O 584 ORDINANCE NO. 584 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING PORTIONS OF TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 04- 005B) PERTAINING TO RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, REZONING PORTIONS OF THE RESIDENTIAL RURAL DISTRICT TO RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN IN THE VICINITY OF VIA LA BARRANCA AND CANYON WAY AND AMENDING DESIGN DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICTS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande adopted the updated General Plan which became effective on October 9, 2001 and requires a comprehensive review and necessary revisions from time to time to the Development Code and zoning map for consistency in accordance with Government Code Section 65860 and updating provisions based on new legislation and clarifications necessary for internal code consistency; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission held public hearings/public workshops on December 6, 2005; February 23,2006; June 6,2006; August 1,2006; September 5,2006; October 3, 2006; and November 21, 2006 and recommended approval of the proposed amendments to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code for the purposes of General Plan consistency and implementation of its goals and policies and clarifications necessary for the consistent administration of the Development Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: A. The proposed amendment will be consistent with the General Plan for reasons that include, but are not limited to: 1 . The proposed ordinance will satisfy Objectives LU2 and LU3 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan, which states "Accommodate a broad range of Single family Residential housing densities.. and Multiple Family Residential and special needs housing types and densities within the City". 2. The proposed ordinance will satisfy LU12 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan which states "Components of "rural setting" and small town character" shall be protected. 3. Current development for the Miller Way neighborhood is found to be consistent with the General Plan given the need to balance all applicable General Plan policies in accordance with LU11-1.1 which states ....treat the densities and intensities outlined in the Land Use Element as the maximum allowable.. consistent with the provisions and intent of the Arroyo Grande General Plan and City ordinances." 4. The proposed ordinance is consistent with the goals and policies Housing Element including but not limited to Goal A, which states" The City shall adopt policies, programs and procedures that attempt to meet present and future needs of residents in the City". ORDINANCE NO. 584 PAGE 2 B. The proposed change revisions to Title 16 preserve the fabric of existing residential neighborhoods in the City, accommodates infill development and will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. C. The proposed change of zones and revisions to Title 16 satisfy the intent and purpose of the Development Code, specifically the intent of 16.32 (Residential Districts) and 16.44 (Special Districts) of the Municipal Code. D. The proposed ordinance is within the scope of the Program EIR prepared for the 2001 General Plan Update, and a Negative Declaration has been prepared in Accordance with CEQA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as follows: SECTION 1: The above recitals and findings are true and correct. SECTION 2: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 16.24.020 (Zoning Map) is hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 3: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Sections set forth hereinbelow are hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: a. Amend Sections: 16.04.070(C)[in part]; 16.12.150(A)(1); 16.16.060(B);Table 16.20.050-A; 16.24.010.B.9., 16.32.020; 16.32.030; Section A of Table 16.32.040-A; Table 16.32.050-A; Table 16.32.050-B; 16.32.050(B) and (C); 16.32.050(E); 16.48.060; and Table 15.52.150-A. b. Add Sections: 16.16.060(F); 16.44.020(0). c. Subsections M and N of Section 16.08.010 of the Municipal Code are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: The following ordinances are repealed in their entirety: 89 C.S., 135 C.S, 138 C.S., and 329 C.S. SECTION 5: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared unconstitutional. ORDINANCE NO. 584 PAGE 3 SECTION 6: Upon adoption of this Ordinance, the Director of Administrative Services shall file a Notice of Determination. SECTION 7: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Membersvoting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 8: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On motion by Council Member Costello, seconded by Council Member Guthrie, and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Costello, Guthrie, Arnold, and Mayor Ferrara None Council Member Fellows the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 13th day of February, 2007. ORDINANCE NO. 584 PAGE 4 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CF:..~/, , /'~.' " STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TTORNEY Highlighted area to be rezoned from Residential Rural (RR). Residential Rural 0-2.2 and Residential Rural 0.2.3 to Residential Suburban (RS) Highlighted area to be rezoned from Mulli-Family Apartment (MFA) 0-2.13 to Fair Oaks Mixed-Use (FOMU) D-2.13 Highlighted area to be rezoned from Rural Residential (RR) 0-2.8 to Single-Family (SF); dashed area to be rezoned from PF D-2.8 to PF m >< ::t OJ ~ ):> EXHIBIT "B" Amend Section 16.04.070.C. [Definitions) (in part) "Basement" me:ms :my oreo of the building hO'ling its floor subgrado, i.e., below ground level on oil sides. "Basement" As identified in the Uniform BuildinQ Code. Generallv meaninq that portion of a buildinq between floor and ceilinq. which is entirelv below or partlv below and partly above qrade and does not qualifv as a "stOry" (See "StOry.") "Block Front" means all the properties frontinq on one side of a street. between intersectinq streets or a street and a waterway. cul-de-sac. or unsubdivided land. Dwelling. Single-Family Detached. "Single-family detached dwelling" means a dwelling unit that is not attached to any other dwellings by any means and houses one family, includinq mobile and manufactured homes on permanent foundations. "I nfill Development" Development of vacant land (usually individual lots or left-over properties) within areas that are already largely developed. "Residential zoning district" means property in the RE, RH. RR, RS, SF, VR, MF, MFA, ~, MFVH. MHP and PO districts. 'Story" moons As identified in the Uniform Buildinq Code. qenerallv meaninq that portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above. except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling above. If the finished floor level directlv above usable or unused underfloor space is more than 6 feet above finished qrade as defined herein for more than 50 percent of the total perimeter or is more than 12 feet above finished qrade as defined herein at any point. such usable or unused underfloor space shall be considered as a stOry. The b3sement or cell::Jr sholl not be considered 0 story unless the upper surbce of the floor 3bove is more thon six feet obo'lo the 0'ler3go level of the highest 3nd 10'....8st points of th8 ground surfoco immediotely odjocent to the exterior wolls of the building. Amend Section 16.12.150 [Appeals.] A. Appeal of Action. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, any decision mode under this title approval. denial. suspension or revocation of a license. permit or entitlement referenced in Sections 2.17.030.A.2. or 16.08.060 shall be subject to the appeal provisions set forth in this section. Amend Section 16.16.060(8) [Planned unit development permits] B. .1 Authority. The planning commission is authorized to approve planned unit development permits, subject to the appeal provisions of Section 16.12.150 of this title. The community development director, staff advisory committee, and architectural review committee shall provide recommendations to the planning commission regarding planned unit development permits. A public hearing pursuant to Section 16.12.160 of this title shall be required. 2. Application for a planned unit development shall not constitute an application for subdivision. If a subdivision of land is proposed in conjunction with a planned unit development project, separate application, review, and findings shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the code. 3. Application for a planned unit development may be used when an amendment is requested for development standards applicable within a planned development or other previous discretionary entitlement for which there is no provision for the process of amendment. Add Section 16.16.060(F) [Planned unit development permits] F. Revisions/Modifications. Revisions or modifications of planned unit development permits may be requested by the applicant. Further, the planninq commission may periodically review or modify a planned unit development permit. 1. Revisions/Modifications Requested by Applicant. A revision or modification to an approved planned unit development permit, such as, but not limited to, chanqe in conditions of approval. expansions. intensification, setbacks, or landscape requirements, may be requested by an applicant. The applicant shall supply necessary information. as determined by the city. to indicate reasons for the requested chanqe. The requested revision or modification shall be processed in the same manner as the oriqinal planned unit development permit. 2. Review by Planninq Commission. The planninq commission may periodically review any planned unit development permit to ensure that it functions in a manner consistent with conditions of approval. If, after review, the commission deems there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full examination, a public hearinq date shall be set. At such public hearinq, the planninq commission may modify the permit to ensure the intent of required conditions and mitiqation measures are met. 2 Amend Table 16.20.050-A Minimum Lot Size For Parcels with Slope Greater Than 7% Minimum Topography Area 7 - 10.000 s.f. 15% slope 20.000 s.r for 11o.lols Minimum Frontage 80 feet Minimum Average Depth .110 feet Ratio Maximum Depth to Width 3:1 Percent of ,Ground .Surface to Remain in Natural State 20% 15 - 20.000 s.f. 25% slope 40.000 '.f. for na!! lots '100 feet 150 feet 3:1 50% 25% N/A* and up slope* N/A* N/A* N/A* 100%* Amend Section 16.24.010 B.9. B.9. Senior houlling (SR) Multi-Familv Very HiQh Densitv (MFVH) district; Amend Section 16.32.020 Residential Estate (RE) Districts. A. Residential Estate (RE) District. The RE district is intended to permit single-family residential development en estate size lots commensurate with the rural character and lifestyle of adjoining county developments. This district is intended as an area for development of low density, large lot, single-family detached residential dwelling units at a maximum density of 1.0 dwelling unit per 2.5 gross acres. B. Residential Hillside (RH) District. The primary purpose of the RH district is to provide for and protect rural atmosphere and lifestyles, as well as to provide for protection of existing hillside areas in accordance with general plan policies. This district is intended as an area for development of low density, large lot, single- family detached and small lot single-family detached residential dwelling units at a maximum density of 1.0 dwelling unit per 1.5 gross acres. Cluster development is encouraged in order to protect the environment. Other uses may be considered through a planned unit development or similar mechanism. C. Rural Residential (RR) District. The primary purpose of the RR district is to provide for and protect rural atmosphere and lifestyles. This district is intended as , .) an area 'for development of low density, large lot residential (1.0 acre gross minimum porcol cize) dwelling units at a maximum density of 1.0 dwelling unit per 1.0 gross acre. D. Residential Suburban (RS) District. The primary purpose of the RS district is to provide a transition between rural and urban density development areas, and to provide for a suburban lifestyle on residential lots larger than those commonly found in suburban subdivisions. This district is intended as an area for development of moderate sized lot, single-family detached residential dwelling units at a maximum allowable density of 2.5 dwelling units per gross acre. E. Single-Family Residential (SF) District. The primary purpose of the SF district is to provide for residential development on common sized suburban lots. This district is intended as an area for development of single-family detached residential, small lot single- family detached residential, 3nd mobilehomes at a maximum allowable density of 4.5 dwelling units per gross acre. F. Village Residential (VR) District. The primary purpose of the VR district is to provide for residential uses while preserving the character of those areas which are historic or close to historic structures. More particularly, the village residential district is intended to protect historical resources which add interest, identity and variety to older neighborhoods, contributing to the area's quality of life by providing a visual focus on the city's rural heritage. The district is intended as an area for the preservation and development of single-family detached homes at a maximum allowable density of 4.5 dwelling units per gross acre. G. CondominiumlTownhouse (MF) District. The primary purpose of the MF district is to provide for a variety of residential uses, encourage diversity in housing types with enhanced amenities (common open space and recreation areas), or provide transitions between higher intensity and lower intensity uses. This district is intended as an area for development of small lot single-family detached, single- family attached, and multifamily attached residential dwelling units, Planned Unit Developments, condominiums, and certain senior housing types, at a maximum allowable density of 9.0 dwelling units per gross acre. H. Multifamily Apartment (MFA) District. The primary purpose of the MFA district is to provide a broadened range of housing types for those not desiring detached dwellings on individual parcels, and with open space and recreational amenities not generally associated with typical suburban subdivisions. This district is intended as an area for development of single-family attached and multifamily attached residential dwelling units, and certain senior housing types at a maximum allowable density of eleven (11) fourteen (14) dwelling units per gross acre. I. Senior Housing (SR) Multi-Family Very HiQh Densitv (MFVH) District. The purpose of the SR MFVH district is to provide suitable locations for the provision of very hiQh density multi-family housing designed includinQ exclusively fef housinQ for senior and handicapped citizens, including independent Iivina, congregate care, assisted living, and convalescent living arrangements. Senior housina developments within the SR MFVH district mav sHaJl..be age-restricted to senior citizens (for non handicapped households) to the extent permitted by state law. The maximum allowable density for independent living developments, sHall 4 bo oloven d'....elling unite per groee Jcre., un Ieee a minimum of twenty five (25) porcont of tho total unite me to bo reeoNod for low and modor31e incomo roeidonte. If euch a reeerYalion ie made, the doneity for independent living dovelopmente m3Y be increaeed to up to twenty fivo dwelling unite per groes acro. This density bonus is intended to implement state IJW Jnd shall net be considered in addition to IhJt 3uthorized by elate regulations: The maximum allowable density for congregate cme, assisted living, and cenvalescent living Jrr3ngements,,-shall be thirty four (34) twenty-five (25) dwelling units per gross acre. J. Mobilehome Park (MHP) District. The purpose of the MHP district is to provide suitable locations for the development of mobile home parks and subdivisions as a means of providing a range of housing types as called for in the general plan housing element. The maximum allowable density shall be M twelve (12) dwelling units per gross acre. Amend Section 16.32.030 [Residential Densities for Residential Districts.] A. For all sinqle family residential units within a residential zoninq district. each dwellinq unit counts as one density unit. For multi family dwellinqs within a residential zonina district a 1 bedroom or studio is equal to 0.5 unit and a 2 bedroom and above is equal to 1.0 unit. Density in Mixed Use districts are defined in Section 16.36.030.C.2. ~ The ultimate density allowed in any residential district shall be determined through the residential land division and land use permit and approval review process and public hearings as described in Chapters 16.12, 16.16 and 16.20 of this title. The planning commission and city council shall have the authority to reasonably condition any residential development to ensure proper transition and compatibility to adjacent residential developments, existing or proposed. Amend Table 16.32.040-A, Section A (Residential uses) [Uses Permitted Within Residential Districts) Legend P PP MUP PUD C NP Permitted Permittee S~bjeGt to Plat Plan Review Minor Use Permit Permitted Subiect to Issuance of a Planned Unit Development Permit Permitted Subject to Issuance of a Conditional Use Permit Not Permitted USE A. Residential Uses 5 USE RE RH RR RS SF VR MF MFA SR! MHP D-2.4" MFVH 1. Single- P P P P P P pb pb NP NP family MUP detached (standard lot sizes) 2. Small lot NP P NP NP P P P NP NP NP single-family. PUD PUD PUD PUD detached fPYG ~ 3. Single- NP P NP NP NP NP P P NP NP family PUD PUD PUD PUD attached (twin home, triplex, fourplex) fPYG ~ . " 14. Condomini NP NP NP NP NP NP IC C IC NP um (air space) I I I ifGYP I I I I I I .n 15. Multiple- NP NP NP NP NP NP MUP MUP NP NP family E attached (2 - 4 units) 6. Multiple- NP NP NP NP NP NP C C NP NP family MUP attached (5 or more units) 7. e C C c e c c e c C Mobile- home subdivis ions 8. e c c c e c c c c C Mobile- home Inarks 9. N N N N N N C C C N Boardin p p p p p p p g/roomi no 6 USE RE RH RR RS SF VR MF MFA ~ MHP D-2.4" MFVH houses 10. N N N N N N C C C N Senior p p p p p p p indepen dent living uses 11. N N N N N N C C C N Congre p p p p p p p gate care, assiste d living 12. N N N N N N C C C N Conval p p p p p p p escent care 13. p P P P P P P P P P Reside ntial care facility (6 or Ifewer , I 'persons , , , , , , , , ) 14. Bed N C C C C C C C N N and p p p breakfa st inns 15. p P P P P P P P P P Second I resident ial dwelling unit 16. p P P P P P P P P P Small family day care (6 or fewer children ) NOTE: FULL TEXT OF TABLE (SECTIONS B THROUGH G IN TABLE 16.32.040) NOT SHOWN 7 Notes: a Senior rcsicleAtial (SR) zone limits residential uses tEl senior citizens. a Architectural review is required for the Historic Character Overlav District 0-2.4 per Section 16.32.050.F.1 and in accordance with 16.16.130 throuqh the permit approval process for conditional use, planned unit development or minor use permit for architectural review. b If parcel area is below minimum building site area. Amend Table 16.32.050-A Residential Site Development Standards - Single Family Zones (Note to codifier: Highlighted asterisks are to be deleted) RE RH RR RS SF VR I. Maximum 0.4 0.67 1.0 2.5 4.5 4.5 density (DU's per gross acre) 2. f\1 inimulll 92,500" 49,000 40.000 12.000 7.200 6.750 building site" (Net [reduced lot area In sq. size allowed Ii.) ne\\ with suhdi\.islons conveyance of I I I I open space 111 I I I I perpetuity] 3. MlI1imU111 200' 130' 120' 80' 70' 50' lot \\"idth<: new subdl\'isions 4. Minimum 250' 200' 200' 100' 100' 100' lot depth new subdivisions 5. MinilllUlTI 50'* 35'* 35'* 25'* 20'* 15'* front yard * - New subdivisions of 5+ lots .. ... ..... ". ...... ...... ..... .' .... ................ - Infill and Setbacks listed above or the average setback of structures to the street on additions either side and directl" across block front for nronel1ies in the same district. (l. 1\1inimuI11 30'* 10% 01 10% of lot 5' one side, 10' Infill- 5': 5'. interior lot width. other sideL, for New side yard width' lots < 12,000 subdivision - setback' sq. ft. use SF) 5' one side, 10' other side.'!. 7. !\1inimul11 30'* 15~/o 0 15~/o of lot 15'* IS" I A" street side lot width width' yard setback' 8 RE RH RR RS SF VR ~. Minimum 50'* 40'* 25'* 20'* ]0' (I story) 10 (1- rear yard ( For lots < 15' (2- story) setback* 12.000 sq. It. story)* IS' (2- use SF) story) l). Maximum 35(% 350,11 35'% 30f~.~) 40%1 40(~1c) lot J (For lots coyerage <] 0.000 sq. Ii. use SF) 10. Maximum 30' or 2 stories. whichever is less. 1.:1' for accessory buildings height for buildings and structures II. Minimum 20' 20' 6' 10' 10' 10' distance between building {including maIn d\\ ellings and ~lcccssory I ~trllcturcs( -. . ._------~----- ----------- ----- - Amend Table 16.32.050-8 Residential Site Development Standards Multiple Family and Other Zones MF MFA SR-MFVH MHP -_...- . .-- _ __ u _ 1. Maximum density 9.0 4+.G 25.0 M (DU's per gross 140' 12.0 acre) Does not include densitv bonus for affordable housinq. The maximum allowable density for conqreqate care. assisted livinq. and convalescent Iivinq arranqements shall be thirtv-fourI34' dwellina units ner nross acre as allowed b state law. 2. Minimum building 10,000 10,000 20,000 5 acresg site (Net area in sq. fl.) 3. Minimum lot 80' 80' 80' 60,g widthe 4. Minimum lot 100' 100' 100' 100,g depth 5. Minimum front 20" 20" 20' 20' yard setback 9 MF MFA SR--MFVH MHP 6. Minimum interior 10" 10" 10' 5' side vard setback 7. Minimum street 10" 10" 10' 15' side vard setback 8. Minimum rear Average 15'" Average 15'" Average 15'" 5' yard setback 9. Maximum lot 40% 45% 60%' 50% coverage" 10. Maximum height 30' or 2 30' or 2 stories, 30' or 2 stories, 30' or 2 for buildings and stories, whichever is whichever is less, stories, structures whichever is less, , 14' for 14' for accessory whichever is less, 14' for accessory buildings less, 14' for accessory buildings accessory buildinos buildinas 11. Minimum distance 10' 10' 10' 5' between buildings (including main dwellings and accessory structures )' Notes to Tables 16.32.050A and B: Residential Site Development Standards (Note to codifier: Footnotes d through i are not shown.) . If a let iE: lesatec:l witAiR a residential zone and was crcatec:l prior to June 1 J, 1991, effective date of tAe c:levelopment seele, euilc:lin~E: may sOAferm witA IAe seteask aAc:llot severa~e E:tanc:larc:lE: ef the previouE: ZORe as eutliAeel in ^ppeAelix C.W. 02.19 . Infill Development on a Parcel Within a Previouslv approved Proiect. Where the city has established specific setback reouirements for sinole-familv or multifamilv residential parcels throuoh the approval of a specific plan, subdivision map, Planned Unit Development or other entitlement. those setbacks shall applv to infill development and additions within the approved proiect instead of the setbacks reouired bv this Tille. , See TaBle le.J2.9~G ,^, for minimum lot sizOE: for ~ar-Gels witR slepe Qrcater tRan seven percent. On slooina terrain. standards for Darcel size shall increase with increasinq sloDe as provided in 16,20.050-A, As an oPtion, an area eQual to the area reQuired to meet the densitv re~uirements may be dedicated as open space in order to reduce the minimum lot size. The open space area shall be either dedicated to the City or protected bv a perpetual open space easement or aqreement at the 9Dtion of the Citv. b Area shall be increased to five acres for slope conditions exceeding twenty (20) percent. C Width measurements for cul-de-sac or otherwise odd-shaped lots shall be determined on the basis of the average horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at right angles to the lot depth at a point midway between the front and rear lot lines. Amend Sections 16.32,050 (B) and (C) B. Special Residential Development Standards. 1. Public and quasi-public uses within any residential district shall maintain a minimum setback of fifty (50) feet measured from the property line from any single family district. 10 2. In any residential district, front yard setbacks in subdivision developments may be reduced by twenty (20) percent subject to approval of a conditional use permit, provided the average of all such setbacks is not less than the minimum required for the district. 3. In all residential districts, air conditioners, heating, cooling ventilating equipment and all other mechanical, lighting or electrical devices shall be so operated that they do not disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of neighboring residents and shall be screened from surrounding properties and streets. Additionally, no such equipment with the exception of ground mounted air conditioning, shall be located in the required front yard setback, street side yard setback, or closer than twenty (20) feet to any residential dwelling on adjacent properties. All equipment shall be installed and operated in accordance with all other applicable city ordinances. 4. Developments of five or more dwelling units in the SF, ~ MF, MFA and ~ MFVH districts shall be required to provide front and street side yard landscaping consisting of predominantly drouqht resistant plant materials, except for necessary walks, drives and fences. 5. In the ~ MF, MFA, and MHP districts, a minimum of thirty-five (35) percent of the site area shall be landscaped, consistinq of predominantlv drouqht resistant plant materials, and/or provided with an adequate underground irrigation system. The required landscaping shall include required setback areas and may include outdoor recreation areas. 6. In the ~MF, l=I-M MFA and S-R MFVH districts, multi-family attached or single-family attached dwelling unit's exceeding one story in height shall maintain a minimum setback of twenty (20) feet from any single-family residential district. C. Additional Standards for the Development of Senior Housing Developments. 1. All senior housing developments within the S-R MFVH district shall be age restricted to senior citizens to the extent permitted by state law. 2. Within two-story attached residential developments, elevators shall be provided that shall have an alternative back-up power source and meet or exceed minimum state requirements, subject to review by the planning commission. 3. An internal and/or external security system shall be provided by the developer and reviewed and approved by the chief of police. Amend Section 16.32.050.E. - Additional Performance Standards for Planned Unit Developments. E. 1. When lot sizes less than those permitted by the underlying zoning district are proposed for a residential subdivision, a planned unit development permit application (Section 16.16.180 16.16.060) shall be submitted concurrently with the subdivision application. ]1 2. Lot size, lot width, and lot depth for each unit shall be determined through the planned unit development review process. 3. Building setbacks required by the underlying zoning district may be reduced or waived for lots created through a planned unit development, provided the required setbacks are used for the perimeter of the proiect area if necessary to achieve consistency with the character of the district. and the lot coverage requirements of the district are met for the project. In no case shall the minimum separation between buildings on adjacent lots be less than ten (10) feet or less than required by other state or local laws; excepting, however, for adjacent lots where a common wall is shared in a zero lot line attached project. Add Section 16.44.020ID) Standards for Adopted Desiqn Development Overlay Districts D. 1. Desion Development Overlay District AG-D-2.1 - Thirty-five acres between Strother Park and Branch Mill Road. Adopted by Ordinance 153 C.S. Minimum parcel size five (5) acre minimum. No other additional standards. 2. Desion Development Overlay Districts VCD 0-2.4. VMU 0-2.4. VR 0-2.4. SF 0- 2.4 and MF 0-2.4 Referred to as the Historic Character Overlay District. Approved by Ordinance 439C.S. to specify Desiqn Guidelines and Standards for Development. Guidelines and Standards for Historic Districts apply and are on file in the Community Development Department. No other additional standards. 3. Desion Development Overlav District SF 0-2.5. Vicinity of Monteqo Street. Approved by Ordinance 86 C.S. Maximum heiqht is 11 ft. from curb to peak of house for the south side of Monteqo Street. No other additional standards. 4. Desion Development Overlay District RS-D-2.6. Vicinity of Newport Avenue. Approved by Ordinance 360 C.S. Maximum heiqht for all properties except 200 Hillcrest Avenue (APN 077-061-014 and 015: two-stories that shall not exceed 30' and no buildino shall exceed 15' from the hiqhest point of the net lot. Minimum lot depth: 90 feet. No other additional standards. 5. Desion Development Overlay District SF 0-2.7. Vicinity of Ruth Anne Way. Approved by Ordinance 138 C.S. Maximum buildinq heiqht: 22 feet from established curb heiqht applicable to lots 1,2.3 of Tract 554: Lots 1 & 2 of Parcel Map AG 73-383: and Lot 1 of Parcel Map AG 74-293: Other lots have a maximum heioht of 18 feet from established curb. No other additional standards. 12 6. Design Development Overlay District RR D-2.9. Vicinity of Miller Wav. Approved by Ordinance 439.C.S. Resolution No. 1185 approved tract 577 for cluster single family hillside development with "Optional Design and Improvement Standards" with condition of tract approval for deed restrictions to Drovide for no more than 27 lots. No additional standards. 7. cluster single family hillside development with "Optional Design Standards" to allow 14 lots on 12.57 acres. Lots with less than 85 feet frontage required to have a 50 ft. front yard setback to allow for offstreet Darking. 8. Design Development Overlay Districts VMU D-2.11, TMU D-2.11. HMU D-2.11 and PF D-211. Approved by Ordinance 439.C.S. to specify Design Guidelines and Standards for Development. See Guidelines and Standards for the D.2.11. 9. Design Development Overlay District FOMU D-2.13. ADproved by Ordinance 584 applied to 1110 Sunset Drive. Redevelopment shall include single-family residential use and vehicle access fronting Sunset Drive. 10. Design Development Overlay District 2.20: Medical Mixed Use Objective of District: To provide for sufficient land for the orderly development of Arroyo Grande Hospital and functionally related medical facilities. Description of Parcels: APNs: 006-39- 044. 046. 047, 048, and 049 (see Zoning Map OMU=D-2.20.) Use Regulations: Mixed use development with a minimum of 75% of the net building site (or equivalent area for vertical mixed use projects as determined by the Community Development Director) shall be developed for office use to be compatible with the anticipated needs for the Arroyo Grande Hospital. Deviations up to 25% (reserving a minimum of 50% of the net area for office usel may be determined to be acceptable. as determined by City Council, if they are needed to achieve a logical and coherent site plan that meets the objective of this district. All other uses are as specified in underlying zoning district (OMU). Site Development Criteria: 1. As specified in the underlying zoning district (OMU). 2. Three-story building components allowed only with substantial transitional space and/or lower story elements adjacent to residential districts or uses. 3. Future hospital redevelopment shall include public transportation improvements (reference development approval CUP 02-006. Planning Commissions Resolutions 03-1839, and 021-1841) 13 4. Maximum Buildin(1 Size may exceed the maximum standard of 50.000 square feet specified in underlvin(1 zoninq district (OMU). Performance Standards: Section 16.48.065 Mixed use developments. Section 16.48.120 Performance Standards. Desiqn Guidelines: none. Additional Information: These parcels were zoned with a -0 overlav at the time of the 2004 Development Code Update to c1arifv development standards that pertain to the subiect parcels (reference Ordinance 557) and amended bv Ordinance 581. Demonstration of proiect compatibility with the Arroyo Grande Hospital and/or coordination with a Hospital Facilities Plan must be submitted to the Community Development Director prior to any use permit approval within the OMU-D-2.20 District. Amend Section 16.48.060- Development density. The general plan classifications specify the maximum allowable development density per gross acre of land owned in fee by the applicant (including street right-of-way that would revert to the property owner if abandoned). Rounding up to the next whole number is not applicable when figuring density except when calculating density for the provision of affordable housing or for mixed use districts where rounding to the next half number is appropriate. Density for mixed use districts is discussed in Section 16.36050 16.36.030.C. Amend Table 16.52.150-A. 16.52.150.C.5. Maximum Size. Table 16.52.150-A defines the maximum square footage allowed for a second dwelling in each residential zoning district. In no case shall the square footage of a second dwelling exceed fifty (50) percent of the square footage of the primary residence. Table 16.52.150-A Residential Rural (RR) u___" Maximum Size of Second Dwelling 640 square feet 850 square feet 1,200 sq.ft. for lots ~ 12,000 ; 850 s.f. for lots < 12,000 s.f. 1,200 square feet Zoning Designation ...- ~_. Village Residential (VR) Single Family (SF) Residential Suburban (RS) 14 Zoning Designation ,_. ,-,. . - .... -.._- Residential Hillside (RH) Residential Estate (RE) Condominium / Townhouse (MF) -., -.--.. ....-....--.... ...*...... Apartments (MFA) Sonior Housing (SR) Multi-Family Very Hiqh Density (MFVH) Mobile Home Park (MHP) Maximum Size of Second Dwelling ---.....-... 1,200 square feet 1,200 square feet 1,200 square feet . _ m.. ...,,_ ._.u'__n. ......._. 1,200 square feet 1,200 square feet Not Permitted (NP) 15 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION , I, KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached is a true, full, and correct copy of Ordinance No. 584 which was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council on January 9, 2007; was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 13th day of February 2007; and was duly published in accordance with State law (G.C. 40806). WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 15th day of February 2007.