R 3975 RESOLUTION NO. 3975 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CASE NO. 06-002, TO ADOPT THE BIKE AND SIDEWALK/PEDESTRIAN ENHANCEMENT PLANS AND AMEND THE 2001 GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATIONI TRANSPORTATION & PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENTS AS INITIATED BY THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, the Program EIR prepared for the 2001 General Plan adopted October 9, 2001, evaluated environmental impacts associated with numerous circulation, land use and parks and recreation proposals, but did not provide for detailed bikeway and pedestrian enhancement proposals, and WHEREAS, the Traffic Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission have reviewed and commented on the draft Bike and Sidewalk/Pedestrian Enhancement Plans and generally support its adoption and integration into the 2001 General Plan, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on August 1, 2006 and after consideration unanimously recommends to the City Council that the Bike and Sidewalk/Pedestrian Enhancement Plans be adopted and that the Plans be integrated into both the Circulation/Transportation and Parks and Recreation Elements of the 2001 General Plan by policy amendments and references as outlined in attached Exhibit A 1, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has assisted and will program the priority projects outlined in the plan for implementation, coordinated with street restriping and reconstruction where feasible, and each project will be subject to environmental review and determination in accordance with CEQA, and WHEREAS, the City Council, after public hearing, consideration of staff report, all testimony and evidence presented, finds the proposed Bike and Sidewalk/Pedestrian Enhancement Plans necessary for the public health, safety and welfare and consistent with amended Circulation/Transportation Element and Parks and Recreation amendments as set forth as outlined ,in attached Exhibit A 1, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves General Plan Amendment Case No. 06-002, adopting the 2006 Bike and Sidewalk/Pedestrian Enhancement Plans, copies of which are on file in the Community Development and Administrative Services Departments, and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, and integrates it into the 2001 General Plan Circulation/Transportation and Parks and Recreation Elements as set forth in Exhibits A1-A3 attached hereto. RESOLUTION NO. 3975 PAGE 2 On motion by Council Member Guthrie, seconded by Council Member Dickens, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Guthrie, Dickens, Costello, and Mayor Ferrara None Council Member Arnold the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 28th day of November 2006. _~~"'Q..~~6".r.:..,_........""",,~ RESOLUTION NO. 3975 PAGE 3 ATTEST: J / i:: ",' ' , )' ,.! , " '. .., 7 _ " ,.1 {. , ! I ., J j I' .." . 't\ 'I'{., !', \ (/\,j.v'Li;' UI.<__' KELLY WETMORE)ciTY CLERK " APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~ - /?~~ STEVEN. ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: /,/) /: /~ / ,; / '; (:~/,,:, ',I ['\._.._ C _~ .-- .~. TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. 3975 PAGE 4 Exhibit A I C'irrnlatinn/Tranfilpnrtation Flpmpnt A mpntlmpnflilo Policy CT 3-3.3 should be amended to read: "The Bike and Sidewalk/Pedestrian Enhancement Plans were adopted in 2006 to meet State guidelines, increase regional and State funding assistance, and prioritize capital improvement and street striping projects to include bike lanes on all collector or arterial streets where feasible with scheduled resurfacing and maintenance programs." CT Map 3 should be amended as shown in Exhibit A2. Parkfii: and Rpl'rpation F.lpompnf OhjPcti"p,," :Inri Policip4i: Ampnctmpnho Policy PR-4 should be amended to add: "Refer to the 2006 Bikeway and Pedestrian Plan for more description of proposals and project priorities." Implementation Measure PR4-1.2 should be amended to read: "A creekside path should be encouraged along Arroyo Grande Creek and its junction with Tally Ho (Corbett Canyon) Creek within the heart of the Village. Other Creekside recreation trails should be considered where possible to provide circulation and passive recreation amenities for community-wide and neighborhood enjoyment compatible with existing and planned land use and provided that adequate security, safety and privacy can be maintained without adverse environmental impacts." Figure (Map) PR-2 should be amended as shown in Exhibit A3. ['.J \ <C . . I, (l.! ...~ ~ cv e:! Q) ~ w~ ~D. oii .- ~ R;Q) -~ ~ Q) ~C) .- u ." .' ~, ''':.. .- < l . , ",: ,"': \ \. '" o o N cO N ... 4> .c E 4> > o Z '0 4> '0 C 4> E <( / -, .. " ~ .. ... ) .... '/ }, .. .. , \ ,. ~ ~ .~ > ;;; "-; C 0. 0. E .!i .9 0 !l ;;' <fJ u; ~ C " Q .~ .~ C tl C C '" ~ ~ ~ iij 0 '" >- '0 .!i !!! N ~ ~ E .~ ,~ 0 0 0 " ::J ~ .9 ,2 0. C '" ~ 0 C> ~ ct ct ct iij 0 i3 '0 C . 4> E .. .. , ~ ~ . Cl . - 4> E ..J . > Q. e .. 0. :;: E ;"..~ .r .;- I \ , \ \ l l '" l , , \ # " \ .. , / ./' ..-"" ... .. .\11 ,] ~ " , i) .. .. .. 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