Minutes 1980-04-08 319 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 8, 1980 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Millis' presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Hugh O. Pope, Jr., 'Matthew P. Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon ,and B'Ann Smith reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter, Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried~to approye the ,minutes for the regular meeting of March 25, 1980 as prepared. n APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member de Leon; seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried,' Demand, Warrants No., 12,5,87 tl1rpugh.No. 1.2,667 in tj1e, total amount of $34,109.95; and Payroll Warrants No. P852 through No. P864 in the total amount of'$212,223:!~; were approved and ordered paid. ITEMS DELETED FROM THE AGENDA - C-3. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously' carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were "approved, as recommended by City Administrator Butch. A-I. Receipt of Annual Franchise Fee from P.G.&E. - $7,996.93 ($8,219.00 in 1978-79). RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND TURN OVER TO FINANCE. A-2. Letter of Request from Lucia Mar Unified School District, Re. List of Fees or Assessments levied against New Construction in Arroyo Grande. 'RECOMMEND REPORT BE PREPARED AND RETURNED TO SCHOOL. A-3. Notice of Cancellation of Regularly Scheduled Meeting ,of San County Water Resouces Advisory Committee Meeting of April 2, 1980. RECEIVE AND FILE. Luis Obispo RECOMMEND A-4. Letter of Appreciation from Gary E. Thompson, Re. Storm Damage. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND PASS ON TO PUBLIC woRKs DEPARTMENT. A-5. Receipt of Notice from State Controller, Re. Revision in Apportionment of Highway Users Taxes; 2106 Funds; RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-6. Receipt of Notice from P.G.&E.,' 1979 Conversion to Underground Fee is $21,200. Total Amount Available, $137,649~ RECOMMEND REFERRAL TO UNDERGROUND COMMITTEE. A-7. Receipt of Liability Management Summary for the Month of February, 1980. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-8. Receipt of February Minutes, South County Human Relations Commission. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-9. Invitation 'to Annual La Fiesta Parade in San Luis Obispo on May 17, 1980. RECOMMEND THAT COUNCIL MEMBERS ADVISE WHO WILL ATTEND. n J A-IO. Request Mayor Proclaim the Week of April 13-19, 1980, as "Private Property Week in Arroyo Grande." RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. A-I!. Request Mayor Proclaim the Month of April as "Public Schools Month" in Arroyo Grande and the Week of April 21-25, 1980, as "Open House Week"',n.n Arroyo Grande. RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. A-12. Request from Bureau of the Census, Re. Assistance in Recruiting Qualified Census Takers. RECO~1END LETTER BE POSTED. A-13. Invitation from Tri-County Commission for Senior Citizens, Re. Need for Board Members. RECOMMEND THAT ANY NAMES FROM THE COUNCIL BE SUBMITTED TO AGENCY. A-14. Receipt of Biennial Report for 1977-78, California Coastal Commission. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. 320 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 8, 1980 PAGE 2 A-15. Receipt of Notice that Volunteer Fire Fighter Mitch Sacco was Credited with Saving a Life Where an Individual was Choking on a Piece of Meat. RECOMMEND LETTER OF APPRECIATION BE SENT TO MITCH SACCO. A-16. Letter of Commendation to Sgt. Edward Male Juvenile Runaway--Judge Harold Johnson. BE SENT TO SGT. ALLEN. A-17. Receipt of Annual Franchise Fee from Southern California Gas Company in the Amount of $26,764.32. (1978-79 amount received was $18,745.67). RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND TURN OVER TO FINANCE. Allen, Re. Assistance in handling a RECOMMEND LETTER OF APPRECIATION RECEIPT OF DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, .1980 There was comment on the low figure of new construction and the Mayor expressed concern that we should keep close track of our building inspection because of the small number of new dwelling units. RECEIPT OF THE LATEST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' LEr.ISLATIVE BUI,LETIN AND OTHERS The Council received the information and reviewed the League of California Cities; Legislative Bulletin. Administrator Butch had no direct recommendations on the bulletin information at this time. o PROGRESS REPORT ON SCAT (SOUTH COUNTY AREA TRANSIT) Administrator Butch reviewed the proposed agreement for a two-year term with San Luis Transportation. Administrator Butch indicated that the fee would possibly be increased from 259 to 509 to cover some of the increase in costs. He noted.that gasoline in 1978 was 499 per gallon and that it presently wholesales at $1.12 per gallon. Council Member Gallagher expressed concern about the increase and suggested that SCAT review a 359 increase with a possible 509 increase at a later time. He was advised that the general concensus of the SCAT Board was an increase to 509 which would be less disruptive and would result in a quicker turn-around in rider use. He also requested that the SCAT Board look into passes for both seniors and students. Council Member Smith indicated that she would bring his concerns to the SCAT Board. PROGRESS REPORTS-VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS FIRE STATION-Nothing to report at this time. COMMUNITY BUILDING-Parks and Recreation Director Keisler introduced George Stewart of James Maul and Associates, the architect on the Community Building. Stewart showed the Council the color combinations that would be used in the interior and exterior of the Community Building. He reviewed the plans for the Council's consideration. After a great deal of discussion and review by the Council, it was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried that the staff be authorized to call for bids on the new Community Building expansion. STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK-Parks and Recreation Director Keisler advised the + Council that Lee Wilson Electric would be aiding in the installation of the spiral slide at Strother Community Park. Council Member Gallagher expressed concern about the traffic along that portion of Huasna Road and indicated that residents in the area had advised that they still had a difficult time crossing the street. It was suggested that Council Member Gallagher have those property owners who have problems advise our City Engineer. SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX-Parks and Recreation Director Keisler advised that the bid opening for the tennis courts would be April 16, 1980 and so far there have been 30 requests for bids at the Parks and Recreation Office. WATER SYSTEM-City Engineer Karp advised that there was nothing to report and that the City had not received a signed document from the property owner at this time. The agent was out of the state and would not be back until the middle of next week. o REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL I, 1980 (a) Rezoning Case No. 80-136, Oak Park Acres Tract No. 604, Modifying Current Highway Service District and Professional Commercial District Zoni~g~ (Los Padres Engineering, Agents for Oak Park Acres). Public Hearing Set for 8:00 P.M., April 22, 1980. (b) Proposed Street Name Change, Alpine Place, Located in Tract Nos. 671 and 775. Public Hearing Set for 8:00 P.M., April 22, 1980. I. , 321 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 8, 1980 PAGE 3 REQUEST FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONER GENE MOOTS TO MISS THE APRIL 1. 1980 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Administrator Butch read a letter of request from Planning Commissioner Gene Moots to miss the April 1, 1980 Planning Commission meeting, citing illness of his wife's mother. It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon,and unanimously carried that Moot's request" to miss the April 1, 1980 Planning Commission meeting be approved. n LETTER OF REOIJF.ST ABOUT THE INTERSECTION OF PLATINO LANE AND ORC DRIVF. Administrator Butch read a letter of request from Sharon B. Olson, 516 Platino Lane, Arroyo Grande, expressing her concern about the intersection of Platino Lane and Oro Drive., It was recommended that the matter be" referred to the Par~ing"and Traffic Commission which would be meeting on Aprii 10, 1980. It was requested that" Mrs. Olson be advised of the meeting so she could be in attendance. RECEIPT OF THE FOURTH OUARTER SALES TAX REVENUE REPORT The Council reviewed copies of the fourth quarter report on sales tax revenue and' cigarett tax. Administrator, Butch advised the Council that several 'records were broken; primarily"that record retail sales for 1979 were $51,000.000. Also of significance, is the total sales increased 10.9% over 1978. The report was ordered filed. T.RrprrRR OF RRQrTF.!=:T FROM "PUR ,c::()nrru C'()TTNrrV .c:nNT'T'ZH?V C:::~RVT("R WT'T'H RF.'PRRR1\Tr'F. Tn n 'Rn'T'F. Tl\Tr Administrator Butch reviewed a letter of request from South County Sanitary Service. Council Member Pope asked if in the past there was specific information that the committee needed in order to make any findings. The Administrator, advised that we do require additional information. . pope,r::equested that the staff be instructed to request additional information necessary to aid in the decision. The Mayor, appointed the City Administrator to represent the City on the committee with the appointment of a Council 'Member to be held over until the next regular Council meeting.. "".. .. ..,'< .~. \ /.;-,' RECEIPT OF COTlNTV ANT MAL CONTROL,ADVTSORV HOARD MTNTlTES OF MARCH 27. 1<)80 Administrator Butch advised the" Council that Animal Control is requesting some changes in the ordinance as well as a rate increase from $5,900 to approx~ imately $9,000. He advised that the Managers of the County were going to review the request and make a recommendation to the Mayors at their meeting. No action necessary at this time. RECETPT OF A REVISED PROPOSED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Administrator Butch advised the Council that the Managers of the County were going to review this request and make a recommendation to the Mayors at their next regular meeting. No action required at this time. . RECEIPT OF A LETTER OF REonEST FROM MSB PROPERTIES WITH REFERENCE TO ToTNDA DRTVE EXTENSION AND DRAINAGE Administrator Butch advised that MSB Properties were asking for assistance in their project. He advised the Council that staff has been working with MSB Properties and would return a report and recommendation to the Council~.at their regular meeting of April 22, 1980. n APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS' FOR CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAIN ON JUNIPER "ST. BETWEEN GRAND AVF.. AND POPLAR ST City Engineer Karp reviewed for the Council the proposed budgeted project for a 36" drain from Grand Avenue to Poplar Street. It,was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried that the authorization to call for bids be approved. AWARD BID ON ASH STREET WIDENING PROJECT Administrator Butch advised the Council that five (5) bids were received on curb, gutter and sidewalk project on Ash Street from Elm .Street to the Cor- porate Yard. One of the bids was withdrawn because it didc"not have a bid bond. It was recommended by City Engineer Karp that the low bid of Oliver Fogle be accepted. In addition, because the low bid was considerably under the engineer's estimate, that instead of a six foot (6') sidewalk that an eight foot (8') sidewalk from Lopez High School west to the Corporate Yard be included. It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried that the low bid of Oliver Fogle in the amount of $20,434.50 be accepted 322 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 8, 1980 PAGE 4 and was to include the eight foot entrance to the Corporate Yard. (8') sidewalk from the Lopez High School AUTHORIZE PROGRESS PAYMENT NO. 3 - TALLY HO ROAD DRAINAGE The,Council reviewed a recommendation from the City Engineer requesting approval of Progress Payment No. 3 on the Tally Ho Road drainage in the amount of $6,380.64. After discussion, it was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried to approve progress payment No.3. PROGRESS REPORT ON THE SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT , Administrator Butch reviewed briefly the two projects underway at the treatment plant and advised that the outfall line was still under repair and major construction would not be ready to go ,until June 1, 1980: o REQUEST FOR COlJNCTL MEMBER DE LEON TO BE OUT OF THE STATE UNTIL APRIL 15. 1980 Council Member de Leon requested permission to be out of state until Tuesday, April 15, 1980. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously ,carried permission was granted for Council Member de Leon to be out of state until April 15, 1980. OFF AGENDA LIBBY JACKSON read a prepared statement commending the City Council for its effort and action in the past four years. fi .U L