Minutes 1979-03-27 151 1 il. " 19~9 P.M. I :1 The City Counc'i I met in r'egular' session with Mayor Mark MLll is' presiding. Upon q roll call, Counci 1 Members Man Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon, BLAnn Smith rep'orted prel- sent. Counci 1 Member Hugh Pope' wa's absent.' , Ii' ,I APPROVAL OF MINUTES :1 On the motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and I unanimously carried, the minutes for the meeti'ng of March '13, '1979, were' approved as submitted. ' CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH27, ' 7:30 APPROVAL OF WARRANTS, , ,i On the motion of Counc'i 1 Member' de Leon, seconded by Counci I'Member Gallagher 'andr I unanimously carried, Demand Warrants No. 10394 to 10502, in the amount of $22,814.04, I and Payroll Warrants No. 13625 to 13710, in the amount of $42,482.70, for a Grand Tot'!ll of $65,296.74, were approved as submitted and ordered paid. 'I r ./ APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On the request of Mayor Mill is, Consent Agenda Item No.4' - Report on Sales' Tax 'I Revenue, was omitted from the Consent Agenda Items for separate review. On the motion of Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci 1 Member Smith and unanimously carried"1 the following Consent Agenda Items were' approved as recommended by Administrator Butc~: . . .~! A-I. Receipt of Final Report: Post Commission on Government Reform (RECOMMEND THAT SINGLE COPY BE KEPT ON FILE FOR COUNC I LAND PUBL I C REV I EW) . A-2. Receipt of Liability and Workers" Compensation' Experience fcir the Period Ending :1 January 31, 1979 (RECOMMEND RECEIVE, AND FILE). 'I A-3. Recei'pt of Resolution from the Arroyo Grande Chamber of ,Commerce Oppos'ing Effortsl of Cal ifornia Coastal Commission to 'Include Portions of the City of Arroyo Grande in ,I its Permit 'Boundary (RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE). ,I REV I EW OF SAlES TAX REVENUE, REPORT FOR FOURTH' QUARTER OF 1978 (OCT., NOV., DEC ..11978)1 Administrator Butch reviewed the Sales Tax Revenue Report for the Fourth Quarter i of 1978; this was the highest 4th quarter in the City's history, and the second highes~ quarter every received. ~otal received for this quarter was $120,817. i 1 'i I , , ! REVIEW PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON REZONING CASE NO. 79~123, EL CAMINO REAL - HELD OVER This item was held over to the Council's' next' meeti'ng. PREll M I NARY REV I EW OF SEN I OR cn I ZENS HOUS I NG PROJECT, 365 SOUTH' ELM STREET Planning 'Di rector Castro presented plans on a proposed senior citizens residence; project o~ South Elm Street, consisting of a three-story buildin~ with 100 units, 1n- l cluding managemenr facilitles, recreation areas, kitchens, elevator~ and parking. Thi~ project would help address the needs of, housing for the elderly ahd he felt it should 'I be encouraged. The proposed project does not meet zoning requirements in terms of density, parking and height restrictions, but this can be solved by either placing a "-D" override on the zoning to accomodate the project, or by creatlng a special'dis- "I trict for this type of project. The Planning Commission was in favor of the project, providing the ordinance could be changed to protect the City from private developers trying to make the same submittal. r -" The project was' then reviewed by Mr. Sam Taylor, Garing &' Taylor, representative for the developer;, Mr. Monroe Weiner, Reseda, appHcant; and Mrs. Judith 'Wi lson, 1345 Brighton, realtor for the project. They eXplained this is a senior citizens' housing I project for those 62 years and older, with an income less than $7,000 per year. It is,: financed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and consequently must meet HUD's' building and ,location"standards in terms of size, number of units, location (it must be near a park and shopping facilities) and transportation (it must be on a local transportation system"s route)'. ' It also meets safety requirements in terms of entrances, exits, stairways, fire al-arm systems and elevator service. Ten percent of the Units (the first ,floor) are designed and reserved for the handicapped. These are government-subs'idized rental units. The total monthly rent is $300, with the tenant contributing one-fourth(~) of his monthly income to the rent and HUD pay- ing the balance, i.e., if a tenant made $400 per month, he would pay $100 for rent and HUD would pay the $200 balance. Water and trash are included in the rent; the tenant pays for electri~ity and gas.' 'I Council Member Gallagher and Mayor Mill is expressed considerable concern that the' proposed project does not meet the City's zoning requirements in terms of density, i height and parking, with particular emphasis that it meet the'City's density require- ments. Mr. Weiner explained that in-order to acquire Federal funding on this project and to make the units available at $300 per'month, the development has to consist of 152 C /TY, COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 27, 1979 PAGE 2 at least 100 units; he also explained none of the surrounding property was available for expansion of th'e proje'ct.' There was cons'iderable discussion 'on parking, whi'ch'was 'based' on ,the ratio' of '1/3 parking space per apartment. Mrs. Wi 1son 'explaine'd the parking' ratio has proven to be more than enough parking for similar projects throughout the County as the majority of these units are rented by people on limited incomes who cannot afford to own and operate a vehicle. After 'considerable discussion, Council requested staff research this item in terms of any ordinances that would have to be changed to accomodate this project, if lowering City standards for this project would require lowering the standards for development throughout the City and the implications of such changes to City ordinances and to other development's. Staff is'to report back to the Counci I on the'i r findings.' , PUB. HEAR;: REZONING CASE NO. 79-125, 536 & 590 E.' CHERRY AVE. (MARSALEK) - DENIED Planning Director Castro revi"ewed the request for rt;lzoning of 536 'and 590 East u' Cherry Avenue from R-A-B-3, Residential Agricultural District, to R-1-D, Single Family Residential District. He explained this had been before the Council previously and was denied' without prejudice. He reviewed the proposea rezoning now before the Council, noting drainage concerns regarding the watershed in the surrounding hi Irs, on the Marsa'lek parcel a'nd on the wn 1 iams prope'rty. He explained drainage studies wo'uld have to be conducted' for the drainage courses which 1 ie to the 'north and south sides of 'the freeway. The applicant requested the property be rezoned to P-D; the Commission recom- mended conditionally approving the rezoning to R~l-D as it offers the same protection' to the City as P-D, and would be better suited to the development of the Marsalek pro-' perty. The recommendation of the Planning Commission was to conditionally approve the rezoning on the condition that' a drainage plan for the 'entire area' wou'ld have to be completed and adopted before development was al'lowed. The Commission also approved the negative declaration to the project on the condition that the drainage study be expanded toi ncl ude a comprehens i ve sol ut i on to the dra i nage probl em. He then' reviewed two proposed tract maps noting these we're not up for approval'. He explained' the Counci I was being asked to conditionally approve the rezoning by not allowing any development ' until a comprehensive drainage plan had been made and adopted, in order to give the developer an idea on the design and economics of the project. After this review, Mayor Mi 11 is opened the hearing to pub1 ic comment. MR. MITCH WALKER, San Luis 'Engineering, representative for the Marsaleks, spoke to the Council noting they had submitted two tentative maps to help resolve some of ,the problems raised by the' Counci 1 at the last, rezoning hearing on this property. He ex'- plained the appl icant could proceed with eithe'r R-l-D or P-D and they had pre'sented some specific engineering documents for the drainage plan, for staff's review. He also noted there was a confl ict between the General Plan's zon'ing map in the text and 'the agricultural zoning' and noted extenuating circumstances in terms of property size, location and viable agricult'ura1 units. They reque'sted approval of the rezoning so that the developer might then plan tentative designs 'for the subd'ivision and resolve the drainage problems in accordance to the proposed designs. The following'peoplewere present and spoke in 'favor of the rezoning based on neighboring' prime agr'icultura1 land th'at was allowed to develop' into subdivis'ions, the unprofitable agricultural establ ishment on the parcel, and the bel ief this 'subdivision would be an excellent addition' to the City: TONY MARSALEK, 536 E. Cher'ry; ETHEL MARSALEK, 536 E. Cherry; TILLIE RICHEY, 428 Orchard; JACK MALLORY~ 326 Noguera Place. Upon question from Mr. ED'AIKEN, 432 Garden Street, staff confirmed that in case of development of this property, Cher'ry Avenue would be' widened to forty feet, allowing two parking lanes and two driving lanes. u The following people spoke against the rezoning noting extreme concern that this would open the door to the' development of other prime' agricultural' land in the City and would effect prime agricultural land' near the' City limits, but 'in County areas, concern about the drainage problem and the necessity to address the overall wat~rshed to protect the farming in the lower valley before any devel'opment is' allowed: 'D. G. PORTER, 541 Ide; JOHN TAYLOR, Valley Road;' MARIE CATTOIR, 195 Orchid, Lane. ' There being no further public comment, the hearing was closed and Council discus- sion ensued. There was considerable Council discussion on drainage concerns', the in'creased traffic on Cherry Avenue and Los 01 ivas, the need to ,initiate the school fees and the desire of the Council to see, approve and adopt a drainage plan for this area' before any tentatlve map is approved. It'was the consensus of the Council that the rezoning would not be approved until the Council approved and adopted the completed drainage plan for the parcel and surrounding area.-' On the motion-of Council Member Gallaghe'r, seconded by Council Member de Leon, and on the following roll call vote: -.---1- C I TV COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 153 \1 27, 1979 PAGE i3 " , AYES:. NOES: ABSENT: Counci 1 Members Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Mi 11 is.' None. Council Member Pope the City Council denied without prejudice the application to rezone 536 and 590 East Cherry Avenue from R-A"B-3 to R-l-D. I PUB. HEAR.: APPEAL LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 79-303, BRANCH MILL RD. (POOLE, HEAD) - DENIED Planning Director Castro explained this was an appeal of the Planning Commission~.s denial.of Lot Split Case No. 79-303, Branch Mill Road. He explained this.parcel was part.of the Greenwood Subdivision which had .come before.the Planning Commission and, the Council in.1977. At that time this property was rezoned from "A" to'''A-D'' and he felt the "-D" override was to prevent further subdivision of the land-".he felt other- wise.the "-D" override was superfluous. However, Planning Commission and City Council' minutes are ambiguous.as to the interpretation of .the "-D" override. After this review' Mayor Mi 11 is opened the hearing .to publ ic comment. II . 'I MR. THOMAS HEAD, 344 Santa Fe Avenue, Pismo Beach and.MR. .MARTIN POOLE, 108 GardeM Street, Arroyo Grande, owners of the property and applicants for the subdivision, spoke on the matter of the "-D" .override and appl ied it to the parcel map. _ They felt at the Planning Commission meeting of March 15, 1977, on.Lot Split Case No. 77-261, the Com- mission had recommended a fifty-foot easement back to the agricultural property, as this would be made a flag lot with access onto Branch Mill Road, whichcis what they' were now proposing. Also, City Ordinance 153 C.S. rezones this property from "A" to "A-D" , with the "-D" override to provide for basic. five-acre minimum parcel size for the entire 35-acre parcel. There was no mention that this parcel would not be sub- divided into five acre lot parcels; this is an ll-acre parcel .which would be subdivided into two five-acre parcels as permitted by the ordinance. Before purchasing the pro- perty they reviewed everything available on the splitting of the parcel and found nothing .prohibiting such action. . Based on this, 'and a suggestion from Mr. Greenwood ., that this could be subdivided, they purchased the parcel. There being no further , comment, the hearing was closed to audience participation and Council discussion ensued. r Mayor Mi 11 is begantheidisoussion:,stati'rg.;thereiwas common 'agreement .by the CouncIll and Commi.ssion members who heard the-'Greenwood subdivision; that thi's parcel'was .to re~, main in agriculture and not be further subdivided, even though the minutes for these h meetings do not reflect the same. He then read a sentence from a letter dated March 18" 1977, to..Paul Sturges..from.., Mr. Greenwood reviewing what had been set in the appl icationl for rezoning Of the' Greenwood property; .Mr. Sturgess (agent for Mr. Greenwood) wrote ., as follows.. .".It is my understanding that the property. would sti 1.1 be in the "A" zone i' but that it would have a "D" suffix and that the purpose of this suffix would be .to, .in! effect, say that t'he approximately.S acre.parcels which we plan for the property could: not be subsequently redivided by -the lot spl it method." _ .Mayor Mi 11 is stated this showed the purpose of the "D" overrid'e was to prevent further subdivision of the Green-'j wood property. It was .the general consensus of the .Counci J. that this parcel was a unique agricultural parcel, which was not meant to be furth!:'j. subdivided. .Upon question: from Council Member de Leon, Mr.. Poole' confirmed that Mr. .Greenwood had informed him of" the fifty-foot easement on the recorded map and' had .suggested this parcel could be sub-': divided. After discussion, Mayor Millis stated he.felt this proposed subdivision would create substantial environmental damage to the property, and should be denied on thi's' basis as. per Government Code Section 66474, Section E, wh'ich reads.. ."That the design of the -subdivision or the proposed improvements are 1 ike1.y to cause substantial envir- onmental damage or substantially and avoid~bty injure fish or wlldlife ~nd their habi- tat." After this statement, on the motion of Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by Mayor Mi 11 is and on the following rol l' call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: . Counc i 1 None. Counc i.l Members Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis. Membe r Pope.. the appeal of Lot Split Case No. 79-303, Branch Mill Road,- was denied on the basis that the. design .of the subdivision's proposed improvements are 'likely .to cause .sub- 'stantial environmental damage to a. unique piece of property. After discussion on the possible further division of the property, 'it was moved by,! Counci 1 Member Gallagher,. seconded by Counci 1. Member de Leon and unanimously carried, that the entire 35 acres of the Greenwood Subdivision be sent back to .the."PTanni.ng .Com-. mission with instructions that the "-D" override is to .be considered as no furtner divi~ sion nf any of th. 35 acres and that ~he map for Tract 600 be attached to this determini at ion.. il' I! 154 CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 27, .1979 PAGE 4 , PUB. HEAR.: APPEAL DENSITY CALCULATION PROP. SUBDIVISION B10, HALCYON RD. (LACKEY)-DENIED Planning Directer Castre explained this was an appeal by Rebert Garing fer Mr. Lackey en the staff's methed .of calculating density fer prepesed Subdivisien.B10 en Halcyen Read at Tedd Lane and Olive Street. He explained density has always been based on the preperty 1 ines .of the land owned by the appl i.cant and has never included .land .dedicated te the City as public rights .of way. Mr. Garing had planned nine lots en this parcel, but in .order to meet acreage density requirements the preperty lines en this parcel weuld have te be extended te the middle .of the street. After this review, Mayer Millis opened the hearing to public comment, MR. BOB GARING, 141 .Seuth Elm, presented various data.tq.substantiate his belief that density shouid net have been censidered en this par~el as.it conferms te State.require- ments, and the City's General Plan, and Zening and Subdivisien Ordinances in terms .of size .of parcels. He reviewed the sizes required fer lets as per the City's .ordinance and said this subdivision meets these requirements. He asked that' if the Ceuncil wanted density. ~ different from that which. is reflected in the .ordinance, the~cthe .ordinance should be changed. City Engineer Karp alse requested that the .ordinance be clarified as this situatien has had to be deale with befere. There being ne further cemment, the hearing. was clesed and Council discussion e~sued. It was the general censensus .of the Council that the divisien .of the property is to be within the cenfines .of the .owner's preperty and it has never gene to the middle .of the street inte publi~ rights of way. On the metien of Ceuncil Member Gallagher, secended .by Ceuncil Member Smiih and en the fellowing rell call vete: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Ceuncil Members Gallagher, Smith and Mayer Millis.. Ceuncil Member de Leen Ceuncil Member Pepe the Council denied the appeal and upheld staff's interpretation en the methed.ef calcu~ lat.ing density, .neting the subdivisien .of this preperty is to remain within the di.mension .of the .ownership. . After brief discussien, it was .meved by Ceuncil Member .d~ Leen, sece~deq by Ceuncil Member Gallagher and unanimeusly carried, that the General Plan be medified te state that the density figures will pertain .only te the beundaries .of the parcel te be developed and this recemmendatien be sent te the Planning Cemmission. REQUEST OF RICHARD LEMON RE. PAVING OF LEMON LANE - CLARIFYZONING.ORDINANCE Administrater .Butch explained that at the last Ceuncil meeting the Ceuncil had re- ceived a request of clarificatien .of the zoning .ordinance frem Mr. Lemon, with regard to the .requirement fer .paving 'the private read which provides access te Mr. Lemen's preperty. Mr. Lemon had presented a 1 ist .of cases where private residences.i.n R-A zoned parcels had not been required te pave their private access reads. . Planning Director Castre explained that wh i 1 e 50% .of the cases pres.ented by Mr. Lemen sheu I d have had paved readways, the City had experienced preblems in enfercing this ordinance; these preblems ne lenger exi.st and the paving requirement en this readway is .clear. There was considerable di.scussien between Mr. Lemen and the Ceuncil, with Mr. Lemon centending he sheuld.net have te pave the read as it was net part .of .the .original bui lding permit he obtained .three years age.. He alse felt he sheuld net have to bear the cest .of the entire paving as s~veral ether families alse used the same read. Because .of these cenditiens, he felt he sheuld net have to pave the read iT respect i ve .of he'; the Counc i I .wi shed te interpret the .ord i nance at this time. Mrs. Christine Phillips, .216 Pearwood, spoke neting blatant abuse .of the read by constructien vehicles which contribute to the mud, dust and gravel which has te be centinually cleaned frem their heme and preperty. . ~ After this discussien, it was the censensus of the Council that tpis readway must be paved, and if the enforcement .of this .ordinance has been lax befere, it will ne lenger be se. It was meved by Ceuncil Member Gallagher, secended by Ceuncil Member de Leen and unanimously carried, that Sectien 9-4.2601 .of the Arreye Grande Bui lding Ord;j:nance dees require paving .of this readway, that Mr.. Lemen be granted a six-menth peried to accomplish this paving and that he be required te pest a bend ene-and-a-half (H) times .the amount .of the City Engineer's estimate en this werk, and that Mr. Lemen net. 'be granted fina.1 .occupancy on his heuse until the bend has been put up with the City. RESOLUTION ESTABL.ISHING 40-FOOT PASSENGER LOADING ZONE, MASON STREET Administrater Butch neted that the Parking and Traffic Commissien, at their meeting .of March f5," f979 , recemmended the establ ishment .of a forty-foet Passenger Leading Zene en the east side .of Seuth Masen Street, from the end .of the existing Red Zene seuth .of the curb retu.rn en East Branch Street; .such passenger zene te be effective Menday threugh Friday frem 8:00 A.M. te 6:00 P.M. He then read the title .of the resolutien establishing the Passenger Leading Zene en South Masen Street. It was meved by Ceuncil Member Gallagher, secended by Council Member de Leen and unanimeusly carried to dispense with further read- CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH " I 155 :i 27, 19Z.19 PAGE:5 , ing of ~he resolution. . RESOLUT ION NO. 1348 A ,RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING.A PASSENGER LOADING ZONE ON THE EAST S I DE 'OF MASON STREET ADJACENT TO EAST BRANCH STREET. On the motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: r AYES: NOES: ABSENT: . Counci 1 None. Counc i 1 Members, Ga 11 agher, de Leon, Smi th a'nd Mayor Mill is. Member Pope. the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of March, 1979. RESOLUT I ON I.NSTALL I NG STOP SIGN ON STAGECOACH ROAD AT HUASNA ROAD Administrator Butch explained the Parking and Traffic Commission recommended the installation of a stop sign on Stagecoach Road to stop traffic before entering Huasna Road, at their meeting of March 15, 1979. He then read the title of the resolution establishing a stop sign on Stagecoach Road at Huasna Road,. It was ,moved by Coundl Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of .the resolution. '" , RESOLUTION NO. 1349 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A BOULEVARD STOP SIGN ON STAGECOACH ROAD AT HUASNA ROAD. On the motion of Council Member .Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Counc i 1 Members Gallagher, de Leon, Smi th and Mayor Mi 11 is. NOES: None. ABSENT: Cound 1 Member Pope the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of March, 1979. ADOPT RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CLASS I I BICYCLE PATHWAY ON JAMES WAY Administrator Butch noted that at the ~ast meeting the Council had accepted the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission to establ.ish a Class II Bicycle Pathway on James Way. .He then read the tit.le of the re- solution establ ishing a Class' II Bicycle Pathway on James Way., I.t was moved by .Counci 111 Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member. Smith arid unanimous.ly carried to dispense ,i with fu~ther reading of the resolution. l RESOLUTION NO. 1350 ; I r I 'I 'j On the motion of Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci 1 Member Smith and on the II following roll ca,ll vote, to wit: ,I :1 A RESOLUTION OF THE cln COUNCI,L OF THE CHY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHOR.I ZING AND ESTABL I SH I NG . A. CLASS 2 BICYCLE PATHWAY ON. JAMES WAY.' AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Coundl Members Gallagher, de Leon, Smith arid Mayor Millis.. None Council Member Pope .i I ! the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of March, 1979. .RESOL. ADOPT. LAND USE CHANGES: GRANDMOTHERS'. MOB I LEHOME PARK; FULLER-OAV I NO PROPERT I ES\ AND PROPERT I ES BETWEEN .BENNETT AVE., NORTH HALCYON ROAD AND GRAND AVENUE ~ .Administrator Butch noted at the. Council's previous meetings .they had. tentative,ly 'I' approved. the Land Use Changes for .Item No. 28, the Grandmothers' Mobi lehome Park and the FuUer-Davino Property., and Item. No. 40, changes along North Halcyon Road and Grand . ,I Avenue. The. resolution was now up for adoption, with the following changes on the Land' Use Map: 156 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 27, 1979 PAGE 6 (1) Grandmathers' Mabilehame Park fram Law Density Residentia,l to. HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. (2) Fuller-Davina Praperty fram Law Density Residential to. MEDIUM LOW DENSITY RES I DENT I AL. (3) Burke & Pace Lumber Yard and thetelephane starage area fram Highway Cam- mercial to. HEAVY COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRY. (4) Praperties between Bennett Avenue, Narth Halcyan Raad and Grand Avenue, franting an Grand Avenue and N. Halcyan Raad remain HIGHWAY SERVICE., Administratar Butch then read the title af the resalutian adapting the amended Land Use Element af the, General Plan. It. was maved by Caunci 1 Member Gall,agher, secanded by Cauncil Member Smith arid unanimausly carried, to. dispense with further reading af the resalutian. RESOLUTION NO. 1351 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE AMENDED LAND USE ELEMENT OF 'THE GENERAL PLAN. On the matian af Cauncil Member Gallagher, secanded by Cauncil Member Smith and an the fallawing raIl call vate, to. wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Cauncil Members Gallagher, de Lean, Smith and Mayar'Millis Nane Cauncil Member Pape the faregaing resalutian was passed and adapted this 27th day af March, 1979. REPORT ON COASTAL COMMISSION'S BOUNDARY CHANGES AFFECTING ARROYO GRANDE Administratar Butch nated that Arraya Grande was nat included in the Caastal Cam- missian's baundary changes and staff will cantinue to. ~ark to. insure that the City will nat be included in these prapased changes. REPORT ON S.L.O.' COUNTY OF GOVT'S. HOUSING NEEDS ALLOCATION ~LAN Cauncil Member Gallagher gave an aral repart an the recent meeting an the Cauncil af Gavernments' Hausing Needs Allacatian Plan and nated the City's representative ab- jected to. the Hausing Allacatian Plan as it was directed to. Arraya Grande. Planner Sullivan nated the COG staff had cantacted the Planning Department and requested the staff adjust and redefine the numbers in the allacatian plan far this jurisdictian. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TTAC) On the matian, af Cauncil Member de Lean, secanded by Cauncil Member Gallagher, and unanimausly carried the fallawJng persans were appaint~d as the City's, representati,ves and alternates to. the Caunty',s Transpartatian Technical Advisary Cammittee (TTAC): Members: Paul Karp and Ricarda Castro.; Alternates: Jae Andersan and Tam Sullivan. REVIEW OF LATEST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES BULLETINS Administratar Butch reviewed the latest League af Califarnia Cities Bulletins re- ceived by the City and expressed cancern aver two. items in Bulletin No.. 12: (I) State Hausing Guideline--which are advisary guidelines anly--and the request far funds to. finance the enfarcement af these guidelines and (2) A prapased limit an building permit ~. fees (prapased Senate Bill~332):which limits the amaunt af building permit fees to. $200 ar 1% af ,the purchase price cif the land. After brief discussian, .it was maved by Cauncil Member Gallagher, secanded by Cauncil Member de Le~n and unanimausly carried" that Admiriistratar Butch write a letter to. the City's State representative asking: That all funding far pasitians to. enfarce the State Hausing Element Guidelines against cities and caunties be de!"eted fram the State Budget; That cantral language be included in the budget that wauld prahibit expenditure af any departmental funds to. enfarce the State Hausing Element Guidelines against cities; and that the City's representative appase Senate Bill 332, which wauld put a limit an building permit fees. SELF INSURANCE APPROVED FOR MATERNITY COVERAGE FOR PERIOD OF 3/27179 TO 711179 Administratar Butch explained further infarmatian had been received an PL 95-555, maternity caverage far emplayees; this law requires that an emplayee's dependent also. receive maternity caverage. It was suggested the City go. under se.1f in'surance an this caverage, up until the beginning af the new fiscal year. On the matian af Cauncil Mem- ber Gallagher, secanded by Caun'ci 1 Member Smith and unanimausly carried, it was authar- ized that the City wauld go. under self-insurance far maternity caverage far' it's emplayees up to. the new fiscal year (1979-80) which begins July 1, 1979. CITY COUN C I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA :.-Fl157 'I 27, 1979 PAGE 7 MARCH REQUEST AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN FRANCHISE AGREEMEN~ FOR SONIC ,CABLE TV - HELD OVER This item was held over to the Council's next meeting as the ordinance has not gone into effect. 11 I, yet I PROGRESS REPORT ON SCAT OPERAT IONS ' 'I Council Member Smith gave an oral report on SCAT operations noting,daily ridershi~ is improving and the preparations are beginning for preparing ~he 1979-80 budget. PROGRESS REPORTS: FIRE STATION; COMM. BLDG.; STROTHER PARK; ELM ST. SPORTS COMPLEX "'.:i Fire Station: Administrator Butch reported initial negotiations have begun on ac- quiring the Halcyon property for the relocation of the Fire Station. Vol.unteer Fire Fighters Met Lusardi and Kathy Rookus spoke to the Counci 1 regarding the, speci.al meet-i ing held on March 22, 1979, to study the two available sites for the relocation ,of thej" Fire Station. Both fire fighters expressed concern that the volunteer fire fighters ' had been asked to the meeting, but were not given an opportunity to express their views1 and opinions on the relocation of the station and the sites avai Table. It was noted " that Council discussion and ,staff opinion was requested, howe~er discussion was not ' opened to the audience and they wished to bring this to the attention of the Counci 1. ., Mayor Millis expressed concern over the omission noting it had not been intentional as! it was believed the Fire Department represen-tative was speaking for all the DepartmenU! Both fire fight~rs stated they were speaking as individual volunteer fire fighters, and not foy the ent i re ,~?epartment.,-, and wished to br i ng th i s matter to the Counc iI's atten- tion.. Considerable discussion ensued, with Mayor Mi 11 is and staff trying to determine ,I a meth6a for 'allowing :the Ji're' f;,ighters a chance to voice thei r opinions; no further act i on was tak~n. ", Community Building: Administrator Butch explained a report will be ready for the Council at the next meeting. Strother Community Park: City Engineer Karp gave an oral report on the work on the. sidewalks which is to begin soon--a proposal will be received and brought before the I Council. The play equipment will have to be ordered soon to be received by summer time!. Elm Street Sports Complex: City Engineer Karp reviewed the work that had been done'l on the design of the Complex. On the motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by , Council Member Smith and unanimously carried, the Council authorized the expenditure of! $2,875 for engineering services by San Luis Engineering for the Sports Complex. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE GRANTING COUNCIL RIGHT OF APPEAL OF COMMISSION ACTIONS Administrator Butch reviewed the proposed ordinance which would give the City Council the right to appeal Commission actions, noting the changes which had been spec- ified by the Council were incorporated in the ordinance. He then gave the first reading to the title of the ordinance. It was moved by Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by ,I Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of the' ordinance. REPORT ON WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMM. MTNG. & CA WATER PROJECT TENTATIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS Both these items were held over until a report is available on the meeting of the Advisory Committee. ,i REPORT ON ZONE 3 ADV I SORY COMM I TTEE MEET I NG OF MARCH 15, 1979 Ii Council Member de Leon gave an oral report on the Zone 3 meeting of March 15, 1979, r.eviewing visitor rates and revenue received for Lopez Lake, the amount of water used by Arroyo Grande in February and water stored at this time. r REPORT ON ENGINEERING FOR WATER SYSTEMS AND RESERVOIR ANALYSIS City Engineer Karp explained all the necessary data had been accumulated for Engineering Consultant who is study,i'ng) the City's water system and new reservoir. ~equested that the consultant suggest a site for the new reservoir once his study completed. the , Staff! ,. is' APPROVE EXPENDITURE OF SEED MONEY FOR CANYON WAY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Administrator Butch explained that the petitioners for the Canyon Way District were in favor of forming the assessment district and it was necessary for the City to author.ize the expenditure of seed money to begin formation of the district. It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher,and unanimously carried to authorize the expenditure of $1,000 seed money to begin the establishment of the Canyon Way Assessment District. RESIGNATION OF CHUCK BURNS FROM THE PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION Administrator Butch presented a letter from Mr. Chuck Burns stating a heavy work schedule was necessitating his resignation from the Parking and Traffic Commission. It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher'and unani-,I " " I I, i' 158 CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 27, 1979 PAGE 8 mously carried th,H the-Counci.l accept'wi_th regret the' resignarion- of -Chuck-Burns'-fi-om- the Parking -and,Jraffic Co-mmission~'- Mayor Millis then announced his intention to nominate Mr. John Steffan to replace Chuck Burns on the Parking and Traffic Commission, at the .Council's next meeting. PERMISSION TO LEAVE COUNTRY -COUNCIL_MEMBER DE LEON_ It was moved by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and carried that Council Member de Leon be given permission to be absent from the country for the next week. - REQUEST'ON fOSTING GASOLINE PRICES: Counci 1. Member Gallagher requested staff check into the posting of gasol ine prices in the City. ADJOURNMENT There being no -further bus iness. before the Counci 1, it was moved by Counci 1 Member de Leon, seconded by Counci 1 Member Smith and unanimously carried that _the meeting be adjourned at 12:05 A.M. u .~~ ATTEST: 0 - l\ ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK c J;f~~It~ V o It'" .V' ~