Minutes 1980-03-25 312 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 25, 1980 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Hugh o. Pope, Jr., Matthew P. Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon and B'Ann Smith repo!ted present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led~the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Pastor Mike Demtng of, the S~venth Day Adventist Church, Arroyo the invocatic>I16 - . Thereafter, Grande delivered APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Millis asked that the minutes of March 11, 1980 be corrected to show explicitly that on the Wildwood Ranch Ordinance Council wished item #39 (stating that any proposal that would change the land use of the conceptual master plan shall be deemed a change in the approval of the Ordinance) be included in the final ordinance and will be #44 on the final draft of the ordinance. A motion was then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Council- man de Leon and unanimously carried to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of March 11, 1980 'with the correction noted. u APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried, Demand Warrants No. 12495 through No. 12586 in the total amount of $64,965.86; and Payroll Warrants No. 16769 through No. 16852 in the total amount of $47,643.86, were,'approved and ordered paid. ITEMS DF.I~TF.D FROM THF. ~~F.NnA B-1, B-5, C-7 APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were approved, as recommended by City Administrator Butch. A-I. Receipt of Workers' Compensation Management Summaries for January and February, 1980. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-2. Receipt of Minutes, Board of Directors, Central Coast Self-Insurance Fund, 2-13-80. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. Item A-3', Revision in Apportionment of Highway Users Taxes, 2106 Funds was placed on the agenda for next month to allow Council to further study the report. PROGRESS REPORTS-VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS ,FIRE'STATI01rAdministrator Butch reviewed for Council that the staff has been meeting regularly with the Architects Richmond, Rossi & Montgomery, to discuss the preliminary layout of the new fire station and that layout will be presented this evening by vic Montgomery, Project Manager. Also, Council had previously asked for concurrence by various departments involved that this layout was satisfactory. Administrator Butch presented a memo from Fire phief Marsalek stating that selected groups of firefighters and staff have met with the architect and have concurred that the sketch submitted appeared feasible and there were no'unfavorable comments to the proposal. vic Montgomery, Project u-', Manager, then presented the sketches for the preliminary layout. He stated that a number of interesting ideas had been incorporated into the plan. One thought was that the building should definitely be recognizable as a fire station. Also, it was desirable for the station to be as accessible to the public as possible. The current site configuration encompasses these ideas. There has also been some brief discussion with the adjacent property owner to allow a realignment of property lines for additional parking. The owner is open to negotiation. One consideration for having that much parking is so firefighters do not have to park on the street. The station includes a storage room, kitchen, recreation room and class room. The rec area has about 600 sq. ft. and the class room about 400 sq. ft. The plan was designed to allow for expansion. AS shown, the plan is one story structure with a total of 6,900 square feet. Questions from Council followed with Councilman Gallagher curious about the dorm accommo- dations. Montgomery stated that the future dorm would be the rec room and the recreation facility would be in the patio area. The future dorm could accommodate from 6 to 10 people depending upon arrangement. Councilwoman Smith asked-about ~~--~=---=-.=--=----"=:~ 'L-. I '313 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 25, 1980 PAGE 2 n the landscaping, and fencing. Montgomery stated that fencirig would be needed part of the property and low maintenance' landscaping would be used. Chief Marsalek then spoke and said he felt a lot of thought and preparation had gone into the'plan and he felt Mr. Montgomery's presentation reflected the departments suggestions and this plan was well done. Mr. Montgomery also told Council that the plans were designed to simplify circulation to eliminate any problem of getting to the equipment. Also; storage ,has been incorporated into the facility in such a way as to eliminate confusion. Councilwoman Smith asked about solar energy. Administrator Butch replied that the City has applied for a, grant for solar energy and also a grant as 'a damage control center. Councilman Gallagher was interested in the exact types of materials to be used. Mr. Montgomery stated that these types of decisions had to be made 'later after the approval of this preliminary layout. Mr. Mont- gomery then showed Council a transparency indicating where, the additional parking would be if, the property' realignment, was considered. After further discussion, a motion was made by Co~cilman de Leon, seconded py Council~oman Smith and unanimously carried to approve the conceptual plan of the fire station building. 'A motion was then made, by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Council- man de Leon and unanimously carried authorizing staff to investigate the potential to acquire a portion of the adjacent property 'for, additional' pa~king. on COMMUNITY BUILDING- Administrator Butch reported that the plans are now ready and should go before the C9mmunity Building Committee tomorrow and hope- fully brought to Council at their next meeting. A tentative bid date has been set for May 8, 1980'. STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK-Administrator Butch stated, there was nothing new to report at this time. SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX-Mr. Butch reported that the curb and gutter bids would be April 3rd and the Tennis Court bids would be April 16th. WATER SYSTEM-City Engineer Karp r~ported that the negotations had. not yet been completed but felt certain he would have some positive information for Council by next meeting. RECEIPT OF THE LATEST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN AND OTHERS Council received for their information and review the League of California Cities. Legislative Bulletin. Administrator Butch had no direct recommendations on the Bulletin information at this 'time. n REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF TUE. MAR. 18. 1980 Recommendation reo 1979 Uniform Fire Code-Administrator Butch advised Council'that the main, thrust'of-the change'iri the 'Fire'Code Ordinance. was'to require persons setting up fire works booths be required to remove the stands , within 72 hours. The Council had previously suggested that because the item was a zoning question that the item be referred to the Planning Commission for review. The Commission had reviewed the ordinance and made several recommen- dations. In the meantime the Fire Chief has responded to the recommendations. The Planning Commission spoke to, the establishment of limits of districts in which bulk, storage of flammable or combustible liquids in outside aboveground tanks is to be prohibited. They have suggested that it be included in the "H-SII under a conditional u'se permit. On the other section on the. establish- ment'of limits of districts in which, storage of flammable or combustible liquids in underground tanks, is to be prohibited, they have suggested that in addition to the al'ready prohibited. areas that. the "RS" District be included as a pro- hibited section. In addition to' the above recommendations, the Commission requested that the term "Bulk Storage" be defined as being above 660 gallons, and also that the City Council hold a public hearing notifying those persons who will be affected by the 660 gallon factor. The memo from'Chief 'Marsalek states there are no existing bulk storage facilities within the City limits of Arroyo Grande at this time. Therefore, the Chief questions the need for a public hearing. There exists, two (2) known occupancies with aboveground tanks containing Class II flammable liquid (diesel fuel). These occupancies are located in IIPM" zoned districts. Councilman. Gallagher asked what of some types of fertilizer and other coIDbustible materials such as fiberglass. Marsalek stated these types of items are dealt with in another part of the Fire Code. Councilma~ de Leon felt that when a permit, is issued for fire work sales it 314 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 25, 1980 PAGE 3 should be with the understanding that the booth must be removed within 72 hours. Chief Marsalek said that is exactly what he plans to do. Councilman Pope stated he would definitely like to see "bulk storage" defined in the ordinance. Smith asked for clarification that bulk storage was allowed in the "PM" district. Marsalek said yes under section 4-2.05. Councilman Gallagher thought a study session ~ight be ip order to iron out the de~ails of this ordinance. Admini- strator Butch also advised Council that Attorney Shipsey had advised that because of its length, this ordinance could be adopted by reference and that would require a public hearing. Councilman Pope felt the staff should rewrite the ordinance encompassing the suggestions made by Council, have a study session if necessary and then have a public hearing. Mayor Millis felt'the s'taff:'should review the matter further and directed the staff to do so and report back to Council. Mayor Millis stated that if a public hearing was held, all those who might be affected should be notified. P1Rnnina Commission Denial of Proposed Revision to the Zoning Ordinance With Reference to Curbs, Gutters ans Sidewalks in Certain Districts-Administrator Butch reminded Council that at their first meeting in February they had a recommendation from City Engineer Karp for a change in the Zoning Ordinance applicable to curbs, gutters and sidewalks to .modify' 'the ordinance so that those exempt from installing curb, gutters and sidewalks would have to have a written exemption from the Director of Public Works. Butch further advised that this matter was referred to the Planning Commission and the Planning Commission voted unanimously to deny the Zoning Ordinance amendment. Planning Director Castro stated it was the opinion of the Commission that curb and gutter might be in- stalled in areas not previously developed and would have a detrimental effect to the area. Another concern of the Commissioners. was the intent of applying the requirement to the "A" District which, in many instances, is quite extensive. City Engineer Karp stated that while some curb and gutter may be considered "piecemeal" it was a good way of controlling drainage such as was done in the Fair Oaks District and there has been success on Tally HO.Road. Mr. Kirkpatrick, Printz Road, felt, the erosion problems could be better handled by asphalt and good grading. Karp stated that curb and gutter is not required under the "A" zone or the IIRS" zone. After further discussion, Karp stated that he has. not changed his recommendation. Councilman Pope felt it was desirable to review the staff's original recommendation again before a decision is made. Council was in agreement with this and the Mayor'directed the staff to bring 'this' matter back with the original recommendation and the exact reasons for wanting the change. Mayor Millis then recognized Planning Commissioner Cole from the audience and asked here for any comments she might have. Mrs. Cole said she had nothing further to add at this time. REPORT & RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARKS & RECREATION COMM. MEETING OF MAR. 12. 1980 Administrator Butch reported that the Parks & Recreation Commission had asked for a Joint Study Session on April 29, 1980. Council was in agreement with this date. u REPORT ON RECENT MEETING WITH LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. RE. FEES FOR SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION Councilman Gallagher reported that the meeting of March 10th was successful in a number of, ways. Gallagher stated there was some discussion of specifics such as a, needs study, an updated demographic report and different methods of ~ mutual coopetati6n:" o;f fulfulling goals. Councilman Gallagher felt this meeting was a good foundation for future needs. Administrator Butch advised Council that it is his understanding that the School Board wil'l also be having the same '''' 0' """'" .,,, ", 0"," 0"'" "' ". ""0" ,", """'0'. --: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING O~ MAR 11. 1980 Adopt Resolution-IINo Truck Parking" on Certain Areas of Valley Road- City Engineer Karp reviewed for Council that an ordinance. had been adopted which would permit designated areas in the City to be posted as "No Truck parking" by resolution. Karp reviewed the area of Valley Road that was in question and asked Council to adopt such a.resolution. The problem is excessive use of the area for parking large semi-trucks and trailers. Karp stated there have been many complaints from residents in that area about this matter. Karp stated that the owner of the trucks has been notified of the, problem and has said he would move the trucks but has not done so. Councilman Gallagher stated that perhaps the City needs a:truck parking lot. Councilman Pope asked how '- ~~-~ 11315 I I i II CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 25, 1980 PAGE 4 n Valley Road was classified. Karp replied it is designated as a major street.' Councilman Pope thought that perhaps major streets should be allowed such parking. Karp stated that',:Council of course had that option, but there were many complaints from residents about this matter. Councilwoman Smith thought the resolution might solve the immediate problem but that City Engineer Karp could wind up following the truck around town. After further discussion, Administrator Butch read the title of the resolution establishing "No Truck Parking" Zone on certain portions of Valley Road within the City Limits. A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman smith and unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1406 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A "NO TRUCK PARKING" ZONE ON CERTAIN AREAS OF VALLEY ROAD. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, smith and Mayor Millis None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of March, 1980. Adopt Resolution-Establishing 25 two-hour Parking Spaces in Car Corral and 5 Spaces in City 'Parking Lot Southerly of Branch St.-City Engineer Karp reviewed the recommendation of the Parking and Traffic Commission' that two hour parking be established on the 25' spaces at the re'ar, or north line, of the Car Corral and the first five spaces easterly of Bridge Street in the City parking lot southerly of Branch street. One 'reason for the recommendation was so customers ,shopping would 'have more spaces that are now taken up by commuter and all day parking. Planning Director Castro showed Council the spaces in question on a map. Castro stated that there had been concern by Mrs. Ormsby that if only the Car Corral was included that the problem would only be transferred and therefore the Commission felt the additional five spaces on the' Bridge Street lot would help this matter. Councilman Gallagher felt perl1aps all the parking should have a' two'-hour limit and the employees could park elsewhere. Castro felt this compromise was reached to allow more customers parking and additionally still give the employees a place to park. City Engineer Karp also stated that some people were using this lot as a car pool area; however, Cal-Trans is currently studying improvement of the car pool lot on Oak Park. Discussion ensued, with the Councilman Gallagher pointing out that this item was recommended by the Parking & Traffic Commission and therefore, hopefully was a voice of the merchants. Councilman Pope felt that originally the lot was put in by the 'merchants for their employees and the 2-hour spaces would take away from the merchants and emplpyees. After further discussion, Administrator Butch read the title of a resolution to establish 25 two-hour parking spaces in the Car Corral and 5 two-hour spaces in the City lot on ,Bridge Street. A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Council- m?,n de Leon and unanimously, carri~q...J~9 dispense_wi t1':1 r~~qipg the bala~ce of this resolution. n RESOLUTION NO. 1407 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .. ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A TWO-HOUR PARKING ZONE IN A PORTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE "CAR CORRAL" PARKING LOT. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis Council Member Pop", None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 25th day of March, 1980. Adopt Resolution-"No Parking"::Zone on the North Side of The Pike Westerly of the Del Sol Street Intersection-City Engineer Karp explained the area on the map and advised that visibility was restricted ot the west for vehicles entering 316 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 25, 1980 PAGE 5 The Pike from Del Sol Street when vehicles were parked at the curb on The Pike and because of the alignment of the street, he would recommend that parking be restricted in this area. The property owner of that area has been notified but has not responded one way or another. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read the title of a resolution establishing a "No Parking" Zone on The pike Westerly' of the Del Sol intersection. RESOLUTION NO. 1408 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A "NO PARKING" ZONE ON THE PIKE WESTERLY OF THE DEL SOL ENTERSECTION. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis None None o the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of March, 1980. ADOPT ORDINANCE APPROVING RE7.0NING OF WILDWOOD R1\Nr.H DF.VEI.OPMF.NT.220 r.ORRF.TT CANYON ROAD. FROM "RAB3" TO "PD" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (TEMPUS) Administrator Butch read the title of an ordinance amending a portion of the Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande by rezoning certain property known as Wildwood' Ranch, 220 Corbett Canyon Road, from "RAE3" to '''PD'''. A motion was made by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 214 C.S. AN 'ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4, OF THK'MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member'Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis None None the foregoing Ordina'nce was passed and adopted this 25th day of March' 1980. RECEIPT OF LETTER. RE. UPDATE ON EMERGENCY EVACUATION COMMITTEE Council received for their information a letter from the Director of Public Safety Program Coordinator an update on the studies by the Emergency Evacuation Committee. Administrator Butch reported that there was no action to be taken on this matter and the evacuation study has been moving along. REPORT ON RECENT ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 20. 1980 Councilman de Leon reported that the mobile home had still not been moved to the Lopez site because of weather conditions but was expected to be installed soon. Also, the operator of the fish hatchery was given a one-year lease. o ADOPT 1980-81 HANDICAPPED TRANSIT BUDGET Administrator Butch reported that sufficient funds were claimed in previous budgets to fund the Regional Handicapped System for the 1980-81 fiscal year, therefore, no additional funds are being requested but merely approval and adoption of the Handicapped Transit Budget for 1980-81. A motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried to adopt the 1980-81 Handicapped Transit Budget. REVIEW AND UPDATE. RE. HALCYON RD. ACQUISITION. SOIJTH OF OLIVE ST.. FOR WIDENING ON EAST SIDE OF HALCYON RD. City Engineer Karp reported that the negotiations for acquisition of the Halcyon Road property are moving along and the property value has been based on the appraisal. The~owner of the property wishes the money to be used for curb and gutter on that property and her property on Olive Street. ~- ,1317 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 25, 1980 PAGE 6 n \ ! AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FORBIDS~ST. IMPROVEMENTS ON FAIR OAKS AVE.' & VALLEY ROAD City Engineer Karp' recommended that the City Council authorize staff to advertise a Call for Bids to construct street improvements at the intersection ~f Fair Oaks Ave. and Valley Road, a joint effort with the School District. Karp reported this construction project will include a widening on the easterly side of the intersection of the south curb line to Fair' Oaks Avenue frontage to Arroyo Grande High School. The result will be a.widening to Fair Oaks Avenue which will conform to the improvements on the westerly side of the'intersection'co~structed by the Gospel Lighthouse Church and st. Patrick,~s Church. The Staff proposes that at the same time the City Council accept an offer of dedication to be provided under separate cover by the Lucia Mar School District. This'dedication will enable a widening' of Valley Road against the easterly curb face on Valley Road south of Fair Oaks Avenue. This widening will provide a 10' parking lane for bus loading on the High School Valley Road frontage. In exchange for receiving this offer of.dedication, Staff recommends that the City fund the replacement of the curb and gutter and conform paving over this deeded right of way, as well as placement of Portland Cement Concrete sidewalk adjacent to the curb to be installed on the Fair Oaks Avenue frontage. The school has agreed to extend the sidewalk against the new curb on Valley Road within two years of the improvement widening Valley Road. In addition to the improvements at this intersection,CCity,'Staff will include a shoulder widening on the easterly edge of Valley Road to conform with the shoulder widening that the City reimbursed the County to construct last year. This widening will enable striping crews to extend the four foot shoulders established on the County right of way into the City limits. The SchooL_District is also enlarging its parking area and revising the circulation plan for the lot. The existing westerly driveway will be re- located a significant distance easterly to allow for additional stacking of traffic outside of the Fair Oaks Avenue intersection with Valley Road. .... Plans for the construction are completed and staff is now preparing the 'final estimates. Funding sources for the project are budgeted under Gas Tax (20-4800-103 and 108). The total project should run approximately $80,000.00; the City's share would be $72,000.00 and the School District's $8,000.00. After discussion a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried to authorize the call for bids based on the School Board adopting the agreement with the City before advertising. ~ AUTHORIZE BIDS FOR REVISED SIGNAL SYSTEM AT ELM ST. AND GRAND AVE.. INCLUDING LEFT TURN SIGNAL AND OTHER REVISIONS City Engineer Karp reported that this is a budgeted item to be funded with S.B. 325 monies (25-4800-105) available to the City. The improvement will include salvage of the existing hardware for possible relocation and in- stallation of updated facilities which will include a left turn phase for traffic on Grand Ave. Also being provided will be pedestrian signal heads across both streets. The existing signal has only the button actuated time extension for the pedestrians with no signal heads. At this time, the controller will also have to be replaced to provide for these additional facilities. The new controller will be the latest variety developed jointly by the State of Calif- ornia and New York transportation departments. It is a solid state model and should require far less maintenance and additionally the price of the new model is considerably less than previous vintages. The new controller also has the advantage of being adaptable without major rebuilding to any intersection. The cost of this construction is estimated to be approximately $60,000.00 After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried to authorize Bids for Revised Signal System at Elm St. and Grand Ave. REPORT AND REVTF.W OF DRIVEWAY R~QnTRF.MF.N'T'S. PT.ANNTNr, nRPAR'T'MRN'T' Planning Director Castro reported that as a result of concern expressed by Councilwoman Smith pertaining to the steepness and to the approach pattern of driveways in hillside developments, a joint staff meeting was held with Mr. Anderson and Mr. Karp to review the construction standards for driveways, as well as to establish a policy for the enforcement and the inspection of said improvements. The results of that meeting resolved in the Building Department policing the design standards for driveways with 20% slopes at the time of issuance of building permits. -_J"..; 318 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MARCH 25, 1980 PAGE 7 Castro stated he had discussed the implementation of these procedures with the Chief Building Inspector and instructed him to do a reconnaissance survey of the City to determine where, by visual inspection, driveways will approach the 20% maximum slope. The Chief'Building Inspector was instructed' to record those lots on a separate map and when building permits are requested, to double check and determine if that particular lot'needs to submit specific plans for the driveway prior to issuance of'a building permit. There are, specific standards outlined in the City's Construction Standards Manual, if the Council wishes to refer, to Plates B4 and B5, it outlines specif- ically what those requirements should be. Councilwoman Smith felt this report was adequate and stated she had been concerned with people parking on the street because their driveways were too steep to use. o ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:33 P.M. ...... ~.-tfA t/ R V' ATTEST: ~~ ~./7fl--.1!.A DEPUTY CITY CLERK u