Minutes 1977-04-26CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE; CALIFORNIA APRIL 26,.1977 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Gabe de Leon presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Matthew Gallagher, Jr., Calvin Schlegel and Mark Millis reported present. Councilman Al Spierling is absent.. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEAND INVOCATION Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend Daniel McHUgh of the St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Arroyo Grande delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for the regular meeting of Apri1.12, 1977, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, General Warrants No, 6345 through No. 6443, in the total amount of $27,103,09; and Payroll Warrants No. 8626 through No. 8714, in the total amount of $22,727.69, were approved and ordered paid. CITY COUNCIL ARROYO~GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 26, 1977 PAGE 2 PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION RE: A.G. CRIME PREVENTION FAIR Mayor de Leon presented the following named persons with Certificates of Appreciation for their aid to the Arroyo Grande Police Department in its first annual Crime Prevention Fair: Officer Jerry Sloan of the Sheriff's Department; Howard Delory of Jack in the Box; and Ted Gibbs, of the Arroyo Grande Valley Kiwanis Club. pRCk TA~ATTON MAY 1977 AS "HIRE A VIETNAM VETERAN MONTF'L' Mayor de Leon proclaimed the month of May, 1977, as "Hire a Vietnam Veteran Month" in the:City of Arroyo Grande, as requested by the National Alliance of Businessmen. ;~ RESOLUTION ADOPTION - AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF CABLE T.V, FRANCHISE I The Council read letters from the Central California Communications Corporation, present holder of the Cable TV franchise in this Cityy and a letter from Sonic Cable TV, with both letters requesting a transfer in the ~~, i franchise as Sonic Cable TV is assuming all rights, liabilities and conditions i now existing under the terms of the franchise between C.C.C.C. and the City. ~,~ After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read in full a resolution ~ ~ authorizing transfer of the cable TV franchise within this City. i~ RESOLUTION NO. 1276 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OE-ARROYO GRANDE, AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF COMMUNITY~ANTENNA ~; TELEVISION SYSTEMS FRANCHISE. ii On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon ~ ~ NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Spierling the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of April, 1977. SUPPORT RESOLUTION OE GROVER CITY RE, EQUAL CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE-REQUIREMENTS The Council read a letter. and resolution from the City of: Grover City, urging the League of California. Cities to adopt appropriate measures to ensure that all political candidates are afforded equal treatment under the Fair Political Practices Commission, Evidently certain minority party candidates have been exempted from the campaign contribution disclosure requirement, due to.possible harrassment, After Council discussion, the Council directed that a representative of the City attending the next League meeting on May 6th, indicate the City's support of the Grover City Resolution. 319 SUPPORT RESOLUTION RE .. DETERMINATE SENTENCING ACT~OF 1976 - SAN FRANCISCO The Council reviewed a resolution. from the City and County of San Francisco., opposing. theDeterminate Sentencing Act of 1976. as drafted and urging immediate emergency amendments, which are outlined in the resolution.. After Council dis- cussion, the City Administrator was directed to write a letter to Assembly Representative Carol Hallett citing this City's support of the City and County of San Francisco's Resolution No. 106-77.. NOTICE RE, DATES. ESTABLISHED~EOR ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN-UP WEEK IN~CITY The Council reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson, confirming. dates for the Spring Clean-Up Week in the. City,. to be. done jointly with Tri City Disposal Service during the first week of May. PUBLIC HEARING SET RE. COMPLAINT-ON.LOT SPLIT #77-262, BRIGHTONAVE.(BADEN): 5/9/77 ~, ~ City Attorney Shipsey stated that an appeal has been filed on the Planning Commission's consideration of Lot Split No. 77-262 at 1385 Brighton. Avenue by Siegfried Baden. Said appeal has been filed by the following: Allen & Elizabeth Jackson; Eugene & Norma Fillmore; Robert & Margaret Silva; Harold & Florence Rose; ' James Cooley; Alfred & Muriel Keat; Thurman &-Cora Higdon; Letha Anderson; Glen &~ Erma.Swan; and~Joyce Beeler. City Attorney Shipsey advised that the City Council should set a hearing on this matter for its next regular meeting,-pursuant to the City's Municipal Code. In answer to Councilman Millis' question, City Attorney Shipsey stated his opinion that the Complaint process and Appeal process are inter- changeable. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, setting a hearing_on the appeal filed by E. Jackson, et al, on Lot Split No. 77-262, for 8:00 P.M. on 320 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 26, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA _ PAGE 3 Monday, May 9, 1977.. Per the request of Attorney Margaret Stone, representing the filers of the aforesaid appeal, the hearing will be held after the other two public hearings scheduled for May 9th. APPOINT CITY. REPRESENTATIVE.TO E.O.C. - GALLAGHER The Council read a letter from the Economic Opportunity Commission of San Luis Obispo County, Inc.. (E.O.C.), requesting that this City appoint a representa- tive to this Commission. Mayor de Leon appointed, and Councilman Gallagher accepted, the position of this City's representative on the E.O.C. FOR SALE OF BEER AT BOYS LEAGUE EVENT AT ELMST. ine council reviewea a letter rrom the Arroyo Grande Valley Boys League, requesting permission to sell beer at the Elm Street:'Park on May 7, 197.7 at its fund raising potluck dinner. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and. unanimously carried, approving the request of the.. Arroyo Grande Valley Boys League to hold its fund raising function and authorizing a letter be given them allowing the dispensing of beer at said functions with proper policing and. responsibilities'to be taken care of. NOTICE RE. CHANNEL COUNTIES' DIVISION OF_LEAGUE:MEETING:,MAY 6,. 1977.. __. The Council'received notice that the next quarterly meeting. of the Channel Counties. Division of the League of California Cities will be held in Ventura on May 6, 1977. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO SUBDIVISION ORD. - TO BE CONSIDERED 5/9/77 Administrator Butch reviewed that pursuant to the City Council's study session on April 25th regarding amendments.'to the Subdiitision Ordinance, consideration of said amendments plus the changes suggested by the Council will be placed on the Agenda for the May 9th meeting.. PUBLIC HEARING - CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE FOR PLANNING COMMISSION & CITY STAFF Administrator Butch `reviewed. that the City is 'required by State Iaw to adopt a Conflict of Interest Code and the Council has received in its agenda such a proposed Code covering the Planning, Commission and-City Staff. Upon being assured by the City Clerk that all requirements as provided by law, regarding. notification of hearing,- have been complied with, Mayor de Leon declared the hearing open and all persons interested in the matter would now be heard. Fred Wolf s.. 540.Gaynfair Terraces stated his objection that the City Attorney would have to reveal clients'-names and addresses from who he receives $250.-00 or more in fees, feeling that the starting amount is too low for an attorney. Administrator Butch explained on Page 3 of the Proposed Code, Sub- section (c) (2), it clarifies that disclosure is only necessary by a business providing legal services of "the name of every person who paid fees to the business entity if the filer's prorata share of fees from such person was equal to or greater than $1.,000". Attorney Shipsey stated his feeling that this was appropriate and fair. There being no further public discussion on the matter, Mayor de Leon declared the hearing closed. After-Council discussion, which revealed general agreement with the proposed, Codes, City Attorney Shipsey was directed to prepare a resolution for .the adoption of the Conflict of Interest Code for City Staff and the Planning Commission at the Council's next regular meeting. MAYOR DE LEON EXCUSEDHIMSELF DUE TO A POSSIBLECONFLICT OFINTEREST AND-IS NOW ABSENT. MAYOR PRO TEM MILLISIS NOW PRESIDING. PUBLIC HEARING-REZONE #77-101, GREENWOOD ACRES, "A" TO "A-D" - ORD. 1ST READING The Council reviewed a recommendation from the Planning Commission to rezone, from "A" to "A-D", Agricultural. with the '+-D" override to provide for a basic fivenacre minimum parcel size, the thirty-five acres located between Branch Mill Road and the Arroyo Grande Creek, easterly of Tract No. 256 "Green- wood Manor", as petitioned for by residents of "Greenwood Manor" and approved by the property owner,. Charles Greenwood. Upon being assured by the City Clerk that all requirements as provided by law, regarding notification of-hearing, have been complied with, Mayor Pro Tem Millis declared the hearing open and all persons for~or:against"the proposed rezoning would now be heard. CITY COUNCIL ~ APRIL 26, 1.977 3 2 1 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 The following persons were present and spoke in favor of the rezoning: Charles Greenwood, 17841 Irvine Blvd., Tustin; Bill McCann, 428 Tanner; Nadine Silva, 1155 Flora;. and Fred Wolf, 540 Gaynfair. There being no further public discussion on the. matter, Mayor"Pro Tem Millis declared the hearing. closed. After Council discussion, City Attorney Sliipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the City's Zoning Map so as to rezone, from "A" to "A-D", certain property in the City; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Council- man Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. MAYOR DE LEON IS NOW PRESENT. ~'~, ORn7NANCE 1ST READING - ESTABLISH."O". OPEN SPACE DISTRICT PROVISIONS Pursuant to the Council's direction at its last regular meeting, City Attorney Shipsey had prepared an ordinance amending the City's Zoning Ordinance by establishing provisions for an "O", Open Space District, He read the title of said ordinance for its first reading; thereafter, a motion was made by_ Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, j to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. REVIEW OF LATEST LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES The Council received and reviewed the latest Legislative Bulletins from the League of California Cities. Discussion was held regarding AB 764, which would bypass approval by the City of a County Solid Wa§te Plana The Council directed that the City's legislative representatives be written stating this City's opposition to AB 764.- SET HEARING ONPROPOSED USES OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS: 5/9/77 Administrator Butch informed the Council that under the new revenue sharing law, two public hearings must beheld--one; for• proposed, use;,and- oaie a budget hearing., After Council discussion, .a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, setting a public hearing for 8:00 P.M. on May 9, 1977 to consider proposed uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds,. It was requested that any written suggestions be submitted by May 6, 1977, so they can be included in the Agenda packet. UPDATE RE.~ MOSQUITO ABATEMENT ZN PISMO BEACH SLOUGH AREA The Council read a letter from the County Department. of Public Health, giving an update of what is being done regarding-the mosquito problem being experienced by residents in the Pismo slough area. The State .and County are making a study of the problem. T FOR BALANCE OFBUDGETED FUNDS -CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - CF.F Da!_C !\v mviceu• uTwn,mac~ Mayor de Leon reviewed that'ahe•request from the Chamber of Commerce for 'its balance of budgeted ,funds .fir;-thy 1976-77 fiscal year,. had been held over from the March 22nd meeting due to a possible conflict of interest with certain Councilmen also being members of the Chamber, He now reported that upon his check this afternoon with the Chamber office, he had been informed that all Council Members have resigned from the Chamber, so any conflict has been alleviated.. Councilman Schlegel made a motion to release the balance of budgeted funds, in the amount of $3,500, to the Chamber of Commerce, which motion died for lack of a second, Charlie Scott',. Treasurer of the Chamber of. Commerce, commented on the operating problems the Chamber is having because of the delay in releasing the second half of the budgeted funds, and that the full funds (in the amount of $7,000) were not requested until. needed so that the City could earn the interest. Mayor de Leon stated the request would be brought before the Council again at its next regular meeting when a full Council would be in attendance. APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER TO FILL VACANCY - HELD OVER Mayor de Leon stated he had no recommendation yet for the appointment of a person to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission. created by the resigna- tion of Morgan Mathews, but that he would study the matter further. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF DUANE DAGUE FROM PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION The Council read a letter from Duane Daguey in which he tenders„his resignation from the Parks & Recreation Commission effective titan@Ii4,c197Y:; tb give^ahother citizen the opportunity to serve. After Council discussion, a motion was made by' Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and 32w CITY COUNCIL APRIL 26, 1.977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 unanimously carried, accepting. with regrets the resignation of Duane Dague from the Parks & Recreation Commission effective June 1, 1977, and directing that a Certificate of Appreciation be presented to him for his three years of service to the City. RE. PARK TREES PLANTED BY CAMPFIRE GiR7S' The Council read a report from Planning Director Gallop, notifying the Council that recently the Wathala Campfire Girls'Group had;.planted a purple-leaf plum in the Hoosgow Park area; and the Tawa Nika Campfire Girls' Group had planted a Ginkgo tree in the Encinas Bonitas Park area,. The Council commended the girls for their. contribution, AUTHORIZE PURCHASE & INSTALLATION OF FENCE AT STROTHERPARK 'The Council reviewed a report from .Parks Director .Gallop,'infozming ahem that informal bids had been solicited and received.for'a 6 ft: high, 630+ linear ft. chain link fence, to be placed on the east property line of Strother Park. The Parks & Recreation Commission has recommended acceptance of the lowest bid submitted by Montgomery Ward at $2.94 per ln. ft. for a total of-$1,852.38. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously. carried, accepting the bid of Montgomery- Ward for a chain link fence and authorizing purchase and installation of said fence at Strother Park. NOTICE OF HEARING - AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORD. RE. OFF-STREET PARKING: 5/9/77" The Council was informed that a public hearang has been set for May 9, 1977 at 8:00 P.M. to consider the recommendations of the Planning Commission regarding certain amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding off-street parking requirements. RECEIPT OF HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES. The minutes for the March. 9, 1977 meeting of the Human Relations Commission of South SanLuis Obispo~County were reviewed by the Council and ordered filed. Administrator Butch reviewed a statistical report projecting premiums for the six cities in San Luis Obispo County, and the County, if they get together in a joint powers agreement for self-insurance of Worker's Compensation.- It looks like it would be of benef4t to the City to go into this program. An additional meeting. will be held May 11th with representatives from the six cities and County, at which time a detailed review of the proposed program will be studied and discussed. REVIEW OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES TO AMEND ANIMAL CbNTROL ORDINANCE City Attorney Shipsey reviewed for the Council two ordinances he had' prepared, incorporating the proposed amendments as recommended by the County Animal Control Department at a previous Council meeting. One Ordinance deals with violations and penalty fines;. and the other includes additional amendments pertaining to Animal Control. First reading of the ordinances was held over until the Council's next regular meeting, to give Council Members time to review the proposed ordinances. RESOLUTION ADOPTION - CANVASS OF MAY 10TH SPECIAL ELECTION BY. CITY CLERK City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution authorizing the City Clerk to canvass the votes for the upcoming Special Election, with the results to be presented to thelCouncil at its May 17th meeting; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1277 .<6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING-THE CANVASS~OF THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE'~'10TH DAY OF MAY, 1977, TO BE MADE BY THECITY CLERK OF THE 'CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE.' On motion of Councilman Schlegel, second'ed.by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Schlegel,'Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None _ ABSENT: Councilman Spierling. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of April, 1977. L1Y'Y I:UUNC li, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APkIL 26, 1977 ~ - 323 PAGE 6 APPROVEEIR CONTRACT WITH STUHR, ET AL, RE. HALCYON HILLS DEVELOPMENT (DUENOW) The Council read a report from Robert Gallop, the City's Environmental Coordinator, stating that the Planning Commission had denied a Negative Environ- mental Impact Statement on Halcyon Hills, by petitioner James Duenow, and: is requiring an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on this development located northeasterly of the property acquired for the South County Government Center and consisting. of 13U+ acres. He recommended that: the City enter into a proposed contract with the firm of Stuhr, Dodson, Ward & Foster which has agreed to prepare the EYR. The amount of 56,500 for said report has been deposited with the-City. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement, on behalf. of the City, contracting the firm of Stuhr, Dodson, Ward & Foster to prepare an EIR for Halcyon Hills. RESOL.~ ADOPT.. - INSTRUCT SUPERINT. OF STREETS TO ORDER CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS ON PORTION OF THE PIKE The Council' reviewed a report and summation of costs prepared by City Engineer Karp, regarding. installation of concrete improvements on The Pike, between South Elm Street and the North Oceano School at the westerly City Limits. ~ The costs breakdown included costs to each property owner for curbs'§utters and driveivays..where necessary, with or without the installation of sidewalks at the same time. City Engineer Karp clarified that installation of sidewalks at a later date would require a separate Council action, but that he felt some property owners may wish to go ahead and put in sidewalks at this time at their own volition. It was further clarified that if the Council wishes to proceed with the order to have curbs and gutters installedy that properties involved would be so posted and an. additional public hearing will be held to hear and act on protests regarding the installation of•improvements. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution instructing. the Superin- tendent of Streets to order the installation of certain improvements under the Short Form Improvement Act of 1911, along the north side of The Pike between South Elm Street and the westerly City Limits; thereafter,-a motion was made by Council- man Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this. resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1278 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INSTRUCTING THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS, GUTTERS, AND DRIVEWAY APRONS ANDIMPROVEMENTS FOR THE PROPER FUNCTIONING OF THE INSTALLED CURBS, GUTTERS AND DRIVEWAY APRONS. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Spierling the foregoing Resolution was passed-and adopted this 26th day of April, 1977. APPROVE. PARCEL MAP-AG75-338, ASH/SPRUCE (SHIGENAKA). City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council, a copy of Parcel Map AG75-338, reflecting a four parcel lot split (Case No. 75-225),- located on the northwest corner of Ash and Spruce Streets, applied for by Bob Shigenaka. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel,. seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried ,. finding Parcel Map AG75-338 to be consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning; finding that the required construction of the curb, gutter and sidewalk on each street frontage is a necessary prerequisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area; requiring the said construction to be completed prior to August 1, 1977 and authorizing the Mayor to execute, on behalf of the City, an Improvement Agree- ment; and approving said Parcel Map.. REPORT - RECENT MEETING OF THE ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE - MILLIS Councilman Millis reported on the April 21st meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee, stating that the regular monthly reports from the Lopez Recreational Area and Water Treatment Plant had been heard. As of March 31, 1977, the lake was 14.22 feet below the spill. Discussion had-been held regarding the hiring by the County Engineering Department of Doug Jones as Water Systems Superintendent, with a motion made by the Advisory Committee; to the Board of Supervisors, stating that said Committee did not have faith in Mr. Jones and wished him replaced. Councilman Millis stated he had abstained from voting on the. motion since this 3 2 4 CITY~COUNCIL ', APRIL 26, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7~ City had not taken a position on the matter. .Wally Burt had given a report on the water basin, stating there has not been a significant change in the water, table, with it declining about 128 acre feet .per year, Anew public'law`had also been discussed, whereby Zone 3 must•notify the State and the public if a bad water sample. is determined; APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG77-44, FAIR OAKS AVE. (BAIR) City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council, a copy of Parcel Map AG77-44 ,. reflecting a two-parcel lot split (Case No. 77-258), located on the south side of Fair Oaks Avenue between Elm and Walnut Streets,-applied for by L.C. Bair. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, finding Parcel Map AG77-44 to be consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning, and approving said Parcel Map.. - APPROVE PARCEL MAP~AG77-164, RIDGEVIEW WAY (WHITE) City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council, a copy of Parcel,Map .;.. AG77-164, 'reflecting a two-parcel lot split (Case No. 76-247); located ngrtti .; of Ridgeview Way and applied for by Sally White. After Council dscussidn,,a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis ands,,.. unanimously carried, finding Parcel Map AG7.7-164. to be consistent with the„City's General Plan and Zoning, and approving said Parcel Map.. PROGRESS REPORT - SO. SANLUISOBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Tne Council' received,-reviewed and ordered fi3ed the monthly report for March, 1977, from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation•District. '. Administrator Butch gave a progress report on the plant's ocean outfall line. He also reported that the Water Quality Control Board has recommended that Pismo Beach run its. sewer main into-the Sanitation District's line, to alleviate-two ocean outfall.lines, but the matter has not yet been brought before the Sanitation District.- , ,. APPROVE PROGRESS PAYMENT NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 90-76-2,~ DEL SOL City Engineer Karp reported that Project No. 90-76-2 ,- installation of. curbs, gutters,,sidewalks, etc, on Del Sol Street, is essentially completed and. he requested approval of a Progress Payment to the contractor, M: J""~Heimrecky;'-' be made at this-time. After Council discussion,- a motion was made by Councilman' Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, authorizing Progress Payment No. 1, in the amount of $3,465.00 (with 108--$385:00:_being ,.. held back), be made to M. J. Hermreck, contractor for Project No. 90-76-2, for;, installation of concrete improvements on Del Sol Street. AUTHORIZE RELEASE OF BALANCE OF BUDGETED FUNDS TO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Councilman Millis stated that although he would not second the motion to release budgeted funds to. the Chamber of Commerce, he would not vote against them. Thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Mayor de Leon and unanimously carried, authorizing. the release of the balance of funds allocated to the Chamber of Commerce in the T976-77 budget, ,in the amount of $3,500.00. PERMISSION TO BE ASSENT FROM STATE DURING MAY - DE LEON A~motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, giving. Mayor de Leon permission .to be .absent from the State of California at times during May, as requested by him.. ADJOURNMENT ' On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and _ unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. ' ATTEST: ~J7~. ~(J- GF~,(~ ~Qiyi-.~ ' CITY CLERK ~ ~ - MAYOR