Agenda Packet 2000-06-27 CITY COUNCIL W~o/ AGENDA ~ 8f1lande Michael A. Lady Mayor Rick TerBorch Interim City Manager Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tem Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Thomas A. Runels Council Member Steve Tolley Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Jim Dickens Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2000 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: ROTARY CLUB OF ARROYO GRANDE BILL DeJARNETTE, PRESIDENT 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR RICHARD HARRISON, TLC CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER, ARROYO GRANDE 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6A. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. -- AGENDA SUMMARY - JUNE 27, 2000 PAGE 2 8. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS: Persons in the audience may discuss business not scheduled on this agenda regarding any item of interest within the jurisdiction of the Council. The Council will listen to all communication but, in compliance with the Brown Act, will not take any action on items that are not on the agenda. Upon completing your comments: '. You may be directed to staff for assistance; . A Council Member may indicate an interest in discussing your issue with you subsequent to the Council meeting; . The Council may direct staff to research the issue and subsequently report back to the Council (generally in the form of a memorandum or staff report); or . No action is required or taken. 9. CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 9.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approve the listing of cash disbursements to vendors for the period June 1, 2000 through June 15, 2000. 9.b. Minutes of City Council Meeting of June 13 , 2000 (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve minutes as submitted. 9.c. Award of Contract to DMG-MAXIMUS for Mandated Cost Recovery (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the Interim City Manager to execute a contract with DMG-MAXIMUS for mandated cost recovery services. 9.d. Authorization to Initiate Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Contract Modification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Authorize staff to begin the PERS contract modification process in accordance with sidebar agreements with the AGPOAand SEIU unions. -------.....-- AGENDA SUMMARY - JUNE 27, 2000 PAGE 3 9. CONSENT AGENDA (continued): 9.e. Elected Officials Retirement Benefits ( SNQDGRASS) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Resolution establishing requirements for retired elected officials to receive City health insurance benefits; and 2) Approve Administrative Policy and Procedure B-021 - Elected o.fficials Retirement Benefits. 9.f. Resolution AuthorizinQ the TemDorary Closure of Asilo Street Between 617 Asilo Street and 653 Asilo Street on July 4. 2000 for a Block Party (TerBo.RCH) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the temporary closure of Asilo Street between 617 Asilo Street and 653 Asilo Street on July 4,2000 for a block party. 9.g. Resolution Authorizing the TemDorary Closure of Virginia Drive Between 825 Virainina Drive and 844 Virgininia Drive on July 4. 2000 for a Block ~ (TerBo.RCH) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the temporary closure of Virginia Drive between 825 Virginia Drive and 844 Virginia Drive on July 4, 2000 for a block party. 9.h. TemDorarv Use Permit No. 00-012: Authorization to Close City Streets. Use of City ProDertv. and Waive Fees for Police Services for the Arroyo Valley Car Show on Saturday. July 29.2000 (McCANTS) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Resolution authorizing the closure of City streets and the use of City property; and 2) Authorize the waiver of police services fees. 9.i. Award of Construction Bid - Fair Oaks Avenue. Valley Road. and TallY Ho Road Pavement Overlay. Proiect PW-2000-2 (SPAGNo.Lo.) Recommended Action: 1) Award the project to Burke Corporation in the amount of $599,559; 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency of $142,591 for use only if needed for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project; and 3) Direct staff to issue the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed with other documents necessary to execute the Contract. 9.j. Grant of Communications Facilities Easement: Pacific Bell (CARMEL) Recommended Action: Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a Grant of Easement to Pacific Bell Telephone Company for the non-exclusive use of approximately five hundred twenty-five (525) square feet of property located near the intersection of Huasna and Coach Roads plus two (2) additional parcels five (5) feet in width connecting the main Easement area to public utility easements within said roadways. AGENDA SUMMARY - JUNE 27, 2000 PAGE 4 9. CONSENT AGENDA (continued): 9.k. Appointment of Representative to the San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau (TerBORCH) Recommended Action: Approve the appointment of Diane Sheeley, Economic Development Director, as the City's representative to the San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: None. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR MICHAEL A. LADY: (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (2) Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (3) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (4) Economic Development Task Force (5) Other (c) COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (.WRAC) (3) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER STEVE TOLLEY: (1) Long-Range Planning Committee (2) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA) (3) Other CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - ABBREVIATIONS revised 1 0126199 A Agriculturaf Preserve JPA Joint Powers Authority AS Assembly Bill LAFCO Local Agency Formation Commission ADA Americans with Disabilities Act LOCC League rJ Califomia Cities AG General Agriculture LLA Let Line Adjustment AGMC ArrCTfo Grande Municipal Code LUE Land Use Element AGPOA Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association MER Let Merger APN Assessor's Parcel Number MF CondominiumITownhouse APeB Air Pollution Control Board MFA Apartments APCD Air Pollution Control District MHP Mobile Home Parks ARC ArchItectural Review Committee 0 Office PrrJessional ASCE American Society Civil Engineers OCSD Qceano Community Services District ASD Administrative Services Department OSCE Open Space and Conservation Element AWl/A American Water Works Association PC Planning Commission BD Building Division PD Police Department CA City Attorney PF PubliclQuasi Public CC City Council PPR Plet Plan Review CCC California Conservation Corps PRD Parks & Recreation Department CCCSIF Central Coast Cities Self~lnsurance Fund PRE-APP Pre-application CD Community Development PSHHC Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corp, CDBG Community Development Biock Grant PSP Planned Sign Program CE Circulation Element PUD Planned Unit Development CEC California Energy Commission FW Public Works Department CEQA California Environmental Quality Act RE Residential Estate CIP Capital Improvement Program RFP Request for Proposals CIWMP California Integrated Waste Management Plan RFQ Request for Qualifications CM City Manager's Office RH HHlside Residential CMC California Men's Colony RHNP Regional Housing Needs Plan CMP Congestion Management Plan RR Rural Residential cae Certificate rJ Compliance RS Suburban Residential CPI Consumer Price Index RTA Reversion to Acteage CUP Conditional Use Permit RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education SAC Staff Advisory Committee DC Development Code SB Senate Bill CEA Drug Enforcement Administration SCAT South County Area Transit E.C, Election Code SEIU Service Employees International Union EDD Economic Development Department SF Single F amity EDU Equivalent Dwelling Unit SLO San Luis Obispo EIR Environmental Impact Report SLOCOG San Luis Obispo CouneR rJ Governments EIS Environmental Impact Statement SLOHA San Luis Obispo Housing Authority EVC Economic Vitality Corporation SLONTF San Luis Obispo Narcotics Task Force FAU Federal Aid Urban SLORT A San Luis Obispo RegIonal Transit Authority FD Fire Division SLOWRAC San Luis Obispo County W.er Resources Advisory FDAA Federal Disaster Assistance Administration Committee FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency SR Senior Housing FID Financial Services Department SSLOCOWA South San Luis Obispo County W.er Association FPPC Fair Political Practices Commission SSLOCSD South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District FTA Federal Transit Administration SRRE Source Reduction & Recycling Element FY Fiscal Year SWRCD State Wti4er Resources Control Board G,C, Government Code TPM Tentative Parcel Map GC General Commercial TT Tentative Tract Map GF General Fund TTAC Transportation Technical Advisory Committee GP General Plan TUP Temporary U,", Permit GPA General Plan Amendment UBC Uniform Building Code HCD California Department rJ Housing and Community UFC Uniform Fire Code Development USA Underground Service Alert HOP Home Occupancy Permit VAR Variance HUD Housing and Urban Development Dept. VC Village Commercial I Industrial and Business Park VSR VIeW Shed Review ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation ZONE 3 San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Zone 3 (Lopez Project) 9... MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TIFICA TION DATE: JUNE 27, 2000 RECOMMENDA TION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period June 1 - June 15, 2000. FUNDING: There is a $420,399.48 fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of ,normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ATTACHMENTS: ATIACHMENT 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing ATIACHMENT 2 - June 2,2000 Accounts Payable Check Register ATIACHMENT 3 - June 2,2000 Accounts Payable Check Register ATIACHMENT 4 - June 2,2000 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks ATIACHMENT 5 - June 9,2000 Accounts Payable Check Register -.--.- ATI ACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS Jot' tlw pet'iod 0/ JUnB I Jht'ough JUnB 15, 2000 " ,..,,,, " June 27, 2000 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period June 1 to June 15, 2000. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. June 2, 2000 Accounts Payable Cks 95785-95841 2 33,518.28 Accounts Payable Ck 95842 3 45,063.52 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 4 252,950.78 331,532.58 . June 9, 2000 Accounts Payable Cks 95854-95937 5 277,612.97 Less Payroll Transfer included in (188,746.02) Attachment 4 88,866.90 Two Week Total $ 420.399.48 ATTACHMENT 2 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 05/31/00 08 :30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 95785 06/02/00 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP SAFETY VEST 640,4712.5255 20,46 20,46 95786 06/02/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS DELGADO SVCS TO 5/13 220.4303,5303 608,00 95786 06/02/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS DELGADO SVCS TO 5/20 220,4303,5303 608.00 95786 06/02/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS WILLOUGHBY SVCS TO 5/12 010,4120,5303 753,60 95786 06/02/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS WILLOUGHBY SVCS TO 5/22 010,4120,5303 810,12 2,779,72 95787 06/02/00 011426 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS PRINTS-FAIROAKS WATER LINE 350,5755,7301 44,66 95787 06/02/00 011426 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS CR:BLUE PRINTS 350,5755.7301 9,03- 35,63 95788 06/02/00 016380 CA. NARCOTIC OFFICERS AS CNOPA MEMBERSHIP-BROMBY 010,4201. 5503 50,00 50,00 95789 06/02/00 018330 CA,ST,DEPT,OF JUSTICE CHILD ABUSE INDEX-IANNEO 010,4425.5255 15.00 15.00 95790 06/02/00 101739 LUKE CAYWOOD S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-CAYWOOD 010,4424,5352 49.00 49,00 95791 06/02/00 023946 CLINICAL LAB,OF SAN BER WATER SAMPLES 640,4710,5310 2,891.00 95791 06/02/00 023946 CLINICAL LAB,OF SAN BER WATER SAMPLES 640,4710,5303 221,00 3,112.00 95792 06/02/00 101638 TYLER COON S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-COON 010,4424.5352 49.00 49,00 95793 06/02/00 101777 CREATIVE GARDENING REIMB,BUS,LIC,FEE-CREATIVE GAR 010,0000,4050 12,50 12,50 95794 06/02/00 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLE,D WATER 350,5616.7301 15,00 95794 06/02/00 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER, 350,5616,7301 15,00 30,00 95795 06/02/00 101779 CTE COMPUTER TRAINING C POWERPOINT 97 TRAINING 010,4140,5501 1,300,00 1,300,00 95796 06/02/00 026832 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO LEVELUTE/PANCHO 010,4430.5273 96,42 96.42 95797 06/02/00 101716 JIM DECECCO S/BALL LEAGUE UMP-DECECCO 010.4424,5352 80,00 80,00 95798 06/02/00 100544 ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP EVC MEETING REGIS-SHEELEY 284,4103,5309 25.00 25,00 95799 06/02/00 100373 EOC HEALTH SVCS EOC HEALTH SVCS,DONATION 010,4145,5505 1,000,00 1,000,00 95800 06/02/00 101781 EOC-HOMELESS SERVICES EOC HOMELESS SVC,DONATION 010,4145,5505 750.00 75'0,00 95801 06/02/00 100977 FAMILY SERVICES CENTER FAMILY SVCS,CENTER DONATION 010,4145,5505 1,000,00 1,000,00 95802 06/02/00 101662 FORD QUAILTY FLEET CARE FLEET CENTRAL BILLING-MAY 010.4201. 5601 1,182,41 1.182.41 95803 06/02/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PKS SUPER 010,4421.5602 ,14 95803 06/02/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PKS,DIR 010,4421. 5602 16.70 16,84 95804 06/02/00 042158 BOB HICKS TURF EQUIPMEN SPRINGS 010,4420.5603 52,78 52.78 95805 06/02/00 101236 DAWN HUDSON POTTERY CLASSES-HUDSON 010,4424,5351 69,60 69,60 95806 06/02/00 044928 INT'L ASSOC,FIRE CHIEFS IAFC DUES-FIBICH 010,4211,5503 100,00 95806 06/02/00 044928 INT'L ASSOt,FIRE CHIEFS IAFC DIVISION DUES-FIBICH 010,4211,5503 65.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 05/31/00 08:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 95806 06/02/00 044928 INT'L ASSOC,FIRE CHIEFS IAFC'MEMBER SECTION-FIBICH 010,4211,5503 15.00 180.00 95807 06/02/00 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY BBQ SUPPLIES 612,4610,5255 116.88 95807 06/02/00 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY BBQ SUPPLIES 640,4712,5255 116.89 233.77 95808 06/02/00 053118 LUCIA MAR UN,SCH,DIST, MARCH 21-MAY 11 JUDKINS SCHOOL 010,4424,5257 792.00 95808 06/02/00 053118 LUCIA MAR UN,SCH,DIST. APRIL 2-MAY 7 JUDKINS SCHOOL 010,4424,5257 527.00 95808 06/02/00 053118 LUCIA MAR UN,SCH,DIST, MARCH 14-16 PAULDING SCHOOL 010,4424,5257 204 , 00 1,523,00 95809 06/02/00 101780 AVA MACKAOUI PARTIAL REF:CLASS-MACKAOUI 010,0000,4605 35,00 35,00 95810 06/02/00 054920 MASTERLINE AIR SYSTEMS QRTL AIR TEST 010,4211,5303 330,00 330,00 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BULBS 010.4430,5605 7,68 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SPRAYER PARTS 010,4430,5605 5,98 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE FLAsHLITE/D8 BATTERY/RATCHET 640.4712,5273 51. 44 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE TEFLON PASTE/PVC PIPE/ELBOWS 010.4420,5605 12,23 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ROD 612,4610.5603 5.14 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELBOWS/SPRINKLERS/BUBBLER 010,4420,5605 40,73 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE NIPPLES/ELBOWS 010,4420.5605 15.74 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE LOCKNUTS/WASHERS/BUSHINGS 010.4420,5605 9.61 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CR:BUSHING/LOCKNUT CONDUIT 010,4420,5605 1.29- 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELBOWS 010,4420,5605 15,77 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 9 V BATTERIES/PARTS BRUSH 220,4303,5613 20,55 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DUP,KEYS/PADLOCK/PLUMBING SPLY 220,4303,5613 17.90 95811 06/02/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PHONE CORDS/ADAPTER 612.4610.5201 10.16 211.64 95812 06/02/00 057272 MIKE MITCHELL S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-MITCHELL 010,4424.5352 64,00 64,00 95813 06/02/00 058890 RICHARD MUNOZ S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-MUNOZ 010,4424,5352 64,00 64,00 95814 06/02/00 100293 NAT'L BUSINESS FURNlTUR COMPUTER CART 010.4120.6001 174,03 174,03 95815 06/02/00 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE LONG PIN PUNCH 612,4610,5273 8,03 8,03 95816 06/02/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 473-1935 640,4710,5403 30,15 95816 06/02/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 473-2041 010,4145,5403 14,82 95816 06/02/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-5400 010,4145.5403 1,375,52 95816 06/02/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL DATA LINE 473-0379 010,4140,5303 90,37 1,510.86 95817 06/02/00 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS COPIES-EL CAMPO 350,5616,7301 413.07 413.07 95818 06/02/00 101775 PURE SOURCE ENVIRONMENT ASBESTOS CONSULTING 010,4213.5303 736,00 736,00 95819 06/02/00 100143 QUAGLINO ROOFING GAZEBO ROOF 350,5511,7001 1,000,00 1,000.00 95820 06/02/00 069148 R & T EMBROIDERY,INC RAID JACKET-ALLEN 010,4201. 5255 38,81 38,81 95821 06/02/00 071292 LARRY D, RODKEY REIMB.7 STRIKE TEAM BAGS 010,4211,5255 105,51 105.51 95822 06/02/00 071682 GREG ROSE S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-ROSE 010,4424,5352 64,00 64,00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 05/31/00 08:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 95823 06/02/00 069496 RXLASER BLANK PERFORATED PAPER 010,4120.5201 331. 31 331. 31 95824 06/02/00 075660 SAN LUIS PAINTS FIELD MARKING PAINT 010,4430,5605 44,88 95824 06/02/00 075660 SAN LUIS PAINTS PAINT 010,4430,5605 67.29 112,17 95825 06/02/00 077024 ANN SARMIENTO S/BALL SCORER-SARMIENTO 010,4424,5352 56,00 56,00 95826 06/02/00 078468 SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES,INC TR WATER METERS 640,4712,5207 7,848,92 95826 06/02/00 078468 SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES,INC COMPOUND WATER METER 640,4712.5207 2,000,06 9.848.98 95827 06/02/00 101776 BARRY G, SHAPIRO REIMB ,BUS ,LIC,FEE-SHAPRIO 010,0000,4050 21. 00 21. 00 95828 06/02/00 101556 DIANE SHEELEY AMER,ECON,DEV,COUNCIL-SHEELEY 284,4103,5501 160,00 160.00 95829 06/02/00 080340 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP FLASHLIGHT HOLDERS 640,4712,5273 13,84 13,84 95830 06/02/00 101565 LORI STEED SIGN LANGUAGE CLASS-STEED 010,4424,5351 192,50 192 ,50 95831 06/02/00 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER TONER CARTRIDGE 010.4002,5201 149,30 149.30 95832 06/02/00 085664 TOM TOTH S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-TOTH 010,4424,5352 80.00 80.00 95833 06/02/00 086346 TROESH READY MIX CONCRETE 350,5633.7001 641. 89 95833 06/02/00 086346 TROESH READY MIX CONCRETE IIIASTE 220.4303.5307 97,80 95833 06/02/00 086346 TROESH READY MIX CONCRETE WASTE 220.4303.5307 142,60 882,29 95834 06/02/00 101778 U,S,DEPT,OF JUSTICE RETURN OF UNEXPENDED FUNDS 276,4205.6201 9,00 9,00 95835 06/02/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC, SPRINKLER FITTINGS 010,4430,5605 148.36 95835 06/02/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC, HUNTER SPRINKLERS 010.4430,5605 102,78 251.14 95836 06/02/00 087672 UNITED RENTALS RENTAL-SOD CUTTER 010.4420.5552 40,47 95836 06/02/00 087672 UNITED RENTALS RENTAL-LAWN ROLLER 010.4420.5552 16,09 95836 06/02/00 087672 UNITED RENTALS DOUBLE END GROOVER 220,4303,5273 78,97 95836 06/02/00 087672 UNITED RENTALS RENTAL-SOD CUTTER 010,4420,5552 40.47 176.00 95837 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, OAK PARK BLVD. WIDENING 350,5609.7301 1,469.80 1,469.80 95838 06/02/00 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE REPR,TIRE 220,4303,5603 59.00 95838 06/02/00 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE REPR,TIRE 640.4712.5603 47.58 106,58 95839 06/02/00 091026 WEST PUBLISHING PAYMENT CD ROM-CA CODE UPDATE 010.4003.5503 68,64 68,64 95840 06/02/00 091104 WESTBURNE/AIR COLD,INC- PVC FITTINGS 640.4712,5610 171.65 171.65 95841 06/02/00 101754 YMCA-SLO CNTY YMCA DONATION 010,4145,5505 1.000,00 1.000,00 TOTAL CHECKS 33.518,28 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 05/31/00 08:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 14,547,87 220 STREETS FUND 1,632,82 276 97-98 FED LOCAL LAW ENFORCE GT 9,00 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 185,00 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 3,590.39 612 SEWER FUND 140,21 640 WATER FUND 13,412,99 TOTAL 33,518,28 ATTACHMENT 3 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 05/31/00 09:12 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, KIWANI'S PARK GAZEBO 350,5511,7301 241. 63 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, OPTICOM DEVICES 350.5604,7301 90,00 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, CREEKSIDE PATH 350.5607,7301 2,574,58 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 350,5613,7701 229,50 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, BRISCO/101 INTERCHANGE ALTS 350,5615.7301 715.86 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, EL CAMPO/101 INTERCHANGE ALTS 350,5616,7301 48.75 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, CENTAL COAST TOWN CENTER 350,5617,7301 65,00 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, PARKING LOT BEHIND CITY HALL 350,5623.7301 173,75 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. TRAFFIC WAY CRUS/GUTTER 350,5625,7501 32.50 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. FAtR OAKS RECON/VALLEY-TRAFFIC 350,5630,7501 4.605.58 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, TALLY HO RECON/227 TO LEPOINT 350,5631,7501 8.027,52 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, TALLY HO RECON/227 TO LEPOINT 350,5631,7501 448.75 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, LOS OLIVOS SIDEWALK 350,5633,7301 74.25 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, NEWSOM SPRINGS 350,5754.7501 110,00 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, DISASTER SERVICES 1998 (DR-120 350,5755.7301 135,00 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. DISASTER SERVICES 1998 (DR-120 350,5755.7501 359,77 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, GRAND AVE/ELM TO HALCYON 350.5806,7301 13,448.63 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, GRAND AVE/ELM TO HALCYON 350,5806,7401 91. 95- 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, RESERVIOR NO.1 DESIGN 350,5903.7501 228,75 95842 06/02/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, GENERAL CONSULTING SVCS 010,4301.5303 13,545,65 45,063,52 TOTAL CHECKS 45,063.52 ATTACHMENT 4 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 5/12 TO 5/25/00 06/02/00 FUND 010 223,813,31 Salaries Full time 132,240.65 FUND 220 10,491,87 Salaries Part-Time 28,775.99 FUND 284 4,149,01 Salaries Over-Time 9,321.78 FUND 612 4,232.05 Holiday Pay 5,107.38 FUND 640 10,264,54 Sick Pay 5,583.61 252,950,78 Annual Leave Pay - Vacation Buy Back 2,960.00 Sick Leave Buy back Vacation Pay 4,391,45 Comp Pay 5,992.05 Annual Leave Pay 2,375.88 PERS Retirement 15,806,79 Social Security 14,109.33 PARS Retirement 240.40 State Disability Ins. 509.49 Health Insurance 19,966,26 Dental Insurance 3,584.79 Vision Insurance 768.02 Life Insurance 541.91 Long Term Disability - Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 200.00 Council Expense 375.00 Employee Assistance - Uniform Allowance Motor Pay 100.00 Total: 252,950,78 ATTACHMENT 5 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 06/07/00 09: 13 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 251 06/01/00 005616 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE G,A,REIMB,5-25-00 P/R 011,0000,1015 188,746.07 188,746,07 95854 06/09/00 001482 AIR-VOL BLOCK, INC BLOCKS 350,5511,7001 152,23 152.23 95855 06/09/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS DELGADO SVCS-5/26 220,4303,5303 608,00 95855 06/09/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS WILLOUGHBY SVCS TO 5/26 010,4120,5303 673.53 1.281.53 95856 06/09/00 004760 WILLIAM ANDREWS SUICIDE IN PROGRESS CLASS 010,4201. 5501 30,00 30,00 95857 06/09/00 004914 APEX SHARPENING WORKS 2 STROKE OIL/BLADES 220,4303,5603 95,56 95,56 95858 06/09/00 101783 CITY OF ATASCADERO CSMFO MTG,CAR RENTAL 010,4120,5501 53,62 53,62 95859 06/09/00 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB,SNACK SUPPLIES-BARROW 010,4425.5259 159.57 95859 06/09/00 009750 BRENDA BARROW FATHER/DAUGHTER DATE SUPPLIES 010,4424,5252 246,86 406,43 95860 06/09/00 010998 BETTER BEEP PAGER SERVICES 010,4425,5255 34,50 95860 06/09/00 010998 BETTER BEEP PAGER SERVICES 010,4421. 5602 11,50 95860 06/09/00 010998 BETTER BEEP PAGER SERVICES 640,4712.5303 20.00 95860 06/09/00 010998 BETTER BEEP PAGER SERVICES 220,4303.5303 10,00 95860 06/09/00 010998 BETTER BEEP PAGER SERVICES 010,4305,5303 20,00 96,00 95861 06/09/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER PAINT/PAINT SUPPLIES 640,4712,5604 22,03 95861 06/09/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER SPRAY PAINT 350,5511,7001 25,68 95861 06/09/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER LUMBER/MILLING/SCREWS 010,4420,5605 33,40 95861 06/09/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER MILLING 010,4420,5605 14,32 95861 06/09/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER SPRAY PAINT 010,4420.5605 4,28 95861 06/09/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER LUMBER 220.4303,5613 11,41 111.12 95862 06/09/00 101752 BSN/PASSON'S/GSC/CONLIN PARTS 010,4430,5605 155,08 155,08 95863 06/09/00 013806 BURKE AND PACE OF AG LUMBER 350,5633,7001 58,00 95863 06/09/00 013806 BURKE AND PACE OF AG LUMBER 350,5625,7001 377 ,42 95863 06/09/00 013806 BURKE AND PACE OF AG POST 010.4420.5605 12,49 95863 06/09/00 013806 BURKE AND PACE OF AG WOOD STAKES 350.5625.7001 27.03 474,94 95864 06/09/00 021684 C,COAST RESPIRATORY OXYGEN H FILL 010,4211.5206 24,00 24,00 95865 06/09/00 021940 C.COAST TAXI CAB SERVIC TAXI SVCS-MAY 15-31 225,4553,55'07 1,639.75 1,639.75 95866 06/09/00 101784 AMALIA LOPEZ CASTILLEJA REF,PARK DEPOSIT-CASTILLEJA 010,0000,4354 25,00 25,00 95867 06/09/00 101739 LUKE CAYWOOD S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-CAYWOOD 010.4424,5352 49,00 49,00 95868 06/09/00 101166 CDF FFII CERT,FEE-WIRZ 010,4211,5501 30,00 30,00 95869 06/09/00 021824 CENTRAL COAST SOD TRIUMPH 2 DWARF FESCUE SOD 350,5511.7001 188,35 95869 06/09/00 021824 CENTRAL COAST SOD TRIUMPH SOD 010,4420,5605 61,96 250,31 95870 06/09/00 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY R/R SUPPLIES 010,4420,5605 440,69 440,69 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE, 2 06/07/00 09: 13 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NuMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 95871 06/09/00 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY MULCH 010,4420,5605 23,54 95871 06/09/00 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY MULCH 010,4420,5605 47,08 95871 06/09/00 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY MULCH 010.4420,5605 69,59 95871 06/09/00 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY ADD ON CHARGE INV#0379 010,4420,5605 6,44 95871 06/09/00 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY SUPER TURF FERTILIZER 010,4420,5274 535,71 95871 06/09/00 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY FERTILIZER 010,4420,5274 836,23 1,518.59 95872 06/09/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET REPR,COOLANT LEAK 010,4201. 5601 32.50 95872 06/09/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SAFETY INSP/LUBE/OIL/FILTER 010.4305,5601 31. 03 95872 06/09/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET LUBE/OIL/TRANS,SVC/WIPERS 010,4201. 5601 144,86 95872 06/09/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET ROTATE/LUBE/OIL/FILTER 010,4201. 5601 46,98 95872 06/09/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET REPL,BRAKE CABLE/DOOR STRIP 010,4305,5601 88,95 95872 06/09/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET REF,CUP SiB PLOT PLAN REVIEW 010,0000,4162 297,00 641. 32 95873 06/09/00 023400 ROBERT CHUBBUCK REIMB.PARKING/ROOM TAX 010.4201,5501 197,55 197,55 95874 06/09/00 101790 CLEAR WATER COLOR PLANTS 350,5511,7001 201,52 201. 52 95875 06/09/00 101528 COMPUTERLAND ONSITE SVC/LABOR-FIN,SVCS 010,4140,5303 142,50 142,50 95876 06/09/00 101638 TYLER COON S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-COON 010.4424,5352 35.00 35,00 95877 06/09/00 026286 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER SAMPLES 640,4710,5303 175.00 175,00 95878 06/09/00 026832 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO NUTS/LADDER 010,4420.5605 75,54 95878 06/09/00 026832 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO MOWER TRAILER CABLE 010,4420,5603 6,86 95878 06/09/00 026832 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO WOOD FLOATS 220,4303,5273 7,49 89,89 95879 06/09/00 027144 L,N CURTIS & SONS HELMETS/LINERS 010,4211.5272 450,18 450,18 95880 06/09/00 028548 DAYSTAR INDUSTRIES STREET SWEEPING 612,4610,5303 5,515.31 5,515.31 95881 06/09/00 101716 JIM DECECCO S/BALL LEAGUE UMP-DECECCO 010.4424,5352 32,00 32.00 95882 06/09/00 101702 DELL MARKETING L,P, 3 DELL W,STATIONscF.D 010,4140,6101 4,173.11 4,173,11 95883 06/09/00 032138 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SVCS, EMT BASIC/TEXT BOOK 010.4211,5501 230,00 95883 06/09/00 032138 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SVCS, EMT REFRESHERS 010,4211.5501 792 . 00 95883 06/09/00 032138 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SVCS, EMT CERT CARDD 010,4211,5501 40,00 1,062.00 95884 06/09/00 033072 FARM SUPPLY CO, 9 VOLT BATTERY 010,4420,5605 4,49 4,49 95885 06/09/00 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN COMP,COUPLINGS 640,4712.5610 324.38 95885 06/09/00 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN MISC,PARTS LIFT STATION#l 612,4610.5610 85.80 95885 06/09/00 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN CURB STOPS/ANGLE STOPS/SADDLES 640,4712.5610 391.46 801. 64 95886 06/09/00 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 72788 010,4002,5301 184,25 184.25 95887 06/09/00 101543 GREAT AMERICAN INSURANC BARMAN PMTS TO INS.COMPANY 010,0000,2306 1,691.44 1.691.44 95888 06/09/00 039312 CITY OF GROVER BEACH SEWER BILL 612,0000,4751 40.58 40.58 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 06/07/00 09:13 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 95889 06/09/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-P,D, 010,4201. 5403 129.35 95889 06/09/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-P,D. 010,4201.5403 30.44 95889 06/09/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-P.D, 010.4201. 5403 15,99 95889 06/09/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-P,D, 010,4201. 5403 19,04 95889 06/09/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-P,D, 010,4201.5403 17 ,56 95889 06/09/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-P,D. 010,4201,5403 19,90 95889 06/09/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-P,D, 010,4201.5403 27,66 259.94 95890 06/09/00 039992 DONNA HAMILTON REIMB,TUITION/BOOKS-HAMILTON 010,4201. 5502 207,75 207.75 95891 06/0,9/00 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES CONCRETE 350,5511.7001 238,10 238,10 95892 06/09/00 041808 CRAIG HENDRICKS LODGING/PER DIEM-HENDRICKS 010,4201. 5501 156,79 156,79 95893 06/09/00 101791 HSCJB, INC REF,PLAN CHECK DEP-HSCJB 010,0000,4505 500,00 500,00 95894 06/09/00 044304 IMPULSE MFG. REPR,METER VAULT 640,4712,5610 344',58 344,58 95895 06/09/00 046098 J C LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE MAINT, 010,4420,5303 380.00 95895 06/09/00 046098 J C LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE MAINT, 217,4460,5356 120,00 500,00 95896 06/09/00 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY CMC SUPPLIES 220,4303,5613 59,67 59.67 95897 06/09/00 101792 JEREMY KAUFMAN REIMB,DRIVERS LIC.APP-KAUFMAN 640.4712,5501 64,00 64,00 95898 06/09/00 100985 DOUG LINTNER S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-LINTNER 010,4424.5352 48,00 48,00 95899 06/09/00 054482 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTEND MSA MEETING-CRUZ 220,4303,5501 15,00 15,00 95900 06/09/00 101100 LINDA MEEKS REF,PARK DEPOSIT-MEEKS 010.0000,4354 25,00 25,00 95901 06/09/00 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA GASOLINE 010,4201.5608 156,81 95901 06/09/00 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA TRAINING EXPENSES 010,4201. 5501 289,93 95901 06/09/00 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA P.O,MEMORIAL TRIP 010.4201,5501 215,04 95901 06/09/00 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA CITY MANAGER TRIP/MEETING 010,4101. 5501 169,49 95901 06/09/00 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5201 111,39 942,66 95902 06/09/00 056940 MIER BROS. CONCRETE 010,4420,5605 194.02 95902 06/09/00 056940 MIER BROS, CONCRETE 350.5511,7001 73 ,36 267.38 95903 06/09/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE TARP 010.4201. 5597 53.08 95903 06/09/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE LAUNDRY SOAP 010,4211.5255 13.93 95903 06/09/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SANDS PONG 010,4213.5604 5,56 95903 06/09/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE WOOD HANDLE 220,4303,5613 6,41 95903 06/09/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLYWOOD 640.4712.5610 141. 53 95903 06/09/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DRAIN CLEANER/PLUNGER 010,4420,5605 19.07 239,58 95904 06/09/00 057272 MIKE MITCHELL S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-MITCHELL 010,4424,5352 64,00 64,00 95905 06/09/00 101787 PATRICIA MORALES REF,PARK DEPOSIT-MORALES 010,0000,4354 25,00 25,00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 06/07/00 09 :13 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 95906 06/09/00 058890 RICHARD MUNOZ S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-MUNOZ 010.4424.5352 64,00 64.00 95907 06/09/00 101789 MUSIC FACTORY RENTAL-SOUND SYSTEM 010,4201.5597 500,00 500,00 95908 06/09/00 059124 MUSTANG TREE CARE STUMP GRINDING-820 PEARL 010,4420,5605 65,00 95908 06/09/00 059124 MUSTANG TREE CARE REMOVE AVOCADO TREES-LOS OLIVO 350,5633,7001 375,00 440.00 95909 06/09/00 101741 NEW RULE PRODUCTIONS EVERY 15 MINUTES VIDEO 010,4201.5597 208.30 208,30 95910 06/09/00 101665 ONEMAIN,COM INTERNET SVCS TO 6/20 010,4140.5607 46.90 46,90 95911 06/09/00 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE ABSORBANT 010,4211.5255 8,56 8,56 95912 06/09/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 489-2174 010,4201. 5403 27,57 95912 06/09/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL FAX 473-2198 010,4145,5403 84,41 95912 06/09/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-5100 010,4145.5403 573,24 95912 06/09/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL DATA LINE 473-5141 010,4145,5403 236,19 95912 06/09/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL SLO COMPUTER 271-6566 010,4145.5403 47.87 95912 06/09/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 481-6944 010,4201. 5403 123,63 95912 06/09/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 271-7480 010,4145,5403 63,98 95912 06/09/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL SLO COMPUTER 473-9523 010,4145.5403 11. 58 95912 06/09/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PAY PHONE 489-9867 010,4201.5403 53,66 1,222,13 95913 06/09/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010,4304,5402 1,204,70 95913 06/09/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 640,4712,5402 248,09 95913 06/09/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 640,4711,5402 5,338.50 95913 06/09/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 612,4610,5402 738.16 95913 06/09/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010,4145,5401 3,878,53 95913 06/09/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 217.4460,5355 7.29 95913 06/09/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304,5402 12,996,57 95913 06/09/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010,4304,5402 44,70 24,456.54 95914 06/09/00 064258 PAGING NETWORK OF LA PAGER SVCS-MAY 010.4421. 5602 108,02 108.02 95915 06/09/00 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS COLORED COPIES-EVERY 15 MINUTE 010,4201. 5597 135.24 135.24 95916 06/09/00 068484 BEAU PRYOR REIMB,FUEL-B,PRYOR 010,4201. 5608 54,15 54,15 95917 06/09/00 071292 LARRY D, RODKEY REIMB,FLAGGING TAPE-RODKEY 010.4211.5255 25,61 25.61 95918 06/09/00 075660 SAN LUIS PAINTS FIELD MARKING PAINT/LINING 010.4430,5605 179,54 179,54 95919 06/09/00 101786 SHEILA SANDERS REF,PARK DEPOSIT-SANDERS 010,0000,4354 75,00 95919 06/09/00 101786 SHEILA SANDERS LATE CANCELLATION FEE-SANDERS 010,0000,4354 5,00- 70.00 95920 06/09/00 101788 SANTA FE SPRINGS FD AFSS REGIS FEES-FIBICH 010,4211,5501 20,00 20.00 95921 06/09/00 077024 ANN SARMIENTO S/BALL SCORER-SARMIENTO 010,4424,5352 42.00 42.00 95922 06/09/00 078468 SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES,INC METER CHAMBERS 640,4712,5207 1,655.02 95922 06/09/00 078468 SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES,INC TR WATER METERS 640,4712,5207 311.06 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 06/07/00 09:13 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 95922 06/09/00 078468 SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES,INC CR:METER CHAMBERS 640,4712.5207 1,655,02- 311,06 95923 06/09/00 101586 SHERIFF'S ADVISORY COUN 3 PEOPLE REGIS-SUICIDE IN PROG 010,4201. 5501 105,00 105,00 95924 06/09/00 100124 SLO CNTY OFFICE OF EDUC LIVE SCAN PRINTS-MOORE 010,4201. 5315 12,00 95924 06/09/00 100124 SLO CNTY OFFICE OF EDUC LIVE SCAN PRINTS-MCCAA/MCCLISH 010,4201. 5315 24,00 36.00 95925 06/09/00 075348 SLO CNTY SHERIFF REGIS-FIRE ARMS INST-SOUZA 010,4201.5501 100,00 100,00 95926 06/09/00 101212 SLO CREATIONS UNIFORM SHIRTS-WHITNEY 010,4211,5143 101. 89 101. 89 95927 06/09/00 101160 JUDITH SMITH REF,PARK DEP-SMITH 010,0000,4354 25,00 25.00 95928 06/09/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY VOLTMETER 010,4211.5601 49,20 95928 06/09/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY AIR FILTER 220,4303,5603 8,67 95928 06/09/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY FAN BELT 010.4211.5601 4.28 62,15 95929 06/09/00 101785 PATTY ST.DENIS REF,PARK DEPOSIT-ST,DENIS 010.0000,4354 25,00 25,00 95930 06/09/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM RADIOS 010.4201,5606 30,00 30,00 95931 06/09/00 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER REPR,HP4 PRINTER 010,4201.5602 114,49 114.49 95932 06/09/00 084300 TEEZERS TEE-SHIRTS-EVERY 15 MINUTES 010.4201.5597 1,035,07 1,035.07 95933 06/09/00 085664 TOM TOTH S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-TOTH 010.4424.5352 80,00 80,00 95934 06/09/00 086346 TROESH READY MIX SAND SLURRY 640,4712.5610 257,40 257,40 95935 06/09/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. SOLE ASSY/DIAPH.ASSY 010.4430,5605 313,71 95935 06/09/00 088084 UNITED GR~EN MARK,INC. VALVE 010,4430,5605 115,29 95935 06/09/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC, SPRINKLERS 010,4420,5605 5.25 95935 06/09/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC, SPRINKLER SUPPLIES 010,4420,5605 11,10 445.35 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. KIWANI'S PARK GAZEBO 350,5511,7301 331,50 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, BIKEWAY PROJECT ONE 350,5606,7301 34.90 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, CREEKSIDE PATH 350,5607,7501 728,89 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, OAK PARK BLVD,WIDENING 350,5609,7301 436,75 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 350,5613,7701 16,25 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, BRISCO/101 INTERCHANGE ALTS 350,5615,7301 325.00 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, EL CAMPO/101 INTERCHANGE ALTS 350.5616,7301 503,75 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, CENTRAL COAST TOWN CENTER 350,5617,7301 32,50 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, MONTEGO STREET SIDEWALKS 350,5622,7301 186,31 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, TRAFFIC WAY CURB & GUTTER 350,5625,7501 716,75 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, FAIR OAKS RECON/VALLEY TO TRAF 350,5630,7501 9,444.76 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, TALLY HO RECON/227 TO LEPOINT 350,5631,7501 3,865,47 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, TALLY HO RECON/227 TO LEPOINT 350,5631,7501 806,81 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, FAIR OAKS/VALLEY RD TRAFFIC 350,5636,7501 450,00 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, NEWSOM SPRINGS 350,5754,7701 116,07 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, DISASTER SERVICES 1998(DR-1203 350,5755,7301 120,50 95936 Q6/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, GRAND AVE, ELM TO HALCYON 350,5806,7301 2,500,00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 06/07/00 09: 13 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER ,AMOUNT AMOUNT 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GRAND RECON/PH 3/ELM/OAK PARK 350,5812,7501 32,88 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GENERAL CONSULTING SVCS 010,4301.5303 11,504,33 95936 06/09/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC, DON ROBERTS FIELD 350,5501,7301 175,00 32,328.42 TOTAL CHECKS 277,612,97 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 7 06/07/00 09: 13 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 12 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 49,718,99 011 PAYROLL CLEARING FUND 188,746,07 217 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 127,29 220 STREETS FUND 822,21 225 TRANSPORTATION FUND 1,639,75 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 22, 540,78 612 SEWER FUND 6,379,85 640 WATER FUND 7,638.03 TOTAL 277,612,97 ..It. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 13,2000 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara called the meeting to order at 6:46 P.M. Council Members Runels, Dickens, Tolley, Interim City Manager TerSorch and City Attorney Carmel were present. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 2. CLOSED SESSION: Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara announced that the Council was going to meet in closed session to discuss the following matter: PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: City Manager 3. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara announced that the closed session concerned the recruitment process for the City Manager position and that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 4. ADJOURNMENT TO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The 'meeting was adjourned at 7:01 P.M. to the regular City Council meeting of June 13, 2000. TONY M. FERRARA, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, JUNE 13,2000 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: X Council Member Runels X Council Member Tolley X Council Member Dickens X Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara Absent Mayor Lady Staff Present: Jl.jnterim City Manager/Chief of Police X-City Attorney lL....Pirector of Administrative Services _Director of Building and Fire X-Director of Community Development _Director of Economic Development X-Director of Public Works _Director of Parks and Recreation X-Director of Financial Services 3. FLAG SALUTE Girl Scout Troop 721 led the flag salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor George Lepper, Peace Lutheran Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW None. ------~--.--- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 13,2000 6.a. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY Council Member Runels moved, Council Member Tolley seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 7.a. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Director of Administrative Services Wetmore highlighted the staff report. She explained that an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity was received from Jeff Goldenberg to operate a taxicab service called Beach Cities Cab within the City. She stated the Council must conduct a public hearing and determine if there is a public need or convenience that requires another taxicab service in the City. Council Member Tolley asked Police Chief TerBorch what kind of background check is done 01') owners of taxicab operations. Chief TerBorch responded that there was no significant background check for the owner; however, taxicab drivers are subject to detailed background checks. He explained in this case, the owner would be a driver so he would receive a thorough background check conducted by the Police Department. Council Member Runels asked if anyone responded to the public hearing notice. Director Wetmore responded that there was no response received from the public regarding the application. Council Member Dickens asked for clarification that the City was not soliciting this application because of a demand for taxi service, but that it was a request by Mr. Goldenberg to operate a taxi service within the City. Director Wetmore responded that was correct. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara opened the Public Hearing. Jeff Goldenberg, applicant, spoke in favor of his proposal to operate a taxicab service within the City. He stated he had a public hearing date scheduled in the City of Pismo Beach and was waiting for a hearing date in the City of Grover Beach. He said he has complied with the City's requirements, and has proof of insurance. Council Member Tolley asked Mr. Goldenberg if this was his first attempt at starting a taxi service. Mr. Goldenberg responded yes. 2 ------ CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 13, 2000 Council Member Dickens asked the applicant if he had any other data that determined the need for additional taxi services in the City of Arroyo Grande. Mr~ Goldenberg responded that there was a great need for additional service in the Five Cities area, not just Arroyo Grande because it takes a long time for the current taxicab service to respond to calls. He stated additional taxicabs would cut down on drunk driving arrests. Council Member Runels referred to the current senior taxi program and asked the applicant if his fares would be consistent with the fares that are being charged. Mr. Goldenberg responded he would be charging a flat rate of $2.00 for pickup and $2.00 per mile. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara asked about proposed hours of operation. Mr. Goldenberg stated that the ordinance requires the taxicabs to be on a 24-hour cycle. He referred to the driver contract he submitted to the Council for review. Council and staff discussion included the existing senior taxi program and whether this proposed taxicab service could also participate in the program; and that the existing taxi service was located in Paso Robles which dispatches cabs throughout San Luis Obispo County. Herman Olave, Senior Advisory Commissioner, stated that the Commission receives many complaints about the existing taxi service regarding delays in service; and finding discrepancies in billing every month. He spoke in favor of approving another taxicab service in the area. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Pro Tem closed the Public Hearing. Council Member Runels asked how long the senior taxi program contract was with Central Coast Taxi. Mr. Olave responded that there was no beginning or ending date on the contract. He said the Senior Advisory Commission recommended that this be addressed. There was consensus of the Council that there was a demand for additional taxicab service in the City. Council Member: Tolley moved that the Council determine that public convenience and necessity require an additional taxicab service within the City limits of Arroyo Grande; adopt a Resolution granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity subject to full compliance with all conditions and requirements of Title 5, Chapter 10 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code; and direct staff to prepare a report on the status of the current senior taxicab program 3 "---------------- -- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 13,2000 direct staff to prepare a report on the status of the current senior taxicab program with potential alternatives for review by the Council at a future meeting. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion. - Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Absent Lady Ave Ferrara Aye Runels Ave Tolley Aye Dickens There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 7.b. AMENDED APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 99-014 - APPLICANT: L.C. LAVINE Director of Community Development McCants highlighted the staff report. He explained that the City Council had previously adopted a resolution denying the appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of the Conditional Use Permit. He said the amended application includes the addition of a detached carport to address the parking requirements of the project located at 137 Tally Ho Road. Interim City Manager TerBorch reported for the record that two letters had been received and distributed to the Council from: Rosemary Gabel, 143 Tally Ho, in opposition to the Conditional Use Permit. Alicia Garcia, 139 Tally Ho, in opposition to the Conditional Use Permit. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara opened the Public Hearing. Eric Wahl, 135 Tally Ho, stated he understood that the property was not zoned for two residences on one lot and thought that was the basis for the denial. He said the existing home that was there should have been demolished before the new home was built. He spoke in opposition to the project. Leona Wahl, 135 Tally Ho, stated the new house was a nice addition to the neighborhood; however, it was her understanding that it was a single family home that was being built and the rental unit would be a granny unit or workshop. She spoke about the heavy traffic on Tally Ho and the difficult parking situation on the Tally Ho cul-de-sac. She spoke in opposition to the project. Kenneth Hill, 141 Tally Ho, stated he could not believe that adding a carport would allow the project to be approved. He said the other situations still exist and spoke in opposition to the project. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara closed the Public Hearing. 4 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 13,2000 Council Member Tolley stated the application was within the standards of the City's Development Code and policies of the General Plan for second dwelling units. He commented that one unit would not create enough traffic to create a public safety issue and spoke in support of approving the project. Council Member Runels said his original concern was the three~ar garage at the main residence and not having a covered parking space for the second unit. He stated the added carport addresses his concern and spoke in support of approving the project. Council Member Dickens referred to the site plan which shows four parking spaces adjacent to the cul-de-sac and asked if this was part of the private property and not a part of the driveway. Director McCants responded that was correct. Council Member Dickens asked for clarification on the comment about the compliance of the second unit with the City's exiting Development Code; and what the size of the parcel was. Director McCants responded that the project meets all existing building and Development Code requirements. He said the parcel was 21,000 square feet, and second dwelling units can be built in residential districts on parcels over 12,000 square feet. Council Member Dickens stated that the amended application provides the covered parking spa~e for the second unit, which meets the requirements of the Development Code. He commented that because of the size of the lot, the Development Code allows a second dwelling unit. He also clarified that the unit could not be sold separately as the two structures are on one lot. He stated the applicant has met the criteria for approval of the project. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara stated there had been discussion at the last meeting about concerns with the language regarding covered parking for second residential units in the existing Development Code and inquired about the status of the review. City Attorney Carmel responded that a review of that section of the Development Code is in process and should be coming forth to Council within 60 days. He referred to the General Plan Housing Element goals and policies for second units. Director McCants reported that the next update of the Housing Element of the General Plan was scheduled in 2003. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara stated this was the best solution to meet current laws in the City. He said he did not approve of this project in this area; however, the applicant had met the requirements of the Code. He said the applicant revised 5 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 13,2000 applicant had met the requirements of the Code. He said the applica~t revised the parking plan, which brought the project in compliance with the existing Development Code. Council Member Runels moved to adopt a Resolution to approve Conditional Use Permit No. 99-014, applied for by L.C. LaVine located at 137 Tally Ho Road. Council Member Tolley seconded the motion. Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Absent Lady No Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley Ave Dickens There being 3 AYES, 1 NO, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 8. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Alice Hoover, 547 Palos Secos, addressed the Council with a problem regarding the preservation of a Landmark Tree located on Lot #50 in the Los Robles de Rancho Grande development. She expressed concern about the potential damage to the tree as a result of the proposed development on Lot #52. Mrs. Hoover submitted a detailed letter for the record. John Keen, 298 N. Elm Street, stated he noticed that the Operating Engineers Union tore down its building and would be bringing a project before the Planning Commission. He encouraged the City Council to consider buying the property to make sure that the Police Station has room to grow. 9. CONSENT AGENDA Following questions from Council/Board Member Tolley regarding Item 9.j., Council/Board Member Runels moved to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.k. with the recommended courses of action. Council/Board Member Dickens seconded the motion. a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Approved. b. Statement of Investment Deposits. Approved. c. Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facility Fund. Approved. d. Mileage Reimbursement Rate for Employees and Volunteers. Approved. e. Fiscal Year 2000-01 Appropriation Limit. Adopted Resolution No. 3450. f. Minutes of Special City Council Meeting of May 15, 2000; Special City Council Meeting and Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of May 23, 2000. Approved. 6 "------------..- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 13,2000 g. 2000 General Municipal Election. Adopted Resolutions 3451, 3452, 3453, and 3454. h. Authorization to Solicit Construction Bids - The Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase II - Project No. PW- 2000-03. Approved. i. Acceptance of Improvements fOf Le Point Street, Highway 227, and Pas eo Street; (Le Point Street Addition) - Newport Properties. Adopted Resolution No. 3455. j. Contract with County of San Luis Obispo for Animal Control Services. Approved. k. Resolution Authorizing the Chief of Police to Establish Policies and Procedures for Implementation and Enforcement of Restricted Parking Zones. Adopted Resolution No. 3456. Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote City Council Redevelooment Agency Board HAbsent Lady Absent Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Runels Aye Tolley Aye Tolley Aye Dickens Aye Dickens There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS None. 12. COUNCIUAGENCY COMMUNICATIONS . Council Member Runels reported that he met with the Village Improvement Association about the proposed truck routes relating to the Lopez Dam Remediation Project. . Mayor Pro Tem Ferfara reported that he attended the Torch Run ceremony and that the City of Arroyo Grande presented a Proclamation to Dick Blankenberg. 13. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Interim City Manager TerBorch reported that the City Engineer has accepted the Final Map for Tract 2207, and is authorized to approve or disapprove the map on behalf of the City. Tract 2207 is owned by J.H. Land Partnership and is located South of Pilgrim Way and West of State Highway 101. The map will subdivide the property into 38 residential lots ranging in size from 18,603 to 53,505 square feet, 7 9.0- MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS. DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE~ SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT TO DMG-MAXIMUS FOR MANDA TED COST RECOVERY DATE: JUNE 27, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the Interim City Manager to execute a contract with DMG-MAXIMUS for mandated cost recovery services. FUNDING: Funding of a maximum of $5,225 for mandated cost recovery will be made from the Non-departmental budget for contract services and from recovered costs. DISCUSSION: When the State of California mandates certain actions and procedures of local government agencies, they are required to reimburse for costs incurred by the local agencies to comply with these mandates. The firm of DMG-MAXIMUS specializes in compiling the costs to carry out State mandates, completing required forms and documentation, and filing the actual claims on behalf of local agencies. The City of Arroyo Grande has contracted with DMG-MAXIMUS for mandated cost recovery services during the last four years. During this four-year period the City has received approximately $96,200 from the State of California for mandated cost while paying DMG-MAXIMUS approximately $12,000, thus receiving a net benefit of approximately $84,200. The following table reports the revenue and expenses by fiscal year. Fiscal State Consultant Net Year Payments Fee Benefit 1996-97 $ 24,690.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 21,990.00 1997-98 30,904.00 3,322.00 27,582.00 1998-99 15,851.00 3,371.00 12,480.00 1999-00 24,732.00 2,550.00 22,182.00 Total $ 96,177.00 $ 11,943.00 $ 84,234.00 MANDA TED COST RECOVERY JUNE 27, 2000 PAGE 2 The contract is divided into two categories. The first category is called "Annual Fall Claims" which includes business tax reporting, open meeting law claims, and investment reporting claims. The cost to file these claims on behalf of the City will be a fixed fee of $2,650. The second claim category is "New Claims", which will include claims for new mandates approved by the State and claims previously funded but unpaid by the State. The cost for new claim reporting will be on a contingent basis of 30% of recovered cost with a maximum fee of $2,575. In Fiscal Year 1999-00 the City paid $2,550 for the Annual Fall Claims. Because the State did not remit monies for new claims, the City was not obligated to pay DMG-MAXIMUS a contingent fee. For Fiscal Year 2000-01 the City can expect to pay between the $2,650 minimum (Fall Claim fee) and the $5,225 maximum ($2,650 plus $2,575). The City has gained over $84,200 from previous contracts with DMG-MAXJMUS. At worst, the minimum cost without matching revenues for the 2000-01 contrad could be $2,650 if the State .denied all claims. However, it is likely that the City would receive approximately $10,000 for open meeting law claims and business tax reporting claims. The net profit of $7,350 ($10,000 less minimum $2,650) is worth the time invested by City staff. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council authorize the Interim City Manager to contract with DMG-MAXIMUS for continued mandated cost recovery services. . RESOLUTION NO. ,A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH DMG-MAXIMUS FOR MANDATED COST RECOVERY SERVICES WHEREAS, City of Arroyo Grande ("City") is a duly authorized municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, City has entered or will enter into agreements for the development, submission, and negotiation of cost claims pertaining to state mandated programs; and - WHEREAS, DMG-MAXIMUS ("Corporation") has the resources, skill, and expertise to provide City with mandated cost recovery services of the highest level. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that the City Manager is hereby authorized in the name and on behalf of City to enter into binding agreements with the Corporation for mandated cost recovery services, upon such terms as may seem advisable to said officer( s) and to execute, as agent for the City, all necessary agreements. The authority given hereunder shall be deemed retroactive and any and all acts authorized hereunder performed prior to the passage of this Resolution are hereby ratified and affirmed. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member ,and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: , ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2000. RESOLUTION NO. Page 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Contract Number: OOF-233 Agreement to Provide Mandated Cost Claiming Services THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , 2000 and effective immediately by and between DMG-MAXIMUS (hereinafter "Consultant") and the City of Arroyo Grande (hereinafter "City"), WHEREAS, Article xum of the California State Constitution provides that cities may recover costs associated with carrying out programs mandated by the State of California, WHEREAS, the City desires to obtain maximum reimbursement for costs incurred in carrying out State mandated programs, and has determined that engaging the Consultant to assist in the mandated cost claim preparation process is the most economical and cost effective means for preparing the City's state mandated cost claims; and WHEREAS., the Consultant is staffed with personnel knowledgeable and experienced in determining the costs of governmental programs and in the submission of cost claims to the State of California, and WHEREAS, the City desires to engage the Consultant to assist in developing, submitting, and negotiating cost claims pertaining to state mandated programs. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services The Consultant shall prepare claims for reimbursable state mandated costs as provided herein. A. Annual State Mandated Cost Reimbursement Claims The Consultant shall prepare and file applicable actual annual state mandated cost reimbursement claims for the 1999-2000 fiscal year and estimated claims for the 2000 - 2001fiscal year. The fiscal year 1999-2000 actual claims to be filed are claims that are included in the State Controller's Claiming Instructions that provide for timely filed claims to be submitted by January 15,2001. B. All Other Claims for Which Claiming Instructions Are Issued in FY 2000- 2001 With the exception of the claims in Scope of Services 1.A. above, the Consultant shall prepare, submit and file on the City's behalf, all other eligible actual and estimated state mandated cost reimbursement claims for which State Controller Claiming Instructions are issued in the 2000-2001 fiscal year. City of Arroyo Grande - 1 - June 8, 2000 Contract Number: OOF-233 2. Consultant Claim Filing Requirements The Consultant shall file these claims to the extent that appropriate documentation is available and verifiable and that claim amounts exceed $200 per claim. 3. Costs and Method of Compensation A. Scope of Services 1.A. - Annual State Mandated Cost Reimbursement Claims For the services provided pursuant to Scope of Services I.A., the City agrees to pay the Consultant upon submission of the claims to the State Controller, a fixed fee of two thousand six hundred fifty dollars ($ 2,650). The fixed fee shall be due upon receipt of Consultant's invoice following submission of such claim(s). B. Scope of Services 1.B. - All Other New Claims for Which Claiming Instructions are Issued in FY 2000-2001 For the services provided pursuant to Scope of Services 1.B, the City agrees to pay the Consultant a contingent fee of 30% of the amount claimed and paid, to a maximum of two thousand five hundred seventy-five dollars ($ 2,575). Payment shall be made rrom monies actually received rrom the State resulting from the Consultant's efforts. Monies received shall be defined as payments resulting rrom the Consultant's filing of cost claims listed in Scope of Services 1.B. In the event that the total amount of claims paid by the State is less than one thousand six hundred sixty-seven dollars ($1,667), the City shall pay the Consultant a fixed fee of five hundred dollars ($500). The fee, which in no case shall exceed the maximum amount, is due within four weeks of City receipt of reimbursement rrom the State. 4. Services and Materials to be Furnished by the City - The Consultant shall provide guidance to the City in determining the data required for claims submission. The Consultant shall assume all data so provided to be correct. The City further agrees to provide all specifically requested data, documentation and information to the Consultant in a timely manner. Consultant shall make its best effort to file claims in a timely manner pursuant to Scope of Services. Consultant shall not be liable for claims that cannot be filed as a result of inadequate data or data provided in an untimely manner. For purposes of this Agreement, data that is requested by the Consultant must be provided within three weeks of the request, or three weeks prior to the filing deadline, whichever would come first, to be deemed to have been received in a timely manner. It is City of Arroyo Grande - 2 - June 8, 2000 -,.,._....---~-~.__._._- Conttact~UEQber: OOF-233 the responsibility of the City to provide the Consultant with payment information upon receipt of disbursements from the State for any and all claims filed pursuant to this agreement. 5. Not Obligated to Third Parties The City shall not be obligated or liable hereunder to any party other than the Consultant. 6. Consultant Liability if Audited The Consultant will assume all financial and statistical information provided to the Consultant by City employees or representatives is accurate and complete. Any subsequent disallowance of funds paid to the City under the claims for whatever reason is the sole responsibility of the City. 7. Indirect Costs The cost claims to be submitted by the Consultant may consist of both direct and indirect costs. The Consultant may either utilize the ten percent (10%) indirect cost rate allowed by the State Controller or calculate a higher rate if City records support such a calculation. The Consultant by this Agreement is not required to prepare a central service cost allocation plan or departmental indirect cost rate proposals for the City. 8. Consultant Assistance if Audited If audited, the Consultant shall make workpapers and other records available to the State auditors. If requested by the City, the Consultant shall provide assistance to the City in defending claims at the desk audit level if an audit results in a disallowance of at least twenty percent (20%) or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750), whichever is greater. Reductions of less than twenty percent (20%) or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) shall not be contested by the Consultant. Nothing in this section or any part of this Agreement shall be construed to include Incorrect Reduction Claims preparation. 9. Insurance Consultant shall acquire and maintain appropriate general liability insurance, workers' compensation insurance, automobile insurance, and professional ,liability insurance. 10. Changes The City may, ftom time to time, require changes in the scope of services of the Consultant to be performed hereunder. Such changes, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the City and the Consultant, shall be incorporated in written amendment to this agreement. City of Arroyo Grande - 3 - June 8, 2000 Contract Number: OOF-233 11. Termination of Agreement If, through any cause, the Consultant shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligation under this agreement, the City shall thereupon have the right to terminate this agreement by giving written notice to the Consultant of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least five (5) days before the effective date of such termination. 12. City Contact Person The City designates the following individual as contact person for this contract: Name: Telephone: Title: Fax: Address: OFFER IS MADE BY CONSULTANT OFFER IS ACCEPTED BY CITY - ~~~Z~~ --2y: Allan P. Burdick, Vice President City Official DMG-MAXIMUS Date: June 8. 2000 Date: City of Arroyo Grande - 4 - June 8, 2000 Contract Number: OOF-233 . Agreement to Provide Mandated Cost Claiming Services THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , 2000 and effective immediately by and between DMG-MAXIMUS (hereinafter "Consultant") and the City of Arroyo Grande (hereinafter "City"), WHEREAS, Article xnffi of the California State Constitution provides that citie~ may recover costs associated with carrying out programs mandated by the State of California, WHEREAS, the City desires to obtain maximum reimbursement for costs incurred in carrying out State mandated programs, and has determined that engaging the Consultant to assist in the mandated cost claim preparation process is the most economical and cost effective means for preparing the City's state mandated cost claims; and WHEREAS, the Consultant is staffed with personnel knowledgeable and experienced in determining the costs of governmental programs and in the submission of cost claims to the State of California, and WHEREAS, the City desires to engage the Consultant to assist in developing, submitting, and negotiating cost claims pertaining to state mandated programs. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services The Consultant shall prepare claims for reimb1.lrsable state mandated costs as provided herein. A. Annual State Mandated Cost Reimbursement Claims The Consultant shall prepare and file applicable actual annual state mandated cost reimbursement claims for the 1999-2000 fiscal year and estimated claims for the 2000 - 2001fiscal year. The fiscal year 1999-2000 actual claims to be filed are claims that are included in the State Controller's Claiming Instructions that provide for timely filed claims to be submitted by January 15,2001. B. All Other Claims for Which Claiming Instructions Are Issued in FY 2000- 2001 With the exception of the claims in Scope of Services 1.A. above, the Consultant shall prepare, submit and file on the City's behalf, all other eligible actual and estimated state mandated cost reimbursement claims for which State Controller Claiming Instructions are issued in the 2000-2001 fiscal year. City of Arroyo Grande - 1 - June 8, 2000 Contract Number: OOF-233 2. Consultant Claim Filing Requirements The Consultant shall file these claims to the extent that appropriate documentation is available and verifiable and that claim amounts exceed $200 per claim. 3. Costs and Method of Compensation A. Scope of Services 1.A. - Annual State Mandated Cost Reimbursement Claims For the services provided pursuant to Scope of Services 1.A., the City agrees to pay the Consultant upon submission of the claims to the State Controller, a fixed fee of two thousand six hundred fifty dollars ($ 2,650). The fixed fee shall be due upon receipt of Consultant's invoice following submission of such claim(s). B. Scope of Services 1.B. - All Other New Claims for Which Claiming Instructions are Issued in FY 2000-2001 For the services provided pursuant to Scope of Services 1.B, the City agrees to pay the Consultant a contingent fee of 30% of the amount claimed and paid, to a maximum of two thousand five hundred seventy-five dollars ($ 2,575). Payment shall be made from monies actually received from the State resulting from the Consultant's efforts. Monies received shall be defined as payments resulting from the Consultant's filing of cost claims listed in Scope of Services I.B. In the event that the total amount of claims paid by the State is less than one thousand six hundred sixty-seven dollars ($1,667), the City shall pay the Consultant a fixed fee of five hundred dollars ($500). The fee, which in no case shall exceed the maximum amount, is due within four weeks of City receipt of reimbursement from the State. 4. Services and Materials to be Furnished by the City .~ - The Consultant shall provide guidance to the City in determining the data required for claims submission. The Consultant shall assume all data so provided to be correct. The City further agrees to provide all specifically requested data, documentation and information to the Consultant in a timely manner. Consultant shall make its best effort to file claims in a timely manner pursuant to Scope of Services. Consultant shall, not be liable for claims that cannot be filed as a result of inadequate data or data provided in an untimely manner. For purposes of this Agreement, data that is requested by the Consultant must be provided within three weeks of the request, or three weeks prior to the filing deadline, whichever would come first, to be deemed to have been received in a timely manner. It is City of Arroyo Grande - 2 - June 8, 2000 Contract Number: OOF-233 the responsibility of the City to provide the Consultant with payment information upon receipt of disbursements from the State for any and all claims filed pursuant to this agreement. 5~ Not Obligated to Third Parties The City shall not be obligated or liable hereunder to any party other than the Consultant. 6. Consultant Liability if Audited The Consultant will assume all financial and statistical information, provided to the Consultant by City employees or representatives is accurate and complete. Any subsequent disallowance of funds paid to the City under the claims for whatever reason is the sole responsibility of the City. _ 7. Indirect Costs The cost claims to be submitted by the Consultant may consist of both direct and indirect costs. The Consultant may either utilize the ten percent (10%) indirect cost rate allowed by the State Controller or calculate a higher rate if City records support such a calculation. The Consultant by this Agreement is not required to prepare a central service cost allocation plan or departmental indirect cost rate proposals for the City. 8. Consultant Assistance if Audited If audited, the Consultant shall make workpapers and other records available to the State auditors. If requested by the City, the Consultant shall provide assistance to the City in defending claims at the desk audit level if an audit results in a disallowance of at least twenty percent (20%) or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750), whichever is greater. Reductions of less than twenty percent (20%) or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) shall not be contested by the Consultant. Nothing in this section or any part of this Agreement shall be construed to include Incorrect Reduction Claims preparation. 9. Insurance Consultant shall acquire and maintain appropriate general liability insurance, workers' compensation insurance, automobile insurance, and professional liability insurance. 10. Changes The City may, from time to time, require changes in the scope of services of the Consultant to be performed hereunder. Such changes, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the City and the Consultant, shall be incorporated in written amendment to this agreement. City of Arroyo Grande - 3 - June 8, 2000 Contract Number: OOF-233 11. Termination of Agreement If, through any cause, the Consultant shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligation under this agreement, the City shall thereupon have the right to terminate this agreement by giving written notice to the Consultant of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least five (5) days before the effective date of such termination. 12. City Contact Person The City designates the following individual as contact person for this contract: Name: Telephone: Title: Fax: Address: OFFER IS MADE BY CONSULTANT OFFER IS ACCEPTED BY CITY -c: ~~~6:~- -- -=-By: Allan P. Burdick, Vice President City Official DMG-MAXIMUS Date: June 8. 2000 Date: City of Arroyo Grande -4- , June 8, 2000 ..IL MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE~ SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO INITIATE PERS CONTRACT MODIFICATION DATE: JUNE 27,2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to begin the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) contract modification process in accordance with sidebar agreements with AGPOA and SEIU unions. FUNDING: There is no direct fiscal impact in initiating the contract modification. Any costs associated with the contract modification will be addressed when the contract is brought to the City Council for consideration. DISCUSSION: On May 23,2000 the City Council authorized the Interim City Manager to act as the City's representative in negotiations with the Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association (AGPOA) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Tentative agreements, which are within the parameters set forth by the City Council, have been reached with both unions as a result of those negotiations. Those agreements will modify the PERS contracts and will be presented to the City Council for approval in July. Modification of the PERS contract is a long process, generally taking three months to complete. Two City Council meetings, two waiting periods, and a great deal of paper work are required. If authorization is granted to staff to initiate the contract modifications the earliest the contract can be effectively modified is September 21, 2000. Because the process is so lengthy, staff proposes to begin the initial paper work after receiving authorization and return to City Council with the proposed changes, associated costs, and draft contract at the July 25,2000 City Council meeting. Granting authorization to initiate modifications does not obligate the City Council to accept those changes. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations - Deny staff recommendations; - Modify staff recommendations and approve; - Provide direction to staff. ~- I... MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS. DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICEq SUBJECT: ELECTED OFFICIALS RETIREMENT BENEFITS DATE: JUNE 27,2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Adopt the attached Resolution establishing requirements for retired elected officials to receive City health insurance benefits. . Approve Administrative Policy and Procedure B-021-Elected Officials Retirement Benefits. FUNDING: No outside funding is required. DISCUSSION: In November 1999 the City elected to join the CalPERS Health System. This election allowed the City to change from providing one health insurance plan for all employees to a group plan with several health maintenance organizations (HMO's) and preferred provider organizations (PPO's). As part of joining the CalPERS Health System, the City agreed to abide by several regulations. One important rule requires the City to contribute toward health insurance coverage for retirees. Currently the City contributes one dollar a month towards each retiree' insurance plan, with the contribution increasing each year by 5% of the contribution for active employees. Under CalPERS Health System this coverage must be extended to all employees retiring from the City. Because the City provides insurance coverage for elected officials (Mayor, City Council, City Clerk, and Treasurer), coverage is extended to retired elected officials. Active employees covered by the PERS retirement plan must meet specific criteria in order to retire, Le. be 50 or 55 years old with five years of accredited years with PERS. However, because elected officials are not covered by the PERS retirement requirement, the City is responsible for defining the criteria whereby an elected official may retire and receive City health insurance benefits. - ELECTED OFFICIALS RETIREMENT REQUIREMENTS PAGE 2 The attached Policy and Resolution define those requirements. Because the elected official position is not full time, because the positions change every two to four years, and because very liberal requirements could be costly in future years, the requirements contained in the Resolution and Policy are stringent. Those requirements are defined as: . Serving in the elected position for thirty years. . Being sixty-five (65) years or older. Adoption of the Administrative Policy and Resolution formally defines the term of office and age requirements necessary for Elected Officials to receive the retirement health benefits mandated by the CalPERS Health System. No additional benefits are being extended other than those granted with the election to use the CalPERS Health Plan. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations; - Deny staff recommendations; - Modify staff recommendations and approve; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments A. Administrative Policy # B-021 RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING RETIREMENT BENEFITS TO ELECTED OFFICIALS MEETING CITY REQUIREMENTS WHEREAS, Government Code Section 53201(c) (2) prohibits a local agency that did not provide benefits to former elective members of a legislative body before January 1, 1994, from providing benefits after January 1, 1994, unless the members participate on a self-pay basis; and - WHEREAS, Government Code Section 53208.5 (b) prohibits any elective member of a legislative body whose service first commences on or after January 1, 1995, from receiving health and welfare benefits greater than the most generous schedule of benefits being received by any category of nonsafety employees; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 53201{c) (1) provides that a legislative body that provided benefits to former elected members shall not provide benefits to any person first elected to a term of office that begins on or after January 1, 1995, unless the member participates on a self-pay basis or was fully vested prior to January 1, 1995; and WHEREAS, Elected Officials not covered by the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) may receive retirement benefits from the City of Arroyo Grande for services provided during their term of office; and WHEREAS, Criteria defining eligibility for Elected Official's retirement benefits has not been established. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby grant retirement benefits to elected officials of at least sixty-five (65) years of age that have served a minimum of thirty (30) years in office. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2000. . RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY --- _._-----^..~-_._--_.- ATTACHMENT "A" CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURES POLICY #: 8-021 SUBJECT: ELECTED OFFICIALS RETIREMENT ISSUED: BENEFITS. EFFECTIVE: CANCELLATION DATE: N/A SUPERSEDES: POLICY: The policy of the City is to provide retirement benefits to elected officials meeting the City's age and term of office requirements. PROCEDURE: A. Government Code Section 53201 (c) (2) prohibits a local agency that did not provide benefits to former elective members of a legislative body before January 1, 1994, from providing benefits after January 1,1994, unless the members participate on a self-pay basis. B. Government Code Section 53208.5 (b) prohibits any elective member of a legislative body whose service first commences on and after January 1, 1995, from receiving health and welfare benefits greater than the most generous schedule of benefits being received by any category of nonsafety employees. C. Elected Officials not covered by the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) may receive retirement benefits from the City of Arroyo Grande for services provided during their term of office. D. The City of Arroyo Grande elects to provide health insurance premiums comparable to premiums paid for other retirees. E. To qualify for these benefits, the Elected Officials must be sixty-five (65) years or older and have served for at least fifteen two year terms of office (total of 30 years). RICK TerBORCH INTERIM CITY MANAGER 9.'. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: RICK TerBORCH, CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF ASILO STREET BETWEEN 617 ASILO STREET AND 653 ASILO STREET ON JULY 4, 2000 FOR A BLOCK PARTY DATE: JUNE 27, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the temporary closure of Asilo Street between 617 Asilo Street and 653 Asilo Street, on July 4, 2000 for a block party. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact with the proposed temporary street closure. DISCUSSION: Troy Castanon and eighteen (18) other residents of Asilo Street have requested that Asilo Street, between 61 7 Asilo Street and 653 Asilo Street, be temporarily closed on July 4, 2000, from 12:00 noon to 11 :00 p.m., for the purpose of conducting a block party . The proposed closure is on a residential street and traffic problems are not anticipated. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and place the necessary signage at the beginning of the street closure, as well as remove the signage at the end of the closure. The applicant has also been advised of City Ordinances regarding loud music and the prohibition of alcoholic beverages on public streets and sidewalks. The Public Works Department and Fire Department have been notified of the proposed closure and no objections have been received. If approved, Troy Castanon will be notified by letter of the Council's action. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the attached resolution; - Do not adopt the attached resolution. .._.""~ RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF ASILO STREET BETWEEN 617 ASILO STREET AND 653 ASILO STREET, ON JULY 4, 2000 FOR A BLOCK PARTY WHEREAS, California Vehicle Code Section 21101 (e) authorizes municipalities the ability to require designation of any street temporarily closed for celebrations or other local special events or other purposes when in the opinion of the local authorities having jurisdiction such closing is nec~ssary for the safety and protection of persons who are to use that portion of the street during the temporary closing and such closing must be adopted and provided for by resolution; and WHEREAS, Troy Castanon and eighteen (18) other residents of AsiJo Street have requested that the residential portion of Asilo Street between 617 Asilo Street and 653 Asilo Street be temporarily closed between the hours of 12:00 noon and 11 :00 p.m. on July 4, 2000, for the purpose of conducting a block party; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works, the Police Department, and the Fire Department have no objections provided the emergency vehicle i!lCcess will be provided, if needed, during the temporary closure of the street; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that such block parties provide a form of neighborliness and facilitate understanding of problems within a neighborhood, and that such closure is necessary for the safety and protection of persons who are to use that portion of the street during the temporary closing for the block party. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that: Section 1. The temporary closing of the residential portion of Asilo Street between 617 Asilo Street and 653 Asilo Street between the hours of 12:00 noon and 11 :00 p.m. on July 4, 2000 is hereby authorized. Section 2. All individuals participating in the block party are required to erect suitable barriers across Asilo Street between 61 7 Asilo Street and 653 Asilo Street giving due consideration to the motoring public and the movement of emergency vehicles in the area. Section 3. No loud music or other noise that would create a disturbance shall be permitted. RESOLUTION NO. Page 2 Section 4. Per Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, no alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on City streets or sidewalks. Section 5. The Director of Administrative Services shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the Administrative Services Office. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: A YES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2000. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: . RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY --.-______________n._..._.._ - --..-- ; RECEIVED May 11, 2000 JUN 13 2000 ~o Grande Police Department A.G,P.D. 200 Halcyon Road RECORDS Arrayo Grande, CA 93420 Dear Sir or Madam: , We are residents on Asilo Street in Arrayo Grande. We \\Wid like to hold a block party on July 4, 2000. For safety purposes and the large number of children that reside on this street, we v.add like to request the closure of Asilo Street between 617 and 653 from 12:00 Noon - 11:00 p.m. We YJiIl supply the road closure signs, banicades and appropriate lighting. The contact person for this event is Troy Castanon; 633 Asilo Street, Arrayo Grande; 47~1986. ~ 'D~.,-,z.~ l. ~ A <;.&.4 o-G.c"tr ,f....". 4' '!J...'?,"))> We appreciate your considelation of this request. Sincerely, I Di '7Jl 625 Asilo St. Marge Raymond 629 Asilo St. 0~ ?);-r~Y 629 Asilo St. Liz Issor1 633ASb& ~ ~_& Cas4anon ~ WT_& Anna Unkovich ] ~~ t:l....~ ; 641 AslIoSt. Lonia Runnel Asilo St. 653 Asilo St. Unda Brownson ~ 644 Asilo St. ~ 644 Asilo St. 640 Asilo St. 640 Asilo St. Mitch Dubbers Cindy ~ lAD,\JIV\lA1,S Ut-)plo,,} P4~ 'fOL 'S I {:;,,.:)/t"'1Vt.4 p,:,- 71 M ~ ~ '-~ s 0 !!oM-,cr j ~ 'T'Q A.~. Po 0.( u~ "1(l.cj ..-- -- ~-- . Page 2 May 11, 2000 636 Asilo St. 636 Asilo St. 630 Asilo St. 630 Asilo St. ra Posson 626 Asilo St. --=:YvtA<tr~ '~I 626 Asilo St. Michelle Troy AsiIo51. ~~ _AsIIo51. Mumpy 614 Asilo St. 614 Asilo St. Claudia Taylor , I ~ I ~ " 25' DAAINAGE EASEMENT 2 I TAACT 1134 PlfASE ~ I II. I GE EASEMENT 10' DRAINA PHASE 2 \ PEA TRACT 1134 , N ; 432 }! CL 51 420 419 '... - : .' ~""",,~->,,-"""~' -, .... i MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL / FROM: RICK TerBORCH, CHIEF OF POLlC SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF VIRGINIA DRIVE BETWEEN 825 VIRGINIA DRIVE AND 844 VIRGINIA DRIVE ON JUL Y 4, 2000 FOR A BLOCK PARTY DATE: JUNE 27, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the temporary closure of Virginia Drive between 825 Virginia Drive and 844 Virginia Drive, on July 4, 2000 for a block party. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact with the proposed temporary street closure. DISCUSSION: Larry Padgett and six (6) other residents of Virginia Drive have requested that Virginia Drive between 825 Virginia Drive and 844 Virginia Drive, be temporarily closed on July 4, 2000, from 5:00 p.m. to 11 :00 p.m., for the purpose of conducting a block party. The proposed closure is on a residential street and traffic problems are not anticipated. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and place the necessary signage at the beginning of the street closure, as well as remove the signage at the end of the closure. The applicant has also been advised of City Ordinances regarding loud music and the prohibition of alcoholic beverages on public streets and sidewalks. The Public Works Department and Fire Department have been notified of the proposed closure and no objections have been received. If approved, Larry Padgett will be notified by letter of the Council's action. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the attached resolution; - Do not adopt the attached resolution. .--~----,~~.- RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF VIRGINIA DRIVE BETWEEN 825 VIRGINIA DRIVE AND 844 VIRGINIA DRIVE, ON JUL Y 4, 2000 FOR A BLOCK PARTY WHEREAS, California Vehicle Code Section 21101 (e) authorizes municipalities the ability to require designation of any street temporarily closed for celebrations or other local special events or other purposes when in the opinion of the local authorities having jurisdiction such closing is nec~ssary for the safety and protection of persons who are to use that portion of the street during the temporary closing and such closing must be adopted and provided for by resolution; and WHEREAS, Larry Padgett and six other residents of Virginia Drive have requested that the residential portion of Virginia Drive between 825 Virginia Drive and 844 Virginia Drive be temporarily closed between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 11 :00 p.m. on July 4, 2000, for the purpose of conducting a block party; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works, the Police Department, and the Fire Department have no objections provided the emergency vehicle access will be provided, if needed, during the temporary closure of the street; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that such block parties provide a form of neighborliness and facilitate understanding of problems within a neighborhood, and that such closure is necessary for the safety and protection of persons who are to use that portion of the street during the temporary closing for the block party. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that: Section 1. The temporary closing of the residential portion of Virginia Drive between 825 Virginia Drive and 844 Virginia Drive between the hours of 5:00 p.m. .and 11 :00 p.m. on July 4, 2000 is hereby authorized. Section 2. All individuals participating in the block party are required to erect suitable barriers across Virginia Drive between 825 Virginia Drive and 844 Virginia Drive giving due consideration to the motoring public and the movement of emergency vehicles in the area. Section 3. No loud music or other noise that would create a disturbance shall be permitted. RESOLUTION NO. Page 2 Section 4. Per Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, no alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on City streets or sidewalks. Section 5. The Director of Administrative Services shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the Administrative Services Office. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2000. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR _h ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY June 12, 2000 To Arroyo Grande City Council: This letter is being written on behalf of the 800th block of Virginia Drive in Arroyo Grande. We are requesting permission to close Virginia Drive to through traffic on Tuesday, July 4, 2000 from 5:00 PM-11:00 PM. The affected addresses would be 825 Virginia Drive to 844 Virginia Drive. We are asking that you consider this matter to help us ensure the safety of the many children and families that will be participating in our annual block party to celebrate the 4th of July holiday. We are able to provide barricades and signs necessary to redirect traffic should we be unable to borrow these items from the city. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and we are more than willing to supply any additional information that you may need in order to corne to a decision. Thank you for your consideration on this matter :Z;14r Larry Padgett Charmel Paulich 825 Virginia Dr. 826 Virginia Dr. '~lch ~ ~D~ Brenda Hoover Debbie Northness - ~ . 831 Virginia Dr. 832 Vir inia Dr ~/,e..-u> ~()./I~/'\94-4 ~~~ 837 Virgfi,a Dr. (jhe~a~ Torn Nichols 843 Virginia Dr. 844 Virginia Dr. Okj#1J 6-1d--tJrJ ~o~ ~..-u....~ /[ o....-s-c...(^-"'>-r7-.r -/8/- 03'-& ..... MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL A~ FROM: KERRY McCANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 00-012; AUTHORIZATION TO CLOSE CITY STREETS, USE CITY PROPERTY, AND WAIVE FEES FOR POLICE SERVICES FOR THE' ARROYO V ALLEY CAR SHOW ON SA TURDA Y, JUL Y 29 2000 DATE: JUNE 27, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the closure of City streets and the use of City property; and authorize the waiver of police services fees. FUNDIN'G: Loss of reimbursement for Auxiliary Police Services (approximately $985). DISCUSSION: On May 1, 2000 the Arroyo Valley Car Club submitted a letter and application (reference Cilttachment) for a temporary use permit for the annual Arroyo Valley Car Show scheduled for Saturday July 29, 2000. The City has approved temporary use permits for the Arroyo Grande Car Show for previous years. The descriptions of the areas to be used are as follows: 1. Closure of Olohan Alley; Bridge Street; Nelson Street between Bridge' and Mason Streets; Short Street between Branch Street and Olohan Alley; City Hall parking lot; and, the lawns on Nelson Street between Short and Mason Streets from 6:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. on Saturqay July 29, 2000 for the purpose of holding the car show. 2. Closure of Mason Street between East Branch to Nelson Streets from 6:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. on Saturday, July 29, 2000 for the purpose of holding the car show registration. On June 20, 2000, Mr. Derrill Pilkington, representing the Arroyo Valley Car Club, met with the Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) to discuss the requirements for the event. The SAC discussed issues related to security, coordinating Police and Fire support, temporary electrical connections, and inspection of food booths. These items are addressed in the conditions of approval for the temporary use permit. Temporary use permits will only be issued upon the approval by the City Council of the request for street closures. In addition to the request to close City streets and use City property, the applicant has submitted a letter dated May 1, 2000 requesting the City waive fees for police services. Due to the size and location of the event, the Police Department traditionally conducts a' foot beat team composed of two (2) police officers for security purposes. Since East Branch Street is not blocked off, police officers for intersection control are not necessary. While the event does not usually produce a large number of incidents, the police units are beneficial in handling potentially unruly situations and in keeping illegal alcohol consumption to a minimum. The, City displays the DARE unit and other emergency vehicles during the event. Since 1991, except for 1997 when there was no car show, the City Council has waived the Auxiliary Police Services fee for the event. This has been done on the basis that the Arroyo Valley Car Club is a community based non-profit organization which places the majority of the funds it raises through the car show back into the community through donations to other non-profit organizations. Many of these donations go to youth oriented groups. The potential, loss of offsetting revenue is approximately $985. However,' the event is budgeted in the Police Department's Overtime Budget. Additionally, since the City Council has waived this fee in the past, the Auxiliary Police Service costs for the event have not been included in the Police Department's Cost Recovery revenue estimates. Therefore, should the City Council continue the practice of waiving the fee, there will be no negative impact to estimated cost recovery revenues. Attachments: 1 ) Letter requestin'g street closure, Arroyo Valley Car Club 2) Letter requesting fee waiver, Arroyo Valley Car Club ---...-.-------.--.....---- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 00-012; AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF CITY STREETS, USE OF CITY PROPERTY AND WAIVER OF FEES FOR POLICE SERVICES FOR THE ARROYO V ALLEY CAR SHOW TO BE HELD SATURDAY JULY 29, 2000 WHEREAS, organizers of the Arroyo Valley Car Show have requested closure of certain City streets and the use of City property as outlined below, for their annual car show to be held on July 29, 2000; and WHEREAS, organizers of the Arroyo Valley Car Show have requested that the City waive the fees for auxiliary police services; and WHEREAS, members of the Arroyo Valley Car Club will be responsible for traffic control and cleanup. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That Olohan Alley; Bridge Street; Nelson Street between Bridge and Mason Streets; Short Street between Branch Street and Olohan Alley; City Hall parking lot; and, the lawns on Nelson Street between Short and Mason Streets shall be closed from 6:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. on Saturday July 29, 2000 for the purpose of holding the Arroyo Valley Car Show ("Car Show"); and 2. That Mason Street, between East Branch to Nelson Streets, shall be closed from 6:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. on Saturday, July 29, 2000 for the purpose of holding the Car Show registration; and 3. That the Arroyo Valley Car Club will adhere to certain requirements and conditions set forth by the Public Works, Police, and Building and Fire Departments regarding security and traffic control and all other applicable conditions of a Temporary Use Permit to be issued by the City; and 4. That fees for auxiliary police services for the Arroyo Valley Car Show to be held on Saturday July 29, 2000 are waived. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of June, 2000. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 , MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORC'H, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ---..--...-- --- ~ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ARROYO V ALLEY CAR SHOW TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 00-012 SATURDAY JULY 29, 2000 General Conditions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department. 3. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. Parks and Recreation Department Conditions 4. The event organizers shall flag all sprinkler heads on turf and lawn areas to prevent damage. Applicant will be responsible for cost of broken sprinklers and labor associated with damage caused due to cars on turf area. 6. The event organizers shall coordinate the placement of waste containers by Friday, July 28, 2000, with the Parks Division and the Director of Parks and Recreation. 7. The event organizers shall submit a recycling plan and supervise all areas and pick up litter, waste, and debris, and shall empty all City waste containers in dumpsters provided by the Car Club. Public Works Department Conditions . 8. The event organizers shall be responsible for providing, setting up, and removing barricades for closures of City streets, alleys and parking lots and city facilities mentioned in the application. Arroyo Valley Car Show TUP No. 00-012 Page 2 of 2 June 27, 2000 9. The event organizers shall coordinate with the Police, Public Works, and Fire Departments in the closures of streets, alleys and parking lots, and the use of City property. Building and Fire Department Conditions 10. The event organizers must comply with the Building and Fire Department guidelines. 11. Emergency access must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of Building and Fire. 12. The use of generators must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Building and Fire. 13. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced per Police and Fire Department guidelines. 14. All food booths must comply with the San Luis Obispo County and City Building and Fire Department guidelines (Exhibit A). 15. The Building and Fire Department must inspect all food booths and generators prior to event opening. 16. The event organizers shall provide one handicapped accessible restroom. -----...--....-- , EXHIBIT A San Luis Obispo County Fire Chiefs' Association San Luis Obispo County Environmental Health Department TENT AND CANOPY GUIDELINES FOR SPECIAL EVENT COOKING SCOPE Fire and Health Department issues relating to tents and canopies involved with cooking of food at special events within the county. AUTHORITY . Uniform Fire Code Section 1102 . Uniform Fire Code Article 32 . California Health and Safety Code, Division 104, Part 7, Chapter 4. DEFINITIONS Tent: A temporary structure, enclosure, or shelter constructed of fabric or pliable material supported in any manner except by air or the contents it protects. Canopy: A temporary structure, enclosure or shelter constructed of fabric or pliable materials supported in any manner, except by air or the contents it protects and is open without sidewalls or drops on 75 percent or more of the perimeter. . Booth: A temporarY structure with the lower portion constructed of wood up to four feet above the ground and a solid wood, metal screen or, when approved by the Fire Department, a plastic-tarp roof. The upper portion of the sides and the back may be of fly-screening or like material. The portion of the booth adjacent to the cooking area must be of solid wood construction. Heating: Food that is in a form that is edible without preparation, processing, assembly or portioning simply by raising the temperature of a pre-cooked or prepared food for service to the public. Cooking: Food is prepared for service by processing, assembly, portioning, changes the form, flavor or consistency and requires enough heat to throughly cook the items. . Note: Individual tents and canopies located within twenty feet of another individual tent will be considered one structure. COOKING AREA LAYOUT (see attached diagrams figures 1 to 4) . Privately-owned tents used by vendors for cooking and serving shall meet the commercial tent standards of the California State Fire Marshal, the sponsoring organization, and the County Health Department. . Based on the premise that most vendors use a lOxIO tent or canopy: a. A minimum of 2-foot wide clear space shall be provided between the cooking space area and the back of the tent as sho\YIl in the attached diagram (figure 1). b. A minimum of 18-inch wide clear space shall be provided between the cooking space and the side and rear of the cooking area (see figure 1). ' . USE OF LIQUID PETROLEUM GAS . Vendors may use Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) in booths as defined above, when the booth is separated from other booths, tents and canopies by at least twenty feet and approved by the County Health Department. . LPG cylinders shall be located outside tents and canopies. . Vendors using LPG or liquid fueled appliances in a tent or canopy will not be allowed to participate in the event. Wood booths would be required. BARBECUES . Trailer barbecues shall not be located within ten feet of combustible walls, roofs or other combustible material. . Charcoal and LPG/liquid gas barbecues may be located in the cooking space, but in other use locations shall not be located within ten feet of combustible walls, roofs, or other combustible material. . Small barbecues and hibachis may be placed on tables in the cooking space if a thermal barrier is provided between the barbecue and the table. This may be a concrete block underneath the barbecue, as long as the entire area of the barbecue is provided with protection underneath. . All vendors shall provide event organizers with the type of cooking methods and equipment to be used. ' FIRE EXTINGUISHERS . All vendors participating in an event who will be cooking or warming food shall have a 2A:I0BC fire extinguisher within their tent canopy or space, . Vendors failing to have an extinguisher will not be allowed to participate in the event. LARGE TENT LAYOUT . Large tents are defined as having more than 400 square feet and may be occupied by more than one vendor. . Cooking must be done twenty feet away from the tent. . Vendors within a large tent, who use warming/heating appliances will each be required to have their own fire extinguisher. SPECIAL APPLIANCES . Warming appliances/steaming trays, electric and solid fuel types, shall be located inside the tents. They will be monitored by the event organizers, the County Health Department, and the local Fire Department. The intent is that food preparation will occur within the tent. . Deep-fat fryers and other unique appliances for cooking, and holding of food until served will be reviewed by the local Fire Department and are only approved on a case by case basis. . If'appliances used would require food preparation to occur outside, the Fire Marshal may evaluate the heat potential of the appliance and approve its use within the te~t. These guidelines have been accepted for use by those agencies who are represented by the organizations indicated below by signature. ' J 47 te , -- f.O~~~~ -,\ 1 \ l\ 1 ' dent Date Curtis Batson, Director . \ Dite , ou ty Fire Chiefs' Association San Luis Obispo County Environmental Health . - --_._._---_._.._"..,-"~ SINGLE TENT WITH ROOM IN REAR OR ON THE SIDE (Figure 1) LOW BARRIER 36" '7 CLEAR SPACE 24" 18,,1 COOKING SPACE I I I I I 24" I I I , ----------------------------------------------- TENT W ALL/FLAP TENT Options For WalllFlap Between Cooking Area and Tent OPTION 1 OPTION 2 , I I 6 FLAP WINDOW PASS THROUGH Note: Wmdow pass through'should be no larger than necessary to accommodate items to be pasSed through. It Sl10uld be closeable. ------------.--,- MULTIPLE TENTS SIDE-BY-SIDE WITH ROOM IN REAR FOR COOKING (Figure 2) LOW BARRIER 36" LOW BARRIER 36" ~ I ~ I CLEAR SPACE CLEAR SPACE . I 24" 24" . I . I COOKING SPACE COOKING SPACE . I 18" 18" 18" 18"; COOKING AREA ij . J J 24" ; 24" i . ' , ------------------------ ----------------------- TENT W ALLIFLAP TENT W ALLfFLAP TENT TENT SIDE PANEL SIDE PANEL . . . MULTIPLE TENTS WITH COOKING AREA IN-BETWEEN (Figure 3) I ---~------<:i:~~-Spj\<:~----------I 18" TENT W ALL~ SHARED 4 TENT WALL 24" COOKING AREA 24" 18" . TENT A TENT SIDE PANEL LOW BARRIER SIDE PANEL 36" MULTIPLE TENTS WITH COOKING AREA IN-BETWEEN (Figure 4) --------------- --------------- CLEAR SPACE : : CLEAR SPACE : I I I I I I I I . SHARED I I SHARED I TENT W ALL~ TENTWALL~ : I COOKING COOKING AREA I AREA I I I I '. I I I I I I ! I TENT L:::,., TENT TENT A TENT SIDE PANEL LOW BARRIER SIDE PANEL SIDE PANEL LOW BARRIER. SIDE PANEL . A TT ACHMENT 1 RECEIVED _ I""TY Go- ^RRovn (:ry....!!1. ARROYO V ALLEY CAR CLUB ;J i . r .J~ ,. . ,"oJ ,.:.., r~.: -, ....' ;.. P.O. Box 1037 00 HAY - 2 AM 9: I 6 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Mr. Kerry McCants May 1, 2000 Community Development Director City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Dear Mr. McCants, The Arroyo Valley Car Club has presented a Peoples Choice Car show in the Village of Arroyo Grande every year except 1997, since 1989. This event has been very popular with both car enthusiasts and the local merchants,. We have tried to keep it low key and no-commercial and have imposed a limit of 300 entries to assure that it would stay that way. The participants have come from all over California and a few from other states. They tell us that they enjoy the show and their visits to Arroyo Grande. They are especially generous in their praise for the beautiful and friendly atmosphere. In past years we have awarded approximately 150 trophies, many of which were donated by our local merchants. Tne continuing success of the show and the dedication and hard work of our members have allowed us to donate more than $28,000 to local youth and senior citizen activities since 1989. We incorporated as a non-profit organization so that we could continue this worthy endeavor. It is our desire to continue this annual event this summer. Therefore, we request your approval for the Tenth Annual Arroyo Grande Car Sho to be held the weekend of July 29th. We also request permission to close Olohan Alley, Bridge Street from Branch Street to Traffic Way, Nelson Street ttom Bridge Street to Mason Street, Short Street from Grand to Nelson Street, the City Hall parking lot and the park at the corner of Nelson and Mason Streets. We also request permission to close Mason Street between Branch Street and Nelson Street from 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM for the purpose of registnltion of entrants. We will place a notice in the local newspaper-advising residents of the street closures. Barricades will also be posted with closure dates and times. We will provide the necessary portable toilet facilities and trash receptacles as well as clean up during and after the show. The club carries a $1,000,000 insurance policy for this event. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing ttom you in the near future. Sincerely, U!r:vu~ ~ Warren Jacks President Arroyo Valley Car Club 805474-9816 .... MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION BID - FAIR OAKS AVENUE, VALLEY ROAD AND TALLYHO ROAD PAVEMENT OVERLAY, PROJECT NO. PW 2000-02 DATE: JUNE 27,2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: A. award the Fair Oaks Avenue, Valley Road and Tally Ho Road Pavement Overlay Project to Burke Corporation in the amount of $599,559; and, B. authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency of $142,591 for use only if needed for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project (total construction cost = $599,559 + $142,591 = $742,150); and, C. direct staff to issue the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed with other documents necessary to execute the Contract. FUNDING: The FY 200012001 Capital Improvement Program includes $742,150 for reconstruction of Tally Ho Road from Route 227 to Mason Street, Valley Road from Fair OakS Avenue to city limits, and Fair Oaks Avenue from Traffic Way to Valley Road. All project funds are being provided through the STIP (State Transportation Improvement Program) amendment. DISCUSSION: On May 23, 2000, the City Council authorized staff to solicit bids for the Fair Oaks Avenue, Valley Road and Tally Ho Road Pavement Overlay Project. On June 13th, four (4) bids were publicly opened for the project. The bids ranged from $599,559 to $708,865. The final engineer's estimate for the project was $610,000. The bids have been verified for accuracy and found to be in compliance with the contract specifications. Burke Corporation has performed work for the City previously, and performed well based on their completed work. -..'.---- -~---._-- Work is expected to begin on July 11, 2000, on Fair Oaks Avenue (Phase I) and Valley Road (Phase II). The contract provides 30 working days for these two phases and it is anticipated that these phases will be completed before school begins in August. The third phase of work is Tally Ho Road which is anticipated to be completed within 75 working days from the issuance of a Notice to Proceed. Attachments: Bid Summary Project Schedule --------- BID OPENING LOG SHEET CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID OPENING: June 13, 2000 FairOaksNalley Road and Tally Ho Engineer's Estimate - $690,000 BIDDER'S NAME. CITY TOTAL MADONNA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, $708,865.00 San Luis Obispo UNION ASPHAL T, $672,399.25 Santa Maria R. BURKE CORPORATION, $599,559.00 San Luis Obispo WHITAKER CONTRACTORS, INC. $604,079.00 Santa Margarita ~vJliUmJJ- Kelly W tmo , Administrative Services Director/Deputy City Clerk c: Public Works Director Interim City Manager CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TENTATIVE PROJECT SCHEDULE for FAIR OAKS AVENUENALLEY ROAD AND TALLYHO RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT (CITY PROJECT NO: PW-2000-D2) Notice to Bidders to City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. May 19, 2000 Council Approval to Solicit Bids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. May 23, 2000 1 st Notice to Bidders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. May 24, 2000 ' 2nd Notice to Bidders (min 5 days between publications) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. May 31, 2000 Pre-Bjd Conference (Tuesday. 2:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers) . . . . . . . . . . . June 6, 2000 Receive Bids (Tuesday, 2:00 p.m.) ................................ June 13, 2000 Award of Bid (at City Council meeting) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 27, 2000 Notice of Award (within period specified in notice to bidders) ............... June 28, 2000 Notice to Proceed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . .. July 11, 2000 Completion (75 working Clays) ....,......................... October 24,2000 jep:232.5630\232.5631\Proj.Sched.5.00. wpd May 22. 2000 9.j. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEo/ SUBJECT: GRANT OF COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES EASEMENT TO PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY DATE: JUNE 27, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a Grant of Easement to Pacific Bell Telephone Company ("Pacific Bell") for the non-exclusive use of approximately five hundred twenty-five (525) square feet of property located near the intersection of Huasna and Coach Roads plus two (2) additional parcels five (5) feet in width connecting the main Easement area to public utility easements within said roadways. FUNDING: Pacific Bell will pay the City ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for the Easement. Additionally, Pacific Bell will pay an administrative review fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000). DISCUSSION: Recently, the City received an inquiry (copy of March 2, 2000, letter of inquiry attached) from representatives of Pacific Bell Telephone Company expressing an interest in obtaining an easement needed for installation of new telecommunication facilities. After extensive negotiations, the parties agreed to the attached Grant of Easement for an approximate five hundred twenty-five (525) square feet of property located at the intersection of Huasna and Coach Roads plus two (2) additional parcels of five (5) feet in width connecting the main easement area to easements located within said roadways. Pacific Bell will pay ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for the Easement. Additionally, staff has negotiated a one time administrative fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000) as compensation for staff time associated with preparation and review of the Grant of Easement. Alternatives: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff's recommendation; - Do not approve staff's recommendation; - Modify staff's recommendation as appropriate and approve; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Letter dated March 2, 2000, from Landcom Services (Pacific Bell) 2. Grant of Easement Z:\Arroyo Grande\2000IPacific Bell Easement staff rept ---------.- ~:~", i !> :;~,,~ ' '1'1 ( .\7','~. ',~I 0 ' , ~~~ Attllchment 1 ,I ""'1 OF ARP .: i 0 GRANDE r-IAR 02 2000 CORPORATE YARD March 2, 2000 Shane Taylor Public Works Supervisor City Of Arroyo Grande RE: Pacific Bell Easement request, Huasna Rd. and Coach Road. Shane, Attached is a hand drawing that locates the 21' X 25' easement request from Pacific Bell. This can be adjusted to suit the City and any other facilities that are existing. The work being completed by Pacific Bell in Arroyo Grande is an improvement to existing local facilities under their "State Franchise" so that the citizens of Arroyo Grande will have the options of utilizing many other features from Pacific Bell's local services: In the event that your legal department approves this location, I am able to pay the City $3,000.00 for an " easement in Pacific Bell's name. After the easement is signed by the approved personnel, a check will be ordered and a professional survey will be conducted at our cost. We will take care of all paper work and recordation of records. I hope that this will satisfy any needs you have. If you have any questions, or if you would like a field meet, please call me at 805.573.8245. Jim Brown Landcom Services filc#2 - --~-,- Attachment 2 RECORDING REQUESTED BY PACIFICElBELL ~ II. w k -(If- WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Landcom Services, Inc P.O. Box 5212 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Documentary Transfer Tax Due: Attn: Jill A. Nice Agent : Job Number GEOCO File Number Section, TaNnship, Range APN SE1309R SE04 SL080666-07 S22 T32S R13E GRANT OF EASEMENT For and in consideration of the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", hereby grants to PACIFIC BELLTELEPHONE COMPANY, a California Corporation, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee", a non-exclusive easement (the "easemenr) to construct and install communication facilities (including ingress thereto and egress there from) over, across, upon and under the hereinafter described real property (the "property") and to use, operate, inspect, repair, replace and remove said facilities, or any of them. Said communication facilities shall consist of the following: Underground conduits wires, cables, other electrical conductors and appurtenances for communication purposes; together with aboveground structures, not to exceed ten (10) feet in height, with electronic communication equipment, marker posts, associated paving, fencing and other appurtenances related thereto. Grantor also grants to the appropriate public utility company the right to provide commercial power service to Grantees, together with the right to construct, install, operate, inspect, repair and replace said power service facilities upon and within said easement. Said real property is located in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and is described as follows: That portion of Lot 14 of the steele's Resubdivision of a part ofthe Ranchos corral de Piedra, Pismo and Balsa de Chemisal, in the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map filed in Book A Page 63 in the Book of Maps, in the office of the Couhty Recorder of said County, described as follows: A parcel of land 21 feet by 25 feet and two parcels of land 5 feet in width as described on -EXHIBIT A" AND - EXHIBIT B" attached hereto and made part hereof. Grantor also grants to Grantee the right to trim such tree foliage and to cut such limbs and roots on the property as may be necessary for the protection of said facilities. Prior to taking any such action, Grantee shall provide Grantor with ten (10) days prior written notice. Grantor shall not erect or construct any building or other structure within said easement. Notwithstanding this provision, Grantor retains the right to use said property in a manner consistent with Grantee's use and enjoyment of the easement. Grantees shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Grantor and its officers, officials, employees and agents from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, expense, costs (including without limitation costs and fees of litigation) of every nature arising out of this Grant or in connection with Grantee's use of the easement and/or property except such loss or damage which was caused by the proven sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Grantor. The provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of and bind the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. This legal description was prepared pursuant to Section 8730c of the Business and Professions Code. Executed this day of 20_ Grantor(s): City of Arroyo Grande Mayor, Michael A. Lady ATTEST: By: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services! Deputy City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO) On , before me, , personally appeared, Michael A. Ladv, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person[s] whose names [is or are] subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that [he or she or they] executed the same in [his or her or their] authorized [capacity or capacities], and that by [his or her or their] signature[s] on the instrument the person[s], or the entity upon behalf of which the person[s] acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal Signature Sent By: JLWAj 8055444294; May-31-(ll\ 4: 11 PM i Page 2 - File No 408.01p12 . Exhibit HAto May 31, 2000 Parcel A All that portion of Lot 14 of the resubdivision of part of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo. and Bolsa de Chemisal in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as shown on the map filed in Book A of Maps, at page 63 in the County Recorder's Office of said County, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at an angle point in Coach Road designated "'CP 2", and being a 2 inch Brass Cap stamped RE 1880, as shown on the map of Tract 984 filed in Book 11 of Maps, at page 9, in said County Recorder's Office; thence north 79019'51" east 557.13 feet to a Brass Cap stamped LS 3673 in monumentwefl on the centerline ofVard Loomis Lane as shown on the map of Tract 1075 Unit III, filed In Book 12 of Maps, at page 31n said County Recorde(s Office; thence south 65053'09" west 228.01 feet to a point on the souther1y right-of-way line of Huasna Road as described in that document recorded in Book 1335 of Offidal Records, at page 276 in said County Recorder's Office; thenes south 1 r48'25" east 57.56 feet to a 5/8 inch reOOr and being the True Point of Beginning; thence soutf,.3so45'07" east 21.00 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar; thence south 54014'53" west 25.00 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar; thence north 35"45'Or west 21.00 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar; thence north 54-14'53" east 25.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Parcel 8 All that portion of Lot 14 of the resubdivision of part of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo, and Balsa de Chemisal in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as shown on the map filed in Book A of Maps, at page 63 in the County Recorde(s Office of said County, being a strip of land five feet wide, the centerline of which is mora particularfy desaibed as follows: Commencing at an angle point in Coach Road designated .CP 2., and being a 2 inch Brass Cap stamped RE 1880, as shown on the I113p of Tmct 984 filed in Book 11 of Maps, at page 9, In said County Recorder's Office; thence north 79-19'51" east 557.13 feet to a Brass Cap stamped LS 3673 in monument wen on the centerline of Vard Loomis Lane as shown on 'the map of Tract 1075 Unit III, filed in Book 12 of Maps, at page 3 in said County Recorder's Office; thence south 65-53'09" west 228.01 feet to a point on the southerly right-()f-way line of Huasna Road as described in that document recorded in Book 1335 of Official Records, at page 278 in said County Recorder's Office, and being the True Point of Beginning; thence south 17048'25" east 57.56 Ea30mef1t Description.wpd pago 1 Sent B'y: JLWAj 8055444294j May-31-0n 4:11PU; Page 3/4 -- feet to a 5/8 inch rabSt'. The sidefines of said strip ~ to be lengthened or ~ so as to terminate on the north by the southerly right-of-way line of said Huasna Road and on the south by the northerly and easterly lines of Parcel A desalbed above. ParcelC AU that portion of Lot 14 of the resubdivision of part of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo, and Balsa de Chemisal in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as shown on the map filed in Book A of Maps, at page 63 in the County Recorder's Office of said County, being a strip of rand five feet wide, the centerline of which is more particularly desaibed as follows: Commencing at an angle point in COach Road designated "CP 2'", and being a 2 in~ Brass Cap stamped RE 1880, as shown on the map of Trad 984 filed in Book 11 of Maps, at page 9, in said County Recorder's Office; thence north 79019'51" east 557.13 feet to a Brass Cap stamped LS 3673 in monument well on the centerline of Vard Loomis Lane as shown on the map of Tract 1075 Unit III, med in Book 12 of Maps, at page 3 in ~id County Recorder's Office; thence south 65053'09- west 228.01 feet to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Huasna Road as des,cribed in that document re~'rded in Book 1335 of Offidal Records, at page 276 in said County Recorder's Office; thence soutt11r4s-25" east 57.56 feet to a 5/8 Inch rebar; thence south 35-45'07" east 21.00 feet to a 5/8 inch rebaf; thence south 54014'53" west 25.00 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar; ~.~;n_ce north 35-45'07" west 10.50 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence south 67027'40" west 97.51 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of said Coach Road. The sidefines of said sbip are to be lengthened or shortened so as to tenninate on the west by the northerly right-of-way of said Coach Road and on the east by the westerty line of Parcel A desaibed above. The above described parcels are graphically shown on attached Exhibit -B-, and made a part hereof. ~J:~ J sap ". Morris LS. 6192 expo 312002. Easement Description.wpd , page 2 . Sent by: JLWAj 8055444294j Uay-31-0ll 4:11PMj :;;.!~'t.",. Page'414';'.;f <' ' . .~:~;':- ---:~~; .~. ~;;.,-~;~ ~ -, exhibit "8" = . "/iIiiIIIw .- .- , I' \ , '" " " "-, " 4-0. ... '. .. c " ~. , ~c.c ;.....,.." "'" '. " ............ "', ~,., 4->$ ~~ )'~. s,..~ ~ "'. ~>~ , .,.t. " ~" ~ ,. '" '-..,;'" ..0 '..0 ", c>. '0 '-'.... ...~.~ ......... "'...... ~ "'--- ,.~ "'" "'- . - '. ~ ::::--"""oS'6,s "'" '. - -""-" ~09"~ ----. #II -- ::"-..2~ F"d B..c; iot '-__. ~ Ls 36";0;- ~e{, ~, 1- I I .J1 ~'ts- ~ i ~ I !L, 3 \\. \\ '\ \ ~~~~~~ FILE : 408.12 ORA'MNG : E,psement.dwg offfS Sa. 8rwd st BS Soot LW (IHapo, Cq SCALE : 1 =80 (805)5#--4<)11 F',#j( 544- "294 DATE: 5/31/00 9.k. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL r FROM: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY VISITORS AND CONFERENCE BUREAU (VCB) DATE: JUNE 27, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the appointment of Diane Sheeley, Economic Development Director, as the City's representative to the San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: On May 26th the San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau submitted a letter stating that one of the recommendations from the Tourism Strategic Plan was the VCB Board of Directors had voted to expand the size of the Board to include representation from the funding municipalities. The "designated government" positions would have full voting rights with a term length for as long as the municipality financially supports the VCB. The change is effective July 1, 2000. The VCB Board recommended that the representative be a management level staff person responsible for economic development and/or tourism for the City. The next meeting of the VCB Board of Directors is July 26th, and if the City's representative has been appointed, that person would be a voting member of the Board. Therefore, it is recommended the Council approve the appointment of Diane Sheeley, Economic Development Director, as the City's representative to the VCB Board of Directors. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff recommendation; - Deny staff recommendation; - Modify staff recommendation and approve; - Provide direction to staff. --- Attachment ~ RECE\VdJ r.1-Y O~:\i!n:- \.>,1 'I 1.\"",.,- DO MAY 30 Pi1 2: 31 San Luis Obispo County Visitors 0) Conference Bureau May 26, 2000 The Honorable Michael Lady ! City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande CA 93421 Dear Mayor Lady: As a result of one of the recommendations from the Tourism Strategic Plan written this past January, the VCB Board of Directors has voted to expand the size of our Board to include representation from the funding municipalities. These designated government positions will have full voting rights with a term length for as long as the municipality financially supports the VCB. This change is effective July 1, 2000. The VCB Board has determined that the representative should be a management level staff person responsible for economic development and/or tourism for the City of Arroyo Grande. We would like the City Council to appoint the representative as soon as possible so that they can attend our July 26th Board of Directors meeting. As soon as we know your representative, we will provide them with a full calendar of meeting dates and other orientation materials. We have some exciting opportunities waiting for us this year with increased partnerships and marketing tools to build greater awareness of the county as a destination: By leveraging your dollars with the county VCB, Arroyo Grande is benefitting many times more than the initial investment. I look fOIWard to working with the representative from the City of Arroyo Grande who will contribute to the development and direction of tourism promotion in the county. ~incerely, , . /)\\lL ~ ~l{'%t""~ c ,_ ( J' . B' .'~ \, onm lagglm . ",'~, Executive Director , ...... cc: Rich Terborch 1037 Mill5tred. 511n Luis Obispo. Culifornia 93401 (805) 541-8000 F,\X: (805) 543-9498 Web: 5anLuisObispoCounty.com