Minutes 1979-03-22 r n '- Ii Jr., . , , '- I; CITY COUNCIL, ADJOURNED MTNG. ARROYO GRANDE ,_' CALI FORN I II \ 50A i . ,I MARCH 22, 1979: 7:30 P.M. The City Counci I met in a',negular adjourned meeting with Mayor Mi 11 is presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Matt Gallagher, Gabe de Leon, Hugh Pope and B'Ann Smith, reported present. Also in attendance were: Ton}r:Marsalek, Fire Chief; Paul Karp, City Engineer; Joe Anderson, Director of Public Works; Tom Sullivan, Planner; Thomas M. Butch, City Administrator; several members of the Arroyo Grande Volunteer Fire Depa rtmen t. REVIEW OF POSSIBLE FIRE STATION RELOCATION SITES The City, Counc i 1 and staff met to cons i de r the two poss i b 1 e sites for the loca- tion of the Fire Station: (1) Wesley Avenue property arid (2) Halcyon Road property. The City Administrator, City Engineer and the Fire Chief reviewed each of the sites for the Council noting pros and cons of each location. After review, Council dis- cussion ensued. After discussion, on the motion of Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and'on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher, Pope and Mayor Millis. Council Members Smith and de Leon. None. staff was instructed to begin'negotiations for the sale of the Halcyon Road property and the adjoining parcel of 8850 square feet (Site B). ADJOURNMENT There being no"further business b~fore the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. ATmT'~'''''''' DEPUTY C I CLERK ' ... ~..d ~