Agenda Packet 2000-08-08 '-""'-'- CITY COUNCIL Y?~ 0/ AGENDA ~oyo 8J?tande Michael A. Lady Mayor Rick TerBorch Interim City Manager Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tem Timothy J. Carmel City Attomey Thomas A. Runels Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Steve Tolley Council Member Jim Dickens Council Member NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday AUGUST 8, 2000 6:15 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 21 5 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande AGENDA 1. ROll CAll 2. PUBLIC COMMENT on Special Meeting Agenda Items. Members of the public wishing to address the Council on any item described in this Notice may do so when recognized by the Presiding Officer. 3. CITY COUNCil CLOSED SESSION: (a) CONFERENCE WITH lABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Rick TerBorch, Interim City Manager Unrepresented Employees: Management 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: . Announcement of reportable action from closed session, if any. 5. ADJOURNMENT. c :closedsession. agenda. 080800. CITY COUNCIL CWity 0/ AGENDA ~ 8J/}l{Mtc/e Michael A. Lady Mayor Rick TerBorch Interim City Manager Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tem Timothy J. Carmel City Attomey Thomas A. Runels Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Steve Tolley Council Member Jim Dickens Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2000 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL COUNCIURDA 3. FLAG SALUTE: VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS #2829 KAY SILVA 4. INVOCATION: REVEREND DR. NORMAN SOMES ST. BARNABAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH, ARROYO GRANDE 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Introduction of New City Manager by Mavor Lady 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. -..- AGENDA SUMMARY - AUGUST 8, 2000 PAGE 2 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. 8. CITIZENS'INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS: Persons in the audience may discuss business not scheduled on this agenda regarding any item of interest within the jurisdiction of the Council/RDA. The Council/RDA will listen to all communication; however, in compliance with the Brown Act, will not take any action on items that are not on the agenda. Upon completing your comments: . You may be directed to staff for assistance; . A Council/RDA Board Member may indicate an interest in discussing your issue with you subsequent to the Council meeting; . The Council/RDA may direct staff to research the issue and subsequently report back to the Council/RDA (generally in the form of a memorandum or staff report); or . No action is required or taken. 9. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council/RDA Board Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council/RDA may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 9.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approve the listing of cash disbursements for the period July 16, 2000 through July 31,2000. 9.b. Statement of Investment Deposits (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of July 31,2000. 9.c. Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facility Fund (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file June cash report and approve the interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds as of June 30, 2000. 9.d. Annual. Report - Fiscal Year 1999-00 Cash Activity in Transportation Facilities Development Impact Fund (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Accept the annual report of Transportation Facilities Development Impact Fund cash activity and ending balance at June 30, 2000. AGENDA SUMMARY - AUGUST 8, 2000 PAGE 3 9. CONSENT AGENDA (continued): 9.e. Minutes of City Council Meeting of Julv 25. 2000 (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve minutes as submitted. 9.f. Reiection of Claim Aaainst City - M. & S. Pazell (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Reject claim. 9.g. Adoption of Employment A9reement: City Manaaer (TerBORCH) Recommended Action: Adopt Agreement for services as City Manager. 9.h. Acceptance of ImDrovements for Tract 2333 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the public improvements that were conditioned for Tract 2333 as constructed; and 2) Adopt Resolution accepting the offers of dedication shown on the final Tract Map. 9.i. Budaet Amendment Reauest for Emergent Repairs to Water Well No. 5 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Authorize an appropriation of $10,300 from the Water Fund for repairs to Water Well No.5; and 2) Authorize a purchase order to M&W Pumps, Inc. in the amount of $10,269.57 to perform the repairs. 9.j. Approval of Final MaD for Tract 2265 - Village Glen (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the Final Map for Tract 2265; 2) Reject without prejudice as to future acceptance the offers of dedication shown on the map; 3) Accept the offer to dedicate easements for open space as shown on the map; 4) Adopt Resolution accepting the offsite dedication for a municipal water well associated with Tract 2265; and 5) Adopt Resolution rejecting offsite offers of dedication for street right of way and utility easements. 9.k. Acceptance of Grant Deeds for the Construction of Curb. Gutter. and Sidewalk on Tallv Ho Road (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Accept the offer of dedication for the construction of sidewalk improvements on Tally Ho Road from Jay Chalfant, Christina Chow, Scott and Sandra Kope, and authorize the Mayor to sign a Certificate of Acceptance. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Tract 2265 - Village Glen (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Provide direction to staff regarding the amount of sewer area fees to be paid for Tract 2265. --- ---..-----...- AGENDA SUMMARY - AUGUST 8, 2000 PAGE 4 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Reservoir #1 Replacement Financing (SNODGRASS/SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Review the financing alternatives for the Reservoir #1 Replacement Project and provide direction to staff. 12. COUNCIURDA COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council/Redevelopment Agency. 13. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: 14. ADJOURNMENT AGENDA SUMMARY - AUGUST 8, 2000 PAGE 5 * * * * * * * Copies of the staff reports or other written materials relating to each item of business referred to on this agenda are on file with the Director of Administrative Services and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If you have questions regarding any agenda item, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473- 5414. * * * * * * * In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at the number listed above at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting. * * * * * * * Note: This agenda is subject to amendment up to 72 hours prior to the date and time set for the meeting. Please refer to the agenda posted at City Hall for any revisions, or call the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473-5414 for more information. www.arrovoQrande.orQ ~.__._"-_.-.-~-- "-"..-.-..--,.--------------- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - ABBREVIATIONS revised 08104/00 A Agricultural Preserve AB Assembly Bill LAFCO Local Agency Formation Commission ADA Americans with Disabilities Act LOCC League of Califomia Cities AG General Agriculture LLA Lot Line Adjustment AGMC Arroyo Grande Municipal Code LUE Land Use Element AGPOA Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association MER Lot Merger APN Assessor's Parcel Number MF CondominiumITownhouse APeB Air Pollution Control Board MFA Apartments APCD Air Pollution Control District MHP Mobile Home Parks ARC Architectural Review Committee 0 Office Professional ASCE American Society Civil Engineers OCSD Oceano Community Services District ASD Administrative Services Department OSCE Open Space and Conservation Element AWWA American Water Works Association PC Planning Commission BD Building Division PD Police Department CA City Attomey PF Public/Quasi Public CC City Council PPR Plot Plan Review CCC Califomia Conservation Corps PRD Parks & Recreation Department CCCSIF Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Fund PRE-APP Pre-application CD Community Development PSHHC Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corp. CDBG Community Development Block Grant PSP Planned Sign Program CE Circulation Element PUD Planned Unit Development CEC California Energy Commission PW Public Works Department CEQA Califomia Environmental Quality Act RDA Redevelopment Agency CIP Capital Improvement Program RE Residential Estate CIWMP California Integrated Waste Management Plan RFP Request for Proposals CM City Manager's Office RFQ Request for Qualifications CMC Califomia Men's Colony RH Hillside Residential CMP Congestion Management Plan RHNP Regional Housing Needs Plan COC Certificate of Compliance RR Rural Residential CPI Consumer Price Index RS Suburban Residential CUP Conditional Use Permit RTA Reversion to Acreage DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board DC Development Code SAC Staff Advisory Committee CEA Drug Enforcement Administration SB Senate Bill E.C. Election Code SCAT South County Area Transit EDD Economic Development Department SEIU Service Employees Intematlonal Union EDU Equivalent Dwelling Unit SF Single Family EIR Environmental Impact Report S'LO San Luis Obispo EIS Environmental Impact Statement SLOCOG San Luis Obispo Council of Govemments EOC Economic Opportunity Commission SLOHA San Luis Obispo Housing Authority EVC Economic Vitality Corporation SLONTF San Luis Obispo Narcotics Task Force FAU Federal Aid Urban SLORT A San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority FD Fire Division SLOWRAC San Luis Obispo County Water Resources Advisory FDAA Federal Disaster Assistance Administration Committee FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency SR Senior Housing FID Financial Services Department SSLOCOWA South San Luis Obispo County Water Association FPPC Fair Political Practices Commission SSLOCSD South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District FTA Federal Transit Administration SRRE Source Reduction & Recycling Element FY Fiscal Year SWRCD State Water Resources Control Board G.C. Govemment Code TPM Tentative Parcel Map' GC General Commercial TT Tentative Tract Map GF General Fund TTAC Transportation Technical Advisory Committee GP General Plan TUP Temporary Use Permit GPA General Plan Amendment UBC Uniform Building Code HCD Califomia Department of Housing and Community UFC Uniform Fire Code Development USA Underground Service Alert HOP Home Occupancy Permit VAR Variance HUD Housing and Urban Development Dept. VC Village Commercial I Industrial and Business Park VCB SLO County Visitors & Conference Bureau ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation VSR View Shed Review JPA Joint Powers Authority ZONE 3 San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Zone 3 (Lopez Project) 9.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TIFICA TION DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 RECOMMENDA TION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period July 16 - July 31, 2000. FUNDING: There is a $472,592.67 fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. A TT ACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing ATTACHMENT 2 - July 20,2000 Accounts Payable Check Register (99/00) ATTACHMENT 3 - July 21,2000 Accounts Payable Check Register (00/01) ATTACHMENT 4 - July 28,2000 Accounts Payable Check Register (00101) ATTACHMENT 5 - July 28,2000 Accounts Payable Check Register (99/00) ATTACHMENT 6 - July 28,2000 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks ATTACHMENT 7 - July 31,2000 Accounts Payable Pre-paid Checks ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS For the Period of July 16 Through July 31, 2000 August 8, 2000 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period July 16 to July 31, 2000. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. WEEK TYPE OF PAYMENT July 20, 2000 Accounts Payable Cks (99/00) 96497-96550 2 74,532.31 July 21, 2000 Accounts Payable Cks (00/01) 96551-96610 3 215,916.94 Less Payroll Transfer included in previous Attachment 6 (188,%5.09) 26,951.85 July 28, 2000 Accounts Payable Cks (00/01) 96611-96702 4 58,642.11 Accounts Payable Cks (99/00) 96703-96722 5 75,165.07 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 6 235,311.32 369,118.50 JUL Y 31, 2000 Accounts Payable Pre-paid Checks 7 178,442.89 Less Payroll Transfer include in (176,452.88) Attachment 3 1,990.01 Two Week Total $ 472.592.67 ------------.-------.---.-,-----. CIIY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Coundl 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - City Oerk Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Finandal Services Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Fund (Fund 271) 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant 4140 - Management Information System 4203 - Federal COPS Hiring Grant 4145 - Non Departmental 4204 - Federal Local Law Enforcement Public Safety (Fund 010) 4201 - Police ENTERPRISE FUNDS 4211 - Fire Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4212 - Building & Safety 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4213 - Government Buildings Water Fund (Fund 640) Public Works (Fund 010) 4710 - Water Administration 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4711 - Water Production 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance 4712 - Water Distribution 4304 - Street Lighting Lopez AdministIation (Fund 641) 4305 - Automotive Shop 4750 - Lopez Administration Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4420 - Parks CAPITALIMPROVEMrnNTPROG~S 4421 - Recreation 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4422 - General Recreation 5601-5699 ~ Streets Projects 4423 - Pre-School Program 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4424 - Recreation-Spedal Programs 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 4460 - Parkway Maintenance Dept. Index for Council ATTACHMENT 2 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 07/17/00 16:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 269 07/13/00 100857 HANSON BRIDGETT MARCUS PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SVCS 010.4145.5575 42,250.00 269 07/13/00 100857 HANSON BRIDGETT MARCUS PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SVCS 640.4710.5575 3,300.00 269 07/13/00 100857 HANSON BRIDGETT MARCUS PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SVCS 612.4610.5575 1,150.00 269 07/13/00 100857 HANSON BRIDGETT MARCUS PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SVCS 284.4103.5575 100.00 269 07/13/00 100857 HANSON BRIDGETT MARCUS PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SVCS 220.4303.5575 3,200.00 50,000.00 96497 07/20/00 000234 A & R WELDING SUPPLY OXY/ACET GASES 010.4305.5303 14.00 14.00 96498 07/20/00 000468 A T & T-L/DIST SVC. DATA LINE L/DIST PHONE 010.4140.5303 847.57 847.57 96499 07/20/00 101846 ACTION FAX & PRINTER SV FAX MACHINE TONER 010.4211. 5201 69.71 69.71 96500 07/20/00 003042 AMERICAN EQUIPMENT SVCS DUMP BIN 010.4213.5303 1,250.00 1,250.00 96501 07/20/00 006006 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SH FLOWERS 010.4201.5504 50.41 50.41 96502 07/20/00 006552 ARROYO MEDICAL GROUP IN PRE-EMPLOY.PHYSlCAL-ZIGELMAN 010.4201. 5315 75.00 75.00 .' 07/20/00 96503 008346 BACKYARD IMPROVEMENT CE 4 GATE TRANSMITTERS 010.4430.5605 115.83 115.83 96504 07/20/00 011426 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS COPY MAPS 284.4103.5201 5.09 96504 07/20/00 011426 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS CR: TAX ZONING MAPS 010.4130.5201 .72- 4.37 96505 07/20/00 008000 BNI BUILDING NEWS ADA HANDBOOK 220.4303.5503 126.12 126.12 96506 07/20/00 012754 BREZDEN PEST CONTROL QTRLY PEST SVCS 010.4213.5303 90.00 90.00 96507 07/20/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER SAN PAPER/SOLVENT 010.4213.5604 30.38 96507 07/20/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER CONCRETE TOOLS 612.4610.5273 42.55 96507 07/20/00 013 026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER RANGE SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5605 2,042.38 2,115.31 96508 07/20/00 013572 BRUMIT DIESEL,INC SHOCK ABSORBER 010.4211.5601 119.07 96508 07/20/00 013572 BRUMIT DIESEL,INC SWITCH 010.4211.5601 27.92 146.99 96509 07/20/00 018876 CA. ST. DEPT. TRANSPORT AT I SIGNAL MAINT/POWER 010.4304.5303 324.02 96509 07/20/00 018876 CA. ST.DEPT. TRANS PORTAT I SIGNAL MAINT/POWER 010.4304.5402 456.80 780.82 96510 07/20/00 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY R/ROOM SUPPLIES 010.4430.5605 902.51 902.51 96511 07/20/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SERVICE AC 010.4211.5601 32.50 96511 07/20/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET LUBE/OIL/FILTER 010.4201. 5601 31. 03 63.53 96512 07/20/00 077376 SUSAN SAXE- CLIFFORD PSYCH-ZIGELMAN 010.4201. 5315 325.00 325.00 96513 07/20/00 023946 CLINICAL LAB.OF SAN BER WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 319.00 319.00 96514 07/20/00 101864 CMC RESCUE, INC. RESCUE LIFELINE/ROPE BAGS 010.4211.5325 438.77 438.77 96515 07/20/00 024870 COMPUSERVE INC. COMPUSERVE USER FEES 010.4140.5607 5.96 5.96 96516 07/20/00 025856 COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL S SERGEANT TESTING SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5303 272.25 272.25 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 07/17/00 16:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 96517 07/20/00 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4421. 5201 35.00 96517 07/20/00 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4130.5201 35.00 96517 07/20/00 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4101. 5201 35.00 96517 07/20/00 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4120.5201 35.00 96517 07/20/00 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4212.5201 10.00 150.00 96518 07/20/00 101844 CSK AUTO, INC. BATTERY 010.4211. 5601 463.32 463.32 96519 07/20/00 016302 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIO CMC CREW-JUNE 220.4303.5303 1,577.75 1,577.75 96520 07/20/00 031942 ELECTRONIC PARTS SUPERM RADIO SUPPLIES 010.4211.5603 31. 63 31. 63 96521 07/20/00 100147 ENVICOM CORP. PROFESSIONAL SVCS-GENERAL PLAN 010.4130.5303 4,054.42 4,054.42 96522 07/20/00 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC REPL.IGNITION LOCK 010.4201. 5601 72.12 72.12 96523 07/20/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-WATER/SEWER 612.4610.5403 84.89 96523 07/20/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-STREET SUPER 220.4303.5403 62.45 96523 07/20/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CODE ENFORCE 010.4301. 5255 49.59 196.93 96524 07/20/00 042862 HONEYWELL,INC. REPL.CIRCUIT BOARD 010.4213.5303 198.50 198.50 96525 07/20/00 045474 INT'L INSTIT.MUNI.CLERK IIMC MEMBERSHIP-WETMORE 010.4002.5503 110.00 110.00 96526 07/20/00 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY KITCHEN SUPPLIES 010.4211.5255 17.98 17.98 96527 07/20/00 101252 MCI WORLDCOM L/DIST PHONE 010.4145.5403 236.54 236.54 96528 07/20/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE BATTERY 010.4201. 5601 95.79 96528 07/20/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE LUBE/OIL/BATTERY/WIPERS 010.4201. 5601 70.77 96528 07/20/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTER/WIPERS 010.4201.5601 55.06 96528 07/20/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE BASKET/BRAKE PADS/SERP.BELT 010.4211. 5601 481. 24 702.86 96529 07/20/00 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 220.4303.5255 29.00 96529 07/20/00 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 220.4303.5143 574.69 96529 07/20/00 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 640.4712.5143 310.32 96529 07/20/00 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 612.4610.5143 270.59 96529 07/20/00 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4420.5143 90.00 1,274.60 96530 07/20/00 053428 MPH INDUSTRIES, INC. ROCKER SWITCH 010.4201. 5603 18.53 18.53 96531 07/20/00 101847 NETWORK CATALYST MOTOROLA FT100S ROUTER 272 .4201. 6101 644.20 644.20 96532 07/20/00 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 91. 14 91. 14 96533 07/20/00 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE PATCH PLAQUE-ALLEN RETIREMENT 010.4201. 5504 37.54 96533 07/20/00 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE CHILI FEST. TROPHIES 010.4424.5252 145.86 183.40 96534 07/20/00 067890 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION,IN HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDERS 010.4211. 5206 16.74 16.74 96535 07/20/00 069576 RADIO SHACK TELEPHONE 010.4421.6001 49.31 49.31 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 07/17/00 16:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 96536 07/20/00 073320 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY CO. BOWL CLEANER 010.4213.5604 23.38 23.38 96537 07/20/00 076740 SANTA MARIA TIMES DISPLAY AD 010.4130.5301 231. 30 231.30 96538 07/20/00 076830 SANTA MARIA TIRE INC. TIRES/SVCS & REPR 010.4211.5601 501.05 501. 05 96539 07/20/00 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. FILTERS 010.4211. 5601 24.60 96539 07/20/00 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. GASOLINE/DIESEL 010.4211.5608 106.20 96539 07/20/00 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. GASOLINE 010.4201.5608 1,347.90 1,478.70 96540 07/20/00 074490 SLO CNTY DEPT. HEALTH CROSS CONNECT-JAN/FEB 640.4710.5303 1,549.08 96540 07/20/00 074490 SLO CNTY DEPT. HEALTH CROSS CONNECT-MARCH/APRIL 640.4710.5303 1,271.91 2,820.99 96541 07/20/00 074724 SLO CNTY FIRE SERVICE REGIS-FIBICH/STEFFAN URBAN 010.4211.5501 32.00 32.00 96542 07/20/00 075114 SLO CNTY GENERAL HOSPIT LEGAL TOX SCREEN-JUNE 010.4201. 5324 56.00 56.00 96543 07/20/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY TIRE CLEANER 220.4303.5601 8.14 8.14 96544 07/20/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS RADIO PARTS 010.4211.5603 58.99 58.99 96545 07/20/00 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER COPY OVERAGE-PANASONIC 010.4201.5602 479.74 479.74 96546 07/20/00 101009 UNISOURCE MAINTENANCE S T.PAPER/LINERS/GLOVES 010.4213.5604 203.66 203.66 96547 07/20/00 087672 UNITED RENTALS CHISEL/SAFETY GLASSES 640.4712.5273 22.28 96547 07/20/00 087672 UNITED RENTALS CONCRETE TOOLS 612.4610.5273 116.03 138.31 96548 07/20/00 101869 VISTA HOSP SYSTEMS WORKERS COMP INJURY-ROBERTS 010.4201. 5303 189.00 189.00 96549 07/20/00 091026 WEST PUBLISHING PAYMENT CA.JUV LAWS/RULES 010.4201. 5255 72.93 72 .93 96550 07/20/00 092976 WITMER-TYSON IMPORTS K-9 TRAINING 010.4201. 5322 135.00 135.00 TOTAL CHECKS 74,532.31 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 07/17/00 16:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 59,768.22 220 STREETS FUND 5,578.15 272 CA LAW ENFORCMT TCHNLGY EQUIP. 644.20 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 105.09 612 SEWER FUND 1,664.06 640 WATER FUND 6,772.59 TOTAL 74,532.31 ATTACffiffiNT 3 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 07/18/00 11:52 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 268 07/14/00 005616 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE G.A.REIMB 7/06/00 P/R 011.0000.1015 188,965.09 188,965.09 96551 07/21/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS RHINEHART SVCS-7/7 220.4303.5303 524.40 96551 07/21/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS DELGADO SVCS-7/7 220.4303.5303 532.80 1,057.20 96552 07/21/00 008190 B & T SERVICE STN.CONTR PANEL REPAIRED 010.4305.5603 57.50 96552 07/21/00 008190 B & T SERVICE STN.CONTR VEEDER ROOT CONTROL 010.4305.5603 69.00 126.50 96553 07/21/00 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB.FILM-BARROW 010.4424.5252 10.60 10.60 96554 07/21/00 101810 BASIC CHEMICAL SOLUTION SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 640.4712.5274 419.52 419.52 96555 07/21/00 013052 GARETT BROWN TENNIS CLASSES-BROWN 010.4424.5351 346.50 96555 07/21/00 013052 GARETT BROwN TENNIS CLASSES-BROWN 010.4424.5351 35.00 381. 50 96556 07/21/00 021802 C.COAST ROADRUNNERS ROADRUNNERS SOCCER CAMP 010.4424.5351 745.85 96556 07/21/00 021802 C.COAST ROADRUNNERS REIMB.T-SHIRTS SOCCER CAMP 010.4424.5351 104.50 850.35 96557 07/21/00 021940 C.COAST TAXI CAB SERVIC TAXI SVCS-JULY 1-14 225.4553.5507 1,654.25 1,654.25 96558 07/21/00 014508 CALIF. APPLIED TECHNOLOG REPR. CALIBRATE RADARS 010.4201. 5603 150.00 96558 07/21/00 014508 CALIF.APPLIED TECHNOLOG INSTL.LOCKING POWER PLUGS 010.4201. 5603 147.35 96558 07/21/00 014508 CALIF. APPLIED TECHNOLOG REWIRE POWER OUTLETS 010.4201. 5603 286.35 583.70 96559 07/21/00 016146 CALIF.HWY PRODUCTS & SI HARD HATS 220.4303.5255 86.16 86.16 96560 07/21/00 016692 CALIF. PEACE OFFICER'S A CPOA MEMBERSHIPS 010.4201. 5503 450.00 450.00 96561 07/21/00 016614 CALIF.POLICE CHIEFS ASS CPCA DUES TO 6/30/01 010.4201. 5503 215.00 215.00 96562 07/21/00 101739 LUKE CAYWOOD S/BALL LEAGQE SCORER-CAYWOOD 010.4424.5352 63.00 63.00 96563 07/21/00 101856 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS CHARTER PIPELINE/MODEM LEASE 010.4140.5303 387.43 387.43 96564 07/21/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 10.00 96564 07/21/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 10.00 96564 07/21/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 10.00 30.00 96565 07/21/00 024814 COMMISSIONERS' TRUST POST COMMISSION TRUST ACCT 010.4201. 5503 40.00 40.00 96566 07/21/00 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS RECALIBRATE LEVEL TRANSDUCER 640.4712.5609 135.00 135.00 96567 07/21/00 101638 TYLER COON S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-COON 010.4424.5352 63.00 63.00 96568 07/21/00 101870 COUNCIL FOR URBAN CUED DUES-SHEELEY 284.4103.5503 325.00 325.00 96569 07/21/00 026286 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 15.00 15.00 96570 07/21/00 101844 CSK AUTO, INC. DEGREASER/RADIATOR PART 010.4211.5601 14.09 14.09 96571 07/21/00 076848 LENNY DE LOS SANTOS TENNIS CLASSES-DE LOS SANTOS 010.4424.5351 248.33 248.33 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 07/18/00 11 :52 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 96572 07/21/00 101716 JIM DECECCO S/BALL LEAGUE UMP-DECECCO 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 96573 07/21/00 030584 DEB I DYKZEUL S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-DYKZEUL 010.4424.5352 21. 00 21. 00 96574 07/21/00 1013 79 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN COUPLING/BALL VALVE 640.4712.5610 311.59 311. 59 96575 07/21/00 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 71884 010.4002.5301 192.50 96575 07/21/00 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 75161 010.4130.5301 45.00 96575 07/21/00 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 75162 010.4130.5301 55.50 96575 07/21/00 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 75163 010.4130.5301 54.00 96575 07/21/00 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 75226 010.4002.5301 55.50 96575 07/21/00 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 75230 010.4002.5506 42.00 444.50 96576 07/21/00 039312 CITY OF GROVER BEACH DOG OBEDIENCE CLASS-JULY 10 010.4424.5351 202.50 202.50 96577 07/21/00 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 350.5625.7001 422.39 96577 07/21/00 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 291.37 96577 07/21/00 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 194.57 908.33 96578 07/21/00 101327 ROBERT HOPKINS COMMUNITY RESPONSE 010.4201.5501 40.00 40.00 96579 07/21/00 101867 ALICE LIGART REF.L/SCAPE BOND-554 CROWN HIL 010.0000.2210 1,200.00 1,200.00 96580 07/21/00 100985 DOUG LINTNER S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-LINTNER 010.4424.5352 112.00 112.00 96581 07/21/00 101173 LONGS DRUG STORE PHOTO PROCESSING 010.4201.5255 70.52 70.52 96582 07/21/00 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. BUS TRANS-JUNE 1-15 010.4425.5303 231. 32 231.32 96583 07/21/00 055458 LAW OFFICES OF MAYER & TASER POLICY 010.4003.5319 175.00 175.00 96584 07/21/00 101868 MID-STATE BANK UTILITY OPEN AUTO PAY UTILITY ACCT 010.0000.1014 250.00 250.00 96585 07/21/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE BATTERY 010.4301.5601 95.79 95.79 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CLOROX 640.4712.5274 1. 92 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BULBS 010.4211.5603 25.70 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BULBS 010.4211. 5603 3.23 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BOLTS 010.4420.5605 10.62 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE GFCI RECP.TESTER 010.4212.5255 11.57 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SPRAY LUBE/AUGER 010.4420.5605 17.46 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BOLTS 010.4420.5605 46.80 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELECT. SUPPLIES/NIPPLE/COUPLER 010.4211. 5603 5'.13 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE JIG BLADES 010.4211. 5603 9.95 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE JIG BLADES/PLUMBING SUPPLIES 010.4211.5601 64.55 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELECT. SUPPLIES 010.4211.5603 5.36 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SCREW EXTRACTORS/MISC. TOOLS 010.4211. 5601 36.41 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE HOLE SAWS/PLIERS/DRILL BIT 010.4211.5601 57.65 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DRILL BIT/SPRAYPAINT 010.4211. 5601 11.75 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SUB ZERO P STRIP 010.4211.5605 10.38 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SUB ZERO P STRIP 010.4211.5605 5.35 .--------. VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 07/18/00 11:52 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES/VENT CAP 010.4211.5603 16.48 96586 07/21/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES/COUPLER 010.4211.5603 1. 95 342.26 96587 07/21/00 057174 MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 81. 37 81.37 96588 07/21/00 057272 MIKE MITCHELL S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-MITCHELL 010.4424.5352 96.00 96.00 96589 07/21/00 058890 RICHARD MUNOZ S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-MUNOZ 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 96590 07/21/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL RADIO 451-0183 010.4145.5403 184.13 96590 07/21/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3953 010.4211. 5403 31. 54 96590 07/21/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3956 220.4303.5403 31. 54 96590 07/21/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3959 640.4710.5403 31. 54 96590 07/21/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3960 010.4211.5403 31. 54 310.29 96591 07/21/00 066320 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. BACKHOE BUCKET 640.4712.6201 831.19 831.19 96592 07/21/00 073632 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO BOMB TASK FORCE PROGRAM 010.4201. 5328 4,000.00 4,000.00 96593 07/21/00 077024 ANN SARMIENTO S/BALL SCORER-SARMIENTO 010.4424.5352 70.00 70.00 96594 07/21/00 078662 SEQUOIA PACIFIC SYSTEMS ELECTION FORMS 010.4002.5506 18.17 18.17 96595 07/21/00 100473 SHERIFF'S RELIEF FOUNDA REGIS-HOPKINS/POLE CMM.RESPON 010.4201.5501 40.00 40.00 96596 07/21/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY AIR FILTER 010.4301. 5603 8.67 96596 07/21/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY FUEL CAP 010.4301. 5601 6.89 96596 07/21/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY AIR FILTER/GASKET 010.4211.5601 12.69 28.25 96597 07/21/00 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 47.54 96597 07/21/00 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 24.90 96597 07/21/00 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 76.74 96597 07/21/00 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 52.93 202.11 96598 07/21/00 081432 BOB SPEAR S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-SPEAR 010.4424.5352 96.00 96.00 96599 07/21/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS CASE MINI TOR 11 010.4305.5603 13.41 96599 07/21/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS RADIO INSTALLED 612.4610.6201 684.54 96599 07/21/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS BATTERY 010.4305.5603 10.73 708.68 96600 07/21/00 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER COPIER MAINT.AGREE 010.4201. 5602 185.00 185.00 96601 07/21/00 084084 TAYLOR'S TUNE-UP SHOP SCOPE/ADJUST-PW15 010.4301.5601 65.00 65.00 96602 07/21/00 085664 TOM TOTH S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-TOTH 010.4424.5352 96.00 96.00 96603 07/21/00 086034 TRI-CITY DISPOSAL SERVI DISPOSAL SERVICES 010.4213.5604 380.21 96603 07/21/00 086034 TRI-CITY DISPOSAL SERVI DISPOSAL SERVICES 010.4213.5604 145.96 526.17 96604 07/21/00 086346 TROESH READY MIX CONCRETE WASTE 220.4303.5307 67.87 67.87 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 07/18/00 11:52 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 96605 07/21/00 086736 DOTTIE TRULOCK DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES 010.4424.5351 1,220.00 1,220.00 96606 07/21/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. SPRINKLER PARTS 010.4430.5605 46.50 96606 07/21/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC. SPRINKLER PARTS 010.4420.5605 12.33 96606 07/21/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. SPRINKLERS 010.4420.5605 53.00 111.83 96607 07/21/00 088424 URBAN FUTURES INC. ARROYO LINDA ANALYSIS 284.0000.2458 3,913.53 3,913.53 96608 07/21/00 101866 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAG GOV'T BLDG. PAGERS 010.4213.5303 34.65 34.65 96609 07/21/00 101111 ANTHONY VIOLA REF.L/SCAPE BOND-540 DOS CERRO 010.0000.2210 1,200.00 96609 07/21/00 101111 ANTHONY VIOLA REF.L/SCAPE BOND-525 CALLE CUE 010.0000.2210 1,200.00 2,400.00 96610 07/21/00 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TIRES 010.4420.5601 193.30 193.30 TOTAL CHECKS 215,916.94 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 07/18/00 11:52 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 16,447.67 011 PAYROLL CLEARING FUND 188,965.09 220 STREETS FUND 1,758.71 225 TRANSPORTATION FUND 1,654.25 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 4,238.53 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 422.39 612 SEWER FUND 684.54 640 WATER FUND 1,745.76 TOTAL 215,916.94 ATTACHMENT 4 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 07/26/00 08:57 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 270 07/18/00 054482 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTEND MSA MEETING-9 PEOPLE 220.4303.5501 135.00 135.00 271 07/24/00 100905 TONY M. FERRARA LOCC CONF-FERRARA 010.4001. 5501 120.00 120.00 272 07/25/00 100069 MARY BASSETT REIMB.CITY MANAGER RECRUITMENT 010.4101.5316 1,792.55 1,792.55 96611 07/28/00 101736 A.L.D.COMPANY,INC. M-26 ADVANCED TASER/TARGETS 010.4201.5255 1,283.25 1,283.25 96612 07/28/00 101884 AGHS CLASS OF 75 REF. PARK DEPOSIT-AGHS CLASS-75 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 96613 07/28/00 101885 AIDA ALEMAN-ODGERS REF. PARK DEPOSIT-ALEMAN-ODGERS 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 96614 07/28/00 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP SAFETY GLOVES/GLASSES 612.4610.5255 138.35 138.35 96615 07/28/00 003978 AMERICAN SOFTBALL ASSN S/BALL LEAGUE TEAM REGIS 010.4424.5257 377.00 377.00 96616 07/28/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS RHINEHART SVCS-7/14 220.4303.5303 666.00 666.00 96617 07/28/00 006552 ARROYO MEDICAL GROUP IN PRE-EMPLOY. PHYSICAL-QUEZADA 010.4201.5315 88.00 88.00 96618 07/28/00 101873 AUBREY AVILA REF. PARK DEPOSIT-AVILA 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 96619 07/28/00 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB.CRAFT SUPPLIES-BARROW 010.4422.5256 90.25 96619 07/28/00 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB.SNACK SUPPLIES-BARROW 010.4425.5259 179.73 269.98 96620 07/28/00 101810 BASIC CHEMICAL SOLUTION SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 640.4712.5274 450.98 450.98 96621 07/28/00 101151 GERRY BECKER REF.L/SCAPE DEPOSIT-529 CUERVO 010.0000.2210 1,200.00 1,200.00 96622 07/28/00 101886 RON BECKMAN REF.L/SCAPE DEP-529 CALLE CUER 010.0000.2210 1,200.00 1,200.00 96623 07/28/00 101891 BEMMY'S AUTO SPEEDLINER 640.4712.5601 433.05 433.05 96624 07/28/00 019812 ARON CANBY WELDING ANGLE IRON 220.4303.5613 16.60 16.60 96625 07/28/00 101876 ESTELLA CARRERAS REF. PARK DEPOSIT-CARRERAS 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 96626 07/28/00 101872 BERNADETTE CASTILLO REF.PARK DEPOSIT-CASTILLO 010.0000.4354 25.00 96626 07/28/00 101872 BERNADETTE CASTILLO REF.PARK DEPOSIT-CASTILLO 010.0000.4354 25.00 50.00 96627 07/28/00 101739 LUKE CAYWOOD S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-CAYWOOD 010.4424.5352 56.00 56.00 96628 07/28/00 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 010.4213.5604 148 .22 148.22 96629 07/28/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 10.00 96629 07/28/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 10.00 96629 07/28/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 10.00 96629 07/28/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 10.00 96629 07/28/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 10.00 96629 07/28/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 10.00 96629 07/28/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220;4303.5307 10.00 70.00 --- ---.-.----- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 07/26/00 08:57 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 96630 07/28/00 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS REPR.LOOSE CONNECTIONS 640.4711.5603 135.00 135.00 96631 07/28/00 101638 TYLER COON S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-COON 010.4424.5352 91. 00 91. 00 96632 07/28/00 101892 CRPOA ARPOC 2000 REGIS-KIMBERELY DEBLAUW 010.4201. 5501 185.00 185.00 96633 07/28/00 027534 D.G.REPAIR REPR.TRANSMISSION 010.4213.5601 200.30 200.30 96634 07/28/00 100552 LUZ DE LEON REF. PARK DEPOSIT-DE LEON 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 96635 07/28/00 101369 KIMBERELY DEBLAUW RESERVE OFFICER CONF-DEBLAUW 010.4201. 5501 168.00 168.00 96636 07/28/00 101716 JIM DECECCO S/BALL LEAGUE UMP-DECECCO 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 96637 07/28/00 029484 DIESELRO INC. BATTERY/CABLE 612.4610.5601 468.66 468.66 96638 07/28/00 074840 DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFF VEHICLE FORFEITURE#VF99-0010 010.0000.2217 100.00 100.00 96639 07/28/00 101241 ROBERT F. DRIVER CO,INC EQUIP.INS.#KGOO02501 010.4145.5579 7,725.00 96639 07/28/00 101241 ROBERT F. DRIVER CO,INC PROP.INS#BIND643489 010.4145.5579 6,299.00 96639 07/28/00 101241 ROBERT F. DRIVER CO,INC BOILER/MACH.INS#M5JBMG445DOO 010.4145.5579 299.00 96639 07/28/00 101241 ROBERT F. DRIVER CO,INC BOILER/MACH.INS#FBP3917011 010.4145.5579 299.00 14,622.00 96640 07/28/00 030584 DEBI DYKZEUL S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-DYKZEUL 010.4424.5352 7.00 7.00 96641 07/28/00 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN FREIGHT-PROPELLER METER 640.4711.5603 49.48 49.48 96642 07/28/00 101882 ERICA FERGUSON REF. PARK DEPOSIT-FERGUSON 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 96643 07/28/00 101883 LINDA FIELDER REF. PARK DEPOSIT-FIELDER 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 96644 07/28/00 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC DUP KEYS/RINGS 010.4213.5601 6.54 6.54 96645 07/28/00 101881 GREATAMERICAN LEASING C COPIER LEASE 010.4130.5303 362.32 362.32 96646 07/28/00 039312 CITY OF GROVER BEACH DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES 010.4424.5351 48.60 48.60 96647 07/28/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE PARKS SUPER 010.4421.5303 15.55 96647 07/28/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-P&R DIRECTOR 010.4421.5303 47.62 96647 07/28/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CONST.INSPECT 010.4301. 5403 50.35 113 .52 96648 07/28/00 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 201.71 201.71 96649 07/28/00 040872 HARVEST FESTIVAL COMMIT BOOTH FEE 010.4424.5252 25.00 25.00 96650 07/28/00 041184 HEACOCK WELDING NORTH STEPS 220.4303.5601 135.80 135.80 96651 07/28/00 101584 JOHN HODGES REF.O/PMT-228 LE POINT ST 640.0000.4751 65.60 65.60 96652 07/28/00 101889 HYATT HOTEL RESV-KIMBERELY DEBLAUW 010.4201. 5501 300.00 300.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 07/26/00 08:57 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 96653 07/28/00 101848 INVENSYS METERING SYSTE TOUCH READ METERS 640.4712.5207 690.48 690.48 96654 07/28/00 101604 BARBIE JONES REIMB.SNACK SUPPLIES-JONES 010.4425.5259 25.17 96654 07/28/00 101604 BARBIE JONES REIMB.SUPPLIES-JONES 010.4425.5255 106.17 131.34 96655 07/28/00 101875 AUDREY KEIRSTEAD REF.PARK DEPOSIT-KEIRSTEAD 010.0000.4354 25.00 96655 07/28/00 101875 AUDREY KEIRSTEAD REF.ELM ST.C/B DEPOSIT-KEIRSTE 010.0000.2206 100.00 125.00 96656 07/28/00 100692 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS REF.TUP FEES-188 STATION WAY 010.0000.4164 20.00 20.00 96657 07/28/00 099173 KIWANIS CLUB OF A.G. REF. PARK DEP-KIWANIS 010.0000.4354 75.00 96657 07/28/00 099173 KIWANIS CLUB OF A.G. LATE CANCELLATION FEE-KIWANIS 010.0000.4354 5.00- 70.00 96658 07/28/00 101075 LEMUS ARCHITECTURE DESIGN REVIEW-2.00 HRS 010.0000.2407 130.00 96658 07/28/00 101075 LEMUS ARCHITECTURE DESIGN REVIEW-2.50 HRS 010.0000.2360 162.50 292.50 96659 07/28/00 100985 DOUG LINTNER S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-LINTNER 010.4424.5352 144.00 144.00 96660 07/28/00 053274 LYON & CARMEL PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SVCS 010.4003.5304 11,269.05 11,269.05 96661 07/28/00 100642 G.E. MC GILLIGAN REF. PARK DEPOSIT-MCGILLIGAN 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 96662 07/28/00 055654 MEGG ASSOCIATES, INC. CRIS SUPPORT AGREEMENT 1/2 FEE 010.4140.5607 2,815.00 2,815.00 96663 07/28/00 056580 MID STATE BANK ACH DISTRIB-7/06/00 010.4145.5319 19.20 19.20 96664 07/28/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE ROTORS 010.4201.5601 272.97 272.97 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PIPE/ELBOW 010.4430.5605 14.44 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ADAPTER/PIPE CEMENT/SPRAYPAINT 010.4420.5605 5.65 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. TOOLS 220.4303.5613 18.97 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PHONE SUPPLIES 640.4712.5255 14.77 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE HAND TOOLS/X-ACTO BLADES 220.4303.5613 13.85 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE FILM 640.4712.5255 26.27 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES 640.4712.5610 1.92 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CONTACT CEMENT 010.4422.5256 3.21 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINTING SUPPLIES/BROOM 640.4712.5610 133.13 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC SUPPLIES 010.4213.5273 28.63 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER I S ACE HARDWARE PAINTING SUPPLIES 640.4712.5610 85.64 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER I S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HARDWARE 220.4303.5613 2.73 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE COUPLERS/ELECT. SUPPLIES 010.4420.5605 20.63 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE NAILS/MISC. BLDG. MATERIAL 612.4610.5610 23.75 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DUCK TAPE/COUPLERS/CAR WAX 010.4420.5605 30.03 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELBOW 640.4712.5610 20.90 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE GRINDING WHEELS/NOZZLE 010.4420.5605 63.07 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE TIMER 010.4213.5604 12.86 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINTING SUPPLIES/PAINT 612.4610.5610 42.35 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HARDWARE 010.4420.5601 6.39 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE GLOVE DISP/FOAM 612.4610.5610 11.45 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELBOW/NIPPLES/UNION 640.4712.5610 28.11 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE AA BATTERY 612.4610.5201 6.42 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 07/26/00 08:57 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC.BLDG.SUPPLIES/PAINT 640.4712.5610 89.61 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE WASP SPRAY 010.4420.5605 5.14 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE HAND SAW/TEES/NIPPLES 640.4712.5610 133.76 96666 07/28/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE NEVER SEEZ LUBE 640.4712.5610 12.85 856.53 96667 07/28/00 057174 MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 284.4103.5201 12.56 96667 07/28/00 057174 MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 612.4610.5201 126.18 96667 07/28/00 057174 MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 8.64 96667 07/28/00 057174 MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 88.22 235.60 96668 07/28/00 057272 MIKE MITCHELL S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-MITCHELL 010.4424.5352 128.00 128.00 96669 07/28/00 058890 RICHARD MUNOZ S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-MUNOZ 010.4424.5352 32.00 32.00 96670 07/28/00 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE STAINLESS CABLE/FERRULES 640.4712.5609 43.85 43.85 96671 07/28/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 473-1935 010.4145.5403 30.22 96671 07/28/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 473-2041 010.4145.5403 14.86 96671 07/28/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE-5400 010.4145.5403 1,448.27 96671 07/28/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL SLO COMPUTER 271-6566 010.4145.5403 47.98 96671 07/28/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 271-7480 010.4145.5403 64.13 96671 07/28/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PAY PHONE 489-9816 010.4145.5403 51.78 1,657.24 96672 07/28/00 101874 JAY PEET REF.PARK DEPOSIT-PEET 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 96673 07/28/00 100665 PERRY FORD OF SLO LUBE/OIL/ROTATE 010.4201. 5601 44.36 44.36 96674 07/28/00 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS COPIES-CREEKSIDE SPECS 350.5607.7001 173.35 173.35 96675 07/28/00 067782 DENNIS PORTE PUppy PLAY SCHOOL CLASSES 010.4424.5351 525.00 525.00 96676 07/28/00 101878 RAMS REF. PARK DEPOSIT-RAMS 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 96677 07/28/00 101082 RELIGIOUS PRODUCTS,INC. PC TAPES & BOXES 010.4130.5201 91. 50 91. 50 96678 07/28/00 071682 GREG ROSE S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-ROSE 010.4424.5352 16.00 16.00 96679 07/28/00 072638 S & L SAFETY PRODUCTS SHOP TOWELS 220.4303.5255 75.02 96679 07/28/00 072638 S & L SAFETY PRODUCTS SHOP TOWELS 640.4712.5255 75.02 96679 07/28/00 072638 S & L SAFETY PRODUCTS SHOP TOWELS 612.4610.5255 75.02 225.06 96680 07/28/00 077024 ANN SARMIENTO S/BALL SCORER-SARMIENTO 010.4424.5352 49.00 49.00 96681 07/28/00 078234 SECURED STORAGE STORAGE CHARGES 010.4002.5303 24.00 24.00 96682 07/28/00 101887 SLO BLUES BASEBALL CLUB BLUES BASEBALL CAMP 010.4424.5351 1,704.77 96682 07/28/00 101887 SLO BLUES BASEBALL CLUB REIMB.T-SHIRTS COST 010.4424.5351 334.62 2,039.39 96683 07/28/00 074100 SLO CNTY AUDITOR-CONTRO VEHICLE FORFEITURE #991507 010.0000.2217 121. 53 121. 53 96684 07/28/00 100304 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY FEBCO VALVE/SPRINKLERS/SEAL 010.4420.5605 134.56 134.56 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 07/26/00 08:57 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 96685 07/28/00 080340 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP HIGH VOLUME BLOWERS 010.4305.5273 139.37 139.37 96686 07/28/00 081120 SO CALIF MUNI ATHL FED S/BALL LEAGUE REGIS-SCMAF 010.4424.5257 284.00 284.00 96687 07/28/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY SPRAY APP.BOTTLES 010.4305.5601 8.54 8.54 96688 07/28/00 082134 STATEWIDE SAFETY & SIGN SIGN 010.4420.5605 160.80 160.80 96689 07/28/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE AGREEMENT 010.4201. 5606 995.00 96689 07/28/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS LIGHT BAR LENS 010.4201.5603 330.33 96689 07/28/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS REMOTE SPEAKER MICROPHONES 010.4201. 5606 178.04 1,503.37 96690 07/28/00 101871 SUNRISE COLLECTION,INC. REF.C.B.DEPOSIT-SUNRISE COLLEC 010.0000.2206 250.00 250.00 96691 07/28/00 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER COPIER MAINT. 010.4130.5602 2,300.00 2,300.00 96692 07/28/00 084084 TAYLOR'S TUNE-UP SHOP REPL.CAP & ROTOR & DIST 220.4303.5601 225.83 225.83 96693 07/28/00 085664 TOM TOTH S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-TOTH 010.4424.5352 96.00 96.00 96694 07/28/00 086736 DOTTIE TRULOCK DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES 010.4424.5351 292 .80 292.80 96695 07/28/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. FITTINGS 010.4430.5605 68.55 96695 07/28/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC. SPRINKLER PARTS 010.4430.5605 70.62 139.17 96696 07/28/00 101721 USSSA S/BALL LEAGUE TEAM REGIS 010.4424.5257 493.00 493.00 96697 07/28/00 101888 VFIS VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER INS 010.4211.5135 3,612.00 3,612.00 96698 07/28/00 101890 WATER SPECIALTIES CORP. PROPELLER TESTING 640.4711.5603 202.53 202.53 96699 07/28/00 .090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TIRES 010.4201. 5601 52.70 52.70 96700 07/28/00 101877 JOANNE WELLS REF.PARK DEPOSIT-WELLS 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 96701 07/28/00 091026 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. CA CODE-JUNE 010.4003.5503 137.28 96701 07/28/00 091026 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. CA CODES MAR & APRIL 010.4003.5503 203.78 341.06 96702 07/28/00 093522 XEROX CORPORATION COPIER MAINT 010.4301. 5602 190.92 190.92 TOTAL CHECKS 58,642.11 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 07/26/00 08:57 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 53,309.56 220 STREETS FUND 1,561.51 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 12.56 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 173.35 612 SEWER FUND 892.18 640 WATER FUND 2,692.95 TOTAL 58,642.11 ATTACffi.mNT 5 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 07/26/00 10:35 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 96703 07/27/00 011426 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS COPIES-CREEKSIDE WALK 350.5607.7001 387.99 387.99 96704 07/27/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET GLASS CLEANER 220.4303.5601 77 .22 77.22 96705 07/27/00 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4301. 5201 25.00 25.00 96706 07/27/00 029250 J.B. DEWAR,INC. DIESEL FUEL/BIOCIDE 010.0000.1202 1,952.04 1,952.04 96707 07/27/00 101103 GARVEY EQUIPMENT COMPAN AUTO CUT HEADS 220.4303.5603 130.48 96707 07/27/00 101103 GARVEY EQUIPMENT COMPAN SPOOL 220.4303.5603 151. 33 96707 07/27/00 101103 GARVEY EQUIPMENT COMPAN AUTO HEAD BOTTOMS 220.4303.5603 39.62 321. 43 96708 07/27/00 101819 GOVWORKS, INC. JOB AD-ASSOC ENG 010.4301.5255 20.00 20.00 96709 07/27/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-SHOP 010.4305.5403 29.16 96709 07/27/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CONST.INSPECT 010.4301.5403 75.35 96709 07/27/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PW DIR 010.4301. 5403 28.61 133.12 96710 07/27/00 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES CITATION PROCESS FEE APRIL/JUN 010.4201. 5303 282.00 96710 07/27/00 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES DP ON LINE TRANSACTIONS 010.4201.5606 56.08 338.08 96711 07/27/00 101075 LEMUS ARCHITECTURE DESIGN REVIEW-3.50 HRS 010.0000.2359 227.50 96711 07/27/00 101075 LEMUS ARCHITECTURE DESIGN REVIEW-2.75 HRS 010.0000.2353 178.75 96711 07/27/00 101075 LEMUS ARCHITECTURE DESIGN REVIEW-2.75 HRS 010.0000.2479 178.75 96711 07/27/00 101075 LEMUS ARCHITECTURE DESIGN REVIEW-2.75 HRS 010.0000.2360 178.75 96711 07/27/00 101075 LEMUS ARCHITECTURE DESIGN REVIEW-2.50 HRS 010.0000.2498 162.50 96711 07/27/00 101075 LEMUS ARCHITECTURE DESIGN REVIEW-2.50 HRS 010.0000.2498 162.50 1,088.75 96712 07/27/00 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. GYM USE-B/BALL MARCH19/APRIL 9 010.4424.5257 263.64 96712 07/27/00 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. GYM USE-B/BALL APRIL 16-MAY 7 010.4424.5257 248 .42 96712 07/27/00 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. SRT TRAINING 6/17-POOL 010.4201. 5501 23.25 535.31 96713 07/27/00 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4305.5143 47.85 47.85 96714 07/27/00 062322 ONE HOUR PHOTO PLUS E15M PHOTOS-PROGRAM 010.4201.5597 63.54 96714 07/27/00 062322 ONE HOUR PHOTO PLUS PHOTO PROCESSING 010.4201. 5255 5.56 69.10 96715 07/27/00 101880 OPERATING ENGINEER'S CUP WITHDRAWN-206 N.HALCYON 010.0000.4162 77 .60 77 .60 96716 07/27/00 101879 PISMO BEACH FIRE ASSOC. REF.S/BALL LEAGUE FEE-PISMO 010.0000.4608 490.00 490.00 96717 07/27/00 075660 SAN LUIS PAINTS FIELD MARKING PAINT 010.4430.5605 196.80 196.80 96718 07/27/00 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT SEWER SVC COLL-6/00 760.0000.2304 54,099.54 96718 07/27/00 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT SEWER HOOKUPS-6/00 760.0000.2305 14,000.00 96718 07/27/00 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT 6-1 SAN DIST-203 N.RENA 010.4145.5401 13 .47 96718 07/27/00 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT 6-1 SAN DIST-ASH R/RM 010.4145.5401 13.47 68,126.48 96719 07/27/00 082040 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5201 125.98 96719 07/27/00 082040 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 32.82- 96719 07/27/00 082040 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5201 98.18 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 07/26/00 10:35 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 96719 07/27/00 082040 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5201 28.96 220.30 96720 07/27/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4201. 5601 121. 00 96720 07/27/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 612.4610.5601 45.00 96720 07/27/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4301.5601 6.00 96720 07/27/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 220.4303.5601 15.00 96720 07/27/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4305.5601 8.50 96720 07/27/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4420.5601 7.50 203.00 96721 07/27/00 100229 VETERAN'S OBSERVER ADVERTISING-APRIL 99 010.4201. 5303 795.00 795.00 96722 07/27/00 100220 VHS MEDICAL CLINICS,INC HEPATITIS VACCINE-PRELESNIK 010.4201. 5303 60.00 60.00 TOTAL CHECKS 75,165.07 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 07/26/00 10:35 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 6,218.89 220 STREETS FUND 413.65 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 387.99 612 SEWER FUND 45.00 760 SANITATION DISTRIBUTION FUND 68,099.54 TOTAL 75,165.07 ATTACHMENT 6 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 7/07 TO 7/20/00 07/28/00 FUND 010 203,097.29 Salaries Full time 131,205.04 FUND 220 10,710.90 Salaries Part-Time 25,866.78 FUND 284 4,215.18 Salaries Over-Time 5,975.48 FUND 612 4,797.25 Holiday Pay 988.68 FUND 640 12,490.60 Sick Pay 2,561.16 235,311.22 Annual Leave Pay. - Vacation Buy Back - Sick Leave Buy back Vacation Pay 15,086.28 Comp Pay 1,508.10 Annual Leave Pay 1,506.54 PERS Retirement 13,834.65 Social Security 12,843.73 PARS Retirement 311.79 State Disability Ins. 492.30 Health Insurance 17,392.33 Dental Insurance 3,258.90 Vision Insurance 690.55 Life Insurance 534.11 Long Term Disability 794.70 Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 200.00 Council Expense - Employee Assistance 160.20 Uniform Allowance Motor Pay 100.00 Total: 235,311.32 J ATTACHMENT 7 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 08/01/00 10:51 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 273 07/27/00 005616 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE G.A.REIMB. 7/20/00 P/R 011.0000.1015 176,452.88 176,452.88 274 07/27/00 101896 FORTIS BENEFITS INSURAN LTD/LIFE INSURANCE 8-00 011.0000.2113 1,038.80 274 07/27/00 101896 FORTIS BENEFITS INSURAN LONG-TERM DISAB.INS PREM 011. 0000.2113 545.51 1,584.31 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PHOTO PROCESSING 010.4130.5201 9.12 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE KITCHEN SUPPLIES 010.4101.5201 9.99 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REIMB.MILEAGE 010.4130.5201 3.68 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REIMB.MILEAGE 010.4130.5201 2.40 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4001.5201 10.62 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE KITCHEN SUPPLI ES 010.4101.5201 18.58 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORAL BRARD SUPPLIES 010.4301.5255 10.48 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301.5201 5.79 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CSMFO MEETING 010.4120.5501 22.86 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ELECTION SUPPLIES 010.4002.5506 31. 00 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PHOTO FOR CHAMBER 284.4103.5201 8.58 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PHONE ADAPTER 010.4301.5201 5.32 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REIMB.MILEAGE 640.4712.5501 19.20 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING 010.4301.5201 12.52 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TRAFF.COMM.MILEAGE 010.4301.5608 6.08 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4301.5201 12.00 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REIMB.PARKING 010.4301.5501 3.00 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4001.5201 44.30 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OFFICE SUPPLIES 284.4103.5201 33.75 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OFFICE SUPPLIES 284.4103.5201 50.36 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE LOCC CONF.PER DEIM 010.4001.5501 40.00 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FILM 010.4130.5201 35.35 276 07/27/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COPY HOLDER 010.4120.5201 10.72 405.70 TOTAL CHECKS 178,442.89 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 08/01/00 10:51 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 14 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 293.81 011 PAYROLL CLEARING FUND 178,037.19 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 92.69 640 WATER FUND 19.20 TOTAL 178,442.89 9.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 Attached please find a report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of July 31, 2000, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b). -"----- -~-~._-_..~~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MONTHL Y INVESTMENT REPORT As of July 31, 2000 August 8, 2000 This report presents the City's investments as of July 31, 2000. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, type of investment, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of July 31, 2000, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. Current Investments: The City is currently investing all short-term excess cash in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) administered by the State Treasurer. This is a very high quality investment in terms of safety, liquidity, and yield. The City may readily transfer the LAIF funds to the City's checking account when funds are needed. At this time, the City does not hold any other investments. The following is a comparison of investments based on book values as of July 31, 2000 compared with the prior month and the prior year. LAlE INVESTMENT CURRENT ......,........T......TT , :............... 1'1<1(JI< IVll.ll'\l I rI I"!KU.1K Date: July 2000 June 2000 July 1999 Amount: $7,295,000 7,745,000 8,710,000 Interest Rate: 6.19% 6.19% 5.10% I.c. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES:! SUBJECT: CASH FLOW ANALYSIS/APPROVAL OF INTERFUND ADVANCE FROM THE WATER FACILITY FUND DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Accept the June cash report, . Approve the interfund advance of $675,098 from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds as of June 30, 2000. FUNDING: No outside funding is required. Attachment A - Cash Balance/lnterfund Advance Report ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH BALANCE / INTERFUND ADVANCE REPORT At June 30, 2000 Balance at Recommended Revised Fund 6/30/2000 Advances Balance 010 General Fund 590,322 590,322 210 Fire Protection Impact Fees 1,617 1,617 212 Police Protection Impact Fees 392 392 213 Park Development 191,069 191,069 217 Landscape Maintenance 23,468 23,468 220 Street (Gas Tax) Fund 107,535 107,535 222 Traffic Signalization 459,878 459,878 223 Traffic Circulation 423,288 423,288 224 Transportation Facility Impact 1,543,933 1,543,933 225 Transportation (4,869) 4,869 0 226 Water Neutralization Impact 22,293 22,293 230 Construction Tax 165,131 165,131 231 Drainage Facility 10,298 10,298 241 Lopez Facility Fund 364,515 364,515 271 State COPS Block Grant Fund 11,846 11,846 272 Calif. Law Enf. Technology Grant 34,384 34,384 274 Federal Universal Hiring Grant (11,600) 11,600 0 276 97-98 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 84 84 277 98-99 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 1,604 1,604 278 99-00 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 9,918 9,918 284 Redevelopment Agency (277,635) 277,635 0 285 Redevelopment Set Aside 9,701 9,701 350 Capital Projects (347,135) 347,135 0 612 Sewer Fund (31,412) 31,412 0 634 Sewer Facility 171,422 171,422 640 Water Fund 1,949,836 1,949,836 641 Lopez 995,580 995,580 642 Water Facility 1,224,422 (675,098) 549,324 751 Downtown Parking 28,380 28,380 760 Sanitation District Fund 68,100 68,100 761 Rubbish Collection Fund (2,447) 2,447 0 Total City Wide Cash 7,733,918 0 7,733,918 THE ABOVE LISTING ARE THE CASH BALANCES SHOWN IN THE GENERAL LEDGER OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS OF JUNE 30, 2000. ~ 9.d. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES~ SUBJECT: ANNUAL REPORT - FISCAL YEAR 1999-00 CASH ACTIVITY IN TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FUND DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council accept the annual report of Transportation Facilities Development Impact Fund cash activity and ending cash balance at June 30, 2000. FUNDING: No outside funding is required. DISCUSSION: Section 6 of Resolution 3021, Attachment B, requires that within sixty days of the close of each fiscal year, an accounting of the Transportation Facilities Development Impact Fund shall be made available to the public. Because Resolution 3021 requires the cash balance to be reported within sixty days of the close of the fiscal year, an unaudited number is reported. The firm of Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Company completed the 1998-99 independent audit on November 20, 1999, almost three months after the issuance of the Cash Activity Report. To present a complete picture of the cash activity in this fund, a reconciliation from the 1998-99 Cash Activity Report (reported August 10, 1999) and the independent audit balance is presented. Audit adjustments are the result of corrections to reported revenues in the Traffic Circulation Fund (Fund 223) and the Transportation Facilities Impact Fund (Fund 224). The Traffic Circulation Fund accounts for developer traffic mitigation measure fees received as the result of environmental reviews. The Transportation Facilities Impact Fund accounts for developer impact fees (AB1600) that are collected to maintain existing levels of public services for existing and future residents. On occasion revenues had been inadvertently posted to the incorrect fund (posted to Fund 224 instead of Fund 223 and visa versa) since the 1993-94 Fiscal Year. Adjustments were made to prior period revenues and Fiscal Year 1997-98 revenues. -_._----~-_..- -------- TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT REPORT PAGE 2 Attachment A reports the cash balance as of June 30, 1999, audit adjustments, audited balance, cash collected and disbursed during the 1999-00 Fiscal Year, and the ending unaudited cash balance at June 30, 2000. Attachments A - Report of Cash Activity and Ending Unaudited Cash Balance B - Resolution No. 3021 ~---._~--~- --~~- ------.-.- ------ ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES IMPACT FEE FUND REPORT OF CASH ACTIVITY AND ENDING UNAUDITED CASH BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2000 Reconciliation to Audit: Cash Balance at July 1, 1999 $1,425,926 1998-99 Audit Adjustments 56.086* Audited Cash Balance as of June 30, 1999 $1.482.012 1999-00 Cash Activity: Collections, 1999-00 Fiscal Year Interest Income $ 78,477 Facility Impact Fees 68.444 Total Revenues 146,921 Disbursements, 1999-00 Fiscal Year 85.000 Ending Cash Balance, June 30, 2000 $:1.543.933 * Audit Adjustments: The 1998-99 report was filed before the independent audit was completed. The audit adjustments are as follows: Reallocation of current revenues in Traffic Circulation & Transportation Facilities Impact Funds $ (56.086) Total Audit Adjustments $ (56.086) ----.----------.--- I, Attachment B RESOLUTION NO. 3021 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SE'ITING FORTH TilE AMOUNT OF PUBLIC FACILITY IMPACT FEES WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 461 C.S. of the City of Arroyo Grande establishes transportation facility impact fees and provides for the setting of fee amounts by resolution of the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City has conducted a study which estimates the costs of public facilities needed to maintain the existing level of public services to existing and future residents and businesses in the City of Arroyo Grande, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and which is hereby incorporated herein by reference; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to California Government Code Section 66016, said study has been available for public inspection and review at least ten (10) days prior to a public hearing held on this matter and public notice was provided fourteen (14) days prior to the public hearing; and, --' WHEREAS, pursuant to California Government Code Section 66017, this resolution shall become effective sixty (60) days from the passage of Ordinance 461 cs. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande finds and resolves that: 1.. Findin~s: a. The purpose of transportation facilities impact fees is to protect the publicheatth, safety and welfare by maintaining the existing level of public services for existing and future residents and businesses within the City of Arroyo Grande, and to pay for the cos~ of providing such facilities. b. The fees collected pursuant to this resolution shall be used only to pay for public facilities identified in Exhibit "A" pursuant to Ordinance No. 461 C.S. c. There is a reasonable relationship between the types of development on which fees are imposed and the purpose for which such fees will be used. 0 2. Cost &timates: The estimated costs of public facilities to be funded with the fees established by this resolution are set forth in atlached Exhibit "A". If the actual or estimated cost of public facilities, as identified. and shown in attached Exhibit" A" should change, the City Manager sh.all review the fees to determine whether such fees are still adequate. If the fees should be changed, the City Manager shall recommend to the City Council a revised fee schedule be adopted by resolution. 3. Amount or Fees: a. The amount of the public facility impact fees shall be as set forth in attached Exhibit "B." b. The Standard Industrial Classification Manual (SIC) shall be used to interpret land use categories, when it is unclear. .._--~--_.~ Resolution No. 3021 Setting Forth Transportation Facilities Development Impact Fees Page 2 4. Time of P~yment: a. Public facility impact fees for any development project shall be due and payable prior to final inspection and/or issuance of certificate of occupancy, and shall be collected by the Building Official. Notwithstanding, under Government Code Section 66007 (b), the City is authorized to collect the fees at the time of building permit issuance if the fees are for public facilities and improvements for which accounts have been established and funds appropriated, and for which the City has adopted a proposed construction schedule; or the fees are to reimburse the City for expenditures previously made. .. 5. Exemotions: Exemptions to the fees adopted herein may be granted by the City Council pursuant to Ordinance _ of the City of Arroyo Grande. 6. Separate Accounts: The Finance Director shall deposit fees collected under this resolution in separate public facility impact fee accounts as required by California Government Code Section 66006. Within sixty days of the close of each fiscal year, the Finance Director shan make available to the public an accounting of each fund, and the City Council shall review that information at its next regular public meeting; notice of the meeting shall be given as provided in Government Code Section 66006(b)(2). 7. Interpretation: Interpretation of this Resolution shall be submitted to the Planning Department in writing and an interpretation shall be made by the Planning Commission, pursuant to Ordinance No. 46...1CS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at its meeting held on the 22nd day of March , 1994, on a motion of Council Member Burke , seconded by Council Member Brandy , and on the following roll call vote: A YES: Council Members Burke, Brandy and Mayor Gallagher NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Souza ~( . A TrEST: ~.a.~ NANCY A. AVIS, CITY CLERK APPROV.ED AS TO FORM: ATIORNEY .' -'- EXHIBIT "A" Table 1 Transportation System Improvement Plan Estimated Other Arroyo Grende Arroyo Grande Improvement Description Cost Agem:lel Percentage Cost Priority Involved1 Widen Brisco Road underoro88/ng $2,000,000 No 100% $2.000,000 1 EI Cemlno R.al . Brisco to $510,000 No 100% $510,000 1 Halcyon: widen to four lenes West Branch Street - 4 'ane from $1,690,000 No 100% $1,890,000 1 Oak Perk to Brllco ........., Welt Brench Street. 5 lene from $740,000 No 100% $740,000 5 Brisco to Grend Ave. Oek Perk Road. Widen to 4 $780,000 Grover Beach 50% $380,000 5 lanes Grend Ave. to 101 - Huelne Roed/227 . Slgnelize $120,000 County. 33% $39.600 5 Intersection Caltrens Branch St.lTrefflc Way - $738,000 No 100% $738.000 1 reconngure Intersection Including ralated Improvements Traffic WaylFalr Oakl - signalize $120,000 No 100% $120,000 5 Interlectlon Including releted Improvementll Halcyon Rd./Grand Ave. . NB left $ 225,000 No 100% $225,000 5 turn, we left turn Elm St.1 Ferroll Ave. . signalize $120,000 No 100% $120,000 5 Intersection Velley Road - realign curve at $33,000 No 100% $33,000 3 school Fair Oaks. Widen to 5 lanel $499,000 No 100% $499,000 5 from Traffic Way to creek Huasna Road. Widen to 4 len88 $693,000 No 100% $693,000 5 from Clarence to Verd Loomis Branch MlII/Cherry Avehue . $288.000 No 100% $288,000 1 upgrade exlltlng roadway Elm St. - Acquire ROW for $50,000 No 100% $50,000 5 widening Hltlcyon Rd. - Acquire ROW for $200,000 No 100% $200,000 5 widening TOTAL $8,784.000 $8,303,800 Sources: Compr"h"nsive South County Tr"ffic Mod,,1 and Study, Rnel R"port, November 1992. City of Arroyo Grende Circulation Element of the G"neral Plan. City of Arroyo Grende Public Works Department. California State Department of Transportat/on ICaltrans). Priority 1-5 1 - Highest 3 . Moderte 5 . Lowest -~_.. Resolution No. 3021 EXHIDIT "B" CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TRANSPORTATION FACILITY IMPACT FEES Average Traffic Land Use Daily Impact Fee Trips Sinale Familv Detached 10 $ 538.22 Single Family Attached (Condos & 7 $ 376.75 Duplexes) .. Multi-Familv Units 6.1 $ 328.31 Mobile Homes/Trailers 4.8 $ 258.34 Commercial Retail (per 1,000 40.7 $2,190.55 sq. ft.) commercial service (per 1,000 50 52,691. 09 sq. ft. ) Industrial (per 1,000 sq. ft.) 5.5 $ 296.02 Office (per 1,000 sq. ft.) 20 $1,076.44 Miscellaneous uses - Use ITE - --- 5 53.82 Manual, for scecific use. cer ACT . ---~._--~--- .... MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUL Y 25, 2000 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Lady called the meeting to order. at 6:04 P.M. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara, Council Members Runels, Dickens, Tolley, Interim City Manager TerBorch and City Attorney Carmel were present. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 2. CLOSED SESSION: Mayor Lady announced that the Council was going to meet in closed session to discuss the following matters: (a) PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: City Manager (b) CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Rick TerBorch, Interim City Manager Unrepresented Employees: Management 3. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Lady announced that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 4. ADJOURNMENT TO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 P.M. to the regular City Council meeting of July 25,2000. MICHAEL A. LADY, Mayor ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk .~ MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUL Y 25, 2000 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lady called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: X Mayor Lady X Mayor Pro.Tem Ferrara X Council Member Runels X Council Member Tolley X Council Member Dickens Staff Present: lLJnterim City Manager/Chief of Police 1L-City Attorney 1L-Director of Administrative Services lLPirector of Building and Fire 1L-Director of Community Development _Director of Economic Development 1L-Director of Public Works _Director of Parks and Recreation 1L-Director of Financial Services 3. FLAG SALUTE Karen Estes, President of the Arroyo Grande Valley Kiwanis Club, led the flag salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Robert Burnett, New Hope Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Informational Presentation on Clerk Assisted Sales - Tobacco Control Program Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara introduced Susan Hughes, Director of Health Promotion - Tobacco Control Program, and Lloyd Henning, Health Educator Specialist - Tobacco Control Program from the County of San Luis Obispo Health Department. ~-_.__._-_.__.--. - ....--- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JULY 25, 2000 Ms. Hughes gave an informational presentation on Clerk Assisted Sales of tobacco products. She spoke about tobacco use issues, citing various smoking related health statistics. She spoke about the County programs which focus on creating smoke free environments; educating the community on advertising that has been banned; and reducing youth access to tobacco products. She explained the Clerk Assisted Sales program which has been effective in reducing illegal sales to minors. She requested the Council consider the adoption of an Ordinance to implement a Clerk Assisted Sales policy in the City. She said their goal is to make San Luis Obispo County the first County in the State to have all jurisdictions covered by Clerk Assisted Sales ordinances and policies. Wayne Hansen, volunteer chairperson of the San Luis Obispo County Tobacco Control Coalition, which is a citizens group that is organized to be a supporter for public policy. He stated that youth is at risk when it comes to tobacco products and reducing access to tobacco products is one of its goals. He requested the Council support and adopt the Clerk Assisted Sales ordinance. Lloyd Henning provided additional information about youth access to tobacco and distributed promotional materials to the Council. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara spoke in support of the concept of Clerk Assisted Sales and suggested bring the item back as an Agenda item with a draft Ordinance. Council Members Dickens, Tolley, Runels, and Mayor Lady also supported the program. There was Council consensus to direct staff to bring the item back with a draft ordinance at a future meeting. 6. AGENDA REVIEW Interim City Manager TerBorch stated that a petition to repave a portion of Valley Road had been received and distributed to the Council relating to Item 10.a. Interim City Manager TerBorch reported that a letter was received from Kenneth Dawson, 857 Mesa Drive, supporting the paving of an additional portion of Valley Road. 6.a. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY Council Member Tolley moved, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. PUBLIC HEARING 7.a. APPEAL OF CONDITION OF APPROVAL NO. 56 FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 99-003 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 99-003 REGARDING THE UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES: 1171 ASH STREET 2 -....... CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JULY 25,2000 Director of Community Development McCants highlighted the staff report. He explained that the applicant was appealing Condition No. 56 which requires undergrounding of overhead public utilities. He stated the Planning Commission modified the original condition to reduce the undergrounding requirement by eliminating the removal of three utility poles and reducing the number of lines to be undergrounded by approximately 50%. He stated that staff had been in contact with the owner of 1177 Ash Street who indicated there is no problem with undergrounding on her property as long as it does not impact the existing oak tree. Director McCants stated it was recommended the Council amend Condition No. 19 to address this concern. As to the second reason for appeal that the adjacent senior housing complex was not required to underground the service, Director McCants stated that at the time the project was approved, the interpretation of the requirements of the Development Code was more liberal than it is currently. Staff recommended the Council deny the appeal and adopt a Resolution upholding the decision of the Planning Commission, with the modification to Condition No. 19 regarding protection of the oak tree. In response to an inquiry from Council Member Dickens, Director McCants explained that Attachment 6 shows the modifications as recommended by the Planning Commission, eliminating the requirement to remove any power poles and revising the overhead lines to be placed underground. There was discussion and clarification regarding the undergrounding of the overhead wire that crosses over Ash Street to the property. Also clarified was that the service to parcels 1, 2, and 3 located on the property would be placed underground. Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing. John Belsher, attorney representing the applicant, addressed the applicant's concerns including visual impacts; burden of costs associated with undergrounding of utilities; the nexus for requiring undergrounding; and potential impacts to the existing oak tree. He displayed an overhead and spoke of the requirement of undergrounding from across Ash Street to the first pole. He said this requirement was at issue, otherwise the Planning Commission recommendation was acceptable to applicant. Mr. Belsher asked the Council to consider other mitigation, uphold the Planning Commission modifications, and delete the undergrounding requirement from pole #6 to pole #2. Marjorie Boswell, 1177 Ash Street, said if the existing oak tree was removed, the only other trees remaining at the back of the property would be a lemon, apricot, and lilac tree. She stated she did not want to lose the oak tree. She spoke about the existing poles that line up on her side of the property; and that there was room on the applicant's property to work without disturbing the trees. Greg Hownstein, stated he was a relative of the owner of the house behind the subject property. He said there was a letter submitted previously to the Planning 3 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JULY 25, 2000 Commission regarding adverse effects to their property. He submitted a letter for the record from Liem Vo and Daniel Dang which address the decisions made by the Planning Commission not related to the undergrounding. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady closed the Public Hearing. Council questions and discussion included various potential methods of working around the existing oak tree in order to place the overhead wires underground; whether or not the transformer on the pole across the street could be placed underground in the City's right-of-way in a utility easement. versus on private property; and whether P.G.&E. had been contacted to find out what exactly is required. Tim Thiessen, California Design Associates, stated that there was an issue of placing the transformer underground because it could not be surface mounted. He stated he was not sure if P.G.&E would allow the transformer to be placed underground under the driveway. He stated they are usually located in a dedicated easement and would conflict with the design of the driveway approach. John Belsher stated the transformer must be replaced for undergrounding and relocated on the applicant's property. He said it was not a feasible solution due to the expense and may not be acceptable to the utility company. Bill Sutton, owner/applicant, relayed information from his meetings with P .G.&E and stated that a person must pay P.G.&E. to prepare an estimate and written recommendations. Mrs. Boswell stated that she had given permission for accessing her driveway in order to place the transformer at the back of the property. She said she was not aware of any easement. Following further discussion with regard to the placement and cost of undergrounding, Council Member Tolley stated the Council did not have enough information on undergrounding the utilities and would like to see documentation from P .G.&E. on options before making a decision. Council Member Runels and Mayor Lady agreed. Council Member Dickens stated the issue before the Council was whether to uphold the conditions approved by the Planning Commission or determine whether the reasons for the appeal were adequate. He felt that the Planning Commission had done an adequate job in reviewing the proposal; had looked at the General Plan and the Development Code; and had made good decisions based on the information provided. He stated he would not be opposed if the applicant wanted to come back with additional information regarding. P .G.&E. 's assessment of the issue. However, he stated the applicant had not Justified the appeal and he would uphold the Planning Commission's decision. 4 --.--------"..- ------....--- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JULY 25, 2000 Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara commented on the requirements of the City's Development Code to place overhead wires underground; bringing in an arborist to ensure there is no damage to the oak tree; whether it was feasible to place the transformer in the public right-of-way; and related cost estimates. He said he agreed with Council Members Tolley and Runels about not making a decision without more information. He stated he was willing to postpone the item if the applicant was willing to provide more information from P .G.&E. John Belsher requested sixty days to bring back reports with more information about P.G.&E.'s requirements regarding the placement and cost of undergrounding. Council Member Tolley moved to continue the item until September 26th. Council Members Runels seconded the motion. X Voice Vote - Roll Call Vote Ave Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley No Dickens .There being 4 A YES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 8. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS John Keen, 298 N. Elm, commented on the action Council took on Item 7.a. He suggested the Council give the Planning Commission direction because this decision was a policy change from the Development Code. He . said. the Development Code does not address cost issues for undergrounding utilities. He said if cost was going to be a factor in decision-making, the Planning Commission needs that information from the Council. Sharlotte Wilson, Bambi Court, spoke about the paving of Valley Road. She said she was speaking to the Council on behalf of the senior citizens on Valley Road that are affected by the traffic noise and vibration levels. She said it has come to her attention that Valley Road was not going to be paved from Via Los Berros to Sunrise Terrace. She stated she was there to help the Council understand that it was not a cosmetic issue. She said that Marjorie Gillam set forth the petition and had never approached the City on an issue until now. She stated it was her hope that something would be done to help the residents on Valley Road. Dorothy VonBurg, resident on the corner of Tiger Tail and Valley Road, spoke about the negative impacts of truck traffic and the poor condition of Valley Road. 5 "-'--"-'-~~--~-'----- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JULY 25, 2000 9. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Runels referred to Item 9.c. and asked if the Council authorized the expenditure of $17,000 for a study, would the City have funds to be able to implement any results of the study. Director of Building and Fire Fibich stated the report would allow the consultant to perform an independent analysis of the Fire Department. ,He stated DMG- MAXIMUS was a company that has performed a number of studies for the City. Council Member Tolley asked when the last time a study was conducted. Director Fibich replied it was 1992 the last time a study was conducted. Council Member Runels asked if any recommendations had been put into place. Director Fibich responded yes, the full-time captains are a result of the study; as well as issues of training, joint ventures with other local Fire Departments, and fire prevention programs. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara asked if the remaining recommendations from the 1992 study were invalid at this time. Director Fibich responded that some were invalid, such as the recommendation to build a second fire station. There was further discussion and clarification about the funding for the study. Council Member Runels moved and Council Member Dickens seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.e., with the recommended courses of action. a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Approved. b. Minutes of City Council Meeting of July 11, 2000. Approved. c. Authorization to Award Bid - Update of Division of Fire and Emergency Services Staffing Needs and Options. Approved. d. Authorization to Purchase Replacement Police Patrol Vehicles. Approved., e. Authorization to Purchase Replacement In-Car Video Systems. Approved. - Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Ave Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley Ave Dickens 6 ---~~-"_.'-'-'-_.'..,---_.- --------------- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUL Y 25, 2000 There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a. ADDITIONAL CONTRUCTION AL TERNA TIVES FOR FAIR OAKS AVENUENALLEY ROAD AND TALLYHO OVERLAY PROJECT Director of Public Works Spagnolo highlighted the staff report. He explained that the Capital Improvement Program included funds for the construction of the Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road and Tally Ho Overlay project. He said the contract was awarded at a lower amount leaving a balance in the construction account. Staff identified several projects in the vicinity of the project, including paving the southerly portion of Valley Road. Staff recommended the Council 1) Review the additional construction alternatives and provide staff with a priority list; 2) Transfer $19,000 from project 350-5636 (traffic signal at Fair Oaks and Valley Road) to 350-5630; and 3) Transfer $7,500 from the Traffic Signalization Fund to 350-5630. Council Member Dickens asked for clarification that the chain link fence along Tally Ho Road would accommodate debris or rocks falling from the creek and would be a benefit for drainage purposes. Director Spagnolo replied that was correct. Mayor Lady opened the discussion for public comment, and upon hearing no comments, brought the discussion back to the Council. Council questions and discussion included the type of fence being proposed for Tally Ho; drainage issues on Valley Road near the High School; and the negative impacts being experienced by residents on Valley Road due to the poor condition of the road. Director Spagnolo clarified that the proposed alternative regarding the storm drain on Valley Road would only address a puddling problem on Valley Road at the High School, which is identified in the Drainage Master Plan as High Priority Project #2. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara commented that an overlay on. south Valley Road was more than improving the existing roadway by providing a smooth driving surface. He said there were environmental benefits to this project. Following discussion of the alternatives, there was Council consensus to prioritize the projects as follows: #1 - Overlay on south Valley Road #2 - Chain Link Fence on Tally Ho Road #3 - Mason Street paving from Le Point Street to East Branch #4 - Storm Drain on Valley Road. 7 ._-_._----_._.._~-_._--_. ----------...-- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JULY 25,2000 Council Member Runels moved to approve the transfer of $19,000 from project 350-5636 (traffic signal at Fair Oaks and Valley Road) to 350-5630; the transfer of $7,500 from the Traffic Signalization Fund to 350-5630, and to prioritize the project alternatives as follows: 1. Overlay on south Valley Road; 2~ Chain Link Fence on Tally Ho Road; 3. Mason Street paving from Le Point Street to East Branch; and 4. Storm Drain on Valley Road. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion. _Voice Vote .llRolI Call Vote Ave Lady Ave Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley Aye Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10.b. MODIFICATION TO CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM (CALPERS) CONTRACT Director of Financial Services Snodgrass highlighted the staff report. She explained that the modification to the contract changes the retirement plan for miscellaneous employees from 2% at 60 to 2% at 55 based on the single highest year of earnings; and it also changes the Police retirement to a single highest year of earnings. She stated that CALPERS has excess assets available and there will be no current cost to the City. Interim City Manager TerBorch explained that the Council had provided staff with direction in regard to this issue which was now a negotiated contract with both the SEIU and the Police Officers Association (POA). He clarified that this was a follow-up procedure on negotiations which have been approved. Council Member Dickens inquired as to fiscal impacts the City might incur in the future. Director Snodgrass explained that it was estimated in the miscellaneous category that with the current excess, it would take 70 years to use up the excess assets. On motion by Council Member Tolley to 1) Introduce an Ordinance amending the contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System; and 2)" Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City a Resolution of Intention to amend the contract with the California Public Employees. Retirement System. Council Member Runels seconded the motion. 8 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JULY 25, 2000 - Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Aye Tolley Ave Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. TRACT 2207. VISTA DEL MAR. WATER FOR GRADING Director Spagnolo highlighted the staff report. He stated the contractor for the project, located at the end of Orchard Street, has requested the use of potable water for grading operations. He explained that previous Council direction required the contractor to use the City's non-potable water source. Council Member Dickens referred to the project schedule and asked how the Lopez water shutdown would impact the applicant. Director Spagnolo responded that the City was fortunate in that it would get water from the Edna connection to the Lopez water main. He said that because it would be off-season, the City would be able to the use this source and the wells to fully maintain the water system. Mayor Lady opened the discussion for public comment. Rob Lewis, contractor for the project, stated he was available to answer questions. Council Member Dickens said he assumed Mr. Lewis was using non-potable water now for grading operations. Mr. Lewis stated they had just started using the well, which was untreated water. He said they had previously been using non-potable water from the City's source adjacent to the Soto Sports Complex. He explained that using the well has reduced truck traffic and was working out very well. Following Council discussion and comments relating to the use of the well versus potable water; using the potable water source as a back-up to the well; alternative scheduling for use of the well; the benefits of reducing construction truck traffic on the City's roads; and the sufficiency of the City's water resources, Director Spagnolo suggested that he could try to work out a schedule with the contractor for use of the well, in order to reduce the amount of potable water being used. 9 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JULY 25,2000 On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara to approve the request from Coastal Earthmovers, Inc. to use potable water for grading operations for Tract 2207 with the stipulation that the potable water source be used as a backup and that the primary source be identified as the well currently being used, and further, direct staff to work with the contractor to create a schedule to access the non-potable source. Council Member Runels seconded the motion. - Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Ave Ferrara Aye Runels Ave Tolley Aye Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: a. MAYOR MICHAEL LADY (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD~. Thanked Council Member Runels for attending the meeting of July 19 h in his absence; reported that a system was going to be Implemented using a chlorine contact chamber as an additional treatment; approved and adopted the 2000-01 Budget; waived fees for dedicated open space in relation to agreement with Village Glen Homes. (2) Other. None. b. MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). Met on July 12th; curbside recycling percentages have increased 27% since April; this figure does not factor in the construction and demolition impact as there is no mechanism in place to measure it at this time; the base percentage on County-wide basis is 51 %; presentation was received from Templeton Community Services District to become independent which would limit IWMA review and regulation of recycling programs and could affect County-wide figures. (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). No report; however, for informational purposes, David Spaur, President, is grouping the Board of Directors with those who represent cities in the County and grouping the Board of Directors with those representing private industry to conduct strategic planning to try and bridge them formally with the outputs of the EVC's strategic plan. Next meeting is July 26th. (3) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). No report. Next meeting is July 26th. 10 "~. -------------------- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JULY 25, 2000 c. COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. Met on July 20th; Tony Boyd has retired; Christine Ferrara has assumed the position of Utility Division Manager for the County of San Luis Obispo; the Lopez line will be shut down for 2 weeks in mid-September to accommodate the connection of the Village Center project and work to be done at the treatment plant; cleaned part of the water line in Oceano which increased the flow by 50%; conducted the election of Officers at which he was reelected as Chair. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). No report. (3) Other. Attended South County Sanitation District as the alternate; authorized the purchase of a street sweeper for the yard; negotiating with Cellular One to consider placement of towers/antennas at the plant; also gave an update on the Santa Maria water litigation case. d. COUNCIL MEMBER STEVE TOLLEY (1) Long-Range Planning Committee. No report. (2) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORT A). SLOCOG did not meet in July; SLORT A meeting consisted of interview of three candidates to take over as Manager, all of which were rejected. A steering committee was created to put together the parameters of a management audit of SLORT A. (3) Other. None. e. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). No report. (2) Economic Development Committee/Chamber of Commerce. No report. (3) Community Recreation Center Subcommittee. No report. Next meeting is July 26th. (4) Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC). Looking at providing services to the State of Nevada and to Puerto Rico; negotiating land in San Luis Obispo to build new EOC facility. (5) South County Youth Coalition. Next meeting is in September. (6) Other. Appointed as citizen representative to the Arroyo Grande Community Hospital Board. 13. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Lady asked Council Member Tolley if he could represent the City at an event to be held at the South County Regional Center on July 27th to recognize people who had work-related injuries and are back in the workplace. 11 - ~---_._._'--------'"._-'-----"'--- ____n____..____________ CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JULY 25, 2000 Council Member Tolley indicated he could not attend as he was scheduled to work that evening. 14. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Interim City Manager TerBorch distributed correspondence from Envicom Corporation received via fax at 5:58 p.m. today. Interim City Manager TerBorch suggested a joint workshop be held with the Planning Commission regarding the Economic Development Strategy.. He stated he would bring forth potential dates for a joint workshop at the next meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara commented that there were two projects in process right now and there continues to be requests from the Planning Commission for clarification on how to enforce the Strategy. He suggested a date fairly soon so the proposed projects are not held up. Interim City Manager TerBorch indicated that staff was currently researching and developing a report on moving forward to make the Economic Development Strategy an Element of the General Plan. 15. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Tolley, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting. Time: 10:08 p.m. MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK 12 8.f. . MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRA TIVE SERVICES~ SUBJECT: REJECTION OF CLAIM AGAINST CITY - M. & S. PAZELL DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council reject the attached Claim for Damages against the City filed by Mark and Sara Pazell, 524 Crown Hill Road, Arroyo Grande. FUNDING: None. DISCUSSION: The City's insurance adjusters have reviewed the claim of Mark and Sara Pazell and recommend it be rejected. ----- " RECEIVED ~. CITY OF ^RROYO GR:\,'JQE 00 JUL 1 7 AN 10: 1 4 Next Report Due: August 14, 2000 STATUS REPORT #3 July 14, 2000 City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 A1TN: Rick TerBorch, Interim City Manager RE: Our Principal: City of Arroyo Grande Date of Loss: May 8, 2000 Claimant: Mark Pazell, Sara pazell Our File No.: A9950- T Dear Mr. TerBorch: PREVIEW: The claimant alleges that the city main was plugged which cause a back-up into their home. REPLY REQUEST: I believe that this is a claim that should now be rejected. Uyou concur, please send a Standard Rejection Letter to: Mark Pazell & Sara pazell 524 Crown Hill Road Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Please send a copy of said rejection to the undersigned for the completion of my file. CITY REPORTS: Thank you for providing me with a copy of Shane Taylor's report. This reflects that the city line was last cleaned on May 8th as part of your annual sewer main cleaning program. (Note that this is the same day as this loss). That night the claimants called a plumber to clean their lateral as it was plugged. City crews were called at 10:00 that night as the private lateral remained plugged. When the city crews again cleaned the pipe a large root mass was dislodged. Mr. Taylor believes that the root mass was pushed from the claimant's own lateral into the city line which caused the plug. CARL WARREN & CO. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT. CLAIMS AD.JUSTERS P.O. Box 1052 . San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-1052 .---.. -.... ---- - ----. Innr:"'\rAA 1nc:'Q City of Arroyo Grande Rick TerBorch July 14, 2000 Page Two (A995 0- T) CLAIM STATUS: Claim Status Reserves LPD-Mark pazell Open Loss $180.00 Expense $500.00 COMMENT: I shall now place my file on diary to August 14,2000 awaiting receipt of the Standard Rejection Letter. Very truly yours, ~ARREN&CO' , . ~~C~ Pat Tumbarello, AlC, CPCU ---- ---." Cffity c{ P.O. Box 550 - .-..... .~ fff~ 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 . ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Phone: (805) 473-5414 FAX:(805} 473-0_ E-Mall:agclty@arroyogrande.org August 9, 2000 Mark and Sara Pazell 524 Crown Hill Road Arroyo Grande CA 93420 REJECTION OF CLAIM PRESENTED .WITHIN SIX MONTHS Dear Mark and Sara Pazell: Notice is hereby given that the claim you presented to the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on May 23, 2000 was rejected on August 8, 2000. WARNING Subject to certain exceptions, you have only six (6) months from the date, this notice was personally delivered or deposited in the United States mail to file a Court Action in a Municipal or a Superior Court of the State' of California on this claim (See Government Code Section 945.6). You may seek. the advice of an attorney of your. choice in connection with this matter. If you desire to consult an attorney, you should do so immediately. Kelly Wetmore . Director of Administrative Services c: Interim City Manager City Attorney Director of Public Works Carl Warren & Co. -~.._._..._~_._- 9.g. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGE~ SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT; CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Employment Agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and Steven D. Adams for services as City Manager. FUNDING: Funding for the position of City Manager is currently contained in the FY 2000-01 Budget. DISCUSSION: Upon the resignation of Robert L. Hunt in January 2000, the City Council directed the recruitment for a City Manager. The recruitment process has concluded. The City Council has selected Mr. Steven D. Adams to become the new City Manager. The appointment is subject to the adoption of the attached Employment Agreement. It is anticipated that Mr. Adams will assume his position as City Manager on or before September 11, 2000. The Employment Agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal considerations. ^"-- EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 8th day of August, 2000, by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation of the State of California (the "City"), and STEVEN D. ADAMS, an individual (the "Employee"), both of whom understand as follows: WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, City desires to employ the services of Employee as the City Manager as provided by State law and the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of City to establish certain conditions of employment and to set working conditions of Employee; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of City to (a) secure and retain Employee and to provide inducement for him to remain in such employment; (b) to make possible full work productivity by assuring Employee's morale" and peace of mind with respect to future security; (c) to act as a deterrent against malfeasance or dishonesty for personal gain on the part of Employee; (d) to provide a just means for terminating Employee's services at such time as he may be unable to fully discharge his duties or when City may desire to otherwise terminate his employment; and WHEREAS, Employee desires to accept employment as City Manager of City. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: Section 1: Term. A. City hereby agrees to employ Employee as City Manager for an indefinite term beginning as soon as practicable, but no later than September 11, 2000. B. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent, limit, or otherwise interfere with the right of Employee to resign at any time from his position with City, subject only to the provision set forth in Section 5, Paragraph A., of this Agreement. ~..,-_.._,_.~_._--_._-~ EMPLOYMENTAGREEMENT-STEVEND.ADAMS PAGE 2 C. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent, limit, or otherwise interfere with the right of the City Council to terminate the services of Employee at any time, with or without good cause, subject only to the provisions set forth in Section 5, Paragraphs B. and C., of this Agreement. D. Except as otherwise specified herein, Employee agrees to remain. in the exclusive employment of City and not become employed by any other employer until a termination date is effected as hereinafter provided. Section 2: Duties. City hereby agrees to employ Employee as City Manager to perform the functions and duties specified in the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and as provided by State and Federal law and to perform other legally permissible and proper duties and functions as the City Council shall from time to time assign. Section 3: Salary. City agrees to pay Employee for his services rendered pursuant hereto an annual base salary of $96,000, payable in equal installments at the same time as other employees of City are paid. Section 4: Performance Evaluation. A performance review, without consideration of salary revision, shall be made after the initial six (6) months from the date of employment. Thereafter, City agrees to increase said base salary and/or other benefits of Employee in such amounts and to such extent as the City Council may determine that it is desirable to do so on the basis of annual performance evaluation which shall occur no later than the end of October of each year beginning in October 2001. City agrees that commencing with the annual performance evaluation in October 2001, if any increase to the Employee's base salary is granted, such base salary shall be a minimum of ten percent (10%) above the highest paid Department Director. The performance evaluation shall be in accordance with specific criteria developed jointly by the City Council and Employee. Such criteria may be added to or deleted as the City Council may from time to time determine in consultation with Employee. EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT - STEVEN D. ADAMS PAGE 3 Section 5. Resignation and Termination. A. In the event Employee voluntarily resigns his position with City, Employee shall give City forty-five (45) days written notice in advance, unless the parties otherwise agree. Should Employee fail to give such period of notice, then Employee shall pay to City as liquidated damages the sum of $40 per working day for the difference between the number of actual days of prior notice and forty-five (45) days. B. In the event Employee is terminated by the City Council during such time that Employee is willing and able to perform his duties under this Agreement, then, in that event, City agrees to pay Employee a lump sum cash payment equal to .six (6) months salary and benefits (limited to the following: PERS, Medical, Dental, and Vision). In the event Employee is terminated for good cause, then City shall have no obligation to pay the sum designated in this paragraph. For the purpose of this Agreement, "good cause" shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, any of the following: (1 ) A material breach of the terms of this Agreement; (2) Misfeasance; (3) . Malfeasance; (4) A failure to perform his duties in a professional and responsible manner consistent with generally accepted standards of the profession; (5) Conduct unbecoming the position of City Manager or likely to bring discredit or embarrassment to City. "Good cause" shall not mean a mere loss of support or confidence by a majority of the Council. EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT - STEVEN D. ADAMS PAGE 4 . C. In the event City at any time during this Agreement reduces the salary or other financial benefits of Employee in a greater percentage than an applicable across-the-board reduction for all employees of City, or in the event City refuses, following written notice, to comply with any other provision benefiting Employee herein, or Employee resigns following a formal suggestion by the City Council that he resign, then, in that event, Employee may, at his option, be deemed to be "terminated" at the date of such reduction or such refusal to comply, within the meaning and context of Paragraph B. above. Section 6: Outside Professional Activities. Employee, with prior written approval of the City Council, may undertake outside professional activities for compensation, including consulting, teaching, speaking, and writing provided such activities do not interfere with Employee's normal duties and are not done with any existing vendors or contractors of City. Under no circumstances shall such outside activities create a conflict of interest with the duties of Employee and the interests of City. Section 7: Suspension. City may suspend Employee with full pay and benefits at any time during the term of this Agreement. Section 8: Fringe Benefits. City shall pay the Employee's cost for fringe benefits, including cost for dependents where applicable. Fringe benefits shall include, but not be limited to, medical, dental, vision, life insurance, long-term disability, and participation in the Public Employees' Retirement System. Section 9: Annual Leave. Employee shall be subject to the "Annual Leave" provisions of the City Personnel Regulations (Section XII.A.1.) with the following modifications: Upon date of hire, Employee shall be granted eighty (80) hours of "Annual Leave." Employee shall accumulate Annual Leave at a rate as designated in Section XII.A.1.a.3. of the City Personnel Regulations (currently 33 days /264 hours per year). -------------- EMPLOYMENTAGREEMENT-STEVEND.ADAMS PAGE 5 Section 10: Automobile. Employee shall provide his own automobile. City shall provide Employee a $400 monthly automobile allowance. Employee shall receive no reimbursement for travel mileage within a fifty (50) mile radius of City; for any required City travel mileage outside the fifty (50) mile radius, Employee shall be reimbursed for mileage at the rate as set forth by the City Council. Section 11: Physical Examination. Employee may receive an annual physical examination at City's expense. Section 12: Relocation Assistance. Employee may use up to three (3) days of relocation leave to move from Glendale to Arroyo Grande. City shall pay Employee up to $5,000 for relocation/moving expenses. Employee shall provide three (3) bi~s for moving expenses. Section 13: Other Terms and Conditions of Emplovment. City, in consultation with Employee, shall fix, in writing, any such other terms and conditions of employment, as it may determine from time to time, relating to the performance of Employee, provided such terms and conditions are not inconsistent with or in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement, the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, or any applicable State or Federal law. Section 14: Notices. Notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be given by deposit in the custody of the United States Postal Services, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: EMPLOYER: City of Arroyo Grande P. O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421-0550 EMPLOYEE: Steven D. Adams 643 Atkins Drive Glendale, CA 91206 EMPLOYMENTAGREEMENT-STEVEND.ADAMS PAGE 6 Alternatively, notices required pursuant to this Agreement may be personally served in the same manner as is applicable to civil judicial practice. Notice shall be deemed given as of the date of personal service or as of the date of deposit of such written notice in the course of transmission in the United States Postal Service. . Section 14: General Provisions. The text herein shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. Any amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and executed by both parties. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs at law and executors of Employee. This Agreement shall become effective commencing August 8, 2000. If any provision, or any portion thereof, contained in this Agreement is held unconstitutional, invalid, or unenforceable, the rem9inder of this Agreement, or portion thereof, shall be deemed severable, shall not be affected, and shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Arroyo Grande has caused this Agreement to be signed and executed in its behalf by its Mayor, and duly attested by its Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk, and Employee has signed and executed this Agreement, both in duplicate, the day and year first above written. EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT - STEVEN D. ADAMS PAGE 7 EMPLOYEE: r/2) ~ D. ADAMS ----- EMPLOYER: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: LYON & CARMEL By: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL CITY ATTORNEY 9.h. MEMORANDUM TO: CiTY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 2333 DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: 1. accept the public improvements that were conditioned for Tract 2333; as constructed 2. adopt the attached resolution accepting the following offers of dedication shown on the final tract map: 1. Fair Oaks Avenue; 2. Street Tree Easements; 3. Public Utility Easements. FUNDING: There is no immediate fiscal impact. Maintenance of these facilities will be funded from Public Works maintenance funds in .future years. DISCUSSION: Tract 2333 is located on the north side of Fair Oaks Avenue, between South Elm Street and Walnut Street as shown on the attached sketch. The final tract map was approved by the City Council on October 26, 1999 and was subsequently recorded on November 3, 1999. The required improvements have been completed and constructed in accordance with the subdivision agreement for the Tract. The developer is required to warranty the improvements for a period of one year following acceptance of the improvements. Staff has inspected the improvements and recommends that the City accept the offers of dedication and the improvements for maintenance. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendation and adopt the resolution; . Do not approve staffs recommendation; . Modify staffs recommendation as appropriate and approve; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Location Map Attachment 2 - Resolution accepting improvements and offers of dedication. t~' -' .,---_.~_.__._---------_._- ~ N \ 1'RAC'\' 2333 - -A 1''\' ACUMEN'\' 1 JI1\\~ L, IJ~LL~Cl '1,. ~SSI1C\~\lS'J;4\\S SO, %rolld street %S'J;SIlII Luis l1'oispo'J;C~'J;934Q --------- A TT ACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS, AND OFFERS OF DEDICATION AND EASEMENTS WITHIN TRACT 2333 WHEREAS, the City Council approved the final map for Tract 2333 on October 26, 1999, and the map was subsequently recorded on November 3, 1999; and, WHEREAS, offers to dedicate right of way and easements to the public were provided on the final map for Tract 2333; and, WHEREAS, the developer has constructed the improvements required by the Tract conditions of approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the public improvements constructed for Tract 2333, and accepts the following offers of dedication and public easements, as shown on the final map for Tract 2333, recorded in book 18 of maps, at page 98 in the office of the recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California: 1. Fair Oaks Avenue; 2. Street Tree Easements; 3. Public Utility Easements. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2000. ~,._~--~----~_.__....._._~ RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAELA. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY - '.------.--------- I.i. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST FOR EMERGENT REPAIRS TO WATER WELL NO.5 DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: A. authorize an appropriation of $1 0,300 from the Water Fund for repairs to Water Well No.5; and, B. authorize a purchase order to M & W Pumps, Inc., in the amount of $10,269.57 to perform the repairs. FUNDING: Funding for the repairs will be from the Water Fund in the amount of $10,300. The estimated fund balance in the Water Fund as of June 30, 2001 is $3,743,671. The requested appropriation of $10,300 will reduce the fund balance to $3,333,371. DISCUSSION: Well No 5. is the City's second largest producing well. The well was drilled in 1967. The pump was rebuilt in 1990 and an 80' section of the column pipe was replaced. Over the last two months, there has been a noticeable drop in water production at Water Well No. 5. The normal production ofthis well is 950 gallons per minute (gpm) which has decreased to 500 gpm. In an effort to determine the cause of the drop in production, the well was taken out of service to test the production meter which was found to be in working order. Further efforts to determine the cause of the decrease in well production included testing of the 1 OO-hp electric well motor. All tests indicate that the motor is turning at the correct rpm and drawing the proper amperage. On July 26th, the well was dismantled and the cause of the drop in production was determined. The well pump had failed at the bowl assemblies. The bolts that hold the bowl assemblies had become rusted and had caused the assemblies to sep.arate thereby causing a loss in the well's production. It is imperative that this well be fully operational for the Lopez water line and treatment plant shutdown, scheduled for mid September. If the well is not repaired and in working order by this date, the City may not be able to meet its water production needs. Without Well No.5, pumping capacity is approximately 2,560 gpm. A possible peak demand day in September may require 2,700 gpm. The repairs to Well NO.5 will entail the installation of a new seven-stage vertical turbine pump and 150 feet of new column pipe. Due to the emergent nature of the work to be performed, the formal bid process outlined in the City's Purchasing Policies & Procedures Manual is not feasible in order to meet the required time line. The following written cost proposals were received from contractors qualified to perform the repairs: . M&W Pumps, Santa Maria $10,269.57 . Floyd V. Wells, Inc., Santa Maria $11,187.70 . Filipponi & Thompson, Atascadero No bid Filipponi & Thompson was unable to submit a bid due to their current work load. Staff has determined that M & W Pumps, Inc., submitted the lowest responsible cost proposal and is available to perform the work. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendations; . Do not approve staffs recommendations; . Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendations; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Bid Specifications Bid Proposals _._-,,~-- ------.----- Attachment 1 ~~o/ P.O. Box 550 208 East Branch Street ~ &~ Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Phone: (80S) 473-5440 Engineering FAX: (80S) 473-5443 PUBLIC WORKS 1375 Ash Street Phone: (80S) 473-544>>0 Corp. Yard FAX: (80S) 473-5462 July 28, 2000 E-Mail: agcfty@arroyogrande.org The City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department - Utilities Division, is soliciting bids for the emergency repair to Water Well #5. BID SPECIFICA TJONS: Scope of Work: Provide labor, materials & equipment to install one (1) new 7 -stage vertical turbine pump and 8" diameter column pipe, with inner column/pump shaft. Reset motor, check rotation, start and check pump for proper operation. MA TERIAL SPECJFJCA TJONS: (1) Goulds Turbine Pump, size 12CLC (7-stages). See attached pump data sheet. *Install Type 316 stainless steel bowl bolts. * (6 ea) 20' x 8" diameter column pipe T & C (1 ea) 10' x 8" diameter column pipe T & C (1 ea) 10' x 8" diameter column pipe Head Joint (1 ea) 1 A' x 8" column suction joint with galvanized cone strainer (130') inner column 2.5" x 1.500" 20' sections @ 5' bearing centers (10') head joint inner column Install new 1/4" diameter air line tube This work is to be performed on an emergency basis and should be completed by September 1, 2000. Please fax a written quotation which details the costs of the materials and labor including all applicable taxes by 4:00 pm on July 31, 2000 to: Shane Taylor, Public Works Supervisor Fax No.: (805) 473-5462 If you have any questions concerning the above bid request, please contact Shane Taylor, Public Works Supervisor at (805) 473-5464. M&)YF ... Goulds Turbine Pump Selection ver: 6.00a NorriIIn Mcdonald 07/27/00 PUMP DATA SHEET Selection file: (untitled) c..ve: E6412CFPC1 Goufds Turbine 60 Hz Catalog: TURB60.MPC v 1.6.0 Design Point: Flow: 750 US gpm Fluid: Water Temperature: 60 of Head: 438 ft SG: 1 Pump: TURBINE-1800 Size: 12CLC; (7 stages) Viscosity: 1.122 cP Speed: 1770 rpm Dia: 8.25 in Vapor pressure: 0.2568 psi a AIm pressure: 14.7 pSia Llmls: Temperatll'e: - of Sphere size: 0.73 in Pressure: 340 pslg Power: --- bhp NPSHa: --- ft Speclftc Speed: Ns:2260 Nss:2900 Piping: System: -- Suction: --- in DImensIons: SUction: - In Discharge: -- in Discharge: --- in Vertical Twbine: Bowl Dla: 11.75 in Max Lateral: 1 in Thrust K Factor: 7.5 MOtor: 125 hp Speed: 1800 Frame: 444T NEMA standard TEFC Enclosure sized for Max Power on Design Curve Suction Size-8" Discharge Sizes-6", 1 0" - Data Point - ft 1000 -. ----.--..------ ~_.._---_.- ----- ~---- u___._ --_.- --.-- Flow: 750 US gpm Head: 443 ft 800 f----- I--- -- Eff: 85.7% 8.69- 600 -.j. ~ ~j8.~85 Power: 97.8 bhp --- r-. ~J ----- ~> 5 II':! NPSHr: 10 ft 400 -----.1_. ~--::--<-- - ...1S ~~~( - Design Curve - ----.. ,-~~ 5 200 1-- _ --'-:"- SlUoff Head: 595 ft ~. 0 An Presue: 258 pslg N .~ P - MIn Flow: - US gpm ....n -- S ~~ --- --- BE.,: 86.1% eff . . - ._._---~ --_... . CI 841 US gpm H " 160 b v NOL Pwr: 104 bhp r h "80 Cl974 US gpm P - Max Curve - ~=-~----'-~---"--'-.~_..-'------"--'---_._-'--"-_.__.__._.....-........--_.:.-....._.._~_..._~--~-&....:..-_--.......'-"'-"---""'"---------'-.-,---'--'-'--. US gpm 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 MIX Pwr: 117 bhp o 1074 US gpm -- PERFORMANCE EVALUATION- Speed Head Pump Power NPSHr Motor Motor Hrs/yr Cost US gpm rpm ft %eff bhp ft %eff hp IkW 900 1770 388 86 102 10.7 750 1770 443 85.7 97.8 10 600 1770 481 81.5 89.4 10 450 1770 511 73.3 79.1 10 300 Flow Rate is out of Range for this Pump "' J: .. r;~ % g ~ ~ ..... . ~ ~-- _/~~ - ~ ~r~!i .,- .- 0 'A ,'3t:cd 8 WO"-"; "' .. !, , .' !! -~~7 \ ..... ~ti\1. r ?~IDg ,f ~ ~ d \ ~ I If / ~ 0" (i__1 ..... cO ~ ~ ~ "' e - ~ ~ _ oa "' . _ __~ __~~ ~_ __~c-- _~ __~~--~'-- _~ - 'i'. ~ .,. ~ ~'- ~ ~':- , e'~ .,. ~ d ".-oto J .- .. .. ... r~'" \ ~ ~~~~ ~t '" 0 ! 3 ~ ;; ~!r C) r-~'- I~,- ~ _ '. _, rT , .. - - ~ CD ~~ (D "0 \i 'b> ~ ! 2: 0. </I ::t: ~ e 8. Ii "'., ,., 9: EO 11 "" ~, _ ." ::E o 0 0 0 </I ... " "" g ~ g 'iI ~ ~ 3:) ~ . :i \ ~------------------- ~ Attachment 2 dtyofag M&W Pumps, Inc. LICENSE. 152893 1223 W. Main St. Ph. 805.925.1147, FAX 805.928.6286, mwincofP@aol.com 7/281200014:27 GPM GPH SEITING PSI TOH EFF 1750 [ [ - __~..438J I io: Cily of Arro.12..~r~~tth: Shane Co. FX' _ _~?3':.5443 ___________- From Norm 1fEM QTY DESCRIPTION LIST NET ~ EXT. 1 1 12CLC 7$ta08 Goulds Bowl assv.$4..~i~, $4,1S5O.75 2 6 20' )( 8" diameter column pipe T&C,,~2tt;~.., $1.388.10 ",. ::/<.~: .1 1 10" x 8~ diameter column pige T&C .., ~t$l'.i:~ $150.00 ;. '.::: :.:. , ,,1 10' x 8" diameter colllm", pipe Head Joint;;:$~:SCI.OO> $150.00 6 1 10' x 8" column suction joint with qalv. Cone strainer '.$~1~, , ,. $287.00 6 6 inner column 2.5" x 1.5")( 20' sections 5' center~,$~4I:J$: $1.462.50 1 1 head loint inner column ,;$j~.OiO.: $125.00 , 1 25")( 1 5"x10' inner column ""2s;!)):' $12$.00 9 1 lot labor charoes for complete job as reQuested:$1:t~,OO,. $1.12500 111 4 hours machin@ shop char9.es it needed ,MO,;OQ. $160.00 11 1 sales tax.JMe;Z2 , , $M8.22 ....... ~ I .. ..... U' " . --.-. . .... M .. ----------- -- M . .. '., '," V ' . .. '. U . . ... -~_-...------ II I'f7 . ....,._... . ;, .------ .. N .,.;......-;.-.~- ~ .______._____._:________________M_~-.- f-----'-.., ------ .N -- f---~-""- >--, 2fi I ..-----,---.-.---.---............---.---...-~.....~.--.-..------. ---....--.....-... ............-.--...-- .---- Not.s.' 1 F.o,al Quote Valid for 30 Days from date I Total _ $10,2&9.57 , - - . - - - .- _ _ A _ _ . . _ . .. __.. ... A_ .. ~___ . .... .. .. ..... . ....... .Jo. .. FROM : FI)W I tIC F'HCiHE tlCl : 80S 132:::: 782E, Ju 1. 31 2000 02: 04PM Pi f~ ::"l~ill Jnc. Naao "DEPEND ON WJ;t.L.S FOR WATER- , Phone 80S 926 8626 1337 W. Better,via Road Fax eot 928 1826 Santa Maria, CaUfomia 93455 LtwnM C5T.ct1.22N70 July 31, 2000 City Of Arroyo Grande' Public Works Fax Nunber 473 5443 208 E. Branch Street I44t... 0..... 'l~ Arroyo Grande, California 93420 - Attention: Shane Taylor DescrIption: w.n Pump No.5.. Repair Estimate Vertical Pump In Corp Yard, Last Repair 1990. Design Point Previously 750 GPM At 438 Feet quantity --"description --.----------.----------.---.-.. Initial Work 1 Labor To Pull Pump. Pump Unit Inspection $ 1.055.00 $ 1,055.00 Possible Equipment Items 140 Column Pipe, 8" x 20 Ft Intermediate, 10 Ft Top & Bottom 13.70 1.918.00 140 Inner Column 2.5 x 1.5 Peerless Style Wtth Top Scotion 17.10 2,394.00 1 Goulds Bowl Assembly, 12CLC-1 Stage 4,618.00 4,618.00 1 Suction Pipe, 8" x 10 Ft wI Galv Cone Strainer 183.00 183.00 140 Airline, 1/4" Polyprop 0.27 37.80 1 Mise Hardware Items To Reinstall 35.00 35.00 Material Est $ 9,185.80 Sales Tax 711.90 Mat'l wlTax $ 9,897.10 Reinstallation 1 Jockey Mat'l, Reins.tall Pump, Start. Checl( Opel'Eltlon $ 1,290.00 $ 1,290.00 Pricing For Ac;;ceptance Within 30 Days Cor1firmation I Evaluation Of What Materials Are Actually Needed To Be Made After Pulling The Pump. Thank You For Your Inquiry. Please Call With Any Questions. ~~-- ~ Rob ThompSOn J;:'Oyd V. Wells Inc. --- -~ Accepted By Date 9.j. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER r/!6 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP FOR TRACT 2265 - VILLAGE GLEN DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: 1. approve the Final Map for Tract 2265; 2. reject without prejudice as to future acceptance the following offers of dedication shown on the map: Right of way for Hidden Oak Road, Village Glen Drive, and Quail Ridge Court. Emergency access across lots 37, 28, 39, and 40. Stormwater basin easement. Public drainage easements. Public sewer easements. Public water easements. Public utility easements or PLJE. 3. accept the offer to dedicate easements,for open space as shown on the map. 4. Adopt the attached resolution accepting the offsite dedication for a municipal water well associated with Tract 2265. 5. Adopt the attached resolution rejecting offsite offers of dedication for street right of way and utility easements associated with development of Tract 2265. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: On December 21, 1999 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 99-1727 approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2265 and Planned Unit Development 97-563. The project is located generally north of James Way and west of the end of improvements at Canyon Way. The subdivision map creates 40 residential lots and one 18.94 acre lot -"- -----_._-~-~ intended for development as an elementary school. In accordance with the conditions of approval, the developer is required to make several offers of dedication for street right-of-way and public easements. Typically, offers of dedication of public easements in which improvements will be constructed are initially rejected, without prejudice as to future acceptance. These offers are then accepted after the improvements have been constructed. Offers which have immediate public benefit such as open space easements and water well easements are typically accepted without delay. Easements and rights of way that are within the tract boundaries are offered on the map, and are accepted and/or rejected by the certificates shown on the map. Easements and rights of way'that are outside of the tract boundaries are accepted and/or rejected by separate resolution (attachments 2 and 3). The Final Map for the tract has been prepared to complete the subdivision process. The developer has complied with the conditions of approval necessary for the recordation of the map, paid the required fees, and guaranteed the completion of the tract improvements by ~he subdivision agreement and financial securities. Staff recommends that the Final Map be approved, that the offers of dedication for open space easements and the water well easement be accepted, and that other offers of dedication for public right of way and easements be rejected without prejudice as to future acceptance. Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolutions to accept and/or reject the offsite offers of dedication. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendation and adopt the resolutions; . Do not approve staff's recommendation; . Modify staff's recommendation as appropriate and approve; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Location Map Attachment 2 - Resolution Accepting an offsite offer to dedicate. Attachment 3 - Resolution Rejecting offsite offers to dedicate. TRACT 2265 A TT ACHMENT 1 JOHN L, \/ALLACE ~ ASSDCIA TES*4115 So, Broad Street B5*San Luis Dbispo*CA*93401 - --- "_.."_._~-,-"-,. ---~~----- ~ ----~ - -------- .- ---" ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING AN OFFER TO DEDICATE A MUNICIPAL WATER WELL EASEMENT FOR TRACT 2265 WHEREAS, an offer to dedicate to the public an offsite easement for a municipal water well has been provided as required to satisfy the conditions of approval for Tract 2265, and WHEREAS, the funds to construct the water well within the easement have been provided to the City and the City may at any time construct the well. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept, the following offer to dedicate: An irrevocable and perpetual offer by Malcolm and Janet A. DeMille to dedicate a municipal water well site, as shown on the location map which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. On motion of Council Member ,seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this _ day of 2000. , Resolution No. Page 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ATTACHMENT 3 ---~----_._- pC" OAK PARK 1.rJtc r llF- .9(-04C". ~>-_..-/ / f/ / / / TRACT 2265 - - J\I\\~ L 'vi ~L L ~\',\:. t ~'S,'S, \In ~ "\ c*- 4 \\ S 'S, 0, ~r o(). d S tr e e t ~S'! S ().I) l uis Obispo'! C~'! 934 0\ _u-'. -..---- . --------_./ ATTACHMENT 3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REJECTING, WITHOUT PREJUDICE AS TO FUTURE ACCEPTANCE, OFFSITE EASEMENTS AND DEDICATIONS FOR TRACT 2265 WHEREAS, offers to dedicate offsite right of way and easements to the public have been provided as required to satisfy the conditions of approval for Tract 2265; and, WHEREAS, the improvements associated with such offers have not yet been constructed, but are guaranteed to be constructed by a subdivision agreement and financial securities on file with the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby reject, without prejudice as to future acceptance, the following offers to dedicate public right of way and easements: 1. An irrevocable and perpetual offer to dedicate a public right of way. Offered by Jean Marie James, Trustee of the Jean Marie Family Trust. 2. An irrevocable and perpetual offer to dedicate a public storm drain, public water main, public sewer main, and emergency access easement. Offered by Cathline Benson and recorded on July 6, 2000 as Document number 2000-037512. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this _ day of 2000. -~~------_...- Resolution No. Page 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ~--~-". ---- ---- ---~..._._....- 9.k. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEEDS FOR THE CONSTRUC11ON OF CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK ON TALLYHO ROAD DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council accept, on behalf of the public, the attached offer of dedication for the construction of sidewalk improvements on Tally Ho Road from Jay Chalfant, Christina Chow, Scott and Sandra Kope, and authorize the Mayor to sign a Certificate of Acceptance. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. I DISCUSSION: I In the FY 2000/2001 Capital Improvement Program, a capital improvement project was included to overlay Tally Ho Road fr9m LePoint Street to Highway 227. The project includes pavement repair, asphalt overlay and striping. There are four properties located on the north side of Tally Ho Road just west of James Way that extend into the existing road alignment. The property owners at 197 and 199 Tally Ho Road are willing to provide the necessary right of way at this time so that the road can be widened. The acceptance of these grant deeds will provide the necessary right-of-way to allow the City to install curb, gutter, sidewalk and street improvements for two of the four properties. Alternatives / The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: // - Approve staff's recommendation; - Do not approve staff's recommendation; - Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommehdation; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachment: Grant Deeds c:~ Documents\Projecl8\Fair Oaks Overlay\TallyHo.Grant.Deed.Acceptance.doc -- ...~~ --- .__..._"------~---_. ---_.__.~._.__._.,..,..- ----_.,- RECORDING REQUEST BY: Public Works Department City of Arroyo Grande WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Administrative Services P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 APN: 007-022-003 GRANT DEED TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE THIS INDENTURE, made the day of 2000, by SCOTT KOPE and SANDRA KOPE. husband and wife as ioint tentants, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Grantor", and the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "City"; WITNESSETH: FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt and sufficiently of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby grants in fee to City that certain real property situate in the City of Arroyo Grande, State of California, described in Exhibit "A" and shown graphically for reference on Exhibit "B" all of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set his hand the day and year.first above written. (As used above the term "Grantor" shall include the plural as well as the singular number and the word "his" and "himself' shall include the feminine gender as the case may be.) Dated: Scott Kope Dated: Sandra Kope File No 232.5631 p751 Exhibit "A" July 26,2000 Offer of Dedication for Tally Ho Road That portion of the following described strip lying within that portion of Lot 26 of the Rancho Corral de Piedra, Pismo, and Balsa de Chamisal as shown on the map filed in Book A of Maps at page 63, in the County Recorder's Office of San Luis Obispo County, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as described in Book 1598 of Official Records at Page 406 recorded in said County Recorder's Office: Beginning at the most easterly corner of said Parcel A, as shown on said map; thence along the northerly line thereof, north 55030' west 12.50 feet; thence south 37036' west 80.00 feet, to the southerly line of the property described in the document recorded in Book 1598 of Official Records, at Page 406 in the County Recorder's Office of said County; thence along said southerly line south 55030' east 12.50 feet, to the northerly right-of-way of Tally Ho Road, as shown on said map; thence along said northerly right-of-way north 37036' east 80.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. The above described parcel is graphically shown on attached Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. ~~ Joseph . Morris L.S. 6192 expo 3/31/2002 easement description2.wpd page 1 Exhibit "B" ~ l},.,otJc ~c.e~ qCSu. ()'O ,.. '" Fd. 1 1/4" IP ,. ,,'0 ~ LS 3877 c.'l; ". cf ,.. c,. ,.. -. 20.00 20.00' R/W True Point of 0 Beginning N Tally Ho Road - -- - - - R/W IL . FILE : 232.5631 WA~?~~~~~ DRAWING: LS'gal.Cjiwg 4115 So. Brood Sf B5 San Luis Obispo, Co SCALE: 1 =20 (805)544-- 4011 FAX 544-4294 DATE: 7-28-00 APN: 007-022-003 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) :ss COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) On ,2000, before me, , a Notary Public, personally appeared Scott Kope, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) :ss COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) On , 2000, before me, , a Notary Public, personally appeared Sandra Cope, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated , 2000, from Scott Kope and Sandra Kope to the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal Corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on ,2000, and the GRANTEE consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK jep:232.563I IGrant.Deed.Kope. wpd RECORDING REQUEST BY: Public Works Department City of Arroyo Grande WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Administrative ,Services P.O. Box SSO Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 APN: 007-022-002 GRANT DEED TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE THIS INDENTURE, made the day of 2000, by JAY CHALF ANT~ a single man. and CHRISTINA CHOW. a single woman. as iointtentants. hereinafter collectively referred to as "Grantor", and the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "City"; WITNESSETH: FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt and sufficiently of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby grants in fee to City that certain real property situate in the City of Arroyo Grande, State of California, described in Exhibit "A" and shown graphically for reference on Exhibit "B" all of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set his hand the day and year first above written. (As used above the term "Grantor" shall include the pIma! as well as the singular number and the word "his" and "himself' shall include the feminine gender as the case may be.) - , Dated: Jay Chalfant Dated: Christina Chow APN: 007-022-002 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) :ss COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) On . 2000, before me, . a Notary . Public, personally appeared Jay Chalfant. personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WI1NESS my hand and official seal STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) :ss COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) On , 2000, before me, . a Notary Public, personally appeared Christina Chow, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WI1NESS my hand and official seal * ,. This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated . 2000, from Jay Chalfant and Christina Chow to the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal Corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on . 2000, and the GRANTEE consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATIEST: KELLY WETMORE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK jcp:232.S631\Gnat.Deed.aw&ot.wpd File No 232.5631 p751 Exhibit "A" July 26, 2000 Offer of Dedication for Tally Ho Road That portion of the following described strip lying within Parcel A of Parcel Map A.G. A.L. 78- 06, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Califomia as shown on the map filed in Book 25 of Parcel Maps at Page 96 in the County Recorder's Office of said County: Beginning at the most easterly comer of said Parcel A, as shown on said map; thence along the northerly line thereof, north 55030' west 12.50 feet; thence south 37036' west 80.00 feet, to the southerly line of the property described in the document recorded in Book 1598 of Official Records, at Page 406 in the County Recorder's Office of said County; thence along said southerly line south 55030' east 12.50 feet, to the northerly right-of-way of Tally Ho Road, as shown on said map; thence along said northerly right-of-way north 37036' east 80.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. The above described parcel is graphically shown on attached Exhibit "Bn and made a part hereof. " ~ 2' ~') J~ep . Morris L.S. 61.92 expo 3/31/2002 Easement Description1.wpd page 1 Exhibit "B" ~ tJ, ~d' qc#~~ /dJ to. ,# ,. ,,"l> Fd. 1 1/4- IP ~ LS 3877 <1- ~c; ,.y 9fO~ (S c,. .....~ ,.. .- S 37'36' W 80'.00 w 60' 00 ~It) 11)' II)N (f)~ R/W o- N 37'36' E 80.00' True Point of '0 Beginning N Tally Ho Road - -- - - - - b "" R/W . ~IobnL WaIM"'-,lOftclg FILE : 232.5631 CiWl~."..,.,. ~ DRAWING : ~got9W9 411550. Broad st 85 Son Luis Wspo, Ca SCALE: 1 =20 (805)544-4011 FAX 544-4294 DATE: 7-28-00 10.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNC.IL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER A SUBJECT: TRACT 2265 - VILLAGE GLEN DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council provide direction to staff regarding the amount of sewer area fees to be paid for Tract 2265. FUNDING: Without any reduction, the City would receive a total sewer acreage fee for the Tract of $94,436.77. With the staff supported reduction as allowed by existing ordinance, the City would receive $59,481.95 (a reduction of $34,954.82). With the reduction requested by the applicant, the City would receive $55,957.09 (a reduction of $38,479.68). DISCUSSION: Tract 2265 is a subdivision of 40 residential lots and one large lot intended for a school site. Four of the residential lots are larger and include open space easements. Combined, the open space easements cover 22.8 acres of the project. The open space easements are being dedicated on the final map and are also subject to an open space agreement that will be recorded concurrently with the final map. The applicant has sent a letter requesting that the sewer acreage fees not be applied to the areas dedicated as open space (see attachment 1). Staff supports a reduction, but only to the limits allowed by the sewer area fee ordinance. The applicant has appealed this decision to the City Council and is requesting that the Council authorize a larger reduction. Sewer area fees were established by the Municipal Code. Section 6-6.408 of the Municipal Code establishes standards for permissive fee adjustments and reductions. Section 6- 6.408( a) states that for lots larger than 1-1/3 acres that can be subdivided into 5 or more lots, the area the fee aDDlies to shall be reduced to 70% of the total. This reduction is intended to be applied to the total lot area to account for future street right of way. The sum of the lot areas, excluding street right of ways is 60.9 acres, or 95% of the total area of Tract 2265. Section 6-6.408(b) states that for lots larger than 1-1/3 acres that can be subdivided into 5 or more lots, and for which the terrain makes development into minimum size City lots difficult, a further reduction may be allowed, with the total area the fee applies to being no less than 63% of the total lot area. This reduction is intended to be applied to the total lot area to account for future street right of way and hillside slopes. The applicant's letter requests that the sewer area fee not be applied to open space areas, and that it be applied only to areas that can and will be served by the sewer system being developed. The sum of the lots, excluding street right of ways and excluding the open space areas is 38.1 acres, or 59% of the total area of Tract 2265. Staff does not agree that a further reduction should be approved for the open space areas that are normally allowed by the ordinance based on the following: 1. The sewer acreage fee was based on a ratio of the gross acreage of various land use zones to the cost of the sewer system improvements. If open space areas were routinely excluded, the total area available to charge fees would be less than originally anticipated, and underfunding would result. 2. The open space areas are misleading in their large appearance. Tract 2265 is a cluster subdivision. The 35 smaller clustered lots would normally be larger. In allowing the smaller lots, the City required that the additional area created be placed in open space. However, total lot acreage is not changed, and the amount of wastewater expected to be generated by each lot is not changed. Therefore, staff believes that the arrangement of open space does not warrant a further fee reduction. As described above, Section 6-6.408 of the Municipal Code allows a limited fee reduction under specific circumstances. Based on this, a 63% reduction of the area fee applies. This reduces the fee from $94,436.77 to 59,481.95. Staff recommends that the Council provide direction as to the amount of sewer area fees to be paid for Tract 2265. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Direct staff to apply the $94,436.77 fee without any reduction; . Direct staff to apply the fee, reduced from $94,436.77 to an amount determined by Council. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Applicant letter requesting the fee reduction, dated 3-15-00 Attachment 2 - Staff response to applicant, dated 5-23-00 Attachment 3 - Municipal Code Sections 6-6.1, 6-6.405, and 6-6.408 Attachment 4 - Applicant letter dated 6-29-00 Attachment 5 - Fee calculations I Attachment 1 .. ~. ','\. Village Glen Homes March 15,2000 Mr. Don Spagnolo Public Works Director City of Arroyo Grande 208 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Subject: Application of Municipal Code Section 6-6.407 Sewer Connection Fees on Required Open Space Areas of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2265 - Village Glen Homes Dear Mr. Spagnolo; On December 21, 1999, the Planning Commission approved the Village Glen Homes project, consisting of Vesting Tentative Tract 2265 and Planned Unit Development 97-563. Municipal Code Section 9-06.050(E) required that the Planned Unit Development provide a minimum of 45% of the site as open space (excluding the school site). Consequently, the residential portion of the project consisting of 45.2 acres (64.3 acre for Tract 2265 less the 19.1-acre school site) was approved with approximately 22.75 acres of open space Condition of approval no. 24 requires Village Glen Homes to record open space easements in favor of the City over portions of lots 37-40 (i.e., 22.75 acres) located outside of the one-acre designated building envelopes. Furthermore, condition of approval no. 25 restricts lots 37-40 to a maximum of one single-family residence. The combination of conditions 24 and 25 guarantees the City that no further subdivision or development on lots 37-40 will occur, thus no additional sewer service would be needed. Condition of approval no. 127 (1) requires Village Glen Homes pay sewer permit fees prior to issuance of building permits. Municipal Code Section 6-6.407(a) stipulates a fee of $1414.66 per acre (based on the current E.N.R.) be assessed for each sewer connection. Our position is that the sewer" acre charge" is not applicable to the required open space areas on lots 37-40. Hence, the sewer acre charge shall be assessed only on the one-acre portion that is allowed for development of one single-family residence. We seek to clarify this issue with you in writing to avoid any last minute confusion at the time building permits are issued for lots 37-40. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MAR 1 5 2000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. ~~ ':'.( .>. "+)...Afta:CI1meht2< .:~:.;{,t:.";i~:]&~:'-;i>'r> ":'.:.': '>:: .r.~,O.~'_ ..' . . .:E8d'B.~JlSll'eet. -..: ArroyoG~~ O.J3421 . . .~: ..473-5440 i;qf........ "'. .... .F:AX:(~~4~',', . . . ..it._ '. "'-' '-'. .;".-. .. '~~CWQRKS l37SA.h~~r. .' ....,.. .;. . .'. . , ..... -" . . Phone: (195).41~'COI'p~Y8rd . "May.23,'2000: , .FAX:(8OS)'''1~2 . . ". ,-' ~ . .. .-, . - .: -~'. :'". ", ,,', .' ....... ~MaII: ..' Jt7@arro~"'." - ". ........... .....~ . Mr~;.G~rY::youOg;: " . .Vil,l~g~_~.lenHonies, LLC . 2.72Q~~ttieRQa<;f .' ., Pi~mo Beach.CA93449 .$ewer ConnectionFeeson'Require.d'Op~n.SpaceAreas:ofVesthlg . . . . Tei'itativeTract:MaJ>2265~ Villag~ Glen H~me~ ~earMr; Young: In response toy()ur requestto clarify the issue ofth.e sewer "acre charge" (1otbeing . . . appUqable.to the raquired open space areas on L()t~37-40', .1. hav,e the following" . infQri:T'$tion. ^ . '-. . . ~ection 6-6.408(b) of the ~unicipal Code stipulates anadjustm'enfmay be made for special conditions which make difficultthe davelopment of all the property into minimum size City lots. Atthesole.discretion of the"City, the final adjusted acreage to which the basic; area charge shan be applied shall be sixty-three percent (63%) ofthe gross acreage. . The City' Council based on thi~ Section, may adjustthesewer permit fees on the'open spaceacreage~ This adjustment would reduce the, open space acreage subject to the "acre charge" to 14.33 acres. . . . If you would like ~o present this request to the City Council, please provide a request in writing.. c: Interim City Managei Chief Building Inspector Attachment 3 6-6.101 6-6elO2 r-" CHAlJTER 60 SEWER SYSTEM* Article 10 Definitions See. 6-601010 Scope. " FGr the purpeses of this chapter, unless otherwise apparent from the context, certain words and phrases used in this chapter are defined as set forth in this article. " - (See. 1, Ordo 105 C.S., eff. October 24, 1974) See. 6-6.1020 Area charp;e. "Area charge" shall mean a charge to lots within the City for capacity in the collector system. '" - "- (Sec. 1, Ord. 105 C.S., eff. October 24, 1974) Sec. 6-6.1030 Assessment districto "Assessment district" shall mean a special district formed for the purpose of sewer line constructien with CGsts and expenses dis- tributed among benefi~edproperties as set forth by lawo (Sec. 1, Ord. 105 C.s., effo October 24, 1974) Sec. 6-6.104. Available sewere A sewer shall become available only after it has been accepted - , by the City. ..- ... (Sec. 1, Ord. 165 C.S., eff. October 24, 1974) Sec. 6-6.105. Backwater valveo "Backwater valve" shall mean a device which purpose is to prevent *Article 1 entitled "Connections", consisting of Sections 6-6.1el tbrough6-6.103, codified from Ordinance Noo 89, and Article 2 entitled nSewer Rental Charges", consisting of Sections 6-6.201 '\rough 6-6.208, codified from Resolution No.. 672 and Ordinance J. 111, as amended by Ordinance Noso 4 C.S., effective February 9, -1967, and 42C.S., effective March 11, 1971, repealed by Section 2, Ordinance No. 105 C.S., effective October 24, 19740 218 Reprint Noo 12 - 2-28-75 ~6ol0.2 &--.6.., 110 flew in a sewer in a direction opposi"t;e to that of the i~tended drain- ageo (Sec. 1, Ord. 105 008S9 eff. October 24, 1974) Sec.. &z.6..1068 Benefit unit charge. "Benefit unit chargen shall mean a charge to lots within the City having the benefit of a public sewer being located adjacent to such lots. (Sece 1, Ord.. 105 a.8., effo October 24, 1974) Seco 6~6ol07" Building.. "Building" shall mean any structure used for human habitation or a place of business, recreation, or other activity and containing sanitary facili.tieso ;c. 1, Ord. 105 a..s.., eff. October 24, 1974) Sec. 6-6,,108.. Building sewer" "Building se\"ern shall mean that portion of a sewer beginning two (2') feet from any building and extendi.ng to, and including its connection to, a lateral sewero (Sec. 1, Ordo 105 C..S., eff.. October 24, 1974) .. Sec. 6-6,,109. Citz" "Cityn shall mean that portion of the State of California, County of San Luis Obispo, which is incorporated as the City of Arroyo Grande. (Sec. 1, Ord.. 105 C.S.., eff. October 24, 1974) Sec. 6-6"110,, City Council" "City Council If shall mean the City Cou..71ci1 for the City of Arroyo Grande" ~c. 1, Ord" 105 a.s", effo October 24, 1974.) 219 Reprint; Nc) 0 ~2 .~ ?~28"7~:' 6-6.405 6-6.407 Sec. 6-6.405. PeDDita: Fees. The General Sewer PeDDit feCi shaJ1 be as follows: (a) Seven and DO/I00tbs ('7.00) Dollars for the sewer permit and inspectiou. aDd (b) Connection chargCl as adopted by the Goveming Board of the South SIn Luis Obispo County Sanitation District for said sanitation diatrict. (Sec. I, om. 105 c.s., as amended by Sec. 5, Ord. 321 C. 5., adopted March 26, 1985) Sec. 6-6.406. PeDDita: Fees: ~goaitlnn. PeDDit feCi collected under Section 6-6.405 (a) ahaJ1 be deposited in the Gemral FUDd of the City. PeDDit fees collected under Section 6-6.405 (b) ahaJ1 be disbursed monthly to the South SIn Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. (Sec. I, om. 105 c.s., as amended by Sec. 6, om. 321 C.S., adopted March 26, 1985) Sec. 6-6.407. Connections: FeCI: ~mta~D8. For each Jot connection of a building sewer to a public sewer, a ~ction fee ahaJ1 be collected by the City, before the permit for the cOlUlection work is issued, as foDows: (a) Four Hundred Ninety-One and 20/100ths Dollars <_491.20) per acre "acre' charge"; and (b) Seven Hundred Fifty-Four and 10/100ths Dollars (_754.10) per unit "~fit unit charge". The charges for connecting to any pdilic sewer on ot after October 24, 1974, ahaJ1 be deteanined by app.y.ing the following foumda to the above stated charges: 1+ (Current EaN.R. Cost Index> - Base EaN.R. Cost Indu:) = MultiJ;iier . Base EaN.R. Cost Index . "Base EaN.R. Cost Index" ahaJ1 be the Engineering News Record Caostruction cost Index in effect on October 24, 1974.. "Current EaN.R. Cost Index" shall be the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index at the time of connecting to the public sewer. . "MultiJ;iier" shall be the figure used to multip.y the charges set fonhin.ectioos (a) and (b) of this section by to adjust such charges to the current c~tructioD 'COltl. 223-5 R epOnt No~ 34 (11/1/85) 6-6.407 6-6.407 No connection fee wiJl be charged for a lot, or any portion thereof, that has been previously uaessed in uaessment district proceedings for said area charges and benefit umt charga, unless additional benefit units are developed on such lot or in the case of a camnercial property, the owner or his agent wishes to increase the mmber of fixture units developed previously. The benefit unit charge shall be waived on any lot within a deveJopDCDt for which the developer constructed a public conection .ysteID. When any of the lots in such developDeDt front on and connect to an emting public sewer, there wiJl be a benefit unit charge for such Iota. Every house and building requiring a sewer service sbaJ1 have an independent coanection to the publksewer, e%cept that more than me building located on a lot UDder one ownership, or c~ntum. or Panned unit developnent unit may be connected to the same building sewer in conformance with Section 6-6.309. . With the e%ception of contfominn..n and planned unit deveJopnenu, in the event a lot with a house or building so connected is subdivided, an independent sewer connection with appropriate easements shall be provided for each differently owned premises. With the uceptioo of c~rm___ or Panned unit developnents, no two (2) owners of adjacent Iou fronting on the SlIDe sueet ahall be pemitted to join in the use of the same buildiDg sewer. For. the pupose of calculating the number of benefit units to be uaessed the foBowing table shall be used. Type of Devdopoent NUIIbu of Beadit Uaita - - . Single family dwelling 1 Apartment, mobile home, condominnm or panned unit developnent 1 per dwelling Hotel, motel, hosptal, or , resthome 1 per roam . 223-6 Reprint No. 34 (11/1/85) -~-_.._...- - 6-6.407 6-6.408 Type of DevdopDCDt (cont'd) ~ of ~t Uiu (cont'd) Camnercial developnent with 15 or less fixture units (as defined by the UnifODD PIODbing Code) in- cluding retail, restaurants, professional office buildings or concbniniums 1 per building Camnercial developnent with more than 15 fixture units including retail, restaurant, professional office buildings or concbniniums 1 per building, pus Fifty and 27/100th Dollars (~50.27) per fixture unit over 15 fixture units (Sec. 1, Ord. 105 C.s., as amended by Sec. 7, Ord. 321 C.S., adopted ~arch 26, 1985) Sec. 6-6.408.' Connections: Fees: Adjustments. An adjustment to the area charge may be made as follows: (a) When a lot is one and one-third (11/3) acres or larger and when, in the opiniQD of the aty, such lot qualifies for subdivision into five (5) or more loti, an adjustment will"be made to allow for the loss of acreage in developnent. 1be adjusted acreage to MUch the basic area charge shall be appied shall be seventy (70fJi) percent of the gross acreage. < (b) When a lot is one and one-third (11/3) acres or larger and when, in the opinion of the aty, such lot qualifies f~r subdivision into five (5) or more loti, an adjustmait will be made to allow for the loss of acreage in developnent. An additional adjustment may be made for adverse topograrhy or other special conditiaoa which make difficult the developnent of all the property into minionm size aty Iou. If thc latter coDdition emts, at the sole discretion of the at~ the final adjusted urcalc to MUch the ,/ basic area charge shall be applied shall be sixty-three (63~) percent of the gross acreage. (Sec. 1, Ord. 105 c.s., efl. October 24, 1974) 223-7 Reprint No. 34 (11/1/85) Attachment 4 Village Glen Homes June 29, 2000 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Don Spagnolo JUN 2 9 2000 Public Works Director City of Arroyo Grande PUBLIC WORKS OEPt 208 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Subject: Applicability of Sewer" Acre Charge" on Required Open Space Areas of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2265 - Village Glen Homes Dear Mr. Spagnolo; On December 21, 1999, the Planning Commission approved the Village Glen Homes project, consisting of Vesting Tentative Tract 2265 and Planned Unit Development 97-563. Municipal Code Section 9-06.050(E) required that the Planned Unit Development provide a minimum of 45% of the site as open space (excluding the school site). Consequently, the residential portion of the project consisting of 45.4 acres (64.3 acre for Tract 2265 less the 18.9-acre school site) was approved with approximately 22.8 acres of open space. The open space area is deed restricted with an easement granted in favor of the City to ensure that the area will remain natural and no further subdivision will occur. Village Glen Homes is required to pay two sewer fees with the issuance of building permits. One is the $2000junit connection fee that is passed onto the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. The second fee is the City's sewer connection" acre charge" currently assessed at $1414.66 per acre. Our position is that the sewer "acre charge" is not applicable to the required open space areas on lots 37-40 because no sewer service will ever be need for the open space areas. Hence, the sewer acre charge shall be assessed only on the one-acre portion that is allowed for development of one single-family residence. For example, lot 40 is 6.2 acres consisting of 5.2 acres of open space and 1.0 acres of developable area. The sewer" acre charge" for 6.2 acres would be $8,771. We are requesting that the sewer" acre charge" apply only to the developable area of 1.0 acre for a fee of $1414.66. Village Glen Homes recently requested that the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District determine their annexation fee was not applicable to open space areas. The District's annexation fee is also assessed on the number of acres within the Tract, as is the City's sewer "acre charge" . Village Glen Homes made the case that the fee should not be applicable to open space areas and the District approved the request finding that there was no relationship between the service fee and open space areas. In conclusion, we believe that the sewer" acre charge" is not applicable to the 22.8 acres of required open space. This fee should apply to areas that can and will be served by the sewer system. However, the conditions of approval for Tract 2265 and the City's standards for Planned Unit Developments specifically require that the 22.8 acres never be developed. We respectfully request that this item be placed on the next City Council agenda for discussion. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. If you have any questions, please call Bruce Buckingham or myself at 474-6521. Sincerely, ~ Village len Homes LLC A IT ACHMENT 5 TRACT 2266 - SEWER AREA FEE CALCULATIONS Base ENR Index (1974) 2089 Current ENR Index (June, 2000) 6238 Multiplier 2.99 Original 10-24-74 fee 491.20 $/acre Current fee 1,468.69 $/acre Tract 2265 total area 64.3 acres 70% of the total area 45.0 acres 63% of the total area 40.5 acres Tract 2265, excluding streets 60.9 acres Tract 2265, excluding streets and open space 38.1 acres Total fee with current fee applied. to 64.3 acres $ 94,436.77 Total fee with current fee applied to 45.0 acres (reduced to 70%) $ 66,091.05 Total fee with current fee applied to 40.5 acres (reduced to 63%) $ 59,481.95 Total fee with current fee applied to 60.9 acres (reduced to 95%) $ 89,443.22 Total fee with current fee applied to 38.1 acres (reduced to 59%) $ 55,957.09 11.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINE RA SUBJECT: RESERVOIR #1 REPLACEMENT FINANCING DATE: AUGUST 8, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council review the financing alternatives for the Reservoir #1 Replacement Project and provide direction to staff. FUNDING: There is no immediate fiscal impact from this action. DISCUSSION: In October 1999 the Public \t'Jorks Department presented a Water and Sewer Rate Study (the "Study") to the City Courcil. Clayton Tuckfield, of Tuckfield & Associates, prepared the Study in cooperation with the Public Works and Financial Services Departments. The Study Findings reported that $9,078,200 of capital projects were slated for construction during the period of FY 1999-2000 through FY 2003-2004. These individual project costs will range from a low of $30,400 (Groundwater Recharge Pilot Program) to a high of $1,981,600 (Reservoir #1 Replacement). The Study recommended that the smaller projects be funded through reserves, but projects costing more than one million dollars be funded through outside financing resources. Therefore, the adopted water rate structure included annual debt service payments for both the Reservoir #1 Replacement ($195,700) in FY 1999-2000 and the Fair Oaks, Halcyon, and Cornwall ($106,400) water lines in FY 2001-2002. The first project to be finariced, the Reservoir #1 Replacement, is scheduled for construction in January 2001. This project includes: . Demolition and rernoval of the City's existing buried concrete tank; . Excavation and construction of a new buried concrete tank; . Construction of a storm drain for any overflow from the tank and for storm water runoff; . Reconstruction and paving of the existing access road to accommodate the construction and the transportation of materials; and . Screening to shield the water tank from the view of the public. RESERVOIR #1 REPLACEMENT FINANCING Page 2 The Public Works and Financial Services Departments are working together on this project. The Public Works Department provides cost estimates of the project and the financing amount, while the Financial Services Department is responsible for financing options for the project. Engineer's estimates of the cost of the Reservoir #1 Replacement were $1,863,000 three years ago. A revised cost estimate for the project has risen approximately 20% due in part to the fact that the original estimate did not include a 10% construction contingency. The actual construction cost is now approximately $2,705,000. Of this amount, the Water and Sewer Rate Study calculated that 35%, or approximately $694,000, would serve growth in the community. The project portion attributed to growth may be funded from the Water Facility Fund, with the remai:ling $2,011,000 ($2,705,000 less $694,000) funded through outside sources. Staff is providing three financing options for City Council's consideration for this project; (1) Public Offering; (2) Private Plc,r-ement; or (3) Pooled Public Offering. A brief description of each option is as follows: Public Offerino - The City offers revenue bonds for sale on the open finance market for competitive bid. The cost to issue this type of financing can run between $84,000 to $110,000 and includes the cost for an underwriter, a bond counsel, a rating agency, and a fin:lncial advisor. The amount to be borrowed is increased to pay these costs. Therefore, if $2.01 million is needed for the project, approximately $2.11 million would be borrowed to pay the "up front" cost. The interest rate on a public offering is normally lower than other types of offerings but the "up front" costs are higher. Generally it takes between three to six months to complete the requirements (and receive the funds) of a public offering. Private Placement - A financing firm negotiates with a private investor to "purchase" the City's ci~!bt instrument. The interest rate is generally slightly higher under a private placement, but there is no up front costs as the financing firm is compensated by the private investor. Therefore, the amount borrowed and the amount required for construction would be $2.01 million. A private placement requires approximately thirty days to receive City Council approval, complete a contract, and issue the funds. Pooled Public Offerino - Municipal entities (cities, counties, and districts) pool resources to issue a public offering. The benefits include lower interest rates, reduction in the paperwork, and reduced issuance costs. Again, however, "up front" costs increase the amount of money borrowed. Pooled Public Offerings are scheduled for various times during the year, with the next one scheduled for November 2000. As in a private placement, approximately thirty days would be needed to complete the necessary paperwork. --~--- RESERVOIR #1 REPLACEMENT FINANCING Page 3 The following table provides a brief comparison of the three financing options. Public Private Pooled Financing Type: Offering Placement Offering Cost of Issuance: 106,000 - 105,000 Financed Project Cost: 2,011,000 2,011,000 2,011,000 Total Amount Financed: 2,117,000 2,011,000 2,116,000 Term: 20 Years 20 Years 20 Years Semi-Annual Payments: 89,700 88,800 90,100 Interest Rate: 5.75% 6.25% 5.80% Twenty Year Cost: 3,589,800 3,550,700 3,602,800 As is shown above, there is a small difference in the twenty-year cost between the public offering and the private placement, because the public offering borrows a larger amount at a lower interest rate, while the private placement borrows a smaller amount at a higher interest rate. The difference between the two over a twenty-year period is $39,100. Because the pooled public offering is the most expensive, staff has eliminated this financing option from further discussions. Most public offerings are issued for either twenty or thirty years, while the private placement term can be from one year to thirty. The total financing costs are significantly reduced when the term is reduced to ten and fifteen years, as shown below. Financing Term: 20 Years 15 Years 10 Years - Amount Financed: 2,011,000 2,011,000 2,011,000 Semi-Annual Payments: 88,750 104,250 136,750 Interest Rate: 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% Total Financing Cost: 3,550,700 3,127,900 2,734,800 The table above shows that tre shorter the term, the higher the semi-annual payments and the lower the overall cost. By reducing the loan repayment term to ten years, the total cost is reduced by approximately $815,900; reducing the term to fifteen years reduces the total costs by approximately $422,800. --- RESERVOIR #1 REPLACEMENT FINANCING Page 4 The Water Rate Study and the current rate structure incorporated annual debt service payments of $195,700 for the Reservoir #1 Replacement. This amount is more than sufficient to pay the $177,500 ($88,750 twice a year) debt service costs for a twenty-year term, and would be $12,800 less than the $208,500 ($104,250 twice a year) needed for the fifteen-year term. However, because this financing has been delayed almost a year (saving the yearly debt service cost), because the other major project will be delayed for at least a year, and because there is significant savings by shortening the repayment term, staff recommends a fifteen year private placement loan. It was learned during the rese~trch that having the designation "bank qualified" is important in obtaining the lowest inte:est rate, regardless of the type of debt instrument (public offering, private placement, or pooled public offering) used. A municipality that issues less than $10 million in debt instruments in a calendar year, can be "bank qualified". However, because the City is a participant in the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control & Water Conservation District, its share of that financing will be counted toward the $10 million bank qualified amount. It is exnected that the Lopez financing will take place in September 2000 and that the City will be responsible for $7 million, before financing costs are added. Because the combined total of the Lopez debt and the Reservoir #1 debt could be close to the $10 million ceiling, staff ~dvises waiting until January 2001 before completing the Reservoir #1 financing. Waiting to fund the Reservoir #1 Replacement project until January 2001 does not mean waiting until then to start the financing process. An advantage of private placement financing is that it takes approximately thirty days to complete and a favorable rate may be locked in for up to 90 days 'Jefore funding. For these reasons and because of the information enumerated in thi~ report, staff recommends the finance market be studied in October 2000, an interest rate be locked in when the market is favorable, and funding be arranged for early January 2001. Staff will return to City Council with the final financing package in October. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations; - Deny staff recommendations; - Modify staff recommendations and approve; - Provide direction to staff.