Minutes 2006-10-24 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Ferrara called the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City CouncillRDA: Council/Board Members Jim Dickens, Joe Costello, Ed Arnold, Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Jim Guthrie, and Mayor/Chair Tony Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Steve Adams, City Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Financial Services Angela Kraetsch, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Don Spagnolo, Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Dan Hernandez, and Community Development Director Rob Strong. 3. FLAG SALUTE Members of Boy Scout Pack 13 Den 6 Webelos led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Retired Pastor Paul Jones, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Honorary Proclamation - Character Counts Week. Mayor Ferrara presented an Honorary Proclamation recognizing October 16-22. 2006 as Character Counts Week. Mr. Tobie Charles accepted the Proclamation and spoke briefly of the "Six Pillars of Character". 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only Council Member Dickens moved, Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Gordon Bennett. Allen Street, expressed concerns with potential flooding in the Arroyo Grande and Tally Ho creeks caused by debris. Eddie EI-Helou, E. Branch Street business owner, spoke in support of Measure 0-06, the City's sales tax measure. Grea Moore, E. Branch Street business owner, spoke in support of Measure 0-06; stated that passage of the measure would not negatively impact him as a business owner; stated that the City is being fiscally responsible; and stated that if the measure does not pass, it would be difficult to fund capital projects in the City. Minutes: City Council Meeting, Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Page 2 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor/Chair Ferrara invited any member of the public who wished to comment on any Consent Agenda item to do so at this time. There were no public comments received. Council/Board Member Costello moved, and Council/Board Member Dickens seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.e., with the recommended courses of action. The motion carried on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Arnold, Dickens, Costello, Guthrie, Ferrara None None 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period October 1, 2006 through October 16, 2006. 8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of September 30, 2006. 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of September 12, 2006, as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of Proposal to Purchase and Install Upgrade to the City's Cable Television Playback and Presentation System. Action: Appropriated $12,250 from the Public, Education and Government (PEG) Access Fund and directed staff to implement the proposal submitted by AGP Video for design and installation of the upgrade to the City's cable television playback and presentation system. 8.e. Consideration of Support for Proposition 84 - The Clean Water, Parks and Coastal Protection Bond of 2006. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3961 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUPPORTING PROPOSITION 84". 8.f. Consideration of Resolution in Support of Proposition 1 C - The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3962 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUPPORTING PROPOSITION 1C- THE HOUSING AND EMERGENCY SHELTER TRUST FUND ACT OF 2006". 8.g. Consideration of Resolutions Establishing the City's Contribution Toward Health Care Coverage. Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 3963 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION TOWARD HEALTH CARE COVERAGE FOR MEMBERS OF THE ARROYO GRANDE POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION ("AGPOA")"; 2) Adopted Resolution No. 3964 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION TOWARD HEALTH CARE COVERAGE FOR MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL 4403"; 3) Adopted Resolution No. 3965 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION TOWARD HEALTH CARE COVERAGE FOR MEMBERS OF THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL 620". Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Page 3 a.h. Consideration of Appropriation of Funds for Startup Costs for East Grand Avenue Business Improvement Association. [CC/RDA] Action: The City Council/RDA Board appropriated and authorized the City Manager/Executive Director to expend $2,000 for startup costs for the formation of an East Grand Avenue Business Improvement Association. a.L Consideration of Authorization to Purchase a Self-Priming Pump and Motor for Soto Detention Basin No.1. Action: Authorized the purchase of a 50 h.p. self-priming pump, motor and suction hose for Soto Detention Basin NO.1 from Godwin Pumps in the amount of $23.537.09. a.j. Consideration of Award of Bid for Contracted Custodial Services - Service Master. Action: Awarded the bid for contract custodial services to Service Master in the amount of $3,834 per month and authorized the Mayor to execute the Contractor Services Agreement. a.k. Consideration of Authorization to Submit a Proposal to the Lucia Mar Unified School District to be a Partner in the "Bright Futures" Program. Action: Authorized the Director of Parks. Recreation and Facilities to submit a proposal to the Lucia Mar Unified School District to become a partner in the Bright Futures Program. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Consideration of Vesting Tentative Tract Map Case No. 04-004 and Planned Unit Development Case No. 04-001; Applicant: DB & M Properties, LLC; Location: 415 E. Branch Street (Continued from August a, 2006). Community Development Director Strong presented the staff report and recommended the Council consider an addendum to the certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and development proposal for a commercial retail, office and residential project located in the Village of Arroyo Grande (Creekside Mixed-Use Center) take tentative action on the project, and direct staff to return with a supporting resolution. He stated that the Planning Commission recommended the City Council adopt a resolution denying the project as presented at the April 2005 Planning Commission meeting. Director Strong responded to questions related to the project proposal, including street and sidewalk modifications; ingress/egress locations; mitigation measures related to trees; drainage; commercial building size and design; parking; and coordination of uses between commercial and residential. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, inviting the applicant or representative to address the Council first. Joe Boud, Joseph Boud & Associates, representing the applicant, gave a brief history of the development review process for the project over the past six years. He noted that they had addressed comments made at the last meeting by modifying the commercial building to reduce the bulk and massing; conducting a tree inventory and analysis and determining that two oak trees and one palm were good candidates for relocation, however the remaining trees are either too large, too diseased. or too problematic to transplant; noted that new trees would be planted; agreed to install speed humps on Le Point Street if recommended by the Public Works Department; checked with PG&E and clarified that the City makes the decision on number, type, and location of street lighting and would follow recommendations by Public Works; lighting within the residential component had not been decided but would be pedestrian scale; recognized that Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Page 4 area is in flood zone and the necessary grading required for the project; addressed issue regarding impervious surface and determined that there is 5-12 inches of compacted base that provides a near-perfect impervious surface and detention basins are not recommended in flood zones; researched issue regarding upper floor parking garages; briefly reviewed redesign of project to accommodate every concern that has been expressed, including providing additional traffic analyses; a second access onto Branch Street; an arborist report; the Geotech report; retention of the loading docks at the Barn; retention of the Barn in its entirety; redesign of the commercial building; the street lighting, and. the creekside parcel. He responded to questions from Council concerning the left turn pocket, the landscape plan, parking to accommodate the retail portion of the project; the height of the commercial building; clarification of the Agreement between the Browns and DB&M Property which runs with the land; and he read into the record a letter from Adair and Trudy Brown, owners of the warehouse at 415 E. Branch Street, supporting the proposed project surrounding their property (on file in the Administrative Services Department). He concluded by requesting support and approval of the project. . Council asked further questions of Mr. Boud regarding elevations and height of the commercial building; review of the property line; and drainage issues as it relates to the creek. Mayor Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. The followino members of the public addressed the Council: Camav Arad. owner of Chameleon Fabrics, Furniture & Design and Allen Street resident, gave a presentation entitled "Village within a Village - Citizens Alternative Plan" which includes the preservation of the Loomis Barn grain mill and the historic Loomis house. She reviewed a checklist of community concerns regarding the proposed project, and suggested speCific revisions to the project to address the concerns. She spoke in opposition to the proposed project as submitted; urged the developer to work with the business owners and neighbors; and urged the Council to consider ttie alternative plan. Earl BalQeman, Le Point Street, spoke in opposition to the proposed project, specifically the residential driveways on Crown Terrace; garages above living quarters; the proposed residential density (too many units); tree removal; and building style. Karla Hanev, Mesa Alia Lane, spoke in support of the alternative plan presented by Ms. Arad. GreQ Moore, Village business owner, spoke in support of the mixed-use project as proposed. Bill McCann, Crown Hill, spoke in support of the alternative plan presented by Ms. Arad. He suggested scaling down the massive residential element, adding more retail, and enlarging the parking area. Rov Rawlinos spoke in support of the alternative plan presented by Ms. Arad. Pattv.Welsh, Pradera Court, spoke in support of the alternative plan presented by Ms. Arad. Aleii Davar, Le Point Street, member of the Le Point Street Residents Committee, displayed an exhibit showing the area, expressing concern about the proposed residential driveways on Crown Terrace, potential increased traffic problems associated with the development and its impact on Le Point Street residents. Jane Line, Pleasant Lane, expressed concern about the lack of retail space; the ability of the proposed project to draw people into town; and spoke in support of the alternative plan presented by Ms. Arad. Ann BalQeman, Le Point Street, noted her original concerns with safety, traffic, residential density, and multiple driveways on Crown Terrace. She spoke in opposition to the project as proposed. Winton Tullis, Allen Street, urged the Council to review the alternative plan. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Page 5 Chuck Fellows, Canyon Way, member of the Planning Commission, noted that in April 2005 the Planning Commission denied the project based on the inability to make three findings. He acknowledged the applicant's changes to the project; however, he felt the project was still not a good fit for the Village. He said the neighbors have expressed concern regarding the three story structures that would include homes with driveways on Crown Terrace; the three-story commercial office building is too large and too tall, and the design and exterior materials are not compatible with the historic barn and two vintage houses. He said there is an opportunity to continue the process of improving this northeast part of the Village, and stated there needs to be a collaborative element to the process to include the developer, the neighbors, and the business owners. Marina Gordv, Le Point Terrace, expressed concern with the proposed residential driveways on Crown Terrace and increased noise and traffic as a result of the development. JacQueline Ponterelli, Le Point Street, member of the Le Point Street Committee, agreed with comments made by Ms. Arad, Mr. Fellows, and Mr. Davar's. Debbie Swenson, Bee Canyon Road, spoke in support of the alternative plan presented by Ms. Arad. Gordon Bennett, Allen Street, spoke in support of the alternative plan presented by Ms. Arad. Lance Tullis, Garden Street, spoke in support of the alternative plan presented by Ms. Arad. Scott Underwood, May Street, spoke in support of the alternative plan presented by Ms. Arad. Resident on Le Point Terrace (name not provided), expressed concern about increased traffic on Crown Hill Terrace. James Murphv, Walnut Street, expressed concern about the area near the creek and stated he hoped the 25-foot setback area would be provided as open space for people to enjoy. MarQie Hurd, Deer Canyon, spoke in support of the alternative plan presented by Ms. Arad. Howard Mankins, Hillcrest Drive, spoke in support of the project's mixed-use concept; considered this as in-fill development that will upgrade the property; expressed concern about prolonging the project; noted that the applicant has complied with all the conditions; and spoke in support of the proposed project. Duane DeBlauw, applicant, briefly commented on the square footage of the commercial building. He stated that to look at an alternative to make further reductions to the project and in looking at all of the conditions of approval, he does not see how the project could be economically viable. He also spoke of the additional infrastructure demands placed on the project. He reviewed the history of the project's development review process and said that they have followed all direction with regard to changes and refinement to the project. He stated that being asked to consider a whole new change is extremely difficult if it doesn't increase any economic viability. He requested reasonableness in order to make the project viable, and requested the Council consider their efforts to respond to all concerns expressed. He then responded to concerns regarding the cypress trees along Crown Terrace and suggested that their removal would enhance the safety of the pedestrian walkway; expressed continued confusion about the road width on Crown Terrace and noted that it currently exists with no sidewalks, no.shoulder, and is very narrow. He stated the new proposal widens the street and includes a sidewalk, which would create a safer situation. He also noted that many project studies had been done so there is some factual basis for which to make decisions. He requested the Council approve the project. Joe Boud, Joseph Boud & Associates, noted that they had explored the idea of additional commercial behind the existing Loomis Barn and the residences in lieu of additional residential; however, they were dismissed because to establish commercial development behind the E. Branch frontage without any visual connection, circulation connection, or any adequate vehicular/pedestrian flow is not, a feasible plan. He said that is why a mixed-use project was designed to create a transition between residential and commercial uses. He replied to comments regarding garages directly above residences; referred to the arborist report regarding Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Page 6 tree removal; the proposed building style; and noted the severe constraints on the site including the creek setbacks, the steep embankment along Crown Terrace. and the sewer and gas easements that run through the center of the property. He concluded by saying that they have worked with everyone involved to come up with a project that has satisfied all of the concerns expressed. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Mayor Ferrara called for a break at 9:30 p.m. The Council reconvened at 9:40 p.rn. At the request of Mr. DeBlauw, Mayor Ferrara invited the applicants to address the Council and provide final comments. Richard DeBlauw, applicant, asked Council to make a decision tonight on the proposed project as submitted. Jim Matthews, DB&M Builders, stated that they have exhausted funding, have complied with all suggestions made, and stated they would be unable to continue with the project if it is not approved tonight. Council Member Dickens provided the following comments: Addressed City's development review process; noted that Council had only seen this project three times this year in June, August, and October; Noted that the Planning Commission recommended denial of the project in April 2005 and the applicant decided to address the issues arid make revisions instead of bringing it directly to the Council at that time; Acknowledged pre-existing assets on the site including historic resources (structures); creekside access; proximity to the Village and potential for a Village extension; close proximity to residential and pedestrian access which calls for increased retail; Is proponent for more retail commercial in this area, less high density residential; Does not support land use conflicts between residential and commercial; Expressed concern with design; is too contemporary and too residential in nature; Crown Terrace is too narrow for the increased use proposed; site has not had historic access to Crown Terrace; improvements will not mitigate the increased impacts; The proposal does not compliment the valued historic structures on the site and dominates and detracts from the historic Village; The barn need to be the cornerstone and focal point in size and scale; There are few to no elements proposed which extend the Village charm and draw pedestrians to this area; Cannot support the project as proposed. Council Member Costello provided the following comments: Thanked everyone who addressed the Council; thanked the applicant for addressing many of the previously identified concerns; Clarified that the Council was not choosing between the applicant's proposal and an alternative proposal; the Council was here to consider the applicant's proposal only; Acknowledged that a mixed use project was desired on the site; - The size of the commercial building is still too large and it dominates the barn; There are traffic circulation issues; there should not be residential driveways on Crown Terrace; Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Page 7 Expressed concern with traffic coming out of the project between the barn and the commercial building and trying to turn left to go up Crown Hill; - Cannot support proposed project based on the circulation problems; the impact of taking out 70 trees; and the mass and scale of the commercial building. Council Member Arnold provided the following comments: - Expressed concern about the size and scale of the commercial building; Expressed concern about traffic circulation on Crown Terrace; Parking garage may be appropriate in that is may be a limited in and out access and potentially controlled with a gate for employees only; There are too many driveways on Crown Terrace; Expressed concern with the historical setting and removing a portion of Hildy's house and destroying a large portion of the existing garden; Recommended denying without prejudice so the applicant can come back with modifications. Mayor Pro Tem Guthrie provided the following comments: - Acknowledged the Council was not reviewing the alternative plan tonight; Stated that the overall intensity of use in an all commercial project versus a mixed use project is much higher; Supports a mixed use project; clear enhancement to the Village; could be better mix of residential and commercial; The historical buildings provide some constraints for development on the site; The connection of the project to the Village depends on future development on the adjacent properties and whether there will be continuous link to retail uses; Wish there was a connection through the creek all the way from the back side of the property; With regard to tree removal, the purpose of the existing trees was to visually hide an industrial use; ok with removing; Acknowledged there may be problems backing out onto Crown Terrace; however, the overall traffic improvement would be a plus; Sidewalk would improve pedestrian safety; street would be a little bit wider; traffic study showed traffic counts not high; With regard to the scale of the commercial building, the height of the peak is 33' which is only 1 foot taller than the barn; agrees it is large; however, does not believe it will overpower the barn; Supports moving forward with the project as proposed. Mayor Ferrara provided the following comments: Expressed concern with the size, scale and intensity of the commercial building and its mass and height in relation to the barn; - Expressed concern with the proposed architectural style and the lack of a color rendering or color board; Prefers that the commercial building be reduced or divided or designed more in scale with the other buildings; Comfortable with applicant's proposal with regard to drainage and the creek; Important to link the project design with potential development on adjacent properties; Supports mixed use project concept; housing would be asset to City which would enhance pedestrian access to the Village; would not support reducing the housing complement; Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Page 8 - The trees need to be better maintained; referred to arborist report; is comfortable with landscape plan; - Would support the project if the driveways on Crown Terrace were removed and if the backyard and garden of Hildy's House were not impacted; - Suggested breaking up the commercial building to soften the mass. Council Member Costello moved to take tentative action to deny the project, without prejudice, and direct staff to return at a subsequent meeting with a supporting resolution. Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Costello, Dickens, Arnold, Ferrara Guthrie None 9.b. Consideration of Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-002; Hampton Inn and Suites Hotel Project Located at 1400 W. Branch Street Community Development Director Strong presented the staff report and recommended the Council: 1) Adopt a Resolution approving Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-002 modifying condition of approval number 23 for the Hampton Inn and Suites Hotel, including relocation of one additional existing mature oak and an amended landscape plan. City Manager Adams gave an overview of staff's recommendation regarding approval of a proposed revenue sharing agreement to provide a reimbursement of $250,000 over a five-year period in transient occupancy tax revenue generated from the project. He introduced Tim Mulrenan, the City's Redevelopment Agency consultant, who reviewed financial projections provided by the applicant. City Manager Adams recommended that the Council take tentative action to approve the Agreement and direct staff to bring back a final Agreement for formal approval. Staff then responded to questions from Council regarding the landscape plan as it relates to tree removal, relocation, and replacement. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, inviting the applicant or representative to address the Council first. Bob Tuttle, architect, noted that the original tree location survey was not accurate and the three big trees in front of the hotel were located much closer to the slope and it became necessary to shift the building. He explained that extensive retaining walls were then required which significantly increased the cost of the project. He reviewed entrance modifications to the project as well as the modified landscape plan to relocate certain trees on the site. Garv White, applicant/owner, stated he worked on the tree relocation issues and the redesign of the hotel entrance and requested direction from the Council on relocating or replacing tree #9. He commented on and provided suggestions for relocating and replacing certain trees on the site, and responded to questions from Council. Rob McMillan, development partner for American Property Management Corporation (financing partner and operating partner of the property and the franchisee with Hilton Hotels), spoke in support of the modified landscape plan and the transient occupancy tax rebate program. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Page 9 Mayor Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. ' Kristen Barneich, Canyon Way, expressed concern with the modified landscape plan as it relates to the removal, relocation, and replacement of the oak trees, She requested that the landscape plan come back to the Architectural Review Committee for final review, Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing, Council Member Arnold provided the following comments: - Originally favored mitigating a majority of the Oak trees; Stated this was a very worthwhile project for the City and will be a valuable asset; Walked the site and noted that the trees in question are not very healthy and it was questionable whether they would survive; Hoped that landmark tree #2 lives longer than the arborist predicted; Could agree to mitigation for trees #9, #10 & #11 and moving the porte-cochere to the center; preference would be to remove and mitigate them with faster growing trees; suggested landscape plan be implemented early in the process so there is time for plants and trees to mature; Expressed concern about the timing of implementing the transient occupancy tax revenue sharing agreement as it relates to impacting other hotels located in the City; Supports relocation of trees #7 and #8, parallel to trees #1 and #2, Council Member Costello provided the following comments: - Agreed with Council Member Arnold's comments about saving trees #7 and #8; Is flexible with relocating or replacing trees #9, #10, and #11; Agreed that specimen Oak trees might be tall; however, they don't have the girth that the mature trees do; Would prefer to see redwood trees along W, Branch Street; Supports the transient occupancy tax revenue sharing agreement as proposed as a sound investment; formula must be appropriate. Council Member Dickens provided the following comments: - Noted that he did not support the original approval of the project due to its size and scale; however, he acknowledged the City Council did approve the project for this site and the City must work with the applicant to make sure it is a successful project; Supports moving the porte-cochere into the center of the project and mitigating oak trees #9, #10, and #11 by replacing on a 3:1 ratio, with one specimen tree and two other 24" or 36" box trees; Does not support the placement of Oak trees along W. Branch Street frontage; Supports transplanting of trees #5a, #7 and #8 on the property and replacing #9, #10, and #11 at a 3: 1 ratio with trees that are appropriate to help screen the size and scale of the project; Requested that appropriate trees be placed along W. Branch Street and the Grand Estates furniture store to provide an adequate buffer; Supported economic development assistance associated with the project and supported the transient occupancy tax revenue sharing agreement as proposed. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Page 10 Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie provided the following comments: Supports moving the porte-cochere and removal and mitigation of the Oak trees; - Agreed that Oak trees should not be placed along the W. Branch Street frontage; likes eucalyptus trees; Favored providing economic assistance; however, he expressed concerns with the terms of the agreement as it relates to the timing and amount of reimbursement. Mayor Ferrara provided the following comments: - Concurs with the policy of 3 to 1 replacement with one being a specimen tree; trees that are healthy enough to reposition have been identified; would like to see the landscape plan fast tracked to the ARC for review; Liked the porte-cochere off to the side as it provides for a more unique character, but could support it being in the center; Supports the replacement of trees #9, #10, and #11; would like to see concept landscape plans; Concurred that Oak trees should not be placed along the W. Branch Street frontage; would like to see tall and lean trees to break up the elevation, but nothing that would obscure views; Supported the transient occupancy tax revenue sharing agreement as proposed. Discussion ensued regarding the Oak tree mitigation policy and the terms of the transient occupancy tax revenue sharing agreement. Council Member Arnold moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-002 TO MODIFY CONDITION OF APPROVAL NUMBER 23 OF TENETATIVE PARCEL MAP CAST NO. 05-003 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (SPECIFIC DEVelOPMENT PLAN) CASE NO. 04-009 ALLOWING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HOTEL AND RESTAURANT; LOCATED AT 1400 WEST BRANCH STREET, AS APPLIED FOR BY STEPHEN COOL AND GARY WHITE", as amended to mitigate Oak trees #9, #10, and #11 with large specimen Oak trees to be agreed upon by the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Director and the applicant, with an additional two trees per each tree taken as mitigation with the species to be selected by the ARC and for the ARC to review and assist in the development of the overall landscape plan. He further moved to tentatively approve the transient occupancy tax agreement with a threshold of $50,000 above the previous year's transient occupancy tax revenues for the City, with the City then sharing a dollar for dollar increase up to a $50,000 reimbursement to the applicant for a period of five years. Following clarification and discussion, Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Arnold, Costello, Dickens, Guthrie, Ferrara None None Upon unanimous consensus of the Council, it was agreed to continue the meeting past midnight. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a. Consideration of Traffic Way Streetscape Plan. Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Hernandez and Community Development Director Strong presented the staff report and recommended the Council consider the draft Traffic Way Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Page 11 Streetscape Plan (TWSP), including the street tree planting program by the Tree Guild and street restriping and future improvement plans prepared by the Public Works and Community Development Departments for approval and implementation as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Commission. Mayor Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. Kristen Barneich, Canyon Way, representing the Tree Guild of Arroyo Grande, noted that Traffic Way is the southern to t~e City and that it is a great place to concentrate their beautification efforts and funds. She stated that in February the Tree Guild received Council's approval in concept of the Traffic Way Master Tree Plan and specific approval of Phase 1 of the Plan. She said that Phase 1 was successfully implemented in April with the Tree Guild donating the trees, labor, and materials and were assisted by the City's Parks and Recreation Department and local business owners. She requested approval of Phase 2; noted that the Guild has applied for, and been awarded, a matching funds grant of $1,550 from the California Dept. of Forestry which will provide the funds to complete Phase 2. She spoke of the benefits that trees provide to the environment and the community. Bob Christianson, representing Christianson Chevrolet, opposed the placement of trees in front of his car dealership for a variety of reasons; however, he noted that he saw there were no trees proposed in that location. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public comment period. Council comments included support for the conceptual plan; concern about the proposed street restriping; a suggestion to keep a lane available for transitioning onto Bridge Street; and a suggestion to cost out and review warrants for a traffic signal at Traffic Way and Station Way. Council Member Arnold moved to adopt the Traffic Way Streetscape Plan with the modification suggested by Council Member Dickens for continuing of the northbound traffic onto Bridge Street. Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Arnold, Dickens, Costello, Guthrie, Ferrara None None 11. NEW BUSINESS None. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Due to the late hour, the Council did not provide City Council reports. a. MAYOR TONY M. FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of GovernmentslSan Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). No report. . (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). No report. (3) Other. None. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Page 12 b. MAYOR PRO TEM JIM GUTHRIE: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). No report. (2) Other. None. c. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). No report. (2) South County Youth Coalition. No report. (3) Other. None. d. COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. No report. (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). No report. (3) Fire Oversight Committee. No report. (4) Fire Consolidation Oversight Committee. No report. (5) Other. None. e. COUNCIL MEMBER ED ARNOLD: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). No report. (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA). No report. (3) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). No report. (4) Other. None. 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: None. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: None. 18. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 12:23 a.m. Ton~r~) ATTEST: V, rumy__ Kelly Wetmore, C' y Clerk (, (Approved at CC Mtg /1..-/1.'').oo!.J; )