.83, for a grand total of $87,600.89, be approved and ordered paid. o PRESENTATION BY REGION V MEMBERS OF THE U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Administrator Butch introduced the members of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Region V: Jesse L. Crews, Chief of Reactor Operations and Nuclear Support Branch; Tolbert Young, Resident Inspector at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant; Dan Sternberg, Section Chief of Reactor Projects. Each of the representatives spoke to the Council, ex- plaining the branches of the NRC: "standards;" 1 icensing "and inspections; enforcement. rn answer to several questions, Mr. Crews explained the Federal agency responsibfe for tran"s- portation of nuclear material is the Department of Transportation. The NRC enforces proper packaging and shipment prepara~ion of nuclear materials. He urged the County, as the responsible government agency, to work with P.""G."& E. to "address the "transportation issue, but noted there are four years of storage facilities at the Diablo plant, so i~ will be a few years before any transportation occurs in this area. He explained P. G. & E. is responsible for coordinating any off-site response facilities or staff; no change is anticipated in environmental 'radioactive readings once the plant becomes operational, but continual moni,to~ing wi'll occu~ a,s part of the normal operating procedure; the "date the plant wi 11 begin operation"s has not,been set at this t,ime. The Mayor thanked Mr. Crews and his associates for th6ir presentation. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Mayor Mill is exp 1 a i ned Item "1 was to be wi thdrawn from the Consent Agenda and 'con- sidered separately. On the motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Mem- ber de Leon and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were approved as recommended by Administrator Bu"tch: "" 2. Notice of League of California Cities' Channel Counties' Division Meeting in San Luis s Obispo on November 10, 1978. PLEASE ADVISE FOR RESERVATIONS. 3. Invitation to "the City Coun"cil to Participate in "the 13th Annual Grover City Christmas Parade, December 2, 1978, at 11:00 A.M. PLEAsE ADVISE IF COUNCIL WILL ATTEND: 4. Resolutions From City of Riverbank Re. Strong Opposition to State of California'"s Lack of Concern for the Impact of State-Mandated Costs. REFER TO LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA C ITI ES. 5. Request of Tri-tounty Commission for Senior' Citizens to Submit Two (2) Names fo'r Nom- ination to the Board of Directors. PLEASE SUBMIT NAMES FOR NOMINATION. 6. Recommendation of the Planning Commission Re. Proposed Street Name Change "May Stree~' to "Crown Oaks Drive". HEARING SET FOR NOVEMBER 14, 1978, at 8:00 P.M. u 7. Recommendation of Planning Commission Re. Rezoning Case No. 78'-122 "A" Agricultural District to "P-D" Planned "" Development District, 1122 and 1160 East Frontage Road (Gifford and Fagan). HEARING SET FOR NOVEMBER 14, 1978, AT 8:00 P.M. Item 1 was then considered by the Council. Administrator Butch explained the total amount to be refunded to the Guidotti's was $840.90, explaining it was the City's policy to reimburse the fee when a building permit is not used after issuance. It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried that the Counci 1 authorize the reimbursement of $840.90 to;"Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guidotti for re- fund on Building Permit No. 1718. DISCUSSION ON ANNEXATION OF UNINCORPORATED ISLAND, EL CAMINO REAL ,NO. I ANNEXATION Administrator Butch explained to the Council that the Board of Supervisors voted to table the matter unless it is brought up by either a Board of Supervisors' member or as a request from other agencies. After a brief discussion, the Council decided to urge the residents of this unincorporated area to write to the Board of Supervisors and ask for reconsideration of the annexation, after the first of the year. CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER '0" L ',-\ II ~ 24, 1,978 PAGE 2 I ADOPT RESOLUTION COMMENDING RICHARD MILLER, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'FOR SAN LUIS OBISPOI Administrator Butch presented a resolution from the City of Arroyo Grande commending " Richard Miller on his retirement, for his 27 years of Administrative Service to the City of San Lu i s Ob i spo. He then read the tit 1 e of the Reso 1 ut i on. I t was moved by Counc il Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of tHe res61ution: . RESOLUTION NO. 1332 A RESOLUT I ON OF THE CITY COUNC I L OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAN DE COMMEND I NG ADM I N IS TRA T I VE OFF I CE R RICHARD D. MILLER FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. On the motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: r AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Millis. None. None. the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of October, 1978. RECEIVE 1978-79 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM 'FOR S,L.O. AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Administrator Butch presented a request from the Citizens for'Cal-Vet Housing Prop- osition 1, requesting that the City Council support Propositi6n 1, a $500,000,000 Cal-Vet Measure on the ballot for November 7, 1978. This program is entirely self-supporting,'i with no cost to the taxpayers, but funds will expire in'1979.' On the motion of Counci~ Member Gallagher, seconded by Council'Member de Leon 'and unanimously carried, the City; Council voted to support the $500,000,000 Cal-Vet Bond'Measure, Proposition 1. ' RECEIPT OF PROPOSED'FAIR'SHARE HOUSING'NEEDS ALLOCATION PLAN,FOR S.L:O. COUNTY AND CITIES Planner Sullivan reviewed the Fair Share Housing Needs Allocation Plan for San Luis Obispo County and cities, explaining the income levels and households existing at'each! ' level in the area. There was considerable discussion between staff and Council, with staff requesting direction from the Council on the approach to the fair share plan, as': staff felt the readings at the low income level were too high. After'considerable dist cussion, the Council authorized the staff to inform the Council of'Government's staff " and technical committee that the City Council has grave concerns over this plan and will take no action until City staff has had an opportunity to address some kind of proposa'l to meet the'City's needs and the City would 1 ike the matter to continue until it has h~d time to determine the position it will present to COG on the housing plan.' ' PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENTS TO CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - EAST FRONTAGE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY, TALLY'HO ROAD TO LOCAL STREET Mayor Mill is explained this public hearing was to consider two amendments to the Circulation Element for the City,of Arroyo Grande: -East'Frontage Road cross section be increased in width to 56 feet of right of way; -Tally Ho Road be shown as' a "local" street rather than a "collector" street, with a 52'foot right of way as a minimum. ~ j Mayor Millis then explained each item would be considered separately by the Council. EAST FRONTAGE ROAD RIGHT00F WAY INCREASED TO 56 FEET Planner Sullivan'displi.yed a map showing 'the proposed cross section increase on Frontage Road, 'noting the increase would make'the right 'of way width 56 feet. He noted the Planning Commission 'had' reviewed Dr.'Jones'report on 'Frontage Road and recommended! a 56 foot'right of way, designed as follows:' (1) A 46'foot,'curb to curb, paved sec- . tion; (2) One six-foot sidewalk area; (3) Two four-foot or one eight~foot bike path; (4) Two 12-foot drive lanes; (5) One 14-foot turn lane. Mayor Millis then opened the hearing to public comment: There being no comment, the hearing was closed and discussion limited to Council participation.' Council dis- cussion ensued with questions on,the length of the right of way from Oak Park Blvd. to; West Branch Street, changes to the property at the Woman's Club Community Center, the necessity of sidewalks, and County Road requirements in front of the South County Civic Center. Staff confirmed that this project will decrease the size of ' the parking lot at the Woman's Club Community~enter; s~dewalk requirements will be d,:,t,:,rmined upon devel.1 opment and County road requirements In front of the South County C'VIC Center call fo~' a 56 foot right of way. After a brief discussion, it was moved by Council Member Gal-, lagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon, and unanimously carried, to tentatively approve increasing the width of the right of way on the East Frontage Road cross section 104 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 24, 1978 PAGE 3 to 56 feet. Final approval of this changes to the Land Use Element Map 1978. change will be included in the resolution on the of the General Plan, to be adopted on November 28, TALLY HO ROAD: LOCAL STREET 'RATHER THAN COLLECTOR STREET Mayor Millis asked Council direction on this item, requesting it be continued to November 14, 1978, to allow time for a meeting with all residents of Tally Ho Road and City staff, to discuss the road width only, and to tour Tally Ho Road to determine how each individual property would be affected by the road width change. There was consider- able discussion on the meeting and Council attendance.: Mayor Mill is then opened the pub- lic hearing, requesting comments from people who would not be able to attend the public hearing on November 14, 1978, and confirming the meeting and tour of Tally Ho Road on November 4, 1978, at 9:00 A.M. The following people 'spoke stating they felt the idea of ' a meeting and tour of Tally U Ho was sound, expressing a desire to review their problems on the road width with the staff, and asking if a questionnaire could be circulated to determine the opinion and ideas of the'residents in the area: Shawn Davies,'258 Tally Ho Road; 'John Sprague, 212 Tally Ho Road; Sandy Facchetti, 248 Tally Ho Road. There was no further public comment. After a brief discussion, it was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member de Leon, and unanimously carried, to con- tinue the public hearing to November 14, 1978, at 8:00 P.M. and to set a study session for November 4, 1978, at 9:00 A.M., for a study session and tour of Tally Ho Road by Council, staff and residents. CONTINUED HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT'MAP Planning Director Castro reviewed the proposed amendments to the adopted General :';" Plan's Land Use Element Map of the City of. Arroyo Grande, Items 37 through 42, as pub- lished in the Notice of Public Hearing for July 25, 1978. He explained Items 41 and 42 involved land in the County area, i.e., the Brisco unincorporated island, but the City can always identify its Sphere of Influence. Mayor Millis then declared the continued pub I ic hearing open for public comment on said items. There being no comment, the pub- lic hearing was closed to audience and Council discussion'ensued. ITEM 37 It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council'Member Gallagher and unanimously carried to tentatively approve changing the peninsula'area bounded by Chilton Street, Oak Park Boulevard, El Camino Real and the City Limits; from Low Density Residential to HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL. ' ITEM 38 It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Pope and unanimously carried that Item 38 be held over to November'14, '1978, to allow' time for staff study in light of the recommendations that this be made highway commercial. ITEM 39 I t was moved by Counc i 1 Member Ga 11 agher, seconded by Counc i 1 Member Smith and unanimously carried to;tentatively approve rec.lassifying.the two lots at the'end of Linda Drive from Highway Commercial to lOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. ITEM 40 After discussion, it was moved by Council 'Member'Smith, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and carried, with Council Member de leon abstaining, that the proposal to change'the area generally between Bennett, N. Halcyon and Grand Avenue, encompassing the Burke property and the Mobilehome Park and generally as shown on the existing zoning map, from Highway Commercial to HEAVY 'COMMERCIAl!lIGHTINDUSTRY, be tentatively denied and Council recommends this property REMAIN HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL. ~ ITEM 41 It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de leon to tentatively approve changing the properties 'bounded by the existing City Limits, El Camino Real,.Chilton Street and Hillcrest Drive, from low Density Residential to MEDTUM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. Council discussion ensued on the propriety of the City zoning the County area, with Planner Sullivan explaining the City has pre-planned several areas outside its City limits. Council Member Smith questioned the medium high'density as proper planning, and Mayor Millis expressed the desire to postpone considering changes in the County area until the new year. On the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher and de leon: Council Members Pope, Smith and Mayor Millis. None. the motion to tentatively approve Item No. 41 was denied: It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member de leon,and'carried, with Council Members Gallagher and Smith dissenting, to'exclude Item 41 from the City's 'General'Plan. CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA ;105 OCTOBER 24, 1978 PAGE '4 :1 ITEM 42 carried, from the It was moved by Counci 1 Member de Leon, seconded by with Council Members Smith and Gallagher dissenting, General Plan for the City of Arroyo Grande. Cbunci1 Member Pope, andl to exclude I tem No. 42 :i Administrator Butch explained to the Council that Items No. 43 through 51 will b~ considered on November 14, 1978, with the resolution to be adopted on November 28, 1978. He requested. that the items which have been held over from previous meetings be heard on November 28, 1978; Council concurred. I, APPROVE AGREEMENT ANO BUOGET FOR COUNTY'S HANOICAPPED TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Administrator Butch introduced the joint powers agreement' and budget for the County's handicapped transportation system, noting Arroyo Grande's share of cost was $3,037. It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gal'lagher and unanimously carried to approve the budget and authorize the Mayor and the Deputy City Clerk to sign the joint powers agreement. r RECEIPT OF RECENT LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA' CITIES' BULLETINS Administrator Butch gave a brief review of recent Leagui of California Cities' Bulle- tins. He reviewed Assembly Bi 11 2224, which changes municipal' election dates as follo!:"s: the election day is changed to the second:Tuesday in April of'even numbered years; the deadline for nominations is 5:00 P.M., (ins~ead of 12 Noon); school district and college elections will be on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. PROGRESS REPORTS ON FIRE STATION; COMMUNITY BLDG.; STROTHER PARK; ELM ST. SPORTS COMPLEX Administrator Butch explained there was nothing to report on the relocation of the FIRE STATION at this time. The Community Building Committee met and recommended a total package bid by William Wood of Fred Sena & Associates, which will go to the Parks and Recreation Commission on October 25,1978; it should be back to the Council on Novemberlil4, 1978, for approval on' putting a bid' package together for the COMMUNITY BUILDING expans.!on. The architect is in the process of preparing the designs for the redesign of STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK; the work:'''.. is proceeding fai r1y rapidly and should be ready for Counci 1 approval in November. The Planning Department has reviewed the parking and restroom facilities on the ELM STREET SPORTS COMPLEX; the plans are now back with the Sports Com- plex people. 1 DISCUSSION RE. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CITY'S ORDINANCE RE. SCHOOL DISTRICT SURCHARGE Administrator Butch explained the Planning Commission had received a letter from Dr. Hoagland, Superintendent of the Lucia Mar Unified School District, requesting the i implementation of the school district surcharge, ($400 per dwelling unit), to help miti- gate development costs to the school district; they referred this matter to the Council. Administrator Butch reviewed the history of the ordinance, noting it would not go into'l effect until the other cities and the County adopted a similar ordinance. There was considerable Council discussion on the action taken by the City and alternatives avail" able to other agencies. After discussion, it was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith, and carried, with Council Member Pope dissenting and Mayor Millis abstaining, that the Ci.ty Administrator be authorized to write'a letter to the Lucia Mar Unified School'District Board stating the City's position, noting the steps already taken by the City to implement this surcharge and requesting the School District take further, action at their level to implement the surcharge. REPORT'ON ZONE 3 MEETINGOF,OCTOBER 19, 1978 'Pub 1 ie'Works October 19, 1978, other employment. the fee schedule, 'Di'rector Anderson gave a brief oral report on the Zone <3 meeting of noting that D~n Rodriguez, the Park Superintendent, resigned to take Also, a letter which was sent to the State requesting increases in was approved by the Board of Supervisors. n PROGRESS REPORT ON TALLY HO ROAD DRAINAGE Pub 1 i c, Works D'i rector Anderson stated there was nothi ng further to report on the Tally Ho Road drainage at this time. There was considerable discussion between staff, audience, and Council on the proposed pipeline between James Way and Canyon Way, funding for same, prospects for cleaning the creek, and construction of curbs, gutters, and driveway approach aprons' to control flooding. No action was taken at'this time. n REQUEST OF GEORGE PUESCHEL FOR ADDITIONAL WATER HOOKUP AT 160~ BRISCO ROAD In light of the decision by the County Board of Supervisors to table the El Camino Real No.1 Annexation, it was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council M~m- ber de Leon, and unanimously carried, to direct the City Administrator to write a letter to Mr. Pueschel urging him to write to the Board of Supervisor's supporting. the annexa" tion of the unincorporated island, (El Camino Real No.1 Annexation), to Arroyo Grande. AUTHOR I ZAT I ON TO CALL FOR BIDS RE. STREET CONSTRUCT I ON ON FA I R OAKS AND HALCYON ROAD !i Administrator Butch explained the staff was requesting Council authorization to c~ll for bids on the construction on Fair Oaks Avenue and Halcyon Road--both are budgeted items. It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and unani- lOb CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ,'. OCTOBER 24, 1978 PAGE 5 mously carried, to authorize the calling for bids for the construction of Fair Oaks Avenue from Woodland Drive to Halcyon Road and the construction of Halcyon Road from' Fair Oaks Avenue to The Pike. READVERTISE FOR BIDS ON REPLACING SEWER AND WATER LINES IN' THE WESTERN ADDITION For the Council's information, Administrator Butch explained the Public Works De- partment wil]: readvertise, ',for bids on the water and sewer 1 ine replacement project in the Western Addition. Bids previously received were much higher than anticipated. PROGRESS REPORT ON THE SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch displayed plans on in~plant improvements at the South'San Luis Obispo County Sanitation Di'strict's treatment plant, explaining new improvements to be in- lJ corporated into the system. Major improvements are: standby power; a sludge thickener to decrease the amount of water used in treatment; scumming pits around the aeration tanks; ten sludge drying beds on an asphalt base with drain, which allows faster ~rying of sludge; a 30-inch diameter outfall 1 ine ru. nning 4,000 feet into th,e ocean in 60-foot deep water; this u~. will aliow enough dilution of the effluent to eliminate the use of chlorine; a maintenance bui lding for storage, and workshop area.' ' YOUTH I N GOVERNMENT DAY - JANUARY 9, 1979 ' ' ' On the motion of Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gal'lagher, and unani- mously carried, the City will participate in YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT DAY on January 9,1979. INVITATION TO WORKSHOP ON WATER SHED DRAINAGE PLANS - NOVEMBER 1, 1978 Administrator Butch explained the Council had been invited to attend a workshop on the Water Shed Drainage Plans, being held by the San Luis Coastal Resources on' November 1, 1978, at 9:00 A.M., at the Veteran's Memorial Building in Pismo Beach.' NOTICE OF WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - NOVEMBER 1, 1978 Administrator Butch explained the Council.was invited to a:meetin'g 'o'f--the,Water'Resour- ces .Adv i sor:y Comm i ttee 'meet i ng ondlovember .].', d978,' at'-'i.: 00 P:M i:', ., i n.'th'e ,veterans,' ; Memor: i a 1. Bui lding"IncSancLLiis Obispo. . , I NVJTI\TION TO'"UOI'N iN 'smiTH' COUNJY:'H I STOR LcAl.' SOC LETY' PAGEANT ", NOVEMBER 4, 1978 ""Adm i n i s t~a.t6r"'BLi,tch'eexp,Lal;,rled.. the ,CoLinc j'Lhadpbeenb i nv I ted to attend the Th i rd Annua 1 Pageant of the South County Historical Society on November 4, 1978, at the Veterans' Memorial Bui lding in Pismo Beach. . REQUEST BY COUNC I L MEMBER DE LEON FOR PERM I SS I ON TO LEAVE THE STATE Council Member de Leon explained there was a possibility he would be leaving the State from October 25, 1978, to November 30, 1978; he requested the Council's permission to be absent at this time. It was moved by'Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member' Gallagher, and unanimous'ly carried, to allow Counci 1 Member de'Leon to be out of the State from October 25, 1978, to November 30, 1978. lJ ADJOURNMENT On the motion of Countil Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unani- mously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M., unti 1 4:00 P.M.', on October 25, 1978, for a study'session with the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce. " &j.J~ ATTEST: Cb~ ~J\ ON\. DEPUTY CITY, CLER .. CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 25, 1978 4:00 P.M. u The City Council me~ in a study session with Mayor Mark Millis presiding. 'Council Members in attendance were Matt Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon'and B'Ann Smith. Council Member Pope was absent. The study session was held with the Board Members of the Arroyo Grande Chamber of' LJ Commerce, President John Steffan and Manager Fay Lane. Board Members in attendance were Al ice Rouse, Rueben Kvidt, Paul Reynolds, Dick Blankenburg and Henry Wachtmann. DISCUSSION ON BUSINESS PROMOTION IN ARROYO GRANDE The Chamber of Commerce presented to the City Council a suggested community profile outline coverIng the area of Arroyo Grande and the Five Cities. The Chamber also discus- sed the question of industrial development in the areas outside the City of Arroyo Grande which would have direct effect on the City of Arroyo Grande.