Minutes 1981-05-26 n n ., 6i-' ----l '1491 ;t CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ;it MAY 26, 1981 i; The City Cou~cil met in regular session with Mayor Pope presiding. Upon rollcall, Council Members B'Ann Smith, Karl A. Hogan, Mark M M 11 . i is, and Lawrence,'E. Vandeveer reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance' to our Flag. Thereafter,. Council Member Hogan delivered the invocation~ " " " APPROVAL OF MINUTES On m6~ion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to approve the minutes of May 12; 1981 as presented. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member Smith~ seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, an~ unanimously carried, Demand Warrants #P0170 through #P0183 and #15168 through #15255 in the amount of $201,032.59 and payroll,Warrants #19756 through #19843 in the amount of $53,252:69 were approved and ordered paid. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Mayor' Pope requested that item #8 be withdrawn for discussion and , Council Member Millis requested that items #6 and #7 be withdrawn for discussion. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to approve the Consent Agenda Items minus #6, #7 and #8. A-6. Further Update on OCS Lease Sale 53. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND COMMENT. Council Member Millis stated that he has discussed this matter with citizens of the community and the'most common remark=was the concern that this area not become another Santa Barbara. He moved that the City Council oppose off-shore dritling along the'Central Coast and was seconded'by Council Member Vandeveer. Council Member Vandeveer stated that he is in favor of opposing the lawsuit. Council Member Hogan commented that many people are also in favor of off-shore drilling. The motion was passed with Council Membef Hogan and Mayor Pope dissenting. A-7. Receipt'of Chief Plant Operator's Monthly Report Re: South San Luis Obispo County: Sanitation District.' RECOMMEND REvIEW AND'FILE: Council Member Millis':presented a chart listing the total gallons of ,flow of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. He stated that the' board of dire~tors met May 20, 1981,and he wished 'the Council to be aware of, the~figures~--7Ileexpressed concern because on June 30, 1980 the plant was operating at 88% capacity and it is estimated to be operating at 92% capacity by J~ne 30, 1981 and expansion of the plant must be looked into I . .. in the not t09 distant future. i A-8. Oral Progress Report on Zone 3 Advisory Committee Meeting of May 21, 1981. RECEIPT OF INFO ONLY. 'Mayor Pope requested that ,this be a regular agenda item iri the future. He stated that a report was received from Mr. Milne, engineer for county water projects, regarding a progress report on the coasta+ acqueduct and ~aciemiento to South Five Cities. The study of the Naciemiento project estimated a cost of 50 million dollars. The Coastal pfoject is funded to the Santa Barbara County line. 'If the Naciemiento pfoject were built now,.' the cost- wouid exceed three times the original costJ 492 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 26, 1981 PAGE TWO CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 80-145, FROM RA-B3 DISTRICT TO RA B2 DISTRICT, TALLY HO-ROAD (LAVINE) Administrator Sheldon reported that the proper maps have not-been received by the applicant and he recommended that the request be denied without prejudice so that the applicant may reapply and the public hearing be readvertised. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Pope opened it for public comment. There being none, the-hearing was closed. On motion" of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to deny the request without prejudice. RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH PRIOR APPROVED EXCHANGE PROPERTY TAX REVENUE BASE IN BRISCO HILL AREA BETWEEN CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Administrator Sheldon stated that this resolution is required by Proposition 4 which requires that negotiations take place regarding the tax base. The negotiated exchange in this case for El Camino Real'_ Annexation No. 1 is zero. City Attorney Shipsey-read the title of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. o RESOLUTION NO. 1472 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE NEGOTIATED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE BASE BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of May, 1981. REPORT ON COST OF LIGHTING FOR PORTER FIELD PER COUNCIL REQUEST -Recreation Director Keisler spoke regarding the report. Mayor Pope stated that a da~e should be set for a joint meeting with the Parks Commission. After discussion, it was the consensus to call'a special meeting for this purpose for June,l, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. PRESENTATION OF 1981-82 PRELIMINARY MUNICIPAL BUDGET AND SETTING DATES FOR BUDGET STUDY SESSIONS Administrator Sheldon submitted the preliminary budget and requested Council consider dates for budget hearings. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to hold a study session on June 8, 1981 at 7:30 P.M., a public hearing at the regular meeting of June 9, 1981, and to tentatively schedule a study session for June 10, 1981 at 7:30 P.M:, if necessary. o REQUES~!'C PAYMENT OF PROGRESS PAYMENT NO.8, FlRE~STATION CONSTRUCTION Public,Works Director Karp stated that progress payment no. 8 is now due to Bunnell Construction for the fire station in the amount of $9,308.70 and recommended that it be paid. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to pay progress payment no. 8 to Bunnell Construction in the amount of $9,308.70. -, (_.~- ~ r I 1!493 I CITY COUNCIL, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 26, 1981 PAGE THREE REPORT.AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING. COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY '19, 1981 a) Pre zoning Case No. 8l~155, Stem Annexation. on. Farroll Avenue, "R-3" Multiple. Family Residential District. . . ... b) Pfoposed Ordinance Amendment Regarding Impl~mentatio~ of Senate Bill 1960 Providing for Mobile Homes on Residential Lots. c) Rezoning Case No. 81-154, from "RA-B3" Residential Agricultural District to "RA-B2" Residential Agricultural District, 321 and 331 Tally Ho Road. d) Lot Split Case No.. 81-355, Lot Line Adjustment, Printz Road. It was the consensus of Council to set all of the above items for public hearing for the regular meeting of June 23, 1981. PROGRESS REPORT, RE: PLANNING MATTERS a) Resources Management Study b) Urban Limits Study c) General Plan Update Public Works Director Karp referred to the memos submitted by Planning Director .Hays reg?rding these items and stated Mr. Hays could not be present due to illness but will report back to Council as soon as possible. , i ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING. FILING FEE FOR ALL LOT SPLITS City Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, ?econded by Council Member $mith, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 18', 1981 :.' . . a) Resolution.and Petition, Re: Establishment. ofaXhree-Way Stop at the East Cherry Intersection of Pacific Coast Rail Road Right of Way Place for:' a Trial Period of Six Months. Public Works Director Karp stated that this. three-way stop is recommended by the Parking and Traffic Co~ission and he r~commended.~hat it be_enacted for a.trial period of six months. He read the title. of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Smith, j. second~d by CounciL Member Vandev~er, it was unanimously I' . . . . voted to disp~nse.with further. reading of ~he resolution. I' RESOLUTION NO. 1474 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A THREE-WAY STOP AT THE EAST CHERRY INTERSECTION OF PACIFIC COAST RAIL ROAD RIGHT OF WAY PLACE . FOR A TRIAL PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS . .. .On motion. of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Millis,. and on the following roll call vote, to. wit: AYES:. Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope NOES: I None ABSENT: i None I, the foregoing.' Resolution .was passed and adopted this 26th day of May, 1981. Rod Gibson, 277 E. Cherry,.. stated that the street is also designated as a truck route and he is opposed to the six.months limit because. during that period of tim~ motorists will just. begin to be used to the stop signs. , I b) Re~olution Re: Establishment ~f a "No Parking'~. Zone on a Portion of Grand Avenue. Public. Works Director Karp stated that this zone is recommended by the Parking and Traffic Commission at 422, 418 and 414 Grand. Avenue.. The no parking zone is proposed for the.'northerly frontage of Grand Avenue between the Oak Street intersection and 150. feet easterly 494 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 26, 1981 PAGE FOUR of said intersection, thus tying in with the existing no p~rking zone ?D the McDonald's frontage. He read the title of the resolutlon. ?n motlon of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, 1~.was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolutlon. RESOLUTION NO. 1473 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A "NO PARKING" ZONE. ON A PORTION OF.GRAND AVENUE ~ On motion of Council-Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope None None the foregoing Resolution. was passed and adopted this 26th day. of May, 1981. RECEIPT OF CABLE TV RATE STUDY BY TELECOMMUNICATIONS Mayor Pope stated that the study was received this date for review and will be considered on June. 9, 1981. He requested that Staff notify Sonic Cable TV that it will be considered on that date. REQUEST TO ADVERTISE CONSTRUCTION OF DEEP DOMESTIC WATER WELL Public Works Director Karp reported that per Council's request he has discussed with the hydrologist the use. of the Corporation Yard as a potential. site for drilling the. water well. He referred to the letter from the hydrologist in which he strongly discourages the use of site #3 (corporation yard). It is a potential hazard to the lower acquifers if the well is drilled there and will cost more as it lies within the cone of depression of the Grover City Well. The hydrologist recommends either site #1 or #2, the site clq$er to the ocean being preferred as it would provide the largest production, as a general rule. Mr. Karp stated he recommends site #1 as it is closer to a discharge which could take the proposed water flow without impacting the~surrounding area hydraulically, the available power is closer,is directly adjacent to a drainage basin which could be used to discharge waste, and site #1 is far less upsetting to the general use of the park area than site #2 as it would delete 4 to 8 parking spaces from the parking lot. The site of the well will require approximately 40' X 40'. Council Member Smith stated it is too bad that park and recreation area must be used, however, she is in favor of site #~ as opposed to site #2. She moved to authorize staff to call for bid for the construction of the deep domestic water well at site .#1 and was seconded by Council Member Hogan. The motion was passed with Council Member Millis_ dissenting. Council Member Millis stated he is:concerned that this will be the water supply the City will grow"on. Mayor Pope agreed that supplemental water is essential. u REQUEST FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR -.PRIVATE USE OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY FOR PARKING LOT PURPOSES (R.L.V. ASSOCIATES, INC.) Public Works Director Karp stated that staff is requesting Council to conceptually. approve issuance of an encroachment p~rmit or initiate abandonment procedures to Rudy L. Veland for use of excess public right of way to facilitate construction of a.parking lot adjace~t to El Camino Real. Mr. Veland owns an odd shape lot which fronts on El Camino Real near the Barnett intersection. He.has provided a design for construction of the necessary street impr9vements. The ~lighment of street improvements is somewhat controlled by existing curb and gutter along Barnett Street and El Camino Real. He wishes to construct his proposed parking lot under an encroachment permit or an abandonment parcel of right of' way. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council" Member Vandeveer, it wa~ unanimously voted to approve the encroachment permit with the condition that the applicant dedicate his portion of the lot to the City and the City will abandon their portion of the right of way. ~ n 495 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO G~E, CALIFORNIA MAY 26, 1981 PAGE FIVE REQUEST APPROVAL OF LOT SPLITS a) Lot Split Case No'. 81-346, AG Parcel Map No. 81~58 (Copitzke), Canyon Way. i .b) Lot'Split Case No. 80-345, AG Parcel Map No. 81~59 (Meyers), Canyon Way. , Co~ncil Member Millis asked if these lot splits have been properly advert1sed for public hearing. Public Works Director Karp stated that ~hese lot splits were approved by the Planning Commission before th~ Council's i~pl~men:atio~ ~f the'public hearing procedure. City Attorney Sh1psey stat~d 1t 1S h1S op1n1on that these items should be returned to the p~anning Co~i~sionfor the public hearing procedure to be in keeping w1th t~e dec1~10n of the State Attorney General that all lot splits have a p~llc.hea~lng. ,Leon Meyers, 856 Pearl, spoke regarding his lot split appl1cat1on and obJected to the delay of returning' to the Planning Commission. On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by' Council Member Millis, it was passed to resubmit both lot split cases to the Planning Commission for a public I'hearing and in conformance with the opinion' of the Attorney General. Council Member Hogan dissented. I[ I REQUEST APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP AG 80-140 (BRISCO) HILLCREST/EL CAMINO REAL Public Works Director Karp stated that the subject' parcel is located southerly of El Camino Real, easterly of Hillcrest Drive; and northerly of ,the City's reservoir site, adjacent to the subdivision on Montego Stre~t; The..lot split was approved by the County of 'San Luis Obispo on November 5, 1980~ He recommended approval subject to the following conditions: 1) That. Parcel Map.AG 80~140' is consistent with City Zoning; 2) That the map conforms with the tentative map conditionally' approved by the County Subdivision Review Board. I: , On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was passed:.to approve Parcel Map AG 80-140 'subject to the conditions stated by Mr. "Karp. Council Member Smith dissented. REQUEST PROGRESS PAYMENT ON CANYON WAY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (C. PRATT) Public Works Director Karp stated that progress payment no. 2 is now due to; Pratt Construction for the Canyon Way Assessment District ., in the amount"of $35,036.52 and recommended that it be paid. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was passed to make progress payment no. 2 to Pratt Construction in the amount of' $35,036.52.. Council Member Hogan dissented. RECEIPT OF BIDS RE: FURNISH AND INSTALL STREET PAVING, VARIOUS CITY STREETS Public Works Director Karp reported that bids were opened on May 21, 1981 for this project. Six bids were received ranging from $20,877.50 to ',$23,575.93. The low bid was submitted by Sully-Miller of Grover City a~d he recommended project 90-81-1 be awarded to SUlly-Miller. On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to award the paving project 90-80~1 for Ide .and Garden Streets to Sully-Miller in the~amount of $20,877.50. , ORAL REPORT BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR RE: REQUEST OF FILER REALTORS, RE: CITY WATER ORDINANCE CHANGE TO INCLUDE CONDOMINIUMS OR PLANNED UNITS IN THE WORDING OB THE ORDINANCE Public Works Director Karp stated that he and Attorney Shipsey have discussed the proposed change to the ordinance and are of the opinion that it would :not be feasible and the applicant has been so informed. Mr. Fuller, Filer Realtors, stated that he is.snot yet in receipt of the case law referred to him by Mr. Shipsey which prohibits the adoption of the proposed oFdinance, however, he further stated that other cities are adopting such ordinances. Mayor Pope stated that this item will be a non-reoccuring item until further information is submitted to Council. 496 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 26, 1981 PAGE SIX REQUEST COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION COMMENDING RI~ARDO J: CASTRO . Mayor Pope requested that Council cons1der thlS r~S?lutlon an emergency item as it was not listed on the agenda. Caunell concurred. Attorney Shipsey read the resolution in its entirety. RESOLUTION NO. 1475 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMENDING RICARDO J; CASTRO FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE o On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan," and" on the following roll call vote, to" wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Meinbers Smith, Hogan, Millis", Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope None None the foregoing Resolution was "passed and adopted this 26th day of" May, 1981. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Administrator Sheldon presented a current League of California Cities Bulletin. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Administrator Sheldon reported regarding Mrs. Barbara Badasci's request for a refund of" her building permit for 1245 Poplar. He stated that according to past minutes and memos from Mr. Castro that it was found that Mrs. Badasci was properly charged. Council Member Hogan stated that it was his understanding that she was over charged. It was the consensus of Council that Mr. Sheldon and Mr. Hogan meet with Mrs. Badasci to resolve the question. Council" Member Smith reported that she has attended a meeting of the Parking and Business Improvement District and she listed certain items that the District wishes to discuss with Council. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:45 P.M. to a special meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission on June 1, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. A"""~~~ DEPUTY TY CLERK '2<J/df!( MAYOR o