Minutes 1979-01-03 The City Council met in a speci'al meeting with Mayor Mark 'Millis presiding. Council.'Member in attendance were: Matt Gallagher, Jr.; Gabe de leon and BlAnn Smith. Council Member Pope was absent. ,- ,I -. "'""" J.'::0 l JANUARY.3, 197911 4.30 P.M'i iI I I ,I CITY COUNCIL, SPECIAL MEETING ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA r ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE ROBERTI-Z'BERG URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM Recreation Director Keisler 'explained the speci'a1 meeting was'called to' ,i present to the Council a proposed resolution approving the'City's application fori grant funds under the Robert i -Z-berg Urban Open-Space and Recreat i on Program. He:; explained the appl ication date for these funds had been extended to January 8, ' ',I 1979, and he felt Arroyo Grande met the requirements for the application. For the Counci l"s informati'on; he had prepared the project appl ication for'the Elm Streed Sports Complex" with an estimated grant request of $133,500, whi.ch included funds'; for six tennis courts and softball, socc~r and football fields for both youth andl adults.' He explained .the 'grant was on a 75% -, 25% matching status, i.e., the . 'i State would meet 75% of the grant and the City would provide the remaining 25% ofi, the funds. The City meets the requirements of the grant in that it meets currently unmet park and recreation needs in a heavily populated area, it,is on a major j transportation 'route, (SCAT), and the complex would serve the 'many low-income families in the area. He explained State representatives would come to the City to study th~ proposed project.to determine its eligtbiltty. After discussion, the Counci 1 requested the Admini'strator 'write to Assemblywoman Carol HallettCland ,! Senator Robert Nimmo, requesting their support for the City's application. M.yor; Millis commended Director Keisler for his work and efforts in. preparing the :i application. After discussian, Administrator Butch read the title of ' the resolu-i tion. -It was 'moved by Council Member-Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of the resolution. " RESOLUTION NO. 1338 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE ROBERTI~Z'BERT URBAN OPEN-SPACE-AND RECREATION PRO- GRAM. On the motion of Counci 1 Member Gallagher, 'seconded by Counci 1 Member 'Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit-: 'j'. , AYES: NOES: ABSENT: -Counci l Members 'Galla'gher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Mi 11 is. Non~. Council Member Pope. the forego i ng reso I ut i on was passed and adopted th i's 3rd day of January.. 1979. ADJOURNMENT On the motion of 'Council Member and unanimously carried, the meeting de Leon, ,seconded by Council Member Smith was adjourned at 4:41 P.M.. ,- ~ ~~ ~/~1 ~-YR 'Ii' .<, -~ ( r ATTEST: ~~. ~-=-- \~~".J\ D_ DEPUTY city CLERK , '-' .,1