Minutes 1981-06-01 Ii r; CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA , 497 .JUNE, 1, 1981 The City Council met in a special session with the Parks and Recr~ation Commission with Mayor Pope presiding. Upon roll call, Council M~mbers B'Ann Smith; Karl A. Hogan, Mark M. Millis, and Lawrence E. Vandeveer reported present. Parks Commissioners present were Chairperson Dorace H. Johnson, Gee Gee Sata, Pete Duca, Patricia J. Sanger, Gary E. Thies, and Jack Duribar. Commissioner Randy Smith was absent. JOINT MEETING WITH PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - BUDGET. SESSION Mayor Pope stated the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Parks and Recreation Budget. Recreation Director Keisler distributed copies of the proposed budget items. The Commission and Council discussed each of the budget categories and the proposed amount for each. Mayor Pope suggested that the Commission consider alloting funds for landscape areas and undeveloped neighborhood parks, such as Tierra de Ora. ADJOURNMENT On m9tion of Council Member Smith, seconded, by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:00 P.M. to a special adjourned meeting on June 8, 1981.at 7:30 P.M. A~", (!/nrto~#;U) DEPVTY TY CLERK '-~I?J;?L