Minutes 1979-06-26 C \TY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA . 01 ,f. u u 'i" II JUNE 26, 1979 7:30 P.M., I The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Mark'Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Matt Gallagher, Gabe de Leon, Hugh Pope, and B'Ann Smith reported present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On the motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded'by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried, the minutes IDr~the meetings of June 12, and 13, 1979, were ap- proved as submitted. , , APPROVAL OF'WARRANTS On the motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and, unanimously carried, Demand Warrants No. 10955 to 11082, in the amount of $44,758.96, and Payroll Warrants No. 14209 to 14294, in'the amount of $36,490.74, for a'Grand Tot~l of $81,249.70, were approved as submitted and ordered paid. n APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS' On the motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were approved'as recommended by Administrator Butch: A-I. Rece i pt' of 1979 Reg ion P Crime Profi Ie Report:' RECOMMEND REFERRAL TO POll CE DEPARTMENT ,FOR THEIR INFORMATION. A-2. Receipt of State of Cal ifornia, California Coastal Commission Biennial Report, 1977-78. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FlU: A-3. Letter of Request from Arroyo Grande Valley Babe Ruth League, Re. 'Fee Exempt License to Sell' Fireworks at 1650 Grand Avenue,'and' the Corner of Grand Avenue and, Elm' ,Street. RECOMMEND COUNCIL GRANT A'FEE EXEMPT LICENSE: A-4. Receipt of 1978 Annual Report, the Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE.' A-5. 'Receipt of Transportation Development' Act Annual Report; 1977-78 Fiscal Year. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-6. Letter of Information from Mrs. Ivy Holzer;' Re. Safety of Nuclear Energy'. RECOM-,' MEND RECE I VE AND FILE.' PROPOSED RESOL. RE; EVACUATION PLANS IN CASE OF ACCIDENT AT DIABLO-CANYON POWER PLANT Administrator Butch'reviewed'a proposed resolution presented to tne Council 'by r Mr. Co 1 in Car 1 berg, rega rd i ng adopt i on of' emergency evacuat ion' is 1 ans incase of an acc,i- dent at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. The resolution requests the Nuclear Regulatory Commission withhold issuance of an operating license for the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant until evacuation'plans for a 25-mile radius around the plant are, developed, in order to protect the CItizens'of' this area. 'Administrator Butch explained the cities'and County are working on evacuation plans; a meeting on this'matter is to" be held on July 10, 1979,' between the three cities in this area and the County. Also,' 'the City currently has on file a Civil Defense Evacuation Plan, which has been approved by the State, in case of'nuclear war. No further action was taken by'the Council at this time. Ii PROPOSAL: MAKE DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT A COAL-BURNING PLANT (LEDDY) Administrator Butch presented to the Council a letter dated June 14, 1979, from Mr. Robert Leddy, asking the Council to ,support a proposal to turn the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant into a coal-burning plant, rather th~~ nuclear powered. It was the consensus of the Council that no action be taken at this time. The Council thanke9 Mr. Leddy for this information. APPROVE INCREASE IN TAXICAB FARES - FIVE CITIES TAXICAB COMPANY Administrator Butch presented a request from Louise Reynolds, 'owner of Five Cities Taxicab Company, for an increase in taxicab fares; he then'compared the increased rates to what is currently charged by taxi companies in other cities in the ,County. After this review, Mrs. Reynolds spoke to the Council explaining the necessity for increased rates due to extensive insurance and maintenance costs on the vehicles. It was the con- sensus of the Council that the increased rates were reasonable charges; except for the .25~ extra baggage charge, which they wished to eliminate. After discussion, it was, moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried, that the increased rates as presented by Mrs. Reynolds in her letter dated June, 1979, be approved, with the exception of the .25~ extra baggage rate which is to be deleted. 194 CITY COUNC I L ARROYO, GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 26, 1979 ~: PAGE 2 The new rates as adopted are: Flag - $1.20/mile; Fare - $1.20/mile; Minimum Fare $2.55/trip; Extra Passengers - .25~ passenger;' Waiting Time ~ $9.00/hour. REVIEW LATEST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES BULLETINS Administrator Butch reviewed the latest California Cities' League Bulletins received by the Council, noting interest in long-term financing vs. short term financing, and:ex- plaining a committee has been formed to resolve the problems in the Bailout Funding.' PROGRESS REPORT: CONTROL FILMS SHOWN IN THEATERS THROUGH ZONING AND USE PERMIT METHOD Attorney Shipsey explained he had not yet received the necessary information on this matter and had nothing to report at this time; a report will be forthcoming to the Council. PROHIBIT PARKING: SCOLARI'S MARKET ON GRAND; INTERSECTION OF BRANCH & GARDEN STREETS Both of these items were held over to the regular meeting of July 10, 1979, as Council Member Pope wished to see lot/driveway maps along with traffic studies in this area before deciding whether or not to prohibit parking in these areas. ~ REPORT ON MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNERS ON HALCYON ROAD RE; NO PARKING ZONE Administrator Butch explained a meeting had been held on June 21, 1979, between the Parking and Traffic Commission and the property owners affected by the No Parking Re- quirement on Halcyon Road north of Fair Oaks Avenue; He'explained the property owners expressed satisfaction with the No Parking Limitation established in this area. PUBLIC HEARING: ADOPTION OF FEDERAL REVENUE 'SHARING FUNDS, PLANNED USE FOR 1979-80 Mayor Millis explained this was the second public hearing to consider the Planned Use of the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for the 1979~80 Fiscal Year. Administrator Butch explained two public hearings had to be held'on the use of,these funds which total $159J64. He then reviewed the proposed uses for these funds along with requests for funding by social service organizations. After this review, Mayor Millis opened the public hearing to pub 1 i c comment. ' The following people spoke to the Council requesting funds for social service,organ- izations: MR. CHARLES WALTERS, Functional Living Program for Handicapped Adults, 41,0 E. Branch Street - $1500 for maintenance of an agriculture program; HAZEL JONES, San Luis Obispo County Symphony Association, 1451 Sierra Drive; DONNA JEWETT, Five Cities Meals on Wheels, Rt. 2 Box 619B, felt a portion of these funds should go to human services. There being no further comment, the public hearing was closed'and Council discussion ensued. It was the consensus of the Council that a portion of these funds should go to human services in this area. After considerable discussion, it was determined that $4500 should be allocated to the three main services awarded revenue sharing funds last year; the're was considerable discussion on reallocation of funds between 'capital projects and human services that serve'the City of Arroyo Grande proper.' After discussion,' it was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Mem~er de Leon and unanimously carried, that $4500'of the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds be, equally'alJocated to the following human 'service organizations which received funds ;last year: (1) Five Cities Meals'on Wheels, Inc., '$1500; (2) Functional Living Program'f6~ Handicapped Adults, $1500; (3) People's Self-Help Housing Corporation, $1500. After this motion, Administrator Butch read the,title of a resolution 'designatIng the Planned Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for the 1979-80 Fiscal Year. It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1364 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE'CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING PLANNED USE OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR THE 1979-80 FISCAL YEAR. On the'motion the following AYES: ' NOES: ABSENT: of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and on roll call vote, to wit: Council Members Gallagher, de ,Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Millis. None. None. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of June, 1979. CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE I qs 26, 1919'-' PAGE oj Resolution No; 1364 allocates the Federal . Revenue Sharing Funds as follows: Community Building. Land Purchase Fire Station Site & Design Mason Street.Property Assessment Project Five Cities Meals On Wheels People's Self-Help Functional Living Program TOTAL $ 12,187 .42,953 72,298 .12,426 15,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 $159,364 r PUB. HRNG.: WILDWOOD RANCH REZONING CASE NO. 78-119 - DENIED WITHOUT. PREJUDICE Planning Director.Castro reviewed for the CounciLWildwood Rezon.ing.Case No..78-1119, 220 Corbett Canyon Road, noting the Planning Commission's recommendation that this zon, ing be changed from RAB-3 to P-D, Planned Development. He explained the Wildwood Ranch proposed development. is located on a 33t acre parcel, utilizing a density of three units per acre and is comprised of 100 single-family dwelling units, in duplex style, using a clustering effect. Circulation through the project has outlets on Corbett Canyon Road and Platino Lane. RecreatIonal facilitlis are provided along with parkin~ for recrea- tional vehicles. The streets are all private. The development will also be phased. After.this review, Mayor Millis opened the hearing to public comment. ROBERT ROSSI, 547 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo (applicant's representative), spoke to the Council and gave.a detailed presentation on the planned development. He explained extensive study and planning went into this development to.mitigate the environ- mental problems. in this area. . Corbett Canyon Road wi 11 be the primary entrance and ' exit to the project; Platino Lane will be an emergency access road only. Drainage, a major problem, has been resolved by two drainage ponds to control the water and act as, a landscape feature. All of the new hardsurface created on the development drajns into the. ponds, then through a series.of pipes is.metered out into the Tally Ho Creek at a slower rate; these ponds are designed on the size needed for a 100 year storm and. then doubled in size. Building wLl1 occur in three. phases:. Phase Lwill be the top plateau, with 49 units; Phase. II will be the middle area with 14 units; Phase III wi 11 be the bottom area with. 37 units. Units range in size from 1400 to 1600 square feet with. rural atmosphere and extensive open space. Also, the developers have agreed to pay $400 for each unit to the school district. The Council then viewed slides of similar pro- jects in other areas of the State. . I There were several people present who spoke against the proposed development and, presented their concerns to the Council. Of. major concern to many,residen~ in that area was the drainage and traffic control. Several people expressed their doubt as to the adequacy of the drainage system and whether it would be able to control all of the water from the project--in particular that .it would not add any additional water to the Tally Ho residential area. There were comme~ts on control of the water, the cleaning of Tal.ly Ho Creek and requests that no bui lding be permitted unti 1 the drainage problem is under- control in this area.. It was also. asked if these ponds would be sufficient protection if they were already full and a storm hit the area bringing additional water which thel ponds would not be able. to handle. There. was considerable concern with the traffic i conditions which would be generated with the opening of Platino Lane. Opening this roa~ would increase the traffic in this area, which is already a potentially dangerous situa- tion. . Also, the intersection is on the bottom of a very. steep hi 11 and housing there, creates a blind ~urve. This will increase a dangerous situatIon as drivers often ~un ~. thei r engines to make the hi 11 or are often bl inded by. the sun during the summer time;: both of which endanger. residents and drivers in.. that area. Concern. was also expressed.' about the increased density which this. development creates; although there are 33 acre~ involved in the total development, only five or six acres are buildable,. thus necessi- tating placing the entire 100 units on five to six acres, leaving. sheer drop-offs in several areas and only six to sixteen feet between some of the units, possibly. creat-.. ing an atmosphere of tenseness and frustration with such high density. There was con- siderable discussion on the effects to the landscape in that some of the soi 1. is extremely. erodible. and once it. is constructed on it will wash. away with the first rain; also, there are several areas with shallow soi 15 and conglomerate rock which wi.ll not I revegetate once disturbed, thus necessitating the bringing of top soil into. this area., Also there was concern that disruption of the soi Is around. the roots of the oaks would,' cause the trees to die in a few years. It was felt that the quality of life could only be maintained if the Platino.area and. Wildwood Ranch were kept separate communities. The following people were present and spoke against the development: CLIFF CHELQUIST, 286 Oro Drive; FRED BLACKBURN, 775 Huasna. Road;. SANDY FACCHETTI, 248 Tally Ho Road; JOHN SPRAGUE, 212 Tally Ho Road; JOHN ASHBAUGH, 535 Cuesta Place; SHARON OLSEN, 516 Platino Lane; HOLLY WILSON, 508 Platino Lane; MANUEL SEBASTIAN, 620 Corral Place; MARY MILLER, 270.0ro; HAZEL PENCE, 241 Corbett Canyon Road;' MARIE CATTOIR, 195 Orchid Lane; JIM BOIL,'516 Platino. . . , ~;... ,(,< lci fy COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 26, 1979 PAGE 4 After these comments, the' public hearing was closed and Council discussion ensued on matters of density, traffic and conditions of the,development. The main concern of the Counc i I was that the dens i ty was much too high for th i s area: al so the Counci 1 was con- cerned about the private road system. ,After considerable discussion, it was moved by Council Member Gallagher and seconded by Council Member de Leon that the Wildwood Ranch Rezoning Case No. 78-119 be denied without prejudice on the basis of the following re- commendations: a) The private road system not be accepted and road sections be built to regular road standards: b) Phasing the development is acceptable, however the total number of units is unac~ ceptable for the terrain: the developer should come back with a more sensitive,plan taking into consideration the items addressed tonight at the,Council meeting, such as the type of soil; ~ c) Regarding the blocking off of Platino Lane--should the developer come back with fewer units this may not be asgreat a concern as it is now: d) Drainage would have to be acceptable to' the,City's standards: and e) The developer may be allowed to come back to the Council with a new pian reducing the number of units. On the fo 11 owi ng, ro 11 ca 11 vote: AYES: Counc i 1 Members Ga 11 agher, de Leon and Mayor Mill is: NOES: Counci 1 Members Pope and Smi th; ABSENT: None; the forego i ng mot i on to deny the Wildwood Ranch Rezoning Case No. 78-119 without prejudice was carried. APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO CONFORM ZONING MAP AND GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP Mayor Mi 11 is explained this was a publ ic hearing to consider approval and adopt'ion of proposed amendments to the Zoning Map, which would bring the Zoning Map into confor- mance with the GeneraJ ,Plan's Land Use Map. Planning Director Castroreviewed the pro- posed amendments, explaining this is the final phase of a project to make the Land Use consistent with the Zoning Map. He explained that Item No, 4, the,Williams~ property, has already been contested by Mr. Williams and so it was requested that Item No.4 on the Zoning Map Amendments memo dated June 7, 1979, from,Tom Sullivan to Thomas Butch, be deleted from the amendments--Council concurred. After this review, Mayor Millis,opened the hearing to public comments. MYRON WILLIAMS, Traffic Way and Cherry Avenue, confirmed Item No.4 was deleted from the amend- ments and will be studied further and brought back to the Council. Also, the Counci 1 had received a request 'from Ml:s., Hart"asking tha't Item No.9 ,I dealing with,her property on Hart Lane be deleted from the amendments as she did not wish to see her property rezoned from R-l to C-B-D~-Council concurred to exclude Mrs. Hart's property from Item No.9. At the request of the owner of the remaining property on this Item, i.e. Parcel,No. 25, Tract No. 191, the Williams property, this property was retained in Item NO.,9 to change the zoning from R-l to Central Business District. There being no, further comment, the public hearing was closed'and Council discussion ensu~d. It was moved by Council Member Gallagher and seconded, by Council Member Smith that, the amendments listed on the Zoning Map Amendments memo dated June 7, 1979, be approved with the exception of Jtem No.4 which is to be deleted, and with the change in, Item No.9 that only Parcel No. 25 of Tract No. 191, the Williams' property) be changed to ~ Central Business District and that' the Hart property, be excluded.from Item NO.,9, and that staff be instructed, to prepare an ordinance with the proposed amendments noted above:, on the following roll call vote:, AYES: ,Council Members G~llagher, de Leon,' Pope, Smith and Mayor Millis: NOES: None: ABSENT: None: the foregoing motion was unani- mously carried. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT - DENIED Planning Director Castro explained that based upon a, request received by" Mr. Mitch Walker for, the development of a SeniorHousingproject on South' Elm Str~et, the staff and Planning Commission studied theaccommodat;tonof such ~ project either through a new, district, overlays on zoning or ame'ndments to the Planned Development District. It "was determined that the best method would be an amendment to the Planned Development District to provide the flexibility to consider alternate parking, height and lot size require- ments toaccomodate' such a project; however, the question of density would still have to be identified on this district. After this review, Mayor Millis opened the public hear- i ng to aud i ence comment. " Several people spoke against the proposed changes based upon objections to the con- struction of a Seniors' Housing Faci I ity on the South Elm Street' location. There was no objection to the facility itself, but rather to its location based on the increased density created by adding 100 units on a I! acre parcel and how the Fair Oaks area, which is CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA -"-( '10 Ii JUNE 26, 19'79 PAGEl 5 " :! already heavily populated with two-story garden apartments, .wil1 experience even great~r density. Concern was. also expressed regarding the three-story'height of the building' because of a lack.of fire protection and.the blight it would create on the skyline. Also, increased traffic will be generated'on'Elm Street and Fair Oaks Ave~ue. These , amendments to the Planned Development District would be appl icable throughout the en-'I tire City, except for those areas already zonegP-D, and any interested developer could"1 use this tool. The following people spoke against .the proposed project: GEORGE MANA,:, 1178.Fair Oaks Avenue; MARGE BOSWELL, 1177 Ash. Street; ROY'PETRIE; 1159 Fair'Oaks Ave-:' nue; BOB McDONALD, 1165 Fair Oaks Avenue; TOM HARRAH, 1171 Ash; MRS. MARTINO, 317 So. Elm Street; MARIE CATTOIR, 195 Orchid Lane. ~ MR. MITCH WALKER, 242 Garden; representative for the appl icant, spoke to the Coun~ cil explaining that the Council is not to consider the-pr6ject at this time; .rather th~ Council is to consider the proposed amendments to the Planned Development. District, ' ,i which are being considered to create the necessary f1exibi1 ity to begin the planning. " of such a project. He felt the Council should not hear comments on the project at this time, but should wait until the project was formally presented to the Council. Also, the reason the Planned Development District needs the flexibility these amendments would create, is to allow for development of the more difficult'sites in t~e City, since that is where the majority of the building will now be oCcurdng in the City. Mayor Millis I confi rmed that the Counc i 1 was to cons i der the proposed' amendments to the Planned " Development District, however as these amendments were created to accommod~te the Senio~ Citizens' Housing Project it was difficult to divorce the two items in discussion; he ' also confirmed that these amendments would apply to any new. Planned Development Dis- tricts in the City'and not just the proposed project on South Elm Street.. Several people spoke in favor of.the proposed project noting the real need in this community.for Senior Citizen Housing at a decent cost, and the necessity to plan and " provide for the Seniors in this area who helped build the community. The following people spoke in favor of.the'project: MORT BALDWIN, 1046 Brockway; WINNIE WHEELER, 240 Spruce; BILL RANELLETTI, 258 B-17 Aspen; CARL HOGAN, 1255 Poplar; . MR;' MONROE WEINER,. 18645. Sherman Way, Reseda, developer of. the Senior Citizens' Housing Project, spoke to the Council giving background information on the project to I help clear up any misconceptions that had been created. He explained the project was approved by HUD, and it is'not a money making project; ,it is a tax' benefit to. the developer and money made from it will go toward' maintenance and paying the taxes. This 100 unit project will generate slightly over 100 people, all Senior Citizens on limited incomes under.a rent-subsidized program. There being no further public comment, the public hearing was closed and Council discussion ensued. The majority of the Council .fe1t that there was a real need for Senior Citizens' housing in this area, however this project had too many problems in terms of density, height and fire protection. It was felt the change in the Planned Development District would leave the "door open" to unscrupulous developers and that it would be better for the entire community if this project'was constructed. to current, City standards. Council Member Pope felt that the City'would still have final approval' and control 6f any Planned Development project so the amendments proposed would not offer considerable problems in development and planning; he also felt the proposed amendments could'be adopted as long as it'was used as'a tool for the entire City and not just for the Senior Citizens' project. n After discussion, on the motion of Council Member de Leon and carried, with Council Member the proposed amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. Planned Develop~ent District. Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Pope abstaining, the Council denied 24 C.S. which would have amended the It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council 'Member Smith and unani- 'I mously carried,that the Council instruct'staff to come back to the Council with alter-:I natives in'regards to zoning'or creation of a special district to accommodate a senior citizen housing project only, such special zone or district to'be under the approval and control of the City Council. PUBLIC HEARING ON LAND USE - BUENA VISTA TERRACE AND BADEN PROPERTY Planning Director.Castro r~viewed for ,the Council ,the finding of the .Planning Com- mission on the Land Use c1assific'ation for Buena Vista Terrace and the Baden property;; the Planning Commission felt'Buena Vista Terrace should be'classified R-3, High Densit~, as the condominiums were already located on this property and that the Baden'property " should be classified R-3 as the logical transition for the parcels in that ~rea. Attorney Shipsey informed the Council that according to Municipal Code regulations the Council could not consider'changes in .the General Plan and Zoning at the same time; he, advised the Counci 1 'could consider the Land Use at this time and set a publ ic hearing on the zoning at another Council meeting. It was the consensus of 'the Council that th'e Land Use classifi'cation be heard at this time and that 'the zoning would be set at 198 C!TY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 26, 1979 PAGE 6 the end of the pubiic hearing. The proposed amendment to the'Land Use classification is to change:both the Buena Vista Terrace property and'the Baden property from Low DensHy to HIGH DENSITY. The Counci 1 then reviewed the location of the property involved in: the proposed change. After this review, Mayor'Mil1is declared the public hearing open to audj ence comment. .,,*.. I PAUL GEIHS, -attorney for the applicant, read a memo dated'May 23, 1979,'from ~taff to the Planning Commission noting staff's recommendations on this property; he then re- viewed what happened at the Planning Commission meeting when this item was considered and reviewed the Commission's recommendation that these properties be labeled R-3, High Den- sity. He explained this classification would be consistent with existing multiple devel- opment along the same side of the street and single family units on this lot would not be desirable. Also, 'both of these properties have been zoned R-3 for many year~. High' Density would create a buffer zone between the single-family residence~ and the commercial area. He asked that the Councii follow the recommendation of the' Planning Commission.' COUNCIL MEMBER GALLAGHER LEFT'AND IS NOW ABSENT.' u MR. SIEGFRIED C. BADEN, Brighton Avenue, also spoke in favor of making the Baden property'R-3 in Land Use noting it has been zone R-3 for many years and that when he bought the property it was advertised as R-3 and C-N. Several people spoke against the proposed change stating the desire to keep this' property Low Density to conform with other'single-family dwelling units in that area and the desire to prohibit any additional apartments in that area: The following people ' spoke against the proposed change: E. K. ROSE, 1591 Newport; LOU DAVIS, 1431 Newport; HELEN DORSI, Newport Avenue; CORA HIGDON, 183 Fairview Drive; ELIZABETH JACKSON; 208 Fairview Drive; MADELEINE STEELE, Hillcrest Drive; FLORENCE ,ROSE; i305 Brighton. ' LAWRENCE VANDEVEER, 756 Myrtle, former Planning Commissioner, explained the reason- ing behind the Planning Commission's recommendation, stating R-3 was recommended as that had been the zoning on the property for several years and it was felt that R-3 provi:ded a much better land use for that parcel and that it was a more appropriate classification than R-l. As there were no further public comments, the publ ic hearing was closed to audience comment and Council discussion ensued.' After considerabl,e'discussion, it was moved by' Council Member Pope'and seconded by Council Member de Leon to return the entire packet' to the Planning Commission with the recommendation that'the Baden property be approved as R-2, Medium Low Density, and that the Buena Vista Terrace be approved as R-3, High Density Land Use. On the foliowing vote: AYES; Council Members Pope and de'Leon; NOES: Council Member Smith and Mayor Millis; ABSENT: Council Member Gallagher; the. foregoing motion was denied.' '" ' After conUnued discussion, it was moved by Council Member de Leon; seconded by Council Member Smith and carried, with Council Member Pope'abstaining, that the Buena Vista Terrace property be classified as High Density on the General Plan's Land Use Map. It was moved by Council Member de Leon and seconded by Council Member Pope that'the Baden property be given an R-2, Medium Low Density, Land Use classification. On the following vote: AYES: Council Members Pope and de Leon; NOES: 'Councii Member Smith and Mayor Millis; ABSENT: Council Member Gallagher, the foregoing motion was denied and the Baden propertY,remains classified as R-l on'the Land Use Map. , Mayor Millis explained the Council will hold a public'hearing on the zoning of1the * Buena Vista property (tvl,d/,t}\#l>/J,df-NN/JN-,fJ/fJ on July 24, 1979; at' 8:00 P.M. ' APPROVE ADDING TAXICAB TO FIVE CITIES TAXICAB COMPANY Administrator Butch explained a public hearing 0as being held to consider'a request by the Five Cities Taxicab Company to add one additional taxicab to the Five Cities Taxi- cab Company, noting it would be a 1966 4-door taxicab. Mayor Millis then opened the pub- lic hearing to audience comment. There being no comment, the hearing was closed and Council discussion ensued. After brief discussion, it was moved by Council Member de . . :1 . Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried that the application"for an additional taxicab by the Five Cities Taxicab'Comp~ny be ,approved. Administrator Butch'explained the second'cab has to be inspected and ,approved by the Chief of Police and then brought back to the Council for adoption of a resolution approv- ing the addition of the taxicab. u *Minutes corrected with above deletion by Council Motion on 7/10/79. i ''''Minutes corrected with the following addition, by Council Motion on 7/24/79: "A petition bear"" ihg approximately 117 signatures, and 8 letters, had been received prior to the meeting, all opposing a higher density classification for the Baden property, wishing it to be classified for single family dwellings." CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA !I ctg 8 JUNE 26, 19~9. PAGE .7 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS: LAND USE.BRISCO ROAD; CONDOMINIUM.CONVERS!ONS: APPEAL USE PERMIT NO. 79-283, CONDOMINIUMS ON SO. HALCYON ROAD (FILER) Administrator Butch advised the Council that public hearings had been set for . July 10, 1979, at 8:00 P.M. on the following matters: (1) Proposed Land Use classifica- tion, Brisco Road/Grand Avenue; (2) Proposed ordinance to permit condominium conver- sions; (3) Appeal of Planning Commission's denial of Use Permit No. '79-283, condomin- iums on Professional Commercial District, South Halcyon Road, Filer. CURFEW ORDINANCE FOR JUVENILES IN ARROYO GRANDE - TO BE STUDIED Administrator Butch explained the Chief of Police had requested the Council to adopt an ordinance that would establish a curfew for juveniles under 18 years of age in Arroyo Grande, because of problems with juveniles loitering around stores t~at are open all night. After' brief discussion, it was moved by Council Member Pope, seco~ded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, that the City's Attorney look into the preparation of an ordinance establishing a curfew from 11 :30 P.M.. to 6:00 A.M. for juveniles under 18 years of age, and report back to the Council on the matter. r APPOINTMENTS TO VARIOUS COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Appointments: On the nomination of.Mayor Millis, seconded by Council Member de Leon and carried, GENE MOOTS was reappointed to the Planning Commission for,a three year term beginning July 1, 1979 an~ ending June 30, 1982. On the nomination of Mayor Millis, seconded by Council Member Smith and carried, ; MANUEL SEBASTIAN was appointed to the Planning Commission for a three-year term begin- ning July 1, 1979 and ending June 30; 1982. Parks and Recreation Commission Appointments: On the nomination 6f Mayor Millis, seconded by Council Member Smith and carried, GARY THIES was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1979 and ending June 30, 1982. On the nomination of Mayor Millis, seconded by Council Member Smith and carried, PATRICIA SANGER was reappointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1979 and ending June 30, 1982. Parking and Traffic Commission Appointment: On the nomination of Mayor Millis, seconded by Council ~ember Smith and carried, MYRON ANDERSON was appointed to the Parking and Traffic Commission for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1979 and ending June 30, 1982. Down'town Parking Adviso'ry Board Appointments: On the nomination of Mayor Millis, seconded by Council Member Smith and carried, DAVID LOOMIS was reappointed to the Downtown Parking Advisory Board for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1979 and ending June 30, 1982.. . On the nomination of Mayor Millis, seconded by Council Member' Smithand carried, ALICE ROUSE was reappointed to the Downtown Parking Advisory Board for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1979, and ending, June 30, 1982. r On the nomination of Mayor Mi 11 is, seconded', by Counci 1 Memb,er' Smith and carried, FLORENCE LAPORTE was reappointed to the Downtown Parking Advisory Board for a three year term beginning July 1, 1979 and ending June 30, 1982. PLANNING COMMISSIONER HARRIS' SEAT DECLARED VACANT - R. W. CARR TO BE,NOMINATED . It was noted ~at Planning, Commissioner Harris had. missed three Planning Commission . . ".-' - . ~I meetings as of June 19, 1979. On the motion of Council Member Pope, seconded by Coun- cil Member Smith and unanimously carried, Planning Commissioner Harris' seat on the' Planning Commission was declared vacant. Mayor Millii an~ounced his intention. to nominati Robert W.. Carr to fill this vacancy on the Planning Commission at, the next regular Council meeting. ADOPT RESOLUT I O'N ON SALARY SCHtDULE AND' POS I T I ON CLAS'S I F I CAT ION Administrator Butch reviewed. the resolution on the employees' salary schedule and! position classification as planned by. the City Council. He then read the tit'le of the'! reso 1 ut ion. I t was moved by Co'unci I Member de Leon', seconded by Counci 1 Member Sm i th 200 C /TY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 26, 1979 PAGE 8 and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUT I ON NO. 1365 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM COMPENSATION BY"ADOPTING A SALARY SCHEDULE AND POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS, ASSIGNING CITY EMPLOYEES TO CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY STEPS WITHIN THE RE- SPECTIVE RANGES OF THE SALARY SCHEDULE, DESCRIBING" METHODS OF ADVANCEMENT AND REPEALING PREVIOUS SALARY RESOLUTIONS. On the motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members de Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Millis. None. Council Member Gallagher. u the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of " June, 1979. RESOLUTI ON AOOPT I NG 1979-80 MUN I C I PAL BUDGET Administrator Butch read the title of the resolution adopting the Arroyo Grande City Budget for the 1979-1980 F i sca I Year. I t was moved by Counc i I Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to dispense with further read- ing of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1366 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF ARROYO GRAN~ADOPTING THE ARROYO GRANDE CITY BUDGET 'FOR THE 1979-1980 FISCAL YEAR. On the motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members de. Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Mill]s. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Gallagher. The foregoing Resolution was" passed. and adopted this 26th day of June, 1979. REVIEW SALES TAX REPORT FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH/1979 Administrator Butch briefly reviewed the Sales Tax and. Cigarette, Tax Report f<;lr January, February and March/1979. PROGRESS REPORTS: FIRE STATION; COMMUNITY BUILDING; STROTHER PARK; ELM STREET SPORTS COMPLEX; NEW WATER SYSTEM AND RESERVOIR Fire Station Relocation: Administrator Butch explained and the City has just received the legal description"of. the are waiting to sign the escrow instructions. the escrow had been prepared property;. now. the principals " Community Building: Administrator Butch explained a meeting had been held by the Community Building Committee on. the contract changes and considerable. progress had been" made. The City's Attorney will now"consider the changes and hopffi to have something before the Council soon. u Strother Park: On the motion of Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried, the CouncLI. approved Change Order No.2 for Strother: Park with Bouzard Construction, to provide sidewalks. for the Children's Play areafor an amount of $12,927.00 and an extension of time of comp"letion until July 20, 1979, these funds to be appropriated from the 1978-79 Budget. On the motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unani- mously carried, the Counci I authorized the placing of street. I ights on Lopez Drive in front of STROTHER PARK, such work to be done by Pacific Gas & Electric,'cost of this pro- ject to be $3,262.00. The funds for this work were appropriated in the project costs. Elm Street Sports Complex: Staff is currently waiti"ng for the check. plans on the grading for the Sports Complex and work on the tennis courts is to start soon. CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA , 201 JUNE 26, 1979 PAGE 9 New Water system And Reservoir: City Engineer Karp explained a transmittal had been received from Engineering Science suggesting three possible sites for the new reservoir; also a request has been made for prel iminary, seismic data before this pro- ject 'proposa:1' is ,final ized. PROGRESS REPORT ON SCAT MEETING OF JUNE 20, 1979 Administrator Butch noted the ridership on the SCAT system is now 290 average per: day. The system made:" $1600 over the estimated $11,000 revenue and the Board ordered that this money be returned to the' agencies once the fees for an auditor have been paid. r AWARDING OF BIDS ON OVERLAY PROJECT FOR GRAND AVENUE, HALCYON ROAD AND THE PIKE City Engineer Karp reviewed the bids received for the overlay project for Grand Avenue, Halcyon Road and The Pike. It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried, to award the bid for Project No. 90-79~3, (covering the overlay of GRAND AVENUE from Halcyon Road to Brisco Road, HALCYON ROAD from Fair Oaks Avenue to El Camino Real; THE PIKE from the south side of Elm Street to Halcyon Road), to low bidder Sully-Miller, in the amount of $64,558.00 and that this money be appropriated from the 1978-79 budgeting. PROGRESS REPORT ON CANYON WAY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT City Engineer Karp explained the work is progressing on the formation of the Assess- ment District, however he has to discuss how the District's assessments were appro- priated; he will report back to the Council on this matter. APPROVAL PARCEL MAP 79-52, PILGRIM WAY AND ORCHARD AVENUE AREA (GEARING) City Engineer Karp reviewed Parcel Map 79-52 on Pilgrim Way and Orchard Avenue, which creates the parcel which is to be transferred by Mr. Gearing to the Lucia Mar Unified School District for construction of School District Administrative Offices. Dedications are required for Orchard Avenue along with easements for street trees and drainage improvements. Customary street improvements are required on Orchard Avenue. After this review, it was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and carried, that the Council: (1) Finds that the construction of the required street and drainage improvements are necessary prerequisites to the development of the surrounding area; (2) Authorizes the Mayor to execute the appropriate Improvement Agreement with the District or the property owner; (3) Finds that Parcel Map AG 79-52 is consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning; (4) Accepts on behalf of the public the offer of dedication for streets and the easements subject to 'satisfactory completion of the required improvements; (5) Approves Parcel Map AG 79-52. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.4 WITH SULLY-MILLER CONSTRUCTION ON CONTRACT NO. 78-180 It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unani- mously carried, to approve Contract Change Order No.4 with Sully-Miller Contracting Company, on Contract No. AG 78-180, to construct the roadway conform and Olive Street and the Mobilehome Park, total cost to be $774.96 to be appropriated out of 1978-79 funds. REPORT ON ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1979 Council Member de Leon was not able to attend this meeting and consequently had no report to make. r, FINAL APPROVAL OF TRACT NO. 775 (WALKER) City Engineer Karp explained Tract No. 775, on the easterly side of South Alpine was now ready for final approval. It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, that the Council: (1) Authorize the Mayor to execute on behalf of the City the appropriate Subdivision Agreement with the developer; (2) accept on behalf of the public, subject to the satisfactory completion of the required improvements, the streets as delineated on the map and the easements offered for street trees and drainage purposes; (3) Finds that Tract Map No. 775 is consistent with the City's zoning and General Plan; (4) and approves Tract Map No. 775. APPROVE ANNUAL GARDEN STREET BLOCK PARTY FOR FOURTH OF JULY On the motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, the 'Counci 1 approved the Annual Garden Street Block Party to be held on the Fourth of July, 1979, subject to the notification of pol ice and fire personnel. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Administrator Butch informed the Council that Deputy City Clerk Catherine Jansen would be leaving the City as of July 5, 1979; she has accepted employment with the City of Mountain View as Deputy City Clerk. Elizabeth Jackson, 208 Fairview, spoke to the Council requesting they communicate more with local citizenry. 202 CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ADJOURNMENT JUNE 26, :1979 PAGE 10 -, On the motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member'de-Leon -and- unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 12:45 P.M. . ATTEST:C1 ~~uTh ~~^ ^ OA^ - p~ ... .... ",YO;~ " ~ ~