Minutes 1980-01-22 r jl " 'I 11 I I! , I r 287 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 22, 1980 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Hugh O. Pope, Jr., Matthew.P. Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon and B'Ann Smith reported present. pT."Rnr.:"R OF' AT.T.F.r.:TANC.F. AND TNVOr.ATTON Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter, the Reverend Duane Kirchner, P~ace Lutheran Church, Arroyo Grande, .delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MTNllTF.S On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the minutes for the regular meeting of January 8, 1980, were approved as prepared. APPl?O'iTnT, OF W:l1.'RRnN'T'~ On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, Demand Warrants Nos. P780 through P806; and Nos. 12148 through 12219 in the total amount of $168,617.86; and Payroll Warrants Nos.". 16301 through 16401 in the total amount of $74,394.24 were approved and ordered paid. PRF.gF.N'T'A'T'TON n~ r.F.R'T'TFTrA'T'RS OF APPRRrTATTON TO nON WHT'T''T'RMORF.. FORMF.R PARKS & RR("'RRATTON rnMMT~~T()NF.R T.nWRRNrF. F. U:I1.NnF.'iTRF.'R J FORMRR PT.nNT\1TNI':: rnMMTC::C::TONRR .AN"T'nNV T. wnnn FORMRR Pn.RKTNr.: 1:. 'T'Rn.'F'FTr ("()MMTC::C::TONRR aNn rn.'T'HRRTNF. T, .TANC::F.N. FORMER DEPUTY CITY CLERK Mayor Millis presented certificates of appreciation. to former Parks & Recreation Commissioner:.:Don Whittemore, and Lawrence E. Vandeveer, former Planning Commissioner, and commended and thanked both for their service to the City of Arroyo Grande. .Antony L. Wood and Catherine L. Jansen were not in the audience, so their certificates will be sent to them. JlPPROVAI. OF CONSF.NT AGENDA IT~S On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were'~pproved, as recommend~d by City Administrator Butch. A-l. Receipt of Monthly Report for Period Ending November 30, 1979, Liability Experience Management Summary Report and Worker's Compensation Management Summary Report. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-2. Lette>r of Request, City.of Rancho Palos Verdes, Re. Support Redistribution , of Additional 19 of the 69 Sales Tax to the Cities. RECOMMEND REFERRAL TO THE CHANNEL COUNTIES' DIVISION OF THE LEAGUE. ORDTNANCF. ADOPTTON-RF.ZONF. "KIRKPATRICT PROPERTY" (PRINTZ RD.) FROM "A" AGRICULTURAL nTRTRTCT 'PO "R_R" RF.RTnF.NTTAT. RURHRRAN DTRTRTCT Amninistrator Butch read the titl~ of an ordinance amending the Munictpal Code by rezoning certain property on Printz Road. A motion was. then made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. . ". ". ORDINANCE NO. 204 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Me>mber Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: .NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, "Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis None None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 22nd day of January, 1980. ORDINANCE ADOPTION-REZONE A PORTION OF PRINTZ RD. (CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE). FROM "A" AC:RICULTIJRAL DIRTRICT TO :IIR_RII RF.RTDF.NTTAI. RlJRlJRRAN DTRTRTCT 288 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 22, 1980 PAGE 2 Administrator Butch read the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by rezoning certain property on Printz Road. A motion was then made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 205 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. '.' ~~.:. c: l~": On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council 11ember Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: foregoing Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis None None Ordinance was passed and adopted this 22nd day of January, 1980. PROGRESS REPORTS-VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS FIRE STATION-Administrator Butch stated the architects would be meeting with the Volunteers and Fire Chief to go over the survey previously taken and will then be able to begin the design phase of the project. COMMUNITY BUILDING-Parks and Recreation Director Keisler reported to Council that the Building Committee will be meeting tomorrow to pick the materials and colors to be used. The recommendations will then come to Council for final approval. STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK-Keisler showed Council a picture of the sign in front of the park that had. been donated by Rotary. SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX-Keisler. stated that work has begun on putting the lighting together. WATER SYSTEM-City Engineer Karp reported that an escrow had been opened for the site and easement. REPORT & RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARKS..& RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF JAN. 11. 1980 QUIMBY ACT FEES-Parks & Recreation Director Keisler reviewed the rec~ ommendation'. 'of the Parks & Recreation Commission that the City revise it's Subdivision Ordinance, Sec. 9-3 507 Recreation Facilities, to include mobile homes and condominiums/townhouses. The Commission recommended to revise the fee for each residential building site from $100 to $200 per each dwelling unit and $100 for condominiums/townhouses and $50 for mobile homes. Keisler statedcthe average fees in many other cities was $198; therefore, the Commission felt this increase was in order. The Commission also recommended that fees collected be placed in a separate interest accruing fund so that the Recreation Development Fund shows earned interest increase each year. They were concerned that the 10- 2210-003 fund does not acquire interest. Discussion ensued, with Councilman Gallagher posing the question of why only $50 for mobile homes. Keisler said this was because mobile home parks usually had their own forms of recreation right in the park. Councilman de Leon wanted to know if the Commission had considered a graduated scale, i.e. why would someone in a $200,000 house pay the same fee as someone in a $60,000 house? Keisler stated it was felt that homeowners in general were likely to use facilities about the same amount, regardless of home price. ) In regard to the interest question, Administrator Butch stated that collectively the money earns more interest than~ if each small category were paid interest. Councilman Pope felt perhaps the lump sum of interest could be divided at the end of the year. Mayor Millis felt perhaps a distinction could be made between small sums of money left in the fund for a short period of time and larger sums that would remain in the fund for a number of years. After further discussion, the Mayor directed this item to be placed on the next agenda to allow staff time to review further some of the problems and report back to Council. COMMUNITY BUILDING FEES-Keisler explained that the fees for the Community Building had not been raised for a number of years. The Parks & Recreation ./ ~ G n r i 283 i! CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 22, 1980 PAGE 3 Commission was therefore recommending that the Main Hall Use Fee be increased to $50.00; Meeting Room $10.00; Non-Profit Groups Deposit $50.00; and Alcohol Deposit $100.00. Councilman Pope thought it might" be best to find the total cost of operating the" building for one year and then decide the fees. Keisler stated it would be hard to do because so many non-profit groups use the building and only pay the deposit. In answer to Councilman Gallagher, Keisler stated the cost ,for a janitor and supplies is currently $6.65 per hour. Councilwoman Smith felt that" even a $50.00 deposit might be steep for small groups, especially children. After further discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Pope and SAID MOTION CARRIED with Council Member Smith voting no, to approve the proposed Community Building Fees. The Mayor instructed staff to prepare a resolution on this matter for the next Council Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING-ZONE CHANGE FROM "R-G" TO "R-Sr." 365 AND 377 F.T.M ST (RANF.T,T.F.T'T'Tl ORDINANCE EJIRST READING Administrator Butch reviewed for Council the proposed change of rezoning from "R_GII Garden Apartment District to "R-SC" Residential Senior Citizen District, 365 and 377 South Elm Street (Ranelletti). Butch also reviewed Planning Director Castro's memo of January 15th that the action being taken on the rezoning application is to merely bring into conformity the action previously taken on the'General'Plan. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Millis declared it open for public comment. Mr. Ranelletti, owner of the property was recognized, but had no comment for Council. George Manna, 1178 Fair Oaks Avenue, spoke in favor of the rezoning." There being no further public comment, , Mayor Millis declared the" hearing closed,. Administrator Butch then read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending a portion of the Zoning Map of the, City of Arroyo Grande. A motion was made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance, of this ordinance. PUBLIC HEARING-ZONE CHAN(;E FROM lip_Mil TO "CBDII LOOMIS PROPF.RTY...ORDINANCF. FTRST RF.ADING Administrator Butch reviewed for Council the proposed change of zoning from "P~M" Planned Manufacturing District to "CBD" Central Business District the properties generally located easterly of J.J. Food Company Property to the Center Line of the Old Tally Ho Creek (Loomis Property). Butch reviewed a memo from Planning Director Castro ,to Council stating that the action to be" taken by Council is to merely bring the General Plan and the Zoning Map into conformity. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Millis declared it open for public comment. There being no public comment"; Mayor Millis declared'the hearing closed. After Council 'discussion, Administrator Butch read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending a portion of the Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande. A motion was made by Council Member Gallagher," seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. PUBLIC HEARING-APPEAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION DF.NIAL OF VARIANr.F. r.ASF. NO 79-6~. 1340 SIERRA DRIVE (WALTER ENGLE). VARIANCE GRANTED. City Engineer Karp reviewed" the variance request of Walter Engle in reo to 1340 Sierra Drive. Mr, Engle wishes to split his property into"four lots rather than the existing three. Karp reviewed his memo of November 6, "1979 stating that although the 'proposed Flag Lot No. 2 'shown on the Tentative Map fails to meet the Subdivision'Ordinance with regard 'to allowable slopes and minimum areas,with appropriate grading a lot could be built upon in that location. Furthermore, it does not appear that a building in that location would be in- consistent with the type of development which has occured on surrounding property. The hearing ~aving been properly published and noticed, Mayor Millis declared it open for public comment. Mr. Walker, engineer for the project, spoke saying that the slope would be mainly on the sides of the lot rather than the buildable portion. Mr. Walker also presented Council with a signed list of residents of Sierra Hill who stated they were not opposed to the lot split. Scott Engle, 260 Robles Road, stated he felt the lot would be ,similar to the other type of development in the .area.and was in favor of the variance being granted. Walter Engle, owner of the property, explained on the map, 290 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 22, 1980 PAGE 4 where the property boundaries would be and the size of the lots. John Borge, 227 Robles Road, spoke saying that his house is on an even steeper lot and he has not experienced any problem and is in favor of the variance. Scott Engle spoke again saying that a number of homes on Sierra Drive are almost on stilts and felt this house would not be inappropriate in the neighborhood. There being no ,furtherc'public comment',,:,Mayor Millis declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read a section of the Municipal Code that would allow for such variance if the Council so desired. A motion was then made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon to grant the appeal because of the special circumstances of the top- ography of the area, and to allow for the privilege that other property owners of the area enjoy and that the variance granted will not constitute a grant inconsistent with the limitations of the other property owners and additionally ~ that a grading plan must be submitted to staff prior to approval of a tentative map. SAID MOTION PASSED on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and ~~yor Millis; NOES: None; ABSENT: None. A motion'.:was then made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to grant the variance to Mr. Engle. FURTHER RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARKS AND RF.r.RF.ATTON COMMISSTON OVERNIGHT PARKING AND PARKS ORDINANCE~Parks and Recreation Director Keisler reviewed a few points of the proposed ordinance relating to City Parks. These include Hours of Use, Camping Parking, Picnic Areas, and Behavior in Parks. The item was held over to allow the City Attorney to clarify the affected code section. LOPEZ,CONTINlJATION HIGH SCHOOL CONTRACT-Administrator Butch reviewed with Council that the five year contract with the Lopez Continuation High School is up for renewal and the Parks & Recreation Commission is concerned because of the recent increase in fees the City has had to pay for use of school facilities. Therefore it is felt that a year-to year contract might be better and help alleviate some of this problem. Therefore, staff is asking for permission to negotiate the contract on a year-to-year basis and return to Council with a proposal. Mayor Millis stated that he would not take part in the discussion of this matter or vote because he is ,currently an employee of the school district. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher authorizing the City staff to contact the officials of the school district with the recommendations of the Parks & Recreation Commission and to pursue these recommendations to the best of their ability. SAID MOTION PASSED on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith; NOES: None; ABSTENTION: Mayor Millis; ABSENT: None. SUPPORT OF AB 859 (NAYLOR)-Administrator Butch reviewed for Council that this item had been before Council at its last regular meeting and had been referred to the Parks & Recreation Commission for further study. AB 859 would require schools to give cities first right of purchase of surplus school property. The Parks & Recreation Commission is recommending support of this bill. A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Pope and unani- mously carried to support AB 859. RECEIPT OF THE LATEST LEAGIJF. OF CALTFORNTA CTTTF.~ I T.F.r,TST.A'l'T'ilF. RT1T.T;R'l'TN~ :ANn O'T'HF.'RC::: Administrator Butch mentioned that in the League Bulletin there was a preliminary estimate of the legislative analysis on the AB 8 deflater that would take place in 1980-81 and is based on indexing of income tax within the' state. There is also information on what effect Jarvis 2 would have if passed. " ' u REPORT ANn RF.COMMF.NDATTON OF 'l'HF. PLANNTNC:: rOMMTSSTON MF.F.'T'TNC:: OF .TANTJ1l.RV 1 S 1 QRO Administrator Butch reported that there were no recommendatioris to Council from the Planning Commission at this time. Mayor Millis recognized Planning Commissioner Moots from the ,audience and asked him for any comments he might have. Commissioner.Moots had nothing further for Council. REPORT ANn RRCOMMF.NDATTON OF PARKTNC:: ANn RIJ!=:TNF.!=:!=: TMPROVF.MRNT Anv:r!=:ORV ROA'Rn RF. PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF PROPERTY ON HIGHWAY 227 Administrator Butch showed the area in question on the map and explained that the small piece of property was located next to the Village Art Shop. It is the opinion of the Parks & Recreation Director and staff that the parcel is r " I II II I l ~ --~-~I-- 291 '!I CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 22, 1980 PAGE 5 costly to maintain so the item was brought before the Downtown Parking. Advisory Committee.and the Committee agreed that they could maintain.the property and. they. are recommending to Council that rather than abandonment of the property that Cal-Trans retain it and the Advisory Committee will maintain. it. The Council was in agreement with, this and.after discussion a motion was made by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried in- structing staff to write Cal-Trans and inform them that the City does not wish to proceed with the abandonment. but will continue to maintain the property. IlF-PORT ON RECF-NT COUNTY ARF-A COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT'S MF-F-TTNG OF ,TANlJARY 17. 1980 Councilman Gallagher reported that COG has reaffirmed its position that the initial concept was to provide transportation as a primary goal. A recommendation had been made by Atascadero to buy land to house buses but the Board felt they should stick with transportation itself. Councilman Gallagher also reported that the 325 money was approved and. will be coming to the City. Also the Board is currently discussing where the surplus money from sales tax on gas can best be used. As a last point, the Board unanimously decided that any hearings on Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant should be held in San Luis Obispo County. RECOMMENDATION OF CITY CLERK RE. RESOLUTION SETTING POLLING PLACES AND NAMING ELECTION OFFICERS FOR CITY'S APRIL 8. 1980 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Administrator Butch reviewed the resolution setting polling places and naming election officers for the City's General Municipal Election of April 8, 1980. Butch pointed out a typographical error under Voting Precinct 105 which should read "Comprising. regular election precincts 17, 18,19,20,29,30." Butch then read the title of the resolution; thereafter, a motion was made 'by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by, Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1399 A RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY COUNCIL' OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCTS AND POLLING' PLACES, APPOINTING PRECINCT BOARD MEMBERS AND FIXING COMPENSATION FOR THE GENERAL llUNICIPAL ELECTION OF SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1980, HERETOFORE CALLED BY RESOLUTION NO. 1398 OF THE CITY COUNCIL. On motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of January, 1980. RF.<:F.TPT OF ANNUAL 'RRPOR'T'!=: FROM 'T'HR POT.TrF. ANn FTR'R nF:PAR'T'MF.N'I'!=: Administrator Butch advised that the Police report showed crime had dropped in a number of areas in 1979. Council agreed that both reports were excellent and the Mayor directed staff to send a letter to both the Police and Fire Chiefs commending them on their departments' work in 1979. RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. RE. MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC ORDINANCE RRGARDINGTRlJCK PARKING-ORDINANCE. FIRST RRADING Administrator Butch reviewed a staff recommendation that. Sec. 4-3.11 of the Municipal Code be amended to allow the City to designate certain areas in the City where parking of commercial vehicles with a gross weight of 10,000 pounds~or~a~y commercial trailer. or semitrailer with an overall length of 20 feet or~m6re~would~be~prbhibited to park on certain',commercial streets. The existing Ordinance only cover~.parking in residential areas. After Council discussion, city Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, a title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code'in regard to truck parking. A motion was mad~ by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by.Counci~ ~ember de Leon and unanimously carried to'dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. CONSIDERATION OF NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 292 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 22, 1980 PAGE 6 Administrator Butch reviewed the Cost Comparison for Council of the Pacific Telephone SGI-A, Pacific Telephone Horizon, and Telephone West Electra 100 and outlined some of the advantages and disadvantages of each system. Councilman Pope felt it was necessary to Iigure the salvage value and replacement costs of telephones if they were purchased. Councilwoman Smith stated she had contacted Pacific Telephone.and was informed that the City was using the current system at only about 50% capacity. Administrator Butch and Finance Director Bacon said that they were told the City was using its system at capacity. Because of this discrepancy in information received, it was decided that the matter should be placed on the next agenda to allow staff time to confirm the facts with the Telephone Company and .also to gather. replacement cost information. REVIRW AND DTsr.nSSION OF PRRSRN'r C:ONS'1'RTTCTTON ASSRSSM'RNT FRF. 'lY) PROVTDF. FOR SCHOCL CONSTRUCTION The School Board has invited Council to attend their next regular meeting of February 5, 1980 to discuss new construction assessment fees and review various matters of interest to the Board and the City. Butch felt it would be better for the Council and Board to meet on an informal basis and be able to hash out any number of items of mutual concern. Councilman Pope felt that all cities in the Lucia Mar district should attend. However, Mayor Millis pointed out that it might present a problem for other Council's to meet in Arroyo Grande because of the Brown Act. After Council discussion, the Mayor instructed Administrator. Butch to write a letter to the Board asking that an informal meeting might be set up to discuss items of mutual concern. PRESENTATION BY BERT TOWNSEND. COUNTY OF SID Sm,T!) WIIST~ MIINIlr.~M~NT II ST,T!)~ PRESENTATTON ON LITTER ENFORCEMENT Burt Townsend, of the Department of Public Health spoke to Council stating that "Untrash California" is the theme of the current State Wide Litter Prevention and Control Campaign. The theme has been adopted locally as Untrash San Luis Obispo County. He also advised that there will be a litter enforcement training seminar which will be available to enforcement personnel' in February. Administrator Butch mentioned that there was a resolution available if Council wished to support this, but felt the resolution should be further reviewed. Mr. Townsend then presented a slide program on litter enforcement. Mayor Millis thanked Mr. Townsend for coming and noted that the resolution should be reviewed by staff. ~PORT ON RECENT ZONE 3 ADVTSORY COMMTTTEE MEETTNr. OF ~AmJARY 17. 19RO Councilman de Leon reported on the recent Zone 3 Advisory Committee meeting' stating tha approximately 9,000 visitors came to Lopez in December, 1979. There were 8,000 trout planted in January. De Leon also reported that the boating gas dock was to be repaired soon and that the water level was up 1'1/2 feet. fJTRTHRR DTSCnSST()N OF RRQtTRST FOR WATRR r,TNF. RASRMRN'T'. SOUTH RIM ST PONDTNr, ARRA Administrator Butch explained that the escrow on that site was still open and requested the matter be continued until escrow was closed. APPROVE FTNAL MAP. TRACT NO 686 (PRATHER) BRIc;HTON AV~NUE City Engineer Karp presented his recommendation for final approval of Tract Map 686 (Prather). Subject tract is located on the north side of Brighton Avenue between Ledo Place and Fairview Drive. Karp noted that the corner lots do not meet the City's standard 7,000 square foot minimum for such lots. This is because the tentative map was approved in August of 1977, and the City's current standard was not adopted until September 1977. The minimum corner lot size at the time was 6,000 square feet, however if tentatively approved they would have to be 7,000 square feet. . Karp also stated that the developer has paid and posted, bond for the improvements. After discussion, a,motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried to (1) authorize the Mayor to execute the appropriate improvement agreements with the developer for completion of the improvements; (2) to accept the dedications offered for streets, denial strip and street tree easements, subject to improvements; (3) find that Tract 686 'is consistent with the General Plan; (4) find that Tract 686 is consistent with City zoning; and (5) approve Tract 686. o u n ri 2(\ ') ~Jv ., CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 22, 1980 PAGE 7 APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP 79-64. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. A. HOWARD ET AL. 1230 GRAND AVE. City Engineer Karp explained that the property in question is where the Trailer Hitch used to be located and subject lot split is a lot line adjustment located north and south of Priscilla Lane which is a cuI de sac easterly of Ruth Ann Way. The subject adjustment disposes of fee title to a flag drive held by the holder of Parcell. A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Pope and unanimously carried to (1) accept on behalf of the public, Parcel A.,for street purposes; (2) find that Parcel Map AG 79-64 is consistent with the General Plan; (3) find that Parcel Map AG 79-64 is consistent with City zoning; and (4) 'appro';'e .parcel ,Map' AG 79-64. , , " , ,\ . ."., WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS-,ADMINISTRATOR BUTCH reviewed a letter received from LAFCo regarding the Sternbergh and Filer annexations and asked that these items be placed on the Study Session Agenda of January 29, 1980. FIVE CITIES MEALS ON WHEELS issued an invitation to its Annual Meeting on January 26, 1980 at the Senior Nutrition Center, 502 Grand Avenue, Grover City. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M., until 7:30 P.M. on ,..,'" ". "". '0' . 'OOU,., "j~~~ ATTEST:DEPUTY CITY CLERK CITY COUNCIl~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA "' .',' .1.1,; JANUARY 29, 1980 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular adjourned session for a study session. Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Upon roll call, Council Members Pope: Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis reported present. JOINT MEETING WITH LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD Administrator Butch reviewed a letter received from Georgie Q.Connor, President of the Board of Education, inviting Council to a special tour of their new office at 602 Orchard Street on Monday, February 4, 1980. Councilman Gallagher" suggested that County representatives might also be invited. No action was taken .. on the matter at this time. DISCUSSION RE. FILER AND STF.RNRRRGH ANNRXATIONS All members of Council spoke to the matter of completion of the Sternbergh and Filer Annexations. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilman Gallagher that the City of Arroyo Grande oppose adopting the resolution authorizing the Filer and Sternbergh annexations. SAID MOTION PA~ED on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, and Mayor " Millis; NOES: Council Members de Leon and Smith; ABSENT: None. DISCUSSION RE. 'RF.ZONTN(.; "WTT.nWOOn 'RnNr'H" li''RnM "'RllR1." Tn IIpO" nT~'T'RTrrp WTf'J1l-1 n PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN Administrator Butch reviewed a recommendation by the City Attorney on establishing an agreement between the City and Mr. & Mrs. Tempus, owners of the Wildwood property. This was a result of AB 853 which was effective January, 1980, which authorizes a city to enter into a development agreement. A great deal of discussion ensued. Art Shaw, attorney for the Tempus' spoke to the matter and reviewed said law for Council. The establishment of procedures would somewhat delay the project but would be beneficial to both the City and the developer. A motion was made by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher' and unanimously carried instructing the City Attorney to prepare a resolution establishing development agreement procedures for the City and that the project be referred to the Planning Commission for their review. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher to cancel the regular meeting of February,12, 1980 and schedule a regular adjourned meeting for February 11, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. SAID MOTION PASSED on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis. NOES: None; ABSENT: None.