Minutes 1980-10-06 -5~:n'S CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 6, 1980 The City Council met in a joint session with the Parks and Recreation Commission wi th Mayor Pro,.,Tem, Villide'j"eer' ;pre.sidirlg""'.Jtlpon'J:!o;I;V call.'.council 'Membet.' 'B' Ann Smith, Karl A. Hogan, and; Marki,M; ; Millitsdreported.plOesent., ,'",'Mayor.,Pope'.,wal"absel1t. Chairman Dorace H. Johnson, Gee Gee Sata, Pete Duca, Patricia J. Sanger, Randy Smith, Gary E. Thies, and Jack Dunbar of the Parks Commission reported present. REVIEW BY SAN LUIS ENGINEERING - SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX GRADING PLAN. DE WATERING SYSTEM AND PONDING BASINS Mr. Jim McGillis of San Luis Engineering reviewed the preliminary D. reports for the Soto Sports Complex. He reviewed the use of the drainage system in the basin, a pump, forcernain, and gravity flow culvert. Mayor Pope arrived at this time. There was much discussion on the recommendation of San Luis Engineering because of the cost of the project. It was recommended by the City Council that the Parks and Recreation Commission get actual cost figures and make a recommendation to be considered for the 1981-82 budget. After discussion,. it was agreed that the cost of the design and time frames, whether in phases or at once, were important. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 8:30 P. . c-- ATTEST: ~-t-~ DEPUTY TY CLERK u