Minutes 1981-02-23 n n I 1455 ': CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA FEBRUARY 23, 1981 The Cityco~ncil met in a special' study, session with Mayor, Pope presiding. Upon roll call; Council Members B'Ann Smith, Karl A. Hogan, Mark M. Millis, and Lawrence E. Vandeveer reported present. PRESENTATION BY GARING. TAYLOR AND ASSOCIATES. INC; ';. RE: PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TRACT 953. TERRA DE ORO. UNIT IV. ON STAGECOACH ROAD (KUDEN) Administrator' Butch introduded Mr:. Garing 1 'who gave a prese~tati~n regarding the property. DISCUSSION ON NOTICE FROM LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION, RE: ANNEXATION OF THE "STEM" AREA AS A CONDITION IMPOSED BY LAFCO Administrator Butch reviewed the boundaries of the property and stated it is adjacent to the extension of Farroll Avenue, adjacent to the Grandmothers , Mobile Horne Park. LAFCO is requesting that it be arinex~d along with adjacent property to, 'be annexed to the City of Grover City,. There was general discussion on annexation asa City policy: Council Member Smith stated that the City should decide future action it will take.c Council Member Millis commented that there should be management of the growth the City will take and Council Member'Hogan spoke to the availability of water. . Mayor Pope stated there is a need for housing. Council Member Vandeveer stated that ~ach annexation should be considered separately. It was the consensus of: Council to direct staff to update the study on City resources to include the sphere of influence. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, Hogan, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at Council Member ATTEST: '~~A1fr/UJ ' DEPUTY Y CLERK '