Minutes 1979-01-09 124 C!TY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 9, 1979 7:30 P.M. The City Courici 1 met in regurar session wrth Mayor Mark Mi'll is presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Matt Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon, Hugh ~ope, Jr.; and B'Ann Smith reported present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried that the Minutes for the meetings of December 12 and 13, 1978, and January '3, 1979, be approved as submitted. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried that Demand Warrants No. 9881 to and including 10049, in the total amount of $289;890:45, (includes Lopez Contract Paymeni of $204,464.38 due 1/1/79), and Payroll Warrants No. 12965 to and including 1314~ in the total amount of '$89,685.53, for a Grand Total Amount of $379,575.98, be approved as submitted and ordered paid. PRESENTATION ON "YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT DAY" BY MAYOR KARY MACKAOUI Youth in Government Day Mayor, Kary Mackaoui, gave an oral report to'the City Council on ~he activities and actions of the Youth In Government Day Council, held on Janua ry 9, 1979. He revi ewed the dec is ions made by the student counc i 1 a'nd, 'on' beha 1 f of all ihe students partidpatrng in th'e Youth In Government Day activities, thanked the Council and staff for their efforts and ~artlcipatron. .~ APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA'ITEMS On'the request of Counci 1 Member de Leon', 'Item No.' l--re'port on sales tax revenue for the third quarter of 1978--was omitted from the Consent Agenda Items for an oral report by the City Administrator. On the motion of Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci 1 Member de Leon, and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were approved as recommended by Administrator Butch: A-2. Receipt of Annual Report for Fiscal Year 1977-78 Tri-County Commission for Senior Citizens Area Agency on Aging. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-3. Request that the City Nomination to the Board of sion for Senior CItizens. Council Submit Names of Two (2) Persons to be Considered for Directors on the Advisory Council of the Tri-County Commis- RECOMMEND ANY 'NOMINATION BY COUNCIL BE MADE FOR SUBMISSION. A-4. Request of Fire Chief to 'Establish Quarterly Burn Weeks, February 4,-10, (Winter), May 6-12, (Spring), August 19-25, (Summer), November 11-17, (Fal,l). RECOMMEND APPROVAL. A-5. Receipt of Letter of Thanks from the President of the League of California Cities' for the Sp i r i t and Pos i t i ve Att rtude Exe rted Throughout 1978: RECOMMEND RECE I VE AND FILE. A-6. Receipt of November, 1978, Report on Workers' Compensation, Central Coast Cities' Self-Insurance Fund. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE: A-7. Receipt of 1976-77 Cali~ornia Drought, a Review from State Department of Water - . . Resources_'-RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. Administrator Butch then gave an oral report on the Third Quarter Sales Tax and Cigarette Tax Revenue received by the City. The amount of sales tax received by the City for this period was $122,811, making this the highest quarter in the history of Arroyo Grande and representing an increase of 8.5% over the third quarter of 1977. Sales tax revenue is now the largest source of revenue for the City. ~ A-8. Receipt of 1978 Biennial Report of Public Review Draft, California Transportation Commission. RECOMMEND THAT IT BE REVIEWED BY STAFF. CANCELLATION OF AGENDA ITEM Mayor Millis noted Agenda Item No. C-2, Report on Zone 3 Advisory Meeting, has been cance 11 ed. RECEIPT OF DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 1978 Administrator Butch distributed copies of the Pol ice Department's Monthly Report for December, 1978. He then reviewed the Explorer Post Activities, noting the post has been very active in the community and involves many of the youth in the city. Also, the total number of Fire Department alarms for 1978 was 148. ~-~- .-~-,r , CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1"5 ..L ". JANUARY 9, 197,9 PAGE -:2 . if REPORT ON RESULTS OF RESIDENTIAL SECURITY PROJECT I Administrator Butch gave an oral report on the results of the Residential Security Project, explaining this was a combined project with the Crime Prevention Bureau which'l selected a target area in Arroyo Grande for a reduction in residentiat burglaries. ! City staff and members of the Crime Pr.evention Bureau went to the r~esidents in this 'i area informing them of methods to hel.p in the prevention of residential bur~glaries and'! checking residential security.. The designated .goal was a 10% reduction in burglaries,,! however the target area experienced a 37.5% decrease over 1977 residential burglaries.', r RECOMMENDATIONS OF SAFETY COMMITTEE fROM CENTRAL COAST CITIES' SELF-INSURANCE FUND Admini"strator Butch gave an oral report ~to the .Counci 1 on the recommendations of " the Joint Safety Committee from the Central Coast 'Cities' Self-Insurance Fund with re+ gards to safety measures for~ Workmen '.s Compensat ion and Li ab i 1 i ty Insurance. He .ex- pia i ned severa 1 i deas/sugges t ions be i ng formu 1 ated by the Safety Comm i t tee to he 1 p the, citLes in the County. One suggestion was the annual checking of driver's l~icenses, for"! all employees driving cit~ vehiclesh to correct any possible drivi~g problem ~reas, i.e. numerous tickets; expLred ~li~censes" etc. Also suggested, was ,the requirementcof 'i a doctor's medical release before 'an employee 'is allowed to re.turn to 'work, after hav-': ing sustained an injury, to prevent re-inju~y or perma~en~ damage., The city is also 1 studying the requi.rement oJ physical exami~ations for city employees. SETTING OF PUBLIC HEARING RE. SONIC CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE: JANUARY 23, 1979 AdminLstrator Butch advised the Council .that the Sonic Cable Television Franchisel expires on February 12, 1979, ~noting the franchise had been granted i~n 1964 for fiftee~ years. Also, in a le.tter to the Council dated Decemb.er 29,~ 1978, Mr., Christopher CohaA, President of Sonic Cable Television" had requested a continuati.on of the fr,anchis.e for'l~ 25 years.~ ~ Council Member Gallagher expressed concern over the 25-year extension of the franchise and requested a survey be taken of the Arroyo Grande. customers served by Soni,c Cable TV to determine any dissatisfaction with the service. Considerable discussion ' ensued between the Council and Mr. Cohan, who was in the audience. Upon question, Mr. Cohan confirmed service would not be eliminated if the new franchise had not been accepted by the February 12, 1979, date,cas long as renewal efforts continued. Mayor Millis requested that in the proposed ordinance for the new franchise, Item b(3) re-' quire any rate changes be approved by Council ordinance, rather than resolution. Afte~ considerable discussion, it was moved by Counci"l Member Pope, seconded by Council Mem-! ber Smith and unanimously carried that a public hearing be schedul,ed to air any com-i plaints from the public with regards to the Sonic Cable Television franchise on January 23, 1979, at 8:00 P.M. .~.. I After brief discussion, it was moved by Council Member Gallagher and seconded by: Council Member de Leon that the Sonic Cable Television Company be required to provide ~ surve~ on the quality of service, of 10% of the customers in Arroyo Grande and that the results of the survey be provided to the City before the publ ic hearing on January 23,! 1979. On the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members de Leon, Smith and i Gallagher; NOES: Council Member Pope.and Mayor. Millis; ABSENT: None; the motion to re-, quire ,Sonic Cable Television to provide a servi,ce survey, as specified above, was carc~ ried. '. I ADOPTION OF' RESOLUTION CALLING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON EXTENSION OF EMERGENCY ORD I NANCE NO. 187 C. S., .PROH I B I TI NG CONDOM I N I UM . CONVERS IONS FOR TH i RTY DAYS Administrator Butch reviewed for the Council the action taken to adopt an ordin- : ance prohibiting condominium conversions to allow time for the staff to study the mat-,I ter. He explained the information requested from the League of California Cities had been received by .the Planning Director on this day, and presented a memorandum from the Planning Director requesting an extension of the emergency ordinance to allow time for,: proper review of the information and to develop an ordinance on condominium conversion~. Attorney Shipsey then explained that a public hearing would have to be set, by Council I resolution, on the extension of the emergency ordinance. After considerable discussion, Attorney Shipsey read the tLtle of the resolution setting the publ,ic hearing. It was' moved by Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci I, Member de Leon, and unanimously,1 carried, to dispense with further reading of the resolution. . I RESOLUTION NO. 1339 A RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERN I NG THE ,PROPOSED EXTENS I ON OF AN EMER- GENCY ORDINANCE PROHIBITING CONDOMINIUM CON- VERSIONS PENDING FURTHER .STUDY BY THE CITY. On the motion of Council .Member de Leon, seconded by ,Council Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: 128 CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 9, 1979 PAGE 3 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Millis. None. None. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of January, 1979.. Attorney Shipsey explained the resolution cal1sfor an extension up to eight months, however, this does not mean it has to be extended for eight months--this .is up to Council discretion. VARIOUS ACTIONS ON RECOMMENDATIONS OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION City Engineer Karp reviewed various recommendations made to the Council by the Parking and Traffic Commission at their meeting of December 14, 1978, as follows: (1) Elimination of Parking on Halcyon Road Near Fair Oaks Vicinity City Engineer Karp presented an improvement plan for South Halcyon .Road, which in- ~-,. cludes wideni.ng of Halcyon Road along the westerly side between Margaret .Harloe School and The Pike, to provide adequate space for parking, driving lanes and left turn lanes. At the Fair Oaks intersection there are several blind spots, which.cou1d be eliminated by providing a protective turning movement .for .left turns .and moving traffic to the center of the street. In order to do this, on-street parking in the vicinity of the hospital and the medical clinic will have to be eliminated. It was the feeling of the engineer that there is adequate off-street parking in this area, and that parking should be eliminated on both sidesof Halcyon Road from the nor.ther1y right of way line of Fair Oaks Avenue to a point 458.00 feet north, to become effective once Halcyon Road is im- proved. After considerable discussion, Attorney Shipsey read the title of the resolu- tion el iminating the parking on Halcyon Road as previously specified. I.t was movedby Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci 1 Member Smith, and unanimously carded, to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUT.ION NO.1 340 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLI.SH I NG A "NO PARKI NG" ZONE ON HALCYON ROAD.. On the motion of Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci 1 Member Smith and:'on::the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council MembersGallagher, de Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Mill.is. None. None. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of January, 1979. (2) Placing Stop Sign on Ide Street at Whiteley Street Engineer Karp explained there is a yield sign on Ide Street for traffic entering Whiteley Street, and it was the staff recommendation that this yield sign be replaced with a stop sign. Attorney Shipsey then read the title of the resolution establishing a stop sign on Ide Street at Whiteley Street. It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci 1 Member de Leon, and unanimously carried,.to dispense with fur.ther reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION ~O. 1341 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A BOULEVARD STOP SIGN .ON IDE STREET AT WHITELEY STREET. On the motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Millis. None. None. the foregOing resolution was .passed and adopted this 9th day of January, 1979. (3) Request for Drive-'up Book Drop at Library, 127 Bridge Street Engineer Karp explained this was a request from the County Faci 1 ity Servi.ces De- partment at the County asking the City to repaint the curb in front of the 1 ibrary from green to red, as the County wants to put a book drop on that curb. There was consider- able discussion by the Council on the reduced parking this will create in an area where parking is already insufficient, along with serving traffic in only one direction. It CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY , "7 ..he: 11- 9, 1979, PAGE 4t! was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and unanimously carried that a letter be written to the County Facility Services expressing_the CouncIl's concern over the lack of parking in 'the area and if they would 1 ike to respond or ap-, pea 1 .th i s dec i s i on, they come before the Counc i 1. (4) ElimInating Stop ~1gn on East Cherry Avenue at Branch Mill Road and Making Temporary Stop Sign on the Northbound Lane on .Branch Mi.11 Road Permanent Engineer Karp reviewed the recommendations of the Parking and Traffic Commission on el imlnating the stop sign on .East Cherry Avenue at Branch Mi 11 .Road to stop traffic traveling east and making the temporary stop sign on the northbound lane on Branch Mill Road permanent. After discussion, Attorney Shipsey ~ead the title.of the Resolution requ'iring these changes. It was moved by Counc'il Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of. the resolu- t ion. r RESOLUT I ON NO. 1342 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ELIMINATING A BOULEVARD STOP SIGN ON .EAST CHERRY AVENUE AT BRANCH MILL ROAD AND MAKING THE TEMPORARY STOP SIGN ON THE NORTHBOUND LANE OF BRANCH MILL ROAD PERMANENT. On the motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member .Smith and on the following. roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Millis. None. None. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted .this 9th -day of January, 1979. (5) Fair Oaks Avenue/Orchard Street Stop Sign Engineer Karp explafned the Fair Oaks Avenue/Orchard Street intersection is a three-way stop, where several near-miss accidents have occurred, because this is not a four-way stop, as drivers try to make.a left turn from Fair Oaks Avenue onto Orcha~d Street. - Staff was requesting a stop sign be placed on Fair. Oaks Avenue at the High- " way 101 off-ramp to stop west-bound traffic. There was discussion by.the Council on other possible methods of control-l ing this intersect.ion., including the removal of the. stop sign on Fair Oaks Avenue at Orchard Street or channelizing the drIving lanes on Fair Oaks Avenue. After discussion, it' was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci 1 Member Smith and unanimously carried that Item No.5 be refe'rred back to the Parking and Traffic Commission for further study. ORAL REPORT ON PROGRESS OF "UP WITH FAM IllES" RE. PORNOGRAPHY Mr. Jim Fortson, 139 Rosewood Lane, made an oral presentation to the Council on the progress of the "Up With .Fami.l ies" Committee re.. removal of pornographic mater.ial from .local stores and ,enumerated the stores that have removed such mater.ial from .their stands. He presented to the Counci I window decals that were given to these stores. He also presented a copy of an ordinance adopted by. the City of Pismo Beach, regulating the type of movies shown in local theater.s. He requested the Counci 1 con- sider adopting.a simi.lar. ordinance for Arroyo Grande. The ordinance was directed to. the City's attorney for his .review and study.., ~ RATIFICATION OF JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH SLO CO. AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Administrator Butch explained one of.the requirements of the Joint Powers Agree-" ment of the San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments i~ the annual ratifica~ tion of the agreement by each of the cities in the County.. This ratification was .now before the Counc i.l. On the mot i on of Counc.i 1 Member Ga 11 agher, seconded by Counc i.l Member. de Leon, and unanimously carried, _the Council authorized the ratification of the Joint Powers Agreement with .the San Luis Obispo County Council of Governments. PROGRESS REPORTS: FIRE STATION; COMMUNITY BLDG.; STROTHER PARK; ELM ST. SPORTS COMPLEX Fire Station relocation: Mayor Millis suggested the formation of a committee con- sisting of the Fire Chief, P.olice Chief and himself, to gather the information on the . - , available sites for the Fire Station relocation, with a report to the Council on the' pros and cons of each site, by the next meeting. On the motion of Council Member. Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon, and unanimously carried, the. Council approved setting up a committee .as described above, to.report back to the.Council .at their next r.egular meeting of January 23, 1979. < Community Building: There was nothing further to report at this time. 128 C!TY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 9, 1979 PAGE 5 Strother Community Park: Parks and Recreation Director .Keisler stated the plans on Strother Park are now before the State for approval. .The .project is ready to go to bid for asphalt paving, and sidewalks along Huasna Road, the parking lot and the frontage. State approval is necessary before the project can go to bid, so staff was requesting Council approval on the calling for bids, contingent upon State ~pproval. It ~as moved by Counci I Member Pope, seconded by .Counci1 Member Smith, and unanimously carried, that the City authorize the calling for.bids on the'first phase of construction on Strother Park, contingent upon the approval of the State of California. Elm Street Sports Complex: Parks and Recreation Director Kei.sler presented the re- vised plans on the tennis courts for the J1m Street Sports Complex, along with plans on the concession stand/restroom facilities. Grading plans have not .yet been received. In addition, Director Keisler explained the City has received bids on the new play- ground equipment for the Elm Street Park--funds for this equipment were collected from new subdivisions. The two bids were: (1) Miracle Company: playground equipment was similar to what was specified in the bid; (2) Cascade Company: offered alternative equipment to what had been specified in the bid. ~ After discussion and review by the Council, it was moved by Council Member Ga.11agher, seconded by Council Member de Leon, and unanimously carried, that the playground e~uip- ment bid be awarded to Miracle Company, in the total amount of $6,048.00, for playground equipment as specified in their bid, with a wave slide. REPORT ON COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 3, 1979 City Engineer Karp gave an oral report to the Council on the recent meeting of the County Water Resources .Advisory Commi.ttee on January 3, 1979. The. two subjects under consideration were: Funding of the Nacimiento Project--a committee will be formed to study how to finance this project, now that Proposition 13 has eliminated its funds; California State Water Project--there was discussion on what to do with the advisory votenany. fur.ther work on the project has been defer.red unt i I -the vote from Santa Barbara is rece i ved .i n March. . SOUTH COUNTY WATER ASSOCIATION MEETING SET FOR JANUARY 11, 1979 Administrator Butch reviewed a letter received from Howard D. Mankins, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, dated December 14,: 1978; with regards to items of concern in ground water apportionment negotiations. He also confirmed that the South County Water Association meeting was set for January 11, 1979. Engineer Karp will be in attendance at that meeting. . ESTABLISHMENT OF CLASS I I I BICYCLE PATH IN CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE .GENERAL PLAN ALONG JAMES WAY: REFERRED BACK TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Administrator Butch explained staff had recommended the establ ishment of a Class III bike path along James Way, between Tally Ho Road and ~ak Park Road, on the Bikeway Map in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. City Engineer Karp explained the status and marking on a Class .111 bikeway. Joe Moore, Parks and Recreation Commission, explained the Parks and Recreation Commission had approved a Class I I bikeway for this area; in his own opinion the Class II bikeway was sufficient. After discussion, it was moved by Coun- ci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci 1 Member de Leon, and unanimo.usly ca.rried, that this proposal be referred back to the Parks and Recreation Commission for further .consid- eration, and that it then be forwarded to the Planning Commission. ~ ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL IMPROVEMENTS ON JAMES HEIGHTS, TRACT 625 After brief review .of the improvements of the James Heights. Trac.t No. 6i5. by the City Engineer, and noting. the improvements were now complete, it was moved by Counci 1 . Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith, and unanimously carried, that the City Counci 1 accept on behalf of .the publ Ic, the improvements constr.ucted with James Heights Tract 625, release the developer's Faithful Performance Bon.d guaranteeing completion of these improvements, and authorize the City Engineer to release the Payment Bond after the lien period has expired. FINAL APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP AG 78-245, LACKEY. (LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 78-296) City Engineer Karp presented the Tract Map for. AG 78-245, noting it spl its an .exi.st- ing lot on Printz Road into two parcels which are zoned agriculture, low density resic dential. A seven-foot strip has been required by the City to dedicate for future road widening on Printz Road, street . improvements are not required at this time, as. the City has no control over Printz Road. The lot spl it.has been permitted on the.basis that no additional bui lding wi 11 be permitted on Parcel "B" unti 1 City water and sewer are avai 1- able. After review, it was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and unanimously carried, that the City Council: CITY COUNCIL. ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY ~i') 9 .bL 9, 1979]1 PAGE 6:1 ,I I. Relieve the developer from the requirement to construct street improvements on the Printz Road frontage at this time; 2. Accept on behalf of the public the seven-foot wide offer to dedicate for future road widening; 3. Find that- Pa rce I Map AG 78-245 is consistent with the General Plan; 4. Find that Pa rce 1 Map AG 78-245 is consistent wi th City zoning; 5. Approve'Parce1 Map AG 78-245, subj ect to payment of park fees by the deve I oper. n APPROVAL OF GRADES ON CROWN TERRACE City Engineer Karp explained Crown Terrace currently is a paper street north of Le Point. The developer wishes to build on a small triangular piece of property at the north end of Crown_Terrace; as a condition to this development, the owner has been required to build street access to his property with road frontage improvements of curbs, gutters, sidewalks and extension of water and sewer lines. On the motion of Counci I Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci I Member Pope, and unanimously carried,i the Council approved the grade plans for Crown Terrace, northerly of Le Point Street, , subject to the signing of the project plans by a registered engineer. PROGRESS REPORT ON TALLY HO ROAD DRAINAGE City Engineer Karp explained CAL TRANS-notified the- Public Works Director that they feel the Canyon Way Drainage structure isin excess of what was previously there,', as it is designed for a 100-year flood. The Federal Government may not want to fund 'I the entire project, but the City has to wait for official word from the government before any further action can be taken. RECEIPT OF PETITIONS ON IMPROVEMENT OF CANYON WAY , Administrator Butch explained a petition had been received from 73% of the inter-! ested property owners requesting certain improvements of drainage, curb, gutters, and driveway aprons. Administrator Butch explained the staff felt other improvements should also be included, and _requested that before any funds are expended, staff be given an opportunity to meet with residents requesting these improvements to discuss the possibility of providing the- improvements. Council concurred. PROGRESS REPORT ON THE SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch explained the District has an opportunity to buy a used cen~ trifuge at $25;000, which is a considerable savin~s over a new-one at $100~000. The condition report on the centrifuge has been given to the Board of Directors, and its purchase has been authorized by the Board. RECEIPT OF LATEST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' BULLETINS Administrator Butch passed out copies of the latest League of California Cities' Bulletins to the Council, and a study on the new spirit of Proposition-13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Council, it-was moved by Countil Membe Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith, and unanimously carried, that the meeting be adjourned at 10:00 P;M. o ATTEST: Qu\\h':"'\)~O,^ DEPUTY C I TV CLERK \.. ~i~'1 R ., !